Image Anal Stereol 2004;23:83-87 Review Article REVIEW OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN CONE-BEAM CT RECONSTRUCTION ALGORITHMS FOR LONG-OBJECT PROBLEM Kai Zeng and Zhiqiang Chen Tsinghua University, Department of Engineering Physics, Beijing China e-mail: 1.6, the algorithm will become ineffective. Fortunately in current CT systems Ro: Rh always much smaller than 1.6, so this algorithm is practical. Unbounded object ROI Fig. 4. Pure helcal scan. PHI-methods (2000): In 2000 Schaller, etc also proposed an exact solution (PHI-method) (Schaller et al., 2000c) to solve long-object problem. The main novelty of the PHI-method is the introduction of a virtual object f?(x) for each value of the azimuthal angle ? in the image space, with each virtual object having the property of being equal to the real object f(x) in some ROI(?m). And for each ?, one can calculate exact Radon data corresponding to the two-dimensional parallel-beam projection of f?(x) onto the meridian plane of angle ?. Then the ROI(?m) can be exactly reconstructed because f(x) is identical to f?(x) in ?m. To improve the performance of the PHI-method, attempts to increase the size of the ROI for a given scan range have been considered. Katsevich algorithm (2002): Recently some further works (Katsevich, 2002) have been made to improve the effectiveness of exact long object algorithm. This newly developed algorithm requires smaller detector, faster reconstruction speed and less restriction to Ro/Rh. As it implements the projection data in PI-line to reconstruct the object, Katsevish’s algorithm has better temporal resolution than other algorithms discussed above. 85 Kai Z et al: Review of long-object CB-CT algorithms CONCLUSION The main idea of approximation is implement 2-D backprojection through rebinning step, which rebinned projection data into either parallel beam or fan beam. However, exact algorithms aim at calculating the Radon transform of the object. Several approaches have been proposed to handle it such as Tam’s a combination of several projections which provide a kind of triangulation of the plane to calculate Radon transform, Schaller’s virtual object method and so on. After getting the Radon transform, we can use inverse Radon transform to reconstruct the object. Exact algorithm processed in 3D space requires more time than approximate algorithm. But its reconstruction quality is better than approximate algorithm especially when the cone angle becomes larger. Although now all the commercially available helical CT systems implement approximate algorithms, exact long-object algorithms are still promising. Because fast data acquisition is important for increasing patient throughput in screening studies, reducing motion and respiratory artifacts and making good use of the available sustained X-ray power. Fast data acquisition means large helix pitch. And large helix pitch means large cone angle. But approximate algorithms introduce artifacts, which generally become severe with increasing cone angle, due to their intrinsic approximation. Only exact long-object algorithms can handle large cone angle properly. In the near future, exact long-object reconstruction will gain wide implementation when they can process projection data in a tolerable time with the great development of computer technology. REFERENCES Axelsson C, Daniellsson PE (1994). Three-dimensional reconstruction from cone-beam data in O(N3 log N) time. Phys Med Biol 39:477-91. Danielsson PE, Edholm P, Eriksson J, Magnusson SM (1997). Towards exact reconstruction for helical cone-beam scanning of long object: A new detector arrangement and a new completeness condition, Proc. 1997 Meeting on fully 3d image reconstruction in radiology and nuclear medicine 141-4. Defrise M, Noo F, Kudo H (2000). A solution to the long-object problem in helical cone-beam tomography. Phys Med Biol 45:623-43. 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