DE GRUYTER OPEN HACQUETIA 14/1 • 2015, 307-318 DOI: 10.1515/hacq-2015-0002 flora and vegetation of the island of kalamos (ionian sea, greece) - floristic analysis and phytogeographical aspects Evagelos BALIOUSIS* Abstract The floristic investigation of the Ionian island of Kalamos resulted in the addition of 275 specific and in-fraspecific taxa, which are reported here, to a present total of 502 taxa. For each newly recorded taxon local distribution and habitat types are presented. Convolvulus pentapetaloides and Malcolmia graeca subsp. hydraea are reported for the first time from the Ionian islands. Some of the new records concern rare taxa in Greece or regional endemics, which are, therefore, chorologically significant, such as Alkanna corcyrensis, Stachys ionica, Heptaptera colladonioides. A brief description of some of the vegetation types of the island is given. The results of floristic analysis and phytogeographical aspects demonstrate the pronounced Mediterranean character of the island's flora. Keywords: Ionian islands, biodiversity, phytogeography, native taxa, adventive taxa, Mediterranean. Izvleček Na otoku Kalamos smo s floristično raziskavo odkrili 275 novih taksonov na nivoju vrste in nižje ob do sedaj že poznanih 502 taksonih. Za vsak novo odkrit takson predstavljamo lokalno razširjenost in habitatni tip. Ta-ksona Convolvulus pentapetaloides in Malcolmia graeca subsp. hydraea smo na ionskih otokih našli prvič. Nekatere nove najdbe so redki taksoni ali lokalni endemiti, kot so Alkanna corcyrensis, Stachys ionica, Heptaptera colladonioides in so horološko pomembni. Podali smo tudi kratek opis nekaterih vegetacijskih tipov otoka. Rezultati floristične analize in fitogeografskih vidikov kažejo izrazito mediteranski značaj preučevanega rastlinstva. Ključne besede: ionski otoki, biodiverziteta, fitogeografija, domorodne vrste, tujerodne vrste, Mediteran. 1. INTRODUCTION the climatic diagrams by Emberger (1955, 1959) and Sauvage (1963) the bioclimate of Kalamos is The Ionian island of Kalamos has a special humid with mild winter. The dry period, accord-phytogeographical position as it is very close ing to the ombrothermic diagram by Bagnouls & to Akarnanian coasts (Sterea Ellas) (Figure 1). Gaussen (1957), lasts approximately four months, Administratively, the island belongs to the pre- from mid May to mid September. The island's fecture of Levkada. It has a longitudinal shape, population according to the 2011 census is 496 covering an area of 25 km2. The highest peak, on people, all concentrated in the villages Kalamos Mt Vouni, reaches an altitude of 745 m. The big- and Episkopi. The first results concerning the gest part of the island is covered by limestones. flora and vegetation of the island were presented Old talus cones, scree and marine deposits with in Baliousis & Yannitsaros (2010). Previous flothin brackish intercalations occupy a small pe- ristic information includes five taxa indicated ripheral zone mainly in the eastern part of the on the dot maps of the two published volumes island (IGME 1994). Climatic data are available of "Flora Hellenica" (Strid & Tan 1997, 2002). In-from the nearby meteorological station of Lev- cluding the results of this study the flora of the kada (38°50'N, 20°43'E, alt. 2 m). According to island comprises now 502 taxa. The present pa- * Gortinias 2, Dionisos Attiki, 14569, Greece. E-mail: Figure 1: Geographical position of Kalamos in Greece and a map of the island. Numbers indicate the collecting localities referred to in the list of localities and habitats. Slika 1: Geografski položaj otoka Kalamos v Grčiji in zemljevid otoka. Številke nakazujejo položaj popisnih mest in so enake kot v seznamu lokalitet in habitatov. per aims to reveal the vascular plant diversity of a small Ionian island, to describe its vegetation pattern and the characteristics of its flora. 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present study is based on collections and field observations made by the author in autumn of 2010 and spring of 2011. All specimens are temporarily kept in his personal herbarium. For identification, Tutin et al. (1968-1980, 1993), Davis (1965-1985), Strid & Tan (1997, 2002) were used. Nomenclature follows mainly Dimopoulos et al. (2013), Strid & Tan (1997, 2002), Greuter et al. (1984, 1986, 1989), Greuter & Raab-Straube (2008), Tutin et al. (1968-1980, 1993) and Davis (1965-1985). The life-form categories follow Raunkiaer (1934). The classification used for the chorological analysis is in accordance with Pign-atti (1982), with slight modifications. Additional information concerning the geographical distribution range of several taxa was extracted from Greuter et al. (1984, 1986, 1989), Greuter & RaabStraube (2008), Davis (1965-1985), Strid & Tan (1997, 2002), Tan & latrou (2001), Phitos & Dam- boldt (1985). Taxa determined only at genus level or with an indeterminate distribution range were excluded from the chorological analysis. The families, genera, species and subspecies are listed within the major taxonomic groups in alphabetical order. Transliteration of localities is in accordance with "Flora Hellenica" (Strid & Tan 1997, 2002). With a few exceptions, only taxa new for the investigated area appear in the catalogue given below. List of localities and habitats (Figure 1) 01. Mt Vouni, 745 m. 02. Mt Xilokastro, 677 m. 03. ESE foot of Mt Vouni, close to Agios Geor-gios chapel, stony slopes with abandoned olive groves, limestone, 100-200 m, 13. 4. 2011. 04. ESE slopes of Mt Vouni, Quercus coccifera L. scrub, limestone, 200-350 m, 13. 4. 2011. 05. ESE slopes of Mt Vouni, rocky places with remnants of Phillyrea latifolia L., Quercus coccifera scrub, limestone, 350-600 m, 13. 4. 2011. 06. Southern parts of summit Vouni, open rocky places, limestone, 600-709 m, 13. 4. 2011. 07. Southern slopes of Mt Vouni - stony-rocky places with phrygana Salvia fruticosa Mill. and scattered individuals of Phillyrea latifolia, Quercus coccifera, Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea, Pistacia lentiscus L., limestone, 200550 m, 13. 4. 2011. 08. Between Kalamos village and Agios Geor-gios chapel, road margins and road cuttings, 60-100 m, 13. 4. 2011. 09. Southern foot of Mt Vouni, close to Agios Nikolaos chapel, open rocky slopes with Sal-via fruticosa and remnants of macchie, limestone, 200-250 m, 14. 11. 2010. 10. c. 0.5 km ESE of Agios Nikolaos chapel -a: olive groves, b: road margins, 80-100 m, 14. 4. 2011. 11. c. 0.3 km WSW of Agios Nikolaos chapel -a: open rocky slopes with Salviafruticosa and sparse Pistacia lentiscus, Olea europaea subsp. europaea, limestone, 100-200 m, 14. 11. 2010; b: margins of a dirt road, 80 m, 14. 4. 2011. 12. Agios Gerasimos chapel, margins of a dirt road, 150 m, 14. 11. 2010, 14. 4. 2011. 13. Between Agios Gerasimos and Kefali settlement - a: macchie with Phillyrea latifolia, Quercus coccifera, Pistacia lentiscus, Olea eu-ropaea subsp. europaea and locally abun- 16. 17. dant Arbutus unedo L., limestone, 0-200 m, 14. 11. 2010, 14. 4. 2011; b: stony openings of macchie, limestone, 0-200 m, 14. 11. 2010. 14. Concrete water tank, 130 m, 14. 11. 2010, 14. 4. 2011. 15. Between concrete water tank and Agios Ger-asimos - a: dirt road; b: road cuttings, 100200 m, 14. 11. 2010, 14. 4. 2011. Between Kefali and concrete water tank - a: dirt road; b: road cuttings 0-100 m, 14. 11. 2010, 14. 4. 2011; c: vertical limestone cliffs, 100 m, 14. 11. 2010. Kefali settlement, terraced olive groves, 5-20 m, 14. 11. 2010, 14. 4. 2011. 18. SSE of Kefali, rocky coast and margins of macchie, 0-2 m, 14. 4. 2011. 19. SSE of Kefali, margins of pebbly beach, 14. 4. 2011. 20. S of Kefali settlement, open scrub with Philly-rea latifolia, Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, Olea europaea subsp. europaea, Arbutus unedo and phrygana Cistus salviifolius L., limestone, 0-100 m, 14. 4. 2011. 21. S of Kefali - a: vertical limestone cliffs, 100 m, 14. 4. 2011; b: stony-rocky places at the base of limestone cliffs, 80 m, 14. 4. 2011. 22. Port of Episkopi, disturbed places, 0-10 m, 15. 4. 2011. 23. Episkopi - a: road margins; b: abandoned fields and waste ground; c: damp openings of Cupressus sempervirens wood; d: stone walls; e: dry stone walls; f: olive groves, 10-150 m, 13. 11. 2010, 15. 4. 2011. 24. Between Episkopi and Katsarou - a: Pinus halepensis Mill. wood; b: dirt road on the way to Panagia chapel; c: shady margins of a dirt road; d: limestone boulders; e: shady margins of a scree; f: open macchie in abandoned terraced fields, 100-200 m, 15. 4. 2011; g: macchie with Quercus ilex, Arbutus andrachne, limestone, 200-500 m, 15. 4. 2011. 25. Locality called Katsarou, 150-200 m. 26. Between Episkopi and Castle - a: mixed forest with Pinus halepensis, Cupressus sempervirens, 30-80 m, 13. 11. 2010; b: shady road cuttings; c: shady road margins, 60 m, 13. 11. 2010, 15. 4. 2011. 27. Episkopi castle - a: damp-wet places near a spring; b: olive groves; c: road margins; d: ruins of Episkopi castle, 50-100 m, 13. 11. 2010, 15. 4. 2011. 28. Agios Konstandinos chapel, 0 m. 29. Eastern foot of Mt Xilokastro - a: Pinus ha- lepensis forest; b: damp shady road margins; c: damp shady road cuttings on the way to Agios Konstandinos chapel; d: mixed mac-chie with Quercus ilex, Fraxinus ornus, Coti-nus coggygria; e: vertical limestone cliffs, 40200 m, 13. 11. 2010, 15. 4. 2011. 30. Southern foot of Mt Xilokastro, near the locality Kardiako - a: Pinus halepensis forest, 0-150 m, 13. 11. 2010; b: road margins, 60-100 m, 15. 4. 2011; c: steep rocky slopes with sparse Pinus halepensis wood, limestone, 100-200 m, 13. 11. 2010. 31. On the way to Mirtia beach - a: dirt road and paths; b: road cuttings, 0-40 m, 12. 4. 2011. 32. Between Kalamos village and the crossroad to Mirtia beach, road margins, 50 m, 12. 4. 2011. 33. Kalamos village - a: street margins and disturbed places; b: olive groves; c: weeds of gardens; d: stone walls; e: dry stone walls, 0-50 m, 12. 11. 2010, 15. 11. 2010, 11. 4. 2011, 16. 4. 2011. 34. Agrapidia - a; seasonally flooded fallow fields; b: margins of pebbly beach, 0 m, 12. 11. 2010, 16. 4. 2011. Collecting dates 12. 11. 13. 11. 14. 11. 15. 11. 11. 14. 12. 14. 13. 14. 14. 14. 15. 14. 16. 14. 2010 (Bal. 2010 (Bal. 2010 (Bal. 2010 (Bal. 2011 (Bal. 2011 (Bal. 2011 (Bal. 2011 (Bal. 2011 (Bal. 2011 (Bal. 5010-5014) 5015-5045) 5046-5062) 5063-5067) 5072-5081) 5082-5134) 5135-5265) 5266-5372) 5373-5502) 5503-5531) 3. RESULTS List of taxa The following abbreviations are used: Bal. = E. Baliousis; obs. = field observation; phot. = photograph. Names of taxa not native to the investigated area are set in square brackets. PTERIDOPHYTA ASPLENIACEAE Asplenium onopteris L. - 29c, Bal. 5023; 24g, Bal. 5383. Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn subsp. aquilinum - 26b, Bal. 5038. Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris pallida (Bory) Maire & Petitm. subsp. pallida - 29d, Bal. 5022. Pteridaceae Adiantum capillus-veneris L. - 27a, Bal. 5037. Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link - 23d, 24d, Bal. 5397. SPERMATOPHYTA Gymnospermae CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus sempervirens L. f. horizontalis (Mill.) Voss - 26a, Bal. obs. Juniperus phoenicea L. - 20, Bal. obs. Ephedraceae Ephedrafoeminea Forssk. - 6, Bal. 5180. Angiospermae - Dicotyledones Aizoaceae [Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br.] - 33a, Bal. obs. Anacardiaceae Cotinus coggygria Scop. - 29d, Bal. 5031; 24g, Bal. obs. Apiaceae Anthriscus tenerrimus Boiss. & Spruner - 6, Bal. 5159; 29b, Bal. 5494. Daucus involucratus Sm. - 5, 6, Bal. 5167; 16b Bal. 5370. Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.) W.D.J. Koch - 27a, Bal. 5492. Heptaptera colladonioides Margot & Reut. - 18, Bal. 5297. Malabaila aurea (Sm.) Boiss. - 7, Bal. 5228. Orlaya daucoides (L.) Greuter - 5, Bal. 5197. Scandix pecten-veneris L. - 3, 4, 5, Bal. 5192. Tordylium apulum L. - 3, 5, 7, 8, Bal. 5158. Tordylium officinale L. - 3, 7, Bal. 5252; 17, Bal. 5329. Torilis africana Spreng. - 31a, Bal. 5130; 5, Bal. 5209; 21b, Bal. 5361. Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn. - 17, Bal. 5320. Torilis pseudonodosa Bianca - 21b, Bal. 5362; 23a, Bal. 5450. Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia elongata (Duch.) E. Nardi - 5, 6, Bal. 5160. Asteraceae Aetheorhiza bulbosa (L.) Cass. subsp. microcephala Rech. f. - 18, Bal. 5288. Anthemis chia L. - 31a, Bal. 5120; 6, 7, Bal. 5166. Anthemis arvensis L. s.l. - 17, Bal. 5333. Bellisperennis L. - 17, Bal. 5348. Bellis sylvestris Cirillo - 29a, Bal. 5020; 23c, Bal. 5043; 12, Bal. 5054. Calendula arvensis (Vaill.) L. - 33b, Bal. 5011; 15a, Bal. 5057. Crepisfraasii Sch. Bip. s.l. - 4, 5, Bal. 5195; 20, Bal. 5290; 26a, b, Bal. 5489. Crepis neglecta L. subsp. neglecta - 16a, Bal. 5283; 23b, Bal. 5451. Crepis rubra L. - 30b, Bal. 5495. Crepissancta (L.) Bornm. - 5, Bal. 5156. Crupina crupinastrum (Moris) Vis. - 5, 7, Bal. 5147. [Erigeron sumatrensis Retz.] - 27c, Bal. 5036. Filago aegaea Wagenitz subsp. aristata Wagenitz - 7, Bal. 5155. - The finding of this taxon in the island of Kalamos and recent data from the Greek mainland (Baliousis & Yannitsaros 2011) suggest that it has a more widespread distribution, especially in the area between Aegean and Ionian Sea. It is very likely that the taxon is present at least in the mainland opposite the island of Kalamos. Filagopygmaea L. - 15a, 16a, 17, Bal. 5311; 22, Bal. 5463. Hyoseris scabra L. - 17, 19a, Bal. 5304. Leontodon tuberosus L. - 33b, 34a, Bal. 5012; 12, 17, Bal. 5055. Matricaria chamomilla L. - 33a, Bal. 5075. Rhagadiolus stellatus (L.) Gaertn. - 7, Bal. 5232; 33b, Bal. 5080; 23f, Bal. 5449. - The last two specimens were initially determined as Rhaga-diolus edulis Gaertn. which according to Dimo-poulos et al. (2013) is a synonym. Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit. - 7, Bal. 5185; 12, Bal. 5269; 33a, Bal. obs. Boraginaceae Alkanna corcyrensis Hayek - 6, 7, Bal. 5142. Anchusa undulata L. subsp. hybrida (Ten.) Beg. -22, Bal. 5455. Anchusella cretica (Mill.) Bigazzi, E. Nardi & Selvi - 23a, f, Bal. 5435. Anchusella variegata (L.) Bigazzi, E. Nardi & Selvi - 4, 5, 6, 7, Bal. 5143; 34b, Bal. 5521. Borago officinalis L. - 23a, f, Bal. 5475; 33a, b, Bal. obs. Cerinthe major L. subsp. major - 23a, Bal. 5427. Cerinthe retorta Sm. - 33b, c, Bal. 5081. Cynoglossum columnae Ten. - 23b, Bal. 5465. Cynoglossum creticum Mill. - 23a, f, Bal. 5443; 33a, b, Bal. obs. Echium italicum L. subsp. biebersteinii (Lacaita) Greuter & Burdet - 23a, Bal. obs. Myosotis ramosissima Rochel subsp. ramosissima - 17, Bal. 5317; 23c, 24c, Bal. 5394. Neatostema apulum (L.) I.M. Johnst. - 15a, 16a, Bal. 5284. Brassicaceae Arabis collina Ten. (Strid & Tan 2002, dot maps). Arabis verna (L.) R. Br. - 23d, 24c, d, Bal. 5402. (Strid & Tan 2002, dot maps). Biscutella didyma L. - 8, Bal. 5262. Bunias erucago L. - 11b, Bal. 5268. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. - 10b, 11b, Bal. 5270. Capsella grandiflora (Fauche & Chaub.) Boiss. - 33a, Bal. 5073; 34a, Bal. 5531; 23a, Bal. obs. Cardamine graeca L. - 24e, Bal. 5418. Cardamine hirsuta L. - 23d, Bal. 5414a; 27a, Bal. 5414b. Clypeola jonthlaspi L. s.l. - 5, Bal. 5201. Diplotaxis viminea (L.) DC. - 16a, Bal. 5060. (Strid & Tan 2002, dot maps). Draba praecox Steven (Strid & Tan 2002, dot maps). Hirschfeldia incana (L.) Lagr.-Foss. - 31a, Bal. 5132; 33a, Bal. obs. Lepidium coronopus (L.) Al-Shehbaz (Strid & Tan 2002, dot maps). Lepidium graminifolium L. - 33a, Bal. 5013. Malcolmia graeca Boiss. & Spruner subsp. hydraea (Heldr. & Halacsy) Stork - 6, 7, Bal. 5173. - To my knowledge this is the first record of this taxon from the Ionian islands. Malcolmia maritima (L.) R. Br. - 17, Bal. 5340; 22, Bal. 5422; 34b, Bal. 5519. Raphanus raphanistrum L. subsp. raphanistrum -33a, Bal. 5074. Gaesalpiniaceae Cercis siliquastrum L. subsp. siliquastrum - 30a, Bal. obs. Gampanulaceae Campanula drabifolia Sm. - 6, Bal. 5219; 16b, 21a, Bal. 5351; 23d, Bal. 5413; 30b, Bal. 5496b. Campanula erinus L. - 33d, Bal. 5510. Campanula ramosissima Sm. - 10b, Bal. 5280; 23a, d, Bal. 5412; 30b, Bal. 5496a. Campanula spatulata Sm. subsp. spruneriana (Hampe) Hayek - 26b, Bal. 5487. Legousia speculum-veneris (L.) Chaix - 11b, Bal. 5267; 23a, Bal. 5433. Gaprifoliaceae Lonicera etrusca Santi - 6, Bal. 5136. Garyophyllaceae Arenaria leptoclados (Rchb.) Guss. - 8, Bal. 5263; 17, Bal. 5339; 21a, Bal. 5354; 23d, Bal. 5409. Cerastium brachypetalum Pers. subsp. roeseri (Boiss. & Heldr.) Nyman - 7, Bal. 5152; 6, Bal. 5177. Cerastium brachypetalum Pers. subsp. tenoreanum (Ser.) Soo - 23d, Bal. 5411. Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. - 17, Bal. 5337; 22, Bal. 5454; 23a, Bal. 5472. Petrorhagia dubia (Raf.) G. Lopez & Romo - 23a, 30b, Bal. 5441. Sagina apetala Ard. - 22, Bal. 5419b. Sagina maritima G. Don - 22, Bal. 5419a. Saponaria calabrica Guss. - 31b, Bal. 5122; 5, 6, 7, Bal. 5145. Stellaria cupaniana Jord. & Fourr. - 33a, Bal. 5072a; 17, Bal. 5367. Stellaria media (L.) Vill. - 33a, Bal. 5072a; 33d, Bal. 5515. Gistaceae Cistus creticus L. subsp. creticus - 13b, Bal. 5322. Cistus creticus L. subsp. eriocephalus (Viv.) Greuter & Burdet - 7, Bal. s.n. Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. subsp. nummularium - 5, 6, 7, Bal. 5176. CONVOLVU laceae Convolvulus cantabrica L. - 5, Bal. 5198. Convolvulus elegantissimus Mill. - 31a, Bal. 5123; 6, Bal. 5215. Convolvulus pentapetaloides L. - 15a, Bal. 5371. -To my knowledge this is the first report of this species from the Ionian islands. Convolvulus siculus L. subsp. siculus - 21b, Bal. obs. Cuscuta palaestina Boiss. subsp. palaestina - 5, Bal. 5196; 17, Bal. 5342. CRASSULACEAE Phedimus stellatus (L.) Raf. - 23d, Bal. 5416. Sedum litoreum Guss. - 7, Bal. 5184; 18, Bal. 5266; 21a, Bal. 5352; 23d, Bal. 5410; 22, Bal. 5468; 33d, Bal. 5511. Sedum sp. - 6, Bal. 5171 (non-flowering). Umbilicus chloranthus Heldr. & Sartori ex Boiss. -6, Bal. 5181; 21a, Bal. 5357; 24d, Bal. 5396; 23e, Bal. 5431. DiPSACACEAE Knautia integrifolia (L.) Bertol. subsp. integrifolia - 23a, f, Bal. 5444; 33a, b, Bal. 5513. Ericaceae Arbutus andrachne L. - 5, Bal. obs.; 24g, Bal. obs. EUPHORBIACEAE Euphorbia dendroides L. - 30c, Bal. 5018; 16c, Bal. obs. Euphorbia helioscopia L. - 17, Bal. 5335a; 23a, b, Bal. 5471. Euphorbia peplus L. - 15a, Bal. 5056; 17, Bal. 5335b. Euphorbia taurinensis All. - 7, Bal. 5251; 19a, Bal. 5293. Fabaceae Anthyllis vulneraria L. subsp. rubriflora (DC.) Ar- cang. - 5, Bal. 5208. Astragalus hamosus L. - 31a, Bal. 5103; 15a, 16a, 17, Bal. obs. Astragaluspelecinus (L.) Barneby - 8, Bal. 5258; 17, Bal. 5325. Coronilla scorpioides (L.) W.D.J. Koch - 5, Bal. obs.; 31a, Bal. 5089. Dorycnium hirsutum (L.) Ser. - 4, Bal. 5211. Hippocrepis biflora Spreng. - 31a, Bal. 5104; 17, Bal. 5347; 22, Bal. 5458. Hippocrepis emerus (L.) Lassen subsp. emeroides (Boiss. & Spruner) Greuter & Burdet ex Lassen - 29d, Bal. 5028; 24a, g, Bal. 5390. Hymenocarpos circinnatus (L.) Savi - 3, Bal. 5239. Lathyrus aphaca L. - 3, 7, Bal. 5244. Lathyrus cicera L. - 3, Bal. 5224. Lathyrus digitatus (M. Bieb.) Fiori - 10a, Bal. 5273. Lathyrus saxatilis (Vent.) Vis. - 31a, Bal. 5100; 4, 7, Bal. 5140; 21a, Bal. 5353. Lathyrus setifolius L. - 3, Bal. 5247. Lathyrus sphaericus Retz. - 3, 7, Bal. 5236. Lens ervoides (Brign.) Grande - 5, Bal. 5206. Lotus edulis L. - 31a, Bal. 5116; 3, Bal. obs. Lotus longisiliquosus R. Roem. - 31a, 32, Bal. 5084; 3, 6, 7, Bal. 5216. Medicago arabica (L.) Huds. - 23a, Bal. 5480. Medicago coronata (L.) Bartal. - 3, Bal. 5249. Medicago disciformis DC. - 31a, Bal. 5106; 3, 5, 7, Bal. 5204. Medicago monspeliaca (L.) Trautv. - 31a, Bal. 5110. Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bartal. - 31a, Bal. 5107. Medicago polymorpha L. - 31a, Bal. 5108; 22, 23a, Bal. 5459; 33a, Bal. obs. Medicago truncatula Gaertn. - 31a, Bal. 5114; 22, Bal. 5424. Melilotus graecus (Boiss. & Spruner) Lassen - 5, 7, Bal. 5200. Ononis reclinata L. - 31a, 32, Bal. 5112; 3, Bal. 5250. Scorpiurus muricatus L. - 31a, 32, Bal. 5111; 5, 6, 7, Bal. 5226. Securigera securidaca (L.) Degen & Dörfl. - 31a, 32, Bal. 5088. Tetragonolobuspurpureus Moench - 31a, Bal. 5085; 3, Bal. 5248; 17, Bal. obs. Trifolium angustifolium L. - 31a, Bal. 5091. Trifolium boissieri Guss. - 31a, Bal. 5097; 8, Bal. 5260. Trifolium campestre Schreb. - 31a, Bal. 5096; 3, Bal. 5245; 17, Bal. obs. Trifolium cherleri L. - 31a, Bal. 5090b. Trifolium dalmaticum Vis. - 31a, Bal. 5090a; 3, Bal. 5230b; 7, Bal. 5237; 17, 18, Bal. 5286. Trifolium infamia-ponertii Greuter - 3, Bal. 5238b; 8, Bal. 5261; 17, Bal. 5338. Trifolium lucanicum Guss. - 31a, Bal. 5092. Trifolium nigrescens Viv. - 31a, Bal. 5094; 23a, b, f, Bal. 5445; 17, 33b, Bal. obs. Trifolium physodes M. Bieb. - 32, Bal. 5093; 7, Bal. 5233; 17, Bal. 5314. Trifolium resupinatum L. subsp. resupinatum - 32, Bal. 5098. Trifolium scabrum L. - 17, Bal. 5318. Trifolium stellatum L. - 3, 7, Bal. 5238a; 30b, Bal. 5497b. - This taxon frequently coexist with T. xanthinum which is distinguished by its later flowering period its robust habit and the colour of corolla. Locally they were collected specimens with intermediate features, they are exactly like T. xanthinum but the colour of corolla is not yellow (Bal. 5497b). Trifolium subterraneum L. - 17, Bal. 5365. Trifolium tomentosum L. - 31a, Bal. 5095; 22, 23a, Bal. 5467. Trifolium xanthinum Freyn - 31a, Bal. 5113; 3, Bal. 5230a; 24b, Bal. 5404; 30b, Bal. 5497a. Trigonella corniculata (L.) L. subsp. balansae (Boiss. & Reut.) Lassen - 23a, f, Bal. 5473. Tripodion tetraphyllum (L.) Fourr. - 31a, Bal. 5105; 3, Bal. 5242; 8, Bal. obs. Vicia angustifolia L. - 31a, Bal. 5101; 3, Bal. 5243; 19a, Bal. 5299; 23f, 26c, Bal. 5436. Vicia lutea L. subsp. lutea - 27b, c, Bal. 5491. Vicia parviflora Cav. - 5, Bal. 5205. Vicia pubescens (DC.) Link - 19a, Bal. 5308; 30b, Bal. 5429; 26b, c, Bal. 5485. Vicia villosa Roth subsp. varia (Host) Corb. - 31a, Bal. 5099; 17, 27b, 33b, Bal. obs.; 3, Bal. 5199; 23a, b, f, Bal. 5474. Fagaceae Quercus ilex L. - 29d, Bal. 5027; 24g, Bal. obs. Quercuspubescens Willd. - 26a, Bal. 5040. Fumariaceae Fumaria capreolata L. - 23f, Bal. 5437; 33b, Bal. obs. Fumaria officinalis L. subsp. officinalis - 11b, Bal. 5279. Gentianaceae Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce - 19, Bal. 5302. Geraniaceae Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. - 17, Bal. 5331. Erodium malacoides (L.) L'Her. - 17, Bal. 5330; 33b, c, Bal. obs. Geranium columbinum L. - 24c, f, Bal. 5384. Geranium molle L. - 19a, Bal. 5305; 23a, Bal. 5434. Geranium purpureum Vill. - 31a, 32, Bal. 5118; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Bal. 5207; 33b, Bal. obs.; 24e, Bal. 5417. Geranium rotundifolium L. - 31a, Bal. 5128; 5, Bal. 5203; 21b, Bal. 5358. Lamiaceae Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. subsp. chia (Schreb.) Arcang. - 5, Bal. 5214; 15b, Bal. 5271. Ajuga iva (L.) Schreb. - 16a, Bal. 5059. Lamium amplexicaule L. - 33a, Bal. obs. Salvia verbenaca L. - 16a, Bal. 5061. Stachys ionica Halacsy - 16b, 21a, Bal. 5350. Stachys spinulosa Sm. - 23f, Bal. 5460; 33a, Bal. obs. Lauraceae Laurus nobilis L. - 29a, Bal. 5029; 24g, Bal. 5387. Linaceae Linum corymbulosum Rchb. - 5, 7, Bal. 5146. Malvaceae Malva cretica Cav. - 3, 4, 7, Bal. 5148; 30b, Bal. obs. Malva multiflora (Cav.) Soldano, Banfi & Galasso - 33b, Bal. 5076; 22, Bal. 5453. Oleaceae Fraxinus ornus L. - 29d, Bal. phot.; 24a, g, Bal. 5382. Orobanchaceae Bellardia latifolia (L.) Cuatrec. subsp. latifolia - 8, Bal. 5255. Orobanche alba Willd. - 30b, Bal. 5500, parasitizing on Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. Orobanche minor Sm. - 6, Bal. 5172; 7, Bal. 5182; 17, Bal. 5312. Orobanche pubescens d'Urv. - 26b, Bal. 5488. Phelipanche nana (Reut.) Sojak - 17, Bal. 5313. Oxalidaceae Oxalis corniculata L. - 33c, Bal. 5063. [Oxalispes-caprae L.] - 27b, 33c, Bal. phot. Papaveraceae Papaver apulum Ten. - 15a, 16a, Bal. 5277; 30b, Bal. 5501. Plantaginaceae Plantago bellardii All. subsp. bellardii - 7, Bal. 5234; 17, Bal. 5324. Plantago coronopus L. - 31a, Bal. 5124. Plantago lagopus L. subsp. lagopus - 17, Bal. 5316. Plantago lanceolata L. - 33a, Bal. 5134. Polygalaceae Polygala monspeliaca L. - 17, Bal. 5343; 22, Bal. 5456. Primulaceae Cyclamen hederifolium Aiton s.l. - 26a, 29a, d, 30a, c, Bal. 5017; 13a, b, 33b, Bal. obs. Ranunculaceae Anemonepavonina Lam. - 29a, Bal. 5021; 24f, 26c, Bal. 5400. Ficaria verna Huds. s.l. - 34a, Bal. 5014 (non-flowering). Nigella damascena L. - 32, Bal. 5133. Ranunculus chius DC. - 17, Bal. 5315; 24f, Bal. 5403. Ranunculus gracilis E.D. Clarke - 17, Bal. 5346. Ranunculus muricatus L. - 33a, Bal. 5518. Ranunculus neapolitanus Ten. - 17, Bal. 5349; 23c, Bal. 5446; 27a, Bal. 5490. Ranunculuspaludosus Poir. - 23c, Bal. 5033 (non-flowering). Ranunculus sardous Crantz - 31a, Bal. 5131; 19, Bal. 5303; 34a, Bal. 5525. Ranunculussprunerianus Boiss. - 5, 6, 7, Bal. 5225. ROSACEAE Aphanes arvensis L. - 24b, Bal. 5408. Crataegus monogyna Jacq. var. lasiocarpa (Lange) K.I. Chr. - 24a, Bal. 5389. Pyrus spinosa Forssk. - 10a, 32, Bal. obs. Sanguisorba minor Scop. subsp. balearica (Ny-man) Munos Garm. & C. Navarro - 30b, Bal. 5499. Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach - 23c, Bal. obs.; 19, Bal. 5301. RUBIACEAE Crucianella latifolia L. - 5, 7, Bal. 5202. Galium aparine L. - 23a, Bal. 5438. Galium spurium L. - 6, 7, Bal. 5178. Rubiaperegrina L. - 26b, Bal. 5486. Theligonum cynocrambe L. - 15b, Bal. 5058; 6, Bal. 5218. Valantia muralis L. - 5, 7, Bal. 5168; 18, 19a, Bal. 5295. SaXIFRAGACEAE Saxifraga hederacea L. - 24d, Bal. 5395. Saxifraga tridactylites L. - 23d, Bal. 5415. SOLANACEAE [Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.] - 33a, Bal. obs. Urticaceae Parietaria lusitanica L. - 19a, Bal. 5309; 33d, Bal. 5512. Valerianaceae Valeriana italica Lam. - 6, Bal. 5188; 24d, Bal. 5399. Valerianella discoidea (L.) Loisel. - 31a, Bal. 5121; 3, Bal. 5235; 8, Bal. 5257; 17, Bal. 5334; 16a, Bal. 5368. Valerianella echinata (L.) DC. - 5, 7, Bal. 5149. Valerianella muricata (Steven ex Roem. & Schult.) W.H. Baxter - 19a, Bal. 5307; 17, Bal. 5332. Veronicaceae Digitalis laevigata Waldst. & Kit. subsp. graeca (Ivanina) H. Werner - 26c, 29b, Bal. 5024. Veronica arvensis L. - 17, Bal. 5328; 23a, Bal. 5428; 33d, Bal. obs. Veronica cymbalaria Bodard - 6, Bal. 5162; 24d, Bal. 5406a; 23d, Bal. 5406b; 24e, Bal. 5406c; 23e, Bal. 5481; 33d, Bal. 5514. Veronica glauca Sm. subsp. peloponnesiaca (Boiss. & Orph.) Maire & Petitm. - 3, 4, 5, Bal. 5190; 26b, Bal. 5484. Angiospermae - Monocotyledones Alliaceae Allium subhirsutum L. - 4, 5, Bal. 5193. Allium trifoliatum Cirillo - 23b, Bal. 5477. Amaryllidaceae Sternbergia lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. ex Spreng. subsp. lutea - 6, Bal. 5164 (non-flowering). Araceae Arisarum vulgare O. Targ. Tozz. subsp. vulgare -30a, c, Bal. 5019; 11a, 13a, b, 33b, Bal. obs.; 4, 7, Bal. 5139. Arum italicum Mill. subsp. italicum - 27b, Bal. 5502; 33b, Bal. obs. Asphodelaceae Asphodeline sp. - 6, Bal. 5165 (only leaves). Asphodelus fistulosus L. - 34b, Bal. 5522. colchicaceae Colchicum cupanii Guss. s.l. - 30c, Bal. 5016; 11a, 13b, Bal. 5051. cyperaceae Carex divisa Huds. - 34a, Bal. 5527. Carex flacca Schreb. subsp. serrulata (Spreng.) Greuter - 5, Bal. 5213; 17, Bal. 5345; 23c, Bal. 5448; 34a, Bal. 5529. Carex halleriana Asso - 4, Bal. 5210; 18, Bal. 5296. Carex otrubae Podp. - 34a, Bal. 5526. Cyperus rotundus L. - 23b, Bal. 5045. Hyacinthaceae Bellevalia dubia (Guss.) Schult. & Schult. f. subsp. boissieri (Freyn) Feinbrun - 5, 6, Bal. 5169. Bellevalia hyacinthoides (Bertol.) K.M. Perss. & Wendelbo - 7, Bal. 5137 (only fruits). Muscari comosum (L.) Mill. - 3, 5, 7, Bal. 5163; 33b, Bal. obs. Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. - 5, Bal. 5175. Ornithogalum collinum Guss. s.l. - 19a, Bal. 5298; 24b, Bal. 5398; 22, Bal. 5461; 27c, Bal. 5493. Ornithogalum montanum Cirillo - 6, Bal. 5161; 17, 18, Bal. 5287. Ornithogalum narbonense L. - 21b, Bal. 5355. Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta - 11a, 13b, Bal. 5052. Iridaceae Chasmanthe aethiopica (L.) N.E. Br.] - 33a, Bal. phot. - This species has also been reported as adventive from the nearby Ionian island of Kas-tos (Chousou-Polydouri & Yannitsaros 2005). Crocus cancellatus Herb. subsp. mazziaricus (Herb.) B. Mathew - 30a, c, Bal. 5015; 11a, 13b, Bal. 5049; 5, Bal. 5227. Gladiolus italicus Mill. - 23b, Bal. 5478. [Iris albicans Lange] - 23f, Bal. 5439. [Irisgermanica L.] - 23f, Bal. 5442. Moraea sisyrinchium (L.) Ker-Gawl. - 33a, 34a, Bal. 5524. Romulea sp. - 31a, Bal. 5083; 19a, Bal. 5306; 22, Bal. 5462. JUNCACEAE Juncus bufonius L. - 24b, Bal. 5407; 23a, Bal. 5469; 34a, Bal. 5528. Liliaceae Gageagraeca (L.) Irmisch - 4, 5, Bal. 5223. Orchidaceae Ophrysferrum-equinum Desf. subsp. ferrum-equi- num - 7, Bal. 5151; 24f, Bal. 5391. Ophrys fusca Link subsp. fusca - 24f, Bal. 5385. Ophrys lutea Cav. subsp. galilaea (H. Fleischm. & Bornm.) Soo - 17, Bal. 5341. Ophrys scolopax Cav. subsp. cornuta (Steven) E.G. Camus - 23c, Bal. 5447. Orchis italica Poir. - 7, Bal. 5150. Orchispauciflora Ten. - 5, Bal. 5174. Orchis quadripunctata Cirillo ex Ten. - 5, 7, Bal. 5220; 24f, Bal. 5386. POACEAE Aira elegantissima Schur - 17, Bal. 5327. Avena barbata Pott ex Link subsp. barbata - 17, Bal. 5344; 23b, Bal. 5464; 33b, Bal. obs. Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) P. Beauv. - 13a, Bal. obs.; 29a, Bal. obs. Bromus alopecuros Poir. s.l. - 17, Bal. 5366; 23a, Bal. 5466; 33a, Bal. 5520. Bromus fasciculatus C. Presl - 17, Bal. 5326. Catapodium marinum (L.) C.E. Hubb. - 18, 19a, Bal. 5294. Cynosurus effusus Link - 24c, f, Bal. 5405. Hordeum murinum L. subsp. leporinum (Link) Ar-cang. - 15a, 16a, Bal. 5364; 23b, Bal. 5452; 33b, Bal. obs. Lolium rigidum Gaudin subsp. rigidum - 31a, Bal. 5119; 5, Bal. 5194; 18, 19a, Bal. 5300. Parapholis incurva (L.) C.E. Hubb. - 15a, Bal. 5274; 18, Bal. 5291; 22, Bal. 5420. Poa annua L. - 16a, Bal. 5281a. Poa bulbosa L. s.l. - 5, 6, Bal. 5179; 16a, Bal. 5281b; 19a, Bal. 5310; 24f, Bal. 5426. Poa trivialis L. subsp. sylvicola (Guss.) H. Lindb. - 22, Bal. 5423; 24f, Bal. 5430; 34a, Bal. 5530. Psilurus incurvus (Gouan) Schinz & Thell. - 16a, Bal. 5369. Rostraria cristata (L.) Tzvelev - 15a, Bal. 5276. Stipa capensis Thunb. - 15a, Bal. 5275. Vulpia ciliata Dumort. subsp. ciliata - 16a, Bal. 5282b; 23a, Bal. 5432. Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C. Gmel. - 16a, Bal. 5282a. Vegetation The basic vegetation type of the WSW parts of the island, from Agios Gerasimos to Kefali is macchie with Phillyrea latifolia, Quercus coccifera, Pistacia len-tiscus, Olea europaea subsp. europaea. Another basic constituent of this macchie is Arbutus unedo. However this species is rather locally abundant and only occasionally dominant. Scattered individuals of Ceratonia siliqua L. are also found in the lower altitudes especially in the vicinity of Kefali settlement. Sporadically we also find individuals of Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link. One of the main constituents of the vegetation of the ENE parts of the island (mainly around Mt Xilokastro) Pinus halepensis, is absent here. Only a few taxa can grow in the shade of these relatively dense formations. Phryganic taxa are restricted to a few individuals of Cistus salviifo-lius. Less common are taxa such as Cistus creticus s.l. and Anthyllis hermanniae L. The herb layer is species poor and mainly consists of taxa such as Cyclamen hederifolium, Arisarum vulgare and Brachypodium retusum. Only in small openings of macchie we find a considerable number of annuals. Locally, especially in cases where the main elements of the macchie have been cut deliberately by man and the soil conditions are fairly good the vegetation is characterized by the presence of Cistus salviifolius. In contrast, the southern slopes of Mt Vouni which are steep, rocky and much eroded, are covered by a much more degraded vegetation influenced by the nearby main settlement of the island, Kalamos village. Only locally we find low somewhat dense scrub dominated by Quercus coccifera, mainly in places with better soil conditions. The other components of the macchie described previously are restricted to a few scattered individuals. Deforestation, soil erosion and overgrazing by domestic animals, especially goats, have created conditions similar to those in natural phrygana. So we can assume that these formations in the southern slopes of Mt Vouni represent a stage in the degradation of the main type of macchie that exists in the WSW part of the island, to garigue and phrygana-like vegetation. The most characteristic species of this degraded type of vegetation is Salviafruticosa. This phryganic taxon creates an impressive colorful landscape at time of flowering. Of less importance are phryganic taxa such as Cistus salviifolius and Cistus creticus s.l. In northern foot of Mt Xilokastro between Castle and Episkopi we find old woods of Cupres-sus sempervirens in pure stands or mixed with Pi-nus halepensis, frequently planted in abandoned terraced fields. Some of these woods are very old as we can assume by the size of the trees. The northern parts of the island especially at the northern slopes of Mt Vouni are covered by dense macchie with Arbutus andrachne, Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia, Arbutus unedo, Quercus coccifera and in the lower parts with Pistacia lentiscus. These tall plant communities are in a transitional stage to forest vegetation. The floristic composition of this type of vegetation reflects the cooler and more humid conditions that prevail in the northern parts of the island. Quercus ilex and Arbutus andrachne are practically absent from the southern parts of the island and only a few isolated individuals of Arbutus andrachne were observed in E slopes of Mt Vouni and near Mirtia beach. The distribution pattern of this type of vegetation follows the one of the cooler and more humid habitats we find in the island. This pattern is in accordance with the distribution pattern of deciduous taxa such as Cotinus coggygria and Fraxinus ornus, taxa that are absent in the southern parts of the island. 4. FLORISTIC ANALYSIS -DISCUSSION The present study raises the total number of plant taxa of the flora of Kalamos to 502, a fact that highlights the floristic diversity of small Ionian islands. The 502 taxa belong to 86 families and 308 genera (Table 1). The 5 richest in number of taxa families are Fabaceae (64), Asteraceae (54), Poaceae (42), Lamiaceae (24), Apiaceae (23). The life-form spectrum shows that therophytes dominate (54.8%), followed by hemicryptophytes (16.1%) while the other life forms are represented by smaller percentages (Table 2). The proportion of therophytes is remarkably high for an Ionian island with humid to subhumid bioclimate. This can be attributed to the intense human influence in the area. For example many of the taxa of Fa- Table 1: Distribution of vascular plant taxa (species and infraspecific taxa) of the flora of Kalamos in the major systematic units. Tabela 1: Razdelitev taksonov cevnic (vrste in taksoni na podvrstnem nivoju) flore otoka Kalamos v glavne sistematske enote. Systematic unit a x t^ % Pteridophyta 6 8 9 1.8 Gymnospermae 3 4 4 0.8 Angiospermae Dicotyledones 61 238 397 79.1 Angiospermae Monocotyledones 16 58 92 18.3 Total 86 308 502 100 Table 2: Life-form spectrum of the vascular flora of Kalamos island. Tabela 2: Pestrost življenskih oblik rastlinstva otoka Kalamos. Life forms Number of taxa % Therophytes 275 54.8 Hemicryptophytes 81 16.1 Geophytes 63 12.5 Chamaephytes 40 8 Phanerophytes 42 8.4 Hydrophytes 1 0.2 Total 502 100 baceae family which in the flora of Kalamos are in their vast majority therophytes (84.4%), were found in man-made habitats. One of the characteristic features of its flora is the existence of many woody species. This is reflected mainly in the relatively high percentage of phanerophytes (8.4%). Moreover these species have a wide distribution in the island and play an important role, as they shape the physiognomy of its vegetation. The analysis of the chorological spectrum (Table 3) shows that Mediterranean and Medi-terranean-Submediterranean elements are dominant (75.3%). One of the features of the phytogeography of the investigated island is the small number of Greek endemics which comprise 7 taxa (1.4% of the total flora, Anchusella variegata, Campanula drabifolia, Stachys ionica, Veronica glauca subsp. peloponnesiaca, Heptaptera colladonioides, Allium ionicum Brullo & Tzanoud., Bellevalia hy-acinthoides). However, it is known that the end-emism of the Ionian islands is not distinctive for its richness (Phitos & Damboldt 1985). So taking Table 3: Chorological spectrum of the flora of Kalamos island. Tabela 3: Horološka pestrost rastlinstva otoka Kalamos. Chorological group Number of taxa % Cosmopolitan-Subcosmopolitan 44 8.7 Tropical-Subtropical 9 1.8 Temperate 30 6 Eurasian 14 2.8 Circumboreal 2 0.4 European 3 0.6 American 14 2.8 African 4 0.8 Mediterranean-Submediterranean 45 9 Mediterranean taxa Eurymediterranean 255 50.8 East-Mediterranean 41 8.1 Balkan 12 2.4 Balkan-Anatolian 12 2.4 Balkan-Italian 6 1.2 Greek endemics 7 1.4 Total 498 99.2 into account the phytogeographical position of the island and its small size, the number of Greek endemics is quite satisfactory. There are no local endemics in the flora of Kalamos compare to other Ionian islands with about the same size such as Paxi complex which has two local endemics, Centaurea paxorum Phi-tos & T. Georgiadis and Limonium antipaxorum R. Artelari (Georgiadis et al. 1986). Paxi island complex is well isolated from the Greek mainland; on the contrary Kalamos is very close to the latter. We could make the assumption that the differences in local endemism between the two Ionian islands can be attributed to the factor "isolation". The presence on Kalamos of the Ionian endemic Stachys ionica underlies its strong phyto-geographical affinities with the rest of the Ionian islands. This affinity is demonstrated also by the presence of Allium ionicum, a taxon which could be considered Ionian endemic though it has also been found in the opposite Akarnanian coast (Tzanoudakis 2000). Based on the common distribution of endemic taxa the phytogeographical connections of the island are stronger with the Ionian islands (all the 7 Greek endemics of Kalamos are present in other Ionian islands too), Sterea Ellas (5), Peloponnisos (5) and Kiklades (3). We observe that the phyto-geographical connections with Sterea Ellas and Peloponnisos are of equal importance. This conclusion is enhanced by the presence of one bire- gional endemic between Ionian islands and Sterea Ellas (Allium ionicum) and one biregional endemic between Ionian islands and Peloponnisos (Hep-taptera colladonioides), in the flora of Kalamos. The second chorological subgroup with narrow geographical distribution range, Balkan endemics, comprises 12 taxa (2.4%). Some of them such as Capsella grandiflora have limited distribution range that occupies the western parts of Greece and Albania, while Alkanna corcyrensis has a more typical western distribution pattern and it could be considered as Ionian endemic with a broad sense. The presence of Malcolmia graeca subsp. hydraea, the only known locality in the Ionian islands, demonstrates the strong floristic affinities of Kalamos with the Greek mainland and especially with the opposite Akarnanian coast where the taxon is abundant (dot maps, Strid & Tan 2002). Malcolmia graeca s.l. is rare in the Ionian islands and until now there was only one representative Malcolmia graeca subsp. bicolor (Boiss. & Heldr.) Stork, known from the island of Levkas (Georgiou 2002). In general, Balkan endemics of the flora of Kalamos are not correlated with orophilous Balkan endemics characteristic of the Pindhos mountain range. The ratio of Balkan-Anatolian and Balkan-Italian is 2 : 1. The same ratio though, in eastern parts of Greece with about the same latitude such as Mt Pendelikon (Baliousis 2011) is much bigger (6 : 1). We can conclude that the influence of the Anatolian elements, though important, decreases in a westward direction as it was expected from the geographical position of the examined areas. The flora of the island comprises 25 (5%) adventive taxa, mainly of American origin, a fact that reflects the strong human influence on its composition. Both life-form and chorological spectrums underline the pronounced Mediterranean character of the island's flora. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Prof. D. Tzanoudakis (Patras), Ass. Prof. O. Georgiou (Patras) for determining specimens of Allium and Anthemis respectively and Theodoros Karfakis, resident of Kalamos village, for providing valuable information about the island. I would also like to thank Prof. E. Bergmeier for his valuable comments and suggestions on a first draft of the manuscript. 6. REFERENCES Bagnouls, F. & Gaussen, H. 1957: Les climats bio-logiques et leur classification. - Ann. Geogr. 66: 193-220. Baliousis, E. 2011: I chlorida kai i vlastisi tou orous Pendelikou [The flora and vegetation of Mount Pendelikon (East Attiki, Greece)] [In Greek with English summary]. PhD Thesis, Athens. Baliousis, E. & Yannitsaros, A. 2010: Flora and vegetation of the island of Kalamos (Ionian Sea, Greece): A preliminary study. Botanika Chronika 20: 5-23. 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