Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 359 On the Compilation of Programs into their Equivalent Constraint Representation Franz Wotawa and Mihai Nica Technische Universität Graz, Institute for Software Technology, Inffeldgasse 16b/2, 8010 Graz, Austria E-mail: {wotawa,mihai.nica} Keywords: constraint satisfaction problems, hyper-graph decomposition, debugging Received: March 15, 2008 In this paper we introduce the basic methodology for analyzing and debugging programs. We first convert programs into their loop-free equivalents and from this into the static single assignment form. From the static single assignment form we derive a corresponding constraint satisfaction problem. The constraint representation can be directly used for debugging. From the corresponding hyper-tree representation of the constraint satisfacti on problem we compute the hyper-tree width which characterizes the complexi ty of finding a soluti on for the constraint satisfacti on problem. Since constraint satisfacti on can be effectively used for diagnosis the conversion can be used for debugging and the obtained hyper-tree width is an indicator of the debugging complexity. Povzetek: Clanek opisuje analiziranje programov in iskanje napak v njih. Figure 1: Interaction between the control and the debugging system 1 Introduction Ideally intelligent systems should provide self-reasoning and reflection capabilities in order to react on internal faults as well as on unexpected interaction with their environment. Reflection capabilities are highly recommended for systems with strong robustness constraints, like space exploration probes or even mobile robots. A scenario, for example, is a robot that although having a broken engine, should reach a certain position. Without self-reasoning or reflection such a robot would simple fail to reach its goal. Another example would be a robot where the software fails because of a bug. In this situation a robot should recover and ideally repair itself. Note that even exhaustive testing does not prevent a program from containing bugs which might cause an unexpected behavior in certain situations. In this paper we do not focus on whole systems which comprise hardware and software. Instead we are discussing how to represent programs to allow for reflection which can be used for enhancing the system with debugging functionality. In the context of this paper debugging is defined as fault localization given a certain test-case. We do not take care of verification and test-case generation which is used for fault detection and repair. In order to compute the fault location we follow the model-based diagnosis approach (22) but do not rely on logical models but use constraints instead for representing programs. The obtained constraint representation can be directly used for computing diagnosis, e.g., by using specialized diagnosis algorithms like the one described in (12; 25; 26). Although, reflection and debugging capabilities are a desired functionality of a system they provoke additional computational complexity which can hardly be handled by the system directly because of lack of computational power. Note that model-based diagnosis is NP complete. Hence, a distributed architecture would be required which separates the running control program from the debugging capabilities. In Figure 1 we depict the proposed architecture. The debugging module takes the source code of the original system which is in this case a control system and a test-case to localize and repair the fault. The changed source code is compiled and transferred back to the original system. In the proposed architecture there are several open issues which have to be solved. The first is regarding the test case. In particular one is interest in the origin of the test case. One way would be to have a monitoring system which checks the internal state of the control system. In case of a faulty behavior, the given inputs coming from the sensors, the internal state and the computed output together with the information regarding the expected output is used as a test case. The second issue is related to fault localization and repair. There is literature explaining fault localization and repair which can be used, e.g., (13; 24; 17; 23). In this paper we focus on modeling for fault localization, i.e., for identifying the root cause of a detected mis- 360 Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 F. Wotawa et al. behavior. This does not necessarily directly lead to good repair suggestions. Repair definitely requires knowledge about further specification details and incorporating different test-cases should help a lot. A detailed discussion of repair is outside the scope of this paper and still an important topic of research. The third and last issue is a more technical one. After recompiling the new program has to replace the old one on the fly which might cause additional problems because of ensuring integrity and consistency of the system's behavior. Making systems self-aware and giving those self-healing capabilities increases their autonomy, which is important in missions like space exploration where the system cannot be directly controlled for whatever reason. The paper contributes to this research in providing a methodology for fault localization in programs. The methodology requires the availability of the source code and test cases. It compiles the program into their equivalent constraint representation and uses a failure-revealing test case to compute diagnosis candidates. The paper is organized as follows. We first introduce the basic ideas behind our approach by means of an example. Afterwards, we go through all necessary steps of the conversion process, which finally leads to the constraint representation of programs. This section is followed by a presentation of experimental results we obtained from our implementation. The experiments focus on structural properties of the programs' constraint representation because the structural properties have an impact on the complexity of debugging. Finally, we discuss related research and conclude the paper. 2 Diagnosis/debugging In this section we motivate the idea behind our approach by means of an example program that is expected to compute the area and circumference of a circle from a given diameter. 1. r = d/2; 2. c = r*pi; 3. a = r*r*pi; Obviously the statement in line 2 is faulty. A possible repair would be c = 2*r*pi; or c = d*pi;. We know this because of our knowledge in mathematics. However, in the more general case where large programs are involved, we have to rely on a process in order to detect, localize, and correct a fault. Such a process deals with the question: 'How can we find out what's wrong in the program' and is a standard in today's software engineering processes. In software engineering we first have to detect the fault. This is done in practice using test-cases or properties together with formal verification methods. In our case we rely on test cases. One test case which allow to detect the faulty behavior would be setting d to 2 and requiring c to be 2n and a to be n. The program computes the value n for both variables c and a which contradicts the test case. This contradiction can be used to locate the fault. One way would be to have a look at the first definition of variable c which has assigned a wrong value and trace back using the dependencies between variables. In this case r is defined in line 1 and used in line 2. Hence, line 1 and 2 are possible fault candidates. This approach uses only structural information coded in the program and might overestimate the number of diagnosis candidates. Another approach would be to assume some line of the program to be faulty. In this case the statement corresponding to the line does not provide any known functionality. For example, when assuming line 2 to be faulty, we do not know how to compute a value for c. Therefore, we do not get any contradicting information and the assumption is consistent with the given test-case. Unfortunately, this is also the case when assuming line 1 to be faulty and only considering the computation of values like specified in the semantics of the programming language, i.e., from the begin of the program to its end. The situation changes when considering the statement as equations where no direction of information flow is given. An equation like r = d/2 is a constraint which specifies a relationship between r and d. When we now assume the constraint corresponding to line 1 to be faulty we can compute a value for r using the given test-case. From the constraint corresponding to line 3 a = r2n and a = n we derive r =1 and finally using c = rn leads to c = n which contradicts the given expected value for c which is 2n. Hence, the assumption in this case contradicts the observations and cannot be a single-fault candidate. Only line 2 remains as single fault. The reason for this improvement is that when using constraints we have the capabilities for reasoning backwards. Summarizing the above discussion, a solution to the debugging problem would be to convert programs into their constraint representation and use it for debugging. We choose a constraint representation because equations as well as logical sentences can be represented and integrated, and because of the availability of tools. However, there are still some challenges we have to solve. First, variables might be defined more than once in a program. Every definition has to be considered separately. Programs comprise conditional and loop statements. How to handle them? For the first problem and the conditionals we propose the use of the static single assignment (SSA) form of programs which is used in compiler construction. Another challenge is how to handle loops and recursive procedure calls? In order to represent loops we make use of the following observation. Loops can be represented by nested if-statements where the nesting depth is infinite. When restricting the nesting depth to a finite value the nested if-statements still behave the same as the loop statement when considering only inputs which do not cause the number of loop-iterations to exceed the nesting depth. Hence, under this assumption the nested if-statements are good enough to represent loops and we have reduced the problem of handling loops to the problem of handling con- PROGRAMS AND THEIR CONSTRAINT REPRESENTATION Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 361 1. 2. 3. } if x < y { min = x; } else { min = y; 1. i = 0; 2. r = 0; 3. while (i < x) 4. r = r + y; 5. i = i + 1; } Figure 2: A program com- Figure 3: A program for putting the minimum of two computing the product of numbers two natural numbers ditionals. A similar technique can be applied to solve the recursive procedure calls challenge. Finally, we have to handle arrays and other programming language constructs like pointers or objects. In this paper, we present an approach for handling arrays. The other aspects of programming languages are ignored. This is due to the fact that our main application area is the embedded-systems domain. Programs used in embedded-systems usually are restricted and do not use of features like dynamic memory allocation because such features are error prone and likely lead to problems during operation. B if ( C ) { B if ... } } } C represents the condition, and B the statements in the sub-block of the while statement. Of course it is not possible in practice to compile while-statements into an infinite number of conditionals. Instead we assume that the number of iterations of the while-statement never exceeds a certain limit say n. We argue that faults can be detected using test-cases which cause a small number of iteration and that it is therefore - for the purpose of debugging - not necessary to consider larger values of n. Moreover, we might introduce a procedure which is called whenever the limit is reached. This information would give us back additional information which we might use for increasing n in a further step. To set a small bound for the number of iterations is also used in a different context. Jackson (18) uses a similar idea which he called small scope hypothesis in his Alloy system for verification. We formalize the bounded conversion from while-statements into nested if-statements by introducing the function r : PL x N ^ PL where PL represents the programming language. 3 Conversion In this section, we describe the conversion process of programs into their equivalent CSP representation in detail. For more information regarding CSPs we refer the reader to Dechter (11). We start with converting programs into their loop-free equivalents which are used as basis for the conversion into the SSA form. Finally, we show how to extract the CSP from the SSA form. The complexity of the proposed compilation approach is composed of the complexity of each conversion step. While SSA construction and CSP extraction can be both handled in polynomial time computing a loop-free equivalent depends on the number of necessary iterations. This number depends on the program's complexity. In this section we use the programs given in Figure 2 and 3 as running examples. We further assume without restricting generality of the approach that the programs to be converted have a Java like syntax (ignoring object-oriented elements). 3.1 Loop-free programs When executing while-statements they behave like a conditional statement in one step. If the condition is fulfilled the statements in the block are executed and the while-statement is executed again afterwards. Otherwise, the while-statement is not executed. Hence, it is semantically correct to represent while-statements using an infinite number of nested if-statements, i.e., while ( C ) { B } is equivalent to if ( C ) { B if ( C ) { r(while ( C ) { B },n) = if(C ){ Br(while (C ){ B},n - 1)} if n > 0 if ( C) {too_many_iterations; } otherwise Considering the above discussion it is obvious that the following theorem which states the equivalence of the program and its loop-free variant with respect to their behavior has to hold. Theorem 3.1. Given a program n e PL written in a programming language PL and a number n e N. n behaves equivalent to r(n, n) for an input I iff the execution of r(n, n) on I does not reach too_many_iterations. We now use the program from Figure 3 and n = 2 to show the application of r which leads to the following program: 1. i = 0; 2. r = 0; 3. if (i < x) { 4. r = r + y; 5. i = i + 1; 6. if (i < x) { 7. r = r + y; 8. i = i + 1; 9. if (i < x) { 10. too_many_iterations; }}} The loop-free variant can be used in all cases where x = 0 or x =1 without causing a different behavior to the original program. It is interesting to note that the time 360 Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 F. Wotawa et al. complexity of a program which is corresponds to the number of iterations depending on the size of the inputs is now represented by the size of the converted program. Hence, we easily can give an estimate for the size of the converted programs (and also the number of iterations) when limiting the size of the input. 3.2 Static single assignment form The SSA form is an intermediate representation of a program, which has the property that no two left-side variables share the same name, i.e., each left-side variable has a unique name. Because of this reason the SSA form is of great importance when building the CSP. Since all variables are only defined once the SSA form allows for a clear representation of the dependencies that are established between different variables inside the corresponding program. The SSA representation of a program is sometime also an intermediate step in the compiling process; basically before compiling a java file, first a transformation is undertaken and the SSA form is obtained. The obtained form will be the form used as input for the compiler. In order to compile loop-free programs into SSA we have to analyze the program and rename all variables such that each variable is only defined once without changing the behavior of the program. Basically, this compilation is done by adding an unique index to every variable, which is defined in a statement. Every use of this variable in the succeeding statement is indexed using the same value. This is done until a new definition of the same variable occur. For example, the following program fragment on the upper side can be converted into its SSA representation bellow. 1. x = a + b; 2. x = x - c; The SSA representation: 1. x_1 = a_0 + b_0; 2. x_2 = x_1 - c_0; Although, converting programs comprising only assignment statements is easy, it is more difficult for programs with loop or conditional statements. In our case we only need to consider conditional statements. The idea behind the conversion of conditional statement is as follows: The value of the condition is stored in a new unique variable. The if- and the else-block are converted separately. In both cases the conversion starts using the indices of the variables already computed. Both conversions deliver back new indices of variables. In order to get a value for a variable we have to select the last definition of a variable from the if-and else-part depending on the condition. This selection is done using a function $. Hence, for every variable which is defined in the if- or the else-branch we have to introduce a selecting assignment statement which calls the $ function. For example, corresponding SSA form of the program fragment if (C) { .. x = .. } else { .. x = .. } is given as follows: var_C = C; .. x_i = .. .. x_j = ■■ x_k = $(x_i,x_j,var_C); The function $ is defined as follows: $(x, y, b) = ( x if b y otherwise For algorithms for computing the SSA form and more information regarding the $ function we refer the reader to (9; 7; 27). The SSA representation for the programs from Figure 2 and 3 are depicted in Figure 4 and 5 respectively. Note that we represent the $ function as a function call phi in the program. It is possible to write a function body for phi that exactly represents the behavior of the $ function. Hence, the program and its SSA representation can be executed on the same input even at the level of the programming language. It is easy to see that the SSA form of a program always behaves equivalent to the original program, which we state in the following theorem. Theorem 3.2. Given a program n G PL. The SSA representation n' G PL of n is equivalent to n with respect to the semantics of PL, i.e., for all inputs I both programs return the same output. For debugging purposes the input output equivalence, which is similar to the input output conformance (IOCO) used in testing, is sufficient. The SSA representation allows us to map, with little effort, the diagnosis set of program n' to the original equivalent program n. In the following subsection we describe how arrays and function calls can be handled. Afterwards we discuss the compilation of programs into constraint systems. 3.3 Extensions In the previously described conversion process we still face two important challenges as they are the conversion of arrays and procedure calls. In this section, we tackle both challenges and present conversion rules that have to be applied before converting the resulting source code in a SSA form. We start with the array conversion. We assume that arrays are defined over a data type (although we do not consider this information in the conversion) and are of fixed length. Because of simplicity, we assume that we can only access one element of the array after the other. Note that in some languages there are constructs, which allow accessing an array partially, e.g., element 3 to 5. PROGRAMS AND THEIR CONSTRAINT REPRESENTATION Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 361 1. i_1 = 0; 2. r_1 = 0; 3. var _3 = (i_1 < x_0); 4. r_2 = r_1 + y_0; 5. i_2 = i_1 + 1; 6. var _6 = (i_2 < x_0); 7. r_3 = r_2 + y_0; 8. i_3 = i_2 + 1; 9. r_4 = phi(r_3,r_2,var_ 6 1. var_1 = ( x_0 < y_0 ) ; 10. i_4 = phi(i_3,i_2,var_ 6 2. min_1 = x_0; 11. r_5 = phi(r_4,r_1,var_ 3 3. min_2 = y_0; 12. i_5 = phi(i_4,i_1,var_ 3 4. min_3 = phi(min_1,min_2,var_1); Figure 5: The SSA form of the loop-free variant of the proFigure 4: The SSA form of the program from Fig. 2 gram from Fig. 3 Given an array A of length n > 0 with elements ( The access to elements is assumed to be done using the [] operator, which maps from A and a given index i to the array element a4. For example, z = A[1] gives you back the first element of array A. So far, arrays seem not to be very difficult to handle in our conversion process. If reaching a statement z = A[1] during SSA conversion A has only be represented as A_k where k is the currently given unique index k for A. But how to handle statements like A[m] = A[n] + 3? In this case, obviously A has to be assigned a new index, but how to handle the following program fragment? A[1] = 2; A[2] = 4; A SSA translation into A_1[1] = 2; A_2[2] = 4; would be wrong because this transformation does not respect previously done array changes in the appropriate manner. In order to respect the underlying semantics, we have a closer look at it. Assume a program fragment A[ i ] = f (x) where the i-th element of A is set to the outcome of function f given parameters x. This statement only changes the i-th element but not the others. Formally, we define the semantics as follows: {A}// A before the statement A[i] = f (x) {A' }// A after the statement with A'[ i ] = f (x) and Vj e {!,...,n},i = j: A'[j ] = A[ j ]. As a consequence, we introduce a function ^ that implements this semantics and replace the original statement with A = ^(A,i,f (x)). The function ^ is similar to $ and can be implemented such that the converted program is equivalent to the original one with respect to its semantics. For example, consider the following program fragment: 1. A[1] = 5; 2. A[2] = A[1] + 5; Accordingly to our conversion rule we obtain the new fragment: 1. A = psi(A,1,5); 2. A = psi(A,2,A[1] + 5); The SSA representation is not based on the new fragment and captures the semantic in the appropriate way. 1. A_1 = psi(A_0,1,5); 2. A_2 = psi(A_1,2,A_1[1] + 5); Note that ^ or psi can be implemented as a function in order to ensure the equivalent behavior even in the context of program execution. Assume that psi has the formal arguments A, i , e and that the length of an array can be accessed via a function length, then the body of the function is given as follows: j = 1; while (j < length (A)) { if (j==i) { B[j] = e; } else { B[j] = A[j]; } j = j + 1; } return B; The function psi returns a new array B of A's size. We now consider the last challenge we want to tackle, the procedure calls and in particular recursive procedure calls. Given a procedure M with its formal parameters x\,... ,xn, and the body £(m), which itself is a program 360 Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 F. Wotawa et al. written in the same programming language. A procedure call M(a1,..., an) with actual parameters a1,... ,an causes the execution of M's body where the formal parameters are assigned to their corresponding actual parameters, i.e., xi = ai. Hence, a transformation is easy. We only have to assign values to the formal parameter, which can be done using assignments, and use the body of the procedure instead of the procedure call. In cases where the procedure returns a value, we have to introduce a new variable M_return. We further replace return e with M_return = e, and finally, we introduce a new assignment, where M_return is used appropriately. The described transformation of the return statement is only correct, whenever a procedure has only one of those statements. This is not a restriction because we always can modify a program to fulfill this requirement. For simplicity, we also assume that the variables used in bodies of procedures and the one used in the main program are different except in cases of global variables. We now explain the idea behind the conversion using an example program where a procedure foo is called x = foo(2,y,z-1); Now assume that foo has three formal parameters x1,x2,x3 and the following body: v = xl + x2; v = v - x3; return v; When applying the described conversion rule, we obtain the following program fragment: x1 = 2; x2 = y; x3 = z-1; v = xl + x2; v = v - x3; foo_return = v; x = foo_return; This program can be easily compiled into its SSA form: xl_1 = 2; x2_1 = y_0; x3_1 = z_0-1; v_1 = x1_1 + x2_1; v_2 = v_1 - x3; foo_return_1 = v_2; x_1 = foo_return_1; We now extend the above idea to the general case, where we might face recursive procedure calls. The idea behind the conversion is the same, but similar to the handling of iterations of a while statement, we have to set a bound on the maximum number of recursive replacements during conversion. For this purpose we assume that there is such a bound MC given for a procedure M in a calling context. Similar to while statements we introduce a function r : PL x N ^ PL that defines the bounded compilation of a not necessarily recursive procedure call: f([x = ]M( ai,...,an ),i) = x1 = a1;---xn = an; f(S'(M),i - 1) [x = M_return; ] if i < MC too_many_recursions; otherwise Note that S' denotes the body of method M, where the return statement return e has been changed to M_return = e. Moreover, r is assumed to be defined for all other statements where the statement itself is returned without any changes. Hence, when applying r to the body of a method, all statements are examined and left as they are with the exception of a new method call. With these additional assumptions the compilation function can be generally applied. We illustrate the conversion using a program only comprising the call x = foo(1,2); where the body of foo is given as follows: r = 0; if (x1 > 0) { r= foo(x1-1,x2); r = r + x2; } return r; The following program represents the recursion-free variant of the program calling foo with 1 allowed iteration, which is sufficient for specific procedure call foo(1,2) in order to return the correct result. x1 = 1; x2 = 2; //1. recursive call r = 0; if (x1 > 0) { x1 = x1 - 1; x2 = x2; //2. recursive call r = 0; if (x1 > 0) { too_many_iterations; } M_return = r; //returning from 2. call r = M_return; r = r + x2; M_return = r; //returning from 1. call x = M_return; The converted program can be easily compiled in its SSA form. PROGRAMS AND THEIR CONSTRAINT REPRESENTATION Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 361 3.4 Constraint representation Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) have been introduced and used in Artificial Intelligence as a general knowledge representation paradigm of knowledge. A CSP (V, D, CO) is characterized by a set of variables V, each variable having a domain D, and a set of constraints CO which define a relation between variables. The variables in a relation r e CO are called the scope of the relation. An assignment of values from D to variables from V is called an instantiation. An instantiation is a solution for a CSP, iff it violates no constraint. A constraint is said to be violated by an instantiation, if the value assignment of the variables in the scope of the constraint are not represented in the relation of the constraint. There are many algorithms available for computing valid instantiations, i.e., solutions for a CSP. A straight-forward algorithm is backtrack search where variable values are assigned and consistency checks are performed until a valid solution is found. Moreover, it is well known that CSPs can be solved in polynomial time under some circumstances, i.e., the CSP must be acyclic, which we discuss later. Yannakakis (30) proposed such an algorithm. Based on this algorithm there are diagnosis algorithms (12; 25) available, which can be used for debugging directly providing there is a CSP representation for programs. For more information and details on CSPs we refer the reader to DechterSs book (11). The last step in the conversion process is to map programs in SSA form to their CSP representation. This extraction of the constraints from the statements of the SSA representation can be easily done. The algorithm is pretty straight forward and only implies analyzing the SSA representation line by line. In this conversion step, each line of the SSA representation is mapped directly to a constraint. Hence, all variables of a statement map directly to the scope of the constraint. The constraint relation is given by the statement itself by interpreting the assignment operator as an equivalence operator. For example, the statement x_2 = x_1 + 2 is mapped to a constraint having 2 variables x_2 and x_1 and where the relation is stated as an equation of the form x_2 = x_1 + 2. Note that the latter representations is a more flexible one because it can also be read, for example, as x_2 - x_1 = 2. The CSP representation of the program from Figure 2 is given as follows: Variables: Domains: V Constraints: CO {var_1, x_0, y_0, min_1, min_2, min_3} D = {D(x) = N|x G V} var_1 = (x_0 < y_0), min_1 = x_0, min_2 = y_0, min_3 = phi(min_1, min_2,var_1) When comparing the CSP representation of the program with its SSA form, which is depicted in Figure 4, we see that both representations are very close to each other. It is easy to prove that the SSA form of a program is equivalent to its CSP representation with respect to the behavior. Theorem 3.3. Given a program n, its SSA representation n', the corresponding CSP Cn. The value assignments of the variables in n', which are caused by executing n' on an input I are a solution to the corresponding CSP Cn and vice versa. From this theorem and the others we conclude that the transformation is behavior neutral and in this way the CSP representation captures the behavior of the program. As a consequence, the CSP representation can be directly used for debugging. As already mentioned there are circumstances under which the algorithm is more effectively and there are situations where the computation of solutions is hard. This holds now directly for debugging and we are interested in classifying programs regarding their debugging complexity. We define debugging complexity as a measure that corresponds to the complexity of computing a solution using CSP algorithms. In the following, we discuss structural properties of CSPs, which can be used for classification and which are based on the hyper-graph representation of programs. In the hyper-graph representation of a CSP the variables of the CSP represent vertices, and the constraint scopes the hyper-edges. Thus hyper-edges connect possible more than one vertex. Hyper-graphs can be used to classify CSPs regarding their complexity of computing a solution. As already mentioned, solutions for CSPs with corresponding acyclic hyper-graphs can be computed in polynomial time (see (30)). Such hyper-graphs can be directly represented as hyper-trees. Unfortunately, not all CSPs are acyclic. But the good story is that cyclic CSPs can be converted into an equivalent CSP that is acyclic. What is needed is to join the right constraints. Joining constraints, however, is a drawback because it is time and space consuming. In the worst case all constraints have to be joined in order to finally receive the acyclic equivalent CSP representation, which is of course intractable. As a consequence, one only gains computational advantages from the conversion of hyper-graphs into hyper-trees if the number of constraints to be joined is as minimal as possible. This number is referred to as hyper-tree width. More information regarding hyper-graphs and hyper-tree composition which allows to convert hyper-graphs into hyper-trees can be found in (14; 15). The hyper-graph and its corresponding hyper-tree for the CSP introduced above is depicted in Figure 6. The hyper-tree width for this example is 2. Having a CSP representation of a program has the advantage of being able to use various algorithms for debugging purposes. However, the performance of debugging depends on the structure of the CSP. Hence, we are interested in the structural properties, i.e., the hyper-tree width, of the CSPs for various example programs. If the hyper-tree width for such examples is low, then computing diagnoses can be done effectively. In the next section we focus 360 Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 F. Wotawa et al. c, 7var 1 \ /x_0 • \ min_3 c4 \min 1 \ • ' \ min_ C„C, {var_1, min_3, x_0,y_0, min_1,min_2} I I C2 {x_0, min_1} C3 {y_0, min_2} Figure 6: Hyper-graph (left) and corresponding hyper-tree (right) for the SSA form given in Fig. 4 therefore on the hyper-tree width of programs. 4 Experimental results on the hyper-tree width As explained in the previous section the hyper-tree width has an impact on the complexity of debugging when using constraints a means for intermediate representation formalism. Gaining knowledge about the hyper-tree width of programs is therefore of importance. In this respect this section reports on the hyper-tree width of several programs. For this purpose, we implemented the conversion procedure in Java and used a constraint system that was implemented at out institute. For the hyper-tree decomposition we used an implementation provided by the TU Wien (see (16)). In particular, we made use of the Bucket Elimination algorithm based decomposition which is explained in (29). All experiments were carried out on a PC (Pentium 4, 3 GHz, 1 GB Ram). The experiments are based on small programs that vary from 40 to 400 lines of code. The lines of code of the corresponding SSA forms and the size of constraint system in terms of number of constraints and variables are higher due to used while statement and their transformation to conditional statements. In particular, we wanted to give an empirical answer to the following research questions. - Thorup (28) stated that there is limit of 6 for the hyper-tree width of structured programs. The theorem is based on using control dependence information and does not consider data dependences. Because the latter is of importance for debugging and our compilation respects those dependences, we wanted to know whether given limit still applies. - The compilation of while statements and recursive procedure calls leads to an increase of statements and to a nested if-then-else structure. The question is how the nesting depth, i.e., the number of iterations for unrolling the while statements or recursive procedure calls, influences the hyper-tree width? Moreover, one might be interested whether there is a maximum bound on the hyper-tree with in such cases. The environment for carrying out the empirical study is not the optimal for answering the above research question but the best one can expect today. The reason ist that the ID LOC #W #I It HW T 1 70 1 6 3 5 1 s 1 70 1 6 50 5 364 s 2 110 0 11 - 5 1 s 3 70 4 5 3 5 11 s 3 70 4 5 20 6 2040 s 4 80 0 0 - 4 1 s 5 70 0 0 - 4 1 s 6 70 0 0 - 2 1 s 7 400 0 0 - 9 7s 8 400 2 0 3 50 1000 s 8b 400 2 0 3 12 122 s 9 400 1 0 5 16 120 s 9 400 1 0 10 27 621 s 9 400 1 0 20 54 3959 s 9 400 1 0 35 51 16450 s 9 400 1 0 50 55 19245 s 10 400 1 0 10 20 80s 10 400 1 0 20 23 274 s 10 400 1 0 50 25 2400 s 10 400 1 0 60 29 4120 s 10 400 1 0 70 25 4770 s 11 400 0 - 10 8 s 12 400 1 0 3 15 120 s 12 400 1 0 6 27 2580 s 12 400 1 0 10 43 3415 s 13 400 1 0 15 53 4010 s 14 60 0 - 2 1 s 15 50 1 4 3 6 1 s 15 50 1 4 10 6 5s 15 50 1 4 100 6 456 s 16 40 7 0 1 2 1 s 16 40 7 0 10 3 600 s Figure 7: Evolution of the hyper-tree width for different complexity programs Bucket Elimination based decomposition algorithm is only an approximation algorithm and thus the solutions needs not to be minimal once. However, because of the size of the corresponding constraint systems other algorithms are hardly of use because they would take too much time and space. The finally obtained results for the programs are depicted in Figure 7. There the programs are given a number (ID). The lines of codes (LOC) of the original program, the number of while statements (#W), the number of if-statements (#I), the number of iterations used to unroll the while-statements (I), the hyper-tree width (HW) obtained, and the time (T) required to compute the hyper-tree width are given. In the case of programs 1 to 6 and 14 to 16, the hyper-tree width tends to be less influenced by the number of iteration of the while-structure. Moreover, for these programs the hyper-tree width reaches its maximal value after 2 to 3 iteration. This cannot be said for programs 7 to 13 were PROGRAMS AND THEIR CONSTRAINT REPRESENTATION Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 361 1. x = 10; 2. y = 20; 3. while (x<100){ 4. x = x + y; 5. y = y + 2; Figure 8: Small example program test the hyper-tree width ranges from 9 to 55. Even in the case where there is no unrolling of while statements (programs 7 and 11) the hyper-tree width ranges from 9 to 10. All of these programs represent digital circuits including some variants (like 8 and 8a) with a complex data flow. Based on the obtained empirical results, we have to retract Thorup's theorem (28) because there are many programs that result in a constraint system of a larger hyper-tree width than 6. Note that it is not very likely to find a hyper-tree decomposition with a smaller width for the given programs. Moreover, the approximation algorithm seems to produce approximations, which are close to the optimum. The second research question is harder to answer. In all experiments, we observed that after a certain number of iterations the hyper-tree width remains almost the same. For example take a look at program 9 and 10. In both cases it seems that the hyper-tree width reaches an upper bound. Of course because of the used approximation algorithm there is a variance in the obtained width. But it seems to be always around a certain value. More experiments have to be carried out in order to justify these findings. For the purpose of motivating why the hyper-tree width stays constant after a certain number of considered iterations of the while statement, we use a small program test, which is given in Figure 8. For test we know that the maximum hyper-tree width is 3. This upper bound is reached after 2 times unrolling of the while statement, i.e., replacements of the while statement with nested if-statements. In our example, we now compute the SSA form and the corresponding constraint systems for program test using 3 nested if-statements. The resulting SSA form and the constraint system are depicted in Figure 9 and Figure 10 respectively. The hyper-graph corresponding to the constraint representation of test is given in Figure 11. Note that for the sake of clarity the graphical representation only comprises the constraints from the while structure in which the variable x is involved. From the hyper-graph it can be easily seen that the edges follow a certain pattern, which is repeated in every unrolling of the while statements. Hence, there is a possibility that the hyper-graph decomposition can be applied to these subparts of the hyper-graph separately and combined afterwards, which might lead to a constant hyper-tree width after a certain amount of unrolling steps. In summary, we obtained the following results from the experimental study: - The hyper-tree width of programs might become very large. Usually problems of hyper-tree width of 5 to 10 depending on the application domain are considered hard problems. - In case of unrolling while-statements or recursive calls; it seems that the hyper-tree width reaches an upper bound. This would be an indication that debugging does not necessarily become more difficult, when the number of iterations increases. Note that the number of unrolling steps of while statements does depend on the considered test case, which is an independent criteria. - The time for computing the hyper-tree width can be very large, which might be unacceptable in some circumstances. This can be for example the case when interactive debugging is a requirement. For automated debugging or off-line debugging the time for conversions is not a limiting factor. However, decreasing the overall analysis time is an open challenge. What remains of interests is the question, why a certain program has a larger hyper-tree width than another similar program? Obviously the data and control dependences influence the overall hyper-tree width. But in case of similar programs the differences regarding the dependencies might not be large enough to justify high differences of the obtained hyper-tree width. This holds especially in case where a program comprises while statements. In the next section, we focus on this aspect and discuss one cause that leads to such an observation. 5 Discussion In the performed experiments we observe that programs, which have a high hyper-tree width and where the number of iterations necessary to reach the maximum hyper-tree width is large, have less data dependences in the sub-block of the while statement. We illustrate these findings by means of two example programs sum1 and sum2 , which are depicted in Figure 12 and Figure 13 respectively. Both programs have about the same structure. In both programs a variable i is increased in every iteration until it reaches 100. Moreover, the hyper-tree width of both programs is about the same (2 and 1 for sum1 and sum2 respectively) when the number of considered unrolling steps is 1. However, the situation changes, when considering more nested if-statements as a replacement for the while statement. For sum1 the maximum hyper-tree width of 4 is reached after 3 iterations. For sum2 the maximum hyper-tree width of 8 is reached after 12 unrolling steps. If considering the difference between the minimum and the maximum hyper-tree width, we obtain another different outcome. For sum1 the difference is only 1, whereas for sum2 the difference is 7. 360 Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 F. Wotawa et al. 1. (x1_0 ), 1. x1_0 = 10; 2. (y2_0 ), 2. y2_0 = 20; 3. (X_cond_ _0 , x1 _0 ), 3. cond_0=x1_0<10 0; 4. (x1_1 , x1_ 0 , y2_0 ) 4. x1_1=x1_0+y2_0; 5. (y2_1 , y2_ 0) 5. y2_1=y2_0+2; 6. (X_cond_ _1 , X_ cond_0 , x1_1 ) 6. cond_1=cond_0&&x1_1<100; 7. (x1_2 , x1_ 1 , y2_1 ) 7. x1_2=x1_1+y2_1; 8. (y2_2 , y2_ 1) 8. y2_2=y2_1+2; 9. (X_cond_ _2 , X_ cond_1 , x1_2 ) 9. cond_2=cond_1&&x1_2<100; 10. (x1_3 , x1_ 2 , y2_2 ) 10. x1_3=x1_2+y2_2; 11. (y2_3 , y2_ 2) 11. y2_3=y2_2+2; 12. (x1_4 , x1_ 2 , x1_3 , X_cond_ 2 12. x1_4=phi(x1_2,x1_3,cond_ 2) 13. (y2_4 , y2_ 2 , y2_3 , X_cond_ 2 13. y2_4=phi(y2_2,y2_3,cond_ 2) 14. (x1_5 , x1_ 1 , x1_4 , X_cond_ 1 14. x1_5=phi(x1_1,x1_4,cond_ 1) 15. (y2_5 , y2_ 1 , y2_4 , X_cond_ 1 15. y2_5=phi(y2_1,y2_4,cond_ 1) 16. (x1_6 , x1_ 0 , x1_5 , X_cond_ 0 16. x1_6=phi(x1_0,x1_5,cond_ 0) 17. (y2_6 , y2_ 0 , y2_5 , X_cond_ 0 17. y2_6=phi(y2_0,y2_5,cond_0); Figure 9: The SSA form of program test (Fig. 8) Figure 10: The constraints for test (Fig. 8) Figure 11: The hyper-graph of the constraint system from Fig. 10 1. a=f + i; 1. a = f + i; 2. b=g + h; 2. b = g + h; 3. while (i < 100) 3. while (i < 100) { 4. x= a + b; 4. x= x+a + b; 5. i= i + 1; 5. i= x+i + 1; 6. y= c + d; 6. } 7. } Figure 12: Program suml Figure 13: Program sum2 PROGRAMS AND THEIR CONSTRAINT REPRESENTATION Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 361 By having a closer look at the programs we detect a major difference in their structure, which might explain this high difference in the hyper-tree width. For the variable x that is used in the block of program suml a new value is computed in each iteration of the while statement. The outcome of variable x depends on the number of iterations and therefore on variable i (and the condition of the while statement). This is not the case for variable x and variable y in program sum2. Both variables are assigned the same value in each iteration step. For performance reason such assignment statements should be always placed outside a loop. In case of program sum2 the values of variables in an iteration not necessarily depends on the previous iteration but on a variables that have been computed before calling the while statement. It seems that this difference makes the structure of the hyper-graph more complex, which leads finally to a higher hyper-tree width. The given example shows that hyper-tree width may indicate an unwanted program structure. In program sum2 either there are variables missing at the right side of statements 4 and 6, or both statements should be given outside the while statement because of performance reasons. Obviously, such problems can be detected using some rules like the following: If a variable v is defined in the sub-block of a while statement, then there should be at least one not necessarily different statement in the same block that uses v. Hyper-tree width offers another way for detecting such problematic cases occurring in programs. 6 Related research Collavizza and Ruehner (8) discussed the conversion of programs into constraint systems and their use in software verification. Their work is very close to ours. The conversion steps are about the same and they also use the SSA form as an intermediate representation from which constraints can be obtained. However, there are some important differences. In their work the focus is on verification and not on debugging. They do not explain how to handle arrays and procedure calls as we did in the paper. Moreover, the structural analysis of programs using the concept of tree-decomposition methods and in particular hyper-tree decomposition is new. This holds also for the findings derived from the empirical analysis, which are of importance for automated debugging. The authors of (31) proposed to diagnose errors in programs using constraint programming. Their approach requires that the programmer provides contracts, i.e., pre-and post-conditions, for every function. However, the authors do not investigate the complexity of solving the resulting problem and the scalability to larger programs. In particular, they do not consider structural decomposition or other methods which could make the approach feasible. Moreover, the practical applicability of their approach is also limited because it requires that contracts are specified for every function, which is very often not the case in real-world programs. Furthermore, their work does not properly handle recursive function calls. Various authors, e.g., (13; 24; 20; 21), have described models to be used for fault localization using model-based diagnosis. Almost all of the work makes assumptions regarding the program's structure, uses abstractions which lead to the computation of too many diagnosis candidates, or does not handle all possible behaviors at once. The latter models, for example, consider one execution trace which prevent the diagnosis engine of remove some diagnosis candidates. In our representation we consider all possible behaviors up to a given boundary. This should lead to a reduction of the number of diagnosis candidates. In (19) Kob and Wotawa discussed the use of Hoare logic for modelbased debugging which requires a Hoare logic calculus for computing diagnosis. Although, we share the same ideas on automated debugging, the described approach, which comprises the conversion to CSPs and their direct use, is new. From our point of view the described approach generalizes previous research directions. Other work on debugging include (4; 5; 6). All of them are mainly based on program slicing (10). (6) integrates slicing and algorithmic program debugging (2) and (5) does the same for slicing and delta debugging (1). Critical slicing (4) which is an extension of dynamic slicing that avoids some of the pitfalls, can also be used in debugging. Because of the nature of slicing and the other techniques these approaches require more or less user interaction and cannot be used for really automated debugging. More information regarding other approaches to debugging and a good classification of debugging system is provided in (3). 7 Conclusion In this paper we introduced a methodology for compiling programs into their equivalent CSP representation. The methodology comprises the conversion of while statement into their equivalent nested if-statement representation from which the SSA form is generated. From the SSA form itself we finally obtain the CSP representation. In the paper we argued that the CSP representation can be effectively used for debugging and allows for computing a complexity metrics for debugging, i.e., the hyper-tree width. This is due the fact that the complexity of debugging based on CSPs depends on the hyper-tree width. For the purpose of debugging we assume the existence of the source code and test cases, which reveal the fault. Another advantage of the CSP representation is that the available algorithms for constraint solving and in particular diagnosis can be directly used. The presented empirical analysis showed that the hyper-tree width of programs varies a lot and can be more than 50. For the purpose of debugging this finding is not good, because usually constraint systems with a hyper-tree width of 5 to 10 are considered as complex. However, this fact 360 Informatica 32 (2008) 359-371 F. Wotawa et al. shows that debugging itself is a complex task. From the empirical analysis we also obtain that previous work, which was mainly based on control dependences, on an upper bound of 6 for the hyper-tree width of programs cannot be justified in case of debugging in general. For a specific program there might be an upper bound even when compiling while statements in their equivalent nested if-statement representation. Future research includes to solve the upper bound problem in the general case and to apply the debugging approach to smaller and medium size programs. The integration of the CSP representation and given program assertions like pre- and post-conditions is also of interest. Acknowledgement This work has been supported by the FIT-IT research project Self Properties in Autonomous Systems project (SEPIAS) which is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and the FFG and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) within the project "Model-based Diagnosis and Reconfiguration in Mobile Autonomous Systems (MoDReMAS)" under grant P20199-N15. Moreover, we want to thank Nysret Musliu for providing us with an implementation of the hyper-graph decomposition. References [1] Andreas Zeller and Ralf Hildebrandt. Simplifying and isolating failure-inducing input. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(2), feb 2002. [2] Ehud Shapiro. Algorithmic Program Debugging. MIT Press, 1983. [3] Nahid Shahmehri, Mariam Kamkar, and Peter Fritz-son. Usability criteria for automated debugging systems. J. Systems Software, 31:55-70, 1995. [4] Richard A. DeMillo, Hsin Pan, and Eugene H. Spaf-ford. Critical slicing for software fault localization. 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