ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2015 Vol. 58, Št. 2: 93-95 ACS Brancelj, Anton, Jama Velika Pasica/ The Velika Pasica Cave Zgodovina, okolje in življenje v njej/ The History, Environment and Life in it Prva izdaja, Založba ZRC in Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, LJUBLJANA 2016 Bibliografski podatki o knjigi: knjiga obsega 110 strani, vključuje 25 slik, 9 tabel in 55 izvirnih fotografij. Knjiga s strokovno recenzijo in lektoriranjem je napisana v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. ISBN 978-961-254-820-9 (Založba ZRC) 281110784 Prof. Antona Branclja, avtorja knjige o zgodovini in življenju v jami Velika Pasica v bližini vasi Gornji Ig na Krimu, poznam že od študentskih let, ko se je njegovo zanimanje za svet podzemlja kazalo kot navdušenje in strast do odkrivanja zanimivosti in razsežnosti jamskega okolja ter življenja v njem. Pogosti obiski kraškega podzemnega sveta od dijaških let pa vse do danes so avtorju prinašali nova spoznanja o biologiji in razširjenosti jamskih organizmov ter prispevali k razvoju slovenske speleobiologije. Kot dolgoletni član Društva za raziskovanje jam se je avtor udeleževal sprva številnih ekskurzij, pozneje pa tudi jamarskih odprav z namenom raziskovanja in poučevanja. Kot pedagoški delavec je znanje o življenju v jamah posredoval generacijam študentov in jih navduševal za delo na tem področju. Pričujoče delo je dokaj obsežna monografija, ki vključuje dober zgodovinski pregled dogodkov, povezanih z naključnimi in načrtovanimi obiski, meritvami in odkritji v jami Velika Pasica v obdobjih od sredine 19. stoletja pa vse do danes. V katastru Društva za raziskovanje jam Ljubljana (DZRJL) je shranjena večina starejših zapisnikov o obiskih Velike Pasice. Iz zapisnika DZRJL je razvidno, da je bila jama 15. maja 1927 registrirana kot "VELIKA PASICA pri Zgornjem Igu". Avtor v uvodu opiše geografsko lego jame s slikovitimi in nazornimi navodili za preprost dostop, ki spodbudijo bralca, da bi se nemudoma odpravil na pot in poiskal to znamenitost. Ko prispemo do vhoda naletimo na železno rešetko, ki zapira vhod v jamo. Pred leti so domačini jamo zavarovali z vrati, saj je bila v preteklosti občasno izpostavljena tudi nezaželenim obiskom in vandalizmu. Na seznamu naravnih vrednot, ki imajo lastnosti jame v skladu z zakonom, ki določa varstvo podzemnih jam, ima Velika Pasica status odprte vodoravne jame z nadzorovanim vstopom. Po temeljitem očiščenju jame je postala jama dostopna in primerna tudi za obiskovalce, ki si želijo ogledati to naravno zanimivost osrednjeslovenske regije. Jamo Velika Pasica uvrščamo v kategorijo hidrološko neaktivnih jam, ker v njej ni tekoče vode. Knjiga vsebuje natančen opis velikosti jame, jamskega reliefa in prikaz kapniških struktur, dopolnjen s kvalitetnimi fotografijami in izvirnimi risbami. Fotografije jamarjev v barvitih oblačilih popestrijo vsebino in pričajo o tem, da je življenje v jami lahko občasno tudi zelo živahno, in hkrati vzbujajo optimizem o prihodnosti raziskovanja in ohranjanja slovenskega kraškega podzemlja. Knjiga vsebuje množico podatkov o klimatskih razmerah v jami in njeni okolici, ki izvirajo iz dolgoletnih in natančnih meritev temperature vode in zraka ter pretoka prenikajoče vode. Knjiga 94 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 58 (1), 2015 vključuje tudi grafične prikaze izvirnih rezultatov meritev, ki so podpora za razprave o hidroloških procesih v jami. Prikazan je tudi vpliv večjih nalivov na povečan pretok prenikle vode in spremembe temperature na merilnih mestih. V knjigi so podrobno predstavljeni hidravlični procesi v jami v povezavi z različnimi padavinskimi režimi. Rezultati hidroloških in kemijskih meritev so prikazani in razloženi z vidika ekoloških razmer, v katerih živijo vodni organizmi epikrasa, najvišjega sloja krasa, ki sega do površja in zajema preperino in kraško kamnino. Strokovna kakovost dela temelji na obsežni in natančni navedbi virov, na predstavitvi številnih izvirnih podatkov fizikalnih in kemijskih meritev vode in zraka ter skrbno načrtovanih poskusih. Zelo natančno so opisane naprave za zbiranje vzorcev materiala, ki pronica v jamo z vodnimi curki, prikazani pa so tudi shranjevalniki podatkov. Bralec sledi opisom posameznih živalskih vrst skozi zgodovino vse do današnjih časov, ko lahko opisane primerke opazujemo v njihovem naravnem okolju. Avtor opisuje različne skupine živali in njihovo prilagoditev na življenje v jamah; od občasnih obiskovalcev jam do stalnih prebivalcev v jamskih vodnih in kopenskih habitatih. V okolici jame prevladuje jelovo-bukov gozd, ki je zaradi pogoste sečnje že precej redek. Ob vhodu v jamo so skale porasle s praprotjo, mahovi in jetrnjaki in algami. V vhodni dvorani so ostanki lesa prerasli s plesnimi, kamnine pa so večinoma pokrite s kolonijami bakterij, ki so pokrite z vodnimi kapljicami, ki se ob osvetlitvi zlato ali srebrno zableščijo in jih zato jamarji imenujejo »jamsko zlato«. V knjigi so s fotografijami in slikovitimi opisi predstavljene najpogostejše živali, ki živijo v jami, od migetalkarjev, polžev, rakov, predvsem ceponožcev in dvoklopnikov, do paščipalcev, kačic in hroščev. Prav med temi organizmi je bilo opisanih trinajst novih vrst in podvrst. Zgodovinsko pomembni so opisi jamskih hroščev, polžev in paščipalcev, več kot pet novih vrst je bilo opisanih iz te jame v obdobju med drugo polovico 19. in prvo polovico 20. stoletja. Avtor knjige je opisal štiri nove vrste rakov ceponožcev iz talnih lužic v jami. Pozimi se v vhodnih delih jame pogosto zadržujejo tudi netopirji mali podkovnjaki. Iz najdenih iztrebkov gre sklepat, da so občasni gostje v jamah tudi kune, polhi in gozdne miši. Fotografije primerkov živali iz jame, ostankov njihovih iztrebkov ali znakov aktivnosti nekaterih živali v preteklosti (okostje jamskega medveda) prispevajo k zanimivosti knjige. Kopenski živalski svet v jamije zelo bogat, še bogatejši pa je svet vodnih organizmov, ki živijo v različnih tipih talnih lužic, predvsem v bližini stalnih curkov. Glede na število opisanih podzemnih vrst živali (31) uvrščamo jamo Velika Pasica na deveto mesto na svetovni lestvici. Prisotnost epikraških vrst v jami z visoko nadmorsko višino je posebnost, ki jo je avtor zelo podrobno opisal v knjigi in dokumentiral tudi z navajanjem velikega števila vzorčenih osebkov v štirih curkih iz plavja v povezavi s hidrokemijskimi in hidrološkimi parametri v osemletnem obdobju (2006-2013). Avtor ugotavlja, da je glede na številnost osebkov verjetno, da je epikras za opisane vrste primarno okolje, od koder se v obliki plavja pomikajo v nižje ležeče predele. Posebnost telesnih oblik organizmov iz epikrasa, ki se kažejo predvsem kot močni in zaobljeni trni na okončinah in zadnjem telesnem členu ceponožcev iz j ame Velika Pasica, je pomembna prilagoditev na življenje v ozkih špranjah, kjer se pretaka voda. Vredno je izpostaviti dejstvo, da je v knjigi opisana velika raznolikost življenja v povezavi z razmerami v specifičnem epikraškem okolju. Kot navaja avtor, je to verjetno tudi posledica dolgoletnih in podrobnih raziskav in opisov živalstva v jami Velika Pasica. Knjiga je zanimiva tako za strokovnjake kot za širšo javnost. Delo je strokovno korektno in vključuje številne podatke, ki temeljijo na dolgoletnem raziskovalnem delu, objavljenem v znanstvenih člankih v kvalitetnih revijah. Primerna je kot obštudijsko gradivo za študente biologije, znanosti o okolju in naravo-varstva in za študente naravoslovja. Avtorju je uspelo jamo Veliko Pasico predstaviti v obliki, ki bo navdušila tudi širši krog bralcev, saj s slikovito in razumljivo besedo naravnost vabi v njen svet. Tudi pri mlajših bralcih bo knjiga z odličnimi ilustracijami zagotovo vzbudila zanimanje za speleologijo in biologijo podzemlja. Jasna Štrus Oddelek za biologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija 95 INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 1. Types of Articles SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES are comprehensive descriptions of original research and include a theoretical survey of the topic, a detailed presentation of results with discussion and conclusion, and a bibliography according to the IMRAD outline (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). In this category ABS also publishes methodological articles, in so far as they present an original method, which was not previously published elsewhere, or they present a new and original usage of an established method. The originality is judged by the editorial board if necessary after a consultation with the referees. The recommended length of an article including tables, graphs, and illustrations is up to fifteen (15) pages; lines must be double-spaced. Scientific articles shall be subject to peer review by two experts in the field. REVIEW ARTICLES will be published in the journal after consultation between the editorial board and the author. Review articles may be longer than fifteen (15) pages. BRIEF NOTES are original articles from various biological fields (systematics, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, microbiology, ecology, etc.) that do not include a detailed theoretical discussion. Their aim is to acquaint readers with preliminary or partial results of research. They should not be longer than five (5) pages. Brief note articles shall be subject to peer review by one expert in the field. CONGRESS NEWS acquaints readers with the content and conclusions of important congresses and seminars at home and abroad. ASSOCIATION NEWS reports on the work of Slovene biology associations. 2. Originality of Articles Manuscripts submitted for publication in Acta Biologica Slovenica should not contain previously published material and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 3. Language Articles and notes should be submitted in English, or as an exception in Slovene if the topic is very local. As a rule, congress and association news will appear in Slovene. 4. Titles of Articles Title must be short, informative, and understandable. It must be written in English and in Slovene language. The title should be followed by the name and full address of the authors (and if possible, fax number and/or e-mail address). The affiliation and address of each author should be clearly marked as well as who is the corresponding author. 5. Abstract The abstract must give concise information about the obj ective, the methods used, the results obtained, and the conclusions. The suitable length for scientific articles is up to 250 words, and for brief note articles, 100 words. Article must have an abstract in both English and Slovene. 6. Keywords There should be no more than ten (10) keywords; they must reflect the field of research covered in the article. Authors must add keywords in English to articles written in Slovene. 7. Running title This is a shorter version of the title that should contain no more than 60 characters with spaces. 96 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 58 (1), 2015 8. Introduction The introduction must refer only to topics presented in the article or brief note. 9. Illustrations and Tables Articles should not contain more than ten (10) illustrations (graphs, dendrograms, pictures, photos etc.) and tables, and their positions in the article should be clearly indicated. All illustrative material should be provided in electronic form. Tables should be submitted on separate pages (only horizontal lines should be used in tables). Titles of tables and illustrations and their legends should be in both Slovene and English. Tables and illustrations should be cited shortly in the text (Tab. 1 or Tabs. 1-2, Fig. 1 or Figs. 1-2; Tab. 1 and Sl. 1). A full name is used in the legend title (e.g. Figure 1, Table 2 etc.), written bold, followed by a short title of the figure or table, also in bold. Subpanels of a figure have to be unambiguously indicated with capital letters (A, B, ...). Explanations associated with subpanels are given alphabetically, each starting with bold capital letter (A), a hyphen and followed by the text. 10. The quality of graphic material All the figures have to be submitted in the electronic form. The ABS publishes figures either in pure black and white or in halftones. Authors are kindly asked to prepare their figures in the correct form to avoid unnecessary delays in preparation for print, especially due to problems with insufficient contrast and resolution. Clarity and resolution of the information presented in graphical form is the responsibility of the author. Editors reserve the right to reject unclear and poorly readable pictures and graphical depictions. The resolution should be 300 d.p.i. minimum for halftones and 600 d.p.i. for pure black and white. The smallest numbers and lettering on the figure should not be smaller than 8 points (2 mm height). The thickness of lines should not be smaller than 0.5 points. The permitted font families are Times, Times New Roman, Helvetica and Arial, whereby all figures in the same article should have the same font type. The figures should be prepared in TIFF, EPS or PDF format, whereby TIFF (ending *.tif) is the preferred type. When saving figures in TIFF format we recommend the use of LZW or ZIP compression in order to reduce the file sizes. The photographs can be submitted in JPEG format (ending *.jpg) with low compression ratio. Editors reserve the right to reject the photos of poor quality. Before submitting a figure in EPS format make sure first, that all the characters are rendered correctly (e.g. by opening the file first in the programs Ghostview or GSview - depending on the operation system or in Adobe Photoshop). With PDF format make sure that lossless compression (LZW or ZIP) was used in the creation of the *.pdf file (JPEG, the default setting, is not suitable). Figures created in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. will not be accepted without the conversion into one of the before mentioned formats. The same goes for graphics from other graphical programs (CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, etc.). The figures should be prepared in final size, published in the magazine. The dimensions are 12.5 cm maximum width and 19 cm maximum height (width and height of the text on a page). 11. Conclusions Articles shall end with a summary of the main findings which may be written in point form. 12. Summary Articles written in Slovene must contain a more extensive English summary. The reverse also applies. 13. Literature References shall be cited in the text. If a reference work by one author is cited, we write Allan (1995) or (Allan 1995); if a work by two authors is cited, (Trinajstic and Franjic 1994); if a work by three or more authors is cited, (Pullin et al. 1995); and if the reference appears in several works, (Honsig-Erlenburg et al. 1992, Ward 1994a, Allan 1995, Pullin et al. 1995). If several works by the same author 97 published in the same year are cited, the individual works are indicated with the added letters a, b, c, etc.: (Ward 1994a,b). If direct quotations are used, the page numbers should be included: Toman (1992: 5) or (Toman 1992: 5-6).The bibliography shall be arranged in alphabetical order beginning with the surname of the first author, comma, the initials of the name(s) and continued in the same way with the rest of the authors, separated by commas. The names are followed by the year of publication, the title of the article, the international abbreviation for the journal (periodical), the volume, the number in parenthesis (optional), and the pages. Example: Mielke, M.S., Almeida, A.A.F., Gomes, F.P., Aguilar, M.A.G., Mangabeira, P.A.O., 2003. Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth responses of Genipa americana seedlings to soil flooding. Experimental Botany, 50 (1), 221-231. Books, chapters from books, reports, and congress anthologies use the following forms: Allan, J.D., 1995. Stream Ecology. Structure and Function of Running Waters, 1st ed. Chapman & Hall, London, 388 pp. Pullin, A.S., McLean, I.F.G., Webb, M.R., 1995. Ecology and Conservation ofLycaenadispar: British and European Perspectives. In: Pullin A. S. (ed.): Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies, 1st ed. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 150-164. Toman, M.J., 1992. Mikrobiološke značilnosti bioloških čistilnih naprav. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja DZVS, Gozd Martuljek, pp. 1-7. 14. Format and Form of Articles The manuscripts should be sent exclusively in electronic form. The format should be Microsoft Word (*.doc) or Rich text format (*.rtf) using Times New Roman 12 font with double spacing, align left only and margins of 3 cm on all sides on A4 pages. Paragraphs should be separated by an empty line. The title and chapters should be written bold in font size 14, also Times New Roman. Possible sub-chapter titles should be written in italic. All scientific names must be properly italicized. Used nomenclature source should be cited in the Methods section. The text and graphic material should be sent to the editor-in-chief as an e-mail attachment. For the purpose of review the main *.doc or *.rtf file should contain figures and tables included (each on its own page). However, when submitting the manuscript the figures also have to be sent as separate attached files in the form described under paragraph 10. All the pages (including tables and figures) have to be numbered. All articles must be proofread for professional and language errors before submission. A manuscript element checklist (For a manuscript in Slovene language the same checklist is appropriately applied with a mirroring sequence of Slovene and English parts): English title - (Times New Roman 14, bold) Slovene title - (Times New Roman 14, bold) Names of authors with clearly indicated addresses, affiliations and the name of the corresponding author - (Times New Roman 12) Author(s) address(es) / institutional addresses - (Times New Roman 12) Fax and/or e-mail of the corresponding author - (Times New Roman 12) Keywords in English - (Times New Roman 12) Keywords in Slovene - (Times New Roman 12) Running title - (Times New Roman 12) Abstract in English (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) 98 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 58 (1), 2015 Abstract in Slovene - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Introduction - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Material and methods - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Results - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Discussion - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Summary in Slovene - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Figure legends; each in English and in Slovene - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold, figure designation and figure title - Times New Roman 12 bold) Table legends; each in English and in Slovene - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold, table designation and table title - Times New Roman 12 bold) Acknowledgements - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Literature - (Times New Roman 12, title - Times New Roman 14 bold) Figures, one per page; figure designation indicated top left - (Times New Roman 12 bold) Tables, one per page; table designation indicated top left - (Times New Roman 12 bold) Page numbering - bottom right - (Times New Roman 12) 15. Peer Review All Scientific Articles shall be subject to peer review by two experts in the field (one Slovene and one foreign) and Brief Note articles by one Slovene expert in the field. With articles written in Slovene and dealing with a very local topic, both reviewers will be Slovene. In the compulsory accompanying letter to the editor the authors must nominate one foreign and one Slovene reviewer. However, the final choice of referees is at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The referees will remain anonymous to the author. The possible outcomes of the review are: 1. Fully acceptable in its present form, 2. Basically acceptable, but requires minor revision, 3. Basically acceptable, but requires important revision, 4. May be acceptable, but only after major revision, 5. Unacceptable in anything like its present form. In the case of marks 3 and 4 the reviewers that have requested revisions have to accept the suitability of the corrections made. In case of rejection the corresponding author will receive a written negative decision of the editor-in-chief. The original material will be erased from the ABS archives and can be returned to the submitting author on special request. After publication the corresponding author will receive the *.pdf version of the paper.