e sr jan st1 zad SK slot pis 1VZ' av« Let Not The Light Of Freedom F' Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Slo.venians • America 8956-1.801* HOAyyad -1-33^18 OIHO ££6£ NOHVIA/0|/\| NVIUVIH Ameriška Domovina Vol. 107, No. 20 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 26. 2005 Phone: (216) 431-0628 Slovenian Students Break Dance Record At the stroke of noon, secondary school graduates across Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe began dancing a quadrille as part of the Secondary School Graduates Parade 2005. The event has earned them a place in the Guinness Book of Records. The dance began simultaneously in 27 towns in Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Hungary. The total number of dancers was estimated to be 18,268. At 12:00 noon precisely national radio station Val 202 began broadcasting Strauss’ Fledermaus- Quadrille and the students began dancing. For some of the participants beyond the borders of Slovenia, the Val 202 signal was carried by satellite. The first mass quadrille for the Guinness record - an annual event - was held in Ljubljana in May 2001 and involved 3,128 dancers. In May 2002, 8,512 dancers took part in the event in eight towns across Slovenia. By May, 2003, the number of dancers had grown to 11,956 and the number of locations to 14. Last year a record-breaking 14,564 dancers took to the streets of Murska Sobota, Maribor, Ptuj, Slovenj Gradec, Velenje, Celje, Novo Mesto, Brežice, Trbovlje, Škofja Lokar, Kranj, Postojna, Sežana, Nova Gorica, Koper, Ljubl-jana, Pula, and Trieste. This news came from Phil Hrvatin. Opening Day at Pristava A year went by and you are ready to visit Slovenska Pristava again. The first picnic will be on Sunday, June 5th. At 12:30 Rev. Father Joseph P. Boznar will say Mass. After Mass, steak or chicken dinner will be available for everybody who reserves it by calling Breda Ribic at 440-943-0621 or Margie Žnidaršič at 440-256-9237. After dinner you can dance or listen to the music of Veseli Godci. The pool will be open - weather permitting. All members and friends are invited. —Milan Ribic Newspaper Printing Schedule The American Home newspaper (Ameriška Domovina will not be published the first week in June. The next American Home will be dated June 9. Emma Pogacar’s Advice When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him. A woman is incomplete until she is married. Then she is finished. A little boy asks his father, “How much does it cost to get married?” The father says, “I don’t know son, I’m still paying.” Is it true that in some Parts of Africa a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her? Answer: That happens in every marriage. A woman said to me, “I !fer knew what real happi- ness until I got married. Then it was too late. Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep. Think of this: If it weren’t for marriage, men would go through life thinking they had no faults. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut and still think they are attractive to the opposite sex. These happy Slovenians are at the Slovenian Home, on East 80th Street in Cleveland on Sunday, April 24 to salute Joe Novak, Man of the Year. Playing for the rent is the Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Pictured above are, front row, left to right, Charles Ipavec, Ronnie and A1 Pestotnik; back row, left to right, Susan Ipavec (granddaughter), a student at Ohio University, her friend Nate Sturgill, a student at Ohio University, and Charles Ipavec, son of Charles. (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Remembrance of the Common Soldier He was getting old and paunchy, and his hair was falling fast; He loved to sit around the Legion telling stories of the past. Of battles he had fought and the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies, they were heroes every one. And though sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke, All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew of what he spoke! Now we’ll hear his tales no longer, for old Bill has passed away. Now the world’s a little poorer, a common soldier died today. He’ll not be mourned by many, just his children and his wife, For he lived an uneventful, quiet, ordinary life. He held a job and raised a family, calmly going his own way, The world little notes his passing, a common soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state, Thousands mourn their passing, and proclaim they were great. One less common soldier goes unnoticed and unsung The schools will all stay open, and the church bells won’t be rung. Now is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land, By a person who breaks promises and cons his fellow man. Or the ordinary fellow who in times of war and strife Goes off to serve his country and offer up his life? It’s so easy to forget them for it was so long ago, That the “old Bills” of our country went to battle, but we know, That it was not the politicians, with their promises and ploys Who won for us the freedom that our country now enjoys. He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin. But, his presence should remind us that we might need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldiers part Is to clean up all the messes that politicians love to start. If we will not pay him honor while he’s awake to hear the praise, Then at least let’s give him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps a simple notice in the paper that would say: Our country is in mourning; a common soldier died today. Author Unknown - Submitted by: MARIE PIVIK fN < < z (-H > o s o Q AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec w NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 20 May 26, 2005 Visiting New Veterans Cemetery by RUDY FLIS_________ crisp looking as the wind made them wave at me. I love my country, and I feel we have the most handsome, the most beautiful flag in all the world, flying over the graves of some of the bravest defenders of freedom in this world. These are the flags that watched over me as I drove toward the grave markers of our heroes and veterans. The grave markers came into view, all at attention, all in perfect alignment, just as the veterans must have stood at attention while in ranks so long ago. The stones looked like gray marble to me, each with identification marking their hero who sleeps beneath. It’s beauty, its tranquillity, its vastness in a perfect location made me feel satisfaction for our veterans. No matter their suffering before death, their final resting place, here in God’s country gives me a fine feeling for them and makes me think they live eternally in happiness with God. They deserve it and they deserve a visit from a grateful nation who so easily accepted the veterans’ many sacrifices. May God bless America; may God bless our troops in harms way, but most of all, on this their special weekend, May God bless our deceased veterans. Last Friday I was in Wadsworth, Ohio and found Rt. 57 just past 1-76 was closed for repairs, so I did something I had wanted to do for quite some time, visit the new veterans cemetery in Rittman, Ohio. Anyway, I went on country roads through beautiful farm country. I had just a little time for a short visit and a quick prayer. I can say to you now, “I’m going back as soon as I can, to spend more time at this beautiful and serene place.” This farm country has rolling hills and valleys that seem to fit perfectly with our sleeping veterans. I didn’t know what to expect or how I would feel as I drove through the countryside following the markers to the cemetery. I mean, whoever heard of Rittman, Ohio, out in the boondocks, well past Medina. When I first heard about this new veterans cemetery I was not impressed. It was just another bureaucratic decision from a distant government office employee who might never have seen the beautiful setting of Rittman, Ohio. I was wrong. As I pulled up to the entrance of the cemetery, I was amazed at all the American flags, beautiful, clean and so Auditioning a Piano Accordion and/or Button Box player with the intention of entertaining at various social gatherings including parties, picnics, festivals, and Octoberfests. For further information contact (216) 520-1531. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime @en. com nttp://stimbury saccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Befdre the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations & Small Businesses. "There is a magnet irf“ your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first.” I remember with a little bewilderment and a lot of satisfaction what happened, way back when... It was the beginning of the summer season many years ago when schools had closed and us youngsters were looking for an extended time away from the classroom. But there was one more gathering of classmates. It was the 8th grade class picnic at Geauga Lake Park, south of Solon, Ohio. It was a tradition of the St. Vitus graduating class to have a class picnic at Geauga Lake which was an amusement park the pride of which was a huge swimming pool. Going on the trip was something all the kids looked forward to. Except I went to St. Mary’s (Collinwood) and not St. Vitus, and St. Mary’s, at that time, didn’t have any graduation picnic. Good fortune smiled down on me as my friend John Turek was a member of the St. Vitus 8th grade and he invited me to come along. “Come with us, I’ll clear it with the principal,” he said. “Just remember to bring your bathing suit and a towel; we’re going to have some fun.” Well, the eagerly appointed day arrived and it was a beautiful sunny early June morning when we boarded the bus in front of St. Vitus school on E. 62nd Street and Glass Avenue in Cleveland. Everybody was in a good mood and joking around and John introduced me around as we sat in the same double bus seat. The coach started up and was on its way toward the prestigious park. It was a lengthy ride as there were no freeways in those days. The principal was in a jovial mood as she walked down the aisle greeting her students and passing on her words of wisdom. All of a sudden she stopped in front of me, pointed her finger at my beaming face and exclaimed, “Who’s this?” I felt like the Stan Laurel character when Oliver Hardy introduced him to his wife and she was astonished to notice him in their kitchen as she said close to the same words I heard, “What’s this?” John, being as cool as ever, said proudly to the gaping and shocked, disbelieving nun, “It’s okay, Sister, he’s my friend.” About that time the nun had a few choices to make, most of them not in my favor. She could have stopped the bus and kicked me off, she could have demanded a few bucks to pay my way, she could kicked us both off the coach, or she could have accepted my humble self as one of those quirks of life that blind-sides us at times. “Oh,” she said. “In that case welcome aboard and enjoy the day.” ' Which we did. John and I spent the entire afternoon enjoying the amenities of the huge pool. Ah, yes, I remember it well. And to this very day, John Turek still displays the unselfishness of a true friend. Advantage of Being Over 65 Kidnappers are not very interested in you. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. No one expects you to run into a burning building. People call at 9 p.m. and ask, “Did I wake you?” People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. There is nothing left to learn the hard way. Things you buy now won’t wear out. You enjoy hearing about other people’s operations. You get into a heated argument about Social Security. You throw a party and the neighbors don’t even realize it. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. You sing along with the elevator music. Your investment in health insurance is finally paying off. Your joints are more accurate in forecasting than Dick Goddard. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either. This bit of humor is from Philip J. Hrvatin 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina MEMORIAL DAY (From the U.S. Army site on the Internet - author unknown) “We in this country owe a great debt of gratitude to those who sacrificed their lives so that we could live free. We can start to pay that debt by not forgetting, by remembering what they did and what they stood for. Listen to these words by Charles M. Province: ‘It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of the speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer. Who has given us the right to a fair trial; And it is the soldier -who salutes the flag. Who serves the flag, and Whose coffin is draped by the flag— Who allows the protester to bum the flag.’ “Please join me in a moment of silence as we all remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.” MSI d OT MA £ YAKUgl f ;83W 1 Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ After World War I (Continued) It was during this time that I began attending school in Idrija again, even though Idrija was how a part of Italy and the Italians were not allowing border crossings. There was barbed wire on the new border, but somehow I snuck across a couple of times. I lived with my aunt and uncle, as I had done before. My favorite subject was Egyptian history. I read the book about the pyramids and Ramses II in three days. But I still hated Slovenian grammar. One day, Professor Janko Mlakar (a fat redcheeked man) told me to ask my aunt to come talk with him. I was afraid about what that might mean, so I didn’t tell her. Just before Christmas, 1918, my friend Potočnik and I walked home from Idrija. To get around the barbed wire border, we hiked through a ravine where we had to jump from one icy rock to another. After Christmas, we thought we would have to take the same way back, but the Italians closed the school. That was the end of my schooling, and I no longer needed to fear my professor. I don’t remember how many months later it was that some of the master shoemakers in our village decided to form a Shoemakers’ Cooperative. Through the cooperative, they purchased large quantities of food, including entire wagon-loads of com from Croatia. But they didn’t have to do that long, since the storekeepers in our village soon took over that function. Due to the shortage of white flour, it had been a long time since anyone had baked white bread in our village. Sometimes people would go to Ljubljana, bring back some white bread and sell it at high prices. Finally, Bogataj, the baker, got some white flour and announced that he would be baking some rolls. I was part of a long line of people who waited outside his bakery. As the seductive smell of fresh white bread wafted out from the bakery, we salivated and thought about long-forgotten memories. In the Shoemakers’ Cooperative, business went well and there were gradually more and more workers. Ata was chosen as a foreman and he began assigning me to do delivery work. At that time, I was 11 years old. I loaded packages of finished shoes on a little wagon and pulled it first to the customs office and then to the post office. Many of our orders went to Croatia, which was still considered a foreign country. The customs officers had to check each box and seal it before it could be mailed. As part of my delivery job, I also pulled my wagon to Cankar’s, Gričar’s and elsewhere to pick up empty boxes, and to Prapocan-’s and Peklar’s to pick up shoe nails. I never received a penny for this work and I’m sure that Ata never charged the cooperative for what I did. He was just happy to see me occupied and staying out of trouble. I did this delivery work for two years, until Ata decided to leave the cooperative and begin his own shoemaking business. Because of our large family, it was difficult to find space in our house for a workshop. We had a room in the back which we used to store various tools and produce from our garden. Ata decided to remodel that room into a workshop. I was 13 years old then, and I was assigned to help bring mortar and bricks to the builders. This seemed like dirty work to me and I didn’t like it. Once, I was helping Grašcik mix some mortar and I showed my dislike of the work by hitting the end of a bag of dry cement with my hoe. The cement splashed across his face, causing him to curse at me. He usually ate lunch with us and I hated to watch him clean his teeth with his mortar-encrusted finger. For the first 10 years after the war, there was plenty of work for the Cooperative and for individual shoemakers. Nevertheless, there were fewer orders to fill during the summer, and the shoemakers were not able to build up inventory unless they had money to buy raw material. (To Be Continued) ^on®lMelodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family BD MEIAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM radio hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-t 709 TH/FAX WEI: vrww.wcsb.org How Well Do You Remember ‘The Wizard of Oz?’ (Conclusion) 42. - What caused the trees to throw apples at Dorothy and the Scarecrow? 43. - When Dorothy and the Scarecrow met the Tin Man, what did the Tin Man say caused him to rust? 44. - When did this happen? 45. - What was the Tin Man doing at the time he rusted? 46. — What did the sign say that the Wizard placed on the door of his castle? 47. - How did the Carriage Driver inside the Wizard of Oz’s castle describe the horse? 48. - What did the Wicked Witch of the West scribe in the sky with her broom? 49. - How did Dorothy respond when she first met the Wizard and he asked her who she was? 50. - Who appeared to Dorothy when she looked into the crystal in the Wicked Witch of the West’s castle? 51. - What does the Scarecrow’s T H D diploma mean? 52. - When was the Professor named the Wizard of Oz? 53. - Who was named ruler of Oz when the Wizard left? Thanks to Eugene Kogovšek for this interesting quiz. Help Wanted Light housekeeping and assist with reading. Must drive. 440-247-6033 ANSWERS: •MOJ33JBOS am - •££ ZQ Ul papUB| BqBUlQ ui JIB j 3JBJS oqj UIOJJ UI sbm aq uooijBq 3qt uaq^ - 'ZS X3o -JO^Uiqi JO JOPOQ - 'is U13 tuny - •()£ 'JJ33UI pUE I|EUIS oqt ‘XqjoJOQ uib i -XqjoJOQ japuajjng - 'JOJ03 JU3 -J3JJ!P E JO ssjoq V - •/> •3J30U3J 3SB3|d japjo jo jno ipg - *9b 33JJ B UMOp 3uiddoqo sbm sjj -•o§b jbsX v -UIBJ3qi-et7 uisqi ;b s3[ddB M3Jqj pUE pBUI }0§ S33JJ sqj^ tl'SULIOM U33JS q;iM S3jddB 9Jjq J(us30p 3qs„ ‘sssjj sqt PIO} MOJ33JB3S 3lLL - '3F St. Mary’s Seniors Meet St. Mary’s Seniors (Collinwood) will have their meeting on Tuesday, June 7 at 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Parish Center. Doors open at 1 p.m. Joke Doctor: I have some good news and some bad news. Patient: What’s the bad news? Doctor: You have Alzheimer’s disease. Patient: Good heavens. -What’s the good news. Doctor: When you get home you won’t remember the bad news. -Phil Hrvatin Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. We respect and remember all those who died for us » VISIT OUR STORE! R & D Sausage Co. 15714 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110-692-1832 We Have Fresh Slovenian Sausages Smoked and Fresh Želodec Cooked or Uncooked Cottage Ham Homemade Salami Imported Foods — Poticas Strudels and Much More FOR ORDERS CALL Mr. Joe Zuzak, Owner Tuesday - Thurs, 8 - 5 Friday - 8 - 6 Saturday 8-5 ifmiSGH PI "RITE 12503 rwbisoN ave. SUPERMARKETOur LflKCWOOD, oilio 44107 Loved Ones 216 521 4619 attention west side RESIDFNT WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ’ ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... ~ WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS. - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 PM 4 in o o (N Mlakar Walks Oown Memory Lane SNPJ Lodge 142 Celebrates by RAY MLAKAR VO CN >■< < 2 < z > o 2 o Q Well, no more lessons this week and here is hoping you kept notes and will be able to pass the quiz in later columns. It is time to get back to the column as a whole and after having thought about what I have written over the years, will bring us more up-to-date. Unfortunately, my mother died in March of 1977 and was a tremendous loss to accept. Quite some years prior to that I met Josephine and surprising to say we met at a funeral home of all places. I was an officer in the SNPJ lodge and she was a member also, but never attended meetings, but we would run into each other at her that after I returned to my table she should come over and tell Josephine that she thought the corsage was outstanding, but pointed out to her that it appeared that the one yellow rose seemed to be dropping and she was about to lose the sparkle it had at the tip, and she walked away. That did it, for Josie unpinned her corsage to check the rose and I suggested that she pull out the sparkle before it falls into her dish. She tugged on it and burst into tears for now HER DAY HAD COME. Before long all the waitresses were at the table. Little did I know before getting there that I would have an audience. When we returned to her home that night, she lost no time in calling just various lodge funerals and - ---- — —......e j' before long we became close about everybody she knew, friends. Needless to say, she To make a long story was a blessing from day one. short, the following Novem We had been going together hpr T— for a number of years and then in November of 1977, I decided it was time to make a move. During that time I was working with a friend of mine who lived next to my aunt who did work out of his home as a florist and I helped him out from time and time when he was flooded with floral orders. It was then in November that I asked him to make up a special floral corsage for Josephine, for although I ber we were married at Josephine’s parish church, St. Phillip and James. It was a great wedding, but unfortunately both Josephine’s parents as well as mine had already passed on, but brothers and sisters were there. Surprising to say even though Sister Bernadette was not there to tell me what to do or say, everything went off without a hitch. The day after the wedding we took off for the Bahamas and lived like kings. Holy smoke, it took me juacpiiiiic, iui aunougn i ^ ’ —....... could have done it myself, I a11 these years of writing to wanted to insure it was done ^et to P°‘nt *n my right for I wanted him to put November 25, 1978 to say, little sparkles like diamonds “I do.” on the tips of the rose buds Well, time to start v/»i ujv lipo UAC IUSC UUUd . ' ---- and said I wanted one yellow ^r*n8 this column to an end, rose bud with the head of the but before I do, got to get off diamond engagement ring sticking out of the bud, with only the very tip of the diamond protruding through. He did it perfectly and the with a joke. I like this one and perhaps it has a lot to saying, “I do.” Again I owe this joke to none other than my brother Frankie Mlakar. This has to be one of the insured me was a darker deep yellow rose compared to the other roses in the floral piece. Perhaps the only thing missing was me wearing a monkey suit (tuxedo). We generally always went out to eat on Saturday evening someplace close by, but this was Special and said we would go out to Sterle’s Country House. When I picked her up, she did thank me for the corsage, but said nothing more about the corsage, but said nothing more, but little did she realize that she was wearing one very expensive corsage. As we ate, I hoped that something would have happened whereby the ring would be made known to her so I thought it is time for me to make my move. I excused myself and told her I was going to the restroom and ran into our waitress and told ... li f.Mi.* oiiiO Mžiii onoin^iii It is supposed to have been listed in the Atlanta Journal. “Single black female, seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m very good looking girl who loves to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, and cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I’ll be at the door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call 404-888-6444, ask for Daisy. I’ll be waiting.” Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8-week-old black Labrador Retriever dog. Well, time to say goodnight, and in closing, may the good Lord bless and watch over you and keep you in good health. Ohio Boychoir Spring Schedule The Ohio Boychoir, under the direction of Jon Simšič, presents Rains, Rivers and the Rolling Seas on... Friday, June 3rd, 7:30 p.m. in St. Christine Catholic Church, 840 E. 222nd St., Euclid, OH. Saturday, June 4, 7:30 p.m. in St. Mark Lutheran Church, 11900 Chillicothe Rd., Chesterland. Sunday, June 5, 3 p.m., at St. Luke Catholic Church, 1212 Bunts Ave., Lakewood. Friday, June 10 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, 3649 E. 65th, Slavic Village, Cleveland. Saturday, June 11 at 7:30 p.m. in St. Ann Catholic Church, 2175 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hts. Sunday, June 12 at 2:30 p.m. in St. Charles Borromeo Church, 5891 Ridge Rd., Parma. Hear the Ohio Boychoir sing folk songs and sacred music that resound to a nautical theme. CLEVELAND, OH SNPJ Lodge No. 142 is celebrating their 95,h anniversary on Sunday, June 12, at the SNPJ Farm on Chardon and Heath roads in Kirtland, Ohio. A delicious dinner will be prepared, consisting of roast pork, roast beef and sausage dinners with all the trimmings, which will be served from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. The price of dinners is $7, excluding the gate fee. Hot sandwiches, krofe, desserts and your favorite beverages will be available throughout the afternoon. For your entertainment, we have engaged the duo of Bob and Shelly Orlandi from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. This talented husband and wife team play a variety of instruments and are sure to entertain you with their humor and a variety of music and songs. The Ray Polantz Orchestra will provide music for your listening and dancing pleasure from 3:30 to 7:30. For additional details or to purchase dinner tickets in advance, contact Dolores Dobida at 440-943-5559. St. Vitus Alumni Extends Scholarship Deadline Psychiatrist joke A guy goes to a psychiatrist. “Doc, I keep having these alternating recurring dreams. First I’m a teepee; then I’m a wigwam; then I’m a teepee; then I’m a wigwam. It’s driving me crazy. What’s wrong with me?” The doctor replies: “It’s very simple. You’re two tents.” The following guidelines for obtaining scholarship funds from the St. Vitus Alumni organization for students graduating from the eighth grade this year, is as follows: Any parent or grandparents with a paid up membership of the alumni can request that their child and or, grandchild be considered for a scholarship grant from the alumni. The student must be con sidering a “Catholic” high school. A letter of request must include the name of student, name of Catholic High School they will be attending, and a copy of their last grades signed by their 8" grade teacher. Mail the above information by July 15 to the scholarship chairperson, Mrs. Florence Hotujac, 175 E. 265,h St., Euclid, OH 44132- 1211. -----------—-------—" The Mason-Dixon Line is named for Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, English astronomers who surveyed the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland in 1767. a continuing tradition of excellence since 1910 Have a Safe Memorial Weekend \ At Brickman & Sons, Inc. Funeral Home we continue to serve our community as we have for nearly a century, offering the care and consideration every family deserves in their time of need. From traditional funerals to pre-arrangement services, our experienced funeral directors are able to assist you and your family with any type of funeral arrangement. For more information, please call us at 216-481-5277 or visit our website at www.brickmanandsons.com. oBrickman *) & Sons, Inc. i/1. ,ni;c! HAPpy A great crowd of 183 HAPpy "Recycled Teenagers" gathered on May 11. to hear Dr. Catherine Ferguson, Foot & Ankle specialist, to talk on arthritis-caused foot problems. Most of us are well-acquainted with darn old "Arthur Itis"; her talk and slide presentation had us mesmerized. We could have kept her answering questions all afternoon, but she had other duties. She was kind enough to stop back at the end of our meeting, with more answers, and brochures. The good doctor was the first to use our new projection screen and stand, generously donated by Jennie and Carl Schultz. Thousand thanks to you, Carl and Jennie! A silent prayer was observed for Kathleen Fisher, sister of Kathy Slaper; Elizabeth Fujda, sister of Ed Fujda; and Angela Tursic, sister of Frances Semenik. May they all rest in peace. Our sympathies to the families. Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler sent cheery cards to Mary Bolden, Agnes Galante, Mary Jevnikar, Rose Lah, Al Marinch, and Bee (Albina) Zimmerman. Get well soon, everybody; you are missed! It was really good to see Justine Pekol back with us, after a two-year absence due to various health issues. Let's hope it is not that long for Mary Okicki, who is finally recuperating at home. Poor lady had spent months in the hospital; what an ordeal...Keep improving, Mary! Let's remember our sick friends with a call and a prayer... A big HAP welcome to new members of our HAP family: Betty Churney, Marion Erjavec, Dorothy Frank, Marie Gombach, Joseph Corn, Frank Kosten, Betty Monroe, Pete and MaryJo Rom, and Dorothy Smrtnik. Glad you joined us! Our "wait" list is shrinking; we're down to 44 left in the wings. "Happy Birthday" was sung to 12 members; a notable 85th one was celebrated by Chuck Jacobs. Nice writeup in the Euclid Sun Journal, Chuck! Many happy returns to all. "Happy Anniversary" wishes go to Val and Dominic Cekada, 50 yrs; Gerrie and Albert Globokar, 48 yrs; Julie and Ed Harbie, 58 yrs; MaryJo and Frank Hiti, 44 yrs; Terry and Pete Knezevic, 51 yrs; Mary and Tony Prijatel, 57 yrs; Eleanor and Tony Princic, 56 yrs; Julie and Frank Sadar, 62 yrs; Janice and Ed Tratter, 48 yrs; and Helen and Bill Wujnovich, 56 yrs. God bless you all for many more! News ©©©©© Fran Kajfez reminded all her travelers about trip payment deadlines. Our next one is "Cleveland by Land and Water", on June 24. Should be fascinating. Many times we miss great things right in our own backyard. The Seneca-Alleghany trip was quite profitable for some lucky souls; we should go again soon! The May 1st Dinner Dance went well, thanks to everyone who worked so hard. Attendance could have been better; too many First Communion parties, maybe? The 50/50 raffle at the dance was conducted by Helen Kozlevchar and Ruth Morel; great job, ladies, you saved the day! The raffle at the meeting was run by Marie Dular and Dee Dee Grace, who also did a nice job. Myra will be proud..Hope she is having fun on her vacation! Thanks also to the Merry Misses, who took on the kitchen duty this month. Everything was tasty! Anyone wishing to take a turn: get a group together, and pick a month. Next month's speaker will be Hospice Nurse Debbie Pestotnik, who will enlighten us on Hospice procedures. The topic may not be the happiest, but anyone may need Hospice help one day; it's good to be informed. Holmes Ave. Hall will again serve Wing-Ding dinners after the June 8, meeting; at $4.00 for six wings, fries, and Slovenian coleslaw, you can't miss. Kenny Zalar and Kathy Hlad will try to come down for a jam session; they are always willing and ready to help the Hall. Ken will be honored at Holmes Ave. Music Fest October 9, 2005; plan on attending! Our picnic is scheduled for July 13. at the farm on White Rd. Picnic goes from 12 noon 'til 6pm; music by Fred Ziwich from 2:30 - 4:30, and jammin' after that. Your favorite/specialty pastry will be needed for our July 13, 2005 picnic Bake Sale. Sign up for picnic help at the June meeting; Matt Z. is a great man, but even he can't go it alone. Help is needed for parking, ticketselling, kitchen and pastry area, etc. If you can’t make it to the meeting, just call Matt for a time slot; he'll be glad to sign you up. See ya, pa se vid'mo, Ollie Samee Jt's Cool To Be Slovenian! The JOEY T0MSICK ORCHESTRA 2005 Performance Schedule June. 2005 Sun, June 12 BUS TRIP Deshler, Ohio "SchutzenFest '05" $45 per person 216/531-2745 To Deschler Ohio! Join us for a polka day! 2 Bands Sat, June 18 Sterles Country House 1401 E. 55tb St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a 216/881-4181 Fri, June 24 Mt. Carmel PolkaFest 29840 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe 7:30p -11:30p 440/585-0800 Sun, June 2G KSKJ Summer Picnic Pristava Grounds, Harpersfield 3p-7p inly, 2005 Sat, Jul. 2 Private Fri, Jul. 8 Cebars Tavern Euclid 595 E. 185th Street 9p - la 216/481-9509 Sat, Jul. 9 Italian Festival-Canton Canton Fair Grounds 8p- 12a Jue, Jul. 26 Euclid Public Library 631 E. 222nd St. (Outdoors) 216/261-5300 Sun, Jul. 31 St. Roberts Festival 23802 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid 4p-8p 216/731-2606 Sat, Aup. 6 Cebars Afternoon Party 595 E. 185th St. AFTERNOON 2P - 5p [21648^50^ • \Join the fun at Cebars ■ this Saturday Afternoon before the E. 185th Fest Banins! 1 1 Sun, Aup. 7 |E. 185th St. Festival Schenely Ave. Perry School Lot 11:30 Mass 216/481-8669 Polka Mass at 11 AM Mass with Fr. Perkovich, Minn. 3p Dancing Sat. Aup. 13 Patrician Party Center Dinner Dance - Tix available 6p - lOp 216/481-1963 Sun. Aup. 14 Rolandos Party Center Whipple Avenue Canton Ohio 2p-6p frl, Aua. 19 Rechar Hall Clubroom 20713 Rechar Ave, Euclid. $4 at door 8p- 12a 216/531-9309 —-=~ Wrffand"- mhffiTtoad'" 3p-7p September, 2005 |gun, Sept. 4 |SNPJ Farm Our Friend: The Family Tree 5 Editor, Reading Jim's Journal about his fallen evergreen tree, reminded me of this story: Our first home would have to have a great area in which the children could play to their heart’s content. How fortunate we were, that one day we found our dream home, one with a back yard large enough for our children to dart between towering oak trees, and evergreen trees. In addition, we had four fruit trees, two cherry, and two apple. Knowing how children love tree-houses, each chose one of the low branched fruit trees. Four children and four trees, hence each child had a tree and tree-house of their own. As the years went by, the life expectancy of the trees came to an end. One cannot describe the feelings and tears that followed, as the chain saw cut through the branches, which fell to the ground. Each branch had a hidden story to tell. As on other occasions, a family meeting was held, since we had to do something to keep one of the tree trunks in our possession. Why not the trunk of the cherry tree? Could we possibly have it made into a rolltop desk, as we often talked about. First we had to locate a mill, which would transform our tree trunk into planks of wood. We learned that the wood needed to be put aside for at least a year, going through an aging process. One day as my husband and I traveled through the beautiful Amish country of* Sugarcreek, Ohio, we came across one of the Amish furniture makers. We told the gentleman of our tree, and without hesitating, he said he would be more than happy to work with us on our project. The wood was delivered to him, and then after six weeks, our cherry wood rolltop desk was ready for delivery. Our masterpiece of furniture was brought back into our home, just as though a true friend had returned home to stay with us forever. Never a day goes by that our children can be heard telling their children the story of the tree-houses, which was their home away from home. Yes, it is true that, “Poems can be made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree.” P.S. - Tell Jim to plant another evergreen tree. Ann Stražar Parma, Ohio Samurai Salad Dressing \ This is a recipe for the salad dressing from the Samurai, ! courtesy of Lisa Bryan (Dorothy’s daughter-in-law). Ingredients: 1 celery stalk, cut up 1 carrot, cut up 1 onion, cut up 1 clove garlic 1 chunk of fresh ginger Vi C Japanese vinegar 1/8 C soy sauce I C vegetable oil II ketchup 1 shake paprika Yi t sugar 1 t salt 1 shake pepper Directions: Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. —Kim Ann Kaifesh ! X Our Family and Friends Recipes \ L [: C .h w /C K ’V HAIR SALON .(ItlEor! bogsjTL 5116 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Wear short sleeves. Support your right to bare arms. __________________—Phil Hrvatin LAVRISHA 216—391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s AMt,K7i>KA DOMOVINA, MAY 26, 2005 AMC.KI, ^ St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Program Mass, Sunday, May 29, St. Vitus Church, 9:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. - Raising of Colors, National Anthem, and placing of wreath at the flag pole (in front of St. Vitus School entrance). 8:55 a.m. - Parade to St. Vitus church. 9:00 a.m. - Mass cele- brated by Chaplain, Rev. William M. Jerse. Commander: Robert W. Mills Eucharistic Minister: Reader / Commentator: Thomas J. Kirk, Joseph S. Baškovič Officer of the Day: Edward F. Arhar Riflemen: John Kirk, Robert W. Mills, Sr., Steven Piorkowski, William Lipoid. Sound: Robert Mills Jr. -- Taps_________________ Died in Service Frank Benigar August Bizel Stephen Butala Robert Butara Joseph Debelak Michael Dime Albin Dolence Frank Drobnik Joseph Dular Anthony Fortuna Rudolph Franz Albert Grdanc Joseph Jelenič Frank Kapla Vladimir Kaucic Stanley Koscak Louis Kozar Edward Kužnik Robert Levee Steven Markolia Edmund Matjašič Raymond Medveš John Petrincic Joseph Pozelnik Anthony Prime Frank Razborsek Joseph Rozman Sylvester Sekne (Vietnam) Vincent Shenk Anthony Silc John Simončič John Speh Robert Stare William Starič (Korea) Raymond Stefe Edward Strauss Henry Streiner Albert Tasker Frederick Ubic John Valencie Rafael Zonta (Korea) Laddie Žnidar Stanley Zupančič_________ In Memory Edward Abraham Edward Ahlin Leona Alich Joseph Ambrosic Andrew Andrews Joseph C. Arko Josepfy T. Arko Louis Arko Mirko Longar Thomas Arko Rudolph Lovko Anthony Avsec Ulrich Lube Edward Avsec Adolph Lunder Vincent Baškovič, Sr. Charles McNeill Vincent Baškovič, Jr. Herman Marolt Joseph Baznik Stanley Martinčič Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Joseph Masar Bernard Bedinghaus Rudolph Massera Frank Bizjak Jean McNeil Rudolph Brancel Albert Meglich Michael Brichta Herman Meglich Vincent Briscar Frank Mervar George Buncic John Milakovich John Burchard John Miller Joseph Butler Florian Mocilnikar Anthony Cimperman Gabriel Mocilnikar Anthony Cizel Edward Modic Martin Cullinan Robert Mordas Frank Debelak Rudolph Nosse Frank G. Drobnič Anthony F. Novak James V. Drobnič Frank Novak Victor A. Drobnič Robert A. Novak Robert F. Dulc John Novosel Martin Fink Louis J. Novsak Anthony Garbas Frank Oblak Alphonse A. Germ Joseph Okom, Sr. Maximillian Germ Joseph A. Okom Frank Glavan John Orehek Louis J. Godec John Oster, Sr. Edward Godic Anton Palcic Frank Godic Michael Paul Stanley Godic Frank Perkovič Harold Golob Frank Perusek Stanley Golob, Jr. Joseph Peterlin Frank Gorsha William Plavan John Gramc George Poprik John J. Gramc Daniel Postotnik Jerome Grdina Victor Prebil Matt Grdina Ralph Radel Edward Grum Rudolph Razinger Frank A. Hegler Marion Rebol Donald Hočevar Robert Reimen William Hraster Anthony Rolik Joseph Jakomin Rudolph Rozman Frank M. Jaksic Marcel Rudzinski Milan Jaksic Charles V. Rumplik Richard Jaksic Louis Sadler Thaddeus Janas David Samac Raymond Jasko Charles Saye Frank Kasic Robert A. Schmuck Joseph Kasunic Edward Sedlak Frank E. Kern James F. Skrab John Kerzisnik William Skrab John Kirk, Sr. Ludwig Snyder Joseph Komat Victor Somrak Albert Koporc John Spech Charles Knuth Joseph Spech Leo Kodramaz William Spech Frank Komat Joseph J. Stemad John Kosan Martin Strauss John Koss Anthony Strojin, Jr. Anthony Kovach Victor Subel Louis V. Kovacic William Suhadolnik Anthony Krampel Frank Svetonovic Frank Kromar David J. Telban Edward Kuhar John Tetkowski Elmer Kuhar William Tofant Albert Kurent Edward Tolar Anthony Kužnik Edward Tome Richard P. Lasko John Trinko Joseph Laurence Elmer Turk Rudolph Launch James Turk Frank J. Lausche Olga Turk Joseph Leben John J. Urbancich Edward Ljubi Anthony Valencie Frank Ljubi Edward Valencie Joseph Likozar James P Logar, ^1 ^ '* '! John Verbec JohriVefhovnik Joseph Vesel Clarence Vokac Edward Vertovsnik Peter Weiperth Stanley Winter Joseph Woods Stanley Zabka Anthony Zadnik Anton Zak Theodore Zak Zeno Zak Andrew Zakrajšek Henry Zalar Frank A. Zitko John Žnidaršič Joseph M. Zupančič And for all of deceased members of Ladies Auxiliary of St. Vitus Post 1655 of the Catholic War Veterans. the the Thursday, May 26 Pre-birthday party at Re-cher Hall in Euclid, Ohio for George Knaus (90‘A) and Joe Petrich. Music by Jeff Pecon, Joey Tomsick, and The New Generation starting at 6 p.m. Free admission. Saturday, May 28 St. Vitus class of 1955 reunion at 4:00 p.m. Mass in St. Vitus church followed by dinner at Sterle’s. Sunday, May 29 Chicken Barbecue dinner and dance with Frank Moravcik Orchestra at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing 3:30 to 7:30. For details phone Joe Blatnik at 440-943-1191. Sunday, May 29 60lh anniversary Memorial Mass sponsored by DSPB at 12 noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio, for all victims of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism. - On same Sunday, at 3:30 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery in Chardon, Ohio will be Slovenian services for all our deceased relatives and friends. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Dance with the Joe Grkman and Wayne Tomsic Orchestras at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. For details call Val Paw-lowski (440) 286-1786. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day Picnic at Triglav Picnic Grounds, Milwaukee, Wis. Monday, May 30 Bicycle riders travel from St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish to Slovenska Pristava. To participate please call Fr. Kumse at (216) 761-7740. June 3,4, 5 Rummage Sale Slovenian National Home, Newburgh (Fri.-9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.) (216) 341-6136 for more information. Sunday, June 5 Cleveland Athletic League dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to Fred Ziwich Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Gerri Trebets at 440-951-9611. Sunday, June 5 First Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. 12:30 Mass celebrated by Rev. Joseph Boznar. Steak or chicken dinner (reserve by calling 440-943-0621 or 440-256-9237). Music by Veseli Godci Orchestra. Saturday, June 11 “Dolenjski Večer” with Vinogradski Oktet from Šentjernej, Slovenia concert at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s parish community center. Music and dancing to follow by young musicians from Šentjernej. For tickets please call 440-877-9044. Sunday, June 12 Mimi Raj 142 95lh anniversary picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; entertainment Bob and Shelly Orlandi 2 to 3; Dancing to music of Ray Polantz Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details Dolores Dobida (440) 943-5559. Tuesday, June 14 Third meeting of Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee, St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian room 7 p.m. Everyone wishing to help is most welcome to attend. Sunday, June 19 Spartans annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Joe Novak and Friends 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Lou Novak (216) 461-6476. Sunday, June 26 SNPJ Lodge 126 annual dinner and dance at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; dancing to music of Captain’s Crew and Sumrada Brothers Orchestra 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Grace Marinch at (440) 269-1334. Sunday, June 26 First Picnic (Prvi Piknik) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 26 Ohio KSKJ Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava, from 12 noon to 8 p.m. Music from 3 to 7 by Joey Tom-sick Orchestra. Games at 4. Sunday, July 3 Joe Fedorchak with the Jack Vasko Orchestra at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, OH. Hosted by Cleveland SNPJ Federation. Dinners 1 to 3; dancing from 3:30 to 7:30. Details call Sophie Matuch at (440) 951-6906. Friday, July 15 Ekart Ansambel from . Slovenia concert-dapce at 'Slovenian . Rational. PJornfl, St. Vitus Village 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? St. Vitus Village may be the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable TV, and much, much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-0300 with any questions on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. Love never dies as long as there' is someone who remembers. In Loving Memory Of Our Beloved Mother, Grandmother, and great-Grandmother Amelia Skerl Oswald At. 13,h Anniversary Died June 1, 1992 Love’s Greatest Gift: Remembrance Sadly missed by: Daughter - Wilma Son - Walter and Family In Loving Memory of the l“ Anniversary of the death of Slovehians: A Class Iract For Rent 4 rooms E. 52 St., garage. Very clean. 216-881-8709 OVENIAN ATIONAL OME 6417 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 (216) 36L5115 We/ SaLocte' (Dur' Vetereua^ tKCy Meswioriaf WeeJc&vid/! fronv The/ Bocwd/ of Directory HALL FOR ALL * OCCASIONS * WEDDINGS PARTIES CONCERTS MEETINGS Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Pork Chops, and Goulash Dinners IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 In Recognition of those who served our country. from The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers, and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION ■o* LHe e 'V A • HMm (?) Ti > g r7 Y 4mm 19424 South Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 - 325C Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216- 531-8123 Theodore F. Zak Died June 7, 2004 Always remembered With thoughts of love in our hearts and deeply missed. Sadly missed by " wife,'Helen; ''' •/.iu' ...u ^ d^leAntm&ily1^1*5'701 Remember Those Who Died for Us ^/7 - (_< a/2 0±LC FUNERAL HOMES “Family Owned & Operated” • 20 Years of Continuous Service to your Community Formerly Grdina 28890 Chardon Road 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Willoughby Hills 440 944-8400 Cleveland 216 486-2900 riqaaol .vail v;d bonne! DAN COSip^rfJOE ZEVNIK ,., ,, , ■. Licensed Funeral Directors O/iiA . .1 qsfcoi AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 26, 2005 AMtRlSKA DOMOVINA, MAY 26, 2005 H Who Was Bishop Frederic Baraga? (Continued) Bishop Frederic Baraga Is' Bishop of Marquette 1853-1868 Bishop Baraga was interred “Under the Cathedral « close to the Blessed Virgin altar. A brick vault had been constructed and there the plain pine coffin with its precious contents was deposited.” (Rezek, I. p.204). Although an identifying inscription was in place, there was no provision for visitors. In 1875 the casket was opened to retrieve the valuable items it contained: staff, ring and a cross to help a poor diocese. The hands were “perfectly preserved, full, hard to the touch, only unnaturally white in consequence of a fine mold having settled on it. After a short exposure to the air this substance turned a little dark.” (Fr. Edward Jacker, Dec. 29, 1875). After the fire of 1879 the casket was opened again. “This time also the body was in a perfect state of preservation Again, prior to reburial “Baraga’s, remains were burned in September 1897. Although the dry-decay had done its work, the body was still complete notwithstanding the moisture of the sand that had eaten up the boards of the coffin.” (Rezek, History of the Diocese). A new crypt with six niches was built in the southwest comer. At that time the body of Bishop Baraga was lifted into a steel casket. “As I remember the original tomb... The walls were of stone construction. There were places for six or eight bodies with a tomb size marble slab to cover the side opening. The inscription on the outside, for each bishop. Bishop Baraga’s body was in the lower tier in the southeast comer of the crypt.” (Msgr. Martin Melican, September 17, 1957). Fire again destroyed St. Peter’s during the early morning hours of November 3, 1935. In the spring of 1936 the bodies of the bishops were moved to the concrete passageway between the Cathedral Rectory and the Cathedral. The body of Bishop Baraga was placed near the Cathedral wall. The tunnel opening was sealed during the reconstruction of the Cathedral. Msgr. Melican suggested that the space under the bishop’s chapel be excavated and the crypt be built there and a distinct place of honor, separated from the other tombs, be reserved for the body of Bishop Baraga. When Baraga’s casket was opened, he was clearly recognizable. Long, thick black hair covered his head. His face was brown like a nut and heavily wrinkled. He wore a green vestment. Because the Cathedral had only one violet vestment and it was needed. Also they forgot to put his miter on after the casket was sealed, so they put it on top of the casket. Msgr. Rezek mentioned this years before and so this proved true. I would say Baraga’s features were in excellent condition considering the intervening years. Certainly he was immediately recognizable.” (Msgr. Francis Scheringer, July 17, 1957). (To Be Continued) Ht ve a Safe and Happy Memorial Day! IN MEMORY OF... In memory of... the Doughboys, Who went “Over There” to fight. They ate and slept in a muddy trench; They suffered shot and shell and poison gas. They lie now, silently, beneath Cross or Star, In lonely fields, across the sea, so far. In memory of... the GI Joes, Who throughout the world did proudly serve, In that dreadful “War to end all Wars.” The hundreds of thousands who bravely died To preserve our precious way of life; To save the world from pain and strife. In memory of... those neglected souls, Who in Korea waged “The Forgotten War.” They faced Siberian cold and scorching heat, And a gargantuan foe in a relentless land. Can we forget the Battle of Pork Chop Hill, And the more than 8,000 who are missing still? In memory of... those who went, in doubt, To fight a most unpopular and thankless war. As they died their peers maligned their deeds; Their cause decried abroad and here at home. No regard for the thousands that would sadly fall, Their names engraved on that cold memorial wall. In memory of... those who died on desert sands, And who died “keeping peace” in foreign lands. Whether hot or cold... wars call for sacrifice, And our sons and daughters have paid the price. Let us hold them ever close, in memory, For they have shown that Freedom Is Not Free. -Frank J. Montoya St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Newsletter *r Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. "pour Generations of The ZELE FAMILY Serving the Slovenian community!" Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. Have a Happy and Safe memorial. Day 452 East 152Dd Street 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele, Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele [ji:!;.1 phLih!; thihiiuv. .d:: ibi.: 'ooh th.: hr.-.;,;.-; - Newly Remodeled Inside! - - .7 ''pUti: •:.! pit al:t Hcmiii! >.<].. I 1,11. HJill. . , i.’ .1 U . , »• i '.Ii'. «.I ' *............... ' • ' • '■ n r. n h n a n •« n w s n n a a i: n n :i a # a m "i :s » a u a a a a :: a a » a a u a a a a a a a a :: a u a n a I:: is a a a a a ;j u n ;rsi a i; a a a as: a :u. a Lipica Stud Farm Marks 425,h Year The 425th anniversary of the world-renowned Lipica stud farm was marked with a lavish ceremony, Friday, May 20th, celebrating the Lipizzaner horse as a symbol and integral part of the Slovenian national identity. Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti, the keynote speaker, recalled in his adless the history of the Lipizzaner horses and highlighted two trademark events: the stud farm regula-tions issued by Emperor Leopold I in the 17th century and the Spanish riding school established by Charts VI in the second half of the 18th century. He labeled both events as model examples indicating how the stud farm can be saved at the beginning of the new mille-Mtim, now that Slovenia is an independent country. The date of the stud farm’s establishment is 19 May, 1580, when Archduke Carl 11) the ruler of Styria, Carin-Ihia, Camiola, Istra and Tri-este bought the property and a diocesan horse farm from Trieste Bishop Coreto. Lipica went through good and bad times. In 1797, 1805 and 1809, when the farm was threatened by the Napoleon arrny, it was moved with all horses to Hungary. During WWI, the Lipiz-2aners stayed in Laxenburg near Vienna and in the Czech Republic. After WWI, Lipica came under Italian ^le, however, the studs were state-owned by both Italy and Austria. Lipica was renovated by the Italians, while the Austrians moved their herd to Fiber near Graz, where they established their own stud farm. In September, 1943, Lipiza was taken over by the Germans, who took the horses to Germany, from where some of the studs were also taken to the U.S. After WWII, Yugoslavia demanded the return of all horses. However, after lengthy negotiations, the allies returned only 11 Lipiz-zaners, while the rest were turned over to Italy and the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. The renovation of the farm began with only a few horses. In 1953, a riding and training school was established, and in 1960, the legendary breeding place of Lipizzaner was opened to tourists. The farm, extending over 3 H hectares in the Kras countryside, was proclaimed a place of special cultural heritage' in 1996, and has since been state-owned and managed by the Republic of Slovenia. At the moment, the farm is home to around 350 white horses. Lipica, marketed as a jewel of the Kras region, is a major tourist attraction. Various events at the stud farm and, in recent years, the casino and the golf course, attract 110,000 visitors every year, most of them from foreign countries.________ This article was submitted by Philip J. Hrvatin. ,S:X ■■ SKiUf* m ^ Th • ». e Lipizzaner horses visit Lyndhurst, Ohio last year. Il^sual pictures because all four hoofs of the horses are in the air. Dolenjski Večer with Vinogradniški Oktet On Saturday, June 11, there will be a Dolenjski Večer at the new parish center at St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.). The singing group Vinogradniški Oktet will be singing for your listening pleasure. The group is from Šentjernej, Slovenia. This is a small town near Novo Mesto located between the Krka river and the Gorjanci mountains. This is in the heart of the Dolenjska region of Slovenia and is an area famous for cviček, a type of light red wine well known for its medicinal properties. Šentjernej is also known for the Carthusian monastery, Pleterje. This monastery is one of the most famous monasteries in Slovenia. The group, Vinogradniški Oktet consists of eight men who were former members of the Šentjemejski Oktet. Vinogradniški Oktet was founded in 1993. The men enjoy singing songs dedicated to the love of wine. These men all have their own vineyards, where they spend many of their days crafting their beloved cviček. On Saturday, June 11, the group will perform a concert in Cleveland at St. Mary’s parish center at 7 p.m. Proceeds from this concert will benefit the new parish center. Along with the group will be six young musicians from Šentjernej area. They will provide the music for a fun evening of dancing. The parish priest of Šentjernej, Father Anton Trpin, will be traveling with the group. He is looking forward to meeting with parishioners of the Cleveland Slovenian community. Also in attendance will be the mayor of Šentjernej, a reporter and cameraman from Novo Mesto television. The following day the group will attend Mass at St. Vitus at 10:30 a.m., and then head out to Slovenska Pristava to meet with local Slovenians. The group will also have a concert in Toronto at Club Bled. For tickets and information, please contact David Turk at 440-877-9044. (Photos by PHIL HRVATIN) i ‘: Remember all those who died for us from the staff of JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland 531-7770 JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lake Shore Blvd., Eastlake 953-4600 GOLDEN RULE Funeral Home ■ V " ;i,;r ■ ‘'itiiurvnrii ,J AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 26, 2005 ŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 26, 2005 10 o* w Senator Voinovich Accepts High Honor in Slovenia by TONY PETKOVŠEK A very special occasion took place on Tuesday, May 3 in the Brdo complex near Kranj, Slovenia for Senator George Voinovich. This is the establishment where the famous summit between Russian Premier Putin took place with president Bush a few years ago. The President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Janez Denovsek, conferred on George Voinovich the Golden Order for Services in the diplomatic and international field in recognition of services and acts to the benefit of the Republic of Slovenia in its affirmation and integration in the international community, and promotion of friendship between Slovenia and the USA. - U.S. Senator Voinovich is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, plus committees for Homeland Security, Environment and Public Works, and the Select Committee on Ethics. In attendance were the Senator’s wife, Janet; his sister JoAnne and husband Bob Indre; and members of the Bemot family of the Kamnik region where his mother’s side of the family live. There were notable guests among the 35 gathered including former Slovenian President Milan Kucan, Foreign Minister Dimitri Rupel, plus a diplomatic corps including American Ambassador Robertson and the former Ambassador to the Vatican Karl Bonutti and wife Hermina. American and Canadian friends included the Frank Svets of Dayton, the Walter Ostaneks of Canada, and myself. The major Slovenian media covered the event extensively. Senator Voinovich was visibly moved by the special presentation and asked most especially that we should remember all of our brothers and sisters in the former Yugoslavia in the future to truly stabilize that part of Europe as we cannot afford to have any other major conflicts that could threaten the strategic security interests of the U.S., and the peace of the world. The Senator also visited Croatia. Memorial Day Bike Ride There will be a Memorial Day bicycle ride to Slovenska Pristava. Riders will leave St. Mary’s parish grounds (Holmes Ave.) at 9 a.m. on Monday, May 30,h for the 47-mile trek to Pristava where the participants will have a picnic. If you wish to participate, please call Fr. John Kumse at (216) 761-7740. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Left to right, John Nylin, secretary from U.S. Embassy in Slovenia, Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH), and radio personality Tony Petkovšek. Marie Dular Asks... Can you cry under water? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of murdered? If money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches? Since bread is square, why is sandwich meat round? Why do you have to “Put your two cents in”... but it’s only a “penny for your thoughts?” Where does the extra penny go? Why does a round pi222 come in a square box? What disease did cured ham actually have? Why is it that we put 8 man on the moon before we figured out it is a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Why is it that people say, “I slept like a baby” when babies wake up every .two hours? Why are you IN a movie, but you’re ON TV? (More questions later) : tj He; do Sic ie &0' »e e lil 5n fa; sir Si, na t>i ob He k, b, D; Si, b; Po * le tii dc National President Rudy Krašovec presents a special gift from KSKJ to guest speaker, Slovenian Consul General Alenka Suhadolnik, at the KSKJ National Board of Directors dinner meeting March 31. President Krašovec said that KSKJ had a proud history of helping Slovenians, and that he looked forward to a continued close relationship with the Republic of Slovenia. (photo by Phil Hrvatin) Slovenian Consul General by Allan Kath KSKJ Membership and Communication Manager Alenka Suhadolnik, the Consul General from the Republic of Slovenia, expressed continued appreciation and respect for KSKJ’s 111 years of dedicated service during her talk on March 31 at a KSKJ National Board of Directors dinner meeting held at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, 111. The meeting honored retired KSKJ Board members and recognized the nearly 130 volunteer lodge leaders from Illinois. KSKJ also presented a special meritorious award to the Slovenian Cultural Center, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Ms. Suhadolnik, headquartered in New York City, expressed the positive aspects of the relatively newly formed Republic of Slovenia. In the country’s brief 13 years of existence, Slovenia has become a member of NATO and the European Union. Slovenia, she said, continues to prosper, and that is due to the dedication and resilienc of its people. She congratulated the Slovenian Cultural Center on its 10th anniversary celebration and lauded KSKJ for its years of service to immigrant Slovenians. KSKJ Cultural Grants nearing $20,000 The KSKJ Cultural Grant Program has reached out and helped more than 25 different Slovenian projects in a nine-stale area since its inception in 1998. The Cultural Grant Program was established by the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Board of Directors as a means to benefit member lodges and other Slovenian groups who wished to enhance and enrich the Slovenian heritage and history. Since its inception, nearly $20,000 has been earmarked for the program. The current director of the Cultural Grant Program is Jutie Schneller, who is a member of the KSKJ National Board of Directors from Shawnee, Kansas. Recipients of the cultural grants have been: > Holy Family-Catholic Church, Kansas City, Kansas > Slovenian Cultural Garden Association, Cleveland > St. Vitus Catholic Church, Cleveland > American Slovenian Radio in Pittsburgh > Slovenian Cultural Center, Lemont, 111. > The Valvazor Octet Concert sponsored by Lodge #114 in Harrisburg, Pa. > Willard (Wis.) Historical Society > Todd Bracik, Indianapolis, Ind., for a Slovenian art exhibit > The Singing Slovenes of Duluth, Minn. > St. Joseph Catholic Church, Joliet, 111. > St. Mary’s Slovenian Library & Genealogy Center, Pueblo, Colo. > Strawberry Hill Museum, Kansas City, Kan. r" Uspeh Chorus, Milwaukee > Ribniški Octet, sponsored by Lodge #148 in Orange, Conn. > St. Vitus Slovenian Language School, Cleveland > St. Vitus Youth Choir, Cleveland 'P Ivan Karoscc Ensemble, sponsored by Steeltor Pa., lodges > Veda Zuponcic piano recital, sponsored by Slovenian Arts Council, Wisconsin > Auxiliary bishop of Cleveland, A. Edward Pevec, honored, sponsored by St. Vitus #25, Cleveland y Slovenian Women’s Union Heritage Museum, Joliet, 111. > International Folk Festival, Cleveland. i>c of sti be gc te i Pc Pc v * P P i d P fi t k FOR f,eedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina ...."'"K it m i r i r i> 'Z31 r*T 11 -s. AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) - Vesti iz Slovenije - Thursday, May 26, 2005 Iz Clevelanda in okolice Društvo D.S.P. vabi— Otvoritev Slov. pristave— Ribičič ovaden za genocid — Prvi primer v povojni zgodovini Slovence 0 ovadbi mediji v Sloveniji včeraj in da-I jes obširno poročajo. Kot kaže, je bil ključ f 0 ovadbe odkritje dokumenta v Arhivu '0venije v zvezi s povojnimi poboji, ki ga mogla policija povezati z domnevno odpornostjo Mitje Ribičiča za smrt 234 poi-*jensko navedenih oseb. Do tega poročanja ni na razpolago nobena reakcija s strani .bičiča (ta ima danes menda 86 let, zlo-genocid pa ne zastara), kar je bilo na ^P°lago za to številko AD, boste našli na r' 14 in 15, po zaslugi Staneta Šušteršiča. °Ven'ja naj bi dobila dva nova praznika, •me tretjega naj bi se spremenilo Tako se je v torek odločila vlada, sicer »d .. “0pisni seji. Nova državna praznika naj oila 13. september in 23. november. Prvi j eežuje vrnitev Primorske k matični do-/e u V'n’’ drogi Pa dan, ko je general Rudolf 58 L'Ster Prevzel vojaško oblast v Mariboru. L^ga novost pri praznikih je, da dosedanji ,.ai1 samostojnosti (26. december), ko se v jjJ la°Veniii spominjajo plebiscitarne odločitve ‘ k Satnostojno državo, se bo preimenoval v a samostojnosti in enotnosti. an 15. september pride v poštev, je 6’ f°lasnil Aleksander Zorn, državni sekretar H kabinetu premiera Janeza Janše, zato, ^ 15. september je spomin na uveljavitev , ovne pogodbe z Italijo, ko je Jugoslavija Ua velik del Goriške, z nastankom Svo-jj/^oga tržaškega ozemlja pa je še vedno tajala vsaj možnost za vrnitev Trsta in e slovenske jadranske obale.” 23. novem-Pa je pomemben, ker so se z akcijo (everala Maistra tudi možnosti za pridobi-■( dela Koroške in za združitev Prekmurja Etično domovino. Vladna pobuda sicer aarja, da ta nova praznika ne bosta Postal; a dneva prosta dneva. S spremembo imena Dneva samostojnosti, ki mu dodajajo besedo enotnosti pa želi vlada poudariti težo odločitve in enotnosti volivcev, kakršna ni bila še nikoli v zgodovini, je dodal Zorn. Parlamentarna obravnava o “vojnih zakonih” odložena do julija - Poudarek bo na iskaiyu sprejemljivega kompromisa Do julija bo odložena obravnava tkim. “Drobničevih vojnih zakonov”, so se pri predsedniku parlamenta Francetu Cukjatiju dogovorili vodje poslanskih skupin in predsedniki strank. V tem času bodo poskusili najti rešitve, sprejemljive za širši krog poslancev. Baje so na' sestanku ugotovili, da so vprašanja preteklosti preveč pomembna, da bi jih urejali s preglasovanjem. Sam premier Janez Janša je menda dejal, da je v vladni koaliciji premalo soglasja o tem, da bi probali s “preglasovanjem”, in da je bolj koristno še vedno iskati “konsenz”. Izgleda, da bi vladna koalicija imela težave s partnersko stranko DeSUS, ki je kljub sodelovanju v koaliciji še precej močno levo naklonjena, brez DeSUSa pa bi lahko bilo za koalicijo šibko. Kako bodo pa v naslednjih dveh mesecih našlo željeni “konsenz”, ni bilo omenjeno. Cerkveni imenovanji v Ljubljani Ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit Alojz Uran je v ljubljanski stolnici umetil častna kanonika ljubljanskega stolnega kapitlja Franceta Gorjupa, sicer namestnika oficiala Metropolitanskega sodišča v Ljubljani, in kornega vikarja in organista v stolni cerkvi Eda Škulja. Obrambni minister Karl Erjavec izvoljen za novega predsednika DeSUS Na kongresu stranke DeSUS so za mesto predsednika kandidirali štirje člani, zmagal je obrambni minister Karl Erjavec, ki močno zagovarja strankino sodelovanje v vladi. \ IlJE LENDAVSKEGA KONCEPT OPTIMUMA OBUPUJEJO IN PROTESTIRAJO -D^l^dbi demokracije so dobili več svoboščin pri zagovarjanju svojih interesov tudi za-in tako štrajki oz. “prekinitve dela” v Sloveniji niso več nobena redkost, kaj ^1« ^Povedane- Primer tega kaže fotografija. Približno petsto tekstilnih in usnjarskih Itj. c®v iz vse države se je protestnem shodu 17. maja v središču Lendave solidarno It^ ^>1° 188 šiviljam z lendavskega podjetja Koncept Optimum, ki zaradi neizplačane \Uarske *n marčevske plače stavknjo že od 11. marca. Direktor podjetja je Miran LSc°vich, ki pa živi v Portorožu. Nekaj od prizadetih je tudi iz sosednjih madžarskih *v> zato je eden od napisov tudi v madžarščini. To nedeljo, 29. maja, o-poldan, vabi Društvo. S.P.B. na spominsko sv. mašo, ki bo na svetišču Lurške Matere božje na Chardon Rd. v Euclidu. Popoldne ob 3.30 bodo molitve za vse pokojne na pokopališču Vernih duš. Gl. tudi dopis o spominski slovesnosti, ki bo v soboto in nedeljo, 18. in 19. jun., na Pristavi (str. 12). Novi grobovi Jean J. Turk Umrla je 78 let stara Jean J. Turk, rojena Železnik, vdova po Elmerju, mati Fran Johnson, Jean Murphy, Ann Morgan, Cheryl Zidek in Michaela, 10-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, sestra Josephe Strauss, Mary in že pok. Lillian. Pogreb je bil 21. maja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Josephine Gorencic Umrla je 94 let stara Josephine Gorencic, rojena Novsak, hčerka pok. Jožefa in Terezije (Avsec), sestra Therese Novsak in Franka, teta. Pogreb je bil privaten, družinski, v oskrbi Zak zavoda. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Phyllis Marn Umrla je 94 let stara Phyllis Marn, rojena Hiti, vdova po Phillipu, mati Marlene Suhadolnik, Phillipa, Marjorie Kafka, Roberta, Linde Pennington, Lillian Steele, Terry Polšak in že pok. Phyllis, 16-krat stara mati, 22-krat prastara mati, sestra Arlene Loveland ter že pok. Angele Hiti, Virginije Mager, Johna in Rose Summers. Pogreb je bil 24. maja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Jeroma in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rose M. Urbančič Umrla je Rose M. Urbančič, hčerka že pok. Johna in Jennie (r. Novak), sestra Emme Jurcak ter že pok. Johna, Josepha, Jennie Zaletel, Mary Shuster, Sylve-stra in Ann Dulay Hlavin. Pogreb je danes dop. ob 9. uri v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. (DALJE na str. 15) Prva veselica letošnje sezone na Slovenski pristavi bo v nedeljo, 5. junija. Ob 12.30 bo darovana sv. maša, po njej bo na razpolago kosilo in sicer goveji zrezek s prilogami. Za nakaznice, pokličite Bredo Ribič na 440-943-0621, ali pa Margie Žnidaršič na 440-256-9237. Popoldne bo odraslim za ples in dobro voljo igral ansambel Veseli godci, za mlajše bo igrišče, če bo lepo vreme pa se bodo lahko tudi kopali v bazenu. Vsi člani in prijatelji Pristave lepo vabljeni! Krofi in pecivo— Jutri, 27. maja, popoldne, in v soboto dopoldne vabi Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete na prodajo krofov in peciva, to v župnijski dvorani. Pridite! Obetajoči koncert— V soboto, 11. junija, bo v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti imel koncert Vinogradniški oktet iz Šentjerneja. Pričetek bo ob 7h zv., vstopnice so po $7 in jih dobite v župnišču, na voljo bodo tudi na večer koncerta pri vhodu. Če bi želeli rezervirati mizo, pokličite 216-761-7740. Več o prireditvi v dopisu na str. 13. Nasledpja AD 9. junija— Naš list prihodnji teden ne bo izšel, tako bo naslednja številka izšla v četrtek, 9. junija. V tem času bodo pa še delovali pošta, fax in e-mail za dostavo dopisov in krajših vesti, na voljo je vedno tudi naš poštni predal pri vratih. Na občnem zboru— Pretekli petek zvečer je bil v SDD na Waterloo Rd. letni občni zbor Slovenskega doma za ostarele. Sestanek je vodil predsednik di-rektorija Robert Klancher, udeležba je bila dokaj skromna (19 predstavnikov društev in 37 posameznikov), a zanimiva. Med drugim je ustanova ob zadnjem pregledu s strani države Ohio prišla skozi brez ene same kritične pripombe. Načrt za gradnjo novega “kampusa” v Madisonu počasi napreduje, napreduje pa. Tretjina dosedanjih direktorjev je kandidirala za ponovno izvolitev (3-letna doba), vsi so bili soglasno potrjeni. Ti so: Chris Chermely, Phil Hrvatin, Dale Luzar, Milan Ribič in Florence Unetich. V domu stanuje 147 oseb. .Ii tr.lr.»-jl..i I; -i JI-C li.n < .( !i>[ ,71;: > /. .»M.-.:; ;.iL. i rr:-; 1,/hli fcB . iC2t IVO ŽAJDELA Komentar Praznovanje ali spominjanje Te dni je svet praznoval 60. obletnico konec druge svetovne vojne. Nekateri so praznovali, nekateri so dogajanje spremljali z mešanimi občutki, nekateri pa so se z žalostjo spominjali časa druge svetovne vojne. V tistih državah, kjer je šlo “samo” za okupacijo in morda še za upor proti njej, v mnogih državah tega namreč ni bilo, tam so lahko brez težav praznovali. V nekaterih državah so bile žrtve tako velike, poleg Rusije in drugih držav nekdanje Sovjetske zveze, predvsem Poljske, pa tudi Jugoslavije in Nemčije, da pravega veselja ne more biti. V nekaterih državah so se dogajale takšne tragedije, da ni nobenega razloga za praznovanje. Med njimi je gotovo tudi Slovenija, pa čeprav bi nekateri še kar naprej radi proslavljali čase, ko so z množičnimi zločini prišli na oblast. Tako kot pri mnogih drugih terminih, se v Sloveniji tudi izraz osvoboditve še vedno uporablja zelo nekritično. Za nekatere je tisto, kar se je zgodilo maja 1945, res bila osvoboditev. Morda deset ali pa celo dvajset odstotkov Slovencev je takrat res tako čutilo. Za večino pa dogajanje med vojno in po njej nikakor ni pomenilo osvoboditve. Poleg tega, da je zaradi načina odpora, načina, ki je bil podrejen komunističnemu projektu bolj-ševiške revolucije, bilo žrtev - od padlih partizanov, talcev, tudi taboriščnikov, in seveda žrtev revolucije - mnogo preveč. Današnji popis žrtev je prišel že do številke 90.000 mrtvih. To je bil za majhni slovenski narod strahotni davek, ki ga večina drugih evropskih narodov, če se z njimi primerjamo po številu prebivalcev, ni dala. Tudi v Sloveniji bi lahko bilo bistveno drugače, če komunisti odpora ne bi instrumentalizirali za revolucijo, kar je pomenilo, da so pobijali oni in okupator. Ta nevzdržni teror pa je povzročil še obrambno protirevolucijo, ki je v zadnjem letu in pol tudi “zahtevala svoje”. Neko dogajanje vrednotimo predvsem po tem, kakšne posledice je pustilo za seboj. S porazom nacifašizma in s koncem vojne se v Sloveniji niso začeli demokratični procesi. Zmagovalni komunisti so s svojimi vojskami in politično policijo sistematično uničevali in zatirali vse, kar bi jim lahko oteževalo totalitarno oblast. Po vojni so samo nadaljevali svoje medvojno početje: pobijanje političnih nasprotnikov. Predvsem Cerkev jim je bila zelo napoti. Potrebno jo je bilo osramotiti, zastrašiti, uničiti. Že leta 1942 so partizani umorili šestnajst duhovnikov, kasneje pa še veliko več. Po vojni se je to nasilje nadaljevalo in doseglo vrhunec na začetku petdesetih let. Posledice večdesetletnega udbovskega totalitarizma močno čutimo še danes. Naše glavne medije resnica o naši polpreteklosti le malo zanima. Vik in krik zaženejo takrat, ko kdo poskuša vsaj simbolično popraviti krivice iz preteklosti. Zadnja leta skoraj ni tedna, ko ne bi bilo borčev- M ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Direttor WCSB 89.3 FM radio hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb.org skih prireditev, na katerih veseljačijo in proslavljajo svoje zmage in blatijo svoje žrtve. Včasih se zdi, kot da bi bil pust skozi vse leto. Za svojega političnega nasprotnika, ki so ga sistematično in brezobzirno uničevali, ne najdejo poštene besede. Same žaljivke s kolaboracijo in prisego. Kot da jim je malo mar za resnico, za to, da je šlo med vojno pri obojem za izrazito posledico revolucionarnega nasilja. Danes se lahko v Sloveniji veselimo predvsem tega, da smo pred desetletjem in pol zmogli napor in uvedli demokracijo, da smo dobili svojo državo in da smo postali člani visoko razvite demokratične evropske skupnosti narodov. Temnih obdobij, ko je bilo neizmerno veliko grdobij, katerih posledice še zelo čutimo in nas bodo še dolgo spremljale, res ni traba slaviti. Lahko se jih le spominjamo - in o njih končno začnemo pisati resnično zgodovino. DRUŽINA, 15. V. 2005 PRISTAVA - PROSLAVA CLEVELAND, O. - Društvo Tabor, S.P.D., bo imelo svojo spominsko proslavo v nedeljo, 19. junija. Sv. mašo bo ob 12. uri opoldne daroval č. g. Franci Kosem. Spomin bo na 60. obletnico, ko so bili vrnjeni domobranci in četniki, ki so nato bili neusmiljeno pomorjeni od domačih komunistov v Kočevskem rogu in Teharjih. Že prejšnji dan, v soboto, 18. junija, bodo člani Tabora in njih prijatelji krasili Orlov vrh na Slovenski pristavi. Na ta dan bo ob 5. uri pop. pri spominski kapelici na Orlovem vrhu molitev rožnega venca. Vsa slovenska javnost je lepo vabljena, da prisostvuje pri obredih te spominske svečanosti. Posebno naprošamo vse, ki imate narodne noše, če vam je le mogoče, da se udeležite te proslave v njih. Naj bo ta spominska proslava ob 60. obletnici naših umorjenih domobrancev in četnikov res veličastna. Naša misel bo pa tudi na vse naše očete, matere in otroke, ki so bili pomorjeni v času komunistične revolucije v Slveniji. Tabor - F.O.L. Srečanje slovenskih zdravnikov iz sveta... Medicina povezuje in odpira okno v svet Ljubljana - “Pobudo za oblikovanje enotnega slovenskega strokovnega telesa, ki ga bodo sestavljali medicinski strokovnjaki iz vsega sveta, odločno podpiram, ker je takšno povezovanje pomembno za obe strani, zlasti za razvoj slovenske medicinske znanosti in stroke," je izjavil predsednik Slovenskega zdravniškega društva prof. dr. Pavel Poredoš pred začetkom letošnje 4. konference slovenskih zdravnikov iz sveta in Slovenije, ki je bil pod pokroviteljstvom predsednika Janeza Drnovška od 19. do 21. t. m. v novomeškem hotelu Krka. “Menim,” je še dodal prof. Poredoš, “da smo odslej pri nas na tem področju storili premalo in da so možnosti, ki se nam ponujajo s sodelovanjem naših kolegov z vseh koncev sveta, precej neizikoriščene, mi pa prikrajšani za učinkovito izmenjavo kakovostnih strokovnih informacij. Veliko zdravnikov slovenskega rodu zaseda pomembne položaje v uglednih ustanovah po vsem svetu in lahko z izkušnjami ter vplivom na mednarodne strokovne kroge in na pretok znanja pomembno prispevajo k hitrejšemu razvoju slovenske medicine.” Organizatorji, to je Svetovni slovenski kongres v sodelovanju s Slovenskim zdravniškim društvom in Zdravniško zbornico Slovenije, so tridnevni pro- gram konference razdeli v več tematskih sklop0 ki bodo zajemali pr^ vanja in razprave o etik v medicini, preventivi 1 zdravljenju bolezni sr( in ožilja ter več tem področja nevropsihiatrij1 Eden od glavnih cilj1 je predstavitev novosti * omenjenih področjih 11 primerjalna predstavit1 stanja zdravstvene dej° nosti v Sloveniji in v žavah, kjer delujejo hunski strokovnjaki venskega rodu. Izobra^ vanje je namenjeno zdr° nikom splošne medici11 specialistom z omen)011' področij in vsem, hi ^ ukvarjajo z znanstven°rj»( ziskovalnim delom v i*™' dicini. J Med slovenskimi zdrJ’ v niki, ki živijo in delaj0 tujini, bodo nekatera ^ na imena, ki imajo dolgoletne stike z sloV£ skimi zdravstvenimi 'jejj stitucijami ali so se sl 3 udeležili katere od prejšnjih konferenc, kateri pa bodo sV'0: k strokovno delo tokrat P vič predstavili v Slovel ni; To bodo med dTU$ dr. Peter Bonutti, sn‘ cialist kirug ortoped, ^ tanovitelj in vodja Boh^ Clinic v Effingha ZDA,, avtor več patefl11 prof. dr. Voyko KaVCr,1< ki vodi oddelek za flU vodi oddelek za rologijo in predava univerzi Rochester, raziskovalec na pode0' kognitivne znanosti Ji- Ov, heimerjeve bolezni. Dalje, prof. dr. Podgoršek, fizik, ki v° C oddelek za medicinsk0 'Sl ziko in predava na Gill University We' Center v Montreala d je svetovno ugledni 9 kovnjak za stereo-rad^j rapijo in medicinsko ko. 'P Poleg tega bosta s' M1 lovala še prof. dr. M. Zupanc, nevro log111-' dl* ki vodi center za Pe' , trično epilepsijo v dren’s Hospital v zV^ državi Wisconsin, ^ J in Zoran Erjavec. f med., direktor bold11 Delfzicht.r ki je bil časa tudi vodilni str0 1? njak za zdravstvene ^ rovalnice na N#0^ I skem, in drugi. Dragica B<>$ J Delo, rubrika 12. maja 2 Ur. AD: Ni še p°r' ■pt' o konferenci sami H1 nem poteku. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVI STE VEDNO NA TEK0 \ % i * m 6 19- aprila 1941 so ameriški Slovenci v prostorih SNPJ v Chicagu, Illinois dra U8tanovlH Jugoslovanski pomožni odbor - slovensko s&kcijo SANS - in takoj icinf 2ateli zbirati prostovoljne prispevke. Skupna vsota v gotovini in blagu je v jeni* času druge svetovne vojne znašala več kot pol milijona dolarjev ;i * />$EPH VALENČIČ Cleveland, Ohio $ANS: Dediščina pomoči Sloveniji, 1941-1951 T H. a članek je bil objav-s i^v reviji Slovenija.svet, tri ^ Slovenske izseljen-tatice (maj 2005, t(Wca 5vG|| 5, letnik II), v {p j Vetl&ino ga je prevedla joj Maksimovič. Po-je v celoti. sf' Ur. AD 4 im Hada O lar koli je domovini tfiovy V0^na Je potre- X a pomoč za svojo so Slovenci v ‘ rni Ameriki zbirali i^r j ■ dvigali raven oza-l0stl in nudili mo- Podporo. Voditelji ^o-ameriških dru štev in ustanov so odmislili svoje razlike in delovali združeno v dobro svojih rojakov v Sloveniji. O Med prvo svetovno vojno so se Slovenci po vseh Združenih državah Amerike prvič organizirano zavzeli za ustanovitev slovenske države znotraj novoustanovljene Jugoslavije. Tam, kjer je bila kulturna dejavnost Slovencev najmočnejša in najbolj raznolika - v Clevelandu, Chicagu in Pittsburghu z okoliškimi kraji so se ^ drugi obletnici smrti, v nepozabnem ni »ninu na moža, očeta in starega očeta J m 4 4 4 4 i ^‘an Je bU w b°j> ’ ^ upania in trpljenja fji **?en bila je močnejša France Dejak /: n"' od tiv(jenja. Zapustil solzno si dolino, preselil v Boljo domovino, kjer ni trpljenja, kjer ni skrbi, kjer se veseli. Žal^oči; sinovi: V tuji zem(ji zdaj počivaš, pri Bogu srečo ulivaš. hčerka: žena Metka Frank Edi Tony Kristina, vsi z družinami hratje in sestra v Ribnici in v Torontu -o'3 ;ocI .lof ra ; 'i-f-—ku- Dolenjski večer - Nastop Vinogradniškega okteta bo v soboto, 11. junija CLEVELAND, O. - Šentjernej je prijetna večja vas med Krko in Gorjanci, vzhodno iz Novega mesta. Želu uspešno napreduje v razvoju industrije, obrti in pri urejenosti naselij. V Sloveniji je Šentjernej prepoznaven tudi po bližnji kartuziji Pleterje, po cvičku, 120-letni tradiciji kasaških dirk, in po petelinu, ki je simbol kraja. Sama vas ima štiri pevske zbore, tri oktete, pihalni orkester in ansambel narodnozabavne glasbe. Po številnih nastopih doma in v tujini je najbolj zaslovel Šentjernejski oktet, ki slovi še danes, vendar v zasedbi mlajših članov. Starejši člani Šentjernejskega okteta, vedno zvesti petju, so leta 1993 ustanovili Vinogradniški oktet. Kot pridelovalci in poznavalci cvička, najraje prepevajo vinske pesmi. Temu Vinogradniškemu oktetu boste lahko prisluhnili tudi vi. Obiskal vas bo v soboto, 11. junija, ko bo priredil koncert v dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovze-ti. Koncert se bo pričel ob 7. uri zvečer. Prav lepo ste vsi vabljeni. Prav tako bo isti večer nastopila skupina šestih mladih fantov iz Šentjerneja, ki jih druži ljubezen do glasbe in zabave. Fantje so tako imenovani ansambel presenečenja, saj s svojimi edinstvenimi nastopi predvsem popestrijo marsikatero ohcet ali drugo zabavo. Po zasedbi je ansambel klasični kvintet, ki ga sestavljajo trobenta, klarinet, klavirska harmonika, kitara in bariton. Najraje igrajo viže ansambla bratov Avsenik. Obe skupini prideta v spremljavi č. g. župnika Antona Trpina in župana Šentjerneja. Pridite in prisluhnite slovenski pesmi, ki prihaja prav iz lepe Slovenije! države. Pozvani so bili, naj pozabijo na vse medsebojne razlike in združeni delujejo v pomoč domovini. Postalo je očitno, da sta za boljšo učinkovitost nujno potrebna velikopo-teznejše lobiranje in dolgoročnejša strategija podpore. Kongres Je ustanovil SANS, Slovensko-ameriški V LJUBEČ SPOMIN S. OBLETNICE SMRTI naSe drage mame, stare mame, prastare mame PEPCA TOMINC umrla 17. maja 2002 Tri leta so že minila, odkar Tebe več med nami ni. Le pri Bogu mimo zdaj počivaj in sveti raj uživaj. Tvoji žalujoči otroci: Frank, Martin, Maijanca Domanko, Ani Vidmar, Cilka Urbas, in Jože z družinami ter sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. •f.o /,ww/w j.pv narodni svet (Slovenian American National Council), ki naj bi pripomogel k osvoboditvi slovenskega ozemlja in nastanku države Slovencev v okviru svobodne federativne Jugoslavije. Častni predsednik SANS-a je postal slovensko-ameriški pisatelj Louis Adamič. Telegrame so razposlali ameriškemu predsedniku Franklinu D. Rooseveltu, županu Clevelanda Franku Lauschetu ter funkcionarjem v Washington in Evropo. V naslednjih mesecih je Svet vodil obširno informacijsko kampanjo in zbiral prispevke za ustanove v stiski. V ZDA in Kanadi je bilo ustanovljenih več kot sto podružnic SANS-a, ki je sodeloval tudi z združenji Hrvatov in Srbov. Na rednih zborih je sprejemal resolucije o takšnih vprašanjih, kot so zakonske pravice slovenske manjšine v Italiji in Avstriji. Ob nastanku se Svet ni opredelil v političnih sporih, ki so razdelili Slovence v domovini, sčasoma pa se je moral odločiti, katero osvobodilno strujo naj podpre. (DALJE na str. 14) SANS: Dediščina pomoči Sloveniji, 1941-1951 (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Večina voditeljev SANS-a je - tako kot vlada ZDA - podprla Titove partizane, zaradi česar so številni konservativni člani in predstavniki verskih združenj izstopili iz Sveta. Program podpore se je nadaljeval in se bolj osredotočal na posamezne projekte, ki so bili namenjeni predvsem otrokom in invalidom. Po vsej Sloveniji je SANS razdelil milijon ameriških dolarjev v gotovini, hrani, oblačilih, zdravilih in medicinski opremi. (Op. ur. AD: V kolikor razumem, ta vsota vključuje tudi povojne aktivnosti, vsota pol milijona pod fotografijo se omejuje na čas 2. svetovne vojne.) Največji prejemnik je bila Pediatrična klinika v Ljubljani. (Zopet ur. AD: Zadnja leta, ko se v Ljubljani-Sloveniji pripravljajo na gradnjo povsem nove pediatrične klinike oz. bolnišnice, izstopa v slovensko-ameriški skupnosti v ZDA bratska zveza SNPJ, pri kateri je avtor tega članka zelo aktiven, ki je že zbrala še zbira znatna sredstva v korist te nove klinike.) V letih po vojni so na Svet letele številne kritike, ker je sodeloval s komunistično oblastjo v Jugoslaviji. Leta 1948 je njegovo delovanje obrav- navala celo Kongresna komisija za protiameriške dejavnost (House Committee on Un-American Activities, op. ur. AD). Prejemniki pomoči v Sloveniji pa so mu bili hvaležni za podporo, o čemer priča, denimo, tudi posvetilo Slovensko-ame-riškemu narodnemu svetu na tedaj novi zgradbi Pediatrične klinike. Do 1. 1951 je SANS izplačal svoja sredstva in 1. 1953 uradno prenehal delovati. O Uspeh slovensko-ameri-škega narodnega sveta je navdihnil številne organizacije, da so še naprej financirale projekte in se zavzemale v korist Slovenije. Progresivne Slovenke Amerike (Progressive Slovene Women of America, PSWA) so bile še posebej radodarne. Prostovoljke iz lož PSWA so zbirale denar s programi, prodajo slaščic in tombolami. Med njihovimi nakupi so bile knjige v Braillovi pisavi, glasbila za slepe šolarje in pralni stroji za Pediatrično kliniko. Oprema za elektronsko nevrološko testiranje - še eno darilo PSWA - je postala temelj za prvi pediatrični nevrološki oddelek. Slovenska narodna podporna jednota, SNPJ (Slovene National Benefit So- ciety), še danes pomaga Pediatrični kliniki s prispevki in iztržki vsakoletnega tekmovanja v golfu. Združenji SNPJ in PSWA sta bili odločilni tudi za ustanovitev jugoslovanskega generalnega konzulata v Clevelandu, ki ga je vodil Slovenec. Ameriški Slovenci so se tretjič združili v korist svoje domovine 1. 1991. Ko je pobuda Slovenije za samostojnost in odcepitev od Jugoslavije naletela na nasilje, so sloven-sko-ameriške organizacije ukrepali pod zaščito Združenih Američanov za Slovenijo (United Americans for Slovenia). Prostovoljci so zbirali naslove, organizirali telefonske pogovore z Belo hišo in razpošiljali peticije, naj ZDA priznajo Slovenijo kot neodvisno demokratično državo. Nekdanje rivalstvo med različnimi skupinami je bilo le še spomin. Leta 1996 s se prizadevanja nadaljevala s poskusi pridobitve ameriškega soglasja za članstvo Slovenije v NATO. Američani slovenskega rodu so dokazali, da so s svojimi sposobnostmi in viri vedno pripravljeni priskočiti na pomoč Sloveniji, kadar jih ta naj- V BLAG SPOMIN ob tretji obletnici smrti našega ljubega moža, očeta, starega očeta, brata in strica Marijan Gašperšič ki nas je prezgodaj zapustil Rojen 10. avgusta 1944 Umrl 4. junija 2001 v Begunjah, Slovenija Štiri leta so že minila, kar Te več med nami ni. Naše misli so pri Tebi, kjer uživaš srečo Ti. Srečno uživaj zdaj pri Bogu, rešen vseh si zemeljskih skrbi. Žalujoči: Žena - Francka Sin - Mario z ženo Deanna Hčerka - Erika in mož Paul Vnuka - Anthony in lan Vnukinja - Christina Brat in sestra z družinama v Sloveniji OB ŠTIRIDESETI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINULA NAŠA DRAGA ALOJZIJA RUS ki je v cvetu mladosti umrla dne 26. maja 1965 Če bi ljubezen govorila, in solza mrtve obudila, ne krila Te bi gomila. Žalujoči: VSI NJENI! bolj potrebuje. Slovenija je danes s članstvom v Združenih narodih, NATU in Evropski uniji dosegla polnopraven status kot državni narod in kot demokracija. Slovenskim skupnostim v ZDA morda nikoli več ne bo treba stopiti sl® paj v podporo svoji df movini. Če pa bo sp nastopilo krizno obdob' se Slovenci lahko zane* jo na svoje bratranec druge stremi oceana. (KONEC) ovaden za Mitja Ribičič genocid - Prva poročila (Urednikovo pojasnilo: Tik pred zaključkom dakcije za današnjo številko, to je sicer v sredo traj, je telefoniral iz IVashingtona Stane Šuštet^ novico, da je bil bivši drugi človek nekdanje $ Mitja Ribičič - o njem je v intervjuju, ponatisnjen v tem listu pred tedni imel precej povedati ^ Svetina - ravno ovaden za genocid. Nato je g. šič faksiral poročila, ki so iz Dela, mariborskega ^ era in STA. Nekaj teh poročil je spodaj posh nih. Ker vsa obravnavajo bolj ali manj isto zadev0’ tu in tam ponavljajo, ker pa se AD ne bo oglasi dva tedna, sem skušal ponatisniti čim več. Braid imajo dostop do Interneta oz. lahko poslušajo & ske oddaje, bodo lahko ostali bolj na tekočetD' vrnitvi s številko AD za 9. junij pa nameravam viti še kaj bolj sveža poročila. d Policija poslala tožilstvu ovadbo za genocid ob koncu druge svetovne vojne Mitja Ribičič je ovaden Drugega človeka Ozne v Sloveniji ovadb* bremeni sostorilstva pri kaznivem dejani11 genocida; gre za smrt 234 ljudi (Večer, Maribor, 25. maj) - Tožilstvo je od P0*1' ki v sodelovanju s tožilci že več let preiskuje P0^ zunajsodne poboje (to je znana akcija Sprava). d , ovado, ki bi lahko spremenila tukajšnje pravos ukvarjanje s povojnimi zunajsodnimi poboji, sh10 vedeli iz zanesljivih virov. Ovaden je Mitja RibiČ*^ bičič pa ni kdorkoli. Drugega človeka Ozne v Sl° ji ovadba bremeni poveljniške odgovornosti °zU sostorilstva pri kaznivem dejanju genocida. Sokr*v bi bil smrti 234 ljudi iz različnih koncev Sl°ve vsi so bili ob koncu druge svetovne vojne, v juniju 1945, priporniki Ozne. Imajo imena in Pr vsi so bili vpisani v oznovski register, ki se je (DALJE na str. 15)___ niai11 rt, 46. SLOVENSKI DAN 14. DAN SLOVENSKE DRŽAVNOSTI 150. jubilej škofovske odgovornosti škofa Friderika Barage v Kanadi ^ nedeljo, 3. julija 2005, na Slovenskem letovišču pri Boltonu, Ontario Ob. 11. uri dopoldne sv. maša Po sv. maši v Baragovem domu - kosilo Ob 2. uri popoldne - kulturni program Glavni govornik bo g. Tone Zrnec, C.M., avtor knjige “Po Baragovi deželi” Tema govora: “Baragova veličina v Kanadi” Govornica mladine bo gdč. Stephanie Kranjec Po kulturnem programu - zabava s plesom I n v ali' ovfl Letos Je 150 let, odkar je škof Friderik Baraga Prevzel odgovornost za večji del province Ontario, vse Thunder Baya do Toronta. Na severni strani jezera Superior, v kraju Goulais Bay, Ontario, je zgradil cer-ev Our Lady of Sorrows, ki še danes služi domači-norn- Kanada ceni Baragove doprinose in mu je ob °menjeni cerkvi provinca Ontario postavila zgodovin-sko in zahvalno spominsko ploščo. Na podlagi tega P°niembnega zgodovinskega dogodka v zvezi s škofom ^agom, lahko trdimo, da je leto 1855 temelj za Slovence v Kanadi. iS^ Kanadska slovenski skupnost - KSS vljudno vabi vse Slovenke in Slovence na 46. Slovenski dan y dobrodošli - Na svidenje na praznovanju! Za odbor KSS: koordinator Stane Kranjc Mitja Ribičič je ovaden (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) časom našel in je podlaga policijske ovadbe. Policija naj bi v njej dokazovala neposredno povezavo med temi žrtvami in Ribičičem Ozne. Kaj se bo zdaj dogajalo z ovadbo, je odvisno od tožilcev. Pri vrhovnem državnem tožilstvu o tem še ne želijo govoriti. Do zdaj pa pri povojnem zu-najsodnem pomoru nikoli ni bilo mogoče najti trdne zveze med žrtvami in storilci, priče so molčale, prav tako tisti, ki vedo, kako se je pomor zgodil. Torej medvojni in povojni slovenski politični vrh, z Mitjo Ribičičem vred. Vse ovadbe so bile do zdaj razpisane proti neznanim storilcem, zbrani dokazi pa, tako so odločili tožilci, niso zadoščali za kazenski postopek zoper kogarkoli. Opazovalci so komentirali, da je tako zato, ker se ne preiskuje od zgoraj ___ Listen to fl^THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 kot visokim uslužbencem navzdol, torej tudi na najodgovornejših položajih ob koncu vojne, ampak obratno, od spodaj navzgor. To se zdaj očitno spreminja, policija je pripravila prvo ovadbo, ki ima ime. In ime imajo. tudi ljudje, katerih smrt je povzročila njen nastanek. Vanessa Čoki O Ribičič se še ni odzval (Delo, po STA, AP, 25. maj) - Nekdanji pripadnik in visoki funkcionar v SFRJ Ozne Mitja Ribičič še ni komentiral ovadbe, ki ga bremeni storitve kaznivega dejanja genocida, oziroma "odgovornosti za poboje po drugi svetovni vojni, izvedene brez pravnega postopka”, kot je poročala tiskovna agencija AP. Nekdanjega visokega funkcionarja v SFRJ in pripadnika Ozne je policija ovadila zaradi storitve kaznivega dejanja genocida po 373. členu kazenskega zakonika, za kar mu grozi najmanj deset let zaporne kazni. Ovadba je sad policijske akcije Sprava, ki poteka od leta 2001, genocid pa sodi med zločine, ki nikoli ne zastarajo. Policijska akcija Sprava poteka že od leta 2001 O ovadbi poročajo tudi svetovne agencije. Agencija AP med drugim povzema besede Petra Jamnika, kriminalista na generalni policijski upravi, ki je dejal, da Je 86-letni Ribičič osumljen odgovornosti za izvensodne povojne poboje. Dokument, ki dokazuje povezavo med civilnimi žrtvami pobojev in Mitjo Ribičičem, je Jamnik našel v Arhivu Slovenije. V nekem registru pripornikov je polovica od 12 tisoč oseb ljudi vpisanih z njegovim soglasjem, kot je poročala TVS, z “glasom tovariša majorja Mitje”, od tega pa naj bi bilo 234 oseb nedvomno žrtev povojnih pobojev, je povedal Jamnik. O Ur. AD: Odstavek v še drugem poročilu v Delu z dne 25. maja: “Ribičič je bil med drugim nekdanji pomočnik načelnika Ozne, oddelka za zaščito naroda, varnostno-obveščalne službe SFRJ, ki je bila ustanovljena 13. maja 1944. Pred enajstimi leti je sicer pričal pred državnozborsko komisijo o povojnih pobojih, kjer je povedal, da je bil odgovoren le za preiskave aretiranih oseb v domovini, pri pobojih pa naj ne bi sodeloval.” A A Umetnina p. Marka Ivana Rupnika v Bariju NOVI GROBOVI Ob italijanskem narodnem evharističnem kongresu je slovenski umetnik p. Marko Ivan Rupnik s sodelavci v cerkvi sv. Pashala v Bariju pred kraklm postavil mogočen mozaik s temo »Dies Domini - Gospodov dan«. »Brez nedelje ne moremo živeti« je namreč tema evharističnega kongresa (od 21. do 29. maja), škofijo Bari pa je italijanska škofovska konferenca izbrala, ker jo je papež Janez Pavel II. opredelil kot most med Vzhodom In Zahodom, saj je varuhinja relikvij sv. Miklavža. »Mozaik se navezuje na to, kar pravi papež: je konkretno pričevanje o tem, kako tudi Zahod sprejema darove, ki jih hrani Vzhod. Evharistični kongres je edinstvena priložnost za izmenjavo darov,« je za tiskovno agencijo Zenit povedal p. Rupnik. Pri upodobitvi »Dies domini« je v gornjem delu apside prikazan prihod Svetega Duha, ki se spušča nad apostole, sedeče okrog mize; na mizi je Križani (na fotografiji), ob njegovem vznožju pa vstajenje. Bari bo cilj prvega potovanja Benedikta XVI. na dan sv. Rešnjega telesa ob koncu kongresa. »Benedikt XVI. bo presenečenje,« je ob misli na j novega papeža za Zenit dejal p. Rupnik, i »Časi so zreli in znal bo vplivati na tek zgo-• dovine. Benedikt XVI. je velik teolog, obdarjen z globoko duhovnostjo. To sta značilno-| sti, ki mu bosta omogočili dejanja in do-' godke, ki bodo izpričali občestvo in edi-j nost.« Foto Arhiv Centro Aletti mmm (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Rosemary A. Tekavec Umrla je 67 let stara Rosemary A. Tekavec, rojena Baltrus, žena Ronalda, mati Michaela, sestra Janet Zinc ter se pok. Connie Geosano in Jamesa. Pogrebni obredi bodo nocoj ob 7.30 v pogrebnem zavodu Jakubs and Son na 936 E. 185 St. v Clevelandu. Prijatel’s Pharmacy St Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA 'ZARAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS RS(DRUŽINA, 15.V.2005) : IMitltt liJV rrtotuuiA Zaposlitev ponujamo Iščemo zanesljive, vestne ženske za čiščenje domov strank dnevno. Konkurenčna plača! Pokličite: Bina, na (216) 321-9393. (Ne ob sobotah, prosimo) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1571. Iz Francoske Gvineje se je oglasil misijonar p.Hugo Delčnjak in piše: “Spoštovana! Pred dnevi sem prejel Vaše pismo in Vaš priloženi ček. To je velik dar in kot tak v veliko pomoč premagovanju vsakodnevnih težav, ki jih nikjer ne manjka. Vam in vsem dobrotnikom izrekam iskreno zahvalo, Očeta pa, ki vidi na skrivnem, prosim, da Vašo darežljivost po svoji modrosti nagradi. Res je, da sem lansko leto ne samo spremenil kraj, ampak tudi deželo. Iz Venezuele sem moral na hitro oditi (pobegniti), ker so mi grozili s smrtjo s strani roparjev, ki so mi vse pobrali. Odšel sem v Francosko Gvinejo, to je francoska kolonija, stisnjena med Surinamom in Brazilijo. Vsa pokrajina je en sam pragozd, ogromno rek, ki se vijejo počasi po nižinah pragozda. Cesta je praktično samo ena blizu morske obale Atlantika, v notranjosti se uporablja samo čoln. Prebivalci so v glavnem črnci in Indijanci, belci so samo uslužbenci, to se pravi - tujska legija, višji uradniki, zdravniki... V škofiji nas je 32 duhovnikov, od teh so samo trije domačini, ostali smo pa kar iz 16 držav iz celin j Evrope, Afrike in Severne Amerike. Dela nam ne manjka. Ljudje so sprejemljivi za božje oznanilo, pričakujejo pa seveda tudi, da jim pomagamo v vseh mogočih stiskah življenja, posebno mladim družinam z mnogimi otroki, kjer večkrat sta oče in mati brez dela. V župniji deluje tudi Karitas. Za konec tudi jaz želim vsem najlepše v tem letu, predvsem zdravja. Lep pozdrav, p. Hugo.” Priložil je tudi fotografijo, kako hodijo po pošto v nabiralnike. Iz Zambije se je oglasil misijonar p. Janez Mlakar in piše: “Draga gospa! Prav lepa hvala za pismo, božične in novoletne pozdrave, predvsem pa denarno pomoč, ki sem jo prejel preko g. Podgrajška. Lepa rešitev, da gredo finančne zadeve po tej poti. Še enkrat hvala za Vašo požrtvovalnost, ko povezujete naše potrebe in nas misijonarje z dobrotniki. Prav lepa hvala tudi našim dobrotnikom, ki jim bo Bog na poseben način povrnil. Moje delo je zelo raznoliko. Poleg pastoralnega dela in gradenj oziroma vzdrževanja, kar je že zgrajenega, se v zadnjem času ukvarjam tudi s pomočjo družinam, ki imajo Aids bolnika v hiši, ali otrokom, ki so sirote. Našli so se dobrotniki, ki pomagajo finančno in škofija razporeja to pomoč po župnijah. Župniki smo tako imenovani “managing agents”, da ne pride do korupcije... Pastoralno delo opravljam s pomočjo katehistov, ki jih za to delo usposabljam z rednim treningom. Veliko tudi potujem, ker je področje župnije veliko, je nad 20 podružnic in gre veliko denarja za gorivo. Vse dobrotnike lepo pozdravlja Janez Mlakar.” Obe pismi sta zelo zanimivi, ko vsak misijonar na svoj način sprejema pomoč in jo tudi razdaja v svoji okolici. Hvala Bogu za vse dobrotnike, da lahko po njih dobroti delimo pomoč misijonarjem. Oni so velikokrat edina rešitev v sili razmer. Med našimi dobrotniki je tudi nekaj bolnikov, ki potrebujejo naših molitev, da bodo lažje prenašali težo bolezni. Spomnimo se jih in jih priporočimo Majniški Kraljici, naj jih ona sprejme v svoje varstvo. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewbod Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Zamolčane zgodbe počasi prihajajo na dan... MOJ MAJ 1945 Trst - V teh dneh se ni bilo čutiti z nobene spominjamo dogodkov ob strani, koncu druge svetovne voj- Zato sem, sledeč brane. Ti spomini Slovence tovemu zgledu, o tem ra- navdajajo z različnimi ob- je molčala in na tak na- čutki: za ene so to dnevi, čin dolga desetletja tiho zmagoslavja, za druge gojila pošten spomin na dnevi grenkobe in žalo- svojega očeta in njegovo vanja. čast. Moram pa priznati, Sama spadam med sle- da ni lahko, ko ne doži- dnje - in to ne zato, ker viš sočutja okolice ob ta- se ne bi veselila propada ko tragično izgubo očeta, fašizma in nacizma, pač Moj oče je bil zaradi pa zato, ker se je v tistih antifašistične dejavnosti usodnih dneh za mojo na drugem tržaškem pro- družino in za ves sloven- cesu najprej obsojen na ski narod mrtvaški ples smrt, nato pa na dosmrt- šele začenjal. Fašizem in no ječo. Po kapitulaciji nacizem sta bila očitno Italije se je iz zapora na uvertura v grozodejstva Elbi vrnil v Trst, kjer je komunistične diktature. dočakal težko pričakova- Naj bo ta zapis skromen no osvboditev. prispevek k spominu na Ni je dolgo užival, ker razsežnost dogodkov iz ga je že po nekaj tednih tistega časa. varnostna služba jugoslo- A vanske uprave v Trstu aretirala in poslala ne- V vseh letih po vojni . , , , ^ J znano kam. Skozi petde-smo bili doma prepriča- set ,et nismo izvedeli no_ ni, da je moj oče maja bene podrobnosti Q oče. 1945 postal žrtev nasilja tovem izginotju jugoslovanskih oblasti, a Nekaj podatkov Q tem nismo vedeli, kdaj, kako temnem času smQ dobm in kje ga je doletela smrt. šde po osamosvojitvi slo. Mama se je zaposlila kot veniJe. res k nekaJ pQ_ uradnica na Primorskem datkov ker manjka še dnevniku in kot vojna vedno zaključek očetove vdova je dobivala tudi življenjske zgodbei nam. majhno pokojnino od Ita- reč kdaJ kako in kje so lije. Prebivali smo v Bar- iikvldirali. kovljah pri Trstu in midva z bratom sva bila Je e<^ini me