SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL Vol. 8 Issue 2 2016 EDITORIAL A few days ago SCOPUS published new values for SNIP, IPP and SJR for 2015. In SNIP The Science of Gymnastics has been upgraded and placed in the second quarter of journals. It is a great improvement! In IPP and SJR, we remain in the third quarter. I met and had talks with Hardy Fink, director of FIG Academy, and Prof. Keith Russell, Chairman of the FIG Scientific Commission. We all agree that we need a history section for our sport. Professor Anton Gajdoš, has been writing 'Historical notes' for our journal about important persons in our sport. But there are many important historic documents that should also be made public, such as documents relating to the foundation of FIG and national federations; how and when national federations entered FIG; documents about previous championships, medals, cups, diplomas; what were the requirements for compulsory and optional exercises and how they looked, etc. In our previous issue, an error occurred in the names of the authors of article Participation of the Pan-American Gymnastics Union in the 2011 World Gymnaestrada, for which we apologise. The Brazilian researchers lead by Elizabeth Paoliello were Eliana de Toledo, Daniela Bento Soares, Tabata Larissa Almeida, Cintia Moura, Andrea Desiderio, Michele Viviene Carbinatto, Carolina Gontijo Lopes, Bruno Barth Pinto Tucunduva and Marco Antonio Coelho Bortoleto. When sending an article, please make sure that the names of authors in ScholarOne are the same as in those in the cover letter to prevent such errors in the future. In line with the practice of other journals, from this year onward page numbers continue from the first issue to the third one rather than starting with page one in each new issue. In August, the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil will start with our sports, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and trampolining. We hope our sports will continue to be successful in the Olympic family and hopefully some other disciplines can join them in the near future (sports aerobics, acrobatics). With enthusiastic participation of athletes, coaches, managers, researchers, scientists and media support we can succeed. In this issue there are seven articles. Their authors are from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Serbia, Greece, Slovenia and Portugal. Topics are very diverse, including competition result analysis, strength development, injuries in relation to the balance abilities, health gymnastics, gymnastics knowledge evaluation and differences in gymnastics participants' gender. Just to remind you, if you quote the Journal: its abbreviation on the Web of Knowledge is SCI GYMN J. I wish you pleasant reading and a lot of inspiration for new research projects and articles, Ivan Čuk Editor-in-Chief 107