Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Sloye nians Vol. 107, No. 9 American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 3, 2005 Phone:(216)431-0628 ^70^ e-mail: ah@buckeyevvcb.com / vl Archbishop France Rode Archbishop Rode Promoted As reported by the Vatican Information Service, the Holy Father John Paul II appointed on Feb. 26th, the Slovenian archbishop Dr. Franc Rode as one of two new members of Vatican’s prestigious Congregation of Bishops. Archbishop Rode also continues to serve as prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Fife. As prefect, he is responsible for over a million nten and women who are members of various Catholic religious orders, together w'th their institutions, such as monasteries, religious schools, orphanages, and hospitals. When his Slovenian parents fled the communist oppression in 1945, Franc Rode, at the age of 10, also became a refugee. Yet he could never forget his native Slovenia, he later studied in Bnenos Aires, Rome and Faris. Highly educated, he decided to return to communist-controlled Slovenia and served from 1969 to 1981 as a popular professor on the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana. As his talents were recognized in Rome, he again had to leave his beloved Slovenia in order to serve on several papal councils and finally to lead the newly established Vatican’s Council for Culture. In 1997, the Holy Father appointed him Archbishop of Ljubljana and Metropolitan of Slovenia. In April 2004 he was again called to Rome to assume duties of his present position as prefect, the highest office ever held by a Slovenian in the Vatican. While he suffered countless systematic injustices, distortions of his statements, ridicule and ceaseless attacks by communist-controlled media, he has clearly been destined to play increasingly responsible and significant roles in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. We heartily congratulate Archbishop Rode on his new appointment and wish him continued good health. God’s blessings and success. —Prof. Edward Gobetz EU Sides With Slovenia The Directorate General for Energy and Transport mles on Tuesday that Slove-n>a was implementing an EU ^'rective on truck transport etween the EU and other countries correctly, the Slojne Transport ministry said. The ministry turned to the H after Croatia introduced Counter measures against ovenia because of the di-rective. ■^sAccording to the counter ^jure introduced by the Croatian Transport Ministry on Wednesday, Slovene long haulers are only allowed to transport goods between Croatia and EU member states if they produce a CEMT license. As a result, Slovene truck drivers reported encountering problems while transporting goods to and from Croatia today._______________________ This news came from Philip J. Hrvatin. Happy Lemont Slovenians Enjoy Koline LEMONT, IL — Over a thousand fifty delicious Slovenian rice sausages were made by our diligent members Sunday, Feb. 13 for a wonderful family dinner at the Slovenian Cultural Center. Anyone who has done this kind of work knows how much effort and dedication it takes. But, our Slovenian folkdancers deserve our help and support and every year for many years, the annual koline feast has been to benefit them - this year there are 16 young men and women comprising “folklorna skupina Lipa,” directed by Kristina Sovan. As usual, there were many happy, energetic members in the kitchen beginning Friday and ending Sunday afternoon, chopping, boiling, mixing and stuffing. The result, great looking and tasting klobase, made in record time and eaten up just as fast. The best ever, some commented. Master of the klobase, “Mojster krvavic,” was Karl Zorjan. And, Fanika Fritz was the “sefina kuhinje v nedeljo” overseeing all the cooking on Sunday. Over 300 dinners were served and the rest were sold on the spot to people waiting in long lines to buy them. For a count of how many workers were involved that weekend, our Slavica Sovan, manager of all the events at the Center, estimates about 35 klobase workers and 25 hall workers. But everyone enjoyed the hours, laughing and singing as they worked. Even Mihela Simrayh and Jožica Jakupovic seemed to enjoy heading the fast pace of sausage tying. Added to the number of delicious edibles were the 650 krofe'made by Lilijana Čepon, Julka Kaluža and Bernard Rozman and served as desert. It would be impossible to list everyone’s name but a few standouts as kitchen help must be thanked for their dedication. Marija Zorjan and Marija Turk were at the stoves all day Saturday and all Sunday morning. Mike Schuck and Andrej Remec, our two professors, mastered the heavy pot cleaning, and Millie Magajne and Mark Cepon held on to all the many soiled dinner dishes, make sure they went directly into the washing machines. In the main hall, everyone enjoyed a happy after-dinner program, some singing and accordion music by Tone Arko and Harry Simrayh, and performance of the Lipa folkdancers who took off their serving aprons just in time to twirl on the stage to lively polkas. Greeting the guests throughout the day was our jovial Jaka Proportnik, chairman of the Radio Club Committee that handled the event. —Corinne Leskovar The Disappearing Cerknica Lake by NATAŠA PAVŠEK In the heart of the Notranjska region of Slovenia, the most distinct Karst landscape in the alpine country, amidst a polje (Karst field) sheltered from the southwest by the densely wooded Javorniki Hills, lies the illustrious Cerknica Lake. It is an intermittent lake, filled up mostly by the autumn rains and the early spring thaw, which dries up in May or June, sometimes even in mid-winter. The lake gets its water from Karst springs bubbling up at its edge, while the water flows out underground, through sinkholes. Its surface level varies by over 7 meters (it lies between 546 and 553 meters above sea level). When the water is low, it spans over 20 square kilometers but when high water sets in, it is over 10 kilometers long, almost 5 kilometers wide, its surface area exceeding 30 square kilometers. The filling up is the most interesting phase in the lake’s life cycle. Water starts bursting forth from vent holes, the streams rise immediately and flood the field at the bottom of the valley. When the lake starts receding, the water disappears into picturesque sinkholes amidst the fields and into shallow-holes, the entrances to the hollow Karst underground are embellished with stalagmites and 'stalactites. Some of the outflow water resurfaces at Močilnik, the source of the Ljubljanica river. The lake is an important fish habitat as well as a nesting ground for many species of birds. It is increasingly popular as a recreational area, ideal for fishing, hiking, nature excursions (speleology), wind surfing, swimming and ice skating, depending on the season and the water level. The constantly changing landscape makes it worthwhile to visit in any season. Stories about the miraculous lake have for centuries inspired artists whose vivid imagination transformed it into a fable about the divine and unfathomable; Dante Alighieri saw it this way in his Divine Comedy. The lake won worldwide fame when the intermittence mechanism was first described over 300 years ago by the Slovenian polymath, historian, topographer, ethnographer and sketcher, Baron Janez Vajkard Valvasor (1641-1693), which earned him membership in the British Royal Society. He also published a lengthy summary of his description in his most comprehensive work, “The Glory of the Duchy of Camiola.” —Sittfo AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 3, 2005 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. A Meaningful Pledge of Allegiance No. 9 March 3, 2005 Family Fish Fry at S.N.H. by RUDY FLIS Last evening my Slovenian daughter, Monica, came over with boy friend Ray, and took my wife, Therese, and I out for a fish fry at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. It was delicious and there was accordion music for my soul. There was a nice crowd - full house. Even met some nice people I have met before; all for a pleasant evening among family and friends. My happy stomach and me headed home with my eating buddies, driving on Lakeshore Blvd., through some heavy snow, which slowed down in intensity as we pulled into our driveway. It was good to enter our nice warm home. As we sat and chatted in our living room, my wife pointed to a large beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting atop our TV. She had received them from Monica on Valentine’s Day, while I was in Florida. I hadn’t noticed the flowers in the week I was home. My wife and kids think it is funny how I don’t notice certain items in our house that have been moved, added or simply removed from our home. Well, I notice what counts. I told you last week that when I came home, I came home to hugs and lemon meringue pie. I want you to know that I kissed and hugged my wife, Therese, first before I ate any of that lemon meringue pie. So what if I didn’t see the flowers? I always notice the beautiful flowers outside, where they are more natural and more breath-taking with a fragrance that whisks the thought of winter away, never to enter my mind again, until I have had many, many warm months of fertile farms, fragrant flowers and fresh fruit and vegetables. Boy, I am ready for spring; are you? Anyway, it made their day that I could be so oblivious to such a beautiful bunch of flowers in a vase. I enjoyed the laugh, too. It went well with the full stomach. You would think they would be used to my odd traits that I carry through life which have been around me long enough. It’s been nice and it probably isn’t going to change much either, this late in my life. If possible, each day, ask Our Lord to please watch over our men and women in our armed forces, to guide our leaders and bless them with wisdom and fortitude, and please God Bless America, the land that I love. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services v Rokodelec Contractor >•.vm'A ........in r«»i' In light of the recent appeals court ruling in California, with respect to the Pledge of Allegiance, the following recollection from Senator John McCain is very appropriate. (From a speech made by Capt. John S. McCain, USN, (Ret.) who represents Arizona in the U.S. Senate. The Pledge of Allegiance Senator John McCain As you may know, I spent five and one-half years as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. In the early years of our imprisonment, the NVA kept us in solitary confinement or two or three to a cell. In 1971, the NVA moved us from these conditions of isolation into large rooms with as many as 30 to 40 men to a room. This was, as you can imagine, a wonderful change and was a direct result of the efforts of millions of Americans on behalf of a few hundred POWs 10,000 miles from home. One of the men who moved into my room was a young man named Mike Christian. Mike came from a small town near Selma, Alabama. He didn’t wear a pair of shoes until he was 13-years-old. At 17, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He later earned a commission by going to Officer Training School. Then he became a Naval Flight Officer and was shot down and captured in 1967. Mike had a keen and deep appreciation of the opportunities this country and our military provide for people who want to work and want to succeed. As part of the change in treatment, the Vietnamese allowed some prisoners to receive packages from home. In some of these packages were handkerchiefs, scarves and other items of clothing. Mike got himself a bamboo needle Over a period of a couple of months, he created an American flag and sewed it on the inside of his shirt. Every afternoon, before we had a bowl of soup, we would hang Mike’s shirt on the wall of the cell and say the Pledge of Allegiance. I know the Pledge of Allegiance may not seem the most important part of our day now, but I can assure you that in that stark cell it was indeed the most important and meaningful event. One day, the Vietnamese searched our cell, as they did periodically, and (they) discovered Mike’s shirt with the flag sewn inside, and removed it. That evening they returned, opened the door of the cell, and for the benefit of all of us, beat Mike Christian severely for the next couple of hours. Then, they opened the door of the cell and threw him in. We cleaned him up as well as we could. The cell in which we lived had a concrete slab in the middle on which we slept. Four naked light bulbs hung in each comer of the room. As I said, we tried to clean up Mike as best we could. After the excitement died down, I looked in the comer of the room, and sitting there beneath that dim light bulb with a piece of red cloth, another shirt and his bamboo needle, was my friend Mike Christian. He was sitting there with his eyes almost shut from the beating he had received, making another American flag. He was not making the flag because it made Mike Christian feel better. He was making that flag because he knew how important it was to us to be able to pledge our allegiance to our flag and country. So the next time you say the Pledge of Allegiance, you must never forget the sacrifice and courage that thousands of Americans have made to build our nation and promote freedom around the world. You must remember our duty, our honor, and our country. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with lib-erty and justice for all.” —St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans newsletter Housekeeper/-Cleaning Lady Needed Cleveland Heights and Gates Mills areas. Please call 216-402-9780. Must have own transportation. Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. —Charles Lindbergh FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp -Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-outs: 216-^81-5378 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina PLAY BALL ! For those of you who are into baseball, consider the following “hitting feats”. Do you know the names of the players involved ? □ Two grand slams in one game? □ Four home runs in one game? □ Six hits in one game? □ 36 single season triples by____________? □ Seventy three single season home runs by__________? □ 191 runs batted in by_______? □ Consecutive hit streak by_____________? □ Home run from each side of the plate in one game? □ Home run in first at-bat? □ Home run in last at-bat? □ Home run with first pitch ever? □ Four strikeouts in one inning? □ Nine pitches, nine strikes - side retired? □ 57 saves in 1990 by________________ □ Fewest pitches in a complete game? iii ^tTw0 gaane.yictogff.by one pitcher on one day? In this picture taken around 1900, my father, Anton Žakelj, Sr., is on the left. At that time he (and the two men standing next to him) were assistants under master shoemaker Jernej Mlinar, who is seated in the middle. Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ My father, Anton Žakelj, Sr., was bom on January 17, 1879, 100 years and 16 days after the birth of his greatgrandfather Boltezar. When Boltezar was little, people called him Balcek. The family farm in Goropeke came to be known as Balcek’s, and my father’s entire family was referred to as “Blackovi” (loosely translated - “the Balceks”). And to me, my father was always “Ata.” When Ata was 5 years old, he had to get up early each morning to lead the sheep out to pasture. They lived in an area called Goropeke, located near the town of Ziri, in the beautiful Alpine foothills. Each evening, he would lead the sheep back to the stable. Sometimes the sheep would escape from the little shepherd and wander off into the woods in search of tasty mushrooms. He would be severely punished if he didn’t find every sheep and lead it back home. During the winters, he learned the art of making bobbin lace. He sold enough lace to buy his own clothes and shoes. After my grandmother died an early death in 1892 (when Ata was 13), my grandfather began drinking heavily. He would often come home drunk and wanting more to drink. Ata had to frequently give him all his savings and start saving from scratch. My grandfather’s drinking got so bad that he started selling off the best pieces of the family farm to pay for his bar tab. On January 29, 1914, my grandfather fell by the wayside while walking home from a bar and froze to death in the snow. People say that he yelled for help, but nobody came because they had become used to his drunken yelling and had learned to ignore him. When Ata was 14, shoemaking was the major cottage industry in Ziri. He went to work as an apprentice for master shoemaker Tone Bumik. When he finished his apprenticeship, he went to work for Jernej Mlinar. At that time, Ata owned two pairs of pants - a pair of work pants and a pair of Sunday pants. He didn’t own any underwear, so during the winters, he was cold when he was working. On Sundays he would wear his nice church pants on top of his tarry work pants. At age 20, Ata was drafted into the Austrian army, where he served for 3 years in Judenburg, Austria. (At that time, Slovenia was part of Austria-Hungary.) In Austria, he learned fluent German with the help of a pocket-sized guide, “German without a teacher.” (40 years later, I learned German from that same book, and almost 40 years after that, my son John did the same thing.) (To Be Continued) Slovenian greeting cards The Slovenian Women’s Union of America Slovenian Heritage Museum in Joliet, IL has many Slovenian greeting cards with a Slovenian motif available for sale. Beautiful birthday, Easter, Mother’s Day, get well, sympathy and other cards and gifts may be purchased or ordered from SWUA, 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. Telephone (815) 727-1926 for details. You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. --Beverly Sills Home for Sale Lovely Brick Ranch on quiet cul-de-sac street in Richmond Heights. New Roof, Furnace w A/C, Carpeting, Custom Wood Cabinets in Kitchen - DW & Appliances; 3-4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Din Rm, WB fireplace in Liv Rm & Rec Rm, with 2n :\in ':*v .ukmkio i ) . • . ■ . v.:! "VKt y.\) w-nv> { Paddy was a drunk. The priest met him one day, and gave him a strong lecture about alcohol. He said, “If you continue drinking as you do, you’ll gradually get smaller and smaller, and eventually you’ll turn into a mouse.” This frightened the life out of Paddy. He went home that night and said to his wife, “Bridget... if you should notice me getting smaller and smaller, will ye kill our cat?” © After the Britain Beer Festival in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, “Hey, Senior, I would like the world’s best beer, a Corona.” The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him. The guy from Budweiser says, “I’d like the best beer in the world, give me ‘The King of Beers,’ a Budweiser.” The bartender gives him one. The guy from Coors says, “I’d like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors.” He gets it. The guy from Guinness sits down and says, “Give me a Coke.” The bartender is a little taken back, but gives him what he ordered. The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask, “Why aren’t you drinking a Guinness?” and the Guinness president says, “Well, I figure if you guys aren’t drinking beer, neither would I.” © Brenda O’Malley is home as usual, making dinner, when Tim Finnegan arrives at her door. “Brenda, may I come in?” he asks. “I’ve somethin’ to tell ye.” “Of course, you can come in, you’re always welcome, Tim. But where is my husband?” “That’s what I’m here to be tellin’ ye, Brenda. There was an accident down at the Guinness brewery.” Oh, God no!” cries Brenda. “Please don’t tell me...” Sure and I must, Brenda, your husband Seamus is dead and gone. I’m sorry.” Brenda reaches a hand out to her side, found the arm of the rocking chair by the fireplace, pulled the chair to her and collapsed into it. She wept for half an hour. Finally, she looked up at Tim,” How did it happen, Tim?” “It was terrible, Brenda. He fell into a vat of Guinneess Stout and drowned.” “Oh, dear Jesus.” But you must tell me true, Tim. Did he go quickly?” “Well, no Brenda. Fact is, he got out three times to go to the bathroom.” © An Irish priest is driving down to New York and gets stopped for speeding in Fair-field, Connecticut. The state trooper smells alcohol on the priest’s breath and then sees an empty wine bottle on the floor of the car. He says, “Father, have you been drinking?” - “Just water,” says the priest. The trooper says, “Then why do I smell wine?” The priest looks at the bottle and says, “Praise be the Lord. He’s done it again.” From what we get, we can make a living; from what we give, however, makes a life. -Arthur Ashe KWlCk-N-CLEAN DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Attention West Side Residents SAAD SIBAI / \ 226-3730 BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL MY (LEANING • SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • IAKEW00D, OHIO 44107 TAX TIME IS HERE Come in or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 jirAij1] vri !v;i!v\n.2 Social Security: The Current Problem This is very interesting and something that even those of us not now collecting Social Security should look at seriously. Since many of us have paid into FICA for years, and are now receiving a Social Security check every month - and then finding we are getting taxed on 85% of the money we paid to the federal government to put away, you may be interested in the following: Immigrants moved into this country and at age 65 received Social Security. The government gave that to them although they never paid a dime into it. Our Senators and Congressmen and women do not pay into Social Security, and, of course, they do not collect from it. Social Security benefits were not suitable for persons of their rare elevation in society. They felt they should have a special plan for themselves. So, many years ago they voted in their own benefit plan. In recent years, no Congress person has felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan. . For all practical purposes their plan works like this: When they retire, they continue to draw the same pay until they die, except it may increase from time to time for cost of living adjustments. For example: Former Senator Byrd and Congressman White and their wives may expect to draw $7,800,000.00 (that’s even million, eight hundred thousand dollars) with their wives drawing $275,000 during the last years of their lives. This is calculated on an average life span for each. Their cost for this excellent plan is $00.00. This little perk they voted for themselves is free to them. You and I pay for it. The funds for this fine retirement plan come di- rectly from the General Funds, our tax dollars at work. From our own Social Security Plan, which you and I pay (or have paid) into every payday until we retire (which amount is matched by our employer). We can expect to get an average $1,000 per month after retirement. Or, in other words, we would have to collect our average of $1,000 monthly benefits for 68 years and one month to equal Senator Bill Bradley’s benefits. Social Security could be very good if only one small change were made. That change would be to jerk the Golden Fleece Retirement Plan from under the Senators and Congressmen. Put them into the Social Security plan with the rest of us. Then sit back and watch how fast they will fix it. This article was submitted by Marie Pivik. Dr. Richard Fratianne to speak at St. Vitus Parish Dr. Richard Fratianne, former director of the Comprehensive Bum Care Center at MetroHealth Medical Center and initial Medical Director of Metro Life-Flight, will be this year’s Lenten speaker at St. Vitus Church on Sunday, March 13. An all parish Mass will be held that day at 10:00 a.m. followed by Dr. Fran-tianne’s talk on “The Eucharist.” All are welcome. Dr. Fratianne’s many achievements are not only in the field of bum care treatment and research, but also in the organization and delivery of care for victims of trauma and trauma center development. Dr. Fratianne has published more than 140 articles and several book chapters about bum and trauma management. He has been an active member of the American Bum Association and serves on the Ethics Committee of the American College of Surgeons. In 1985 Dr. Fratianne was appointed to and has served on the Medical Moral Advisory Committee for Bishop Anthony Pilla of the Cleveland Diocese. He and his wife have been members of St. Paschal Baylon Parish for 39 years. No matter what anyone says, it’s impossible to drink like a fish. Fish don’t drink. When they take in water it passes through their gills so they can extract oxygen. Four things do not come back - the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportu-nity. -Arabian proverb Sausage Machine Antique wood tub. 216—531-8679 New Slovenian Wine Atlas VENICA, CA - “Wines °f Slovenia” the first extensive review of Slovenian vintners and the wines they Produce, is now available in the United States from importer “Books of Slovenia.” The new “oenological bible” covers 386 vineyards, a remarkable number for Sl*ch a small country, and considerably more wines. The book was authored by ethnologist Dr. Janez Bogataj and viniculturalist Dr. •Julij Nemanič, and results From the long interest of Rok Kvaternik chairman of Rokus Publishing House, in Jhe nation’s wines. The Sraphed by Janez Puksic. Presented by region, the wines are rated in four-star system and paired to food recommendations. This book is intended for those wishing to purchase Slovenian wines, some of which are now available in this country through several companies, and for those traveling to Slovenia wishing to organize their own wine tasting tours. The book costs $65, plus $7.95 shipping and handling. It can be ordered on-line at www.BooksofSlovenia.com or by calling (310) 392-4843 or by sending a check for $72.95 to Books of Slovenia, 453 Rialto Avenue, Venice, Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Semices 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxUme@en.com nttp://stimburysaccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Indivkluals Corporations i Small Businesses Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of. them as our customers. ----------------------------------------------------- : Green briar Bread Pudding, j This is the recipe for bread pudding with vanilla sauce! i that is served at the Greenbriar Resort in West Virginia.! I Dorothy Bryan got the recipe, and makes it fqr holidays and ! i special occasions. i Ingredients: 5 slices of white bread 4 T butter, melted 6 eggs I 1 qt. milk VAC sugar 1 C raisins ! 1 t vanilla I I i Directions: j Cut bread into 1” squares. Brown in oven. Place toasted i bread in a 2‘A qt. oven-proof dish. Drizzle with melted but-! i ter. Combine remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix well. J i Pour over bread mixture. Put baking dish in a water bath, \ i and bake at 350 for 45 minutes, or until custard is firm and ! i set. Serve with vanilla sauce. | Vanilla Sauce 2 C heavy cream Vi C sugar 4 egg yolks 1 T flour 1 T vanilla extract or rum Vi t salt 2 scoops vanilla ice cream i Directions: 1 i In a 2 qt. saucepan, combine cream and sugar. Bring just! i to a boil, stirring. Remove from heat. In a bowl, beat egg! i yolks, flour, rum and salt. Stir a little of the hot cream mix-! I ture into the bowl, then add the egg yolk mixture to the hot | j cream in the saucepan. Return sauce to heat. Cook over low | j heat, stirring constantly until thickened, (be careful - the egg | i will curdle if it’s too hot). Remove from heat and add ice i cream, stirring until it is melted. Pudding and sauce can be served warm or cold. j --Kim Ann Kaifesh ! !____________^ Our Family and Friends Cookbook \ BRUSCHETTA 10 ripe plum tomatoes lA cup olive oil V* cup balsamic vinegar 4 cloves garlic, crushed 1 small onion, chopped 2 This, dry or 1 bunch fresh basil salt and pepper to taste 1 loaf French bread garlic butter spread I I Chop tomatoes. Combine tomatoes and next 6 \ ingredients. Set aside. Cut bread into small slices. Butter | bread with garlic spread and broil. When ready to serve,! spoon mixture onto bread. Chopped tomato mixture is better when made 1 or 2 ! days in advance. —Brother Richard ! X Gilmour Well Seasoned cookboo ! Specialists n Corrective Hair Colofi » tina & brettdi’s HAIR SAi.ON 5216 Wilson Mills Rot d 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond 43 I PERKIN’S-RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 _____ Operated by Joe Foster 5 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 3, 2005 6 How Well Do You Remember § ‘The Wizard of Oz?’ 1. - What was Dorothy’s ^ last name? 2. - In what state did she ^ live? g 3. - What are the names jjT of Dorothy’s aunt and uncle? 4. - What are the names ^ of the three farm hands? g 5. - Match these names to ^ the three characters in Oz and their real names. ^ 6. - What is the name of 2 the schoolteacher? l] 7. - Who played this role | in the movie? 8. - What city was this actress originally from? 9. - What is the name of the Witch of the North? 10. - Who played this role? Answers: 1. - Dorothy Gale 2. - Kansas 3. - Aunt Em and Uncle Henry 4. - Hunk - Zeke - Hickory 5. - Hunk: Scarecrow -Ray Bolger; Zeke: Cowardly Lion - Bert Lahr; Hickory: Tin Man - Jack Haley, Sr. 6. - Miss Gulch 7. - Margaret Hamilton 8. - Cleveland, Ohio 9. - Glinda 10. - Billie Burke Thanks to Eugene Kogovšek for this quiz which will be continued. Words of Wisdom from Ray Mlakar The best thing about the future is that it comes 1 day at a time. We work so hard to keep our outside presentable when the inside is what matters. When you feel terrific, notify your face. Giving is an exercise that makes a healthy heart. Live your life like a snowflake, leave a mark, but not a stain. An open mind leaves a space for someone to drop in a worthwhile thought. It’s not the distance you travel, but the direction that counts. A new broom sweeps clean, but it takes an old one to get in the comers. The food that never goes up in price is food for thought. To think too long about doing something often becomes its undoing. Truth has only to change hands a few times to become fiction. Everyone needs enough work to do so they’ll have something to rest from. Remember to forget the troubles that are past, but never forget to remember the blessings that come each day. When you are laboring for others, let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. -John F. Kennedy Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185th Area 531-7700 - ■ EMERGENCIES-Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) ....... I I I I liiilll , ,1 , ' ■ Lenten Fish Fries St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) community center will be the location for fish fries on Fridays during Lent beginning on Feb. 11 from 4 to 7 p.m. Fish dinners are $7.50 which includes home fries, coleslaw or applesauce, dessert and coffee. Shrimp dinners are $8 and this year they will also be offering crab cake dinners for $8. Combo meals are $8. Macaroni and cheese dinners and Vz meals also on the menu. Take-outs available. Organic Farming in Slovenia Slovenia covers an area of 20,273 square kilometers, of which 56.5 percent is forests, 38 percent is farmland, 0.6 percent water, 1.8 percent rocks, three percent urbanized areas (developed areas, roads and railroads), and 0.1 percent undeclared areas. The Slovenian coastline stretches over 46.6 kilometers. In Slovenia, organic farming standards are laid down in the 1991 Regulations on Organic Farming and Food Production. The country’s natural features afford good options for organic farming, even for small and medium-sized farms. Sustainable farming has flourished over the last five years, with an increasing number of customers looking for safe and healthy foods. Organic farmers are well organized in groups and associations, some of which have linked up with sustainable farming associations abroad (DEMETER, IFOAM, ERNTE). The Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food offered financial support to organic farmers for the first time in 1999; the support came in the form of direct payments per hectare for the production of various crops. The ministry, in addition, monitors the production. This information came from Phil Hrvatin. fisten to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony'Ovsemk m 440-944-2538 Fish Fries every Friday during Lent in the Slovenian National Home Club Room, 6409 St. Clair Ave. (rear). Serving 5:30 to 8:30. Take outs available. Friday, March 4 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Friday, March 4 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Stan Mejac. Friday, March 4 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Fish Fry, Walleye or Shrimp, pierogies, mac & cheese, potatoes, coleslaw, bread & butter, beverage, dessert. Donation $9.00. Serving from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 5 Moonlight Bowling, Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, 3563 E. 80,h. $25 per couple includes bowling, meal and prizes, from 6:30 p.m. Reservations 1-440-243-4062 or 440-524-8915. Friday, March 11 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Frank Moravcik. Friday, March 11 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Saturday, March 12 Federation of Slovenian Homes Banquet, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Tickets $22.00. Each Home has tickets. Genevieve Drobnič and Ken Zalar are top honorees. Sunday, March 13 A day at the races presented by Collinwood Slovenian Home. Donation $6.00. Includes sandwich, soft drink and beer. Doors open at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 15 Ohio Chapter of Slovenian Genealogy Society International meets, 7 p.m., in Recher Hall, Euclid, OH. Friday, March 18 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Wayne Tomsic. Friday, March 18 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Friday, March 18 Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., fish fry, walleye or shrimp, pierogies, mac & cheese, potatoes, coleslaw, bread, butter, beverage, dessert. Donation $9.00. Serving from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20 Slovenian National Home, Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., Easter Bunny Brunch with Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults $8, and children under 12 - $4.00. Friday, March 25 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Tuesday, March 29 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 anniversary dinner-reverse raffle in St. Vitus School Hall. Further information or tickets call Richard Mott (216) 531-4556. Sunday, April 3 Collinwood Slovenian Home, holds “Breakfast Time” includes eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, coffee from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Donation $6.00. Saturday, April 23 St. Vitus Slovenian School perform play “Žogica Nogica” in honor of Mother’s Day in parish auditorium. Sunday, May 1 Annual Dinner-Dance of Holmes Ave. Pensioners at Coll. Slov. Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Dinner at 2 p.m. Dancing to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets see members or call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784. Everyone welcome. Wednesday, July 13 Annual Picnic of Holmes Ave. Pensioners Club at VFW #4358 on White Rd. (between Bishop & Rockefeller Rds.) noon until 6 p.m. Everyone welcome. Free admission. Food & refreshments available. Fred Ziwich plays for dancing 2:30 to 4:30. Jam session follows. More information call 440-943-3784. Sunday, July 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. Death Notices JOSEPHINE “PEP” BAŠKOVIČ Josephine “Pep” Baškovič (nee Rožnik), age 77, a 10-year resident of Willoughby Hills, OH, passed away on Friday, February 25, 2005 at Hospice of the Western Reserve. She was bom on January 1, 1928 in Cleveland. Josephine belonged to St. Vitus Altar Society, St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Auxiliary, AMLA Lodge #10, KSKJ Lodge #63, and the Slovenian Women’s Union of America. For decades. Pep was an active volunteer for numerous St. Vitus Church functions. She also volunteered at local KSKJ lodge activities, and the Ohio K.SKJ fraternal events. Josephine is survived by husband Joseph S. Baškovič; sisters Mary Miller, Rose Marie Geffert, and Ludmilla Tacsar; sister-in-law Betty Novak. She was aunt and great-aunt to many nieces and nephews. Deceased family are siblings Frances Hočevar, John, Edward, and William Rožnik. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH on Monday, Feb. 28 from 3 - 8 Pm. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec, Pastor Joseph Boznar, and Rev. Victor Cimperman at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, interment All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, OH. Family suggests memorial donations in her name to the St. Vitus Roof Fund, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 or to the Hospice °f the Western Reserve, 300 L- 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. JOHN M. BANDI John M. Bandi, 82, beloved husband for 55 years to Mary Jo (nee Lautizar); dear father of John T. (wife Susan), Gregory (wife Anne) Thomas and Pam Czeck (Rick Zenz); loving grandfather of Alyson Bandi, Jessica Czeck and Christopher Bandi; cherished brother of Mary Ann Danacic and the late Rev. Bonaventure, O.S.B., Louis, Ann Marie Bencar and Pauline Berwar. Contributions suggested to Catholic Charities 7911 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102 or to The American Heart Association, 1689 E. 115 St., Cleveland, OH 44106. Mass of Christian Burial Saturday, Feb. 26 at St. Noel Catholic Church at 12 noon. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at DeJohn-Flynn-Mylott Funeral Home of Willoughby Hills on Friday, Feb. 25 from 3-5 p.m., and 6-8 p.m. BETTY J. ROTAR Active fratemalist Betty J. Rotar, (Kapel), 75, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005. Betty was bom in Cleveland on Oct. 14, 1929. She lived in Willoughby, Ohio for the past 11 months, prior to that she was a life-long Euclid resident. Betty was Secretary of SNPJ Lodge #147, SNPJ National Board, Ladies Auxiliary of Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Ladies Auxiliary of SNPJ Farm Board, Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges, Collinwood High School Alumni, Euclid Historical Society, American Fraternal Union, AMLA #8, Jadran Singing Society, P.S.W.A. Circle #1, and volunteered at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.). She also enjoyed traveling and led group tours to Slovenia, etc . Betty was a homemaker and secretary. Betty is survived by children Mark (Marion), Jack (Noreen), Roberta (Tim), Haic, Joida (Phil) Mann, Thomas; grandchildren Stephanie and Kristin Rotar, Thomas, Katherine Haic, Melissa, Philip, and Paul Mann; brothers John (Priscilla) Kapel and Henry (Dorothy) Kapel; sisters Sophie Matuch, Marion Slejko, and Vida Zak. Deceased family members are husband Jack “Sonny”; brother-in-laws: Mike Matuch, Stan Slejko, and Frank Zak. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., on Wednesday, March 2 from 2-9 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.) on Thursday, March 3, at 9:30 p.m., pastor, Rev. John Kumse officiating. Burial All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to Elmer and Vida Perme of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription to the American Home and added a terrific $40.00 donation in memory of deceased members of the Levstik and Perme Families. PAULINE VEGAL Pauline Vegal (nee Zupančič), age 79; beloved wife of Emil (deceased); loving mother of David (Cindy) and John; dear grandmother of David Jr., John Jr., Dawn, and Paula; sister of Dolores, Dorothy, Richard, John, Joseph, and the following deceased: Frank, Leo and Iggy. Friends are received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Thursday, March 3 from 2-9 p.m., where services will be held Friday at 8:45 a.m., and at St. Christine Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Donation Thanks to Alojzij Brumen of Madison, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Fami'y ?YVneci apt* operated sinfe^SQS ; y| ;j j-.; / On the 12,h Anniversary of the death of Anton J. (Tony) Petkovšek Sr. Passed away on March 2, 1993 A lasting memorial is the perpetuation of the daily Slovenian and Polka RADIO Program of 44 years, plus the station itself as conducted by Tony Petkovšek on WELW 1330 AM IN LOVING MEMORY Of the 12,h Anniversary Of The Passing Of Our Dearly Beloved Brother, Brother-in-Law, Uncle, and Great-Uncle Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Died March 7,1993 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone; For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Edward Baznik, brother: Eileen and Mary Baznik, sister-in-law; his nieces: Helen Marinič, Brandon, Fla., Dorothv Dever, Cincinnati, Ohio, Esther Martin, Blanche Jones, Largo, Fla. Lois Mentel, Carol Dougherty, Mary Lou Moyen, Kentucky Sr. Edwardine Baznik, S.J.S.M., Louisville, Ohio, Mary McCafferty, Dayton, Ohio; his nephews: Dr. Charles Baznik, Robert Baznik, Boston, Mass., Richard Baznik, Edward J. Baznik, and remaining relatives in U.S., and Canada Highland Heights^, Ohio, March 3, 2005. I^£) a Donation Thanks to Dolores Sier- ^ putowski of Highland Heights, OH for the $25.00 donation. rj , '« ] Donation Thanks to Branko and Sylvia Pisorn pf Kirtland, OH for the $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Antonija Bucik of Norridge, IL who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Dr. Ludvik Leskovar. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel & Majda Valerian of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation! In Memory Thanks to Dr. Daniel Siewiorek of Pittsburgh for the $25.00 donation in memory of his wonderful parents Frank and Lena Siewiorek. Great Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous of Chagrin Falls, OH for the $100.00 donation! Donation Thanks to Anonymous reader from Cleveland for the nifty $50.00 donation. In Loving Memory 36th Anniversary Major John A. Petrie Died March 2, 1969 4th Anniversary John Petrie Died March 17, 2001 No one knows the silent heartaches Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that's borne in silence For the one we loved so well. “Everything ceases, only God remains Blessed is he who understands this.” —Fr. A. M. Slomšek a' - AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 3, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 3, 2005 8 HAPpy February 9, was cold and snowy, but that did not deter people from coming to the HAP meeting. After Pledge Of Allegiance, a silent prayer was held for our departed members and relatives: Kathie Bolivar, daughter of Adolph Kocin; Angela Marinčič; and Sr. Maiy Arthur Turocy, sister of Eleanor Zemic. May they rest in God’s loving arms. Our deepest sympathy to the grieving families. Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler was busy again, sending cheery cards to Agnes Galante, Frank & Mary Hiti, Frank Klemenčič, Adolph Rebol, Stanley Rome, Angela Sustarsic, and Florence Urankar. Get well soon, everyone, please! Say a little prayer for their recovery. Bill Zabukovec reminds eveiybody that dues are DUE!!!!!!! Gotta be paid up by March 9, 2005 so you don’t miss out on anything. We always have a good time! Fran Kajfez reported on the latest bus tours: * Fallsview Casino trip is March 31, 2005. $30.00 PP; of that you get back $15.00 coin and $10.00 for food; so do the math! * Great Lakes Resort in the Catskills, NY, is scheduled for Tues.-Fri., August 16-19, 2005. Cost for 48 people on the bus is $446.00 PP; if 42 sign up, it’s a little more: $460.00 PP. All taxes and tips are included, and as of now there are still spaces available. Give Fran a call! She News is also open to trip suggestions: drop a slip in the suggestion box, if you are SHY. A nice crop of new members was present. Gus and Elsie Cesen, John and Ann Copic, Ed. Ferrick, Jim and Mary Fumich, Dorothy Griff, Ray and Florence Stopar, Francis Tavenier, and Dan and Mary Turk. Welcome to the Club! (We still have 52 on the back burner). Jeanette Yert helped Myra Jerkič with the 50/50 raffle; THANK YOU, ladies, for a great job! Eleven (11) members were serenaded with “Happy Birthday”, Congratulations, and many more! No one present has an anniversary this month, though. Special Birthday proclamations were presented to June Kalamaz, Molly Strunge, Jay Swartz and Helen Wujnovich. You know what they say about birthdays: don’t count them, just cele brate them! Many Happy returns! Special Anniversary proclamations were presented to Grace and Frank Sechnick (55 Yrs.), Alba and John Plutt (55 Yrs.), Val and Dominic Cekada (50 Yrs.), Helen and John Kozlevchar (50 Yrs.), Rose and Tom Weber (50 Yrs.), Joyce and Mike Se-gulin (40 Yrs.) and Ruth and Frank Korelec (25 Yrs.). Congratulations and best wishes for many, many more happy years! 163 HAPpy “guests” enjoyed the mock “wed- Shown above are Eugene Kogovšek, a former National President of American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ), and his wife, Jennie Kogovšek who is active with SNPJ; They are pictured last summer at one of their favorite locations, Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid, Ohio. __________ (Photo by PHILIP J. HRVATIN) — 11 ■ — ...- ------------ m - | . — ©©©©© ding” led by “bishop” Ed. Morel, who read brief humorous histories of Frank and Grace Sechnick, John and Alba Plutt, John and Helen Kozlevchar, Dom and Val Cekada, and Tom and Rose Weber. What a riot! The happy couples paraded around the hall, led by “priest” Stash Kocin, to the happy sounds of Tony Spendal’s accordion. Bridal songs “Sinoči je pela” and “Venček na glavi” were led by talented Jim Kozel. You should have been there... Ruthie and Frank Korelec missed out, but maybe not? They were on their “honeymoon”! Many THANKS to all who helped make this such a fun event: Ohio proclamations were provided by Rep. Kenny Yuko and HAPpy proclamations were provided by Carl Schultz; mock wedding costumes were courtesy of Alice Orednik; the priest’s garb was loaned by Fr. John Kumse, delivered and returned by Tony Moze and A1 Mam, Joe Drob-nich wielded the shotgun (relax, nobody was hit). And the yummy Valentine candy was donated by Carl and Jennie Schultz and Bill Zabukovec. THANK YOU, hvala lepa, spasibo, djenkuje, Danke schoen, merci beaoucoup, mille grazie, take your pick! We have a guest speaker scheduled for March 9, 2005 meeting: Susan Kajfez, representative for Discount Drugs of Canada, will enlighten our minds and maybe fatten our wallets? Cost of prescription drugs is mind-boggling! Our “golden agers” are taking all their gold to doctors and pharmacies. .. .Maybe Susan can teach us how to save some.... See Ya! Gmmble Stiltskin. Memorial Mass The 31st Memorial Mass in honor of the late Felix A. Danton, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop #250 will be held at St. Casimir Church, 8223 Sowinski Ave., Cleveland on Sunday, March 13 at 12 noon. Joke A boy comes home from school and tells his mother he got a part in the school play. “What part?” the mother asks. “I play a Slovenian husband,” the boy replies. “Go back to school and tell your teacher you want a speaking part.” —Phil Hrvatin Rudy Flis, left, and Army buddy Richard Horton from Michigan, enjoy their leave in Holland, in October, 1953. Slovenian ‘Dutch Boy’ Covers The Netherlands by RUDY ELIS AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Oct. 1953 - I was on leave from Germany with a buddy of mine. It was my first leave since I had arrived in Europe. We were staying in a Dutch home that supplied lodging with home-cooked meals. One of the daughters was our guide, as we drove around Amsterdam in a 1947 Chrysler boat. At 5 o’clock in downtown Amsterdam our car was completely surrounded by bikes and I hated driving among the two wheelers. The second day was a little better as we headed out to the country and water and islands. We went to Marken Island on the Zider Sea, where all on the island dressed in wooden shoes and old-fashioned clothing to give us tourists a taste of the past. I enjoyed it, because it was very different than the rest of Holland and much like I read about in my books in school of old Holland and its wooden shoes and windmills. The windmill I went into was a sawmill, driven by the wind. I have a picture of that mill. I also went to a flower auction. Never had seen a flower auction before or since. I sent my mom a bunch of tulip bulbs, which were inspected in Virginia, before they were forwarded to her. She didn’t know anybody in the state of Virginia, and never did figure who they came from until one day I asked her if she ever received the tulip bulbs I sent to her from Holland a year earlier. One less mystery in life for my mom. The Catholic Church I went to for Mass on Sunday had five collections. I offered my wrist watch in their last collection basket. Mass was in Latin, but the sermon was in Dutch and I was American. It fell on deaf ears. I did receive Holy Communion in English. I always tried to bring back a memento or two of my visits to other countries. I have many pictures of Holland and a card from a bar with this writing on it. I hope you enjoy this tidbit from more than 50 years ago. The bartender knows , He knows all our sorrows, He knows all our joys, He knows all the girls . Who are chasing the boys. He knows all our troubles He knows all our strife: He knows every man Who ducks out from his wife. If the bartender told all he knows, He would turn all our friends Into bitterest foes. He would start forth a story, Which gaining in force Would cause all our wives to sue for divorce. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina T a,liTi 11 n nvi,’;« j AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 3, 2005 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije - Pomembno novo napredovanje v Vatikanu nadškofa Franca Rodeta Pretekli teden je papež Janez Pavel II. imenoval bivšega ljubljanskega nadškofa dr. Franca Rodeta, ki je sedaj v Rimu prefekt kongregacije za ustanove posvečenega življenja in družbe apostolskega življenja, še za člana kongregacije za škofe. Novejše imeno-vanje naj bi zagotovilo, da bo papež na naslednjem konzistoriju nadškofa Rodeta imenoval za kardinala, ta konzistorij pa priča-kujejo proti koncu junija letos. Janez Janša sodeloval v Bruslju na sestanku vrha NATA in EU-ZDA Pretekli teden je bilo vrhunsko srečanje EU-ZDA v Bruslju, na katerem je bil nav-z?č tudi predsednik ZDA George Bush. Prisoten je bil tudi predsednik slovenske vlade Janez Janša. Ocenil je, da zdaj obstaja večja pripravljenost kot kdaj prej v zadnjih letih, da NATO deluje enotno, da Je evroatlantsko zavezništvo temelj te enotnosti in da so razlike zadnjih let v največji niožni meri presežene. Ponovil je, da je na vrhu NATA Slovenija enako kot druge zaveznice potrdila svoj prispevek za misijo usposabljanja iraških varnostnih sil: sodelovala bo pri usposabljanju teh sil v tretjih državah (menda v prvi vrsti v Jordaniji), iraški vojski bo zagotovila 15 tisoč kosov lahkega Pehotnega orožja, ki ga ne potrebuje več, v sklad za finančno podporo misiji za Irak b° prispevala 100 tisoč evrov, ta znesek po Potrebi bo pripravljena spremeniti. ^ Sloveniji življenjska doba krajša kot v večini držav Zahodne Evrope V Sloveniji je več kot 70% vseh smrti Posledica najpogostejših kroničnih nenalezlji-v*h bolezni. Med njimi vodijo bolezni srca ln ožilja, ki še vedno predstavljajo vzrok o- koli 40% celotne umrljivosti slovenskega prebivalstva, kljub temu, da se je od leta 1990 dalje umrljivost zaradi srčno-žilnih vzrokov v Sloveniji zmanjšala za 34%. V primerjavi z drugimi državami, ki so se lani vključile v EU, je celotna umrljivost v Sloveniji sicer manjša, je pa večja kot v večini držav Zahodne Evrope. Za slednjo zaostaja Slovenija v povprečju za dve leti tudi v pričakovanem trajanju življenja ob rojstvu. Le-to znaša sedaj v Sloveniji 72 let za moške in 79 let za ženske. Delež prezgodnjih smrti, ki pomenijo smrt pred 65. letom starosti in se jih lahko prepreči, dosega okoli 26%. Dimitry Rupel za avstrijski tisk: “Seveda je Slovenija naslednica Jugoslavije” V intervjuju preteklo soboto za konservativni dunajski dnevnik Die Presse, je slovenski zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel dejal kot odgovor na vprašanje o avstrijskih dvomih glede pravice Slovenije nastopati kot naslednica nekdanje SFRJ v zvezi z izpolnjevanjem avtrijskih obveznosti do slovenske manjšine v Avstriji, da prav na Dunaju najbolje vedo, da je Slovenija država naslednica Jugoslavije, ker so tam leta 2001 podpisali dogovor vseh držav naslednic. Vsi so bili tam, tudi avstrijska zunanja ministrica Ferrero Waldner. Slovenija, Hrvaška, Jugoslavija, BiH in Makedonija so se na Dunaju odločile o ureditvi nasledstva, je poudaril Rupel. Dodal je: “Nihče v Avstriji ni nikoli zanikal pravice Slovenije, da sme braniti slovensko manjšino v Avstriji. To bomo počeli tudi v prihodnje. Pri tem skušamo okoli vsega tega delati čim manj hrupa. Če pa želi avstrijska stran delati veliko hrupa, nas spravlja v zelo težak položaj. Potem bi bili prisiljeni narediti nadaljnje korake.” 0icoVENEC PRI PAPEŠKEM OLTARJU - V baziliki sv. Petra v Vatikanu je na sveč-gre° n®mesto bolnega papeža, ki je bil tiste dni v bolnišnici, daroval mašo prefekt kon-8*c(je za ustanove posvečenega življenja bivši ljubljanski nadškof dr. France Rode. iii' 'hu i m p j 11 i.l p:..r i, ji' \z Clevelanda in okolice LILIJA ima sestanek— Odbor dramskega društva LILIJA sporoča, da je naslednji članski sestanek v ponedeljek, 7. marca, ob pol osmih zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni. Važen sestanek— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima skupno sv. obhajilo to nedeljo, sledil bo važen sestanek v Slovenski sobi pri St. Vitus Village. Odbor želi, da bi se čim-več članic udeležilo tako sv. maše kakor sestanka. Neimenovani dobrotnik— Neimenovani dobrotnik s Chagrin Fallsa je daroval $100 v podporo listu. Hvala! Novi grobovi BETTY J. ROTAR Umrla je 75 let stara Betty J. Rotar iz Willough-byja, mnoga leta živeča v Euclidu, rojena Kapel 14. oktobra 1929 v Clevelandu, veliko let članica glavnega odbora SNPJ in tajnica društva št. 147 SNPJ, dolgoletna predsednica nekdanjega pevskega zbora Jadran, prav tako dolgoletna članica Kr. št. 1 nekdanjih Progresivnih Slovenk Amerike, članica AMLA št. 8, United Slovenian. Society, ABZ, United Americans for Slovenia, Ženskega odseka SDD na Waterloo Rd., Ženskega odseka SNPJ farme na Heath Rd., Clevelandske federacije SNPJ društev in še več drugih organizacij, večkrat vodila skupine, ki so potovale v Slovenijo in druge dežele pod okriljem Kollandrove agencije, vdova po Jacku, mati Marka, Jacka, Roberte Haic, Joide Mann in Thomasa, 7-krat stara mati, sestra Johna, Sophie Matuch, Marion Slejko, Vide Zak in Henryja. Pogreb je danes, 3. marca, v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Martha Mihelin Umrla je 80 let stara Martha Mihelin, žena Franka (lastnik Mihelin Travel na St. Clair Ave.), mati Christine Mihelin-Kos, Ed-warda in že pok. Nede, 6-krat stara mati. Pogreb je danes, 3. marca, s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Gregorija velikega in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. (DALJE na str. 16) ■" . I '.I i. :.| :l.!. , | I ; li; Kosilo MZA lepo uspelo— Preteklo nedeljo je bilo v dvorani župnije Marije Vnebovzete letno kosilo MZA, ki je kar lepo uspelo. O kosilu lahko več berete v današnjih MSIP na str. 16. Korotan sporoča— Pevski zbor Korotan sporoča, da bo imel letni koncert v soboto, 30. aprila v SND na St. Clairju. Več o njem kasneje. Korotan .je sprejel povabilo izseljenskega društva v Sloveniji “Slovenija v svetu”, da gostuje v Sloveniji letos poleti in da skupaj z drugimi Slovenci, živečimi po svetu, s svojimi nastopi v Sloveniji obeleži 60-letnico begunstva. Tako boste z udeležbo koncerta 30. aprila zbor podprli pri nabiranju finančnih sredstev za to pomembno gostovanje. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo pri sv. Vidu bo imelo prodajo krofov in rezancev v soboto, 12. marca, ob običajnem času, v društveni sobi. Spominski darovi— G. Elmer in ga. Vida Perme, Euclid, O., sta darovala $40 v podporo našemu listu, v spomin pokojnih iz družin Levstik in Perme. Ga. Antonija Bucik, Nor-ridge, 111., je darovala $15, v spomin dr. Ludvika Leskovarja. Ga. Eleanore Rud-man, Euclid, je darovala $15, v spomin staršev Franka in Anne Pičman. Ga. Ivanka Pretnar, Cleveland, je prav tako darovala $15, v spomin moža Leopolda. G. Daniel Siewiorek, Pittsburgh, Pa., je daroval $25, v spomin Franka in Lene Siewiorek. Hvala vsem! Ribje večerje v postu— Pri fari Mariji Vnebovzeti (v novi dvorani) od 4. pop. do 7. zvečer. Ribe - $7.50; rakci, “crab cake” ali “combo” večerje - $8; na razpolago so tudi “macaroni & cheese” večerje in otroški obrok. Večerjo lahko tudi vzamete domov. V Slov. narodnem domu na St. Clairju - v Klubski sobi. Na jedilniku so: ribe, raki, pierogi in mešano kosilo. Servirajo od 5.30 do 8. zvečer. Kosilo lahko vzamete domov. V Slov. delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd. Ženski odsek SDD pripravlja kosila oz. večerje od 11. dop. do 8. zvečer. Ribje večerje, ponujajo pa tudi druge večerje po vaši izbiri. n n :i ■ Piti i, .!! ;-i utfr Mons. FRANCI PETRIČ Komentar Pred zrcalom vesti Spreobrni se in veruj evangeliju. Tako so mnogi kristjani slišali na pepelnično sredo, ko je duhovnik zaznamoval njihovo čelo s pepelom. Spreobrnjenje je trajna naloga vsakega kristjana in celotne krščanske skupnosti. Če hočemo, da se bo ta klic zares dotaknil našega srca in spremenil naše življenje, je potreben temeljit in neprizanesljiv pogled v našo dušo. Včasih temu pravimo tudi, da se je treba postaviti pred ogledalo naše vesti. Letošnji post je priložnost, da se kot posamezniki, cerkvena in narodna skupnost postavimo pred ogledalo in izmerimo daljo in nebeško stran, brez katere ni prihodnosti za naš narod. Povod zato nam dajejo tudi zunanje okoliščine. V preteklih dneh smo bili priča burnim odmevom na praznovanje novega italijanskega državnega praznika dan spomina in na film Srce v breznu, ki ga je predvajala njihova državna televizija. Ne more nam biti vseeno, kako Slovence vidijo naši sosedje in driigi narodi v svetu. Vendar ni najprej važno, kako nas vidijo drugi, ampak kako se vidimo sami. V Sloveniji že petnajst let javno govorimo o povojnih pobojih in žrtvah revolucije, uradno pa se ni skoraj nič spremenilo. Državne in javne proslave so še vse obarvane tako kakor pred tridesetimi in več leti. Povsod kažejo peterokrake zvezde, titovke, zraven pa se mimogrede zasvetita še srp in kladivo. Scenografija proslav spominja na čase, ko smo morali prepevati internacionalo in se sklicevati na Marxa, Engelsa, Lenina, Kardelja in druge “velike mislece” marksizma, razrednega boja in delavskega razreda. Kričavi govorniki, vzeti iz komunističnega formalina, nastopajo z obrabljenimi frazami obrambe narodnega interesa, niso pa sposobni pogledati resnici v oči. Fašizem in nacizem smo obsodili in ga zavračamo, komunizma pa še vedno nismo. Del odgovornosti za tako stanje pri nas še danes ima demokratična oblast. Če bi namreč slovenska državna oblast v devetdesetih letih, ko smo postavljali temelje demokracije na Slovenskem, izrekla besedo obsodbe komunistične revolucije in njenih nosilcev, bi se sedaj npr. manj obremenjeno pogovarjali z Italijani. Predvojna komunistka, zapornica v Ravensbriicku in povojna zapornica v Brestanici, Angela Vode, v svojih Skritih spominih pravi: “Ne gre soditi: Nemec, marveč nacist. Prav tako ne: Slovenec, marveč: komunist. Totalitaren!" Ne samo na Tržaškem, kakor prikazuje film Srce v breznu, tudi v Sloveniji se je namreč val komunističnega nasilja in maščevanja znesel nad vse, kar je vsaj malo dišalo po drugačnosti. Od tod na tisoče pobitih v Rogu, na Teharjah, po drugih jamah, na desettisoče zaprtih, brezpravnih, razlaščenih in ponižanih. Do zdaj nismo obsodili sistema, ki je naredil neizmerno veliko hudega narodu, ga moralno in duhovno pokvečil, vnesel nepopravljiv razdor v naše manjšine na Koroškem in v Italiji ter nas končno osramotil tudi pred svetom. Tako kot se na Tržaškem ni pobijalo zaradi nacionalnih, ampak razrednih interesov, se je dogajalo po vsej Sloveniji. Revolucionarjem, ki so se metod uničevanja nasprotnikov učili na akademiji Džerdzinski v Moskvi, in njihovim advokatom bi bilo po petnajstih letih vendarle treba reči dokončni ne. Kristjani smo večinski del narodne skupnosti. Mnogi med nami so morali skozi ponižanja. m ED MEJAČ RDC Program Dirittor ^°n^lMelodies from Beautiful Slovenk Sbvenian Radio Family WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX WEB: www.wcsb.org preganjanja in celo zapore. Nedavno smo npr. v Ljubljani pokopali duhovnika Božidarja Slapšaka, ki je bil trikrat obsojen skupaj na 26 let zapora in v njem preživel več kot osem let. Zadnjič so ga obsodili leta 1960, ko je po pošti nekomu poslal v zaprtem pismu poročilo o pogrebu škofa Rožmana in njegovo zadnjo pridigo ... Sistem, ki je ljudem prebiral oseben pošto in hotel videti celo v dušo, je, vreden obsodbe in njegovi nosilci bi se morali sramovati, molčati in žalovati, namesto da danes kričijo kot branitelji narodnih interesov; potem ko so iskreno domoljubje v partizanstvu izkoristili in izigrali za revolucionarne cilje. Zaradi ponavljajoče se nerazčiščene preteklosti, ran, na katere vsipajo sol tisti, ki so nam jih povzročili, je za slovenskega kristjana nujno potrebno, da ima čist pogled v narodovo dušo, njeno preteklost. 'K temu so v zadnjem času veliko pripomogle knjige, ki bi jih moral prebrati vsakdo, ki hoče nepristransko presojati dogodke in ljudi v našem narodu. Za postno branje zato priporočam knjige Razdvojeni narod zgodovinarke Tamare Griesser Pečar, spomine Mačkovega pribočnika Alberta Svetine Od narodnoosvobodilnega boja do banditizma, predvojne komunistke Angele Vode Skriti spomin in dachavskega zapornika Franca Hrastelja Njegova pot. Ob njih človek spozna, da pogled v ogledalo vesti in priznanje človeka osvobodi, sprosti in mu da nov ustvarjalni zagon, ki nam je še kako potreben, če hočemo kot narod preživeti.. DRUŽINA, 20. febr. 2005 Umrl rešitelj Slovencev v Vetrinju Grof Nikolaj Tolstoj, major Paul H. Barre in torontski nadškof kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič Ljubljana - Drugega februarja je v Kanadi umrl znameniti major Paul H. Barre, ki je leta 1945 v Vetrinju odigral zelo pomembno vlogo, da so Angleži prekinili vračanje beguncev v Slovenijo. Določeno je bilo, da bodo 1. junija 1945 začeli vračati tudi civilne begunce. V tisti težki situaciji je major Barre prisluhnil prošnjam predstavnika slovenskih civilnih beguncev zdravnika dr. Valentina Meršola in odložil odhod prvega transporta, se z dr. Meršolom odpeljal v Celovec na angleško vojaško upravo in dosegel preklic povelja o vračanju. Civilni begunci in tudi domobranci, ki so še ostali v taborišču, so bili tako rešeni. Rodil se je 22. februarja 1906 v Montrealu. Slovenci v Kanadi in Ameriki so se mu večkrat zahvalili za njegovo požrtvovalno delo v Vetrinju. Kljub visoki starosti majorja Barreja je njegova smrt zelo prizadela še živeče slovenske begunce, ki so šli skozi Vetrinj, in njihove potomce. I(vo) Ž(ajdela) DRUŽINA, 20. febr. 2005 SPOROČAJTE PRAVOČASNO O PRIHAJAJOČIH PRIREDITVAH VAŠIH DRUŠTEV hnrits-tiis rr.r.r.rr.r. r s s*r s s j: r n^r n s=s s s s s R R s s s a s 3 s {wrs s s s = s 3 k s = s s Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA 'ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS n, v: Dr. Anton Kovačič praznuje svoj 85. rojstni dan 85 let prelata dr. Kovačiča Ljubljana -- Župljani župnije Kraljice apostolov v Belmontu v škofiji Charlotte v Severni Karolini v ZDA so 9. januarja, dva dni pred njegovim rojstnim dnem, zelo slovesno praznovali 85. rojstni dan svojega nekdanjega župnika (od 1958 do 1994) prelata dr. Antona Kovačiča. Pridružili so se jim številni Jubilantovi prijatelji in znanci pa celo charlottski škof Peter J. Jugis, ki je v župniji deloval preden je bil imenovan za škofa. Po slavljencu so poimenovali župnijsko središče, za katero ima velike zasluge. Uglednemu in zaslužnemu slovenskemu duhovniku v ZDA je v imenu Slovenskega svetovnega kongresa čestital njegov predsednik dr. Boris Pleskovič. Prelat Kovačič, Američani ga kličejo “oče Toni”, se je rodil 11. januarja 1920 v župniji Bizeljsko in naslednji dan prejel zakrament svetega krsta. Že pri petih letih si je zaželel postati duhovnik. Ta življenjski cilj je do? segel leta 1947 v Rimu, J * < kjer je doštudiral teologijo in filozofijo, potem ko se je zaradi druge svetovne vojne 1. 1941 umaknil iz Slovenije, kjer je istega leta v Ljubljani vstopil v bogoslovno semenišče. V ZDA je prišel leta 1951. Do leta 1994, ko se je upokojil. Je kot duhovnik deloval na različnih župnijah. Povsod se je izkazal z zavzetim delom, izobraženostjo in raznovrstnostjo. Ljudje so ga imeli zelo radi. To so (DALJE na str. 11) 1 . v. tl F S v f( Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja i * n P k P s’ Si redno, ko jih je toliko že ugaštrilof ■adO i4rr:hi-3::i;i r',:fr i;,fr jrlri-.td J*' M Faniki Omahen za 80-letnico Mar kdo na svetu širnem ve, kaj vse napekla Ti si že? Koliko štrudljev in potic, koliko “keksov”, tort, slaščic? Saj tega, Fani, ne poveš, saj tega sama še ne veš! Samo na tisoče ljudi ve, da si zanje pekla Ti! Nam Julka, Linda kuhajo, z Ivanko, Bredo, Jožico. Kako so dragocene vse, se skupnost komaj kdaj zave. In kdo še peči krasno zna? Mar ni to naša Fanika, in Zofi Mazi in Sedmakova pa Žnidaršič in Mara Celestinova? Še mnogo več je takih žen, ki ne bojijo se bremen! Vsak naj bi jih še več naštel, jim stisnil roko, jih objel! Zdaj, ko si dopolnila let že plodnih osemkrat deset, če vse ni več kakor nekoč, so Polde, Eli, Olga Ti v pomoč. Kraljica, Fani, si potic, dobrot neštetih in slaščic. Brez televizijskih reklam življenje Ti posladkaš nam. Mi pa želimo Ti s srca, naj Bog Ti zdravja, sreče da! Za vse srčno zahvaljena, Ti naša draga Fanika! Tvoja družina, sorodniki in prijatelji Kako biti z vso polnostjo Izšla je monografija Kipi govorijo, v kateri je predstavljeno kiparstvo Franceta Gorše ta s poezijo ^fiana Trobiša - Kardelj prepovedal razstavo 1. 1972 jdubljana _ Veliko ljudi Prišlo na predstavitev °nografije o znamenitem c °Venskem kiparju Fran-^ Gorše tu, dopoljenno _ Poezijo mladega dolenj-P06*3 Smiljana Tro-a (r. 1956). Z naslo-Vot* Kit 'lala dpi govorijo jo je iz-Založba Družina, ^stavili so jo dr. An-. Smrekar, ravnatelj ^odne galerije, kiparje-ne^aKinja Odeta Gor-j ’ direktor založbe dr. ^bez Gril in pesnik To-^ntne. Fotografije ki-£ Je posnel Marjan va)ler^e’ knjigo je obliko- fertl0 0premil Tone Sei-Že Knjiga Kipi govorijo Wo2 nas^ovom pove bis-^ Goršetove umetnine Potj1 prlpoveciujej0 ° ie' kini ln ° Prese^enem _ na svoj način, ob ‘Pi mh Sv naplsane Pesmi na dve a' V sta 11 p* Sevanji združeni v Pu tOStoJnem ritmu, ki ,J UStl bralcu, da sam us- tvarja sebi lastno presežno podobo o temah, v katerih mu je ponujena refleksija pesmi in tiho pričevanje kipov, meni urednik dr. Janez Gril. Nesporno dejstvo je, da ostaja kipar France Gorše eden največjih mojstrov v 20. stoletju in da je njegov opus še vedno premalo znan. Morda je navečja krivda za to dejstvo prepoved načrtovane in že postavljene Goršetove velike retrospektivne razstave v Kostanjevici na Krki leta 1972, ki jo je menda o-sebno prepovedal Edvard Kardelj, češ da ima Gorše aktivne stike s sloven-slo politične emigracijo. To dejstvo je dr. Andrej Smrekar v svojem nagovoru sicer omenil, a se zdi, da bi bilo o tem treba spregovoriti še marsikaj in bolj zavezujočega. Urednica knijge, Goršetova nečakinja Ode- Pomembni knjigi o slovenskih izseljencih Na predstavitvi knjig (z leve): Dr. Janez Gril, Jure Vombergar, nadškof in metropolit mons. Alojz Uran, frančiškanski provincial p. dr. Viktor Papež, zgodovinar dr. Peter Vodopivec Ljubljana - V petek, 11. februarja, je založba Družina predstavila dve pomembni knjigi, ki govorita o slovenskih izseljencih. Knjiga Letopis 1947 - 1997 je izjemen zgodovinski dokument o verskem in kulturnem življenju slovenskih političnih beguncev, ki so se po drugi svetovni vojni in zmagi revolucije zatekli v Argentino. S svojo žalostno usodo so z neomajno voljo, neuničljivo ljubeznijo, trdno vero in trdim delom postopno oblikovali slovenski čudež v Argentini. Knjigo oziroma okoliščine njenega nastanka je predstavil urednik Jože Vombergar, ki je za to priložnost prispel iz Argentine. Drugo knjigo z naslovom Pater Kazimir Zakrajšek je na podlagi gradiva pripravil in uredil ameriški zgodovinar Bogdan C. Novak. (Ur. AD: Prof. Novak živi v Toledu, Ohio, kot upokojeni profesor zgodovine na državni univerzi Toledo in je bil od vsega začetka zelo aktiven v Družbi za slovenske študije. Dobremu in dolgoletnemu prijatelju čestitam ob izidu knjige!) Govori o slovenskem frančiškanu Kazimirju Zakraj- šku, ki je v prvi polovici 20. stoletja deloval med slovenskimi izseljenci v Združenih državah Amerike, je zbiral okrog sebe in skrbel za njihovo kulturno in versko življenje. Pri tem se je srečeval s težavami in krivičnimi obtožbami. Knjigo sta predstavila frančiškanski provincial p. dr. Viktor Papež in zgodovinar dr. Peter Vodopivec. O obeh knjigah je sprgovoril tudi nadškof in metropolit mons. Alojz Uran. Založba Družina želi z izdajama teh dveh knjig opozoriti slovensko javnost na obveznosti, ki jih imamo do naših izseljencev. Simbolno vračanja argentinskih Slovencev, ki so pred šestdesetimi leti zapustili domovino, se mora spremeniti v resnično vrnitev njihovih otrok in vnukov. Petnajst let slovenske samostojnosti in sedanja vlada, ki ima do naših rojakov drugačen odnos, so dobro izhodišče za drugačno politiko do naših rojakov po svetu. Potrebujemo nacionalno strategijo za pospešeno vrašanje naših rojakov v domovino. I.Ž..fotoJ.P. Družina, 20. febr. 2005 ta Gorše, je posebej o-menila svoja srečanja s številnimi posamezniki, ki so imeli stike z Gor-šetom, ko se je po vojni zatekel na Tržaško (ki ga je sicer poznal že iz dvajsetih let!) in še hranijo mnoga njegova dela, nekaj kipov pa so odkrili prav ob tej priložnosti (na primer portreta Finžgarja in Slomška). Gorše je kljub vsem hudim preizkušnjam ostal Slovenec in svetovljan, sa- Duhovnik dr. Anton Kovačič (NADALJEVANJE s str. 10) nazadnje pokazali ob praznovanju njegovega visokega življenjskega jubileja v Belmontu, kjer je slavljenec prerezal tudi posebej zanj narejeno torto. Družina, 20. febr. 2005 ^‘jbfez podpisa) mozavesten ustvarjalec, zavedujoč se svoje umte-niške moči in potence, ki ga ni zapustila do smrti. Pesmi Smiljana Trobiša pesniško reflektirajo zbirko Goršetovih kipov, kot so porazdeljeni v tematske sklope: Materinstvo, Akti, Otroci, Portreti, Sakralna dela in Nekaj drugih del. Tak pesniški pristop je redek in dragocen, čeprav mora svojo pesniško avtonomijo soočiti, če ne kar prilagoditi avtonomiji kiprarskih del. Marijan Zlobec Delo, 16. febr. 2005 Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z cfegajanji v Sloveniji in tudi med nami samimi It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) p. dr. VENDELIN ŠPENDOV LEMONTSKI ODMEVI Glavni Marijin praznik v marcu Je Marijino oznanjenje, 25. marca, kar je med nami še vedno najbolj znan in priljubljen izraz, čeprav je v bogoslužnih knjigah pravilneje - Gospodovo oznanjenje. Letos je to veliki petek, zato bomo slovesni praznik s sv. mašo obhajali v ponedeljek, po beli nedelji, 4. aprila. Praznik sv. Jožefa, 19. marca, bo letos v soboto pred cvetno nedeljo. Sv. Jožef je zavetnik vesoljne Cerkve in slovenskega naroda. Priporočamo se mu za srečno zadnjo uro: "Sveti Jožef naš čolnič vesla, / Marija je zvezda na sred’ morja; / Jezus je z nami, viharje miri: / varno v nebesa se peljemo mi. / Z Jezusom, z ljubo nebeško Gospo / srečno pripelji nas k sebi v nebo.” Mesec marec je letos ves v postnem času in vzdušju, vse do velikega tedna in velike noči, praznika Gospodovega Vsta- jenja, ki bo 27. marca. Zato ne bomo pozabili, da smo ob postnih petkih vezani na zdržek (od mesnih jedi), strogi post (brezmesni in en glavni obrok) pa je na veliki petek. Osebno pokoro -trpečemu Zveličarju v čast - naj bi si pa vsak sam določil. Obredi velikega tedna (veliki četrtek, petek in sobota) bodo v naši cerkvi ob sedmih zvečer. Na veliki četrtek bo sv. maša v spomin Jezusove zadnje večerje in po maši češčenje - z Jezusom na Oljski gori. Na veliki petek se spominjamo Jezusove smrti na križu, zato pri obredih najprej premišljujemo Kristusovo trpljenje kakor nam ga je posredoval e-vangelist sv. Janez, sledijo prošnje, češčenje križa in obhajilo. Obredi velike sobote vključujejo blagoslov ognja in velikonočne sveče, berila iz stare in nove zaveze in z “aleluja” vpe- Enoletna naročnina na Ave Maria je $20, izven ZDA pa $25. Naslov za naročitev: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main Street, P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Ijejo vstajenjsko procesijo: “Aleluja. Zveličar naš je vstal iz groba, / vesel prepevaj, o kristjan! / Premagana je vsa hudoba, / rešenja tvojega je dan. / Potrta je pekla oblast, /zapoj kristjan, hvaležno čast! Aleluja. ” Na te dni velikega tedna je možno prejeti sv. obhajilo samo med obredi; izvzeti so bolniki in umirajoči. Na veliko noč bo v naši cerkvi ob sedmih zjutraj sv. maša v angleškem jeziku, ob enajstih dopoldne pa slovesna v slovenskem. Ob godu sv. Blaža, škofa in mučenca, Cerkev deli poseben blagoslov, Blažev žegen, s prošnjo, da bi nas po priprošnji sv. Blaža Bog obvaroval “bolezni v grlu, pa tudi vsakega drugega zla”. Blagoslov smo delili na god sv. Blaža 5. februarja, in če je kdo želel tudi naslednjo nedeljo. Sobratje umrli meseca marca: p. Marcel Marin-shek (5. mar. 1951); br. Antonin Šega (7. mar. 1973); p. Jožef Čagran (18. mar. 1988). Naj počivajo v Bogu! Naročnikom se zahvaljujemo za vestno poravnavanje naročnine, nekateri celo za več let naprej. Posebej še zahvala za “dar listu", saj s tem pripomorete, da nam ni treba zvišati naročnine, pa tudi za druge darove, ki jih pošiljate in dodajate, zlasti za sv. maše in darove za misijone. Bog Vas ohrani! Kakor že omenjeno -vsiljuje se nam vprašanje novih naročnikov ... Pisma, ki jih urednik prejema, laskavo govorijo o tehtni verski vsebini in lepoti slovenskega izražanja. Novi naročniki bi bili dobrodošli tudi drugim slovenskim listom in revijam. V Sloveniji so na mnogih krajih ohranili jaslice do “Svečnice - praznika Jezusovega darovanja”, 2. februarja. Ko so ta dan blagoslovili sveče za božjo službo in za domove, so tudi jaslice pospravili in jih prihranili za naslednjo božično dobo. Tudi iz naše cerkve, so jaslice s sveto Družino, s pastirčki in tremi Kralji, odnesli počivat. Mnogi so v teh tednih ob jaslicah pomolili tako po sv. maši kakor ob nedeljskih popoldnevih. V Sloveniji je za smrtni dan našega velikega pesnika dr. Franceta Prešerna državni praznik -Dan kulture. Med rojaki v zdomstvu je bil vedno cenjen s kulturnimi prireditvami v februarju. Tudi letos je odbor pri Slovenskem kulturnem centru v Lemontu za to priliko pripravil kratek program s petjem, govorom in recitacijami. Prav tako je bilo v drugih slovenskih naselbinah. Večkrat omenimo petje zbora v naši cerkvi Marije Pomagaj, zlasti za velike praznike. Pa ne samo tedaj, vsako nedeljo je petje in izvajanje našega zbora kot na veliki praznik. Precej pevk in pevcev je bilo preje v svetoštefanskem zboru v Chicagu, mlajši so se tu pridružili, nekateri tudi iz Jolieta. Težava je čas za vaje, zato smo se domenili, da bo vsako nedeljo polurna vaja pred sv. mašo. Za program poskrbi p. Vendelin. Da pater lahko vodi petje. Je pri orglah Mili Magajne. Skoraj vsako nedeljo je poleg zborovskih skladb slovenskih skladateljev kaka pesem ljudskega značaja, da se morejo vsi navzoči pridružiti, za kar so v klopeh pesmarice. Tudi obnovljene orgle z lepšim in močnejšim glasom pripomorejo k slovesnosti. Bog naj blagoslavlja pevke in pevce našega zbora, saj vsak trudi, da lepo, zbrano in pobožno prepeva v božjo čast in Marijino, in v spodbudo vernega ljudstva. V torek, 1. februarja, nas je presenetilo sporočilo, da je papež Janez Pavel II. v bolničnici v Rimu. Združili smo se z ostalimi vernimi v molitvi, naj ga Bog ohrani in blagoslovi. Baragovi dnevi 2005 bodo v Clevelandu, Ohio, nam je bilo sporočeno. Ob sodelovanju slovenskih župnij sv. Vida in Marije Vnebovzete, so zbrali pripravljalni odbor. Veseli nas, da je Cleveland sprejel povabilo in upamo, da bo to tudi bistveno pomagalo do sklepa procesa in približalo beatifikaciji našega velikega Slovenca in misijonarja svetniškega škofa Friderika Baraga. Rojen je bil 29. junija 1797, v Sloveniji, umrl 19. januarja 1868, prvi škof marquettske škofij6 v državi Michigan. Poleg vsega misijonskega dela, opravkov in dolžnosti kot misijonar in škof, je veliko študiral in pisal. Za drage Slovence je med drugim pripravil knjig0 “Dušna paša”, ki je menda še vedno najboljši in najlepši slovenski molitvenik. Za Indijance rodov Ottawa in Ochipwe je pri' pravil slovnico in slovar v angleškem in francoskem jeziku. Pri vsem tem pa je bil globok0 IS BLAG SPOMIN S3. OBLETNICE SMRT! NAŠEGA | LJUBLJENEGA IN NEPOZABNEGA OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA Ul.}.' kije JAMES DEBEVEC v Gospodu zaspal 6. marca 1952. Minila bo 53. obletnica, odkar si se ločil od nas; kako otožno je življenie, ker Te več med nami ni. Čas beži, a rane nam ne celi, spomini dnevno nam hite -k Tebi - dragemu očetu, ter nove nam odpirajo solze. Le počivaj v božjem miru, kjer ni gorja, kjer ni solza, in trudapolna pot na svetu naj nas pripelje k Tebi vrh zvezda. Žalujoči ostali: SINOVI in HČERI, SNAHE, ZETJE, VNUKI in VNUKINJE CLEVELAND, OHIO, 3. MARCA 2005. .ih |oq ooimi) l-u xJ'unoh lifis ■•! in (DALJE na str. 16) V Ljubeč Spomin Ob deseti obletnici, odkar je za vedno odšel moj ljubljeni mož, skrbni ata, stari ata in brat Ludvik Kalar ki ga je Bog poklical k sebi 4. marca 1995 Vsaki dan spomin na Te je kakor biser zase, svetal, čist in umit, a z grenkimi solzami oblit. Žalujoči vsi Tvoji: Kalarjevi, Klavžarjev! in Peklajev!. Euclid, Oh., 3. marca 2005 P č t( d d h P 21 e< S< S; di di & hi si hi e g £ ^2 Ameriški veleposlanik v Sloveniji postal član Planinske zveze Slovenije Ljubljana - V Planinski zvezi Slovenije (PZS) so roed svoje člane vpisali tudi Thomasa B. Robertsona (na sliki levo), novega veleposlanika ZDA v Sloveniji, K1 je velik ljubitelj gora. Člansko izkaznico mu je v februarju na sedežu zveze slovesno izročil predsednik PZS Franc Ekar. Ameriški veleposlanik je bil s predsednikom slovenskih planincev že lani novembra na spominski slovesnosti pri Krnskih jezerih, ob izročitvi članske izkaznice pa sta se dogovorila za skupni vz-Pon na Triglav v letošnji sezoni. V PZS imajo sicer zelo dobre stike z diplomatskim zborom v Sloveniji. Kot je dejal Franc Ekar, jim je včasih to še prav prišlo, zlasti" pri iskanju vizumov za obisk tujih gorstev. Zdaj se to sodelovanje nadaljuje in s tem pripomorejo k spoznavanju Slovenije med tujimi diplomati. L. S. (DELO) Kulturni večer in pustni krofi pri Slovencih v Hamiltonu Ljubljana - Slovenska skupnost v Hamiltonu v ^uadi je znova doživela. Je združitev kulturne-8a večera s pustnimi krofi Prav posrečena kombinacija. V soboto večer. 5. fe-ruarja, je župnijski svet Sv- Gregorija Velikega s ulturnim društvom zdru-v skupno praznovanje Počastitev slovenskega ulturnega praznika in Pustovanje. Poleg doma-u obiskovalcev in nasipajočih, ki so napolnili Vorano, so bili še zlasti °brodošli mladi gostje Clevelanda, plesna sku-Plua Kres in dekliški 2 0r Kresnice. P° okusni pustni ve-čerji so s svežimi krofi, ki Jih pripravile članice °Uiškovega oltarnega ruštva, se je večer nadeval s kulturnim pro-8ramom. Nastopili so: i°^ki zbor Majolka, žen-f 1 župnijski zbor in e^ani župnijski zbor. Program so popestrili salci plesne skupine es in domača plesna . uPlna Soča. Ubrani de-q. glasovi Kresnic iz evclanda so na svojst- ven način obogateli kulturni program. Prišel je čas za pustne maske, ki so Jih to pot predstavili nekateri naši otroci. Kar nekaj časa Je bilo potrebno, da je občinstvo s ploskanjem izbralo tri najzanimivejše, sicer pa so bili vsi sodelujoči nagrajeni. Ansambel Matija Lebarja se je odlično znašel med obiskovalci različnih starosti. Razpoloženi mladi rojaki iz Clevelanda so se javno zahvalili organizatorjem tega večera z upanjem, da je bilo srečanje začetek širšega sodelovanja Slovencev Hamiltona in Clevelanda. Naslednji večer Je mladinski klub izvedel svoj prvi Super Bowl Sunday Bash v mladinski dvorani župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega. Nogometno manifestacijo so spremljali na televiziji ob dobri postrežbi dobrot, kot se spodobi za tovrstno športno srečanje. Člani odbora so prepričani, da so s to uspešno prireditvijo zastavili tradicijo, ki naj bi vsako leto spodbujala mlajšo generacijo k med- r.nuri t *10 J' Z diplomatskih opazovalnic ~ Cleveland piše IVAN SENIČAR - VI. del in konec - Ujetost v svobodo in tirnice demokracije Človek se zlahka navduši nad Ameriko, a to ga prej ali slej pripelje v dileme. Močno Jo vzljubi, a v njej ne bi rad živel. Občuduje njeno svobodo, a se boji za lastno življenje. Ob vsem obilju, kot da mu stalno grozi revščina in s tem sramota. Živi v središču sveta, a je osamljen, ker so drugu drugačni. Američani so tako prijazni, da vam komaj pustijo dihati, tako učinkoviti, da so nasilni, tako zagreti za svojo svobodo in demokracijo, da oboje odrekajo drugim. Ko sem se po več kot treh letih vračal iz ZDA domov, nisem bil ne boljši ne slabši - bil pa sem drugačen, za vedno. Amerika me je navdušila do pretresa. Ne samo njena politična, gospodarska in vojaška moč, njena znanost, pop kultura - čudež so ljudje, ki so zgovorni, delavni, ustvarjalni. Življenje v Clevelandu je bilo zanimivo. Vsak dan so zrak elektrizirale politične in druge igre, vsak teden kakšna afera, ki sprošča misli in čustva. Materialno izobilje je presegalo domišljijo človeka iz socializma. Knjige so bile poceni. Doma so pisali o Afriki in Aziji, kamor Je rad potoval Tito, toda glasbe teh dežel ni bilo mogoče dobiti. V Clevelandu sem kupil gramofonske plošče z glasbo petdesetih različnih ljudstev, tudi avstralskih domorodcev, še zdaj imam vsaj sto plošč. Videl sem samo del dežele - Niagaro, Chicago, Mississippi, Washington, New York in še kaj vmes. Vozili smo se dneve, ceste kot letalske steze, polja neskončna, gore iz filmov, gostišča in bari vabljivi - Amerika je brez meja v vse smeri, tudi navzdol. sebojnemu druženju na to popularno športno nedeljo. Franc Novak Faks iz tednika Družina št. 9, letnik 54, nam Je posredoval F. Gaser ❖ Ko sem prišel v ZDA, so se mi zdeli ljudje sproščeni. Mnogo več so se smejali kot mi. Seveda, sem si razlagal, več dobrin - manj stisk in nevoščljivosti, več demokracije - manj nasilja, več svobode - boljši odnosi med ljudmi. Potem pa se mi je začela slika luščiti, na mojo žalost. ❖ Poznal sem mlado makedonsko družinico. Vlado je bil avtomehanik, Vera je čakala drugega otroka v hiši, ki sta jo pravkar kupila. Toda - v enem od clevelandskih barov so se gostje sprič-kali, nekdo je potegnil pištolo, a ga je lastnik prosil, naj ne strelja v sobi. Užaljeni je stopil na pločnik, nameril v bližnjo skupino na ulici - Vlado je dobil strel v vrat. Konzul je zapečatil krsto; poslali smo ga v Bitolo. V predmestju so odkrili truplo sedemletne deklice: žalovala je družina, tudi soseska. Po nekaj mesecih je policija ugotovila, da jo je posilil in ubil sosed, s katerim se je rada igrala. Vsak teden nekaj ubitih, za vikend še dodatek - in večina umorov in nasilja se zgodi v družini, sorodstvu. Vsake toliko časa se komu utrga, stopi na plan in postreli sošolce, sodelavce, mimoidoče. Tudi v Clevelandu so predeli, kamor se ponoči ne hodi. Leta 1974 mi je pravil star izseljenec: “Če se v Ljubljani sredi noči dereš na ulici, te Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Cm* Tony Ovsenik Ml 440-944-2538 kvečjemu ozmerja kakšna ženska z okna. Na 5. (?, ur. AD) cesti v Clevelandu te nekoč gotovo ubijejo.” So v Ljubljani ženske še zdaj tako hude? ❖ Po vseh teh premočnih odmerkih se mi je zazdelo, da se ljudje večinoma ne smejejo, da se bolj smehljajo. Res je, da lahko govoriš, kar te je volja, a če se prav zameriš šefu, te vrže na cesto, če sosedu, ti lahko zažge hišo. To se lahko zgodi povsod, res, toda zakaj tako pogosto v čudežni Ameriki. Doma nismo smeli govoriti česar koli, a tudi ob službo ali ob življenju nas ni bilo lahko spraviti. Ali je danes še tako? V Ameriki lahko kupiš in nosiš orožje, a če ga, te prej ali slej ustreli tisti, ki ga zna bolje uporabljati. Tudi v Ameriki zakoni ne veljajo za bogate in močne, kot povsod, če pa kdaj - pa le zato, ker to usreza še premožnejšim in močnejšim. Hitro sem dojel, da je življenje v izobilju, v svobodi in v demokraciji res lepše, bogatejše in celo daljše,, toda - čim bolj mu raste vrednost, tem lažje ga izgubiš. Vpraševal sem se, kaj je narobe. . ❖ Tudi v Ameriki ne moreš imeti vsega, kar želiš, a o vsem lahko svobodno govoriš in pišeš. Kažeš na skorumpirane politike, a nihče jim ne moreš. Zmerjaš predsednika, a te kljub temu pošilje v Vietnam, po vrnitvi lahko kot invalid preklinjaš zelo glasno. Črnci v Clevelandu lahko protestirajo: izklopili so Jim elektriko - svobodo pa so Jim pustili. Kakšne so tirnice, po katerih se vozi demokracija? Za hip se mi je zazdelo, da imam odgovor. Tisto, česar ne moreš imeti, nadomestiš z besedo, s transparenti, s kričanjem, ki pa Jih redno preglasi naravni ali na-(DALJE na str. 16) .svclrraf' ui Otti;• ( i'U' I ;:v AOfiAM X .OSHC ,C\AA <3V3JO 'j PASTIRSKO PISMO SLOVENSKIH ŠKOFOV ZA POSTNI ČAS 2005 LAIKI V CERKVI IN DRUŽBI KRISTJANI - LJUDSTVO BLAGROV — I. del — Marjeta Keršič - Svete! Grmečica - skrivnostna soteska na robu Jelovice Le lučaj od žuboreče Save Bohinjke, slabe pol ure sprehoda od zaselka Log v smeri proti Bledu, pada čez osem metrov visoko skalno stopnjo v pobočju Jelovice slap Grmečica. Čeprav ni posebno visok, je Grmečica prav gotovo eden najlepših in hkrati najlažje dostopnih slapov v Sloveniji. Slap pada v slikovit tolmun na robu travnika, obdan s snežno belim prodom, od koder po kratki strugi potok skozi gozd odteka v Savo Bohinjko. Istoimenski potok Grmečica ima izrazito hudourniški značaj: kadar vlada suša, komajda žu-borlja čez z mahom poraščene skale. Toda kadar se razbesni nad Jelovico neurje z močnim deževjem, so po ozki soteski Grmečice zliva proti Savi Bohinjki velikanska količina vode. Takrat si slap in potok popolnoma zaslužita svoje ime, saj se grmenje vode, ki pada čez skale, sliši daleč naokoli. Takrat Grmečica pd slapom poplavi travnik in gozd, oprh slapa pa vso okolico oškropi s hudourno vodo. Le še komaj vidni sledovi na robu travnika pričajo, da je nekoč Sava Bohinjka tekla po precej drugačni strugi kot dandanes in da je v neposredni bližini slapu Grmečice stal mlin. Ozka stezica nas privede nad slap, kjer Gr-mečico prečka mostiček, tako da si obiskovalec slap lahko ogleda tudi od zgoraj. Mostiček je povezan s tragično zgodbe: pred mnogimi leti se je po izročilu v lepo edinko premožnega mlinarja zaljubil siromačen drvar. Mladenič je zvečer z ^čl^vtce prihajal vasovat k n Stanleyja (oba že pok.). P°' greb je danes s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin ali Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 ali Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E-185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Frances J. Tekaucic V Brewsterju, O., je u' mrla 92 let stara Frances J. Tekaucic iz Wadswortha. rojena Zobec 12. maja 1912 v Clevelandu, tako nekdanja faranka pri sv. Vidu, vdova po 1. 1971 umrlem Rudol- phu, mati Joan Longberry* Nancy Davis, Jamesa, R°' berta in Rudolpha, sestra Florence Laznik ter že p0^-Josephine Leblang, Franka, Antona in Johna, 11-krat stara mati, 7-krat prastara mati. Pogreb bo jutri, v pe' tek, s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sacred Heart v Wadsworthu-