Volume 38 Number 2 June 2014 ISSN 0350-5596 Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics : 1977 Editorial Boards Informatica is a journal primarily covering intelligent systems in the European computer science, informatics and cognitive community; scientific and educational as well as technical, commercial and industrial. Its basic aim is to enhance communications between different European structures on the basis of equal rights and international refereeing. It publishes scientific papers accepted by at least two referees outside the author's country. In addition, it contains information about conferences, opinions, critical examinations of existing publications and news. Finally, major practical achievements and innovations in the computer and information industry are presented through commercial publications as well as through independent evaluations. Editing and refereeing are distributed. 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Nawrocki (Poland) Nadia Nedjah (Brasil) Franc Novak (Slovenia) Marcin Paprzycki (USA/Poland) Ivana Podnar Žarko (Croatia) Karl H. Pribram (USA) Luc De Raedt (Belgium) Shahram Rahimi (USA) Dejan Rakovic (Serbia) Jean Ramaekers (Belgium) Wilhelm Rossak (Germany) Ivan Rozman (Slovenia) Sugata Sanyal (India) Walter Schempp (Germany) Johannes Schwinn (Germany) Zhongzhi Shi (China) Oliviero Stock (Italy) Robert Trappl (Austria) Terry Winograd (USA) Stefan Wrobel (Germany) Konrad Wrona (France) Xindong Wu (USA) Yudong Zhang (China) On the Inverse Problem for Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattices Jozef Pöcs Palacky University Olomouc, Department of Algebra and Geometry, Olomouc, Czech Republic and Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia E-mail: pocs@saske.sk Jana Pöcsovä Technical University of Košice, BERG Faculty Institute of Control and Informatization of Production Processes, Košice, Slovakia E-mail: jana.pocsova@tuke.sk Keywords: formal context, generalized one-sided concept lattice, Galois connection, closure system Received: August 3, 2013 Generalized one-sided concept lattices represent a generalization of the classical concept lattices convenient for analysis of object-attribute models with different types of attributes. Formally, to each object-attribute model (represented by the notion of formal context) there is assigned a pair of concept-forming operators. Fixed points of these operators form a hierarchical structure consisting of extent-intent pairs. From the algebraic point of view this structure forms a complete lattice, called the generalized one-sided concept lattice. In this paper we deal with the inverse problem for generalized one-sided concept lattices. For a given generalized one-sided concept lattice we describe an algorithm for finding the corresponding formal context. Povzetek: Predstavljen je algoritem za preslikavo enostranske mreže konceptov v pripadajoči formalni koncept. 1 Introduction In mathematics, physics, computer science or engineering there are pairs of problems which are inverses of one another. As examples from mathematics we can mention the multiplication of integers and as the corresponding inverse problem the factorization of a given integer, differentiation and integration of real valued functions or Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform. From physics we can mention scattering problem, which is to determine how radiation or particles are scattered based on the characteristics of some object (scatterer) and inverse scattering problem of determining characteristics of an object based on data of how it scatters incoming radiation or particles. At first glance, the meaning of the term 'inverse problem' seems obvious. It is the problem which is associated to some other (direct) problem, one that presumably preceded the inverse problem and which has been studied extensively for some time and is better known. Our inverse problem concerns determination of characteristics of object-attribute models in fuzzy modification of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), so called generalized one-sided concept lattices. The theory of concept lattice, also called Formal Concept Analysis is a theory of data analysis for identification of conceptual structures among data sets. As an effective tool for data analysis, Formal Concept Analysis has been extensively applied to a variety of fields such as data min- ing, decision making, information retrieval, machine learning and knowledge discovery. The main notion of this theory is the notion of a formal context, represented by a binary relation between the set of objects and the set of attributes, specifying which objects have what attributes. From a formal context, one can construct object-attribute pairs known as the formal concept. The family of all formal concepts forms an algebraic structure called the concept lattice, which reflects the relationship of generalization and specialization among particular concepts. The reader can find an extensive account of the mathematical foundations ofFCAin [7]. In many real applications, however, the relationship may be many-valued (fuzzy). Therefore, some attempts have recently been devoted to introduce fuzzy concept lattice with properties similar to the classical ones. We mention approaches [2, 3] based on residuated lattices or multi-adjoint concept lattices [11]. A very important class of fuzzy concept lattices is formed by the one-sided concept lattices, where usually objects are considered as crisp subsets and attributes obtain fuzzy values, cf. [9] or [10]. In this case interpretation of object clusters is straightforward as in classical FCA. Consequently, all known applications developed for classical concept lattices can be used in the theory of one-sided concept lattices. Recently there was a generalization of all one-sided approaches (the so-called generalized one-sided concept lattices, see [6] for more details), which allows one to consider different types of structure for truth degr ees (represented by complete lattices). From this point of view it is applicable to a very wide spectrum of the real object-attribute models where methods of the classical FCA are appropriate, cf. [1, 5, 4, 8, 14, 15]. As we have already mentioned, our aim is to deal with the inverse problem for generalized one-sided concept lattices. The paper is organized as follows: in the next section we give a brief overview of the notions concerning generalized one-sided concept lattices. We recall some algebraic notions like Galois connections, complete lattices or closure systems. Our main result, i.e., an algorithm for the inverse problem is presented in Section 3. In particular we will deal with the decision problem, i.e., whether a given collection of pairs forms a generalized one-sided concept lattice, and consequently we describe a method for determining the formal context (object-attribute model) corresponding to a given generalized one-sided concept lattice. 2 Generalized one-sided concept lattices In this section we describe a fuzzy generalization of classical concept lattices, the so-called generalized one-sided concept lattices, cf. [6] and [13]. The main idea of fuzzifications of classical FCA is the usage of graded truth. The structure L of truth degrees forms a so-called complete lattice, i.e., it is partially ordered, contains the smallest and the greatest element (representing the values false and true, respectively), moreover, for any subset H C L there exists V H (the least upper bound or supremum) an^ /\ H (the greatest lower bound or infimum). In classical logic, each proposition is either true or false, hence classical logic is bivalent. It is common to represent the classical logic truth value structure as a two-element chain, i.e., the two-element set {0,1} with 0 < 1. In this case the value 0 represents false and 1 represents true. In fuzzy logic, to each proposition there is assigned a truth degree from some richer scale L of truth degrees. If to the propositions $ and ^ are assigned truth degrees y $ y = a and y ^ y = b, then a < b means that $ is considered less true than In object-attribute models the typical propositions are of the form "object has attribute in degree a". The well-known examples of truth structures used in various modifications of fuzzy logic are: the real unit interval [0,1], Boolean algebras, MV algebras, or, more generally, residuated lattices. The set of all L-fuzzy sets over some universe U is defined as the set of all functions f: U ^ L, denoted by symbol LU .In order to define generalized onesided concept lattices we will use the notion of direct product. If Li for i G I is a family of lattices the direct product n^z Li is defined as the set of all functions such that f (i) G Li for all i G I with the "componentwise" order, i.e, f < g if f (i) < g(i) for all i G I .If Li = L for all i G I we get the direct power L1. In this case the direct power L1 represents the structure of L-fuzzy sets, hence the direct product of lattices can be seen as a generalization of the notion of L-fuzzy sets. The direct product of lattices forms a complete lattice if and only if all members of the family are complete lattices. Straightforward computations show that the lattice operations in the direct product niei Li of complete lattices are calculated componentwise, i.e., for any subset {fj : j G J} ^ HieI Li. we obtain (V fj )(i) = V fj (i), je J jeJ f : 1 ^ U L iei (A fj )(i) = A fj (i), jeJ jeJ where these equalities hold for each index i G I. In order to introduce the notion of generalized one-sided concept lattices as a generalization of FCA we will assume only one minimal condition, i.e., that the structures of truth degrees form complete lattices. In the mathematical theory of fuzzy concept lattices, the main role is played by special pairs of mappings between complete lattices, commonly known as Galois connections. Hence, we provide necessary details regarding Galois connections and related topics. Let (L, <) and (M, <) be complete lattices and let ^: L ^ M and ^: M ^ L be maps between these lattices. Such a pair (^, ^) of mappings is called a Galois connection if the following condition is fulfilled: P < ^(q) if and only if ^(p) > q. Galois connections between complete lattices are closely related to the notion of closure operator and closure system. Let L be a complete lattice. By a closure operator in L we understand a mapping c: L ^ L satisfying: (a) x < c(x) for all x G L, (b) c(xi) < c(x2) for xi < X2, (c) c(c(x)) = c(x) for all x G L (i.e., c is idempotent). A subset X of the complete lattice L is called a closure system in L if X is closed under arbitrary meets. We note that this condition guarantees that (X, <) is a complete lattice, in which the infima are the same as in L, but the suprema in X may not coincide with those from L. For a closure operator c in L, the set fp(c) of all fixed points of c (i.e., fp(c) = {x G L : c(x) = x}) is a closure system in L. Conversely, for a closure systenr X in L, the mapping cx : L ^ L defined by cx (x) ^ /\{u G X: x < u} is a closure operator in L. Moreover these correspondences are inverses of each other, i.e., fp(cx) = X for each closure system X in L and cpp(c) = c for each closure operator c in L. Next we describe the mathematical framework for the generalized one-sided concept lattices. We start with the i definition of formal context, from which there is defined a pair of mappings forming» a Galois connection. A 4-tuple (B, A, L, R is said to be a generalized onesided formal context if B is a non-empty set of objects, A is a non-empty set of attributes, l: A ^ cl is a mapping from the set of attributes to the class of all complete lattices. In this case l(a) represents a particular structure of truth value degrees for each attribute a e A. Finally, R: B X A ^ IJl (a) with R(b, a) e l (a) is an incidence relation, which represents a degree from the structure l (a) in which an element b e B has a given attribute a e A. The power set (set of all subsets) of a set B will be denoted by P(B). Let (B, A, l, R be a generalized onesided formal context. Then there is defined a pair of mappings ^: P(B) ^ UaeA l(a) and ^ : ^^eA l(a) ^ P(B) as follows: X -(a)= R(b,a), (1) bex iei iei iei V (Xi,gi) = ((U XiS^^, A iei iei (Xi, gi)iei iei of elements from fo(r each sfamily C^(B,A, l,RS. The lattice ^B, A, l, R is called the generalized onesided concept lattice. R ai a2 as a4 bi 2 0.25 0 1 b2 3 0.50 1 0 bs 1 0.35 0 0 b4 1 0.25 0 1 bs 2 0.70 1 0 Table 1: Incidence relation R. {b1,b4} (1,0.25,0,1) {b1,b2,b3,b4,b5} (1,0.25,0,0) {b1,b2,b5} {b2,b3,b5} (2,0.25,0,0) (1,0.35,0,0) g^ = {b e B : Va e A, g(a) < R(b, a)}. (2) The pair (^, ^) forms a Galois connection between P(B) and LA. The composition of mappings ^ and ^ forms a closure operator in P(B) and similarly the composition of ^ and ^ forms a closure operator i^ l (a). Hence, subsets of the form X^^ for any X C B are closed subsets with respect to the closure operator defined above. As it is known, the closed subsets of any closure operator form a complete lattice with respect to the inherited partial order from the underlying complete lattice structure (in this case P(B)). This fact stands behind the formal definition and characterization of concept lattices. For a given generalized one-sided formal context (B, A, l, RS the symbol £(B, A, l, R» will denote the set of all pairs (X, g) with X C B, g ^ l(a), satisfying X ^ = g and X = g^. In this case, the set X is usually referred to as the extent and g as the intent of the concept (X, g). Further we define a partial order on ^B, A, l, R as follows: (Xi,gi) < (X2,g2) iff Xi C X2 iff gi > g2. Let (B, A, l, R) be a geiseralized one-sided formal context. The set ^B, A, l, R with the partial order defined above forms a complete lattice, where A(Xi,giS = (n Xi, (V giS^^) {b1} {b2,b5} (2,0.25,0,1) (2,0.50,1,0) {b2} {b5} (3,0.50,1,0) (2,0.70,1,0) {} (3,1.0,1,1) Figure 1: Generalized one-sided concept lattice corre-spondingto (B,A, l,R). We provide a small example of a generalized one-sided formal context and the corresponding generalized onesided concept lattice. Consider the five-element set of objects B = {b1, b2, bs, b4, bs}, and the four-element set of attributes A = {a1, a2, as, a4} with l(a1) = 4, l(a2) = [0,1] and l(a3) = l(a4) = 2. In this case 4 denotes the four-element chain 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 and 2 denotes the two-element chain 0 < 1. Finally, the incidence relation R is given in Table 1. Obviously the triple (B, A, l, R) forms a generalized one-sided formal context. The corresponding generalized one-sided concept lattice is depicted in Figure 1. 3 The inverse problem for generalized one-sided concept lattices After introducing the necessary theoretical background for the direct problem (creation of a generalized one-sided concept lattices from a given formal context), we can provide the precise definition of our inverse problem. Let B = 0 be a set of objects, A = 0 be a set of attributes, l (a) be a system of complete lattices (truth structures under consideration) and C be a set consisting of some pairs (X, g) where X C B and g ^ H aeA l (a). Decide whether there exists (in affirmative case also find) an incidence relation R: B X A ^[ja^_A l(a) such that C = C(B, A, l, R). In order to decide the inverse problem for generalized one-sided concept lattices we will use the following well-known characterization of Galois connections involving dual isomorphism of closure systems, cf. [12]: Let L, M be complete lattices. Any Galois connection between L and M is fully determined by dually isomorphic closure systems in L and M. In order to provide more details, suppose that Xi and X2 are closure systems in L, M respectively, and f : Xi ^ X2 is a dual isomorphism between complete lattices (Xi, <) and (X2, <). Then a pair (cxi of, 0x2 of-1), where cXl, cX2 are the closure operators corresponding to Xi and to X2 , forms a Galois connection between L and M. Given C as input, we want to decide if there exists a Galois connection (^, ^) between P(B) an^ l(a) such that C = {(X,g): X = ^(g),g = ^(X)}. If this condition is satisfied, then one can find a corresponding formal context such that C = C(B,A, L, R), hence this condition is equivalent to our decision problem. In order to solve this issue, we will use the previous result concerning Galois connections, i.e., we verify that the projections of C form dually isomorphic closure systems. The first step is to decide whether the sets Ci = {X C B :(3g)(X,g) G C} and C2 = {g G n l(a):(3X)(X,g) G C} aA form closure systems in P(B) and a A l(a), respectively. Hence we must check if C1 is closed under arbitrary intersections and C2 is closed under arbitrary meets. The second step is to decide whether C1 and C2 form dually isomorphic closure systems. We recall that a surjec-tive mapping f: C1 ^ C2 is a dual isomorphism if for all Xi , X2 G Ci it is true that X1 C X2 iff f (X1) > f (X2). (3) > Set of first components > Set of second components Algorithm 1 for deciding existence of the incidence relation R_ Input: a set of pairs C Output: answer yes or no 1: C1 ^{X :(X,g) G C} 2: C2 ^{g :(X,g) G C} 3: for all X1,X2 G C1 do 4: if X1 n X2 G C1 then > C1 is not a closure system 5: return no 6: end if 7: end for 8: for all g1,g2 G C2 do 9: if g1 A g2 G C2 then > C2 is not a closure system 10: return no 11: end if 12: end for 13: for all X1, X2 G C1 such that X1 C X2 do 14: g1 ^ g where (X1,g) g C, g2 ^ g where (X2,g) G C 15: if g1 ^ g2 then > C1 and C2 are not dually isomorphic 16: return no 17: end if 18: end for 19: for all g1, g2 G C2 such that g1 > g2 do 20: X1 ^ X where (X,g1) G C, X2 ^ X where (X,g2) G C 21: if X1 ^ X2 then > C1 and C2 are not dually isomorphic 22: return no 23: end if 24: end for 25: return yes > C1 and C2 are dually isomorphic This condition will be satisfied if for all X1,X2 G C1 it holds that X1 C X2 implies g1 > g2 where g1 and g2 are such that (X1,g1) G C and (X2,g2) G C. Similarly, it must hold for all g1, g2 G C2 that g1 > g2 implies X1 C X2 where X1 and X2 are such that (X1 ,g1) G C and (X2,g2) G C. Now we can summarize the whole procedure in the following algorithm (Algorithm 1). The correctness of this algorithm can be proved using the above-mentioned relationship between Galois connections and dually isomorphic closure systems. In for all loop (line 3 - 7) it is decided whether C1 forms a closure system in P(B). Similarly, for all loop (line 8 - 12) decides whether C2 forms a closure system in the direct product of lattices hl(a). If C1 and C2 form closure systems, then the next step is to decide whether the correspondence f: X ^ g, (X, g) G C is a dual isomorphism between C1 and C2. This is verified in the two for all loops (line 13 - 18, line 19 - 24). Let us note that the condition (3) guarantees that the correspondence f is injective. If f (X1) = f (X2) then f (X1) > f (X2) and f (X2) > f (X1) which yields X1 C X2 and X2 C X1. Since the inclusion relation is antisymmetric, we obtain X1 = X2 . Moreover, we deal with finite structures only, hence f is surjective too, and consequently it is a bijection. The algorithm returns the affirmative answer if and only if C1 and C2 are dually isomorphic closure systems. In this case, there is a Galois connection between P(B) and na£a l(a) corresponding to the input set C. Let C be an input set and n = | C| denote the number of all pairs in (C. Obviously |Ci| < n and IC2I < n. Since there are (2) = "•('2-1) different two-element subsets of an n-element set, we obtain that two for all loops (line 3 - 7, line 8 - 12) have no more than c • G O(n2) repetitions. Here we assume that the verification whether Xi n X2 G Ci and gi A g2 G C2 can be done in constant time c G r. Similarly, the time complexity of other two for all loops is O(n2), hence Algorithm 1 is in O(n2) time complexity class according to the size of the input set n. In what follows we will deal with the second problem, hence suppose that the decision problem is answered affirmatively. We describe a procedure for finding the incidence relation corresponding to C. For this purpose we recall the following assertion concerning Galois connections between power sets and direct products of complete lattices, cf. [6]. Let (^,'^) be a Galois connection between P(B) and l (a). Then there exists a generalized one-sided formal context (B, A, l, fi) such that ^(X) = X^ for all X C B and ^(g) = g^ for all g G Uaec l(a). According to the definition (1) of the mapping ^ : P(B) ^ naec l(a) we obtain for all b G B and all a G A {b}^(a)= /\ R(b',a). b'e{b} Since the right side of this equality expresses the infimum over the one-element set {R(b, a)} we obtain {b}^(a)= / R(b',a) = R(b,a). b'e{b} This yields that the value of the incidence relation R(b, a) is fully determined by the a-th projection of {b}^. Moreover, due to [6] the following assertion is valid: Let B be a non-empty set and l (a) be a system of complete lattices. Then any two Galois connections (^1, ^1), (^2, ^2) between P(B) an^ Ylaec l(a) are equal if and only if ( ) ( ) for all b G B and for all a G A. Since we assume that particular projections of the elements of C form dually isomorphic closure systems, we already know that there is a Galois connection (^, ^) between P(B) an^ naec l(a) such that the corresponding fixed points of (^,^) form the lattice C. Hence we define the incidence relation R: B x A ^ ul(a) as follows: R(b, a) := ^({b})(a), for all b G B,a G A. From this definition it follows that ^({b})(a) = R(b,a) = {b}^(a) for all b G B, a G A and, due to the above-mentioned assertion, this yields ^ = ^ and ^ = In order to determine all the values R(b, a) we must find the corresponding values of ^({b})(a) in the generalized one-sided concept lattice C. For this purpose we use the characterization of the one part of Galois connections ^: P(B) ^ haec l(a) as the composition of the closure operator c on the set B and the dual isomorphism f between closure systems in P(B) an^ naeC l(a) respectively. In this case ^ = c o f, i.e., ^(X) = C(c(X)) for all X C B. The isomorphism f is given directly by the ordered pairs in the generalized one-sided concept lattice C. If (X, g) G C, then the dual isomorphism f is given by f (X) = g, for all X C B. Hence the main goal is to determine the values c({b}) for all b G B. From the definition of closure operator, it follows that for each b G B the value c({b}) is the smallest subset appearing in C which contains the given element b. For this reason it is convenient to deal with minimal elements of the concept lattice C. If ( X, g) is a minimal element of C then for all b G X it holds c({b}) = X and consequently ^({b})= f (c({b}))= f (X )= g for all b G X. In the next step, we can remove this concept from the concept lattice C and find another minimal element, say (Xi, gi). Let us note that after removing any of the concepts (X, g) from C the resulting structure in no longer a lattice in general. However it is still a partially ordered set, thus the notion of a minimal element can be used again. In this case c({b}) = Xi for all b G Xi \ X .In this way we can proceed, until we exhaust all the elements in the object set B. The whole procedure is described in more detail in Algorithm 2. The correctness of this algorithm follows from the fact that for an object b and an attribute a the value R(b, a) is uniquely determined by the value ^({b})(a) where ^ represents one part of the Galois connection (^, ^) corresponding to the input set C. Moreover ^({b}) = ^(X) where X is the closure of the element b in Galois connection (^, ^), 1.e., X = ^(^({b})). Consequently ^({b}) = ^(X) = g with (X, g) G C. Closures of the one-element subsets are minimal with respect to the closure operator, hence in the while loop (line 2-13) the algorithm works with the minimal concepts in C. In the for all loop (line 5-12) the values R(b, a) for b G X \ S, a G A are determined (for all loop (line 7 - 9)). Let b G B be an object, (X, g) G C be a minimal concept such that b G X and suppose that b G S, i.e., the values R(b, a) for a G A are not determined yet. Then X is unique with this property and for all a G A the value R(b, a) is determined correctly. By contrary assume that there is another subset X' with (X', g') G C, b G X' and X ^ X'. Then b G X n X' C X and (X n X', g'') G C for some g'' ^ haec l(a) since the first components of C form a closure system in P(B). This yields a contradiction to the fact that X is the minimal concept in C for which R(b, a) is not determined. Finally, we describe the time complexity of Algorithm 2. Let C be its input. Again, denote by n the number of Algorithm 2 for finding the incidence relation R Input: a generalized one-sided concept lattice C Output: the incidence relation R 1: S > Set of objects b for which R{b,a) has already been determined 2: while S = B do > Repeat until all values are determined 3: m ^ (X, g) : (X, g) a minimal element in C > Find a minimal concept 4: C ^ C \ {m} > Remove the minimal concept m from C 5: for all b G X where (X, g) = m do 6: if b G S then > b has no value R(b, a) yet 7: for all a G A do 8: R(b, a) ^ g(a) > Determination of the value R(b, a) 9: end for 10: S ^ S U{b} > Add the object b to the set S 11: end if 12: end for 13: end while 14: return R concepts in C and denote by k the number of all objects in the set B. In the worst case the while loop (line 2 - 13) has n repetitions (this happens when C is a chain). A minimal concept of C can be found in O(|C|) time (see Algorithm 3). Algorithm 3 for finding a minimal concept in C Input: a generalized one-sided concept lattice C Output: a minimal concept m = (X, g) 1: m ^ an arbitrary element in C 2: for all m' G C do 3: if m' < m then 4: m ^ m' 5: end if 6: end for 7: return m Since X C B for all concepts (X, g) G C, the for all loop (line 5-12) has at most k repetitions. Other loops can be executed in constant time, hence we obtain that the time complexity of Algorithm 2 is ]r; k • c • (n - i) = ck • n • (n2+ 1) G k • O(n2). i=0 Since in many real situations | B | < | C|, we can conclude that the time complexity of Algorithm 2 is O(n3). 4 Conclusion In this paper we have presented an algorithm for the inverse problem of generalized one-sided concept lattices, i.e., how to determine a generalized one-sided formal context from a given generalized one-sided concept lattice. This provides a possibility to express information about object-attribute models with different types of attributes in the form of hierarchical structures represented by generalized one-sided concept lattices. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for the helpful and constructive comments which helped enhance the presentation of this paper. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under contracts APVV-0035-10 and APVV-0482-11; by the Slovak VEGA Grants 2/0028/13, 1/0729/12 and 1/0497/11; by the ESF Fund CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0041. References [1] F. Babic, P. Bednär, F. Albert, J. Paralic, J. Bartök, L. Hluchy (2011) Meteorological phenomena forecast using data mining prediction methods, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, ICCCI2011, LNAI 6922, pp. 458-467. [2] R. Belohlävek (1999) Lattices generated by binary fuzzy relations., Tatra Mountains Math. Publ., 16, pp. 11-19. [3] R. 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In this study, we propose a novel approach called "semantic clustering" as an instrument for extracting the MWEs especially for resource constraint languages like Bengali. At the beginning, it tries to locate clusters of the synonymous noun tokens present in the document. These clusters in turn help measure the similarity between the constituent words of a potential candidate using a vector space model. Finally the judgment for the suitability of this phrase to be a MWE is carried out based on a predefined threshold. In this experiment, we apply the semantic clustering approach only for noun-noun bigram MWEs; however we believe that it can be extended to any types of MWEs. We compare our approach with the state-of-the-art statistical approach. The evaluation results show that the semantic clustering outperforms all other competing methods. As a byproduct of this experiment, we have started developing a standard lexicon in Bengali that serves as a productive Bengali linguistic thesaurus. Povzetek: V prispevku je predstavljena metoda za semantično grucenje večbesednih izrazov. 1 Introduction Over the past two decades or so, Multiword Expressions (MWEs) have been identified with an increasing amount of interest in the field of Computational linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP) [1]. The term "MWE" is used to refer to various types of linguistic units and expressions including idioms (kick the bucket, 'to die'), compound noun (village community), phrasal verbs (find out, 'search'), other habitual collocations like conjunctions (as well as), institutionalized phrases (many thanks) etc. However, while there is no universally agreed definition for MWE as yet, most researchers use the term to refer to those frequently occurring phrasal units which are subject to a certain level of semantic opaqueness, or non-compositionality. Sag et al. [30] defined them as "idiosyncratic interpretations that cross word boundaries (or spaces)." MWEs are treated as a special case in semantics since individual components of an expression often fail to keep their meanings intact within the actual meaning of that expression. This opaqueness in meaning may be partial or total depending on the degree of compositionality of the whole expression [12]. MWEs have been studied for decades in Phraseology under the term "phraseological unit" [5]. But in the early 1990s, MWEs started receiving increasing attention in corpus-based computational linguistics and NLP. A number of research activities on MWEs have been carried out in various languages like English, German and many other European languages. Various sta- tistical co-occurrence measurements like Mutual Information (MI) [15], Log-Likelihood [21], Salience [26] have been suggested for the identification of MWEs. In the case of Indian languages, a considerable amount of research has been conducted in compound noun MWE extraction [28], complex predicate extraction [17], clustering based approach [12] and a classification based approach for identifying Noun-Verb collocations [33]. Bengali, one of the more important Indo-Iranian languages, is the sixth-most popular language in the world and spoken by a population that now exceeds 250 million1. Geographical Bengali-speaking population percentages are as follows: Bangladesh (over 95%), and the Indian States of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (26%), Assam (28%), Tripura (67%), and West Bengal (85%). The global total includes those which are spoken in the Diaspora in Canada, Malawi, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In Bengali, works on automated extraction of MWEs are limited in number. One method of automatic extraction of Noun-Verb MWE in Bengali [2] has been carried out using morphological evidence and significance function. They have classified Bengali MWEs based on the morpho-syntactic flexibilities and proposed a statistical approach for extracting the verbal compounds from a medium size corpus. In this paper, we propose a framework for identifying MWEs from the perspective of semantic interpretation of 1http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_language MWEs that the meanings of the components are totally or partially diminished in order to construct the actual semantics of the expression. A clustering technique is employed to group all nouns that are related to the meaning of the individual component of an expression. Two types of similarity techniques based on vector space model are adapted to make a binary classification (MWE or Non-MWE) of potentially candidate phrases. We hypothesize that the more similar the components of an expression, the less probable that their combination forms a MWE. We test our hypothesis on the noun-noun bigram phrases. We also illustrate the efficiency of our model after translating the individual components of a phrase in English and fed these components into the WordNet::Similarity module module - an open-source package developed at the University of Minnesota for calculating the lexical similarity between word (or sense) pairs based on variety of similarity measure. In this paper, we test our models with different cut-off values that define the threshold of (dis)similarity and the degree of compositionality of a candidate phrase. Experimental results corroborate our hypothesis that the dissimilarity of the meaning of constituent tokens enhances the chance of constructing a MWE. The use of English WordNet, quite strikingly, substantiates its enormous productivity in identifying MWEs from Bengali documents. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces a preliminary study about the Bengali MWEs and their morpho-syntactic based classification. Then the detailed description of candidate selection and the baseline system are described in section 3 and section 4 respectively. Section 5 illustrates traditional statistical methodologies for extracting MWEs from the document. Section 6 presents an elaborate description of semantic clustering approach. The introduction of English Word-NetSimilarity in identifying Bengali MWEs is presented in section 7. The metrics used for evaluating the systems and experimental results are discussed in section 8. The discussion regarding the utilities and shortcomings of our model is illustrated in section 9 and the concluding part is drawn in section 10. 2 Multiword expressions (MWEs) Though MWEs are understood quite easily and their acquisition presents no difficulty to native speakers (though it is usually not the case for second language learners), it is hard to identify what features distinguish MWEs from free word combinations. Concerning this issue, the following MWE properties are mentioned in the literature: reduced syntactic and semantic transparency; reduced or lack of composi-tionality; more or less frozen or fixed status; possible violation of some otherwise general syntactic patterns or rules; a high degree of lexicalization (depending on pragmatic factors); a high degree of conventionality [8]. No consensus exists so far on the definition of MWEs, but almost all formulations found in research papers em- phasize the idiosyncratic nature of this linguistic phenomenon by indicating that MWEs are "idiosyncratic interpretations that cross word boundaries (or spaces)" [30]; "a sequence of words that acts as a single unit at some level of linguistic analysis, ... they are usually instances of well productive syntactic patterns which nevertheless exhibit a peculiar lexical behavior" [8]; "a MWE is composed of two or more words that together form a single unit of meaning, e.g., frying pan, take a stroll, and kick the bucket, ... Semantic idiosyncrasy, i.e., the overall meaning of a MWE diverges from the combined contribution of its constituent parts" [24]. 2.1 Noun-Noun MWEs In the past few years, noun compounds have been a constant source of concern to the researchers towards the goal of full text understanding [5, 7]. Compound nouns are nominal compounds where two or more nouns are combined to form a single phrase such as 'golf club' or 'computer science department' [5]. There is also a broader class of nominal MWEs where the modifiers are not restricted to be nominal, but can also be verbs (e.g., hired help) or adjectives (e.g., open secret). To avoid confusion in this article, we will use the term compound nouns when referring to this broader class, throughout the paper, we term this broader class. Compound noun MWEs can be defined as a lexical unit made up of two or more elements, each of which can function as a lexeme independent of the other(s) when they occur separately in different contexts of the document. The combination of these constituents shows some phonological and/or grammatical isolation from their normal syntactic usages. One property of compound noun MWEs is their underspecified semantics. For example, while sharing the same "head noun" (i.e., rightmost noun in the noun compound), there is less semantic commonality between the components such as 'nut tree', 'cloths tree' and 'family tree' [5]. In each case, the meaning of the compound nouns relates to a sense of both the head and the modifier, but the precise relationship is highly varied and not represented explicitly in any way. Noun-Noun (NN) compounds are the subset of the compound nouns consisting of two consecutive nouns side by side. In English, NN compounds occur in general with high frequency and high lexical and semantic variabilities. A summary examination of the 90 million word written component of the British National Corpus unearthed over 400,000 NN compound types, with a combined token frequency of 1.3 million; that is, over 1% of words in the BNC are NN compounds [32]. In Bengali, similar observations are noticed when dealing with the various types of multiword expressions like compound nouns (taser ghar, 'house of cards', 'fragile'), complex predicates such as conjunct verbs (anuvab kara, 'to feel') and compound verbs (uthe para, 'to arise'), idioms (matir manus, 'down to the earth'), named-entities (Rabindranath Thakur, 'Rabindranath Tagore') etc. Ben- gali is a language consisting of high morpho-syntactic variation at the surface level. The use of NN multiword expressions in Bengali is quite common. For example, NN compounds especially, idioms (taser ghar, 'fragile'), institutionalized phrases (ranna ghar, 'kitchen'), named-entities (Rabindranath Thakur, 'Rabindranath Tagore'), numbers (panchso noi, 'five hundred and nine'), kin terms (pis-tuto bhai, 'maternal cousin') etc. are very frequently used in Bengali literature. In the next subsection, we classify the compound nouns occurred in Bengali based on their morpho-syntactic properties. 2.2 Classifications of Bengali compound noun MWEs Compound noun MWEs can occur in open (components are separated by space(s)), closed (components are melded together) or hyphenated forms (components are separated by hyphen(s)), and satisfy semantic non-compositionality, statistical co-occurrence or literal phenomena [28] etc. Agarwal et al. (2004) classified the Bengali MWEs in three main classes using subclasses. Instead, we propose seven broad classes of Bengali compound noun MWEs considering their morpho-syntactic flexibilities, as follows: - Named-Entities (NE): Names of people (Rabindranath Thakur, 'Rabindranath Tagore'), names of locations (Bharat-barsa, 'India'), names of organizations (it Pashchim Banga Siksha Samsad, 'West Bengal Board of Education') etc. where inflection is only allowed to be added to the last word. - Idiomatic Compound Nouns: These are non-productive2 and idiomatic in nature, and inflection can be added only to the last word. The formation of this type is due to the hidden conjunction between the components or absence of inflection from the first component (maa-baba, 'mother and father'). - Idioms: They are also compound nouns with idiosyncratic meaning, but the first noun is generally in the possessive form (taser ghar, 'fragile'). Sometimes, individual components may not carry any significant meaning and may not represent a valid word (gadai laskari chal, 'indolent habit'). For them, no inflection is allowed even to the last word. - Numbers: They are highly productive, impenetrable and allow slight syntactic variations like inflections. Inflection can be added only to the last component (soya sat ghanta, 'seven hours and fifteen minutes'). - Relational Noun Compounds: They are mainly kin terms and consist mostly of two tokens. Inflection can be added to the last word pistuto bhai, 'maternal cousin'). 2A phrase is said to be "productive" if new phrases can be formed from the combinations of syntactically and semantically similar component words of the original phrase. - Conventionalized Phrases: Sometimes, they are called as 'Institutionalized phrases'. Although not necessarily idiomatic, a particular word combination coming to be used to refer to a given object. They are productive and have unexpectedly low frequency and in doing so, contrastively highlight the statistical idiomaticity of the target expression (bibhha barshiki, 'marriage anniversary'). Simile Terms: They are analogy term in Bengali and sometime similar to the idioms except that they are semi-productive (hater panch, 'remaining resource'). - Reduplicated Terms: Reduplications are nonproductive and tagged as noun phrases. They are further classified as onomatopoeic expressions (khat khat, 'knocking'), complete reduplication (bara-bara, 'big big'), partial reduplication (thakur-thukur, 'God'), semantic reduplication (matha-mundu, 'head'), correlative reduplication (maramari, 'fighting') [11]. Identification of reduplication has already been carried out using the clues of Bengali morphological patterns [11]. A number of research activities in Bengali Named Entity (NE) detection have been conducted [23], but the lack of publicly available standard tools to detect NEs inhibits the incorporation of them within the existing system. Therefore, we discard the identification of NEs from this experiment. Kin terms and numbers can be easily captured by some well-developed lexicons because they are small in number and form a closed set in Bengali [2]. The present work mainly focuses on the extraction of productive and semi-productive bigrams, compound noun MWEs like idioms, idiomatic compound nouns, and simile terms (which are in open or hyphenated form) from a document using a semantic clustering technique. 3 Semi-automated approach for candidate extraction 3.1 Corpus acquisition and bigram extraction Resource acquisition is one of the challenging obstacles to work with electronically resource constrained languages like Bengali. However, we crawled a large number of Bengali articles written by the noted Indian Nobel laureate Ra-bindranath Tagore3. While we are primarily interested in token level or phrase level characteristics, document information (e.g., the order of the documents, variation of the size of the documents, length normalization etc.) has not been maintained and manipulated in the experiment. Therefore, we merged all the articles and prepared a raw corpus consisting of 393,985 tokens and 283,533 types. The actual motivation for choosing the literature domain 3http://www.rabindra-rachanabali.nltr.org in the present task was to obtain useful statistics to further help Stylometry analysis [9]. However in literature, the use of MWEs is greater than in the other domains like tourism, newspapers, scientific documents etc. because the semantic variability of MWEs offers writers more expressive terms. In Bengali literature, idiomatic expressions and relations terms are quite frequently used. Since the preliminary crawled corpus was noisy and unformatted, we used a basic semi-automatic pre-processing technique to make the corpus suitable for parsing. We used a Bengali shallow parser4 to identify the POS, chunk, root, inflection and other morphological information of each token. We observed that some of the tokens were misspelled due to typographic and phonetic errors. Thus, the Shallow parser could not be able to detect the actual root and inflection of these two variations. To make the system fully automated, we allowed retaining the types of variations into the cleaned text. After pre-processing, bigram noun sequences whose constituents were in the same chunk were extracted using their POS and chunk categories. We observed that during the parsing phase, the Shallow parser could not disam-biguate common nouns ('NN') and proper nouns ('NNP') appropriately. The reason could be the continuous need to coin new terms for new concepts. We took both of them and manually filtered the named-entities from the collected list so that we could accumulate most of the proper nouns for our main experimental module. Although the chunk information helps to identify the boundary of a phrase, some of the phrases belong to chunks having more than two nouns. The frequency of these phrases is also identified during the evaluation phase. Now, a bigram nominal candidate phrase can be thought of as < M1 M2 >. The morphological heuristics used to separate the candidates are described in Table 1. After the first phase, a list of possible candidates was collected which was fed into the annotation phase. Heuristics POS POS of each bigram must be either 'NN' or 'NNP' Chunk M1 and M2 must be in the same 'NP' chunk Inflection Inflection5 of M1 must be 'null', (-r), (-er), (-e), (-y)or(-yr) (e.g., act as institutionalized phrases) and show statistical idiomaticity; e.g., bibaha barsiki ('marriage anniversary'). Class 3: Invalid collocations (B): phrases enlisted due to bigrams in an n-gram chunk having more than two components; e.g., porbot sohorer, ('of mountain town'). Class 4: Invalid candidates (E): phrases enlisted due to the error in parsing like POS, chunk, inflection including named-entities; e.g., granthagar tairi ('build library'). Class 3 and class 4 types were filtered initially and their individual frequencies are noted as 24.37% and 29.53% respectively. Then the remaining 46.10% (628 phrases) of the total candidates were annotated and labeled as MWE (M) or S (Semantically collocated phrases), and they were fed into the evaluation phase. We plan to make the dataset publicly available soon. The annotation agreement was measured using standard Cohen's kappa coefficient (k) [16]. It is a statistical measure of inter-annotation agreement for qualitative (categorical) items. It measures the agreement between two raters who separately classify items into some mutually exclusive categories. We employ another strategy in addition with kappa (k) to calculate the agreement between anno-tators. We choose the measure of agreement on set-valued items (MASI) [29] that is used for measuring agreement in the semantic and pragmatic annotations. MASI is a distance between sets whose value is 1 for identical sets, and 0 for disjoint sets. For sets A and B, it is defined as: MASI = J * M, where the Jaccard metric (J) is: J = A U B Monotonicity (M) is defined as follows: (1) M = ^ 2/3; A if A = B if A C BorB ^ A if A n B = 0;A - B = 0 & B - A = 0 0; if A n B = 0 Table 1: Heuristics for the candidate selection 3.2 Annotation study Three anonymous annotators - linguistic experts working on our project - were hired to carry out the annotation. They were asked to divide all extracted phrases into four classes and definitions of the classes using the following definitions: Class 1: Valid NN MWEs (M): phrases which show total non-compositionality and their meanings are hard to predict from their constituents; e.g., hater panch ('remaining resource'). Class 2: Valid NN semantic collocations but not MWEs (S): phrases which exhibit partial or total compositionality 4http://ltrc.iiit.ac.in/analyzer/bengali The inter-annotation agreement scores of three annotators are presented in Table 2. Among the 628 types of noun-noun candidates, half of them selected randomly were used in the development phase and the remaining were used in the testing phase. 4 Baseline system As mentioned earlier, the task of identifying Bengali compound nouns from a document has had little attention in the literature, and thus there is no prior developed methodology that can be used for the baseline. Therefore, in this experiment, we simply adapt a heuristic to develop our baseline system. The phrases which do not affix any nominal chunk and determinant at the prefix and suffix positions are selected as MWEs in the baseline system. The baseline system naturally reaches high accuracy in terms of recall since most of the identified MWEs satisfy the heuristics mentioned above. But in terms of precision, it shows very MWEs [# 628] Agreement between pair of annotators A1-A2 A2-A3 A1-A3 Average KAPPA 87.23 86.14 88.78 87.38 MASI 87.17 87.02 89.02 87.73 Table 2: Inter-annotation agreement low accuracy (38.68%) since many collocated and fully-compositional elements were wrongly identified as MWEs. The main challenge of our model was to filter these irrelevant collocations from the selected candidate set. 5 Statistical methodologies We started our experiment with the traditional methodology of collocation detection. Previous literature [15] [21] [26] shows that various statistical methodologies could be incorporated in identifying MWEs from a large corpus. In this experiment, we developed a statistical system using these previous techniques and modified them according to our requirements6. It is worth noting that frequency information of the candidate phrases in a corpus is a strong clue for labeling them as MWEs since it provides the evidence of more certainty of occurrence than randomness. However, for a resource-constrained language like Bengali, infrequent occurrence of candidates may not give any reasonable conclusion to judge them as MWEs (or Non-MWEs) because the size of the corpus itself is generally not adequate for statistical analysis. Therefore, instead of taking the frequency information directly, we took five standard association measures namely Point-wise Mutual Information (PMI) [15], Log-Likelihood ratio (LLR) [21], Cooccurrence measure [2], Phi-coefficient and Significance function [2] for extracting NN Multiword Expressions. A combined weighted measurement is proposed for the identification task, which is helpful to compute bigram collocation statistics. We ranked the list individually based on each of the statistical measures. We noticed in the comparative study that the results obtained by the frequency-based statistics like PMI and LLR could not identify MWEs at the top position of the ranked list. Therefore, we posited that the lexico-semantic affinity among the constituents could unleash the dependency of frequency information in the measurement. Final evaluation combined all the statistical features mentioned above. Experimental results on the development dataset show that Phi-coefficient, Cooccurrence and Significance functions which are actually based on the principle of collocation produce more accurate results compared to direct frequency-based measurements like LLR, PMI in the higher ranks. So, these three measures are considered in the weighted scheme to assign certain weights to the candidate phrases. After a continuous weight tuning over the development data, the best weights for Co-occurrence, Phi and Significance functions are re- 6Interested readers are encouraged to go through the research dissertation by [10] Figure 1: Performance of all the statistical measures and the weighted measure. ported as 0.45, 0.35 and 0.20 respectively for the combined measurement. The individual score of each measure is normalized before assigning weights so that they fall in the range of 0 to 1. For each measurement, the scores have been sorted in descending order and the total range is divided into five bins (bin 1 signifies higher ranked bin). The intuition is that the more the value of the statistical measure for a candidate phrase, the more it behaves like a MWE. The metrics used to evaluate the statistical systems are described below: Precision in bin i (Pi) = (Number of MWEs present in the ith bins) / (total number of candidates in ith bins) Recall in bin i (Ri) = (Number of MWEs present in the ith bins) (total number of MWEs in the documents) F-score in bin i (Fi) = (2 * Pi * Ri)(Pi + Ri) Figure 1 shows the results obtained from five association measures and the combined weighted measures over the test dataset. 6 Semantic clustering approach Multiword Expressions represent a core semantic issue that can be partially resolved by morphological or statistical clues. However, it often fails at capturing the underlying semantic notion of forming a new multiword expression, i.e., the meaning of the entire expression cannot be predicted by aggregating the meaning of its components. Our proposed approach aims to handle these drawbacks by considering individual senses induced by the components of an expression. This approach tries to cluster seman-tically related words present in the document. However, for a particular token present in the document, finding se-mantically similar words appeared in the corpus can be carried out by looking at the surroundings tokens and finding the synonymous entries of the surrounding words within a fixed context window. However in that case, a high number of occurrences of a particular token should be needed in a corpus in order to obtain statistically significant evidences. Therefore, in a medium-size corpus, it is hard to extract the cluster of synonyms. Since the electronic resources such as newspapers, weblogs may not be present for all the languages and the presence of frequent MWEs in such contents are rare, we focus on extracting the MWEs only from the medium size crawled corpus. However, semantics of a word may be obtained by analyzing its similarity set called the synset that indeed expresses its meaning in different contexts. Therefore, semantic distance of two tokens in a phrase can be measured by comparing their synsets properly. Higher value of the similarity between two sets indicates semantic closeness of two tokens to each other. For instance, let M1 and M2 be two components of abigram < M1 M2 >. For each component of the expression, semantically related words present in the documents are extracted by using the formatted Bengali monolingual dictionary (discussed in Section 6.1) and two separate clusters are formed for two tokens. Now, intersection of two clusters can be a suitable measure to judge the commonality of two components appeared in a bigram. Using these common elements, three different similarity measurements are proposed in our algorithm and the results are reported separately in Table 5 later. Finally, based on a predefined threshold, the candidate phrases were labeled as MWE or Non-MWE. 6.1 Restructuring the Bengali monolingual dictionary To the best of our knowledge, no full-fledged WordNet or thesaurus is available in Bengali. In this section, we describe the construction of a Bengali thesaurus that aims not only to develop Bengali WordNet but also to identify the meaning of multiword expressions. Focusing mainly on MWEs, the present natural language resource is being developed from the available Bengali-to-Bengali monolingual dictionary (Samsada Bengali Abhidhana7). The monolingual dictionary contains each word with its parts-of-speech (Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Indeclinable, Verb), phonetics and synonym sets. Synonym sets are separated using distinguishable notations based on similar or differential meaning. Synonyms of different sense with respect to a word entry are distinguished by a semicolon (;), and synonyms having same sense are separated by a comma (,). An automatic technique is devised to identify the synsets for a particular word entry based on the clues (, and ;) of similar and differential senses. The symbol tilde (~) indicates that the suffix string followed by the tilde (~) notation makes another new word concatenating with the original entry word. A snapshot of the modified synset entries of the Bengali word Angshu is shown in Figure 2. Table 3 shows the frequencies of different synsets according to their part-of-speech. DlcHonary Entry: [ amSu ] i fer« . Hftr . 3ei : 2 sS^ . . ijäm ^pj i pi. I ^ ^ , JJEW ^ : f^m !«I|P|L\9 ^ra l ^ SiFI R , f^'WFTf I f^. ; I ^ f^T. (it) ftfJt*!^] . («llfelffl I ~ TliT 1.-WÖ) 1 'J^ : 2 W STSlsT I ~ JTRI f%. aftraFT , felSM I ST^ C -f^) 1 ~ ^ f^. , felfqf^B i Svnsi'ls: Figure 2: Monolingual dictionary entry and built synsets for the word Angshu. 6.2 Generating synsets of nouns At the beginning of the clustering method, we generate a synonym set for each noun present in the corpus using the modified dictionary. However, the formatted dictionary can be assumed to be a close set of word entries W 1,W2, W3,..., Wm where the synsets of the entries look like: W1 = n} ,n2 ,n3,... = nl TT72 2 2 2 2 W2 = n2, n-2, n'3, ... = n2 Wm = nm,nm,nm,... = nm where W1, W2,..., Wm are the dictionary entries and n® denotes the set of synsets of the entry WNow each noun entry identified by the shallow parser in the document is searched in the synset entries of the dictionary for its individual existence with or without inflection. For instance, N is a noun in the corpus and it is present in the synsets of W}, W3 and W5. Therefore, they become entries of the synset of N. Formally, this can be represented as follows. Synset{N) = {W 1,W3, W5} (3) 7http://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/ biswas-bangala/ Equation 2 states that since the given noun N is present in the synsets of W}, W3 and W5, the sense of these three dictionary entries are somehow related to the sense of N. Following this, the synonym noun tokens for each of the nouns present in the corpus are extracted from the dictionary. In short, the formatted dictionary indeed helps us cluster synonymous tokens corresponding to a particular noun present in a document. Word Entries Synset Noun Adjective Pronoun Indeclinable Verb 47949 63403 28485 11023 235 497 1709 Table 3: Frequency information of the synsets with different part-of-speeches. 6.3 Semantic relatedness between noun synsets The next task is to identify the similarity between the synsets of two nouns that can help measure the semantic relatedness between them. This is done by taking the intersection of the synsets and assigning a score to each such noun-pair to indicate the semantic affinity between two nouns. For instance, if Ni and Nj are two nouns in the document, and Si and S j are their corresponding synsets extracted using the technique stated in Section 6.2, then the commonality of the two nouns can be defined as: Comm{Ni, Nj) = |Si n Sj | (4) The above equation shows that the commonality is maximum when the similarity is measured with itself (i.e., Comm{Ni, Nj) is maximum when i = j). 6.4 Semantic clustering of nouns Using the scores obtained by the semantic commonality measure discussed in the previous subsection, we can build a cluster centered on a given noun present in the document such that the cluster constitutes all the nouns semantically related to the given noun (discussed in subsections 6.2 and 6.3). A score is assigned to each such noun present in the cluster representing the semantic similarity (discussed in subsection 6.3) between this noun and the noun present at the center of the cluster. An illustrative example is shown in Figure 3. For example, suppose the nouns identified by the Shallow parser in the document are Figure 3: Semantic clustering for a given noun M and the associated commonality scores with similar nouns (Wi, Wj,..., Wo etc). In this figure, the semantic similarities of M with the other nouns are denoted by the weights (i.e., a, b, c etc.) of the edges. 6.5 Decision algorithm for identifying MWEs We extract the candidates eligible for judging MWE in section 3. The elaborated algorithm to identify a noun-noun bigram (say, < M1 M2 >) as MWEs is discussed below with an illustrative example shown in Figure 3. Algorithm; MWE_CHECKING Input: Noun-noun bigram < Mi M2> Output: Return true if MWE, or return false. 1. Extract semantic ckisters of Mi and Mj (di.scussed in Section 6.4): 2. Intersect the clusters of Mi and M2 (Figure 4 (left) shows the common synset entries (broken rectangles) of Mj and M2): 3. For measuring the semantic similarity between Mj and Mi: .^.1. In an ;i-dimensional vector space (11 denotes the ntunber of elements common in both the synsets of M| and M2, e.g., in the Figure 4 (left), n=2), the common entries act as the axes. Put M, and Mi as two vectors and their associated similarity with the axes tolsens as their co-ordinates. .1.2. Calculate cosine-similarity measurement and Euclidean distance between the two vectors (Figure 4 (right)). 4. Final decision is taken separately for two different measurements: 4.1 If (cosine-similarity > a) return true; else return false; 4.2 If (Euclidean distance > ß) return true; else return false: (where a and ß are the pre-defined cut-off values determined from the development .set) Here, we elaborate step 3 and step 4 since the central theme of the algorithm lies in these two steps. After identifying the common terms from the synsets of the components of a candidate, a vector space model is used to identify the similarity between the two components. In n-dimensional vector space, these common elements denote the axes and each candidate acts as a point in the n-dimensional space. The coordinate position of the point (each component of the candidate bigram) in each direction is represented by the similarity measure between the synsets of each component and the noun representing the axis in that direction. The cut-off value for the classification of a given candidate as MWE (or Non-MWE) is determined from the development dataset after several tries to get the best performance (described in step 4). We have seen significant results for the cut-off values (0.4-0.6) on the development set based on F-sore measure. Therefore, we report the results on the test dataset for each of these cut-off values separately in Table 4. In the experiment, we observe that the bigrams that are actual MWEs, mainly non-compositional phrases, show a low similarity score between the synsets of their components. If we take an example of the Bengali idiom - hater panch ('remaining resource'), we can see that English WordNet defines two components of the idiom in the following way: hat ('hand') as 'a part of a limb that is farthest from the torso' and panch ('five') as 'a number which is one more than four'. So from these two glosses it is quite evident Figure 4: Intersection between the clusters of the components of a candidate bigram (left) and the similarity between two components (right) that they are not at all semantically related. The synonym sets for these two components extracted from the formatted monolingual dictionary are as follows. Sjuset = { Ttpr. C^^. W^JTs. ^TSTt} Synset (ITB = i 0, (2) where the starting seed Xq is a real number belonging to the interval ]0,1[. All the computed elements Xn are also real numbers in ]0,1[. 2.2 About the algorithm of Patidar Patidar et al. [12] have proposed a PRBG based on two logistic maps. The algorithm starts from random independent initial seeds Xq, Yq, belonging to ]0,1[. The chosen value of ß is 4 and the two logistic maps are given by: Xn+1 = 4Xn(1 - Xn), Vn > 0, (3) Yn+1 = 4Yn(1 - Yn), Vn > 0. (4) The main idea of the algorithm is very simple and consists to compare the outputs of both the logistic maps in the following way: g(Xn+1, Yn+1) = 1 if Xn+1 >Y, n+1 0 if Xn+1 < Yn+1 Even if the idea is interesting, the algorithm presents several weaknesses: 1. Only one bit is generated after each iteration, that corresponds to a very low throughput according to the relevance of the logistic maps. 2. The sequences produced with nearby seed values are extremely correlated. 3. The seed space has a much lower entropy than 128, due to the existing correlation between the pseudorandom sequences. Therefore, the generator presents weak or degenerate seeds. 4. At a given iteration n, in the case of eventual collision between Xn+1 and Yn+1 (which is possible), the output bit will always be 0 until the end of the output sequence. The algorithm proposed in this paper also combines several chaotic logistic maps, but is designed to avoid all those weaknesses and then ensure a better security. 3 The proposed PRBG 3.1 Floating-point representation As we know, digital computers use binary digits to represent numbers. In the case of real numbers, there are two representation formats: fixed-point and floating-point formats. To represent integers or real numbers with a fixed precision, it is more suitable to adopt the first format. The second format can support a much wider range of values. Nowadays, the floating point arithmetic is standardized by IEEE/ANSI [18]. Two different floating-point formats are defined: single precision (binary32) and double precision (binary64). In this paper, we only focus on binary64 floating-point format, which is generally used to achieve a higher simulation precision for the study of chaotic systems. Binary64 has two infinities, two kinds of NaN (i.e. Not a Number) and the set of finite numbers. Each finite number is described by three fields: s a sign represented on one bit (1 indicating negative), e a biased exponent represented on 11 bits and m a mantissa represented on 52 bits (see Figure 1). The bits of the mantissa can be divided into two blocks of 20 bits and 32 bits and the treatment is applied on the block of 32 bits (mantissa1). 3.2 Description of the algorithm As in the paper of Patidar et al., our algorithm uses the same type of chaotic logistic map given by Eq. 1. In our case, the value of ß is fixed to 3.9999 that corresponds to a highly chaotic case [19, 20]. Indeed, the Lyapunov exponent [21, 22] measures the chaotic behavior of a function and the corresponding Lyapunov exponent of the logistic map for ß = 3.9999 is 0.69 very close to its maximum which is 0.59. The chaotic logistic map is used under the iterative form: Xn+1 = 3.9999Xn(1 - Xn), Vn > 0, (5) where the starting seed Xq is a real number that belongs to ]0,1[. All the computed elements Xn are also real numbers 63 62 -------- 52 51 32 31 sign exponent mantissal Figure 1: Floating-point representation in binary64 format. in ]0,1[. Our algorithm takes into account the various weaknesses of the algorithm proposed by Patidar et al. Thus, to have a large space of output sequences, three logistic maps are used during the generation process. The same value of ß is used for each one and the corresponding equations are: Xn+1 = 3.9999X„(1 - Xn), Vn > 0, (6) y„+i = 3.9999yn(1 - Yn), Vn > 0, (7) Zn+i = 3.9999Zn(1 - Zn), Vn > 0. (8) For each computed value Xn,Yn and Zn, a binary64 floating-point representation is used as shown in Figure 1. The algorithmic principle is simple and consists at each iteration, to apply a xor operation on the 32 bits of mantissa1 of the three output elements Xn, Yn and Zn. Thus, the algorithm allows to produce 32 random bits per iteration and therefore increase the throughput of the generator. The operating principle of the algorithm is shown in Figure 2. As one can see, the seeds from which the generation process starts are Xk, Yk and Zk. Indeed, for nearby seed values, the elements Xn, Yn and Zn are almost identical in the first rounds. Thus, to completely decorrelate the beginning of the pseudo-random sequences, it is necessary to start the generation only at the kth iteration. The number of preliminary rounds k and the way to choose the initial seeds are presented in Sec. 3.3. The implementation of the algorithm in C language is simple: just include the file ieee754.h and use the defined functions for extracting the bits of man-tissa1 for each computed element Xn, Yn and Zn. 3.3 The choice of initial parameters 3.3.1 Initial seed selection To improve the randomness quality of the generated sequences, the choice of the initial seed values should not be neglected. The coefficient values of the elements Xn, Yn and Zn, belong to ]0,1[. Due to symmetric structure of the logistic map, it is necessary to choose the starting seeds in one of the two half-intervals (here ]0, 2-1 [) to avoid similar trajectories. In binary64 floating-point format, the computed term (1 - X) is equal to 1.0 for any X in ]0,2-53[, then for a seed value in ]0,2-53[, the computed value of Eq. 2 is equivalent to ßXn. To avoid such problem, initial seed values must be chosen in ]2-53, 2-1 [. The three initial seeds must be different, then the difference ^[2] between the values should be representable in bi- nary64. The value of is in the worst case 2-53, which corresponds to log1o(253) (« 15.955) decimal digits. To have a significant difference we choose ^[10] = 10-15, which corresponds to ^[2] = 2-49'8289. Thus, to avoid identical trajectories, the difference between each initial seed should be at least ^[2] = 2-49'8289. 3.3.2 Number of preliminary rounds In the case where the values of initial seeds (Xo, Yo and Zo) are very close, the beginnings of chaotic trajectories are almost similar. To avoid such problem, it is necessary to apply some preliminary rounds before starting to produce the random bits. Thus, it is necessary to see at which number of iterations, the difference ^[2] begins to be propagated. We consider that the initial seed is X0 = ^[2] = 2-49'8289, and the obtained trajectory with the Eq. 5 is shown in Figure 3. c 0.6 X 0.4 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 Iteration n 100 120 140 Figure 3: Trajectory of the chaotic logistic map given in Eq. 5, for n = 135 and Xo = 2-49'8289. One can see that, the trajectory starts to oscillate almost from the 30th iteration. Thus, the generation of random bits will begin from the iteration 30. That allows to decorrelate the outputs of the PRBG, and then increase the sensitivity related to the initial seeds. 4 Statistical analysis The quality of the output sequences produced by any PRBG is the crucial element. Indeed, the sequences should present individually a high level of randomness and be decorrelated with each other, whatever the initial seed values. Therefore, a statistical analysis should be carefully conducted to prove the quality of the pseudo-random sequences. 0 mantissaO 0 unused elements Xk-s- Yk k^ Yn+1= PYn (1 - Yn) I Z^^ Zn+ 1= ßZ n (1 - Z n) Xn+1 sign exponent Xn+1= ßX n (1 - Xn) -p I 11 bits sign exponent 11 bits sign exponent 11 bits mantissa0 20 bits mantissa0 20 bits mantissa0 20 bits mantissa1 32 bits mantissa1 ) 32 bits ( mantissa1 ) 32 bits ,10110 ... 01101 , 32-bit block Figure 2: The operating principle of the proposed PRBG. 4.1 Randomness evaluation The analysis consists in evaluating the randomness level of the sequences generated by the PRBG. In the literature, various statistical tests exist for analysing the randomness level of sequences. The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology of the U.S. Government) proposes a battery of tests that can be applied on the binary sequences [23]. One can also find other known libraries such as TestU01 [24] or the DieHARD suites [25]. Here, the sequences are evaluated through statistical tests suite NIST. Such suite consists in a statistical package of fifteen tests developed to quantify and to assess the randomness of binary sequences, produced by pseudo-random number generators. Here, we define three approaches for testing the randomness level of sequences. Let N be the total number of generated sequences and the binary size of each sequence is M = 32 x B, with B the number of 32-bit blocs. The three approaches are: 1. APP-1 (individual sequences): the produced sequences are individually tested and the results are given as ratio of success relatively to a threshold determined from the total number (N) of tested sequences. Such approach indicates the global randomness level of the tested sequences. 2. APP-2 (concatenated sequence): all the individual sequences are concatenated to form a new single sequence. The randomness level of the constructed sequence is analysed through the NIST tests. The constructed sequence should pass the tests whether the original sequences are truly decorrelated and random. 3. APP-3 (resulting sequences): all the sequences are superimposed on each other (forming a matrix), and new sequences are constructed from columns. Thus, B resulting sequences of binary size 32 x N are constructed, by collecting for each position 1 < j < B, the 32-bit bloc of each sequence. If the original sequences are really random, the resulting sequences should also be random (with B as large as N) and then pass the NIST tests. Such approach is very interesting, in the case of generating sequences by nearby seed values, and allows to detect some hidden linear structures between the original sequences. These approaches are used to analyse a subset of generated sequences. In the case of very distant initial seed values, the corresponding chaotic trajectories are different, and allow to produce good pseudo-random sequences. The worst case occurs when closed seed values are used, because that can lead to highly correlated output sequences. That is why, the analysis is achieved on sequences generated from nearby initial seed values. Here, a subset of N = 16000 pseudo-random sequences is produced, where the binary size of each sequence is 32000 (i.e. B = 1000). We choose arbitrarily, one starting seed value Xo = 0.24834264038461704925, and then Yq = Xq + S[2] and Zo = Yq + ^[2], with ^[2] = 2-49'8289. These three seeds allow to generate one pseudo-random sequence. The other sequences, are generated from X0, Y0 and by incrementing of ^[2] the last seed value Z0 in a simple loop. In the case of Patidar's algorithm, only two initial seeds are needed to produce a pseudo-random sequence. Here, the first two seeds values are given by: XQ = Yq and Yq = Zq. For generating the other sequences, the same strategy is applied and consists to make a loop by incrementing of ^[2] the seed Yq. It should be noted that, for a better comparison, the same coefficient ß (i.e. 3.9999) is used for the logistic map in the Patidar's algorithm. The results of NIST tests obtained for the two algorithms are presented in Table 4.1 and Table 4.1. For approach APP-1 (resp. APP-3), the acceptable proportion should lie above 98.76% (resp. 98.00% ) and does not concern the tests Random Excursions-(Variant). For APP-2, a sequence passes a statistical test for pvaiue > 0.01 and fails otherwise. For the tests Non-Overlapping and Random Excursions-(Variant), only the smallest percentage of all sub-tests is given. For individual sequences, the Universal x0 ... xk- X n+1 Y n+1 >0 ... Yk- n+1 Z n+1 Zn ... Zl,_ 0k Z n+1 test is not applicable due to the size of initial sequences. One can remark that, for the proposed PRBG, all the tested sequences pass successfully the NIST tests. These results show clearly the quality of the tested sequences. For Pati-dar's algorithm, individually, the sequences are not enough random, because there are many tests that are not successful, for example: Runs, Overlapping or even Serial tests. The results of approaches APP-2 and APP-3 show that, the tested sequences are extremely correlated. One should know that, in the article of Patidar et al., each sequence is produced from a randomly chosen initial seed belonging to ]0,1[, then the seeds were too different from each other. That is why this problem has not been detected. 4.2 Correlation evaluation 30 25 20 o 15 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.i Correlation coefficient value Figure 4: Histogram of Pearson's correlation coefficient values on interval [-0.1,0.1] (resp. [-0.5,0.5]), for the proposed (resp. Patidar's) PRBG. A part of the correlation evaluation has already been done by applying the NIST tests (APP-2 and APP-3). Here, two additional methods are used to analyse the correlation between the pseudo-random sequences. Firstly, the correlation between sequences is evaluated globally by computing the Pearson's correlation coefficient [26] and secondly, by using the Hamming distance. 4.2.1 Pearson's correlation coefficient The analyse consists to compute the Pearson's correlation coefficient between each pair of sequences, and to present the distribution of the values through a histogram. Consider a pair of sequences such as: Si = [xo,..., xb_i] and S2 = [yo,... ,yB-i]. Therefore, the corresponding correlation coefficient is: Bi Sl,S2 Y, (Xi - x) ■ {yi - y) i=0 B-l E (xi - x)2 i=o 1/2 B-l E (yi - y)2 i=o B-i i/2 i=o B-i 4.2.2 Hamming distance Another type of correlation based on the bits of produced pseudo-random sequences is analysed. Given two binary sequences S = [so,...,sM-1] and S' = [s'0,..., s'M-1] of same length (M), the Hamming distance is the number of positions where they differ. The distance is given as: M-1 d(s,s')= ^ (Sj e sj). j=o (10) (9) where Xi and yi are 32-bit integers, x ^ E Xi/B and For truly random binary sequences, the value of d(S, S') should be around M/2, that corresponds to the proportion 0.50. This distance is computed between each pair of generated sequences (N = 16000), and all values are represented through a histogram. For the two algorithms, the histograms are shown in Figure 5. One can see that for our 80 70 60 50 40 30 tu 20 10 y ^ E yi/B, the mean values of S1 and S2, respectively. i=o Two uncorrelated sequences are characterized by Cs^ ,S2 = 0. The closer the value of CSl ,S2 is to ±1, the stronger the correlation between the two sequences. In the case of two independent sequences, the value of CSl ,S2 is equal to 0. Here we use the same subsets of 16000 sequences, and the coefficients CSl ,S2 are computed. For the two algorithms, the histograms are shown in Figure 4. For the proposed PRBG, around 99.56% of the coefficients have an absolute value smaller than 0.09, then only a small correlation is detected. In the case of Patidar's PRBG, around 99.26% of the coefficients have an absolute value greater than 0.33, that means the sequences are highly correlated. Prop-PRBG I Pat-PRBG ■ 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0. 55 0.6 0.65 Hamming distance Figure 5: Histogram of Hamming distances on interval [0.48,0.52] (resp. [0.25,0.30]), computed between each pair of sequences for the proposed (resp. Patidar's) PRBG. algorithm, all the proportions of computed Hamming distances are around the mid-value 0.50 and almost 99.95% of the coefficients belong to ]0.49,0.51[. In the second case, the values are around 0.28, and near 99.83% of the coefficients belong to ]0.26,0.30[. The results show that, the Test Name Proposed PRBG APP-1 APP-2 APP-3 ri (in %) Result Pvaiue Result r2 (in %) Result Frequency 99.16 Success 0.378240 Success 99.50 Success Block-Frequency 99.10 Success 0.905858 Success 98.80 Success Cumulative Sums (1) 99.17 Success 0.447272 Success 99.40 Success Cumulative Sums (2) 99.12 Success 0.259837 Success 99.30 Success Runs 98.90 Success 0.654035 Success 99.20 Success Longest Run 98.90 Success 0.717020 Success 98.70 Success Rank 98.86 Success 0.239335 Success 99.00 Success FFT 98.76 Success 0.485387 Success 99.00 Success Non-Overlapping 99.30 Success 0.012842 Success 98.20 Success Overlapping 99.00 Success 0.935098 Success 98.80 Success Universal 0.196700 Success 98.60 Success Approximate Entropy 98.91 Success 0.199988 Success 99.00 Success Random Excursions 97.56 Success 0.012412 Success 98.60 Success Random Ex-Variant 97.56 Success 0.024851 Success 97.62 Success Serial (1) 98.92 Success 0.379823 Success 99.30 Success Serial (2) 99.05 Success 0.856303 Success 99.20 Success Linear Complexity 98.84 Success 0.098641 Success 99.00 Success Table 1: The results of NIST tests for the proposed PRBG on the 16000 sequences. The ratio ri (resp. r2) of pvaiue passing the tests are given for APP-1 (resp. APP-3). For the approach APP-2 the corresponding pvalue is given. Test Name Patidar's PRBG APP-1 APP-2 APP-3 ri (in %) Result Pvaiue Result r2 (in %) Result Frequency 99.84 Success 0.000000 Failure 02.80 Failure Block-Frequency 99.99 Success 0.989313 Success 16.00 Failure Cumulative Sums (1) 99.80 Success 0.000000 Failure 03.10 Failure Cumulative Sums (2) 99.74 Success 0.000000 Failure 03.00 Failure Runs 29.25 Failure - - 00.60 Failure Longest Run 00.00 Failure 0.000000 Failure 00.00 Failure Rank 98.83 Success 0.442618 Success 04.00 Failure FFT 98.70 Success 0.000000 Failure 00.00 Failure Non-Overlapping 75.96 Failure 0.000000 Failure 71.80 Failure Overlapping 00.00 Failure 0.000000 Failure 99.00 Success Universal 0.000000 Failure 00.40 Failure Approximate Entropy 00.00 Failure 0.000000 Failure 00.00 Failure Random Excursions 98.55 Success - - 50.00 Failure Random Ex-Variant 97.82 Success - - 93.75 Success Serial (1) 95.10 Failure 0.000000 Failure 00.00 Failure Serial (2) 98.99 Success 0.000000 Failure 00.00 Failure Linear Complexity 98.81 Success 0.283356 Success 99.00 Success Table 2: The results of NIST tests for the PRBG of Patidar et al., on the 16000 sequences. The ratio r1 (resp. r2) of pvalue passing the tests are presented for the approach APP-1 (resp. APP-3). For APP-2 the corresponding pvaiue is given. sequences are correlated for the Patidar's PRBG, then the algorithm is not enough sensitive to initial seed values. For more sensitivity, one must choose very different seed values, which reduces considerably the key space and then the security of the PRBG. Generator Speed (Gbits/s) GT120 GPU GTX260 GPU (4 cores) (27 cores) MTGP11213 CURAND 41.88 96.97 340.42 533.33 4.3 Seed sensitivity A small deviation from the initial seeds, should cause a large variation in the output sequences. Actually, in the NIST tests (APP-2 and APP-3, Sec. 4.1) and the correlation evaluation (Sec. 4.2), the sensitivity related to the seeds was indirectly analysed. To make an additional analysis, a large size of pseudo-random sequences is considered. Here, the number of 32-bit blocs is B = 10000000, then the binary size M = 320000000. A pseudo-random sequence (Seq1) is produced using the seed values: Xo = 0.32164872553014364784, Yo = Xo + ^[2] and Zq = Yo + ^[2]. Two others sequences (Seq2 and Seq3) are produced by adding the value of ^[2] on the last seed value Zq. Between each pair of sequences, the correlation analysis is done by computing the linear correlation coefficient of Pearson, the correlation coefficient of Kendall [27] and the Hamming distance. The same analysis is applied on the Patidar's algorithm with the starting seeds XQ = Y0 and Yq = Z0. The results are given in Table 4.3 and show that: our algorithm is highly sensitive to initial seeds, whereas in the case of the Patidar's algorithm, the sensitivity is extremely weak. 4.4 Speed analysis Another important aspect for any PRBG is the execution time of the algorithm. Indeed, in real-time applications, the temporal constraint about the performance of a process is as considerable as the final results of the process. The speed evaluation is achieved on a work computer with processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410 @ 2.33 GHz x 4. The source code is compiled using GCC 4.6.3 on Ubuntu (64 bits). The results are presented in Table 4.4 and one can see that, with no optimization option (-O0), the proposed algorithm enables to produce around 2.62 Gbits per second. However, with the classical optimization option (-O1), the throughput is approximately 80 Gbits per second. PRBG Speed (Gbits/s) -O0 -O1 Proposed 2.62 80.00 Patidar's 0.06 1.18 Table 4: Comparison of speed between the two algorithms by using the options "-O0" and "-O1". The Table 4.4 presents the approximative throughput of some known pseudo-random number generators. One can remark that, the throughput of our generator is almost in the same order than CURAND. Table 5: The approximative throughput in Gbits/s for MTGP11213 (Mersenne Twister for Graphic Processor) and CURAND (NVIDIA CUDA Random Number Generation library). 5 Security analysis Some points related to the security of the PRBG are discussed here, such as: the size of the seed space, the period length of the logistic map and some basic-known attacks (brute-force attack and differential attack). 5.1 Seed space Given today's computational resources, a seed space of size smaller than 2128 is not secure enough. A robust PRBG should have a large key space, to allow a large choice for the pseudo-random number generation. In order to enlarge the key space, three chaotic logistic maps are used during the generation process. Each logistic map needs to be initialized with a seed corresponding to a binary64 floatingpoint number, selected from ]2-53, 2-1 [. Knowing that the difference between each seed value is 2-49-8289, this allows to have 248'8289 possible choices of initial seeds. Thus, the total number of choices for the three initial seeds is: 248.8289 ^ [248.8289 _ 1] x [2^ 48.8289 - 2], or about 2146.50. In the case of Patidar's algorithm, the entropy of the seed space is much smaller than 128. Indeed, the algorithm uses only two logistic maps and possesses a weak sensitivity, that requires to choose very distant seeds to produce secure outputs. 5.2 Period length of the logistic map The period length is a fundamental indicator of any PRBG. A generator should have a reasonably long period before its output sequence repeats itself, for avoiding attacks. The length of the period will indicate the maximal secure size for the producible pseudo-random sequences. The idea is to determine the cycle formed by each chaotic trajectory according to the different starting seed values. In a period-p cycle, Xk = Fp(Xk) for some Xk, where Fp is the pth iterate of F, e.g., F3(X) = F (F (F (X))) for p = 3. The GNU MPFR library [29] is used to vary the bits of the mantissa for analysing the cycles of the logistic map. The Figure 6 shows the length of cycles, when the bits of mantissa vary between 10 and 25. In this case, the logistic map has very small cycle lengths. The Figure 7 indicates at the the same time the corresponding occurrences. PRBG Tests Seg1/Seg2 Seq1/Seq3 Seq2/Seq3 Proposed Pearson Corr. Coef. -0.000460 0.000210 -0.000536 Kendall Corr. Coef. -0.000127 -0.000377 -0.000201 algorithm Hamming Distance 0.499985 0.499986 0.500010 Patidar's algorithm Pearson Corr. Coef. Kendall Corr. Coef. Hamming Distance 0.328897 0.245210 0.333467 0.328990 0.242712 0.333379 0.328856 0.242441 0.333313 Table 3: Comparison using the Pearson's and Kendall's correlation coefficients, and also Hamming distance (in proportion) between each pair of sequences (Seqi, Seq2 and Seq3), produced from slightly different seeds. In binary32 format, the obtained smallest (resp. longest) cycle length is equal to 1 (resp. 3055). Also, the logistic map has numerous pathological seeds (corresponding in minimum cycles of length 1) and globally the cycle lengths are too small. Therefore, the binary32 format is not appropriate and must be avoided, when implementing a PRBG with such logistic map. Besides, this result is consistent with that published by Persohn and Povinelli [30]. For binary64 format, the cycle lengths are much longer. Due to the large size of the binary format, it is difficult to analyse all the corresponding trajectories. Only a reasonable set of randomly chosen seeds is considered. The length of the smallest cycle is 2169558 (« 22104), while for the longest cycle is 40037583 (« 225'25). Here, the computed cycle lengths are in the same order as those given in [28], and no pathological seed was found. This format was not studied by Persohn and Povinelli, and it is a format that benefits to the logistic map. Also, the used parameter A (equal to 4) does not provide the best chaotic behavior. In our case, combining three chaotic logistic maps allows to increase the length of the global resulting cycle, which is given by the LCM of the three cycle lengths. Also, the value of ß (here 3.9999) plays a crucial role, because it provides a better chaotic behavior of the logistic map. However, for a maximum security level, it might be better to limit the length of sequences to the smallest cycle length. The best way to avoid the problem of short period and use efficiently this PRBG, is to generate pseudo-random bit sequences of only small sizes. However in case of need, long sequences can be constructed by concatenating several ones. 5.3 Brute-force attack In theory, a brute-force attack [8] is an attack that can be used against any kind of PRBG. Such attack is usually utilized, when it is not easy (or possible) to detect any weakness in the algorithm, that would make the task easier. The strategy of the attack is simple and consists to check systematically all possible keys until the original key is found. On average, just half of the size of key space needs to be tested to find the initial seeds. A large key space allows to frustrate such kind of attack. Nowadays a key space of size larger than 2128 is computationally secure enough to resist to such attack. The proposed PRBG has a key space 4000 H 3000 ju 2000 O 1000 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Mantissa (in bits) 24 Figure 6: The curve "MAX" (resp. "min") shows the length of longest (resp. smallest) cycles, when varying mantissa bits between 10 and 25. 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 —800000 - - 700000 - - 60000C 500000 ■ 400000 ■ 300000 ■ 200000 ■ 100000 7 4^5? 0 3320 / 2490 / 1660 S- 830 Mantissa (in bits) Figure 7: Representation of the length of cycles and their total numbers, when the bits of the mantissa vary between 10 and 25. of size 2146'50 and we consider that, such attack can not succeed on the generator. In the case of Patidar's PRBG, the entropy of the key space is logically much smaller than 128. Thus, such attack can be envisaged for breaking the generator. 5.4 Differential attack As a chosen-plaintext attack, the principle of such technique of cryptanalysis is to analyse the effect of a small difference in input pairs (i.e. seeds), on the difference of corresponding output pairs (i.e. sequences) [31]. This strategy allows to get the most probable key, that was used to generate the pseudo-random sequence. The initial differ- 25 ence may be in the form of a subtraction modulus or a xor difference and the diffusion aspect is measured by a differential probability. The proposed algorithm is designed to avoid such attack. Indeed, the initial seeds are chosen in the interval ]2-53, 2-1[ and the bit-generation starts only at the 30th iteration. The results of the statistical analysis (Sec. 4) showed also that, even with a small difference on the seeds, the pseudo-random sequences are highly decor-related from each other. Thus, we consider that the proposed PRBG should resist to the differential cryptanalysis. On the other side, the attack can be possible on the Pati-dar's PRBG, because the algorithm is not sensitive enough to the initial seed values. 6 Conclusion A chaos-based PRBG, combining three chaotic logistic maps under binary64 floating-point arithmetic was presented. 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Optimizing the Classification Cost using SVMs with a Double Hinge Loss Amirou Ahmedf, Ould-Abdeslam DJaffar^ and Zidelmal Zahiaf fMouloud Mammeri University , Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria E-mail: a-amirou@mail.ummto.dz, djaffar.ould-abdeslam@uha.fr Aidene Mohamedf and Merckle Jean^ ^MIPS Laboratoiry, Haute Alsace University, France E-mail: m-aidene@mail.ummto.dz Keywords: support vector machines, double hinge loss, rejection, classification cost Received: March 6, 2014 The objective of this study is to minimize the classification cost using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) Classifier with a double hinge loss. Such binary classifiers have the option to reject observations when the cost of rejection is lower than that of misclassification. To train this classifier, the standard SVM optimization problem was modified by minimizing a double hinge loss function considered as a surrogate convex loss function. The impact of such classifier is illustrated on several discussed results obtained with artificial data and medical data. Povzetek: Predstavljena je optimizacija cene klasificiranja z metodo strojnega učenja SVM. 1 Introduction Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are becoming one of the most popular pattern recognition schemes due to their remarkable generalization performance. This is motivated by the application of Structural Risk Minimization principle [1, 2]. Because of their good performance in terms of accuracy and generalization, SVMs are frequently used in very complex two-class classification problems. Even though the generalization performance of support vector classifiers, misclassifications cannot be completely eliminated and, thus, can produce severe penalties. The expected error of a prediction is a very relevant point in many sensitive applications, such as medical diagnosis or industrial applications. To improve the reliability of classifiers, new machine learning algorithms have been introduced such us con-formal prediction determining levels of confidence [3]. Hence, classifications with less confidence than a given threshold may be rejected. This also motivates the introduction of a reject option in classifiers, by allowing for a third decision ® (Reject) when the conditional probability that an example belongs to each class is close to 1/2 . Rejecting ambiguous examples has been investigated since the publications of [4, 5] on the error reject tradeoff. A notable attempts to integrate a reject rule in SVMs has been presented in [6]. The authors developed an SVM whose reject region is determined during the training phase. They derived a novel formulation of the SVM training problem and developed a specific algorithm to solve it. Some works have proposed rejection techniques using two thresholds on the output of the SVM classifier and produce a reject region delimited by two parallel hyperplane in the feature space [7, 8]. Other works used mixture of classifiers [9]. This approach is computationally highly expensive. Recently, some remarkable works have proposed SVM classifier with a reject option using a double hinge loss function. This option was proposed in [10, 11, 12, 13]. The formulation in [10, 11, 12] is restricted to symmetric losses. In [13], the authors have proposed a cost-sensitive reject rule for SVM using an asymmetric double hinge loss. This formulation is based on probabilistic interpretation of SVM published in [14, 15] providing accurate estimation of posterior probabilities. It also generalizes those suggested in [11, 12] to arbitrary asymmetric misclassification and rejection costs. In all these model classifiers, the reject region is defined during the training phase. In this paper, we develop the training criterion for a generalized SVM with a double hinge loss and then compare the performance of symmetric and asymmetric classification. The optimal classification cost and the error-reject tradeoff have been highlighted through several illustrated tests. Note that the minimal classification cost must correspond to a good error-reject tradeoff. It is desirable that most of the rejected patterns would have been erroneously classified by the ideal Bayes classifier. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. After problem setting in section 2, section 3 recalls Bayes rule with rejection. In section 4, SVM classifier with rejection is developed using the generalized double hinge loss function. After this, the training criterion is detailed. In Section 5, the implementation is tested empirically. Il shows results comparing the considered classifiers. Finally, Section 6 briefly concludes the paper. 2 Problem setting Let us consider a binary classification problem in which each example belongs to one of two categories. A discriminant f : X ^ R classifies an observation x e X into one of two classes, labeled +1 or -1 . Viewing f (x) as a proxy value of the conditional probability P = P(y = 1|X = x), one is less confident for small values of | f (x) | corresponding to P around 1/2. The strategy used in this work is to report sgn(f (xi)) = +1 or -1 if |f (xj)| exceeds a threshold Si and no decision otherwise. In binary problems, the two types of errors are: - FP: False Positive, where examples labeled -1 are cate- gorized in the positive class, incurring a loss C„ - FN: False Negative, where examples labeled +1 are cat- egorized in the negative class, incurring a loss Cp. We also assume that the decision ® incurs a loss, Rn and Rp for rejected examples labeled -1 and +1, respectively. This formulation corresponds to [13] . For symmetric classification [10, 11, 12], we have Cp = Cn = 1 and Rp = Rn = r with 0 < r < 1/2. The expected losses pertaining to each possible decision d are displayed in Figure 1, assuming that all costs are strictly positive. The lower risk is: R(d) = mtn{CpP(x), Cn(1 - P(x)), RpP(x) + Rn(1 - P(x))} (1) segment AB. In other terms, if and only if ^^ + corresponding to 0 < r < 1/2 in [10, 11, 12]. Rn Cn < 1 -R P- 0.5 P+ 1 posterior probability P(x) 3 Bayes rule with rejection From Figure 1, we deduce that Bayes classifier d* defined as the minimizer of the risk R(d) can be expressed simply, using two thresholds: P+ = P= Cn - Rn Cn - Rn + Rp Rn Cp - Rp + Rn (2) (3) corresponding to symmetric thresholds P- = r and P+ = 1 - r in [10, 11, 12]. As Bayes decision rule is defined by conditional probabilities, many classifiers first estimate the conditional probability ]^(Y = 1|X = x), and then plug this estimate in Eq.4 to build the decision rule. +1 if P(Y =1|X = x) >P+ , f*(x) = \ -1 if P(Y =1|X = x) S+ f (x) H -1 if f (x) < S-0 otherwise . (5) Figure 1: Expected losses against posterior probabilities These thresholds are symmetric in [10, 11, 12], S+ = -S- = So and the recommended value of So belongs to the interval [r, 1 - r]. To express the generalized double 0 f(x) Figure 2: Double hinge loss function for positive examples, with P- = 0.35 and P+ = 0.6 (solid: double hinge, dashed: likelihood) hinge function [13], we consider firstly the standard logistic regression procedure where ^ is the negative log-likelihood loss: (x)) = 1og(1 + exp{-yf(x))) . (6) The second slop of W(+1, f (x)) is W = a^f (x) + g2 where a2 = "'^d+l/'eff^^' = -(1 - P-) and g2 = -P-log(P-) - (1 - P-)log(1 - P-) = H (P-). For aif (x) + gi =0, we have f (x) = t+ = and for aif (x) + gi = a2 f (x) + g2, we have f (x) = p+ = )-ReP+). The double hinge function for positive examples is then expressed as: W (+1,f (x)) = -(1 - P-)f (x)+ H(P-) if f (x) p- , P-f(x)+ H(P-) if T- > f (x) >p-0 otherwise. (8) where T = -H(P-) and p- = p+ = p. The double hinge loss introduced in [10, 11, 12] is a scaled version of the loss W. It is given by (yf (x)) = that is ^(+1, f (x)) = log(1 + exp(-f (x))) for positive examples and ^(-1,f (x)) = log(1 + exp(f (x))) for negative examples. Let us work on Figure 3 corresponding to positive examples (yi = +1). W = aif(x) + gi is the first slop (right to left) of W(+1,f (x)) where ai = d'^d'[/i(;/)(r))' = -(1 - P+). hence, 1 - ^yf (x) 1 - yf (x) 0 (yf (x)) = if yf (x) < 0 if 0 < yf (x) < 1 otherwise (9) H (r) W y, H(r) f(x) f(x,) P Figure 3: Double hinge loss function for positive examples, with P- = 0.4 and P+ = 0.7 (solid: double hinge, red dashed: likelihood) At the tangency point we have ^(+1,f(x)) = W (+1,f (x)), hence gi = -p+log(P+)-(1-P+)log(1-P+) = H (P+). where H(r) = H(P-) and H(P-) = H(P+) in the symmetric case. Note that, although minimizing (yf (x)) or W will lead to equivalent solutions for f. With minimizing '^r (yf (x)), the decision rule recommended by [11] classifies an example when |f (x)| > ^o = 2, while in [13], an example is classified when |f (x)| > ht^log^. The last decision rule rejects more examples when the loss incurred by rejection is small and fewer examples otherwise. The two rules are identical for r = 0.24. 4.2 Training Criterion As in standard SVMs, we consider the regularized empirical risk on the training sample. Introducing the double hinge loss (7-8) results in an optimization problem that is similar to the standard SVMs problem. 4.2.1 Primal problem Let Co a constant to be tuned by cross-validation, we define D = Co(P+ - P-), Bi = Co(1 - P+) for positive examples and Bi = CoP- for negative examples. The primal optimization problem reads IIH+ m«n/,6 2 Er=i Bi |Ti - yi(f (xi)+ 6)| + ^ r=i lp - yi(f (xi) + b)l+ 5 5 0 + 1 where | • = max{^, 0). The (squared) norm of f is a regularization functional in a suitable Hilbert space. The primal problem (10) is best seen with introduction of slack variables ^ and n shown in Figure(3). 4.2.3 Solving the problem Sc + E BiCi + D ^ ni , i=i i=i Viif (xi)+ b) > Ti - Ci, i = l,...,n Viif (xi) + b) > p - ni, i = 1, .. ., n ni > 0, i = 1,. .., n. Ci > 0 4.2.2 Dual problem The Lagrangian of (11) is given by: L(f, b, C, n, a, ß, u, ^) = 1 yf y2 ^ n=i BiCi r=i ni ^r=i ai [yi(f (xi) + b) - Ti + Ci] ^r=i ßi [yi(f (xi) + b) - p + ni] En ^ sr-^n i=i uiCi ^i=i ^ini with: ui > 0, > 0, ai > 0, ßi > 0, and i = 1, ..., n. The Kuhn-Tucker conditions imply: dL n gL =0 ^ E(ai + ßi)yi = 0 i=i r)T n f =0 ^ E f (•) = (ai + ßi)yik(;xi) -— =0 ^ Bi - Ui - ai =0 ^ 0 < ai < Bi dL = 0 ^ D - - ßi = 0 ^ 0 < ßi < D To solve the dual (15), the strategy used in the active set method [17] is considered. Firstly, the training set is partitioned in support and non support vectors. the training criterion is optimized considering this partition. Then, this optimization results in an updated partition of examples in (11) support and non-support vectors. These two steps are iterated until predefined level of accuracy is reached. Table (1) shows how the training set is partitioned into five subsets defined by the constraints in (15). The outcomes of the membership of example i to one of the subsets described above has the following consequences on the dual variables (a, 7): (12) i G i0 ^ ai =0 Yi = 0 i G It ^ 0 < ai < bi yi = ai i G Ib ^ ai = Bi Yi = Bi i G I p ^ ai = Bi i G Id ^ ai = Bi Bi < Yi < Bi + D Yi = Bi + D (16) (13) Hence, provided that the partitioning is known, Yi has to be computed only for i G It U Ip. Furthermore, ai is either constant or equal to Yi. We saw that, assuming that the examples are correctly partitioned, problem 15 can be solved by considering a considerably smaller problem, namely the problem of computing Yi for i G It U Ip. Let Ic = {Ib,Id} and Ih = {It, Ip}. The problem (15) becomes: dni for i = 1, . . . , n. Thanks to these conditions, we can eliminate f, C and n from the Lagrangian. L(a,ß)= 2(a + ß)TG(a + ß) - tta - pTß Sc (a + ß)=0 0 < ai < Bi,i = 1,. ..,n 0 < ßi < D, i = 1,...,n (14) where t = (ti, ..., Tn)T et p = (pi,..., pn)T are the threshold vectors of IRn, G is the n x n influence matrix with general term Gij = yiyjk(xi, xj) and k(.,.), is the reproducing kernel of the Hilbert space H. Let y = a + ß, the problem (14) can be rephrased as: L(Y) = 1 YTGY - (S)TY Sc : yTY = 0 (17) 0 < Yi < C, i = 1,..., n and Ci = Bi + D The relation between the parameters of the preceding formulation and the initial parameters of the problem (11) can be obtained after formulating the Lagrangian of the dual (17) L(Y, A,^, V) = i YtGY - STY + AYty - VTY + (Y - Cn) (18) where the Lagrange multipliers A, v must be positive or null and Dn, a vector of 1. This Lagrangian can be compared with the Lagrangian of the primal (11) reformulated as follows: maxa,Y Sc ytGy + (t - p)Ta + pTY , yTY = 0 , 0 < ai < Bi, i = 1,.. .,n , 0 < Yi - ai < D, i = 1,.. ., n (15) L = yf y2 - En=i Yiy^f (xi) - En=i Yiyib ^E n=i ai(T - p) ^ E n=i Yip ^n^1 Ci(Bi - ai - Ui) ^n=i ni(D - ßi - ^i) (19) The problem (15) is a quadratic problem under box constraints. Compared to the standard SVM dual problem, one has an additional vector to optimize, but we will show that a is easily recovered from Y. by replacing the variable f by Y, the problem (19) becomes: L(Y,b,C,n) = i yt gy + bYTy - STY +CT(a + u - B) + nT(y + ^ - Dn) H Iq saturated part of the loss Iq = {i|vi(/(xi) + b) >r} It first hinge of the loss It = {i|Vi(/(Xi) + b)= T} Ib first slop of the loss Ib = {i|p < Vi(/(xi) + b) < t} Ip second hinge of the loss Ip = {i|Vi(/(xi) + b) = p} Id second sop of the loss Id = {i|Vi(/(xi)+ b) 1 in [13]. Often, in practice, especially in medical applications, FN errors are more costly than FP errors (0 > 1). Figures 4 and 5 show respectively an example of the reject region produced by the SVMR classifier for 0 = 1 and for 0 > 1. In Figure 5, the SVMR classifier encourages the rejection of more FN examples because they are more costly than FP examples. All previous classifiers comparatives studies have been based on the error rates obtained, but error rate is not the Set Initial constraints Primal constraints Dual constraints lo yi[f(xi) + b] >Ti Ci — ni — 0 ^ — 0,v — Gy + by - T — 0 It yi[f (xi) + b] — Ti Ci — ni — 0 ^ — 0,v — Gy + by - T — 0 Ib p < yi[f (xi) + b] < Ti Ci — 0, ni — 0 V — 0, ^ — -Gy - by + T — C yi[f (xi) + b] — p Ci — 0, ni — 0 v — 0, ^ — Gy + by - p — 0 Id yi[f (xi) + b]

Difference [dB] (a) ■ % ^^^ 0.045 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 Difference [dB] (a) \ % % % % ^Oj 0.045 0.040 0.035 £1 0.030 di >, 0.025 en d 0.020 0.015 0.010 DL 0.005 0.000 Difference [dB] (b) "^0"% 0.045 0.040 0.035 .£3 0.030 di 0.025 en d 0.020 0.015 0.010 DL 0.005 0.000 Difference [dB] (b) '^O, ^O, % ^O, 'Sj Oj Oj Oj Difference [dB] (c) Figure 2: Probability-density distribution of radio predictions against the field measurements of network Neti over a rural area using the: (a) manually-calculated parameters, (b) analytically-calculated parameters, and (c) optimized parameters. Difference [dB] (c) Figure 3: Probability-density distribution of radio predictions against the field measurements of network Net2 over a hilly area using the: (a) manually-calculated parameters, (b) analytically-calculated parameters, and (c) optimized parameters. flecting the signal propagation over a hilly terrain. Overall, the parameter optimization of the signal-propagation model with respect to field measurements does improve the quality of the calculated radio-propagation predictions. Considering that the default parameter values were manually calculated by the radio engineers for the whole network, the convenience of the automated optimization procedure is clear. Indeed, these advantages are a consequence of a simpler method that automatically delivers radio-predictions of superior quality and accurately represent the physical properties of a given environment. 4.3 Statistical analysis Because of the stochastic nature of the DASA optimization algorithm, we have collected the results of 30 independent runs in order to have enough data for them to be statistically relevant. In other words, the robustness of the results presented in the previous section is analyzed here. To this end, Table 3 shows a statistical analysis of the mean and standard-deviation values of the solutions reached by the DASA for each test network. The analysis includes the minimum, maximum and average values for every quality measure of the radio-propagation predictions, along with their standard deviation. We may observe that the standard deviation is consistently lower than 0.015 for both quality measures, indicating a consistent convergence of the optimization algorithm and confirming the suitability of the DASA for tackling the parameter-optimization problem. 5 Conclusion We have presented a metaheuristic-optimization approach for the parameter optimization of signal-propagation models. The open-source framework for coverage-planning and optimization of radio networks (PRATO)1 was used to concurrently optimize multiple cells of the target network in parallel, exploiting the resources of a computer cluster. Based on extensive experimental simulations, we have shown the suitability of the metaheuristic approach for the automatic adaptation of the parameter values over different regions of a newly deployed LTE network in Slovenia. By using different sets of field measurements over the target regions, the combination of the afore-mentioned techniques the parameters of the signal-propagation model were adapted to geographical are around each network cell. As a result, the accuracy of the radio-propagation predictions of the whole network was improved. Moreover, the improvement was significant when applying the presented approach to a network deployed over a hilly area, even outperforming the results of a least-squares analytical method commonly used in the related literature. The simulation results suggest that the presented methodology is applicable 1The source code is available for download from the corresponding author's home page, http://cs.ijs.si/benedicic. for LTE networks in general, since it reached very good accuracy of the calculated radio predictions over diverse terrains. Consequently, the applicability of this approach for arbitrary terrain types can be expected. Further research will include the performance analysis of other metaheuristic approaches [15] and their result comparison with the DASA. Also, the consideration of urban environments, where the signal-propagation conditions differ from those in rural and hilly areas, should also be explored. Furthermore, in the context of the radio-coverage planning activities carried out at the Radio Network Department of Telekom Slovenije, d.d., supplementary testing of the presented approach, as a support methodology for coverage planning, is currently being conducted. So far, the performed analyses yield robust results compared to traditional, manual techniques. Acknowledgment The authors would like to especially thank the staff at the Nagasaki Advanced Computing Center of the Nagasaki University for their support while making the computer cluster DEGIMA available for the experimental simulations. Additionally, the authors are especially thankful to the radio engineers at Telekom Slovenije, d.d., for supplying the network data sets and sharing their professional expertise throughout the creation of this work. This project was co-financed by the European Union, through the European Social Fund. References [1] Erik AarnffiS and Stian Holm. Tuning of empirical radio propagation models effect of location accuracy. Wireless Personal Communications, 30(2-4):267-281, 2004. [2] Yassir A. Ahmad, Walid A. Hassan, and Tharek A. Rahman. Studying different propagation models for LTE-A system. 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Multi-class Image Classification Based on Fast Stochastic Gradient Boosting Lin Li1'2, Yue Wu1 and Mao Ye1 1 School. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China No.2006, Xiyuan Ave, West Hi-Tech Zone, Chengdu, China E-mail: lilin200909@gmail.com 2 Sichuan TOP IT Vocational Institute No.2000, Xixin Ave, West Hi-Tech Zone, Chengdu, China Keywords: multi-class image classification, fast random gradient boosting, multi-class classifier, machine learning, image data set Received: December 3, 2013 Nowadays, image classification is one of the hottest and most difficult research domains. It involves two aspects of problem. One is image feature representation and coding, the other is the usage of classifier. For better accuracy and running efficiency of high dimension characteristics circumstance in image classification, this paper proposes a novel framework for multi-class image classification based on fast stochastic gradient boosting. We produce the image feature representation by extracting PHOW descriptor of image, then map the descriptor though additive kernels, finally classify image though fast stochastic gradient boosting. In order to further boost the running efficiency, We propose method of local parallelism and an error control mechanism for simplifying the iterating process. Experiments are tested on two data sets: Optdigits, 15-Scenes. The experiments compare decision tree, random forest, extremely random trees, stochastic gradient boosting and its fast versions. The experiment justifies that (1) stochastic gradient boosting and its extensions are apparent superior to other algorithms on overall accuracy; (2) our fast stochastic gradient boosting algorithm greatly saves time while keeping high overall accuracy. Povzetek: Predstavljena je primerjava algoritmov za večrazredno klasifikacijo slik. 1 Introduction With the extensive application of the Internet, search engines have become an important tool for people to obtain information, including image information which is one of the most important and interesting information. Traditional search engines on the Internet, including Google, Bing and Baidu have launched a corresponding image search function, but this kind of searching is mainly operated by the file names or related text information of the images. However, it has obvious limitations such as: file name or related information is not accurately related with the image content. So information retrieval based on image content becomes one of the hottest studies of the image retrieval. image classification is based on the image content-based information retrieval, which is based on visual information. Image classification mainly involves two aspects: One is the image feature representation and coding, on the other hand is a classifier selection. Haralick etc. [1] first proposed a method for feature representation based on image texture features, which is considering the texture characteristics of the image feature space relations, texture and spectral information and its statistical characteristics. Later, considering rotation, affine and other factors, people gradually propose feature representation methods such as LBP [2], SIFT [3], HOG [4] and etc. Statistical represented feature coding method has been widely used, for example a typical representative of the texture histogram representation (histogram of textons) [5] and bag of words or bag of features [6] coding. In recent years, people also proposed a histogram-based pyramid encoding as PHOG (Pyramid Histogram Of Gradient) [7] and PHOW (Pyramid Histogram Of visual Word) [8]. In order to further improving the discriminative capability of feature descriptors, people propose kernel transformation such as Vedaldi's additive kernel transformation [9] can effectively enhance classification performance. Several classifiers have been successfully used for image classification such as support vector machines, random forests and so on [10]. Haralick etc. [11] first propose method based on image characteristics, using the linear discriminant maximum and minimum decision rules to classify discrimination on the data set and aerial imagery sandstone micrographs. They obtain more than 80% accuracy rate. Ridgeway etc. [12] introduce method based on the corners with features and weighted K nearest neighbor classifier for image classification. They obtain of 93.6% accuracy rate in the 2716 image data sets, and promote performance of the method to three categories (land, forests and mountains, sunset and sunrise). Chapelle etc. [13] use histogram features and support vector machine classifier to achieve the classification performance of 89% accuracy rate on the Corel14 data set. Foody etc. [14] apply support vector machines for remote sensing image classification. They obtain 93.5% accuracy rate, better than the tree algorithm of 90.3% and discriminant analysis method of 90% accuracy rate. This paper presents a framework to enhance the natural image classification performance based on PHOW features representation and fast stochastic gradient, and we obtain more than 99% and 84% accuracy rate on the data set Opt-digits and 15-Scenes respectively. 2 Fast stochastic gradient boosting algorithm 2.1 Analysis and comparison of algorithms based on decision tree Traditional classification and regression trees (Classification and Regression Tree, CART) proposed by Breiman [15] is a simple and effective method, but there are many flaws [16]: 1) because decision tree is based on local optimum principle, this will led to the whole tree is not often global optimal. 2) inaccuracies and abnormal training samples have a great impact on the CART. 3) The imbalances of training sample types also affect CART performance. Improving and enhancing the performance of classification and regression trees is a valuable question. In recent years, bagging and boosting method is the most effective ways. Bagging method [17] is an autonomous improving method, which is a random subtree building based on sub-sampling over all training samples to obtain samples. Bagging method proposed by the Breiman [18] is also based on random forest, which use decision trees as a meta-classifier with independent clustering method (Bootstrap aggregation, Bagging), thus produces different training set to generate each component classifier, and finally determine the final classification results by a simple majority vote. Extreme random tree [19] is similar to the random forest. The tree pieces are combined to form a multi-classifier, the difference with the random forest mainly involving two sides: 1) Sampling the original training samples with replacement strategy, aiming at reducing bias; 2) Splitting test threshold of each decision tree node is selected at random. Assuming split test expression is split{x) > 9, where x is to be classified samples, split is the test function in the random forest classifier, 9 is usually based on a sample of a feature set, and in the extreme random forest classifier, 9 is randomly selected. Boosting method [20] is the method, which is starting from the basic classification tree, though iterative process, wrong classification of data give higher weights to build a new round of classification trees greater emphasising on these error detection data. Final classifier classification is based on the principle of majority voting. Despite boosting method is not accurate in some particular cases. But in most cases, it significantly enhances the classification accuracy [21]. Gradient Boosting proposed by Friedman [22] is further improvement over boosting. Their difference with the traditional approach is to improve every computing in order to reduce losses. In order to eliminate losses, it create a new model in the direction of the gradient to reduce losses so that the gradient can be descent. The big difference with conventional methods is that the new model is created from residual losses of the gradient direction of the model in order to reduce losses. Inspiring by bagging random thoughts of Breiman, Friedman introduced stochastic gradient boosting based on random sub-sampling to obtain training samples [23]. In short, bagging and boosting methods both can be called to vote or integrated approach to generate a set of sub-tree or forests, while classification is according to the sub-tree or forest in the whole set or voting on every tree. The difference is that they generate different sub-tree or forests by different ways. 2.2 Fast stochastic gradient boosting algorithm Fast stochastic gradient boosting algorithm is shown in the Algorithm 1. where n(i)N is the random combinations of set of integers 1,2,...,N, assuming sample size of random down-sampling is NN < N, The corresponding sample result is (yn(i),xn(j))]N. Fm(x) is for the first m points. L is the loss function, M is the number of weak classifiers, C is class sample, R is the leaf node region, J is a terminal leaf number of nodes, p is the optimal weak classifier coefficient, S is the number of samples to detect the error, err and errmj„ are the exit variable, parallel refers parallel processing. Algorithm inputs are training samples, outputs F(x) are the output set of weak classifiers. The step 1 to 17 of the algorithm is weak classifier training processes consisting of three components: The step 2 is randomized sampling. The steps 3 to 10 is weak classifier training stages. The step 11 to 16 is error detection. The step 2 obtains training samples by randomly sampling for each weak classifier. The step 3 to 10 is weak classifiers training process by classes in turn, which contains: 1) calculating the loss, the loss for classification problems using deviance loss; 2) by calculating the value of the loss of function in the negative gradient of the current model, which was estimated as a residual;3) training a decision tree classifier based on the basic decision tree;4) updating resid-uals;5) calculating the optimal weak classifier coefficients; 6) generating a new weak classifiers. The step 11 to 16 is error detection. Classification training and each error detection are simultaneously. Weak classifiers stop training when the error is less than a certain threshold. Finally, the step 18 is the results of linear combination of weak classifiers constituting the set of training stochastic gradient boosting tree model. Algorithm 1 Fast stochastic gradient boosting algorithm. Input: training data set: T = (xi, yi), (x2, y2),..., (xn, Vn), xj G RN, y G Y G R,N is the number of training samples. initialization : F0(x) = 0, M = 100, err = 0, errmi„ = 0.0001. Output: combination set of classification trees: fF(x) for m =1 to M do random sampling of (parallel): n(m)(N= rand_perm(m)NN for k = 0 to C do calculating loss: pfc(x) =exp(Ffc(x))^C=1 exp(F;(x)),k = 1, 2,..,C calculating the gradient (parallel): yn(j)fc = yn(i)i,Fi(xn(i))) Cl1) dFk xn(i) = yn(i)k - Pk,m-1(xn(i)),i = 1, 2, ...,NV {Fi(x)=Fi,m-l(x)}Y basic training for weak classifiers (parallel): Based on the decision tree (CART). calculating residuals (parallel): {Rjfem}J=1 = J — terminal_node_tree^'y-K{i)k,x-K{i)}'^) calculating the optimal weak classifier coefficients : C — 1 yn(i)k Pjkm = argmi^ ^ . ^ . C y-(i)k (1 — yn(i)k generating new weak classifiers : Fkm(x) = Fkm-1(x) ^ / 1 Pjkm1(x G Rjkm) end for training error detection: sampling: {test(m)}s = rand_perm {m}^ detection error (parallel): err = predict({test(m)}'f) if err < errmin then exit from weak classifiers cycle end if end for obtaining a combination set of classification trees : M C -,j = 1, 2,..., J i^(x) = Fmc(x)^ ^ ]rFkm(x) m=1k=1 8 Stochastic gradient boosting algorithm for its high accuracy rate received wide acclaim and is considered one of the most effective methods of statistical learning in classification, but its operational performance is poor, we propose two ways to improve its running performance: local parallelization and error detection shorten training times of weak classifiers. The increasing popularity of multi-core processors to enhance the running performance of traditional algorithms provides another effective way. We propose a bottleneck module by way of parallel processing to enhance the stochastic gradient algorithm to improve running performance. First we consider parallel algorithms necessary and sufficient condition: 1) parallel algorithms have obvious advantages in large scale computing, and stochastic gradient boosting algorithm in step 2,5,6,7,13 involving the operation of the entire training samples, and general training samples exceeding thousands of pieces of data, so we consider parallel processing at these steps. 2) parallel algorithm must have a premise which is separability. Stochastic gradient boosting algorithm can not directly do paralleling at whole, because the algorithm is a additive model, each weak classifier training data is from error residuals of former process. So we can not be parallelized algorithm from the beginning of step 1,3. We can only do a local parallel processing. Secondly, we tested the algorithm's main bottleneck module (refer to the module which has the inner loop in thousands) (see Table 1). The running count is the total count of overall algorithm (outer loop), The running time is running time of a single module running once. The running time of sampling and prediction is scale of microseconds, paralleling processing achieves few performance improvement. However calculation and residual gradient are in milliseconds. Parallel processing performance has significantly improved. The weak classifier training gain more performance improvement (10 milliseconds scale), since the whole number of cycles is up to 1000 times, thus improving overall training capability will reach 10 seconds. So parallel processing algorithms is necessary when algorithm involves huge data or are time-consuming. In addition, the stochastic gradient algorithm to enhance the performance bottleneck lies in the number of basic classifiers. We tested the relationship between the number of classifiers and accuracy on the Optdigits data sets (see Figure 1). Classification accuracy was found to significantly increase with the increasement of the number of iteration process. The accuracy rate increase is not very obvious, even stagnation when iterations is up to 25. So, it is necessary to control the total number of iterations through the detection accuracy of the test sample in the training phase. To this end we introduce random sampling in order to optimize the training error detection methods to improve the stochastic gradient iterations through the step 11 to 16 (see Algorithm 1). Figure 1: The relationship between classifying accuracy and quantity of weak classifiers on Optdigits data set. 3 Enhance image classification based on fast stochastic gradient boosting This article discusses the general image classification methods and processes, we propose a fast stochastic gradient boosting to enhance image classification based the framework in Figure 2. First, we the extract image fea- Model Framework start 7 1: Extracting image PHOW feature PHOW feature sets :3r 7 2: Additive kernel transformation 5: Model lassification Using models Image descriptor sets 7 4: Model training based on Fast Stochastic Gradient Boosting with training sets Trained models Classifying results Figure 2: The framework of image classification. ture descriptor though PHOW features which are improved multi-scale dense SIFT descriptors, including basic steps: At first step, dense SIFT descriptors are calculated by dividing image into different scales with a fixed pixel Box (see Figure 3 line (a)). The descriptors of each grid point is calculated with four different diameter circular masks; For the second step, after extracting K-means clustering for the descriptors, a histogram is formed. At third step, we sum histogram pyramid to build space feature descriptors (see Figure 3 line (b)). Secondly, the characteristics of additive kernel transformation can generate better description of features. For finite dimensional distribution (histogram) 99 98 97 0 10 20 30 quantity of weak classif 40 50 Image sets Figure 3: PHOW. Image appearance representation based on x, y, Additive kernel is defined as: K(x,y) = ^ k{xb,yb) (1) b=i Here, b is a histogram of the number of each sub-grid, B is the total number of sub-grid, xb, yb is the distribution of every little grid, k ^ + ^ + —^ IR+ in the non-negative real number is a positive definite kernel. We proposed Vedaldi's X2 kernel transform for feature transformation. Finally, We use the feature descriptors for fast stochastic gradient boosting algorithm to enhance the performance of classification model. At testing stage, we also need to extract features, then do kernel transformation of PHOW to form feature descriptor, again use a classification model to prediction. Our biggest advantage is that the entire framework is simple, good computing performance, and suitable for multi-category classification of natural images. 3.1 Experimental data sets Optdigits data set[27] is a collection of data set standardized extracting of bit image by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology handwritten Optical Character Recognition. It has 64 positive integers of feature information, the range is from 0 to 16. This data set consists of 5620 instances, belonging to 10 categories. we randomly selected 10%, 20% and 30%, 40% and 50% of total sample as the training sample, and the rest for test samples. 15-Scenes data set[28] is processed in accordance with the flow chart of our proposed framework (see Figure 2). The original 15-Scenes data set consists of 15 data categories, a total of 4485 images. We randomly select 10% and 20%, 30% and 40% and 50% of each class sample for the training sample, and the rest used to do the test samples. We use the PHOW descriptor for image features to describe each image. After kernel transformation with additive eventually, we get 36,000 dimensional feature descriptors for a single image. 3.2 Parameters 1) Maximum decision tree depth: The default value was set to 1. With the value increase, classification accuracy and running time will increase. We set maximum depth to 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 respectively. We found the highest accuracy rate when the maximum depth is 10. With similar way, we found that entropy rules of split consideration criterion get better performance. 2) The maximum depth of random random forest was similar with decision tree. The number of decision trees: we tested the value of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200 respectively. We found that the number increases, the execution time also increases, and after over the value of 100, the improvement of the accuracy rate was not obvious. So we set it to 100. The accuracy of the random forest was used to control the iteration. We tested the value of 0.0001, 0.001,0.01 and 0.1 respectively. We found that the smaller the value was, the longer the execution time was, and after over the value of 0.001, the accuracy had no substantially change. We set it to 0.001. 3) The extreme random tree's settings was similar with random forests for consistent comparing standard. 4) With similar ways, we found that we get better performance (good balance in accuracy and running time) when the stochastic gradient enhance maximum tree depth is set to 10, cross entropy loss chosen for loss function type , 0.1 set to shrinkage factor, 0.8 set to proportional sampling under, and 100 chosen for maximum lift. 5) Similarly, in order to enhance the fast stochastic gradient boosting based on the stochastic gradient boosting, the control error was set to: 0.0001, random verification sampling ratio was set as follows: 50%. 3.3 Experimental setup We used C++ of Microsoft visual studio 2012 to program with opencv2.4.3[24], Intel TBB[25] and darwin 1.6 platform [26]. We tested results in win7 (64) platform with hardware of Intel P6100 dual-core CPU and 6GB memory. We converted the data set to comma delimited M x N in the form of a text file, M represented the number of (ie, the number of records) data rows, N was the number of each data attribute values. The final column was class marker. We used TBB parallel libary for parallel processing. In Algorithm 1: At steps of 2,5,7,13, We used TBB with tbb :: parallel_for. At step 6 involving recursive tree, we used TBB with tbb :: task_list to achieve parallelism. In order to better reflect the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we have two types of data sets in the test, Optdigits for low-dimensional data, 15-Scenes for high-dimensional data, and extract the sample test to verify the practicality for different circumstance. In addition to verify the feasibility of stochastic gradient boosting algorithm and its fast versions, our experiments compared the decision tree, random forest, extreme random tree, stochastic gradient boosting , stochastic gradient boosting with error check and SVM (support vector machine). Experiment results were indicated in Table 2, 3, and Figure 4 to 7. - dt rf - et - gbt and pgbt -Pcgbt_ 45 (a) Total accuracy 90 85 80 75 70 Ji^ 65 ^^ 55 50 45 400 350 300 ) 250 - dt - et - gbt and pgbt - pcgbt_ (a) Total accuracy - dt rf - et - gbt - pgbt (b) Training time Figure 4: The performances of six algorithms on Optdigits. (b) Training time Figure 5: The performances of six algorithms on 15-Scenes. 3.4 Experimental results and analysis Table 2-3 is a averaged results tested three times under the same conditions. Where h is hours, m represents minutes, s is seconds, ms is milliseconds, such as: 1h2m3s4ms represents 1 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds, and 4 milliseconds. dt is a decision tree, rt is random forests, et is extreme random tree, gbt is stochastic gradient boosting, pgbt is fast stochastic gradient boosting, pcgbt is the fast stochastic gradient boosting with error check, and SVM is support vector machine. 1) With increase of the proportion of each sampling, algorithm accuracy rate increases, however the corresponding training time also increases. This indicates the adequacy of the training sample for classification accuracy is critical, but the running performance will be affected in the training. In practical applications, we should consider the two factors, and try to find the best balance between them. 2) Total accuracy comparison: As can be seen from Table 2-3 and Figure 4-5 (a), stochastic gradient boosting and fast stochastic gradient boosting have same overall accuracy. Overall accuracy on 15-Scenes data set from high to low is stochastic gradient boosting, stochastic gradient boosting with error detection, random forest, extreme random tree and decision tree. The main difference on Optdig-its data set lies in that decision tree was significantly better than random forests, furthermore compared with random gradient boosting, the accuracy of our stochastic gradient boosting with error check also has a certain decline of accuracy, but is still significantly better than the decision tree and random forest. 3) Running time comparison: From Table 2 to 3 and Figure 4 to 5 (b) shows that the training runtime performance in descending order is decision tree, fast stochastic gradient boosting with error detection, random forests and random forests extreme, fast stochastic gradient boosting and stochastic gradient boosting. Stochastic gradient boosting with error detection is about 10 times fast than the original stochastic gradient boosting on the data set Optdigits and 8 times on 15-Scenes data set. 4) Average recall,average precision and total accuracy comparisons: from figure 4 to 7, we can see that the cures have similar curve tendency. This shows that total accuracy basically reflect the performance of classifier on Optdigits and 15-Scenes data set respectively. 5) Comparison with support vector machine: from table 2 and table 3, we can see that the total accuracy of SVM is superior to decision tree, random forest trees and extremely random trees, however inferior to stochastic boosting tree based methods. Furthermore, on 15-Scenes data set SVM is failed when the training sampling percentages reach 40% and 50%. On the side of the training time, SVM is slower than decision tree, random forest trees and extremely random trees, but faster the stochastic boosting tree based methods. 4 Conclusions By comparing each algorithm, we have following the experimental findings: 1) Stochastic gradient boosting is significantly better than decision tree, random forest and extreme random tree. 2) We proposed parallel stochastic gradient boosting algorithm to enhance the running performance. Experimental result of our method is significantly better than the original stochastic gradient boosting algo- 99 98 20 25 30 percentage of trail 35 40 sample(%) 50 20 25 30 35 40 percentage of training sample(%) 50 35 30 25 20 200 5 0 50 20 25 30 35 40 percentage of training sample(%) 45 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 percentage of training sample(%) - dt rf — gbt and pgbt 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 m 55 " 50 - dt rf - et 45 98 (a) Average precision - dt rf - et - gbt and pgbt (a) Average precision - dt rf — gbt and pgbt (b) Average recall Figure 6: The performances of six algorithms on Optdigits. (b) Average recall Figure 7: The performances of six algorithms on 15-Scenes. rithm. Furthermore, fast stochastic gradient boosting with error detection improves running performance to a new stage, while keeping the overall accuracy comparing to the original stochastic gradient boosting. Experiments testify that our improvement ways are effective and practical. The main contributions of this paper are : 1) We presents a framework based on PHOW features and fast stochastic gradient boosting for natural image classification. From training sample selection, feature extracting, classifier selection to the last performance evaluation, we give a detailed analysis and commentary. 2) We analyze the running performance and bottlenecks of the stochastic gradient boosting. According to the circumstance of bottlenecks and current widely used multi-core computing, we presented modified stochastic gradient boosting to improve the performance of by local parallelism. 3) Due to reason of that increasing number of weak classifiers does not always bring better accuracy, and to further reduce the space and time of weak classifier training iterations, we introduce an error control mechanism in training phase to reduce the number of iterations of the method at the expense of a certain degree of accuracy degeneration. 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Modules Sampling calculating the weak classifier computing Prediction gradient training residuals Running count 100 1000 1000 1000 100 Serial Time 170ms 2.2ms 62ms 1.6ms 0.5ms Parallel Time 150ms 1.3ms 50ms 1.2ms 0.4ms Table 1: Serial and parallel executing time of bottleneck modules on Optdigits data set. Accuracy ( % ) / Time 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% dt 99.16/6.0ms 99.20/17.0ms 99.24/19.9ms 99.37/25.0ms 99.52/34.0ms rt 97.37/933ms 98.19/2.0s 98.42/3.1s 98.50/4.3s 98.54/5.5s ert 97.27/1.4s 97.68/2.8s 98.47/4.2s 98.54/5.8s 98.72/7.2s gbt 99.60/6.1s 99.84/12.2s 99.85/18.5s 99.82/25.8s 99.85/33.2s pgbt 99.60/4.5s 99.84/10.2s 99.85/16.5s 99.82/20.4s 99.85/29.3 pcgbt 98.55/206ms 98.88/1.2s 99.42/1.3s 99.50/2.3s 99.50/4.5s SVM 98.52/406ms 98.60/1.8s 98.62/2.1s 98.73/3.5s 98.80/6.5s Table 2: The Comparison of accuracy and running time of six algorithms on Optdigits with different sampling. Accuracy ( % ) / Time 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% dt 40.56/3s 42.53/6s 47.80/10s 50.34/14s 52.56/16s rt 47.44/8m 50.43/20m 51.24/32m 56.89/44m 61.28/1h11m ert 41.77/27m 42.37/31m 43.58/48m 45.68/55m 46.27/1h31m gbt 69.18/1h6m 70.77/2h26m 78.13/3h35m 85.56/4h55m 89.15/6h22m pgbt 69.18/54m 70.77/2h1m 78.13/2h/57m 85.56/4h12m 89.15/5h10m pcgbt 66.32/3m 68.25/14m 73.05/20m 81.33/31m 84.01/45m pcgbt 66.32/3m 68.25/14m 73.05/20m 81.33/31m 84.01/45m SVM 65.44/10m 67.31/34m 72.16/66m invalid invalid Table 3: The comparison of accuracy and running time of six algorithms on 15-Scenes with different sampling. Word Sense Disambiguation Using an Evolutionary Approach Mohamed El Bachir Menai Department of Computer Science, College of Computer and Information Sciences King Saud University, P.O.Box 51178, Riyadh 11543, Saudi Arabia menai@ksu.edu.sa http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/menai Keywords: evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, natural language understanding, word sense disambiguation Received: July 22, 2013 Word sense disambiguation is a combinatorial problem consisting in the computational assignment of a meaning to a word according to a particular context in which it occurs. Many natural language processing applications, such as machine translation, information retrieval, and information extraction, require this task which occurs at the semantic level. Evolutionary computation approaches can be effective to solve this problem since they have been successfully used for many NP-hard optimization problems. In this paper, we investigate main existing methods for the word sense disambiguation problem, propose a genetic algorithm to solve it, and apply it to Modern Standard Arabic. We evaluated its performance on a large corpus and compared it against those of some rival algorithms. The genetic algorithm exhibited more precise prediction results. Povzetek: Razlocitev pomena besed je v tem prispevku izpeljana z evolucijskim pristopom. 1 Introduction Ambiguity is a key feature of natural languages. That is, words can have different meanings (polysemy), depending on the context in which they occur. Humans deal with language ambiguities by acquiring and enriching common sense knowledge during their lives. However, solving computationally the ambiguity of words is a challenging task, since it relies on knowledge, its representation, extraction, and analysis. In Arabic language, ambiguity is present at many levels [30], such as homograph, internal word structure, syntactic, semantic, constituent boundary, and anaphoric ambiguity. The average number of ambiguities for a token in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is 19.2, whereas it is 2.3 in most languages [30]. Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is a challenging task in the area of natural language processing (NLP). It refers to the task that automatically assigns the appropriate sense, selected from a set of pre-defined senses for a polysemous word, according to a particular context. Indeed, the identification of one word sense is related to the identification of neighboring word senses. WSD is necessary for many NLP applications and is believed to be helpful in improving their performance such as machine translation, information retrieval, information extraction, part of speech tagging, and text categorization. WSD has been described as an AI-complete (Artificial Intelligence-complete) problem [53] that is analogous to NP-complete problems in complexity theory. It can be formulated as a search problem and solved approximately by exploring the solution search space using heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms. Several approaches have been investigated for WSD in occi- dental languages (English, French, German, etc.), including knowledge-based approaches and machine learning-based approaches. However, research on WSD in Arabic language is relatively limited [5,6,17,24-27,38]. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are search and optimization methods inspired by biological evolution: natural selection and survival of the fittest in the biological world. Several types of EAs were developed, including genetic algorithms (GAs) [41], evolutionary programming (EP) [32], evolution strategies (ES) [69,76] and genetic programming (GP) [45]. EAs are among the most popular and robust optimization methods used to solve hard optimization and machine learning problems. They have been widely and successfully applied in several real world applications [55] and research domains. These include NLP research, such as query translation [20], inference of context free grammars [43], tagging [8], parsing [7], and WSD [22,35,84]. Araujo [9] has written a survey paper on how EAs are applied to statistical NLP, which is highly recommended. In this paper, we study the potential of GAs in formulating and solving the WSD problem, apply them to MSA, and compare them with some existing methods. We implemented and experimented different variants of GAWSD (GA for Arabic WSD) resulting in the introduction of a competitive approach for WSD. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section presents a brief overview of EAs. Section 3 contains a brief introduction to WSD, and presents the main approaches to solve it. Section 4 describes Arabic language peculiarities and challenges. Section 5 presents the proposed approach to WSD, and describes in detail the proposed algorithm. Section 6 reports the test results, and Section 7 discusses them. Finally, Sec- tion 8 concludes this paper and emphasizes some future directions. 2 Evolutionary algorithms EAs are built around four key concepts [21]: population(s) of individuals competing for limited resources, dynamic changing populations, suitability of an individual to reproduce and survive, and variational inheritance through variation operators. EAs are categorized as "generate and test" algorithms that involve growth or development in a population of chromosomes in genotype space (individuals containing genes) of candidate solutions in phenotype space (real features of an individual). An evaluation function called the fitness function, defined from chromosome representation, measures how effective the candidate solutions are as a solution to the problem. Variation operators such as recombination (or crossover in case of recombination of two parents) and mutation are applied to modify the individual content and promote diversity. Algorithm 1: Evolutionary Algorithm Initialize P (1); t ^ 1; while not exit criterion do evaluate P (t); selection; recombination; mutation; survive; t ^ t + 1; The basic steps of an EA are outlined in Algorithm 1. An initial population, P (1), is randomly generated and a selection process (selection) is then performed to select parents based on the fitness of individuals (evaluate). The recombination and mutation operators are applied on parents to obtain a population of offspring. The population is renewed (survive) by selecting individuals from the current population and offspring for next generation (t + 1). This evolutionary process continues until a termination condition, exit criterion, is reached. GAs [41] are the most traditional EAs which are based on biological genetics, natural selection, and emergent adaptive behavior. They are associated to the use of binary, integer, or real valued vectors for the chromosome representation. The crossover and mutation are the genetic operators. The crossover is the main operator (applied with a high probability), and the mutation is the secondary one (applied with a low probability). The main steps of a GA are outlined in Algorithm 2 [15]. GP [45] can be considered as an extension of GAs in which each individual is a computer program represented by a rooted tree. In this case, the fitness function determines how well a program is Algorithm 2: Genetic algorithm input : Populatiousize, Problemsize, Pcr -ossover^ Pmutation output: S best Population ^ Initialize(Populationsize, Problemsize); Evaluate(Populatiou); Sbest ^ BestSolution(Population); while not exit criterion do Parents ^ SelectParents (Population); Children ^ for Parenti,Parent2 G Parents do (Childi,Child2) ^ Crossover (Parenti, Parent2,Pcrossover); Children ^ Mutate (Childi, Pmutation); Children ^ Mutate (Childs, Pmutation); Evaluate(Children); Sbest ^ BestSolution(Children); Population ^ SelectToSurvive (Population, Children); Return(Sbest) able to solve the problem. 3 Classification methods for word sense disambiguation WSD can be described as the task of assigning the appropriate sense to all or some of the words in the text. More formally, given a text T as a sequence of words or bag of words {wl, w2, ■ ■ ■ ,wk}, the WSD problem asks to identify a mapping A from words w., to senses SensesD(wi) encoded in a dictionary D. A(w(i)) is the subset of the senses of w. which are appropriate in the context T [62]. A WSD system includes mainly four elements: word senses selection, external use of knowledge resources, context representation, and selection of automatic classification method. The first element, selection of word senses, is concerned with the sense distinction (sense inventory) of a given word. The second element, external knowledge sources, involves a repository of data consisting of words with their senses. Two main kinds of resources are distinguished: structured resources and unstructured resources. The third element of WSD is concerned with the representation of the context that aims to convert unstructured input text into a structured format to become suitable for automatic methods. The last element of WSD is the choice of the classification method. The key distinction between classification methods depends on the amount of knowledge and supervision quantified into them. In the following, we survey the main classification methods used for WSD, as they represent a key issue in designing a WSD system. Classification methods can be achieved using different approaches [62]: knowledge-based and machine learning-based approaches. Knowledge-based methods rely on external lexical resources, such as dictionaries and thesauri, whereas machine learning methods (supervised, unsuper-vised, or semi-supervised methods) rely on annotated or unannotated corpus evidence and statistical models. Other methods use both corpus evidence and semantic relations. They can be further categorized as token-based or type-based approaches. While token-based approaches associate a specific meaning with each occurrence of a word depending on the context in which it appears, type-based disambiguation is based on the assumption that a word is con-sensually referred with the same sense within a single text [62]. Other approaches have been considered, such as word sense dominance-based methods [46,54,59], domain-driven disambiguation [37], and WSD from cross-lingual evidence [33]. 3.1 Knowledge-based methods for word sense disambiguation Several knowledge-based methods for WSD have been proposed, including gloss-based methods, selectional preferences-based methods, and structural methods. Gloss based-methods consist in calculating the overlap of sense definitions of two or more target words using a dictionary. Such methods include the well-known Lesk algorithm [50] and one of its variants proposed by Banerjee and Pedersen [11]. Selectional preferences (or restriction) based methods exploit association provided by word-to-word, word-to-class, or class-to-class relations to restrict the meaning of a word occurring in a context, through grammatical relations [62]. Several techniques have been proposed to model selectional preferences, such as selectional associations [70,72], tree cut models [51], hidden Markov models [1], class-based probability [2,19], and Bayesian networks [18]. An application of such associations to expanding an Arabic query of a search engine [5] shows that the performance of the system can be increased by adding more specific synonyms to the polysemous terms. Structural approaches are semantic similarity-based methods and graph-based methods. The main idea behind these approaches is to exploit the structure of semantic networks in computational lexicons like WordNet [31], by using different measures of semantic similarity. Some examples of knowledge-based systems include Degree [61] and Personalized PageRank [3]. Similarity-based methods are applicable to a local context, whereas graph-based methods are applicable to a global context. Similarity-based methods select a target word sense in a given context based on various measures of semantic similarity, such as those introduced by Rada et al. [68], Sussna [77], Leacock and Chodorow [47], Resnik [71], Jiang and Conrath [42], and Lin [52]. Elghamry [27] proposed coordination-based semantic similarity for dis- ambiguating polysemous and homograph nouns in Arabic, based on the assumption that nouns coordinating with an ambiguous noun provide bootstraps for disambiguation. Graph-based methods select the most appropriate sense for words in a global context using lexical chains (sequence of semantically related words by lexicosemantic relations) [62]. Many computational models of lexical chains have been proposed, including those of Hirst and St-Onge [40], Galley and McKeown [34], Harabagiu et al. [39], Mihalcea et al. [57], and Navigli and Velardi [63]. 3.2 Machine leaning methods for word sense disambiguation There are three classes of machine learning methods: supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised methods. All of them have been largely applied to WSD. The most popular supervised WSD methods include decision lists [82], decision trees [60], naive Bayes classifiers [66], artificial neural networks [60,79], support vector machines [29,48,85], and ensemble methods [28]. Farag and Nürnberger [6] used a naive Bayes classifier to find the correct sense for Arabic-English query translation terms by using bilingual corpus and statistical co-occurrence. Unsupervised WSD methods usually select the sense from the text by clustering word occurrences. Through measuring the similar neighboring words, new occurrences can be classified into clusters/senses. Since unsupervised methods do not use any structured resource, their assessment is usually difficult. The main approaches to unsu-pervised WSD are context clustering [67,75], word clustering [14,65], and co-ocurrence graphs [80]. Diab [25] introduced an unsupervised method called SALAAM (stands for Sense Annotations Leveraging Alignments And Multi-linguality) to annotate Arabic words with their senses from an English WordNet using parallel Arabic-English corpus based on translational correspondences between Arabic and English words. Lefever et al. [49] used a multilingual WSD system, called ParaSense, where the word senses are derived automatically from word alignments on a parallel corpus. To address the lack of the training data problem, semi-supervised WSD methods use both annotated and unanno-tated data to build a classifier. The main semi-supervised WSD methods are based on a bootstrapping process which starts with a small amount of annotated data (called seed data) for each word, a large corpus of unannotated data, and one or more classifiers. The seed data are used to train the classifier using a supervised method. This classifier then uses the unannotated data to increase the amount of annotated data and decrease the amount of unannotated data. This process is repeated until achieving an amount threshold of unannotated data. Co-training and self-training are two bootstrapping approaches used in WSD. Co-training uses two classifiers for local and global information (e.g. [56]). Self-training uses only one classifier that merges the two types of information. An example of self-training ap- proach is illustrated by Yarowsky algorithm [83]. 3.3 Evolutionary algorithms for word sense disambiguation Gelbukh et al. [35] used a GA as a global optimization method (the total word relatedness is optimized globally) to tackle WSD problem. An individual is represented by a sequence of natural numbers of possible word senses retrieved from a dictionary, and the Lesk measure [50] is used to evaluate its fitness. The experimental results obtained on Spanish words show that this method gives better results than existing methods which optimize each word independently. Decadt et al. [22] used a GA to improve the performance of GAMBL, a WSD system. WSD is formulated as classification task distributed over word experts. A memory-based learning method is used to assign the appropriate sense to an ambiguous word, given its context. The feature selection and algorithm parameter optimization are performed jointly using a GA. The experimental results obtained on Senseval-3 English all-words task, show the constructive contribution of the GA on system performance with a mean accuracy of 65.2%. Zhang et al. [84] proposed a genetic word sense disambiguation (GWSD) algorithm to maximize the semantic similarity of a set of words. An individual is represented by a sequence of natural numbers of possible word senses retrieved from WordNet. The length of the chromosome is the number of words that need to be disambiguated. The fitness function used is based on the Wu-Palmer similarity measure [81] in which the domain information and the frequency of a given word sense are included. The evaluation of the algorithm gives a mean recall of 71.96%. 4 Arabic language 4.1 Arabic language characteristics Arabic language belongs to the Afro-Asian language group. Its writing is right to left, cursive, and does not include capitalization. Arabic letters change shape according to their position in the word, and can be elongated by using a special dash between two letters. The language is highly inflectional. An Arabic word may be composed of a stem plus affixes (to refer to tense, gender, and/or number) and clitics (that include some prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, and pronouns). Words are obtained by adding affixes to stems which are in turn obtained by adding affixes to roots. Diacritization or vocalization in Arabic, consists in adding a symbol (a diacritic) above or below letters to indicate the proper pronunciation and meaning of a word. The absence of the diacritization in most of Arabic electronic and printed media poses a real challenge for Arabic language understanding. Arabic is a pro-drop language: it allows subject pronouns to drop, like in Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese [30]. Dealing with ambiguity in Arabic is considered as the most challenging task in Arabic NLP. There are two main levels of Arabic ambiguity [10,30]: (1) Homographs are words that have the same spelling, but different meanings. The main cause of homographs is due to the fact that the majority of digital documents do not include diacritics; (2) Polysemy is the association of one word with more than one meaning. Ambiguity in Arabic can be also present in other levels, such as: internal word structure ambiguity, syntactic ambiguity, semantic ambiguity, constituent boundary ambiguity, and anaphoric ambiguity [30]. MSA is the subject of this research. It is the language of modern writing and formal speaking. It is the language universally understood by Arabic speakers around the world. In contrast, Classical Arabic (CA) is the language of religious teaching, poetry, and scholarly literature. MSA is a direct descendent of CA [12]. 4.2 Arabic text preprocessing Text preprocessing consists in converting a raw text file into a well-defined sequence of linguistically-meaningful units, such as characters, words, and sentences [64]. It includes the following tasks: - Tokenization or sentence segmentation is the process of splitting the text into words. - Stop-word removal is the process of filtering a text from the stop-words, such as prepositions and punctuation marks, assuming that they do not deeply alter the meaning of the text. - Stemming is the process of removing prefixes and suffixes to extract stems. - Rooting is the process of reducing words to their roots. There are some well-known algorithms for morphological analysis, such as Khoja's stemmer [44], Buckwalter's morphological analyzer [16], the Tri-literal root extraction algorithm [4], MADA (Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Arabic) [38,73], and AMIRA [23]. 5 Proposed approach Amongst the various methods presented in Section 3, the mostly used methods for WSD are supervised WSD and knowledge-based methods. Supervised WSD methods achieve better performance than knowledge-based methods given large training corpora, but they are generally limited to small contexts. Knowledge-based methods can exploit all available knowledge resources, such as dictionaries and thesauri, but they require exponential computational time as the number of words increases. Our approach consists in approximating solutions to WSD problem by using GAs to improve the performance of a gloss-based method. We adopt a similar individual (or chromosome) representation to the one presented in [8,35], but different evaluation functions of the individual fitness and different selection methods. To the best of our knowledge, there is no published research proposing an evolutionary computing-based approach to solve the WSD problem in Arabic language. Algorithm 3 outlines the main steps of the genetic algorithm for Arabic WSD (GAWSD). A text T is transformed into a bag of words {wi,w2, ■■■ ,wk} in a preprocessing phase, including stop-word removal, tokenization, and rooting. The accuracy of Arabic WSD algorithms can be increased by reducing the words to their root form. A morphological analysis is then needed to extract the root form of the word. The comparative evaluation of Arabic language morphological analyzers and stemmers [74], namely Khoja's stemmer, the tri-literal root extraction algorithm, and the Buckwalter morphological analyzer, shows that Khoja's stemmer achieves the highest accuracy. In our algorithm, Khoja's stemmer is used to reduce words to their roots. The senses Senses awn (wj) of each word wj are retrieved from Arabic WordNet (AWN) [13] as word definitions which are reduced in turn to bags of words. An GA is used to find the most appropriate mapping from words w, to senses SensesAWN(wj) in the context T. The best individual Sbest returned by the GA, is decoded into the phenotype space to obtain the appropriate sense of words WordsSensebeSt. Algorithm 3: GAWSD input : T, k, Populationsize, Pcrossover, Pmutation output: WordsSensebest {wi, w2, ■ ■ ■ ,wk} ^ Preprocessing(T); for i = l,k do Definitions(wj) ^ AWN(wj); SensesAWN(w,) ^ Preprocessing(Def initions(wj)); Sbest ^ GA(Populationsjze, k, SensesAWN (wj)j=i, k, Pcrossover, Pmutation); WordsSensebest ^ Decode(Sbest); Return(WordsSensebest) - Values for the several algorithm parameters (population size, crossover and mutation rates, termination condition, tournament size, etc.). More specifically, we propose the following formulation to solve the WSD problem. Alternative solutions for key elements of the algorithm, such as generation of initial population, fitness function, etc., will be considered to find out the appropriate resolution. - An individual Indp represents a possible sequence of sense indexes assigned to the words in the context T. It is represented by a fixed-length integer string Indp = {SIl(wi),SIm(w2), ■■■ ,SIr (wk ^, to where each gene SIj (w,) is an index one of possible senses of the word SI0(wi),SIl(wi) ■■■ SIl(wi) ■■■. wj The initial population is generated according to one of the following schemes: - Random generation: The value of each gene of an individual is selected randomly from 1 to SenseNum using the uniform distribution, where SenseN um is the number of possible senses for the corresponding word. - Constructive generation: All the senses of a given word are distributed in a round-robin way to the corresponding gene of individuals in the population. The fitness function is measured by the word sense relatedness. Two different measures are considered: the Lesk measure [50] and one of its variants, called the extended Lesk measure. The Lesk measure calculates the sense which leads to the highest overlap between the sense definitions of two or more words. Formally, given two words wl and w2, and their respective senses SensesAWN(wl) and SensesAWN(w2), for each two senses Sl g Sensesawn(wl) and S2 g SensesAWN(w2), the Lesk measure is defined by Equation 1, scoreLesk(Si,S2) = \gloss(Si) n gloss(S2)\ (1) To formulate the WSD problem in terms of GA, we need to define the following elements: - A representation of an individual of the population. - A method to generate an initial population. - An evaluation function to determine the fitness of an individual. - A description of the genetic operators (crossover and mutation). - Methods to select parents for the mating pool and individuals to survive to the next generation. where gloss(Si) represents the bag of words corresponding to the definitions of the sense Sj. The extended Lesk measure calculates the overlap between the sense definitions of a target word and the words in its context. Formally, given a word w and its context(w), for each sense Sj, of w, the extended Lesk measure is defined as by Equation 2, scoreextendedLesk(Sj) = \context(w) n gloss(Si)\ (2) where gloss(Si) represents the bag of words corresponding to the definitions of the sense Sj. A single-point crossover operator combines two individuals (parents) to generate two new ones (children or offspring). The crossover point is chosen randomly. A single-point mutation operator creates a new individual by randomly changing the value of a selected gene in an individual. The new value of the gene is selected randomly from 1 to SenseNum, where SenseNum is the maximum number of possible senses for the corresponding word. Two parent selection methods are considered: the roulette wheel (or fitness proportionate) and the tournament selection methods. The Sigma scaling function can be used with the roulette wheel selection method to make the GA less susceptible to premature convergence. It is described as follows: ExpVal{i,t) = -I I Fitness (i)-Fitness (t) 1 +-2:—)- if a{t) = 0 1.0 otherwise RWS{i,t) = ExpVal{i,t) n -al{j,t) (3) (4) where ExpVal{i,t) is the expected value of individual i at iteration t, RWS{i, t) is the probability of individual i to be selected by the roulette wheel at iteration t, Fitness{t) is the mean fitness of the population at iteration t, a{t) is the standard deviation of the population fitnesses at iteration t, and n is the population size. - The elitist survivor selection method is considered as a combination between a generational and steady state schemes. The best sequence is then retained unaltered at each generation, which is found generally to significantly improve the performance of GAs. - Two termination conditions are considered: number of generations and number of fitness evaluations. 6 Experiments In this section, we present results of experiments with GAWSD on an Arabic data corpus used in [38,78]. It contains 1132 text documents collected from Arabic newspapers 1 from August 1998 to September 2004. This corpus was used for Arabic classification tasks. It contains 6 different categories of documents (arts: 233 documents, economics: 233 documents, politics: 280 documents, sports: 1ElAhram: http://www.ahram.org.eg/, ElAkhbar: http://www.akhbarelyom.org.eg/, and ElGomhoria: http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/ 231 documents, woman: 121 documents, and information technology: 102 documents). In our experiments, we selected 60 documents (10 documents from each class) from which we collected 5218 words. With support of linguists, the corpus was manually sense-tagged using AWN. The corpus contains about 48528 sense-tagged instances, which gives an average number of senses per word of 9.3. Two groups of annotators were asked to select the sense for the target word they find the most appropriate in each sentence. The selection of a sense for a target word was made from a list of senses given by AWN. The agreement rate for a target word was estimated as the number of sentences which are assigned identical sense to the target word by the two groups of annotators over the total number of sentences containing the target word. The average inter-annotator agreement gave a score of 91%. We considered words within a text window to limit the context size (e.g. a window size of 2 means that the context of every word contains at most 5 words, including the target word). These data were used to evaluate the performance of GAWSD under different settings and to compare it with a naive Bayes classifier. All the results were averaged over 100 runs, and the sense proposed by the algorithm was compared to the manually selected sense. 6.1 Performance evaluation criteria The performance evaluation criteria were based on the number of True positives (TP), True negatives (TN), False positives (FP), and False negatives (FN). The fitness evaluation criteria were as follows. The best fitness value maxFitness and its occurrence number nb{maxFitness) were recorded in each run. The mean fitness Fitness and its standard deviation a{Fitness) were calculated over 100 runs. The performance evaluation criteria were as follows. 1. The precision P is the percentage of correct dis-ambiguated senses for the ambiguous word: P = TP/{TP + F P), TP + F P = 0. 2. The recall R is the number of correct disambiguated senses over the total number of senses to be given: R = TP/(TP + FN), TP + FN = 0. 3. The fall-out F is the number of incorrect disam-biguated senses over the total number of incorrect senses: F = FP/{FP + TN), F P + TN = 0. The results are shown as convergence graphs of the algorithms in respective experiments (parameter setting, impact of parent selection methods, impact of fitness evaluation function, performance evaluation, and comparison of the algorithms). Detailed results of performance comparison are also reported in Tables in terms of mean precision P, mean recall R, and mean fall-out F, along with their respective standard deviations a{P), a(R), and a{F) over the corpus. The next Section presents the results of experiments conducted on GAWSD for parameters' tuning. 6.2 Selection of the parameters The choice of the parameters is critical for the performance of GAs. The first set of experiments involves the numerical investigation of the GA parameters and their impact on the performance of GAWSD, namely, Population size Populationsize, Crossover rate Pcrossover, Mutation rate Pmutation, and Termination condition Tcondition. In all experiments on parameters tuning, we used the same following settings: a window size of 2, a random initialization of the population, the roulette wheel as a parent selection method, the Lesk measure as a fitness evaluation function, and Tcondition = 50 generations (except when varying the termination condition). 6.2.1 Variation of population size We studied the effect of population size on the performance of GAWSD. We chose Pcrossover = 0.9, Pmutation = 0.1, and made the population size varying from 6 to 100. As shown in Figure 1 (a), the number of best fitness is increasing with the size of the population, but its value is relatively constant. Populationsize = 50 is a good compromise between the number of best fitness and mean fitness. 6.2.2 Variation of crossover and mutation rates The performance of GAs is always sensitive to the genetic operators' rate. In order to study the effect of varying Pcrossover and Pmutation on the performance of GAWSD. We carried out experiments on the test suite while setting Populationsize = 50. The results are presented in Figure 1 (b,c). The average best results were obtained with Pcrossover = 0.70 and Pmutation = 0.15. 6.2.3 Variation of termination condition We studied the performance of GAWSD according to the number of fitness evaluations which we made varying from 1000 to 10,000. The other parameters Populationsize, Pcrossover, Pmutation were fixed to 50, 0,70, and 0.15, respectively. Figure 1 (d) shows the results obtained. As expected, the number of best fitness is increasing with the number of fitness evaluations. However, the best fitness value is, in average, more or less indifferent to the number of fitness evaluations starting from 4000. 6.3 Effect of the initial population generation and sigma scaling function The results of this section are intended to show the combined effect of the method used to generate the initial population (denoted Rnd: randon generation; Cve: constructive generation) and the sigma scaling function (denoted Sig) as a smoothing function for the roulette wheel selection method. The best fitness is given by all the four variants: random or constructive generation of the initial population, with or Figure 2: Effect of the initial population generation and sigma scaling function. The abbreviations Rnd, RndSig, Cve, and CveSig stand for random generation, random generation + sigma scaling, constructive generation, and constructive generation + sigma scaling, respectively. The best, mean, and number of best fitness values are depicted over 100 runs. without control of the selection pressure of parents (sigma scaling). The highest number of best fitness and best mean fitness are given when the initial population is generated randomly without using the sigma scaling function (Rnd). The second best mean fitness is also obtained with the random generation of the population, when the sigma scaling function is applied (RndSig). A conclusion can be drawn about the parameter settings. The overall results presented in Figures 1 and 2, substantiate our choice of the following parameters and initialization method for the next experiments: Pcrossover — 0.70, Pmutation — 0.15, Populationsize — 50, and Tcondition > 4000 fitness evaluations. The random generation of the initial population without sigma scaling function is chosen, since it gave substantial improvement with respect to the other schemes. 6.4 Effect of parent selection method We first investigated the sensitivity of the tournament selection method to variations of tournament size by experimenting with different tournament sizes (k — 10% ... 40% of the population size Populationsize). Results, presented in Figure 3 (a), show how the best fitness and its mean change with the tournament size. However, the number of best fitness is, in average, constant. The overall best results were obtained with k — 20. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 1: Selection of the parameters for the algorithm GAWSD. The best, mean, and number of best fitness values are depicted over 100 runs. (a) Variation of the population size Population size. (b) Variation of the crossover rate Pc (c) Variation of the mutation rate Pmutation. (d) Variation of the termination condition Tcondition. (a) Variation of the tournament size k. (b) Parent selection methods. Figure 3: Comparison of the roulette wheel selection (RWS) and tournament selection (TS). The best, mean, and number of best fitness values are depicted over 100 runs. We then compared the two parent selection methods: roulette wheel selection (RWS) and tournament selection (TS). The tournament size k was fixed at 20. Figure 3 (b) shows that for the same number of fitness evaluations, the best fitness and its mean obtained with TSk=20, were always better than those achieved with RWS. 6.5 Sensitivity to fitness evaluation function The results of the experiments presented in this section are intended to show the influence of the fitness evaluation function on the performance of GAWSD. We compared four variants of GAWSD based on the parent selection method (RWS or TSk=20) and relatedness measure (Lesk or extendedLesk): RWS&Lesk, RWS&extendedLesk, TSk=20&Lesk, and TSk=20&extendedLesk. The graphs of Figure 4 show the results obtained in terms of mean precision P. The overall best results were obtained with the Lesk measure and the tournament selection method. 6.6 Performance evaluation To investigate the sensitivity of GAWSD to variations of target word context, we experimented with different text window sizes (Wsize = 1... 5). The Lesk measure and tournament selection were adopted in GAWSD (GAWSDts). The superiority of the tournament selection method on the roulette wheel selection is shown in Section 6.4. Two baseline algorithms, Random and FirstSense, were implemented to compare the performance of GAWSDTS. Random algorithm selects randomly a sense for each word among its senses given by AWN. FirstSense algorithm selects the first sense that appears in the list of senses for each word. Results, presented in Figure 5, show how the performance of GAWSDTS changes with the text window size for a given maximum number of fitness evaluations (set to 4000) and how it compares to the baseline algorithms. Convergence graphs of Figure 5 show that GAWSDTS performs better than the baseline algorithms in terms of mean recall and mean precision. The performance improvement of the algorithm is more substantial with the increase in text window size. This behavior was expected, since adding new words to the context of a target word, results in reducing the set of potential word senses, and hence the size of the search space. 6.7 Comparison with other methods Existing methods related to Arabic WSD, as presented in Section 3, include SALAAM [25], naive Bayes classifiers [6], and coordination-based semantic similarity [27]. However, their results cannot be compared directly to our algorithms' results, since those methods are related to different WSD tasks and their results were generated on dif- Table 1: Performance comparison of the algorithms GAWSDts, naive Bayes (NB), Random, and FirstSense. Algorithm P a{P) R a (R) F a (F)~ GAWSDtS 0.79 0.08 0.63 0.29 0.20 0.12 NB 0.66 0.21 0.68 0.24 0.32 0.31 Random 0.38 0.35 0.31 0.42 0.59 0.40 FirstSense 0.54 0.22 0.48 0.30 0.42 0.37 Figure 4: Mean precision of the algorithm GAWSD as a function of the number of fitness evaluations based on the parent selection method (RWS or TSk=20) and related-ness measure (Lesk or extendedLesk). Figure 5: Mean precision and mean recall of the algorithms GAWSDts , Random, and FirstSense as functions of the window size. ferent corpora. For that reason, we implemented a naive Bayes classifier to compare its results against those given by GAWSDts . Table 1 presents the average results obtained by GAWSDts, naive Bayes (NB), Random, and FirstSense algorithms on our corpus. The results show that the best mean precision is given by GAWSDTS (P = 0.79). Moreover, the standard deviation of the precision (a(P) = 0.08) demonstrates its relative robustness. Although, the best mean recall is obtained by the naive Bayes classifier (R = 0.68, a(R) = 0.24), the mean recall of GAWSDts is not significantly different (R = 0.63, a(R) = 0.29). This means that GAWSDts is not only able to find more relevant word senses than the naive Bayes classifier, but can return most relevant ones as well. 7 Discussion We evaluated the performance of different variants of GAWSD on a set of 5218 words extracted from an Arabic corpus. The obtained results show that GAWSDTS is the best performing algorithm. The results of GAWSDTS consistently exhibited supe- rior performance compared with a naive Bayes classifier and baseline algorithms. Much better precision and recall were obtained by other methods for more specific WSD tasks in Arabic, such as finding correct sense of query translation terms [6], and disambiguating polysemous and homograph Arabic nouns [27]. The results obtained with GAWSDTS in Arabic corroborate those obtained in previous studies on GAs for WSD in Spanish [35] and English [22,84], even though they are not comparable. They confirm that GAs represent a promising approach to WSD and particularly suitable for WSD in Arabic. Indeed, GWSD [84] evaluated on SemCor (English corpora) [58] achieved a mean recall of 71.96%, and GAMBL [22] evaluated on Senseval-3 English all-words task achieved a mean accuracy of 65.2%. The GA component of the algorithm GAWSD is language-independent. Therefore, GAWSD can be easily adapted to solve WSD in other languages by using specific preprocessing and dictionary, given that a text in the target language can be transformed into a bag of words. 8 Conclusion and future work This study shows that only few research work has been conducted on WSD problem in Arabic. Indeed, many successful methods have not been investigated yet for Arabic language, comparatively to other natural languages. We have proposed an evolutionary approach to the WSD problem and applied it to an Arabic corpus. Several variants of the algorithm GAWSD were formulated and examined experimentally on a large set of words extracted from an Arabic corpus. They were assessed on the task of identifying AWN word senses, attaining 79% precision and 63% recall for GAWSDts . Our experiments showed that GAWSDts outperformed a naive Bayes classifier in terms of mean precision, which means that GAWSDts found more relevant word senses than the naive Bayes classifier. However, their performances in terms of mean recall were comparable, with a small advantage to the naive Bayes classifier. Finally, this study opens other directions for future work. The tuning of the parameters remains a major issue to optimize the performance of the proposed algorithms. The results obtained can be improved by implementing a self-adaptive GAWSD that adjusts its parameters during runtime. Furthermore, examining other methods for tuning selection pressure, and thereby exploration/exploitation tradeoff of the algorithms, can have a positive impact on the performance of GAWSD. Another important avenue of research is a thorough study of memetic algorithms for WSD, since they have outperformed GAs on several hard optimization problems. Acknowledgements The author gratefully thanks the anonymous referees for their constructive comments on the manuscript. References [1] S. Abney, and M. Light (1999). Hiding a semantic class hierarchy in a markov model. 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Smart-Home Energy Management in the Context of Occupants' Activity Domen ZupanCiC Robotina d.o.o., OIC-Hrpelje 38, SI-6240 Kozina, Slovenia Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: domen.zupancic@ijs.si Božidara CvetkoviC Department of Intelligent Systems, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: boza.cvetkovic@ijs.si Keywords: HVAC, energy saving, occupants' comfort, occupants' activity monitoring Received: June 15, 2014 Energy consumption and occupants' comfort are key factors when evaluating smart-home environments. This paper focuses on occupants' comfort, which is affected by environmental factors (such as temperature, humidity, radiation of elements, and air movement), and occupant-related factors (such as occupants' level of activity, clothing insulation). To satisfy a thermal comfort objective, energy is needed for heating and cooling, which affects energy consumption. This paper presents a proof-of-concept analysis of smart-home control based on occupants' activity level in terms of human energy expenditure, and a trade-off analysis of the energy consumption versus thermal comfort when the activity level serves as an input into an intelligent home energy management system. Povzetek: V članku je predstavljen inteligentni nadzor pametnega doma, ki temelji na kompromisu med porabo elektricne energije in udobjem uporabnika. 1 Introduction Research has focused on regulation of the smart-home environment from various perspectives, including economic, ecological, and assistive. It is common to take into account the occupants' satisfaction and comfort, both depending on environment- and occupant-related factors. The regulation of occupants comfort is a complex and multivariate problem and, to simplify the problem, researchers have assigned static values to occupant-related factors [1, 2, 3]. The complexity of the problem can be expressed as follows. The occupants' comfort must be evaluated according to the knowledge about occupants' activity level and clothing rate and according to the environmental state, such as temperature and humidity. The heating process and its delay due to a room's thermal inertia must be taken into account. The problem is multivariate; the indoor temperature is affected by various heating bodies, such as heat produced by the occupant, the sun through the window, and mechanical heaters [4]. Occupant activity levels and clothing rates can also change much faster than the environmental state. Finally, the effect of the regulation affects comfort slowly and it takes time for an occupant to actually feel this change. We implemented an agent-based control system that is able to process large data-sets from various external and data sources (weather station, environmental sensors and virtual sensors) and use the extracted knowledge for heat- ing, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system control to provide occupants with a high level of comfort. We have also deployed a virtual sensing agent for monitoring the activity of occupants in order to provide additional information crucial for regulation of the occupants' thermal comfort. The activity of the occupant is estimated in terms of the human energy expenditure (EE), which is expressed in metabolic equivalent of task (MET), where 1 MET is the energy expended at rest. The paper presents a multi-agent architecture with virtual sensing agents dedicated to monitoring the real-time state of the occupant (activity level, clothing rate, presence) and shows how the different personal lifestyles influence the HVAC energy consumption and comfort experience. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the background on the topics of comfort experience, human energy expenditure and multi-agent control systems. The system architecture in terms of multi-agent system is presented in section 3. The experimental setup is described in section 4 and respective results are provided in section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper with conclusions and discussion. 2 Background 2.1 Thermal Comfort Experience Thermal comfort experience is the notion of a person's thermal sensation in a conditioned environment. The predicted mean vote (PMV) index, derived by Fanger et al. [5], expresses the thermal sensation on a seven-point scale ranging from -3 to +3, where negative values denote cold sensation and positive values denote warm sensation. The value 0 denotes neutral sensation, which is the target value for indoor air conditioning. The more distant the PMV is from 0, the more cold (if negative) or hot (if positive) the sensation. PMV is calculated with the following parameters: clothing insulation (clorate [clo]), human energy expenditure (EErate [MET]), air temperature (Tin [°C]), relative air velocity (var [m/s]), relative humidity (RH [%]), and mean radiant temperature (Tmr [°C]). The units that are important for this research are defined as follows: 1 clo=0.155 m2K/W and 1 MET =58.2 W/m2. In contrast to environmental factors, occupant-related factors are harder to perceive and include into a control system. In [6] we demonstrated the effect that indoor temperature on PMV and decided to regulate PMV maintaining the Tin. The predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD) measure is used for long term comfort evaluation. PPD predicts the percentage of people who are likely to be dissatisfied with the current thermal state of environment. It depends on PMV and transforms the value of comfort in the range of 5% - 100%. The lowest PPD value equals 5%, which is similar to when PMV equals 0 and is interpreted as follows: at least 5% of people are never satisfied with the thermal state of the environment. PPD and PMV indices formulation is internationally standardised in ISO 7730 [7]. PMV index regulation has been researched to some extent. Calvino et al. [1] developed fuzzy controller for PMV regulation. Ciglar et al. [2] and Liang et al. [3] used the model predictive controller for PMV regulation. Experiments were done in a simulated environment and they all assumed the clothing and activity of a person as a static, predefined value. 2.2 Estimation of Energy Expenditure The cost of physical activity, namely energy expenditure, is usually expressed in metabolic equivalents of task (MET), where 1 MET is defined as the energy expended at rest. MET values range from 0.9 (sleeping) to over 20 in extreme exertion. Table 1 shows activity levels and their corresponding MET values. There are a range of methods for reliably estimating energy expenditure (EE). EE can be directly measured using approaches such as direct or indirect calorimetry, or doubly labelled water [8]. These methods are expensive and cumbersome for free-living applications. Accessible commercial devices for estimating EE come in the form of one- [9] [10] or multi-sensor wrist-or armbands [11] that can be used in everyday life. They are based on the concept of high correlation between movement of inertial sensors and activity level, which are in some cases learned using machine-learning algorithms. Most of the methods based on machine learning techniques estimate energy expenditure using wearable sensors and seek linear or nonlinear relations between the energy expenditure and the ac-celerometer outputs. The most basic methods use one ac-celerometer and one linear regression model. These approaches can be improved by utilising additional regression models. The method by Crouter et al. [12] uses data from one accelerometer attached to the hip to classify the type of activity (sitting, ambulatory activity or lifestyle activity). According to the recognised type of activity, an appropriate estimation regression model is used, except for sitting, for which a static value of 1 MET is assigned. The drawback of this method is that it can underestimate sedentary activities such as sitting, since such activities are usually accompanied by additional movements (such as office work). Previous research has accelerometers attached to the fixed position on the person's body to bypass the orientation problem of the accelerometer. Our research on estimating EE by using a smartphone in a person's pocket, regardless of orientation, has been shown to product results that are similar or even better [13] than the commercial device SenseWear [11], which is currently claimed to be the most accurate device for free-living situations [14]. Intesity MET values Low EE <3 Moderate 3 > EE < 6 Vigorous EE >6 Table 1: Corresponding MET values for different activity intensity levels. 2.3 Multi-agent control system Modern buildings contain a range of systems, such as HVAC, domestic hot water system, lighting, safety, etc. Intelligent operation of such systems requires the collection and processing of large sets of heterogeneous data about sensor states, actuator actions, and occupant actions. Distributing tasks among devices, such as smart-phones, can provide several types of benefits, such as distributed task solving as well as adding or removing systems and devices during system run-time. The multi-agent system (MAS) approach makes system decentralisation possible. The comparison between the traditional and agent approach was done by Wagner et al. [15], who argued that the agent approach results in a transparent software structure and dynamic and adaptive application software. Klein et al. [16] implemented MAS for coordination of occupant behaviour for building energy and comfort management. Dounis et al. [17] conducted a review on conventional and advanced control systems and implemented MAS for comfort and energy management in buildings, and stated that Figure 1: Architecture layers: The bottom layer is the environment with sensors and actuators. The middle layer are the routing agents. The top layer is the sensing, virtual sensing and control agents. The direction of communication is represented with arrows. a controller has the characteristics of an intelligent agent. Moro§an et al. [18] compared the computational efficiency of centralised and distributed architectures and concluded that the distributed architecture is less computationally demanding than the centralizsed architecture, but achieves the same effect. Our previous research included the development of MAS control architecture, where the operation of each agent was formulated [19]. 3.1 Environment The environment in our research is implemented as a simulator of a building with integrated HVAC equipment. It collects weather data, contains an occupant and generates environmental states. These are represented as state variables and are perceived through sensors. Actions on the environment are performed through actuators. One-way arrows in Figure 1 represent the direction of precipitation and action. For simulation purposes, we assume the time is represented as a discrete value k, k e [0, N - 1], where N is the number of minutes in the simulation. In each simulation time-step, the environment accepts the vector of set-point values, represented as r(k) = [ri(k), r2(k), ...tk(k)] and outputs the vector of state variable values, represented as s(k) = [s1(k), s2(k), ...sj(k)] for J environment variables. 3.2 Sensing Agents Sensor agents are software entities that are used to serve current and historic state variables, obtained through sensors. Sensing agents also include meta-data regarding the physical sensor they represent, such as location of sensor, sensor type, accuracy, drift, unit output, conversion factor, etc. Sensor agents return value of state variable s(k), either on request or based on contract about periodical report between engaged agents using agent communication language (ACL) messaging. The process of contract assignment and cancellation is described in [19]. 3 System Architecture We implemented the smart-home control system as a multiagent control system. Several agents are developed to operate in groups and each agent can communicate with any other agent. A simplified system architecture is presented in Figure 1. The bottom layer in Figure 1 is the environment including sensors and actuators. Routing agents are above the environment and are used for communication between physical elements of the environment and software agents. The top layer consists of the sensing agents, the control agents and the virtual sensing agents. A group of sensing agents are used to perceive simple environmental states, such as temperature, humidity, acceleration, etc., which can be measured directly, without complex pre-processing. A group of virtual sensing agents is used to perceive complex environmental states that utilise the data obtained from sensing agents or other virtual sensing agents. Control agents are used to affect the environment by changing control parameters and set-point values based on control algorithms, which are denoted as control behaviours. The roles of individual entity behaviour are described in the following subsections. 3.3 Virtual Sensing Agents Virtual sensor agents are used to perceive and serve current and historic state variables, obtained through sensing agents and/or virtual sensing agents. These agents are used to estimate complex environmental states cs(k) in time k, which cannot be obtained utilising only physical sensors. Examples of environmental states are PMV, PPD, and EE, where the additional processing has to be performed. The processing is based on models that define the relation between environmental states. Detailed functionalities of virtual sensing agents utilised for experiments are presented in the following subsections. 3.3.1 Occupancy Detection Agents Occupancy detection agents detect the occupancy state of a building based on the data retrieved from sensing agents. For the purposes of this paper, the occupancy state was simulated-agent obtained data about occupancy from a predefined data-set. The approach described by Lu et al. [20] uses a combination of passive infrared motion (PIR) sensors installed in rooms and magnetic reed switches on doors to detect occupancy and sleeping. This approach is inexpensive, unobtrusive, simple to install, and can be used for occupancy detection to extract the occupancy state. 3.3.2 Activity-Monitoring Agents The activity-monitoring agents communicate with sensing agents to determine current state of the occupant in terms of human energy expenditure (EE). Acceleration data received from sensing agents is collected into 10-second windows, each of which overlaps with the previous one by one half of its length. Each overlapping window is processed into a set of features forming a feature vector that is fed into the regression model to estimate the EE. To build an EE regression model, we have performed two subtasks: (i) machine-learning algorithm selection, and (ii) feature selection, to optimise the performance of the estimation and reduce computational load of the agent. Selection of appropriate machine-learning regression algorithm was performed with 10-fold cross-validation on the data of 10 people, where one person represents a fold. Data for one person contains regular everyday activities such as rest, cleaning, cooking, and office work, and sporting activities such as walking, running, and stationary cycling. Reference EE expenditure was measured in a controlled environment using indirect calorimetry equipment Cosmed K4b2 [21]. The Table 2 presents the comparison results of regression machine-learning algorithms, Support Vector Regression (SVR), Linear Regression (LR), M5Rules, M5P and REPTree as implemented in Weka machine-learning suite [22]. The results are expressed in mean absolute error (MAE) calculated with Equation 1. We have chosen the SVR algorithm to be deployed in the activity-monitoring agent, since it performs with the lowest estimation error. The best-performing model was compared against the commercial device SenseWear, proving that the smartphone model is comparable to a dedicated device. Note that activity-monitoring agents can use any tri-axial inertial sensor for the EE estimation. 1 " MAE = -Y, \METtrue - METpredictedl . (1) Table 2: Results of regression machine-learning algorithms expressed in MAE and comparison against commercial system SenseWear. Algorithm MAE SVR 0.83 LR 0.88 MLP 1.04 M5Rules 1.05 M5P 1.04 REPTree 1.01 SenseWear 0.86 The feature selection procedure was performed using the ranking algorithm RelifF, which ranks the features and assigns each a weight. We have selected only positively weighed features for the final feature set. We began with 67 features computed from acceleration signal and ended with 43 features. The remaining features are partially adopted from Tapia [23] (25 features) and partially developed by us (18 features). Adopted features are: mean of absolute signal value, cumulative sum over absolute signal value, quar-tiles, variance, inter quartile range, correlation and mean crossing rate. Features developed by us are: signal peak count, cumulative sum over peak absolute value, cumulative sum over signal absolute value, cumulative sum over signal absolute value after band-pass filtering, cumulative square sum over signal absolute value after band-pass filtering, cumulative sum of square components, square of cumulative sum of components after band-pass filtering, velocity, kinetic energy, vector length, integration of area under vector length curve. The highest-ranked features are quartiles (four features) and peak count (one feature). 3.3.3 Clothing Detection Agent The clothing detection agent communicates with the activity-monitoring agent and sensing agents to predict the type of clothing a user is currently wearing. The output is expressed in unit clo, where one clo is the amount of insulation that allows a person at rest to maintain thermal equilibrium in an environment at 21°C. The prediction is based on simple heuristics that utilise information about the current season, current weather, time of the day, and estimated EE in the indicated order. Examples of the rules can be observed in Rules 1 and 2. Rule 1: if season is winter and weather is sunny then if time > 11 P M then if EErate > 2 MET then clorate = 1 else clorate = 2 Rule 2: if season is winter and weather is sunny then if time > 7 AM and time < 11 P M then if EErate > 3 MET then clorate = 0.5 else clorate = 1 Rule 1 predicts the clorate value according to the amount of activity in the evening, where a higher clorate value indicates higher thermal insulation due to clothes or blankets. Rule 2 predicts the clorate value according to the estimated EE during the day. If the occupant's EErate is higher than 3 MET, this indicates exercise. 3.3.4 Comfort Estimation Agent A comfort estimation agent is used to perceive the state of comfort, expressed as PMV according to ISO 7730, Annex D [7]. For such purpose, it obtains values Tin and RH from sensing agents and clorate and EErate from the clothing detection agent and the activity monitoring agent, respectively, for the current time k. The Tmr is assumed equal Tin and v„r is assumed fixed as 0.15 m/s. iteratively with several simulation runs in order to achieve the desired control effect. 3.4 Control agent The control agent includes an algorithm for defining indoor temperature set-point values Ts in order to regulate PMV when the building is occupied. If the building is not occupied, the Ts is fixed at 5° C and 40° C for the heater and the chiller, respectively, in order to prevent freezing or overheating of HVAC components. There are two versions of control agents: the heater control agent and the chiller control agent. The desired range PMVrange includes acceptable PMV values and is specified with a value of PMVref so that PMVrange € [-PMVref, +PMVref ]. The control algorithm is designed in order to increment/decrement the set-point value of Ts in a way that brings the PMV value on the borders of PMVrange. The -PMVref value is a target value for the PMV for the heater control agent and +PMVref for the chiller control agent. The increment function for set-point temperature Ts for both versions is defined as: Ts(k + 1)= Ts(k) + Tinc(k), (2) where the set-point temperature in the next time step Ts (k + 1) is computed according to the previous setpoint temperature Ts ( k + 1) , incremented by a value Tinc(k). Tinc is computed according to the Equation 3. The PMVdif f definition is presented in Equation 4. Tinc(k)= A • PMVdif f (k)3+ + B • PMVdiff (k) D • Tdiff (k)2 + 1 + C • PMVdiff (k) + (3) PMVdiff = I -PMVref - PMV, if heater [ +PMVref - PMV, if chiller (4) The PMVdiff expresses the distance between the PMV and the value PMVref in case of chiller and the PMVdif f expresses the distance between the PMV and the value -PMVref in the case of the heater, where the Tdiff definition is presented in Equation 5. Tdiff (k) = Ts(k) - Tin(k) (5) Equation 3 represents the regulation algorithm, which is proportional to the difference between the current PMV and PMVref and tends to achieve the equality of mentioned values, which is the purpose of our algorithm. Furthermore, Equation 3 is inverse-proportional to the difference between the current Tin and current Ts with the purpose of reducing the fluctuation of the Ts value in order to reduce instability of regulation system. The constant values A = 0.01, B = 3, C = 0.1 and D = 1 were obtained 4 Experimental Setup Experiment consists of two individual procedures: the EE model creation and evaluation in isolations already presented in Section 3.3.2, and evaluation of the model on two-day data of the occupants. Data used in the first experiments was collected in a laboratory environment, where the persons performed predefined scenarios (rest, cooking, cleaning, walking, running, cycling). They carried a smartphone in their trouser pockets, from which we collected the raw acceleration data. For reference energy expenditure measurements, the Cosmed K4b2 indirect calorimeter was used. Both acceleration data and Cosmed data were synchronised to produce a training and testing data-set. Since we could not collect the free-living reference dataset, due to the cumbersome nature of Cosmed, we have created synthetic two-day data with a one-minute sampling rate from the synchronised recordings (smartphone and Cosmed) for five people used in this experiment. This data-set was further enriched with weather data (including outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation). The weather data was collected from the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) portal [24] and represents two sunny days in February 2014, city Ratece. The data represents one working day and one non-working day (e.g., a weekend) for each person. The characteristics of their lifestyles can be observed in Table 3. The goal was to produce data for people with different lifestyles. They are summarised as follows. Persons B, C and D have regular eight-hour jobs, where Person A works at night and Person E works from home. Person A does regular exercise such as walking and vigorous running on a treadmill. Person B does regular exercise on weekends. Person C is engaged in very intensive home chores over both days. Person D is an athlete and frequently exercises vigorously. Person E does not exercise and leaves home only for half an hour. Table 3 shows the percentage of time the occupant was at home, the absolute minutes of performed activities with low, moderate, and vigorous intensity. The new data-set were included into a simulation environment. Experimental setup included the control system, developed using JADE [25]; the simulation model, developed using EnergyPlus software [26]; and the simulation environment, developed using BCVTB [27] software. Machine-learning models for energy expenditure were implemented using Weka [22]. We have instantiated sensor agents for acceleration, indoor temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and outdoor temperature. We then instantiated the activity-monitoring agent, comfort estimation agent, clothing detection agent, and occupancy detection agent. Fi- Intensity (hours) Low Moderate Vigourous Person At home (%) < 3 3 >< 6 > 6 A 54 20.8 2.1 2.8 B 71 32.2 1.2 0.7 C 56 22.9 4.1 0 D 67 27.7 2.9 1.9 E 99 45.5 1.9 0 Table 3: The characteristics of the occupants for the produced days. The percentage of time present at home and amount of activities in hours according to the intensity (MET). nally, two instances of control agents - one heater and one chiller agent - were created. A simulation model of a building containing one room was taken into account for the experiment; this model was obtained from the EnergyPlus software project examples and represents a thermal dynamic model of the room. The room has an integrated packaged terminal heat pump with chiller, heater and supplementary heater rated at 8500W, 8000 W and 3000 W respectively as a HVAC system, together with the temperature regulation module. The heating power produced by a person PpHeat is computed according to Equation 6. PpHeat = EErate • 58.2W/m2 • Abody • phr (6) Abody is the area of a human body, phr is the person heat rate. We took the phr = 0.8, which indicates that 80% of energy, consumed by a person is transformed to heat and Abody = 1.8m2, as computed for an average person of weight 70 Kg and height 1.73 m [5] using the Dubios equation [28]. Table 4 presents some values of heating power, produced by a person at various EErate. Table 4: Heating power produced by a human body at various EErate values EErate [MET] PpHeat [W] 1 83.81 2 167.62 3 251.42 4 335.23 5 419.04 6 502.85 7 586.66 8 670.46 A simulation time-step was set to one minute. Each simulation time-step a simulation environment - BCVTB - (i) accepts temperature set-point variables from control agents, (ii) computes new environmental states based on EnergyPlus model and (iii) passes them to sensing agents. One routing agent was instantiated for variable mapping between the simulation environment - BCVTB and JADE agents. 5 Results 5.1 Energy Expenditure Estimation The activity-monitoring agent processed the collected acceleration data for respective occupant returning the estimation of current energy expenditure. Results in terms of MAE for each occupant are presented in Figure 2. We can observe that the agent performs with low error in case of low- and moderate-intensity activities (rest, home chores, walking) and slightly underestimates more vigorous activities (cycling and running). This shortcoming can be solved by employing activity recognition as a part of activity-monitoring agents and utilising multiple regression models according to the specific activity. 5.2 Maintaining Comfort and Energy Consumption We performed 41 simulations on the synthetic data-set explained in section 4. A simulation starts with PMVref = 0.10 and each further simulation has PMVref incremented for 0.01 until the value PMVref =0.40 (41st simulation run). Note that 80% of energy consumed by a person was transformed to heat as defined in simulation model. Simulation of part of a day (200 minutes) is presented on Figure 3. It shows the controller's performance when the intensity of the activity changes significantly. Between the 2200th and 2220th minutes, the occupants' intensity of activity decreases from 2.2 MET to 1.3 MET. PMV decreases immediately and the controller starts increasing the Tin as seen around the 2220th minute. It increases the Tin until the PMV reaches value 0 in the 2230th minute, where a small overshot can be seen (0.5° C difference between the values of Tin in 2230th and 2250th). Afterwards, the controller handles small changes of PMV due to small changes in the intensity of activity. Between the 2260th and 2320th minutes, the intensity of activity changes rapidly for approximately 1 MET. We can observe that the controller could not handle such changes on time, so in that period the PMV fluctuates between +1 and -1. In the next period (until the 2340th minute), the controller increases the temperature and PMV is stabilised. Finally, in the period between the 2340th and 2380th minutes, we can observe more efficient handling of PMV since the PMV is not fluc- 3 4 5 6 7 True MET (Measured by Cosmed K4b2) Figure 2: True MET vs. Estimated MET for each occupant. The utilised regression model performs with low MAE on low and moderate activities and slightly underestimates the vigorous activities. tuating greatly. It changes between +0.2 and +0.7, which denotes a slightly warm sensation. Each simulation run returns the energy consumed for HVAC and the average value of PPD during occupancy. The average value PPD is computed using Equation 7. The individual time-step is denoted with k, the number of time-steps with N, and occ(k) represents the occupancy state (0 or 1) as returned by the occupancy detection agent. N PPD PPD(k) Vk, occ(k) = 1 (7) k=i The obtained comfort/consumption plane is presented in Figure 4. Simulation results for one occupant are presented with the same marker. The right-most marker of each series is a simulation result when PMVref is 0.1. Higher values of PMVref shift result markers to the left, giving the left-most marker when PMVref is 0.4. Lower values of PPD and energy denotes better comfort experience and lower energy consumption. We can observe that Person C obtains the lowest values for both objectives, thus producing the best result. This is related to the person's low home presence rate (56%), as shown in Table 3. A low "At Home" rate implies lower energy consumption and 0 hours of vigorous actives implies that the control system did not need to handle severe PMV changes. The worst results are obtained for persons A and D, who have a lower "At Home" rate, but a higher EErate. A higher EErate results in higher PPD, in this case above 20%, which indicates a low overall comfort rate. Persons B and E return average results. Their "At Home" rate is higher, which indicates high energy consumption for low PMVref values compared to other persons. High-intensity activities of Person B, compared to Person E, result in a worse overall comfort experience. Figure 5 compares different parameter configuration for Person E, again simulated for 41 PMVref values. The es- timated EE_rate and the clo_rate is a result of the estimated EErate and estimated clorate. The fixed EE_rate and the clo_rate denote 1.2 MET and 1 clo fixed during the entire simulation run, as seen in related work [2]. The fixed clo_rate is a result of the estimated EErate and the fixed clorate. The fixed EE_rate is a result of the fixed EErate and estimated clorate. We can observe that using fixed values for EErate and clorate makes the regulation underestimate the PPD and consumes much more energy compared to the estimated values of EErate and clorate. The fixed clorate implies higher energy consumption, but a similar range of PPD. In such a case, the energy consumed for heating when the occupant is asleep is higher due to lower clothing insulation (1 clo) compared to the estimated value clorate, which is 2 clo when sleeping. A similar effect occurs when a person exercises. If the clorate is fixed, the energy consumed for cooling when the occupant exercises is higher due to higher clothing insulation (1 clo) compared to estimated value clorate, which is 0.5 clo when the occupant exercises. The fixed EErate also makes the regulation underestimate the PPD and consume more energy than the estimated values of EErate and clorate. Energy consumption is lower than the fixed values of both EErate and clorate. In that case, clothing insulation reduces the energy consumption for heating (when occupant sleeps) and for cooling (when occupant exercises). 6 Conclusion and discussion This paper presents the multi-agent system for HVAC, which regulates the occupant's comfort according to activity level, clothing rate, and occupant's presence. We argue that our dynamic treatment of occupants' comfort enables better comfort and lower energy consumption than activity- 0 8 9 2200 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300 2320 2340 2360 2380 2400 Time [minutes] 30 r 25 20 125200 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300 2320 2340 2360 2380 2400 Time [minutes] 2.5 T] LU 2 a LU 1.5 LU n 1 1 |J 1 -TT- 2200 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300 2320 2340 2360 2380 2400 Time [minutes] Figure 3: A section of a day, when a person performs low-intensity activities. Top figure: PMV value, Middle figure: indoor temperature, Bottom figure: EErate 28 1 26 24 - 22 20 ■ Čš 18 -g: 16 -14 12 -10 8 ž? 0.4 Person A ■ Person B A Person C X Person D X Person E 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 Energy (GJ) 0.65 0.7 0.75 Figure 4: Comfort/consumption plane: the X axis represents the energy in GJ, consumed by HVAC; the Y axis represents the comfort experience - PPD, expressed in %. Each marker presents a result of a simulation run for different PMVref and for different person 17 1 15 ■ 13 ■ 11 1 g: 9 ■ 7 0.5 JK Estimated EE_rate and clo_rate ■Fixed EE_rate and clo_rate Apixed clo_rate XFixed EE rate 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Energy (GJ) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Figure 5: Comfort/consumption plane: The X axis represents the energy in GJ, consumed by HVAC; the Y axis represent the comfort experience - PPD, expressed in %. Each marker presents a result of a simulation run for different PMVref and for a different assumption of the occupant's parameters configuration and clothing-independent treatment of comfort presented in related work. The multi-agent system consists of three virtual sensing agents. The first is the activity-monitoring agent, which, in contrast to other related research where activity level is assigned a static value, dynamically estimates the human energy expenditure of the occupant, utilising sensor agents such as smartphone accelerometer data. Second, the clothing detection agent utilises the environmental sensors (weather) and activity-motoring agent to predict the value of clothing isolation, which is adopted in related work as a static value. Third, the comfort estimation agent utilises data from the activity-monitoring agent, the environmental sensing agents (weather, indoor temperature, humidity), and clothing detection agent to estimate the occupant's comfort. The control agent utilises the information from the sensing agents and virtual sensing agents to regulate comfort (to reach the comfort equilibrium) by maintaining the indoor temperature. We have shown that our multi-agent system can efficiently regulate the comfort for people with certain lifestyles. We have analysed the trade-off between comfort and energy consumption, which is highly affected by heating objects or energy released by an occupant. Future work will consist of adapting human energy expenditure estimation model to the specific person [29] and predicting the human energy expenditure, since the estimation contributes to delay in temperature regulation. We will implement the presence classification agent that will predict the occupant's time of arrival. Moreover, it is crucial to improve the control algorithm in order to achieve the quicker response needed to eliminate the delay in regulation. Acknowledgement Operation part financed by the European Union, European Social Fund. Operation implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for the Period 2007- 2013, Priority axis 1: Promoting entrepreneurship and adaptability, Main type of activity 1.1.: Experts and researchers for competitive enterprises. References [1] F. Calvino, M. La Gennusa, M. Morale, G. Rizzo, and G. Scaccianoce. Comparing different control strategies for indoor thermal comfort aimed at the evaluation of the energy cost of quality of building. Applied Thermal Engineering, 30(16):2386-2395, 2010. Selected Papers from the 12th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. [2] J. Cigler, S. Pn'vara, Z. Väna, E. Žžcekovž, and L. Ferkl. Optimization of predicted mean vote index within model predictive control framework: Computationally tractable solution. Energy and Buildings, 52(0):39-49,2012. [3] J. 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The Unexpected Hanging Paradox from an AI Viewpoint Matjaž Gams Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Matjaz.Gams@ijs.si, dis.ijs.si/mezi Position paper Keywords: logical paradox, artificial intelligence, progress of human civilization Received: June 6, 2014 This position paper hypothesizes that humans are becoming smarter, not only when using ICT and AI tools, but on their own, particularly due to the progress of AI knowledge. As is common when demonstrating that one computing mechanism is stronger than another, we chose a well-known task -the unexpected hanging paradox -that humans were previously unable to resolve efficiently, but can now do so thanks t^o new knowledge. We show that the cause of prior problems was wit^h ambiguous definition, as it i^as in the case of the liar paradox. Povzetek: Predstavljena je hipoteza, da ljudje postajamo čedalje pametnejši zaradi spoznanj umetne inteligence, po^az^ana na paradoksu nepričakovanega obešanja. 1 Introduction According to the Flynn effect [1], scores on the standard broad-spectrum IQ tests improve by up to three IQ points each decade, and the gains are even higher in some specialized areas. One theory claims that the increase of human intelligence is related to the use of information tools [2], which often progress exponentially over time.[3] This paper presents a tentative hypothesis that artificial intelligence (AI) influences human intelligence in a positive way; specifically, it increases the ability to solve mental problems. We illustrate the hypothesis in Figure 1. The y axis is logarithmic in the scale. Therefore, the linear growth of computer skills on the graph corresponds to the exponential nature of Moore's law.[4] Basic human physical and mental properties, such as speed of movement, coordination or speed of human computing, have remained nearly constant in recent decades, as represented by the horizontal line in Figure 1. Our first thesis is that, analogous to mechanical machines that enable humans to move faster than on their own, the ability of humans to solve problems increases due to information tools such as computers, mobile devices with advanced software, and AI in particular (the bold top line in the Figure 1). (The overall human ability to solve problems is growing, due to a number of reasons, primarily the growth of ICT capabilities, or advances in computers, mobile devices, and the Web.) Programs such as the Google browser may provide the greatest knowledge source available to humans, thereby representing an extension of our brains. We go a step further in this paper. Whereas mechanical machines do not increase our physical capabilities, human intelligence generally increases on its own. For example, not only does a person play better chess when using advice from online chess programs, they also perform better when playing against other human opponents. This is due to previous interactions with chess-playing programs. In the AI community [5], it is generally accepted that AI progress is increasing and might even enable human civilization to take a quantitative leap.[6] Figure 1: Growth of computer and human computing powers. Several opposing theories claim that humans actually perform worse on their own, since machines and tools have replaced humans' need to think on their own. We argue that while this effect may be valid for human physical properties such as obesity, it is not the case in mental tasks. Another pessimistic viewpoint suggests that intelligent civilizations decline after reaching a certain development level (see Figure 1), possibly because of overpopulation, self-destruction or depletion of natural resources. This would explain why we have not yet detected alien civilizations, though the Drake's equation [7] indicates that many such civilizations should exist. In real life, ICT, and AI tools in particular, have already significantly modified the way humans exercise their mental activities. For example, professional chess players intensively use computer chess programs to analyze game strategies and improve their level of play. Furthermore, computers outperform the best humans in nearly all mental games, with some rare exceptions such as Go. Therefore, this online advice helps humans play much better than on their own. Although it is safe to claim that computers have already significantly improved human gaming performance, is the phenomenon valid in other areas? If we can show that humans can solve logical puzzles that they were not able to solve until recently without computers, that would be a good indication of humans getting smarter on their own. One way to confirm this idea would be to analyze the logical solutions that humans solved in the last decade. Another way would be to provide a new solution to an existing puzzle. One objection might be that just one solution of one puzzle is far too little to show anything. On the other hand, since the author of this paper is a well-educated AI scientist and not a professional logician, it could provide a reasonable indication that the tentative idea might be valid. To demonstrate the idea, we analyze the unexpected hanging paradox.[8, 9, 10, 11] In addition, we discuss if AI programs would crash from such well-known logical paradoxes or resolve them. 2 The liar paradox First, however, we quickly investigate the liar paradox (in which a liar says that he is a liar), first published in [12]. According to [13] it was first formulated by the Greek philosopher Eubulides of Miletus: "A man says that he is lying. Is what he says true or false?" This sentence is false when it is true. It supposedly leads to a paradox and causes logical AI machines to crash, such as in the "I, Mudd" episode of the science-fiction television series Star Trek. However, as Prior shows [14], there is no paradox, since the statement is false. It is a simple contradiction of the form "A and not A," or "It is true and false." In other words, if a person always lies by definition, then that person is, by definition, not allowed to say anything that is not a lie. Therefore, such statements are simply not allowed, which means they are false. In summary, no decent AI computing machine should fail to see the falsity of the liar paradox sentence. How did the liar paradox cause such attraction? An explanation at hand is that humans fall into a loop of true/untrue derivations without observing that their thinking was already falsified by the declaration of the problem. It seems a valid logical problem, so humans apply logical reasoning. However, the declaration of the logical paradox was illogical at the start rendering logical reasoning meaningless. In another example, 1 + 1 = 2, and we all accept this as a true sentence without any hesitation. Yet, one liter of water and one liter of sugar do not combine to form two liters of sugar water. Therefore, using common logic/arithmetic in such a task is inappropriate from the start. The principle and paradox of multiple-knowledge [15] tentatively explain why humans easily resolve such problems. We use multiple knowledge/ways of thinking not only in parallel, but also with several mental processes interacting together during problem-solving. Different processes propose different solutions, and the best one is selected. The basic difference in multiple-knowledge viewpoint compared to the classical ones occurs already at the level of neurons. The classical analogy of a neuron is a simple computing mechanism that produces 0/1 as output. In the multiple viewpoint, each neuron outputs 2N possible outcomes, which can be demonstrated if N outputs from a single neuron are all connected to Ninputs of another neuron. In summary, the multiple-knowledge principle claims that the human computing mechanism at the level of a neuron is already much more complex than commonly described, and even more so at the level of higher mental processes. According to the principle of multiple knowledge, humans have no problems computing that one apple and one apple are two apples, and 1 liter of water and 1 liter of sugar is 1.6 liters of liquid and a mass of 2.25 kilograms, since they use multiple thinking. A person who logically encounters the sugar-water merge for the first time may claim that it will result in 2 liters of sugar water. However, after an explanation or experiment, humans comprehend the problem and have no future problems of this kind. Another AI solution at hand uses contexts. In arithmetic, 1 + 1 = 2. In merging liquids and solid materials, 1 + 1 ^ 2. In the first case, the context was arithmetic and in the second case, merging liquids and solid materials. The contexts enable an important insight into the unexpected handing paradox. 3 The unexpected hanging paradox Unlike the liar paradox, the unexpected hanging paradox (also known as the hangman paradox, the unexpected exam paradox, the surprise test paradox, or the prediction paradox) yields no consensus on its precise nature, so a final correct solution has not yet been established.[9] This is a paradox about a person's expectations about the timing of a future event that they are told will occur at some unexpected time.[16] The paradox has been described as follows [9]: A judge tells a condemned prisoner that he will be hanged at noon on one weekday in the following week but that the execution will be a surprise to the prisoner. He will not know the day of the hanging until the executioner knocks on his cell door at noon that ^ay. Having reflected on his sentence, the prisoner draws the conclusion that he will escape from the hanging. His reasoning is in several parts. He begins by concluding that the "surprise hanging;" can't be on Friday, as if he hasn't been hanged by Thursday, there is only one day left - and so it won't be a surprise if he's hanged on Friday. Since the Judge's sentence stipulated that the hanging would be a surprise to him, he concludes it cannot occur on Friday. He then reasons that the surprise hanging cannot be on Thursday either, because Friday has already been eliminated and if he hasn't been hanged by Wednesday night, the hanging must occur on Thursday, making a Thursday hanging not a surprise either. By similar reasoning he concludes that the hanging can also not occur on Wednesday, Tuesday or Monday. Joyfully he retires to his cell confident that the hanging will not occur at all. The next week, the executioner knocks on the prisoner's door at noon on Wednesday — which, despite all the above, was an utter surprise to him. Everything the judge said came true. Evidently, the prisoner miscalculated, but how? Logically, the reasoning seems correct. While there have been many analyses and interpretations of the unexpected hanging paradox, there is no generally accepted solution. The paradox is interesting to study because it arouses interest in both laymen and scientists. Here, we provide a different analysis based on the viewpoint of cooperating AI agents [16][5], contexts and multiple knowledge.[15] The prediction of hanging on one out of five possible days is well defined through a real-life empirical fact of a human life being irreversibly terminated. However, the surprise is less clearly defined. If it denotes cognitive surprise, then the prisoner can be sure that the hanging will take place on the current day. No surprise is assured each new day, even on the first day, so hanging under the given conditions is not possible. Such an interpretation makes no sense. To avoid the prisoner being cognitively certain, the following modifications are often proposed [9]: The prisoner will be hanged next week, and the date (of the hanging) will not be deductible in advance from the assumption that the hanging will occur during the week (A). The prisoner will be hanged next week and its date will not be deducible in advance using this statement as an a^iom (B). Logicians are able to show that statement (B) is self-contradictory, indicating that in this interpretation, the judge uttered a self-contradicting statement leading to a paradox. Chow [10] presents a potential explanation through epistemological formulations suggesting that the unexpected hanging paradox is a more intricate version of Moore's paradox [9]: A suitable analogy can be reached by reducing the length of the week to just one da^. Then the judge's sentence becomes: "You will be hanged tomorrow, but you do not know that^." Now we can apply AI methods to analyze the paradox. First, the judge's statement is a one-sided contract (an agreement can always be written in the form of a contract) from an AI agent viewpoint, defining a way of interacting and cooperating. As with any agreement/contract, it also has some mechanisms defining the consequences if one side violates the agreement. Since the judge unilaterally proclaimed the agreement, he can even violate it without any harm to him, whereas the prisoner's violations are punished according to the judge's will and corresponding regulations. For example, if the prisoner harms a warden, the deal is probably off, and the hanging can occur at the first opportunity, regardless of whether it is a surprise. This is an introductory indication that the hanging paradox is from the real world and that it matters, and is not just logical thinking. Even more important, it enables a valid conclusion that any error in prisoner's actions releases the judge from his promise. On the other hand, the judge is, by definition, an honest person and as long as the prisoner abides to the appropriate behavior, the judge will keep his word and presumably postpone the execution if the prisoner predicts the exact day of the hanging. Now, we come to the crucial definition ambiguity. The term deducible means that the prediction will be 100 percent guaranteed accurate about a one-time event (that is, hanging), so such a prediction can be uttered only once a week, not each day anew. Therefore, the prisoner has exactly one chance of not only predicting, but also explaining with certainty to the judge, why the hanging will occur on that particular day. The judge will have to be persuaded; that is, he will have to understand and accept the prisoner's line of reasoning. If not, the deal is off and the judge can choose any day while still keeping his word. For further understanding of deducible, consider a case in which the prisoner is given a life-saving coupon on which he writes the predicted day and stores it in the judge's safe on Monday morning with the explanation attached. Obviously, the prisoner stands no chance if the judge orders handing on Monday. Namely, if the prisoner proposes Monday, he cannot provide a deducible explanation why the handing will happen on Monday. Yes, he will not be surprised in cognitive terms, but both a correct prediction and a deducible explanation are required in order to avoid hanging. The only chance to avoid hanging is to predict Friday and hope that he will not be hanged till Friday. (In this case, the judge could still object that, on Monday for example, the prisoner could not provide a plausible explanation for Friday. Yet, that would not be fair since, on Friday, the prisoner would indeed be sure of the judge coming into contradiction.) Even if the prisoner is allowed to deposit the one and only coupon on any day in the week, there is no major difference in terms of explanation in this paper. Again, if the prisoner is allowed to deposit the coupon each day anew, this formulation makes no sense. To explain the error in the prisoner's line of reasoning (that is, logical induction), assume that instead of giving his ruling five days in advance, he gave it on Thursday morning, leaving a two-day opportunity. Since the prisoner could use the single pardon (remember: deducible for a one-time event means one prediction once) and save himself on Friday, he concludes that Thursday is the only day left and cashes in his only coupon with a 100 percent certain logical explanation on Thursday. However, in this case the judge could carry out the hanging on Friday. Why? Because the prisoner provided the only 100 percent certain prediction in the form of a single life-saving coupon on Thursday, which means that on Friday he could not deliver the coupon. In other words, the prisoner wrongly predicted the hanging day and therefore violated the agreement. It turns out that the situation on Thursday is similar to the situation on Monday. Even if the judge knocks on the door on Thursday, and the prisoner correctly predicted Thursday, he still could not provide a 100 percent certain explanation why the hanging would occur on Thursday since the judge could come back on Friday as described in the above text; therefore, the judge can proceed on Thursday without violating his proclamation. What about AI machines? Will they crash or fail as was supposed to be the case with the liar paradox? Similarly to the liar paradox, the principle of multiple knowledge provides a simple solution that AI machines should be able to compute. If both lines of reasoning (from Friday to Monday or from Monday to Friday) are simulated with some tests, the solutions should be obtained. One does not need to understand why one line of reasoning is wrong in order to operationally solve the puzzle. The AI machine can simply evaluate both of them and accept the more plausible one. However, current AI systems are not yet capable of understanding the explanation in this paper since they behave poorly on any task demanding real-life semantics. 4 Discussion Wikipedia offers the following statement regarding the unexpected hanging paradox [9]: There has been considerable debate between the logical school, which uses mathematical language, and the epis^emological school, which employs concepts such as knowledge, belief and memory, over which formulation is correct. According to other publications [8], this statement correctly describes the current state of scientific literature and the human mind. To some degree, solutions similar to the one presented in this paper have already been published. [8-9] However, they have not been generally accepted and, in particular, have not been presented through AI means. Namely, AI enables the following explanation: The error in the prisoner's line of reasoning occurs when extending his induction from Friday to Thursday, as noted earlier, but the explanation in this paper differs. The correct conclusion about Friday is not: "Hanging on Friday is not possible" (C), but "If not hanged till Friday and the single prediction with explanation was not applied for any other day before, then hanging on Friday is not possible." (D) The first condition in (D) is part of common knowledge. The second condition in (D) comes from common sense about one-sided agreements: every breach of the agreement can cause termination of it. An example would be promising a one-sided reward to a person for predicting an outcome of a sporting event and then realizing that the person deposited two predictions. The two conditions reveal why humans have a much harder time understanding the hanging paradox, compared to the liar paradox. The conditions are related to the concepts of time and deducibility and should be applied simultaneously, whereas only one insight is needed in the liar paradox. In AI, this phenomenon is well known as the context-sensitive reasoning (often related to agents), which was first presented in [18] and has been used extensively in recent years. Here, as in real life, under one context the same line of reasoning can lead to a different conclusion compared to the conclusion under another context (remember the sugar water). But one can also treat the conditions in statement (D) as logical conditions, in which case the context can serve for easier understanding. The same applies to the author of this paper: Although he has been familiar with the hanging paradox for decades, the solution at hand emerged only when the insight related to the contexts appeared. Returning to the motivation for analysis of the unexpected hanging paradox, the example was intended to show that humans have mentally progressed to see the trick in the hanging paradox, similar to how people became too smart to be deceived by the liar paradox. There are several potential objections. First, one needs no AI or ICT knowledge to see the proposed solution. However, this is the only major change of the author's knowledge from the years before the recent progress of AI knowledge. It is not only that using AI knowledge helped solve the paradox. It also enabled a shift from correct logical thinking under wrong preconditions into multiple, agent- and context-based thinking to avoid the logical trap. The second objection could be that human civilization has not yet accepted the explanation provided here, and the validity of the hypothesis relies on future acceptance of the explanation. The danger is that humans will ignore or oppose the explanation provided here. If so, consequent disclaimers will have to be published in this journal as well. On the other hand, this is the purpose of scientific position papers. Third, the proposed solutions to the analyzed logical puzzle might seem to be just one single event and not that the human civilization has improved due to advances in AI, ICT, and cognitive science. However, these and similar paradoxes have stirred human imagination for eons and have not yet been satisfactorily resolved, even by brilliant mathematicians and logicians. In addition, these problems are known globally. Therefore, we must rely on new knowledge when providing the explanation in this paper. Furthermore, in order to show superior computing performance of one mechanism over another, it is necessary to show just one task that a certain mechanism can solve and the other cannot. According to the tentative hypothesis presented here, have we not shown how human mental capabilities have increased in recent decades, since an intelligent individual can understand the solution provided herein but the best knowledge among the smartest individuals could not previously? This new approach has also been used to solve several other paradoxes, such as the blue-eyes paradox and the Pinocchio paradox. Analyses of these paradoxes are being submitted to other journals. In summary, the explanation of the hanging paradox and the difficulty for human paradox solvers resembles those of the liar paradox before solving it beyond doubt. It turns out that both paradoxes are not truly paradoxical; instead, they describe a logical problem in a way that a human using logical methods cannot resolve the problem. Similar to the untrue assumption that a liar can utter a true statement, the unexpected hanging paradox in the prisoner's line of reasoning exploits two misconceptions. The first is that a 100 percent accurate prediction for a single event can be uttered more than once (through a vague definition of "surprise") and the second that a conclusion that is valid at one time is also valid during another time span (moving from Friday to Thursday; that is, not accepting the conditions in statement C). Due to the simplicity of the AI-based explanation in this paper, there is no need to provide additional logical, epistemological, or philosophical mechanisms to explain the failure of the prisoner's line of reasoning. There is nothing wrong with inductive reasoning, as long as preconditions are valid. The hanging paradox is interesting from various perspectives, such as regarding the question of which methods enable successful analysis and explanation. This paper provides an AI-based explanation for humans, while other explanations, such as an explanation or procedure for AI machines to analyze the unexpected hanging paradox, remain a research challenge. References [1] Neisser, U. (1997). Rising scores on intelligence tests. American Scientist 85, Sigma Xi, 440-7. [2] Flynn, J. R. (2009). What Is Intelligence: Beyond the Flynn Effect. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [3] Computing laws revisited (2013). Computer 46/12. [4] Moore, G.E. (1965). Cramming more components onto integrated circuits. Electronics Magazine, 4. [5] Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13) (2013). Beijing, China. [6] Kurzweil, R. (2005). The Singularity is Near. New York: Viking Books. [7] Dean, T. (2009). A review of the Drake equation. Cosmos Magazine. [8] Wolfram A. (2014). http://mathworld. wolfram. com/UnexpectedHangingParadox. html [9] Unexpected hanging paradox, Wikipedia (2014). https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Unexpec ted_hanging_paradox&oldid=611543144, June 2014 [10] Chow, T.Y. (1998). The surprise examination or unexpected hanging paradox. American Mathematical Monthly 105:41-51. [11] Sober, E. (1998). To give a surprise exam, use game theory. Synthese 115:355-73. [12] O'Connor, D.J. (1948). Pragmatic paradoxes. Mind 57: 358-9. [13] Beall, J.C., Glanzberg, M. (2013). In Edward N. Zalta, E.N. (eds.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. [14] Prior, A.N. (1976). Papers in Logic and E^ics. Duckworth. [15] Gams, M. (2001). Weak Intelligence: Through the Principle and Paradox of Multiple Knowledge. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. [16] Sorensen, R. A. (1988). Blindspo^s. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press. [17] Young, H.P. (2007). The possible and the impossible in multi-agent learning. Artificial Intelligence 171/7. [18] Turner, R.M. (1993). Context-sensitive Reasoning for Autonomous Agents and Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving, In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Using Knowledge in its Context, Chambery, France. Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank several members of the Department of Intelligent Systems, particularly Boštjan Kaluža and Mitja Luštrek, for their valuable remarks. Special thanks are also due to Angelo Montanari, Stephen Muggleton, and Eva Černčic for contributions on this and other logic problems. Also, the anonymous reviewers provided several remarks that helped improve the article. A Unified Framework for Detection of Suspicious and Anomalous Beahvior from Spatio-Temporal Traces Boštjan Kaluža Department of Intelligent Systems, Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia bostjan.kaluza@ijs.si, http://bostjankaluza.net Thesis Summary Keywords: agent, agent behavior, suspicious behavior, anomalous beahvior, anomaly detection Received: June 10, 2014 This paper presents a summary of the doctoral dissertation of the author on the topic of learning patterns of agent behavior from sensor data. Povzetek: Članek predstavlja povzetek doktorske disertacije avtorja, ki obravnava temo ucenja vzorcev obnašanja agenta iz senzorskih podatkov. 1 Introduction The problem of learning behavior patterns from sensor data arises in many applications including smart environments, video surveillance, network analysis, human-robot interaction, and ambient assisted living. Our focus is on detecting behavior patterns that deviate from regular behaviors and might represent a security risk, health problem, or any other abnormal behavior contingency. In other words, deviant behavior is a data pattern that either does not conform to the expected behavior (anomalous behavior) or matches previously defined unwanted behavior (suspicious behavior). Deviant behavior patterns are also referred to as outliers, exceptions, peculiarities, surprise, misuse, etc. Such patterns occur relatively infrequently; however, when they do occur, their consequences can be quite dramatic, and often negative. We targets a large class of problems with complex, spatio-temporal, sequential data generated by an entity capable of physical motion in environment, regardless of whether the observed entity is human, software agent, or even robot. In such domains, an agent often has an observable spatio-temporal structure, defined by the physical positions relative to static landmarks and other agents in environment. We suggest that this structure, along with temporal dependencies and patterns of sequentially executed actions, can be exploited to perform deviant behavior detection on traces of agent activities over time. 2 Unified detection framework We propose a unified framework to analyze agent behavior from prior knowledge and external observations in order to detect deviant behavior patterns. A detailed unified framework flowchart is outlined in Figure 1. From the behavior analysis perspective, we propose a novel, efficient encoding that we refer to as a spatio-activity matrix. This matrix is able to capture behavior dynamics in a specific time period using spatio-temporal features, whereas its visualization allows visual comparison of different behavior patterns. Next, we provide a feature extraction technique, based on principal component analysis, in order to reduce the dimensionality of the spatio-activity matrix. We then introduce a clear problem definition that helps establish a theoretical framework for detecting anomalous and suspicious behavior from agent traces in order to show how to optimally perform detection. We discuss why detection error is often inevitable and prove the lower error bound, and provide several heuristic approaches that either estimate the distributions required to perform detection or to directly rank the behavior signatures using machine learning approaches. The established theoretical framework is extended to show how to perform detection when the agent is observed over longer periods of time and no significant event is sufficient to reach a decision. We specify conditions that any reasonable detector should satisfy, analyze several detectors, and propose a novel approach, referred to as a F-UPR detector, that generalizes utility-based plan recognition with arbitrary utility functions. 3 Empirical studies The unified framework is demonstrated in three studies: detection of decreased behavior that indicates disease or deterioration in the health of elderly persons; detection of suspicious passengers in the airport simulation; and verification of persons at an access control point in high-security application. The first study introduces an approach to monitoring an individual at home by an ambient-intelligence system to detect daily living pattern anomalies. It utilizes the pro- Deviant behavior l-detection Start ix: Agent's traces in the enviro^ent Activity recognition pipeline A^tivit^ trace Behavior trace construction Behavior trace Combining multi-view detectors Accumulating deviant behavior over time Degree of deviation End View 1 View 2 View n transform transform transform i i Behavior Behavior Behavior signature I 1 signature i signature vi. Deviant Deviant Deviant behavior behavior behavior detection detection detection Figure 1: Processing flowchart of the unified framework. cious and anomalous behavior detection, and demonstrated its applicability in three empirical studies. References [1] Kaluža, B. Detection of suspicious and anomalous beahavior detection from spatio-temporal agent traces. PhD thesis, Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School (2013). [2] Kaluža, B.; Gams, M. Analysis of daily-living dynamics. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Enviroments 4, 403--413 (2012). [3] Kaluža, B.; Dovgan, E.; Tušar, T.; Tambe, M.; Gams, M. A probabilistic risk analysis for multimodal entry control. Expert Systems with Applications 38, 6696--6704(2011). posed unified framework to recognize activities, extract spatio-activity behavior signatures, and apply an outlier-detection method to classify the individual's daily patterns, regardless of the cause of the problem, be it physical or mental. Experiments indicate that the proposed solution successfully discriminates between healthy person behavior patterns and those of a person with health problems. The second study focuses on two applications in surveillance domain, where the goal is to detect suspicious agents in the environment. In particular, it targets a large class of applications where no single event is sufficient to gauge whether or not agent behavior is suspicious. Instead, we face a sparse set of trigger events that identify interesting parts in behavior trace. The first application considers suspicious passenger detection at an airport, while the second application tackles dangerous driver detection. The third study concerns entry control, which is an important security measure that prevents undesired persons from entering secure areas. The utilized unified detection framework allows an advanced risk analysis to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable entries, based on several entry sensors, such as fingerprint readers, and intelligent methods that learn behavior from previous entries. First, it analyzes person behavior from different viewpoints and then performs ajoint risk analysis. The obtained results represent an improvement in detecting security attacks. In summary, we proposed a novel framework for suspi- JOŽEF STEFAN INSTITUTE Jožef Stefan (1835-1893) was one of the most prominent physicists of the 19th century. Born to Slovene parents, he obtained his Ph.D. at Vienna University, where he was later Director of the Physics Institute, Vice-President of the Vienna Academy of Sciences and a member of several scientific institutions in Europe. Stefan explored many areas in hydrodynamics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism and the kinetic theory of gases. Among other things, he originated the law that the total radiation from a black body is proportional to the 4th power of its absolute temperature, known as the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is the leading independent scientific research institution in Slovenia, covering a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research in the fields of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, electronics and information science, nuclear science technology, energy research and environmental science. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) is a research organisation for pure and applied research in the natural sciences and technology. Both are closely interconnected in research departments composed of different task teams. Emphasis in basic research is given to the development and education of young scientists, while applied research and development serve for the transfer of advanced knowledge, contributing to the development of the national economy and society in general. At present the Institute, with a total of about 900 staff, has 700 researchers, about 250 of whom are postgraduates, around 500 of whom have doctorates (Ph.D.), and around 200 of whom have permanent professorships or temporary teaching assignments at the Universities. In view of its activities and status, the JSI plays the role of a national institute, complementing the role of the universities and bridging the gap between basic science and applications. Research at the JSI includes the following major fields: physics; chemistry; electronics, informatics and computer sciences; biochemistry; ecology; reactor technology; applied mathematics. Most of the activities are more or less closely connected to information sciences, in particular computer sciences, artificial intelligence, language and speech technologies, computer-aided design, computer architectures, biocybernetics and robotics, computer automation and control, professional electronics, digital communications and networks, and applied mathematics. ranean Europe, offering excellent productive capabilities and solid business opportunities, with strong international connections. Ljubljana is connected to important centers such as Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb, Milan, Rome, Monaco, Nice, Bern and Munich, all within a radius of 600 km. From the Jožef Stefan Institute, the Technology park "Ljubljana" has been proposed as part of the national strategy for technological development to foster synergies between research and industry, to promote joint ventures between university bodies, research institutes and innovative industry, to act as an incubator for high-tech initiatives and to accelerate the development cycle of innovative products. Part of the Institute was reorganized into several hightech units supported by and connected within the Technology park at the Jožef Stefan Institute, established as the beginning of a regional Technology park "Ljubljana". The project was developed at a particularly historical moment, characterized by the process of state reorganisation, privatisation and private initiative. The national Technology Park is a shareholding company hosting an independent venture-capital institution. The promoters and operational entities of the project are the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Jožef Stefan Institute. The framework of the operation also includes the University of Ljubljana, the National Institute of Chemistry, the Institute for Electronics and Vacuum Technology and the Institute for Materials and Construction Research among others. In addition, the project is supported by the Ministry of the Economy, the National Chamber of Economy and the City of Ljubljana. Jožef Stefan Institute Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel.:+386 1 4773 900, Fax.:+386 1 251 93 85 WWW: http://www.ijs.si E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si Public relations: Polona Strnad The Institute is located in Ljubljana, the capital of the independent state of Slovenia (or S9nia). The capital today is considered a crossroad between East, West and Mediter- INFORMATICA AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS INVITATION, COOPERATION Submissions and Refereeing Please submit a manuscript at: http://www.informatica.si/Editors/PaperUpload.asp. At least two referees outside the author's country will examine it, and they are invited to make as many remarks as possible from typing errors to global philosophical disagreements. The chosen editor will send the author the obtained reviews. If the paper is accepted, the editor will also send an email to the managing editor. The executive board will inform the author that the paper has been accepted, and the author will send the paper to the managing editor. The paper will be published within one year of receipt of email with the text in Informatica MS Word format or Informatica LATEX format and figures in .eps format. Style and examples of papers can be obtained from http://www.informatica.si. 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De Turck, J. Twycross, N. Tziritas, W. Vanhoof, P. Vateekul, L.A. Vese, A. Visconti, B. Vlaovic, V. Vojisavljevic, M. Vozalis, P. Vracar, V. Vranic, C.-H. Wang, H. Wang, H. Wang, H. Wang, S. Wang, X.-F. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, A. Wasilewska, S. Wenzel, V. Wickramasinghe, J. Wong, S. Wrobel, K. Wrona, B. Wu, L. Xiang, Y. Xiang, D. Xiao, F. Xie, L. Xie, Z. Xing, H. Yang, X. Yang, N.Y. Yen, C. Yong-Sheng, J.J. You, G. Yu, X. Zabulis, A. Zainal, A. Zamuda, M. Zand, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhao, D. Zheng, J. Zheng, X. Zheng, Z.-H. Zhou, F. Zhuang, A. Zimmermann, M.J. Zuo, B. Zupan, M. Zuqiang, B. Žalik, J. Žižka, Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics Web edition of Informatica may be accessed at: http://www.informatica.si. Subscription Information Informatica (ISSN 0350-5596) is published four times a year in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter (4 issues per year) by the Slovene Society Informatika, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The subscription rate for 2014 (Volume 38) is - 60 EUR for institutions, - 30 EUR for individuals, and - 15 EUR for students Claims for missing issues will be honored free of charge within six months after the publication date of the issue. Typesetting: Borut Žnidar. Printing: ABO grafika d.o.o., Ob železnici 16, 1000 Ljubljana. Orders may be placed by email (drago.torkar@ijs.si), telephone (+386 1 477 3900) or fax (+386 1 251 93 85). The payment should be made to our bank account no.: 02083-0013014662 at NLB d.d., 1520 Ljubljana, Trg republike 2, Slovenija, IBAN no.: SI56020830013014662, SWIFT Code: LJBASI2X. Informatica is published by Slovene Society Informatika (president Niko Schlamberger) in cooperation with the following societies (and contact persons): Robotics Society of Slovenia (Jadran Lenarcic) Slovene Society for Pattern Recognition (Janez Perš) Slovenian Artificial Intelligence Society (Dunja Mladenic) Cognitive Science Society (Urban Kordeš) Slovenian Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers (Andrej Likar) Automatic Control Society of Slovenia (Sašo Blažic) Slovenian Association of Technical and Natural Sciences / Engineering Academy of Slovenia (Vojteh Leskovšek) ACM Slovenia (Andrej Brodnik) Informatica is financially supported by the Slovenian research agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications. Informatica is surveyed by: ACM Digital Library, Citeseer, COBISS, Compendex, Computer & Information Systems Abstracts, Computer Database, Computer Science Index, Current Mathematical Publications, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Directory of Open Access Journals, InfoTrac OneFile, Inspec, Linguistic and Language Behaviour Abstracts, Mathematical Reviews, MatSciNet, MatSci on SilverPlatter, Scopus, Zentralblatt Math Volume 38 Number 2 June 2014 ISSN 0350-5596 Informatica An International Journal of Computing and Informatics On the Inverse Problem for Generalized One-Sided Concept Lattices J. Pöcs 95 Using Semantic Clustering for Detecting Bengali Multiword Expressions T. Chakraborty 103 A Fast Chaos-Based Pseudo-Random Bit Generator Using Binary64 Floating-Point Arithmetic M. Franjcois, D. Defour, C. Negre 115 Optimizing the Classification Cost using SVMs with a Double Hinge Loss A. Amirou, O.-A. Djaffar, Z. Zahia, A. Mohamed, M. Jean 125 A Metaheuristic Approach for Propagation-Model Tuning in LTE Networks L. Benedicic, M. Pesko, T. Javornik, P. Korošec 135 Multi-class Image Classification Based on Fast Stochastic Gradient Boosting L. Li, Y. Wu, M. Ye 145 Word Sense Disambiguation Using an Evolutionary Approach M.B. Menai 155 Smart-Home Energy Management in the Context of Occupants' Activity D. Zupančič, B. Cvetkovič 171 The Unexpected Hanging Paradox from an AI Viewpoint M. Gams 181 A Unified Framework for Detection of Suspicious and Anomalous Beahvior from Spatio-Temporal B. Kaluža 187 Traces Informatica 38 (2014) Number 2, pp. 95-189