ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 1 (19) original scientific paper UD C 582.263(497.4) FIRST RECORD OF THREE SPECIES OF THE GENUS CLADOPHORA KUTZ. IN THE COASTAL WATERS OF SLOVENIA Claudio BATTELU University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Department of Koper, SÍ-600Ü Koper, Cankarjeva 5 ABSTRACT Three species of the genus Cladophora Kiitzing have been recorded in the coastal waters of Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste - Adriatic Sea) for the very first time. A general description of these species is given, as well as its basic morphological features and theirs habitats in the Slovene coastal waters. Key words: Cladophora, Chiorophyta, occurrence, Slovene coastal waters PRIMA TESTiMONIANZA DELLA PRESENZA DI TRE SPECIE DEL GENERE CLADOPHORA KÜTZ. NELLE ACQU E COSTIERE DELLA SLOVENIA SINTESI Per la prima volta viene segnalata !a presenza di tre specie del genere Cladophora Kiitzing nelle acque costiere della Slovenia (Golfo di Trieste -mare Adriático). Nell'articolo vengono fomiti: la descrizione generate, le caratteristiche morfohgiche di base e gli habitat di queste specie nelle acque costiere Slovene. Parole chiave: Cladophora, Chiorophyta, evento, acque costiere Slovene INTRODUCTIO N According to Gallardo &t al. (1993), 24 species of Cladophora occur in the Adriatic Sea. According to Ciaccone (1978) and van den Hoek (1963), 21 of these are present in the Gulf of Trieste (excluding Slovene coastal waters). Among the Slovene scientists who have dealt with the algal flora of the Slovene coastal waters and pre­pared its checklist are: MatjasiC & Stirn (1975), VukoviC (1980, 1981, 1982, 1984) and Sattelli (1997). According to them, 19 species of Cladophora occur in the Slovene coastal sea. From July to September 1998, three species of the genus Cladophora {Cladophora hutchinsiae (Dillwyn) Kutzing, Cladophora lehmanniana (Lindenberg) Kiitzing and Cladophora nigrescens Zanardini ex Frauenfeld) were recorded for the first time in the coastal waters of Slovenia (Gulf of Trieste). This article deals with the occurrence of these spe­cies in the Slovene coastal sea. A morphological de­scription and habitats of these species are given. A gen­eral synoptic table of the basic characteristics of the dealt with species is also given. COLLECTION AND OBSERVATION Samples were collected in the coastal waters of Slovenia (from Debeli rtič in the north to the mouth of the Dragonja river in the south) in the lower midlittoral and in the upper infralittoral to a depth of about 6-8 metres (Fig. 1 ) 91 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 1 (19) Claudio BATTELU: ftRST RECOR D O F THREE SPECIES O F THF. GENU S CI.ADOPHORA KUTZ. ...,91 -N Fig. 1: Study area with sampling stations. SI. 1: Obravnavano območje z vzorčevalnimi postajami. Samples were kept as dry herbarium specimens and chemically treated as wet preparations in 4 % methanal (formalin) solution in seawater. The algae were identified according to the criteria by van den Hoek (1963), Ciaccone (1972-1973) and Noailles (1995). These criteria include: - thallus organization (acropetai, not acropeta!) - growth (apical, intercalary) insertion of the branches (apically, laterally) - features of the attachment organ (primary, secon­dary, annular constriction) diameter of apical cells - length of basal cell - width of cell wall - colour of dry samples List of the dealt with species: 1. Cladopbora hutchinsiae (D 111 wy n) Kutzi ng 2. Cladopbora lehmanniana (Lindenberg) KGtzing 3. Cladophora njgrescens Zanardini ex Frauenfeld Ankaran Xiiuna KOPE R KOL A Studied localities 1. Debeli rtič 2. Ba y of Semedela 3. Zusterna 4. Coastline between Koper and Izola 5. Ba y of St. Simon 6. Bay of Strunjan 7. Strunjan lagoon 8. Fiesa 9. Piran 10. Lucija 11. Saiina of Sečovlje DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES The species are presented in alphabetical order. Cladophora hutchinsiae (Diliwyn) Kutzing Synonyms: Conferva diffusa Cladophora diffusa Harvey Samples had also been found in the mid-nineteenth century in the Gulf of Trieste (off Trieste) as Cladophora virgata by Stossich (professor at a secondary school in Koper and Trieste) and identified by Grunow (Austrian algologist) (van den Hoek, 1963). Description Thallus densely, pseudodichotomously branched, about 2-3 cm long, dark green (Fig. 2). Thallus attached to hard substratum with dense carpels. Dominating in­tercalary growth. In the apical region acropetai organi­zation. Branches obliquely inserted at the apical poles of the cells with oblique cross-wall. Cells generally cy­lindrical in shape. Cell-walls thin. Diameter of apical cells 100-140 pm; diameter of ultimate branches 100­250 pm; diameter of main branches 240-400 pm. Samples were found in the upper subtidal habitats (station 8) on sheltered and shady sites. 92 ANNALE S • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 1 (19) Claudio BATTEU U FIRST RECOR D O F THREE SPECIES OF THE GENU S C.LAOOPHORA KÜTZ,9 1 -96 Fig. 2: Part of (halitts of C. hutchinsiae (Photo: M. Rich­ter), Si. 2: Del steljke C. hutchinsiae (Foto: M. Richter). Distribution C hutchinsiae is a sub-cosmopolitan species. It is known from the NE Atlantic: Netherlands, Ireland, Brit­ain, France, Portugal, Madeira (Burrows, 1991); from the Mediterranean Sea; Spain, Balearic islands, France, Corsica and Sardinia, Western Italy, Sicily, Adriatic, the Black and Azov Seas, Turkey, Libya, Greece, Tunisia, Algeria (Gallardo ef a!., 1993); from NE Pacific: Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon (Burrows, 1991); from the Indian Ocean: Pakistan, South Africa (Silva), as well as from southern Australia and japan ( C van den Hoek, pers. comm.). Cladophora lehmanniana (Lindenberg) Kutzing Synonyms: Cladophora ramulosa Meneghini Cladophora utriculosa Kutzing The species was found in the Gulf of Trieste (off Tri­este) as Cladophora utriculosa and near M i rama re (Trieste) a.s Cladophora catenata by Hauck in the mid-nineteenth century (van den Hoek, 1963). The species was also found in the Bay of Koper by Giuseppe Accurti (professor at a secondary school in Koper) in 1858 (Accurti, 1858}, but the identification of the samples still needs to be confirmed. Description Thaflus is densely pseudodichotomously branched, with stiff texture, about 10-15 cm long, dark green. Mainly apical growth; intercalary growth starting at some distance from the apex (Fig. 3). Insertion of the branches oblique at the apical pole of a cell with a nearly horizontal cross-wall. Cells are cylindrical, sometimes slightly club-shaped. Cell-walls generally 10 prn thick. Diameter of apical cells 95-110 pm; diameter of ultimate branches 90-120 pm; diameter of main branches about 200 pm. Samples were found in the upper subtidal habitats (stations 4 and 5) on sheltered and shady sites. Fig. 3: Part of fhallus of C lehmanniana (Photo: AI- Richter). Sl. 3: Del steljke C. lehmanniana (Foto: M. Richter). 93 ANNALE S • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 1 (19) a au tito BATTEL U: FIRST RECOR D Of' THREE SPECIES O F THE GENU S CLADOPHORA KÜTZ. ... 95 -96 Distribution C. lehmanniana is an indo-Atlantic species, it: is known from the NE Atlantic: Ireland, Britain, France, Morocco (Burrows, 1991); from the Mediterranean Sea: Spain, Balearic Islands, France, Corsica and Sardinia, Western Italy, Sicily, Adriatic, Greece, the Black and Azov Seas, Turkey, Levant States, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco (Gallardo et a/., 1993); from the In­dian ocean: Australia, India, Laccadive Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania (Silva), and from southern Aus­tralia (C- van den Hoek, pers. comm.). Cladophora nigrescens Zanardini exFrauenfeld The species was found at Trieste as Cladophora sco­parioides by Hauck in 1876 (van den Hoek, 1963). Description Thallus is densely branched and about 4-6 cm long. Living thalli are dark green, dried specimens are dark brown colour (Fig. 4). Rhizoids with annular constric­tions. Thallus mainly with acropetally organization. In­sertion of the branches almost laterally inserted with steeply inclined cross-wall. Cells elongated and slightly club-shaped. Cell-walls generally 10 pm thick. Diameter of apical cells 40-75 pm; diameter of ultimate branches 45-80 pm; diameter of main branches about 120 pm. Samples were found in the upper subtidal habitats (station 4) on sheltered sites. Distribution C. nigrescens is an Atlantic - boreal species. It is known from the Mediterranean Sea: Spain, Balearic Is­lands, Western Italy, Sicily, Corsica, Adriatic, Greece, the Black and Azov Seas (Gallardo et al.,-1993). Fig. 4: Part of thallus of C nigrescens (Photo: M. Rich­ter). SI. 4: Del steljke C. nigrescens (Foto: M. Richter). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In this work w e report on the occurrence of 18 spe­cies of Cladophora (see Tab. 1). If w e include ail the species according to MatjaSic & Stirn (1975) and Vuk­ovic (1980,1981,1982,1984), 22 species of Cladophora occur in the Slovene coastal waters. N. SPECIES ADRI-GULF OF SLOVENE ATIC TRIESTE COASTAL SEA WATERS 1 C. aegagropila +1 ---+4 ­ 2 C. aibida +1 + 1 -s-2 +3 +5 +6 C battels ii + 1 -+3 -­ 4 C. coelothrix -rl + 1 +2 +3 +4 +6 5 C. dalmatica •i-1 -*3 +5 +6 6 C. echinus + 1 -!-I +2 +3 +4 ­ 7 C. feredayi. + 1 + 1 +2 +3 +4 ­ 8 C. facta + '[ ----­ 9 C. glomerata -El +1 -+3 +5 +6 10 C. hufchinsiae + 1 + 1 --+5 ­ 11 C laelevireris + 1 +1 +2 +3 +5 +•6 12 C. lehmanniana + 1 +1 --­ 13 C. liebetruthii -1-1 ---­ 14 C. tinifornis + 1 -+3 +5 +6 15 C. nigrescens +6 --+5 ­ 16 C. pellucida 4-1 + 1 +2 +3 +4 17 C. protifera + 1 + 1 +2 +3 +4 18 C. pseudopelluctda + 1 ---+4 19 C. reiroflexa + 1 + ) +2 +3 +4 ­ 20 C. ruch ingerí + 1 +1 -­ 21 C. rupestris + 1 +1 M ­ 22 C. sericea + 1 + 1 •i-2 +3 -­ 23 C. socialis + 1 + 1 -+3 -­ 24 C. vadorum + 1 +6 • -­ 25 C. vagabunda + 1 +1 +2 --+6 24 21 10 16 18 8 Tab. 1: Synoptic table indicating the occurrence of species of the genus Cladophora in the Adriatic sea, in the Gulf of Trieste, and in the coastal waters of Slo­venia. Tab. 1: Preglednica, ki ponazarja pojavljanje vrst iz rodu Cladophora v jadranskem morju, v Tržaškem zali­vu in v slovenskem obalnem morju. Legend/ Legenda: + presence/pojavljanje, -absence/ odsotnost Sources/Viri: 1 (Gallardo et al., 1993; Giaccone, 1978), 2 (Matjašič & Štirn, 1975), 3 (Vukovič, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1984), 4 (Batielli, 1997), 5 (this work), 6 (van den Hoek, 1963) 9 4 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 1 (19) Claudio HATTELLI: FIRST RECORD O F THRFE SPECIES O F THE GENU S CLADOPHORA KÜTZ 91-96 SPECIES Diameter Insertion Cross-Cei! Rhizoids ACKNOWLEDGEMENT S of apical of the walls wads cells ((ira) branches C. hutch i ri-90-190 apical/ oblique thin coralioid si se oblique holdfast C. Iehman-100-150 apical/ oblique thin corallokl niana oblique holdfast C. nigrescens 40-60 lateral vertical thick annular constric­tions Tab. 2: General synoptic table of the basic characteris­tics of the dealt with species of the genus Cladophora. Tab. 2: Splošna preglednica osnovnih lastnosti obrav­navanih vrst iz rodu Cladophora. The author is greatly indebted to Prof. dr. Giuseppe Giaccone, algologist from Department of Botany at the University of Catania (Italy), for revising the manuscript, Dr. Di Martino Vincenzo and Dr. Biundo Maria Con­cetta for their help in identifying the Cladophora sam­ples. W e wish to express special thanks to Prof. Dr. Christian van den Hoek from Dept. of Marine Biology at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) for his pre­cious information on Cladophora species. Further thanks are due to Marjan Richter for his photographic material. PRV O ZABELEŽEN O POJAVLJANJE TREH VRST IZ ROD U CLADOPHORA KUTZING V SLOVENSKE M OBALNE M MORJ U Claudio BATTELLI Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta -Enola v Kopru, SI-6000 Koper, Cankarjeva 5 POVZETEK V članku obravnavamo tri vrste iz rodu Cladophora, ki doslej niso bile zabeležene v slovenskem obalnem morju. To so: C. hutchinsiae (D'tHwyn) Kutzing, C. iehmanniana (Lindenberg) Kutzing in C. nigrescens Zanardini ex Frauenfeld. Raziskovano je bilo območje jugovzhodnega dela Tržaškega zaliva od Debelega rtiča (Koprski zaliv) do izliva reke Dragonje (Piranski zaliv) v mediolitoralu in v infralitoralu do globine 6-8 m. Vzorci so bili nabrani od julija do septembra 1998. leta med prostim potapljanjem na naslednjih postajah: Debeli rtič, Semedelski zaliv, Žustema, obala Koper-lzola, zaliv San Simon, Strunjanski zaliv, Strunjanska. laguna, Fiesa, rt Madona, Lucija in Sečoveljske soline. Vzorci so shranjeni kot suhi preparati v algariju in kot mokri preparati v 4-5 % metanalu (formalinu) v morski vodi. Za vsako obravnavano vrsto podajamo splošne morfološke značilnosti in geografsko razširjenost v svetovnih morjih ter podatke o rastiščih v slovenskem obalnem morju. Dodajamo preglednico, ki ponazarja pojavljanje vrst iz rodu Cladophora v jadranskem morju, v Tržaškem zalivu in v slovenskem obalnem morju. Na koncu podajamo tudi splošno preglednico osnovnih lastnosti obravnavanih vrst. Kijučne besede: Cladophora, zelene alge, pojavljanje, slovensko obalno morje REFERENCES Accurti, G. (1858): Cenno sulle alge di Capodistria. Programma deli' I.R. ginnasio di Capodistria. Tries te, Lioyd Au str., 1-9. Batteili, C. (1997): Prispevki k poznavanju makro­bentoških alg slovenskega obalnega morja: rod Clado­phora (Chiorophyta). Annales, 1 1, 47-56. Burrows, E. M. (1991): Seaweeds of the British Isles. Vol. 2: Chiorophyta. Nat. Hist. Mus., London, xi- 238. Gallardo, T., A. Gomez Garretta, M . A. Ribera, M. Corrnaci, G. Furnari, G. Giaccone & Ch. E. Bou­douresque (1993): Check list of Mediterranean Sea­weeds ll. Chiorophyta. Bot. mar., 36(5), 399-421. 95 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 10 • 2000 • 1 (19) Claudio SATTaU : FIRST RECORD OF THREE SPEO S OF THE GENU S CLADOt'HORA RÜTZ 91-96 Giaccone, G. (1972-1973): Elementi di botaníca marina ii. Chiavi di determinazione per le aîghe e le angio­sperme marine del Mediterráneo. Pubbl. Ist. Bot. Univ. Trieste, serie didattica, 4-121. Giaccone, G. (1978): Revisione deîla flora marina del mare Adriático. SuppL WWF , TS, 6/19, 1 08-111. Hoek, C. van den (1963): Revision of the European species of Ciadophora. Leiden, E, J. Brill, 248 pp. Matjašič, j. & J. Štirn (1975): Flora in favna severnega Jadrana. Pris. 1., SAZU, Ljubljana, 4, 19-23. Noailies, M. C. (1995): Les especes de Cladophoia (Chlorophyta) les plus communes des côtes Nord-Finis­tere, région de Roscoff en particulier (France). Cah. Biol. Mar., 36, 81-121. Vukovič, A. (1980): Asociacije morskih bentoških alg v Piranskem zalivu. Biol. vestn., 28(2), 103-124. Vukovič, A. 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