*Corr. Author’s Address: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, 450001, China, wanzhenshuai@haut.edu.cn 771 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 Received for review: 2022-07-14 © 2022 The Authors. CC BY 4.0 Int. Licensee: SV-JME Received revised form: 2022-10-27 DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2022.284 Original Scientific Paper Accepted for publication: 2022-12-16 Adaptive Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control of Hydraulic Servo Actuator with Nonlinear Features and Modeling Uncertainties Wan, Z – Fu, Y . – Yue, L. – Liu, C. Zhenshuai Wan 1,2* – Yu Fu 1,2 – Longwang Yue 1 – Chong Liu 1 1 Henan University of Technology, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China 2 Henan University of Technology, Key Laboratory of Grain Information Processing and Control of Ministry of Education, China This study proposes a novel adaptive super-twisting sliding mode controller (ASTSMC) for hydraulic servo actuator with nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties. In the proposed method, an extended state observer (ESO) is utilized to estimate the value of lumped uncertainties. The core feature of this paper is the combination of ASTSMC with ESO to compensate disturbance in hydraulic servo actuator. Moreover, the proposed ASTSMC does not need to obtain the bound of uncertainties in advance and ensures that the sliding variable and its derivative reach to zero in a finite time. In addition, the stability of the closed-loop is proved by Lyapunov theory. Simulation and experiment results demonstrate that the proposed ASTSMC can effectively mitigate the lumped uncertainties and obviously improve the tracking performance. Keywords: hydraulic servo actuator, nonlinear features, modeling uncertainties, super-twisting sliding mode control Highlights • The dynamic mathematical model of hydraulic servo actuator is established considering nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties. • The ESO is used to estimate the unmeasured system state and lumped uncertainties. • The ASTSMC is adopted to compensate the disturbance and further improve the tracking precision. • The simulation and experiment results validate the effectiveness of the ASTSMC based on ESO. 0 INTRODUCTION Hydraulic servo actuator is widely employed in modern industrial, such as heavy vehicle [1] and [2], load simulator [3], hot-pressing equipment [4], hydraulic manipulator [5], due to the virtues of small size-to-power ratio, high control precision, fast response performance and strong bearing capacity [6] to [8]. However, the nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties of hydraulic servo actuator complicates the dynamic model and hinders position tracking performance. The nonlinear features are mainly caused by pressure-flow characteristic of servo valve and nonlinear friction of hydraulic actuator [9] to [12]. While the modeling uncertainties are mostly caused by time-varying hydraulic parameters, unmodeled friction and external disturbance [13] to [15]. Hence, the traditional linear control schemes have become more and more difficult to satisfy the high precision position tracking control requirement of modern hydraulic servo actuator. Importantly, it is essential to study high performance control strategy for hydraulic servo actuator. In recent years, numerous control schemes have been proposed, such as adaptive control [16], robust control [17], backstepping control [18], sliding mode control (SMC) [19], and intelligent control [20] to improve the control performance of hydraulic servo system. As an effective control method, SMC can cope with uncertainties and achieve asymptotic tracking performance [21] to [23]. However, the inevitable chattering of SMC caused by discontinuous control input is not acceptable for practical systems. To solve this problem, the continuous switching function, such as continuous saturation function and hyperbolic function, is used to replace the discontinuous symbol function in conventional SMC. Although the tracking error of improved control scheme is bounded, it loses the asymptotic tracking performance. The high order sliding mode controller can ensure the continuity of SMC and obtain the asymptotic tracking performance. However, it needs the derivative information of the sliding mode variable, which is often unattainable in practice, so it is difficult to be realized in engineering practice. In hydraulic servo system, only parts of states can be measured, and load or disturbance cannot be measured directly. Hence, an ESO is used to estimate the immeasurable system state variables and lumped uncertainties in this paper [24]. The proposed ASTSMC can effectively avoid the above drawbacks, but the controller gain related to the upper bound of modeling uncertainty needs to be Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 772 Wan, Z – Fu, Y. – Yue, L. – Liu, C. set artificially, which is conservative to some extent. The feedforward adaptive control law based on model is introduced into the ASTSMC to improve the control precision of actuator. Moreover, the proposed method does not need to know the exact bound of modeling uncertainty, rather designs an adaptive law to constantly adjust the controller gain associated with the bound. In particular, ASTSMC can make the tracking error converge asymptotically to a small adjustable range near zero in finite time. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 1 gives system description and dynamical model. The ASTSMC design process and theoretical result are presented in section 2. Simulation results and discussion are depicted in section 3. Section 4 carries experimental setup and comparative results. Finally, the conclusions are summarized in section 5. 1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND DYNAMICAL MODEL The schematic diagram of the hydraulic servo actuator is given in Fig. 1, which mainly includes pump, motor, servo valve and hydraulic actuator. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the hydraulic servo actuator The system mainly consists of three subsystems which are the servo system, the hydraulic part and the mechanical section. The hydraulic part supplies energy for overall equipment. The servo system provides the hydraulic pressure to the mechanical section by controlling the piston’s movement. As an executive part, the performance of actuator directly influences the precision of hydraulic driven system. However, many hydraulic servo actuator models have not adequately account for the impact of nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties. To improve the position control performance of the hydraulic servo actuator, the dynamic model considering various disturbance and uncertainties is used to replace the traditional linear model. According to the Newton’s second law, the dynamic equation of load can be described as my=PAB yf t L   −− () , (1) where m is the equivalent load mass, y is the load displacement, P L is the load pressure, A is of effective piston area of hydraulic cylinder, B is viscous friction coefficient, f(t) is the nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties. Ignoring external leakage of hydraulic cylinder, the dynamic equation of load pressure can be written as V t L 4 e Lt L P=QA yC Pq t     () , (2) where V t is total volume of hydraulic actuator, β e is the effective bulk modulus of the hydraulic fluid, Q L is load flow, C t is the internal leakage coefficient of hydraulic cylinder, q(t) is the disturbance. The load flow of servo valve can be constructed as Qk uP uP Lt sL  sign() , (3) where k t is the flow gain coefficient, u is the input control voltage of the servo valve, P s is the supply pressure of the pump, sign(u) is defined as sign if if () , , . u u u       10 10 (4) For the ease of calculation, let the system states be defined as xx xx yyy TT = = [, ,] [,,] . 123   (5) Combing Eqs. (1) to (5), the state space model of the hydraulic servo actuator is given by    xx xx xf uPuf xf xd t L 12 23 31 22 33          (, )( )( )( ) , (6) where Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 773 Adaptive Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control of Hydraulic Servo Actuator with Nonlinear Features and Modeling Uncertainties ft Ak mV Pu P ft mV AB Cx ft et t sL e t t e 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 () () () ()        sign m mV Cm BV x dt A mV qt C mV ft ft m t t t e e t et t          4 44 3   () () () ()                . The greatest difficulties in this model is the high nonlinearity with respect the control signal and unmodeled disturbance for hydraulic servo actuator. To cope with this problem, the ASTSMC is utilized to drive the load track the desired trajectory as closely as possible. 2 CONTROLLER DESIGN 2.1 Extended State Observer Set the lumped uncertainties of d(t) as an extended state x 4 , then Eq. (6) can be rewritten as      xx xx xf uPuf xf xx xd t L 12 23 31 22 33 4 4             (, )( )( ) () . (7) Note that q(t) and f(t) are bounded, thus d(t) is bounded by a known positive constant δ. Design an ESO of the Eq. (7) as xx xx xx xx xf uP ufx L       12 1 1 1 23 2 1 1 3 12 2             ,                   fx xx x xx x    3 3 4 3 1 1 4 4 1 1   , (8) where xi  is the estimation states of the ESO, f i  is the estimations of f i , β i is the observe gains to be determined. Define  ii i xx   , the dynamic of error is           AL xxBd F AL CB dF w w () , 1 1 (9) where  f i is the estimation error of f i , and AL C                              0100 0010 0001 0000 1 2 3 4 ,,     1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 3                              T w B F fu ff ,,                . To ensure the pole of matrix (A – LC) on the left half plane, the characteristic polynomial can be written as  00 4 () () () ss IA LC sw   , (10) where w 0 is the bandwidth of the observe. The parameters of ESO are selected as   10 20 2 30 3 40 4 46 44   ww ww ,, ,. (11) Assumption 1: The unmodeled disturbances are bounded and satisfy dt Md tM Ft M () ,( ), () , ≤≤ ≤ 12 3  (12) where M 1 , M 2 , M 3 are unknown positive constants. Theorem 1: The estimated error of the ESO can be expressed as Lim t t   () . 0 (13) Proof: Define A 1 =A – LC, then    () exp( )()e xp((( )) exp((( )) () tA tA tF d At Bdt t w     11 0 1 0 0 t t d  . (14) Using the property of matrix norms, Eq. (14) can be represented as    () exp( )( ) exp((( )) () exp((( )) tA t At Bd td At F w t     1 1 0 1 0 0 t t d  . (15) Based on Eq. (10), the eigenvalues of A 1 are λ 1 = λ 2 = λ 3 = – w 0 , then there exists κ > 1 such that for all t ≥  0 exp( )e xp( ) exp((( )) exp( () ) . At w At wt 10 10            (16) Then the Eq. (15) can be represented as Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 774 Wan, Z – Fu, Y. – Yue, L. – Liu, C.     () exp( )( ) exp( )e xp( ). tw t M w wt M w wt        0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 11 (17) Therefore, if the w 0 goes to infinity, the ε(t) would be convergent to zero. 2.2 Adaptive Super-twisting Sliding Mode Controller The tracking errors are defined as zxx zxx zxx d d d 11 1 22 1 33 1           , (18) where z 1 , z 2 , z 3 are tracking error of position, velocity and acceleration, respectively. The sliding mode surface is defined as sk zk zz  11 22 3 , (19) where k 1 and k 2 are positive constants. The derivative of s can be written as    sk zk zz kz kz fu Pu fx fx x Ld    12 23 3 12 23 12 23 31 (, )( )( ). (20) The control input of super-twisting sliding mode controller is designed as u fu P fx fx x kz kz s L d u     1 1 22 33 1 11 23 12 1 (, ) () () /      s sign sign () () , s s u                       2 0 2     (21) where u 1 and u 2 are feedforward control law and robust control law, α and θ are time varying controller gains. The adaptive laws are defined as             1 2 2 / , sign s (22) where γ 1 , ω, θ, ν are positive constants. According to Eqs. (21) and (22), the dynamics of s are represented as   ss sd t s            12 2 / () () () . sign sign (23) Define state vector    [, ][ || () ,] /   12 12 TT ss sign    [, ][ || () ,] /   12 12 TT ss sign , then the unmodeled uncertainties are expressed as dt xt ss xt () (,)( )( ,) , /    12 1 sign (24) where ρ(x,t) is a positive function. Then, the new state equation is defined as      A (25) where A         1 2 1 0 1    (,) xt . A Lyapunov function is represented as VV    0 1 0 2 2 0 2 1 2 1 2     () () , (26) where α 0 and β 0 are positive constants. V 0 is defined as follows V T 0    P , (27) where P            42 21 2 , λ is a positive constant. The derivative of V 0 is written as  V TTTT T 0 1 1 2              PP AP PA () || ,  (28) where                        11 12 21 22 2 24 4 2 ,( )( ), () 11 12 = =              4 24 4 2 2 , () ,.    21 22 == When α satisfies               () () () () . 4 1 24 12 1 2 1 22 1 (29) We have V T 0 11       || || .     (30) According to the following inequalities    minm ax / / min / () () () , P¾ ¾P¾P ¾ ¾ P 22 1 12 2 0 12 12        T s V (31) where λ max (P) and λ min (P) are maximum and minimum eigenvalue of matrix P, respectively. Thus, Eq. (31) can be rewritten as  VV 00 12    / , (32) Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 775 Adaptive Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control of Hydraulic Servo Actuator with Nonlinear Features and Modeling Uncertainties where     min / max () /( ) 12 PP . Then, the time derivative can be given as     VV V     0 1 0 2 0 0 12 1 0 2 0 11 11          () () () ( / ) ) ,           1 1 0 2 2 0 22 (33) where     min, , 12 .    VV                0 12 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 11 22 / () () . (34) Based on Eq. (22), there exists positive constants α 0 and β 0 , which satisfy α  – α 0 < 0 and β – β 0 < 0. Then Eq. (33) can be represented as                   11 22 11 22 22 22 /, / /, / , sv sv (35) Assuming ν = 0, we know that s →0  in  finite  time,  and t Vt f  2 12 0 / () .  (36) 3 SIMULATION RESULTS To show the trajectory tracking performance of the presented ASTSMC, PID and SMC schemes are first utilized for simulation comparison. It should be noted that all controller parameters are set through a preliminary tuning process. The parameters of hydraulic servo actuator are listed in table 1. 1) PID: The gains of PID controller are tunned as K p = 120, K i = 10, K d = 0.1 to balance the steady- state error and transient response performance. 2) SMC: Based on SMC scheme, the control law is designed as u fu P fx fx x kz kz ks L d           1 1 22 33 1 11 23 3 (, ) () () () ,  sign (37) where k 1 = 4 × 10 3 , k 2 = 2 × 10 3 , k 3 = 2 × 10 2 . 3) ASTSMC: The parameters of proposed ASTSMC are given as k 1 = 2 × 10 3 , k 2 = 6 × 10 2 , k 3 = 2 × 10 2 γ 1 = 2, ω = 6, θ = 5,  ν = 2. Note that the sign function in Eq. (21) is replaced with saturation function for meeting the requirement of the control input continuous. Table 1. The parameters of hydraulic servo actuator Parameter Value m 300 kg V t 9×10 -5 m 3 ρ 900 kg/m 3 B 1200 N·s/m C t 4×10 -3 β e 6.9×10 8 Pa K t 7.2×10 -7 m/V A 3.14×10 -4 m 2 To validate the advantages of the proposed ASTSMC, a sinusoidal signal x d = 60 sin(20πt) mm is used as reference trajectory. The position tracking performance and tracking error are given in Figs. 2 and 3, from which we can see that the proposed ASTSMC is better than the SMC and PID. This is because the proposed ASTSMC can estimate the unknown dynamics by ESO and compensate that by adaptive control law. Compared with the PID controller, the tracking errors of SMC and ASTSMC are substantially reduced by 18.3 % and 48.8 %, respectively. Fig. 4 shows the control input of the three controllers. It is noted that owing to the adaptive mechanism in ASTSMC, its control input is smaller than PID and SMC. The observation performance of ESO to external interfererence is shown in Fig. 5. It is clearly indicated that the ESO can estimate the state variavbe and lumped uncertainties accurately. In order to further authenticate the rationality of ASTMC, multi-frequency sinusoidal signal x d = 50 sin(10πt) + 40 sin(25πt) + 20 sin(50πt) [mm] is selected as reference signal. Also, the simulation results are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. It is noted that three controllers can track the reference trajectory accurately. However, the proposed ASTSMC obtains the smallest tracking error than SMC and PID, which verifies the superiority of the proposed controller. The maximum tracking errors of PID, SMC and ASTSM are 20.471 mm, 14.237 mm, 8.690 mm, respectively. In order to quantitatively compare the tracking performance of different controllers, maximum absolute value of tracking error M e , average tracking error μ e , and standard deviation of tracking error σ e are adopted as performance indices. Table 2 summarizes the performance indices of different controllers for sinusoidal and multi-frequency sinusoidal motion reference signal. It can be found that the proposed ASTSMC produces the smallest values among three Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 776 Wan, Z – Fu, Y. – Yue, L. – Liu, C. controllers. In addition, the performance indices of SMC are better than PID. The simulation results clearly demonstrate that the proposed ASTSM can provide a better control performance for the hydraulic servo actuator with unknown dynamics than the others under different reference trajectories. Fig. 2. Position tracking of sinusoidal motion Fig. 3. Tracking error of sinusoidal motion Fig. 4. Control law of sinusoidal motion Fig. 5. The observation performance of ESO Fig. 6. Position tracking of multi-frequency sinusoidal motion Fig. 7. Tracking error of multi-frequency sinusoidal motion Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 777 Adaptive Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control of Hydraulic Servo Actuator with Nonlinear Features and Modeling Uncertainties Table 2. Comparison results of performance indices Signal Controller M e μ e σ e Sinusoidal PID 6.147 1.682 1.225 SMC 5.023 1.459 1.111 ASTSMC 3.145 0.881 0.595 Multi-frequency sinusoidal PID 20.471 3.909 3.825 SMC 14.237 2.267 2.463 ASTSMC 8.690 1.556 1.435 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, a hydraulic servo actuator experimental setup is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. The diagram of experimental setup is shown in Fig 8. The host computer offers human-computer interaction interface for compiling programs and adjusting controller parameters. The Target computer reads the feedback signal real time and feeds it back to the host computer by TCP/IP protocol. The digital control signal is converted to analogue signal by D/A card and processed by signal conditioner, and then sent to the servo valve to drive the hydraulic servo actuator. The position and pressure information are collected by position sensor and pressure sensor, respectively. The A/D card obtains the sensors information and sends them to target computer to form closed-loop control system by signal conditioner. Fig. 8. The diagram of experimental setup The load is first commanded to track a low- speed motion x d = 40sin(10 πt) [mm]. The obtained position tracking and tracking error are displayed in Figs. 9 and 10. It can be seen that the proposed controller ASTSMC delivers smaller tracking error than PID and SMC, because they use ESO to estimate the lumped uncertainties. In addition, the tracking error of all controllers occurs chattering when the trajectory is reversed due to the unmodeled dynamic characteristic and measurement noise. However, the chattering value of the proposed ASTSMC is smaller to other controllers, which means that the control scheme based ESO and adaptive law is very helpful to alleviate the effects from lumped uncertainties in hydraulic system. Fig. 9. Position tracking of x d = 40sin(10 πt) [mm] Fig. 10. Tracking error of x d = 40sin(10 πt) [mm] To further verify the superiority of the ASTMC, a high-speed motion x d = 40sin(15 πt) is performed as reference signal. The experimental comparison results of three controllers are exhibited in Figs. 11 and 12. As presented, the proposed ASTSMC attains better tracking precision in comparison to the other controllers. This is because that the control gains in ASTSMC can dynamically be adjusted as unknown uncertainties changes. In this case, a large amplitude motion signal x d = 80sin(15 πt) mm is chose as the reference trajectory with the amplitude of 80 mm and the frequency 7.5 Hz. The corresponding position tracking performance and tracking error are presented in Figs. 13 and 14. It is noted that the three controllers are all able to suppress the nonlinear features and modeling Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 778 Wan, Z – Fu, Y. – Yue, L. – Liu, C. controllers. The tracking error of ASTSMC is always within in 8 mm, showing a good tracking precision. uncertainties for such a large amplitude tracking test. However, the proposed ASTSMC shows excellent tracking performance than the other two compared Fig. 11. Position tracking of x d = 40sin(15 πt) [mm] Fig. 12. Tracking error of x d = 40sin(15 πt) [mm] Fig. 13. Position tracking of x d = 80sin(15 πt) [mm] Fig. 14. Tracking error of x d = 80sin(15 πt) [mm] Fig. 15. Comparison performance indices of controllers Fig. 16. Position tracking of x d = 50sin(10 πt)+20sin(40 πt) [mm] Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 68(2022)12, 771-780 779 Adaptive Super-twisting Sliding Mode Control of Hydraulic Servo Actuator with Nonlinear Features and Modeling Uncertainties The performance indices of three controllers for different sinusoidal motion are shown in Fig. 15. One can find that the values of performance indices with the ASTSMC are the smallest among all controllers. The maximum errors of above experimental situation are 1.6412 mm and 2.1231 mm for amplitude 40 mm, respectively. In particular, the maximum of relative average error of ASTSMC is within 1.35 %, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. Fig. 17. Tracking error of x d = 50sin(10 πt)+20sin(40 πt) [mm] Fig. 18. Control law of x d = 50sin(10 πt)+20sin(40 πt) [mm] Multi-frequency sinusoidal experimental results x d = 50sin(10 πt)+20sin(40 πt) are shown in Figs. 16 and 17. It can be seen that the presented controller ASTSMC can track the reference signal accurately, and the tracking error is smaller than SMC and PID. Especially, PID controller gives the worst control performance. It is evident that the tracking error of ASTSMC is within 5 mm, and that of PID, SMC is within 22 mm and 15 mmm, respectively, which proves the high-accuracy tracking performance of the designed control scheme again. The control inputs of different controllers are shown in Fig 18. As shown, although the input of all controller is bounded, the input of ASTSMC is smaller than PID and SMC. 5 CONCLUSIONS In this paper, a ASTSMC scheme based on ESO has been proposed for hydraulic servo actuator with nonlinear features and modeling uncertainties. First, the dynamical mathematical model containing various nonlinear and uncertainties is established. The parameter adaptive law is used to update the controller gain in real time to avoid the conservativeness caused by artificial setting. The obtained control input is continuous, which avoids the chatter problem of traditional sliding mode controller. The stability analysis demonstrates that the tracking error of the system converges asymptotically to an arbitrarily small range near zero in finite time, and the convergence rate and the bounds of steady-state error can be adjusted by parameters. Extensive comparative simulation and experimental results show that the proposed ASTSMC can make the position trajectory track the reference command well and satisfy the high precision control of the servo system. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by the Key Science and Technology Program of Henan Province (222102220104) and the High-Level Talent Foundation of Henan University of Technology (2020BS043). 7 REFERENCES [1] Hu, C.A., Gao, H.B, Guo, J.H., Taghavifar, H., Qin, Y.C., Na, J., Wei, C. F. (2021). RISE-based Integrated Motion Control of autonomous ground vehicles with asymptotic prescribed performance. 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