UDK 903'i2/'i5(497.n)''633/634''.314.18-053.3 Documenta PraehistoricaXXXIII (2006) The domestication of human birth Sofija Stefanovic Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia smstefan@f.bg.ac.yu ABSTRACT - Observations of the burial places of newborns at the prehistoric site at Lepenski Vir (Serbia) revealed the possibility that deliveries took place inside houses that were heated. Warm houses provided a thermally stable environment which, in turn, could solve the problem of thermo- regulation, that is critical for the survival of babies. In this study it is shown that the creation of these good conditions for giving birth could have been an important step in human evolution that could have led to a demographic expansion. IZVLEČEK - Opazovanja prostorov s pokopi novorojenčkov na prazgodovinskem najdišču Lepenski Vir (Srbija), so pokazala možnost, da se je rojevanje dogajalo znotraj ogrevanih hiš. Ogrevane hiše so zagotavljale termalno stabilno okolje, kar je morda rešilo problem termoregulacije, ki je odloči- len za preživetje otrok. V tej študiji prikažemo, da je lahko ustvarjanje dobrih pogojev za rojevanje pomemben korak v človeški evoluciji in je lahko pripeljal do demografske ekspanzije. KEY WORDS - Lepenski Vir; human birth; thermo-regulation; domestication Introduction During the entire evolution of humans, the process of giving birth has been a key factor in their survi- val. The low human population that existed up to the Neolithic indicates that living conditions were very hard and that Palaeolithic populations were ca- pable of maintaining only simple reproduction, with- out significant population growth. The way of life during the Palaeolithic age, cold climate, and high daily fluctuation of air temperature were detrimen- tal to giving birth and for taking care of newborns. With the Neolithic came the first demographic expan- sion, but it is still not well understood what caused it. In this study, we attempt to show that it may have been caused by improved conditions of parturition. It is well established that in the past and the present, different cultures have created good conditions for giving birth and for neo-natal care (Cressy 1997; Jor- dan 1993; Priya 1991). Thus, there are no reasons to believe that during the prehistoric period, humans had a different approach to these important aspects of their life. However, little attention has been paid in the archeological literature to this problem (Beau- sang 2000.69-70), and hence there is no developed methodology for investigating it. Recent studies by O'Donnell could be very helpful in finding material proof for establishing such a methodology (O'Don- nell 2003; 2004.165). Her investigation of various aspects of parturition show that it always includes: 1) thermal regulation to ensure the viability of the newborn infant; 2) a defined spatial location; 3) sup- port and companionship; 4) mobility, in order for the mother to negotiate the process; 5) attention to the pre- and post-natal environment; and 6) ritual and symbolism in the psychological negotiation of the process. In this study, we consider thermal regulation and the defined spatial location as key factors for succes- sful birth and neo-natal care. Our working hypothe- sis is that developments in early houses, as the de- fined spatial location for birthing, brought about dra- matic improvements in the conditions for birth and child-care because one of the functions of those hou- ses appears to have been that they served as places where women gave birth and where babies and in- fants were cared for. Our analysis was based on data obtained from the archaeological site at Lepenski Vir, located in the Danube Gorges (Serbia), with the Me- solithic phase at around 7500 Cal BC and the Early Neolithic phase at 6300-5500 Cal BC (Bonsall et al. 2000; Borić 2002; Cook et al. 2002). We provide two sets of evidence that indicate that the prehisto- ric women in the Danube Gorges had good condi- tions for giving birth, and could have enjoyed repro- ductive success - first, that those women gave birth inside houses that have been discovered at Lepenski Vir and other archaeological sites in the Danube Gorges; second, that those houses were heated and thus could have provided favourable conditions, in- cluding thermoregulation, for survival of newborns. 'Maternity ward' The only reliable piece of evidence that a birth had taken place at a given prehistoric site is the skeleton of a newborn baby found at the location (Fig. 1). Af- ter the lifting of house floors in 1970, 41 infant ske- letons were found at Lepenski Vir (Figs. 2 and 3) (Borić and Stefanović 2004; Stefanović and Borić in press). The lar- gest number of skeletons (28) were aged from 38 to 40 ge- stational weeks (babies at the age of birth) (Fig. 4). Six ske- letons were of slightly youn- ger, and can be explained as premature. The remainder were somewhat older, i.e., newborns that lived a few weeks or months. DNA-based sex identifications of 33 sam- pled newborn skeletons show that 19 of the newborns were males and 14 were females (Čuljković et al. in press). The pattern concerning the new- born burials is that all of them were placed exclusively in the rear of the houses (in 19 hou- ses). Burial pits were either cut through the limestone floors or dug immediately off the floor edge, often between the construction stones sur- rounding the floor. Taken to- gether, these pieces of evi- dence suggest that births took place inside these houses. The possibility that women gave birth out- side the house and that children who did not survive were taken back and buried inside the house does not seem tenable. For example, it was found that some children who were buried inside the house had survived several months after birth. Thus, the pres- ence of child skeletons under the floors of the hou- ses indicates that the birth took place in the house, and that babies that survived their birth continued to live in those houses. In other words, at Lepenski Vir, the houses served as 'maternity wards' and the birth event became domesticated. Heated Houses, Thermo-regulation and Baby Care In each of the houses examined, there were hearths in the centres of the houses, of more or less rectan- gular shape, constructed from limestone slabs placed vertically (Fig. 5). According to Radovanović, hearths are the "most conspicuous architectural feature" of the Danube Gorges (Radovanović 1996). Is there any connection between hearths and babies? We be- Fig. 1. House No. 38 from Lepenski Vir with a rectangular hearth inside and with newborn burial No. 111. The burial was placed in a pit that was cut through the lime floor. The skeleton belongs to a newborn girl (38- 40 gestational weeks), found on her back, (supine) with legs splayed out- wards, in a S-N orientation (after Stefanović and Boric in press.Fig. 5). Fig. 2. Grave 98, newborn-girl (35-37 gestational weeks) House No. 19. The skeleton is flexed on the left side in a NW-SE orienta- tion (photo: Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade). lieve there is, and it is highly significant. A hearth means heat, and a hearth in the house means a warm house, which is essential for survival of new- born babies. There have been no studies or analy- ses that could show how the houses in the Danube Gorges were heated, or what room temperature could be achieved in them. Interestingly, however, in many of the houses, burned limestone blocks were found, while no other evi- dence of fire, such as tar or ash, was present. This suggests that the stone blocks were heated outside of the houses and then brought inside and placed in the rectangular hearths as a source of heat. To show plausibility of the idea that the limestone blocks could provide heat to the houses, we carried out ba- sic heat transfer calculations. We estimate that hot limestone blocks heated to 100 °C could raise the room temperature from 10 °C to a comfortable 20- 30 °C (see Appendix). This, as we explain below, was sufficient to prevent and offset hypothermia among newborns. It is noteworthy that the system for hea- ting houses described above was more probably used at older sites, such as Vlasac. At more recent sites, such as Lepenski Vir, the heating system appears more advanced. Houses had a rectangular hearth in the centre, with an approach platform, and an out- door fireplace connected with the hearth through a funnel-like hole, suggesting some kind of 'central heating system' (Fig. 5). One of the most critical features in the survival of newborns is temperature regulation. Even today, thermo-regulation is one of the most important and challenging aspects of the neonatal care (Weber on-line). The transition from the intra-uterine to the extra- uterine environment is accompanied by a substantial temperature change that compromises the baby's thermo- regulatory abilities. If the delivery does not take place in a warm and thermally stable environment, dur- ing the first 10-20 minutes following birth the newborn may lose enough heat for its body temperature to fall by 2-4 °C , with even greater falls in the ensuing period if proper care is not given (Adamsons and Towell 1965; Dahm and James 1972; Sma- les and Kime 1978). Consequently, the baby will develop hypothermia, i.e., a body temperature below nor- mal. If the neonate's body tempera- ture is less than 36.5 °C, it enters a state of cold stress, a condition that results in many complica- tions and often causes death (Neonatal Thermo-re- gulation Guidelines for Practice 1997; Ellis et al. 1996). Although today we know of about twenty symptoms of cold stress (Thermalprotection and/ or management of neonatal hypothermia and hy- perthermia on-line), the first of them, when the body is cold to the touch, was certainly something that prehistoric peoples had often experienced; and they knew that it could be altered by warming up. It is well known that for a baby to survive hypother- mia, it has to be warmed up such that in addition to Fig. 3. Grave 103, newborn-boy (38-40 gestation- al weeks), House No. 19. The skeleton is on his back (supine), with contracted legs in S-N orien- tation (photo: Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade). Fig. 4. A skeleton of a newborn-boy (38-40 gestational weeks), Grave 114, House No. 36. The estimated ge- stational age of in- fants from Lepenski Vir was made accor- ding to the maximal length of both/either femur and/or hume- rus which give preci- sion of ± 2 weeks. (photo: Paleoanthro- pological collection, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgra- de). skin-to-skin contact, it has to be in a room with an air tempera- ture from 25 °C (in the case of mild hypother- mia) up to 38 °C (in the case of intensive hypothermia (Thermal protection of the new- born: a practical guide on-line, Silverman et al. 1958; Johanson et al. 1992). Such conditions could be hardly achieved during the prehistoric period, especially when babies were born in the open. It is very likely that prehistoric people used skin-to-skin contact to warm up their babies. This method is effective only if babies stay close to their mothers' bodies throughout the day, and if the air temperature does not fall below 25 °C (Karlsson 1996; Färdig 1980; Acolet et al. 1989; Christensson et al. 1992; Singh et al. 1992). Since women from Lepenski Vir gave birth and took care of their new- borns inside houses that were heated, deliveries took place in a thermally stable environment which, in turn, led to a higher rate of survival of newborns. In addition to providing favourable thermal condi- tions, these prehistoric houses offered some other advantages for giving birth. For example, they were of small dimensions (from 5.5 to 28 m2) (Radova- nović 1996), and could be easily illuminated from inside, a condition that is very important for delive- ring babies (e.g., for severing the umbilical cord, and for cleaning the baby and the mother immedi- ately after the delivery). Since, like other primates, humans usually give birth at night, delivering a baby in a lighted house could make it easier for the mo- ther and those who attended her during delivery. There are also important psychological advantages to giving birth in a sheltered, warm, and lighted place, which we do not address in this study. Taken together, all these aspects of giving birth inside the house show that the prehistoric people of the Da- nube Gorges region provided favourable conditions for the survival of their newborns. It is reasonable to assume that the domestication of birth occurred in all regions where humans built houses. As a consequence of these improved birth and aftercare conditions, it is very likely that infant mortality was substantially reduced, which, in turn, contributed to the first human population expan- sion. Furthermore, if the prehistoric people of the Danube Gorges indeed experienced a demographic expansion, then they were most probably the foun- ders of the later agricultural Starčevo and Vinca cul- tures. This, in turn, could mean that there was a strong pre-Neolithic nucleus of people in the Balkans that had emerged from an autochthonic population of hunters-gatherers. Fig. 5. Rectangular limestone hearth from house No. 4 (photo: Srejović and Babović 1983.175). AtLe- penski Vir, houses had a rectangular hearth in the centre with an approaching platform and with an outdoor fireplace connected with the hearth through a funnel-like hole, suggesting a possibility of a 'central heating system'. Summary Data obtained from Lepenski Vir indicate that at the beginning of the Neolithic there existed good con- ditions for giving birth and neonatal care. Women gave birth inside warm houses that, in turn, helped to solve one of the most important problems in the survival of newborn infants, thermo-regulation. Evi- dence from Lepenski Vir indicates that women in this region were "sedentary mothers", and therefore, the act of giving birth became domesticated. This lead to a reduction in infant mortality and, conse- quently, to population growth. Appendix We used the following heat transfer equation Mb CB (TB - TR) = MA CA (TR -TA) where mb, Cb and Tb are mass, heat capacity and the initial temperature of the limestone blocs, ma, Ca and Ta are mass, heat capacity and the initial tempe- rature of the air inside the house, respectively, and Tr is the temperature of heated room air. This equa- tion describes heat transfer from a heated limestone block (Tb) to a cold air temperature (Ta) inside the room. The heat transfer takes place until the room temperature raises to equilibrium value (Tr), after which a heat balance is established. All other heat losses are ignored. It is assumed that the limestone blocks are heated to Tb = 100 °C = 373 °K, and that the initial room temperature is Tr = 10 °C = 283 °K. The mass of the block is assumed to be mb = 1 kg. To calculate the mass of air inside the house (ma), we assumed for simplicity that the dimension of the house is 2x2x2m, i.e., 8m3. Since the air density is 1.29 kg/m3, it fol- lows that ma = 1.29 kg/m3 x 8m3 = 10.32 kg. The heat capacities of limestone and air are obtained from engineering tables: Cb = 850 J/kg °K and Ca = 716 J/kg °K, respectively. By substituting these val- ues in the above equation, we obtained the room temperature of a heated house: Tr = 19.3 °C. By pla- cing two limestone blocks inside the house, the tem- perature could be raised to Tr = 26.8 °C. -ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS- Thanks to Živko Mikić and Boban Tripković (Univer- sity of Belgrade), Joseph Maran (University of Heidel- berg), Dušan Borić (University of Cambridge), Jelka Rajović (Institute of Oncology, Sremska Kamenica), Agathe Reingruber (University of Berlin) and Marcel Burić (University of Zagreb) for their helpful com- ments. SpeCial thanks go to Dimitrije Stamenović (Boston University) for his advice and help with the thermal CalCulations. This study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia (Project No.147011). REFERENCES ACOLET D. et al. 1989. Oxygenation, heart rate and tem- perature in very low birth weight infants during skin-to- skin contact with their mothers. Acta Pediatrica Scan- dinavica 78:189-93. ADAMSONS K., TOWELL M. 1965. Thermal homeostasis in the foetus and newborn. Anaesthesiology 26:531-548. 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