bibliografîja-novosti (knjig in tematskih številk revij)_ Iz dokumentacije Osrednje drutboslovnc knjiinicc Jožeta Goričarja OBCA SOCIOLOÖUA SOCIOLOŠKE TEORUE POSEBNE SOCIOLOGUE A NEW Dlctioiui>' o( the »dil kkikci. N« Yort AMi-nc PubiBhing Company. 1979 Signaturi: SI-II 16 875 ATTAU Jacques. Povijesi vremena Zagreb: August Cei^arec. 1992 Signatura 51-17 730 BELL Daniel: the winding passage: sociological essavs and ioumeys- New Brunswick; l.ondon: Transaciion Publnheis. 1991 Signatura 5MI 16 876 BOURDIELI Pierre: Distinction: A socUl critique o« the ludgemcnt ol taste London: Routledge. 1992 Signatma: 51-11 16 912 HABERMAS Juergcn: The structural transformation ol the public sphere, an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society. Cambridge MFt Press. 1991 Signatura: Sl-H 16 920 HINE Thomas: Faang tomorrow: what the future has hen. what the future can be. New York. Alfred A. Knopf. 1991 Signatura: 51 HI 3651 KAY Diana: Refugees or migrant workers: european volunteer wotkeis in Britain 194(i-1951. l.oodon: New York: Routledge 1992 Signatura: 51-n 16 9U KREMŽAR Marko: Prevrat in spreobrn|enic premitl|an|e o dveh smereh k dniibeni preosnovi- Celje: MohofK-va dru«». 1992 Signatura: 51-17 734 RETHINKING Progie«: movements, forecet and ideas at the end of the 20th century. Umdun; BoMon: Unwui Hyman. 1990 Signatura: 51-11 16 872 SILVERMAN Maxim Deconstructing the nation: immigration. racism and ciiijccnship in modem EraiKc Ixindon: New York: Routledge. 1992 Signatura: 51-11 16 947 ADVANCED loaetics at the throshold o< the third millenium (cofitintution). Revue intematioaale de sociologie.( 1992)2 (tematska itevilka) Signatura: 5I-P 40.36 AIDS; A problem for Sociological Research Current Sociology . 40(1992)3 (tematska itevilka) Signatura: Sl-P 3165 AMERICA'S Childhood Daedalus. 122 (1993)1 (tematska ttevilka) Signatura: 51-P3015 LES FORMES de U violence IXe collogue annuel du Groupe d'Etude -Pratiques Sociales et Theonev. Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto. 30(1992)94 (tematska «tesil ka) Signatura 51P 4031 SEX segregation and gender stratification Work and Occupations. 19(1992)4 (tcmatska Uevilka) Signatura: 51 P 3171 SPECIAL Edition on Social Stratirication and Social Mobi-Illy European Soaological Review. 8(1992)3 (tematska itevilka) Signatura 5I-P 3194 THE SOCIAL theory and contemporary relevance of Thontein Veblen Revue Internationale de iociologie, (1992)3 (tematska ttcvilka) Signatura 51-P4a36 POLmCNE VEDE. POLmi^NE TEORIJE. OBCA POLrrOLOGIJA BOBBIO Norbeno: Liberalicam i demokraaja. Zagreb: Novi Liber. 1992 Signatura 51-17 748-3 DEMOCRACY theory and practice Belmont Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1992 Signatura 51-11 16 921 DEMOKRACUA in poliuena kultura: tbomik L|ubl|ana: Ena|sia univcna. 1992 Signatura: 51-17 729 FINK-Hafner Danica. Nova družbena gibania - tubtekti politlCne inovaaje. Ljubljana: Fakulteta u druibene vede, 1992 Signatura 5117 613-3 GRAD Franc: Novi volilni sivtem z volilno zakonodajo Ljubljana: Institut za javno upravo pn Pravni fakulteti. 1992 Signatura: 51-6006-35 KAESLER Ditk. Albers Hans Peter Der politische Skandal: zur syriKibobschen und dramaturgischen Oualita-et von Politik Opladen Westdeutscher Verlag. 1991 Signatura 51-17 684 MARrrAIN Jacques Covjek I država Zagreb Globus. 1992 Signatura: 51-17 761 POILmCAL theory today Stanford: Stantord University Press. 1991 Signatura: 51-11 16 928 RCX'HE Maurice- Rethinking dtizcnsfaip: welfare, ideology and changc in modern society Cambridge: Polity Press. 1992 Signatura: 51-16 907 RUSH Michael Politics and lociety: na introductioa to political sociology. New York: London: Premice Hall. 1992 Signatura: 51-11 16 932 SODOBNI liberalizem: zbormk Ljubljana: Krt. 1992 Signatura: 51-S 16 384.84 ZAMETICA John The Yugoiljv conflkt: an analyin of causes of the Yugoslas- war. the policies of the lepu-blics and the regional and international implications of the conflict. Loadon: The tntematinnal institute foi uruegic studies. I<»92 Signatuta 51 11 15 454-270 CAPITALISM. Socialism and Democracs Revisited European Journal of Political Research. 23(1993)2 (tematska Ocvilka) Signatura: 5 I P 30«4 DES IDENTITES en politique II Revue française de science pobtique. 42(1992)5 (tematska iievilkal Signalura 5 I P 4011 Ollford; CUrendon Press. 1992 Signatur«: 5111 16 9(18 WALLERSTEIN Immanuel: Geopolitics, andgeoculture: e»bl)ana: Državna aložba Slovenije. 1992 Signatura 51-17 732 KITSCIIELT Hertiert: The k>gKsol party formation: ecological politics in Belgium and West Germany. Ithaca: London: Cornell Univeisity Press 1989 Signatura: 5I-III 3648 POLITICAL parties in the Third World, [.ondon; Newbury Park: Sage. 1990 Signatuta 51-11 16 930 POLITICAL patties of the world Harkrw: Longman. 1988 Signatura: 51-111 3662 TRADE Unions of Ihe World 1992-93 Harlow Longman. 1991 Stgnitura. 51-111 36MI TRANSITIONS from authuritaiian rule Baliimore: London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1986 Signatura: 51-11 16 922 WESTERN cutopean political parties: a conprehensise guide. Harlow: Ixmgnun. 1989 Signatuta: 51-111 .3659 POLITICAL data Korbook 1992 (1 January 1991-1. January 1992) European Journal of Political Research. 22(1992)4 (tematska Uevilka) Signatura 51 P 3064 MEDNARODNI POIJTI<>JI ODNOSI NOVINARSTVO KOMUNIKOLOGUA CREATING Copy and Makmg News Critical Studies in Mass Communication. 9(1992)1 (tematska itevilka) Signatura: 51-P 600« CRITICAL Demography Critical Studies in Mass Commumcation. 9(1992)4 (tematska itevilka) Signatura: 51-P 6006 lAMCR's international communication section: selected papers Gaiette. 50(1992)2-3 (tematska UevUka) Signatura: 51-P 3020 SYMPOSIUM; Communication Scholarship and Political Correcineu. Journal ol Communication. 42(1992)2 (tematska Itevilka) Signatura: SI P 3055 METODOLOGUA SOFTWARE development and reality construction Berlin; Heidelberg: Spnnger-Verlag. 1992 Signalura: 51-111 3649 TESTS (or Stiuctutal Fj^uation Models Sociological Methods and Research. 21(1992)2 (tematska itevilka) Signalura: 51-P 3075 FOREIGN policy in world politics Englewood CliHs: Prentice Hall. 1992 Signatura 51-11 16 929 FROM Helsinki to Vienna: basK documems of the Helsin ki process Dordrecht. Utrecht: Martinus NijhofI Publishers in co-operation with Europa Institu 1.1991 Signatura 51-111 3647 GEORGE Stephen: Politics and pohcy in the European community Oxford: Otfotd University Press. 1992 Signatura: 51-11 16 909 GILL Stephen: American hegemony and the Trilateral Commission Cambridge: New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991 Signatura 51-11 16 811-5 NUTTAIX Simon J.: European pobtical co-operation RLOZOnJA BARRETT Cyril: Wittgenstein on ethKS and religious beh-ef. Oitford: Cambridge Blackwcll. 1991 Signatuta: 51-11 16 944 BECK Ubkh: Risk society. towards a new modemity London: Newbury Park: Sage. 1992 Signatura 51-11 16 879 CALLINICOS AI«: Against Postmodernism a Marxist Critique New Yoik: St Martin s Press. 1990 Signatura: 51-11 16 871 GELLNER Emest: Postmodernism. Reason and Religion London; New York: Routledge. 1992 Signatura: 51-17 715 HUS&ERL Edmund: FiltuoTiji kol suoga zniinou Ljub-Ijana: >Faiomenolatko druitvo-. 1991 Sifnaluia SI-17 738-1 THEODOR W Adomo New German Cnixiue. 19(1992)56 lieinauka «esnl-ka) Sifnalura 51-P3I97 MANAGEMENT MARKETING. ORGANlZAajSKE VEDE OlURCIULi. Gilbert A : Baue markeiing research Forth Worth: Philadelphia TTie Dryden Pre». 1992 Signatura 51-111 3655 CRAVENS David W.: Straiegic marketing Homewood. IL; Boston. MA: Irwin. 1991 Signatura: 5I III 3652 DONALDSON John: Busine» ethics: a european casebook. principles, examples, cases, codes. Umdon. San Diego: Acadcmi Press. 1992 Signatura: 51 II 16 937 EVANS Roger Ustvaijalni manager Ljubljana: Alpha center. 1992 Signaiura: 51-17 733 HENDERSON Verne E.: What s eiliical business New York: McGraw-HiU. 1992 Signatura 51-11 16 936 KOTLER Phihp Nova konkurenca srečanje t markeim-ikim izzivom z Daljnega vzhoda. Ljubljana: Gospodarski vestnik. 1992 Signatura: 51-17 721 LOVELOCK Chrislophcr H : Managing services: marketing. operations, and human resources. Englewood Cblfs: PreniKX Hall. 1992 Signatura 51-11 16 933 OSREDECKI Eduard. Posknm bonion: kultura poslovnega komuniciranja- Ljubljaiia- Tehiutka zaiolba Slov-e-nige. 1992 Signatura: 51 III 3671 SOLOMON Michael R Consumer behavior: buying, having, and being Boston- London Allyn and Bacon. 1992 Signatura: 5I IU 3653 THE THIRC sector: cotnparativc studies of nonprofit orgMitanoas Berlin Waller dc Gniytcr. 199(1 Signaiura: 51-11 16 946-21 THE VALUES of Ihe enterprise culture: the moral debate London: Ne« York: Routledge. 1992 Signatuia: 51 11 16 942 THORN Jeremy C.: How to negotiate bellet deals. London: Mercury Books Division o( W H Allen & Co.. 19119 Signatura: 51-11 16 870 pcTspectiv«. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. 1989 Signatura: 51-11 16 931 EKONOMUA. MEDNARODNO GOSPODARSTVO BANNOCK Graham. Baxter R E.. Davis Evan: The Penguin diciionary'of economics London -ca.-: Penguin. 1992 Signatura: 51-17 740 BANNOCK Graham: Tile Penguin international dictiotu-ry of fuiance. London: Penguin. 1990 Signaiura: 51-17 735 BORAK Neven: SpoCetjc ekonomske samoitojnosii Ljubljana: Znanstveno in jsuMictstiCno srediiCe. 1992 Signatura: 51-17 666-2/92 FRIEDMAN Milton: Kapilalizam i sloboda Zagreb: Globus; Skolska knjiga. 1992 Signaiura: 51-17 760 GREEMER MICHAEL Tile Penguin business diaionary London: Penguin. 1987 Signaiura: 51-17 741 MARKETS, hierarchies and networks: the Coordination 0« social life London; Newbury Park: Sage. 1991 Signatura 51-11 16 874 NASH Rodench Frazier: The nghis of nature: a history of enviromental cthic%. Madison, l-ondon: The University of Wisconsin Press. 1989 Signatura: 51-11 16 926 PRIVATIZACUA na Slovenskem 1990-1992: zbornik Ljub^ana Slos-enski iniiiiuiu za management; Drlav-na založba Slosenijc. 1993 Signatura: 51-17 734 TESLER Lester G.: Theories of competition New York. Amsterdam: North-HolUnd. 1988 Signaiura: 51-11 16 877 VOGEL David Fluctuating fortunes: the political power of business in America .New York-: Basic Books. 1989 Signatura: 51-17 719 VI'JOSEVIC Niko: Sistemi kakovosti po ISO 9000: smernice za zgradbo sistemov kakovosti Ljubljana' Gospodarski vestnik. 1992 Signaiura: 51-17 726 AT-HOME Income Generation - Pan Twv Journal of Family and Economic Issues. I3 Cam-brulfc. London: Cambnd|!e University Pre». 19X6 Signatura: Sl-ll 16 «80 lACQUARD Albert. Endangered by science? Ne« York: Columbu University Pre«. 1985 Signatura: 51-11 16 K6lt KIRN Andre): Ekoloika (okolgska) elika Manbor Aram. 1992 Signatura 51 III 3676 OEKOLOGIsaiE TheobgK perspektiven rut orientli-erung Suttgart: Kreuz Verlag. I9lt9 Signatura: 51-17 701 PE RUTZ Mat Is science nccessarv: essays on science and scientists Olford. New York: Oxford Universily Press. 1991 Signatura 51-17 699 ULE Andrei. Sodobne teoeijc jnanosti. I.iubl)ana: Znanstveno in pubbcBtitno srediiec. 1992 Signatura 51-17 620-5/92 UNDERSTANDING Saentific Misconduct What Dc We Know' Kno«ledgc. 14(1992)2 (lemaLska ttevilka) Signatura: 5|.P 3134 UMETNOST KULTURA JEZIKOSLOVJE BERNIK France: Študije o slovenski poenji Ljubljana: Drtavna zalolba Sknentje. 1993 Signatura: 51-17 745 (TIAMBERS nim and televis»« handbook Edinburgh Chambers. 1991 Signatura: 51 11 16 962 PAGLIA Camille: Sexual penonae: art and decadence from Nefertiti lo Emily Dickuison London: New Haven Yale Unisenity Press. 1990 Signatura 5I-III 3650 PELIKAN Jaroslav: Imago Dei: the Byzantine apologia for icons. New Haven. London: Vale University. 1990 Signatura: 51-111 3654 TAFfRl Manfredo- Benetke in renesanu. religija, znanost. arhitektura Ljubljana: Študentska organizacija Univerze. 1992 Signatura 51-S 16 384-52 IZOBRAŽEVANJE PEDAGOGIKA APPLE Michael W.: ŠoU. uAtelj in oblast Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicisiitno sredUfe. 1992 Signatura 51-17 620-7/92 SOCIALNA POLITIKA ZDRAVSTVENA POLITIKA ARMUT im modernen Wohlfahrtsstaat Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 44(1992)32 (tematska ttevilka) Signatura 51.P 3223 RACISM and education Critical Social Policy. 12( 1992-93)36(tematska ttevilka) Signatura 51-P 3136 ZWISaiEN Markt und Staat Dritter Sektor und Neue Soziale Bewegungen Forschungsjoumal Neue Soziale Bewegungen. 5(1992)4 (tematska ttevilka) Signatura 51-P 3241 RFJ.IG1JA BELLOMI Lorenzo: Meje in mostovi: razprave, nagovori, dokumenti. Trst: Zalotnittvo Titalkega tiska. 1992 Signatura 51-17 723 CALVOCORESSl Peter kdo je kdo v Bibliji Ljubljana: Drtavna zaloJba Stovenije. 1993 Signatura: 51-17 746 GOUEV^(^EK Alenka: New age in krt^nstvo. Koper: OgniiUe. 1992 Signatura 51-17 756 MARCGUIRE Meredith B : ReUgion the social conte«. Belmunt Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1992 Signatura 51-11 16 943 TRANSE et possesion. Archn-es dc saences sociales des religioos. 37( 1992)79 (tematska ttevilka) Signatura: 51-P 4001 ZGODOVINA PRUNK janko: Slovenski narodni szpoo: narodna politika I76ft-1992, Ljubljana DZS, 1992 Signatura: 51-17 747 RUPEL Dimitrij: Slovenske slovnnosti in vsakdanjosti: 18«8-19g« Manbor Obzona, 1990 Signatura: 51-1 2523-106 VIAULT Birdsall S, Modem European history. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990 Signatura: 51-17 744 SPOL w spolnost in extremis. Borec, 45(1993)1-2 (tematika ttevilka) Signatura: 5l'Pg