Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 35/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23. 09. 2012 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Prvi ... Zadnji ... Nemogoče si je predstaviti večjo razliko med tem, kako je Jezus živel, in med pričakovanji njegovih učencev. Pa so toliko časa živeli z njim! Jezus je učencem skušal povedati, da čaka pot trpljenja. Evangelist Marko se ne obotavlja priznati, da učenci Jezusa sploh niso dojeli. So pa v nekem trenutku začeli izgubljati čas v prepirih, kateri izmed njih bo največji, kateri glavni, ko bo Jezus premagal vse nasprotnike in vzpostavil svojo oblast. Izbiti iz glave vseh učencev tako logiko je morala biti zahtevna zadeva. Zato pa je Jezus zbral dvanajstere, da bi v najbolj zaupnem krogu razodel posebnost svojega vedenja. Da bi bil bolj nazoren, preprost v svoji razlagi, postavi mednje otroka in se z njim poisti. S preprostim otrokom, ki v takratni družbi ni imel nikakršne veljave. Z nebogljenim otrokom, ki pozornosti ne more dajati, marveč jo more le sprejemati. Ta poteza za evangelista Marka ustrezna opisu Jezusa, ko se ponižuje vse do podobe človeka - sužnja, do obsojenca, ki nedolžen nalaga nase krivdo sveta. Jezus razodeva svojo slavo, ki sije skozi križ: On je ponižani človeški sin, ki pa je bil dvignjen, je umrl in vstal. Iz Jezusove poti v duhu evangelija spoznamo, na čem svet boluje - in seveda mi z njim; pa tudi spoznamo ali vsaj zaslutimo, kaj ga lahko zdravi. Takšna Jezusova vesela modrost se je v tistem času še posebej povsem razlikovala od modrosti velikih, ki so se želeli obdati z božansko častjo in celo s pobožnim kultom. Celo v Svetem pismu je Bog označen kot najviše stoječi tam zgoraj. Vendar, kot je bilo ravnokar rečeno, da je bil Jezus povišan nad vse - vemo -, da se je isti Jezus pred tem spustil med množico in objel otroka. V tem je božja veličina, da s svojo ljubeznijo objema življenje malih. Tudi za nas, ki smo nekako poklicno deformirani v »več« uspešnosti in napredovanja, Jezusova logika ni lahka. Pa vendar smo povabljeni, da se vanjo potopimo in stopimo na pot ozdravitve našega sveta. "To je dan, ki ga je naredil Gospod".... Preteklo nedeljo, 16. septmebra 2012, je prav ta psalm med berili zaznamoval slovesno bogoslužje pri župniji sv. Gregorja Velikega, ki ga je vodil predstojnik slovenskih Salezijancev g. Janez Potočnik. Somaševala sta g. John Puntino -ravnatelj salezijanske skupnosti v Torontu in g. župnik Drago Gačnik. Poleg obeh pevskih zborov so sodelovali pri sv. maši tudi predstavniki župnijskega sveta in številnih župnijskih organizacij. Praznična, dvojezična sv. mača je znova potrdila prizadevanje vseh generacij v župniji za nadaljno duhovno rast tega občestva. Po sv. maši se je množica ljudi v čudovitem sončnem dopoldnevu podala v dvorano. Nekateri so ob tej priliki preiskusili novo dvigalo v spodnjo in zgornjo dvorano in z navdušenjem ugotvaljali to izgledno vgrajeno napravo z dodatnimi obnovitvami v obeh dvoranah. Pred kosilom je g. Janez Potočnik blagoslovil novo pridobitev župnije, ki je privabila tudi predstavnike širse slovenske skupnosti v tem prostoru: iz Ottawe odpravnk poslov /Luka Kovačec/, častni konzul / John Doma/, predsednik VSKO /Marjan Kolarič/, koordnatorka koordinacije društev na Niagari / Magdalena Razpotnik/ in predstavniki društev, ki jih po svojem duhovnem poslanstvu pokriva župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu. Po kosilu je osrednji govornik g. Janez Potočnik čestital župljanom in g. župniku Dragotu Gačniku za dosedanje prizadevanje v dobrobit župnije, ki je z vizijo s sedaj že pokojnih Salezijankih dohovnikov, postala nedadomestljivo duhovno, kultorno in družabno središče v tej okolici. Izrazil je nadaljno naklonjenost in duhovno skrb slovenskih Salezijancev za župnijo in obenem priporočal v molitev duhovniške poklice tudi v tej slovenski skupnosti v Kanadi. G. župnik Drago Gačnik je v svojem nagovoru predstavil posebne goste in potek obnove dvoran. Izpostavil je ključne osebe, ki so imele poseben doprinos k uspehu projekta: Jerry Ponikvar je zaslužen za finančno pomoč od Ontario Trilium Foundation, Joe Prša kot koordinator pri projektu, Tony Horvat, kot strokovni svetovalec in Mirko Zorko, ki je sodeloval pri pojektu že od samega začetka. Predsednik župnijskega sveta, Milan Ferletic, se je zahvalil vsem vrlim prostovljcem, ki so pripomogli, da bo letošnje župnijsko žegnanje ostalo obiskovalcem v najlepšem spominu. Za zaključek pa je župnijski mešani pevski zbor "za dušo" zapel tri domovinske pesmi . Ta lep Gospodov dan je bil dogodek na katerega so se monžično odzvali župljani in prijatelji župnije od blizu in daleč. Kot spontan izraz hvaležnosti župniji, župnijskemu svetu in ne nazadnje g. župniku Dragotu za njegovo poslanstvo, ne le v župniji sv. Gregorija Velikega, ampak tudi za njegov združevalen doprinos v širsi slovenski skupnosti. Poročilo pripravil: Frank Novak Predstojnik Sloven. Salezijancev, g. Janez Potočnik Sunday's Readings 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Wisdom 2:12. 17-20 The people who do not know God plot the downfall of those good people who try to live by God's law. They want to see the death of good and virtuous people. Response: The Lord upholds my life. Second Reading James 3:16 - 4:3 James recognises that whenever there is external conflict, turmoil or division, the root cause can be found within the individual's own inner being. Gospel Mark 9:30-37 The disciples show themselves to be very human as they argue about who among them is the greatest. Jesus teaches them the way of true discipleship, using a small child as his visual aid. Illustration The theory has been posited that one of the many reasons why God was compelled to create Eve was because men would never get from A to B on a car journey unless they had someone who was prepared to stop and ask for directions. Men are caricatured, perhaps unfairly, as being too proud when driving to admit they are lost and stop to seek help. No one likes to look incompetent or stupid in front of anyone, let alone a colleague or a partner. It seems that many men would rather drive extra miles needlessly than admit that they do not know the way. Is this a male characteristic or simply a trait of our common humanity? Think back to your own 284 | VESTNIK 2012 days in the classroom when you didn't dare ask the teacher for further explanation, for fear that you would be thought less intelligent than the rest of the class, only to breathe a huge sigh of relief when someone was brave enough to ask the question everyone else really wanted to ask. If we don't ask, how are we ever to learn? Gospel Teaching Today's Gospel gives us hope that we are not the only ones who get it wrong and misunderstand the Good News of Jesus. In this account, the disciples once again show us that there is "nothing new under the sun". Their inability, because of fear, to ask the Lord for an explanation of his instruction on his own impending death means that they have not yet grasped the real essence of what it is to be a follower of Christ. Jesus, calling himself "the Son of Man", is trying to prepare the disciples for the ordeal that lies ahead, an ordeal that is necessary for the Father's plan to come to fruition. By becoming disciples of Jesus, the disciples have clearly recognised that he is a man of power and a man of God. However, they have yet to grasp the implications of Jesus' mission in establishing the kingdom. Jesus speaks plainly to them of his forthcoming arrest and death. Even so, because they do not understand, and are too afraid to ask the precise meaning of this prophecy, they choose to filter this information out and continue to focus on the notion of kingdom and future greatness. When Jesus questioned them as to what they had been arguing about, the disciples must have felt like naughty schoolchildren who had just been caught by teacher. They lower their heads in shame and say nothing, but Jesus does not need an answer; he knows their antics too well. Being a good teacher, Jesus knows that he is going to have to start again, so he goes back to basics and uses a visual aid in the hope that this time they'll get the point; the kingdom of God is not about power struggles or greatness. While Jesus uses all the language of kingship, he is redefining the terms to the extent that their meaning is turned upside down and is incomprehensible to the casual observer. Time and time again even the disciples fail to realise the true meaning of Jesus' mission and the values of the kingdom he is trying to inaugurate. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR Pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor bodo v čertek po večerni maši. DRUSTVO SV. JOZEFA -SLOVENIAN SOCIETY OF ST. JOSEPH ♦ Kitchener Octoberfest at Sava Club, Breslau - Saturday, Oct. 13th. Coach will depart from St. Gregory parking lot at noon. Package includes admission, dinner and all gratuities - $55 per person. Sign up early and join us for a fun day! Make your reservation with full payment by contacting Frank Erzar 643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar 333-5813 with cheques payable to St. Joseph Society. SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation will hold its 16th Annual Scholarship Banquet at Bled Hall on October 20th, 2012. Reception at 5:30 PM and Dinner at 6:00 PM. We will honour and recognize our 2012 scholarship and bursary recipients. Our guest speaker will be John Doma, Honorary counsel, Republic of Slovenia. Dance music will be provided by the Matija Lebar Band. Tickets are now on sale: Adults-$40. and Students-$25. (An official tax receipt will be issued for the donation portion of the ticket price). For tickets you may call: Rob Letnik: 837-1918; Karl Ferko: 578-5890; Jerry Ponikvar:333-5813. Join us for this wonderful evening where we honour and recognize our youth! PERSONS SEPARATED AND DIVORCED LEARNING TO COPE (Level I) is a ten week support program starting Tuesday, September 18th (7:00 pm to 9:30 pm), at the Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton. The program is for persons experiencing the trauma of a separation or divorce. For more information, please contact the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988, ext. 2249. Cost: $35. Past participants are welcome to inquire about further Levels programs starting the same week. SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION Slovenia Credit Union would like to remind all members that our offices are once again open on Saturdays. For further information regarding hours consult our website at Thank you for your valued membership and we hope that you have had an enjoyable summer. DAROVI_ Za Gradbeni sklad so darovali: Lojze in Marija Prilesnik $50, Ana Krampač $50, Tony in Marija Franc $200. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste darovali ob jesenskem banketu. Dobiček pri banketu je bil $11,945.00 . Hvala vsem za velikodušnost. MAŠA V PONEDELJEK_ V ponedeljek, 24. septembra bo sveta maša zvečer, potem ko se bomo vrnili iz romanja v baragove kraje. VSKO_ V soboto, 29. septembra ob 1:00 p.m. bo v naši dvorani druga konvencija Slovencev v Kanadi. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA SLOVENIAN SCHOOL Dear parents, September is here and the school doors are open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL. If you have a child in Senior Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendents of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden intellect by learning the language of their parent or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended. They are geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones we use in English schools so that they can be easily followed and understood. Our level one program is geared towards children who do not speak any Slovenian. Accordingly, they concentrate on vocabulary building by listening to stories, tapes, videos, games and conversation, etc. - with no formal reading and writing, to prepare them for level 2 where they will be eased into reading and writing in Slovenian only when they are ready for it. Registration for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL every Staturday at 9:00 A.M. in the classroom behind the upper hall. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more importantly, it is to instill on them a Slovenian identity, a feeling of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural heritage, which your own parents worked so hard to maintain. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian community, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity. It is important that we work together to keep their interest alive. We, on our part, are striving to make it interesting for them. In the summer of 2000, 2004 and 2008, we organized an excursion of Slovenia for them, to give them the opportunity to see and experience Slovenia, first hand. The excursions were unforgettable for the children, a great success, so we look forward to organizing another one down the road. In turn, dear parents, you must do your part as well! Please give SLOVENIAN SCHOOL your full consideration and register your children on Sept. 15. If you have friends, who are of Slovenian background and this notice does not reach them, please tell them and encourage them to send their children to our school. If you are uncertain about enrolling your children in Slovenian School, please feel free to visit our school and see its set up, observe our classes and talk to the teachers. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your children the same opportunity! Sandy Allen - Principal Slovenian International Language School OD 23. 09. 2012 DO 30. 09. 2012 svete mase - masses 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 23. September f Slomškova nedelja f za žive in rajne župljane Frank Drvarič, obl. 9:30 a.m. Ivan Sobočan 11:00 a.m. Družina Drvarič Joe in Kathy Prša f Ivan Sobočan Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo f Irma Hull Masa bo ko Pridemo lz Matija in Anica Kunčič f Irma Hull Marquetta Vera in Joe Šipek ff Jože, Mama, Marko Oberman, obl. Stanka in Martin Malevič Ponedeljek - Monday 24. September Anton Martin Slomšek Torek - Tuesday 25. September Sergij, men. Ivan Sobočan Irma Hull Irma Hull Ciril Virant 8:00 a.m. Toni in Marija Bukvič Ludvik Hull Frank in Pavla Pelcar Družina Celatos Sreda - Wednesday 26. September Kozma in Damjan f Ivan Sobočan ff Štefan in Verona Prša ff Vinko in Katarina Antolin f Stanko Ferenčak 7.00 p.m. Frank in Ana Ferenčak Frank in Ana Ferenčak Frank in Ana Ferenčak Frank in Ana Ferenčak Četrtek- Thursday 27. September Vincencij, ust. Lazar. f Ivan Sobočan f Štefan Sajder f Irma Hull f Frank Medved 7:00 p.m. Ignac in Terezija Kolenko Matila Bratuž z družino Vera in Joe Šipek Romarji iz Marmore Petek - Friday 28. September Venčeslav, muč. f Ivan Sobočan f Stanko Ferenčak f Ivan Obal f Tončka Demšar 7:00 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa Alojz Ferenčak Martin in Regina Nedelko Družina Demšar Sobota - Saturday 29. September Mihael, Gabrijel, Rafael, nadangeli f Irma Hull f Jožefa Kastelic, obl. f Jožefa Kastelic, obl. ff Elizabet in Mihael Sušec f Stane Napast f Franc Antolin 8:15 a.m. Družina Bregar 5:30 p.m. MOŽ Ivan Kastelic John in Olga Kastelic Družina Hozjan Žena Fanika Napast z družino Brat Štefan 26. NEDELJA MED LETOM 30. September Hieronim duh.c-učitelj za žive in rajne župljane f Marija Ternar ff Roza in Jože Tompa Pokojni člani društva 9:30 a.m. Hčerka Terezija Zadravec z dr. 11:00 a.m. Matija Tompa z družino 1:00 P.M. LONDON - TRIGLAV tif svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.