voj iški 4 sv Sina j ni ;da E )95 Let Not The Lfcjht Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Americ LZSZ-lOZZZ VA NOiLGNIrIHV OT/.T mv an asnoHimoo xoei V-a T Q6LZZO VfNVAVHH NVTIW x$ Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 AmericanSlovenians 01 ■ 100 ~ No. 10 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C arie do- uth ncy 13- He- Jo- ilm, nie, 5 je )ve- -kvi na Da- 510- eki .nd, ost- /ec. ase-De-era1 tnc. ok-ina-erbi SV’ a if; .ko- ntla ;ni- yjf- iine crat :ara ick. i if bil •kvi na Aloysius Cardinal Ambrožič kneels before Pope John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square on Saturday, Feb. 21 to receive the biretta (Cardinal’s hat). Ambrožič elevated to Pope’s inner circle by Leslie Scrivener -—— Sunday Star VATICAN city - I ererrtony that drew hum P‘8nms and high-rank A,Pal knights, Toronl »oysius Ambrožič, v s never forgotten his o SCSt °ri8ins’ became ?d'nal of ,he Ron th°hc Church. of back of the cro ter,20’000 seated in St. ] p ,S Square on Saturd ruary 21, were pilgri brightChlle’ Shivering in be(f 'Uoming air. They 1 u waiting for two hour; befnJ the front’ arriving j P- C tbe cardinals a kn; Jobn paul II, w< sashes' dipl°matS Wiv 3nd Piumcd hats, w an(jCs 'n high lace mantil ' ^ack gowns, w iwsfcst PeKr-saCrOSS ' between, among t many thousands, was a happy band of friends and relatives of Ambrožič, including a group of old neighbors and cousins who had traveled by bus the night before from rural Slovenia where he was bom and raised. And at the head of all this was the Pope, stooped, slow moving, but still exerting a powerful effect on those near him. Cheers rang out for each of the 19 new cardinals -Canadians seemed naturally reserved - while guests from Tanzania ululated and danced in Bernini’s colonnade, which surrounds the square, in honor of their man. A 20tb cardinal, Alberto Bovone, who heads one of the Vatican congregations or ecclesiastic departments or ministries was also »to receive his red hat that day, but was too ill to attend. And two other senior churchmen were elevated to the rank of cardinal but were unable to enjoy the festivities: Their identities are secret, most likely for political (Continued on page 3) Cardinal Ambrožič unable to attend Baraga celebration In a letter from Aloysius Cardinal Ambrožič in response to his written invitation to attend the Bishop Baraga Days celebration on September 5-6 in Cleveland he states, “I would dearly wish to join you. This year, however it is proving to be impossible to do so. “Thus, in your kindness, ‘habe me excusatum’. —Aloysius Ambrožič Archbishop of Toronto” Benefit Dinner at St. Vitus The St. Mary Magdalene KSKJ Lodge #162, St. Vitus K.SKJ Lodge #25 , and the St. Vitus Holy Name Society will co-sponsor a Breaded Chicken or Pork Dinner on Sunday, April 5th in the St. Vitus Auditorium located in Cleveland, Ohio on the comer of Norwood Road and Glass Avenue (one block south of E. 62fid and St. Clair Avenue). On the menu will be a choice of breaded boneless chicken breast or roast pork with liver dumpling and noodle soup, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetable, bread, dessert, and coffee, tea, or milk. Serving will be continuous from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Donation is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. This event will be part of the American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ Matching Funds Program. The Matching Funds will go to St. Vitus Church toward the restoration of the church organ. The Holy Name Society will also make a donation for this cause. For tickets and further information, call evenings 881-9586. Tickets will also be available at the door. —Joseph V. Hočevar Dinner Chairman Yan kovic Gets Call from Gore By Tony Petkovšek Well, again four of the five polka Grammy nominees were on hand for the 40th awards show in New York City at the Sheraton Hotel and at Radio City Music Hall. They were Lenny Go-mulka, John Goral, Frankie Yankovic and Walter Ostanek. The fifth nominee, Jimmy Sturr, of New York, did not honor the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences (NARAS) with his presence. Two of the nominees hailed from Canada, one from Maine and the other from Florida. My travel companions from Cleveland, Denny Bučar and John Gerl enjoyed the Am trak train ride from Cleveland to New York. We were also joined by George Staiduhar. For the pre-show at Radio City we enjoyed the front row seating and were delighted to hear a fellow Slovenian did win two Grammys - the late CBS correspondent, Charles Kuralt, for his dissertations on “Spring” and “Winnie the Pooh.” Kuralt is best remembered for his “On the Road” and “Sunday Morning” network TV shows. A very elated Frankie Yankovic and wife Ida received a phone call the following day from Vice President A1 Gore who thanked him for his contributions to the polka music heritage and wished him well. It was another great highlight for “America’s Polka King.” We enjoyed another dazzling two days with receptions also taking place at the New York City Museum of Art. The show was telecast live to over a billion viewers world-wide and included a nice variety of music with one of the highlights being “Soul Queen” Aretha Franklin filling in for Luciano Pavarotti. It is hoped someday that polka music will also be included in the awards TV show. Mrs. Josephine Klepec, 88, passed away in Girard, Ohio on February 25. She is survived by daughters Josephine, Molly and Ann plus sons Lou, Julius and Tony, well known musician from Girard. She had a sister in Sweden plus 16 grandchildren and 8 greatgrandchildren. She was buried in Slovenia on March 5. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Lent is a time for reflection. You read and see stories about all the bad people. When you really think about it, they are a minuscule of our civilization and now is an excellent time to think about some of the good people in this world. We’ll mentioned several of them on this page. The Slovenian National Homes have their insert in this issue; it is also about wonderful people. Mentioned last week we saw a robin chirping outside our window on March 1st. A few days later we received a fax from an authority on robins, Robin Verbose. The news item said, “Occasionally mild, sunny days now will bring out the robins and there will be the annual reports that robins are “back” and spring must be coming early. In virtually every instance, the robins seen and reported will not be migrants at all, but birds that are spending the winter here and have come out of the thickets to look for food on suburban lawns and meadows. “The truly migrant robins seldom get this far north before late March. When they come, they come in flocks, not a few at a time.” Well, there you go. I thought seeing the robin was an indicator that spring was on the way, now my hopes are dashed for a few more weeks. Ah, well, such is life. Last Friday, we moseyed down St. Clair to the Slovenian National Home’s club-room for their first fish fry of the season. I can truly say, it was one of the best we have ever tasted. Included with the meal was a cup of clam chowder of which I can’t believe I ate the whole thing because I often have an allergic reaction to shell fish, but this chowder was so tasty and tender, my gullet accepted it with delight. A wonderful variety of delicious, flaky strudels were also included. We had the pleasure of dining in the company of Bob and Marcie Mills. Spoke with a number of patrons of the Slovenian Homes, Charles and Ruth Ipavec, and son Chuck, and daughter, Patricia, who, moreover, is President of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. Also enjoying the healthy meal was Sophie and Ann Opeka and many others who filled the cozy room. Hall Manager Gerri Hopkins and Ellen and Dale Lunder, owners of St. Clair Auto Parts, were busy serving customers as well as Bob Hopkins, St. Clair Man of the Year this year, who did the breading the night before, and was chief chef on Friday. He was assisted in the kitchen by Zoeann Zak and Marjanca Hočevar. Her husband was the cashier. Personable John Leonard also tended bar. What a terrific crew! In the 19 years we have been printing the Federation of Slovenian Homes Honor-ees newspapers each March, this year Bob Hopkins has the most dramatic story. It can be found on page Cl. Bob makes some claims which are, frankly, remarkable. Besides all his culinary and singing talents, Bob is a very creative, gifted and entertaining writer. But, anyhow, it’s heartwarming seeing so many active people who have professions of their own to command, yet come down to the halls to give of their spare time for the benefit of the prestigious Slovenian edifices. I see this at all the Slovenian Homes, and it amazes me every time. Hvala lepa to all the dedicated individuals/ Saw Cleveland City Council Majority Whip Mike Polenšek and his wife at the Cleveland Museum of Art last week admiring the “Vatican Treasures” exhibit celebrating Cleveland Catholic Diocese’s 150th birthday. The art displays are very impressive and are normally never loaned out. Hop on down and see the precious religious artifacts before they return to Rome. Speaking of food, we saw Joe Rigler at the KSKJ Lodge #226, Christ the King 70th anniversary banquet last Sunday in St. Vitus Auditorium. Joe and his wife, are owners of “How Sweet It Is” ice cream shop on Rt. 306, just north of Mayfield Rd. in Chester Township. He said when the weather turned warm last Saturday, they were busy all day. Their store hours now are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. He mentioned that a couple had come all the way from the west side for some blueberry flavored ice cream, but it sold out so fast, there was none left. He reordered more, but you never know when it comes in. Joe said the best selling ice cream is “Moose Tracks” Two weeks ago John Mercina asked, “What does the term ‘Sniff the Breeze’ mean? Do any of our seagoing readers know? It’s been driving me crazy. I can’t figure it out. A few weeks ago we asked, “What is a bug?” The clues were: - it is not a car, not an insect, and has nothing to do with computers. It’s been driving me “buggy.” But shows you how alert our readers are. Ivanka Matic sent a note saying a “bug” is a germ (bacteria). Thinking about this for a while I have come to the conclusion she is 100% correct. John Leskovec of Kirtland, Ohio e-mailed a note saying a “bug” is a union printer’s symbol. John also is right. - However, based on the clues given, such as “dot, dash,” we had in mind something electronic that a telegrapher might be familiar with. Anyhow, this week we did receive a fax from one of the all-time great American fratemalists Stan Ziherl, President of American Mutual Life Association who presented the answer we sought. It is printed to the right on this page. Bob Mills provided us with a picture of a “bug” which is also on the right of this page. Stan furnishes an interesting story about his experiences with the “bug.” Tony Cek also responded correctly saying a “bug” is a semi-automatic telegraph key operating from side to side instead of up and down. Shows you how smart Tony is, he also said a “bug” is a printer’s union sign. Now to completely confound everyone, Tony asks yet another: “What is a Black Snake?” Hint: It’s a railroad question. Do you know? Hint: It’s not a “foamer.” Lew Stafford of Marietta, Georgia, a radio “ham” who received his license in high school in 1934, also knew what a “bug” is. And Frances Virant of Cleveland also sent the correct response to Robin Ver-hose’s earlier question of “What is a shoat?” which is a young pig. Frances is joining the fun by asking a question of her own: What football team has a nickname which could be construed as “I.O.U.’s” and another football team could be called “Toy Baby with Arms.” I’ll help Fran by giving a little clue: One team is in the far north of the US, the other is in the far south. Comments: mail: Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; fax: (216) 361-4088, or e-mail at j im@buckeyeweb.com HAPPY ST.PATRICK'S DAY TO ALL THE LADS AND LASSIES ! (Starim in Mladim) Solution to 6What is a bug’ Since you still haven’t received the answer to “What’s a bug?” I felt compelled to respond to that question as I was a radio operator for Uncle Sam. The “bug” we used at that time was not standard issue, so we purchased them ourselves for speedier transmissions, ft was basically a semi-automatic wireless key where the “dot” side kept repeating the dots as long as you put sideways pressure on it with your thumb, and you rolled your wrist with your forefinger the opposite direction for a dash. - But for two dashes you had to release your forefinger after the first dash and press again. There was also a weight on the bug that you could move to adjust the speed of the dots, but you adjusted the speed of the dashes by hand. When we sent messages - or received them, we would always do it as fast as possible and see how many more times the operator on the other end would ask for a repeat. We would also do our best to never ask the other guy to slow down because, even if we were thousands of miles away, we could see and hear the operator on the other end snickering... --Stan Ziherl VTbrople* • The Original "Bug"-first patented in 1904, the Original is still manufactured today using tools and dies similar to those used by inventor, Horace C. Martin. Designed for cock speeds of 20 wpm on low side to 50+ wpm on high side. Special—$3499*pp Euclid Travel’s personally escorted tour of classical Greece Plus a cruise of the Aegean Islands September 12-25 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 Exclusive Departure Limited Availability Reserve space now! Call 216-261-1050 ‘based on double occupancy Ambrožič... (Continued from page 1) reasons. Speculation is that they might be from China or Vietnam, where the church is suppressed. After Ambrožič received his cardinal’s biretta from the Pope he embraced every one of the 90 or so scarlet-clad members of the college °f cardinals seated to the right of the Pope. He is now one of them. Cardinals are personally chosen by the Pope for their outstanding merit in areas of church doctrine, morals and Piety. Speaking in Italian, his voice filling all of St. Peter’s Square, which holds 250,000 People, John Paul urged the new members “to be ever m°re men of God.” He said he shared the joy ? welcoming his “new rothers, who come from 13 ountries, on four continents and have given excellent Proof of their fidelity to hrist and his church.” When the Pope was e. pe<* down from his simple chair - he needed a man neither side of him-it was S'gn for friends to rush up embrace the new cardinals. But Toronto’s new cardinal walked away from all the celebration back into the ?' ence °f the basilica, where e stood before the tomb of f Peter and prayed. 6tTT ne was very quiet,” said ather John Murphy, chan-P® *0r °f spiritual affairs for ^^^oronto archdiocese. When the new cardinal, in his red cassock, finally made his way to a reception in his honor at a hotel on the Via della Conciliazione, the broad cobbled street that leads to St. Peter’s, he made no speeches but said he needed water - and got it himself. “It was very interesting,” he said of the ceremony as he passed by well-wishers. As is customary for new cardinals, Ambrožič was given his own church in Rome, the church of Saints Marcellino and Peter. It’s between two famous Roman churches, Santa Maria Mag-giore and St. John Lateran. More than a symbolic link, the cardinal takes spiritual and some financial responsibility for the church; it also shows that the cardinals are rooted in Rome. Those who wanted to watch the ceremony were told to come early, to get ahead of the nuns who make a beeline for the front of their assigned section. But on Saturday, Feb. 21, nuns were distracted from their mission by St. Peter’s hucksters, offering key chains and rosaries. “Buy now, pay later, sister,” one said to an American nun. “The Pope will bless it for you.” Reporters, photographers and television crews were placed on the two roofs on either side of the basilica and watched — and were watched by Vatican nuns on one side and dark clothed 1998 TRAVELMAX tours 1998 ESCORTED EUROPEAN VACATIONS ROMANTIC CENTRAL EUROPE 6 countries, 16 days Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Austria Tours departing June 9 and June 23 The Country Tour -FROM TUSCANY TO LAKE BALATON I 4 countries, 16 days A countryside tour featuring food and wine Visit Italy, Austria, Slovenia, and Hungary Tours in July, August, and September ♦CROATIA AND THE ADRIATIC COAST ♦ Tours in July and August ♦ SLOVENIA . \ ^—, A Two Center Holiday One week by the Alps One week by the sea Bled - Bohinj Portorož Tours in June, July, August, and September TREKKING - HIKING ♦ ACTIVE HOLIDAYS IN SLOVENIA Call MIKE CERAR at TRAVELMAX, Inc. (800) 677-1313 or (216) 692-1700 911 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 security men on the other -the grand processions between massive travertine statues of saints. Ambrožič, 68, and Jean-Claude Cardinal Turcotte of Montreal, are Canada’s two active cardinals - meaning they are under 80 and eligible to vote for the next Pope. Canada now has five cardinals, including G. Emmett Cardinal Carter of Toronto, 85. He had planned to be in Rome, but is in Toronto recovering from pneumonia. Ambrožič will assume responsibility for English-speaking Canada. Ambrozic’s day ended with courtesy visits in Vatican rooms - rarely open to the public. Each of the new cardinals was assigned a room in what’s known as the Borgia apartments in the Apostolic Palace to welcome visitors. Walk up many flights of marble stairs - “next stop, heaven,” someone called out - to these rooms now filled with modern and ancient sculptures, with Renaissance frescoes on the walls and ceilings. Some enthusiastic types kissed Ambrozic’s ring. Another fellow asked for his autograph. He looked at the petitioner in disbelief. The next day, the assembly returned to St. Peter’s Square for a giant outdoor Mass, called the Mass of the Rings which Ambrožič and the other new cardinals celebrated with the Pope. One of the hallmarks of John Paul’s papacy has been his effort to make the college of cardinals more international. Despite his appointments, the college is still weighted heavily in favor of Europeans, particularly, Italians. Ambrožič likely will be appointed to at least two more congregations; he’s already on the pontifical council for immigrants, the congregation for the clergy and pontifical council for culture. He has said he has no preference. The possibilities include the congregation for the doctrine of the faith, the congregation for bishops, or the congregation for education, all a good fit because of his background as a biblical scholar and years as a bishop. Speculation always circulates that a new cardinal might be called to Rome permanently. It’s more likely Ambrožič will simply travel to Rome more often. Thanks to Stan and Elsie Kranjc of Bolton, Ontario for submitting this article. St. Vitus Lenten Renewal Monday to Sunday March 23 - 29 Lenten renewal, Slovenian language, Fr. Ivan Likar, St. Vitus Church (more information later). Saturday and Sunday, March 28 and 29 Lenten renewal begins at St. Vitus Church with Fr. Theodore Marszal preaching, in English, at the 4:00 Mass and the Sunday liturgies. All are welcome. Monday, March 30 Lenten renewal continues (English). Fr. Marszal will preach and lead the Holy Hour in St. Vitus Church starting at 7:00 p.m. Confessions will be heard a half hour before. Tuesday, March 31 Lenten renewal continues (English). Fr. Marszal will hear confessions starting at 6:30 p.m. in St. Vitus Church. He will celebrate Mass at 7:00 p.m. A social will follow in the church hall. —Sr. Mary Avsec St. Vitus Church The Management of Fireplace Restaurant wishes everyone “Happy St. Pat’s Day” St. Patrick’s Day Specials Plus the regular Menu and a Full Bar ^ Corned Beet & Cabbage with Boiled Potato Homemade Irish Lamb Stew with Boiled Potato and Cole Slaw "Top it off with With Duffy's Irish Coffee" Irish Whiskey! 'Our family Has ‘Been Here to Serve You Since 1903" I — Serving Slovenian families for 90 Years. —~ Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home Cleveland, Ohio 44110 531-6300 For I on Mr tolonoouo. oil Do. Doctor Preplanned Funeral Arrangements Available ____________•Facilities Available Througnoul Northeasl Ohio • “ WHEN YOUR SPIRITS ARE LOW” J Shore Center Beverage j and Liquor 22808 Lakeshore Blvd. j Euclid, Ohio 44123 731-6886 FREE - 2 Liter Coke j With purchase and this ad 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 4 California Missions Tour in Slovenian & English Travelmax, Inc. of Cleveland is presenting a complete 13-day tour from Cleveland to the California Missions from September 7 through the 19*. Experience California while learning the story of the Franciscan Missions of California from their founding in the 1700s when Spain ruled half the world, to their existence today. Travel with an Archbishop and pilgrims from Slovenia on this unique, exciting tour and renew your faith while being part of devotional services. Travel by deluxe motor-coach along the coast of California from San Diego to San Francisco and Sonoma County. Highlights include: z 14 Franciscan Missions z Sea World z Day in Mexico z Hollywood z Disney World z Golden Gate Bridge z Alcatraz Island z San Diego Zoo z Mount Palomar Observatory z Los Angeles z Universal Studios z Hearst San Simeon Castle z Ocean Liner Queen Mary z Muir Sequoia Forest z 12 Breakfasts and 12 Dinners Itinerary: Monday, September 7: Meet at Cleveland Hopkins Airport for the flight to San Diego, California. Arrive in San Diego at 2:30 p.m. California time and board your bus for San Diego Bay and a tour of the oldest merchant sailing vessel afloat, the “Star of India” built in 1863. After, tour the “Medee” a 1904 steam yacht that served in both world wars. Continue to your hotel in San Diego for dinner and overnight (D). Tuesday, September 8: Breakfast, and then on to Mass at Mission San Diego de Alcala established in 1769. This was the first of 21 missions founded between 1769 and 1832 by Franciscan missionaries under the leadership of Father Junipero Serra. Continue on to Sea World in San Diego. Late in the afternoon view San Diego from Cabrillo National Monument at Point Loma, discovered in 1542 by the Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Optional: Tour Coronado Island and Hotel Coronado built in 1888, or visit Mt. Soledad and take in the ultimate view of San Diego. Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight (B,D). Wednesday, Sept. 9: Today visit the San Diego Zoo, and then in the afternoon depart for the Mission of San Antonio de Pala built in 1861 on the Palo Indian Reservation which is still used today by the Indians. After Mass and a tour, drive to the summit of Mount Palomar where you will find America’s largest telescope, a 200-inch refractor that can penetrate the universe a distance of ten billion light years. If time permits you will return to the Pala Indian Reservation to meet with the inhabitants. Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight. Evening hours are free to explore the Old Town or enjoy the night life of San Diego (B,D). Thursday, Sept. 10: At 7:30 a.m. leave for an all day excursion into Mexico. Sightsee Tijuana and then visit a theme park of the city, Mixitian, and a bull-ring at Plaza Monumental. Enjoy shopping for traditional Mexican goods before driving to the largest seaport in Mexico, Ensenada, stopping on the way at Puerta Nuevo and Rosarito Beach. Today’s Mass and dinner will be in Mexico. Return in the late evening to your hotel in San Diego and overnight (B,D). Friday, Sept. 11: Depart in the morning for Los Angeles. Travel along the scenic Pacific Coast Highway to Mass at the San Luis Ray de Francia Mission founded in 1798. This mission, known as the “King of Missions,” is the largest of the 21 missions and the 18th to be built. Pass through Del Mar which is noted for its surfing beaches and the famous Del Mar Race Track founded by Bing Crosby in 1937. Next we come to Leucadia, the world’s leading grower of poinsettias, and then to Carlsbad, named after Karlsbad of Bavaria. Enter Orange County where the shoreline is known as the “California Riviera.” See San Clemente, the site of Nixon’s western White House and then visit the Mission of San Juan Capistrano founded in 1776, and the seventh in the chain. This mission is famous for its swallows which return every March 19, St. Joseph’s Day. Along the way you find Laguna Beach and drive through Laguna Canyon. On to Huntington Beach and to Long Beach and San Pedro Bay for a visit to the Queen Mary, considered the most luxurious ocean liner ever built. Enjoy sightseeing and dinner aboard the liner. Overnight at your hotel in Anaheim, the home of Disneyland (B,D). Saturday, Sept. 12: In the early morning leave for Mission San Gabriel Archangel, founded in 1771 and the fourth to be built. Attend Mass at this mission, the wealthiest and best preserved of all the missions. Continue to Los Angeles, and note the “Hollywood” sign on the hillside. Tour Universal Studios, and later in the afternoon visit other famous Hollywood sights: Mann’s Chinese Theater where the stars leave footprints in the cement, walk the Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard, see Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Korea Town, Watts Towers and drive down the legendary Sunset Strip. Overnight in Anaheim. (B,D). Sunday, Sept. 13: Today visit the Slovenian community in Fontana. Attend Mass at a local church or San Fernando Rey de Espana Mission. In the afternoon travel to Waterman Canyon in the San Bemadino National forest and drive the scenic “Rim of the World Drive” along the San Bemadino Mountains. Visit the San Manuel Indian Reservation. Return to Anaheim for dinner and overnight at your hotel. (B,D). Monday, Sept. 14: All day at Disneyland (B,D). Tuesday, Sept. 15: Depart Los Angeles and travel on the Pacific Coast Highway to Santa Monica and Malibu Beaches, areas reminiscent of the Mediterranean. Stop in Ventura at the ninth mission in the chain, the Mission of San Buenaventura, founded in 1782 and restored in 1957. Attend Mass and then visit Santa Barbara Mission, the “Queen of Missions,” founded in 1786 and the 10th in the chain. Tour the city of Santa Barbara and observe the elegant Spanish and Moorish architecture. The third mission today is the La Purisima Conception Mission founded in 1787 and the 11th in the chain. Dinner and overnight at Obispo. (B,D). Wednesday, Sept. 16: Attend morning Mass at Mission San Luis de Tolasa, founded in 1772 and the fifth in the chain. Continue north on the Pacific Coast highway toward San Francisco to Morro Bay and its extinct volcanic peaks. Then on to San Simeon and a tour of the Hearst San Simeon Castle Estate. Travel on past scenic and unique views of the mountains and the ocean to Carmel Mission, just south of San Francisco. Named for St. Charles Borromeo, it was founded in 1770 as the second mission, and is now a Minor Basilica. Take the famed “17 Mile Drive” known for its scenery and affluence, and stop at Bird and Sea Rocks, the Lone Cypress, and the Lodge at Pebble Beach. Continue to San Francisco and your hotel for dinner and overnight. (B,D). Thursday, Sept. 17: In the morning visit and attend Mass at San Francisco de Assissi Mission, founded in 1776 as the sixth mission. Sightsee and tour San Francisco and visit Twin Peaks Park known for its outstanding views of the city and the Bay area. Board a ferry for Alcatraz Island, once home to a prison which housed the most notorious criminals. Then back to San Francisco where you will visit Pier 39, the Cannery, and Ghirardeli Square. You may wish to remain in this area and later return at your leisure by cable-car to your hotel. You may also want to visit Chinatown, the largest Chinese community outside of the Orient. Some of the Slovenians living in the area may join us this evening. Dinner in one of the city’s interesting restaurants, and then overnight in San Francisco. (B,D). Friday, Sept. 18: This morning drive to the Golden Gate Bridge and Vista Point for commanding view of the area. Continue to Muir Woods, a national monument featuring ancient and towering redwood trees. Visit Mission San Raphael Archangel founded in 1817, the 20th in the chain where Mass will be said. The tour continues to the town of Sonoma in Napa Valley, an area that produces the finest California wines. Visit a winery, and enjoy winetasting at Domaine Chandon, owned by French proprietors Moet and Chandon, makers of fine champagne. Stop at Mission San Francisco Solano, the northernmost and last of the 21 missions founded. In late afternoon return to San Francisco on the Oakland Bay Bridge stopping at Treasure island for a spectacular view of the city skyline. Partake of a farewell dinner at the Crown Room, a celebrated skyroom atop the Fairmount Hotel, known for its lavish buffets and beautiful views of the Bay area. (Continued on page 5) 1998 TRAVELMAX tours ws Experience California while visiting the California ^Missions Learn the story of the Franciscan Missions of California from their founding in the 1700’s until today. Travel with an Archbishop and pilgrims from Slovenia on this exciting, value-packed tour from September 7 to September 19,1998. Fly from Cleveland to San Diego and return from San Francisco. Air transportation is available from other cities. Travel by deluxe motorcoach along the California coast from San Diego to San Francisco and Sonoma County. Along the way visit: * 14 Franciscan Missions founded in the 1700's * San Diego Zoo * Mount Palomar Observatory * Los Angeles * Universal Studios * Hearst San Simeon Castle * Ocean Liner Queen Mary * Muir Sequoia Forest * Sea World * Day in Mexico * Disneyland * Hollywood * Golden Gate Bridge * Alcatraz Island * And More!! Tour includes: Superior First Class Hotels, Breakfasts and Dinners, All entrance fees, and more! nej From Cleveland with air: $1,855. Land tour price: $1,625. CALL TODA Y TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE ON THIS JOURNE^ Call MIKE CERAR at TRAVELMAX, ItlC. (800) 677-1313 or (216) 692-1700 911 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 L \ sc w ai le fa hi 01 R m m '2 ; in Ci d, 8 h; v\ V V n ; C, 0 Si c , 'V n< se B A th cl n; K le c< C I s] h b n, 8 cl w |w Arriving in Rome, Ambrožič becomes scholarly tour guide By Lesie Schrivener Toronto Star ROME, Monday, Feb. 16 No sooner had Toronto Archbishop Aloysius Ambrožič set foot on Roman soil then, quick as a flash, he was gone. Poof! Whisked away by Vatican officials, he eft Canadian priests and his amily wondering where he had vanished. 11 was just as well. The tn°dest Toronto delegation of 20 or so who arrived in °me with Canada’s cardi-nal-to-be - the public cere-J^ooy is on Saturday, Feb. ~ stood in line more than aa hour in a smoky arrivals °Unge, under the penetrat-ln8 eyes of machine-gunning guards. What’s more, the bus r,ver responsible for the !f°up cheerfully admitted he a n t the faintest idea ere the Canadians’ hotel Weh v°Cated’ *et alone the n°wn Roman street. m ^ 't didn’t spoil the can° l* t*1e Canadians be-of th ^IS *S ^ome> and one s'on$e m0St exc^n§ occa-na,,S^0r many Roman 0 ics is about to unfold. Wo i^°**cs from around the nesl auC converging to wit-SPn the spectacle of 20 Bra'°^ churchmen - from Zl. from Tanzania from nstria - being elevated to club Ns World’s most exclusive the College of Cardi- At the end of the week, mbrozic will be Canada’s lee*eSt cardinal and the ,n8 spokesperson for the r-^vapwauii 1U1 U1C l^athohcs English"sPeakin8 sh,ZeS!erda>'’ Ambrožič his Rom fr*ends and family biShoalUra**y’ when an arch-P, Very nearly a cardi- Bl,’actsas 8ui(|e> Churches. Eut what churches. And a history lesson the a Roman tour exPect a lot of Ambrožič lived in Rome for three years in the late ‘50s while studying the Old and New Testaments. As any of the rest of us would do, while in town on business - even if it is with the Pope - he puts a day aside to wander. As for his private meeting with the Pope some time this week, “If he wants my opinion, he’ll get it,” Ambrožič said. “Of course, there are fundamental things we agree on. We are both believers. We are both bishops.” Follow the archbishop through his old stomping grounds and you pass an Egyptian obelisk resting on an elephant sculpture by Bernini. You pass shops specializing in clerical vestments - gold or white or purple, some with gold embroidery, some in exquisite lace. And, you are reminded, look both ways before crossing the sidewalk. Rome is a city where stop signs have the energizing effect of a green light, where motorcyclists are no reason why sidewalks should be on the sole preserve of pedestrians. Go to church and you find the resting place of saints — St. Catherine of Sienna - and artists - Fra-Angelico. The archbishop’s well-known discomfort with the media relaxes - he is talking history, in several languages. There, he points out -having fished in his pocket for coins for the meter that puts on the lights so you can see the paintings - is St. Thomas Aquinas in the corner. History piles on top of history. The church, Santa Maria Sopra Minerva - “the only genuinely Gothic church in Rome,” he says -is built on the ruins of a temple to the roman goddess of wisdom, Minerva. All Perkins * Restaurant 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 . 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster fall silent in the Pantheon, a miracle of engineering and another good thing from the second century Emperor Hadrian. The Pantheon is the building with the dome that’s 42 meters up and 42 across, let only by a single oculus which opens to the sky. It’s also the burial spot of the Renaissance painter Raphael. Up the street, a trio of nuns with young, clear faces, wearing startling blue habits, walk by, all eating ice cream cones. Ambrožič translates an 18* century “do not litter” sign, truly carved in stone, on the wall of the Capranica College where he lived. It says in elegant language, no dumping of dirt, or face a fine. Well, three centuries later, it’s still a dumping ground - hundreds of broken cobblestones lie beneath it. From the Piazza Navona, a beautiful Baroque plaza with Bernini’s - he’s everywhere - Fontana dei Fiumi to the first century Colosseum, the Sky-Dome of the ancient Romans. Ambrožič is a good sport. In a city remarkable for its lack of trashy tourist gimmicks, a fake centurion marches up to the archbishop and waves his sword. Ambrožič smiles. The Camera clicks. The Canadian delegation traveled Monday on a regularly scheduled airline with others arriving through the week. Two Canadian bishops who were to have joined the group, have stayed behind, felled by the flu. And retired cardinal G. Emmett Carter, 85, was to have arrived in Rome later this week, but was in the hospital briefly in Toronto and is now at home recovering from pneumonia. It’s a sedate group compared to the mob of 500 well-wishers from Chicago, the second largest Catholic diocese in the Untied States, who are descending on Rome this week to cheer on Archbishop Francis George. The investiture is a big deal in Chicago, with 31 reporters and television producers arriving to cover the ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 21. “They’re very serious about their Catholic religion in Chicago,” said Jim Dwyer, communications manager for the Chicago archdiocese. When Carter went to Rome in 1979 when he was named a cardinal, he, too, did things in a big way, chartering a plane and bringing about 180 people with him from Toronto - and his tennis racket. Then 67, Carter said he’d hoped to be able to play tennis with the Pope, a wish that never materialized as John Paul had injured his shoulder. Ambrožič, 68, a much more private man, will become the third cardinal in Toronto’s history. The Pope also elevated to the rank of cardinal an additional two prelates, but did not reveal their names. They are believed to be in Communist countries. Thanks to Stane Kranjc for submitting this article. Multicultural Day Ohio Governor George V. Voinovich announced Sunday, Aug. 16 will be Multicultural Day at the 1998 Ohio State Fair. For details contact August Pust at (614) 644-0896. (Continued from page 4) We may meet more of San Francisco’s Slovenians this evening. Overnight at your hotel in San Francisco (B,D). Sat., Sept. 19: After breakfast, transfer to the San Francisco International Airport for your return flight home carrying fond memories of your Mission Tour to California (B). TOUR INCLUDES: Superior first class hotels, 12 breakfasts and 12 dinners, deluxe air-conditioned mo-tor-coach, experienced tour guides fluent in both Slovenian and English, all entrance fees, flight bag, baggage tags, your friends from Slovenia, and more! Complete tour: from Cleveland with air: $1,855. Land tour price: $1,625. To make reservations call TravelMax, Inc., (216) 692-1700 or (800) 677-1313. Lou Zigmund retires Louis Zigmund of Euclid, Ohio is retiring from the Cleveland Water Department after 33’A years of service. Best wishes from your family, friends and fellow Ložka Dolina members. Krofe St. Vitus Altar Society will have their monthly krofe sale on Saturday, March 14 beginning at 8 a.m. in the Social Room of St. Vitus Auditorium. Home made noodles will also be available. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 ttk 4 E&rottgi) Elje Sges AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 6 comment? ^loveninn £lub | of x5outb florid« news We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer Everyone at Kollander World Travel would like to express their congratulations to our own Betty Bilicic who has recently received her appointment as Master Cruise Counselor. Through diligent effort, years of course work and study, and personal cruise product experience, including sailing on or touring over 30 cruise ships, Betty has completed all the necessary requirements to be certified as a CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) Master Cruise Counselor. FOR SALE Chromatic 120 Bass 1948 ITALO-AMERICAN Concert Master Accordion Original owner: Eddie Simms Asking $1900 or best offer Joey Tomsick (216) 481-1963 Remember Anton Grosic or Frančiška Hribar? Is there anyone who remembers Anton Gorsic and Frančiška Hribar? They came to the USA and married in East Helena in 1913. Two boys were bom there: Edward (Eddie) and Ludvik (Luddy) in 1913 and 1914. They had a store and a hotel in East Helena. They returned to Slovenia in 1925. Peter Hawlina Lipica 7 4220 Škofja Loka Slovenia McGrath in Nursing Home Antoinette McGrath sends her regards to the American Home readers and wishes to inform them of her new address. It is: Antoinette McGrath do Manor Care Nursing Home, 6757 Mayfield Rd., Mayfield Heights, OH 44124. Her phone number is 473-0761. RUDY’S Quality Meats, Inc. 31728 Vine St., WUlowick 943-5490 City Chicken Famous For Flavor ^ Dai*y Hams Boneless or Field Whole or Halves Domestic Choice Leg O Lamb Y4 Order Early 1 Slovenian Želodec Cooked Ready To Eat or Uncooked Fresh Homemade Polish Sausage Our Own Homemade Sausage Slovenian Smoked Blood or Rice Sausage Choice Bed Standing Rib Roasts Treat Your Eamily to the very best. Rolled Beet Roast WE ALSO SELL ORIGINAL SLOVENIAN POTICAS Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring teina SL brendafs HAIR SALON ... , 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 PETER J. KUHAR A CCOUNTING SER VICES Income Tax Preparation IN-HOME CONSULTATION (440) 944-1468 PERSONALIZED AND CONVENIENT JACKSHAW IT S EASY AT JACKSHAW IT 5 EASY AT JACKSHAW DEMO SALE | THESE MANAGER DRIVEN DEMOS ARE PRICED TO SELL.. ALL ARE UNDER 6,000 MILES I’98 CAVALIER LS4Door Auto., air, traction control, door locks, defogger, cruise tilt, cassette, delay wipers, ABS, NOW ONLY Sale Price *14,695 Rebate »750 *13,945 #8044 ’98 CHEVY PREM #2eS2^. Defogger, automatic, 14" alloy wheels, cassette, cruise control, power locks, air cond., tilt wheel, & more! NOW ONLY *14,896 #8066 ’98 CHEVY LUMINA Power Windows, locks, tilt,anise trunk opener, t. i cassette, defogger: & mor^f NOW ONLY Sale Price *17,649 Rebate »750 #8052 *16,899 I ’97 S-10 Long-Bed mar~x tau*L—— NOW ONLY V6, auto, air, sliding window, cassette, tachometer bedliner & more. Sale Price *14,695 Rebate__________*1000 *13,695 #7150 ’98 BLAZER LT 4 Dr. 4x4 CD. all power, tilt & Rebate________________*1000 cruise & more! MSRP $31.326 $27,895 97 TAHOE LT 4 Dr. *3te£i£2x NOW ONLY ill power accessories, iiV/ TT v/il JLJ A 3=f" *30,195 MCDD lor ion * MSRP »35,123 Special Rates as Low as 2.9% Available on Select Model SALE ENDS 3.17.98 D ACKSHAW O CHEVROLET 513 e. 185th SI . Euclid 486-4400 CLEVELAND • 951-3784 LAKE COUNTY LAKE COUNTY RESIDENTS PAY 5 75"., TAX WHERE YOU CAN EXPECT RESPECT! MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS EUCLID DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS 4SWHEEL 1 FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT © ••WJUOPV* rxrn« fncf a. a E3S CO SERVICE APPROVCD AUTOMOTIVE REPAl* Joe Zigman, ownef DEATH NOTICES Marian a. querin Marian A. Querin (nee Špehar), 75, passed away in Lake West Hospital on Tuesday, March 3rd. Marian was the wife of Ernest; the mother of Gayle Parker; grandmother of J. Christian Querin Parker; daughter of John Špehar, and ^nn Špehar Slabe (both de-ceased); sister of Elizabeth Knebler; and aunt of 7 nieces and nephews. Marian was retired from e°rge Worthington where s e was employed as a clerk. Friends called at the Zele sUneral Home, 452 E. 152 Friday where services Were held Saturday at 10 hterment in White-aven Cemetery. donations in her memory J[ay he made to the Slovene °me for the Aged or Hos-p,ce House. FRANCESSTRELL Frances Streli (nee Pre-bovich), 89, passed away in Pleasant Lake Villa in Parma on Monday, March 9, 1998. Frances was a resident of Euclid for 27 years. She retired at age 65 after 20 years in housekeeping at General Electric. She was a member of AFU #86. Frances was the widow of Louis; the mother of Frances (Jake) Streli, Dorothy (John) Dezelon and Edward L; grandmother of 8; greatgrandmother of 14; and great-great grandmother of two; sister of Frank Pribocie (MI), and the following deceased: Tony Prim, Louis Pribozie, John Primovich, Paul Brimovich, Ethel Mur-zin, Mary Wedyke, and Ann Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Wednesday where services will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. at St. Roberts Church. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. In Loving Memory OF OUR DEAR MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, AND Mary Zupančič (Glass Ave.) who died March 6, 1976. Your memory is our keepsake, With that we’ll never part; God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. sadly missed by Frank and Rosemarie Henry and Loretta Bob and Lillian _____and their Families On the 5th Anniversary of the death of Anton J. (Tony) Petkovšek Sr. Passed Away March 2, 1993 A lasting memorial is the perpetuation of the daily Slovenian and Polka RADIO Program plus the STATION itself as conducted by Tony Petkovšek on WEL W-1330AM died Sun' after arcb 8, 1998 at home Witu a Four-month battle th cancer. rec^?nerat'ons of families durin ^°*n8 to Mr. Nosan’s C8 holida> C such ncate. seasons for as potica and baked* e,Xpertise in preparing tnred de*'cacies was fea-pr0g 0n local television pape arn? and in area news-Dea, S’ 'nduding The Plain r and American Home. faniilv, Parents began the sOon ft ness in 1943, and |Sl0Ve a er moved into the ^ildj11311 ^ati°nal Home Aft*18 °lder ^r' Nosan’s two |Hii|jt rotbers enlisted in the ^ during World War II and his father died, Mr. Nosan - the youngest son -ran the family business with his mother. After the war ended, the brothers chose different careers, leaving Mr. Nosan and his mother in charge. The bakery remained a family business throughout the years as Mr. Nosan worked alongside his wife of 48 years, Olga, and sons Joseph and David, of Euclid until his illness. He was bom on Cleveland’s West Side and graduated from East Tech High School in 1944. He moved in 1957 to Euclid, where he raised his family. He enjoyed fishing, hunting and fixing items around the house. In addition to his wife and sons, survivors include four grandchildren and a brother, William of Eastlake. Services will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, March 12, at Holy Cross Catholic church, 19951 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid. Brickman and sons Funeral Home in Euclid is handling arrangements. 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E-152 Street Phone 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Here we go again, speaking about the weather. This year it has been an endless source of conversation. Our tour coordinator, Margaret Steixner, scheduled a bus tour to Niagara Casino on April 21st. Our members have been itching to start the touring season and this first trip of the season filled up quickly. By now most have heard the exciting news of the great success of the Gala Concert held on Sunday, Feb. 15 at the Slovenian National Fjlome. The combined choruses of Glasbena Matica, Fantje Na Vasi, Korotan, and St. Vitus Choir together with the Cleveland Women’s Orchestra made an impressive sight in itself. Their concert was outstanding. The combined four choruses filled the large SNH stage. It brought back memories of the days when Glasbena Matica singers alone filled the stage. Gathering four groups together to perform as a single combined chorus was a remarkable achievement. The blending of the voices was excellent and together with the orchestra, gave us a performance, pleasant and delightful and certainly enjoyed by an appreciative audience. It is hoped these same groups will once again, CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the, Slovenian Community.” in the near future, thrill its audience with songs and music. It is good news to report that Noreen Skully tells us that she will be back with us at our coming meeting. She had by-pass surgery recently and has made good recovery. Josephine Perpar is now at home recuperating. We hope to see her at our meetings soon. Mike Vidmar just a week or so ago was hospitalized. The report was possible surgery, but then the doctors decided to send him home for possibly a month before making a decision of probable surgery. I talked to him a few days ago. He needs to hear from you. Remember, Mike will be 102 this coming September. Do send him a card and let him know you care. Member Mildred Kenik is at St. Vincent Hospital undergoing therapy, and reported improving. I am sure she would be happy to hear from you. Do not know how long she will be there, so send your cards to her home address or check with the hospital before sending mail there. Don’t forget our other members who are sick. In February we lost two members, Josephine Bojance and Louise Broze. Josephine Bojance, age 97, a long time member of our Pensioners Club, was the mother of Jo-Ann Paulich, and grandmother of the well-known Jan Jones. At the conclusion of the funeral Mass, Jan presented a beautiful tribute to her grandmother, and gave us a most interesting resume of her grandmother’s life from the time she came to America. Louise Broze was a 10-year member and in the latter years was not able to attend our meetings. An article in the Plain Dealer had a very interesting write-up on her. She led a very active life and devoted much time as an active leader of a Girl Scout troupe. Our “Lucky Pick” raffle tickets are in the hands of our members. From all indications it seems to be moving along fine. If you are interested in getting tickets, see one of our members • In closing, just a reminder that our coming meeting date is Thursday, March 19th. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month. See you then. -Stanley J. Frank I will buy your double home in the Grovewood area for cash. GEORGE KNAUS Real Estate 481-9300 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 12, 1998 8 Who Are The Texas Wends? (Continuedfrom last week) The decimated congregation arrived at Galveston in early December, only to be faced with another scourge, yellow fever. Many contracted the disease, but only one died before the Wends could flee inland to Houston. From Houston the Wends journeyed further inland by oxcart in early January. Two men had been sent ahead to find a place where they could settle. The epic migration to a new homeland ended on the banks of Rabbs Creek in what is today Lee County, near Giddings. Here the Wends purchased a league of land for $1 an acre. The first winter was hard and food was scarce. Many Wends lived in dugouts and log cabins until proper homes could be built. The newcomers set aside 95 acres of land for the Lutheran church and school. About a mile northwest of the church property the colonists began work on their town, which they named Serbin. This was to be the capital of their “Wendenland” in Texas, where they could continue forever their Wendish language and cultural traditions. One of the first acts accomplished by Rev. Kilian was to apply for membership into the fledgling Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Serbin became the first of many Missouri Synod churches in Texas and it has the only Wendish school in America. The current St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Serbin was completed in 1871. It is a beautiful, yet simple structure, the obvious product of pioneer craftsmanship. The unique interior includes a balcony extending all around the church with a pulpit nearly 20 feet above the lower floor. Originally the men sat in the balcony, while the women occupied the floor level pews. St. Paul’s is one of the oldest churches in America in continued use since its construction. Many groups of Wendish colonists struck out for other parts of Texas in the latter 1800s. Wends formed subcolonies in such places as Austin, Houston, Warda, Fedor, Swiss Alp, Giddings, Port Arthur, Manheim, Copperas Cove, Vernon, Wal-burg, The Grove, Bishop, and the Rio Grande Valley. In the new congregations the Wendish language and culture soon died out. Only in Serbin did it survive, where Wendish services continued to be held until 1921. Today, only a few elderly Wends know the language. The great irony of the Wendish emigration was that in the effort to establish a pure Wendish colony where the language and culture could be preserved, these very things were lost due to the economic and social realities of the frontier. Throughout Texas, particularly on the church rolls of Missouri Synod Lutheran Churches, can be found Wendish names the Ben Nevis - names like Lehman, Moerbe, Schatte, Fritsche, Becker, Schubert, Dube, Teinert Wukash, Kiesling, Prellop, Kasper, Zoch, Miertschin, Urban, Wenke, Knippa, Noack, Groeschel, Wuensche, Welde, and many more. Strong emphasis in biblical religious faith and basic education is evident today in families descendant from the Wendish pioneers. Today thousands of Texans and other Americans, many unaware of their background, can lay claim to the courageous and fascinating heritage of the Wends. » Coming Events: Friday, March 13 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, Ohio from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., featuring Dan Peters. Sunday, March 15 Man/Woman of the Year Banquet in Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Cleveland sponsored by Federation of Slovenian Homes. Contact local Slovenian home for tickets. Friday, March 20 Fish, shrimp or pierogi dinner, Slovenian National Home, E. 80th St. from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Donation $7. Saturday, March 21 Dinner-Dance sponsored by Primorski Club, Contact 732-7527. Sunday, March 29 Holmes Avenue Pensioners Spring Dinner-Dance at Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Music by Dan Peters orchestra. Donation $12.00. For tickets call 943-3784 or 531-2088. Friday, April 3 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, Ohio from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., featuring Bob Kravos. Sunday, April 5 Benefit Breaded Boneless Chicken or Roast Pork Dinner (with soup) in St. Vitus Auditorium, Cleveland, of Hie Slovenian m Indije FISH FRY PLACE: THE CLUBOOM 6409 St. Clair (Rear) WHEN: EVERY FRIDAY (During Lent) Serving Dinners from: 5:00P.M. TO 8:00P.M. (Take Out Available) For More Information Call: (216) 361-5115 or (216) 361-5335 Z J & Associates, Inc. INDIVIDUAL AND CORPORATE V Tax Preparation V Accounting V Bookkeeping * SPEAKS SLOVENIAN AND CROATIAN 7325 Production Drive Mentor, Ohio 44060 440-205-8340 Perfect For Prevention Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph.D., R.D. President, Produce for Better Health Foundation (NAPS)—Better fuel; better performance. What you eat affects your looks, your health, and the way you feel. Is it a surprise that the three leading causes of death— heart disease, cancer, and stroke—are diet related? If there were a world’s most perfect food, it would be fruits and vegetables. For cancer prevention, leading health authorities recommend that you eat daily at least one fruit or vegetable high in vitamin C (oranges, grapefruit), one vitamin A-rich food (carrots, cantaloupe), and one fiber rich food (fresh oranges, grapefruit, beans). It is also important to include vegetables from the cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) several times a week. Low-fat, high-fiber diets rich in potassium, low in sodium, that contain antioxidants and phytochemicals (fruits and vegetables) are also important in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Think of it...medicine that tastes good! And, lest you assume that eating foods fortified with antioxidants and phytochemicals will offer the same advantages, let me remind you that the strong evidence of fruits and vegetables in disease prevention are based on having eaten the fruits and vegetables, not other fortified foods or pills. Mother Nature knew what she was doing. Why eat anything less than what’s best? It’s easy, start with a grapefruit as part of your breakfast, add a snack pack of vegetab ^ and an orange for your lunch nj afternoon snack, have a salad a a steamed vegetable like brocc or cauliflower for dinner a you’ve reached the recomnian goal of 5 A Day. Remember, eat 5 or more se ings of fruits and vegetables ev day for better health. , ^ For more information about Day, check http://www.dcpC'*' j nih.gov/5aday. For more 5 A recipes, send a stamped * addressed envelope to the Pro -for Better Health Foundation, Box 6035, Newark, DE 197 U- LEMONY GOOD FRUIT AND CHICKEN SALAD Grated peel of Vi Sunk18* lemon Juice of 1 Sunkist lei®0 (3 tablespoons) a 1 Vi tablespoons vegetable 0 1 tablespoon honey Vi teaspoon each ground ginger and curry . bt 1 cup shredded cooked i » meat chicken 1 cup cooked orzo (rice- shaped) pasta (Vi cup uncooked) , 2 Sunkist oranges, peele < cut into bite-size piece>>, 2 medium bananas, pee* ' sliced 1 red or green apple, unpeeled, cut into bite-size pieces j 1 cup seedless green or r grapes, cut in half Vi cup sliced celery In large bowl, ci°in*>oil' lemon peel and !r i** honey and spices. »*’‘ jj). remaining ingredients; ^ Serve on salad greens an * e| nish with lemon cart'rre** twists or wedges an<* mint leaves, if desired. six 1-cup servings. . %

n oprostijo skrunilcem Marijine podobe. Po njegovih besedah je bilo naj čistejše in najsvetejše, kar premorejo verni, postavljeno v zasmeh, tokrat v imenu umetnosti. ‘Kot da ne bi vedeli, da je umetnost to, kar človeka Vl8u, plemeniti, razveseljuje, in ne to, kar 83 Ponižuje. Kot da ne bi mogli razumeti, da Prava umetnost ni in ne more biti žaljiva za človekovo dostojanstvo in Božjo čast.’ Ali je za to ‘gnusobo opustošenja na svetem kraju' kriva napačna vzgoja, družba, ki v svojem hlepenju po imetju ruši vse, kar se ji še upira, šola, ki se za vrednote ne zmeni dovolj ali nemara ideologija, ki je vse, kar je nosilo krščanski predznak, razglašala za ničvredno in zastarelo, so po njegovih besedah vprašanja brez odgovora. Slovenijo obiskala delegacija iz Zvezne republike Jugoslavije — Brez napredka V ponedeljek sta se srečali visoki delegaciji zunanjih ministrstev Slovenije in ZR Jugoslavije. Sestanek je bil v Vili Podrožnik, ni pa prinesel nobenega napredka razen tega, da sta se obe strani strinjali glede koristnosti nadaljnih takih stikov. Slovensko delegacijo je vodil državni sekretar v zunanjem ministrstvu in bivši veleposlanik Slovenije v ZDA dr. Ernest Petrič, z njim je bil še Stefan Cigoj, podsekretar v ministrstvu. Jugoslovansko oziroma srbsko delegacijo je pa vodil Dragomir Vučičevič, sicer vodja politične direkcije v zunanjem ministrstvu. V torkovem Delu je Saša Vidmajer napisal: »Dialog je načel vrsto povsem praktičnih in konkretnih vprašanj, zlasti kako olajšati dvostranske probleme, ker ni diplomatskih odnosov, je povedal Petrič. Pri tem je poudaril, da so stališča do poglavitnega vprašanja, nasledstva, različna. Beograd vztraja, da je ZRJ nadaljevalka in ne naslednica SFRJ, medtem ko Ljubljana pojmuje vseh pet držav, nastalih na območju nekdanje Jugoslavije, za enakopravne naslednice.« »Na novinarsko vprašanje, kje vidi možnost za preboj v dvostranskih odnosih, je državni sekretar MZZ odvrnil, da je možno bodisi pustiti najspornejša vprašanja ob strani in si prizadevati za vzpostavitev konzularnih odnosov ali pa da Beograd revidira svoja dosedanja stališča.« Zmago Jelinčič ovaden za »genocid« Poslanec Zmago Jelinčič, sicer predsednik Slovenske nacionalne stranke, je tarča kar dveh ovadb, ki mu očitata poziv h genocidu in kaznivo dejanje vzbujanja rasne, verske ter narodnostne nestrpnosti in sovraštva. V Sloveniji je to menda prvi primer ovadbe zaradi genocida, poroča sredino Delo, nadaljuje: »Z ovadbama se ukvarja posebna skupina tožilcev, zaradi domnevnih Jelinčičevih izjav, s katerimi naj bi bil žalil volivce Jožeta Bernika, bivšega kandidata za predsednika države.« O ovadbi je govoril med svojim nedavnim obiskom v Clevelandu sam dr. Bernik. V dneh 26 in 27 februarja je Slovenijo obiskal Javier Solana, generalni sekretar bodo o slovenskem (lomim Igrali najpomembnejšo vlogo m,greš, ZDA m drog,h velikih oziroma najvplivnejših (lanov Na,a. kar mora Sloven,,a vze« ko, realnos,. Jz Clevelanda in okolice Primorski večer— Tradicionalna prireditev Primorskega kluba je »Primorski večer«, ki bo letos v soboto, 21. marca, v SND na St. Clairju. Pričetek bo ob 7h zv., za ples in zabavo igra Tony Klepec, vstopnice so v predprodaji po $19. Pokličite Sabino Milavec na 216-953-9116 za več informacij in za rezervacije. Veseloigra— Vsi ste lepo vabljeni na veseloigro »Micki je treba moža«, katero bo podalo Dram. društvo Lilija v nedeljo, 22. marca, ob 3. pop. v Slovenskem domu na Holmes A ve. Pridite, videli boste, kako so se »ženili v starih dobrih časih«! Prodaja krofov— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov in rezancev to soboto, 14. marca, ob običajnem času. Novi grobovi Joseph E. Nosan Dne 1. marca je po štirimesečnem boju z rakom umrl 71 let stari Joseph E. Nosan, lastnik Nosanove pekarne v SND na St. Clairju in podružnice na E. 200 St., rojen v Clevelandu, mož Olge, oče Josepha in Davida, 4-krat stari oče, brat Wi-lliama in že ok. Anthonyja. Pekarno so odprli pokojnikovi starši 1. 1943, v njej je pričel delati ob svojem 16. letu in tako bil povezan z njo vse življenje, do svoje smrti. Bil je za svoje odlično pecivo splošno priznan in je bilo tekom let številnih člankov v lokalnem časopisju in televizijskih poročil o tej pekarni. Pogreb bo v o-skrbi Brickmanovega zavoda danes dop. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Križa in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Francka Stanonik Dne 6. marca je v Astabula County Medical Center v Ash-tabuli umrla 77 let stara Francka Stanonik s Harperfielda, rojena Kaučič na Zirovskem vrhu, Slovenija, v ZDA, v Cleveland prišla 1. 1958, se naslednje leto poročila z Maksom Stanonikom, ki zanjo žaluje, zapušča brate Jožeta, Slavkota in Vinkota (vsi v Sloveniji). Pogreb je bil 9. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Assumption v Genevi, O., s pokopom na pokopališču Unionville. Darovi v pokojničin spomin župniji Assumption, 594 W. Main St., Geneva, OH 44041 bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Stephania Medvešek Umrla je Stephania Medvešek, rojena Schumer, vdova po Johnu st. ter Walterju (dalje na str. 16) Novih informacij ni— V zvezi z imenovanjem dr. Karla Bonuttija za veleposlanika RSlovenije k Sv. sedežu, še nimamo popolnejših podatkov oz. informacij. Cim več izvemo, bomo seveda posredovali. Bralcem v vednost— Današnja AD ima 28-stran-sko prilogo Federacije slovenskih narodnih domov. Zaradi tega smo urejevanje AD zaključili in jo natisnili že v sredo popoldne. Se to: AD za 26. marec bo tiskana že v sredo, 25. marca, zato mora urednik dobiti gradivo najkasneje do torka opoldne za omenjeno številko. Zahvaljuje se— G. Frank Smole, ki je prestal operacijo v Cleveland Cli-nicu, se lepo zahvaljuje vsem, ki so ga obiskali, mu poslali kartice ter molili za njegovo zdravje. Sedaj se zdravi doma. Bog povrni vsem! želi. Novi naslov— Mnogim poznana rojakinja Antoinette McGrath sedaj stanuje v Manor Care Nursing Home, 6757 Mayfield Rd., Mayfield Hts., OH 44124, se dobro počuti in bi rada slišala od svojih prijateljic in znank. Njega tel. št. je 473-0761. Ribje večerje— Današnji Plain Dealer je poročal, da številne ustanove ob petkih vabijo na ribje večerje. Dve teh sta v naselbini St. Clair in sicer Očetovski klub pri Sv. Vidu od 4. do 7.30 zv., v SND, v tkim. klubski sobi zadaj, pa od 5. do 8., večerje imajo tudi v spodnji dvorani SDD na Waterloo Rd. Prenehala bo— V današnji AD poročamo o smrti lastnika Nosanove pekarne v SND na St. Clairju, v izložbenem oknu je napis, da je pekarna naprodaj. Spominska darova— G. Florian Sekne, Wick-liffe, O., je daroval $10 v podporo našemu listu, v spomin pok. žene Marije. Ga. Antonia Longar, Schaumburg, 111., je prav tako poklonila $10, v spomin na moža Albina. Hvala lepa. V tiskovni sklad— G. Jože Kastelic, Mississauga, Ont., je daroval $50 v naš tiskovni sklad. G.ga. Frank Zalar, Richmond Hts., O., sta darovala $20. G. Jože in’ga. Antonia Butinar, Greenfield, Wis., sta tudi darovala $20. Dr. Anthony Ravnik, Piedmont, Kalif., je daroval $50. G. Jože Rus, Willoughby Hills, O., je pa daroval $20. Vsem darovalcem se za njih podporo naši AD naj lepše zahvalimo. AMERIŠKA DOMO VINA 6117 St. Clair A ve, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 — Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Prank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $30 na leto za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $ 1 60 letno SUBSCRIPTION RA TES United States and Canada: U S A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $ 1 60 per year airmail to Slovenia AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 01 64-68X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 441 03-1 692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 10 Thursday, March 12, 1998 p. Metod Ogorevc Avstralija Advent leta 2000 Mnogi ljudje z mešanimi občutki pričakujejo prehod v novo tisočletje, Cerkev pa modro usmerja to znamenje časa tako, da bi ljudje od te prelomnice imeli čim večjo duhovno korist. 2e papež Bonifacij VIII. je leta 1300 pisal, daje namen praznovanja jubilejev božja čast in utrditev vere. Se danes jubileji za Cerkev pomenijo trenutke edinosti in prenove. V ospredju je motiv občestve-nosti in bratstva vseh ljudi in notranja prenova človeka. Predlani je na soboto pred prvo adventno nedeljo papež Janez Pavel II. s slovesnimi večernicami odprl triletno pripravo na praznovanje jubilejnega leta 2000. K tej molitvi in pripravi je povabil vse škofe sveta, pa tudi duhovnike in vernike. 2e novembra leta 1994 je papež izdal apostolsko pismo, v katerem je obširno pojasnil namen in vsebino priprave na praznovanje velikega jubileja ter poudarke posameznih obdobij. Tako je bilo preteklo cerkveno leto namenjeno zlasti razmišljanju o »Jezusu Kristusu, ki je isti včeraj, danes in na veke« (prim. Heb 13,8). Ta citat iz pisma Hebrejcem je bila vodilna misel prvega leta. Medtem, ko je na svetu vse minljivo, gradi človek, ki stavi na Jezusovo besedo, svojo hišo na neporušljivem temelju (prim. Mt 7,24). Drugo leto priprave na jubilej leta 2000 je posvečeno Svetemu Duhu, tretje pa nebeškemu Očetu in leto dva tisoč Sveti Trojici. Drugo tisočletje gre h koncu. Bližina prehoda spodbuja vse k neponovljivemu prizadevanju za spokornost in prenovo. »Leto 1998, drugo leto pripravljalne dobe, je na poseben način posvečeno Svetemu duhu in njegovi posvečujoči navzočnosti v skupnosti Kristusovih učencev«, piše papež. Skrivnost učlovečenja Jezusa Kristusa se je izpolnila po delovanju Duha. Sveti Duh je neustvar-jen dar in je večni vir vsake podaritve. Vrhunec božjega podarjanja pa je prav učlovečenje božjega Sina. Tudi tam, kjer znajo ljudje med seboj deliti, darovati, Sveti Duh ni daleč. V tem letu naj bi ponovno odkrili »navzočnost in delovanje Duha, ki deluje v Cerkvi, tako po zakramentih, zlasti po zakramentu birme, kot po mnogovrstnih darovih (karizmah), nalogah in službah«, vabi sveti oče. Sveti duh je vir upanja. »Kristjani so poklicani, da se pripravijo na veliki jubilej začetka tretjega tisočletja s prenovitvijo upanja v dokončni prihod božjega kraljestva in da ga dan za dnem pripravljajo v svojem srcu, v krščanski skupnosti, ki ji pripadajo, v socialnem okolju, v katero so vključeni, in tako tudi v zgodovini sveta«. To leto priprave kliče tudi k priznavanju in sprejemanju različnih duhovnih darov, k pospeševanju vključenosti laikov v delo Cerkve, k zavzetemu prizadevanju za edinost Cerkve, k dialogu med vero in sodobno kulturo... Marija je spočela Jezusa »po delovanju Svetega Duha in se je v svojem življenju prepustila vodstvu njegovega notranjega delovanja«. V tem letu naj bi po papeževi spodbudi razmišljali o Mariji zlasti kot o ženi, ki je poslušna glasu Duha, kot o ženi molka in poslušanja, upanja. Marija je znala kot Abraham sprejeti božjo voljo in je večkrat »upala proti upanju«. (Rim 4,18). Petje druži nove priseljence: ustanovitev in prva leta pevskega zbora KOROTAN v Clevelandu, Ohio Metod M. Milač »...Razstreseni smo na vse vetrove... ...Kadar je naš utrip najtoplejši... takrat se nam v srcih oglasi pesem, preprosta in bogata, tisočkrat prepeta, pa vselej dobrodošla pesem slovenska.« (Ta članek je izšel v reviji Dve domovini/Two Homelands, ki jo izdaja Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo Znanstveno raziskovalnega centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Revija je izšla lani, je osma v zelo bogati seriji teh publikacij, glavna urednica je dr. Janja Žitnik, odgovorni urednik je dr. Ferdo Gestrin, v uredniškem odboru pa sodelujejo še dr. Marjan Drnovšek, dr. Rado Genorio, dr. Mirko Jurak, Aleksej Kalc, dr. Matjaž Klemenčič, dr. Rado L. Lenček, dr. Janez Stanonik in dr. Andrej Vovko. Članek dr. Metoda Milača bom objavljal v nadeljevanjih, ker je zelo dolg. Zal fotografij in drugih grafičnih ilustracij ne morem posredovati bralcem AD iz tehničnih razlogov, nekatere dr. Milačeve opombe pa bodo vključene v tekst v kurzivi in sicer kot ta njegova prva v zvezi z gornjim citatom: / Citat je vzet iz uvodnih besed na ovitku druge plošče Pevskega zbora Korotan z naslovom Pod oknom. Plošča je izšla leta 1959 v Clevelandu, Ohio. / — Ur. AD — I. del — V novo deželo Ladja ameriške mornarice, USNS »General M. L. Mersey«, je 12. julija 1950 popoldne ob petih dvignila sidro v pristanišču Bremerhaven v severni Nemčiji in odplula proti Kanadi in 2druženim državam Amerike s 1336 takoimenova-nimi razseljenimi osebami (Displaced persons [DPs]). Na to ladjo sem stopil v poznih jutranjih urah tistega dne s svojo skromno prtljago, edini Slovenec, kolikor sem mo- gel ugotoviti. Nič pomembnega nisem odnesel iz Evrope, samo nekaj že precej ponošene obleke. Najboljši komad je bil gotovo suknjič, ki sem ga dobil še v študentovskem taborišču Hochsteingasse v avstrijskem Gradcu od neznanega dobrotnika v Združenih državah iz pošiljke rabljene obleke za taboriščnike v begunskih centrih širom Evrope. Vendar sem imel s seboj vsaj eno dragocenost, to so bile note. Vse niso bile dragocene, kakor sem mislil in kakor so mi zagotavljali tisti, ki naj bi o teh stvareh nekaj vedeli. »Take tiskane kompozicije, ki jih imaš v svoji zbirki za klavir, godalni in veliki orkester, boš težko našel v Ameriki,« so mi govorili. Seveda to nikakor ni bilo povsem res, kot se je pozneje izkazalo. Prav gotovo pa so bile slovenske skladbe za solospeve, za pevske zbore, svetne in cerkvene, neke vrste posebna dragocenost. Svoje glasbene sposobnosti sem deloma lahko pokazal na ladji skupaj z nekaterimi drugimi potniki iste stroke že prvi večer v dvorani, kjer je bil pritrjen k ladijskim deskam še kar dober klavir. Naslednji dan pa je Atlantik pokazal svojo moč z visokimi valovi, ki so vsak dan poslali vedno več ljudi na pograde ali — dokler valovi niso začeli zalivati še krova ladje — na tisto tipično visenje preko ladijski ograje... Po treh dneh je bilo razglašeno izjemno stanje, ker je razen približno sto ljudi vse drugo obležalo; morska bolezen je razsajala brez usmiljenja. Ker me ta ni prizadela, sem po višji naredbi izgubil prijetno delo v samem centru ladijskega pogona in bil dodeljen edini de- lavski ekipi, ki je še funkcionirala, čiščenju in pospravljanju. 2enske in otroke, ki so bili težko bolni, smo premestili v salon, kjer je bil klavir, in s tem je bil konec glasbenih večerov. 2adnji dan, ko smo se v naenkrat zrcalno mirnem morju približevali pristanišču Halifax v Kanadi, seje pokazalo, kako čudovito zdravilo je mirno morje. Takoj je bilo vse zdravo in na krovu. Obrazi so bili sicer zeleni kot nova trava, notranjost pa se je popolnoma pomirila. V Halifaxu je izstopilo 444 »novih Kanadčanov«. Na tihem nas je stiskalo pri srcu, ko smo gledali odhod samih mladih ljudi neznanokam, v novo deželo. Na ladji nas je ostalo še 892 razseljenih oseb. Za razliko od kanadske skupine so bile med nami tudi družine in starejši ljudje. 2družene države so imele drugačne kriterije za vselitev kot Kanada. Mi smo pristali v Bostonu in tam smo izvedeli, da bomo pot do našega cilja, mesta New York, nadaljevali z vlakom. (dalje na sir. 11) Slovenska pisarna sporoča... CLEVELAND, O. - Slovenska pisarna sporoča, da je dobila pošiljko Slovenskega standardnega prevoda Sv. pisma. Cena je $50 + poštnina, če ga je potrebno poslati po pošti. Namenjen je vsem, ki želijo brati in preučevati Sv. pismo v sodobni slovenščini. 2a verne, ki v Sv. pismu vidijo zlasti razodeto Besedo, je SSP nenadomestljiv in nad vse izčrpen pripomoček za poglobljeno razumevanje večnih resnic. V kratkem bomo dobili knjigo Rekviem za organista, ki bo stala okrog $15. Popisuje življenjsko zgodbo Janeza Pavčiča, Mežnarjevega Ivana d Bizovika. Pritegnila bo vse, k* se zanimajo za nesrečne dogodke med zadnjo svetovno vojno. Usoda opisanega )e podobna Grozdetovi usodi. V naši pisarni si lahko naročite tudi štirinajstdnevnik V‘r< glasilo Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov (SKD). Letna naročnina je $42. Poleg tega, Že večkrat omenjene verske časopise in revije ter razne druge demokratično usmerjene Pu' blikacije. Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 9.00 do 12.00 in ob nedeljah od 9.30 do 12. ure. Telefona (216) 361-1603 pa se lahko poslužite ob vsakem času in če poveste Vaše ime in Vašo tel. številko, Vas bomo poklicali, kakor hitro mogoče. Naslov Slovenske pisarne je-Slovenska pisarna c/o St. Vitus Church 6104 Glass Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Fax: (216) 361-1608 Brali smo...! CLEVELAND, O. — 2e po naslovu lahko uganete, kaj in o čem imam namen pisati. Nekaj takega, kar smo pač že brali, boste rekli. Res je, a ni to kaj nekaj navadnega, ampak gre tu za kulturni dogodek, katerih je med nami zadnje čase bolj malo. To pot nam bo Dram. društvo LILIJA podalo na odru v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue veseloigro »Micki je treba moža«. In to ob treh popoldne v nedeljo, 22. marca. No, vidite, o tem sem vam hotel pisati kaj da smo brali. Andov Francel nas tako lepo vabi na igro, da bi nihče od nas ne smel na tej igri manjkati. Posebno ne tisti, katerim je slovenska beseda pri srcu, in to smo skoraj vsi taki, kajne? Pa še to, igralci z režiserko vred so tukaj rojeni, to se pravi, da jim slovenska beseda ne teče tako gladko kot nam »starim«, ki smo prišli čez lužo. Besedila se morajo dobesedno naučiti, da igra lahko gladko teče naprej. Zato jim je treba dati korajžo še za v naprej, in to s tem, da pridemo na igro in jim pokažemo, da znamo ceniti njihovo delo za ohranjanje slovenske kulture med nami. Zapik. Prijatelj Vse rojake vabim, da skupaj prisluhnemo papeževim besedam v omenjenem dokumentu: »Nekaj je gotovo: vsakdo je povabljen, da stori, kar je v njegovih močeh, da ne bi prezrli izziva leta 2000, s katerim je zanesljivo povezana milost za Cerkev in za vse človeštvo.« MISLI December 1997 Prva leta delovanja Pevskega zbora Korotan (nadaljevanje s str. 10) Po desetih dneh vožnje po morju smo stopili na ameriška tla. Carinik se je zanimal za ntoje note, vendar nisem razu-me* njegovih vprašanj ali pripomb. Občutek sem imel, da m' Je dajal vzpodbudne nasve-te in na koncu še voščil srečo 'n uspeh v njegovi deželi. Ljudje, ki so nas spravili na vlak, so bili nadvse uslužni, ^•jub temu, da ni bilo kaj prida besedne izmenjave. Ker je bi,o že ponoči, smo z vlaka z začudenjem opažali, da kar ni zmanjkalo luči, da so se hiše in naselja vrstila drugo za drugim nrez prestanka. Na glavno postajo v mestu ew York (Grand Central Sta-b°n) smo dospeli v nedeljo, ' jnlija, ob treh zjutraj, jub zgodnji uri so zastopniki organizacij in sorodniki ali Prijatelji pričakali in pobrali Vse n°vodošle, le jaz sem ob-S a sam v podzemlju na pero-°U' ^er me ni nihče pričakal, sem se s čudnimi občutki vse-e na kovček in s sklonjeno 8 avo in bližajočo paniko pre-""»'l«!. kaj sedaj. eron je bil skoraj popolno-a Prazen, le neki mimoidoči ^rnec me je nekaj vprašal. Ničesar nisem razumel in kar po naše nekaj zamrmral v odgovor. Na srečo se je nekako čez po1 ure pojavil Janez Jenko, zastopnik Lige Slovenskih Amerikancev, in me rešil iz tega mučnega položaja. V nedeljo ob približno pol petih zjutraj me je predal Konradu Mejaču, ki je takrat upravljal neko slovensko hišo v Manhattnu; tu sem dobil začasen kvartir v kotu na hodniku. Pater Bernard Ambrožič, župnik pri cerkvi sv. Cirila v New Yorku, ki je v imenu Lige skrbel za novodošle Slovence in Slovenke, me je naslednji dan prav prijazno sprejel in mi posodil iz Liginega fonda sto dolarjev za začetek. /Ob odhodu iz Evrope sem imel s seboj le pet dolarjev; petdeset centov od tega sem zapravil na ladji za razne potrebščine. Teh pet dolarjev mi je poslal v Evropo pred odhodom Miro Odar, ki je takrat že pobira! oranže v Kaliforniji./ Pater Ambrožič se je zelo trudil, da bi mi našel službo v mestu, kakršnokoli službo. Ker je bilo to poleti, ni bilo lahko. Na vsak način meje hotel pridržati, da bi bil poleg redne zaposlitve v mestu tudi organist v njegovi cerkvi. Obrnil sem se pismeno tudi na tri kolege, ki so pred menoj prispeli v Združene države, da bi čimprej dobil kakšno zaposlitev. Od vseh treh sem dobil pozitivne odgovore. Aleš Šimenc me je povabil v San Francisco in tudi poslal denar za vožnjo. Isto je storil dr. Pe- V BLAG SPOMIN 45. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA ljubljenega in nepozabnega OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA JAMES DEBEVEC ki je v Gospodu zaspal 6. marca 1952. Minilo je že 46 let, odkar si se ločil od nas; kako otožno je življenje, ker Te več med nami ni. Čas beži, a rane nam ne celi, spomini dnevno nam hite -k Tebi - dragemu očetu, te nove nam odpirajo solze. Le počivaj v božjem miru, kjer ni gorja, kjer ni solza, in trudapolna pot na svetu na nas pripelje k Tebi vrh zvezdSI Žalujoči ostali: SINOVI in HČERI, SNAHE, ZETJE, VNUKI in VNUKINJE cLEVELAND, OHIO, 19. MARCA 1998. ter Remec iz Chicaga. Dr. Viktor Novak pa je že našel zame zaposlitev v Clevelandu v Ohiu. Po slabih izkušnjah iskanja službe v mestu New York sem se odločil za Cleveland, ki je bil tudi naj bližji New Yorku. Prvima dvema sem potem s prisrčno zahvalo vrnil denar. Na kolodvoru v Clevelandu sta me pričakala dr. Viktor Novak in sedaj že pokojni dr. Branko Pfeifer, oba kolega iz begunskega študentovskega taborišča Hochsteingasse v Gradcu. Pri Viktorjevih sosedih, družini Krašovec, sem dobil sobo. Naslednji dan me je Viktor peljal na delo k West Industries, kjer je sam delal kot kvalificiran strojnik. Ker podobnih kvalifikacij nisem imel, sem sedaj stopil med ameriške nekvalificirane delavce; postal sem »laborer«. Med novimi priseljenci Okrog leta 1950 je bilo v Clevelandu govora še o približno 60.000 prebivalcih, ki so bili do določene stopnje zmožni slovenskega jezika. Mnogi od novih priseljencev so se med seboj poznali v begunskih taboriščih in si zdaj med seboj pomagali pri iskanju služb in stanovanj. Pomoč pa je prišla tudi od tako imenovanih »staronase-ljencev«, tistih, ki so tu živeli že nekaj let ali bili tu rojeni. Največ zaslug med staronase-ljenci za novodošle je imel gotovo Anton Grdina, morda najvplivnejši mož med Slovenci v Clevelandu v tem času. /Kot v vseh drugih krajih so se slovenski ljudje tudi tukaj delili med tiste, ki so podpirali Titov režim v Jugoslaviji, in med tiste, ki so temu sistemu nasprotovali. Novi priseljenci so v glavnem dobili podporo le od druge skupine; tu in tam so bile tudi izjeme./ Pomagali so tudi mnogi drugi, saj je vsak novodošli moral imeti sponzorja, ki je garantiral, da novi priseljence ne bo v breme državi za dobo enega leta. /Sponzor, ki je zame podpisal to garancijo, je bil Karl Klezin iz mesta New York, za kar mu bom vse življenje hvaležen./ Med slovensko skupnostjo sem bil skoraj tujec, ker nisem bil v nobenem glavnih begunskih taborišč v Avstriji, razen nekaj mesecev v Kellerbergu in nato ves čas v študentovskem taborišču v Gradcu in tudi med vojno precej časa izven Slovenije. Tako sem se prve dni in mesece šele seznanjal z nekaterimi ljudmi; v glavnem sem se držal svojega ozkega novega okolja in kolegov, ki so prišli iz Gradca. Moja plača pri West Industries je bila zelo skromna, zato sem zaprosil za nasvet Marka Sfiligoja in tudi dobil njegovo mesto pri DuPont Chemicals. Graški kolega Marko Sfiligoj je bil namreč vpoklican k vojakom. (da(je na str. 12) Aleksej Kalc: Zanimivo zgodovinsko predavanje O selitvenih gibanjih ob zahodni meji slovenskega etničnega prostora GORAZD BAJC Tržaški rojak, zgodovinar Aleksej Kalc, je v četrtek, 5. februarja, predstavil oris številnih in raznovrstnih selitvenih gibanj na zahodnem delu slovenskega etničnega ozemlja, na stičišču med Slovenijo in Italijo. Za Slovensko Benečijo je poudaril, da je bil značilen gospodarski faktor, ko so se, pretežno moški, zvesti tradicionalnim poklicem, prilagajali razmeram ter se sezonsko izseljevali, v hladnejših mesecih pa so se vračali domov. Ta prostor je izjemno zanimiv: je neke vrste laboratorij za proučevanje odprtosti oziroma zaprtosti nekega prostora. Po prvi svetovni vojni se je tu izseljevanje spremenilo: od začasnih je prešlo na stalne oblike. Se največja odselitev je med leti 1921-1925 prizadela Rezijo, ko je mogoče zaznati nezanemarljiv primanjkljaj 40% prebivalstva, medtem ko je v ostalih predelih Beneške Slovenije 12 odstotkov. Med razloge za to lahko prištevamo tudi gonjo Italijanov, ki se je začela že v letu 1866, ko je bilo to območje priključeno Italiji. Problem sedanjega proučevanja izseljenskih pojavov je zaznati v enosmernosti in poe-nostavljenosti italijanskih piscev, saj ponazarjajo emigracijo samo italijanskih ljudi. Za Trst in njegovo zaledje je bilo od srede polovice prejšnjega stoletja značilno, da beležimo zelo velik prirastek prebivalstva, kar je Kalc pravilno označil kot nenaravno. Priseljevanje bodisi Slovencev kot Italijanov, še posebno zaradi ekonomskih razlogov, pa je izpostavilo problem medetičnih odnosov in trenj. Razlike beležimo v stalnem priseljevanju iz Goriške, Furlanije in Istre, prišteti pa je treba po letu 1913 še 50.000 »regnicolov«, to se pravi priseljencev iz notranjosti Italije. Predavatelj je izrazil potrebo, da bi razširili raziskovanje tudi na tiste priseljence, ki niso bili vključeni v proletariat, to se pravi na nižje uradništvo, med katerimi naj bi bilo precej Slovencev. Poleg tega bi bilo treba študije migracijskih procesov dopolniti z raziskovanjem mikroznačilnosti. Tretji sklop predstavljajo selitvena gibanja v Južnoameriške dežele. Slabe letine in posledične krize so botrovale izseljeniški mrzlici, ki ima v teh krajih kot začetek kampanjo izseljevanja v letih 1878-1879, ko beležimo prvi odhod iz Goriške v Argentino, pozneje pa v Brazilijo. Največ se je takrat izselilo Furlanov, manj pa Slovencev. Za slovensko in hrvaško narodnostno skupnost predstavlja namreč prva svetovna vojna mejnik izseljevanja v Južno Ameriko. Raznarodovalna politika fašizma je marsikoga prisilila, da se je odselil. Veliko se jih je tudi izselilo v Jugoslavijo, nekateri pa so šli v Francijo, Belgijo in druge države. V Jugoslavijo se je zateklo precej političnih aktivistov, kjer so nadaljevali svojo neutrudno delo za dosego narodnostnih pravic. Med njimi so bili nekateri iredentistično usmerjeni in povezani s centralno beograjsko vlado, drugi pa so bili izrazito protifašistično usmerjeni v splošnem Ijud-skofrontnem gibanju, ki je kritiziralo odločitve centralnih oblasti. Kalc je nato poudaril, da so bili po drugi svetovni vojni med izseljenci iz Istre poleg Italijanov tudi Slovenci in Hrvatje. Nadalje povojne razmere in nestrinjanje z novimi oblastmi v Sloveniji oziroma Jugoslaviji so botrovale izselitvi slovenskih političnih emigrantov na takratno območje Zavezniške vojaške uprave. Svobodno tržaško ozemlje je za marsikoga predstavljalo le vmesno postajo, nadaljevanje izseljeništva jih je namreč pripeljalo dokončno v Južno Ameriko. Ta politična emigracija v zamejstvu, še posebno njen katoliški del, pa je pustila svoj neizbrisni pečat, saj je bila, po predavateljevih besedah, pomembna pri razvoju šolstva, kulture in medijev, med katerimi moramo omeniti še posebno tržaško radijsko postajo. Novi Glas, 12.2.1998 Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 BRICKMAN & SONS funeral home 21900 Euclid Ave. 48!-5277 Be'We,n Ch,,rd"" 1 E' «2-d S,. _ E„„ld, Ohio Prva leta delovanja Pevskega zbora Korotan (nadaljevanje s str. II) Ta nova služba je moje dohodke podvojila. Zaradi pomanjkanja naročil pa je tovarna za poletne mesece zaprla obrat in tako sem se spet znašel med nezaposlenimi. Novo delo sem dobil v manjši tovarni, Lustrik Tool Company. Lastnik, Slovenec, ki je prišel v Združene države tik pred prvo svetovno vojno, je zelo upošteval kmečke ljudi. Na direktno vprašanje, kaj sem delal na kmetih, sem priznal, da sem hodil v gimnazijo. Od tega dne naprej me ni nikoli več pogledal ali mi privoščil kakšno besedo. Njegov sin, rojen Amerikanec, ki je vodil tovarno, je bil povsem drugačnega kova, ustrežljiv in vedno v pomoč. Novi priseljenci so poživili slovenski živelj v Clevelandu, pa naj bo to z narodnostnega, verskega, kulturnega, ali gospodarskega vidika. Ta okrepitev je posebno podprla katoliško stran, saj je večina novih priseljencev izhajala iz tega okolja. Priseljenci so se pridružili slovenskim faram in nekaterim kulturnim društvom. Fare in mnoga društva so obstajala že dolgo vrsto let, novi prirastek pa je prinesel tudi oživljene aktivnosti, nove ideje in nove uspehe. Posebno zanimivo in delno nepričakovano je bilo naše novo okolje. Pravzaprav se nisem znašel v kaki tuji Ameriki, znašel sem se v slovenskem okolju, na otoku, sredi velikega mesta. Trgovec, brivec, mesar, vsi so znali slovensko. To je v začetku veliko pomagalo, na dolgo roko pa nam ni bilo v korist. Treba se je bilo priučiti novega jezika in novih navad in ne pozabiti na to, kar je našega. Za nas, ki smo bili še »samotni«, kot so nekateri označevali neporočene, je sčasoma začela nastajati neka praznina; vsaj mene so obdajali taki občutki. Na aveniji St. Clair smo se ob večerih shajali v slaščičarni Oražem v Slovenskem narodnem domu, da smo to osamljenost nekako prikrivali. Tu mi je nekega večera prišlo na misel, da bi ustanovil pevski zbor in s tem dal nekaj smisla življenju zunaj tovarn, in sicer iz dveh razlogov: prvič, slovenska skupnost mi je zadnje leto študija v Avstriji do neke mere pomagala, da sem še lahko ostal v študentovskem taborišču; in drugič, treba je bilo začeti tudi nekaj konstru- ktivnega na lastno iniciativo, da se med seboj bolj povežemo po načelu »ulile cum dulce«. Začetki novega pevskega zbora Precej novih priseljencev je ob mojem prihodu v Cleveland že sodelovalo pri raznih prireditvah; to so bili prispevki posameznikov. V okolici avenije St. Clair je bila zelo aktivna Liga Slovenskih Amerikan-cev, v Collinwoodu pa dramsko društvo Lilija. Pevski zbor pa je nekaj, kar nudi veliko večjemu številu ljudi možnost za aktivno sodelovanje. To sem imel v mislih, ko sem tako kot drugi dolge zimske mesece posedal ob večerih v prijetni, pa ne preveč produktivni družbi med enakimi. Ideja o fantovskem pevskem zboru je nekega večera dobila dober odziv. Več kot to. Fantje so bili takoj pripravljeni, da začno zbirati pevce. V okolišu St. Clair je veliko fantov poznal Frank Lovšin, v Collinwoodu Ivan Hauptman, v Newburgu Jože Križman. Fantje so vabili drug drugega, saj so zaradi pogostega prepevanja tu ali tam vsi vedeli, kdo je imel dober glas. 10. septembra 1951 smo se prvič sestali in določili 13. september za prvo vajo. Udeležilo se je je osemnajst fantov. Kot začasno ime smo si izbrali Fantovski zbor. Liga Slovenskih Amerikancev nam je dala na voljo svojo majhno dvorano. Kaplan pri fari sv. Vida, Jože Godina, tudi novi priseljenec, je imel veliko zaslug, da smo dvorano lahko uporabljali brezplačno. /V zahvalo je zbor vedno sodeloval pri Li-ginih prireditvah, kadar je bilo sodelovanje zaželeno./ Zdaj se je tudi izkazalo, kako dragocene so bile moje note. Kljub precejšnji zbirki je bilo vsega premalo, veliko premalo. Pri pregledu teh dragocenosti mi je bilo takoj jasno, da za dalj časa to ne bo zadostovalo. Pridno smo vadili vsako nedeljo zgodaj popoldne. To je bil še najprimernejši čas, ker so bile službe vsakovrstne, v tovarnah večkrat tudi v nočnih urah. Naše pevske vaje so prišle na uho tudi dekletom, ki so me začele spraševati, zakaj vabim samo fante. Pripravljene so bile, da same zberejo dovolj deklet za sodelovanje. Besedo so držale, Prva skupna vaja mešanega zbora je Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) bila v aprilu 1952. Dekleta, od katerih so nekatera prej v taborišču Lienz pod vodstvom dirigenta Silva Miheliča in v Spittalu ob Dravi pod dirigentom Francem Ciganom pridobila mnoge izkušnje zborovskega petja, so bila v veliko pomoč, prinesla pa so tudi nasvete za izbiro pesmi in nekaj not za mešane zbore. Posebne zasluge za to delo so imele Milica Lorbek, Milica Zonta, sestre Povirk in sestre Arnež. Kar prezgodaj je prišlo prvo povabilo za nastop. Rudi Knez je pripravil materinsko proslavo v Slovenskem domu na aveniji Holmes v Collinwoodu. Fantovski zbor je že tu in tam privatno kaj zapel, z ženskim zborom pa smo imeli do tega časa le nekaj vaj. Nastop 11. maja 1952 je imel zelo pozitiven odmev pri poslušalcih, za vzpodbudo pevcem in pevkam, pa tudi kot sredstvo za pridobitev novih članov in članic. Nekaj besed o tem prvem nastopu je napisal pisatelj Karel Mauser v Ameriški domovini, med drugim: »Posebno pa je presenetil pev- ski zbor g. Milača. Naravnost zagrabil je. (...) Po pravici je zbor doživel lepo pohvalo. Želim si, da bi ta zbor še slišal in to na samostojnem koncertu.« Ligi katoliških slovenskih Amerikancev smo se prvič nekoliko oddolžili za pomoč mesece pozneje v Slovenskem narodnem domu na aveniji St. Clair pri letni zaključni prireditvi. Na tej prireditvi je Fantovski zbor zapel tri pesmi, mešani zbor pa dve. Ni se mi zdelo primerno, da bi zbor nosil moje ime, kot je bilo povzeto iz Mauserjevega članka in je bilo delno tudi v navadi pri nekaterih poklicnih zborih v Ameriki. Zato smo se odločili za ime Pevski zbor Korotan. /Priznati moram, da je to ime bila moja želja in da sem bil vesel, da je zbor ime sprejel. / Dr. Stane Šušteršič je o izbiri imena na omenjeni Ligini prireditvi pojasnil sledeče: »Slovenska Koroška nam je dala naj lepše pesmi. Ona nam je svetal vzor narodne zavednosti in nam dokazuje, kako se z žrtvami ohranja in goji tisočletni zaklad slovenske pesmi in besede.« /Prvi predse- dnik zbora je bil Marijan Strancar, za njim pa je prevzel to važno nalogo dr. Stane Šušteršič, ki je o priliki Ligine prireditve 15. junija 1952 tudi najavil ime Pevski zbor Korotan./ K besedi se je priglasil tudi guverner države Ohio, ameriški Slovenec Frank Lausche, ki je v lepi slovenščini izrekel te vzpodbudne besede: »Kadar si sam, ko misliš, da si od vseh zapuščen, takrat se spomniš pesmi, ki ti jih je pela mati ob zibeli. Slovensko pesem slišiš in ti odleže. Na tujem ste v Ameriki želi, da postanete dobri Amerikanci, in tisti, ki pesem ljudi, ki rad poje, bo dober Amerikanec in dober Slovenec.« Vzpodbuda po teh dveh nastopih je bila dobrodošla. Nastopi, kakor so bili zaželeni, so bili šele na tretjem mestu z ozirom na naloge pevskega zbora. Na prvem mestu je bilo poznavanje slovenske pesmi, razumevanje njene lepote in notranje zadovoljstvo ob izvedbah. Na drugem mestu je bila stvarnost, da smo se pri teh vajah med seboj spoznali, med (dalje na str. 13) NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z veliko žalostjo naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da nas je po težki bolezni za vedno dne 4. januarja 1998 zapustila naša draga žena, mama, stara mama, sestra in teta 1933 1998 ANGELA FUJS (ROJ. MAJC) Pokojna je bila rojena v vasi Dolič, v Prekmurju, 23. februarja 1933. V Ameriko je prišla l. 1957 iz Avstrije. Pogreb je bil 7. januarja 1998 iz pogrebnega zavoda Cosic v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete, kjer je bila darovana sv. maša za pokojno Angelo. Mašo je opravil č.g. J. Kumše ob asistenci č.g. J. Božnarja, župnika pri Sv. Vidu, in č.g. J. Černeta. Nato je bilo njeno truplo prepeljeno na pokopališče Vernih duš, kjer je bito položeno k večnemu počitku. Naša iskrena zahvala gre č.g. Kumšetu, ki je prišel vsak mesec in prinesel sv. obhajilo in jo tolažil v njeni težki bolezni. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo tudi za molitev sv. rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu skupaj z g. Cernetom. Srčno zahvalo naj sprejmejo članice Oltarnega društva fare Marije Vnebovzete, ki so molile ves čas njene bolezni in vsak mesec poslale kartico ali pismo. Tako lepo so jo pospremile na njeni zadnji poti v pogrebnem zavodu, v cerkvi in na pokopališču. Lepo se zahvaljujemo cerkvenim pevcem ob krsti pokojne Angele ter za ubrano petje v crkvi. Enako zahvalo naj sprejmejo pevci Korotana, pod vodstvom Rudija Kneza. Prav lepa hvala Radijski družini za oglas in žalostinko, kakor tudi Ameriški Domovini. Hvala društvu KSKJ št. 169 za molitev ob krsti in darovane rože. Hvala tudi ostalim društvom in posameznikom za darovano cvetje. Iskrena hvala sorodnikom in prijateljem, ki so prihiteli iz Kanade (iz Toronta, Hamiltona, Berrie in Calgary ja). Našo naj toplejšo zahvalo naj sprejmejo vsi, ki so se prišli poslovit, pokropit in molit za pokojno v pogrebnem zavodu. Hvala vsem, ki so se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše in pokojno spremili na njeni zadnji poti na tisto tiho domovanje. Najlepša hvala sorodnikom in prijateljem, ki so našo drago obiskovali in pomagali v času njene bolezni. Prav lepa hvala nosilcem krste. Hvala lepa ge. J. Zalarjevi in njenim pomočnicam za pripravo pogrebščine. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, za katere smo imeli naslove. Ce smo koga po pomoti izpustili, prosimo, naj nam oprosti in naj razume to našo javno zahvalo kot njemu ali njej namenjena. Draga žena, mama, stara mama, sestra in teta, počivaj v miru in naj ti bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Za vsa tvoja dobra dela naj ti bo Bog dober plačnik. Nam vsem boš ostala v večnem spominu. Žalujoči mož Frank, sin Edward z družino, brat Stefan Maje z družino, sestra Francka Androjna z družino, č.g. Tonček Maje v Sloveniji, brat Jože Maje z družino v Sloveniji, teta, sestrične, bratranci in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Cleveland, Ohio, 12. marca 1998. m j Razne in različne vesti iz Slovenije in Slovenije v svetu Prekmurci v ameriškem Bethlehemu, Pa. Bethlehem, Pa. — I.G. v 10. marca takole poroča: »Mladi košarkarji soboškega kluba Creativ so se med zimskimi počitnicami odpravili čez lužo: v New Yorku so si ogledali košarkarski tekmi lige NBA, nato pa še za pet dni odpotovali v Bethlehem v zvezni državi Pensilvanija, s katerim Je Murska Sobota pobratena od predlani. ^ Bethlehemu živi blizu se-em tisoč potomcev druge in tietje generacije Prekmurcev, 1 80 se °b prelomu tisočletja Množično odpravili s trebu-°m za kruhom in našli zapo-8 dev v največji ameriški je-Klarni v tem kraju. Nekoč je zaposlovala kar 35 tisoč delav-Cev’ *et0s Pa jo bodo zaprli. <^0st'telji so Sobočanom z azali znamenitosti mesta, Pripravili ogleda ekshibicijske 5 svetovno znanega ko-""karskega moštva Harlem yrobetrotters, ki je prav ta„ ina‘ 8?st°valo v Bethlehemu, k y,na ne Iskrne srednješolske v sarkarske lige njihove drža-e ter še eno tekmo z domačo rednješolsko ekipo (St. Ann’s k-hurch). Popeljali so jih tudi v 150 Hornetrov oddaljeni York, da s° videli, kako nastajajo mo-v°rjl Harley Davidson. Za slo-^ 80 gostitelji pripravili prek- ših i5^0 rajanJe* m‘ze Pa so se 1 e pod domačimi dobro-lami. Zahtevajo spomenik žrtvam pobojev ferencf«^ Na U8tanovni kon- celjsko regnoSk!8af°rUmaZa obsodili vse zlo? Udeleženci med vojno ; e’ stor->ene 1945 . m tudi po letu izk05;i? kral> P3 obsodili tudi strani T teh do8°dkov v SO dkarske oamene. Zahtevali bojev no ftVam pov°jnih P°" nik inP^Stavl dostojen spome- Park T t? SC Uredi sPominski groh;*xCharje’ $aj je množično vem J C na Golovcu P« njiho-tVam ■ P08meh in sramoto žr-^ ln Prebivalcem Celja. za 3 Ustanovni konferenci so forumSednika Siovenskega lili p j 23 ceij$ko regijo izvoza n^,derika Kralja iz Celja, Krar,- Predsednika pa Henrika Jca iz Gotovelj. Učenje angleščine se še vedno hitro razširja Proi^^ana — V letošnjem EP, wading badge- d-iabrtirčke' cev t, , sodeluje 14.984 raz, !,Šestih- sedmih in c vrnili 0v 221 slovenskih < torjev01 in 360 učiteljev- lalfkitekmovanje (na vse dno število šolarje stavljeno je kot veselo dogajanje, ki nikomur ne bo povzročalo stresa. Ne gre za preizkus slovnice, temveč za preverjanje razumevanja prebranih besedil in besedišča, udeleženci pa bodo ob tem lahko dali duška tudi svoji domišljiji. Projekt vodi Andreja Kavčič, vodja Šolskega epicentra. Lani so tekmovalci skupaj prebrali 53.000 knjig, letos naj bi jih več kot 80.000. Učiteljice, ki sodelujejo pri projektu, so ugotovile, da tekmovanje otroke spodbuja k boljšemu pisanju obnov, ob sistematičnem branju lažje dojemajo nekatere slovnične strukture, pa tudi pogovor v tujem jeziku jim tako ne dela večjih preglavic. Zaradi Interneta najbolj trpi televizija, najmanj radio Ljubljana — Z naraščanjem uporabe Interneta se spreminjajo tudi navade pri pogostosti uporabe tradicionalnih medijev. Čeprav v Sloveniji še ni mogoče govoriti o drastičnih posegih v klasične medije, se določena zakonitost že kaše. Predvsem se ugotavlja, da se je zmanjšalo gledanje televizije in klasično telefoniranje, nekateri uporabniki interneta pa menijo, da so zaradi uporabi interneta določene aktivnosti celo povečali. Po podatkih iz raziskave RIS (Raba interneta v Sloveniji), izvedene med 3500 aktivnimi uporabniki interneta, je čas, namenjen gledanju televizije skrajšala skoraj polovica vseh anketirancev. Spremembe so opazne predvsem pri naj-pogostejših uporabnikih interneta, torej tistih, ki ga uporabljajo vsak dan. Založbe se širijo po slovenskem spletu Ljubljana — Knjigarna Desk (www.desk.si/) je odprla svojo elektronsko ponudbo z več kot 11.000 knjigami, predvsem računalniške vsebine — tako angleška kot slovenska izvirna in prevedena dela. Literaturo lahko seveda neposredno naročate v spletu, ponudbo pa je okrepila tudi Slovenska knjigarna (www.slo-knjiga .si), ki na svojih straneh nudi povezave na številne slovenske in tuje založbe z več kot 293.000 naslovi knjig v angleščini in nemščini. Ponudbi s CD ploščami se je pridružila trgovina SAS, ki na svojem Pevski zbor Korotan (nadaljevanje s str. 13) seboj povezali in da so iz tega izšle nove družine. V velikem mestu in zaradi naše razkropljenosti so vaje in na teh srečanja imela velik, čeprav ne načrtovan uspeh. Tretji cilj so bili koncerti in v to smer smo po prvih začetkih usmerili vse svoje sile. naslovu www.sas.si/index. htm nudi prav tako pestro izbiro CD plošč. Zahodna Evropa pomaga financirati gradnjo cest po Sloveniji preko posojil Ljubljana — Predsednik Evropske investicijske banke sir Brian Unwin in predsednik uprave Darsa Jože Brodnik sta 6. marca podpisala pismo za najem posojila v višini 130 milijonov ekujev (24 milijard tolarjev). Ta denar bo Dars uporabil za gradnjo 20,2 km dolgega odseka avtoceste Sentjakob-Blagovica na petem evropskem prometnem koridorju, ki poteka od Barcelone, Španija do Kijeva, Ukraina. Dars bo denar lahko začel črpati, ko bo državni zbor potrdil zakona o soglasju za najetje omenjenega posojila in o poroštvu zanj. Oba zakona imajo poslanci na dnevnem redu seje, ki pravkar poteka. V nacionalnem programu gradnje avtocest je predvideno, da bo odsek Sentjakob-Blagovica stal 137,7 milijona dolarjev, po sedanjih izračunih v okviru rebalansa nacionalnega programa, ki jih je pripravil Dars, pa bodo potrebovali zanj kar 268 milijonov dolarjev. Brez interneta v šolstvu ne gre več Ljubljana — Internet v šolah je za dobro in sodobno delo danes že popgoj in ne le želja, je na tiskovni konferenci v Osnovni šoli Trnovo 6. marca ugotovila mag. Teja Valenčič, državna sekretarka za osnovno šolstvo. Poleg predstavitve računalniškega opismenjevanja in uporabe interneta v osnovnih in srednjih šolah smo slišali še izsledke druge raziskave o rabi interneta v Sloveniji, zlasti v šolskih ustanovah, poroča A.C. v Delu 1. marca. Namen računalniškega opismenjevanja in uporabe interneta v šolstvu je dvigniti raven informacijskega znana učiteljev in učencev. Računalniške dejavnosti so danes vpletene na vse ravni izobraževanja v Sloveniji, od vrtca do visokošolskega študija. Solarn brezplačno omogoča dostop do interneta javni zavod Arnes. Spletne strani lahko uporabljajo učenci in učitelji, največkrat kot pomoč pri učenju, povezovanju z okoljem in strokovnem izobraževanju učiteljev. Mag. Marko Bonač iz Arne-sa, napoveduje, da bo že v bližnji prihodnosti vsak računalnik povezan z internetom, saj je slednji že danes ne le pripomoček pri računalništvu, temveč pri vseh šolskih predmetih. Z Ameriško Domovino boste vedno na tekočem! Kanadski popis prebivalstva 1996 TORONTO, Ont. — Spoštovani Slovenci in Slovenke! V sodelovanju s »Statistics Canada« in načelnikom Kanadskega statističnega urada g. Ivanom P. Fellegi, je Kanadski Slovenski Kongres januarja meseca 1996, obvestil kanadske Slovence o kanadskem popisu prebivalstva in izrazil željo, da bi se vse obe-be slovenskega porekla v Kanadi izrekle v štetju kot »Slovenians«. Nekatere slovenske publikacije uporabljajo izraz »Slovene«. Tega izraza uradno kanadske oblasti uradno ne poznajo. V Kanadi smo Slovenci poznani kot »Slovenians«. Slovenes, teh ni v Kanadi in jih nikoli ni bilo. Kongres je bil zaskrbljen, da kdor se izreče kot Slovene ne bo prištet v slovensko etnično skupnost. Po zaključku štetja smo obvestili Kanadski statistični urad, da sta Slovenes in Slovenians ista pojma in zato smo zaprosili statistični urad, da vključi vse Slovenes, ki so se bili kot taki prijavljeni, v slovenski etnični izvor — Slovenians. Februarja letos se nam je statistični urad zahvalil za naše sodelovanje in nam sporočil, da so bili vsi kot »Slovenes« prijavljeni vključeni v računalniški program in so bili tako uradno šteti kot Slovenians. Podatki kanadskega popisa prebivalstva (leto 1996) so sledeči: Total Canada 1991 Census 1996 Census All Slovenians 8,050 25,875 Ontario 6,320 17,755 British Columbia 690 3,125 Alberta 400 2,115 Quebec 325 1,655 Manitoba 220 740 Saskatchewan 30 235 Nova Scotia 55 65 New Brunswick 0 55 Newfoundland 0 10 Prince Edward Island 0 10 Yukon Territory 0 7 Northwest Territory 0 7 Pregled podatkov dokazuje, da se je v štetju 1996 vpis oseb slovenskega porekla povečal nad 300% oziroma za 17,825 oseb. Pod vpisom za posameznika se je izreklo. 15,605 oseb Pod vpisom za tkim. »mešan« izvor pa.... 10,270 oseb Pod vpisom za posameznika se je izreklo. 15,605 oseb Pod vpisom za tkim. »mešan« izvor pa.... 10,270 oseb V prvem zgornjem kategoriju so tisti, ki so se izrekli za polnokrvni Slovenci oziroma samo kot »Slovenians«. V drugem kategoriju so pa tisti, ki so se opredelili za »mešani« ali večnarodno-stni izvor kot npr.: Slovenian-Canadian, Slovenian-Italian, Cana-dian-Slovenian-American itd. V dokumentih kanadskega cenzusa je etnični izvor definiran kot skupina prednikov, kateri oseba pripada. Kraj rojstva nima odločilne vloge. Vprašanje v cenzusnem obrazcu se glasi: Kateri etnični so pripadali predniki te osebe? Na podlagi te definicije lahko mi Slovenci, kakor ostale etnične skupine v Kanadi, nadaljujemo sodelovanje v ljudskih štetjih kot »Slovenci« še’veliko desetletij. Ze sedaj lahko seveda napovedujemo, da bo v novem tisočletju velik upad v kategoriji vpisov Slovencev kot polnokrvni, ker prva generacija rojakov izumira in nove emigracije ni, da bi jo nadomestila. Toda kategorija za »večnarodnostni« vpis kot Slo-venian-Canadians itd. nam omogoča nadaljevanje naše uradno priznane navzočnosti v kanadski družbi še veliko let, a to pod pogojem, da učimo in seznanjamo našo v Kanadi rojeno mladino o tradicijah, kulturi in koreninah njenih prednikov. Pri ohranjevanju slovenskih korenin in slovenstva želimo sodelovanje tudi s strani Slovenije. Uresničen kongresni predlog glede »posebnega statusa Slovencev po svetu brez slovenskega državljanstva« bi veliko doprinesel Slovencem v Kanadi kakor drugod po svetu. Naslednji kanadski cenzus se bo vršil že leta 2001. ,, v svojem imenu in v imenu KSK se iskreno zahvaljujem Kanadskemu statističnemu uradu in kanadski slovenski skupnosti, za sodelovanje in odlično dovršeno delo. • Stane Krajnc član izvršilnega odbora KSK 'n v°tija cenzusnega programa Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 6 > tovrstne ukrepe sprejemal0 < celo državo. 1 (nadaljevanje prihodnjič) MALI OGLASI FOR SALE: 5-Row Chroma accordion in excellent cofld' tion. Call: 216-531-7864^ Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361'4„A IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVK ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FO* AGED PRESCRIPTIONS ...zamejska in zdomska literatura... Vladimir Kos: Eseji z japonskih otokov Vladimir Kos, jezuit, misijonar v revnem predelu japonske prestolnice Tokia in profesor na univerzi Sophia prav tam, je lani pridružil štirim pesniškim zbirkam knjigo esejev ^seji z japonskih otokov. Izšla ie pri Založbi Obzorja v Mari-| boru 1997. V knjigi predstavlja Japonce, med katerimi deluje že 40 let, zato jih dobro Avguštin, da mora nekdo skrbeti za množico, ker mnogi skupaj ne morejo imeti občest-venega življenja, skrbi za občo blaginjo. V Zaroti po telefonu strokovno poglobljeno razpravlja o nekdanjih Izraelcih in njihovem življenju v Egiptu, vse na podlagi najnovejših odkritij ameriških raziskovalcev. Pozna in ima mnogo prijateljev med vsemi sloji. Japoncev je 122 milijonov, njihovi otoki Pa zavzemajo 377 tisoč km2. Kos od vseh strani osvetljuje Japonce, njihovo mišljenje, elovanje, način življenja in J*h primerja s Slovenci. Noben evr°Pski narod nima »čiste« zgodovine, Slovenci nismo no-‘jna izjema. S prijateljem z ravnikom poglobljeno razpravljata o Bogu in veri. »Ve-‘ua nas Japoncev je tradicio-na n° budistična - od staršev ln prednikov smo prejeli prepričanje, da človek po smrti nadaljuje življenje. To prepri-nje ustreza nečemu v globini nase zavesti.« azakijem razmišljata o temJeT'>>Smisel življer '"’’d3 razvijamo, ka 5* Jel1’ v smeri dobreg samezniki in v skladu cestvom, v katerem živi, Nato preideta na um s aranja v dvoje, ker s ni pripravil na ta či ristJanih pomaga med "a ljubezen. Vsak član v "j sJtuPn°sti bi se mor v? at*’ da je vprašanje sl bno'nje življenJsko Po s hotelirjevo ženo se neko? ° krščanstvu> ki j ni nČ na tlstem otoku v K-ssrr« Ja Im K«-,_ , -vu jenabn • za Jezuitsko sire K„sVOdi *» -"jo me?ienb0k° 'n vsestranskc «7? Jf esej Srečanje na knjiKi h tCrem razpravl Bog dr' C‘rila Sorča delu" h SVCti Tr°Jii saj :p da je edinstv »eno i, Plsanje 0 sv. Tr vih n 'ned največjih člov Pa >xu?ehj<<’ s°rčeva k. Pravljanje. njJku$e? ° dr- Ant°nu jo, ’ k' 8a je učil psih dolgo Pr!V ja ° >>biti«. k slove VdruSič Pre' revo,,, azpravlja o Stalini nemš?1J1 na Slovenske hom Cm poPuščanju pa C"a.Primorskem. V Vori nje cvetijo v A6mo Pismo SPravi in Je °dgov sl0Ven ‘z Slovenije, ali zi OH,nska država oporo hidi1St'^’ k* jih loči od sodp,Sprava- Pisec žago 0vanje, ker pravi š Predsednik »Kluba petdesetih« ga je povabil na izlet in na prošnjo jim je predaval o filozofiji okolja. To obdaja človeka od nastanka dalje, teološko okolje pa nas obdaja povsod in v vsaki dobi. Nosilec tega okolja je tisto skrivnostno, Vsemogočno in Neskončno Bitje, ki Edino lahko ustvari duha novega človeka - duha, ki kljub razpadu telesa - ne more umreti, ker ni snov. Kos je edini, ki na Japonskem predava na univerzi o okolju. Ker so japonski otoki razmeroma gorati, je malo prostora za razvoj bivališč, za poljedelstvo in industrijo, zato je Japonec podjeten in pripravljen sprejeti tuje dosežke, ki pa jih prilagodi otoškemu življenju. Japonec je po japonsko pogansko veren, »čeprav nima jasnih budističnih oziroma šintoističnih pojmov. Le ti so ubrano strnjeni v dva praktična izreka: hram je za ženitev, tempelj za pogreb.« V eseju Zadnje vprašanje razčlenjuje in dopolnjuje knjigo Maje Milčinski: Kitajska in Japonska. Med religijo in filozofijo, ki je izšla v Ljubljani 1995. Avtorja, ki živi že 40 let na Japonskem in je duhovnik in filozof, knjiga ne zadovoljuje, ker pisateljica ne pozna dovolj problemov, ki jih obravnava. S katehistom na daljnem zahodnem otoku razpravlja o veri in nekdanjem preganjanju kristjanov. Se pogovor s slovenskim politikom, katerega prosi, naj se zavzame »za pospeševanje rojstev, sicer nas bo Slovencev lepega dne zmanjkalo, in za poostreni boj proti tihotapljenju mamil«. Kosovi Eseji z japonskih otokov so izredna knjiga za slovensko literaturo, saj v vsakem izmed 18 esejev obravnava ali rešuje po en problem. Zajeti so iz sodobnega izobraženega življenja in obravnavajo domovino, zdomstvo, tujstvo, kulturo, politiko, teologijo in še kaj, pogosto se poslužuje oblike razgovora, razpravljanja in različnih prijemov, na koncu pa vse razjasni in strne v logično podprto in filozofsko utemeljeno zaključno misel in ugotovitev. Jože Pogačnik piše v spremni besedi: »Poseben čar daje vsebini te knjige soočanje izkušenj, miselnosti in kulture Zahodne Evrope z ustreznimi razsežnostmi Daljnega Vzhoda.« Oceno o knjigi g. Kosa je napisat Martin Jevnikar in je bila objavljena v januarski številki triaško-goriške revije MLADIKA. IMUmibM? Please Play Responsibly. •The number combination depicted above is for advertisement purposes only and is in no way verified or endorsed by The Ohio Lottery Commission and Its retailers. Lottery Players are subject to Ohio Laws and Commission Regulations 01997 Ohio Lottery Commission. William G. Howell, Executive Director, Ohio Lottery Simpozij: Cerkev in kultura na Slovenskem Umetnost in religija v novih razmerah sožitja Ljubljana — Kulturni forum, ustanova, ki je pred leti zrasla znotraj stranke SDS, je 27. februarja pripravil poldnevni simpozij z naslovom Cerkev in kultura na Slovenskem. Razpravljanja v novem delu Narodne galerije se je udeležilo do 40 ljudi, vključno s tistimi, ki so bili povabljeni kot govorci. Debato o razmerju med Cerkvijo in kulturo (umetnostjo), ki je bila z drugo vojno prekinjena, po njej pa se seveda ni mogla enakovredno obnoviti, je vsekakor treba začeti znova. Temelji so zdaj nedvomno drugačni, Cerkev je doživela II. vatikanski koncil in z njim priznanje kulturne avtonomije, slovensko kulturo pa je doletela preobrazba, ki je sicer bolj zunanja kot notranja, a ovire za svobodno razmerje do Cerkve so vsekakor odpadle. Pravzaprav se lahko čudimo, da je ta debata obnovljena šele sedmo leto po osamosvojitvi, kakor se lahko čudimo tudi dejstvu, da pobuda zanjo ne prihaja s cerkvene strani, vsaj formalno ne. A kakor koli, tema je znova odprta in — kakor je dejal na koncu predsednik foruma Aleksander Zorn, ki je vso stvar tudi vodil — zamišljena kot prehajanje od splošnega k posameznemu. Na simpoziju je seveda prihajalo do kontrakcije obojega, govor je bil tako o čisto filozofsko-teološkem vidiku razmerja med religijo in umetnostjo kot o praktičnih zadevah spomeniškega varstva. Evidentirana so bila mnoga vprašanja, seveda pa bo imel simpozij določnejši smisel, če bodo ta vprašanja tudi institucionalno operacionalizirana — na državni in cerkveni strani, kolikor gre za merljive kvalitete, in v intelektualnem smislu, kolikor gre za načelne stvari. Govorjeni prispevki bodo objavljeni v Novi reviji. Med avtorji, ki so razmerje med Cerkvijo in kulturo obravnavali na načelni ravni, je prvi nastopil Janko Kos. Ko je ugotovil, da je razmerje med kulturo in Cerkvijo prepleteno tako, kot sta pač prepletena estetski in religiozni doživljaj, je historiat tega odnosa zgostil v tri tipe, glede na to, kako je to razmerje sprejemala Cerkev: asketskega, v katerem se religija odreka umetnosti, vz-gojno-moralističnega, v katerem Cerkev instrumentalizira umetnost za svoje katehetske potrebe, in estetskega, v katerem se religija strinja z avtonomijo umetnosti in ki kolikor toliko ustreza stanju v pokoncilski teologiji. Ko je zastavil vprašanje z druge strani, namreč, kako kultura receptira Cerkev, je seveda naletel na pojma antireli-gioznost in antiklerikalizem, v tej luči pa tudi na konkretnost, kakršno bi v tovrstnih razpravljanjih predstavljala na primer Prešeren in Cankar. Janez Juhant je izhajal iz podobnih izhodišč, pokazal pa je na religiozno podlago evropskih demokracij, kakršne pri nas ni, zato prihaja do ideoloških stereotipov, kakršen je na primer favoriziranje protestantizma nasproti katolištvu. Manj jasen je bil tam, ko je omenjal »materinskost« slovenske Cerkve. Anton Stres je sicer nastopil le z repliko, a je v njej dovolj obsežno razgrnil teološko bistvo kulture, in sicer iz izhodišča, da je religija »predkultur-ni pojav«, kar naj seveda pomeni, da je religija tako kot kultura duhovna enost, do katere ima država obveznost. Sicer pa je zatrdil, da je v projektu slovenske sinode posebno poglavje posvečeno prav tej simpozijski temi. Dokaj osebno — in prav toliko navihano — razmišljanje je prispeval Andrej Capuder, ki je dejal, da ne ve, kaj je resnica, dobro pa ve, kaj je resnicoljubnost, saj se je v njej preizkušal deset let, ko je prevajal Danteja. V novo simbiozo med Cerkvijo in kulturo verjame. V ta sklop sodi tudi nastop Braneta Senegačnika, ki je svoj prispevek naravnal kot dialog z dvema spisoma nanav-zočega Gorazda Kocjančiča o teološki estetiki. »Praktični« del simpozija je največ govoril o kulturnem videzu slovenskih cerkva. Med najboljšimi vprašanji je bilo gotovo, zakaj ostaja njihova likovna podoba na ravni ljudske pobožnosti, moderna u-metnost pa vanje tako rekoč nima vstopa. Najbolj udarno ga je postavil Marjan Tršar in iz izkušnje zagotovil, da bodo farani sprva morda negodovali, a se bodo sčasoma na »abstrakcijo« navadili, kakor se menda navadi celo najbolj zagrizen realist. Ce se ne motimo, je nekaj podobnega zagovarjal tudi Andrej Jemec. Iz prve roke, in to od župnika Janeza Pogačnika, smo lahko slišali, kakšno je videti soočenje s »katastrofalnim množičnim okusom« na lokalni ravni, kakor tudi to, da se župnije zavedajo svojih kulturnih nalog. Na koncu sta se z zelo tehtnima replikama oglasila še dva, ki problematiko kulturne dediščine poznata iz vsakdanje prakse, arhitekt Peter Fister in (dalje na str. 16) MALI OGLASI FOR RENT Redecorated 5 rm apt. (with basement). E. 200 & Lake Shore area. 473-2455 (day); 446-0964 (eve.) (7-10) FOR RENT Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. ,Yx Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1223. Postni čas nam odpira rajska vrata. Tretjina posta je že za nami, ko boste brali te vrstice. V tem času smo že marsikaj dobrega .storili in se poglobili v postno pripravo za čimlepše duhovno doživetje praznika. Še mesec dni (tj. 30 dni) je pred nami do Velikonočnega praznika, Vstajenje Gospodovega. V tem času se bomo lahko še bolj temeljito duševno pripravili, še je čas za mnogo dobrega storiti, za uboge in misijonarje po svetu. Kajti naš misijon je tu, ni potrebno, da gremo v Afriko, Indijo ali na Madagaskar. Iskrena molitev, spreobrnjenje srca in dobra dela, vse to se dopolnjuje, da bomo globoko doživeli Gospodovo Veliko noč. Z velikim veseljem sporočam, da je rektor semenišča v Mariboru, g. Marjan Turnšek, poslal pisma vzdrževanih bogoslovcev za dobrotnike. Se te dni jih bom skušala odposlati dobrotnikom, že sedaj pa bom objavila pismo ljubljanskega diakona, ki bo letos posvečen za duhovnika. Takole piše svoji dobrotnici: »Spoštovana in nad vse cenjena gospa Marija! Kar nekaj časa je že minilo, odkar sva se »slišala«, takole preko pisane besede. V tem času se je veliko stvari zgodilo in tudi dogodilo. Za menoj je čas — obdobje šestih let, ki bo zaznamovalo celo moje življenje. Za menoj je čas bogoslovnega življenja, v katerem sem se, vsaj upam tako, po vseh svojih močeh trudil, da bom sedaj lahko dober duhovnik v Kristusovem vinogradu. Na teološki fakulteti sem dokončal petletni diplomski študij, uspešno napravil diplomsko nalogo in jo tudi uspešno zagovarjal. Letos imamo še šesti letnik, tkim. pastoralni letnik. V tem letu predavanj še duhovniško delo bolj spoznavamo iz praktičnih vaj. Tako za konec tedna (petek, sobota in nedelja) odhajamo na župnijo, katero nam je odredil škof. Poleg uspešno opravljene teološke izobrazbe sem v mesecu oktobru, natančneje v nedeljo, 26. oktobra 1997, v ljubljanski stolnici po rokah nadškofa Franca Rodeta prejel prvo stopnjo duhovništva. Ta dan sem bil posvečen v diakona. Da mi je bilo omogočeno vse to, da mi nikoli ni nič manjkalo in da sem imel ves čas tudi duhovno podporo, ste »krivi« tudi Vi, spoštovana gospa Marija. Iz vsega srca se Vam sedaj zahvaljujem za vse darove, ki ste jih prispevali v sklad za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev. Zahvalim se Vam tudi za darove, ki mi jih poklanjate po svojem bratu Jožetu. Bog Vam povrni vso to dobroto, skrb in ljubezen. Priložena slika naj bo vsaj skromna zahvala za Vašo požrtvovalnost. Na sliki sem skupaj s svojimi sošolci-vrstniki in nadškofom Francem Rodetom na dan diakonskega posvečenja. (Zal fotografije nimam za objavo, pa drugič, op. pisca.) Ob tej priložnosti, ko Vam že pišem, Vam lahko tudi že sporočim datum novomašne slovesnosti. Mašniško posvečenje bo v ponedeljek, 29. junija 1998, ob 9. uri v ljubljanski stolnici. Slovesnost nove maše pa bo v moji domači župniji — Brezovica pri Ljubljani in sicer 12. julija 1998, ob 3h pop. Vem, da ste daleč proč od naše ljube slovenske domovine. Toda, če Vas bo pot v tistem času vodila po slovenski zemlji, bi bil neizmerno vesel in še bolj počaščen Vaše navzočnosti na moji novi maši. Tako Vas že kar sedaj povabim na novo mašo, »uradno« povabilo pa bo prišlo nekoliko kasneje. Naj bo toliko za sedaj dovolj. Prihranim kaj še za drugič. SALES TT GORJANC A Name For All Seasons. SERVICE TV* FURNACES - BOILERS AIR CONDITIONERS HEAT PUMPS GEO THERMAL SYSTEMS RADIANT FLOOR HEATING AIR CLEANERS • HUMIDIFIERS Iamb ricah #■ STANDARD Built TbAHigher Standard n b b i Residential - Commercial ' 30170 Lakeland Blvd. V upanju, da se nam bo kdaj dano osebno spoznati, Vas toplo pozdravljam in v Vaše življenje kličem božji blagoslov in še posebej veliko mero Marijinega varstva. Lep pozdrav, pa prenesite ga tudi ostalim slovenskim prijateljem, posebno sodelujočim v MZA. Vse Vas imam rad in se Bogu zahvaljujem, ker Vas imam. Hvala še enkrat. Vaš vdani Gregor Kunej diakon V Ljubljani, 12. jan. 1998« Hvala, g. Gregor, za tako lepo, iskreno pismo, z dovoljenjem Vaše dobrotnice ga delim z mnogimi, ki z veseljem prebirajo Ameriško domovino. Ljubljanska nadškofija ima letos 7 diakonov, mariborska 10, koprska 2. Dragi MZA sodelavci in dobrotniki, priporočam Vam vse v molitev, kakor tudi vse bogoslovce in tiste, ki se bodo letos v septembru odločali za duhovniški poklic. Prosimo Svetega Duha razsvetljenja vsem, posebno še, ko se letos pripravljamo po Sv. Duhu na 2000. jubilej Jezusovega rojstva. Darovi za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev: Prav ta trenutek, ko pripravljam objavo darov, ki so bili poslani od dobrotnikov, je prišlo telefonsko sporočilo iz Clevelanda od g. Janeza Osenar, za vzdrževanje dveh bogoslovcev $2000; ga. Mia Fekul iz Toronta pa $1000, prav tako za vzdrževanje bogoslovca, za akademsko leto 1997/8 in dalje. Za obnovo cerkve v Dobrniču $3000 Neimenovani, za ML $300 neimenovani. Frank Staniša $300, po njegovem namenu, $20 za poštnino. John Lavrih $60 za Radio Ognjišče 1. 1998, Stana Oven $20 za poštnino. Iz poverjeništva MZA Joliet Marija Jeretina sporoča, da so pridelali na Prodaji peciva $1360. Danica Ančimer, Kanada, $80 za RO in za najbolj potrebne kan. $86. Visit Our Slovene American Auto Repair Shop! NOTTINGHAM AUTO BODY & FRAME Frame Straightening Collision Repair Painting 19425 St. Clair Avenue Tel. 481-1337 Michael Bukovec, Owner Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! Naj vam vsem božji Misijonar obilno povrne. Vsem dobrotnikom, sodelujočim pri MZA, srčna zahvala ter obilo postnih milosti v pripravi na Velikonočne praznike! Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Road Toronto, Ont. M8W 3V7 Canada Tel. - (416) 255-2519 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 9) Whalesu, mati Nelsona Wha-lesa in in Johna Medveška ml., 3-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Berthe Deu-ring, Max-a in Josephine Bon-fish (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda, ure kropljenja so bile v ponedeljek. John Vidmar Umrl je 75 let stari John Vidmar, mož Jean, roj. Bon-cha, oče Bernarda, Celeste Putz in Richarda, brat Josepha, Ann Zupančič in že pok. Vincenta ml., 3-krat stari oče, 1- krat prastari oče. Pogrebni obredi so bili 9. marca na pokopališču Vernih duš. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Zak zavoda. Joseph T. Zaletel Umrl je Joseph T. Zaletel, vdovec po Rose, roj. Losin, oče Kennetha, 2-krat stari oče, 2- krat prastari oče, brat Ethel Ress, Walterja, Richarda ter že pok. Elsie Malians, Dorothy Jazbec, Pat Mahany, James, Fredericka in Lillian, veteran 2. svetovne vojne. Pogreb je bil 9. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Frančiškega Asiškega in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. KO LED AR MAREC 15. — Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov priredi letni banket v SND na St. Clair Ave. 21. — Primorski klub prireja vsakoletni »Primorski večer«, v SND na St. Clair Ave. 22. — Dramsko društvo Lilija poda igro v Slov. domu na Holmes Avenue (popoldne). APRIL 5. — DN1J pri Sv. Vidu, društvi št. 25 in 162 KSKJ prirejajo kosilo v avditoriju pri Umetnost in religija (nadaljevanje s str. 15) umetnostni zgodovinar Gojko Zupan; oba sta zapustila vtis, da ima razmerje med kulturo in Cerkvijo tudi zelo urgentno plat, ki je nemara celo rešlji-vejša od teološke. O obeh je spregovoril tudi Ivan Štuhec. Kar zadeva reševanje cerkvene kulturne dediščine, je dejal, da ima vtis, da' si država Cerkve ne želi integrirati v kulturno politiko. Kar pa zadeva vprašanje, ki si ga je tudi sam zastavil, zakaj danes ni mogoče ustvariti modernega sakralnega prostora, je odgovoril, da obstaja nejasnost v sami teologiji. Peter Kolšek Delo, 28. feb. 1998 Sv. Vidu. Serviranje od H-dop. do 1.30 pop. 5. — Mladinski pevski zb°' kr. št. 2 SNPJ ima polka zabavo v SDD v Euclidu. 18. — Tabor DSPB pri^ družabni večer v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Pričetek ob 7-zv. Sledi ples. Igrajo Veseli godci. 18. — Pevski zbor Jadran 0 spomladanski koncert v SD® na Waterloo Rd. 25. — Slovenska šola pri Vidu priredi materinsko Pr° slavo v farni dvorani. Pričete ob 6.30 zv. 25. Pevski zbor Zarja & spomladanski koncert v SU na Recher Ave. MAJ 16. — Pevski zbor Korol^ poda svoj vsakoletni koncert SND na St. Clairju. Po k°n' certu zabava in ples. Igra ^ sambel Staneta Mejača. 24. — Društvo SPB vabi ^ spominsko sv. mašo p n ^ ški Materi božje na Chard6 Rd. 25. SKD Triglav, Mil*>4m ima Spominski dan prazn°v nje na Parku. JUNIJ 14. — Slovenska šola P Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi P letno veselico na Slovenski P1 StavL 7nSPl 20. in 21. — Tabor ZV* priredi spominsko proslavo Slovenski pristavi. 28. — SKD Triglav, Ati*** kee, ima prvi piknik na P3* JULIJ i 12. — Misijonska Znatnk0 Akcija priredi piknik na ^ venski pristavi. Pričetek s mašo ob 12. uri. J 12. - MZA odsek, A"V< kee ima misijonski piknl Triglavskem parku. 26. — Slovenska šola Pri^ Vidu prireja piknik na S ° ski pristavi. avgust 23. — SKD Triglav, kee ima drugi piknik na ■j EPTEMBFS - Baragovi dnevi v L SKD Triglav, na Vinsko trgat6 uh- Jruštvo SPB °rPa e v Frank, O. Sv-e (12. ura). oktober ■ ■ ■n pe^ ADZ prireja r _ i svojem letovis . ini ’evski zbor ZarPp , SDD »a OVEMBEB Imeriška raznuje 88. ° £\i> ^ tvevSNDna S‘- - vski zbor G1# J V z VSHl riredi koncert air Ave. L d H ztoi žaba Federation of Slovenian Homes American Home March, 1998 r 19th SPECIAL EDITION Joyce Plemel 1998 Honorees ^deration of Slovenian Homes arberton. .. . ^°llinwood. . . buclid iic L C3 A8 C7 airPort...........B2 °rain..............d B6 .....Cl XXrest park.......All 'Vor cl'! ^Wburgh... gfJ W, ^vfii^^nen’s.....A2 ten K' Bob Hopkins Vincent Lauter % S * » Linda Sekular Evelyn Pipoly 1.P ? i: if I iif Al Meglich Working Hard for Workmen’s My father, Joseph Meglich, was born February 12, 1892 in the village of Klecet, Slovenia. He came to America in 1908 and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he established Clover Dairy, which was located behind the Slovenian National Home on E. 64 St. He met my mother, Alice Hrovat, whom he married in 1918. They were the parents of seven children— six boys and a daughter. They always encouraged us children to be proud of our Slovenian heritage. My mother was an accomplished piano player and could be heard accompanying the Vodnik’s Sextette, which aired on the Slovenian Radio program, with Charles Zorman as the announcer. I attended St. Vitus school and then went on to Wilson Junior High. I finished my schooling at Cleveland Al Meglich Trade. After that, along with my brothers and sister, I worked for my father, delivering milk. I served in the Navy during World War II and was sent to Great Lakes Naval Training Center for boot camp. I attended the University of Illinois, where I took a radio and signals course. I was stationed on Guam and was assigned to a patrol craft; it patrolled Saipan and the Tinian Islands. Upon my discharge on March 8, 1946, I returned to Cleveland and continued to work for my father until his retirement in 1958. After that, I was employed by Foote-Burt Company, but soon realized that I preferred the outdoors as opposed to working indoors. I returned to the dairy business and was hired by Dairymen’s Dairy, where I served as route foreman. In 1974 I was transferred to Hillside Dairy and continued to work until my retirement in 1986. My Slovene and social activities over the years have been quite varied. 1 am a member of the social group known as the Golden Gophers since 1948. I am a former member and post commander of American Legion Post #273. A member of SNPJ V Boj #53, I serve the lodge as vice president. I am a representative to the Cleveland Athletic League. I belong to AMLA lodge 37, am a former member of the AMLA Supreme Board, where I served eighteen years on its Fraternal Affairs Committee. My memberships also include the Knights of Columbus Euclid (Continued on page 3) Progressive Slovene Women of America, Circle #1 Congratulates Joyce Plemel and Al Meglich - Volunteers FOR THEIR DEDICATION TO OUR SLOVENE HOMES P.S.W.A. #1 meets the first Thursday at 7 p.m. each month at the S.W.H. Waterloo Rd. This is your Invitation to join us! Congratulations to JOYCE PLEMEL - AL MEGLICH Century Tire Service Firestone Home & Auto Supply 15300 Waterloo Rd. - Cleveland 44110 531-3536 Ron Dovgan, Owner Congratulations JOYCE PLEMEL Woman of the Year AND AL MEGLICH Waterloo Home Honoree For Your Dedication and Fraternalism to SNPJ CLEVELAND ATHLETIC LEAGUE Congratulations Slovenian Woman of the Year Joyce Plemel United Slovenian Society Congratulations Al Meglich, Vice President Officers and Members of Lodge V Boj #53 SNPJ Jennie Gorjanc, President Patricia Habat, Recording Secretary Mimi Struna, Treasurer Martha Meglich, Secretary Auditors: Ann Wagner, Fran Mauric and Louisa Jartz Congratulations Al Meglich - SWH Honoree, Joyce Plemel - Federation Woman of the Year — and All Other Honorees NAGY MONUMENT CO. Inc. 15425 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 216- 481-2237 Congratulations to “Our Woman of the Year” EVERY YEAR! JOYCE f, PLEMEL From Your Other Kids Jim & Terry, Debbie & Ghoul Augie & Moe, Max, Pust & Rita Ladies Auxiliary of S.N.P.J. FARM Congratulate Volunteer JOYCE PLEMEL And All Other Honorees dedicated to their Homes Support Our Picnics at the S.N.P.J. Farm Mother’s Day 5/10/98 Fall Picnic 9/13/98 Wj B, Lc er, W( St «r, $e; an W ef! Po Sc Cu *1 W| AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 3 Joyce Plemel is Federation Woman of the Year Joyce E. Plemel was born December 27, 1918, to Frances and Erasmus Gorshe of 6103 Glass Avenue, Cleve-land, Ohio. Her birthplace is now the property of St. Vitus School. Joyce’s parents, both born 111 Slovenia, immigrated to America in the early 1900’s. They met and married in Denver, Colorado in 1916. Their first daughter, Frances, Was horn in 1917. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to Cleveland, Ohio. P°n their arrival, both parents became actively in-Vo|ved in the St. Clair Ave-JUe Slovene community. °yce s parents participated the 1924 opening of the St. air Slovenian National v°me" A third daughter, IVlan’ was born in 1938. Joyce s involvement in le Slovene community was :"S,"!led in her by her par-tit j Part'cipation in a mulitU e Slovene activities, er father was a member of he board of directors of the ( t. Clair) for many „ frs and was also the origi-a Promoter of the Slovene School there. Her mother was ^ ^t've with the Ladies Aux--1 lary- Both parents partici-|ated 'n the Dramatic Club J3n Cankar and were internal in preserving the 0vene arts and culture in Cleveland. In 1942, Mr. Gorshe was a thaf11 er tbe committee commissioned the re pro- a p0" °f Maksim Gas-?”'S pa'ntin8 on ,he stage Thr „°f ,hCSt-»ir SNH. »cth f’a Shirl=y Braith-1, asked Joyce, her sister C and Mrs. Tončka gjri 10 to pose as the village 8 r'l'n reproduction. trempf Gorslles were ex-ean ef Pr°Ud to be Ameri-on|y,'°rvVenes- Joyee is the Gorshe f™i|® memberof,he attend'd' e”ly ycars- East Madison Al Meglich.. Post#3l64. With" pCt0ber’ 1948, I Bran ,rantc Mervar, Loga“'’ Bob Mills, eraL f d a number ol vverp.from St- Vitus St . !nstrumental in fo erans'pS Catll°l>c Wa: a P«. #1655, wl and st;, 1as post com,T j remain a mem! Wat ,am a member o etsa,c;ko-Beach Horn p0 Association and a S0 .ln§ member of S c 'lety Jadran. I serv ^l^aiaster of Cub Scou j\yi op St. Jerome’s C Cre my wife Martha School on Addison Road, Wilson Junior High on E. 55 St., and then graduated from East High School on E. 82 St., in June 1937. She also attended Slovene School classes on St. Clair from 1926 to 1936. After graduation, Joyce worked at the Slovene newspaper Enakopravnost (Equality). She handled local news and advertising, all in Slovene. In 1934, Joyce and her parents were present at the founding meeting of the Progressive Slovene Women of America. This makes Joyce one of three surviving founding members of the organization. In 1944, she was elected to serve on the Relief Committee of PSWA, providing necessities to war-torn Slovenia. Joyce was elected Assistant Secretary in 1945. She has served on the PSWA National Board for over 30 years, currently as its vice president for the last 14 years. She represents PSWA Circle 7. In 1961, Joyce was commentator for the newly formed Slovene cooking classes sponsored by the PSWA. These classes were held to promote Slovenian cooking and to encourage our younger generation to uphold Slovene culinary traditions. Joyce was instrumental in the revision of the cookbook, Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes, published by the PSWA in 1995. In 1996 she was chairman of the strudel making demonstration held at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Joyce joined many Slovene organizations. In 1935 she became a member of Lodge Spartans 576 SNPJ. She was an active member and participated in the lodge’s annual Starlight Ball for many years. She bowled on the Spartans team and took part in many SNPJ bowling tournaments.________ (Continued from page 2) are parishioners. I met my wife, the former Martha Semich, in 1951. We were married on October 24, 1954 at St. Vitus Church and are the parents of three children and grandparents to nine. I would like to thank the Board of Trustees of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home for selecting me as Man of the Year. My years spent with the past and present members, and all the friends I have made, have been most gratifying and rewarding. Many thanks to all! Congratulations to all the 1998 honorees! Joyce Plemel She joined AMLA Lodge 2, now merged with Lodge 9, in 1943; she also participated in many AMLA bowling tournaments. By Joseph F. Petrie Jr., Historian - March, 1997 -The 37th Annual Dinner and 36th Annual Slovenes of the Year Awards Banquet sponsored by the Federation of Slovenian National Homes was held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, where the Slovenian community honored 11 women and men from the various Slovenian National Homes throughout the northeastern area. [Historian footnote: This is the Federation’s 37th annual dinner and the 36* annual year, recognition is awarded to a main honoree; noted for a better perspective of historical fact from actual Federation meeting minutes.] The American Slovene Club, located on 617 Third Avenue in Fairport, Ohio was the 1997 host Home; coordinated arrangements by Home representatives were Warren Fabian, Jean Fabian, Lou Grzely and the members of the Board of Directors. Federation’s annual meeting took place at the Slovenian Society Home of Collinwood. President Patricia A. Ipavec-Clarke Encouraged by her parents, Joyce became an usher for the Dramatic Club Ivan Cankar. This led eventually to roles in their plays. She presided over the meeting called to order at 8:20 p.m., after a delicious supper had been prepared and served by the Homes Ladies Auxiliary. President Ipavec-Clarke complimented the host Home for the excellent cooperation received for the 1997 Annual Awards Banquet. The delicious home style dinner was enjoyed by over 500 attendees. It was prepared by Julia Zalar and staff. Again, our banquet decorations continue to enhance this event and have been tastefully executed to achieve an ambiance fitting the occasion by Mary Blatnik and Joseph F. Petrie Jr. We thank them for their many years of continuous service. Roll call and bimonthly reports followed from the Slovenian Home representatives with comments of satisfaction about the banquet. Last order of business for the evening was the election of new officers for 1997, the following is the new roster: President, Patricia A. Ipavec-Clarke, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; lst Vice President, Anthony Mansion, Slovenian National Home, (Continued on page B8) later joined both the Anton Verovsek Dramatic Club and the Nasa Zvezda Dramatic Club. Joyce has been a member of the board of trustees of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home (Waterloo) since 1988. She is a member of the SWH Auxiliary and a faithful worker at their Friday Fish Fry, strudel making and potica making. She is also a member of the SNPJ Farm Board Auxiliary and can be seen on summer Sundays working in the kitchen of the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road. Joyce met her husband Joseph Plemel in January, 1947 when he attended a rehearsal of an Ivan Cankar play in which Joyce had a part. They were married in October of the same year. They have two sons, Bob and Bruce, who were very active in the Slovene Singing Club MPZ, and in SNPJ bowling and skiing. Their grandsons, Randy and Robert, are also members of SNPJ and AMLA. Joe passed away in January, 1997, at the age of 80. During her working years, in addition to Enakopravnost, Joyce was employed by Richmond Brothers, Jack & Heintz, Cleveland Electric Illuminating, and retired from Wyeth Laboratories in 1973. Other organizations to which Joyce belongs are PSWA Circle 7, Waterloo Pensioners, Euclid Pensioners, Slovenian National Art Guild, United Slovenian Society, Polka Hall of Fame (charter and lifetime member), a supporting member of Jadran and the United Americans for Slovenia. Joyce feels that her Slovenian upbringing and the cooperation of her husband and sons encouraged her to continue the Slovenian traditions that her parents upheld throughout her childhood and young adult life. Waterloo 1997 Officers and Trustees President: Celeste Frollo Vice Pres.: Dorothy Gorjup Treasurer: Joseph Frollo Recording Secy.: Martha Meglich Secretary: Millie Bradač Auditors: Donald Gorjup, Fred Nevar, Ralph Urban-cek, Ken W. Kleinhenz, Sr. Other Trustees: Joyce Plemel Harold Volpe Eleanor Godec, Pat Nevar A1 Meglich Henry Kapel Alternates: Les and Cheryl Reade Federation Update Busy for Big 1997 four Seasons Bo^t Repair Con$rMu\Mcs Pad A1 Meglich Joe and Laurie Cheryl & Rick Michael & Janet and Families Wife Martha Complete Boat Repairs Mike Meglich (216) 949-8637 Jim Carlin Congratulations to V.P. Joyce Plemel from PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA Publishers of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes To Order write: PSWA Cookbook 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 Fraternal Greetings and Congratulations! To All Honorees and especially to our Members Federation Man of the Year 1998 STANLEY J. MODIC, LODGE NO. 30 Federation Woman of the Year 1998 JOYCE E. PLEMEL, LODGE NO. 9 RUTH G. ROSS, LODGE NO.20 ALBERT MEGUCH, LODGE NO.37 VINCENT H. LAUTER, LODGE NO.52 LINDA M. SEKULAR, LODGE NO.60 From The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers, and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION o «> -V t isSilii D if) -Z- 19424 South Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 216-531-1900 - Fax: 216-531-8123 Congratulations JOYCE PLEMEL Federation Woman of the Year WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB Meetings 2nd Tuesday Each Month Waterloo Slovenian Home Congratulations Slapnik, Jr. Florist Bishop Baraga Weekend I Sept. 5 & 6 Cleveland, Ohio ~ Slovenian Workmen’s Home - Waterloo, Patrons Celeste & Joe Frollo A1 & Grace Marinch Frank & Elsie O’Hara Ray & Eleanor Lonchar Eleanor Godec Helen & Chuck Sumrada Jim & June Slapnik Mimi Struna Bob Dieterich Helen Joca Olga Pozar Emilee Jenko Jo Ann Heinz Tom & Angela Žabjek Josephine & Adolph Kapla Josephine Tomsic Joseph Hrvatin M/M Edward L. Lah Jeanne & Ralph Urbancek John & Cathern Vicic Waterloo Beach Dolores Dobida Mary R. Zgonc Mary Wolf Mary Okicki Milan & Marie Dular Frank & Julia Sadar John & Alice Cech Mike & Evelyn Pipoly Sylvia Wagoner Fred & Jean Skolaris Pauline V. Debevec Elmer & Vida Perme Matt Zabukovec in Memory of Mary Zabukovec Jennie Mramor Olga Pozar Fran Mauric John Mauric Vida Zak Ellen Downer Gerri Trebets Rudy & Helen Volk Mitzie Yeray Millie Tursic Joe & Rose Svetin Bertha Dovgan Fred & Pat Nevar Betty Rotar Jim & Jennie Bacher Tony & Helen Sturm Frank & Josephine Min' Jane Novak Millie Bradač & CONGRATULATIONS JOYCE PLEMEL AL MEGLICH and the Honorees for your many years of service to Friends, Family, and Community ra c| SD SF sa ra Cl] W| Pr D, A| an ha «c hii !at ha •he ha’ Sincerely, Everen Securities Frank Jay Zak Vice President $ta SUj Toi hlc Per hor Ve; Bo( titii SWI this 19c; A Waterloo Reviews ’97 Another year has passed. Here’s what has been happening at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Road., Cleveland, Ohio, in 1997! We have a 15 member Hoard of Trustees and without them there would be no Hall. We thank them for their dedication to the Hall in *997. A big thank you as well to our Ladies Auxiliary for its donations and the hard work of its members at the fish Fries during the year. In August, 1997, Celeste Fr°llo and Ken W. Klern-l*enz, Sr., took over the booking of the Hall. We , „ '^b°w the Hall on Mondays U l°m 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and aturdays from 10:00 a.m. to '90 p.m.. We have a nice ‘nerease in rentals since the change. In 1997 we paid off the °an balance on our proper-es with the Slovene Na-°nal Benefit Society. We 190o°P*n® tbat ky the end of our loan, at the American Mutual Life Asso- f. .10n’ a*So wiH be paid off. Is property was acquired tour Years ago. The overall “Slovene ''ll1 0tT*an of the Year” is our Joyce Plemel. Albert t^eglich is the Hall’s Man of e year for 1998. Our congelations to them both! raffl Unng the year we have a cu .C everY other month, ^ Dorothybyr°UrViCe Pres'dent’ SDa , y. GorJup. We have ales h din"crs “<* bake ratersUnngth^=arasfund- chairml ^',,r|Up' our house WorkeH n’ and ^‘s committee pr°jects 3A^iv hal1 °n Var'OUS D0n anH iaA b,g thank y°u t0 A1 andh,s crew: foe Frollo, and es8n1Ch’i Har0ld Volpe’ hancek Ik3 y Ralph Ur- ects and h° d'd some pro> him d , )Ve are grateful to later Ph was seriously ill haPpyT0 1997 and we are the m reP°rt that he is on it ,new floor tile was in- stalled iUite- Our ln the custodian’s new custodians are Oft) v- vuMUUidnS alt F|ores runhenZ 3nd Regglc Per ioh f 'ey are doing a su-Q°b for our Hall. Ur July 4s 1997 picnic hon„at ,the SNPJ Farm. We Vea r 1998 Board of Trustees Celeste Frollo, President Millie Bradač, Financial Sec. Al Meglich, Treasurer Don Gorjup, House Chmn & Audit Fred Nevar, Audit Joyce Plemel, Trustee Henry Kapel, Trustee Dorothy Gorjup, Vice Pres Pat Nevar, Asst Financial Sec. Eleanor Godec, Rec. Sec. Ken Kleinhenz, Audit Ralph Urbancek, Audit Harold Volpe, Trustee Joe Frollo, Trustee Al Marinch Fish Fry Every Friday Halls & Meeting Rooms Available to Rent 11:30 AM till 8 PM Call or Visit During Rental Take Outs Available Hours Monday 7-9 PM Saturday 10 AM -1 PM July 4th Picnic - SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, Ohio Congratulations to Our Member JOYCE PLEMEL And All Honorees Waterloo Balinca Club 15335 Waterloo Road Four Courts Indoors - For membership information call 481-0163 or 732-9231 1998 Officers: President: Don Gorjup Vice President; Fred Nevar Recording Secretary: Eleanor Godec Treasurer: Pat Nevar Corresponding Secretary: Dorothy Gorjup Auditors: Harold White, Mark Vesel, Hank Skarbez Cooks: Joyce Plemel and Bertha Dovgan Refreshments: Joe Frollo and Al Marinch CONGRA TULA TIONS JOYCE PLEMEL OUR MOTHER & FRIEND VE«, Bruce and Nancy Congratulations to Joyce Plemel - Al Meglich Modern Crusaders No. 45 AMLA Pres. - Tony Sturm Vice-Pres. - Jane Novak Financial Secretary - Millie Bradač Treasurer - Frank Minello Recording Secretary - Josephine Minello Auditors: Frank O’Hara Julie Sadar - Elsie O’Hara Congratulations to ALL HONOREES! “FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Louis E. Zele — Sutton J. Girod 452 East 152nd Street — 481-3118 — CLEVELAND, OHIO —Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. Congratulations EVELYN PIPOLY Collinwood Slovenian Home Woman of the Year i!ou are Atulays the (Homan of the l/ear in My Heart! LOVE, HUSBAND, MIKE Cook OUR EOVE, Danielle & Bo Congratulations BOB ROYER WEST PARK to All Honorees West Park Slovenian Home’s MAN OF THE YEAR Button Box Club Joe & Marge OUR MAN OF EVERY YEAR! 4583 W. 130 St. Peresutti West 130 St. CONGRATULATIONS, Cleveland, Ohio 44130 WITH ILOVE, Music Director: Andy Pixel Congratulations From Your Family President: Ella Samanich to Vice President: Mimi Stibil All Honorees Wife: Marian Finance: Rudy Pivik Auditor: Frank Baluch John & Linda Children: Turk Bob & Ellen Tinkers Creek Rd. Steve & Colleen Valley View, Ohio John & Beth Dave & Teresa Call: Albina Capek, 888-1454 6907 Ridgewood Ave. Congratulations Grandchildren: Danielle, Veronica, Parma, OH 44129 to All Honorees Jennifer, Bob III, Alex, Elise, Molly, Michael, Hank & Joe & Baby Royer CONGRA TULA TIONS Albina Capek To All Honorees Best of Luck to Our from Congratulations to Honoree, West Park Slovenian Home’s Honoree BOB ROYER, And All Honorees Lodge 26 A.M.L.A. Bob FROM Soca / Valentin Vodnik / The Ladies Auxiliary of Royer West Park Slovenian Home Brooklyn Slovenes President: Joan Cifranic Joseph, President: Ruth Lach Ruth, <& vice r resilient, iviane riviK Secretary: Eleanore Simcic Theresa CONGRA TULA TIONS TO HONOREE, Treasurer: John Mismas 2nd Vice President: Dorothy Latino P.R.: Dorothy Uranker Cor. Secretary: Theresa Krisby BOB ROYER, Congratulations Honoree, BOB ROYER (Bur c fftan of We %/oar 1 Norm’s CONGRA TULA TIONS Barber Shop 4605 West 130 St. TO ALL OUR Cleveland, Ohio 1998 HONOREES WEST PARK FROM West Park Slovenian Home PATRON ADS SLOVENIAN HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS LODGE 257 SNPJ Steve & Theresa Krisby President: Patricia Juda Jerry & Alita Hendricks Vice President: Marie Pivik Joe & Jeanne Bondra CONGRA TULA TIONS Secretary/Treasurer: Lenny Zych Joe & Ruth Each Recording Secretary: Mandc Zych Donna Ohman Zina Sesek Rose Žnidarčič To ALL Honorees! MEETINGS AT Art & Pearl Petro Helen Konkoy Louise Fulcher K.S.K.J. Lodge #172 West Park Slovenian Horn6 4583 West 130 St Edith Garsteck Cleveland, Ohio 44130 - B Stan Modic is Federation Man of the Year Stan Modic considers himself fortunate. Where many of his peers spend time trying to ‘"find themselves,” this years Slovenian Man of the Year is comfortable with the knowledge that his roots are >n his Slovenian heritage. That, plus the fact that he is being honored for doing what to him just comes naturally. A first-generation Slove-n'an> it’s obvious his ethnic heritage is very important to him. Involved in several Slovene organizations and activities, he works hard to pre-serve it. His parents both carne irom Slovenia. He has visited his ancestral home-and many times, including 0nce with his entire family. Although he doesn’t get much chance to use it, he can stiH understand and even sPeak the Americanized (pu-Pa-haf) version of the native anguage of his parents. His parents, both de-^eased, were founding mem-®rs of the American-b‘°venian Club in 1947, as Was bis brother, Frank, who CUrrently lives in California. He admits to not fully un-erstanding why his Slovesu heritage is so important 0 him, except that through ls Slovenian parents he de-Ve*°Ped a work ethic and a SCnse °f responsibility that $re a* lhe root of any profes-'°nal or personal success he ay have enjoyed. an> *n Fairport Harbor Vj,. now residing in Paines-lif C| ^tan ^od'c has been a e °ng resident of this area. e graduated from St. Anit00^ Parochial School and p r lng High School in a 'rP°rt Harbor, then earned achelor of Commerce de- l9ese from Ohio University ir " He lives with his wife PPy, in Painesville. The ^ Pie has two grown chil- dren n, ° grown ch"- M0dic^rk and Laurel- The Mar,' are members of St. vj||e S Church in Paines- As a youngst« rParents were bus o. Slng to build h b W°uUld 8et 1 ever ^ he ‘ cia.’ hlS aff'li sally> with the ovenmn Club u ars ago, when aw d3d had The Club the that boiled 2 annual meet Bic if , he members h" would do which, of o?’ Value e: Slovene Stan Modic would accept the presidency. He did. Stan has been active ever since, serving on the board for many terms as an auditor, vice president, and in other positions. He worked on the building committee during the last expansion of the Club—under the leadership of then long-time president Tony Satej—which caused it to double in size. However, Stan is most proud of heading up the committee that worked with attorney Charles Ipavec in restructuring the Club’s organization. Through the development of new bylaws, which put control of the operation of the Club into the hands of a nine-member board of directors, and a system of certificates of indebtedness that gave members a sense of ownership, a feeling of stability overtook the Club. Another achievement that set the Club apart was the “World Series of Balina” that the Club sponsored annually in September. As co-chairman, Stan provided all publicity, helped set up the schedule, and ran the tournament over the three-day period along with Tony Satej. That effort lasted many years before the idea caught on with a lot of other clubs and organizations and eventually died. Over the years Stan has been instrumental in organizing out-of-town weekend football trips to Pittsburgh and Buffalo. He also was instrumental in organizing a musical tribute to the late Lou Bajc, a well-known polka band leader and dedicated Ciuo member, that in- volved most of the popular area polka bands donating their services for the fundraiser. Stan currently serves as vice president of the board of directors of the Club. In addition to being active in the Club, he has been president of Grand River Valley Lodge 30 of AMLA for the past 25-plus years. As such, Lodge 30 has become one of the few remaining active lodges in the area’s fraternal world and has absorbed two other lodges in the past few years. The Fair-port American-Slovenian Club is the home of Lodge 30 and through its fundraising activities the lodge has been a major financial support of the Club over the years. Lodge 30 still sponsors its annual Memorial Day Polka Bash. It was the first to expand the traditional Youth Christmas party to include entertainment and activities for the youngsters beyond just the arrival of Santa passing out gifts. That model was eventually adopted by the AMLA Supreme Board and is carried out in its annual Christmas party. Whenever possible, Stan reads the ritual and gives a eulogy for lodge members who have passed away. Lodge 30 was the first lodge to join in recognizing AMLA annual scholarship winners by offering a $200 additional stipend from the lodge to any lodge member receiving an AMLA scholarship. Stan served as the editor of AMLA’s Our Voice newspaper for almost a decade in the 1960s, and he attended several AMLA conventions. Active in civic affairs since the age of 21, Stan ran for Fairport Village clerk (chief financial officer of the village) and won. Following two terms, he ran for Council in the village and was elected President of Council, a position he held until being forced to resign when he moved out of town. Other civic activities include past membership in the Fairport Lions Club and current membership in the Hungarian Culture Club, Elks Club, plus several professional associations. While in high school he started his first polka band in the 10th grade. Through college he headed up the Stan Modic Combo at Ohio University, a five-piece orchestra that played both campus and town events, offering everything from the popular rock-n-roll to polkas. He still can be found occasionally picking up the saxophone to play at the Club. This year’s Slovenian Man of the Year is publisher and editor-in-chief of Tooling & Production magazine, a monthly business publication geared to the metalworking industry. Stan has been with Heub-core Communications Inc. in Solon since 1989. Huebcore was purchased recently by Adams Business Media, a major business publishing operation headquarted in Palm Springs, California. Prior to his current position, he was editor of Industry Week magazine published by Penton Publishing Co. in Cleveland. He was with Penton for 25 years. He began his journalistic career with the the Painesville Telegraph, a weekly newspaper. Over the years, Stan has reported from around the world and has led study teams of industrialists into Japan and China. He was also one of the first business journalists to travel behind the Iron Curtain, visiting places like Warsaw, Budapest, Prague, and Moscow, following President Nixon’s initiative to explore business ventures with those countries. His editorials have been quoted and reprinted around the world. Stan has also been recognized for his work by several organizations, including the American Business Press. He was presented the G.D. Crane award in 1992. It is presented annually to a single business journalist in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding achievement in the business press. Why does Stan Modic continue to get involved in preserving his Slovenian cultural and promoting his heritage? Here’s what he has to say: “Because it is fun and I enjoy doing it. It permits me to associate with some outstanding individuals at the Club with whom I share a common bond. Beyond that, the task of preserving our heritage is an ever-changing scene. The Club that our parents built is not the kind of Club that will attract our children. Times change. Interests change. And although the makeup and the mix of our Slovenian Homes will be decidedly different in many ways, it is important they remain the same in their basic reason for existence—to preserve our Slovenian culture for our children and future generations. “And it is important to pass along our heritage because roots grounded in an ethnic culture run deep. They promote a sense of responsibility, a work ethic, a respect for our fellow man, and a fraternal spirit that permits us to relate to our peers in a special way. In today’s society there isn’t much to promote that feeling. We had better hang on to it from our past if we have any hope of passing it on to future generations.” CONGRA TULA TIONS Slovenian Man of the Year STAN MODIC and TONY BERTONE Fairport Man of the Year Value Decorating Inc. 12156 Chilicothe Rd., Chesterland, Ohio 44026 216 - 729-7004 Frank and Ann Skomrock 8661 ‘HDMV1AI ‘WOT T D^S WOT I VM^TTiT J ‘'TTATOTT WV^miTT/ AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 B2 Tony Bertone is Fairport Man of the Year “He can grow flowers out of a stone.” That is how Anthony Bertone, this year’s Fairport Harbor Man of the Year, is admiringly characterized by his mother-in-law, Thelma Coradi. As co-owner of Merkel’s Greenhouse— along with his brother Mike—Tony, as he is known by all his friends, is considered a master grower with the greenest of green thumbs. But it wasn’t always that way. Although his business keeps him working seven days a week, usually from before sunrise to—on most days—well after the sun sets, he looks forward to getting to the Slovenian Club to visit with his many friends and doing whatever possible to support the Club. Indeed, the Club is a beneficiary of Tony’s skill in growing flowers. Several times a year he will show up with beautiful plants the Club then raffles off to raise money. Over the years he and his wife Mary Jo, along with Andy and Elda Pillar, two other Club members, have put on spaghetti dinners at the Club, with all the proceeds being donated to it. He is actively involved in supporting projects at the Club. He is active in the summer balina league, where he was on the championship team for five consecutive years. Tony even suffers through as a member of the winter puck bowling league, where he readily admits: “It’s pretty obvious that puck bowling just isn’t my game anymore.” Tony Bertone is the first “social” member of the Fair-port Slovenian Club to be singularly honored as its Man of the Year. “As a social member, Tony’s involvement with and support of the Club is more than worthy of his being named our Man of the Year. I’m sure that in the future there will be other such members so recognized, for there are other social members that are very involved in ensuring the continued prosperity of the Club. Singling them out for this recognition is one way we can demonstrate how important we feel the entire register of social members is to our organization,” said Frank Sajn, president of the Club, when the Board selected Tony Bertone to be its Man of the Year. Mary Jo, Tony’s wife of 35 years, still fondly remembers the day Tony joined the Slovenian Club. “He came home feeling very happy, carrying a Slovenian sausage and sauerkraut sandwich and insisting that I taste it. He then proudly proclaimed that T just joined the Slovenian Club.’ I told him you can’t join the Slovenian Club, you’re Italian. He then told me ‘Yes, I can, they like me.’” Mary Jo agrees that the Slovenian sausage is great and they have been enjoying them ever since. Also a member, she usually accompanies him to the Club. And when the music is playing they can usually be seen doing the polka on the dance floor. The social and professional success that Tony Bertone enjoys today did not come without a lot of hard work and perseverance. He immigrated to the United States from his native Italy in 1954. He was 13. His mother and older brother, Mike, paved the way for him, arriving here a year earlier. His father and a sister, Mary, and brother, Carmen (now deceased), completed the family transition from Italy in 1955. Tony’s parents, Frank and Margarite, still live in Painesville. Tony was born in Campobasso January 19, 1941. He became a citizen of the United States on August 13, 1962, just five days before his marriage to Mary Jo Coradi. They have four children and four grandchildren. They live in Painesville. His Merkel Greenhouse operation is located on Maple St. in Mentor. The greenhouse business they spent a lifetime working in was purchased by the brothers, Tony and Mike, in 1996. Since then it has become even more of a family affair. Tony’s daughter, Angela, who is married to Michael Burgess, is running the office while their son Mark, after attending Ohio State and Franklin University, has joined his father and is now learning the business of growing flowers. Son Tony is an architect and owner of A.F.B. Inc. He lives in Fair-port and is engaged to be married to Carol Topoly. Another son, John, is vice president and co-owner of Rehab Solutions of America Medical Equipment Co. in St. Petersburg, Florida. He and his wife Rosalind have three children. Upon arriving in his new country at age 13, Tony attended St. Mary’s School. However, he had to abandon his formal education in order to help the family financially. He started his flower-growing career at age 16, tried a couple of other jobs for a while but returned to Merkel and has been there ever since. He has been the head grower for more than 30 years. Although he is self-taught, he has gained the reputation of being one of the more skillful growers in the area. In 1995, he was asked by the Halle family (Halle Department Store) to save a dying breed of geranium plants which had been in the family for 65 years. His efforts were successful and heralded in a feature in the Plain Dealer. He has also been featured in the National Grower magazine. Tony is a member of the Greater Cleveland Flower Growers Association and the Ohio Florist Assn. He is a lecturer in the Ohio Growers Association education program, consults often with other growers in the area, and has been involved in horticultural programs at Ohio State University. He also opens his operation to students at Mentor High School, where they are introduced to the business of horticulture Grand Year in Fairport This past year was exceptional in almost every way, reports Frank Sajn, president of the American-Slovenian Club in Fairport Harbor. “We not only marked our 50th year as a vital organization in the area’s Slovenian community, but we expanded membership and upgraded our facilities,” he told the Board in reviewing the year last December. The highlight of the year was a weekend celebration in October marking the club’s founding in 1947. It was marked by a steak roast/clam bake and music on a Friday and Saturday evening, and followed with a program on Sunday afternoon in which the still-living founders were honored and presented with life-time membership cards. A commemorative program showing many of the founders and early days of the club was produced. The founders honored included Charles Kapel, Herman Kapel, Joe Troha, Frank Zalek, and Frank A. Modic. On the program, organized by master of ceremonies Stan Modic, the club’s vice president, were Charles Ipavec, Cleveland attorney and a founding member of the Federation of Slovenian Homes; James V. (Continued on page 3) and flower growing. In addition to his social membership in the American-Slovenian Club, he is also a social member of the Hungarian Culture Club in Fairport. Although he works long hours, he finds time to garden and plant his yard full of flowers every summer. He also makes his own wine. He likes most sports but is partial to wrestling. As the chil- dren were growing up he was involved in coaching a Little League team and could be found barbecuing hot dogs for the youngsters after the games. Today he enjoys spending time with his grandchildren every chance he gets. A; league bowler for many years, he gave up that diversion, but still finds time fof an occasional game of golf . Tony Bertone Congratulations to TONY BERTONE 1998 MAN OF THE YEAR FAIRPORT HARBOR AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CLUB from KURLEE KONE 736 Richmond St. Painesville, Ohio 44077 Andy and Elda Pillar Congratulations and Best Wishes Stan Modic, Slovenian Man of the Year Tony Bertone, Fairport’s Slovenian Club Honoree, and All Honorees FROM Spear-Mulqueeny Funeral Home 667 Mentor Ave. 312 Eagle St. Painesville, OH 44077 Fairport Harbor, O. 4407 357-7514 Jim and Arlene Mulqueeny & son Jay PERSONALIZED SERVICE _______ Fairport (Continued from page 2) Debevec, publisher of the American Home/Ameriška Domovina', Tony Petkovšek of WELW radio; and Stanley G. Ziherl, president of the American Mutual Life Association. Each spoke briefly on the importance of preserving our Slovenian heritage. Cecilia Dolgan and Joe Valencie, wearing the native clothing of Slovenia, sang several songs. Fr. Peter Mi-ha|ic, pastor of Fairport’s St. Anthony Church, gave the invocation. Also marking the anniver-sary year was the creation and sale of specially mono-Sfamed shirts. Several organizations and members marked the occa-sion by making donations to the Club. Included in the upgrading ot the Club’s properties was a new roof put on the Home, ® new carpet in the Club j>°ms, and the recovering of the ^ar Stoo*S- Edition, e air cleaning system was of^tn^et* t0 eI'm>nate most the smoke in the Club room. Beyond that, a series of s eak fries conducted by the °ard of directors on the last aturday of the month was c°ntinued and was a huge access. Other dinners and Ct|vities were held through-0ut the year. Still in the plans is the ♦Instruction °F 3 r00^ over halina courts at the Dl .' k's W*H permit balina “\x/g 'n ‘nc*err|ent weather. as excitin^ l0°king for juSt says p 8 3 year in 1998’” wT„L PreSldent Sajn. The is i r t)Uck bowling league U a"d L sum- to J ma *ea8ue promises a ract more interest. andVm? dinners °n the first monm urd Fridays of the h has also resumed. Congratulations lip>ort Man of the Year tony bertone Warren and Jean ___ Fabian Fairport Slovenian Club ^JjfTRQNS and Oabrielle Zalar Yl ,a.and Audra Preziaso and Dick p hn Kutie >rlie Hudden ®Phine & Charles h KaPel ^®rhian Kapel >C Brae'ine Zalar 6 Meglen Congratulations and Best Wishes to Slovenian Man of the Year STAN MODIC Frank & Dolores Sajn Congratulations and Best Wishes to STAN MODIC Slovenian Man of the Year from Warren and Jean Fabian Congratulations, STAN on receiving this great honor and for a lifetime of service in preserving the heritage and culture of our parents, Frank and Mary Modic. Our hearts burst with pride for you on this great day! Lorna and Frank Modic and Family Escondido, California Fairport Slovenian Retirees Club 1998 Pres.: Frank Minello Vice President: Mildred Antolik Treasurer: Ray Gobec Recording Secretary: Anne Pureber Auditors: - Elsie O’Hara, Tony Sturm, Frank Vovko Entertainment: - Pat Nevar, Dorothy Gorjup, Jackie Ulle Sgt.-at-Arms: Dorothy Nemura Sunshine: Helen Sturm, Betty Kozar CONGRATULATIONS TO TONY BERTONE Fairport’s American Slovenian Club 1998 Man of the Year “You have always been our Man of the Year. We are proud of you. ALE OF CUR LOVE from your Wife - MARY JO Children - Tony, Carol, John, Rosalind, Mark, Michael & Angela Grandchildren - Joseph, Bianca, Eva & Brittnie Congratulations Congratulations Fairport Man of the Year Fairport Man of the Year TONY BERTONE TONY BERTONE Tony & Carol Frank & Dolores Satej Sajn Congratulations STAN MODIC Husband of the Year Father of the Year Slovenian Man of the Year WITH LOVE from Y OUR F AMILY. Poppy, Lori Mark and Elizabeth WATJ 1560 AM Weekend Polkas Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. Polkas with Al Markič 10 am -12 Polka Spotlight, Host Joe Godina 12-1 p.m. Mario’s International Music Host Mario Kavcic 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Almar with Guest Musician 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Polkatime America 4-5 p.m. rebroadcast of a production from Radio Ljubljana, Slovenia in native language Sunday 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. Memory Lane Host Allen James 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. *Magic Sound of the Button Box Host John Pestotnik 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Reflections of the New Slovenia Hostess Linda Cimperman 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Polka Fun With A1 & Harry Host Al Markič &. Harry Faint 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. *Polka Tributes Host Al Markič 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. International Hour Host John Krizancic 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America * Sponsored by ANDY CASHEN ______________http://www. watj. com | g AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 iiv/iuiv) iujutiivniiv/ii ojLv,i iwn, xyyo Congratulations Stan Modic Slovenian Man of the Year FROM Grand River Valley Lodge 30 - AMLA President - Stan Modic Vice President - Rudy Schumer Secretary - Carol Satej Treasurer - Tony Satej Recording Secretary - Warren Fabian Auditors: Lee Jackopin, Rose Bradack, Millie Antolik Fraternal Affairs: Jan Tilisky, Terri Furlan Tony Bertone Fairport’s Man of the Year -BEST WISHES- Poppy and Stan Modic Congratulations -Slovenian Man of the Year Stan Modic and Fairport Man of the Year Tony Bertone and All Honorees 7743 Doty Rd. — Madison, Ohio 44057 rChalet lyeBonne, yineyaRgs Producer of Fine Wines The Debevc Famil Tony, Rose Tony and Beth _t 216-466-3485 CONGRA TULA TIONS to STAN MODIC FEDERATION’S 1998 SLOVENIAN MAN OF THE YEAR TO TONY BERTONE AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CLUB’S 1998 MAN-OF-THE-YEAR IN MEMORY OF OUR PARENTS Mary & Louis Grzelj & Kristina & Anton Mahne from JEAN AND LOU GRZELY & FAMILY KATIE & JOHN GRZELY & FAMILY MITZI AND TONY MAHNE & FAMILY Congratulations to Stan Modic Federation of Slovenian Homes 1998 Man-of-the-Y ear from Mary Jo & Tony Bertone Congratulations Slovenian Man of the Year STAN MODIC TONYBERTONE Fairport’s Man of the Year Rocks Farm & Garden 10935 Chillicothe Rd. & Rt. 306 Kirtland, Ohio 44026 Ton & Elsie Rock Tom & Marilyn Rock 216 - 256-3630 Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian Man of the Year STAN MODIC Tony & Carol Satej oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot CONGRATULATIONS TO STAN MODIC FEDERATION’S 1998 SLOVENE MAN OF THE YEAR TO TONY BERTONE AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CLUB’S 1998 MAN-OF-THE-YEAR TO JOYCE PLEMEL FEDERATION’S 1998 SLOVENE WOMAN OF THE YEAR AND TO ALL HONOREES FROM Board of directors of The American Slovenian Club Fairport Harbor President - Frank Sajn Vice President - Stan Modic Treasurer - Lou Grzely Secretary - Warren Fabian Auditors: Jean Fabian, John Grzely, Carol Satej Sgt.-at-Arms - Joe Meglen, Joe Naglich THE AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CLUB 617 y2 THIRD STREET, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO 44077 216 - 357-5046 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc I Congratulations to All Honorees SSlflggff s"5ROPHY & SALES MON. & THUR. 10AM - 8PM TROPHIES - PLAQUES - MEDALS ^ n,,o,J?IBBONS - GAVELS CUSTOM & PRACTICAL AWARDS TUES. WED FRI. SAT. 10AM /A advertising specialties 24 HR. ENGRAVING SERVICE V AVAILABLE FAX 440-585-1530 ESTABLISHED 1973 Photography and FrameCanter *'n^iadulations to All llonorivs 'NVMlearl Us,om mailing rosters *Coins ‘•VN'DMoRg Award Winning Photography * High School Seniors * Families, Children, Weddings and more.. Owned and operated by Ron Kotar and Bob Kunesh located at Soc'"6 St" Wi|loughby ^»»leOOformorei irmore information Congratulations to ALL HONOREES FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES —1998 Roster — President - Patricia Ipavec Clarke Is* Vice-President - Tony Mannion 2nd Vice-President - Robert Hopkins Recording Secretary - Helen Urbas Financial Secretary - Jean Fabian Corresponding Secretary - Celeste Frollo Auditors: - Lou Grzely, Bob Royer, Anna Mae Mannion Historians — Mr. Joseph Petrie Jr. and Mr. John Habat hmeritus — Lila Samanich Executive Secretary & Legal Counsel — Charles Ipavec AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 Ruth Ross Rules Newburgh On September 16, 1939, Ruth Grace Pelko was born to Anton and Anna (Jaklič) Pelko. Ruth joined her three sisters, Anna Mae, Lillian, and Dolores, in the Pelko family. Ruth attended St. Lawrence Elementary School. She graduated from Hoban Dominican High School in 1957. During high school, Ruth worked in the office of the Garland Paper Company. After graduation, she continued to work for Garland as a billing clerk. On February 27, 1960 Ruth married John (Kenny) Ross at St. Lawrence. Following the mass at St. Lawrence they celebrated with a breakfast followed by the reception in the evening at the Slovenian (NASH) National Home on E. 80 Street. Ruth and Kenny were blessed with seven children. They had one daughter, Mary Kay (Phil), and six sons, Tim (Kim), Eric, Daniel, Jason, David, and the late Gregory. Ruth is the proud grandmother of four beautiful granddaughters: Maria and Michelle Cianci and Morgan and Paige Ross. Ruth worked for the Cleveland Board of Education in the food service divi- Best Wishes RUTH ROSS 1998 Woman of the Year E. 80th St. NASH Alice Arko Pozarelli Family Larry & Lisa Kane In Loving Memory of Anton Kapela Loving Wife, Ann and Family Congratulations to Our Sister & Friend Ruthie from Anna Mae, Lillian & Jerry Dolores & Bill sion as a satellite cook for thirteen years. She presently is retired. She enjoys cooking and spending time with her grandchildren. She also enjoys traveling to Windsor, Elco, and Tunca” with her sisters. Ruth enjoys being on the board of directors at the “Nash” on E. 80 Street. She can be found working in the kitchen or selling tickets. She will always greet you with a smile and a friendly “hello.” She also works at the snack bar on Saturday mornings for the youth bowling at the Slovenian E. 80th Lanes. Many of the children call her “Aunt Ruthie.” Ruth comes by her ethnic appreciation from her par- ill Loving Memory of Frank (Drago) Mahnič Loving Wife, Mary (Mimi) and Family ents, especially her father, Anton, who always worked hard to support our “Nash.” She is a member of St. Wenceslas church and is a lifetime member of Lodge Bled #20 of AMLA, KSKJ #63, and SNPJ #174. She currently serves as treasurer of Bled Lodge 20. Ruth is proud of her Slovenian heritage. She encourages it among her children. She will always be there to give support to the “Nash.” She is a true Slovenian in every sense of the word. The Slovenian National Home on East 80th Street in Newburgh is proud to have Ruth represent us as Slovenian Woman of the Year for 1998. Congratulations to a Wonderful Mother on being selection as Slovenian Woman of the Year from All Your Boys LOVE Tim (Kim), Eric, Dan, Jason & David Slovenian National Home E. 80th St - PATRONS - Albina Arko Agatha Basa Larry Blatnik Dorothy Budimlic Marie Bujak Lou & Mitzi Champa Evelyn Debelak Emma & Lojzi DeLach Olga Dorchak Pete & Elsie Ellis Hattie Fashinpaur Jean & Joe Fortuna Richard & Vida Galla Audrey & Jim Glowacki Eeanor Grozdanik Ann Harsh Mae Harvan Charles & Frances Hočevar Charles & Irene Hočevar Frank & Clara Hrovat Antoinette Janders Ann Kapela Mildred Kapela Rusty & Sandy Kapela Alice Kaplan Tony Kaplan Genevieve Kastelic Mae Kastelic Mary Kastelic Alvin Kljun Josephine Klun Elsie Kohun Anna Mae Kostura Eleanor Krzic Louise & Tony Lausche Frank Mahnič, Jr. Mimi Mahnič Marge Marunowski Betty Matjašič Vicki Matjašič Anna Mauer Charley & Sonja Mlakar Sr. Albina Mulh Louis & Hattie Mussig Chester & Bernice Novak Dipsy Novak Tony & Rita Papesh Rosemary Pozarelli Albin Resnik Peter & Louise Samarage Sophie Sever Wanda Sever Eddie Škufca Eleanor Simcic Mary Ann Sray Olga Sray Rose Marie Stebick Frank & Millie Stautihar Mary Jane Stark Mimi Stibil A1 & Mary Stražar Clem Szidik Vincent Sustersic Frank & Frances Stepic Bunny Tasinar Josephine Unocic Rose Vatovec Josephine Vercek Marie Vercek Angela Winter Anna Winter Frances Weiskopf Alta Marie Yeltz Kay Yuratovac Angela Žiberna Congratulations RUTH ROSS 1998 Woman of the Year and All Honorees Florence Mirtel & Paul Grill In Loving Memory of JAMES CABOT Wife - Dorothy Cabot SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS CLUB OF NEWBURGH - MAPLE HTS. Congratulations and Best Wishes Ruth Ross “Woman of the Year” CONGRA TULA TIONS! Mother To My Loving Mother, So Like A Special Friend. You’re So Dear to Our Hearts There Could Never Be Another! Your Pa is Ever So Proud -And We Are Too!! Mary Kaye & Phil Runevitch^ Congratulations to our Aunt and Great Aunt Ruth (Ruthie) Ross Mary Ann and Dave Gesing Therese, Sean, Anna Marie, & Beth Willie Mannion Willie Tony & Jan Mannion Michael & Leah Jim & Karen Mannion Jimmy & Katie Tom & Sue Mannion Chrissy & Colleen Joe & Kathy Mannion Patrick & Dylan Brigid & Greg Farone Alexandria Katie & Mark Kawczynski Becky, Judy, Kaitlin, Sarah & Christine Jean & Jim Marinčič Margot, Brenna, Alainna, & Andrew^ SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME CO. PRIVATE CLUB OPERATORS OF Slovenian East 80th Lanes 3563 East 80th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 641-9664 883-2963 Extends CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES TO all of the 1998 HONOREES for MAN and WOMAN OF THE YEAR Especially to Our Own Ruth G. Ross 1998 Board of Directors Anthony Mannion - President Albin Resnik - Vice President Anna Mae Mannion - Secretary Treasurer Anna Mae Kostura - Recording Secretary Ruth Ross - Auditor Florence Mirtel - Auditor William Mannion -- Director Alice Arko - Honorary Member Sunday, April 26 - Woman of the Year Testimonial Dinner Honoring RUTH G. ROSS Donation: $15.00 - Music: Wayne Tomsic & Ralph Szubski °°ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Sunday, May 10 Donation $6.00 adults; children under 8 = $3.00 Grams, Congratulations! We LOVE You and are PROUD of you! Maria & Michelle Cianci -- & Morgan & Paige Ross Congratulations A«nt Ruthie Maureen & Mark ^e,*ry & Jeroline Kevin & Betsy Congratulations RUTH G. ROSS "K (fatetutty Any And All Occasions Katie 341-6136 / Jean 526-8658 CONGRA TULA TIONS! James A. SLAPNIK, JR. FLORIST 650 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 216- 531-7807 AMLA Newburgh Lodges Lodge Mir No. 10 AMLA President, Louis F. Boldin Secretary, Josephine Boldin Treasurer Lodge Bled No. 20 AMLA President, James Mannion John Krofi (Emeritus) Secretary, Anna Mae Mannion Treasurer Ruth Ross Lodge Kraljica Miru No. 24 AMLA President, Anna Perko Secretary-Treasurer, Rose Mary Pozarelli In the spirit of togetherness, join the above lodges at the Annual A.M.L.A. NEWBURGH DAY at the A.M.L.A. Recreation Center in Painesville, Ohio on SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1998 with Polka Mass at 4 p.m. - Music Until 8 p.m. - Lake Erie Button Box - Members and Officers of St. Lawrence Lodge 63 K.S.K.J. offer their felicitations to each honoree of the respective Slovenian National Homes, with an added personal acknowledgement to our Slovenian Woman of the Year from Slovenian E. 80th National Home — Ruth G. Ross Officers of St. Lawrence Lodge 63 KSKJ Joseph L. Fortuna — President Isabelle Codec — Vice President Nancy Fahey - Secretary-Treasurer Mary Ann Sray —Recording Secretary Auditors: Tony Lausche, Olga Sray, Jean Fortuna ____Kevin Ostrowski: Youth Athletic Director Jean & Joe Fortuna and Family and the Staff of the Fortuna Funeral Home Offer their sincerest congratulations to all the Honorees of the respective Slovenian National Homes, with heartfelt thanks to all the Board of Directors of the Homes for their continued efforts to make this recognition possible. Licensed Staff Joseph L. Fortuna John J. Fortuna James R. Trzaska Mary Ann (Fortuna) Trzaska Slovenian-East 80 Lanes 3563 East 80th St. A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BOWL OPEN BOWLING Sat. & Sun. 1 - 5 p.m. lor Moonlight Bowling Parties call 883-2963 FOOD — PRIZES — BOWLING SATURDAY NIGHTS ONLY The one & only Slovenian owned Alleys in the area. AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 B8 Fed Update (Continued from page A3) East SO**1; 2n^ Vice President, Robert A. Hopkins, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; Executive Secretary, Charles F. Ipavec, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; Financial Secretary, Jean Fabian, American Slovene Club, Fair-port; Recording Secretary, Helen Urbas, Lorain Slovenian Club, Inc.; Corresponding Secretary, Celeste Frollo, Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Road; Auditors, Lou Grzely, American Slovenian Club, Fairport; Robert Royer, West Park Slovenian Home; Anna Mae Mannion, Slovenian National Home; Historians, Joseph F. Petrie, Jr., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid and John Habat, Slovenian Society Home of Collinwood; Legal Adviser, Charles Ipavec, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Avenue. All officers were sworn in by Charles Ipavec. Sunday, March 23 rd in Youngstown, Ohio, the Penn-Ohio Polka Pals held their 19th annual awards banquet, where Tony Petkovšek was honored as Man of the Year. He has the distinction of hosting the longest aired daily polka and nationality radio program for the past 35 uninterrupted years beginning in 1961. This represents a total of 15,000 radio shows which he has produced and announced. Mr. Petkovšek, Jr. was the 1967 Federation Man of the Year recipient. He has personally interviewed the Man and Woman of the Year honorees on the radio prior to the awards banquet each year. We thank him for his support and congratulate Tony on receiving this award. — June, 1997 - Two dedicated individuals: Josephine Trunk, Woman of the Year from the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio; Sutton Carl Girod, Sr., Man of the Year from the Slovenian Workmen’s Home in Cleveland, Ohio; expired this month. The personal, loyal and unselfish contributions to their respective Slovenian Homes and to the community will always be remembered. - July, 1997 - President Patricia A. Ipavec-Clarke and husband, Townsend, had a fourth addition to the family, a baby girl. CONGRATULATIONS! Reverend John Kumse, pastor of St. Mary of the Assumption Church in the Collinwood area, called a meeting of the Slovenian community to discuss the proposed Slovenian Cultural Center in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. The Federation sent Celeste Frollo, as an observer, to report the discussion that evening. Federation representatives voiced concerns about possible effects on Slovenian Homes in the area. Founder of the Ferfolia Funeral Homes, Louis L. Ferfolia, of Independence, Ohio, expired this month. He was a very active member Slovenian, serving as Secretary of the Slovenian National Home in Maple Hts., Ohio. In 1980, he was honored as the Man of the Year from the Maple Heights Slove- nian Home. — November, 1997 - Contact was made by Charles Ipavec and Joseph F. Petrie, Jr., with Vincent H. Lauter, President of the Barberton Slovene Center in Barberton, Ohio, to join the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. Mr. Lauter confirmed to Mr. Ipavec the Board of Di- rectors voted unanimously to join. At the November meeting of the, Federation, a report was presented about the contact and acceptance by the membership of the Barberton Home. A motion was made by Robert A. Hopkins, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair representative and 2n<* Vice (Continued on page ^ ★ 75th Anniversary Special ★ * ALL STAR POLKA TOUR * SLOVENIA ♦ AUSTRIA plus excursion to Czech Repuh ★ June 29 - July 10, 1998 * An ALL-TIME SPECIAL from your "Polka Tour Headquarter AH Star Polka Hosts Include: i JOEY MISKULIN LOU TREBAR JEFF PECON CHRIS DOSZAK FR. FRANK PERKOVICH TONY PETKOVŠEK FRIENDS of the SLOVENIAN COMMUNITY , are Encouraged to Join this Special Tour T to the Heartland of SLOVENIA! 12 DAY TOUR: Vienna, Linz, Danube River, Maribor, Novo Mesto, Uu5!i Hollander World Tra' 1 -800-800-5981 (216) 692-1000 41| Brochure: 971 E. 185th Street « Cleveland, OH - Newburgh Slovenian Home Plans Many Events Once again The Slovenian National Home in Newburgh had a very busy year in 1997 with all the Special Events. The year 1998 will be busier as more events have been planned. Your participation is greatly appreciated. The seven members on the Board of Directors are very grateful for all the help given to them from friends and family members. CLUBROOM Business is down. Many dinners are held in the club-room throughout the year. Fish Fries, Pork-Sauerkraut & Dumplings, B.B.Q. Rib, and Steak Dinners. In 1997, the first Turkey Dinner was held in November. It was a great success and will be held annually. These dinners are all cooked and served by volunteers. BOWLING ALLEY Leagues are Down. Moonlight Bowling is held by the Slovenian Home, Lodge Bled #20 A.M.L.A., and the Laurentian A.C. throughout the year. A Summer League, 4 people on a team, is also held. This is much fun and not too long of a season. Traveling Leagues (Southeast) bowls four times a year. Birthday Bowling parties are also held for the young and old. HALL Rentals for the hall are good. Many events are held by the Slovenian Home throughout the year. Once again volunteers head the list. Main ticket sellers are Mimi Mahnič, Florence Mirtel, John Kužnik, and Genevieve Kastelic. In 1997, two Rummage Sales were held. These are very profitable. Co-chairmen were Florence Mirtel and Rosemary Pozarelli. Many hours of work and many volunteers were helping. Another Rummage Sale will be held in July this year. A Polkas & Pierogis Jam Session was held in November through the efforts of Wayne Tomsic and Ralph Szubski. It was for the benefit of the Nash. Another Polka Jam Session will be held on March 8. There will be many bands participating voluntarily!!! The Annual Honoree Dinner Dance for Ruth G. Ross, Newburgh’s Woman of the Year, will be held on Sunday, April 26. Dinner will be served from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., catered by KJ Catering (young members of the hall). Music will be from 3:00 to 7:00 by Wayne Tomsic and Ralph Szubski Orchestra. Donation is $15.00. Ruthie is always willing to help wherever needed. Ruthie tends the Snack Bar on Saturday mornings for the Youth Bowling League, being called Auntie Ruthie by all youngsters. Sunday, May 10 will be the Annual Mother’s Day Breakfast Buffet. Serving is from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Donation is $6.00 for adults and $3 for children under 8. Rosemary Pozarelli, the Board of Directors, and family and friends are the volunteers for this event. A major project for 1997 that was completed was a Handicap Accessibility Ramp. This ramp is located in the back of the building replacing the fire escape. Contributions were received by the following organizations and individuals. They were given for our operating costs. Many thanks to all! Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation $4,000 Federation of Slovenian Homes — $1,000 A.M.L.A. - $500 American Slovenian Senior Citizens — $300 St. Lawrence Altar Society — $200 Jean and Joe Fortuna — $200 Genevieve Kastelic — $100 Lodge Mir #10 AMLA — $100 Lodge Bled #20 AMLA --$100 Thank you once again. In December of 1997, Mary Schultz, a younger member of the hall, passed away. Mary’s mother is Eleanor Grozdanik, a former Board Member. In January, 1998, Victor Sray passed away. Victor was the husband of Olga Sray and father of Mary Ann Sray, both former Board members. In January 1998, John Krofi passed away. John was a former Board of Director and Slovenian Man of the Year. John was very active at St. Lawrence Church. He was Past President of Lodge Bled #20 A.M.L.A. John will be missed by the Newburgh Slovenian Community. John’s wife is Helen (Zupančič) Krofi; his daughter is Genevieve Peterson, and his son is John Krofi. Our sympathies to all the families. Na Svidenje, —Anna Mae Mannion Congratulation to All Honorees f Joseph F. Petrie, J1*' J Federation Historian at1 Tabloid Coordinator In Memory Of Our Parent Joseph Louis Petrie & Mary Frances Mlakar Petr*c Son & Daughter Linda Sekular Takes Top Lorain Honors Cl Linda Sekular was born in Lorain on November 13, 1946, the daughter of Harry and Helen Sekular. She comes from a long line of relatives who served °n the board of the Lorain Slovenian Home. Her grandfather, Lawrence Tomazic, served on the board many years ago, and so did her dad (now deceased) and her mother in more recent years. Linda is of Slovenian-Polish descent, but Slovenian predominates. We have the good fortune of having Linda serving on our board since 1988, when she became the first woman in the history of the Lorain Slovenian Home to serve as its financial secretary. In 1992 she also took on the job of treasurer. As everyone knows, these are positions of great responsibility. Linda performs her duties so well she gets reelected year after year. We couldn’t have a better person for the job. In addition, she also serves as hostess and cashier at our weekly fish frys on a regular basis. For the past several years, Linda and Dorothy Berletic (our 1995 Federation Woman of the Year) have taken on the responsibility for our 175 Club affair, which was held twice a year for several years. A couple of years ago we cut it back to once a year. Linda and Dorothy do all the planning, menu, decorations, arranging for and assigning workers. In addition, several years ago they also took over our annual Christmas pork chop dinner, which is cooked and served by the ladies of our home. On October 24 of this year, we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of our Home, and Linda and Dorothy are taking on the dinner and celebration for that. Linda attended Ohio State University. From 1967 to 1986 she worked at the National Boiler Co. in Cleveland. She then spent a year in Green Bay, Wisconsin, then returned to Lorain in 1987. For eleven years she has been associated with Peck and Peck Public Accountants in Amherst. Linda Sekular Lorain Slovenian Home continues despite changing neighborhood u Tlle Lorain °me is fortunate i and a8e that it is s !Stence- The nen as changed from variety ofethn a7“y of our sh; e scattered throu ountry We ha rou8h some \ Jes> but our fin; s,t>on today is gooc e have a ven Club man d “S“’ who spons nners, a machine 'agUe’ a golf lei »her activi n fry supervis ouS ?oes a fi”< tlsh fries. She I £ake our fish frie: te.Usarea’SOour' flnWe also rent acH°r Space to achievement center Donation from Z,™ =f Slovenia 2^, and som. ckholders also a House C us7man who nev, S for all the l,h, done for the Home. Without him, we never would have accomplished all the remodeling, redecorating, repairs, replacements and renovations over the years. Our social members are very important to us, participating in many of our affairs and, along with some of our stockholders, volunteer their help. We sponsor many events - such as steak fry/dinner dances, a clambake, pork chop dinner/dance, jam sessions, weekly fish fry, annual picnic and Night at the Races. Our Women’s Auxiliary has a small membership, but we get a great turnout for our fund-raisers - making and selling apple and cheese strudels twice a year. They also have one other bake sale during Lent. These funds are used to purchase equipment for the kitchen and the club-room. We had installed a new illuminated tri-color sign on the front of the building. It’s bright and lights up the en- tire area. Also had installed a new main entrance door. George Knaus, who is known to all the Slovenian Homes in northeast Ohio, donated a mirrored ball which hangs in our ballroom. It casts a lovely light. We are looking forward to celebrating the 75tb anniversary of the Lorain Slovenian Home on Oct. 24, and hope many of you will be able to attend. We have 10 members on our Board of Directors and all of them are geared toward success in all of our activities. They are: Steven Docs, President; Ruth Shook, Vice President; Linda Sekular, Financial Secretary Treasurer; Helen Urbas, Recording Secretary; Dorothy Brletic, auditor; Stanley Mramor, House Committee; Frank Renusi, Entertainment; John Schrenk, Kathy Janosik, Jim Muzek; and Bill Brletic serves as an advisor. Linda is a member of SS Cyril & Methodius Church. She was a member of AMLA Lodge 21 from infancy, and secretary-treasurer for five years up until the lodge merged with Lodge 60. She continues as a member of that lodge. She is also a member of SNPJ Lodge Bled 17. Linda is pleasant and reasonable and is always willing to pitch in. She never has to be asked. In her position, she spends a good deal of her time at the Home. She is Best Wishes to Linda Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Aunt Ann, Laureen & George Lorain Congratulations & Best Wishes to Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Linda Sekular Aunt Betty & Uncle Frank Lorain Congratulations Linda Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Peck & Peck, Public Accountants Bev and Lauri Amherst Congratulations Linda Dessa, Beth and Butch Lorain Slovenian Club there every Friday night, most Saturday mornings, and many Sunday mornings, too. She attends and works at all of our functions. She is so valuable to the Lorain Slovenian Home that we couldn’t do without her. She deserves all the honors many times over. We love you, Linda. Congratulations, Linda Helen Urbas LORAIN Congratulations LINDA Women’s Auxiliary Lorain Slovenian Home Congratulations Linda Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Joe Škapin Lorain Congratulations to Our Niece Linda Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Mimi & Uncle Bob Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes LINDA jOorain Slovenian SCome Woman of ifie S/ear Jim and Audrey Yurman Brecksville AMLRJCAix HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 Congratulations, Linda SNPJ Lodge Bled #17 Lorain CONGRA TULATIONS LINDA The Club Gained a Fine Officer And We Gained a Friend Bill and Dorothy Brletic __________LORAIN____ ČONGRA TULA TIONS and LOVE Linda Sekular LORAIN SLOVENIAN HOME WOMAN OF THE YEAR WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU MOM Congra tula tions To ALL the Honorees LINDA SEKULAR Lorain Slovenian Home CONGRA TULA TIONS LINDA Congratulations, Linda Buckeye Lodge #60 AMLA Lorain Congratulations to All Honorees Helen Urbas Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes Linda Joan Rogers, Lorain Slovenian Club Congratulations Linda Dr. Frank and Mary Gradišek and Family Lorain Fish Fry Crew, Lorain Slovenian Club Congratulations LINDA Congratulations Sue & Dale Kosco Lorain Slovenian Club Linda Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Patrons Lorain The Board of Directors Lorain Slovenian Home Steve Docs, President Ruth Shook, Vice Pres. Linda Sekular, Financial Secretary-Treas. Helen Urbas, Recording Secretary Dorothy Brletic, Auditor Stanley Mramor, House Frank Renusi, Entertainment John Schrenk Kathy Janosik Jim Muzek Bill Brletic, Adv. Slovenian Home Kathy Janosik Louise Janosik JoMarie Chute Ruth Shook John Schrenk Angela Solack Joan and Mary Rahotina Frank & Frances Pavlovčič Joe & Agnes Serazin Lillian & Adolph Ravnikar Angelina Voytko Fannie & Bill Ivancic Rose DeLeonardis Agnes Tomazin Bonnie Knepper CONGRA TULA TIONS LINDA Frank Renusi LORAIN CONGRA TULA TIONS LINDA Steve and Mary Ann Matesick Mark Verib and Mary Matesick Stef Zegarac Family Dan, Joe, Bob, Paul and Kate AVON _______ Congratulations and Best Wishes LINDA Lorain Slovenian Home Woman of the Year Lou and Eleanor Kamnikar Jim and Marylou Kamnikar Ken and Mary Jo Kamnikar LORAIN____ __ CONGRA TULA TIONS LINDA Bill, Connie, and Dorothy Hricovic Tom’s Country Place 3442 Stony Ridge Rd. Avon, Ohio 44011 ___________(440) 934-4553 CONGRA TULA TIONS LINDA Butch and Loretta Stockard Jack and Lenny Smith Stockard Masonry (440) 934-5225 Smittie’s Barber Shop __________Avon, Ohio Congratulations LINDA Thank You for All You Do for our Slovenian Home Steve and Lori Docs LORAIN J C3 Vince Lauter Is Barberton’s First Honoree Honors and awards for his achievements in serving the Barberton Slovenian community and the City of Barberton are highly esteemed by Vincent H. Lauter, but he takes special pride in the recognition he received in 1993 from the Republic of Slovenia s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. That agency joined with fhe Slovenian American community in recognizing Mr- Lauter, “who for 60 years has unselfishly devoted his time and energies to the Preservation of the Slovenian heritage in his beloved City °f Barberton, the State of Ohio, and the United States of America.” In its commendation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs further stated that “Mr. Lau-jer has demonstrated great cadership ability as Presi-ent of the Slovene Center, as a moving force of the Slo-Vene Domovina lodge, an mdefatigable researcher of Slovene roots, and as a great Promoter of close relational 'PS ^etween Slovenia and !e. United States—having V|sited Slovenia over 30 times.” The commendation s'gned by Dr. Peter Ve then the State Secretar '°venians abroad, an< arl B. Bonutti, Hon o,0nsul of the Republ 0venia in Cleveland, ( As the Barberton SI ynter 1998 Man o ear, Mr. Lauter has b k"8'™' i„fl„ ?1 der ln »e Barbertor ene community. Bom in the viUai ernVsinear Jesenice’ in 1 to J ovema’ he at tl6 Un'ted States in dur a 3ge °f seven an “ ed the difficulties Un8 immigrants fac. cuZ:g a new ,anguag In his early years, he was employed with Western Union in Akron, Ohio, where he was soon recognized for his strong work ethic. He subsequently advanced his education by completing courses at the Hammel Business College and the University of Akron. It was at this time that he began his lifelong commitment to serving the Barberton Slovenian community and the City of Barberton. He was elected treasurer of the Slovenian Independent Society Home, or Domovina Lodge, and soon was involved in a host of projects and activities. Among these were encouraging and assisting members of the Barberton Slovenian community to become citizens and thus eligible to exercise the right to vote. In the mid-1940s, he helped organize and served as manager of the Slovene Corporation, which constructed the West Theater, the only Barberton theater to survive in the 1990s. The theater was sold in 1995, but is still operating under new ownership. Mr. Lauter helped promote the Slovenian language and culture by teaching a course at the Barberton Adult School, and he was one of the organizers and first scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop #119, made up of young boys of Slovenian extraction. In the early 1990s, Mr. Lauter became president of the Domovina Lodge and spearheaded a critical revitalization of the lodge, which operates an eight-lane bowling establishment and a large ballroom, small hall and private club. He helped organize the Barberton Slovene Pensioners Club and served as its president for 14 years. Fie was also national secretary of the Slovenian Men’s Asso- ' ciation of America and is an associate member of the Slovenian Research Center of America and a member of the Škofja Loka Historical Society in Slovenia. Mr. Lauter has been a prominent citizen and activist in the Barberton community. He played a prominent role in the organization of the Barberton State Bank to better meet the banking needs of Barberton businesses and residents. The bank subsequently was acquired by Society National Bank, which in turn was acquired by Key Bank. He is a past president of the Barberton Area Safety Council, Barberton Kiwanis Club, and the YMCA Board of Trustees. Other important posts he has held include director of the Barberton Area Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the Salvation Army Board, secretary of the West Barberton Merchants Association, and secretary of the Barberton Charter Commission, clerk of the Barberton City Council, and chairman of the Mayor’s Festival Committee Ethnic Groups. Mr. Lauter has been honored as the Grand Marshall of the 1993 Cherry Blossom Festival and was singled out by the Barberton Rotary Club for its prestigious “Service Above Self’ award, which recognized him for his years of personal and professional service to the City of Barberton. Mr. Lauter and his wife Mary, who passed away in 1981, had seven children and currently Mr. Lauter has 25 grandchildren. federation Update ... '°Qtinued from paee B8) this ing best regards to all and “°ntmued from page B8) sident, and seconded he motion of Max Ko->o the Slovenian Soci-y Home in Euclid, Ohio. he motion l0Usly carried. The Barberti enter is was unani- ton Slovene on the official ,ler membership. " December, 1997 - x ■'M the close of every -nr we gather for our an- aI Christmas Party. This . eJhe affair was hosted resident Patricia A. |aVec*Clarke at the St. lr Slovenian Home, ere an enjoyable holi- y suPper, toasted the nson. Every year for the past 19 years, including this edition, the Federation has coordinated the talents of writing and salesmanship of advertising space for the Special Edition Tabloid, which up-dates the history of each Slovenian Home and Honoree of their choice. Many hours are exhausted in composition, exploiting the volunteer hours which have helped to save by now millions of dollars for our Slovenian Homes, plus the many organizations, individuals and the business community who support and believe in our institutions by purchasing the various size ads express- ing best regards to all and we must not forget the team effort of the American Home staff who labor laying out columns of Federation of Slovenian National Homes to be proud of and acknowledge the coordination of all details to all editors from each Home with Madeline and James Debevec, and the Federation Historian, Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Please, if you do not have a subscription to American Home, why not sign-up today and give your support to the best Slovenian weekly in town. Don’t forget to patronize (Continued on page C6) Vincent Lauter Officers and Members of the Slovenian Independent Society Home Owners and Operators of the BARBERTON SLOVENE CENTER Congratulate All Honorees and Especially VINCENT H. LAUTER Slovene @enter cJflan oftHe %fear for his unselfish dedication and service to the Barberton Slovene Center and the Barberton Slovenian Community h AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 I' I'.lVI MXri I iw.-l OJtLV 1 lOlN, IVlAKLVtl, < To- My LoviA^Hutbcwids, BOB Vchv vvdž/ ciUvayy be/ My Man of the Year Your MoitVeducated/ Wife, GZKKI CONG RA TULA TIONS To All Honorees and Slovenian Man and Woman of the Year STAN F. MEZIC Insurance Agent Has the Lowest Homeowners Rates in Town 22027 Euclid A venue 537-3223 CONGRATULATIONS BOB ST* CLAIR AUTO PARTS, Inc* of Cleveland 6011 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 (216) 391-4450 Fax (216) 391-9949 DALE LUNDER BEST WISHES CHEF BOB *S» Koschei - “B.l.T." (Bob In Training) CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BEST BROTHER-IN-LAW BOB Bonnig & Mi kg Bob 8t Fran ?>iang & John Stgvg & flnn CONGRATULATIONS BOB Ohio Valley Supply & Maintenance Co. Distributors of Quality Sanitation & Maintenance Products ‘We/Help Keep Your Home/ Clean/ Jodie Harrison Miller (216) 771 - 0011 2212 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 CONGRA TULA TIONS Roberta, Hopkins & All Honorees ZAK FUNERAL HOME 6016 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Over 100 Years of Dedicated Service Zachary A. Zak 361-3112 Funeral Director 361-3113 In Loving Memory V Blag Spomin IPAVEC In liebevolle Erinnerung WAGNER Frank 1893 - 1962 Antonia 1896 - 1983 Alfred 1893 Louise 1896 1962 1974 Parents - Grandparents - Great-Grandparents Charles F. and Ruth W. Ipavec Charles T. Ipavec Susan Erica and Christina Patricia Ipavec Townsend S. and Patricia A. Ipavec-Clarke Elizabeth Sutherland and Patricia Wagner Katherine Townsend and Shannon Bryan Clarke Y Y- CONGRATULATIONS Larry Hočevar Terry Hočevar Sr. Rosemary Hočevar CONGRA TULA TIONS & best wishes Robert A. Hopkins ST. CLAIR pensioners CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Ueveland, Ohio 44103 Best Wishes bob Slapnik Jr. qi ' 185th Street ®Ver1and. Ohio 44119 e Te]^graph Flowers Anywhere * pri(ial Bouquets * puneral Wreaths * £ut lowers °Ccasional Cards C°NS^Taisf|T|0N§ bobby Our M an of the Year ifc Ttie tip. p Grams, ®ngratulations! areoL^VE Vou and 0 PrOUD of you! N,aria & Michelle Cianci - & l0rgan & Paige Ross CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTA. HOPKINS THE GEORGE WHALLEY CO. 18200 S. Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone(216)481-1414 CUTTING TOOLS & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES FAX No. (216) 481-6666 800-362-0735 DOUGLAS J. VANEK CONGRATULATIONS BOB Man of tfie year MAPLE LANES 6918 St. Clair Avenue Gjviyvi/, Eddie/, 6- Chickie/ LIQUOR - BOWLING - FOOD 431-9593 CONGRATULATIONS ROBERT A. HOPKINS AND ALL HONOREES SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President - Anthony Hiti Vice-President - Alexandra Ukmar Treasurer - Joyce Ann Fiebig Secretary - Dana Leonard CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTA. HOPKINS &■ h ALL HONOREES J .Z> from the Glasbena Matica Chorus WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN A PART OF THE GREAT MUSICAL EVENT WHICH TOOK PLACE AT THE ST CLAIR SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME ON FEBRUARY 15, 1998 WITH THE CLEVELAND WOMEN’S ORCHESTRA NEXT PERFORMANCE CONCERT, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1998 BEST WISHES & GOOD LUCK to BOB HOPKINS Congratulations as an Organizer of a very successful Choral Gala of Combined Choruses A vuv Opeka/ Er Sophia/ Opeka/ § Robert A. Hopkins% & All Honorees The Friends of The Slovenian National Home, Inc. 6409 St. Clair Avenue CONGRATULATIONS ROBERT A. HOPKINS & ALL HONOREES faAXtje/ Na/ Vo4t> Clevland, Ohio 44103 Corig^atiAlatCcMfr BOBBY FROM THE CLUB OF ASSOCIATIONS OF THE SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 J5 Ž J3 CONGRATULATIONS BOBHOPK/NS THANK YOU FOR A JOB WELL DONE FROM ALL THE MEMBERS OF KOROTAN CONCERT - MAY 16,1998 - at The St. &J3J3J3J3J3J3J)J3J3J3J3tinJr 't. Clair J} JJ C5 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 AJVilKIvaiN HUME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1998 Federaton Update... (Continued from page C3) our advertisers, they support us annually in this edition. We acknowledge the media for coverage of this important event, especially on the radio: Tony Petkovšek, Ed Bucar, and Paul Lavrisha; newspaper coverage: A.M.L.A., “Our Voice," K.S.K.J. “Glasilo,” S.N.P.J. “Prosveta,” plus the local newspapers in the metropolitan communities of Cleveland, Ohio. Before concluding may we acknowledge the host Home of this 1998 Banquet, the West Park Slovenian Home. Let us pause for a moment and remember all of our dear members who have gone before us and who have left behind their individual marks of accomplishments which has sustained their respective Slovenian Home during their time on earth and the legacy for future generations who will do the same through the example of sacrifice and belief in these institutions called Slovenian National Homes. Another episode has been written and another episode begun to record the endless story about the Federation of Slovenian National Homes and its Slovenian people. Na Svidenje. Robert Thomas Kim Nic Shawn Laurie Katie Congratulations Uncle Bob Thanks for the Employment! CONGRATULATIONS ROBERT A. HOPKINS AZMAN QUALITY MEATS 654 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: 481-0826 CONGRA TULA TIONS BOB • conditioning air ENTERPRISES Heating - Refrigeration - Automation Controls PO Box 3144 3 Independence, OH 44131 Cleveland 216-398-0503 Akron 330-376-4822 FAX 216-398-4443 Lisa Wagner Service Sales Manager BOB a» Congratulations and Best of Luck in Your Future Endeavors for The Slovenian National Home From Your Proud Family DAD & MOM - Sheldon & Catherine Hopkins Sister & Brother-In-Law - Lisa & Doug Hupfer Sister & Brother-In-Law - Lynn & Scott Raymond Nephews - Zachary & Michael Raymond BEST WISHES BOB Your favorite; I w-Lccwy, Bob-čr Mcwcve/MMy CONGRATULATIONS BOBBY From Your Buddies PAKRITE Incorporated 6050 CAREY DRIVE VALLEY VIEW, OHIO 44125 (216) 524-5012 Fax (216) 524-5978 CONGRA TULA TIONS TO OUR ROBERTA. HOPKINS And All Honorees THE SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409-17 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Phone (216) 361-5115 FAX (216) 361-5335 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert A. Hopkins Dale Lunder Geraldine A. Hopkins Lawrence Hočevar Patricia Ipavec Clarke Jean Chohaney John Leonard Christine Ujcich Ann Opeka Ellen Lunder Ronald Jaksic Sylvia Plymesser Jeff Zabukovec Stanley Frank Charles F. Ipavec Sophia Opeka Antonia Zagar Jim Vokac Marjanca Hočevar Paul Lavrisha Gabe Chohaney President Emeritus - Edward F. Kenik Alternates: David Hočevar, Alex Spinos, Charles T. Ipavec k. il—. CONGRATULATIONS Daddy Woof - Woof - Meow Princess Cleo Yo-Yo & Whiskers & Mutzi Guy - Deceased CONGRATULATIONS BOB HOPKINS SHELIGA DRUG, INC. 6025 St. Clair Avenue JOE SHELIGA - TIM BRIGHT Pharmacists Hardware & Supph Truer Value, Help is Just Around The Comer “You/ N cevne/ It We/ Howe/ it COMMERCIAL & Complete Line of INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES TRU-TEST * Sharpening Service Quality Paints * Screens Made & Repaired * Pipe Cutting & Threading ( * Rug Doctor Rental * Computerized Color Match Paint System 662-0300 „ 16460 Broadway at Lee Open Daily 8:30-6:00 - Sat. 8:30-5: I CONGRATULATIONS BOB OAKWOOD PICTURE FRAMING COMPANY 6401 St Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Phone: (316) 391-3420 Fax:(216)391-3440 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 - 5 pm Sat 10-2 or by Appointment MICHAEL RADENKOV Specialising in Archival Frat/tM CONGRATULATIONS BOB Louis SCapnik & Son florist FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 6102 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103 Nancy & Don (216)431 ,1126 A ■ fi CONGRATULATIONS BOB MAN OF THE YEAR SHELLI’S RESTAURANT 6106 St. Clair Avenue Homemade Family Style Dinners & Lunches 431-1126 She St. Clair Salutes Busy Bob Hopkins Robert A H AhL" Inc O At- tka r part of this century. ncestors on his father’s side can be traced back to some of „ e first settlers in the United Mates. . ®°b s family, after living a the East 185th Street area one year, decided to *°Ve to Parma Heights, bere he lived until he pur-• aaed a home in Macedonia >n 1987. He attended Valley Forge '8 School, where he graduated with honors in the °p 10% of his class of 880 students. With much encour-§ernent from his mother, he JMned the Slovenan Chorus °f Circle 77 SNPJ and re-$earsed at the former Demand ^Venue Slovenian Home s then the W. 130th St. °Ven,an Home. At the same time, Bob wanted to learn to play the drums. At that point in a child’s life, however, adult reasoning usually prevails. His parents thought a piano accordion was the ticket. Bob took piano accordion lessons for a few years. It wasn’t until he was 16 that he realized the button accordion looked like more fun. He learned his first song from his uncle and took lessons from Steve Valencie for one year. Glasbena Matica was the next stepping stone in Bob’s Slovenian path. He joined in 1976 and sang for two years until, due to his new job at United Parcel Service, he could no longer attend chorus rehearsals. After high school, Bob attended Cuyahoga Community College, where he received his Associate of Arts degree. He then transferred to Cleveland State University, which he attended until 1984. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing. Bob worked on and off during school for his father’s company: Livsey Equipment Company. After college, Bob continued in sales at the company. He sold office furniture and shop equipment. One of his proudest accomplishments was designing shelving, lockers and racks for over 150 BP Pro Care service station sites around the country. In 1993, Bob took a position at Empire Die Casting Company in Cleveland as its director of purchasing. Empire has two plants with more than 300 employees. They are considered one of the top die casting firms in the United States. Sports also has played a big part in Bob’s life. He played basketball, football and baseball. His father began teaching Bob how to play tennis when he was young and he continued playing in tournaments and for his high school tennis team. When time allows, he still tries to hike, run and play tennis. Bob was married in 1992 to Geraldine Mills. It was a whirlwind romance. They met in March, were engaged in April and married in October, with well over 500 guests in attendance at the reception. Right up to the present day, marrying Gerri was the most intelligent decision he has ever made. Although they have no children, Bob and Gerri enjoy spending time with their many nieces and nephews. The couple loves to travel, most recently spending time in Ireland and England and relaxing in Aruba last December. Gerri is an outstanding seamstress and also the business secretary at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. She is also president of North Coast Abrasives Inc. and spends whatever remaining time maintaining a commercial building that she and Bob own on E. 67 St. in Bob Hopkins Cleveland. Bob has been a member of the U.S.S., Valley View Men s Club, Glasbena Matica, Friends of the Slovenian National Home, 2nd vice president of the Federation ot Slovenian Homes, and president of the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue, where he became a member in 1989. It is truly a mission of Bob’s to help keep the largest and most beautiful Slovenian Home in the United States a viable entity for many years to come. In whatever spare time he has left, Bob enjoys cooking. Recently, he spent two years in cooking school and tries to attend seminars when his time permits. He has also been spotted helping Julie Zalar and Milka Krulc on occasion in the kitchen at various Slovenian Homes. Bob’s acquaintances over the years and the friendships that have developed have been the most rewarding result of his involvement with the Slovenian community. He thanks his lovely wife, parents, family and friends for their encouragement and for “putting up with me.” He is also often heard saying “Settle down!” after the an-nouenement of his next project. Frances Gašperšič Gets Society Home Honors Our h™ . „ ' ... _ . the°