Naslov — Address NOVA DOBA 6117 St. Clalr Ave. Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. HEnderson 3889) (NEW ERA) URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION N a D r c d e k J. S. K. Jednote ul odvisen samo od splošnih razmer, ampak v mnoiu meri od naše agilnosti. a=_ Entered as Second Class Matter April loth, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, O., Under the Act of March 3d, 1870. — Accepted for Mailing at Special Rate of Postage, Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3d, 1917, Authorized March loth, 1925. ŠTEV. 38 CLEVELAND, 0., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST 1932 — SREDA, 21. SEPTEMBRA 1932 VOL. VIII. — LETNIK VIII. , %TVENE IN DRllGE i ! SLOVENSKE VESTI r vRi tajnik JSKJ, sobrat Zbašnik, se je' preteklo Ij eU° po uradnih poslih mu-n |v Clevelandu. Pri tej priliki •’ f tied drugim povedal, da je f rišče za jednotin ■ urad v ■ Ely že kupljeno in da so 'i j te^u vse predpriprave grad-1 In 8 katero se bo pričelo za-f 0rn oktobra. IV '* 1rtno veselico priredi društ-,v JB|'»tska sloga, št. 149 JSKJ ‘•I*** 1. oktobra. Veselica I 0 vršila v F. Drenikovem a' P11 v Strabane, Pa. °' J •* lalt •Zveze ,ISKJ društev v | in^i Pennsylvaniji se bo vr- °o» V nedel-i° 25- septembra v P® finskem narodnem domu v 8. 1 0ll‘. Pa. in se bo pričela ob ;tl H dopoldne, ne J • # Federacije JSKJ dru-v Minnesoti se bo vršila v j° 2. oktobra v Slovenski vski dvorani v Aurori. Kota.. I^rativni klub jugoslovan-^ društev v Sheboyganu, Priredi v soboto 24. sep-k - zvečer zanimiv koncert rViitskem narodnem domu. .Certu bo sledila prosta za-s plesom. s policijo je J?il v (L,. a n d u preteklo soboto C » Jen prekmurski Slovenec jJJSe Kuhar, kateremu se je omračil um radi alkohola .fužinskih razmer. Kuhar Zabarikiral v kokošnjaku, j er je streljal s puško na j] . 6 tete, ki so prostor ob-,111 ga skušale prisiliti k *•.1 s solzavicami. Pri stre-sta bila ranjena dva po-j in dva civilista, končno tudi Kuharja podrla kro-t)olicista. g * ^e**ski Narodni I)om v Go- *’ N. Y., priredi v soboto ( , tobra zvečer veselico z lri Plesom. -♦ poškodb, katere je ne* ;ifJ dobil v neki avtomobilski ;|°?di, se nahaja v Neilsvillle ,t 1 v Neilsville, Wis., znani ljr ‘ n‘ trgovec z zlatnino. a Tatija Pogorelc. h # S(^)r<>de'na prireditev, katere dobiček je namenjen v ! °1’0 brezposelnim v naselbi-bo vršila v nedeljo 25. ^^bra v Slovenskem Na-Domu v Clevelandu. '>ci • ev se bo vršila pod av-^meriške Domovine. Po-atrakcija prireditve bo °l'itev lepe igre “Domen." h * ^ C r°Parja, ki sta se pred-a kot železniška detektiva, *etekli teden v Clevelandu t.j Priletna zakonca Fran- % šarijo Baker za osem ti* ^it °^arjev, katere sta imela v kovčegu, da jih bosta • st ^ rokah drugi mesec, H bila namenjena v svoj ilstjl kraj v Jugoslavijo. Dol-ti , 1 Prihranki so šli in z nji-■te. any°n, Utah, je dne 8. \ . bra uničil domove, pohi-^lri obleko več kot trideseto^ Slovencem, Hrvatom in hj5(.v' Zgoreli sta tudi dve dvorani, šola in več ^ Oon posl°pij. Škoda se ceni dolarjev. ne I f RAZNO IZ AMERIKE IN INOZEMSTVA OSREDNJI UNIJSKI URAD v državi Nevadi je vložil na senatni odsek za irigacijo in reklamacijo pritožbo napram šestim kompanijam, ki so sklenile z zvezno vlado pogodbo za gradnjo znanega Hooverjevega jeza. Glasom zvezne postave bi morali podjetniki, ki gradijo zvezne zgradbe, plačevati delavcem plače, ki so za slično delo običajne v dotičnih krajih dežele. Pritožba navaja dolgo vrsto kršenj te postave, v škodo delavcem. Senatni odsek se bo bavil s to pritožbo v decembru, ko se snide zvezni kongres k zasedanju. VOLITVE, ki so se dne 12. septembra vršile v državi Maine, so pokazale odločen sentiment proti prohibiciji. Demokrati so dobili dva izmed treh kongresnih mandatov, kakor tudi državnega governerja. Republikanci so vztrajali za obdr-žanje 18. amendmenta, demokrati pa so se izrazili za odpravo istega. Zmaga mokrih demokratov v normalno suhi in republikanski državi Maine se smatra za zelo značilno. Država Maine je edina, ki ima svoje kongresne in governerske volitve v septembru',, medtem ko jih imajo vse druge zvezne države v novembru. ?! PREDSEDNIK HOOVER je dne 16. septembra sklical v Washington h konferenci vodilne zastopnike industrije, trgovine, dobrodelnih in delavskih organizacij v svrho sestave načrta, kako bi se najuspešnejše pomagalo brezposelnim, ki pričakujejo zime z večjim strahom kot kdaj prej. Širokopotezna odpomožna akcija mora, po be-s e d a h predsednika Hooverja, obvarovati gladu in mraza vsakega moža, ženo in otroka v Zedinjenih državah. Načrt za pomoč brezposelnim delavcem in njih družinam bo objavljen v par tednih. POTA PNEVMATIKE SLOVENSKI BURBANK PREMINIL MANJ BOLEZNI V PRIMARNIH volitvah v državi Louisiani je zmagala lista senatorja Hueya Longa, ki se zavzema za odpravo prohibicije in za omejitev privatnega bogastva. PO POSREDOVANJU governerja je bil končan štrajk na poljih trdega premoga v južnem delu države Ohio, ki je trajal sedem mesecev. Po konferencah z unijskimi voditelji in z lastniki premogovnikov je prišlo do nekakega premirja, ki naj traja do maja prihodnjega leta. Plača je bila določena na 38 centov od tone s strojem nakopanega premoga in $3.28 za dnevne delavce. Unija ni pripo-znana od operatorjev, toda napram unijskim premogarjem ne sme biti n i k a k i h predsodkov glasom gori omenjenega premirja. Obe stranki sta obljubili predložiti morebitne bodoče spore governerju, ki bo imenoval posredovalca. POTA PNEVMATIKE Marsikdo je že včasi razmišljal, kakšna je končna usoda starih pnevmatik ali obrabljenih avtomobilskih obročev, kot mi to reč navadno imenujemo. Gumijasti avtomobilski obroči, ki so morda napravili po 50,000 milj pota v svoji prvotni kapaciteti, še dolgo niso na konci svojih poti, ko jih dobi v roke starinar. Kmetje v Mehiki, na Kitajskem, na španskem in Portugalskem, dobijo še mnogo “milj” iz starih avtomobilskih obročev, ki so jih avtomobilisti v Zedinjenih državah zavrgli. Iz Zedinjenih držav se vsako leto eksportira nad 50 milijonov funtov starih gumijastih avtomobilskih obročev, ki predstavljajo vrednost več kot milijon dolarjev. V poljedelskih distriktih Španije so zelo popularni čevlji, imenovani “alpargatas,” katerih podplati so iz vrvi ali pa iz gumija. Zadnja leta so tam postali izredno popularni čevlji “arbaca,” katerih podplati so izdelani izključno iz starih gumijastih avtomobilskih obročev. Na podeželskih sejmih na Portugalskem je vedno nekaj stojnic, ki prodajajo stare gumijaste avtomobilske obroče, ki jih revnejši sloji porabljajo za podplate svojih,čevljev. Tudi mehiški peoni po večini nosijo arbaca-čevlje, katerih podplati so izdelani iz gumijevih obročev. Skoro najboljši trg za zavržene gumijaste avtomobilske obroče pa ima Amerika na Kitajskem. Revnejši sloji so zadovoljni, če si morejo privoščiti čevlje, katerih podplati so iz gumi j stih avtomobilskih obročev. Taki čevlji, šo zelo trpežni in poceni. Tanke in močno obrabljene dele gumijastih obročev porabijo na Kitajskem za podplate sandalov, ki jih nosijo težaki, vpreženi v znane kitajske dvo-kolnice ali rikše, ki v mnogih krajih prostrane dežele nadomeščajo kočije ali avtomobile. Zaslužek teh voznikov rikš, (ki so obenem vprežna “živina,” je silno majhen. Zadostuje pa, da si nabavijo sandale z gumijastimi podplati, ki so zelo trpežne, pa kljub temu stanejo le nekako tri cente par. Zavrženi gumijasti avtomobilski obroči morajo torej napraviti še dolgo in naporno pot, predno najdejo zaslužen počitek v naročju matere zemlje. -------o------- ODMEVI IZ RODNIH KRAJEV V Dolenjah pri Jaršah so nedavno odkrili spominsko ploščo pisatelju Jerneju Andrejki, vzidano na njegovo rojstno hišo. Pri slavnosti odkritja so se govorniki spominjali pokojnega Jerneja Andrejke kot zavednega slovenskega častnika in pisatelja, ob enem pa velikega dobrotnika domačemu ljudstvu Med narodom je pisatelj Andrej-ka najbolj poznan po svoji knjigi “Slovenski fantje.” V Trnovljah pri Celju sta pogorela hiša in gospodarsko poslopje posestnice Marije Pečarjeve. škoda znaša do 60,000 dinarjev, zavarovalnina pa samo osem tisoč dinarjev. V Veliki Dolini je preminil g Franc Dolinar, bivši trgovec in gostilničar, star 86 let. Pokojnik, ki je bil dober naprednjak in narodnjak, je mnogo let župa-nil Veliki Dolini. Redkega gosta so imeli nedavno v kopališču Laškem, ir sicer g. Franca Jamnika, trgovca in Honolulu. Jamnik, ki je doma iz škofje Loke, je odšel po svetu s 17. letom. Iz Amerike je prišel v Honolulu, kjer je najprej otvoril trgovino z gorenjskim platnom, pozneje pa je začel trgovati z idrijskimi čipkami ' in podobnim blagom. V,-rojstni se pojavi-in iagkie. Ta. sličlJOSt VSAK PO SVOJE Konvenčni zapisnik je končan in meni se zdi, kot bi se bila šele zdaj konvencija končala zares, šele zdaj bomo mogli našo pozornost obrniti na grozdno trgatev, prohibicijo in volilno kampanjo. Mi, kar nas je v Clevelandu, bomo mogli zdaj tudi z večjo pozornostjo slediti srditemu boju, ki ga vodi mestna administracija za civilne svobodščine clevelandskih psov. Ko bo pasja afera rešena, pride morda na dnevni red odporno? za brezposelne. * Te dni sem čital v listih, da je švedski vžigalični magnat Ivar Krueger zapustil za 192 milijonov več dolga, kot pa znaša vrednost njegove zapuščine. Takole se sfiksa grabežljivo žlahto; pa naj se zdaj tepe za njegove dolgove! Vsekakor pa je bil mož kerlc, da se je mogel toliko zadolžiti. Takih je malo dandanes. * Kljub depresiji, ki nas tlači že par let, je ameriški dolar napram inozemskemu denarju še vedno nad stoproceritno sol-venten. Edina slaba stran situacije je, da so ti ljubi dolarčki današnjih časih bolj redki kot. štiriperesne deteljice. * Optimisti trdijo, da je depresija slična solnčnemu mrku, ki domovini se je mudil na kratkem obisku. DOMOVINA CIGANOV Najnovejša raziskavanja kažejo, da je bila prvotna domovina ciganov v Indiji. Pred nekako 2500 leti so prve karavane ciganskih prednikov zapustile svojo domovino ob reki Ganges in se napotile proti Perziji. Nadaljne karavane so jim sledile petnajst stoletij. Nekatere ciganske karavane so se ustavile v Perziji, dvuge v Egiptu in nekatere v Arabiji. Mnoge pa so potovale naprej v Evropo in so v petnajstem stoletju dosegle Nemčijo. Dandanes so cigani “doma” po vsej Evropi in tudi v mnogih krajih Amerike. DRŽAVNA MILICA patruljira ceste mesta Taylorville v južnem Illinoisu, kjer je preteklo nedeljo eksplozija razdejala urad United Mine Workers of America in uredništvo lista “Taylorville Breeze.” Eksplozije se pripisujejo ostrim sporom med dvema frakcijama premo-garjev, katerih ena hoče delati po od unijskih voditeljev sprejeti lestvici $5.00 dnevno, dru-(Dalje na 2, it rani). ZA AVTOMOBILISTE Neki statistik je izračunal, da Američani zamudijo vsak dan s čakanjem pred rdečimi prometnimi lučmi 35 let. Koliko kozjih molitvic pri tem izmolijo, statistika ne navaja. V Ameriki imamo vsako leto ogromno število avtomobilskih nesreč, toda v primeri s številom avtomobilov se zgodi v Angliji več avtomobilskih nesreč. Ko je v aprilu leta 1926 preminil v Cafiforniji sloveči rastlinski čarovnik Luther Burbank, 30 se milijoni ljudi po širnem ivetu s hvaležnostjo spomnili njegovih zaslug za človeštvo. Ko- i liko novih rastlinskih vrst je vzgojil s križanjem sorodnih I 'astlin, in koliko jih je izboljšal ? križanjem in negovanjem, bi bilo preveč naštevati. Koristi, ki jih ima človesjtvo od novih ali izboljšanih sadnih, žitnih, trtnih, zelenjadniS ali travnih vrst, segajo v neštete milijone dclarjev. Njegovo delo je bilo na številnih poljih r iger in nastopov na odru; a . Tl za prireditev ni ljudi v 4v°raJ)j si igralec pač misli, da se e v vredno mučiti z učenjem- _ ' geslo mora biti pomagati s. Mo in našemu Domu, da ga °^oIu ^ mo v teh kritičnih časih. ,g T je stal mnogo denarja, zaI” g. ^ časa in truda. Torej, da se »gj tovo vidimo ob osmi uri z',e ^ . °es v soboto 1. oktobra v S. Ir Domu! .- ^ J. Matekovič J’ha Eveletb, »*£ J* JUGOSLOVANI!—- Tc® Jo- °*! tom se vljudno vabi vse slovane in Jugoslovanke v H nesoti, da se udeleže sC^I^j1-e' letnega banketa, ki ga bo P ^ . 1 dila Ameriška Jugoslov‘l^ve, Zveza, pod nadzorstvom ^ ^ ^ leth Ameriškega Kluba št- ^ 6 J. Z., v Eveleth City &l'“v rium, v nedeljo dne 25. seFaVe-bra 1932, točno ob 6. url ^ Čer’ , .resii6 41 Radi industrijalne de ^j-oŽ' c in brezposelnosti, bo cena j. nika na banketu za vsako P^ ^ ^ mezno osebo samo 50 cen 0. ^ za otroke pod 15. letom s^g8, ^ sti, v spremstvu starišev, P ^ mo 25 centov. $ q Na banketu bo lep Pr.(^)V V in več izvrstnih govorm -Y angleškem in slovenskem v ^ ku. Eden izmed govorm pcft Ijie angleškem jeziku bo Ho1 ' god' IH Fesler, okrožni sodnik 1 ' \ nijskega okrožja države nesote. K0' S Ker bo 25. septembri ^ v \ zvani “Jugoslovanski *7. C Minnesoti,” se vljudno va ^ % jugoslovanska podporna l!l. ^ ^ turna društva v Minnes0 ^e. % se korporativno udeleže |n0( njenega banketa, in s % pomorejo nam do vC'apj-ej *1< uspeha. Mi vam pa že v n,^ \ jamčimo^ dober prigrizek vrstno zabavo. Torej, vsi na Eveleth ^0 t.. ljo dne 25. septembra! P j^t «2 skupaj in podajmo si r° ,et)V' 'S bratje in sestre ene m&te* lž goslavije, in pri dobri Ml] pozabimo vsaj deloma (Dalje na 5. strani) PRAKTIČNA PRIPRAVA Nekdo je iznašel in patentiral neko samopojnemu peresu podobno pripravo, katero je možno nositi v žepu na isti na čin kot pero. Priprava pa je v resnici drobna, tri palce dolga posodica, ki vsebuje znano raz-kuževalno sredstvo “iodine,” ki se rabi proti zastrupi j en ju ran. Priprava vsebuje do 100 kapljic omenjene tekočine in je dobro zavarovana proti puščanju. V slučaju nezgode je važno razkuževalno sredstvo takoj pri rokah onemu, ki si hoče nabaviti in nositi to praktično “pi salno pero.” -----o----- AVTOMOBILSKA STATISTIKA V Zedinjenih državah je okoli 26 milijonov avtomobilov in za ysakega je na razpolage 88 jardov tlakovane ceste. Vsak avtomobilist porabi povprečno 600 galonov gasolina na leto in prevozi povprečno 12 milj na galon. Povprečen davek na galon gasolina je 3 in 48 stotink centa. Za vsake tri in štiri desetine milje plača avtomobilist en cent davka od ceste, ki jo rabi. Sheboygan, Wis. člani društva sv. Janeza Krstnika, št. 82 JSKJ, in vsi drugi Jugoslovani v Sheboyga-nu so vljudno vabljeni na koncert in ples, prirejen po Federativnem klubu jugoslovanskih društev. Koncert s plesom se bo vršil v Hrvaškem narodnem domu v soboto 24. septembra Pričetek prireditve bo o polu osmih (7:30) zvečer. Vstopnice so v predprodaji po 25 centov in se dobijo pri vseh zastop nikih včlanjenih društev; na dan prireditve pa bodo pri vho du po 35 centov. Gori omenjeni koncert bCaHs the pages for jokes and other humorous articles. Another ?r°uP looks for educational items. Still another group reads e columns for news of various localities contained in submitted Articles by individual members. The serious and deep thinking ass looks for heavy reading, for ideas and plans of special eriefit to the lodge and our Union. LThe editor often wonders what percentage of members read * Weekly editorial that comes under the heading of “Current I^Ught.” Accqrding to newspaper statistics, only 25 per cent the readers take the time and trouble to read the editorials, . ‘’kh is the pride of all periodicals, for special effort is put lllto the editorial section. The editorial reflects the character the newspaper, magazine, etc., and on many occasions brings ^ opinions and decisions of its sponsors. 0fFICIAL ORGAN SHOULD REFLECT SPIRIT OF SSCU j The same should be true of our official organ. Only in this “stance the backers and sponsors are the members themselves eas and opinions expressed through the editorials and other ^‘cles should reflect the spirit of our SSCU, what it stands for . ^hat benefit it is to its members, and what is being done to Hher promote its work. ^embers seem to forget that the official organ is their news "aPer. They seem to forget to take advantage of their weekly piodical that can be instrumental toward increasing the mem Grship of the local lodge. They seem to forget that lodge /•tivitie's, such as dances, dramas, picnics, etc., can best be ^ertised through the columns of Nova Doba, for all members its subscribers, and, as such, iare most likely to patronize * fairs promoted by another branch of the SSCU in their f|cinity. Through the simple expediency of electing or appointing a ^hlicity man the lodge can be sure that all its activities will ,well advertised in the official organ. His duties consist of j^ting up the lodge dance, drama, picnic, social, etc., which 8t° be submitted to the Nova Doba office, and whatever cordons are necessary will be made by the editor. Try as he might, the editor cannot fulfill all the desires of the e,ftbers, if no effort is made to communicate with him, if no Sestions or even criticism are submitted, in short if the reader °es not care about the English section of Nova Doba,, ^cidental items such as news, educational articles, humor ^ editorials can be accomplished by the editor himself. But ^at lodges in the East, West and southern parts of the United ates are doing must be submitted by the local branches. All e editor can do is correct and prepare the submitted articles 0f Publication. the Return to school o % September is the month when 0 school bell beckons students return to the classroom. With e*ception of those who still the elementary grades, others required by law to ain in the classroom, many and girls, men and women again pursue knowledge. Cleveland Board of Educa-J issued a pamphlet ccm-{ . £ the various schools, location, and what courses be given in evening high n°°ls, which are as follows: a ^Hinwood High, St. Clair f e- and E. 152d St.; East t^nicai High, E. 55th St. and Ave.; John Adams, E. ,)0,th St. and Corlett Ave.; O ^ay’E- 107tl1 St- and Car' ty e Ave.; West Technical, * ‘93d St. near Lorain Ave., 4V the Cleveland Trade, Eagle *• near E. 9th St. liases in elementary Eng-^iU be given in both day cl evening classes. Day Wv6s’ intended mainly for ers who desire to learn or °ye their English, will be *n various buildings, »jt which are the following 5ted in Slovene centers: , th Library, 1215 E. 79th School, 410 E. li, g,. ®t., and St. Clair Library, ^th St. and St. Clair Ave. Mjj classes in English held at- Collinwood ">ys H\ Island of Oland Has Countless Windmills Off the coast of Sweden and south of the Isle of Gottland is the curious narrow Island of Oland, 88 miles long and from 5 to 10 miles broad. The interior is flat and has very few trees. Windmills appear as often as in Holland, and at the north end of the island are miles of sandy beaches which lead the Swedes to choose it as a resort in summer. But the lure of the Oland for the stranger is its prehistoric stone remains, similar to those of Stone Henge in England. They appear to be arranged as ships, with prows, masts and benches for the rowers. At the village of Hogarum is the most curious stone memorial, known as “The Noah’s Ark.” The whole will make a tour interesting. --------o------- Home Made “What do you do?” “I make honey.” “I thought bees made honey.” “Not my honey.” High, East High and Willson Junior High, and other schools. The three mentioned are in or near Slovene settlements. All classes in English begin Monday, Oct. 10. Day classes are free, while the evening classes carry a fee of $3 per term of 15 weeks. lliin Mli *th s ^o- No. 66 Has Reputation for Instituting New Ideas Joliet, 111. — For the past number of years SS. Peter and aul Society, No. 66, SSCU, has been credited with the distinction of sponsoring new ideas to promote interest within its group, and to attract out' siders. Our lodge has rightfully earned the plaudits of the community, for its members enow how to get to the people with their goods; although this procedure requires a lot of hard work and conscientious thinking, the excellent results obtained more than compensated for the trouble involved. What makes any event successful is a large attendance. And a large crowd present at one of our activities encourages those members in charge to “give all they’ve got.” Last week’s issue of New Era contained articles, submitted by our officers, commenting on the large crowd that attended our annual picnic. I want to take this opportunity to mention the names of some of the prominent people and public officials that were present, as follows : J. Bert Blackburn of the People’s Abstract Co. and Democratic candidate for recorder of deeds of Will County. Joseph Zalar, supreme secretary of KSKJ and Joliet fire and police commissioner. Paul V. Wunder, circuit clerk of Will County. Miss Pauline Treven of Waukegan, member KSKJ Athletic Board. John D. Walker of Lockport, former sheriff and superintendent of Illinois prisons. Emmett McGuire, highway commissioner of Joliet. Judge A. W. Grahm, Judge J. A. Zerbes and Walter W. McGee, chief deputy assessor of Joliet. Anton Wisevic and Alber Gottlieb, assistant supervisors. Michael Radakovich, Joliet Serbian leader. Louis Železnikar, supreme treasurer KSKJ. As a member of the committee which worked with the regular lodge officers, I want to thank these people for attending our annual picnic. To the rest of my colleagues and asso-ciates on the committee I wish to state that I certaintly enjoyed their company. Working hand in hand, it was indeed a pleasure to work out the many details necessary to bring our annual picnic to the public’s expectation. Joseph Korevec, No. 66, SSCU. -------o-------- ATHLETIC BOARD OF, S. S. C. U. Chairman: F. J. Ereia, 2(4 — S7th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice chairman: J. L. Zorti, 1657 E. 31st St., Lorain, O. Joseph Kopler, It. D. 2, Johnntown, Pa. J. L, Jevitz Jr.. 1316 Elizabeth St., Joliet, 111. Anton Vessel, 819 W. Birch, Chisholm, Minn. • • * Louis M. Kolar, Athletic Commissioner and Editor of English Section, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Interlodge League News Cleveland SSCU Lodges Should Make Preparations for Bowling and Basketball Season 'B'RIEFS RELATED STRANGERS Cleveland police were forced to shoot and kill George Kuhar, 61, of 3241 E. 44th PL, in a shed in the rear of his home, where he had barricaded himself against 40 policemen. According to Mr. Rose Kuhar, wife of the slain man, the tragedy started from a quarrel between the father and his son Steve, 20, as to who should eat a fresh loaf of bread. Apparently sensing danger, Mrs. Kuhar told Steve to run out and call the police, while in the meantime the slain man took out his shotgun and went into the chicken shed to wait for the police. When two policemen entered the yard, Kuhar fired into their faces, causing them to fall down, and then continued to fire at the squads of police until tear bombs brought him out into the open, where the police riddled him with 17 bullets. During his initial appearance of the season with the Detroit Tigers of the American League, Frank Doljack contributed to the team’s victory by getting one of the four hits. Mr. Doljack was sent to New Orleans at the beginning of this season, but was recalled recently. More than 3,000 people were on hand to see the Orels win from Pioneers last Sunday, Sept. 18, at Gordon Park, score being 4 to 1. This is the first game played of a series of three to decide the Interlodge League championship of Cleveland, O. Orels, an incorporated club, is composed of Slovene players, while Pioneers is a lodge belonging to the Croatian Fraternal Union. Betsy Ross Extends Invitation to Card Party Cleveland, O.—Betsy Ross Lodge, No. 186, SSCU, extends a cordial invitation to SSCU members and their friends to attehd a card party to be held-Saturday evening, Oct. 1, at 7:30 p. m., at the home of President George Kovitch, 364 E. 161st St. An evening of excellent entertainment is being arranged by the committee in charge to assure all guests in attendance a good time. Watch for further notice. Mary Perdan. -------o------- Her Firm Touch Mrs. Newlywed: Well, dear, how do you like my cake? Mr. Newlywed: I was just wondering how such dainty, light, little hands could make such a great, big, heavy cake. In the Internation Exposition to be held in Cleveland Public Hall, Nov. 19 to 27, in which more than a score of nationality groups are to be represented, the Jugoslav Tourist Information Bureau of New York will have charge of an exhibit of Jugoslav products. Roumanian government is also planning a display. The Dutch of the community will erect a Dutch windmill in the hall together with Dutch shop3 and exhibits of Dutch arts. John Blatnik Jr. won the Chisholm (Minn.) city championship recently by beating Oscar Johnson in five grueling sets, 7-5, 6-2, 4-6, 2-6, 6-3. Both players were in top form at the time of the contest. Cleveland, O. — Month of September brings together teams of championship caliber to decide the supremacy of one particular unit over all others. The Interlodge League has promoted indoor baseball for the past three months, and at present is engaged in determining the champion lodge team of the neighborhood. Last Sunday, Sept. 18, Orels defeated the Pioneers, 4 to 1, in the first game of a series of three to decide the I. L. L. champion. The second game is scheduled to take place next Sunday, Sept. 25, at Gordon Park. Umpire will start the game promptly at 1 p. m. In the B division of the I. L. L., Spartans, SSPZ, and Eastern Stars, SDZ, will play in the semi-finals of the elimination series. Game will take place at Gordon Park next Sunday, starting at 2:30 p. m. The winner of this game will play the Holy Name for the champion ship of the B division. Local SSCU lodges are re quested to make preparations for the coming bowling and basketball season. A meeting is to be called soon by the league president to map out a schedule of games, decide on rules, and other details ncces sary before the two indoor sports can be launched. Last y^r^thf; three SSCU English-conducted lodges, namely, George Washingnton, No. 180, Betsy Ross, No. 186, and Collinwood Boosters, No. 188, had bowling teams entered in A and B divisions. All are expected to join the league again this season, perhaps the championship of the I. L. L. will be won by one of the SSCD representatives. Betsy Ross and George Wash-ington lodges had basketball teams entered in the league, men’s division. What the plans call for this year has not been decided; however, we sincerely hope to see the SSCU banners when the referee blows his whistle in December. In the girls’ basketball division only the George Washington Lodge was represented last year. , -------o------- East Palestine, O.—People who belong to the same nationality have a common tie, we might say that they are related. A Slovene feels more at home among Slovenes than among people of some other tongue. But we find today that there are hundreds of young Slovenes who appear and act like strangers among Slovenes! Sometimes this comes as a result of previous circumstances, but in many cases it is due to the indifference and “snubbishness” of the young Slovenes concerned. It is their opinion that they are lowering themselves by acknowledging their true nationality, when in fact they are doing just that by their failure to recognize it. If a man is a Slovene but does not wish to be known as such, his wish does not automatically’make him a German, an American or whatever he may desire to be called. He is still a Slovene. And so are all these young Slovenes who seem so eager to hide their nationality. Their actions are simply bringing them up as people without a proud nationality history behind them. Joe J. Golicic, No. 41, SSCU. -------------o------------ Frank Klobuchar, 17, of Milwaukee, Wis., dropped in the New Era office this week while visiting Cleveland in company with his mother, Mrs. Mary Klobuchar. Both are staying at Mrs. Jeric’s, 6011 Bonna Ave., who is the sister of Mrs. Klobuchar. Frank is well known in Milwaukee for his active participation in baseball, having played in the Independent League. Cleveland Library Has Costume On Display St. Clair Branch Library of Cleveland, O., has on display a Dalmatian national costume embroidered by Mrs. Matthew S. Beros. It is a woman’s dress with a matching handbag, giving it all the appearance of a dainty and fine piece of sewing. The design came from the Bibliotheque Nationale at Split. Mrs. Beros worked it out, count ing every thread. It is a perfect piece of work. On display are also two photographs of Mrs. Beros in the dress. --------o------- KUBILUS LEADS LEAGUE IN HITTING “Wieners” Kubilus of George Washington Lodge, No. 180, SSCU, playing on the lodge’s team, was crowned Interlodge League batting champion, having a mark of .474 for the season. Out of 38 trips to the plate, Kubilus connected for 18 hits. At the beginning of the season “Wieners” was batting around .222, but improved his hitting considerably toward the close of the season. Skufca, also playing for the G. W.’s, came through with .353. Something About Pyorrhea By Dr. A. L. Garbas Pyorrhea has become almost as common as dental decay, and one of the scourges of our time. It has been estimated that 90 out of every 100 persons in this country suffer from pyorrhea in one form or another. Pyorrhea is a disease which attacks the soft tissues about the teeth of man irrespective of race, sex or occupation. It is confined to adult life and occurs most, frequently between the ages of 18 and 60. Most people recognize the term pyori’hea, but do not fully appreciate the meaning and the seriousness of the disease. The causes, of pyorrhea are many, but one of the principal causes is the accumulation of tartar or, calculus upon the teeth beneath the margin of the gum. The deposit is something like the scale that forms inside of kettles and most everyone knows how difficult it is of removal. It is impossible for a person to remove this substance by brushing and as a resuit this deposit acts as an irritant and causes the gum tissue immediately about it to become red, swollen and inflamed. The pain and swelling associated with the early stages of pyorrhea may subside at periods and then come back again at intervals. Pockets form around the teeth which hold pus-produc-ing bacteria. At this stage the gums may be brought back to a real healthy condition by a very thorough removal of these deposits followed by a polishing of the surfaces of the teeth. Another cause is what is known to dentists as traumatic occlusion, which means an injurious closing of the teeth, Irregularly placed teeth in the arches of mouths of persons does not divide the stresses equally and consequently the gums become swollen and puffed up. The extraction of some teeth and failure to make restorations for the. space acquired, puts the entire stress of chewing upon very few teeth. The gums around these few teeth become infected and the membrane which surrounds the teeth and holds the teeth in their respective positions is dissolved by the bacteria. The teeth in such a diseased condition become loose, and if dental care is not applied at this time the teeth are lost one at a time, or several, until practically all of them must be replaced by some form of dental restoration. Another cause of pyorrhea may be that of error in diet, and particularly faulty prep- Indian Shorts Indians to Resume Fall Winter Activities and Chicago, 111.—Socials, hikes, parties, basketball, etc., will soon bring back many members whom we have not seen all summer. A social committee already has been picked, and work will be planned in the near future. It is true that the Indians will have plenty of competition for their socials, but they plan on offering the public something different and attractive. Hark ye, gymnasts, don’t tell me every one of you got fat and blubbery during the summer. Well, the way to get in shape again is to go to gym and get. plenty of exercise. Our gymnasiums will soon be available and we must act now to get a gym period. A meeting of all those who wish to attend the gymnasium class and those who wish to try out for the basketball team will be held Friday evening, Sept. 23, at 7:30 p. m., at 1615 Blue Island Ave. Please be on time. ’Tis a lucky man who captures our own Ann Schieman, for there is a girl who knows her groceries,, and by that I mean she knows how to cook, and not only that, but you should taste her cakes. Ask one who knows. Leo W. Moore, Sec’y, No. 220, SSCU. aration of food resulting in insufficient content of vitamins and mineral salts. Unbalanced diet, faulty elimination and poisonous absorption of the products that result from food which fails to pass on in its course through the intestines, may produce pyorrhea. The ability of a person to masticate his food is naturally greatly impaired during this time when the gums are s’v d-len and the teeth are loose, but the systematic effects of pyorrhea are even more serious. The pus-producing germs which are harbored around the teeth in the pockets formed by pyorrhea, are very active; the poisons are absorbed into the system, either directly through the inflamed gum tissues or indirectly through the saliva swallowed. These poisons may cause many body complications; some as ulcers and other forms of stomach troubles, some as rheumatism, heart trouble, neuritis, high blood pressure and other ailments. Since pyorrhea causes so many forms of illnesses, both directly and more remotely, it is a matter of serious concern for one to prevent its occurrence, if not already afflicted. The Diet of the Ancient Slavs By Prof. Arthur P. Coleman, Columbia University, U. S. A. The Slavs are late in coming into power. Their future is destined to be far greater than their past. Their capacity for enduring hardship and the steadiness of their expansion have been unrivalled in the history of the world. The rebirth of Jugoslavia, Poland and Czechoslovakia at the end of the World War bears eloquent testimony to their expansion to the west, while the extension of their boundaries to the east has been little short of miraculous. From weak settlements in present southeast Poland and western Russia, they have spread over European Russia, through the endless miles of Siberia even to the mainland of North America, from which continent the purchase of Alaska excluded them. Even here in the United States, the millions who have migrated to our shores prove that America has a large stake in the future of the Slav. To attain such power, the forefathers of the modern Slavs must have been a peculiarly virile race. Their habits must have been efficient and the conditions under which they provided themselves with sustenance must have been such as to develop hardihood and persistence. Cradle of the Slavs The cradle of the SJavs was, like the territory from which the Helvetians undertook tc escape, a hemmed-in affair. Stretching from the steep defiles of the Carpathians to the west as far as the Vistula, to the east as far as the Dnieper, to the north perhaps as far as Mohilev, dwelt these ancient peoples. No paradise of warm sunshine basking beside the blue waters of the Mediterranean was this; neither was it a land so bitter and niggardly as to drive men forth early to seek homes in fairer climes beyond the seas. Rather was it a place among lakes and forests, a country where the frugal might earn a meager living by long and arduous toil that left little time for the development of a rich and glowing culture. Vegetation was abundant and the thick forests covered soil which was fertile enough to support a population willing to dedicate itself to hard work. The Diet of Cyclops The diet of the Slavs was principally grains, and though they were not strict vegetarians, the excessive meat eating which exists in parts of the western hemisphere was not known to the Slavs. The production of meat requires so much more land than the production of a like amount of vegetables or grains that only a relatively sparse population in a rich country can eat heavily' of meat. And the Slavic countries were not rich countries. To live on the curds and whey of your flock of sheep, as Ulysses found the Cyclops doing, is much more efficient than to live on mutton. Instead of meat the Slavs substituted fish, with which their streams abounded, and eggs. Cheese also held a high place in their diet. But grain was and still is the principal article of diet among the Slavs. So completely did they depend upon it that when the harvest failed in Russia or Poland, expeditions were sent to Bulgaria where harvests were more abundant, in search of grain. In ancient Slavonic graves wheat and barley were found, showing that these were staple articles of food. Beside? these two grains rye and barley, oats and millet were cultivated, the latter holding a high place in the diet. These grain; were either cooked in theii PETMESEČNI RAČUN MED DRUŠTVI IN JEDNOTO —Od 31. decembra 1931 do 31. maja 1932 DOHODKI IZDATKI (rigmal state or ground into a coarse flour. At first each family milled its own grain, grinding it between two flat stones; later mills were built along streams, each community having its own mill. The roughly ground grain could be eaten in soup or as a stew. Sometimes it was made into cakes which were topped with honey and poppy seeds. How Slavs Made Bread Bread, known to the Slavs from the earliest times, was made from rough flour without the help of yeast and was baked in the ashes of the fire on hot stones. Later came yeast, and a more efficient method of baking, though even today the use of yeast is not so common in Slavonic countries as with us. The making of bread was always “women’s work.” Besides grains, the Slavs cultivated vegetables extensively. They were familiar with peas, lentils, onions, cabbages, beans, carrots, beets, cucumbers and poppy seeds. Poppy-seed oil was very highly prized. These vegetables were carefully grown in gardens, and these gardens were so much thought of that theft from them was more severely punished than theft from the open field. Roasting on Spits It is interesting to note baking and boiling were the most common methods of cooking. The earliest baking was of course done on a spit where excellent results could be obtained by the slow turning of the stick. Baking in a utensil came much later, and it cannot be asserted that the Slavs knew such a process during pagan times. The original boiling was done in the skins or stomachs of animals. If not hung too close to the fire good results, though slow, could be obtained. Sometimes heated stones were dropped into the water to make it boil. For flavoring, the Slavs early learned to add roots of various sorts or savory fats. For sweetening they used honey and the sap of the maple, while for seasoning salt was so highly prized that kings would forbid its export. Butter as Ointment Butter was originally used to rub on the body as an ointment, instead of as a food. But at the end of the pagan era, the use of butter as a food was well established. Vegetable oils were frequently used as substitutes for butter. The Slavs were extremely fond of fruits, and of these the most generally used was the apple. But the Slavonic varieties were inferior, and in order to satisfy the demand, a trade sprang up with the southern countries. Besides the apple, pears, plums, cherries, nuts and a few berries were known. Seedtime and Harvest Since the food with which he was nourished was so largely ' raised in his own community by the sweat of his own brow, the > ancient Slav measured time by ; the two seasons of seedtime and ■ harvest. Harvest time was a season of tremendous effort. ; Not only women and children, ( but also warriors helped, for 1 sickles have been found in the 1! graves of warriors, rj Surely the natural diet of t i coarse grains and raw fruit? 3! with which the primitive Slav ljnourished himself, couplec :• with the out-of-door life neces-? sary to the raising of these ■ foods must have played a large ? part in the phenomenal expan-• sion of the Slavs from their - small beginnings to their pres-1; ent position as the largest lin* ?' guistic group in Europe. i ; -—South Slav Herald. < oa t: .c C cn c 12 4) O „ J3 Št. dr. Mesto in država »> « © c N d ’S •a § « 1 ■x a *Cj G '5 ^ "H > O >C/5 TJ O ctf —J c > - o >0 C oj IS •U) .5 « M O E T> 10 >0 OS C/5 o 03 o, w C/3 c/3 OS t/> C/3 (/) to OJ C/3 W !/! > G CQ u) O cn 1 Ely, Minn 365 $ 4.65 $ 90.25 $ 1,596.50 $ 479.63 $ 80.75 $ 1,336.55 $ 6.02 $ 3,594.35 $ 2,063.50 $ 432.11 * ?«:S 1 545.50 563.21 103.30 2 710.28 £563.50 1,038.83 1,366$ 345.67 20.00 1,980.95 3,1! Ife ife 2557:80 S 3,017-30 1 70/’-50 ’202.19 664-50 ,5$ 1;S« 8$ 1 456.6^ 791.0 1 >°6 s« «410.50 ’377.47 722-00 fgs 386.$ 2 Ely, Minn 281 2.50 73.05 1,182.85 388.57 69.68 1,329.56 7.01 3,053.22 1,579.50 165.93 3 La Salle, 111 87 21.55 218.65 106.87 20.42 424.93 792.42 442.00 103.50 4 Federal, Pa 73 5 Soudan, Minn 81 .25 14.30 17.50 187.00 295.25 73.92 93.50 11.61 16.84 284.03 353.46 9.48 26.54 580.59 803.09 $ 150.00 215.00 56.00 198.21 47.50 6 Lorain, 0 271 9 Calumet, Mich 234 6.00 .75 70.30 61.05 1,120.95 818.40 369.52 314.27 65.11 60.10 1,325.18 1,307.06 48.90 24.00 3,005.96 2,585.63 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,033.00 1,298.50 177.28 265.00 11 Omaha, Neb 88 1.20 22.10 294.95 119.29 21.42 426.97 11.00 896.93 434.50 104.33 12 Pittsburgh, Pa 134 13 Baggaley, Pa <30 .50 1.00 34.60 14.95 481.40 174.80 179.69 74.73 31.54 12.86 646.04 239.16 7.85 1,381.62 517.50 855.75 413.00 225.00 108.17 120.67 14 Crockett, Cal 21 5.25 55.25 26.35 5.10 137.05 8.00 237.00 20.00 15 Pueblo, Colo 151 .75 37.75 512.10 198.48 36.84 822.38 74.57 1,682.87 1,000.00 747.00 233.95 16 Johnstown, Pa » 105 .25 30.65 383.80 162.89 27.92 554.53 41.55 1,201.59 137.85 346.61 240.99 18 Rock Springs, Wyo 191 .50 48.10 762.00 254.91 46.79 997.35 15.25 2,124.90 1,939.69 1,175.50 265.83 20 Gilbert, Minn 168 43.60 835.10 232.47 43.16 871.84 14.58 2,040.75 500.00 662.00 199.14 21 Denver, Colo 163 40.15 604.90 210.63 42.31 950.50 30.98 1,879.47 500.00 624.00 80.00 22 South Chicago, 111 98 1.00 25.30 317.45 129.82 26.91 636.97 7.85 1,145.30 1,000.00 641.50 185.67 25 Eveleth, Minn 241 1.25 49.75 744.40 260.79 46.24 968.48 17.18 2,088.09 1,088.50 226.36 26 Pittsburgh, Pa 267 1.50 71.70 1,030.25 373.68 61.43 1,362.37 27.25 2,928.18 1,412.09 780.50 156.66 27 Diamondville, Wyo 48 .75 12.15 297.25 69.72 11.52 258.73 8.14 658.26 495.00 62.80 28 Sublet, Wyo 18 4.90 143.10 26.21 4.89 112.71 291.81 134.00 39.74 29 Imperial, Pa 146 .25 36.40 417.30 184.36 33.57 637.76 1,309.64 111.65 242.50 100.14 30 Chisjiolm, Minn 295 1.00 69.30 1,053.00 382.74 68.24 1,526.02 71.41 3,171.71 1,177.48 $ 11.55 1,547.00 281.27 31 Braddock, Pa 113 2.25 31.35 521.05 169.87 28.05 639.74 9.09 1,401.40 1,015.00 539.00 148.50 32 Black Diamond, Wash 34 8.60 120.70 44.94 6.70 150.42 331.36 158.00 44.19 33 Center, Pa 145 29.60 365.50 151.74 22.65 454.99 9.64 1,034.12 591.50 73.00 35 Lloydell, Pa 73 .25 18.15 396.30 96.51 19.61 379.50 910.32 123.50 36.00 36 Conemaugh. Pa > 289 2.75 72.95 1,299.35 391.89 70.47 1,710.56 23.81 3,571.78 248.04 1,565.50 172.66 37 Cleveland, 0 440 1.50 94.35 1,525.40 511.12 91.80 1,973.60 ’ 38.35 4,236.12 3,353.03 1,058.00 246.44 39 Roslyn, Wash 188 .75 47.50 1,479.75 252.50 52.13 1,027.47 2,860.10 1,117.68 2,714.00 409.34 40 Claridge, Pa 157 40.50 499.50 211.14 35.16 722.13 71.48 1,579.91 385.33 62.69 622.50 220.52 41 East Palestine, 0 44 6.50 11.45 125.80 57.78 8.37 175.43 400.00 65.00 23.50 42 Pueblo, Colo 129 .25 25.95 365.90 135.53 28.17 567.15| 13.20 1,136.15' 869.63 431.50 155.53 43 East Helena, Mont 62 .60 15.60 247.75 81.59 15.94 321.231 7.85 690.56 500.00 209.00 82.01 44 Barberton, 0 194 1.25 48.40 702.95 254.31 43.66 909.301 4.00 1,963.87 500.00 319.00 247.33 45 Indianapolis, Ind 211 1.25 52.85 836.65 279.09 46.43 1,021.42 2,237.69 1,276.50 140.00 47 Aspen, Colo 71 .60 17.70 203.15 89.83 18.84 425.58 755.70 160.00 217.47 49 Kansas City, Kas 119 50 Brooklyn, N. Y 66 1.00 .25 29.35 13.45 452.20 260.50 155.74 71.43 32.69 9.78 697.47 255.74 21.53 1,368.45 632.68 1,000.00 663.50 1,103.00 58.50 224.83 51 Murray, Utah 16 3.85 56.95 20.29 3.69 90.79 175.57 1,000.00 66.00 20.00 52 Mineral, Kas 25 6.35 87.75 32.29 5.30 116.02 247.71 297.00 89.69 618-60 115-00 1,148-^ ‘’fe 53 Little Falls, N. Y 169 .50 41.95 616.15 236.11 35.19 704.66 82.09 1,716.65 529.00 89.60 54 Hibbing, Minn 42 .25 10.50 148.75 54.95 10.15 230.10 7.85 462.55 94.00 21.00 55 Uniontown, Pa 87 2.00 21.35 427.70 114.53 21.53 426.88 18.71 1,032.70 886.50 261.50 57 Export, Pa 89 .75 22.50 494.00 119.60 22.57 444.53 3.95 1,107.90 335.73 1,050.00 55.92 58 Bear Creek, Mont 100 .25 24.60 345.00 127.84 20.08 420.98 17.80 956.55 221.00 213.58 60 Chisholm, Minn .25 4.40 68.00 23.36 4.59 108.15 208.75 1,000.00 1,000.00 35.00 21.00 61 Reading, Pa 103 1.10 26.45 386.75 142.89 22.44 406.02 6.47 992.12 299.00 64.70 64 South Range, Mich 13 2.60 57.10 13.64 2.64 60.92 136.90 281.00 20.00 66 Joliet, 111 219 2.25 57.70 918.75 316.(53 41.82 917.41 55.28 2,309.84 878.50 100.00 68 Monessen, Pa .v 73 .25 17.80 190.40 91.40 17.46 349.16 9.11 675.58 150.00 94.47 155.33 1 277-82 465.5° '3Š 1597.fi7 >.'S$ 69 Thomas, W. Va 33 7.05 123.15 37.57 6.63 137.05 311.45 75.00 80.33 70 Chicago, 111 114 2.70 36.25 506.35 187.71 29.86 533.52 69.18 1,365.57 500.00 707.00 70.82 71 Cleveland, 0 223 1.00 59.60 1,010.35 136.45 320.34 54.76 1,180.69 30.61 2,657.35 1,245.50 220.00 72 Renton, Wash 28 .50 6.80 35.22 7.02 163.65 4.15 353.79 130.00 20.00 75 Meadow Lands, Pa 75 19.45 419.85 102.40 15.70 318.27 4.27 879.94 212.50 901.00 108.67 76 Oregon City, Ore 52 12.95 161.00 65.93 9.98 221.99 31.50 503.35 103.50 25.00 1.10 12.20 292.20 69.01 10.20 213.51 29.32 627.541 552.00 45.67 78 Salida, Colo 103 2.75 26.10 244.80 129.24 28.62 592.03 15.70 1,039.24 1,000.00 57.00 52.00 .25 1.90 28.05 10.01 1.39 33.79 75.39 34.04 1 767-0® 627$ 1.00 9.70 175.85 59.06 7.17 133.23 8.38 394.39 1,500.00 208.00 59.00 1.25 22.70 354.15 119.38 19.72 439.00 956.20 1,913.50 576.50 108.83 .25 6.80 230.75 36.72 5.05 115.32 394.89 122.00 20.00 19.05 450.40 101.62 21.78 481.34 7.85 1,082.04 383.00 244.68 1.00 27.15 433.55 143.11 23.46 487.89 52.00 1,168.16 185.00 154.00 10.90 231.25 56.76 9.76 205.94 514.61 195.00 62.50 43?n0 33» fe f'Sfl 404.0° 87 St Louis. Mo 42 8.40 167.20 44.36 6.84 154.68 381.48 92.00 70.49 17.35 399.20 91.94 18.02 421.21 947.72 1,000.00 819.00 53.58 .25 16.85 256.05 93.09 14.59 297.79 3.15 681.77 140.00 34.00 4.45 70.10 23.53 3.70 78.02 9.15 188.95 228.92 131.00 80.00 1.25 20.25 327.25 110.23 18.95 402.35 9.11 889.39 667.00 40.00 .75 49.15 634.10 255.01 50.04 1,029.87 368.22 18.55 2,038.37 841.61 240.50 97.50 99 Moon Hun, Pa 72 .50 18.50 338.45 07.25 18.69 443.50 44.33 9.95 191.05 52.18 10.49 236.22 7.90 507.79 650.00 186.00 20.00 .25 29.40 474.30 157.26 27.30 548.57 1,237.08 1,000.00 965.00 67.48 .25 13.60 247.45 72.89 11.74 237.45 583.38 1,500.00 420.00 25.00 105 Butte Mont 75 .25 19.90 364.25 104.76 19.58 422.96 16.05 947.75 350.00 952.00 102.00 874.8 1.25 15.90 433.65 84.81 13.95 300.40 849.96 500.00 251.00 123.88 364-50 231.0° l4'S 1’339.O® 33-8° 7.50 150.85 40.25 6.01 131.80 336.41 344.50 20.00 22.05 404.70 121.27 19.53 389.19 18.56 075.30 36.64 39.40 388.00 66.56 .25' 11.95 244.30 63.53 12.07 282.69 614.79 443.50 94.50 18.40 287.15 99.63 16.35 331.90 39.21 792.641 132.00 99.00 .75 16.70 241.60 90.64 14.94 318.27 62.82 745.72 553.50 49.33 .50 15.50 228.85 87.90 14.25 284.75 42.30 674.05 117.50 30.50 2.00 34.55 702.60 186.57 34.01 634.86 7.90 1,602.49 1,498.00 119.33 16.70 214.20 86.08 13.65 258.62 3.16 592.41 193.09 104.00 42.00 5.75 92.00 29.90 4.97 121.07 253.69 33.80 9.10 206.(X) 48.39 10.50 225.15 23.55 522.69 92.00 20.00 .25 9.50 148.75 50.55 6.50 117.00 332.551 20.00 059.50 % <*5 1.95 35.50 623.65 191.15 30.31 550.47 1,433.03 1,130.00 129.50 6.40 98.15 32.31 5.28 108.811 250.95 . 124.00 20.00 19.20 365.60 104.78 17.95 400.72 .48 908.73 126.87 950.00 89.00 8.35 187.85 44.14 8.07 169.76 21.55 439.72 270.00 20.00 453-0° 124 La Salle 111 38 .25 10.80 189.25 57.32 9.91 190.34 457.87 431.00 22.00 408-O? .25 9.75 354.70 52.40 7.95 197.42 622.47 • 448.00 20.00 854.5 6.40 163.40 33.31 4.76 97.94 305.81 1 650.00 184.50 20.00 434-S 4.30 64.60 22.72 3.74 75.20 170.56 | 355.25 59.50 20.00 % 803-3; Now Duluth Minn ^ 19.10 383.55 104.02 17.31 378.41 1.28 903.67 1,038.00 89.84 .50 20.20 357.20 109.08 16.22 297.41 800.61 1,140.27 i 512.00 41.00 130 De Pue III 30 7.35 107.95 38.69 4.71 91.87 250.57 187.00 80.00 6.20 11.65 237.45 65.26 11.26 211.89 1.60 545.31 313.00 41.00 1 x> Furlid O . 1 £1 .50 33.45 496.75 175.88 30.01 606.821 1,343.41 693.00 110.33 256^ .50 24.10 359.70 128.39 20.14 400.09 7.11 940.03 208.00 48.50 33$ .75 7.85 141.30 42.04 6.70 130.32 328.96 13.00 20.00 631 # 4.85 217.10 26.06 5.07 136.92 23.80 413.80 563.00 68.67 (87.0? .25 7.60 138.75 40.79 5.43 103.50 9.90 306.22 167.00 20.00 031$ .25 29.55 444.10 154.52 25.43 557.44 1,211.29 500.00 371.00 60.00 .25 8.25 127.50 43.80 7.37 140.76 327.93 145.00 20.00 12*1-0 6.00 105.55 32.15 5.55 125.75 275.00 104.00 20.00 178.5' .25 13.55 270.80 77.12 14.13 294.61 14.33 684.79 112.00 66.51 1.00 14.90 247.35 78.28 11.71 250.88 36.17 640.59 1,500.00 35.00 155.17 .25 5.35 128.35 36.87 4.93 107.17 13.38 296.30 205.50 70.00 0 ‘4# 143 Slickville Pa 19 .50 4.90 93.70 25.51 4.38 97.96 226.95 382.00 72.33 .50 28.50 467.50 149.25 25.56 528.96| 70.04 1,270.31 42.65 387.00 55.50 4.10 125.85 22.14 3.75 92.49 5.85 254.18 176.00 20.00 3.10 84.20 16.74 2.05 41.501 46.04 193.63 148.00 20.00 7.25 110.50 38.40 7.40 142.40; 305.95 213.50 20.00 8.35 159.20 43.44 6.64 132.081 349.71 167.00 20.00 .50 28.05 450.40 149.22 23.41 507.57 1,159.15 181.00 108.00 1 tv/ Vjaliuiiouui i a 1 OS 27.15 374.35 143.31 20.98 434.23 3.95 1,003.97 203.00 911.50 54.50 I5l Mullan Idaho 4.55 174.55 24.32 3.99 84.70| 3.16 295.27 414.00 20.00 % 152 Ringo * Kas • ••• ^ 8.8? 114.75 45.69 7.27 190.351 7.85 374.76 I 79.40 2.5C 42.50 13.50 2.87 18.081 79.45 15.00 20.0C 154 Herminie, Pa - ‘1% .25 9.4? 6.4? 192.90 110.00 49.68 34.33 6.60 | 4.25 150.61| 88.89| 409.49 243.92 1 585.0( 127.0C 26.50 20.0C 5.4C 124.70 28.66 4.93 117.991 281.68 130.01 20.0C 4.8C 121.65 25.32 3.42 78.21 14.16 247.56 77.0f 20.0C 2H If m .2? 14.2? 230.5? • 75.4? 11.43 255.201 587.13 || 1 182.01 29.5C 8.5? 129.21 45.22 7.5S 140.4C 331.02 1 8.01 20.0C 160 Cleveland 0 21 9.9C 144.4? 51.71 8.21 147.7C 362.22 92.0C 20.0C e.oc 63.1( 16. It 2.4( 49.4' 1,34.07 306.0C 20.0C 21 23.9? 377.4( 127.5k 18.11 387.6? 14.82 949.76 482.5C 48.0C 1.6? 45.7? 8.91 1.3C 26.Ot 83.73 292.OC 20.0C 7. Of » 97.7? 41.3? 5.4S 106.8' 12.56 271.03 06.OC 20.0C 3.0( 101.6( 15.7C 2.8' 87.6; 5 . 210.82 329.0C 20.0C 9.2? 144.5C 49.2( 6.4£ 140.2? 349.7.1 269.0C 20.0C 74n00 .5( 11.4( ) 203.3? 61.3 8.1f 174.75 6.4' 466.0C 500. OC 1 225.0( > 22.5C % Utah * ° ,2» 9.0( ) 246.4( 47.6( 9.31 ) 197.7. 510.3C 400.0C 230.0( 1 20.0f 3.5, S 61.4C 18.42 2.11 57.1. 3 47.0( 189.6e 20.0C »«5$ .7. 3 10.9. 3 150.4? 63.5? 6.4C ) 147.5' 15.0' 394.6? I 26.22 85.0(T| 68.6 .2, 5 16.01 ) 406.6? 85.1 ( ) 14.Of 321.3 3 10.3; 853.7< >1 675.00! 185.8. Is \ 2d$ 7.3< ) 136.1? 42.2t 5.0. 102.2 7 19.4' I 312.4711 250.01 ) 64,00! 12.0< ) 192.9. 64.15! 8.9. 176.0 3 454.111| 23.00| 23.01 1 13.7 ) 132.6< 1 68.0 3 10.9 7 254.2 8 479.61 I 239.001 28.5 7 7.1 5 204.3. 38.6 5.9 3 133.5 3 389.571 241.00! 20.0 2»«$ % 3 17.4 5 367.9( ) 93.7 3 12.7 3 285.6 7 3.9 5 781.4311 231.00| 125.5 1 .2 5 5.0 5 -73.1 ( ) 26.5 2 4.8 r ii5.3 5 225.0811 268.001 30.5 7 .2 3 1.9 5 39.0. 5 10.5 3 1.5 7 40.3 0 93.6. 63.001 70.0 7 19.5 5 280.4 5 102.171 14.5 3 212.7 8 48.0 ) 677.4 f 433.50! 38.0 lou uievctana, * a 9 12.5 1 144.5< 1 63.5 ) 10.5 7 218.5 2 3.9 5 453.5' 1 17.00! 24.51 WiQ 0 10.5 5 159.1 5 54.9 7 8.4 3 172.041 405.1411 56.001 22.0 u 6* nil 0 3lf$> 0 11 fi-Jo 9 1.2 0 18.9 5 340.8 3 103.9 5 13.1 7 187.1 2 4.1 5 660.341 593.50 48.0 7 4.3 0 193.0 5 22.9 7 3.7 8 83.2 0 307.301! 296.00| 20.0 4 1.1 0 15.0 5 204.0 ) 84.0 7 12.6 2 190.2 1 11.6 5 518.7011 84.50 26.5 5 6.2 5 96.6 5 31.2 2 4.8 7 97.7 6 4.0 0 240.7511 •1 lo/ bcKnart iviineSj jyiq. 6 6.9 5 132.3 0 39.3 8 4.6 9 68.6 2 10.2 5 262.19H 702.001 20.00 35 501 I'P'n’) 24>0 iSjS 20.001 340"' 20.001 5 18.1 5 272.8 5 95.9 1 15.1 3 325.8 9 4.3 5 732.281! 208.00! 8 .2 5 14.0 5 213.3 5 79.3 8 7.9 0 117.9 5 83.7 4 516.621 121.001 7 .2 5 7.8 5 117.3* 0 414 4 7.0 5 100.1 2 274.0111 136.00! 0 7.4 0 120.2 5 39 4 6 6.1 3 98.2 8 271.52| 329.50 (Dalle aa 5- atrani) PETMESEČNI RAČUN MED DRUŠTVI IN JEDNOTO - (Nadaljevanje iz 4. strani) Od 31. decembra 1931 do 31 maja 1932 Barberton, 0 13 3.15 53.55 17.01 2.19 32.26 8.10 116.26 6.00 20.00 26.00 Pittsburgh, Pa 48 9.85 119.00 54.72 5.69 77.52 9.84 276.62 26.00 20.00 46.00 i Duluth, Minn 27 .25 6.70 136.90 35.68 5.00 99.53 284.06 244.00 20.00 264.00 : Central City, Pa 19 1.00 4.85 141.20 25.94 3.61 72.86 249.46 45.00 20.00 65.00 iu Dawson, N. M 12 3.50 72.95 18.65 2.68 55.72 5.85 159.35 151.00 66.00 20.00 237.00 Ely, Minn 200 1.50 49.45 948.25 265.13 46.96 962.48 14.52 2,288.29 392.72 500.00 1,818.00 165.36 2,483.36 ki Denver, Colo 39 .50 8.15 152.35 50.09 5.94 88.24 87.45 1,000.00 161.00 20.00 1,181.00 to J*“ck Springs, Wyo 53 .75 13.05 221.85 71.88 7.59 98.18 74.16 487.46 150.00 168.00 25.00 343.00 j«, Cheswick, Pa 47 11.60 225.50 61.64 9.06 176.04 483.84 153.00 43.33 196.33 £ Windber, Pa 19 4.75 72.40 24.70 3.85 82.70 188.40 64.00 20.00 84.00 jv, Canonsburg, Pa 43 .25 10.75 135.10 54.90 6.41 91.44 298.85 64.00 20.00 84.00 j/ McIntyre, Pa 29 7.20 114.95 37.63 5.82 134.02 299.62 17.00 41.60 58.60 JT Hyasota, Pa 19 5.70 156.00 30.78 4.63 102.88 30.10 330.09 350.00 263.00 60.00 673.00 >12 ^“‘cago, Ul -(> 1.00 8.50 65.45 49.91 2.51 35.59 74.45 237.41 48.50 41.33 89.83 >13 ^Pringhill, N. S., Canada 8 2.10 77.10 11.34 1.41 32.39 124.34 384.00 28.67 412.67 ji. Lonemaugh, Pa 27 .75 10.60 165.85 46.31 6.68 96.79 8.66 335.64 83.00 20.00 103.00 >15 ^udbury, Ont., Canada 10 1.00 2.95 183.70 15.93 1.57 18.08, 223.23 764.00 20.00 784.00 !|. Lhisholm, Minn 39 .25 8.85 143.85 52.95 3.90 41.11 78.14 329.05 142.00 22.50 164.50 !|i Walsenburg, Colo 17 .25 4.30 65.45 23.78 1.98 45.03 62.61 203.40 122.00 20.00 142.00 !|s g°uyn, Que., Canada 20 4.00 5.20 107.05 28.08 2.56 46.10 192.99 328.00 20.00 348.00 50 Export, Pa 30 .25 5.60 85.00 29.64 3.83 59.22 183.54 141.00 20.00 161.00 j. Chicago, 111 24 .25 6.60 25.50 26.68 2.16 28.75 26.48 116.42 53.00 20.00 73.00 $2 Center, Pa 49 12.25 204.00 65.90 7.50 105.47 17.60 412.72 11.00 24.00 35.00 <-Cowanda, N. Y 45 11.00 158.10 66.10 7.38 108.46 37.93 388.97 4.00 21.50 25.50 13,423 $103.90 $3,384.55 $56,560.60 $18,004.04 $3,016.20 $62,308.49j $2,488.39 $145,866.17 $42,484.66 $ 182.511$71,786.61' $13,876.73 $128,330.57 PETMESEČNI RAČUN J. S. K. J. Od 31. decembra 1931 do 31. maja 1932 PREOSTANEK V SKLADIH 31. DECEMBRA 1931 ninski sklad načrt A..............................$591,918.46 Leninski sklad načrt B................................. 16,391.45 C*v.n.i sklad ........................................ 769,349.94 'n poškodninski sklad........................... 31,397.73 sS°gUh Sklad ................../....................... 10,081.89 “Skovni sklad ...................................... 21,109.33—$1,440,248.80 L.*, DOHODKI W^en‘ v posmrtninski sklad načrt A....................$ 62,308.49 L ^ent v posmrtninski sklad načrt B..................... 2,488.39 k.111601 v bolniški in poškodninski sklad.............. 56,560.60 j^ment-v sklad onemoglih................................ 3,384.55 WsUent v stroškovni sklad.............................. 18,004.04 * nient v rezervni sklad................................ 3,016.20 J*1 od obveznic, kreditirano rezervnemu skladu E"! A.................................................. 28,887.99 jt, ’ °d obveznic, kreditirano posmrtninskemu načrt B............................................ 291.16 fk ! °d bančnih vlog...................................... 278.65 V“v,ne in znaki ......................................... 103.90 Cnina 'n oglasi v Novi Dobi............................... 361.13 L,,a nd Casualty Co., pokritje izgube (144)................ 31.76 Casualty Co., pokritje izgube (131)................ 400.00 'rni„ "" knjižna vrednost kupljenih obveznic 7,523.00 ^ne4° 0C* društva žt- 82................................... 15.33 'eno- no 'z rezervnega sklada v posmrtninski sklad.. 647.25 eseno iz stroškovnega sklada v onemoglih sklad 4,262.67— 188,565.11 Skupaj ........................................................... $1,628,813.91 W IZDATKI 'J v j ne ............................................$ 42,484.66 Jfl|,^?,v^enje certifikatov načrta B...................... 182.51 dn .Podpora, operacije in odškodnine............... 71,786.61 Hrg®ra iz sklada onemoglih........................... 13,876.73 •Dra obresti na kuptjenih obveznicah................... 876.59 V-m stl:oJk> .......................................... 18,191.84 V^eio >z rezervnega sklada v posmrtninski sklad 647.25 eseno iz stroškovnega sklada v onemoglih sklad.. 4,262.67— 152,308.86 vina dne 31. maja 1932...................................... $1,476,505.05 JiiP^^NlRANI PREGLED IZDATKOV IZ STROŠKOVNEGA SKLADA fljjj odbornikom in urednikom.........................................$ 4,479.50 * Pomočnikom v glavnem uradu..............................«........... 1,745.00 Vi ®tr°ški in dnevnice gl. odbornikov.................................... 1,335.70 lit Zlje krajevnim organizatorjem.......................................... 170.50 Vriske preiskave novih kandidatov........................................... 18.00 'tnt le ‘n razpošiljanje “Nove Dobe”..................................... 5,309.05 L,; Slavnega urada......................................................... 350.00 ^tn‘Va’ razsvetljava in voda.......................................... 200.83 ^8tn'na’ ekspres, telefoni in brzojavi v glavnemu uradu ................. 310.38 ekspres, telefoni in brzojavi v uradu “Nobe Dobe”............... 101.54 !na. ekspres, telefoni in brzojavi gl. uradnikov...................... 38.74 ^| ‘n brzojavi vrhovnega zdravnika.................................... 29.26 !i$|3. tiskovine in druge uradne potrebščine............................. 1,052.01 kj.'ne, naročnine in uradne potrebščine “Nove Dobe”....................... 77.53 .*!’? Fund ..................;........................................... 158.61 e dopisnikom “Nove Dobe”................................................ 53.00 ;tilnv?rnostnih shramb..................................................... 3.00 p„*rJU ................................................................ 150.00 kriško obrambo gl. nadzornikov.............................................. 10.00 »var a državnim zavarovalninskim oddelkom.................................. 335.00 '?ravn^a*n‘na prot’ P°zaru................................................. 80.50 %i»„ . preiskave dvomljivih slučajev..................................... 52.53 fotiov Pr.'manikljaj društv.u št. 144.........'............................. 31.76 izplačilo deležev dedičem umrlega Marko Petriča..................... 200.00 6tli stro®ki....................................................4.......... 661.40 ')e na poroštva glavnih in krajevnih uradnikov..................... 1,238.00 Upaj .........;...................................................$18,191.84 p PREGLED POSAMEZNIH SKLADOV 'Omrtniuski sklad načrt A Wo ek dne 31. decembra 1931..............................$591,918.46 CSečni dohodki............................................ 70,878.74 eo,fSecni izdatki.................................................... $ 42,484.66 anek dne 31. maja 1932............................................. 620,312.54 Goto ,r)u Sk Cook County, 111. School Dist No. 99....................... 5 20,000.00 Cook County, 111. Evanston Township H. S. Dist .No. 202 6 10,000.00 Cook County, 111. Evanston Township H. S. Dist. No. 202 5 10,000.00 Cook County, 111. Maine Township H. S. Dist. No. 207....... 5 20,000.00 Cook County, 111. Proviso Township H. S. Dist. No. 209.... 5 10,000.00 Crow Wing County, Minn. School Dist. No. 66................... 4'/2 10,000.00 Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Sewer.................................. 4 10,000.00 Dade County, Fla. Refunding School........................ 6 10,000.00 Dade County, Fla. School Dist. No. 2...................... 5 10,000.00 Dearborn, Michigan. Sewer..................................... 4]/2 10,000.00 Detroit, Michigan. Water...................................... 4y2 10,000.00 Detroit, Michigan. Water...................................... 4 10,000.00 Duluth, Minnesota. Ind. School Dist........................... 4J4 10,000.00 East Chicago, Ind. Water Works................................ 6 25,000.00 Elizabeth City, N. C. Public Improvement...................... 5 5,000.00 Euclid, Ohio. Street Improvement.............................. 5y2 10,000.00 Euclid, Ohio. School Dist..................................... 5 15,000.00 Euclid, Ohio. Street Improvement.............................. 5J4 10,000.00 Farrell, Pa. School Dist. of Borrough......................... ^'/2 5,000.00 Florida State Everglades, D. D................................ 6 25,000.00 Florida State Everglades, D. D................................ 5 10,000.00 Forest Park, 111. Water Revenue...............................4l/2 10,000.00 Fulton County, III. W. Matanzas D. and L. Dist................ 4 10,000.00 Fulton County, III. W. Matanzas D. and L. Dist................ 5 2,000.00 Galveston, Tex. Grade Raising................................. 5 10,000.00 Garfield Heights, Ohio. Improvement........................M.. 5J4 10,000.00 Glencoe Park, Cook County, 111................................ 4)4 10,000.00 Goldsboro, N. C. Public Improvement........................... 4.}^ 10,000.00 Guilford County, N. C. Board of Education..................... 5 10,000.00 Hancock County, Ohio. Road Improvement........................ 5 10,000.00 Hutchinson County, Texas. Road................................ S>'/2 20,000.00 Hutchinson County, Texas. Borger Ind. School Dist 6 10,000.00 Ironwood, Mich. School Dist................................... 5 10,000.00 Jasper County, III. Captian Pond D. and L. Dist............... 6 10,000.00 Jefferson County, Ark. Farrelley Lake D. and L. Dist 5'/2 10,000.00 Jefferson County, Texas. Court House Refunding................ 5 10,000.00 Johnson City, Tenn. School.................................... 6 5,000.00 Johnston County, N. C......................................... 5 10,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio. City School Dist.............................. 6 10,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio. Sewage Treatment Works........................ 4'/, 16,000.00 Laona, Wis. Union Free High School Dist....................... J>'A 3,000.00 Lee County, N. C. Road........................................ 4->4 10,000.00 Liberty County, Texas. Road...-............................... Sy. 20,000.00 Lima, Ohio. Street Improvement................................ $l/2 10,000.00 Livingston Parish, La. Road................................... 6 10,000.00 Logan County, W. Va. Logan Mag. Road Dist..................... 5 10,000.00 Long Beach, N. Y. Beach and General Improvement 5.% 10,000.00 Lubbock County, Texas. School Dist............................ 5 30,000.00 Lusk, Wyoming, Water Works.................................... 6 10,000.00 MaComb County, Mich. Drainage Dist............................ 5^ 15,000.00 MaComb County, Mich. Drainage Dist............................ 6 10,000.00 Mahoning Valley, Ohio. Sanitary Dist.......................... 4'/ 10,000.00 Maine Township, JU. H. S. Dist. No. 207....................... .4j$ 10,000.00 Maple Heights, Ohio. Village School Dist...................... 6 10,000.00 Maricopa County, Arizona. Phoenix H. S. Dist.................. 4)4 10,000.00 Marion County, W. Va. Mag. Dist............................... $'/2 10,000.00 Marion County, W. Va. Union Ind. School Dist.......... 4-J4 10,000.00 Marshall County, Minn. Bridge................................. 5Va, 10,000.00 Matagorda County, Texas. Cons, and Reel. Dist..............:... 6 20,000.00 McDowell County, W. Va. Brown’s Creek School Dist 5lA 10,000.00 McDowell County, W. Va. Big Creek School Dist................. 5'/2 10,000.00 McKinley County, N. Mex. Road and Bridge...................... 5 10,000.00 Melrose Park, 111. Water Fund................................. 6 10,000.00 Minot, N. D. School Bldg...................................... 5 10,000.00 Moffat Tunr.el Improvement Dist. Denver, Colorado b'/2 10,000.00 Moffat Tunnel Improvement Dist. Denver, Colorado 5J4 10,000.00 Monroe County, Alabama. Refunding............................. 6 10,000.00 Monroe County, Michigan. Road................................. 4-}i 20,000.00 Montgomery County, Ohio. Road................................. 5'/2 10,000.00 Morton County, N. D. Funding.................................. 6 25,000.00 Newark, N. J. City Railway Construction....................... \/2 10,000.00 New York City, N. Y. Refunding................................ 4J4 20,000.00 North Dakota State Real Estate Series......................... 5 10,000.00 North Little Rock, Ark. Special School Dist................... 5 5,000.00 Orlando, Fla. Water and Electric Light........................ b'/2 10,000.00 Palestine, Texas. Serial School Bonds......................... 5 10,000.00 Pasco County, Fla. General Road............................... b'/2 5,000.00 Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Sanitary Sewer............................ 6 10,000.00 Pennington County, S. D. Court House.......................... 6 10,000.00 Perry County, Kentucky. Road and Bridge....................... 5 10,000.00 Philadelphia, Pa. General Obligation.......................... 4 20,000.00 Pinal County, Ariz. Road and Bridge........................... 5 10,000.00 Poinsett County, Ark. Road Dist. No. 5...........,............ 5 10,000.00 Richland Parish, La. School Dist. No. 18...................1... 5 10,000.00 Rocky Mount, N. C. Water, Sewerage and Paving................. b'A 12,000.00 San Antonio, Texas. Water Works............................... b/2 10,000.00 St. Lucie County, Fla. Road................................... 5 2,500.00 Stark County, Ohio. Road...................................... 4'/2 20,000.00 Summit County, Ohio. Improvement.............................. 5 10,000.00 Seattle, Washington. Municipal Light and Power................ 4}4 10,000.00 Tulsa, Oklahoma. Water Works.................................. 5 10,000.00 Wake County, N. C. Funding...............;.................... b'/2 10,000.00 Wayne County, N. C. Funding................................... 5 10,000.00 West Park, Ohio. General Sewer................................ 6 10,000.00 Wichita County, Texas. Water Improvement Dist No. 1........... 6 10,000.00 Wyoming County, W. Va. Slab Fork Mag. Dist.................... b'/2 10,000.00 Indiana Electric Corporation, First Mortgage.................. 6 10,000.00 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company, First Mortgage 5 10,000.00 West Penn Power Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., First Mtge., Series E 5 30,000.00 $1,405,500.00 Bančne vloge First State Bank of Ely, Minnesota............................ 1% $ 16,314.66 Northern National Bank, Duluth, Minnesota..................... 2 29,690.39 Allegheny Valley Bank, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania............... 4 10,000.00 American State Bank & Trust Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 10,000.00 Peoples State Bank, Eveleth, Minnesota........................ 4 5,000.00 Skupaj v bankah...................................................$ 71,005.05 Obveznice .............................................................. 1,405,500.00 Gotovina dne 31. maja 1932........................................$1,476,505.05 GOTOVINA RAZDELJENA PO SKLADIH Posmrtninski sklad načrt A.............................................$ 620,312.54 Posmrtninski sklad načrt B................................................. 18,988.49 Rezervni sklad............................................................ 800,008.94 Bolniški in poškodninski sklad............................................ 16,171.72 Onemogli hsklad............................................................. 3,867.71 Stroškovni sklad........................................................... 17,155.65 $1,476,505.05 PREGLED Gotovina dne 31. maja 1932..............................................$1,476,505.05 Dolg na neizplačanih posmrtninah........................................... 53,214.08 Čista gotovina dne 31. maja 1932........................................$1,423,290.97 Čista gotovina dne 31. decembra 1931.................................... 1,382,800.06 Napredek blagajne.................................................$ 40,490.91 POROČILO UMRLIH ČLANOV IN ČLANIC Od 31. decembra 1931 do 31. maja 1932 Ime umrlega Št. dr. Mesto in država Vsota George Polovic.......................... 4 Federal, Pa...................$ 1,000.00 Andrej Bogataj ......................... 4 Federal, Pa...................... 500.00 Andrew Klinar .......................... 6 Lorain, 0........................ 500.00 Sam Kezman ............................. 6 Lorain, 0........................ 500.00 Karl Jerala ............................ 9 Calumet, Mich................... 1,000.00 Joseph P. Mukavec...................... (J Calumet, Mich..................... 500.00 George Prakselj ....................... 1* Omaha, Neb...................... 1,000.00 John Kerin ............................ 12 Pittsburgh, Pa.................. 1,000.00 Alojzija Volk ......................... 12 Pittsburgh, Pa.................... 500.00 Iht, , NALOŽENA GOTOVINA Nth wrty Loan of U. S......................................... 4J4 $ 10,000.00 jS'dpo ty Loan of U. Š........................................ 4l/\ 25,000.00 *i,r°n r\, D- Independent School Dist......................... 4J/ž 10,000.00 V’r0hi°. Sewage Disposal.................................... 4/, 10,000.00 A Vin 0uI!ty, Ohio. Road Improvement.......................... 4 10,000.00 Akrili0’ Icxas, Water Works................................... 5 10,000.00 Texas, Water Works.................................... 5 10,000.00 * 4nspS’ State Highway...................................... 5 15,000.00 Plev o’ State Highway......................................... 4*4 10,000.00 X0c>°unty, Ark. Wilmot Road Dist.............................. 6 10,000.00 resw>0l'nty, Idaho, Rural H. S. Dist. No. 3................... 6 5,000.00 Sr,ie r ’ S- Water Works...................................... 5 5,000.00 R°°rnin“Unty, N- C. Funding................................... 4H 10,000.00 *<>ria /Sn’ "*• Water Revenue.............................. 4'/2 10,000.00 ^ounty, Tex. Brazos River Harbor Navig. Dist. b'A , 10,000.00 ”arrn ^°unty, Fla. Special R. and Bridge.................... 6 10,000.00 ^leron £ounty. N. C. Funding.................................. 4K- 10,000.00 r?t)eron £0Unty> Texas, Road.................................. 4>4 10,000.00 rSko. CJ?un'y. Texas, Road.................................... 5/, 10,000.00 n,CaRn ’in ' Road and Bridge.................................. 4)4 . 10.000.00 Ci^lann k Sanitary District................................... 4J4 20,000.00 d i0. Park and Air Craft Field........................ 4'/ 20,000.00 %an nark- N- j- School Dist................................. 5y4 10,000.00 County, Texas. Road................................... 5 10,000.00 . j, $662,797.20 $662,797.20 i fioti, ,rininsKi sklad iidcrt 15 Mtioanek dne 31. decembra 1931 $ 16,391.45 Siw*ni dohodki 2,779.55 V,ecni izdatki nek dne 31. maja 1932 $ 182.51 18,988.49 $ 19,171.00 $ 19,171.00 n| sklad »v' nek dne 31. decembra 1931 $769,349.94 flCexni dohodki 32,182.84 'Vt! ni 'zdatki ‘anek dne 31. maja 1932 $ 1,523.84 800,008.94 > . ,v $801,532.78 $801,532.78 b , i sklad dne 31. dcccmbra 1931 $ 31,397.73 K6?ni dohodki 56,560.60 V?„ečni izdatki anek dne 31. maja 1932 $ 71,786.61 16,171.72 t $ 87,958.33 $ 87,958.33 posta« ,°Sl,n sklad - ^ne 31. decembra 1931 $ 10,081.89 V«e?ni dohodki 7,662.55 Sani' izdatki °ek dne 31. maja 1932 $ 13,876.73 ’ 3,867.71 k Sll. „ $ 17,744.44 $ 17,744.44 . 0vni aklad Mw ,ek dne 31. decembra 1931 S 21,109.33 C ni dohodki 18,500.83 izdatki ek dne 31. maja 1932 $ 22,454.51 17,155.65 k x $ 39,610.16 $ 39,610.16 DOPISI (Nadaljevanje iz druge strani) časno to strašno industrijalno depresijo, ki muči tudi nas in naše ljudstvo v Ameriki. Torej na svidenje v Evelethu v nedeljo dne 25. septembra 1932.! Za pripravljalni odbor: Frank Mašera, Louis J. Lessar. Duluth, Minn. ČLANSTVU AMERIŠKE JUGOSLOVANSKE ZVEZE V MINNESOTI IN SPLOŠNEMU OBČINSTVU V DRŽAVI MINNESOTI:— Sedma letna konvencija, oziroma sestanek Jugoslovanov v Minnesoti, se bo vršila v mestu Eveleth, Minn., v nedeljo 25. septembra 1932, ob 1:30 uri popoldne v Eveleth City Auditorium. Ker bo sedma letna konvencija Ameriške Jugoslovanske Zveze v Minnesoti letos najbolj važna, kar smo jih še kdaj imeli v zgodovini naše organizacije, je upati, da se udeleži omenjene konvencije vsak član Zveze. Vsak član oziroma delegat pa se bo moral izkazati s plačilno knjižico/ da je dobro-stoječ član svojega kluba in Zveze, predno bo imel vstop na konvencijo, to je, predno bo imel pravico do glasovanja v raznih zadevah, ki bodo prišle pred konvencijo. Vsak član Zveze in vsak delegat naj bi pa dobro prečital sedanja pravila Zveze in ako opazi kako točko v pravilih, da ni v soglasju s sedanjimi razmerami med našim narodom v Minnesoti, naj na konvenciji priporoča, da naj bi se taka točka črtala ali pa spremenila, tako, da bi ugajala sedanjim razmeram pri naši organizaciji. Dnevni red na konvenciji: Otvoritev konvencije; čitanje imen glavnih odbor-nikov in ostalih odborov; volitev poverilnega odbora; poročilo poverilnega odbora; pripust delegatov k zborovanju; volitev konvenčnega predsednika; volitev odbora za resolucije; poročilo glavnega predsednika ; poročilo prvega, drugega in tretjega podpredsednika; poročilo glavnega tajnika; poročilo glavnega blagajnika; poročilo predsednika nadzornega odbora; poročilo predsednika za organizacijo ; poročilo predsednika za izo brazbo; poročilo predsednika za na turalizacijo; poročilo predsednika za statistiko ; razmotrivanje o zboljšanju pravil; pritožbe in obtožbe; poročilo odbora za rezolu cije; volitev glavnih odbornikov; vpeljevanje glavnih odbornikov; nekončane zadeve; nove zadeve; zaključek konvencije. Po zaključku konvencije, ob 6. uri zvečer, bo Eveleth klub št. 1 priredil v Eveleth City Auditorium banket z zelo izvrstnim programom. Na banketu bodo nastopili izvrstni govorni- Frank Dornik ........................... 12 Jela Sejatovich ........................ 15 Jedert Notar ........................... 18 Katarina Mestnik ....................... 20 Mary Barr ............................ 21 Nikolas Radelja ........................ 22 Filip Huzar............................. 28 Ivan Arko .............................. 30 Mary Gregorčič ......................... 37 Frank Strmole .......................... 37 Josephine Kovach .................:..... 37 Ivan Plese.............................. 39 Ignac Vidmar .............:............. 41 Matilda Devcich ........................ 43 Teresa Brajdich ........................ 43 Joseph Rojane .......................... 50 Joseph Kocian .........*................ 50 Marko Petrič............................ 51 Matt Kesmer ............................ 60 Augustus Krize ......................... 61 Frank Zalokar .......................... 70 Louis Tekavec ......................... 78 Jernej Verbič .......................... 81 Jennie Koschak ......................... 82 John Mishmash .......................... 85 John Eržen ............................. 88 Frank Setnikar.......................... 94 Maria Anzlin .......................... 103 Frances Gartner ....................... 104 Andrej Harej .......................... 104 i Joseph Porok ........................ 106 j Josephine Pcnich .................... 126 Joseph Volk r......................... 126 Ursula Zaic ........................... 129 Regina Dekalich ....................... 137 Ursula Smolsnik ....................... 167 Martin Koroshetz ...................... 172 Peter Novak ........................... 199 Joseph Jenko .......................... 200 john J. Schutte Jr..................... 201 John Benedicich ....................... 202 Karl Arko .......;.................... 217 Pittsburgh, Pa...................... 250.00 Pueblo, Colo...................... 1,000.00 Rock Springs, Wyo................... 500.00 Gilbert, Minn....................... 500.00 Denver, Colo........................ 500.00 South Chicago, 111................ 1,000.00 Sublet, Wyo....................... 1,000.00 Chisholm, Minn.................... 1,000.00 Cleveland, 0........................ 500.00 Cleveland, 0...................... 1,000.00 Cleveland, 0...................... 1,000.00 Roslyn, Wash...................... 1,000.00 East Palestine, 0................. 1,000.00 East Helena, Mont.............. 1,000.00 East Helena, Mont................ 500.00 Brooklyn, N. Y................. 1,000.00 Brooklyn, N. Y................. 1,000.00 Murray, Utah...................... 1,000.00 Chisholm, Minn.................... 1,000.00 Reading, Pa....................... 1,000.00 Chicago, 111........!............... 500.00 Salida, Colo...................... 1,000.00 Aurora, 111....................... 1,500.00 Sheboygan, Wis.................... 1,000.00 Aurora, Minn........................ 250.00 Roundup, Mont.................. 1,000.00 Waukegan, 111..................... 1,000.00 Cleveland, 0...................... 1,000.00 Chicago, 111........................ 500.00 Chicago, 111...................... 1,000.00 Davis, W. Va........................ 500.00 New Derry, Pa....................... 500.00 New Derry, Pa....................... 500.00 Ely, Minn......................... 1,000.00 Cleveland, 0........................ 500.00 Cle Elum, Wash...................... 500.00 Johnstown, Pa....................... 250.00 Dawson, N. M........................ 250.00 Ely, Minn........................... 500.00 Denver, Colo...................... 1,000.00 Rock Springs, Wyo................... 500.00 Rouyn, Que., Canada................. 250.00 $38,250.00 ki v angleškem in sloVenskemj jeziku. Glavna govornika na banketu bosta: Hon. Henrik Shipstead, zvezni senator iz države Minnesota, in Hon. Bert Fesler, okrožni sodnik. Zatorej se vljudno vabi vse jugoslovansko občinstvo, osobi-to pa jugoslovanska podporna in kulturna društva v Minnesoti, da se udeleže omenjenega banketa. Naši rojaki v Evelethu nas bodo zopet z odprtimi rokami sprejeli in nam priredili izvrstno zabavo, kot so to že storili ob taki priliki v preteklosti. Torej na svidenje v Evelethu v nedeljo dne 25. septembra 1932. Anton Lopp, glavni predsednik. New Duluth’, Minn. PROTEST. — Mi zbrani člani in članice društva sv. Srca Jezusa, št. 128 JSKJ, na redni mesečni seji dne 11. septembra smo razmotrivali o protestu društva iz Barbertona, Ohio, glede nameravanega zidanja jednotine hiše na Ely, Minn. V tem smislu je tudi naše društvo sklenilo, da se pridružimo omenjenemu društvu ter pošljemo protest v Novi Dobi, da se ne gradi jednotine hiše na Ely. To pa iz vzroka, ker mestece Ely ni za to pripraven kraj, ker ono mesto nima nika-ke bodočnosti, ker je le rudarska naselbina, ker kakor hitro bodo rudniki izčrpani, in to bo gotovo v prihodnjih 20 ali 25 letih, ne bo imelo nobeno posestvo tam več nobene veljave. Potem si lahko hišo vržemo na rame in jo nesemo kam drugam, če jo bomo mogli. Ako namerava naša Jednota zidati si dom, zakaj ravno na Ely, ko bi se tukaj v mestu Du-luthu dobilo primerno poslopje za gotovo polovico nižjo ceno? Če si pa hočemo najeti poslopje v najem, ga dobimo polovico ceneje kot na Ely. Za ceno kot se plačuje na Ely, se bi tukaj dobilo že nekaj imenitnega. Zaradi tega prosimo ostala bratska društva, da se nam pridružijo ter pošljejo protest. O tako pomembni stvari bi moralo vse članstvo Jednote odločati potom splošnega glasovanja. Delegati zadnje konvencije niso gotovo bili prav poučeni o stvari, ter so glasovali o nečem, česar niso prav razumeli. Jed-notina hiša bi morala stati y Duluthu, Minnesota, ki je industrijalno mesto, ki je pristaniško mesto, ter kot tako bo stalo za vedno, ter se ni bati, da bomo morali jednotino hišo še ke-daj premikati. Naše društvo ne pošilja tega protesta zaradi tega, ki bi radi imeli jednotin dom v Duluthu, ker od tega mi ne bomo imeli nič koristi, pač pa naše društvo gleda za korist vsesplošnega članstva naše dične J. S. K. Jednote. čitano in sprejeto na redni društveni seji dne 11. septembra 1932. Frank Blatnik, predsednik i Anton Brula, tajnik; Joseph Špehar, blagajnik. STATE OF MINNESOTA] j. gg COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS j Paul Bartel, President; Anton Zbasnik, Secretary; and Louis Champa, Treasurer of the South Slavonic Catholic Union, being duly sworn, each for himself deposes and says, that they are the above described officers of said Association, and that on the thirty-first day of May, 1932, all above described assets were the absolute property of said association free and clear of any liens or claims thereon, except as above stated and that the foregoing statement with the explanations herein contained, annexed or referred to, are a full and correct exhibit of all the assets, liabilities, income and disbursements, and of the condition and affairs of the said Association of the said thirty-first day of May last, according to the best of their knowledge. PAUL BARTEL, President. (Official Seal) ANTON ZBASNIK, Secretary. LOUIS CHAMPA, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d day of July, 1932. LEONARD SLABODN1K, Notary Public. St. Louis County, Minn. (My Commission Expires June 1, 1938.) STATE OF MINNESOTA] > SS COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS j Rudolf Perdan, John Movcrn, John Kumsc, John Balkovec and William B. Laurich, Trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union, being first duly sworn, depose and say that they have examined all the accounts of the Supreme President, Secretary and Treasurer, and that all of said accounts have been found correct, according to the best of their knowledge, information and belief. JOHN MOVERN (Seal) JOHN KUMSE JOHN BALKOVEC WILLIAM B. LAURICH Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d day of July, 1932. LEONARD SLABODNIK, Notary Public. St. Louis County, Minn. (My Commission Expires June 1, 1938.) Cleveland, O. Društvo Marije Vnebovzete, št. 103 JSKJ je na redni seji dne 18. septembra sklenilo, da se pridružuje protestu društva sv. Martina, št. 44 JSKJ, ki je bil priobčen v Novi Dobi z dne 7. septembra 1932. _____ Za društvo št. 103 JSKJ: Anna Walter, tajnica. Cleveland, O. Društvo sv. Janeza Krstnika, št. 71 J. S. K. Jednote v Clevelandu, Ohio, je vzelo v pretres na svoji redni seji dne 18.'septembra protest društva sv. Martina, št. 44, iz Barbertona, O., kateri je bil priobčen dne 7. septembra v Novi Dobi, ter se člani na omenjeno seji soglasno pridružujemo istemu. Korak, kot je zidava jednoti-nega poslopja, bi moralo vsekakor splošno članstvo sklepati na (Dalj« na S. strani) . PETMESEČNI RAČUN J. S. K. J. DOPISI r PETMESEČNI RAČUN MLADINSKEGA ODDELKA Od 31. decembra 1931 do 31. maja 1932 DOHODKI Preostanek dne 31. decembra 1931.....................................$ 98,026.58 Petmesečni dohodki od asesmentov........................................ 2,778.25 Obresti od obveznic ................................................... 2,511.25 Obresti od bančnih vlog.................................................... 18.98 Skupaj ........................................................ $103,335.06 IZDATKI Posmrtnine članov(ic)..................................................... 478.00 Izplačana rezerva prestoplim članom v odrasli oddelek.................. 1,171.34 Preostanek dne 31. maja 1932............................... $101,085.72 NALOŽENA GOTOVINA Ashley County, Ark. Wilmot Road Dist......................... 6 $ 3,000.00 Beresford, S. Dak. Water Works............................... 5 3,000.00 Bluefield, W. Va. Direct Obligation.......................... 5 5,000.00 Cuyahoga County, Ohio........................................ 4 3,000.00 Galveston, Texas. Road Improvement.................... 5 5,000.00 Garfield Heights, Ohio. Improvement.................... 5J4 3,000.00 Glencoe Park, Dist. Cook County, 111.....................; 4)4 3,000.00 Lake County, Ohio. Road Improvement.......................... 4)4 5,000.00 Liberty County, Texas. Road Bonds............................ 5K> 5,000.00 Mahoning Valley, Ohio. Sanitary Dist.................... 4'/j 5,000.00 Maricopa County, Ariz. Phoenix H. S. Dist.................... 4 4,000.00 McLennan County, Texas. Road Dist. No. 3..................... 5/2 10,000.00 Mercedes, Tex. Independent School Dist....................... 5 5,000.00 Norfolk County, W. Va. Tanners Creek Mag. Dist. No. 0........ 5 5,000.00 North Bergen Township, N. J. General Improvement 0 5,000.00 Pasedena, California. Improvement Dist. No. 1........... 5J^ 5,000.00 Pender County, N. C. Road and Bridge......................... 4-)4 5,000.00 Princeton, W. Va. Refunding.................................. 5/t • 5,000.00 St. Louis County, Minn. Highway.............................. 5 3,000.00 Stark County, N. Dak. Funding................................ 0 5,000.00 Union County, Ark. Eldorado Spec. School Dist. No. 15........ 5 3,000.00 First State Bank of Ely...................................... 1 6,685.72 Gotovina dne 31. maja 1932....................................$101,685.72 DOHODKI OD ASESMENTOV Od 31. decembra 1931 do 31. maja 1932 Št. dr. Št. otrok Asesment i Št. dr. Št. olrok Asesment ! 1 115 $ 52.65 123 24 12.00 2 198 91.35 124 17 8.70 3 21 10.05 125 12 5.40 4 24 12.30 126 24 11.55 5 24 6.90 127 6 2.70 6 82 37.95 128 24 12.60 9 32 14.55 129 30 15.30 11 42 19.05 130 25 11.85 12 45 21.90 131 13 6.75 13 50 22.65 132 58 28.65 15 38 17.25 133 32 14.70 16 73 38.10 134 41 19.05 18 87 39.30 135 9 6.45 20 117 54.00 136 26 11.55 21 76 34.95 137 24 10.55 22 28 12.30 138 33 15.90 25 95 28.95 139 4 1.80 26 253 115.35 140 .... 33 15.00 27 22 9.90 141 28 13.05 28 9 4.05 142 26 11.85 29 102 47.10 143 18 8.25 30 126 54.00 144 25 1 1.85 31 52 25.10 145 28 13.35 32 2 1.20 146 3 1.35 33 76 23.55 147 13 5.55 35 59 26.55 148 19 10.65 36 ' 141 64.35 149 94 42.75 37 137 43.25 150 27 12.75 39 51 23.40 151 1 1.05 40 ?. 48 21.90 152 8 4.35 41 18 8.70 153 1 .45 42 59 18.15 154 28 8.40 43 32 14.85 155 19 8.55 44 , 99 46.20 156 14 5.40 45 145 67.15 157 3 1.80 47 16 6.90 158 14 6.30 49 71 32.55 159 28 15.75 50 7 2.10 160 17 7.35 52 5 2.25 161 3 1.35 53 53 24.60 162 30 14.40 54 14 6.30 1.35 55 40 18.60 164 13 5.85 57 47 21.90 165 5 2.25 58 41 19.50 166 58 26.25 60 3.15 167 22 9.75 61 59 27.45 168 27 12.15 64 1 .30 169 ' 6 2.85 66 197 91.05 170 13 8.55 68 37 17.55 171 40 19.35 69 10 3.60 172 - 37 16.95 70 39 24.00 173 9 4.80 71 105 47.70 174 34 15.90 72 8 3.00 175 24 10.80 75 33 15.90 176 28 12.60 76 18 8.25 178 4 1.80 77 33 15.60 180 12 5.85 78 42 20.10 182 39 17.55 79 7 2.25 183 11 5.85 81 32 14.55 184 5 1.65 82 14 6.75 185 47 21.30 83 10 4.65 186 6 2.70 84 46 20.70 187 : 20 9.00 85 32 16.35 190 37 16.65 86 19 8.70 192 4 2.10 87 31 9.30 193 1 .45 88 20 9.00 194 5 3.00 89 53 23.40 195 5 1.65 92 48 22.35 196 7 3.15 94 98 47.25 197 1 .45 99 43 19.80 198 10 4.95 101 15 7.95 199 24 11.10 103 19 9.00 200 87 38.55 104 15 7.35 ,201 3 .90 105 21 9.45 '202 5 2.25 106 41 19.351203 12 5.55 107 9 3.90 204 12 5.40 108 65 30.75 ! 205 5 2.25 109 18 8.10 207 14 6.00 110 '38 17.55 209 14 6.00 111 67 30.60 211 4 2.40 h 112 25 11.25 213 2 .90 114 67 30.00 215 2 .60 116 40 15.75 216 5 2.25 117 20 9 .OG 218 7 2.10 U8 19 8.55 ’20 1 .45 2.70 119 22 9.9C 221 6 120 . ... 51 23. H ; 5 2.25 191 S 3.60 20.25 Skupaj .... 122 43 6,133 S2,‘778.25 (Nadaljevanje iz 5. strani) podlagi točnih podatkov od strani glavnih uradnikov, kakor tudi od članov, ki so jim razmere dobro znane, ter navesti cene ali zahteve za zemljišče, ter isto podpreti z dokazi, da Jednoto ne bo nič več stalo, ako ima organizacija svoje poslopje in to še pred konvencijo, tako da bi članstvo o tej nameri lahko podalo navodila svojim zastopnikom, kako naj glasujejo. Iz odborovega zapisnika je razvidno, da je cena zelo pretirana, kot bi jo kupili v kakšnem industrijalnem mestu, kjer se lahko pričakuje, da vrednost zemljišča bo vedno večja ali kakor je mestece Ely, Minn., je edino pripravno za izletnike, ki imajo dnevnice plačane. Tem potom naše društvo apelira na vsa društva, katera uvidijo, da s tem bo imela Jednota le nadaljne stroške, katere še lahko preprečimo, da dvignemo protest, oziroma, da se istemu pridružimo, dokler ni pre-jzno. Za društvo sv. Janeza Krstni-a, št. 71 J. S. K. Jednote v levelandu, Ohio, dne 18. sep-;mbra 1932: :>hn Debeljak, predsednik; An-rew Gruden, blagajnik; Ivan apelj, tajnik. (Društveni pe- Reading, Pa. Članstvo društva sv. Jurija, št. 61 JSKJ, zbrano na redni ečni seji dne 10. septembra, sklenilo, da se pridružuje protestu društvu sv. Martina, št. 44 JSKJ v Barbertonu, Ohio, proti konvenčnemu sklepu glede zidanja jednotinega doma na Ely, Minnesota, ker se ni pred konvencijo nič vedelo o tem. Mathias Vardijan, predsednik; Anton Jaklič, tajnik; John Pezdirc, blagajnik. (Društveni pečat.) PREGLED SKLADOV Posmrtninski sklad Preostanek dne 31. decembra 1931...................$ 97,870.27 Petmesečni dohodki ....................................... 5,123.01 Petmesečni izdatki ..................................... $ 1,649.34 Preostanek dne 31. maja 1932......................... 101,343.94 $102,993.28 $102,993.28 Stroškovni sklad Preostanek dne 31. decembra 1931...................$ 156.31 Petmesečni dohodki ........................................ 185.47 Preostanek dne 31. maja 1932............................ $ 341.78 $ 341.78 $ 341.78 PREGLED BLAGAJNE Čista gotovina dne 31. maja 1932......................................$101,685.72 Čista, gotovina dne 31. decembra 1931.................................. 98,026.58 Napredek blagajne ...............................................$ 3,659.14 PAUL BARTEL, predsednik. (Official Seal) ANTON ZBAŠNIK, tajnik. LOUIS CHAMPA, blagajnik. Pregledano in potrjeno v Ely, .Minnesota, dne 22. julija 1932. Nadzorni odbor: JOHN MOVERN JOHN KUMSE JOHN BALKOVEC WILLIAM B. LAURICH Gilbert, Minn. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA. — Sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem sporočamo tem potom žalostno vest, da je kruta smrt iztrgala iz naše sredine ljubljenega sina. oziroma brata, ALOJZIJA TANKO. Preminil je v najlepši mladeniški dobi, star šele 24 let, dne 30. avgusta ob desetih dopoldne. Bil je prej leto in pol v sanatoriju za jetiko; meseca aprila je bil toliko boljši, da je prišel domov in je prav dobro iz-gledal. Pa se je malo prehladil in lotila se ga je pljučnica, ka teri je podlegel, Vse smo storili zanj, dve bolniški strežnici je imel, pa vse ga nam ni moglo ohraniti. Njegova sestra, ki je izučena bolniška strežnica, je prišla celo iz Chicaga, da mu streže. Previden s tolažili za umirajoče je odšel v kraje, kjer ni več trpljenja. Pogreb se j c vršil dne 1. septembra ob desetih dopoldne po katoliških obredih. Dolžnost nas veže, da se za hvalimo vsem, ki so nas tolažili in nam stali na strani v žalostnih urah. Posebno se zahvalimo Rev. Bilmanu za obisk pokojnika na bolniški postelji, na mrtvaškem odru in za spremstvo na pokopališče. Za darovane vence in maše zadušnice naj bo izrečena iskrena zahvala sledečim: Mr. in Mrs. Ant. Lapp, Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Jack Stephan, Mr. Jqe Kolar, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Intihar, Mr. Vil-man R. Dovling, Mr. in Mrs. Martin Stephan, Mr. in Mrs. Jacob Muhvič, Mr. in Mrs. Anton Hočevar, Mrs. Gruden, Mrs. Mavrin, Miss Josephine Grm, Mrs. Slabodnik in Drobnič, Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Potočnik, Mrs, Frances Gnidica, Mr. Joseph in Tilie Tanko, Frances Bajuk, Annie Tanko, Marie Pignatelli, družina Jurčich, Aida Zamen, Probation Court Office v Du-luthu, Mr. in Mrs. Bunčič in Mr. in Mrs. Zgonc. — Lepa hvala za venec darovan od prijateljev. Hvala dalje Miss Mollie Omerza in Miss Mitzi Champa, ki sta nabirali za venec in mi poleg tega prinesli še v gotovini 20 dolarjev. Najlepša hvala vsem tistim, ki so dali za pogreb potrebne avtomobile na razpolago, in vsem, ki so prispevali okrepčila, da smo lahko ljudem po-sti-egli, ter je še ostalo. Prisrčna hvala Frances Gnidici, ki nas je tolažila še dva večera po pogrebu in prispevala različne predmete. Prav lepa hvala vsem skupaj, ki so se na različne načine izkazali naše resnične prijatelje in nam pomagali vsestransko v času naše žalosti in velike preizkušnje. Ako je ime katerega pomotoma izpuščeno, naj oprosti, kajti ni se zgodilo namenoma. Nikdar ne bomo pozabili vsestranske naklonjenosti, ki nam je bila pri tej priliki izkazana. Hvala vam, dragi prijatelji! Ti pa, ljubljeni sin in brat, odpočij se ob strani Tvojega očeta, ki nas je zapustil že pred 15 leti, in lahka Ti bodi rodna ameriška gruda. Ohranili Te bomo v ljubečem spominu, do-kler ne pridemo za Teboj tja, kjer ni več ločitve in trpljenja. Žalujoči ostali: Frances Tanko, mati; Joseph in Edvard Tanko, brata; Frances, omože-na Bajuk, Mary, omožena Murphy, in Annie Tanko, sestre. POPRAVEK V zapisniku 14. seje 14. redne konvencije, ki je bil priobčen v Novi Dobi z dne 14. septembra, je bila v drugem stavku četrtega odstavka zamenjana številka društva. Dotični stavek bi se pravilno moral glasiti sledeče: “V zapisniku se toliko spremeni, da je Bertha Laurich, društvo št. 170, vloži-la pritožbo, ne pa prošnje.” -r_o------- POPRAVEK V Novi Dobi, z dne 14. septembra je bil priobčen dopis iz Clevelanda, pod katerim je bil podpisan John Zalar kot tajnik društva št. 37 JSKJ, dasi ,bi moral biti pravilno označen kot predsednik. Ta napaka je bila napravljena v uredništvu ter sp tem potom popravlja. pome¥Imermega IZVOZA š mednarodne trgovine. Pomen ameriškega izvoza za ameriške delavce postane jasen, ako pomislimo, da več kot 1,400,-000 delavcev je bilo 1. 1931 direktno odvisno od produkcije izvoznega blaga. Njih zaslužek je bil 1500 miljonov dolarjev. Ali bilo je vsaj toliko delavcev, ki so bili odvisni od drugih industrij, ki so spojene z izvozno trgovino (n. pr. s prometnimi podjetji). Vsaka država Unije ima svoj delež na mednarodni trgovini. Texas, na primer, je 1931 izvozil v vrednosti $324,000,000 bombaža, petroleja, pšenice itd. Celo Indiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Iowa, Missouri in Kansas — da le imenujemo nekoliko držav, ki baje niso in-teresirane v zunanjo trgovino — so izvozile blaga v vrednosti od $10,000,000 do $30,000,000 vsaka. To je bilo 1. 1931, ki je bilo izredno slabo leto za zunanjo trgovino. Vrednost ameriškega izvoza je 1. 1929 znašala 5541 miljonov, 1. 1930 pa 3843 in 1. 1931 le 2424 miljonov dolarjev. Z drugimi besedami, ameriški izvoz je padel za 54% v prvih dveh letih depresije in znaša več ali manj toliko kot pred vojno. Svoj vrhunec je izvoz dosegel z 8000 miljoni dolarjev. Ali celo tekom sedanje krize Združene države ostanejo največji izvoznik na svetu. L. 1931 je drugi naj večji izvoznik na svetu bila Nemčija, ki je prekosila Angleško — izvoz Nemčije je znašal 2193 in Angleške 2070 miljonov. Francija je bila na četrtem mestu z izvozom $1,193,000,000. Skupna izvozna trgovina 22-orice poglavitnih držav na svetu je padla leta 1931 za 27.1%. Padec je bil najhujši za Avstralijo (64%), Brazil (50.2%) in čile (49.4%). Ker je mednarodna trgovina tako tesno zvezana z gospodarskim blagostanjem vseh, je jasno, da popolno okrevanje Amerike je odvigno od finančne stabi-litete vsega sveta. To razlaga rastoče zanimanje za mednarodno sodelovanje v gospodarskih vprašanjih, zlasti kar se tiče carin, reparacij in mednarodnih dolgov, valute in mednarodnih kreditov,—F.L.I.S. -------o------- TRDOŽIVOST PLEVELA OTROCI NA CESTI Tekom počitnic in šolskih dni mrgoli na cestah otrok. Posebno velja to za velika mesta. Mladostni živahnost pač ne da otroku, da bi lepe dneve presedel v sobi ali na pragu, pločniki so zanj preozki, zato hoče na cesto, kjer je v vedni nevarnosti pred avtomobili. Otroci se pač uče v šoli, da morajo biti pazljivi in previdni pri prehodu cest, toda otroci take nauke večkrat pozabijo, posebno v zlati prostosti šolskih počitnic. Ni treba, da bi bili neposlušni ali nagajivi, samo lahkomiselni so. Nevarnost, ki preti otrokom, pač lahko nekoliko zmanjšajo stariši s pažnjo in s pogostimi opomini. V mnogih slučajih bodo opomini zalegli vsaj za nekaj časa. Podvojeno pažnjo pa bi morali izvajati tudi avtomobilisti. Ko avtomobilist zavije okoli vogala, na cesto stanovanjskega dela mesta, bi moral vedno pomniti, da se morda skupina otrok igra na cesti, ali da more vsak čas planiti izza stoječega avtomobila, lahkomiseln otrok na cesto. Nihče ne mara povoziti niti mačke, toliko manj otroka, zato mora biti avtomobilist P-^ viden in pripravljen na vsei ^ j mladostni razigranosti °r°.. trenutno pozabi na nevarno prometne ceste, zato mo' •> ^ odrasel človek toliko bolj den. Včasi je nesreča sicei izcgibna, toda mnogo bi se dalo preprečiti s primerno P‘ Ijivostjo. --------o------- Dobremu članu JSKJ 3e ^ dan najboljši dan za pridobi1 nje novih članov. ISKOVINE od * najmanjše do največje za društva in posameznike izdeluje lično moderna slovenska linijska tiskarna. Ameriška Domovina 6117 ST. CLAIR A V E. CLEVELAND,OHIO EDINA SLOV. BANKA V ZEDINJENIH DRŽAVAH JE North American Trust ban&a 0131 ST. CLAIR AVE., CLEVELAND, O. Ima premoženja skoro $(5,000,000.00 Jemlje denar na hranilne vloge lz vseh delov Zedinjenih in tudi iz Kanade in od drugod. Kadar pošiljate denar v staro domovino, ali kam drug* ’ pošljite ga potom tega varnega in zanesljivega denarnega Z‘lV° ki ima izvrstne zveze z vsemi bankami sveta. ln Ta slovenska banka ima $200,000.00 osnovnega kapitala $280,000.00 rezerve, kar garantira hranilne vla$e vlagateljem. SVOJI K M Vrsta finančnih kriz v Evropi in njih velik vpliv na podaljšanje industrijalne depresije v Ameriki sta prispevala do zavesti, kako enoten je ta svet v gospodarskem pogledu in kako spojeno je ameriško. gospodarsko življenje z onim ostalega sveta. Dokler nismo občutili vpliva svetovne depresije, malokdo izmed nas je mislil na važno vlogo svetovne trgovine in na njene vzajemne posledice. Saj smo dostikrat slišali v tej deželi, da je ista vsled svojih ogromnih naravnih bogastev in vsled svojega ogromnega notranjega tržišča, bistveno samo-zadostna, t.j. da more biti prosperozna brez ozira na ostali svet. Ali čim je splošna kriza narasla in se je zunanja trgovina Združenih držav začela skrčevati in so zato začele padati cena poglavitnih izvoznih proizvodov, spoznali smo, da gospodarska neodvisnost te ali kateresidruge deželo na svetu je gola bajka. Mednarodno vzajemno odvisnost v gospodarskem življenju najbolj ilustrira sledeči primer: Nedavno neka velika tvrdka v New Yorku je prišla v težki finančni položaj, ker ni mogla dobiti plačila od neke tvrdke na Pacifiku. Ta tvrdka je razložila, da ne more plačati, ker sama ne more dobiti plačila od neke izvozne tvrdke, ki ima mnogo posla z Malajskimi državami. Našlo se je, da tudi tam se ne more dobiti plačila, ker tamošnje jame kositra ne morejo konkurirati z jamami v Boliviji. In tako usoda vsake trgovine bi lahko končno zašla v kake odno- Z vezni poljedelski department je nedavno dobil nekaj plevelnega semena, ki je bilo globoko v zemlji zakopano 30 let. Ko so to seme posadili v lončke, je seme divjega slaka pognalo v dveh dneh, seme drugega plevela pa nekaj pozneje, in vse rastline so izborno uspevale. To dokazuje kako dolgo ostane seme nekaterega plevela kaljivo. Jr '% GLAS NARODA NA,»STAREJŠI NEODVISNI SLOVENSKI DNEVNIK V AMERIKI Je najbolj razširjen slovenski list v Ameriki; donaša vsakdanje svetovne novosti, najboljša Izvirnn poročila lz stare domovine; mnogo šale ln prevode romanov najboljših pisateljev. Pošljite $1,00 ln pričeli ga bomo pošiljati. Vsa pisma naslovite na: GLAS NARODA 21K W. 18tti St., N«« York. N. T. V % Vsern Jugoslovanom v Pittsburgh okolici se priporočam za vse s*u varovanja proti ognju. Zavarujem pohištvo, avtomobile itd. lrya*''”poieg nakupe in prodaje nepremičnin. tega sem še vedno tudi družabnik ^ se Brazso pogrebnega zavoda. Rojakom,e. priporočam za postrežbo v vseh na' nih strokah ln slučajih. JOHN BALKOVEC 5400 BUTLER STREET PITTSBURGH, PA. Tel. Fisk 9750 npjTPn NAZNANILO 4 IN ZAHVALA Sorodnikom, prijateljem žalostno vest, da je neizprosna nemu soprogu, oziroma očetu in znanccm sporočamo tem P?Vje-mrt pretrgala nit življenja Johnu Archu Dragi pokojnik je preminil 9. avgusta 1932 ob dveh P°n^LceV, svojem domu v Moon Runu, Pa., star 71 let. Bolehal je 11 ’r1 j0tiia bil je operiran in je opcracijo srečno prestal, nakar se ga je * j v Želodčna bolezen, kateri je podlegel. Rojen je bil 22. julija 1° Leskovcu pri Krš Dolenjskem. V Ameriki je bival 40 ’ jjt sicer vas čas v pittsburški okolici. V Moon Runu je polnih vodil mesarijo in je bil kot tak splošno znan v okolici. ZaP številno sorodstvo, namreč soprogo, tri sinove in tri hčere- ^ vnukov in vnukinj in enega pravnuka. Spadal je k društvu , Frančiška, št. 99 JSKJ, in k društvu sv. Roka, št. 15 KSKJ- . * pan je bil po cerkvenih obredih s slovesno mašo zadušnico pokopališču sv. Barbare v Bridgeville, Pa. gg Naj bo na tem mestu izrečena prisrčna zahvala društvu s • ^ JSKJ za v zadnji pozdrav poklonjeni krasni venec, društvu ^ena KSKJ pa za darovane maše zadušnice. Dalj 3 naj bo 1ZV ° ni iskrena' hvala mnogoštevilnim 'larovalcr-m vencev, katerih ir°e jqS. mogeče tukaj navesti. Najlepša hvala bodi izrečena I’tV- pPv. Škuru, Rev. O’Shea, Rev. Cupas, Rev. Tanbinson, Rev. Buclcel. O’Connell in Rev. Cusick za opravljene cerkvene obrede in ji-tenco. Hvala pogrebnemu zavodu McDennod Bros. za vzorno ^ [,ein tev pogreba. Hvala vsem, ki so pokojnika obiskali na mrtvt razP°‘ ioreitt° SEZNANIL BI SE RAD odru, vsem, ki so dali za pogreb potrebne avtomobile na in vsem, ki so ga spremili na njegovi zadnji poti. Ne more***”^ imenu navesti vseh, ki so nam na en ali drugi način izkazali prijatsljstvo in izrazili svoje sožalje, zato se na tem mestu naj zahvaljujemo vsem, skupaj in vsakemu posebej. ^ Ti pa, ljubljeni soprog in oče, počivaj v miru in lahka naJ bo ameriška gruda! f J- Žalujoči ostali: Mary Arch, soproga; Joseph Arch, dr. gen» Arch in Henry Arch, sinovi; Mary, omožena Tomec, Anna, orr> Kastelatz, Frances, omožena Deyak, hčere. Moon Run. Pa, Se septembra 1932 s Slovenko ali Hrvatico sred- I njih let, naj bo vdova ali dekle. | Ločenke ne pridejo v poštev. Jaz sem Slovenec, vdovec, star j J 53 let, z otroci, katerih naj-i mlajši je star šest let. Lastu-j jem farmo v dobrem stanju. Več podrobnosti pismeno. Katero veseli, naj se oglasi na; sledeči naslov: “Farmer Sr., R. F. D. 1, Box 46, Nashwauk, I Minnesota.” V SPOMIN OČE TA PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI LJUBLJENEGA SOPROGA IN FRANKA ROZMANA Nepozabni soprog in oče, ki si nas za vedno zapustil ^ ,efiifl0 septembra 1S31, pogrešamo Te in spominjamo se Te s tiho b, ,jj s v srcih. Na Tvoji gomili naj rasto cvetlice, katere bomo 1 jfl solzaifri ljubezni ,in Tvoj spomin bo ostal v naših srcih tcžno-sladak do konca naših dni. Žalujoči ostali: Mrs. Agnes Rozman in otroci. Strabane, Pa., 21. septembra 1932.