PRIMERJALNA ANALIZA ŠTUDIJSKIH PROGRAMOV BIBLIOTEKARSTVA Dr. Irena Marinko, Brezovica UDK 378.602:371.214(100) Povzetek Članek analizira programe visokošolskega študija bibliotekarstva na 40 visokih šolah v 15 državah. Najprej opiše postopek analize, nato pa sledijo podatki o statusu, financiranju, letu ustanovitve, verificiranosti, študentih in učiteljih, tehnologiji, strokovni knjižnici, možnostih zaposlovanja, oblikah študija in traja- nju izobraževanja. Dodani so opisi programov na terciarni inpostterciarni stopnji, možne kombinacije bibliotekarskega in drugih vrst študija, najpogostejši predme- ti in njihove vsebine. UDC 378.602:371.214(100) Summary Fourty university programmes for library and information specialists in fifteen countries have been analyzed in the article. It first describes methodology and then quotes data on administrative structure, source of finance, year of founda- tion, professional status, students and teachers, technology, library, possibilities of emp]oyment, forms of education, duration, it gives details of programmes at post-graduate levels, combinations with other programmes, the most frequent course subjects and their contents. MARINKO, Irena: Comparative analysis of study programs in library and infor- mation science education. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 42(1998)4,7-42