ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 25-1 September 1946 Index . . , , page 46 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor. Editoriale Libraria, S. A. Trieste - 1946 > Allied Military Government 13 CORPS General Order No. 21 B AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 21 — STAMP AND REGISTRY TAXES WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to amend Stamp and Registry Taxes in those parts of Venezia Giulia that are administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: TAX ON „NEGOZIAZIONE“ OF SHARES ARTICLE 1 For the year 1946, the tax on „negoziazione“ of shares quoted on the Stock-Exchange shall be paid on the average assessment value resulting from settlement day quotation in the second half-year of 1945. Should the Company's capital have been increased or reduced in the second half-year, the assessment value shall be determined on the basis of settlement day quotations from the month following the last increase or reduction of capital to the 31st of December. Where no official settlement day price has been quoted in the second half-year 1945 for certain shares, the rel ative valuation shall be made by the Managing Board of Stock-Brokers operating in the Trieste Stock-Exchange. ARTICLE 2 Firms liable to the tax on „negoziazione“ of shares which are not quoted on the Stock-Exchange, shall file with the appropriate Registry Office, • within the time-limit established by art. 6 of R, D. L. n. 1975, 15 Dec. 1938, either two copies of the balance-sheet and of extracts from the relative resolutions and other documents, or of the declaration provided for in the last paragraph, of the said article. The Registry Office shall transmit a copy of each of the above documents to the managing Board of Stock-Brokers operating at the Trieste Stock-Exchange. ARTICLE 3 Disputes, concerning valuation of shares not quoted on the Stock-Exchange, which, in accordance with art. 1 of General Order N. 21 have been brought before the Trieste Area Tax Commissions, may be settled -— so far as the tax on „negoziazione“ prior to 1946 is concerned — by allowing a reduction not exceeding 30% of the value estimated by the Registry Office. In no case, however, shall the resulting value be lower than that determined by the managing Board of Stock-Brokers. Application to obtain such settlement is to be filed within 60 days of the notification of the Registry Office appeal, in accordance with art. 4 of the said R. D. L. 15 December 1938, n. 1975. For disputes which have not yet been settled on the effective date of this Order, the time-limit shall be -3 months from the said date. ARTICLE 4 On shares which have expired and which have not been notified within the 31st of May of every year, as established by Art. 14, para 3 of R. D. L. 15 December 1938, n. 1975. the „negOziazione“ tax is due up to the half-year (inclusive) in which the notice of expiry has been filed. ARTICLE 5 Any infringement of the provisions of art. 6 of R. D. 1 and of art. 2 hereof is punishable with the following fines : In the case of Companies with a capital not exceeding Lit. 5.000.000.— ............................. not not In the ease of Companies with a capital exceeding Lit. 5.000.000.— ............................. not not NEW RATES OF TAX ON „NEGOZIAZIONE“ OF SHARES FOREIGN COMPANIES ARTICLE 6 The annual tax rates on shares specified under 2) and 3) of tariff A appendix to R.D.L. 15 December 1938, n. 1975, as amended by art. 20 of R. D. 9 March 1942, n. 357, are substituted as from January 1-1946 by the following: For non registered shares : Lit. 6.— per thousand For registered shares : Lit. 3.— per thousand The annual tax rate on the capital of foreign companies as laid down in art. 4 of tariff „A“ appendix to Law 30 December 1923, n. 3280 as amended by appendix ,,E“ to R.D.L. 26 September 1935, n. 1749, converted into Law 28 May 1936, n. 1302, is fixed hereby at 6 L. per thousand as from January 1, 1946. TAX ON ADVANCES AND LOANS GUARANTEED BY BANKS ARTICLE 7 Savings-banks, companies and institutions granting advances or loans ag&iiist geCUfl" ties, goods or valuables in completing their half-yearly declarations as provided for by art. 22 of Law 30 December 1923, n. 3280, concerning operations effected prior to December 31, 1945, may be exempt from surtaxes if they can prove that their inoomplete declaration was •due to a failure to receive in time details of the operations effected by their branch offices and agencies. i. 15 December 1938, n. 1975 less than Lit. 300.— and exceeding Lit. 5.000.— less than Lit. 1.000.— and exceeding Lit. 10.000.— AND ON THE CAPITAL OF TAX ON INSURANCE TRANSACTIONS ARTICLE 8 National and foreign Insurance Companies and enterprises dealing with any insurance business except the marine branch, may complete the three-monthly lists of receipts referred to in art. 19 of Law 30 December 1923, n. 3281 and issued prior to December 31, 1945, without incurring any penalty, provided that they can prove that the original lists were incomplete because of failure to receive in time details of such receipts from' their agencies. Such supplementary lists of receipts issued prior to December 31, 1945 shall be filed within three months of the effective date of this Order and the tax relating thereto shall be paid at the same time. The time-limit allowed, (as in Art. IX of Gen. Order n. 21, to the aforesaid national and foreign companies and enterprises which are in the condition provided for by this Order), for the filing, exempt from surtax, of principal declarations, or of supplementary declarations relating to premiums and other income earned up to December 31, 1945, is hereby extended to three months after the effective date of this Order. The payment of the respective taxes shall be effected within fifteen days. The transfer-sur-tax on shares as provided for by Art. 17 of the „Testo Unico“ and confirmed by R. D. 9 March 1942, n. 357, subsequently amended by Art. VII of Gen. Order No. 21, is hereby abolished. All the provisions of the aforesaid R. D. L., as subsequently amended, relating to the compulsory use of franked bills for Stock-Exchange contracts, as well as those providing penalties for infringements of such provisions, remain however in force. ARTICLE 9 TRANSFER SUR-TAX ON SHARES ARTICLE 10 TAXES ON STOCK-EXCHANGE CONTRACTS ARTICLE 11 Art. 14 of R. D. L. 19 August 1943, n. 738 is hereby repealed. The schedule of stamp duties on stock-exchange contracts appended to General Order No. 21 is replaced- by the following schedule: TABLE OF STAMP TAXES ON STOCK-EXCHANGE CONTRACTS For every SPECIES OF CONTRACT 100.000 Lire or fractions of 100.000,— Lire 1. CONTRACTS FOR CASH : a) made between exchange brokers ............... b) made directly between the contracting parties L. 1,— L. 8,— c) made between bankers and private persons ................. L. 6.— d) made in the presence of exchange brokers or of banks registered in the roll provided for by R. I). L. dated.December 20, 1932, n. 1607 L. 5.— In cases b). c) and d) the tax is reduced to one half on contracts which deal exclusively with State securities or securities guaranteed by the State. 2. FIXED CONTRACTS NOT EXCEEDING 45 DAYS : a) made between exchange brokers ................................... L. 2.— b) made directly between the contracting parties.................... L. 20.— c) made in the presence of the exchange brokers or of banks registered in the roll provided for in R. D. L. 20 Dec. 1932. n. 1607.... L. 15.— 3 CHECKED CONTRACTS NOT EXCEEDING 45 DAYS : a) concluded between exchange brokers .............................. L. 2.— b) concluded directly between the contracting parties .............. L. 15.— c) concluded in the presence of exchange brokers or banks registered in the roll provided for in R. D. L. 20 December 1932, n. 1607 L. 8.— ARTICLE 12 Until the proper forms have been introduced, the payment of stamp duties on Stock-Exchange contracts shall be effected by affixing to the existing forms, the additional stamps as used for such contracts. Such stamps shall be invalidated by the endorsement of one of the contracting parties and of the date of the contract. ARTICLE 13 This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 2nd August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer General Order No. 41 C SPECIAL COURT OF ASSIZE WHEREAS by Proclamation No. 5 the Special Court of Assize was constituted for the purpose therein proclaimed, for a period of six months expiring on the 8th day of February 1946 ; WHEREAS by General Order N. 41 dated the 25th day of January 1946 the Special Court as constituted by Proclamation No. 5 was continued for a period of 3 months expiring on 8th May 1946 ; WHEREAS by General Order N. 41 B dated the 18th day of April 1946 the Special Court as constituted by Proclamation No. 5 was continued for a further period of 3 months expiring on 8th August 1946 ; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to prolong *he jurisdiction of the said Special Court of Assize for a further period ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I The Special Court of Assize as constituted by Proclamation No. 5 shall continue its functions for a further period of 3 months as from 8th August 1946. ARTICLE II The jurisdiction of the Court and all its powers and duties specified in Proclamation No. 5 shall continue in full force and effect as if the Proclamation had constituted the said Court for the said further period of 3 months from the 8th August 1946. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the 8th day of August 1946. Dated in TRIESTE this 2nd August 1946. General Order No. 61 D COLLECTION OF CEREALS — AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 61 B WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to extend the time in which premiums will be paid for early amassing of grain at the Granaries of the People in those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: Tha+ Paragraph 2, (d) Article X, of General Order No. 61 B, be hereby rescinded and in lieu thereof the following paragraph be submitted : d) for the quantities amassed up to August 16th L. 300 per ql. Dated in Trieste this 3rd day of August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 63 B AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL ORDER No. 63. INCREASING PUBLIC WAGES AND PENSIONS WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to modify General Order No. 63, dated 13 July 1^46, by altering the amounts of the deductions to be made from the cost of Living Bonus enjoyed by State employees, and by increasing the amounts of Cost of Living Bonus payable to Public Pensioners, for that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the,,,, Territory“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I VARIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF COST OF LIVING BONUS — AMENDMENT OF SECTION 1 OF ARTICLE III OF GENERAL ORDER N. 63 Section 1 of Article III of General Order No. G3 is hereby amended to read and provide as follows : Section i. The amount of the cost of living bonus and of the additional allowances due under the provisions of Article II of this Order shall be reduced as follows : by 2 per cent for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of not less than 250.000 inhabitants ; by 6 per cent for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of at least 50.000 and not more that 249.999 inhabitants, or in the Commune of POLA ; by 8 per cent for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of at least 10.000 and not more than 49.999 inhabitants ; by 9 per cent for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Communte with a population of at least 5.000 and not more than 9.999 inhabitants ; by 10 per cent for personnel whose normal place of employment is in a Commune with a population of less than 5.000 inhabitants. ARTICLE II ABSORPTION OF PERSONAL ALLOWANCE (ASSEGNO AD PERSONAM) Section i The personal allowance (assegno ad personam) granted by the provisions of Section 1 of Article VI of General Order No. 63 is to be absorbed by the increase in receipts from the initial application of the provisions of Article I of this General Order. Section 2 In calculating the amount so absorbed, no account is to be taken of any variations in the cost of living bonus resulting from the application of the provisions of Section 3 and 4 of Article III of General Order No. 63. Section 3 Article VI of General Order No. 63 is hereby amended by the addition of the following new Section 3 : „Section 3. The Personal allowances provided by Section 1 of this Article shall not be subject to any alteration as a result of increases or reductions in the amount of the cost of living bonus and additional allowances effected in terms of Section 3 or 4 of Article III of this General Order“. ARTICLE III INCREASE OF COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES FOR PUBLIC PENSIONERS The Cost of Living allowances, fixed by PART D of General Order No. 34 as amended by Section 3 of Article X of General Order No. 63, and increased by Section 1 of Article X of General Order No. 63, are hereby further increased as follows : from 18.000 to 30.000 Lire gross per year for the recipients of direct pensions and allowances who are not less that 60 years of age and for the recipients of priviledged direct pensions and allowances : from 9.600 to 18.000 Lire gross per year for the recipients of unpriviledged direct pensions and allowances who are less than 60 years of age ; from 14.400 to 20.400 Lire gross per year for the recipients of reversible pensions and allowances. ARTICLE IV EXTENTION OF THE INCREASE OF COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES TO CERTAIN PENSIONERS OF THE FORMER AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT Section i The cost of living allowances provided by Allele III above, are also granted to pensioners of the former Austro-Hungarian Government, even if they are not enjoying the cost of living allowances provided by R. D. 14 May 1922 No. 743, as amended. Section 2 For such pensioners all the cost of living allowances provided by the laws of the former Austro-Hungarian Government are deemed to be absorbed by the cost of living allowances fixed by Article III above. ARTICLE V ABSORPTION OF FAMILY ALLOWANCE („AGGIUNTA DI FAMIGLIA“) ENJOYED BY PENSIONERS OF THE FORMER FREE STATE OF FIUME For the recipients of pensions of the former free State of Fiume, the cost of living allowances fixed by Article III above are deemed to absorb any family allowance („aggiunta di famiglia“) which such pensioners may be enjoying. ARTICLE VI COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES FOR PENSIONS PAID FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES For pensions the amounts of which are borne partly by different bodies, the cost of living allowances continue to be payable only in the proportion in which such amounts are borne by the State, by the „Monte pensioni insegnanti elementari“, or by the Pension Fund of the State Railways. Of the gross annual amount of the cost of living allowance so payable the fractions of less than 100 Lire shall be increased to 100 Lire. ARTICLE VIL APPLICATION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF GENERAL ORDER No. 63 TO INCREASES OF COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCES FOR PUBLIC PENSIONERS The provisions of Section 5 of Article X, and of Article XII, of General Order No. 63, will be applied in respect of the increases provided by the terms of Articles III, IV, and VI above. PART C ARTICLE VIII CLAIMS Individual claims arising out of the application of the provisions of PART B of this General Order, and out of the determination of the amounts of increases granted in terms of those provisions, or the failure to grant such increases, shall be submitted for decision to the Area Pension Commissions created by the provisions of Order No. 63. Such claims shall be submitted before six months have elapsed after the formal declaration of the termination of War, or shall be considered to have lapsed. •* ARTICLE IX EFFECTIVE DATE Section 1 This Order shall come into force in the Territory on that date that it is signed by me. Section 2 The provisions of PART A of this General Order shall be effective and shall be applied as from 1 January 1946. Section 3 The financial alterations provided by PART B of this General Order shall be applied • as from the first monthly instalment of pension or allowance for a period which began after 31 March 1946. Dated at Trieste, this 26th day of July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer General Order No. 65 FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND TRADE WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AMENDMENTS MODIFICATIONS AND AMPLIFICATIONS OF THE LAWS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make certain alterations to the laws relating to foreign exchange and trade with foreign countries in those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN. Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I Art. VII Sec. 1 (a) and (b) and Sec. 2 of Proclamation No. 2 are hereby cancelled. An Exchange Office administered by the Trieste Branch of the Bank of Italy shall be set up in accordance with instructions to be issued by Allied Military Government. The said Exchange Office shall be entrusted with the control of the gold monopoly, banknotes, currencies and foreign securities and in general with all matters relating to payments abroad. ARTICLE II Except as hereinafter specifically mentioned all the provisions contained in the undermentioned decrees, laws, regulations and instructions copies of which are annexed hereto and marked „Exhibit A^‘, are made part of this Order by reference and shall have the same force and effect in the Territory as if they had been herein set forth in full. Subject nevertheless to all rules and regulations issued from time to time by Allied Military Government. 1. — R. D. L. 15/11/1943 — concerning the prohibition of disposal of properties existing abroad and belonging to Italian citizens. 2. — D. L. 17/5/1945 N. 306 — Rules on financial transactions with foreign-countries and for the re-organization of the control of foreign exchange. 3. — D. L. 17/5/1945 N. 331 — constitution of the „Exchange Office“ and transfer thereto of the previous Istituto Nazionale per i cambi con l’estero. 4. — D. M. 31/7/1945 — which modifies art. 1 of. D. M. 14/7/43 concerning the obligatory transfer of foreign currencies. 5. — D. L. L. 31/7/1945 No. 460 — which modifies the law of 28/7/39 No. 1097 concerning the penalties for infringements of the currency provisions in force. 6. — D. M. 22/12/1945 — authority granted to certain Institutes to act as Agents of the Bank of Italy. 7. —- D. L. L. 4/1/1946 -— No. 2 — constitution of equalization fund to international prices. 8* — E\ M. 18/1/1946 — establishment of an additional rate for the equalization fund to international prices. 9. — D. M. 18 January 1946 — rules for implementing instructions on the equalization fund to international prices. 10. — D. L. L. 28/1/1946 No. 9 — extension of the rules of D. L. L. 4/1/1946 No. 2 concerning various transactions in the import and export of goods. 11. —- Instruction of the Ministery of the Treasury dated 6 February 1946 concerning the extension of the equalization fund. 12. — Instruction of the Ministery of the Treasury dated 20 February 1946 concerning the export and the réintroduction of the Bank and Italian State Notes. 13. — Instruction of the Ministery of the Treasury dated 25 February >946 concerning the equalization fund. 14. — D. L. L. 1 February 1946 No. 94 concerning payment of remittances made by workers in Germany. 15 — D. M. 26 February 1946 — authorising Banca Popolare di Novara to act as agent of Bank of Italy. 16. — D. L. L. 26 March 1946 No. 139 —■ new instructions for the transfer of foreign exchange to the State and the setting aside of 50% of the currency derived from exports. 17. — D. M. 13 April 1946 — instructions for the transfer of foreign„ exchange, to the State accumulation of 50% of the proceeds of foreign exchange for exports. 18. — D. M. 31 March 1946 — payment agreement with Denmark. 19. — D. M. 14 February 1946 — payment agreement with Spain. ARTICLE IV All references to the Italian State and any Departments, bodies, Ministers or Officials acting under its authority referred to in the above mentioned decrees, laws, regulations or instructions shall be deemed to be deleted and in their place shall be substituted : Allied Military Government and Officials and bodies operating in the Territory under the control of Allied Military Government and nothing herein contained shall confer any jurisdiction upon the Italian State or any person or body acting under its authority with regard to any person property or matter in the Territory. ARTICLE V The official rates of foreign exchange in the Territory shall be same as those in force in Italy and any variation made in future shall have immediate application also in the Territory. ARTICLE VI This Order shall become effective in the Territory on this date. Dated Trieste, 15th July 1946. General Order No. 67 MODIFICATION OF EFFECTIVE DATE OF SOCIAL INSURANCE PENSIONS WHEREAS, pursuant to General Order No. iy, dated 13 October ig45, provisions were made for an increase of old age, invalidism and survivors pensions based upon General Compulsory Insurance, and for the payment of a temporary bonus to workers receiving pensions for permanent disability resulting from occupational accident or disease ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Order No. 101, dated 5 April 1946, provisions were made for certain increases of old age, invalidism and survivors pensions based upon the Special Insurance Scheme for the personnel of Public Transportation services ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed just and necessary to modify the effective date of the benefits granted by the above mentioned Order ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I AMENDMENTS TO ORDERS 1. — General Order No. 17 dated 13 October 1945, Article I Sect. 2, Article IV Sect. 1, Sect. 2, Sect. 3 Article V Sect. 2, Article IX Sect. 2 are amended by deleting therefrom the words „1 July 1945“ and substituting in lieu thereof the words „1 January 1945“, and by deleting the words „30 June 1945“ and substituting in lieu thereof the words „31 December 1944“. 2. — Order No. 101, dated 5 April 1946 Article I Sect. 2 is amended by deleting therefrom the words „1 July 1945“ and substituting in lieu thereof the words „1 January 1945“. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective upon such date as it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of July, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer General Order No. 69 REVOCATION OF THE PROVISIONS AND MEASURES TAKEN WITH REGARD TO PROPERTIES BELONGING TO THE STATES OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND TO PHYSICAL AND JURIDICAL PERSONS HAVING THE NATIONALITY OF THOSE NATIONS WHEREAS, it is deemed-desirable and necessary to revoke. for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) the provisions and measures taken with regard to properties belonging to the States of the United Nations and to physical and juridical persons having the nationality of those Nations, and to establish rules to be observed in carrying out the steps consequent on such revocation : NOW, THEREFORE, I. ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil A ffairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1. — The provisions and measures taken pursuant to the War Law approved by R. D. L. 8 July 1938 No. 1415. with subsequent amendments and additions, and of the other legislative measures above-mentioned, with respect to assets belonging to the States of the United Nations and to physical and juridical persons having the nationalities of those States, are hereby revoked. Section 2. — The annulment of the annotations on the property records made according to the second paragraph of Article 298 of the War-Law and to the second paragraph of Article 9 of the R. D. L. 4 February 1942, No. 11, made into law 17 July 1942, No. 1100, will be accomplished by the Intendente di Finanza free from taxes or other charges. Section 3. — The Intendente di Finanza will, under the authority of this Order, revO cate the provisions of syndacation, sequestration and liquidation of concerns. This revocation will be recorded, free of expense, on the copies of such provisions deposited with the registries of the Courts of Law according to the first paragraph of Article 9 of the above mentioned R. D. L. 4 February 1942, No. 11 and will provide, free of expense, for the annulment of the transfers envisaged in the second paragraph of the said Article. 1 ARTICLE 2 Section 1. — The management of the sequestrator or of the liquidator shall cease after thirty days from the date of publication of this Order. The sequestrator or the liquidator, therefore, shall within this period carry out the restoration of the property to the rightful owner or his legal representative. Section 2. — At the act of restoration of the property the sequestrator or the liquidator shall draw a written report of the proceedings in the presence of the rightful owner or his legal representative to whom he has to submit a final report on his management accompanied by the invent ary and. for industrial and commercial concerns, by the closing balance sheet. Section 3. — Where the. restoration is not completed within the above mentioned period, the Allied Military Government will appoint an administrator to provide for the temporary management of the properties. Section 4. — Until such appointment has been made, the functions of administrator will remain in the hands of the séquestrai jr or liquidator, who will begin the new management, drawing up the report proposed in the second paragraph accompanied by the inventory and, for industrial and commercial concerns, by the closing balance sheet. ARTICLE 3 In case the administrator is not the same as the sequestrator ot the liquidator, the restoration of the property shall be carried out in the same manner, and with the documents mentioned in the preceding Article. ARTICLE 4 The written proceedings of the restoration or delivery of property of any kind and the documents mentioned in Articles 2 and 3 shall be deposited with four copies, by the sequestrator or the liquidator within three days of said restoration, at the Intendenza di Finanza. ARTICLE 5 Section I. — The manager shall provide, under the supervision of Allied Military Government, for the custody maintenance, and, if necessary, for the ordinary administration of properties placed under his temporary management. Section 2. — Acts outside of the ordinary management, or which involve commitments exceeding the current financial year of the concern shall be previously authorized by the Allied Military Government. Section 3. — The administrator shall be granted compensation to be fixed by the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE 6 The administrator shall deliver to the Allied Military Government through the Inten-dente di Finanza, copies in triplicate of: 1) the report on his management at the end of each half-year ; 2) in the caèe of industrial and commercial concerns, a copy of the inventory and of the balance-sheet at the end of each financial year ; 3) the final report, at the conclusion of the management. ARTICLE 7 Pending the restoration of the properties to the rightful owner or his legal representative, any lawsuits on hand concerning the properties mentioned in Article 1 will be held in suspense according to the Article II of General Order No. 16, except cases where continuation of the lawsuits is authorized by the Allied Military Government. Such suspense applies also in the case where the lawsuit has been interrupted under Art. 299 et seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure. ARTICLE 8 Section i. — On the date of restoration of the properties to the rightful owner or his legal representative, the owner shall reimburse the amount of the ordinary expenses of administration paid by the sequestrator, liquidator or administrator, as well as any sums advanced, plus the legal interest, for the payment of debts or for the maintenance, increase or improvement of the said properties, if these expenses were not covered by the income of the property or by other assets of the sequestration or of the management. Section 2. —- The credit amount due to the sequestrator, recognised and not reimbursed at the moment of the restoration of the properties, is guaranteed by a lien over the properties in accordance with Art. 304 of the War-Law. The same privilege accrues to the liquidator and the manager. ARTICLE 9 Within the meaning of the present decree, the unblocking of sums of money, securities and credits, deposited with the Istituto Nazionale per i Cambi con 1' Estero, the Bank of Italy or other banking institutions, will be made upon request of the interested parties, subject to the approval of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE 10 Section i. — If the properties placed under administration do not produce income, or do not include liquid assets, sufficient to cover the expenses of the management, the Allied Military Government may authorize that these be advanced by the AllieJ Military Government itself. Section 2. — Expenses advanced by the Allied Military Government, according to Section 1 Art. 10 may be claimed from the owner with interest at 1°j0 above the official discount rate. The above cx-edit shall have a lien on the assets subject to administration and such lien shall have an absolute priority on all other credits or liens. Section 3. -— The provisions of the present Article shall not apply to industrial and commercial concerns. ARTICLE 11 Pursuant to Art. 1 R. D. L. 26 March 1946 No. 140, the Italian State is responsible to owners of properties or interests for loss or damage resulting from improper acts or emissions on the part of sequestrators, liquidators, administrators, managers, or others, acting under the authority of such Government or appointed by it, at any time between the institution of sequestration or control measures and the restoration of the property to the owner. ARTICLE 12 The person or persons entitled to the restitution of properties or their legal representatives shall be entitled immediately on their request to the return of those properties without prejudice to any question of claims of whatever nature by or against such owners, including in particular, claims in connection with expenses and interest charges arising under Articles 5, 8 or 10 of this Order. Such claims will be postponed until settled by general agreement between the respective (Governments or by direct agreement with the owners or their representatives. Liens or charges against property which is returned to the owner or his representative will not come into force or be enforced against the property unless the advances or expenses to which the liens relative have been agreed upon between the respective Governments or by or on behalf of the owner. ARTICLE 13 In case the ownfer is unwilling or unable to take delivery of his property, an interim administrator shall be appointed for the temporary administration of the property. Delivery of property to an interim administrator as provided in Art. 2 or elsewhere in this Order is not, without the consent of the owner or of his representative, considered as delivery to the owner. . ARTICLE 14 An owner of property which has been sold or transferred under Article 18 of R. D. L. of February 4, 1942, N. 11, shall forthwith at his request be entitled to cancellation of the instrument or instruments of sale or transfer and to restitution of property to him without prejudice to any question of claims of whatever nature by such owners. Such claims will be postponed until settled by general agreement between the respective Governments or by or on behalf of the owners. ARTICLE 15 Property of any organization constituted in the Territory which was sequestrated, liquidated, administered or managed by the Italian Government because of the interest in that organization of a national or nationals of any United Nation shall be included in the desequestration provided for in Article 11 and 13 of this Order. ARTICLE 16 Section i. — Bank accounts, postal savings, accounts, securities, valuables and industrial, literary and artistic property rights, as well as other forms of property of nationals of any United Nation, will be considered as included among the properties subject to the provisions of this General Orafer. Section 2. —- All mollies and all bank accounts or other credits taken under sequestration or impounded by the Italian Government shall be restored in kind (dollars for dollars, pounds for pounds and so forth) and in the same type of account which existed at the time of such sequestration or impounding. ARTICLE 17 If the obligation to restore funds or securities cannot be fulfilled by a bank or other depository, because pf lack of funds or of the securities, such obligation shall constitute a claim of the interested Allied Government against the Italian Government and. likfe other claims, will be postponed for settlement to the Peace Treaty. The restitution of property to its rightful owner shall not be delayed or effected by failure to furnish an inventory as provided in Article 2 of this General Order, nor shall the owner of property, including the types described in Article 16 thereof be prejudiced by delay in taking possession. ARTICLE 19 Section i. — In the ease of property Which has been leased by the sequestrator or his agent, the lease may, at the option of the owner, be terminated at the time of the restoration of the property to him or be permitted to continue in force until terminated under the terms of the lease. Section 2. — Where the owner of the returned property intends to terminate the lease contract made by the sequestrator or his representative the tenant and all other occupants shall release the property forthwith. In case of non-accomplishment of the obligation prescribed by Sect. 1 Article 19, the appropriate Intendenza di Einanza shall immediately institute the required judicial proceeding to obtain the release of the property in favour of the owner. ARTICLE 20 Pursuant to Article 1 R. D. L. 25 March 1946 ; No. 140, all expenses of desequestration and of return of desequestrated or transferred assets will be borne by the Italian Government. ARTICLE 21 Nothing in this General Order shall be construed as authorizing any charge, costs or taxes on properties of the Governments of the United Nations. * ARTICLE 22 This Order shall come into force and become effective on the date that it is,signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of July. 1940. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel JAG I). Senior C.vil Atfairs Officer Order No. 167 SPECIAL EARNINGS AND ALLOWANCES FOR RAILWAY EMPLOYEES WHERE AS. it is deemed desirable and necessary to modify and amend the laws relating to the special earnings and allowances („competenze accessorie“) for employees of the State Railways in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW. THEREFORE, /, ALFRED C. BOWMAN. Colonel J.A.G.D , Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I PROGRESSIVE REDUCTION OF TRANSFER ALLOWANCE Article 5 of the dispositions, regarding supplementary allowances to employees of the State Railways, approved by R. D. L. 7 April 1925 No. 405, is substituted by the following : „When the Official duty (missione) is entirely carried out in the same place, the transfer allowance (indennità di trasferta) is reduced by a third after the first 60 days and by one-half after 90 days, and ceases after a total of 180 days. „An official duty in the same place which is interrupted for official reasons one or more times shall be considered uninterrupted when the total duration of such interruptions, including the time spent in travelling, is less than 60 days. „Then provisions of this article shall be applied even if more than one official duty is carried out in the same place. „No allowance whatever is due for any period on official duty which exceeds the first 180 days, even in the cases dealt with in Articles 12 and 14 below'.“ ARTICLE II INCREASE OF VARIOUS SPECIAL EARNINGS AND ALLOWANCES The malaria indemnity (indennità di malaria) and the lodging allowances (compensi per alloggi) laid down respectively in Articles 30 and 33 of the dispositions on special earnings and allowances (competenze accessorie) approved by R. D. L. 7 April 1925 No. 405, converted into the Law- of 21 March 1926 No. 594, as amended, are doubled. The hourly rate of extra pay (soprassoldo di lavoro) for service at night, the bonus (premio) per hour of work for personnel „di macchina“ and „di scorta“ on trains, and for personnel employed on ferry services, and the journey bonus (premio di percorrenza) for personnel „di macchina“ employed on the driving of steam locomotives during the journeys, or in the service, of troop-trains, as laid down respectively in the table annexed to Article 41, and in Articles 42, 44, 50, 80 and 81 of the above mentioned dispositions on special earnings and allowance , .are increased by 150%. SPECIAL PAYMENTS TO TRAIN PERSONNEL The title of Article 57 of the above-mentioned dispositions is altered to read as follows : „Station agents (agenti delle stazioni) who carry out the-duties of train personnel or who are engaged in special services“. To that article the following paragraph is added : „To personnel ,,di seorta“ on trains who are engaged on special services, and in exceptional cases, an appropriate lump sum payment may be granted in the amount to be fixed in each case by the department chief (capo servizio), in place of all the bonuses, or a part of them, which are dealt with in this chapter (capo)“. ARTICLE IV ABOLITION OF REDUCTION OF CERTAIN SPECIAL EARNINGS AND ALLOWANCES The reduction of twice 12%, laid down in R. D, L. 20 November 1930 No 1491 and R. 11. L. 14 April 1934 No. 561, are no longer applicable to the special earnings and allowances (eompetenze accessorie) due to Agents of the State Railways in terms of R, D. L 7 April 1925 No. 405 and R. D. L. 29 July 1937 No. 1616. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force in the Territory on the day that it is signed by me, and all its provisions shall have effect as from 1 May 1945. Trieste, 2nd August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, JAGD. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 175 ALLOWANCE IN FAVOUR OF STATE EMPLOYEES WHO HANDLE PUBLIC MONEY, TO COVER THE RISK OF SHORTAGES IN CASH WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to increase the allowances paid to state employees who handle public money as compensation for possible shortages in cash which they are called upon to repay, for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I * INCREASE OF ALLOWANCE Section 1. —• The allowance granted by Article 3 of the Law of 11 August 1921 No. 1081, to Registrars (procuratori del registro) and to the heads of offices carrying out registry and other functions (procuratori degli uffici misti) to cover the losses which may be suffered by them as a result of possible shortage of cash apparent in theirs handling of public money, is hereby fixed in the following annual amount : '7.600 Lire for offices of the first category, 4.400 Lire for offices of the second category, 2.000 Lire for offices of the third category. Section 2. —• In the offices in which the handling of cash is entrusted to an assistant registrar (secondo procuratore), such assistant registrar shall receive one-third of the above allowance, and the remaining two-thirds shall be payable to the head of the office (procuratore titolare). Section 3, —• In the office in which, in addition to the head of the office (procuratore titolare), money and securities are handled by a filing clerk (archivista) or one or more clerks (applicati), each such filing clerk or other clerk shall receive the allowance in the following annual amount: 1.600 Lire for offices of the first category, 1.000 Lire for offices of the second category, 600 Lire for offices of the third category. Section 4. — No person may receive more than one of the amounts provided by this Article. NON-APPLICABILITY TO THE ALLOWANCE, OF CERTAIN REDUCTIONS The allowances provided by Article 1 of this Order shall not be subject to the reductions provided by R. D. L. 20 November 1930 No. 1491, converted into the law of 6 January 1931 N. 18, and hy R. D. L. 14 April 1934 No. 561, converted into the law of 14 June 1934, \'o. 1038. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force and effect in the Territory on the date that it is signed by me, and all its provisions shall be effective and shall be applied as from 1 May 1945. Dated at Trieste, this 25th day of July 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 180 CONTRIBUTION DUE TO „CASSA PER IL TRATTAMENTO DEGLI OPERAI DELL’ INDUSTRIA RICHIAMATI ALLE ARMI“ WHEREAS it is deemed just and necessary to modify the rate of the contribution due from the employers to „Gassa per il trattamento degli operai delV industria richiamati alle armi1,1' (Fund for treatment of industry workers called to Armed Forces) in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as ^he „Territory“ ), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE 1 RATE OF CONTRIBUTION The contribution from Industry employers to the „Cassa per il trattamento degli operai richiamati alle armi“, set forth in Artide 7 of collective contract of 15 June 1940, is hereby fixed at 0,50% of the gross earnings of the workersenr Joyed. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective as and from the first pay period subsequent to 27 June 1946. Dated at TRIESTE, this 6th day of August, 1946 ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A. G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 183 OPENING OF SUMMER SCHOOLS WHEREAS, it is considered advisable in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the „Territory“) to establish summer schools in both the elementary and secondary grades : NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABLISHING OF SUMMER COURSES That courses for the elementary and secondary school pupils be established wherever they are needed, lasting approximately two months. ARTICLE II SUPERVISION OF THE COURSES The Superintendents of schools will have charge of organizing courses, and will select for their direction and supervision ,,di Ruolo“ school directors, and „fuori raolo“ teachers not employed during the school year 1945-1946, but to be employed only for the lenght -,f the courses. ARTICLE III PLACE OF COURSES The courses may be held in the „ricreatori“ whereever existing or in the school buildings. ATTENDANCE TO THE COURSES The attendance to the elementary school courses will be elective and free. Those who enroll in the secondary school courses will pay for said enrollement a fee of not more than L. 250,— ARTICLE V ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATES The attendance certificates will be issued for these courses, but no diplomas or other special school certificates. ARTICLE VI ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSES The organization "f these courses will be entrusted to directors appointed by the Superintendent of schools. ARTICLE VII PAYMENT FOR TEACHERS The teachers employed, will be paid according to the duration of the courses, the schedule, subjects taught and to their family situation, as per existing instructions for „fuori ruolo“ teachers. ,,I)i ruolo“ directors will receive a special emolument for the duration of the courses. The expenses for the payment of teachers and directors will be included in the budget of each „Sovraintendenza Scolastica“. In cases where the „ricreatori comunali“ will be used each Commune where the courses arc held may contribute towards the payment of expenditures encountered. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective upon being signed by me. Trieste, 2nd August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 192 CONTRIBUTION FOR THE SPECIAL FOOD ALLOWANCE IN FAVOUR OF UNEMPLOYED SEAMEN WHEREAS, by Order No. 139 dated 3 June 1943 a special food allowance was granted to unemployed seamen for a period of 6 months ; and WHEREAS, it is now deemed necessary to make provisions for 00 ering the burden deriving from the enforcement of the above mentioned Order No. 139 by means of a contribution to be borne by shipowners in that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „ Territory1') * ' NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I CONDITIONS AND RATE OF CONTRIBUTION Section 1 The necessary funds for the payment of the special food allowances granted to unemployed seamen resident within the Territory pursuant to Order No. 139 dated 3 June 1946, shall be secured by means of a contribution to be paid by the owners of ships now in active service or which will come in service after the effective date of this Order, all of which are provided with a crew-list. Section 2 The rate of the contribution referred to in this Article, is hereby fixed at 5% of the gross earnings, excluding the remuneration for over-time work. Such contribution shall be made as and from the 1st November 1945. Section 3. The contribution for requisitioned ships as provided in this Article shall not be included, for reimbursement, among the charges set out in letter b) of paragraph 10 of Article 30 of the law 13 July 1939, No. 1154, relating to provisions regarding the requisition of merchant ships. ARTICLE II AGENCY IN CHARGE OF COLLECTION OF CONTRIBUTION The contribution set forth in Article I of the present Order, shall be paid into the „Isti-tuto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale“, which shall transfer the amounts so collected to Allied Military Government. TERM OF CONTRIBUTION The term of the contribution set forth in the Article I of the present Order, shall be fixed at a later date, according to the total charge deriving from the enforcement of Order 139 dated 3 June 1946. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as otherwise stated herein, this Order shall come into effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at T ieste 2nd August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 198 REPEAL OF R. DECREE LAW 21 JUNE 1940, No. 856, AND TEMPORARY INCREASE OF THE LIMITS OF EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS WHEREAS it is considered necessary to repeal R. Decree Law of 21 June 1940 No. 856, and to increase temporarily the limits of expenditures for public administrations, in those parts of Venezia-Giulia administered by Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as „ Territory''), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF R. DECREE LAW 21 JUNE 1940, No. 856 The. provisions contained in the R. Decree law' 21 June 1940, No. 856, converted, with amendments, into the law 21 October 1940, No. 1518, are abrogated as from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE II TEMPORARY INCREASE ON LIMITS OF EXPENDITURES FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION The limits of expenditures established by Articles 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 43 and 56 of R. Decree 18 November 1923, No. 2440, by Articles 39, 115, 284 and 299 of R. Decree 23 May 1924, No. 287, and by Article 18 of R. Decree 12 July 1934, No. 1214, are increased ten times as from the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the day it is published in the Official Gazette. Trieste, 10th August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 201 OPENING OF HUNTING SEASON 1946 -1947 WHEREAS, it is considered necessary to provide for the control and regulation of hunting in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government, (hereinafter referred to as the „ Territory“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I That hunting be permitted fdr : 1) quail, from 1 August to 31 December, 2) wild pigeons, turtle-doves, wood-cocks, palmipedes (except wild-ducks), grallae and other migratory birds from 1 August to 30 April, 3) wild-ducks from 15 August to 28 February, 4) grey-partridges from 1 September to 31 December, 5) partridges, pheasants and hares from 1 October to 15 January. Due to scarcity of pheasants, taking of this particular game is forbidden within the Te rritory. It is hereby forbidden : 1. —• To use punt guns in the Gulf of Panzano from floats or fixed posts. 2. — To use the repeating punt gun for more than two rounds with shot ammunition, in the Territory of the so-called „Alpine Zone“. 3. -—■ To hunt with gun on motor-boat or towed by a motorboat. For hunting in social preserves, hunters will be provided in addition to the license for carrying arms, with a shooting-license issued by the Hunting Federation. ARTICLE III Any person violating any provision of this Order shall be liable to punishment under R. D. of June 5, 1939, No. 1016. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective upon being signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 7th day of August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 205 ALTERATIONS IN THE SOCIAL INSURANCE FOR PERSONNEL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to provide for some alterations in the Social Insurance for the personnel of Public Transportation Services in those parts of Venezia Giulia, administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as „the Territory'") NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I RATES OF CONTRIBUTIONS Section 1. The rate of contribution laid down in the second para of art. 6 of D.L.L. 25/3/1919, No. 467, converted into the Law of 17/4/1925, No. 473 shall be 21% of the wages, salaries, allowances, indemnities and additional payments paid to the staff, effective 1st April 1943. Section 2. 7% of the above rate shall be contributed by the workers and the rest shall be contributed by the employers. Section 3. For the purposes of Section 1 of this article additional payments shall be those set forth in art. 2 of the regulations approved by R. D. 30/9/1920. No. 1538 and in any other law or collective bargaining agreement. ARTICLE II APPROPRIATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS The contributions set forth in D. L. L. 25/3/1919, No. 467, subsequently amended, and those which are set forth herein, which are paid for workers inscribed, according to the law or collective labor agreements, in the special insurance fund for personnel of public transportation services (Fondo per la Previdenza del personale addetto ai pubbliei servizi h tra-sporto) (hereinafter referred to as „Fund“) shall be appropriated as follows : a) to the compulsory general insurance for old age invalidism and survivors, 4% of the wages, salaries, allowances, indemnities and additional payments subjected to the contribution for the period 1/7/1920 to 30/4/1939, and a share of 8.4% for the period 1/5/1939 to 31V3/1943, and a share of 12.6% for the subsequent period ; b) the remaining share to the Fund. ARTICLE III BENEFITS Section 1 The benefits laid down in the regulations approved by R. D. 30/9/1920, N. 1538 supplemented and amended by subsequent provisions including the present order, shall be a charge of: 1) The general compulsory insurance, in respect to the portion payable according to the ruling and procedure laid down in R. I). L. 14/4/1939, No. 636 converted with amendments into the Law 6/7/1939, No. 1272 and in R. D L. 18/3/1943, No 126, on the basis of the total amount of contributions appropriated to the said insurance according to para a) of Art. 2 hereof. Such contributions are compulsory also for the portion exceeding the maximum contribution laid down for the general compulsory insurance for old age invalidism and survivors ; 2) The fund, in respect of the remaining portion. Section 2. Where the pension payable under the general compulsory insurance according to para 1, Section 1 of this Article exceeds the amount payable according to the regulations approved by R. D. 30/9/1920, No. 1538 supplemented and amended by subsequent provisions including the present Order, only the benefits set forth in para 1 Section 1 of this Article shall be payable to the worker and persons deriving title from him. SO REIMBURSEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS PAID TO FUND « Section 1. Persons inscribed in the Fund, who terminate their service without having acquired a right to the pension according to existing regulations and do not avail themselves of the option of continuing the insurance in terms of R. D. L. 7/8/1936, No. 1750 converted into the Law 14/1/1937, No. 300 shall be entitled to the reimbursement of the contributions paid in their favour, without interest, and only the share of such contributions appropriated to the Fund in accordance with Art. II para b) hereof shall be reimbursed. Section 2. In the event of resignation or dismissal due to arbitrary absences or to sentence for a criminal offense, the reimbursement shall be confined to that portion of the contribution, paid by the insured. Section 3 As regards the shares of contributions appropriated to the general compulsory insurance the workers are deemed insured under such insurance according to the respective regulations set forth under Art. Ill, Section 1, para 1, hereof. ARTICLE V AMENDMENT OR ART. 10 OF REGULATIONS APPROVED BY R. D. 30/9/1920 - No. 1538 Art. 10 of the Regulations approved by R. D. 30/9/1920, No. 1538 is hereby revoked and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the following : „For the purpose of computing the pension the basic pay shall be the average of the „wages, salary, allowances, indemnities and additional payments subject to the contribution, „taken on a yearly basis, paid to the workers as from 1/1/1940 until the date that the pension „becomes payable“. „The periods of interruption of service shall not be computed, unless the entire normal „emoluments were paid to the worker for insurance purposes, and the respective contributions „were duly paid“. „Where subsequent to 31/12/1939 there has not been paid at least one year of contributions, the average pay received by the worker during the three years of normal treatment „immediately preceding the inception date of the pension shall be considered as basic pay“. ARTICLE VI AMENDMENT OF ART. 11 OF THE REGULATIONS APPROVED BY R. D. 30/9/1920, No. 1538 Art. 11 of the Regulations approved by R. D. 30/9/1920, No. 1538 is hereby revoked and in lieu thereof shall be substituted : „The pension shall be computed on the basic pay as laid dowm in the preceding articJe „and shall amount to as many fortieths as are the years of service recognized for +he purp°se „of computing the pension.“ „If the pensioning is due to the reasons set forth in Art. 7 para d) and the number „of years to be recognized for the purpose of computing the pension is less than 25, the pension shall be computed on the basis of 25 years of service. „To the amount of the pension of all persons inscribe^ in the Fund, a share to be borne „by the State shall be added, according to the regulations covering the general compulsory „insurance for old age invalidism and survivors. „Any fraction of a jTear exceeding six months shall be considered as one entire year of ..service“. ARTICLE VII RETIREMENT PRIOR TO MATURITY Section 1. As from 1/1/1945, persons inscribed in the Fund may be retired and are entitled to old age pension when reaching 60 years of age, if men, and 55 years if women, provided that the worker served for the minimum number of years prescribed by existing regulations. Section 2 The worker can be pensioned, according to the preceding section, also upon his application. Section 3 The provisions contained in R. D. L. 2/4/1932, No. 372, converted into the Law 16/6 1932, No 881 and R. I). L. 8/6/1933, No. 1294 converted into the Law 11/1/1934 No. 20S, shall remain in force until six months after the cessation of the state of war. ARTICLE VIII INCREASE IN PENSION FOR DEPENDENT CHILDREN Section 1 Old age and invalidism pensions payable after 31/8/1942 shall be increased by 1 tenth of their amount, excluding the share to be contributed by the State, for each dependent child aged not more than 16 years, and also more than 16 where the child is unfit for work. Section 2 In respect of person pensioned with the qualification of employees (impiegati), and for the purpose of granting the additional tenths laid down hereinbefore the age limit of dependent children fit for work shall be 18 years. ARTICLE IX AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE 17 OF THE REGULATIONS APPROVED BY R.D. 30/9/1920 No. 1538 Art. 17 of the Regulations approved by R. D. 30/9/1920 is hereby revoked and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the following : aged not more then 21 years or unfit „for work shall amount to the following shares of the pension actually paid or which would „be payable to the insured : a) 50% to the widow b) 10% to each child if also the widow is entitled to the pension, or 20% if only the children are entitled to the pension, „notwithstanding the provisions of the following paragraphs : „The pensions to the survivors shall'in no case, total less than one half or more than „the whole of the pension actually paid or which would be payable to the insured.“ „For the purpose of the calculations and determination of the above limits the additional „allowances due in respect to dependent children shall not be considered“. „The entire amount of the pension is payable to the widow, including the shares due „to her minor children, provided that they be offsprings of her marriage with the worker and „that she live with her children ; if the widow does not live with one or more of her children, „the pension is apportioned pro capite, the widow to be considered as two capita.“ „Where with the widow and her minor children born during her marriage with the wor-„ker there are also illegitimate, legitimated or recognized children or children born during a „preceding marriage of the worker, two thirds of the pension shall be paid to the widow and „her children and one third to the children of the first marriage, whatever their number“. „Where the pension to the widow or children is terminated, the amount of the pension „shall be modified in conformity with the preceding instructions“. „The orphans of a mother who has paid contributions to the fund are also entitled to „the pension according to the rates laid down in the present article, also if the father is still „living, if both father and mother have contributed to the fund, the orphans are entitled to „the aggregate pensions.“ ARTICLE X COMPULSORY INSCRIPTION EXTENDED TO NEW CATEGORIES Section 1. As and from 1/1/1945 the compulsory inscription in the Fund is extended to : a) ordinary personnel mentioned under art. 8 of R. D. 8/1/1931, No. 148 in the service of railway, tramway, and island navigation companies, which have been subjected to the laws 30/6/1906, No. 272, 14/7/1912, No. 835 and D. L. L. 25/3/1919, No. 467 converted into the Law 17/4/1925, No. 473 ; b) regular personnel, including those in permanent service of communal or private concerns operating city or country trolley-bus lines, and which on 1/1/1945 were not yet inscribed in the Fund ; c) regular personnel, including those in permanent service of communal or private concerns operating city of country motor-bus lines, as mentioned sub a) and b) hereof. Section 2. Provision shall be made separately for the acknowledgement of the service which might have been rendered prior to 1/1/1945 by the personnel mentioned in this Article. ARTICLE XI INCREASE IN PENSIONS All pensions payable prior to 1/9/1942 shall be increased as from 1/4/1943 by 25% of ■ heir amount as at 31/3/1943, excluding the share contributed by the State. With the exception of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 which are effective as from 1/9/1942 and articles 7 and 10 which are effective as from 1/1/1945, the present Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Trieste, 10th August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.GD. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Administrative Order No. 50 LIQUIDATION OF „KUEHNE & NAGEL SOC. a g. 1.“ TRIESTE 1. — WHEREAS, by Order No. 53 dated 3 January 1946 and issued by ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, Germany was declared to be an Enemy State, and 2. — WHEREAS, it appears that „Kuehne & Nagel Soc. a y. 1.“ TRIESTE (hereinafter called „the Company“) is wholly or in part German owned and is operating in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter called „the Territory“) and 3. — WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to place the „Company“ in liquidation and to appoint a Liquidator of the above Company, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, JAGD, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows: ARTICLE I „KUEHNE & NAGEL, Soc. a. g. 1.“ TRIESTE, shall be and is hereby placed in liquidation. ARTICLE II Mr. Costantino PALEOLOGO, Via Geppa 4, TRIESTE, is hereby appointed as liquidator of the Company within the Territory. ARTICLE III The said liquidator shall have all the functions, powers, rights and duties of a Liquidator of Enemy property under all Laws in effect on 8 September 1943, provided, however, that he shall in the exercise of said functions, powers, rights and duties be under the control and comply with the orders of the Allied Military Government. The said liquidator shall be removable and his successors appointed in writing by me or my successors in office. ARTICLE V This Order shall come into effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 5th day of August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A. G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Administrative Order No. 51 LIQUIDATION OF SOCIETÀ’ ,,ING. C. TOLAZZI & CO.“ TRIESTE j. — WHEREAS, by Order No. 53 dated 3 January 1946 and issued by ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J A.G D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, Germany was declared to be an Enemy State, and 2. — WHEREAS, by Administrative Order No. 34 dated 16 March 1946, Aw. Tullio PVECHER, Via Carducci 12 TRIESTE, was appointed sequestrator of Società „Ing. C.To-lazzi Co.“' TRIESTE (hereinafter called „the Società“) and 3. — WHEREAS, it is considered advisable to liquidate the Società operating in that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter called the ^Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D.. Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby order as follows : ARTICLE I The Società „Ing. C. TOLAZZI & CO.“ TRIESTE, shall be and is hereby placed in liquidation. ARTICLE II Aw. Tullio PUECHER, Via Carducci No. 12, TRIESTE, is hereby appointed as liquidator of the Società within the Territory. ARTICLE III The said Liquidator shall have all the functions, powers, rights and duties of a Liquidator of enemy property under all Laws in effect on 8 September 1943, provided, however and comply wit the order of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IV The said Liquidator shall be removable and his successors appointed in writing by me or my successors in office. ARTICLE V This Order shall come into effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 6th August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Administrative Order N. 52 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF MAGISTRATES WHEREAS, it is considered advisable and necessary to provide for the temporary appointment of certain magistrates within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces, ' I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D-, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: L -—■ The following lawyers and attorneys at law are hereby temporarily charged with the functions of magistrates and shall serve in the offices to which they are assigned with the allowances and indemnities due to magistrates of the grades respectively assigned to them : 1) Avv. SCAMPICCHIO MATTEO — grade VIII Tribunal of Trieste 2) Avv. SLOCOVICH PIERO — grade VIII Tribunal of Trieste 3) Avv. SZOMBATHELY GABRIO •—• grade IX Tribunal of Trieste 4) Avv. TONINI PIERO — grade IX Tribunal of Gorizia 5) Avv. MODUGNO GLAUCO — grade IX Tribunal of Trieste 6) Dott. GERES! GUIDO-grade X Tribunal of Trieste 7) Dott. ZENARI FRANCO —■ grade X Tribunal of Trieste 8) Dott. PAOLUCCI EUGENIO — grade X Pretura of Trieste 2. •— The „inconsistencies“ provided for by „Ordinamento giudiziario“ 31 January 1941, No. 12, are applicable to the magistrates appointed by this Order. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of August, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Notice No. 15 EPURATION : LIMITING PERIOD DURING WHICH DENUNCIATIONS MAY BE LODGED GENERAL ORDERS Nos. 7 8 and 13 and relative administrative Orders and Instructions laid down the procedure to be followed in Epurating Civil State Administration, Local Authorities, Private Industry and the' Professions and Arts. It is over one year since the original Order was made effective and published. During this period denunciations have been lodged from time to time of persons considered guilty of offences under these Order. It has been decided that a time limit should now be fixed within which denunciations can be lodged. It is therefore decided that the period during which further denunciations may be lodged for the purposes of Epuration under the above mentioned Orders and relative Administrative Orders and Instructions wall be limited to the First day of November 1946. Denunciations must be signed by the denunciator who will be required to confirm his denunciation on Oath and should be lodged with either the First Instance Commission, the Commission of Artists and Professional Men, whichever is appropriate, or with A.M.G. Headquarters. After the expiring of the above fixed period no further denunciations for the purposes of Epuration will be accepted. Dated ad TRIESTE, this 12th day of August 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer PART II E Area Administrative Order No. 34 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR THE PROFESSION OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS WHEREAS, in those parts of Venezia Giulia, administered by Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as „Territory“), the Fascist Syndicate of the Professions and Arts have been abolished and, pending the organization of said Professions and Arts, it appears desirable to appoint a Special Commissioner, for the Order of the Physicians and Surgeons, of Trieste Area, who shall exercise limited powers pending the organization • NOW, THEREFORE, J. C. SMUTS, Lt. Colonel, Area Commissioner, of Area of Trieste, hereby Order as follows: ARTICLE 1 APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER Er. D’ ESTE Almerico is hereby appointed Special Commissioner of the Order of Physicians and Surgeons of Trieste Area. ARTICLE 2 DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE SPECIAL COMMISSIONER The duties and powers of the Special Commissioner shall be : а) He shall have the powers to perform the normal functions relating to the custody of the Rolls and the discipline of the Profession subject however to the limitations hereinafter imposed. б) He shall not make any final Order relative to the discipline of members or the removal of members from the Rolls or the addition to the Rolls of any person who claims entitled thereto by existing law without the prior written approval of the Allied Military Government. c) Any and all acts performed by him shall be only temporary in nature and shall be subject to review and change by the Council of the Order of Physicians and Surgeons when it is later constituted. d) For the Profession of Physicians and Surgeons he shall be the custodian of the Rolls within the meaning of General Order Ho. 13 and shall perform the duties therein prescribed under the general supervision of the General Custodian of the Rolls of all Profession and Arts appointed for the Area of Trieste under General Order No. 13. e) He shall, as the agent of the Intendente di Finanza, take possession immediately of all property of the former Fascist Syindicate of Physicians and Surgeons and inventory, conserve and handle it in accordance with the terms of Order No. 12 of Allied Military Government and of Instructions given by the Intendenti Finanza in pursuance of the terms of said Order No. 12. TENURE OF OFFICE The Special Commissioner shall comply with all written instructions issued by Allied Military Government and shall remain in office pending its further Order or until the Profession is reorganized under the authority of an Order of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become in force on 15 July 1946 and effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of July, 1946. J. C. SMUTS Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner, Area of Trieste GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 93 APPOINTMENTS TO THE AREA TAX COMMISSION Whereas Dr. Giovanni OCCHIPINTI and Mr. Carlo POSSELT were appointed members of the Area Tax Commission by virtue of Area Order n. 87 dated 10 June 1946, and now wish to relinquish their appointments, > Now, therefore, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C.M.P., Area Commissioner, by virtue of the power vested in me do hereby ORDER: that 1. — Dr. GIOVANNI OCCHIPINTI end Mr. CARLO POSSELT be and by virtue of this Order are hereby relieved of their duties as members of the Area Tax Commission ; 2. ■—- Aw. GIACOMO DIBLAS and Ing. ERNESTO CLEVA be, and by virtue of this Order are hereby appointed members of the Area Tax Commission. This Order shall become effective as of 10 June 1946. Dated at Gorizia this 29th day of July 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 94 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF DOTT. MATTEO MARSANO AS CHIEF AREA INSPECTOR OF AGRICULTURE, GORIZIA Whereas provision was made in Order n. 38 dated 12 November 1945, for the appointment of a Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture, Now, therefore, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C.M.P., Area Commissioner of Gorizia ORDER: Doct. MATTEO MARSANO is hereby temporarily appointed Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture, as a State Official of Group A, Grade VII. The above appointee shall perform the duties assigned to such offices in accordance with Article II of Order n. 38 dated 12 November 1945, under the control and supervision of the Allied Military Government. This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Gorizia this 25th day of July 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C. M. P. Area Commissioner Area Order No. 95 APPOINTMENT TO SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS ON THE COMMUNAL COUNCIL OF ROMANS D' ISONZO Whereas the communal Council of Romans d' Isonzo was constituted by Area Order N. 52 dated 4 December ig45, Whereas it is deetned desirable to appoint two substitute members for said Council, Now, therefore, I, JAMES E. LONG, MAJOR, C. M. P., Area Commissioner Gorizia Area, by virtue of the power vested in me by the provisions of General Order No. 11 ORDER that 1. — GODEAS GIOACCHINO and NARDT.TZZI SENO, be, and by virtue of this Order are appointed substitute members of the Communal Council for the Commune of Romans d’ Isonzo. This Order shall become effective as of 15th July 1946, Dated at Gorizia this 29th day of July 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 96 APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMUNAL COUNCIL OF MARIANO Whereas DONDA BENIAMINO was appointed a member of the Communal Council of Mariano by virtue of Area Order No. 54 dated 4 December ig45 and now wishes to relinquish his appointment, Now, therefore, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C.M.P., Area Commissioner by virtue of the powers given to me by General Order No. 11', ORDER that 1. — DONDA BENIAMINO be, and by virtue of this Order, is hereby relieved of his duties as a member of the Communal Council of Mariano. 2. — MEDEOT ALBINO, be and by virtue of this Order, is hereby appointed a member of the Communal Council of the Con mune of Mariano. This Order shall become effective as of 15th March 1940. Dated at Gorizia this 28th day of July 1946 . JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No, 97 APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY COUNCIL OF DISCIPLINE FOR TEACHERS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, GORIZIA Whereas it is considered necessary to appoint the temporary Council of Discipline for Teachers of Elementary Schools in accordance with Order No. 13 7, dated 22/3/1946 ; Now, therefore, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major C.M.P. Area Commissioner ORDER 1. — The following are hereby temporarily appointed members of the Council of Discipline for Teachers of Elementary Schools, for Gorizia Area : Prof. GUIDO DE VETTA — President Dott. GIUSEPPE DELFINO — Vice President Mr. UMBERTO MOCNIK — Member Mr. GUIDO ZIANI — Member Mr. MIRKO RUTAR — Member Mr. GIUSEPPE CALLIGARIS — Member Dott. ANTONIO KACIN — Member Prof. ALFREDO NALDINI — Member 2. — Said Council shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties as set forth in Order No. 137. 3. — This Order shall become effective as of 10th July 1946. Dated at Gorizia this 6th day of August 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major C.M.P. Area Commissioner POLA AREA ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 59 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF DR. MUGGIA COSTANTE AS „DIRETTORE CAMERA DI COMMERCIO“ OF FOLA 1. —• I, Major T. S. BELSHAW, Acting Area Commissioner of Pota HEREBY, temporarily appoint Dr. COSTANTE MUGGIA as „Direttore Camera di Commercio“, entitled to all rights of a Grade VIII Official, with effect from 23rd of February 1946. Dated this 2nd day of August 1946. T. S. BELSHAW Major Acting Area Commissioner, Pola Area Area Administrative Order No. 60 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OP THE RENTS' CLAIMS OFFICE 1. — Pursuant to the powers vested in me by General Order No. 54 B, I, Lieutenamt-Golonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY appoint the following persons to act as Rents’ Claims Office : Chairman: Adv. DE PETRIS GIOVANNI MARCO Substitute Chairman: Adv. FERRARJ ALDO Landlords’ Members: Dr. PREMUDA ALBERTO Mr. GIORGIS POMPEO Tenants’ Members: Mr. DRAGOGNA NICOLO’ Mr. TERM MARCELLO 2. — This Order will take effect i nmediately. Dated in Pola this 13th day of August 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Pola ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 61 APPOINTMENT OF THE SPECIAL SECTION. AREA TAX APPEAL COMMISSION Pursuant to the powers vested in me by Art. IV, Section 3 of Order No. 56, I, Lieutenant Colonel É. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY temporarily appoint the following persons to act as the Special Section, Area Tax Appeal Commission : Vice-President : KIRCHMAYER GIOVANNI Supplementary : ZELCO MANLIO Members: FARINA ALDO FRANCHI CARLO PALUMBO MICHELE BENUSSI GIOVANNI BACICCHI GIUSEPPE Dated in POLA this 15th day of August 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner, Pola GAZETTE No. 25 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART I HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE General Order Page- No. 21 B Amendment to General Order No. 21 — Stamp and registry taxes 3 No. 41 C Special Court of Assize ........................................ 7 No. 61 D Collection of cereals — Amendment to General Order No. 61 B 8 No. 63 B Amendments to General Order No. 63, increasing public wages and pensions............................................. 8 No. 65 Foreign exchange end trade will foreign countries, amendments, modifications and amplifications of the Laws relating thereto 12 No. 67 Modification of effective date of social insurance pensions.... 14 No. 69 Revocations of the provisions end measures taken with regard to properties belonging to the States of the United Nations and *fco physical and juridical persons having the nationality of those Nations ........................................ 15 Order No. 167 Special earnings end allowances for railway employees.......... 20 No. 175 Allowances in favour of State employees who handle public money, to cover the risk of shortages in cash ........... 22 No. 180 • Contribution due to „Cassa per il trattamento degli operai del- l’industria richiamati alle armi“.......................... 23 No. 183 Opening of summer schools ..................................... 24 No. 192 Contribution for the special food allowance in favour of unemployed seamen ........................................................... 26 No. 198 Repeal of R. Decree Law 21 June 1940, No. 856, and temporary increase of the limits of expenditures for public administrations 27 No. 201 Opening of hunting season 1946-1947 ........................... 28 No. 205 Alterations in the social insurance for the personnel of public transportation services ................................. 29 Administrative Order No. 50 Liquidation of ,.Kuehne & Nagel Soc. a g. 1.“ Trieste......... .- 34 No. 51 Liquidation of Società ,,Ing. C. Tolazzi & Co.“ Trieste..... 35 No. 52 Temporary appointment of magistrates .......................... 36 Notice , No. 15 Epuration : Limiting period during which denunciations may be lodged................................................ 37 PART 11 TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order Pc,ge No. 34 Appointment of specie,! Commissioner for the profession of physicians and surgeons.............................. ........... 38 GORIZI A AREA Area Order No. 93 Appointments to the Area Tax Commission............. 40 No. 94 Temporary appointment of Dott. Matteo Marsano as Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture, Gorizia................. 40 No. 95 Appointment to substitute members on the Communal Council of Romans d’ Jsonzo . ................................ 41 No. 9(5 Appointment to the Communal Council of Mariano............ 41 No. 97 Appointment of temporary Council of discipline for teachers of elementary schools, Gorizia . .................... 42 POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 59 Temporary appointment of Dott. Muggia Costante as ,;Direttore della Camera di Commercio“ of Pola................ 43 No. 60 Temporary appointment of the rents’ claims office. . . . 44 No. 61 Appointment of the special section, Area tax appeal Commission 44