Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2, 299–310, Ljubljana 2020 doi:10.14720/aas.2020.116.2.1910 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Replace of the EPOST glyphosate with pre herbicides and application of different LPOST glyphosate rates for weed control in established vine- yard Zvonko PACANOSKI 1 2 , Krum BOŠKOV 1 , Arben MEHMETI 3 Received October 05, 2020; accepted November 22, 2020. Delo je prispelo 05. oktobra 2020, sprejeto 22. novembra 2020. 1 Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: 3 University of Prishtina, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, Hasan Prishtina” , Prishtinë, Republic of Kosovo Replace of the EPOST glyphosate with pre herbicides and applica- tion of different LPOST glyphosate rates for weed control in estab- lished vineyard Abstract: Two-year field trials were conducted at two wine- growing districts (Kavadarci and Skopje in 2016 and 2017) to evalu- ate wheather oxyfluorfen, pendimethalin and flazasulfuron can replace early post-emergence (EPOST) application of glyphosate in established vineyard until its application in early summer period. The weed vegetation in vineyards in both years was consisted mainly of Chenopodium album L., Setaria viridis (L). Beauv., Papaver rhoeas L., Xanthium strumarium L., Lolium multiflorum Lam., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen and flazasulfuron efficiently reduced predominant an- nual weeds and S. halepense seedlings in 2017, but not in 2016. PRE herbicides, regardless year, had no significant effect on C. dactylon. Opposite, the efficacy of EPOST applied glyphosate was significantly lower in 2017 compared to 2016. LPOST glyphosate applied at 2.0 l ha -1 provided at least 94 % control of dominant annual broad- leaf and grass weeds. LPOST application of glyphosate at 2.0 l ha -1 and glyphosate at 2.0 and 4.0 l ha -1 resulted in unsatisfactory weed control of predominant perennial S. halepense, and C. dactylon, re- spectively. LPOST glyphosate applied at 4.0 l ha -1 provided control of S. halepense by 84 % or more. LPOST glyphosate applied at 8.0 l ha -1 reduced the amount of S. halepense and C. dactylon at least 97 %. Grapevine yield of both varieties was not lower in all herbicide treatments in 2016 compared with 2017. However, yield in the PRE herbicide treatments fb 2.0 and 4.0 l ha -1 glyphosate was collectively 15-19 % and 17-19 % lower compare to PRE herbicide treatments fb 8.0 l ha -1 glyphosate and standard two applications of glyphosate, respectively for both years and districts. No impacts to grapevine growth were observed from PRE herbicide treatments at either dis- trict. Key words: established vineyard; weeds; herbicides; weed con- trol Zamenjava EPOST glifosta s s tretiranjem z izbranimi herbicidi pred kalitvijo plevelov in uporaba različnih odmerkov LPOST gli- fosta za uravnavanje plevelov v vinogradu Izvleček: Dvoletni poskus je bil izveden v dveh vinogradniških območjih Severne Makedonije (Kavadarci in Skopje, 2016 in 2017) za ovrednotenje zgodnje poletne uporabe herbicidov oksifluorfena, pendimetalina in flazasulfurona kot nadomestilo kasnejše uporabe glifosata (EPOST) v ustaljenem vinogradu. Plevelno vegetacijo v vinogradu so v obeh letih poskusa sestavljale v glavnem naslednje vrste: bela metlika (Chenopodium album L.), zeleni muhvič (Setaria viridis (L). Beauv.), poljski mak (Papaver rhoeas L.), navadni bodič (Xanthium strumarium L.), mnogocvetna ljulka (Lolium multi- florum Lam.), divji sirek (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.) in prstasti pesjak (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.). Pendimetalin, oksifluorfen in flazasulfuron so učinkovito zavrli rast predvsem enoletnih plevelov in divjega sirka v letu 2017, in ne v letu 2016. PRE herbicidi niso imeli ne glede na leto nobenega značilnega vpliva na prstasti pes- jak. Nasprotno je bil učinek EPOST uporabe glifosata v letu 2017 značilno manjši v primerjavi z letom 2016. LPOST uporaba glifosata v odmerku 2,0 l ha -1 je najmanj za 94 % zavrla dominatne enoletne širokolistne in travnate plevele. LPOST uporaba glifosata v odmerkih 2,0 in 4,0 l ha -1 je bila neučinkovita pri zatiranju trajnih plevelov kot sta divji sirek in prstasti pesjak. LPOST uporaba glifosata v odmerku 4,0 l ha -1 je zavrla divji sirek več kot 84 % . Uporaba LPOST glifosata v odmerku 8,0 l ha -1 je zmanjšala zapljeveljenost z divjim sirkom in prstastim pesjakom za najmanj 97 %. Pridelek grozdja obeh sort se v letu 2016 ni zmanjšal zaradi uporabe herbicidov v primerjavi z letom 2017. Kljub temu se je pridelek pri obravnavanju s PRE herbicidi v odmerkih 2,0 in 4, l ha -1 glifosata skupno zmanjšal za 15-19 % in 17- 19 % v primeri z obravnavanjem s PRE herbicidi v odmerku 8,0 l ha -1 glifosata in standa rdno uporabo glifosata v obeh letih in na obeh območjih. Na rast vinske trte ni imelo obravnavanje s PRE herbicid nobenega vpliva na obeh območjih. Ključne besede: ustaljen vinograd; pleveli; herbicidi; uravnavanje plevelov Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 300 Z. PACANOSKI et al. 1 INTRODUCTION In Republic of North Macedonia weeds manage- ment system in established vineyard based on multiple applications of glyphosate, which is required to main- tain effective weed control throughout the season. An- other approach that may improve weed control and aid in the stewardship of glyphosate use is to apply a pre-emergence (PRE) herbicides prior to a single late post-emergence (LPOST) application of glyphosate. However, to prevent yield loss due to competition with weeds is required a high efficacy of herbicides against weeds during the critical weed control period of differ- ent crops (Knežević et al., 2002). This is an important component of an Integrated Weed management (IWM) system and is a major factor in deciding the optimal timing of herbicide application (Swanton et al., 1999; Boerboom, 2000). In established vineyard, early season weed control is important (Mitchem and Monks, 2005), because vigorous weed growth may allow economically important weed species to reduce grape vine growth and yields by competing for water, nutrients, and sun- light (Kadir and Al-Khatib, 2006). In addition, weed competition can impair berry quality and interfere with the harvest (Zabadal and Dittmer, 1994). Studies have shown that full-season competition due to unmanaged weeds could cause reductions in grapevine yield of up to 37 %, cane mass of up to 68 %, in number of clusters per vine of up to 28 %, and in berry mass of up to 3 % (Byrne and Howell, 1978 cit. by Sanguankeo et al., 2009). Although cultivation, mowing, and mulching are important weed-management practices in grape vine production (Pool et al., 1990; Kadir et al., 2004), her- bicides, particularly use of glyphosate, are the major components of a weed-control program in this crop (Kaps and Odneal, 1991; Kadir and Bauernfeind, 2005). The reliance on glyphosate for weed control in estab- lished vineyard in Republic of North Macedonia based on effective weed control throughout the season. But, glyphosate lacks residual soil activity (Baylis, 2000), and multiple applications may be required to provide adequate control of weed species throughout the sea- son (Nurse et al., 2006). The possibility of glyphosate resistance in some weed species (Boerboom and Owen, 2006) means stewardship of glyphosate use will be im- portant to reduce the reliance on this herbicide mode of action for weed control (Lopes Ovejero et al., 2013). An alternative approach that may reduce the amount of glyphosate used and improve season long weed control is the application of a pre-emergence residual herbicide prior to the in crop application of glyphosate (Monsan- to Company, 2005). A few soil applied pre-emergence herbicides are currently registered for use in established vineyard in R. N. Macedonia. Among them, pendimethalin, oxy- fluorfen, and flazasulfuron are the most frequent ap- plied. There is limited information whether oxyfluor - fen, pendimethalin and flazasulfuron can replace early post-emergence (EPOST) application of glyphosate in established vineyard until its LPOST application in ear- ly summer period. Pendimethalin, a dinitroaniline, and oxyfluorfen a diphenyl ether, are selective pre- and postemergence herbicides that are used to control many annual broad- leaf weeds and grasses in many crops including, vine- yards (Kaps and Odnea 1991; Mitchem and Monks, 2005; Patil et al., 2008; Alister et al., 2009). Flazasulfu- ron is a new, recently registered selective, systemic sul- fonylurea in viticulture in R. N. Macedonia. It may be used as a pre- or early post-emergence herbicide at very low rates 0.15-0.20 l ha -1 and has a wide herbicidal spec- trum (Tomlin, 2000; Grove, 2011). Pendimethalin, oxy- fluorfen, and flazasulfuron are lipophilic, with a LogK ow of 5.18, 4.47 and 1.30, respectively (Đurović et al., 2008; Anonymous, 2012). This chemical property is associ- ated with a strong organic soil adsorption that results in limited soil mobility (Ying et al., 2000; Barba et al., 2003; Y en et al., 2003; Leak, 2013). Soil residual activity may be maintained for 10-15 weeks (Dev et al., 1992; Raimondi et al., 2010; Grey and McCullough, 2012), but, late germinating weeds may not be controlled sat- isfactorily. Nonetheless, in an established vineyard pen- dimethalin, oxyfluorfen, and flazasulfuron may replace early post-emergence (EPOST) application of glypho- sate until its late post-emergence LPOST application in full vegetative growth stages (vigorously growing) of perennial weeds, but limited data exists about that. Therefore, the main objectives were (i) to deter - mine whether acceptable weed control of oxyfluorfen, pendimethalin and flazasulfuron applied PRE may re- place EPOST application of glyphosate in established vineyard until the early summer when usually LPOST glyphosate is applied, and (ii) to evaluate efficacy of dif- ferent LPOST glyphosate rates depending on the weed species in the established vineyard flora. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The field trials were conducted in years 2016 and 2017 on commercial established vineyards at Kavadarci and Skopje wine-growing district in central and north- ern Macedonia, on vertisol and chromic cambisol, re- spectively (Filipovski, 2006) (Table 1). The experimen- Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 301 Replace of the EPOST glyphosate with pre herbicides and application of different LPOST glyphosate rates for weed control in established vineyard tal design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. The trials were conducted in different sites of the same vineyards in 2016 and 2017. Both sites were spon- taneously populated by Papaver rhoeas L., Chenopodi- um album L. Setaria viridis L., Xanthium strumarium L., Lolium multiflorum Lam., Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘Black Magic’ grape vines were used at Kavadarci district and Skopje district, respectively. The vineyards were established in 2010 at a spacing of 1.0 m between vines and 2.3 m between rows. The vineyard was drip irrigated, with sprinklers available for frost protection. Drip irrigation and fertilization were applied uniformly across all treatments, based on conventional practices for commercial production. Herbicides were applied in-row (width 1.0 m) with a CO 2 -pressurized backpack sprayer calibrated to de- liver 300 l ha -1 aqueous solution at 220 kPa. Prior to the commencement of the trials, diquat (dibromide salt as Di-Quattro®, 200 g a.i. l -1 , Agriphar S.A., Belgium) was applied at 2.0 l ha -1 to control pre- sent established weeds. The PRE herbicide treatments were applied in the early spring, March 3 and Febru- ary 26 at Kavadarci district and March 8 and March 1 at Skopje district in 2016 and 2017, respectively, when grapevines were still in dormancy. The LPOST applica- tion included different rates (2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 l ha -1 ) of glyphosate (isopropylamine salt). The LPOST glypho- sate (isopropylamine salt) treatments were applied 84 days after PRE application (one day before EPOST glyphosate application), i.e. in full vegetative growth stages (vigorously growing) of perennial weeds. For efficacy comparison, two applications of glyphosate (standard application) were made; initially with 3.0 l ha -1 when weeds were 10-12 cm tall (EPOST), and re- peated with 8.0 l ha -1 45 days after EPOST glyphosate application (one day before LPOST glyphosate applica- tion), i.e. in full vegetative growth stages (vigorously growing) of perennial weeds (LPOST). Untreated con- trol was included in the studies, as well. The control plots were left untreated during the en- tire experimental period. Grapevine injury was visually evaluated based on a 0-100 % rating scale, where 0 % is no injury to grapevine plants, and 100 % is complete collapse of grapevine (Frans et al., 1986). Grapevine in- jury was estimated 28 and 56 days after PRE treatments. Weed control efficacy was estimated 84 days after PRE applications, 45 days after EPOST glyphosate applica- tion, and 28 days after LPOST application of different glyphosate rates from 1m 2 area within each plot at both district during two-year experimental period. Herbi- cide efficacy was calculated by equitation (Chinnusamy et al., 2013): Wup – Wtp W CЕ = --------------- х 100 Wup where: W CЕ - weed control efficiency Wup - number of weeds in the untreated plots Wtp - number of weeds in the treated plots Region Soil coarse fine sand clay + silt % organic matter pH-water Kavadarci Vertisol 3.5 30.0 60.3 2.4 7.2 Skopje Chromic cambisol 10.4 41.7 40.5 2.6 6.4 Table 1: Soil characteristics of the field trials in the wine growing regions of Kavadarci and Skopje district Treatments Trade name Rate Time of application Pendimethalin 455 g l -1 Stomp Aqua 5.0 l ha -1 PRE - em Oxyfluorfen 240 g l -1 Goal 6.0 l ha -1 PRE - em Flazasulfuron 250 g l -1 Chikara 0.2 l ha -1 PRE - em Glyphosate 360 g l -1 Dominator 3.0 l ha -1 EPOST- em Glyphosate 360 g l -1 Dominator 2.0 l ha -1 LPOST - em Glyphosate 360 g l -1 Dominator 4.0 l ha -1 LPOST - em Glyphosate 360 g l -1 Dominator 8.0 l ha -1 LPOST - em Control - - - Table 2: Treatments, trade names, rates and time of application of herbicides in the wine growing regions of Kavadarci and Skopje district in 2016 and 2017 Abbreviations: PRE - pre-emergence; EPOST - early-post-emergence; LPOST - late-post-emergence Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 302 Z. PACANOSKI et al. Number of grape cluster per vine, cluster mass and grape vine yield of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘Black Magic’ were measured in four vines that were randomly selected within each experimental unit. The grapes har - vested on the wine were counted and weighed on site. Number of grape clusters, their mass and grape vine yield were determined when all the experimental units reached the minimum harvest criterion (i.e., at full ma- turity), in July for ’Black Magic” , and in September for ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ , respectively. Total monthly rainfalls are shown in Table 2. The early spring of 2016 was dry in both districts. Precipita- tions in February, March and April were very low (13, 8 and 16 mm in Kavadarci district, and 7, 17 and 11 mm in Skopje districts). However, May, June (especially), and even July were unusually wet months. Opposite, spring of 2017 was humid. Precipitation occurred dur- ing February, March and April were a little bit above the average for both districts. In Kavadarci district, precipi- tation occurred during the three days in the middle of February, and during the first two and the last four days of March. In April and May, it rained on seven and nine days at intervals throughout each month, respectively. In June, precipitation occurred in the second decade of the month. Similar, in Skopje district same year, precip- itation occurred in the third decade of February, and at the end of the first and beginning of the second decade of March. In April and May, it rained on seven and ten days at intervals throughout each month, respectively. Summer months in 2017, particularly June, were very humid, 53 % above the 30 years average for the Skopje district (110 mm). All treatments in both years were applied at times when herbicide applications typically occur in North Macedonia vineyard production. The data from both years were combined, tested for homogeneity of variance and normality of distribution (Ramsey and Schafer, 1997) and were log-transformed as needed to obtain roughly equal variances and better symmetry before ANOVA was performed. Data were transformed back to their original scale for presenta- tion. Data were pooled across locations and years and means were separated by using LSD test at 5 % of prob- ability. Kavadarci district 2016 2017 Skopje district 2016 2017 Months P (mm) T ( o C) P (mm) T ( o C) P (mm) T ( o C) P (mm) T ( o C) February 13 7.1 19 5.5 7 7.9 26 6.8 March 8 9.9 33 8.6 17 11.5 39 10.7 April 16 13.5 43 12.7 11 10.9 48 12.9 May 35 19.1 22 17.9 40 14.2 25 14.8 June 68 22.9 56 21.7 61 21.0 85 21.0 July 56 25.1 28 23.2 65 22.7 46 22.9 August 5 25.8 28 24.9 16 24.8 37 22.6 September 21 20.6 104 19.3 57 17.9 168 17.1 Average 1990-2010 Months P (mm) T ( o C) P (mm) T ( o C) February 32 5.5 35 5.0 March 37 8.2 41 9.9 April 37 13.3 37 12.2 May 61 18.4 60 16.8 June 39 22.3 46 21.0 July 30 24.6 32 23.2 August 26 24.5 31 23.0 September 30 20.1 41 18.4 Table 3: Total monthly precipitation and average air temperature from February to October in the wine growing regions of Ka- vadarci and Skopje district in 2016 and 2017 and average year 1990-2010 Abbreviations: P – precipitations; T - temperature Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 303 Replace of the EPOST glyphosate with pre herbicides and application of different LPOST glyphosate rates for weed control in established vineyard 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 WEED CONTROL Weed density 56 days after PRE herbicide applica- tion in nontreated control plot was 98 and 148 plants/ m 2 in 2016 and 2017, respectively, at Kavadarci district, and 113 and 178 plants/m 2 in 2016 and 2017, respec- tively, at Skopje district. Efficacy of PRE herbicides and EPOST applied glyphosate varied among weed species, treatments and years, respectively. Inconsistent weather patterns between the 2 years of the study likely influ- enced the weed control. Limited precipitation after PRE application may have contributed to the poor perfor- mance of PRE herbicides at both districts in 2016 (Table 3). Opposite, the humid spring in 2017 (Table 3), and continuous new weed plants emergence, particularly following EPOST glyphosate application, probably was the most likely reason for lower efficacy of EPOST ap- plied glyphosate in 2017 compared to its application in 2016 at both districts (Table 4 and 5). 3.1.1 Chenopodium album The interaction between treatment and year in two distinct years showed significant results for control of C.album in Kavadarci district with PRE herbicides and EPOST glyphosate application, contrary C. album control not showed significant results among years for different LPOST glyphosate application. In Kavadarci district in 2016, pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen and fla- zasulfuron provided satisfied efficacy of C. album be- tween 69 and 82 %. Opposite, all PRE herbicides pro- vided greater efficacy than 84 % of C. album 84 days after PRE treatments in 2017 at the same district (Table 4). Similar, pendimethalin alone or with lower rates of flumioxazin, controlled C. album between 82 and 87 % (Taylor-Lovell et al., 2002), and oxyfluorfen provided C. album control from 88 to 95 % (Jursík et al., 2011). The differences in control of C. album between 2016 and 2017 demonstrated that inadequate or delayed pre- cipitation can reduce PRE herbicide effectiveness and decrease weed control (Armel et al., 2003; Lyon and Wilson, 2005; Stewart et al., 2012). LPOST application of glyphosate, regardless rates and years, increased C. album control up to 100 %. EPOST applied glypho- sate provided 95 and 88 % control of C. album in 2016 and 2017, respectively. The higher precipitation in the spring 2017, may have promoted late emergence of C. album plants It is widely known that glyphosate is used in combination with PRE herbicide (Lopes Ovejero et al., 2013), because does not have residual control, there- fore would not have controlled late emerging plants of this weed. It was concluded that PRE herbicide treat- ments followed by different efficacy of LPOST glypho- sate applications, was the most effective for controlling C. album in both 2016 and 2017. 3.1.2 Setaria viridis and other weed species The interaction between treatment and year in two distinct years showed significant results for control of S. viridis and other weed species in Kavadarci district with PRE herbicides and EPOST glyphosate application. S. viridis and other weed species control did not differ between years for different LPOST glyphosate applica- tions. At Kavadarci district in 2016, S. viridis and other weed species control was between 70 and 77 % with pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen. The greatest control was achieved with flazasulfuron (80-83 %) (Table 4). In 2017, pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen controlled S. vir- idis and other weed species 86 to 93 %, and flazasulfu- ron 94 to 98 %. Obtaining the greatest weed control in the plots treated with flazasulfuron was not surprising, because flazasulfuron has longer residual activity than pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen and good grass weed control (Nieto et al., 1998; Singh et al., 2012). Control of S. viridis and other weed species improved after the LPOST glyphosate applications ranging from 99 to 100 % and 98 to 100 % in 2016 and 2017, respectively. From the other side, control of S. viridis and other weed species ranged 94 to 87 % for EPOST glyphosate appli- cation in both years (Table 4). The lower control ratings of S. viridis and other weed species in 2017 compared to 2016 may have been the result of more precipitation, which have promoted late weed emergence after the EPOST glyphosate application. 3.1.3 Papaver rhoeas The interaction between treatment and year in two distinct years showed significant results for control of P. rhoeas with PRE herbicides and EPOST glyphosate application at both districts, but P. rhoeas control did not differ between years for different LPOST glyphosate applications, as well. Flazasulfuron controlled P . rhoeas more than pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen 84 DAT (Ta- bles 4 and 5). At Kavadarci district flazasulfuron con- trolled P. rhoeas by 83 and 85 % in 2016. Bonasia et al. (2012) reported similar levels of P . rhoeas control in lam- pascione - (Muscari comosum (L.) Mill.) with flazasul- furon. Pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen did not control P . rhoeas more than 78 and 77 %, respectively the same Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 304 Z. PACANOSKI et al. year. Because PRE herbicides require precipitation to move into the zone of active weed seeds germination, an increase of precipitation in 2017 in compare with 2016, may explain the variability among PRE treat- ments. Flazasulfuron, pendimethalin, and oxyfluorfen had 12 to 19 % higher efficacy of P . rhoeas compared to the same treatments previous year (Table 5). Similar, at Skopje district efficacy of PRE herbicides significantly lower in 2016 compare to 2017. Pendimethalin, oxy- fluorfen and flazasulfuron controlled P. rhoeas slightly better than did same herbicides at Kavadarci district in 2016, but provided similar efficacy in 2017 (Table 4). Efficacy of EPOST applied glyphosate was signifi- cantly lower in 2017 compared to 2016, because of hu- mid spring, which have promoted late emergence of P. rhoeas plants and lacks of glyphosate soil activity. How- ever, application of different rates of LPOST glyphosate provided consistent control of P. rhoeas (95-100 %) at both districts and in both years (Tables 4 and 5). 3.1.4 Sorgum halepense A significant treatment by year interaction re- sulted in two distinct years for S. halepense control in Kavadarci district with PRE herbicides and EPOST glyphosate application. S. halepense control did not differ among years for different LPOST glyphosate applications. In 2016 pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen provided no more than 76 % control of S. halepense seedlings (Table 4). Flazasulfuron provided significant- ly higher efficacy (79-88 %) in control of S. halepense seedlings. In 2017, all PRE treatments provided great- er control of S. halepense. Pendimethalin provided at least 80 % control of S. halepense seedlings. In inves- tigations of Grey and Webster (2013), pendimethalin provides 90 % control of S. halepense seedlings. S. ha- lepense seedlings control ranged from 78 to 82 % with oxyfluorfen. Flazasulfuron provided control as good as or better than did pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen (92-93 %). McGovern et al. (2010) found similar re- sults with flazasulfuron applied at 0.025 and 0.050 kg/ ha a.i., which produced very good initial S. halepense control at 30 DAA (95 %) that was maintained through 90 DAA (93 and 90 % control), respectively. EPOST ap- plication of glyphosate at 3.0 l ha -1 reduced S. halepense by 90 and 84 % in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Oppo- site, the lowest LPOST glyphosate application (2.0 l ha -1 ) did not control S. halepense more than 52 %, while LPOST glyphosate applied at 4.0 l ha -1 provided control of S. halepense by 84 % or more, 28 DAT. The highest rate of LPOST glyphosate (8.0 l ha -1 ) provided 100 % S. halepense control, in each year. 3.1.5 Xanthium strumarium A significant treatment by year interaction re- sulted in two distinct years for X. strumarium control in Skopje district with PRE herbicides and EPOST glyphosate application, but X. strumarium control did not differ among years for different LPOST glypho- sate applications (Table 4). Pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen and flazasulfuron provided inconsistent control of X. strumarium and varied greatly between years and PRE treatments (ranging from 53 to 89 % control). Vari- ability in control between years demonstrated that less rainfall before and, particularly after the PRE applica- tions in 2016 did not dissolve the herbicides in soil wa- ter solution so that they could not be taken up by the emerging weeds after germination (Novosel et al., 1998; Chomas and Kells, 2004). Pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen and flazasulfuron provided 53 to 78 % X. strumarium control in 2016, but in 2017 the same PRE treatments controlled X. strumarium 73 to 89 %. Opposite, effica- cy of the EPOST glyphosate was significantly higher in 2016 than in 2017. However, LPOST glyphosate treat- ments consistently provided the highest levels of X. strumarium control, between 94 and 100 % (Table 5). 3.1.6 Lolium multiflorum A significant treatment by year interaction result- ed in two distinct years for L. multiflorum control in Skopje district with PRE herbicides. However, L. mul- tiflorum control did not differ among years for EPOST and different LPOST glyphosate applications (Table 5). In 2016, PRE herbicides provided control of L. multiflo- rum between 75 and 83 %. Control improved in 2017, because Skopje district received 22 and 37 mm more precipitation in March and April, respectively com- pared to same months in 2016. It is likely that these humid conditions contributed to the increased efficacy of PRE herbicides. Pendimethalin provided at least 91 % control of L. multiflorum. Alshallash (2014) re- ported for effective control of L. multiflorum with pen- dimethalin. L. multiflorum control ranged from 86 to 93 % with oxyfluorfen, while flazasulfuron provided control better than did pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen (96-100 %). Excellent control with flazasulfuron was expected as this herbicide provides excellent control of this species (Nieto et al., 1998). Control of L. multi- florum improved after the LPOST glyphosate applica- tions, particularly in 2016, ranging from 95 to 100 % and 97 to 100 % in 2016 and 2017, respectively. EPOST glyphosate provided 97 % control of L. multiflorum for both years (Table 5). Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 305 Replace of the EPOST glyphosate with pre herbicides and application of different LPOST glyphosate rates for weed control in established vineyard 3.1.7 Cynodon dactylon C. dactylon control did not differ among years for PRE herbicides, EPOST and different LPOST glypho- sate applications (Table 4). PRE herbicides, regardless year, had very poor or no effect on C. dactylon. Control of C. dactylon was less than 41 % and 32 % with any PRE treatment in 2016 and 2017, respectively (Table 5). In general, preemergence herbicides do not control C. dactylon, because the principle means of its propa- gation is through the rhizomes and stolons (Holm et al., 1977; Kostov, 2006). However, only the highest rate of LPOST glyphosate (8.0 l ha -1 ) showed high efficacy for C. dactylon by 97 % or more, 28 DAT in both years. LPOST glyphosate applied at 2.0 and 4.0 l ha -1 , did not control C. dactylon more than 71 and 69 % in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Poor control of C. dactylon was obtained by EPOST glyphosate application, as well, which was ranged 45 to 48 % in both years (Table 5). 3.2 IMPACT ON GRAPEVINE YIELD Number of cluster per vine, cluster mass and grape vine yield of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘Black Magic’ at both districts varied among treatments and years, mainly due to poor performance of PRE herbi- cides in 2016 as well as non sufficient control of peren- nial weeds, particularly Cynodon dactylon with LPOST glyphosate application at 2.0 and 4.0 l ha -1 in 2016 and 2017, respectively (Table 6). Generally, vine yield components were lower in 2016 compared with 2017, but without significant ef- fect years x herbicides interaction. In 2016 there was significant effect for the number of cluster per vine at both districts, but not effect was recorded in 2017. Herbicide treatments had effect on cluster mass in both years and districts. For example, cluster mass in the PRE herbicide treatments fb 2.0 and 4.0 l ha -1 glyphosate were significantly lower compare with standard two applications of glyphosate and PRE her- bicides fb 8.0 l ha -1 glyphosate, respectively. Grape vine yield was insignificantly lower in all herbicide treat- ments in 2016 compared with 2017. Yield in the PRE herbicide treatments fb 2.0 and 4.0 l ha -1 glyphosate was collectively 15-19 % and 17-19 % lower compare to PRE herbicide treatments fb 8.0 l ha -1 glyphosate and standard two applications of glyphosate, respec- tively for both years and districts. Similar results were obtained by Sanguankeo et al. (2009). In a rainy year, the herbicides treatments did not differ in grape yield, but in a dry year, in herbicide treatments the grape yield reductions was around 22 %. 3.3 IMPACT ON GRAPEVINE GROWTH Grapevine growth was ordinary throughout the both growing seasons, and no impacts were observed on vines growth in plots with PRE herbicide treat- ments at ither district (data not shown). These results are expected because vineyards were well established (since 2010) and their roots were relatively deep in the soil (Kadir et al., 2004). In addition, herbicides used in the study have poor water solubility and leachabil- ity (Yen et al., 2003; Leak, 2013). Furthermore, soils at both sites (vertisol and chromic cambisol) contain relatively large amount of silt + clay (60.3 and 40.5 %, respectively), which would result in less herbicide leaching. 4 CONCLUSIONS Results of this research demonstrate that the ef- ficacy of PRE herbicides pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen and flazasulfuron in established vineyards are strongly depended by the amount of precipitation and weed population. Limited precipitation after PRE applica- tion contributed to the poor performance of these herbicides at both districts in 2016. Therefore, pen- dimethalin, oxyfluorfen and flazasulfuron effectively reduced predominant Papaver rhoeas, Chenopodium album, Setaria viridis, Xanthium strumarium, Lolium multiflorum and Sorghum halepense in 2017, but not in 2016. This suggests that the application of PRE herbicides for residual weed control is unnecessary and does not improve weed control in comparison to EPOST glyphosate application under dry conditions only. The precipitation amount should be considered when selecting the most appropriate PRE weed man- agement strategy in established vineyard as a replace for the first glyphosate application. However, there was benefit from the application of the PRE herbicides applied in early spring prior to LPOST glyphosate application in 2017. The excellent weed control afforded by PRE herbicides in this year resulted in very few weeds being present at the time of LPOST glyphosate applications. Because of that, stewardship of glyphosate use will be important to reduce the reliance on this her- bicide mode of action for weed control in established vineyard. Preceding glyphosate application with PRE herbicides may also replace the application of EPOST glyphosate until its LPOST application in the full veg- etative growth stages (vigorously growing) of peren- nial weeds, i.e. in early summer period. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 306 Z. PACANOSKI et al. Table 4: Chenopodium album, Setaria viridis, Papaver rhoeas and Sorgum halepense efficacy 84 days after PRE, 45 days after EPOST and 28 days after LPOST glyphosate treat- ments, respectively at Kavadarci district in 2016 and 2017 Treatment Rate (l ha -1 ) Time of ap- plication Kavadarci district Chenopodium Album Setaria viridis Papaver rhoeas Sorgum halepense 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 % Efficacy (%) Glyphosate fb glyphosate 3.0 8.0 EPOSTLPOST95 a 100 a 88 bc 100 a 94 a 100 a 87 e 100 a 96 a 100 a 90 bd 100 a 90 a 100 a 84 b 100 a Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 2.0 PRE LPOST77 bc 97 b 86 bc 96 b 76 cde 100 a 88 e 98 b 77 de 100 a 90 bd 98 b 70 efg 52 d 76 de 45 d Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 2.0 PRE LPOST69 d 98 b 85 c 98 ab 68 f 99 a 89 de 98 b 72 e 98 b 85 d 98 b 64 g 40 e 72 e 48 d Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 2.0 PRE LPOST75 bcd 98 b 97 a 96 b 80 bcd 100 a 96 ab 99 ab 83 bc 100 a 95 ab 100 a 76 de 44 e 85 b 50 d Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 4.0 PRE LPOST72 cd 100 a 89 bc 100 a 77 bcd 100 a 90 cde 100 a 78 cd 100 a 88 cd 100 a 75 def 89 bc 85 b 90 b Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 4.0 PRE LPOST78 bc 100 a 84 c 100 a 77 bcd 100 a 86 e 100 a 75 de 100 a 88 cd 100 a 69 fg 85 c 82 bc 84 c Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 4.0 PRE LPOST80 b 100 a 90 abc 100 a 82 bc 100 a 94 ac 100 a 84 b 100 a 91 bc 100 a 83 bc 92 b 92 a 84 c Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 8.0 PRE LPOST69 d 100 a 84 c 100 a 74 def 100 a 86 e 100 a 76 de 100 a 95 ab 100 a 79 cd 100 a 80 bcd 100 a Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 8.0 PRE LPOST72 cd 100 a 90 abc 100 a 70 ef 100 a 93 bcd 100 a 77 de 100 a 94 ab 100 a 74 def 100 a 78 cd 100 a Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 8.0 PRE LPOST82 b 100 a 93 ab 100 a 83 b 100 a 98 a 100 a 85 b 100 a 97 a 100 a 88 ab 100 a 93 a 100 a LSD (0.05) 7.29 1.71 7.12 2.50 6.68 1.10 4.55 1.92 5.41 1.20 5.89 1.55 6.22 4.07 5.44 5.29 Random effect interactions PRE herbicides x year * * * * EPOST glyphosate x year * * * * LPOST glyphosate x year NS NS NS NS Abbreviations: PRE-pre-emergence; EPOST-early-post-emergence; LPOST-late-post-emergence; fb- followed by; NS-not significant; * Significant at the 5 % level according to a Fisher’s protected LSD test at p < 0.05. EPOST glyphosate treatment was applied to 10-12 cm tall weeds LPOST glyphosate treatments were applied at full vegetative growth stages of the perennial weeds, regardless growth stages of annual weeds Means followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD at p < 0.05. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 307 Replace of the EPOST glyphosate with pre herbicides and application of different LPOST glyphosate rates for weed control in established vineyard Table 5: Xanthium strumarium, Lolium multiflorum, Papaver rhoeas and Cynodon dactylon efficacy 84 days after PRE, 45 days after EPOST and 28 days after LPOST glyphosate treatments, respectively at Skopje district in 2016 and 2017 Treatment Rate l ha -1 ) Time of applica- tion Skopje district Xanthium strumarium Lolium multuflorum Papaver rhoeas Cynodon dactylon 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 % Efficacy (%) Glyphosate fb glyphosate 3.0 8.0 EPOST LPOST 95 a 100 a 89 a 100 a 97 a 100 a 97 abc 100 a 98 a 100 a 91 bc 100 a 45 a 100 a 48 a 100 a Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 2.0 PRE LPOST 58 ef 95 c 80 bc 98 ab 80 bc 97 b 97 abc 98 b 80 c 100 a 95 ab 100 a 21 c 42 de 18 de 36 e Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 2.0 PRE LPOST 69 d 96 bc 85 ab 94 c 70 ef 95 c 91 e 97 b 75 cd 96 b 88 cd 95 b 0 f 36 e 11 ef 44 d Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 2.0 PRE LPOST 71 cd 98 ab 86 ab 96 bc 83 b 100 a 100 a 100 a 89 b 100 a 98 a 100 a 14 cd 44 d 22 cd 40 de Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 4.0 PRE LPOST 63 e 100 a 73 d 100 a 77 cd 100 a 91 e 100 a 75 cd 100 a 84 de 100 a 8 def 62 c 10 f 69 b Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 4.0 PRE LPOST 72 cd 100 a 88 a 100 a 67 f 100 a 86 f 100 a 68 f 100 a 80 e 100 a 17 cd 58 c 4 f 55 c Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 4.0 PRE LPOST 75 bc 98 ab 90 a 100 a 79 bcd 100 a 96 bcd 100 a 85 bc 100 a 98 a 100 a 41 a 71 b 32 b 69 b Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 8.0 PRE LPOST 53 f 100 a 76 cd 100 a 71 ef 100 a 93 de 100 a 71 df 100 a 84 de 100 a 5 ef 98 a 4 f 100 a Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 8.0 PRE LPOST 57 f 100 a 81 bc 100 a 75 cde 100 a 94 cde 100 a 77 cd 100 a 85 de 100 a 9 def 100 a 10 f 98 a Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 8.0 PRE LPOST 78 b 100 a 89 a 100 a 74 de 100 a 99 ab 100 a 81 c 100 a 95 ab 100 a 31 b 97 a 31 b 98 a LSD (0.05) Random effect interactions 5.93 2.55 6.16 3.01 5.37 1.94 3.90 1.71 6.52 1.80 5.31 2.04 9.25 7.22 7.54 7.28 PRE herbicides x year * * * NS EPOST glyphosate x year * NS * NS LPOST glyphosate x year NS NS NS NS Abbreviations: PRE-pre-emergence; EPOST-early-post-emergence; LPOST-late-post-emergence; fb- followed by; NS-not significant; * Significant at the 5 % level according to a Fisher’s protected LSD test at p < 0.05. EPOST glyphosate treatment was applied to 10-12 cm tall weeds LPOST glyphosate treatments were applied at full vegetative growth stages of the perennial weeds, regardless growth stages of annual weeds Means followed by the same letter within a column are not significantly different according to Fisher’s Protected LSD at p < 0.05 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/2 – 2020 308 Z. PACANOSKI et al. Table 6: Number of cluster per vine, cluster mass and grape vine yield of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ‘Black Magic’ at Kavadarci and Skopje district, respectively under different PRE, EPOST and LPOST weed management treatments in 2016 and 2017 Treatment Rate (l ha –1 ) Time of applica- tion Number of cluster per vine Cluster mass (g) Grape vine yield (t ha -1 ) Kavadarci district Skopje district Kavadarci district Skopje district Kavadarci district Skopje district 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 Glyphosate fb glyphosate 3.0 8.0 EPOST LPOST 22 bc 22 a 16 ab 17 a 120 a 126 a 423 a 415 a 10.3 a 11.1 a 28.5 a 29.3 a Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 2.0 PRE LPOST 21 c 24 a 14 b 15 a 105 bc 88 c 337 ef 358 bcd 8.4 d 8.1 e 22.3 c 23.1 d Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 2.0 PRE LPOST 23 abc 22 a 16 ab 16 a 96 cd 102 b 328 f 334 d 8.5 cd 8.7 cde 22.9 c 23.8 cd Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 2.0 PRE LPOST 22 bc 23 a 15 ab 16 a 98 cd 100 bc 369 bcd 346 c 8.2 d 9.6 de 23.2 c 24.2 cd Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 4.0 PRE LPOST 23 abc 24 a 15 ab 16 a 103 cd 106 b 388 bc 374 b 9.3 abcd 9.6 bcd 25.7 b 26.4 b Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 4.0 PRE LPOST 24 ab 22 a 15 ab 16 a 93 d 102 b 362 cde 382 b 8.7 bcd 9.9 cde 25.1 b 25.3 bc Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 4.0 PRE LPOST 24 ab 24 a 15 ab 17 a 105 bc 106 b 348 def 368 bc 9.7 abc 10.1 abc 24.8 b 25.4 bc Pendimethalin fb glyphosate 5.0 8.0 PRE LPOST 25 a 23 a 16 a 17 a 102 cd 104 b 393 b 381 b 9.9 ab 10.5 ab 27.7 a 28.3 a Oxyfluorfen fb glyphosate 6.0 8.0 PRE LPOST 22 bc 21 a 17 a 16 a 116 ab 129 a 385 bc 401 a 10.2 a 10.7 ab 28.1 a 28.4 a Flazasulfuron fb glyphosate 0.2 8.0 PRE LPOST 22 bc 22 a 17 a 17 a 117 a 122 a 379 bc 392 a 10.4 a 10.9 ab 28.4 a 28.9 a LSD (0.05) 2.58 3.13 2.17 2.61 11.79 12.70 26.95 24.96 1.25 1.45 1.19 1.24 Random effect interactions PRE herbicides fb LPOST glyphosate x year NS NS NS EPOST glyphosate x year NS NS NS LPOST glyphosate x year NS NS NS Abbreviations: PRE-preemergence; EPOST-early-posteemergence; LPOST-late-postemergence; fb- followed by; NS-not significant; * Significant at the 5 % level according to a Fisher’s protected LSD test at p < 0.05. 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