VSEBINA – CONTENTS PREGLEDNI ^LANKI – REVIEW ARTICLES Characterization and wear performance of CrAgN thin films deposited on Cr-V ledeburitic tool steel Ocena lastnosti in vedenje pri obrabi tankih plasti CrAgN, nanesenih na ledeburitno orodno jeklo Cr-V P. Jur~i, J. Bohovi~ová, M. Hudáková, P. Bílek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Synthesizing Si3N4 from a mixture of SiO2-CaO Sinteza Si3N4 in me{anice SiO2-CaO N. Karakuþ, H. Ö. Toplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Cast cellular metals with regular and irregular structures Ulite kovine s pravilno in nepravilno celi~no strukturo V. Bednáøová, P. Lichý, T. Elbel, A. Hanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Spin-coating for optical-oxygen-sensor preparation Uporaba spinskega nanosa pri izdelavi opti~nih senzorjev za kisik P. Brglez, A. Holobar, A. Pivec, M. Kolar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of poly O-aminophenol – SiO2 nanocomposite Elektrokemijska sinteza in karakterizacija nanokompozita poli O-aminofenol – SiO2 F. Bagheralhashemi, A. Omrani, A. A. Rostami, A. Emamgholizadeh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Development of low-Si aluminum casting alloys with an improved thermal conductivity Razvoj aluminijeve livarske zlitine z majhno vsebnostjo Si in izbolj{ano toplotno prevodnostjo J. Shin, S. Ko, K. Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 A new method for estimating the Hurst exponent H for 3D objects Nova metoda za ocenjevanje Hurstovega eksponenta H za 3D-objekte M. Babi~, P. Kokol, N. Guid, P. Panjan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Design of a microbial sensor using a conducting polymer of polyaniline/poly 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulphone-silver nanocomposite films on a carbon paste electrode Oblikovanje mikrobnega senzorja z uporabo prevodne polimerne polianilinske/poli 4,4’-diaminodifenil sulfonske srebrne nanokompozitne tanke plasti na elektrodi z ogljikovo pasto M. Sharifirad, F. Kiani, F. Koohyar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 A new generalized algebra for the balancing of  chemical reactions Nova posplo{ena algebra za uravnote`enje kemijskih reakcij  I. B. Risteski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Electrodeposition and characterization of Cu-Zn alloy films obtained from a sulfate bath Elektronanos in karakterizacija plasti zlitin Cu-Zn, nastalih iz sulfatne kopeli A. Redjechta, K. Loucif, L. Mentar, M. Redha Khelladi, A. Beniaiche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Experimental design and artificial neural network model for turning the 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) alloy using coated carbide/cermet cutting tools Eksperimentalna zasnova in model umetne nevronske mre`e za stru`enje jekla 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) z uporabo orodij s karbidno ali kermetno prevleko M. T. Ozkan, H. B. Ulas, M. Bilgin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Estimation of the boron diffusion coefficients in FeB and Fe2B layers during the pack-boriding of a high-alloy steel Dolo~anje koeficienta difuzije bora v plasteh FeB in Fe2B med boriranjem visoko legiranega jekla v skrinji Z. Nait Abdellah, M. Keddam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Finite element modelling of submerged arc welding process for a symmetric T-beam Modeliranje postopka oblo~nega varjenja pod pra{kom simetri~nega T-nosilca z metodo kon~nih elementov O. Culha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 48(2)157–312(2014) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 48 [TEV. NO. 2 STR. P. 157–312 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA MAR.–APR. 2014 Optimization of the turning parameters for the cutting forces in the Hastelloy X superalloy based on the Taguchi method Optimiranje sil odrezavanja s Taguchijevo metodo pri stru`enju superzlitine Hastelloy X A. Altin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Thermocyclic- and static-failure criteria for single-crystal superalloys of gas-turbine blades Termocikli~na in stati~na merila za poru{itve lopatic plinskih turbin iz monokristalnih superzlitin L. B. Getsov, A. S. Semenov, E. A. Tikhomirova, A. I. Rybnikov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 UHF RFID tags with printed antennas on recycled papers and cardboards UHF RFID-zna~ke z natisnjenimi antenami na recikliranem papirju in kartonu U. Kav~i~, M. Pivar, M. \oki}, D. Gregor Svetec, L. Pavlovi~, T. Muck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Topmost steel production design based on through process modelling with artificial neural networks Projektiranje proizvodnje vrhunskih jekel na podlagi modeliranja skozi proces z umetnimi nevronskimi mre`ami T. Kodelja, I. Gre{ovnik, R. Vertnik, B. [arler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 The preparation of magnetic nanoparticles based on cobalt ferrite or magnetite Priprava magnetnih nanodelcev na osnovi kobaltovega ferita ali magnetita A. Stamboli}, M. Marin{ek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Simulation of continuous casting of steel under the influence of magnetic field using the local-radial basis-function collocation method Simulacija kontinuirnega ulivanja jekla pod vplivom magnetnega polja na podlagi metode kolokacije z radialnimi baznimi funkcijami K. Mramor, R. Vertnik, B. [arler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES The applicability of sol-gel oxide films and their characterisation on a magnesium alloy Uporabnost sol-gel oksidnih tankih plasti in njihova karakterizacija na magnezijevi zlitini E. Altuncu, H. Alanyali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Testing the tribological characteristics of nodular cast iron austempered by a conventional and an isothermal procedure Preizku{anje tribolo{kih lastnosti nodularne litine, medfazno kaljene po konvencionalnem in izotermi~nem postopku D. Golubovi}, P. Kova~, B. Savkovi}, D. Je{i}, M. Gostimirovi} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Quantification of the copper phase(S) in Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys using a cooling curve analysis Uporaba analize ohlajevalne krivulje za oceno koli~ine bakrovih faz v zlitinah Al-5Si-(1-4)Cu M. B. Djurdjevic, S. Manasijevic, Z. Odanovic, N. Dolic, R. Radisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Investigation of induction and classical-sintering effects on powder-metal parts with the finite-element method Primerjava vpliva indukcijskega in konvencionalnega sintranja na delce kovinskega prahu z uporabo metode kon~nih elementov G. Akpýnar, C. Çivi, E. Atik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS DEPOSITED ON Cr-V LEDEBURITIC TOOL STEEL OCENA LASTNOSTI IN VEDENJE PRI OBRABI TANKIH PLASTI CrAgN, NANESENIH NA LEDEBURITNO ORODNO JEKLO Cr-V Peter Jur~i, Jana Bohovi~ová, Mária Hudáková, Pavel Bílek Department of Materials, Faculty of Materials and Technology of the STU, Trnava, Paulínská 16, 917 24 Trnava, Slovak Republic p.jurci@seznam.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-02-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-05-28 Specimens made from Vanadis 6 cold-work tool steel were machined, ground, heat processed using a standard regime and finally mirror polished. After that they were layered with CrAgN. The Ag-content in the layers was chosen to be in mass fractions w = 3 % and 15 %. Microstructural analyses revealed that the CrN grew in a columnar manner. The addition of 3 % Ag did not influence the manner of growth of the films, but the addition of 15 % Ag made considerable changes to the film growth. Both the hardness and the Young’s modulus were not influenced by the incorporation of 3 % Ag, but the addition of 15 % Ag reduced them. The layers with 3 % Ag had excellent adhesion on the steel substrate. On the other hand, the addition of 15 % Ag had a very negative impact on the coating adhesion. The films with the addition of 3 % Ag had superior tribological properties against hard material (alumina) as well as against a soft counterpart (CuSn6 as-cast bronze), while those with 15 % Ag were too soft and they underwent intensive wear. Keywords: Vanadis 6 cold-work steel, PVD, chromium nitride, silver addition, tribological investigations Vzorci, izdelani iz orodnega jekla Vanadis 6 za delo v hladnem, so bili obdelani, bru{eni, toplotno obdelani po navadnem postopku in na koncu polirani do zrcalne povr{ine. Nato je bil nanesen CrAgN. Koli~ina v masnih dele`ih Ag v nanosu je bila izbrana 3 % in 15 %. Analize mikrostrukture so odkrile, da raste nanos v obliki stebrastih zrn. Dodatek 3 % Ag ni vplival na na~in rasti nanosa, dodatek 15 % Ag pa je povzro~il ob~utne razlike v rasti nanosa. Oba, trdota in Youngov modul, nista bila odvisna od vnosa 3 % Ag, dodatek 15 % pa ju je zmanj{al. Nanosi s 3 % Ag so imeli dobro oprijemljivost na podlagi iz jekla. Po drugi strani pa je dodatek 15 % Ag mo~no poslab{al oprijemljivost nanosa. Nanosi s 3 % Ag so imeli bolj{e tribolo{ke lastnosti pri trdem materialu (aluminijev oksid), kot tudi pri mehkem (liti bron CuSn), medtem ko so bili tisti s 15 % Ag premehki in so izkazovali veliko obrabo. Klju~ne besede: jeklo za delo v hladnem Vanadis 6, PVD, kromov nitrid, dodatek srebra, tribolo{ke preiskave 1 INTRODUCTION Thin CrN-based films have been developed over the past three decades. They quickly gained a great deal of interest and popularity in a variety of industrial applica- tions due to their wear- and corrosion resistance and good cutting properties.1–10 CrN films can be synthesized with a wide range of chemistries, phase constitutions and properties. A wide range of microhardness values of CrN-coatings, from 1500 HV for arc-vapour-deposited films8,11–13 up to 2450–2600 HV for those prepared by magnetron sputter- ing techniques14–17 can be obtained. In selected cases, for ultra-fine-grained films in particular, the microhardness of CrN-films can reach very high values, exceeding 3000 HV, as reported by Mayrhofer et al.18 It should be noted that the phase constitution of the films also plays a role in their microhardness – the majority of authors established a slightly higher hardness for the Cr2N than for the CrN,19–23 while it was only Nouveau et al.9 and Beger at al.24 who reported the opposite tendency. The films prepared by high-power pulsed-magnetron sputter- ing (HIPIMS) also have a high hardness.25 The Young’s modulus E of CrN-based films can also be varied over a wide range, from 188 GPa to 400 GPa, depending on the negative substrate bias, the substrate temperature and the substrate nature (chemistry, phase constitution, hard- ness).14,16,17,26 The formation of high internal stresses, mostly compressive, is one of the key problems connec- ted with film growth on substrates. The stress intensity depends mainly on the substrate bias voltage – the application of low bias voltage produces internal stresses of around 2 GPa,19,25 while the stresses can reach over 4 GPa when a negative substrate bias higher than 75 V is used for the deposition.17,27 In any case, too high internal stresses influence the adhesion of the films negatively. The reduction of the stresses is possible through the post-deposition annealing of the films, which led to improved adhesion.13,28 The difference in the mechanical (hardness) and physical (Young’s modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, etc.) properties can cause serious problems with respect to the adhesion of the coatings to the substrate. Generally, a good adhesion can be achieved when ledeburitic steels or cemented carbides are used as a substrate,10,13,27,29,30 due to their high hard- ness. The adhesion also increases as the portion of the phase CrN decreases and Cr2N and/or (Cr) solid solution increases.12,17,28 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 159 UDK 669.14.018.252:621.793 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)159(2014) The tribological properties of CrN-based films, however, cannot be changed over a sufficiently wide range. External lubrication is one of the possible ways how to improve the tribological behaviour of the films, but commercially available lubricants (oxides, molybde- num disulfide, graphite) exhibit considerable shortcom- ings. Graphite and molybdenum disulfide, for instance, undergo oxidation above 300 °C and, hence they degrade rapidly. Furthermore, metallic oxides, on the other hand, cannot be used at low temperatures since they exhibit an abrasive behaviour. This is why self-lubricating composite films have been a subject of scientific interest in the past few years. These films combine a hard wear-resistant matrix (mostly formed by nitrides or carbo-nitrides) with soft lubricious phases that provide lubricious layer at room and elevated temperatures. Silver is the most common addition used with tran- sition-metal (TM) nitride thin films. It possesses a stable chemical behaviour and can exhibit self-lubricating properties due to its low shear strength. In addition it is known that silver is capable of migrating to the free surface, providing lubrication above 300 °C. Several investigations were focused on the TM-based ceramic films with the addition of silver, deposited on various substrates. The findings on the effect of Ag addition can be summarized as follows. The addition of silver can lead to an alteration in the growth of CrN-based films, as reported for instance by Mulligan et al.31 There is a relatively good consensus on the lowering of the friction coefficient at operating temperatures in the range 300–500 °C.31–37 The nature of this phenomenon is also well known. Silver is almost completely insoluble in CrN and forms nanoparticles in the basic CrN-com- pound. The Ag atoms can easily migrate to the free surface at elevated temperatures, form lubricious grains there, and thereby reduce the friction force significantly. On the other hand, the tribological properties of Ag-containing films differ significantly above 500 °C, whereas the nature of the TM nitride matrix is a key factor influencing their improvement34 or deteriora- tion.32,33,35 The choice of an "optimal" silver addition, from point of view of tribological performance, into the basic film is not in doubt – many authors evaluated films with very high silver contents, e.g., above the mole fraction 20 % 31–33,35–37 although it seems that a much lower silver addition can lead to superior tribological parameters.38,39 One can assume that silver, as a naturally soft metal, should reduce both the hardness and the Young’s modulus of the films. However, some expe- rimental works established either "no effect" of silver or a slight increase of the hardness.38,39 The information on the effect of silver on the adhesion of films is lacking – one of the possible reasons is that various materials with completely different properties were used as substrates. Kostenbauer et al.40 made very important observations. They investigated the stress development in multilayered TiN/Ag films with a different modulation period. The principal finding was that the stresses in all the multi- layers decreased up to a temperature of 380 °C, followed by a plateau above this temperature. The authors attributed this behaviour to the fact that further stresses were relieved by the plastic deformation of silver interlayers. Based on these investigations, one can also assume that soft silver particles can also effectively relieve the internal residual stresses in the CrN-films, which can make a substantial contribution to the better adhesion of CrN-films and their improved wear beha- viour. Various materials (silicon wafers, carbon steels, nickel superalloys and stainless steels) have been used as substrates for CrAgN films, but not including ledeburitic steels. These materials, however, belong to the most important tool steels, which are used in many industrial operations, due to their good combination of structure and mechanical properties. Moreover, they can be changed using variations of heat-treatment parameters across a wide range.41–43 The main challenge to perform the experimental works was thus to minimize the gap in knowledge, e.g., to evaluate what happens when P/M ledeburitic steels are coated with CrAgN. The current paper attempts to put together the experimental results on the development of adaptive nanocomposite CrAgN coatings on the Vanadis 6 Cr-V ledeburitic tool steel and to make a comprehensive report on the basic coating characteristics, like microstructure, hardness, Young’s modulus, wear resistance, friction coefficient, as a function of the silver content and deposition temperature, with a small look into the near future at the end of the paper. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Material and processing The experimental material was the powder metallur- gical ledeburitic steel Vanadis 6 with nominally mass fractions: w(C) = 2.1 %, w(Si) 1.0 %, w(Mn) = 0.4 %, w(Cr) = 6.8 %, w(Mo) = 1.5 %, w(V) = 5.4 % and Fe as balance. Two types of samples were made from the expe- rimental material. The first ones were plates of 40 mm × 20 mm × 5 mm intended for the wear testing. The second samples were un-notched Charpy impact-test specimens (55 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm). After rough machining to the semi-final dimensions, the samples were subjected to a standard heat-treatment procedure consisting of the following steps: vacuum austenitizing up to the final temperature of 1050 °C, followed by nitrogen gas quenching (5 bar) and twice tempering. Each tempering cycle was conducted at 530 °C for 2 h. The resulting as-tempered hardness of the material was 724 HV (10). After the heat treatment, all the samples were fine ground and polished with a diamond suspension to a mirror finish. The CrN- and CrAgN coatings were deposited in a magnetron sputter deposition system, in a pulse regime P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... 160 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 with a frequency of 40 kHz. It should be noted that no adhesion inter-layer (like pure CrN) was deposited prior to the formation of either the CrN or CrAgN films, in order to highlight the differences in the adhesion of the films themselves. Two targets, positioned opposite to each other, were used. For the deposition of CrN, two targets from pure chromium (99.9 % Cr) were used. The target output power was adjusted to 2.9 kW for each cathode. For the deposition of the silver-containing films, one silver cathode (99.98 %) was inserted into the processing chamber instead of one chromium target. In these trials, the cathode output power was 5.8 kW on the chromium cathode. On the silver cathode, the output powers were 0.1 kW and 0.45 kW in order to produce the silver contents in the coating of 3 % and 15 % (mole fractions 1.3 % and 6 %), respectively. Two deposition temperatures were used. The first one was 250 °C. To achieve that, the samples were heated using resistive heaters during the sputter-cleaning step. Afterwards, the substrate temperature of 250 °C was kept constant by ion bombardment only. The second deposition temperature was 500 °C. It was achieved using resistive heaters placed on the internal walls of the processing chamber. The processes were carried out in a low-pressure atmo- sphere (0.15 mbar), containing pure nitrogen and argon (both of 99.999 % of purity), in a ratio of 1 : 4.5. The specimens were ultrasonically degreased in acetone and loaded into the processing chamber. They were placed between the targets on rotating holders, with a rotation speed of 3 r/min. Just prior to the deposition, the substrates were sputter cleaned in an argon low-pres- sure atmosphere for 15 min. The substrate temperature was 250 °C for the cleaning. A negative substrate bias of 200 V was used for the sputter cleaning and that of 100 V for the deposition. The total deposition time was 6 h. 2.2 Investigation methods The microstructure of the substrate material was documented using a light microscope ZEISS NEOPHOT 32 and a field-emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) JEOL JSM-7600F operated at an accelerating voltage of 15 kV. Metallographic samples were prepared using a standard preparation technique (rough and fine grinding, polishing by diamond suspension) and finally etched with Villela-Bain reagent. The microstructure of the counterface materials was recorded using a light microscope ZEISS NEOPHOT 32 after a standard metallographic preparation. Microstructural analyses of coatings were completed on the fracture surfaces of coated Charpy impact speci- mens. The material was immersed into liquid nitrogen for 20 min. and then broken down. The fracture surfaces were cleaned ultrasonically with acetone before observa- tion, in order to remove any possible contamination of the material. A scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM-7600F operating with the same parameters was used for the analyses. The nanohardness and the Young’s modulus (E) of the coatings were determined using a nano-indenter under a normal load of 20 mN, for a NanoTest (Micro Materials Ltd) nanohardness tester equipped with a Berkovich indenter. Ten indentations were made for each coating applied and the mean value and the standard deviation were calculated from the measured values. The penetration depth (loading) of the indenter was chosen so as to not exceed one tenth of the total coating thickness, in order to avoid the influence of the substrate on the measured nanohardness. The adhesion of the coatings on the substrate was evaluated using a CSM Revetest scratch-tester. The scratches were made under progressively increasing loads from 1 N to 100 N, with a loading rate of 50 N/min. A standard Rockwell diamond indenter with a tip radius of 200 μm was used. Five measurements were made on each specimen and the mean value of the adhesion, represented by the Lc1 and Lc2 critical loads, respectively, was calculated. The critical loads were determined by the recording of an acoustic emission signal as well as by viewing the scratches on the light micrographs. The Lc1 critical load corresponded to the occurrence of the first inhomogeneities in the coating and the Lc2 critical load was determined as the load when 50 % of the coating was removed from the substrate, unless otherwise discussed in the text. The tribological properties of the coatings were measured using the CSM Pin-on-disc tribometer at ambient and elevated temperatures up to 500 °C. Balls of 6 mm in diameter, made from sintered alumina and CuSn6 bronze (as-cast structure, hardness of 149 HV (10)) were used for testing at all the temperatures. The balls made from heat-processed 100Cr6 ball-bearing steel (hardness of 700 HV (10)) were used, but for the testing at ambient temperature only. The experiments were conducted in laboratory air, at a relative humidity of 40–50 %. No external lubricant was added during the measurements. The normal loading used for the inve- stigations was 1 N. For each measurement, the number of cycles was 5100, e.g., the total sliding distance was 100 m at the sliding radius of 5 mm. After the testing, the wear-track widths were measured on a light micro- scope ZEISS NEOPHOT 32 at a magnification of 50-times. Ten measurements were made on each track and the mean value, which was used for further evalu- ation, was calculated. The volume loss of the coated samples was calculated from the width of the wear tracks using the formula:44 V R r d r d r dl = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ − −2 2 4 4 2 2 2π sin where R is the wear-scar radius, d is the mean value of the wear-track width, and r is the radius of the ball counterface. P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 161 The wear rate was then derived from the volume-loss calculation, using the formula:44 W V l F = × l n where W is the wear rate, l is the sliding distance (m), Fn is the applied normal load and Vl is the volume loss. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Substrate characterization The microstructure of the substrate material after the heat treatment is shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The light micrograph (Figure 1) shows that the material consists of a matrix, formed with tempered martensite and fine carbides, uniformly distributed throughout the matrix. The carbides are of two types (Figure 2). The MC-phase (medium-sized particles) mostly forms the eutectic part of the carbides. The second carbide type is the M7C3. The M7C3-phase underwent dissolution in the austenite during the heat processing, being responsible for the saturation of the austenite with the carbon and alloying elements.45 The other part of the M7C3-carbides (designated as large secondary carbides (LSCs) and small secondary carbides (SSCs), and an almost complete amount of MC phase remained undissolved. After the heat treatment, the average hardness of the material was 724 HV (10). 3.2 Microstructure of the films Figure 3 shows cross-sectional secondary-electron micrographs from all the developed films. The thickness of the CrN film without any silver addition was 4.3 μm (Figure 3a). This corresponds to a growth rate of 720 nm/h. The addition of 3 % of Ag did not change the P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... 162 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 Figure 3: SEM micrographs showing the microstructure of developed films: a) CrN, deposition at 250 °C, b) CrAg3N, deposition temperature of 250 °C, c) CrAg3N, deposition temperature of 500 °C and d) CrAg15N, deposition temperature of 500 °C47,48 Slika 3: SEM-posnetki mikrostrukture razvoja plasti: a) nanos CrN pri 250 °C, b) CrAg3N, temperatura nana{anja 250 °C, c) CrAg3N, tempe- ratura nana{anja 500 °C in d) CrAg15N, temperatura nana{anja 500 °C47,48 Figure 2: SEM micrograph showing detailed microstructure of PM ledeburitic steel Vanadis 6 substrate in the as-quenched and tempered state Slika 2: SEM-posnetek detajla mikrostrukture kaljene in popu{~ene podlage iz PM ledeburitnega jekla Vanadis 6 Figure 1: Light micrograph showing the microstructure of the PM ledeburitic steel Vanadis 6 substrate in the as-quenched and tempered state Slika 1: Posnetek mikrostrukture kaljene in popu{~ene podlage iz PM ledeburitnega jekla Vanadis 6 thickness (and the growth rate) of the films (Figures 3b and 3c). On the other hand, the addition of 15 % Ag accelerated the growth rate of the film to 1050 nm/h and, as a result, this film had a thickness of 6.3 μm (Figure 3d). It should be noted that these results are inconsistent with other literature data. Yao et al.,46 for instance, reported a decreased film thickness with a Ag addition. However, they have used completely different experi- mental setup for the coating deposition, which makes the results only roughly comparable. Our results, on the other hand, indicate that small addition of silver does not influence the growth rate of the films, which was con- firmed recently.47,48 The pure CrN-based film, formed at 250 °C, grew in a columnar manner with clearly visible individual crys- tallites (Figure 3a). This type of layer growth is typical for magnetron sputtered CrN-films formed over a wide range of deposition parameters, as reported previously.49 The addition of 3 % Ag into the CrN, formed at the same temperature, did not change the growth mechanism of the layer significantly (Figure 3b). The temperature effect on the layer growth for the films with 3 % Ag addition is visible on the micrograph in Figure 3c. It is clearly visible that the higher deposition temperature does not influence the growth manner. Figure 3d shows the microstructure of the film with 15 % Ag addition. The secondary-electron-mode detection yields clearly visible contrast between high atomic Ag (bright) and the surrounding CrN base. It is also clear that no individual crystals of CrN were formed. Therefore, it is clear that a small Ag addition does not change the growth manner of the film, while a higher Ag content incorporated into the CrN matrix has a considerable impact on that. Figure 4 brings representative SEM micrographs of the deposited films and corresponding EDS maps of silver. These pictures indicate that the surface micro- structure is strongly influenced by introducing silver into the basic CrN-film. The surface of pure CrN (Figure 4a) exhibits a clearly visible, non-uniform structure, made up of two types of features. The first type of feature is the semi-equiaxed grains (SEG) with a size of 0.4–0.7 μm. This feature makes up around 90 % the surface and can be referred to as a "matrix". In this "matrix", several formations that can be described as a cauliflower-like (CFL) structure are embedded. Similar surface structure of chromium nitride films has already been reported and discussed by Zhao et al.50 They established that the com- bination of "equiaxially grained" (or facetted) and CFL structures is typical for two-phase (CrN and Cr2N) films. The addition of 3 % Ag into the chromium nitride basic film causes a significant refinement in the grain size of the individual crystals (Figure 4b). No individual silver grains but inhomogeneities in the chemical com- position throughout the micrograph became visible (Figure 4c). The SEM micrograph in Figure 4d and the corres- ponding EDS mapping of Ag (Figure 4e), show that silver forms agglomerates (appearing in bright contrast due to their higher secondary-electron yield versus CrN) on the surface at a concentration of 15 %. The size of the silver agglomerates is well below 1 μm. 3.3 Mechanical properties of the films The microhardness of pure CrN was (16.79 ± 1.49) GPa (Table 1). The microhardness of films containing 3 % Ag was only very slightly lower than that of the film that does not contain silver. Furthermore, the microhard- ness of these films was almost the same, e.g., the depo- sition temperature plays only a very minor role with respect to the coating hardness. The addition of 15 % Ag, on the contrary, led to a substantial hardness reduc- tion, i.e., (11.43 ± 0.61) GPa. This may be explained by P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 163 Figure 4: Plan-view SEM micrographs showing the surface micro- structure of deposited films: a) CrN, deposition at 250 °C, b) CrAg3N, deposition temperature of 250 °C, c) corresponding EDS-map of silver, d) CrAg15N, deposition temperature of 500 °C and e) corres- ponding EDS-map of silver Slika 4: SEM-posnetki povr{ine, ki prikazuje mikrostrukturo nanes- ene plasti: a) CrN, nane{en pri 250 °C, b) CrAg3N, temperatura nana{anja 250 °C, c) EDS-razporeditev srebra, d) CrAg15N, tempera- tura nana{anja 500 °C in e) EDS-razporeditev srebra Table 1: Mechanical properties of investigated films. The circled values () were obtained in a previous study47 Tabela 1: Mehanske lastnosti preiskovanih nanosov. Vrednosti, ozna~ene z (), so iz vira47 Coating/deposition temperature Hardness (GPa) Young’s modulus E/GPa CrN/250 °C  16.79 ± 1.49 244 ± 15 CrAg3N/250 °C  15.97 ± 1.44 241 ± 9 CrAg3N/500 °C 16.13 ± 1.83 246 ± 17 CrAg15N/500 °C 11.43 ± 0.61 204 ± 6 the fact that silver is a very soft metal and its agglome- rates embedded in the CrN matrix cause softening of the film. These observations are very consistent with other experimental works. Yao et al.46 reported only a very slight Knoop hardness decrease for magnetron sputtered nanocomposite coatings with very small silver additions. Mulligan et al.31 established a much more remarkable hardness decrease, but they added the mole fraction of Ag 22 % (e.g., a much larger amount than that used in this study). The Young’s modulus, E, of the CrN and CrAg3N films was of about 240 GPa (Table 1). The E value ranges, in addition, overlap considerably. The addition of 15 % of silver to the basic film, on the other hand, tends towards a decrease of the Young’s modulus. The information on the impact of the silver addition on the Young’s modulus is lacking in the literature. Only Aouadi and his co-workers38 reported a decreased Young’s modulus with an increased amount of silver in magnetron-sputtered YSZ-based films. The fact that the Young’s modulus reduces with the addition of silver can be considered as natural, since silver had a much lower E (around 79 GPa) than chromium nitride (over 200 GPa in most cases14,16,17). However, at very small silver addi- tions, there is almost no impact of silver on the Young’s modulus, as indicated in Table 1. It seems that there is a threshold below which no impact of the silver on the Young’s modulus can be expected and, above which the addition of silver leads to a substantial lowering of the E. One can believe that the effect of the size and the distribution of silver particles can also play a role in the mechanical behaviour of the coatings. However, there is no relevant information on the impact of these structural parameters on the mechanical properties of the films yet. These investigations can be considered as a challenging factor for further investigations. 3.4 Adhesion of the films After the scratch-test, the failure of the pure chro- mium nitride film begins with semi-circular tensile cracking (Figure 5a). The first cracks were observed at a normal load of around 24 N (Lc1). The "total" failure of the chromium nitride film is shown in Figure 5b. It is manifested by many parallel cracks visible in the scratch, where about 50 % of the coating is removed from the substrate. The typical load range when this phenomenon occurred was 40–45 N. The slightly softer CrAg3N film deposited at 250 °C also failed due to the presence of semi-circular tensile cracks. However, the distance between the first cracks is larger than that in the pure chromium nitride and some of the cracks stopped their propagation through the scratch (Figure 5c). The critical load at which these phenomena first occurred was around 23 N (Table 2). Figure 5d shows the total failure of the CrAgN film grown at 250 °C. It is evident that some of the parallel cracks stopped their propagation through the film, which suggests that the coating can store a larger amount of plastic defor- mation energy preceding the failure. This assumption is supported by the fact that the "total" failure of the film was detected at a load higher than that of pure chromium nitride (Table 2).47 Table 2: Critical loads for a defined degree of coatings failure47 Tabela 2: Kriti~ne obremenitve za opredeljeno stopnjo po{kodbe nanosa47 Coating/deposition temperature Lc1/N Lc2/N CrN/250 °C 24.5 ± 1.7 42.7 ± 4.4 CrAg3N/250 °C 23.4 ± 5.9 52.2 ± 5.9 CrAg3N/500 °C 46.9 ± 8.1 82.6 ± 8.4 CrAg15N/500 °C 6.4 ± 0.6 44.1 ± 6.3 For the film with 3 % Ag addition, grown at a sub- strate temperature of 500 °C, the first indication of P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... 164 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 Figure 5: Light micrographs showing the failures after scratch testing: a) CrN, deposition temperature of 250 °C, Lc1, b) Lc2, c) CrAg3N, deposition temperature of 250 °C, Lc1, d) Lc2, e) CrAg3N, deposition temperature of 500 °C, Lc1, f) Lc2, g) CrAg15N, deposition tempe- rature of 500 °C, Lc1, h) Lc2 47,48 Slika 5: Svetlobni posnetki napak, nastalih pri preizkusu razenja: a) CrN, temperatura nana{anja 250 °C, Lc1, b) Lc2, c) CrAg3N, tem- peratura nana{anja 250 °C, Lc1, d) Lc2, e) CrAg3N, temperatura nana- {anja 500 °C, Lc1, f) Lc2, g) CrAg15N, temperatura nana{anja 500 °C, Lc1, h) Lc2 47,48 coating damage occurred at an average loading of around 47 N (Lc1). Coating damage begins with the appearance of semi-circular tensile cracks, e.g., it looks to be similar to that of the coating deposited at a lower temperature (Figure 5e). The "total" failure of the film is in Figure 5f. It is typical, with the occurrence of many parallel micro-cracks inside the scratch track. Some of them stopped their propagation during the testing. Also, it is shown that part of the track (the left-hand side of the micrograph) does not exhibit visible cracks. Here, no typical "coating damage" was observed (50 % of the coating removed). The typical load when this symptom occurred ranged between 74 N and 88 N (Lc2). The beginning of the failure of the film containing 15 % Ag cannot easily be found. Figure 5g shows a scratch track at a relatively low loading range (around 6.4 N), where the critical load Lc1 was determined. However, neither tensile cracking nor spallation of the film has been observed at low loading. What was deter- mined was only that the film underwent a local plastic deformation with clearly visible, semi-circular deforma- tion zones (arrow designated). These zones are widely spaced, which suggests that the film is capable of storing a relatively large amount of plastic energy before failing cohesively. Typical symptoms for the "total" failure of the coating have not been detected, in a similar way to the film with 3 % Ag (Figure 5f). The scratch track contained many parallel cracks and microcracks when subjected to higher loads (Figure 5h). Moreover, the first symptoms of chipping were detected as being adjacent to the scratch track at a normal load of 44.1 N. The fact that a high silver content tends to worse adhesion of the film is consistent with Yao’s findings,46 where a very slight adhesion decrease with increasing silver content has been reported. However, the experi- mental setup used was different in this work, i.e., an M2-type high-speed steel with unknown hardness and heat treatment state was used as a substrate instead of Vanadis 6, another deposition system was applied for the coating growth and, finally, no details of the scratch testing were reported. All these facts make the results almost incomparable. What can be suggested is that the high silver content makes the coating too soft and very sensitive to the failure at higher loading. Moreover, the addition of 3 % silver increased the adhesion of the films in our work, particularly when a temperature of 500 °C was used for the deposition. Here, Kostenbauer’s findings,40 that the intrinsic stresses in silver-containing multilayer coatings are relieved above 380 °C, can give a correct explanation. It is known that the deposition of chromium nitride films, which do not contain silver, leads to the formation of high intrinsic stresses, exceeding 4 GPa.17,19,25,27 They can be lowered by several methods. One of them is a so-called "post- deposition annealing”, which can result in the increased adhesion performance of the films.13 The second suitable method is the incorporation of a soft and insoluble phase (pure silver for instance) into the chromium nitride. It can be assumed that such a phase would be capable of relaxing the stresses during the deposition of the films. Based on this assumption, a distinctively higher adhesion strength of the films that contain 3 % Ag seems to be logical. 3.5 Tribological investigations Figure 6 gives an overview of the friction coeffi- cients μ resulting from testing at room temperature for all the used counterparts. The pure CrN film has a μ = 0.378 when tested against alumina. The CrAg3N films formed at 250 °C and 500 °C had average friction coefficients of 0.389 and 0.373, respectively. The lowest average μ was recorded for the film containing 15 % Ag, i.e., 0.365. Therefore, one can conclude that almost no positive effect of the silver addition can be found when an alumina ball is used. Generally, the testing against 100 Cr6 ball-bearing steel gave a slightly higher μ compared to the alumina. The pure CrN film had average of μ = 0.425. The silver containing-films had a slightly lowered friction coeffi- cient, e.g., around 0.4, but it should be noted that the friction-coefficient value ranges overlap. Thus, one would conclude that no positive impact of the silver on the friction coefficient of CrN against 100 Cr6 steel has been found, in a similar way to the case of alumina ball counterpart. Testing against a CuSn6 bronze ball gave a lower friction coefficient. The pure CrN film had a μ = 0.332. A silver addition of 3 % tended to lower the friction coefficient and the lowering of the friction coefficient became even more significant for the composite Ag-con- taining films grown at a temperature of 500 °C. The impact of silver incorporation into the basic CrN com- pound can be thus considered as slightly positive, when tested against bronze at room temperature. Figure 7 shows an overview of the friction coeffi- cients μ recorded while testing against alumina at a room and elevated temperatures. The normal load applied was P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 165 Figure 6: Average friction coefficient of investigated films against various counterpart materials, testing at room temperature, normal load applied of 1 N Slika 6: Povpre~ni koeficient trenja za preiskovane nanose pri raz- li~nih materialih v paru, preizku{eno pri sobni temperaturi, normalna obremenitev 1 N 1 N. As stated above, almost no differences in μ were found when tested at room temperature. Testing at 300 °C, however, yields to a different behaviour of the coat- ings. The friction coefficients for the pure CrN, CrAg3N grown at 250 °C, CrAg3N grown at 500 °C and CrAg15N formed at 500 °C were 0.357, 0.304, 0.238 and 0.110, respectively. Higher testing temperatures lowered the difference in the μ for different coatings, for instance, the friction coefficients recorded by the testing at 400 °C were 0.256, 0.194, 0.160 and 0.139 for the pure CrN, CrAg3N formed at 250 °C, CrAg3N formed at 500 °C and CrAg15N formed at 500 °C, respectively. The measurement at 500 °C gave rather similar results. Table 3 shows the wear rates calculated from the widths of the wear scares produced by the sliding of an alumina counterpart on the samples’ surfaces. At room temperature the beneficial effect of the silver addition is evident only in the case of the CrAg3N film grown at 500 °C. Compared to pure CrN, the wear rate is lowered by two times. For the film containing 3 % Ag grown at 250 °C, a slight worsening of the wear rate was recorded and, for the film containing 15 % Ag the wear rate was higher by an order of magnitude. The testing at elevated temperature led to a dramatic increase of the wear rate for the pure CrN film. The film with a 3 % Ag addition grown at 250 °C behaved in a very similar way from the qualitative point of view. The wear rate was minimal after the testing at an ambient temperature, which was followed by a steep increase at 300 °C and a decrease at 400 °C and 500 °C, respec- tively. However, it is clearly evident that the wear rates after the testing at these temperatures are considerably lower. This makes a distinct difference compared to the wear behaviour of the pure CrN film. The film with the same silver content, but grown at 500 °C, had lower wear rates than that grown at 250 °C at room temperature and 300 °C, respectively. However, the testing at higher tem- peratures brought a higher wear rate. The film that contains 15 % Ag had the lowest wear rate when tested at 300 °C. However, the wear rate of the film increased as the testing temperature increased, and the increase of the wear rate was found to be greater than those of other investigated films. The results of wear-rate measurements at room tem- perature are very consistent with the obtained values of the friction coefficients – the wear rate decreased with a decrease of the μ. In order to explain the temperature behaviour of both coatings, it should be noted that there was no lubricant added to the experimental setup. The fact that the wear rate was lower or higher can thus be attributed only to the self-lubricating effect of the silver. This effect is, however, prevalent only above the testing temperature of 400 °C, when the Ag-atoms are capable of being trans- ported to the surface. Below this temperature, but above the ambient tem- perature, only the effect of the softening of the coatings can be expected. It was reflected by a much higher wear rate at 300 °C than that at ambient temperature. Finally, it should also be noted that the softening of alumina could take place during the testing.51 The behaviour of the film that contains 15 % Ag can be characterized as a special case. As we determined, the incorporation of 15 % Ag makes the film soft. This gives a natural explanation for the high wear rate measured at ambient temperature. At a temperature of 300 °C, the friction coefficient of the coating became extremely low and thereby the wear rate was lowered, also. Above this temperature, however, a softening of the coating can be expected, as reported for instance by Kostenbauer et al.40 which gives a natural explanation for the high wear rate measured at 400 °C and 500 °C, respectively. Figure 8 demonstrates the wear scars obtained by testing the CrAg3N and CrAg15N films developed at 500 °C, at ambient temperature. The testing gave very narrow tracks in the cases of CrN and CrAgN, respec- tively, see the representative micrograph in Figure 8a. The track developed on the CrAg15N film looks rather wider (Figure 8b), as a result of the lower hardness of P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... 166 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 Figure 7: Average friction coefficient of investigated films against alumina at room (RT) and elevated temperatures, normal load applied of 1 N Slika 7: Povpre~ni koeficient trenja za preiskovane nanose pri alumi- nijevem oksidu pri sobni temperaturi (RT) in povi{anih temperaturah, normalna obremenitev 1 N Table 3: Wear rate (mm3/(N m)) at ambient and elevated temperatures, alumina used as a counterpart Tabela 3: Hitrost obrabe (mm3/(N m)) pri sobni in povi{anih temperaturah; aluminijev oksid uporabljen kot par Testing temperature coating (°C) CrN CrAg3N/ 250 °C CrAg3N/ 500 °C CrAg15N/ 500 °C Room temperature 6.947 × 10–13 7.399 × 10–13 3.65 × 10–13 1.031 × 10–12 300 2.926 × 10–11 2.894 × 10–11 8.405 × 10–12 7.053 × 10–12 400 1.162 × 10–11 4.329 × 10–12 9.927 × 10–12 1.925 × 10–11 500 1.927× 10–11 6.208 × 10–12 1.522 × 10–11 4.802 × 10–11 the film. These results correspond well with the measured wear rates. The wear rates of the films formed with pure CrN and CrAg3N, respectively, were very low, while that of the CrAg15N film was considerably higher (Table 3). Figure 9 shows representative optical images of the wear scars developed while testing the CrAg3N and CrAg15N films, respectively, against the alumina counterpart at various temperatures. Compared to the wear tracks obtained at ambient temperature, there is significant broadening visible. This can be due to the fact that the elevated temperature tends towards softening of the films. It should be noted that the softening of alumina could also be expected. However, the softening of the films probably became more remarkable. The testing at 300 °C (Figures 9a and 9d), gave wear tracks of similar width, e.g., 0.267 mm and 0.251 mm for the CrAg3N and CrAg15N films, respectively. This can be considered rather surprising because the CrAg15N film is much softer than the CrAg3N and, further soften- ing can be expected at higher temperature. However, the friction coefficient was measured to be much lower for the CrAg15N; this can be referred to the higher silver content in the CrN and its better capability to facilitate lubrication at higher temperatures, in good agreement with previous investigations.32,33,37 The testing at 400 °C (Figures 9b and 9e) induced significant broadening of the wear tracks. This is high- lighted for the CrAg15N film much more than that for CrAg3N, compare Figures 9b and 9e. Here, the effect of softening of CrAg15N became prevalent and the self-lubrication by Ag particles was insufficient to compensate for the softening of the film. It is worth noting that the opinions on the optimal silver content from the point of view of the self-lubricating effect facilitation are divergent. Hu et al.,33 for instance, have reported that the minimal Ag amount in the coating was the mole fraction x = 24 % to ensure lubrication at higher temperatures. Mulligan et al.52 have established that the optimal amount of silver incorporated into CrN is x = 22 %. This is quite enough for the formation of a lubricious film inside the wear tracks and for the achievement of an excellent tribological performance. In the current experiment, much lower silver additions were used. It is thus logical that this is the softening of the CrN through the Ag, which plays a dominant role in the tribological behaviour of the films. The testing at 500 °C highlighted the differences between the tribological behaviour of the films contain- ing 3 % and 15 % Ag, respectively (Figures 9c and 9f). The width of the wear track on the CrAg3N film P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 167 Figure 8: Light micrographs showing the wear tracks of: a) CrAg3N film grown at 500 °C, b) CrAg15N film grown at 500 °C, after sliding at room temperature, alumina used as a counterpart Slika 8: Svetlobni posnetek prikazuje sledi obrabe: a) CrAg3N-nanos, nanesen pri 500 °C, b) CrAg15N-nanos, nanesen pri 500 °C, po drse- nju pri sobni temperaturi, za par je bil uporabljen aluminijev oksid Figure 9: Plan-view optical images showing the wear tracks of the CrAg3N film grown at 500 °C: a) testing temperature of 300 °C, b) testing temperature of 400 °C, c) testing temperature of 500 °C and CrAg15N film grown at 500 °C, d) testing temperature of 300 °C, e) testing temperature of 400 °C, f) testing temperature of 500 °C Slika 9: Svetlobni posnetki sledi obrabe na CrAg3N-nanosu, nane- senem pri 500 °C: a) temperatura preizkusa 300 °C, b) temperatura preizkusa 400 °C, c) temperatura preizkusa 500 °C in CrAg15N- nanos, nanesen pri 500 °C, d) temperatura preizkusa 300 °C, e) tem- peratura preizkusa 400 °C, f) temperatura preizkusa 500 °C increased to 0.324 mm. Here, no indications of total failure of the film were observed. The width of the films that contain 15 % Ag was 0.477 mm. There are indica- tions of total film failure clearly visible – the free sub- strate surface is shown inside the wear scars. Figure 10 shows representative plan-view micro- graphs of the wear tracks obtained by testing of CrAg3N-film, grown at 500 °C, against the CuSn6 ball. The testing at ambient temperature gave wear tracks with a width of 0.89 mm (Figure 10a). There are two typical areas inside the wear track. The first one can be clas- sified as almost unaffected by the sliding (1). The second part of the wear track exhibits clearly visible symptoms of scraping (2). However, no evidence of the counter- part’s adhesion was recorded. The testing at a temperature of 400 °C produced wear tracks with a width of 1.02 mm (Figure 10b). Here, two typical areas inside the track can also be found. The first one is, similar to the case of the testing at a room tem- perature, almost unaffected by the sliding (3). The domi- nant part of the wear track, however, shows indications of considerable counterpart material transfer (4). The counterpart’s material exhibits evidence of surface oxida- tion, because of the elevated temperature used for the testing. To explain the behaviour of the sliding couple CrAg3N deposited at 500 °C vs. CuSn6 bronze, various aspects should be considered. First of all it should be noted that the behaviour of the sliding couple is deter- mined by the fact that the CuSn6 is soft in nature (149 HV 10) and it has a low shear strength, so that it can be easily smeared on the surface. This tendency is high- lighted when a higher testing temperature is used. More- over, the bronze does not contain any hard phases. Figure 11 shows the microstructure of the CuSn6 ball. The bright particles are the -phase formations with an average microhardness of 156 HV (0.1) and the dark places are formed by the eutectoid  + , having an average microhardness of 196 HV (0.1). This is why no abrasive character of the interaction sample/counterpart has been detected. Moreover, the softness of the CuSn6 has made it impossible to determine the wear rate using the method.44 The measurement of wear profiles using profilometers was not possible, also. Therefore it can only be concluded that the CrAg3N film exhibits good anti-sticking properties at low temperature, but that these properties are worsened at elevated temperatures. 4 CONCLUSIONS Investigations of magnetron-sputtered CrN films with various Ag additions have brought the following findings: The pure chromium nitride film grew in a typical columnar manner with clearly visible individual crystals. Its surface structure is a mixture of semi-equiaxed grains and cauliflower-like formations. The addition of 3 % Ag tends mainly towards a refinement in the scale of the microstructural features, while the incorporation of 15 % Ag induced considerable changes in the growth manner, whereas no individual crystals of the CrN are more visible and nano-sized silver agglomerates are formed. The pure CrN film as well as those with a 3 % Ag addition grew at a deposition rate of 720 nm/h, while the growth rate of the film with 15 % Ag was accelerated to 1050 nm/h. It is clear that the deposition temperature did not affect both the deposition rate and the final coating P. JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... 168 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 Figure 11: Light micrograph showing the microstructure of a CuSn6 ball Slika 11: Svetlobni posnetek mikrostrukture kroglice CuSn6 Figure 10: Plan view optical images showing the wear tracks of the CrAg3N film grown at 500 °C, developed during contact with CuSn6: a) testing at ambient temperature, b) testing temperature of 400 °C Slika 10: Svetlobni posnetek sledov obrabe na CrAg3N-nanosu, nane- senem pri 500 °C, nastal med kontaktom s CuSn6: a) preizkus pri sobni temperaturi, b) temperatura preizkusa 400 °C thickness, but a higher Ag content led to a greater thickness of the film. The nanohardness and the Young modulus of the pure CrN film were 16.79 GPa and 244 GPa, respectively. A small addition of silver has almost no impact on both the nanohardness and the Young’s modulus. The incorpora- tion of 15 % Ag into the film induced a reduction of both the nanohardness and the Young’s modulus. There is probably a threshold of Ag content below which the impact of the silver on the mechanical properties of chromium nitride can be considered as negligible. The addition of 3 % Ag improved the adhesion of the CrN film, whereas the improvement was considerably higher in the case of the film grown at 500 °C. The adhesion of the film with 15 % Ag was very poor. It has been established that there is almost no effect of silver addition on the friction coefficient when tested at room temperature against alumina, but the testing against the same counterpart at higher temperature gave a positive effect of the silver addition on the μ. The testing against 100Cr6 steel gave a higher fric- tion coefficient than that against the alumina, while the testing against the CuSn6 bronze led to lower μ. The addition of 3 % Ag to the CrN increased the wear performance at elevated temperatures, while the addition of 15 % Ag made the film too soft and sensitive to wear, which resulted in a partial removal of the film from the substrate inside the wear tracks. Based on the obtained results, it seems that the optimal silver addition into the CrN film lies between 3 % and 15 %. Hence, silver concentrations of 7 % and 11 %, respectively, are going to be investigated (determi- nation of the most important coating characteristics, i.e., microstructure, hardness, Young’s modulus, wear resis- tance, friction coefficient) in the near future. Acknowledgements This paper is the result of the project implementation: CE for the development and application of diagnostic methods in the processing of metallic and non-metallic materials, ITMS: 26220120048. 5 REFERENCES 1 R. Aubert, A. Gillet, J. Gaucher, P. Errat, Thin Solid Films, 108 (1983), 165 2 R. Gahlin, M. Bromark, P. Hedenquist, S. Hogmark, G. 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JUR^I et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND WEAR PERFORMANCE OF CrAgN THIN FILMS ... 170 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 159–170 N. KARAKUÞ, H. Ö. TOPLAN: SYNTHESIZING Si3N4 FROM A MIXTURE OF SiO2-CaO SYNTHESIZING Si3N4 FROM A MIXTURE OF SiO2-CaO SINTEZA Si3N4 IN ME[ANICE SiO2-CaO Nuray Karakuþ, Hüseyin Özkan Toplan Sakarya University, Engineering Faculty, Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey nurayc@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-16; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-07-05 In this study -phase-rich Si3N4 powders were synthesized containing the sintering additive (CaO) using carbothermal reduction and nitridation. The starting agent for the silicon source was high-purity (99 %) synthetic silica. Carbon was added to the high-purity SiO2 above the stoichiometric amount of oxygen. CaCO3 (for the silicon nitride containing the mass fraction of CaO w = 10 %) was premixed in the starting reactants depending on the final powder composition and the type and amount of the secondary phases required for sintering. The synthesis was carried out in a tube furnace in different temperature ranges (1400 °C, 1450 °C and 1475 °C for 3h) under a nitrogen-gas atmosphere. Having completed the synthesis process, the powder proper- ties were examined using standard characterization techniques (XRD, SEM, etc.). Keywords: silicon nitride, carbothermal reduction, CaO, SiO2 V tej {tudiji so bili sintetizirani s karbotermi~no redukcijo in nitridacijo z -fazo bogati prahovi Si3N4 z dodatkom za sintranje (CaO). Za~etni izvir silicija je bil zelo ~isti (99 %) sinteti~ni SiO2. Ogljik je bil dodan zelo ~istemu SiO2 nad stehiometri~no koli~ino kisika. CaCO3 (za silicijev nitrid je vseboval 10 % CaO) je bil prime{an za~etnim reaktantom, odvisno od kon~ne sestave prahu in vrste ter koli~ine sekundarnih faz, potrebne za sintranje. Sinteza je bila izvr{ena v cevni pe~i pri razli~nih temperaturah (1400 °C, 1450 °C in 1475 °C, 3 h) v atmosferi du{ika. Po sintranju so bile lastnosti prahu ugotovljene z uporabo navadnih tehnik za karakterizacijo (XRD, SEM itd.). Klju~ne besede: silicijev nitrid, karbotermi~na redukcija, CaO, SiO2 1 INTRODUCTION Silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics have a range of struc- tural applications, such as engine components, heat exchangers, pump-seal materials, ball bearings, cutting tools, etc., owing to their excellent mechanical properties at both room and elevated temperatures.1 The material properties of Si3N4 have led to speculation that it may also have a role in biomedical fields, since it is biocom- patible and is visible on plain radiographs as a partially radiolucent material.2 The most common methods for silicon nitride prepa- ration are the carbothermal reduction and nitridation (CRN) of silica, the direct nitridation of silicon and the thermal decomposition of silicon diimide. The carbother- mal reduction used in this study takes place according to the following overall reaction:3 3SiO2 + 6C + 2N2  Si3N4 + 6CO (1) One of the difficulties found in the fabrication pro- cess is the sintering applied to attain high relative den- sities. Therefore, the use of additives to form a liquid phase is required.4 Sintering aids such as MgO, Y2O3 and Al2O3 added to -Si3N4 powders must be homogeneously distributed and possess the desired powder composition before shaping and sintering.5 In this study -phase-rich Si3N4 powders were synthesized containing a sintering additive using carbothermal reduction and nitridation. Thus, Si3N4 powder is ready for sintering and in addition is produced in a single step. Calcium oxide (CaO) was chosen as a metal oxide additive and it was mixed before synthesizing the Si3N4. Silicon nitride ceramic powders synthesized using this method might therefore be readily sintered because homogeneously distributed sintering additives were present in the starting materials. For this reason, the processing parameters are described in terms of the powder-synthesis conditions. 2 EXPERIMENTAL For the CRN process, the raw material was high-pu- rity synthetic silica of nearly colloidal range and it was supplied from EGE Kimya A. S. Activated charcoal was used as a reducing agent and it was supplied by TÜ- PRAÞ (Turkish Petroleum Refineries Co). The properties of the silica are given in Table 1. CaCO3 was used as the CaO source; it was supplied by Çelvit Company. The CaCO3 (for the silicon nitride containing w = 10 % CaO) was premixed in the starting reactants, depending on the final powder composition and the type and amount of the secondary phases desired for sintering. Carbon was added to the high-purity SiO2 above the stoichiometric amount of oxygen (w(C)/w(SiO2) ratio of 3). Dry mixing was performed by ball milling for 10 h with alumina Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 171–173 171 UDK 621.762.5:666.3/.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)171(2014) Table 1: Properties of silica (with firm data) Tabela 1: Lastnosti SiO2 (podatki dobavitelja) Properties SiO2 Purity (%) Grain size (ìm) Specific surface area (BET) (m2 g–1) 99 14 139 balls for the composition. The nitrogen gas (99.99 % in purity) that was used for the nitridation process was supplied by BOS. The carbothermal reduction and the nitridation pro- cess (CRN) were carried out in an atmosphere-controlled tube furnace. The synthesis was performed under a nitrogen gas flow (1 L/m) at 1400 °C, 1450 °C and 1475 °C for 3 h. After holding at these temperatures and this time, the furnace was allowed to cool to room tempe- rature. The gas flow was stopped during cooling when the temperature reached 900 °C. After the CRN process, the products were heated in air for 1 h at 900 °C for resi- dual carbon burning. After the CRN process at different temperatures, the powder properties were examined by using standard cha- racterization techniques (XRD, SEM, EDS). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The silica was mixed with w(CaO) = 10 % (based on the final product) and carbon black for the CRN process. The prepared mixture was subjected to the CRN process for 3 h at 1400 °C, 1450 °C and 1475 °C. The XRD ana- lyses of the produced powders are shown in Figure 1. The -Si3N4 was formed at a temperature of 1400 °C after 3h of reaction. In addition, small amounts of uncon- verted SiO2 and CaN2O3 phase were found in the product powders. The temperature was increased to 1450 °C, but the -Si3N4 formation was not completed at this tempe- rature, which indicates that the holding time and/or tem- perature were not enough to complete the reaction. The best result was obtained at 1475 °C after a 3 h reaction. At this temperature (1475 °C), the produced powder was converted to -Si3N4 and -Si3N4, and in addition a minor amount of CaSi2N2O2 was present. The formation of the CaSi2O2N2 phase by a solid-state reaction was completed at 1300–1400 °C for 10 h.6,7 The complete formation of -Si3N4 without using an additive (without CaO) was obtained at 1475 °C for a 6 h reaction, but the -phase was not dedicated.8 As seen from the XRD data, the carbothermal reduction and nitri- dation took place at 1475 °C. Comparing this with our previous work, the optimum temperature is the same for the product powders that used Y2O3 and Y2O3-Li2O and 25 °C higher than the products that used MgO.9 The powder produced at 1475 °C was fully converted to  and -Si3N4, and a minor amount of CaSi2N2O2 phase, as expected, were present. Different types of additives have been employed for the pressureless and pressure-assisted sintering of Si3N4 ceramics. The melting temperature of the CaO-SiO2 system is approximately 1436 °C, as indicated by the binary pha- se-equilibrium diagram.10 However, the presence of N lowers these eutectic temperatures further. The alkali and alkaline-earth oxides have a low melting point and the viscosity of the resulting liquid is also low. The solu- tion-diffusion-precipitation processes are enhanced.11 Therefore, the CaSi2N2O2 phase obtained after the CRN process can be desirable as the sintering aids for later use in sintering. Studies on the sintering of these synthesiz- ing powders will be the focus of future work. SEM micrographs of the powder synthesized from SiO2 – w(CaO) = 10 % at 1400 °C and 1475 °C for 3 h are given in Figure 2. The micron-sized Si3N4 grains N. KARAKUÞ, H. Ö. TOPLAN: SYNTHESIZING Si3N4 FROM A MIXTURE OF SiO2-CaO 172 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 171–173 Figure 2: SEM micrographs of the product powder synthesized at: a) 1400 °C, 3 h and b) 1475 °C, 3 h Slika 2: SEM-posnetka pra{natega produkta, sintetiziranega pri: a) 1400 °C, 3 h in b) 1475 °C, 3 h Figure 1: Phases formed at different temperatures (1400–1475 °C) after CRN of the SiO2 – w(CaO) = 10 % mixture Slika 1: Faze, ki nastajajo pri razli~nih temperaturah (1400–1475 °C) po CRN me{anice SiO2 in w(CaO) = 10 % were formed after the CRN. SEM micrographs of the powder produced at 1400 °C for 3 h revealed different morphologies, ranging from irregular-shaped small par- ticles to equiaxed small grains and long whiskers. The long whiskers had a cross-section of approximately 300 nm. SEM micrographs of the produced powder at 1475 °C for 3 h revealed the same morphologies as small par- ticles and long whiskers. It was clear that the grain size was increased with in- creasing temperature from 1400 °C to 1475 °C. The whiskers had a thickness of approximately 1 μm after the CRN process at 1475 °C. The EDS analysis of the pow- ders synthesized from SiO2 – w(CaO) = 10 % at 1475 °C for 3 h is showed in Figure 3. According to the EDS analysis, the Si, N, O, and Ca elements were detected from the particles in a manner consistent with the XRD analysis (Figure 1). 4 CONCLUSIONS -Si3N4 powders containing CaO as an oxide additive were successfully synthesized by carbothermal reduction and nitridation. The best result was obtained at 1475 °C after a 3 h reaction. The Si3N4 powders showed two major grain morphologies: submicron equiaxed and long whiskers. The advantage of using pre-additive oxide (CaO) in the CRN process is in terms of the reaction temperature and time. 5 REFERENCES 1 X. Zhu, Y. Zhou, K. Hirao, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26 (2006), 711–718 2 B. S. Bal, M. N. Rahaman, Acta Biomaterialia, 8 (2012), 2889–2898 3 A. Ortega, M. D. Alcala, C. Real, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 195 (2008), 224–231 4 C. Santos, S. Ribeiro, K. Strecker, P. A. Suzuki, S. Kycia, C. R. M. Silva, Ceram. Inter., 35 (2009), 289–293 5 M. Gopal, L. C. De Jonghe, G. Thomas, Scripta Mater., 36 (1997), 455–460 6 Y. Gu, Q. Zhang, H. Wang, Y. Li, J. Mater. Chem., 21 (2011), 17790–17797 7 Y. Gu, Q. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Wang, R. J. Xie, Materials Letters, 63 (2009), 1448–1450 8 N. Karakuþ, A. O. Kurt, H. Ö. Toplan, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27 (2012) 7, 797–801 9 N. Karakuþ, A. O. Kurt, H. Ö. Toplan, Ceramics International, 35 (2009), 2381–2385 10 A. L. Brinkley, The Degree of Master of Science, MIT Virginia Mili- tary Institute, 1994 11 B. Matovic, Ph.D. Dissertation, Max Planck Institut für Metallfor- schung, Stuttgart, 2003 N. KARAKUÞ, H. Ö. TOPLAN: SYNTHESIZING Si3N4 FROM A MIXTURE OF SiO2-CaO Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 171–173 173 Figure 3: EDS analysis of the powders synthesized from SiO2 – w(CaO) = 10 % at 1475 °C for 3 h Slika 3: EDS-analiza prahov, sintetiziranih iz SiO2 – w(CaO) = 10 % pri 1475 °C po 3 h V. BEDNÁØOVÁ et al.: CAST CELLULAR METALS WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR STRUCTURES CAST CELLULAR METALS WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR STRUCTURES ULITE KOVINE S PRAVILNO IN NEPRAVILNO CELI^NO STRUKTURO Vlasta Bednáøová, Petr Lichý, Tomá{ Elbel, Ale{ Hanus Department of Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering, FMMI, V[B - Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic vlasta.bednarova@vsb.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-10 An appropriate way to reduce the weight of manufactured parts without adversely affecting their strength is to use porous metallic materials with different internal arrangements of the intentionally created cavities. Porous metallic materials can be made from liquid metal, from powdered metal, metal vapours, or from metal ions. The aim of this research was to verify the possibilities of producing metallic foams by conventional foundry processes, to study the process conditions as well as the physical and mechanical properties of the metal foams produced. The experiments demonstrated the possibility of manufacturing castings with both a regular cellular structure and a solid skin in a single casting operation using different kinds of preform made from commonly used resin-bonded core mixtures. From the perspective of the need to destroy the preforms after the metal’s solidification it seems a very interesting prospect to produce preforms from different salts. Keywords: cellular metals, metal foams, casting Primerna pot za zmanj{anje mase izdelanih delov, ne da bi ob~utno vplivali na njihovo trdnost, je uporaba poroznih kovinskih materialov z razli~no notranjo razporeditvijo namerno povzro~enih praznih jamic. Porozne kovinske materiale se lahko izdela iz staljene kovine, kovinskih prahov, kovinskih par ali iz kovinskih ionov. Namen raziskave je bil preveriti mo`nost izdelave kovinskih pen po navadnem livarskem postopku, {tudij pogojev procesa, fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti izdelane kovinske pene. Izvr{eni poskusi so pokazali mo`nost izdelave ulitkov z urejeno celi~no strukturo in ~vrsto skorjo z eno livarsko operacijo z uporabo razli~nih predoblik, izdelanih iz navadnih me{anic za jedra. S stali{~a potrebne razgradnje predoblike, potem ko se kovina strdi, se zdi konkuren~na izdelava predoblike iz razli~nih soli. Klju~ne besede: celi~ne kovine, kovinske pene, ulivanje 1 INTRODUCTION Cellular metals and metallic foams are metallic materials containing pores in their structure that are created intentionally. To properly identify the material, according to J. Banhart,1 one has to distinguish the following: the term cellular metal is a general term describing a material in which any kind of gaseous voids are dispersed, in a porous metal the pores are usually round and isolated from each other, while the terms foam metal and metal foam are used for a porous metal produced by foaming a melt in which the pores are not interconnected ("structure with closed pores"). In addi- tion, we have the term metal sponge, which is used for highly porous materials, in which the pores are connec- ted in a complicated manner and the structure cannot be divided into individual cavities ("structure with open pores"). The term metallic foam is, however, very often used, even in the professional literature, as a general designation of porous materials. Since the discovery of porous metallic materials numerous methods of production have been developed. According to the state in which the metal is processed the manufacturing processes can be divided into four groups. Porous metallic materials can be made from:2 • liquid metal (e.g., direct foaming with gas, blowing agents, powder compact melting, casting, spray form- ing), • powdered metal (e.g., sintering of powders, fibres or hollow spheres, extrusion of polymer/metal mixtures, reaction sintering), • metal vapours (vapour deposition), • metal ions (electrochemical deposition). Over the past two decades, opportunities for the use of porous metals have increased in many research and industrial applications. Growing interest is related to the specific characteristics of this material. Porous metals represent a new type of materials that fulfil current eco- logical requirements (particularly in the area of weight reduction) and have unique service properties thanks to a structure with low densities, large specific surfaces, and a useful combination of physical and mechanical properties (absorption of energy, absorption of sound and vibration, thermal insulation, and heat exchange). Despite the uniqueness of the properties and the wide range of possibilities of use, the number of examples of practical, stable, industrial applications is not large. Nickel foam materials are mass-produced and used as electrodes in rechargeable batteries for portable devices (mobile phones, laptops), while titanium foams are used Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 175–179 175 UDK 621.74 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)175(2014) as implants. At present, the most explored porous metal materials are aluminium foams, which can be documen- ted by the development of prototypes as well as practical applications (small series for AUDI and Lamborghini crash zones).3 The reasons for the limited use of cellular metals are primarily economic. This is why the current interest (as reflected in a growing number of new pub- lished studies and possibilities for industrial applica- tions4–7) is focused mainly on the development of technologies enabling the production of foam materials at costs that would allow their widespread use. The research work carried out at the Department of Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering of the VSB – Tech- nical University aims to study a technique for manufac- turing porous metals using the conventional principles of gravity casting in sand moulds. Our intention is to use procedures for liquid-metal processing, enabling the production of complex-shaped castings, not only a simple block of metal foam. The research focuses on two approaches that use the standard foundry technique of casting into disposable sand moulds or permanent metallic moulds with the use of precursors and ceramic prefabricated parts prepared by known methods for core making. These approaches bring low overall costs as well as the advantage of the direct production of parts from complex shapes without any necessary further forming, welding, machining and with use of traditional foundry procedures. The production of metallic foams using conventional gravity casting into foundry moulds presupposes a more cost-efficient process than other known technologies such as powder metallurgy, metal evaporation and ioni- zation. Cast metallic foams are not yet produced in the Czech Republic. 2 EXPERIMENTAL The subject of the research was the testing of infiltration techniques for the manufacture of porous metals with both regular and irregular structures. The foundry methods used can be divided into two basic groups: • two-stage investment casting • infiltration of liquid metal into the mould cavity filled with different types of filling materials 2.1 Two-stage investment casting According to this process, a polymer foam, e.g. polyurethane foam, is used as a "lost foam pattern". The pattern is first infiltrated by a slurry of the plaster, to create a plaster "investment". This then undergoes a heat treatment that solidifies the "investment" and burns the polymer foam. Molten metal is poured into the prepared investment, and after the metal’s solidification the invest- ment must be removed to leave the internal cavities. Plaster slurry composition: 100 mass parts of Goldstarpowders MO28 plaster 50 mass parts of water The material used for the casting was the AlSi10MgMn alloy. 2.2 Infiltration techniques Infiltration techniques are based on the infiltration of a liquid metal between various filler materials (called a preform or precursor) placed in the mould cavity. Since they do not occupy the entire volume, these precursors form a network of interconnected porosities. The pre- form must be made of a material that retains its shape during the liquid metal’s infiltration (sufficient strength, low abrasion) and can be destroyed after the casting to leave the cavities. The preform must not contain a dis- connected island of material so that it can be completely eliminated from the solidified metal. 2.2.1 Use of a precursor as a filler material Material of precursors that were inserted into the green sand mould cavity: • granules made of ceramic material with fractions of 8–16 mm and 3–4 mm (Figure 1). • granules made of resin-bonded moulding mixtures (shell-mould, CO2 resol), fractions 8–16 mm (Figure 2). Apart from the different granulometry, several de- signs of gating system were used, and the temperature of the filler material was changed (in order to positively affect the castabily of the molten metal). V. BEDNÁØOVÁ et al.: CAST CELLULAR METALS WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR STRUCTURES 176 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 175–179 Figure 2: Shell-mould particles inserted into mould cavity Slika 2: Lupinasti delci, vlo`eni v livno votlino Figure 1: Ceramic particles with fractions 8–18 mm Slika 1: Kerami~ni delci zrnatosti 8–18 mm The materials used for the casting were the AlSi10MgMn alloy and cast iron with lamellar graphite – in accordance with EN GJL-200. 2.2.2 Use of preform as a filler material A regular cellular structure can be achieved using different types of preforms that fill the mould cavity. Using a preform like a core not filling the whole mould cavity can make it possible to manufacture a casting with a solid surface layer and an internal porous structure with defined cell dimensions. For the manufacturing of a sand preform/core it was necessary to prepare a core box. Fused Deposition Modelling technology was used to manufacture the core box. Due to the complex lattice shape of the core, a sectional core box was designed consisting of five parts, which allowed the easy removal of the core. The materials used for the preform/core manufac- turing were: • CO2 hardened alkaline phenolic process (the resin is an alkaline phenolic one, containing a linking sub- stance stabilised at a high pH, curing occurs by gassing with carbon dioxide, which dissolves in the water solvent of the resin, so lowering its pH and activating the linking substance.) • and KCl salt (Figure 3). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Two-stage investment casting The pattern was made of polyurethane foam, the cavities of which was first filled by plaster (100 mass parts of plaster, 50 mass parts of water). The plaster investment was then allowed to dry completely, by subsequently annealing at (100, 500, 640) °C for drying and evaporation of a polyurethane foam. Melting and pouring were made with an INDUTHERM MC 15 device. The equipment enables a combination of vacuum and high pressure to ensure full infiltration. Pouring off takes place using a 90° rotation of the casting unit. The AlSi10MgMn alloy was poured at a temperature 750 °C under a reduced pressure of 1 bar. After pouring, the INDUTHERM MC 15 device automatically switches to an overpressure of 2 bar in order to optimize the mould filling, even for delicate parts. The plaster was removed by dissolving out in water. In the case of a very fine me- tal foam there are sometimes problems with removing the ceramic without damaging the metal foam. The ob- tained castings are the exact replicates of the original poly- mer foam (Figure 4) and exhibit the highest porosities (80–97 %). This type of foam provides a very promising application, for example, in the filtration of liquid metals. Investment casting can also be used to obtain castings with both high porosities and a regular cellular structure. The pattern was made from extruded polystyrene foam, forming regular structures made from elements bonded layer by layer, as shown in Figure 5. The pattern cavities were filled with a plaster slurry (100 mass parts of plaster, 35 mass parts of water). After solidification and sufficient drying of the matrix prepared in this way the pattern/investment was subjected to 8 h of gradual annealing (Figure 6) in order to remove the polystyrene V. BEDNÁØOVÁ et al.: CAST CELLULAR METALS WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR STRUCTURES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 175–179 177 Figure 5: Polymer foam pattern with regular internal structure Slika 5: Predoblika s pravilno notranjo strukturo iz polimerne pene Figure 3: Test samples of KCl salt Slika 3: Preizku{anci iz soli KCl Figure 4: AlSiMg alloy near-net-shape metal foam, porosity 90 % Slika 4: Drobna mre`a kovinske pene iz zlitine AlSiMg s poroznostjo 90 % foam and to achieve sufficient strength as the plaster matrix is subjected to large loads, both thermal and mechanical, during the pouring off. The plaster pattern was inserted into the cavity of the commonly used green sand mould (bentonite bonded mixture) and then the AlSi10MgMn alloy was poured at a temperature of 750 °C. The plaster was removed by dissolving into a water bath and its residues were removed by a mechanical force in an ultrasonic bath. The manufacture of castings with a regular cellular structure (Figure 7) by investment casting makes it possible to achieve internal cavities (cells) with a preci- sely defined shape, and thus predicable mechanical pro- perties and reproducible results.8,9 The main disadvan- tages of the production process are a high complexity and rather high costs. 3.2. Infiltration techniques 3.2.1 Use of a precursor as a filler material The performed experiments using different types of precursors10 proved the feasibility of this method for manufacturing porous metals. The condition of extrac- tion of the precursors after solidification of the metal is an obstacle for the use of ceramic particles because it is generally difficult to remove the ceramic to leave the cavities. More advantageous is the use of granules manufactured from the used resin-bonded core mixtures, which can be easily removed, depending on the pouring temperature and the core mixture collapsibility. In the case of the worse collapsibility the filler material may remain in the casting (Figure 8) and its removal would require an additional annealing of the castings (to destroy the resin), which would slightly increase the energy consumption of such production. The main characteristic of the method using different kinds of precursors as a filler material is the irregular structure and the random distribution of pores throughout the volume of the casting, and therefore the impossibility of achieving reproducible results (Figure 9). 3.2.2 Use of a preform as a filler material The performed experiments have demonstrated the possibility of manufacturing castings with both a regular cellular structure and solid skin in a single casting operation using different kinds of preform made from commonly used resin-bonded core mixtures. The specified resin-core mixture11 has a sufficient strength and abrasion resistance enabling the handling operation and good collapsibility allows destroying it after solidification. From the perspective of the necessity to destroy preforms after metal solidification (Figures 10 and 11) it seems a good strategy to produce preforms from V. BEDNÁØOVÁ et al.: CAST CELLULAR METALS WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR STRUCTURES 178 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 175–179 Figure 9: Clean cavities of cast iron EN GJL-200 Slika 9: O~i{~ene praznine v litem `elezu EN GJL-200 Figure 7: AlSiMg alloy castings with a regular cellular structure, porosities 60–68 % Slika 7: Ulitek iz zlitine AlSiMg z enakomerno celi~no strukturo s poroznostjo 60–68 % Figure 8: Casting made of AlSi10MgMn with remaining precursors Slika 8: Ulitek, izdelan iz AlSi10MgMn s preostalo predobliko Figure 6: Thermal treatment of plaster investment to burn the polymer foam Slika 6: Toplotna obdelava forme iz mavca, za odstranitev polimerne pene different salts. The tested salt was 100 % KCl, and the cores were prepared by stamping with a pressing force to 10 t. The use of the KCl made destroying the preform very easy by dissolving out the water. But industrial imple- mentation would require an extra waste-water treatment circuit, which would make the application more compli- cated. 4 CONCLUSIONS Investment casting makes it possible to achieve the highest porosity (97 %) in both types of porous castings. In the case of very fine metal foams, problems may occur with removing the ceramic without the metal foam being damaged. Near-net-shape cast-metal foams pro- vide a promising implementation, e.g., liquid-metal filtration. The manufacturing of castings with a regular cellular structure, using investment casting, makes it pos- sible to achieve internal cavities (cells) with a precisely defined shape, and thus predicable mechanical properties and reproducible results. The main disadvantages of the investment-casting production process are its high com- plexity and thus rather high production costs. Using different types of precursors as a filler material results in porous castings with open pores in a stochastic arrange- ment. The main drawback of the method is the irregular structure and random distribution of the pores throughout the volume of the casting. The performed experiments have demonstrated the possibility of manufacturing castings with both a regular cellular structure and a solid skin in a single casting operation using different kinds of the preform made from commonly used resin-bonded core mixtures. Mastering the production of metallic foams with a defined structure and properties using gravity casting into sand foundry moulds will contribute to an expansion of the assortment produced in foundries by a completely new type of material, which has unique service proper- ties thanks to its structure, and which fulfils the current ecological requirements. The manufacture of foams with the aid of gravity casting in conventional foundry moulds is a cost-advantageous process that can be industrially used in foundries without high investment demands. Metal foams are progressive materials with continuously expanding use. Cast metallic foams are not yet produced in the Czech Republic. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Technology Agency of the CR within the frame of the research project TA02011333. 5 REFERENCES 1 J. Banhart, Manufacture, characterisation and application of cellular metals and metal foams, Progress in Materials Science, 46 (2001), 559–632 2 J. Banhart, Manufacturing routes for metallic foams, Journal of Minerals, Metals and Materials, 52 (2000) 12, 22–27 3 Y. Gaillard, J. Dairon, M. Fleuriot, B. W. Corson, Les materiaux cellulaires: une innovation aux applications multiples, Fonderie magazine, (2010) 1, 21–33 4 Cellmet News: http://www.metalfoam.net/cellmet-news_2006-1_ net.pdf 5 I. Paulin, et. al., Synthesis of aluminium foams by the powder metallurgy process: compacting of precursors, Mater. Tehnol., 45 (2011) 1, 13–19 6 MetFoam2009: http://www.metfoam2009.sav.sk/index.php?ID=2571 7 J. 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BEDNÁØOVÁ et al.: CAST CELLULAR METALS WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR STRUCTURES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 175–179 179 Figure 11: Detail of AlSiMg alloy casting with regular cellular structure Slika 11: Detajl ulitka iz zlitine AlSiMg z enakomerno celi~no zgradbo Figure 10: AlSiMg alloy castings with a regular cellular structure Slika 10: Ulitki iz zlitine AlSiMg z enakomerno celi~no zgradbo P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION UPORABA SPINSKEGA NANOSA PRI IZDELAVI OPTI^NIH SENZORJEV ZA KISIK Polonca Brglez1,2, Andrej Holobar1, Aleksandra Pivec3, Mitja Kolar2,4 1ECHO, d. o. o., Stari trg 37, 3210 Slovenske Konjice, Slovenia 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 3ZRS Bistra Ptuj, Slovenski trg 6, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia 4Centre of Excellence PoliMaT, Tehnolo{ki park 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia mitja.kolar@um.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-27; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-18 Thin-film oxygen sensors were prepared using the spin-coating technique, where a tris (4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) dichloride complex (RuDPP) in various solvents and silicones deposited on different substrates was used for the sensor production. By changing the spin-coating set-up parameters, homogeneous sensor coatings and the optimum sensor response to oxygen were studied – the sensors were exposed to various concentrations of oxygen within the range from 0 % to 100 %. During the presented study, the optimum results were obtained when a 150 μL of sensor solution was applied to a Dataline foil using silicone E4 and a chloroform solvent. A spin coater with the following three rotation stages was used: 750/700 r/min for 3 s, 300 r/min for 3 s and 150 r/min for 4 s. The spin-coating technique has several benefits: it is fast, easy to use and appropriate for low-volume operations. It allows modifications and preparations of several sensor series using the minimum reagent consumption. However, the disadvantage of this technique also has to be mentioned, namely, an uneven film thickness in the radial direction. The film thickness mainly depends on the experimental set-up (volume, rotation time and speed, solvent viscosity and evaporation). Spin coating as an alternative and very flexible technique for an oxygen-sensor preparation is suggested for the laboratory-scale work, where the majority of experimental data could be used when other new coating methods are also researched and implemented. Keywords: tris (4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) dichloride complex, spin coating, optical oxygen sensor, oxygen Izdelani so bili tankoplastni opti~ni senzorji za kisik s tehniko spinskega nanosa. Pri tem so bile uporabljene razli~ne kon- centracije tris (4,7-difenil-1,10-fenantrolin) rutenij(II) diklorid kompleksa (RuDPP), razli~na topila, polimerni nosilci, silikoni in parametri spinskega prekritja. Na{ namen je bil pripraviti najbolj homogen nanos senzorske raztopine in tako dobiti najbolj optimalne lastnosti senzorjev. Preu~evali smo tudi vpliv hitrosti in ~asa vrtenja spinske naprave za prekrivanje na odziv senzorjev, saj so bili le-ti po izdelavi izpostavljeni razli~nim koncentracijam kisika v obmo~ju od 0 % do 100 %. Najbolj{i nanos senzorske raztopine smo dobili s senzorsko raztopino v kloroformu 150 μL z uporabo silikona E4 z nanosom na folijo Dataline. Pri tem smo uporabili tri razli~ne stopnje vrtenja: 3 s pri 750/700 r/min, 3 s pri 300 r/min in 4 s pri 150 r/min. Prednost uporabe spinskega prekrivanja je, da je ta tehnika zelo hitra, enostavna za uporabo in je primerna za nanos majhnih prostornin. Omogo~a izdelavo ve~ serij senzorjev z razli~nimi lastnostmi ob minimalni porabi reagentov. Nanos senzorske raztopine na polimernem nosilcu v radialni smeri je v veliki meri odvisen od eksperimentalnih razmer: prostornine nanosa, hitrosti vrtenja, viskoznosti in hlapnosti topil. Metoda spinskega prekritja se je izkazala kot u~inkovita metoda za nanos senzorskih raztopin v laboratorijskem merilu, vendar je po celotni senzorski povr{ini te`ko pripraviti popolnoma homogen nanos, zato je za pripravo ve~jih koli~in identi~nih senzorjev – po optimiranju vseh drugih eksperimentalnih razmer – smiselno preu~iti {e alternativne metode nana{anja. Klju~ne besede: tris (4,7-difenil-1,10-fenantrolin) rutenijev(II) diklorid kompleks, spinsko prekritje, opti~ni kisikov senzor, kisik 1 INTRODUCTION Oxygen (O2) is considered to be one of the more important gases in our environment. The determination of O2 concentrations in the air, especially at low levels, plays an important role in different areas ranging from environmental, biological, analytical and industrial monitoring. These are the reasons why there is still a growing interest in the construction and development of oxygen sensors.1–4 There has been a trend in the development of optical oxygen sensors over the last few decades because these sensors are more attractive than conventional ampero- metric sensors. Optical oxygen sensors have a lot of advantages such as: a faster response time, a high sensiti- vity and selectivity, no O2 consumption, the inertness against sample flow rate or stirring speed, absence of poison, and no need for a reference electrode.5–15 They are immune to exterior electromagnetic-field interference and can be produced as disposable sensors.16,17 Optical oxygen sensors are cheap, easily miniaturized and simple to use; they mainly operate on the principle of oxygen quenching those dye molecules that have been entrapped within a porous support matrix. Ruthenium(II) com- plexes are, by far, the most widely used oxygen dyes, because they have relatively long fluorescent lifetimes determined by the metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT) excited state, fast response time, strong visible absorption, large Stokes shift, and high photochemical stability.2,3,11,12,14,18–23 Ru(II) complexes exhibit a high Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 181 UDK 543 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)181(2014) sensibility to luminescence quenching and the positions of their absorption and emission spectra permit an application of low-cost, solid-state optoelectronics for the detection of luminescence intensity. The dyes can be excited with blue or even blue-green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) exhibiting a large Stokes shift and result- ing in the emission of orange-red light.24 The basic operational principle of a fluorescent opti- cal sensor for measuring oxygen is based on reducing the intensity of the fluorescence (quenching) due to the involvement of oxygen within the dye structure. The calibration of the most luminescence quenching-based optical sensors relies, in essence, on the Stern-Volmer equation. The immobilization of the Ru(II) complexes in sol- gel matrices has been recently investigated.4,25–27 There have also been reports on optical oxygen sensors based on the luminescence change of the ruthenium(II) com- plex immobilized in organic and inorganic polymers (polystyrene, silicone polymer, sol-gel glass, etc.) and zeolite matrix.28–30 The sol-gel process has been so far the most widely used method for the preparation of oxygen sensors.5,31,32 It is an efficient immobilization technique due to its many desirable properties such as high thermal stability, good photostability and optical transparency within the visible region.5 The spin-coating technique is also used for the sensor preparation. Spin coating has been used for several decades for the application of thin films.33,34 This is a technique that uses centrifugal forces created by a spin- ning substrate for spreading a coating solution evenly over a surface.35 It can be controlled with a few parame- ters in order to yield a well-defined coating coverage.36,37 The flow is governed by a balance between the centri- fugal force against the viscosity and surface tension. It has been shown that the non-uniform distribution in the initial film profile tends to become uniform during spinning. Spin coating has been mainly used in the photoresist coating process because of its simplicity of operation, its uniformity and the thinness of the coated layers. The spin-coating process involves depositing a small puddle of fluid onto the center of a substrate, and then spinning the substrate at a high speed (typically around 3000 r/min). The centripetal acceleration then causes the solution to spread towards, and eventually off, the edge of the substrate leaving a thin film on the surface. The coat thickness is controlled with the rotatio- nal speed of the substrate; faster rotations result in thinner coating layers. The spin-coating process needs to be reshaped and optimized because of the changes in the operational parameters and the wafer size.38 There is scientific litera- ture describing the spin-coating process, emphasizing the importance of rotational speed, time, acceleration, periods, liquid viscosity, density, polymer, temperature and humidity for the film thickness.39 There are four distinct stages in the spin-coating pro- cess (Figure 1): • Deposition of a coating fluid onto a wafer or substrate. • Acceleration of the substrate up to its final desired rotational speed. • Spinning of the substrate at a constant rate; fluid viscous forces dominate the fluid thinning behavior. • Spinning of the substrate at a constant rate; the solvent evaporation dominates the coating thinning behavior. The final film thickness and other properties depend on the nature of the used polymer (viscosity, drying rate, percent of solids, surface tension) and the parameters chosen for the spin process (final rotational speed, acceleration). One of the more important factors in spin coating is the repeatability. Subtle variations in these parameters defining the spin process can result in drastic variations in the coated films. The presented goal was a preparation of thin-film oxygen sensors using the spin-coating technique. In this work a spin coater was used for spreading different sensor solutions onto various polymer substrates. The substrates (polymer solid layers – foils) were optically transparent films. The most important function of the substrate was to act as a strong mechanical carrier with a high transparency, physical strength, and chemical resistance. Different amounts of RuDPP in various solvents were used for the sensor production and various transparent polymer substrates were used as the carriers. The goal was to obtain the most homogeneous sensor coating with the spin coater by changing the set-up parameters. After the sensor preparation the sensors were exposed to various concentrations of oxygen, ranging from 0 % to 100 %. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Chemicals and solutions All the chemicals used were of analytical purity grade. All the solutions were prepared with deionized P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION 182 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 Figure 1: Scheme of the spin-coating sensor preparation Slika 1: Shemati~en prikaz postopka spinskega nanosa pri izdelavi senzorjev water. Silicon (Elastosil E4, Elastosil E41, Wacker), a polymer layer (foil DATALINE 57170, Dataline, EU; foil PLASTIBOR TOP COD 12530 12950, Lazertechas, UAB; foil ESSELTE 509700, Esselte, EU), a tris (4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) dichlo- ride complex (Sigma-Aldrich), toluene (Sigma-Aldrich), chloroform (CHLO) (Sigma-Aldrich) and methyl ethyl ketone (ME) (Sigma-Aldrich) were used for the sensor preparation. The following gases from Messer, d. o. o., Slovenia, were used for testing an optical oxygen sensor: nitrogen (N2, 99.999 %) and oxygen (O2, 99.9999 %). 2.2 Apparatus Optical measurements were studied using an EOM-O2 micro electro-optical module (PreSens) con- trolled by the EOM-O2_v1_3_exe software, a gas-mixing device (Echo, d. o. o.) and a flow cell (Echo, d. o. o.). Additional equipment included: an AB54-S balance (Mettler Toledo), a spin-coater (Polos), a MST digital magnetic stirrer (Ika) and a SUPRA 35 VP (Carl Zeiss) scanning-electron microscope (SEM). 2.3 Preparation of RuDPP optical oxygen sensors Different amounts of RuDPP within the range of 20 mg to 80 mg were diluted using different solvents (toluene, chloroform and methyl ethyl ketone). An appropriate amount of RuDPP was weighted in a 10 mL flask and diluted using an appropriate solvent. The prepared sensor solution was then being stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 10 min. The sensor solution was then filtered through filter paper and a 4 mL sensor solu- tion was added to 2 g of silicone. This sensor solution was mixed on a magnetic stirrer for about 1 h to become homogeneous and viscous. The sensor solution was protected from the external light with an aluminum foil, and was applied to the solid layers using the spin-coating technique. Different polymer solid layers (foils) were used for the substrate (ESSELTE, DATALINE and PLASTIBOR). Different amounts ((100, 150 and 200) μL) of the sensor solutions were applied using the spin-coating technique. The effects of changing the rotation speeds and times of spinning were also studied; the details are given in Table 1. Table 1: Rotation speed and spinning time Tabela 1: Hitrost vrtenja in ~as vrtenja naprave za spinsko prekrivanje Stage Number of turns(r/min) Time of spinning (s) 1st step 500 to 900 1–10 2nd step 300 to 700 1–10 3rd step 100 to 150 1–10 The sensor solution was mounted on a rotating platform. The substrate was rotated according to the selected rotation speed/spinning time and the sensor solution was dispensed directly onto it. The high-speed rotation threw off most of the solution, leaving behind a thin, uniform coating. The prepared optical sensors were then dried; they were usually left to dry out for 24–48 h at a room tem- perature of (20 ± 2) C°. After drying, the optical sensors were cut to the diameter dimensions of 1.75 cm2/15 mm. The sensors were stored in a dark and dry place before use. 2.4 Measurement procedures The optical oxygen sensors were tested in a flow cell (Figure 2). They were excited with a blue LED and measured with an optical detector from PreSens. The gas mixtures (N2/O2) passed the active sensor surfaces at a constant flow rate of 1 L/min. The changes of the signal were measured for diffe- rent concentrations of oxygen. The gas mixtures were prepared with a gas mixing device (Echo, d. o. o.).4 Dur- ing the constant flow of the carrier gas, various concen- trations of oxygen were added to obtain different con- centrations within the range of 1 · 10–6 to 1000 · 10–6. The accuracy of the concentrations was ± 0.7 · 10–6. The gas-mixing device provided a repeatability of ± 0.15 % and, within the full-scale mode, the temperature range was from 15 °C to 25 °C and the pressure varied from 70 kPa to 400 kPa. Figure 3 schematically presents the system used for the optical measures. The measuring system consisted of: a gas-mixing device, a flow cell, an electro-optical module and a computer. Surface analyses of the sensors were performed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM), Supra 35 VP P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 183 Figure 2: Scheme of the flow cell (left) and sensor positioning (right) Slika 2: Shema preto~ne celice (levo) in namestitev senzorja (desno) Carl Zeiss. All the pictures were recorded using a 30 μm scan window at the 1 kV electronic potential. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The influences of the dye concentration, different polymer solid layers (foils), silicones, film thickness and different solvents on the sensor sensitivity were studied. 3.1 Influence of the RuDPP concentration vs. the sen- sor sensitivity The Stern-Volmer equation describes the fluorescen- ce intensity versus the measured concentration of oxy- gen.4 A deviation from the linearity is connected with the heterogeneity of a polymer matrix; the fluorophore molecules are usually surrounded by voids and polymer particles, therefore, all the indicator molecules are non- equally accessible to oxygen. A decline in fluorescence is strongly dependent on the diffusion and adsorption of oxygen and on the dye solubility. The concentration of the indicator must be appropriately selected in order to obtain the optimum sensor sensitivity, and the dye con- centration must be additionally optimized according to the measure range. The sensors were prepared according to the proce- dure described in Section 2.3. The amounts of (20, 40, 60 and 80) mg of RuDPP were used for preparing the sensor solution (Figure 4), while the linearity (R2) was tested within the range of 0 % to 100 % concentration of oxygen. The linearity of the sensors prepared from 20 mg of RuDPP was 0.9309, for 40 mg of RuDPP it was 0.9691, for 60 mg of RuDPP it was 0.9888, and 0.9904 for 80 mg of RuDPP. The optimum sensor was the one with 80 mg of RuDPP, therefore, it can be concluded that the concentration of RuDPP strongly influences the sensor response. In general, with higher concentrations of RuDPP, the sensor linearity, accuracy and precision are improved. In addition, a strong fluorescence signal was obtained and no additional amplification of the measur- ing signal was used. The electronic-optical noise usually increased with a higher amplification rate, which can also be a reason for a nonlinear sensor response. On the other hand, due to the high cost of RuDPP, it is important to incorporate low dye concentrations. In order to pre- pare sensors with different properties, typical amounts of (40, 60 and 80) mg of RuDPP were used for further studies. 3.2 Sensor preparation – modification of foils and sili- cones In the next step different foils and silicones as the support matrices were tested. In order to optimize the sensors, different foils (Plastibor, Dataline, Esselte) and commercially available silicones (E4, E41) were used. The linearities and sensitivities (k) of different sensors were tested; Table 2 presents all the major sensor cha- racteristics. Figure 5a presents the changes in the measured signal versus the various concentrations of oxygen with different foils, and Figure 5b shows the change in the signal with different silicones. When using the Datalain foil a slightly better linear response was obtained, especially at low concentration ranges of oxygen, when compared to the Plastibor or Esselte foils, but the selection of the solid layers does not significantly improve or change the sensor properties. It is generally known that with the increasing roughness of a substrate foil the adhesion of the coatings on the surface is improved even in spin coating. Here, it is important to mention that rough surfaces cause a lower transparency with a significant back-scattering light effect, and for this reason we used low-roughness foils. Additionally, a compromise between the foil transparency and surface P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION 184 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 Figure 3: Scheme of the measuring system Slika 3: Shema merilnega sistema Figure 4: Influence of RuDPP concentration vs. sensor response Slika 4: Vpliv koncentracije RuDPP na odziv senzorjev P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 185 Figure 5: a) Impact of a solid layer (a foil) on sensor response (signal/a.u. – arbitrary units vs. concentration of O2 in %), b) comparison of different silicones vs. sensor response Slika 5: a) Vpliv trdnega nosilca (folije) na odziv senzorjev (izmerjen signal (a.u. enote) vs. koncentracija O2 v %), b) vpliv silikona na ob~utlji- vost senzorja Table 2: Influence of the solid layers on the sensor characteristics Tabela 2: Vpliv trdnih plasti na lastnosti senzorjev RuDPP/mg FOIL SILICONE SOLVENT V/μL STAGES k R2 60 DATALINE E4 ME 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.699 0.978 60 PLASTIBOR E4 ME 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.464 0.960 60 ESSELTE E4 ME 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.684 0.886 60 DATALINE E41 CHLO 200 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.141 0.964 60 PLASTIBOR E41 CHLO 200 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.516 0.974 60 ESSELTE E41 CHLO 200 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.531 0.957 80 DATALINE E41 ME 200 1300 r/min –› 3 s 2200 r/min –› 5 s 3100 r/min –› 2 s –2.727 0.361 80 ESSELTE E41 ME 150 1300 r /min –› 3 s 2200 r/ min –› 5 s 3100 r/ min –› 2 s –8.761 0.992 80 PLASTIBOR E41 ME 150 1300 r/ min –› 3 s 2200 r/min –› 5 s 3100 r/min –› 2 s –5.709 0.834 80 DATALINE E41 CHLO 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 5.106 0.975 80 PLASTIBOR E41 CHLO 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.073 0.943 80 ESSELTE E41 CHLO 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.787 0.966 20 DATALINE E4 ME 150 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.277 0.735 20 PLASTIBOR E4 ME 150 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 3.693 0.606 P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION 186 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 20 ESSELTE E4 ME 150 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 3.962 0.635 20 DATALINE E4 CHLO 150 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.545 0.946 20 PLASTIBOR E4 CHLO 150 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 1.609 0.585 20 ESSELTE E4 CHLO 150 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 1.94 0.845 40 DATALINE E41 CHLO 200 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.531 0.957 40 PLASTIBOR E41 CHLO 200 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 3.857 0.959 40 ESSELTE E41 CHLO 200 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 4.077 0.865 40 DATALINE E4 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 6.468 0.528 40 PLASTIBOR E4 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 6.654 0.524 40 ESSELTE E4 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 7.003 0.524 40 DATALINE E41 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.166 0.555 40 PLASTIBOR E41 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.207 0.562 40 ESSELTE E41 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 1.806 0.405 Table 3: Variation of silicones vs. sensor sensitivity Tabela 3: Vpliv silikona na odzivnost senzorjev RuDPP/mg FOIL SILICONE SOLVENT V/μL STAGES k R2 40 DATALINE E4 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 6.468 0.528 40 DATALINE E41 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.166 0.555 40 PLASTIBOR E4 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 6.654 0.524 40 PLASTIBOR E41 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.207 0.562 40 ESSELTE E4 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 7.003 0.524 40 ESSELTE E41 CHLO 200 1750 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 1.806 0.405 60 DATALINE E4 ME 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.699 0.978 60 DATALINE E41 ME 150 1600 r/min –› 3 s 2300 r/min –› 3 s 3150 r/min –› 4 s 2.152 0.991 roughness was made by adding inert silicones to the sensor solution. Table 3 presents the conditions for pre- paring the sensor solutions using different silicones. The optimum linearity (0.9914) was obtained using silicone E41, foil Dataline and 60 mg of RuDPP. The silicone adhesion of the sensor solution to the foils was signifi- cantly improved, while preserving the optimum light transparency. 3.3 Spin coating and sensor thickness A lot of factors participated in the spin-coating sensor preparation33,34 – one of these was also the selec- tion of a suitable solvent. The sensors were prepared using chloroform, toluene, and methyl ethyl ketone. Toluene as a solvent proved to be unsuitable because it partially dissolved the surfaces of the foils. Other solvents were constantly evaporating, also during the spin-coating period, but the sensors prepared with chloroform presented better characteristics (linearity and sensitivity) than the sensors prepared with methyl ethyl ketone (Figure 6a). Chloroform had a lower evaporating rate than methyl ethyl ketone and the sensors prepared with chloroform had a uniform film thickness. Figure 6b demonstrates that the sensor prepared with chloroform also had a substantially higher signal (by approximately 30 %), while the other parameters remained constant. Our further experimental work used different spin- coating stages (periods) and accelerations. The optimum results were obtained when a 150 μL sensor solution in chloroform containing 80 mg of RuDPP with silicone E41 (foil Dataline) was applied (Figure 6a) under the following spin-coating conditions: 1st step: 750/700 r/min  3 s 2nd step: 300 r/min  3 s 3rd step: 150 r/min  4 s This spin-coating technique had several benefits including a fast process time (only a few seconds) when using low volumes of reagents. A modification of the spin speeds or an increase in the spin time allowed a thin-film preparation (below 1 μm). Using scanning electron microscopy, the irregula- rities in the sensor surface were searched. For the SEM analysis, the sensors with homogeneous surfaces (an optical selection) and optimum oxygen responses were selected. An optical selection means that the sensors with the most uniform coating and without any visible solid particles or air bubbles were scanned (Figure 7). The coatings and thicknesses of the sensors were incompletely uniform throughout the sensor surfaces varying within the range of (3.5–5.0 ± 0.5) μm. Air bubbles were visible on individual parts, probably cap- tured in the sensors during the polymerization step. This P. BRGLEZ et al.: SPIN-COATING FOR OPTICAL-OXYGEN-SENSOR PREPARATION Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 181–188 187 Figure 6: a) Sensor response under optimum conditions (signal/a.u. – arbitrary units vs. concentration of O2 in %), b) sensitivity of the sensor using different solvents (chloroform and methyil ethyil ketone) Slika 6: a) Odziv senzorja pri optimalnih pogojih (izmerjen signal (a.u. enote) vs. koncentracija O2 v %), b) vpliv topil (kloroform, metil-etil keton) na odziv senzorjev Figure 7: Optical-oxygen-sensor SEM images at 2500-times Slika 7: SEM-posnetka povr{ine opti~nih senzorjev za kisik pri 2500-kratni pove~avi could be avoided, to some degree, by implementing a vacuum chamber over the treated surface. The main problem regarding the entrapped air bubbles was the fluctuation of the scattering light causing a lower fluo- rescence signal – the light was scattered in all directions. The entrapped air bubbles could also cause a longer response time – the measuring oxygen molecules can be trapped within the presented voids. 4 CONCLUSION The spin-coating technique was studied while used for the optical-sensor preparation when different parame- ters directly affected the film thickness and, therefore, also the sensor response to oxygen. This paper primarily focuses on the influences of the rotation speed and spin- ning time on the film thickness, in addition to the accele- ration, temperature, humidity, viscosity, solvents, silicones, foils and RuDPP concentration studied. The optimum results were obtained when 80 mg of RuDPP was dissolved in chloroform, silicone E41 was added and a 150 μL of sensor solution was applied to the Dataline foil under the following spin-coating conditions: 1st step: 750/700 r/min for 3 s, 2nd step: 300 r/min for 3 s, and 3rd step: 150 r/min for 4 s. Spin coating is an alternative method for a sensor preparation. It is a very fast, simple method, consuming low volumes of reagents, but making it difficult to pre- pare completely homogeneous layers on the whole sen- sor surface. Therefore, it is suggested to be used for a laboratory-scale sensor preparation, where the majority of experimental data could be used later when new coating methods are researched. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Slovenian Technology Agency (TIA) for the financial support through Grant P-MR-08/54. The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia through the contract No. 3211-10-000057 (Centre of Excellence for Polymer Materials and Technologies). 5 REFERENCES 1 H. R. Zhang, B. Li, B. F. Lei, W. L. Li, Journal of Luminescence, 128 (2008) 8, 1331–1338 2 K. Matsui, F. Momose, Chemistry of Materials, 9 (1997) 11, 2588–2591 3 D. S. Tyson, J. Bialecki, F. N. Castellano, Chemical Communi- cations, 23 (2000), 2355–2356 4 P. 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ELECTROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLY O-AMINOPHENOL – SiO2 NANOCOMPOSITE ELEKTROKEMIJSKA SINTEZA IN KARAKTERIZACIJA NANOKOMPOZITA POLI O-AMINOFENOL – SiO2 Fatemeh Bagheralhashemi, Abdollah Omrani, Abbas Ali Rostami, Abbas Emamgholizadeh Faculty of Chemistry, University of Mazandaran, P. O. Box 453, Babolsar, Iran gholizadehabbas612@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-07 We report on the influence of SiO2 on the electropolymerization of O-aminophenol (OAP). A poly O-aminophenol (POAP) nanocomposite with different particle sizes was deposited on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode in a solution having OAP 0.01 M and sulfuric acid 0.5 M using cyclic voltammetry (CV). The surface morphologies of the POAP films were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that a modified surface, having a high surface coverage and an improved specific capacitance with semiconducting properties, was obtained. The cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies confirmed that the nanocomposite films have a higher capacitance than the pure POAP films. The presence of SiO2 led to an obvious improvement in the overall electrochemical performance of the GC surface covered by POAP films. Keywords: poly (O-aminophenol), glassy carbon electrode, electropolymerization Poro~ilo obravnava vpliv SiO2 na elektropolimerizacijo O-aminofenola (OAP). Nanokompozit poli O-aminofenol (POAP) z razli~no velikostjo delcev je bil nanesen na elektrodo iz svetle~ega ogljika (GC) s cikli~no voltametrijo (CV) v raztopini z OAP 0,01 M in `vepleno kislino 0,5 M. Morfologija povr{ine POAP-nanosa je bila pregledana z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikro- skopom (SEM). Rezultati so pokazali, da ima spremenjena povr{ina visoko pokritost povr{ine, izbolj{ano specifi~no kapacitivnost in izkazuje polprevodni{ke lastnosti. [tudije cikli~ne voltametrije in elektrokemijske impedan~ne spektroskopije (EIS) so potrdile, da ima nanokompozitni nanos vi{jo kapacitivnost kot ~isti POAP-nanos. Prisotnost SiO2 je pokazala ob~utno izbolj{anje splo{nih elektrokemijskih zmogljivosti povr{ine GC, pokrite s POAP-nanosom. Klju~ne besede: poli (O-aminofenol), elektroda iz svetle~ega ogljika, elektropolimerizacija 1 INTRODUCTION Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing area of nano- structured material science because of its huge number of applications in various fields, such as catalysis,1,2 sensors,3,4 electronics,5 optics,6,7 and medical sciences.8–10 Nanometer silicon dioxide (nano-SiO2) is one of the most popular nanomaterials that are being employed in different areas, like industrial manufacturing, packaging, composite materials, disease labeling, drug delivery, cancer therapy, and biosensors. The modified silica is low-price, esuriently oxide with a high chemical and thermal stability.11 The development of chemically modi- fied electrodes (CMEs) is an area of great interest. CMEs can be broadly divided into two main categories: as (a) surface-modified and (b) bulk-modified electrodes. Methods of surface modification include adsorption, covalent bonding, attachment of polymer films, etc.12 Polymer-coated electrodes can be differentiated using other modification methods, like adsorption and covalent grafting on the surface. Depending on the surface pro- perties and the experimental conditions, films with a different morphology, such as multilayer or monolayer, will be deposited. A conducting polymer provides an excellent opportunity for the preparation of composites having desirable mechanical properties. These include their applications in storage batteries,13 electrochemical devices,14,15 light-emitting diodes,16 corrosion inhibi- tors,17 and sensors.18,19 Understanding the nature of these polymers is of great importance for developing electro- chemical devices. Among the conducting polymers, polyaniline (PANI) and its derivatives have been studied extensively due to the commercial availability of the monomer, an easy protocol for synthesis, a well-behaved electrochemical response, a high environmental stability, and a high conductivity. In recent years, various compo- sites of PANI and inorganic compounds have been fabricated with improved characteristics.20,21 Although silica is an insulating material, some of its composites showed conductivity at the level of conducting PANI.22 However, some of silica composites displayed enhanced conductivity, which may be due to the change in mor- phology of the conductive films in the hybrid materials.23 Electrochemical polymerization offers the advantage of a reproducible deposition in terms of film thickness and loading level, making the immobilization procedure of a metal-based electrocatalyst very simple and reliable. By considering this point that the nature of the work- ing-electrode surface is a key factor in observing the electrochemical response of a deposited polymeric film, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 189–193 189 UDK 66.017:669.018.95 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)189(2014) the electropolymerization of an OAP monomer in a suspension of silica nanoparticles is investigated in the present research for the first time. The silica nanoparticle is selected because of its good stability in common aqueous acidic solutions such as H2SO4, HCl and HClO4. Accordingly, a poly (O-aminophenol)/SiO2 nanocom- posite as a novel organic matrix was fabricated and characterized. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Materials The solvent used in this work was bi-distilled water. Sulfuric acid (purity 99 % from Merck) was used as a supporting electrolyte. The OAP (purity 98 % from Merck) was utilized as the monomer and distilled prior to be used. Silica nanoparticles (purity 99 % with ave- rage size of 10 nm and a surface area of 600 m2 g–1) were purchased from Aldrich and used as an additive. Buffer solutions with various pHs between 5 and 12 were pre- pared using O-phosphoric acid and its salts (purity 99 % from Fluka). 2.2 Instruments Cyclic voltammetery experiments were carried out using a Potentiostat/Galvanostat EG&G Model 263 (USA) that was well controlled and operated using M 270 software. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were performed using a potentiostat/galvanostat (model Autolab, PGSTAT30, Eco Chemie, Netherlands) with FRA software. All the measurements were conducted using a three-electrode cell configuration system. The utilized three-electrode system was composed of Ag/AgCl · KCl (saturated) as the reference electrode, a platinum wire as the auxiliary electrode and GCE as the working electrode substrate. The surface morphology of the deposited films was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (model VEGA-TESCAN). A pH meter (model 3030, JENWAY) was used to read the pH of the buffer solutions. The pH values for the solution of phosphate were adjusted by either a solution of sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide depending on the pH needed. 2.3 Electrode modification Prior to the modification of the GCE, it was polished with alumina slurries on a polishing cloth to a mirror finish and then ultrasonically cleaned for 2.0 min in ethanol. Then, the electrode was rinsed thoroughly with distilled water. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Electrochemical polymerization The POAP film and POAP/SiO2 nanocomposite were prepared at the surface of the GCE in the absence and presence of nanoparticles SiO2 (w = 2 %) in 0.5 mol L–1 H2SO4/0.1 M OAP using the potentiostatic method at E = 0.6 V. 3.2 Surface morphology The morphology of POAP film and its blend with SiO2 nanoparticles was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (Figure 1). The SEM image of the pristine POAP film on the GCE (Figure 1a) shows a composed morphology of elongated globules (densely smooth film). Figure 1b shows the structure of the nano- composite (POAP/SiO2) surface. The surface of the POAP film prepared in the presence of SiO2 nano- particles exhibited discretely shaped agglomerates due to the influence of the SiO2 nanoparticles. The clusters of small SiO2 nanoparticles are not uniformly adhered on the surface of POAP globules. This structure allows the electrolyte constituent better access to the interior of the nanocomposite. Certainly, the high dispersion of SiO2 nanoparticles on the surface of the POAP spheres might have improved the surface area and the stability of the F. BAGHERALHASHEMI et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ... 190 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 189–193 Figure 1: SEM images of: a) POAP film and b) POAP/SiO2 synthe- sized in H2SO4 solution 0.5 mol L–1 Slika 1: SEM-posnetka: a) POAP-nanosa in b) POAP/SiO2, sinteti- ziran v raztopini H2SO4 0,5 mol L–1 nanocomposite. This may be attributed to possible interactions via the hydrogen bonding between the imine (-NH) group of POAP and the hydroxyl (-OH) group on the surface of the nano-silica. 3.3 Cyclic voltammetry of POAP/SiO2 and POAP films Figure 2 shows 15 consecutive voltammograms, from 0 V to 1.3 V, to deposit the POAP/SiO2 film in a phosphate solution at pH = 3 at a scan speed of 0.2 V/s. By the 5th cycle the anodic peak could not be observed. When the number of scans increased over 5, an anodic peak current (Ia) was observed clearly at +0.65 V. The charge measured by the integration of the anodic peak area was found to be 12.02 mC cm–2 for the 15th cycle, and oxidation of the POAP film occurred at 0.65 V. The voltammetric behavior of the POAP film in the same electrolyte solution and in the same potential range is shown in Figure 3. Although a similar polymerization charge was used to synthesize both of the films (POAP/SiO2 and POAP), the voltammetric behavior of the POAP film was significantly different. During the 1st to the 5th cycle, the cyclic voltammogram did not show any change. The shift of the anodic peak potential to higher currents was continued until the 10th cycle. The reached anodic peak charge for the POAP/SiO2 film after the 15th cycle was not similar to the charge measured for the pure POAP film until the same cycle. It seems that a transition from the so-called POAP(II) structure to the POAP(I) structure occurred. The changes in the POAP(II) structure during the voltammetry traces could be related to the nature of the transporting species like counter ions and/or nano- particles.24 The increase in the anodic peak current of the POAP/SiO2 film can be attributed to the re-structuring of the POAP during cycling, where the polymer forms a more incompact structure, which required the lower overall potential to be flattened. The silanol groups of SiO2 could be adsorbed onto the GC surface. This changes the interfacial structure and the property of the GC/electrolyte solution, which benefits the electropolymerization process. However, the organic-inorganic interactions between the POAP and SiO2 involved in the electropolymerization process pushed the polymer chains and so facilitated the growth of the polymer chains. The anodic peak current increased by increasing the number of cycles for both of the sys- tems, but its values were higher for the nanocomposite than for the pure POAP system. 3.4 Effect of the scan rate The effect of the scan rate () was investigated in a phosphate solution at pH = 3 in order to compare the electrochemical behavior of the deposited polymeric films. The results of this investigation are shown in Figure 4. F. BAGHERALHASHEMI et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 189–193 191 Figure 4: The anodic peak current (Ia) of POAP/SiO2 and POAP films at various scan rates  = 0.2–1.2 V s–1 Slika 4: Vrh anodnega toka (Ia) pri POAP/SiO2- in POAP-nanosu pri razli~nih hitrostih skeniranja  = 0,2–1,2 V s–1 Figure 2: Cyclic voltammograms of the POAP/SiO2 nanocomposite in a phosphate solution at pH = 3, scan rate:  = 0.2 V s–1. The 15 cycles are shown (Ei = 0 to Ef = +1.5 V). Slika 2: Cikli~ni voltamogrami nanokompozita POAP/SiO2 v fosfatni raztopini pri pH = 3, hitrost skeniranja  = 0,2 V s–1. Prikazanih je 15 ciklov (Ei = 0 do Ef = +1,5 V). Figure 3: Cyclic voltammograms of the POAP in a phosphate solution at pH = 3, scan rate:  = 0.2 V s–1. The 15 cycles are shown (Ei = 0 to Ef = +1.5 V). Slika 3: Cikli~ni voltamogrami POAP v fosfatni raztopini pri pH = 3, hitrost skeniranja  = 0,2 V s–1. Prikazanih je 15 ciklov (Ei = 0 do Ef = +1,5 V). The oxidation current clearly increased as the scan rate increased. An increase in the scan rate is likely due to an enhancement of the electron flow. It appears that the increased collision of electrons resulted in a reduction in the velocity of the electrons leading to a saturation of the current. The oxidation current for the POAP/SiO2 system increases linearly with the square of the scan rate. The above result indicated that the redox process was confined to the surface of the GCE, confirming the immobilized state of the POAP/SiO2. The differences in the redox currents reflect the effective active surface areas that are accessible to the electrolytes for the POAP/SiO2. It seems that the porous POAP/SiO2 film has a higher effective surface area. This improve- ment of the doping/undoping rate is a result of the increase in the surface area and the porous structure, which are of benefit to the ion diffusion and migration. 3.5 The influence of pH on the electropolymerization of POAP It is well known that the electrochemical process involving aniline-type polymers requires the exchange of electrons and protons.25 Accordingly, the solution pH has a significant effect on the electrochemical behavior of the polymeric films. Figure 5 shows the cyclic voltam- mograms of POAP films deposited at various pH values. The results indicated that the current intensity increased as the pH of the electrolyte solution became more acidic. From this it can be implied that the doping/undoping rates in acidic media are more facilitated. In the other situation the POAP film becomes more electro-inactive in basic media. 3.6 EIS measurements EIS experiments were conducted to provide some insights into the electrode/polymeric film/electrolyte interface. Figure 6 displays typical impedance spectra of the POAP/SiO2 and pure POAP in a phosphate solution 0.1 M recorded at a dc potential of 0.65 V for the frequency range 40 mHz to 60 kHz. The semicircle obtained from the high-frequency region was ascribed to the blocking properties of a single electrode, which can be related to the faradic process of an ion exchange that is extremely slow at the polymer/electrolyte interface. The charge-transfer resistance (Rct) for the POAP/ SiO2 was determined to be 2 × 102 k cm–2, which is smaller than the value found for the pure POAP (2.52 × 103 k cm–2). In other words, the pure POAP film pre- sents a higher electrochemical charge-transfer resistance than the nanocomposite film. This could be assigned to the compact structure of the chains in POAP film and its less active sites for faradic reactions. These results were also confirmed by the cyclic voltammetry observations, where the peak current values increased in the presence of silica nanoparticles. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this work, a new nanocomposite based on OAP was prepared by the electropolymerization of OAP at the surface of GCE, as a low-cost substrate, in the presence of SiO2 nanoparticles. Apart from the higher electropoly- merization rate, the POAP/SiO2 nanocomposite showed good electrochemical behavior, which can be due to the different morphology of the POAP in the presence silica nanoparticles. A discrete agglomerated morphology of the prepared composite was observed owing to the influ- ence of the SiO2 nanoparticles. The nanoparticles can reduce the possible interactions between the POAP chains and, hence, have an important role in the dynamics of the polymeric chain. Impedance spectro- scopy results confirmed that the POAP film is more resistive toward charge transfer than the POAP/SiO2 nanocomposite. Therefore, the presence of SiO2 nano- F. BAGHERALHASHEMI et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ... 192 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 189–193 Figure 6: Impedance profiles of the produced films in phosphate electrolyte solution 0.1 M for: a) the POAP and b) the POAP/SiO2 nanocomposite Slika 6: Profil impedance nanosov v raztopini fosfata 0,1 M za: a) POAP- in b) POAP/SiO2-nanokompozit Figure 5: The anodic current (Ia) of POAP in different buffer solu- tions of O-phosphoric acid at pH = (5, 7, 9 and 10) Slika 5: Anodni tok (Ia) POAP v razli~nih puferskih raztopinah O-fos- forne kisline pri pH = (5, 7, 9 in 10) particles results in the improved conductivity of the POAP films. 5 REFERENCES 1 S. Scalzullo, K. Mondal, M. Witcomb, A. Deshmukh, M. Scurrell, K. Mallick, Nanotechnol., 19 (2008), 75708 2 G. Wei, W. Zhang, F. Wen, Y. Wang, M. Zhang, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112 (2008), 10827 3 F. Osterloh, H. Hiramatsu, R. Porter, T. Guo, Langmuir, 20 (2004), 5553 4 X. Zheng, D. Guo, Y. 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BAGHERALHASHEMI et al.: ELECTROCHEMICAL SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 189–193 193 J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS WITH AN IMPROVED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY RAZVOJ ALUMINIJEVE LIVARSKE ZLITINE Z MAJHNO VSEBNOSTJO Si IN IZBOLJ[ANO TOPLOTNO PREVODNOSTJO Jesik Shin, Sehyun Ko, Kitae Kim Production Technology R/D Div., Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Incheon, South Korea jsshin@kitech.re.kr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-12; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-05-28 To develop an aluminum alloy that can combine a high thermal conductivity with a good castability and anodizability, low Si-containing aluminum alloys, Al-(0.5–1.5)Mg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-(1.0–1.5)Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys were assessed as potential candidates. The developed alloys exhibited a thermal conductivity of 170–190 % level (160–180 W/(m K)), a fluidity of 60–85 % level, and an equal or higher ultimate tensile strength compared to those of an ADC12 alloy. In each developed alloy system, the thermal conductivity and the strength decreased and increased, respectively, as the content of the major alloying elements, Mg and Si, increased. The fluidity was inversely proportional to the Mg content and directly proportional to the Si content. The Al-(1.0–1.5)Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys showed better thin-wall castability due to their lower surface energy. In the experimental aluminum alloys with a low Si content, the fluidity was mainly dependent on the melt surface energy, the Al dendrite coherency point (DCP), and the first intermetallic crystallization point (FICP), rather than on the solidification interval, latent heat, or the viscosity. Keywords: alloy design, low-Si aluminum casting alloy, thermal conductivity, castability Za razvoj aluminijeve zlitine, ki zdru`uje dobro toplotno prevodnost z dobro livnostjo in mo`nostjo eloksiranja, se predvideva, da sta dobro izhodi{~e aluminijevi zlitini z majhno vsebnostjo Si, kot sta Al-(0,5–1,5)Mg-1Fe-0,5Si in Al-(1,0–1,5)Si-1Fe-1Zn. Razvite zlitine so pokazale, da je toplotna prevodnost med 170–190 % (160–180 W/(m K)), livnost med 60–85 % in enaka natezna trdnost, kot jo ima primerjalna zlitina ADC12. V vsakem razvitem sistemu je toplotna prevodnost nara{~ala in trdnost padala, ko je nara{~ala vsebnost glavnih legirnih elementov Mg in Si. Teko~nost je bila obratno sorazmerna z vsebnostjo Mg in sorazmerna z vsebnostjo Si. Zlitina Al-(1,0–1,5)Si-1Fe-1Zn je pokazala bolj{o livno sposobnost pri tankih stenah zaradi manj{e povr{inske energije. Pri preizkusnih aluminijevih zlitinah z majhno vsebnostjo Si je bila teko~nost predvsem odvisna od povr{inske energije taline, koheren~ne to~ke Al-dendritov (DCP) in prve to~ke strjevanja (FICP) intermetalne zlitine in manj od intervala strjevanja, latentne toplote ali viskoznosti. Klju~ne besede: oblikovanje zlitine, aluminijeva livna zlitina z majhno vsebnostjo Si, toplotna prevodnost, livna sposobnost 1 INTRODUCTION As the amount of heat that needs to be removed from electric devices such as LED lighting increases rapidly with the tendency towards higher outputs, the develop- ment of heat-dissipating components has recently become a subject of special interest. Aluminum, the most common heat-sink material, has inherent disadvantages that need to be overcome. Although high-purity alumi- num possesses excellent thermal conductivity, it is extremely difficult to diecast; thus, alloying elements must be added, despite the thermal conductivity loss that occurs as a result of adding these alloying elements. The ADC12 alloy, a commercial Al–Si-based aluminum alloy, has been the most common aluminum alloy for heat-sinks. A heat-sink with a three-dimensional com- plex shape that is favorable to heat dissipation can be fabricated in a net shape, with a high productivity and without the cost penalty that comes with using a high- pressure diecasting process, like with the ADC12 alloy. However, a low thermal conductivity below 100 W/(m K) and the poor anodizing characteristics of the ADC12 alloy, caused by its high Si content, are becoming serious problems with the increasing power requirements of electric devices. Other commercial aluminum alloys are also difficult to diecast or exhibit a conductivity that is too low for them to be used as heat-dissipating compo- nents for high-power electric devices.1–4 Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a novel, low-Si-containing anodizable aluminum alloy that possesses both a good thermal conductivity and casta- bility. To achieve this goal, the elements known to have advantages in improving castability, strengthening the matrix, and preventing die sticking as well as to have a minimal effect on the resistivity increment of aluminum, such as Mg, Si, Zn, and Fe, were chosen and alloyed. The amounts of the total alloying elements and Si were kept between mass fractions 2 % and 3.5 %, and below 1.5 %, respectively. The thermal conductivity, fluidity, and mechanical strength of the newly designed Al-xMg- 1Fe-0.5Si and Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys were investigated as functions of the Mg and Si content and compared to those of the ADC12 alloy. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 195 UDK 669.715:621.74.046 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)195(2014) 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Alloy design To achieve the combination of a high thermal conductivity and good castability and anodizability, two low-Si quaternary aluminum alloys were designed as follows. First, in terms of the effects of the alloying elements on the electrical resistivity,5 energy release for solidification,6 and viscosity5,7 of aluminum, as shown in Table 1, Mg and Si were chosen as the major alloying elements. The energy release for solidification was obtained by summing the latent heat and the superheat- ing energy calculated for a superheat of 100 °C using the specific heat of each element according to the simple mixture rule. A low electrical resistivity and viscosity, and a high-energy release for the solidification are pre- ferred because the decreasing electrical resistivity tends to increase the thermal conductivity, while increasing the energy release for solidification and decreasing the viscosity, both of which tend to increase the require- ments for good castability, such as melt fluidity. The elements marked with an asterisk (*) in Table 1 are those that are considered favorable to thermal conductivity and castability. Thus, it can be seen that only two elements, Mg and Si, meet all the required conditions. Secondly, Fe was included to prevent mold-sticking problems. Lastly, Si and Zn were utilized as supplementary alloy- ing elements, as described below. In Table 2, the constituent elements of the two low-Si quaternary aluminum alloy systems, Al-xMg-Fe-Si (Alloy 1 series) and Al-xSi-Fe-Zn (Alloy 2 series), and their chemical compositions are summarized. The total amounts of alloying elements were kept between mass fractions 2 % and 3.5 % to achieve a good balance of thermal conductivity and castability. The amounts of Mg and Si were varied from 0.5 % to 1.5 % in order to syste- matically investigate the effects of these major alloying elements on the thermal conductivity and castability. If the alloying levels are too high or too low, the thermal conductivity and castability may deteriorate, respecti- vely. Because the Si particles decrease the anodizability, the level of Si in particular was kept below 1.5 %, which is the maximum amount of Si in commercial wrought Al alloys known to have good anodizability. The amount of Fe was 1 %, the same as in the ADC12 alloy. In the Al-xMg-Fe-Si alloys, 0.5 % Si was added as a supple- mentary element to effectively increase the energy 196 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... Table 1: Effects of alloying elements on electrical resistivity,5 energy release for solidification,6 and viscosity of aluminum5,7 (calculation was made for T of 100 °C) Tabela 1: Vpliv legirnih elementov na elektri~no upornost,5 energijo, spro{~eno pri strjevanju,6 in viskoznost aluminija5,7 (izra~un je bil izdelan za T 100 °C) Element Resistivity Energy release for solidification Viscosity variation of Al with alloying Maximum solubility in Al (w/%) Resistivity increment of Al per w/% (μ cm) Latent heat,H of pure ele- ments (kJ/kg) Specific heat, c’ of pure ele- ments (kJ/kg) H + c’ T in- crement of Al per w/% (kJ/kg)In solution Out of solution Cr 0.77 4.00 0.180 402 0.66 –0.3 (+) Cu 5.65 *0.34 0.030 205 0.45 –2.5 (+) Fe *0.05 2.56 0.058 272 0.78 –1.5 (+) Li 4.00 3.31 0.680 422 4.46 *3.7 Mg 14.90 *0.54 0.220 362 1.34 *0.0 *(–) Mn 1.82 2.94 0.340 268 0.70 –1.6 (+) Ni *0.05 *0.81 0.061 292 0.56 –1.5 (+) Si 1.65 *1.02 0.088 1804 0.93 *14.0 *(–) Ti 1.00 2.88 0.120 366 0.68 –0.6 (+) V 0.50 3.58 0.280 329 0.62 –1.1 Zn 82.80 *0.09 0.023 111 0.48 –3.4 *(0) Zr 0.28 1.74 0.044 212 0.37 –2.5 Table 2: Chemical composition in mass fractions (w/%) of the developed low-Si aluminum alloys Al-xMg-Fe-Si (alloy 1 series) and Al-xSi-Fe-Zn (alloy 2 series) Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava v masnih dele`ih (w/%) razvitih aluminijevih zlitin z majhno vsebnostjo Si, Al-xMg-Fe-Si (zlitina 1. serije) in Al-xSi-Fe-Zn (zlitina 2. serije) Alloy Major Element Anti-die-stickingelement Supplementary element Base element Thermal conductivity (W/(m K))Mg Si Fe Zn Si Al 1 1-1 0.5 – 1.0 – 0.5 98.0 186 1-2 1.0 – 1.0 – 0.5 97.5 175 1-3 1.5 – 1.0 – 0.5 97.0 160 2 2-1 – 1.0 1.0 1.0 – 97.0 171 2-2 – 1.2 1.0 1.0 – 96.8 163 2-3 – 1.5 1.0 1.0 – 96.5 153 release for solidification. Because Si has been reported to be less effective in strengthening the Al matrix than Mg,5 1 % Zn was added as a supplementary element in the Al-xSi-Fe-Zn alloys. Although heat-sinks are not struc- tural components that need a very high strength, proper strength is imperative in order to eject the castings from molds safely. Moreover, Zn has the lowest resistivity increment, as shown in Table 1. The thermal conducti- vities of the alloys were calculated by a simple rule-of- mixture and the Wiedemann-Franz law using the data of Table 1 in order to predict the effects of the elements on the resistivity of Al. 2.2 Evaluation and analyses The fluidity test was conducted using a ceramic- coated steel mold with multiple channels on a low- pressure casting machine under an inert-gas atmosphere in order to prevent melt oxidation. Figure 1a shows the parting plane of the metal mold for the fluidity test. The flow channels were 100 mm long and open to the air at the end, and their diameters were (8, 4, 2, and 1) mm. Figure 1b shows the fluidity test casting after solidifica- tion. The average flow lengths for each channel diameter were taken as the fluidity values, and 10 experiments were performed to confirm the reproducibility. To eva- luate the fluidity only as a function of alloy composition, the mold temperature, the superheat temperature, and the pressure during pouring were kept constant: 190 °C, 100 °C, and 15 kPa, respectively. The melting points of the alloys were determined by a thermal analyzer TG/DTA, model SDT Q600, applying a heating rate of 10 °C/min up to 700 °C in an Ar atmosphere (flow rate: 0.1 L/min). The thermal conductivities of the alloys were drawn from their electrical resistivities as measured by an eddy-current technique, utilizing the Wiedemann-Franz law to determine the relation between the electrical resi- stivity and the thermal conductivity. The tensile strength evaluation was carried out according to ASTM B 557M using specimens taken from a Y-block casting with dimensions of 200 mm × 150 mm × 25 mm. The ADC12 alloy (Al-10 % Si-2.5 % Cu-1 % Fe-0.2 % Mg) was used as a comparative material for the properties evaluation of the developed alloys. Thermophysical modeling using the commercial software JMatPro 5.0 was performed to obtain the ther- mophysical properties relating to castability and the phase-equilibria information. For microstructural analy- sis, including phase characterization, the cross-sections of the fluidity test channels were examined using a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), model FEI Quanta 200F, equipped with an energy- dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) probe. To understand the solidification paths, cooling curve analyses (CCA) were carried out based on the two-thermocouple method.8,9 Two K-type thermocouples, one at the center (TC) of the graphite mold and one near the wall (TW), were positioned to record the solidification history, as shown in Figure 2. Then the graphite mold was dipped into the melt for about 30 s to fill it up and allow its temperature to equilibrate with the melt temperature. According to Farahany’s method,8 the temperature at which the first maximum difference between the thermocouples TC and TW occurred is regarded as the dendrite coherency point (DCP). J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 197 Figure 2: Cooling-curve analysis, set-up with a graphite mold and two K-type thermocouples Slika 2: Sestav za analizo ohlajevalnih krivulj z grafitno kokilo in dvema termoelementoma vrste K Figure 1: a) Parting plane of the metal mold for fluidity test and b) fluidity test casting Slika 1: a) Na~rt debeline delov pri preizkusu teko~nosti in b) ulitek po preizkusu teko~nosti 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The measured thermal conductivity, fluidity, and ultimate tensile strength of the developed Al-xMg- 1Fe-0.5Si and Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys were compared to those of the ADC12 alloy and the results are summarized in Figure 3. The developed alloys showed a higher thermal conductivity of 160–180 W/(m K), which is approximately 70–90 % higher than that of the ADC12 alloy, as shown in Figure 3a. The thermal conductivity of the alloys decreased with the increment of Mg and Si, the major alloying elements. The difference in the thermal conductivity between the two alloy systems was fairly insignificant. The average flow lengths for the diameter channels 1 mm and 2 mm are summarized in Figure 3b. The channels larger than 2 mm in diameter were completely filled for both alloy melts. The fluidity of the developed alloys reached 60–85 % that of the ADC12 alloy, which was obtained by averaging the flow length for the diameter channels 2 mm. It was found that the fluidity of the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys decreased with increasing Mg content, whereas that of the Al-xSi- 1Fe-1Zn alloys increased with increasing Si content. Interestingly, the opposite tendency was observed between the two alloy systems with a changing channel diameter, i.e., for the diameter channels 2 mm, the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys showed a higher fluidity than the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, but this tendency was reversed for the diameter channels 1 mm. The tensile strength of the two alloy systems increased with increasing Mg and Si contents, reaching an equal or higher tensile strength than the ADC12 alloy, as shown in Figure 3c. The strength of the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys was higher than that of the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys. To understand the fluidity behavior, which is more complex than understanding the thermal conductivity or strength, important thermophysical properties relating to the castability were calculated by JMatPro software and are summarized in Figure 4. Figure 4a shows the vari- ation of the energy release for solidification as a function of the contents of Mg and Si. From a higher perspective, the two alloy systems showed similar levels of energy release for solidification. However, looking within each alloy system, the energy release of solidification for the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys did not change until reaching a mass fraction 1.0 % Mg and then it decreased. Consider- ing that Mg is an element with almost the same energy release for solidification as Al, the solidification path and crystallization phases seemed to change as the Mg con- tent increased from 1.0 % to 1.5 %. In the Al-xSi- 1Fe-1Zn alloys, the energy release for solidification increased in proportion to the amount of Si. To summa- J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... 198 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 Figure 4: a) Heat release for solidification, b) viscosity and c) surface energy of Al-(0.5–1.5)Mg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-(1.0–1.5)Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys calculated by JMatPro Slika 4: a) Spro{~anje toplote pri strjevanju, b) viskoznost in c) povr{inska energija zlitin Al-(0,5–1,5)Mg-1Fe-0,5Si in Al-(1,0– 1,5)Si-1Fe-1Zn, izra~unana z JMatPro Figure 3: Measured: a) thermal conductivity, b) fluidity and c) ultimate tensile strength of Al-(0.5–1.5)Mg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-(1.0– 1.5)Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys Slika 3: Izmerjena: a) toplotna prevodnost, b) teko~nost in c) natezna trdnost zlitin Al-(0,5–1,5)Mg-1Fe-0,5Si in Al-(1,0–1,5)Si-1Fe-1Zn rize, the variation of energy release for the solidification coincided relatively well with the fluidity behavior, but the variation in the quantity of energy release for soli- dification was too small to fully explain the fluidity variation. Figure 4b shows the viscosity of the deve- loped alloys calculated under the same superheat con- ditions. For both alloy systems, the viscosity increased in proportion to the amount of Mg and Si. It seemed that in this investigation, the viscosity did not have a significant effect on the fluidity of these experimental alloys. For reference, the reason why the viscosity decreased with increasing Mg and Si content in the work of other researchers5,7 was that the viscosity was obtained not for a constant superheat condition but for a constant pour- ing-temperature condition, i.e., the variation of the liquidus temperature of the various alloy compositions was not considered. On the other hand, it is notable that the difference in the surface energy between the two alloy systems was significant, as shown in Figure 4c. It seemed that the superior fluidity for the small diameter channel of the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys was because of the lower backpressure caused by a lower surface energy. It is apparent that the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys showed a similar energy release during the solidification and even a higher viscosity, but their surface energies were nearly half those of the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys. Actually, in this fluidity test experiment, which used a low-pressure casting machine, the backpressure in the diameter chan- nels 1 mm calculated by the capillary effect amounted to approximately 80 % of the applied pouring pressure. Because the solidification range and secondary phases also have an influence on the fluidity of alloy melts,10–15 the phase-equilibria calculations were carried out prior to the microstructural examination. Figure 5 shows the phase equilibria during solidification calcu- lated by the Scheil equation (the nonequilibrium lever rule) using JMatPro. The Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys were typified by the fact that the amount of Al3Fe phase, which has been reported to have a plate shape,11 increased with increasing Mg content, whereas the soli- dification range decreased significantly as a result of the change of the quaternary eutectic point. In the Al-xSi- 1Fe-1Zn alloys, the liquidus temperature decreased slightly with Si content but the quaternary eutectic point did not change, resulting in a slight decrease in the solidification range. In addition, the amount of Al3Fe phase, which was formed by the first monovariant eutectic reaction, decreased with increasing Si content. At 1.5 % Si, the amount of the Al3Fe phase became less than the amount of the -AlFeSi phase, which was formed by the subsequent monovariant eutectic reaction. From these calculated solidification characteristics, it is thought that the Al3Fe phase played a role in lessening the fluidity of the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-xSi- 1Fe-1Zn alloys. The decrease in the solidification range in the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys might also have pro- voked the negative effect of the Al3Fe phase on the fluidity, which is different from the general tendency of a narrower solidification range improving the melt flui- dity.10 In other words, the decrease in the solidification range resulted in an increase in the residual liquid fraction at the stage when the Al3Fe phase started to form. As the Mg increased from 0.5 % to 1.5 %, the residual liquid fraction increased from 50 % to 60 %, thus enlarging the Al3Fe phase with its large aspect ratio and finally obstructing the melt flow. To investigate the actual nonequilibrium solidifica- tion characteristics, cooling-curve analyses and micro- scopic tests were carried out. In Figure 6, the cooling- curve analyses results, which consist of cooling curves, J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 199 Figure 5: Phase equilibria calculated by JMatPro: a) Al-0.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si, b) Al-1.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si, c) Al-1.0Si-1Fe-1Zn and d) Al-1.5Si- 1Fe-1Zn alloys Slika 5: Fazna ravnote`ja v zlitinah, izra~unana z JMatPro: a) Al-0,5Mg-1Fe-0,5Si, b) Al-1,5Mg-1Fe-0,5Si, c) Al-1,0Si-1Fe-1Zn in d) Al-1,5Si- 1Fe-1Zn their first derivatives, and baselines, and the scanning electron microscopy images with backscattered electrons [SEM(BSE)] in the as-cast state are shown. In the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys (Figures 6a and 6b), three thermal events are observed in the first-derivative curves. At the onset of solidification of any phase, the first derivative increases in value and decreases upon the completion of solidification.8 It appears that the peaks labeled (a), (b), and (c) correspond to the crystallization of primary Al dendrites, the formation of secondary phases at the inter-dendritic regions between the secon- dary dendrite arms, and the final eutectic solidification reaction, respectively. From the results of the combined SEM (BSE) and EDS analyses, which are shown in Table 3, it was verified that in the Al-0.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si alloy (Figure 6a) the plate-shaped particle (1) between the secondary dendrite arms was a -AlFeSi phase and the irregular-shaped particle (2) at the final solidification regions was an -AlFeSi phase. According to Rosefort et al.,16 - and -AlFeSi phases in as-cast aluminum alloys can be identified with the help of SEM-EDS, i.e., the phase with the plate-like structure at high Si(w/%)/ Fe(w/%) ratios above approximately 0.4 is a -AlFeSi phase and the phase with the Chinese-script-structure at low Si(w/%)/Fe(w/%) ratios is an -AlFeSi phase. In the high-Mg-containing Al-1.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si alloy (Figure 6b), a dotted bright particle (3) and a dark particle (4) were observed at the inter-dendritic regions between the secondary dendrite arms. These dotted bright and dark particles proved to be -AlFeSi and Mg2Si phases, respectively. The Mg2Si phase was also observed at the final solidification regions [particle (5)]. It is likely that the peak (c) on the first derivative curve of Figure 6b, which is larger than that of Figure 6a, was related to a larger latent-heat evolution due to Mg2Si phase crystallization. In the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, four thermal events were observed on the first-derivative curves, as shown in Figures 6c and 6d, and it was determined that the peaks (a), (b), (c), and (d) corresponded to the crystallization of primary Al dendrites, the -AlFeSi phase at the inter-dendritic regions between secondary dendrite arms, and -AlFeSi and Si phases at the final solidification regions, respectively. The results indicate that in the Al-1Si- 1Fe-1Zn alloys (Figure 6c) the peak (c) tended to be relatively larger than the peak (d). The reverse findings in the Al-1.5Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys (Figure 6d) were attri- buted to the microstructural differences in the final solidification regions with Si content. That is, in a low-Si-containing Al-1Si-1Fe-1Zn alloy, an -AlFeSi phase was mostly observed in the final solidification regions, but in a high-Si-containing Al-1.5Si-1Fe-1Zn alloy, the Si and -AlFeSi phases prevailed. Table 3: EDS analysis of the compositions of the particles (1)–(10) marked in Figure 6 Tabela 3: EDS-analiza sestave delcev (1)–(10), ozna~enih na sliki 6 Point Mg Si Fe Zn Al w/% x/% w/% x/% w/% x/% w/% x/% (1) 0.75 0.88 5.03 5.11 10.46 5.35 – – bal. (2) 0.43 0.51 1.55 1.58 10.97 5.62 – – bal. (3) 1.82 2.16 1.12 1.15 12.86 6.65 – – bal. (4) 6.79 7.54 6.42 6.17 1.01 0.49 – – bal. (5) 8.05 8.92 4.63 4.44 1.17 0.56 – – bal. (6) 1.93 2.32 1.38 1.44 14.96 7.82 – – bal. (7) – – 7.42 7.56 10.54 5.40 0.16 0.19 bal. (8) – – 4.95 5.16 12.92 6.78 1.78 0.80 bal. (9) – – 9.45 9.71 9.91 5.12 1.71 0.76 bal. (10) – – 17.15 17.11 3.02 1.51 2.46 1.05 bal. Unlike the calculated phase equilibria during solidifi- cation, shown in Figure 5, an Al3Fe phase (or the meta- stable Al6Fe phase) was not observed in the metallo- graphic inspection for any of the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, as shown in Figure 6. Moreover, it is interesting to note that -AlFeSi, a low-tempera- ture-stable phase, crystallized earlier than -AlFeSi, a high-temperature-stable phase, at the inter-dendritic J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... 200 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 Figure 6: Cooling-curve analysis results and SEM (BSE) microstruc- tural images in as-cast state: a) Al-0.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si, b) Al-1.5Mg- 1Fe-0.5Si, c) Al-1.0Si-1Fe-1Zn and d) Al-1.5Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys Slika 6: Rezultati analize ohlajevalnih krivulj in SEM- (BSE)-posnet- ki mikrostruktur zlitin v litem stanju: a) Al-0,5Mg-1Fe-0,5Si, b) Al-1,5Mg-1Fe-0,5Si, c) Al-1,0Si-1Fe-1Zn in d) Al-1,5Si-1Fe-1Zn regions between the secondary dendrite arms. Except for the high-Mg-containing alloy (the Al-1.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si alloy), the -AlFeSi phase was observed only in the final solidification regions. These solidification characteristics could be attributed to the segregation behavior of the solute atoms, particularly Si. That is because the cooling rate was high and the solidification occurred as a fine, mushy type, the Si atoms ejected into the inter-dendritic liquid had little chance of diffusing out to a residual liquid reservoir because of the limited time and space. As a result, the -AlFeSi phase with a high Si/Fe ratio was crystallized at interdendritic regions between the secondary dendrite arms rather than the -AlFeSi. Thus, for the final solidification regions, which had relatively longer solidification times and lower Si concentrations than the inter-dendritic regions, an -AlFeSi phase could crystallize. These are consistent with Darvishi’s experi- mental results13 regarding the presence of silicon-sub- stituted Al3Fe and Al6Fe phases with - and -AlFeSi phases and with Dutta’s simulation results,17 which show that the increase in the cooling rate increased the Si/Fe ratio in the eutectic liquid. In the high-Mg-containing alloy (Al-1.5Mg-1Fe-0.5Si alloy) it is likely that the consumption of Si atoms due to the formation of a Mg2Si phase enabled the -AlFeSi phase to crystallize, even at the inter-dendritic regions between the secondary den- drite arms under the same cooling conditions. Hosseini- far et al.18 reported a similar phase selection example in a 6xxx Al alloy: the addition of La resulted in the formation of a La(Al,Si)2 phase and a decrease of the Si/Fe ratio in the eutectic liquid, favoring the crystalli- zation of an -AlFeSi phase rather than a -AlFeSi phase. The characteristic solidification parameters, includ- ing the solidification range, were calculated from the cooling and first-derivative curves and the results are summarized in Table 4. However, it seems that the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys did not follow the general relation between the solidification range and the fluidity length of the alloy very well, in which the fluidity length is inversely proportional to the solidification range. DCP and the first intermetallic crystallization point (FICP) also did not seem to show a direct relation with the fluidity length. The onset temperatures for the (b) peaks in Figure 6, which were determined by the tangential line method, were used as the FICP. Table 4: Characteristic solidification parameters for Al-xMg-Fe-Si (alloy 1 series) and Al-xSi-Fe-Zn (alloy 2 series) alloys Tabela 4: Zna~ilni parametri strjevanja za Al-xMg-Fe-Si (zlitina 1. serije) in Al-xSi-Fe-Zn (zlitina 2. serije) Alloy Start of solidifica- tion (°C) End of solidifica- tion (°C) Solidifica- tion range (°C) FICP (°C) DCP (°C) 1 1-1 652 571 81 642 640 1-2 649 558 91 637 636 1-3 646 562 84 635 632 2 2-1 651 550 101 637 641 2-2 648 550 98 630 633 2-3 648 546 102 626 634 From the cooling-curve analyses, the latent heat and liquid fraction at characteristic solidification points can be obtained. Knowing these values is important in order to understand the solidification characteristics of the alloy. The latent heat can be calculated by multiplying the accumulative area between the first derivative and the baseline by the specific heat.9 The liquid fraction can be obtained by calculating the accumulative area between the first derivative and the baseline from the characte- ristic solidification points to the solidification end point as a fraction of the total area between these curves.8 Figure 7 shows the calculated latent heat and the liquid fractions at the DCP and FICP. The latent heat increased with increasing Mg and Si in the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, as shown in Figure 7a. These results are different from the thermophysical modeling results of Figure 3a, in which the increase of Mg content decreased the latent heat of the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys. This contrasting tendency of the latent heat with increasing Mg content is responsible for the difference in the solidification path between the phase equilibria cal- culation and the actual non-equilibrium solidification. In any case, it seems that the latent heat did not have a significant effect on the fluidity of these experimental alloys. In the liquid fractions at the DCP and FICP of Figure 7b, two interesting findings were obtained. First, in the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys, the liquid fraction was J. SHIN et al.: DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-Si ALUMINUM CASTING ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 195–202 201 Figure 7: a) Latent heat and b) liquid fraction at DCP and FICP of Al-(0.5–1.5)Mg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-(1.0–1.5)Si-1Fe-1Zn alloys, which were obtained from a cooling-curve analysis Slika 7: a) Latentna toplota in b) dele` taline pri DCP- in FICP-zlitin Al-(0,5–1,5)Mg-1Fe-0,5Si in Al-(1,0–1,5)Si-1Fe-1Zn, dobljeni iz analize ohlajevalnih krivulj higher at FICP than at DCP, but this tendency is reversed in the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys. Second, in the Al-xMg- 1Fe-0.5Si alloys, the liquid fractions at DCP and FICP increased with increasing Mg content, whereas in the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, the liquid fractions decreased with increasing Si content. The dendrite coherency seriously decreases the fluidity.19 Therefore, it is likely that in the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, although the crystalli- zation of the plate-like -AlFeSi phase during solidifi- cation has a negative effect on the fluidity of Al alloys13 and the amount of the -AlFeSi phase increased with increasing Si content, as shown in Figures 6c and 6d, its crystallization after DCP had little influence on the fluidity. It was thus concluded that in the Al-xSi-1Fe-1Zn alloys, the increase of the Si content effectively improved the fluidity by increasing the latent heat and lowering the DCP without disturbing the secondary phases, whereas in the Al-xMg-1Fe-0.5Si alloys the secondary phases could have a negative effect on the fluidity because they crystallized before the dendrite coherency. Paes14 and Zhang15 reported that the presence of a Mg2Si phase increased the viscosity of Al alloys. Considering that the liquid fraction of the Al-1.5Mg- 1Fe-0.5Si alloy was approximately 50 % at FICP, the increase of the melt viscosity could be regarded as the most important factor in terms of decreasing the fluidity. Therefore, it was concluded that in the Al-xMg- 1Fe-0.5Si alloys, the increase of Mg content significantly deteriorated the fluidity by increasing the viscosity and increasing the DCP, in spite of the increase in the latent heat. 4 CONCLUSIONS For the development of an aluminum alloy that com- bines a high thermal conductivity with a good castability and anodizability, the low-Si-containing aluminum alloys Al-(0.5–1.5)Mg-1Fe-0.5Si and Al-(1.0–1.5)Si- 1Fe-1Zn were investigated. The obtained results are as follows: 1. The developed aluminum alloys exhibited a thermal conductivity of 170–190 % level (160–180 W/(m K)), a fluidity of 60–85 % level, and an equal or higher ultimate tensile strength compared to those of the ADC12 alloy. 2. In each developed alloy system, the thermal con- ductivity decreased and the strength increased with increasing amounts of Mg and Si, the major alloying elements. The fluidity exhibited an inverse rela- tionship with the Mg content and a direct relationship with the Si content. 3. The contradictory fluidity variation behavior in the two alloy systems with the compositions of Mg and Si was caused by the opposing tendencies of DCP and FICP and the relatively different occurring sequences of DCP and FICP. 4. In the experimental aluminum alloys with a low Si content, the prevailing Fe-containing intermetallic compound and the solidification path were observed to be mainly dependent on the Si segregation beha- vior and the Mg alloying level, rather than on the initial Si/Fe alloying ratio. 5. It was found that the Al-Mg-Fe-Si-based aluminum alloys that show a higher strength and good fluidity in channels greater than 2 mm in diameter are potential materials for general cast heat-dissipating components, and that the Al-Si-Fe-Zn-based alumi- num alloys that possess a lower surface energy are potential materials for thin-wall cast heat-dissipating components. 5 REFERENCES 1 G. P. Reddy, N. Gupta, Material selection for microelectronic heat sinks, Materials and Design, 31 (2010), 113–117 2 K. P. Keller, Efficiency and cost tradeoffs between aluminum and zinc die cast heatsinks, Proc. of Inter. Electronic Packaging Conf., 1997 3 K. P. Keller, Low cost, high performance, high volume heatsinks, Proc. of 1998 IEMT-Europe Symposium, Berlin, 1998 4 S. Ferlini, A. Morri, E. Ferri, M. Merlin, G. Giacomozzi, Effect of silicon particles and roughness on the surface treatments of cast alu- minum alloys, Proc. of the 3rd Iner. Conf. on High Tech Die Casting, Vicenza, 2006 5 J. E. 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BABI^ et al.: A NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE HURST EXPONENT H FOR 3D OBJECTS A NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE HURST EXPONENT H FOR 3D OBJECTS NOVA METODA ZA OCENJEVANJE HURSTOVEGA EKSPONENTA H ZA 3D-OBJEKTE Matej Babi~1, Peter Kokol2, Nikola Guid2, Peter Panjan3 1Emo-Orodjarna, d .o. o., Slovenia 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Slovenia 3Jo`ef Stefan Institute, Slovenia babicster@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-10 Mathematics and computer science are very useful in many other sciences. We use a mathematical method, fractal geometry, in engineering, specifically in laser techniques. Characterization of the surface and the interfacial morphology of robot-laser-hardened material is crucial to understand its properties. The surface microstructure of robot-laser-hardened material is rough. We aimed to estimate its surface roughness using the Hurst parameter H, which is directly related to the fractal dimension. We researched how the parameters of the robot-laser cell impact on the surface roughness of the hardened specimen. The Hurst exponent is understood as the correlation between the random steps X1 and X2, which are followed by time for the time difference t. In our research we understood the Hurst exponent H to be the correlation between the random steps X1 and X2, which are followed by the space for the space difference d. We also have a space component. We made test patterns of a standard label on the point robot-laser-hardened materials of DIN standard GGG 60, GGG 60 L, GGG 70, GGG 70 L and 1.7225. We wanted to know how the temperature of point robot-laser hardening impacts on the surface roughness. We developed a new method to estimate the Hurst exponent H of a 3D-object. This method we use to calculate the fractal dimension of a 3D-object with the equation D = 3 – H. Keywords: fractal structure, Hurst parameter H for 3D-objects, robot, laser, hardening Matematika in ra~unalni{tvo sta zelo uporabni veji drugih vrst znanosti. Uporabili bomo matemati~no metodo – fraktalno geometrijo – v in`enirstvu, natan~neje, v laserski tehniki. Karakterizacija povr{ine in morfologija robotsko lasersko kaljenih materialov ima klju~ni pomen za razumevanje lastnosti materialov. Povr{ina robotsko lasersko kaljenega materiala je hrapava. To hrapavost pa bi radi ocenili s Hurstovim eksponentom H, ki ga dobimo direktno iz fraktalne geometrije, kot meritev hrapavosti povr{ine. Raziskali smo, kako parameter robotske celice vpliva na hrapavost kaljenih vzorcev. Hurstov eksponent H razumemo kot korelacijo med korakoma X1 in X2, ki ga dobimo med ~asovno razliko t. V na{i raziskavi razumemo Hurstov eksponent H kot relacijo med korakoma X1 in X2, ki ga dobimo med prostorsko komponento. Osredinili smo se na to~kovno robotsko lasersko kaljenje vzorcev standardne oznake po DIN-standardu GGG 60, GGG 60 L, GGG 70, GGG 70 L in 1.7225. @eleli smo izvedeti, kako temperatura to~kovnega robotskega laserskega kaljenja vpliva na hrapavost povr{ine. Razvili smo novo metodo za ocenjevanje Hurstovega eksponenta H za 3D-objekte. To metodo smo uporabili za ra~unanje fraktalne dimenzije 3D-objektov po formuli D = 3 – H. Klju~ne besede: fraktalna struktura, Hurstov parameter H za 3D-objekte, robot, laser, kaljenje 1 INTRODUCTION The Hurst parameter1 is understood as the correlation between the random steps X1 and X2, using space for the space difference d. It occurs in many areas of applied mathematics, including fractals and chaos theory, and is used in many fields, ranging from biophysics to network computers. The parameter was originally developed in hydrology. However, modern techniques for estimating the Hurst parameter H are emerging from fractal mathematics. For example, the fractal dimension was used to measure the roughness of sea coasts. The relationship between the fractal dimension D and the Hurst parameter H is given by the equation D = 2 – H for 2D-objects and by D = 3 – H for 3D-objects. There is also a form called statistical self-similarity, where if we have one data set of a seemingly endless string of data sets, we can assume that each data set has the same sta- tistical properties as any other. Statistical self-similarity occurs in a surprisingly large number of areas in engi- neering. Fractal geometry2,3 has offered a new perspec- tive on maths and science and allows observation of the world around us from a new and completely different point of view. Nature is full of shapes and images that from a distance are seen to be similar. A well-known example of such a self-similar pattern is Sierpinski’s pyramid. Let us assume that we have a statistically self-similar finite data series. Any part of this series would have the same statistical characteristics as the entire series or any other part of this series. Such series are often used in engineering. We used one in the analysis of robot-laser-hardened materials.4 A robot-laser surface-hardening heat treatment is complementary to conventional flame or inductive hardening. The energy source for the laser hardening is a laser beam, which heats up very quickly. Laser hardening is a process of controlled energy intake, high performance constancy, and an accurate positioning process. A hard martensitic microstructure provides improved surface properties such as wear resistance and high strength. Point Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 203–208 203 UDK 621.785.6 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)203(2014) robot-laser hardening5–8 is a classic case of robot-laser hardening. This means that the speed of the laser beam is no longer a parameter that can be changed. In point robot-laser hardening cells we are interested in finding the optimal parameters that give the maximum hardness of the hardened material. In this work we have used a scanning electronic microscope (SEM) to search and analyse the fractal structure of the robot-laser-hardened material. First, we introduce the Hurst parameter to find how the temperature of the robot laser cell impacts on the optimal Hurst parameter H of the hardened material. We then developed a new method to estimate the Hurst parameter H of a 3D-object. 2 MATERIALS PREPARATION AND METHOD 2.1 Materials preparation We made test patterns of a standard label on point robot-laser-hardened materials of DIN-standard GGG 60, GGG 60 L, GGG 70, GGG 70 L and 1.7225. We hardened the materials at different temperatures. So we changed the temperature parameter of the robot laser cells, T [800, 2000] °C, with a step of 100 °C. In all the experiments we recorded the microstructure. We wanted to know how the temperature of point robot-laser hardening impacts on the surface roughness. Figure 1 shows the transverse and longitudinal section of a hardened material. Each sample was etched and polished (IMT, Institute of Metals and Technology Ljubljana, Slovenia) and then examined under a microscope (IJS, Jo`ef Stefan Institute). The images were obtained using a JEOL JMS-7600F field-emission scanning electron microscopy. Figures 2 to 6 present microstructure of robot laser hardened specimens. Figure 7 presents boun- dary between hardened and non-hardened DIN 1.7225 standard material. M. BABI^ et al.: A NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE HURST EXPONENT H FOR 3D OBJECTS 204 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 203–208 Figure 2: Microstructure of hardened DIN 1.7225 standard material (SEM) Slika 2: Mikrostruktura kaljenega materiala po DIN-standardu 1.7225 (SEM) Figure 1: Transverse and longitudinal section of hardened material Slika 1: Pre~ni in vzdol`ni prerez kaljenega materiala Figure 5: Microstructure of hardened DIN GGG 60L standard material (SEM) Slika 5: Mikrostruktura kaljenega materiala po DIN-standardu GGG 60 L (SEM) Figure 4: Microstructure of hardened DIN GGG 70 L standard material (SEM) Slika 4: Mikrostruktura kaljenega materiala po DIN-standardu GGG 70 L (SEM) Figure 3: Microstructure of hardened DIN GGG 70 standard material (SEM) Slika 3: Mikrostruktura kaljenega materiala po DIN-standardu GGG 70 (SEM) The random process is evaluated statistically using the Hurst parameter H or by determining the distribution function. The Hurst parameter H as a self-similarity criterion cannot be accurately calculated; it can only be estimated. There are several different methods9–13 for producing estimates of the parameter H, which deviate from one another to some extent. In doing so, we have no criteria to determine which method gives the best result. Different methods for estimating the Hurst exponent H have been evaluated.14 The assessment methods in the space component domain are based on a comparison of the original process and the average process with the method of aggregation: • The variance-time plot analysis is based on the pro- perty of the slowly decaying variance of self-similar processes undergoing aggregation. • The R/S method. The adjusted rescaled range method or adjusted scale is also a graphical method based on the properties of the Hurst phenomenon. • In statistics, residual variance is another name for an unexplained variation, the sum of squares of diffe- rences between the y-value of each ordered pair on the regression line and each corresponding predicted y-value; it is generally used to calculate the standard error of an estimate. In other words, residual variance helps us confirm how well the regression line that we constructed fits the actual dataset. The smaller the variance, the more accurate the predictions are. Methods for evaluation in the frequency or wavelet ("wavelet") space are: • The periodogram method based on the noise 1/f and the Fourier transform. • The Whittle estimator is based on minimizing the likelihood function used in the periodogram method. There is no graphical method. • The Hurst exponent is estimated by using the wavelet transform of the series. A least-squares fit on the average of the squares of the wavelet coefficients at different scales is an estimate of the Hurst exponent. The method produces both a graphical output and a confidence interval. Estimation of the Hurst parameter H15–19 using diffe- rent methods gives results that show significant differen- ces. 2.2 Method Here we present our first new method for estimating the Hurst exponent H for 3D-objects. First of all, we find all the coordinates (x, y, z) of an SEM picture. Here, we use the program ImageJ. Then we use only z coordinates to estimate the Hurst exponent H. We present all the z coordinates in a 2D-space component graph (Figure 8), which is continuous. Also, all the points (xi, y0, zi) pre- sent the first space component in a 2D-graph for all the M. BABI^ et al.: A NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE HURST EXPONENT H FOR 3D OBJECTS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 203–208 205 Figure 7: The boundary between hardened and non-hardened DIN 1.7225 standard material (SEM) Slika 7: Meja med kaljenim in nekaljenim delom materiala po DIN-standardu 1.7225 (SEM) Figure 6: Microstructure of hardened DIN GGG 60 standard material (SEM) Slika 6: Mikrostruktura kaljenega materiala po DIN-standardu GGG 60 (SEM) Figure 9: Long space component Slika 9: Dolga prostorska komponenta Figure 8: Space component Slika 8: Prostorska komponenta points (xi, zi). All the points (xi, y1, zi) represent the second space component in a 2D-graph for all the points (xi, zi). We obtained the space component for all yi, i (Figure 9). Then we combined all of these space com- ponents into one space component. For this long space component we can estimate the Hurst exponent H. Figure 10 shows the 3D-object of the point robot-laser- hardened microstructure. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The pictures in the .jpeg format were converted into 256-grey-level numerical matrices (level 1 for black and 256 for white) with the program ImageJ. Then we entered information into the program Selfis 01B, with which we obtained the following graphs. The graphs were made only for specimen 1.7225 hardened at 800 °C. Figures 11a to 11d show the different methods for estimating the Hurst exponent H. Figures 12 to 16 present the estimated value of the Hurst parameter H with five methods for five different robot-laser-hardened materials. The collected data were entered into the program and the graphs were obtained, from which we can deduce the optimum results. M. BABI^ et al.: A NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE HURST EXPONENT H FOR 3D OBJECTS 206 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 203–208 Figure 11: a) Variance method for hardened material 1.7225, b) R/S method for hardened material 1.7225, c) Absolute moments estimator for hardened material 1.7225, d) Variance of residuals method for hardened material 1.7225, e) Periodogram method for hardened material 1.7225 Slika 11: a) Variance metoda za kaljeni material 1.7225, b) R/S-me- toda za kaljeni material 1.7225, c) Ocena absolutnega momenta za kaljeni material 1.7225, d) Varian~na metoda ostankov za kaljeni material 1.7225, e) Metoda periodograma za kaljeni material 1.7225 Figure 10: 3D-object of robot-laser-hardened microstructure Slika 10: 3D-objekt lasersko kaljene mikrostrukture Figure 13: Relationship between estimated value of the Hurst para- meter H and temperature of robot-laser-hardened specimens for DIN standard GGG 70 Slika 13: Odvisnost med ocenjeno vrednostjo Hurstovega parametra H in temperaturo robotsko lasersko kaljenih vzorcev GGG 70 Figure 12: Relationship between estimated value of the Hurst para- meter H and temperature of robot-laser-hardened specimens for DIN standard 1.7225 Slika 12: Odvisnost med ocenjeno vrednostjo Hurstovega parametra H in temperaturo robotsko lasersko kaljenih vzorcev 1.7225 Material 1.7225: The smallest Hurst exponent H is obtained at a temperature of 1400 °C with all methods, which means that the roughness is higher. Material GGG 70: The highest Hurst exponent H is obtained at a temperature of 2000 °C with all methods, which means that the roughness is lower. Material GGG 70 L: The smallest Hurst exponent H is obtained at a temperature of 1400 °C with all methods, which means that the roughness is higher. It is similar to the material 1.7225. Material GGG 60 L: The smallest Hurst exponent H is obtained at a temperature of 2000 °C with all methods, without for the periodogram method. Material GGG 60: The smallest Hurst exponent H is obtained at a temperature of 800 °C with all methods, which means that the roughness is higher. The highest Hurst exponent H is obtained at a temperature of 1400 °C with all methods without for the periodogram me- thod. Smaller values are obtained with the periodogram method for all the hardened specimens at all temperatu- res. Higher values are obtained with the aggregate variance estimator method for hardened specimens at all the temperatures. 4 CONCLUSIONS We conducted experiments on five different mate- rials. We changed only the temperature parameter, T [800, 2000] °C, in 100 °C steps. In total there were 65 samples. We were interested in which parameter of the robot laser cell achieved the roughest surface of the hardened material. We found the Hurst parameter H exactly. The main findings can be summarized with the following points: • A fractal structure exists in robot-laser hardening. • The Hurst parameter H was calculated using different methods. The results were compared using the pro- gram Image J and it was found that the best results were obtained by the periodogram method, which gave smaller values. • With the help of the equation D = 2 – H, the fractal dimensions can be calculated for all the samples. For calculating the fractal dimensions in the 2D-plane obtained by a microscope as a two-dimensional image from which the fractal dimension can be determined. • In the 3D-space we use equation D = 3 – H. In addi- tion, we found a new process for calculating the fractal dimension of a 3D object. • We found the optimal Hurst parameter H for different laser parameters of robot cells on different materials. • The smaller the Hurst parameter H, the greater the surface roughness. • We developed a new method to estimate the Hurst parameter H of a 3D-object. The author of the Selfis program has written a great deal about the Hurst parameter H. The problem with these methods is that we estimated only the Hurst para- meter H and that these methods are based on different bases (some of aggregation, others on wavelet transfor- mation, etc.), which in turn lead to different estimates. Also, each method has certain advantages and limitations with regard to the captured sample (some methods are M. BABI^ et al.: A NEW METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE HURST EXPONENT H FOR 3D OBJECTS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 203–208 207 Figure 14: Relationship between estimated value of the Hurst para- meter H and temperature of robot-laser-hardened specimens for DIN standard GGG 70 L Slika 14: Odvisnost med ocenjeno vrednostjo Hurstovega parametra H in temperaturo robotsko lasersko kaljenih vzorcev GGG 70 L Figure 16: Relationship between estimated value of the Hurst parameter H and temperature of robot-laser-hardened specimens for DIN-standard GGG 60 Slika 16: Odvisnost med ocenjeno vrednostjo Hurstovega parametra H in temperaturo robotsko lasersko kaljenih vzorcev GGG 60 Figure 15: Relationship between estimated value of the Hurst parameter H and temperature of robot-laser-hardened specimens for DIN standard GGG 60 L Slika 15: Odvisnost med ocenjeno vrednostjo Hurstovega parametra H in temperaturo robotsko lasersko kaljenih vzorcev GGG 60 L better for large samples, some for smaller ones). Many books state that there is no precise method with which to accurately calculate the Hurst parameter and that it can only be estimated. The most common method of calcul- ating the Hurst parameter H is the R/S-method. Our findings are important from a practical point of view. The precise parameters of the robot-laser cell tem- pering influence the hardness of the hardened material. Materials with such properties have better wear resistan- ce and a longer lifespan. The Hurst parameter H can give us information about the correlation between the rough- ness and the hardness of material, which is important in many industries. Acknowledgements The present work was supported by the European Social Fund of the European Union. 5 FUTURE WORK PLAN In the future we plan to explore the Hurst parameter H as a function of several parameters in robot cells for laser hardening. The laser parameters include power, energy density, focal distance, energy density in the fo- cus, focal position, temperature, and speed of hardening. In robot-laser hardening, many different problems are encountered. We are interested in estimating the Hurst parameter H in: • two-beam laser robot hardening (where the laser beam is divided into two parts); • areas of overlap (where the laser beam covers an already hardened area); • robot-laser hardening at different angles (the angles change depending on the x and y axes). 6 REFERENCES 1 S. Stoev, M. S. Taqqu, Wavelet estimation for the Hurst parameter in stable processes, In: G. Rangarang, M. Ding (eds.), Processes with Long-Range Correlations: Theory and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2003, 61–87 2 M. Babi~, M. Milfelner, S. Stepi{nik, Laser hardening metals, In: T. Perme, D. [vetak, J. 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DESIGN OF A MICROBIAL SENSOR USING A CONDUCTING POLYMER OF POLYANILINE/POLY 4,4’-DIAMINODIPHENYL SULPHONE-SILVER NANOCOMPOSITE FILMS ON A CARBON PASTE ELECTRODE OBLIKOVANJE MIKROBNEGA SENZORJA Z UPORABO PREVODNE POLIMERNE POLIANILINSKE/POLI 4,4’-DIAMINODIFENIL SULFONSKE SREBRNE NANOKOMPOZITNE TANKE PLASTI NA ELEKTRODI Z OGLJIKOVO PASTO Meysam Sharifirad, Farhoush Kiani, Fardad Koohyar Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran f_koohyar@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-11-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-07 A microbial biosensor based on Gluconobacter oxydans cells immobilized on a conducting polymer of polyaniline/Poly 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulphone-silver (PANI/PDDS/Ag) coated onto the surface of a carbon-paste electrode was constructed. The proposed biosensor was characterized using glucose as the substrate. Conducting polymers are electrochemically polymerized at the carbon-paste electrode substrates. The polymer films are modified by electrochemically depositing PANI/PDDS/Ag particles. The effect of changing the size of the Poly 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulphone-silver particles and the polymer film thickness on the voltammetric behaviour of the resulting hybrid material showed noticeable changes in the electrocatalytic current in an acid medium. The morphology of the polymer films and the distribution of the PDDS/Ag particles in the film were studied with scanning electron microscopy. Keywords: polyaniline/Poly 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulphone-silver, conducting polymers, gluconobacter oxydans, voltammetric properties, nanoparticles Konstruiran je bil mikrobni senzor na osnovi glukonobakterijskih oksidacijskih celic, pritrjenih na prevoden polimer iz polianilina/poli 4,4’-diaminodifenil sulfon–srebra (PANI/PDDS/Ag), nanesenega na povr{ino elektrode z ogljikovo pasto. Predlagani senzor je bil karakteriziran z uporabo podlage iz glukoze. Prevodni polimeri so bili elektrokemijsko polimerizirani na elektrodo s podlago iz ogljikove paste. Polimerne tanke plasti so bile modificirane z elektrokemijskim nanosom PANI/PDDS/Ag-delcev. Spreminjanje velikosti poli 4,4’-diaminodifenil sulfonskih srebrnih delcev in debeline polimerne plasti je pokazalo ob~utne spremembe pri voltametri~nem vedenju, rezultirajo~i hibridni material pa je pokazal ob~utne spremembe elektrokataliti~nega toka v kislem mediju. Morfologija polimernih plasti in razporeditev PDDS/Ag-delcev v plasti sta bila pregledana na vrsti~nem elektronskem mikroskopu. Klju~ne besede: polianilin/poli 4,4’-diaminodifenil sulfon–srebro, prevodni polimeri, glukonobakterijski oksidant, voltame- tri~ne lastnosti, nanodelci 1 INTRODUCTION Many types of microbial sensors have been deve- loped as analytical tools. Such a microbial sensor consists of a transducer and a microbe as the sensing element. The characteristics of microbial sensors are in complete contrast to those of enzyme sensors or immu- nosensors, which are highly specific for the substrates of interest, although the specificity of the microbial sensor has been improved by genetic modifications of the microbe used as the sensing element. Microbial sensors have the advantages of a tolerance to the measuring conditions, a long lifetime, and cost performance, but they also have the disadvantage of a long response time. Since their discovery in the mid-1970s, research on conducting polymers (CPs) has become an ever-growing research area in polymer chemistry.1 The redox behaviour and an unusual combination of the properties of metals and plastics make conducting polymers a new class of materials.2 The interest in conducting polymers is largely due to the wide range of possible applications due to their facile synthesis, good environmental stability and the long-term stability of the electrical conductivity. The advantage of using conducting polymers compared to more traditional sputtered metal coatings is that the polymer is soluble, enabling a non-destructive analysis of the specimens.3 CPs were extensively studied in the past decade and used for technological applications in electrochromic devices,4,5 gas-separation membranes,6 enzyme immobilization7 and have been featured in bio- technical applications since the very early days following their discovery. The biosensing approach using CPs has also been widely investigated in previous studies.8 There have been several attempts to produce nano- particle polymer composites. Overall, we note four diffe- rent approaches used to date. The first technique consists of the in-situ preparation of the nanoparticles in the polymer matrix. This is affected by a reduction of the metal salts dissolved in the polymer matrix.9 The second technique involves polymerizing the matrix around the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 209–214 209 UDK 678.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)209(2014) nanoparticles.10 The blending of pre-formed nanoparti- cles into pre-synthesized polymer can be considered as the third technique for the preparation of a nanoparticle polymer composite material.11 The fourth process involves the in-situ synthesis of the composite material, with the metal nanoparticles being formed from an ionic precursor and the polymer being produced from the monomer. A major advantage of the latter method lies in the provision of a better particle-polymer interaction.12 Microbial cells are very promising for biosensor constructions due to them having several advantages: the enzyme does not need to be isolated, the enzymes are usually more stable in their natural environment in the cell, the co-enzymes and activators are already present in the system.13 Cell-based biosensors are frequently used for a determination of the biological oxygen demand (BOD), the toxic agents and the assimilatable sugars as well as the selective detection of a single analyte.14 In this study different amounts of polymer nanocom- posites aniline were examined for the detection of glucose and ethanol. The measurement was based on the respiratory activity of the cells. As well as the optimiza- tion and characterization, an application of the proposed system was carried out on real samples. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Reagents LiClO4, NaClO4, dialysis membrane, AlCl3, succinyl chloride, benzene-1,4-diamine propionic acid, nitrome- thane, iron(III) chloride, propylene carbonate, poly(me- thylmethacrylate), dichloromethane, toluene, d-glucose, ethanol and gold colloidal were purchased from Sigma. Methanol and acetonitrile were purchased from Merck. All other chemicals were of analytical grade and pur- chased either from Merck or Sigma. The DDS were purchased from Merck, and silver nitrate from Alderich. 2.2 Apparatus Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were taken using a VEGA HV (high potential) 1500 V at various magnifications. All the experiments were carried out in air atmosphere at room temperature (25 °C). A conventional three-electrode set up was employed for the CV studies. The counter electrode was a platinum sheet with a surface area of 2 cm2. A SCE electrode was em- ployed as the reference electrode. Electropolymerization and all other electrochemical studies were carried out using a Potentiostat/Galvanostat EG&G Model 263 A; USA well equipped with M 270 software. 2.3 Synthesis of the composite material In a typical reaction, 0.8 g DDS was dissolved in a magnetically stirred 25 mL of methanol in a 50 mL conical flask. After complete dissolution, 100 mL dilute silver nitrate (10–1 mol dm–3) was added drop wise. After the addition of the entire silver nitrate, the precipitated material collected at the bottom of the flask. This work accomplished for the solution of silver nitrate that the colloidal solutions were observed as milky coloured. 2.4 Cultivation of G. oxydans The strain of G. oxydans was obtained from DSMZ and maintained on agar containing (g L–1): d-glucose, 90; yeast extract, 15; calcium carbonate, 18; agar, 25.15 The cell biomass was prepared by aerobic cultivation at 28 °C. Then, the cells were collected by centrifugation after reaching the late exponential phase and washed twice with 0.9 % sodium chloride solution containing CaCl2 2 mM. The biomass concentration was expressed as the weight matter determined by drying to a constant weight at 105 °C. 2.5 Microbial electrode method of making Prior to the electropolymerization, graphite elec- trodes were polished on wet emery paper and washed thoroughly with distilled water, sonicated for 2–3 min, rinsed with bi-distilled water and dried at 105 °C. The electrochemical polymerization of DDS/Ag (1 mg/mL) was carried out by scanning the potential between -0.5 V and 0.8 V via cyclic voltammetry with the scan rate of 300 mV/s in NaClO4 (0.2 M) and LiClO4 (0.2 M)/ace- tonitrile medium. The concentration of the monomer was as for the polymerization of the DDS/Ag. For the cells of bacteria to prove G. oxydans on electrode coated with polymer, first we spray it and leave the electrode surface to dry for 1 h. After the removal of unbound cells by washing with distilled water, the layer was covered with a dialysis membrane, pre-soaked in water. The membrane was fixed tightly with a silicone rubber O-ring. Daily-prepared electrodes with fresh cells were used in all the experimental steps, unless otherwise stated. Control experiments using carbon paste electrode were covered with bacterial cells and a polymer coating that was not. 2.6 Measurements All the measurements were carried out at 30 °C under constant stirring. After each run, the electrode was washed with distilled water and kept in a phosphate buffer (pH 7) solution 50 mM at 30 °C for 7 min. The working buffer solution was renewed after each measure- ment. The microbial sensor was initially equilibrated in the buffer and then the substrate was added to the reaction cell. After 30 min the substrate was added to the reaction cell. The biosensor responses were registered as current densities by following the oxygen consumption at –0.7 V due to the metabolic activity of the bacterial cells in the presence of glucose.16 M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: DESIGN OF A MICROBIAL SENSOR USING A CONDUCTING POLYMER ... 210 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 209–214 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Enzymes and cells have been used in biosensor construction for many decades. Both concepts have some advantages and challenges.17 There have been various strategies to modify the microbial cells for applications in microbial biosensors. The principle of the bacterial biosensor is rather simple, and sensor productions only require the growth of the microorganisms. There are multiple strategies for how to use catalytic activities present in microbial cells ranging from using viable cells, non-viable cells, permeable cells, or membrane fractions. These cell-derived biocatalysts serve as an economical substitute for enzymes; an additional benefit for the biosensor performance is that the enzymes are still linked to the respiratory chain. Since conducting polymers can act as transducers in biosensors and coating electrodes with CPs under mild conditions this opens up various possibilities for the immobilization of biomolecules and biosensing mate- rials, the enhancement of their electrocatalytic proper- ties, rapid electron transfer and direct communication. The co-immobilization of redox mediators or cofactors by entrapment within electropolymerized films or by covalent binding on the surface allows the simple fabrication of reagent-less biosensors.18 The CPs have an organized molecular structure on different transducers, which allows them to function as a three-dimensional matrix for the biomolecule immobilization and preserve the activity for a long period. This property of the matrix with their functionality as a membrane has provided opportunities for sensor development. This process is reproducible with a high operational stability.19 In this work the use of an electrochemically polymerized anili- ne/4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulphone-silver as a microbial biosensing platform was examined for G. oxydans cells. The morphologies of the bacterial sensing surfaces provide the most precise information about the cells and matrices used in the system. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique is utilized to monitor the surface characteristics and shows the interaction between the biological materials and the immobilization matrices. The morphologies of bare graphite, and a polymeric matrix with and without cells were shown in Figure 1. Unbound cells were removed by washing the electrode surfaces several times before analysis. As seen from the micrographs, PANI/DDS/Ag provided an efficient immo- bilization platform with a compact structure for the cell immobilization. Hence, cells could be kept on the surface where higher sensor responses with high operational stabilities are obtained. The presence of amino groups in the structure may also contribute to attaching the micro-organisms on the matrix due to the ionic interactions between the cell surface and this functional group. 3.1 Effect of electropolymerization time The most convenient electrochemical method employed for characterization is cyclic voltammetry. Cyclic voltammograms of bare graphite electrode carbon paste electrode (A), PDDS/Ag polymer (B), bacteria – PDDS/Ag (C), bacteria – PANI/PDDS/Ag (D) onto the graphite electrode are shown in Figure 2. The amount of conductive polymer on the electrode surface can be controlled by adjusting the polymerization time, which has a direct effect on the resulting current values. It has been previously reported that the microstructure of a conducting polythiophene film changes with an increase in the thickness. As the thickness depends on the deposition time, more and more defects such as voids and large molecule agglomerates could appear, causing degradation and an incompact microstructure of the films.20 In order to observe the effect of electropolyme- rization time, aniline/4,4’-diaminodiphenyl sulphone- silver was polymerized onto the carbon paste surface for different periods ((5, 10 and 20) min, Figure 3), and then modified electrodes were used to form microbial biosen- M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: DESIGN OF A MICROBIAL SENSOR USING A CONDUCTING POLYMER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 209–214 211 Figure 1: SEM images of bare graphite surface: a) PANI/PDDS/Ag polymer, b) bacteria-PANI/PDDS/Ag Slika 1: SEM-posnetka gole povr{ine grafita: a) polimer PANI/ PDDS/Ag, b) bakterija PANI/PDDS/Ag a) b) sors, as described in the experimental section. The best current values were obtained for 10 min of polymeri- zation time. However, a decrease was observed when the polymerization time was higher. This could be due to the improper film structure related to the thickness after 10 min of the electropolymerization time for the cell immo- bilization. 3.2 Effect of cell amount In order to determine the appropriate amount of cells, different biosensors containing (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40) μL of bacterial cells were prepared. The highest current responses were obtained with the 25 μL of cells. When the 5 μL of cells was used the lowest current response was obtained. On the other hand, when the amount of cells was increased to 30 μL, a lower signal than that for 25 μL was obtained. This is an expected result and caused by the diffusion problem due to the high cell density. Since both amounts caused lower current values, further experiments were conducted using the 25 μL cell (Figure 4). 3.3 Effect of pH The effect of pH on the microbial sensor based on PANI/PDDS/Ag was achieved by adjusting the pH between 6.0 and 8 when using phosphate buffer (50 mM). The response of the microbial sensor towards glucose (10 mM) at different pH values was shown in Figure 5. Since pH 7 has the maximum current response, it was chosen as the optimum pH and all the other experiments were conducted with this pH value. M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: DESIGN OF A MICROBIAL SENSOR USING A CONDUCTING POLYMER ... 212 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 209–214 Figure 3: Effect of electropolymerization time on the biosensor response (in phosphate buffer, 50 mM, pH 7, 30 °C, –0.7 V) Slika 3: Vpliv ~asa elektropolimerizacije na odzivnost biosenzorja (v fosfatnem pufru, 50 mM, pH 7, 30 °C, –0,7 V) Figure 5: Effect of pH on the biosensor response (pH 6.0–8.0 phos- phate buffer, 30 °C, –0.7 V) Slika 5: Vpliv pH na odzivnost biosenzorja (pH 6,0–8,0 fosfatni pufer, 30 °C, –0,7 V) Figure 4: Effect of cell loading on the biosensor response (in po- tassium phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7), –0.7 V, 10 mM glucose) Slika 4: Vpliv obremenitve celice na odziv biosenzorja (v kalijevem fosfatnem pufru (50 mM, pH 7), –0,7 V, glukoza 10 mM) Figure 2: Cyclic voltammograms of bare carbon paste electrode (A), PDDS/Ag polymer (B), bacteria – PDDS/Ag (C), bacteria – PANI/ PDDS/Ag (D) onto the graphite electrode (number of scans: 100, in potassium phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7)) Slika 2: Kro`ni voltamogrami elektrode z ogljikovo pasto (A), polimera PDDS/Ag (B), bakterije – PDDS/Ag (C), bakterije – PANI/ PDDS/Ag (D) na grafitni elektrodi ({tevilo pregledovanj: 100, v kalij fosfatnem pufru (50 mM, pH 7)) 3.4 Effect of temperature The amperometric response of the microbial sensors to glucose (50 mM) was followed at different tem- peratures, varying from 20 °C to 40 °C. From 20 °C to 25 °C an increase was observed up to 30 °C and then the signal started to decrease at 35 °C (Figure 6). As a result, the optimum temperature was found to be appro- ximately 30 °C. And further experiments were conducted at this temperature. 3.5 Analytical characteristics A microbial sensor was prepared, as described in the experimental part, to examine the analytical characteri- stics. The linear dynamic ranges and the equations were obtained based on optimized conditions. For the pro- posed system, a linear calibration graph Figure 7 (A) was obtained for the current density versus the substrate concentration between 0.1 mM and 2.5 mM glucose. A linear relation was defined with the equation y = 0.3116x (R2 = 0.9376), where y is the sensor response in the current density (μA/cm2) and x is the substrate concen- tration (mM). Another type of electrode was covered using a polymer PDDS/silver and bacteria. It was previously reported that metal nanoparticles can display unique advantages, such as an enhancement of the mass trans- port, catalysis, a high effective surface area and control over the electrode microenvironment over macro-electro- des when used for electro-analysis. For instance, Pt and Au nanoparticles are very effective as matrices for enzyme sensors by taking advantage of the biocompati- bility and large surface area. In our case, the calibration curve for the modified system based on silver nano- particles was studied using the same method as described in the experimental section. However, these nanoparti- cles in polymer nanocomposites were a DDS. A linear relation for the glucose substrate was found between 0. 5 mM and 3 mM, as represented by the equation y = 0.8774x (R2 = 0.9786) and a response time of 120 s (Figure 7 (B)). It is also possible that the high surface area due to the Ag on the polymer matrix provides the loading of the largest amount of cells, causing a larger biosensor response. The effects of different nanoparticles in terms of sensitivity and stability in microbial biosensing are now under investigation. At the end of the calibration curve the carbon-paste electrode modified with bacteria and polymer PANI/ DDS/Ag was observed (Figure 7 (C)). The currents recorded were low in this case and irreproducible current responses were observed. A linear relation was observed in the range 0.1–3.0 mM glucose and defined by the equation y = 1.056x (R² = 0.9808). This reveals that the polymer provides a good contact for the cells on the electrode surface where they can attach and survive during the operational conditions, as described in our previous study. 4 CONCLUSIONS Conducting polymers that have an organized molecular structure can serve as proper and functional immobilizing platforms for biomolecules. These matri- ces provide a suitable environment for the immobili- zation and preserve the activity for long durations. In this paper a measurement method and environment for the bacteria and the PANI/DDS/Ag-modified electrode are described. The proposed system does not require any complicated immobilization procedure for the construc- tion of a biosensor. The preparation is simple, cheap and is not time consuming. The biosensor showed a good linear range, a good repeatability and a high operational M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: DESIGN OF A MICROBIAL SENSOR USING A CONDUCTING POLYMER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 209–214 213 Figure 6: Effect of temperature on the electrode response for micro- bial biosensors (in potassium phosphate buffer, 50 mM, pH 7, –0.7 V) Slika 6: Vpliv temperature na odzivnost elektrode pri osnovnem mikrobnem biosenzorju (v kalijevem fosfatnem pufru, 50 mM, pH 7, –0,7 V) Figure 7: Calibration curves for three types of microbial biosensor including bacteria immobilized on the bare carbon paste electrode (A), PDDS/Ag polymer (B), PANI/PDDS/Ag (C) (in potassium phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 6.5), –0.7 V) Slika 7: Umeritvene krivulje za tri vrste mikrobnih biosenzorjev, vklju~no z bakterijami, pritrjenimi na elektrodi z ogljikovo pasto (A), polimer PDDS/Ag (B), PANI/PDDS/Ag (C) (v kalijevem fosfatnem pufru (50 mM, pH 6,5), –0,7 V) stability. It can be concluded that the proposed system could also be a good alternative for BOD and toxicity estimation. 5 REFERENCES 1 G. G. Wallace, G. M. Spinks, L. A. P. 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Malhotra, Biosens. Bioelectron., 17 (2002), 345–359 M. SHARIFIRAD et al.: DESIGN OF A MICROBIAL SENSOR USING A CONDUCTING POLYMER ... 214 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 209–214 I. B. RISTESKI: A NEW GENERALIZED ALGEBRA FOR THE BALANCING OF  CHEMICAL REACTIONS A NEW GENERALIZED ALGEBRA FOR THE BALANCING OF  CHEMICAL REACTIONS NOVA POSPLO[ENA ALGEBRA ZA URAVNOTE@ENJE KEMIJSKIH REAKCIJ  Ice B. Risteski 2 Milepost Place # 606, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4H 1C7 ice@scientist.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-12-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-07-15 In this article we develop a new generalized algebra for the balancing of  chemical reactions. This is a completely new approach to the balancing of these kinds of chemical reactions that is based on an understanding of reaction analysis and the elementary theory of inequalities. The generators of the reaction determined all the interactions among the stoichiometric coefficients. Keywords:  chemical reactions, generalized algebra, balancing reactions V tem ~lanku smo razvili novo posplo{eno algebro za uravnote`enje kemijskih reakcij. To je popolnoma nov na~in uravno- te`enja kemijskih reakcij, ki temelji na navidezni analizi reakcij in elementarni teoriji neenakosti. Generatorji reakcij dolo~ajo vse interakcije med stehiometri~nimi koeficienti. Klju~ne besede: kemijske reakcije , posplo{ena algebra, uravnote`enje reakcij 1 INTRODUCTION Since the balancing of chemical reactions in che- mistry is a basic and fundamental issue it deserves to be considered on a satisfactory level. This topic always draws the attention of students and teachers, but it is never a finished product. Because of its importance in chemistry and mathematics, there are several articles devoted to the subject. However, here we will not provide a historical perspective about this topic, because it has been done in so many previous publications. We can, however, still provide a full balancing of chemical reactions with the use of a generalized algebra. In mathematics and chemistry there are several mathematical methods for balancing chemical reac- tions.1–7 All of them are based on generalized matrix inverses and they have formal scientific properties that need a higher level of mathematical knowledge for their application. The so-called chemical methods are parado- xical and out of order.8 The newest approach for balancing  reactions is developed in9. The present article is a prolongation of the previous research.9,10 Generally speaking, balancing a chemical reaction that possesses atoms with fractional oxidation numbers is a tough problem in chemistry. It is really hard for reactions that have only one set of coefficients, but for  reactions that have an infinite number of sets of coefficients, this problem is extremely hard.11,12 In the next section we shall consider three general reactions of oxidation. They are examples of elementary  reactions, which possess atoms with fractional and integer oxidation numbers. Actually, we balanced three general  reactions with one, two and three arbitrary elements. The first reaction plays a very important role in metallurgy. For instance, this reaction is a basic reac- tion in the theory of metal corrosion, ferrous metallurgy as well as the theory of metallurgical processes, but unfortunately it was not taken into account until today. The main reason why this reaction was neglected lies in its balancing. This article will provide its full balancing, which is neither easy nor simple. 2 MAIN RESULTS Now we shall consider the announced  reactions. Reaction 1. Let us consider this general  reaction with one arbitrary element: x1 X + x2 O2  x3 X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + x5 X3O4 (1) The above chemical reaction (1) reduces to the following system of linear equations: x1 = 0.987x3 + 2x4 + 3x5, 2x2 = x3 + 3x4 + 4x5 (2) Since the system (2) has two linear equations and five unknowns, we can solve it in 5!/[2!(5 – 2)!] = 10 ways. Actually, we shall determine all the possible general solutions of the system (2). They are the following pairs: (x1, x2), (x1, x3), (x1, x4), (x1, x5), (x2, x3), (x2, x4), (x2, x5), (x3, x4), (x3, x5) and (x4, x5). 1° Let x3, x4 and x5 be arbitrary real numbers, then the general solution of the system (2) is: Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 215–219 215 UDK 54 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)215(2014) x1 = 0.987x3 + 2x4 + 3x5, x2 = x3/2 + 3x4/2 + 2x5 (3) After the substitution of (3) into (1), the balanced reaction takes on this general form: (0.987x3 + 2x4 + 3x5) X + (x3/2 + 3x4/2 + 2x5) O2  x3 X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + x5 X3O4, (4) x3, x4, x5 . This means that by finding the coefficients of the products we find the coefficients of the reactants. 2° Assume x2, x4 and x5 are arbitrary real numbers, then the general solution of the system (2) is: x1 = 1.977x2 – 0.961x4 – 0.948x5, x3 = 2x2 – 3x4 – 4x5 (5) The balanced reaction (1) obtains this general form: (1.977x2 – 0.961x4 – 0.948x5) X + x2 O2  (2x2 – 3x4 – 4x5) X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + x5 X3O4 (6) Since the generators (5) are positive, it should imme- diately follow these inequalities: 1.977x2 – 0.961x4 – 0.948x5 > 0, 2x2 – 3x4 – 4x5 > 0 (7) From (7) we obtain the inequality: x2 > 1.5x4 + 2x5 (8) The expression (8) is a necessary and sufficient con- dition for a general reaction (6) to hold. In other words, the reaction is possible if and only if the condition (8) is satisfied. 3° Suppose x2, x3 and x5 are arbitrary real numbers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x1 = 4x2/3 + 0.961x3/3 + x5/3, x4 = 2x2/3 – x3/3 – 4x5/3 (9) If we substitute (9) into (1), the general form of the balanced reaction is: (4x2/3 + 0.961x3/3 + x5/3) X + x2 O2  x3 X0.987O + (2x2/3 – x3/3 – 4x5/3) X2O3+ x5 X3O4 (10) Since the generator x4 > 0, it should immediately follow that: x2 > 0.5x3 + 2x5 (11) The reaction (10) is possible if and only if the con- dition (11) is satisfied. The inequality (11) is a necessary and sufficient condition to hold (10). 4° Let x2, x3 and x4 be arbitrary real numbers. The ge- neral solution of the system (2) is: x1 = 3x2/2 + 0.948x3/4 – x4/4, x5 = x2/2 – x3/4 – 3x4/4 (12) After the substitution of (12) into (1), the general chemical reaction takes on this form: (3x2/2 + 0.948x3/4 – x4/4) X + x2 O2  x3 X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + (x2/2 – x3/4 – 3x4/4) X3O4 (13) Since the generators x1, x5 > 0, then it must be: 3x2/2 + 0.948x3/4 – x4/4 >0, x2/2 – x3/4 – 3x4/4 > 0 (14) After (14) it immediately follows that: x2 > x3/2 + 3x4/2 (15) The inequality (15) is a necessary and sufficient con- dition to hold the general reaction (13), i.e., the reaction (13) holds if and only if (15) is satisfied. 5° Suppose x1, x4 and x5 are arbitrary real numbers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x2 = x1/1.974 + 0.961x4/1.974 + 0.948x5/1.974, x3 = x1/0.987 – 2x4/0.987 – 3x5/0.987 (16) The balanced chemical reaction (1) obtains this general form: x1 X + (x1/1.974 + 0.961x4/1.974 + 0.948x5/1.974) O2  (x1/0.987 – 2x4/0.987 – 3x5/0.987) X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + x5 X3O4 (17) Since the generator x3 > 0, then it must be: x1 > 2x4 + 3x5 (18) The above inequality (18) is a necessary and suffi- cient condition to hold (17), i.e., the reaction (17) holds if and only if (18) is satisfied. 6° Assume x1, x3 and x5 are arbitrary real numbers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x2 = 3x1/4 – 0.961x3/4 – x5/4, x4 = x1/2 – 0.987x3/2 – 3x5/2 (19) The balanced chemical reaction (1) has this general form: x1 X + (3x1/4 – 0.961x3/4 – x5/4) O2  x3 X0.987O + (x1/2 – 0.987x3/2 – 3x5/2) X2O3 + x5 X3O4 (20) Since the generators x2, x4 > 0, then it must be that: 3x1 – 0.961x3 – x5 > 0, x1 – 0.987x3 – 3x5 > 0 (21) From (21) we obtain: x1 > 0.987x3 + 3x5 (22) The above expression (22) is a necessary and suffi- cient condition to hold the general reaction (20), i.e., the reaction (20) holds if and only if (22) is satisfied. 7° Assume x1, x3 and x4 are arbitrary real numbers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x2 = 2x1/3 – 0.474x3/3 + x4/6, x5 = x1/3 – 0.987x3/3 – 2x4/3 (23) The balanced chemical reaction (1) has this general form: x1 X + (2x1/3 – 0.474x3/3 + x4/6) O2  x3 X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + (x1/3 – 0.987x3/3 – 2x4/3) X3O4 (24) Since the generators x2, x5 > 0, then these inequalities should follow: I. B. RISTESKI: A NEW GENERALIZED ALGEBRA FOR THE BALANCING OF  CHEMICAL REACTIONS 216 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 215–219 4x1 – 0.948x3 + x4 > 0, x1 – 0.987x3 – 2x4 > 0 (25) From (25) we obtain: x1 > 0.987x3 + 2x4 (26) The inequality (26) is a necessary and sufficient con- dition to hold the general reaction (24), i.e., the reaction (24) holds if and only if (26) is satisfied. 8° Let us assume x1, x2 and x5 are arbitrary real num- bers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x3 = 3x1/0.961 – 4x2/0.961 – x5/0.961, x4 = – x1/0.961 + 1.974x2/0.961 – 0.948x5/0.961 (27) After the substitution of (27) into (1), the general chemical reaction obtains this form: x1 X + x2 O2  (3x1/0.961 – 4x2/0.961 – x5/0.961) X0.987O + (– x1/0.961 + 1.974x2/0.961 – 0.948x5/0.961) X2O3 + x5 X3O4 (28) Since the generators x3, x4 > 0, then these inequalities should follow: 3x1 – 4x2 – x5 > 0, – x1 + 1.974x2 – 0.948x5 > 0 (29) From (29) we obtain: 4x2/3 + x5/3 < x1 < 1.974x2 – 0.948x5, x2 > 2x5 (30) The inequalities (30) are necessary and sufficient conditions to hold the general reaction (28). In other words, the reaction (28) holds if and only if (30) are satisfied. 9° Suppose x1, x2 and x4 are arbitrary real numbers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x3 = 4x1/0.948 – 6x2/0.948 + x4/0.948, x5 = – x1/0.948 + 1.974x2/0.948 – 0.961x4/0.948 (31) The balanced chemical reaction (1) has this general form: x1 X + x2 O2  (4x1/0.948 – 6x2/0.948 – x4/0.948) X0.987O + x4 X2O3 + (– x1/0.948 + 1.974x2/0.948 – 0.961x4/0.948) X3O4 (32) Since the generators x3, x5 > 0, then these inequalities should follow: 4x1 – 6x2 – x4 > 0, – x1 + 1.974x2 – 0.961x4 > 0 (33) From (33) we obtain: 3x2/2 – x4/4 < x1 < 1.974x2 – 0.961x4, x2 > 3x4/2 (34) The inequalities (34) are necessary and sufficient conditions to hold the general reaction (32), i.e., the reac- tion (32) holds if and only if (34) are satisfied. 10° Let us assume x1, x2 and x3 are arbitrary real num- bers. The general solution of the system (2) is: x4 = – 4x1 + 6x2 + 0.948x3, x5 = 3x1 – 4x2 – 0.961x3 (35) The balanced chemical reaction (1) has this general form: x1 X + x2 O2  x3 X0.987O + (– 4x1 + 6x2 + 0.948x3) X2O3 + (3x1 – 4x2 – 0.961x3) X3O4 (36) Since the generators x4, x5 > 0, then follow these inequalities: – 4x1 + 6x2 + 0.948x3 > 0, 3x1 – 4x2 – 0.961x3 > 0 (37) From (37) we obtain: 4x2/3 + 0.961x3/3 < x1 < 3x2/2 + 0.474x3/2, x2 > x3/2 (38) The inequalities (38) are necessary and sufficient conditions to hold the general reaction (36), i.e., the reac- tion (36) holds if and only if (38) are satisfied. Example 1. For instance, if we substitute X = Fe, Mn, Pb in (1), we immediately obtain three sub-particular  balanced reactions. Next, we shall consider the following two  reac- tions. Reaction 2. Let us balance this general  reaction with two arbitrary elements: x1 X2 + x2 Y2 + x3 O2  x4 XYO + x5 XYO2 + x6 XYO3 (39) The above chemical reaction (39) reduces to the fol- lowing system of linear equations: 2x1 = x4 + x5 + x6, 2x2 = x4 + x5 + x6, 2x3 = x4 + 2x5 + 3x6 (40) Since the system (40) has three linear equations and six unknowns, we can solve it in 6!/[3!(6 – 3)!] = 20 ways. Actually, we must determine all the possible gene- ral solutions of the system (40). They are the following triads: (x1, x2, x3), (x1, x2, x4), (x1, x2, x5), (x1, x2, x6), (x1, x3, x4), (x1, x3, x5), (x1, x3, x6), (x1, x4, x5), (x1, x4, x6), (x1, x5, x6), (x2, x3, x4), (x2, x3, x5), (x2, x3, x6), (x2, x4, x5), (x2, x4, x6), (x2, x5, x6), (x3, x4, x5), (x3, x4, x6), (x3, x5, x6) and (x4, x5, x6). Since the size of our article is limited, we shall deter- mine only one general solution of the system (40). It is the solution (x1, x2, x3). 1° Let x4, x5 and x6 be arbitrary real numbers, then the general solution of the system (40) is: x1 = x2 = (x4 + x5 + x6)/2, x3 = (x4 + 2x5 + 3x6)/2 (41) After the substitution of (41) into (39), the balanced reaction obtains this general form: [(x4 + x5 + x6)/2] X2 + [(x4 + x5 + x6)/2] Y2 + [(x4 + 2x5 + 3x6)/2] O2  x4 XYO + x5 XYO2 + x6 XYO3 (42) I. B. RISTESKI: A NEW GENERALIZED ALGEBRA FOR THE BALANCING OF  CHEMICAL REACTIONS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 215–219 217 x4, x5, x6 . For reaction (39) to be fully balanced, the remaining 19 triads must be determined. Example 2. For X = H and Y = Cl, we obtain a sub- particular reaction. Reaction 3. Now we shall balance this general  reaction with three arbitrary elements: x1 XY2 + x2 Z  x3 XY + x4 X2Y3 + x5 X3Y4 + x6 X3Z + x7 ZY + x8 ZY2 (43) The above chemical reaction (43) reduces to the fol- lowing system of linear equations: x1 = x3 + 2x4 + 3x5 + 3x6, 2x1 = x3 + 3x4 + 4x5 + x7 + 2x8, x2 = x6 + x7 + x8 (44) Since the system (44) has three linear equations and eight unknowns, we can solve it in 8!/[3!(8 – 3)!] = 56 ways. Actually, we must determine all the possible gene- ral solutions of the system (44). They are the following triads: (x1, x2, x3), (x1, x2, x4), (x1, x2, x5), (x1, x2, x6), (x1, x2, x7), (x1, x2, x8), (x1, x3, x4), (x1, x3, x5), (x1, x3, x6), (x1, x3, x7), (x1, x3, x8), (x1, x4, x5), (x1, x4, x6), (x1, x4, x7), (x1, x4, x8), (x1, x5, x6), (x1, x5, x7), (x1, x5, x8), (x1, x6, x7), (x1, x6, x8), (x1, x7, x8), (x2, x3, x4), (x2, x3, x5), (x2, x3, x6), (x2, x3, x7), (x2, x3, x8), (x2, x4, x5), (x2, x4, x6), (x2, x4, x7), (x2, x4, x8), (x2, x5, x6), (x2, x5, x7), (x2, x5, x8), (x2, x6, x7), (x2, x6, x8), (x2, x7, x8), (x3, x4, x5), (x3, x4, x6), (x3, x4, x7), (x3, x4, x8), (x3, x5, x6), (x3, x5, x7), (x3, x5, x8), (x3, x6, x7), (x3, x6, x8), (x3, x7, x8), (x4, x5, x6), (x4, x5, x7), (x4, x5, x8), (x4, x6, x7), (x4, x6, x8), (x4, x7, x8), (x5, x6, x7), (x5, x6, x8), (x5, x7, x8) and (x6, x7, x8). As we mentioned previously, the size of the article is limited, and so we shall determine only one general solu- tion for the system (44). It is the solution (x1, x2, x3). 1° Let us assume x4, x5, x6, x7 and x8 are arbitrary real numbers, then the general solution of the system (44) is: x1 = x4 + x5 – 3x6 + x7 + 2x8, x2 = x6 + x7 + x8, x3 = – x4 – 2x5 – 6x6 + x7 + 2x8 (45) After the substitution of (45) into (43), the balanced reaction obtains this general form: (x4 + x5 – 3x6 + x7 + 2x8) XY2 + (x6 + x7 + x8) Z  (– x4 – 2x5 – 6x6 + x7 + 2x8) XY + x4 X2Y3 + x5 X3Y4 + x6 X3Z + x7 ZY + x8 ZY2 (46) Since the generators x1, x3 > 0, these inequalities should immediately follow: x4 + x5 – 3x6 + x7 + 2x8 > 0, – x4 – 2x5 – 6x6 + x7 + 2x8 > 0 (47) From (47) we obtain: x7 + 2x8 > x4 + 2x5 + 6x6 (48) The above inequality (48) is a necessary and suffi- cient condition to hold the general reaction (46), i.e., the reaction (46) holds if and only if (48) is satisfied. For reaction (43) to be fully balanced the remaining 55 triads must be determined. Example 3. For X = Mn Fe, Y = O, and Z = C we obtain a sub-particular reaction. 3 DISCUSSION The  chemical reactions are a special kind of reac- tions that have non-unique coefficients. In chemistry, until now, they were balanced like a reaction with an infinite number of coefficients, which is incorrect. Every  reaction has n!/[k!(n – k)!] general reactions, where n is the number of reaction molecules and k is the number of reaction elements. Each of these general reactions has an infinite number of sets of coefficients. In other words, every  reaction reduces to n!/[k!(n – k)!] general reac- tions with an infinite number of particular sub-reactions for each of them. In this article we determined all the general reactions of the reaction (1), which are given by the expressions (4), (6), (10), (13), (17), (20), (24), (28), (32) and (36). Also, for all of them we determined the necessary and sufficient conditions for which they hold. In three exam- ples we showed that this approach to the balancing of  reactions works successfully. We would also like to men- tion that the examples 1, 2 and 3 are derived sub-parti- cular reactions, which are not fully balanced. The readers can derive the other general solutions very easily, because they are similar to those of reaction (1), which we derived using the technique of generalized algebra. 4 CONCLUSION In this article three  general chemical reactions are balanced. All the chemical reactions looked similar to elementary molecular reactions, but they were very hard to balance. Using this method of generalized algebra, the author proved again that balancing chemical reactions does not have anything to do with chemistry – it is a purely mathematical issue. The strengths of the method of generalized algebra are: 1. This method provides an alternative approach for balancing  chemical reactions. This method showed that matrix methods can be substituted by the method of generalized algebra. 2. Since this method of generalized algebra is well for- malized, it belongs to the class of consistent methods for balancing chemical reactions. 3. This method of generalized algebra showed that for any  chemical reaction a topology of its solutions can be introduced. 4. In fact, the offered method of generalized algebra simplifies the mathematical operations provided by the previous well-known matrix methods and is very suitable for daily practice. The method of generalized algebra has this advantage, because it fits for all  I. B. RISTESKI: A NEW GENERALIZED ALGEBRA FOR THE BALANCING OF  CHEMICAL REACTIONS 218 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 215–219 chemical reactions, which previously were only balanced by the methods of generalized matrix in- verses. 5. For a determination of general reactions any method for the solution of a system of linear equations can be used. 6. Using this method the general forms of the balanced chemical reactions are determined much faster than by other matrix methods. 7. From the general balanced reactions the other parti- cular and sub-particular reactions can be determined. 8. Using the method of generalized algebra the dimen- sion of the solution space can be determined. 9. Using this method the basis of the solution space can be determined. 10. Necessary and sufficient conditions for which some reaction holds can be determined by this method as well. These conditions determine the possibility of the reaction interval. 11. This method gives an opportunity to be extended with other numerical calculations necessary for  reac- tions. 12. The method of generalized algebra represents a good basis for building a software package. The weak sides of the method are: 1. Using this method the minimal reaction coefficients cannot be determined. 2. This method cannot recognize when a chemical reac- tion reduces to one generator reaction. 3. It cannot predict quantitative relations among the reaction coefficients. 4. This method cannot arrange the molecules’ disposi- tion. 5. The method of generalized algebra cannot predict reaction stability. This method opens doors in chemistry and mathematics for new research on  chemical reactions, which unfor- tunately today cannot be balanced using a computer, because there is not such a method. The method of generalized algebra creates a large challenge for researchers to extend and adapt its usage for computer application. This is not an easy and simple job, but it deserves to be realized as soon as possible. 5 REFERENCES 1 I. B. 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REDJECHTA et al.: ELECTRODEPOSITION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cu-Zn ALLOY FILMS ... ELECTRODEPOSITION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cu-Zn ALLOY FILMS OBTAINED FROM A SULFATE BATH ELEKTRONANOS IN KARAKTERIZACIJA PLASTI ZLITIN Cu-Zn, NASTALIH IZ SULFATNE KOPELI Abdelouahab Redjechta1, Kzmel Loucif1, Loubna Mentar2, Mohamed Redha Khelladi2, Abdelkrim Beniaiche3 1Laboratoire des Matériaux Non Métalliques, Institut d’Optique et Mécanique de Précision, Université Ferhat Abbas-Sétif 1, 19000 Sétif, Algeria 2Laboratoire de Chimie, Ingénierie Moléculaire et Nanostructures, Ferhat Abbas-Sétif 1, 19000 Sétif, Algeria 3Laboratoire des Systèmes Photoniques et Optiques Non Linéaires, Institut d’Optique et Mécanique de Précision, Université Ferhat Abbas-Sétif 1, 19000 Sétif, Algeria redjechtaabdelouahab@yahoo.fr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-02-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-04-16 In this work, we report the influence of the deposition potential on the electrodeposition process, current efficiency, surface morphology and microstructure of Cu-Zn alloys deposited on a Ru substrate from a sulfate solution with an addition of EDTA. The study was carried out by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques analyzing the electrochemical behavior, surface morphology and structural characterization, respectively. The experimental results show that the electrochemical behavior of Cu-Zn electrodeposits varied with the deposition potential. The AFM measurement showed that the Cu-Zn thin films obtained at all the potentials are homogenous in appearance being of a small crystallite size, and a variation in the film roughness with deposition potentials is established. An analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns indicates that the electrodeposited Cu-Zn alloys exhibit - and -phases. Keywords: copper-zinc, electrodeposition, cyclic voltammetry, morphology, X-ray diffraction V tem delu poro~amo o vplivu potenciala nanosa pri postopku elektronana{anja na u~inkovitost toka, morfologijo povr{ine in mikrostrukturo zlitine Cu-Zn, nanesene na podlago iz Ru iz sulfatne raztopine z dodatkom EDTA. Za analizo elektrokemijskega vedenja, morfologije povr{ine in zna~ilnosti strukture so bile uporabljene cikli~na voltametrija (CV), kronoamperometrija, mikroskopija na atomsko silo (AFM) in rentgenska difrakcija (XRD). Rezultati raziskav ka`ejo, da se elektrokemijsko vedenje elektronanosov Cu-Zn spreminja s spreminjanjem potenciala pri nana{anju. AFM-meritve so pokazale, da so tanke plasti Cu-Zn, dobljene pri vseh potencialih, na videz homogene z majhnimi kristalnimi zrni, spreminjanje potenciala pa vpliva na hrapavost povr{ine. XRD-analize poka`ejo, da zlitina Cu-Zn po elektronanosu vsebuje - in -faze. Klju~ne besede: baker-cink, elektronanos, cikli~na voltametrija, morfologija, rentgenska difrakcija 1 INTRODUCTION The production of the coatings made of zinc and its alloys has recently been of interest since alloy coatings provide a better corrosion protection than pure-zinc coatings. In addition, alloy coatings are very interesting due to their high strength, good plasticity and excellent mechanical properties. There are several methods for obtaining these alloys: physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), sputtering and mole- cular beam epitaxy (MBE) techniques are just a few of them. These methods have several advantages and are used for specific applications. However, due to certain limitations, such as high capital and high-energy costs, an alternative method is required. Recently, the electro- chemical deposition (electrodeposition) has been used as an alternative technique for producing these structures on different surfaces. Electrochemical processes offer many advantages, including a room-temperature operation, low-energy requirements, fast deposition rates, a fairly uniform deposition over complex three-dimensional objects, low costs and a simple scale-up with an easily maintainable equipment.1 The control of the solution composition and deposition parameters determines the properties of a deposit. In electrodeposition, the mecha- nism growth, the morphology and the micro-structural properties of a film depend on electrodeposition condi- tions such as the electrolyte composition, the electrolyte pH and the deposition potential.2 Numerous studies of the electrodeposition of Cu-Zn alloys from aqueous baths have been carried out.3,4 It has been reported that different electrochemical deposition para- meters such as deposition potential or current density, temperature, pH, substrate-surface preparation and bath composition affect considerably the properties of depo- sits.5–9 It is known that high-quality micrometer-thick films (smooth and bright deposits) can be prepared at a reasonably high deposition rate using baths with a high metallic-ion concentration and small amounts of additi- ves.10,11 In the same way, due to a large difference bet- ween the standard electrode potentials of Cu and Zn (≅1.1 V), these ions should be complex in electrodeposition solutions to facilitate their codeposition. Therefore, in Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 221–226 221 UDK 621.793 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)221(2014) this work, an organic additive of C10H14Na2O8, 2H2O, called EDTA, was added to the sulfate bath. The objective of the present work was to study the electrodeposition process and properties of the Cu-Zn alloys from a sulfate electrolyte with EDTA. The mor- phology and structure of the deposits were examined. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK A deposition of Cu-Zn alloys was carried out in a bath of 0.14 M CuSO4 for Cu, 0.06 M ZnSO4 for Zn (Aldrich) with the Na2SO4 support electrolyte, 0.5 M H3BO3 (in order to control the pH of the solution and improve the quality of the deposit) and 0.35 M C10H14Na2O8, 2H2O (EDTA) at pH  4.2 (Table 1). All the measurements were made at room temperature. Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid, widely abbreviated as EDTA, was chosen as the complexing agent for a deposition of theses alloys. Plating baths were prepared from the chemicals of analytical grade and bidistilled water, and the pH was adjusted with dilute sulfuric acid when needed. Before the electrodeposition, each solution was stirred with a nitrogen gas flow. The conventional electrochemical measurements were taken using a glass cell consisting of a three-electrode assembly that was connected to a VoltaLab 40 (PGZ301 and Volta Master 4) controlled by a personal computer. A platinum sheet was used as the counter electrode (anode) and the cathode (the Ru substrate) potentials were referred with respect to the saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The working electrode was an thick Ru layer approximately 200 nm deposited by sputtering onto each silicon wafer at a low temperature (150 °C) to get a better adherence. Before the electrodeposition, the substrates were first cleaned ultrasonically in acetone and ethanol and then also with distilled and deionized water. The Cu-Zn thin-film deposition onto the Ru surface (an area of 0.5 cm2) was studied by means of cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA) techniques. The CV for all the solutions was initially carried out between –1.2 V and 0.2 V (SCE) at a scan rate of 20 mV s–1. The surface morphologies of the deposits were examined with atomic force microscopy (AFM). The roughness (the root-mean-square height deviation) of the samples was obtained directly from the AFM software (PicoScan 5.3 from Molecular Imaging). The crystalline structures of the deposits were identified with X-ray diffraction using a Philips diffractometer with a 2 range 10–100° and Cu K radiation ( = 0.15406 nm). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Electrochemical study Cyclic voltammetry was performed to understand the electrochemical behavior of the Cu(II) and Zn(II) species on the Ru electrode. Figure 1 shows the cyclic voltam- mograms of the Ru electrode recorded in different ion solutions of Cu, Zn and Cu-Zn. In effect, Figure 1a shows a cyclic voltammogram of a solution containing 0.14 M CuSO4 with a cathodic scan limit of –0.8 V vs. SCE. Two sharp peaks are observed at –0.141 V and 0.072 V, corresponding to a reduction and a dissolution of Cu, respectively. In the Cu electrodeposition, the charge transfer step is fast and the growth rate is con- trolled with the rate of the Cu-ion mass transfer to the A. REDJECHTA et al.: ELECTRODEPOSITION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cu-Zn ALLOY FILMS ... 222 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 221–226 Figure 1: Cyclic voltammograms obtained for: a) 0.14 M CuSO4, b) 0.06 M ZnSO4 + 0.35 M EDTA and c) 0.14 M CuSO4 + 0.06 M ZnSO4 + 0.35 M EDTA with the cathodic scan limit of –1.20 V vs. SCE, at the scan rate of 20 mV s–1; supporting electrolyte is 1 M Na2SO4 + 0.5 M H3BO3 (pH 4.2) Slika 1: Cikli~ni voltamogrami, dobljeni z: a) 0,14 M CuSO4, b) 0,06 M ZnSO4 + 0,35 M EDTA in c) 0,14 M CuSO4 + 0,06 M ZnSO4 + 0,35 M EDTA s katodno omejitvijo –1,20 V proti SCE, pri hitrosti skeniranja 20 mV s–1; osnovni elektrolit je 1 M Na2SO4 + 0,5 M H3BO3 (pH 4,2) Table 1: Bath composition and conditions for the Cu-Zn electrodepo- sition Tabela 1: Sestava kopeli in razmere pri elektronana{anju Cu-Zn Bath ZnSO4,7H2O/M CuSO4, 5H2O/M Na2SO4 /M H3BO3 /M EDTA /M Zn 0.06 1 0.5 0.35 Cu 0.14 1 0.5 Cu-Zn 0.06 0.14 1 0.5 0.35 growing centers. The consistency of the cyclic-voltam- metry behavior upon the potential cycling indicates that the anodic stripping process completely removes Cu from the electrode surface. The data in this figure indicates the absence of an underpotential deposition peak, with the Cu reduction occurring at the significant overpotential to the Nernstian value. This is due to a weak deposit/substrate interaction, as the early stages of an electrodeposition of Cu on Ru surfaces correspond to the Volmer-Weber growth mechanism.12 Figure 1b shows a cyclic voltammogram obtained in 0.06 M ZnSO4. During a direct scan, it is possible to note that the increase in the current begins at –0.7 V; this is due to the electrodeposition of Zn and hydrogen evolu- tion. In the reverse potential scan, the absence of the peak corresponding to the dissolution of the previously deposited Zn is observed. For the Cu and Zn solution (Figure 1c), the voltammogram obtained shows the presence of cathodic and anodic peaks related to the deposition and dissolution of the metals. In the cathodic scan, it can be observed that the increases in the current were detected at –0.152 V and –0.75 V, being charac- teristic of the potential deposition processes of Cu and Zn onto Ru surfaces, respectively. After this limit, the hydrogen evolution is predominant. During the inverse of the potential scan, it is possible to observe, in all the curves, the presence of crossovers which are typical of the formation of a new phase involving a nucleation pro- cess.13 To elucidate the role of an applied potential, the current efficiency (CE) during the codeposition process was determined. The deposition CE was calculated from the ratio of the cathodic electric charge, which passed during the electrodeposition of the Cu-Zn alloy, to that of the anodic one required for the total alloy dissolution. The Cu-Zn alloy thin films were obtained in the poten- tiostatic mode at different deposition potentials. The dependence of CE on different deposition potentials is shown in Figure 2. The efficiencies of the deposits decrease considerably with the potential and then reach their minima at more negative potentials. This decrease in CE is due to the process of hydrogen evolution. It is clear from these results that there is an appreciable decrease in the value of CE as the deposition potentials become more negative than  –1.0 V. This is due to the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) that becomes more significant than the Zn and Cu electrodeposition. This, in turn, increases the pH level at the cathode, causing the metal hydroxide to be included in the deposit.11 These observations indicate that the control of the deposition potential is very important for realizing a high CE in the Cu-Zn deposition process. Similar results for Cu-Zn deposits are observed by de Almeida et al.14 The current was recorded as a function of time to study the deposition mechanisms of Cu-Zn alloys during their growth. The electrochemical deposition was per- formed using the standard chronoamperometry technique to study the nucleation and growth mechanism of Cu-Zn on ruthenium. Deposition potentials were chosen according to the reduction peaks appearing on the cyclic voltammograms. Deposition is conducted at the constant potentials in the potentiostatic mode, during which current transients are recorded. Figure 3 shows the current transients obtained at four different potentials: –1.0 V, –1.1 V, –1.2 V and –1.3 V vs. SCE. In this figure, at the beginning of the applied potentials, a high cathodic current is seen for a short time. After that, the current rapidly decreases due to a depletion of the metal-ion concentrations close to the electrode surface, subse- quently reaching a stable value. The current-time tran- sients have a normal dependence on the overpotentials, whereas the current density increases with an increase in the overpotential. This is specific to the nucleation and growth process and for longer times, merging into a common curve caused by the diffusion-controlled pro- A. REDJECHTA et al.: ELECTRODEPOSITION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cu-Zn ALLOY FILMS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 221–226 223 Figure 3: Evolution of current densities versus deposition time during the deposition of Cu-Zn on the Ru surface at different deposition potentials Slika 3: Razvoj gostote toka v primerjavi s ~asom nanosa Cu-Zn na povr{ino Ru pri razli~nih potencialih nana{anja Figure 2: Effect of the deposition potential on the current efficiency of the Cu-Zn electrodeposition process Slika 2: Vpliv potenciala nanosa na u~inkovitost elektronana{anja Cu-Zn cess and described with the Cottrell equation.15 Accord- ing to the i–t curves, each transient has one well-defined, recognizable current maximum seen as a clear first peak followed by a sharp fall and subsequent growth. The i–t transients have a normal dependence on the overpoten- tials, whereas the current density increases with an increase in the overpotential. The peak corresponds to the nucleation of the metallic sites on the surface and it is followed by a reduction in the current exhibiting a three-dimensional (3D) growth. An increase in the peak current at higher overpotentials means that the number of sites (nucleation rate) increases due to a higher nucle- ation rate.15 3.2 Morphological and Structural Analysis The morphology of the electrodeposited surface was imaged ex situ after the Cu-Zn electrodeposition using AFM measurements. Figure 4 shows 2 μm × 2 μm AFM images of the deposited Cu-Zn alloy films obtained at different deposition potentials. The figures reveal that, with all the applied potentials, the images have a granu- lar surface. However, the dimensions of the visible features in the images are different. It is known that a film electrodeposited on a polycrystalline substrate is also polycrystalline. During electrolysis, Cu-Zn crystal- lites randomly grow on the polycrystalline substrate and may form conglomerates. The composition and crystal- lite sizes strongly depend on the applied potential. If the current density is very small, there will be insufficient crystalline growth centers and the deposited layer will be rough-grained. If the current density is high, the depo- sited layer will be porous and soft. The surface topography is traditionally analyzed with surface-roughness measurements such as the root-mean- square (RMS) roughness, the average roughness and the peak-to-valley roughness.16 In brief, the surface rough- ness Rq (denoted also as RMS) and the mean roughness Ra were calculated using the standard software (Table 2). The surface roughness increases with the film thickness for the films deposited using both potentials, and the variation in the surface morphology with the applied potential is consistent with the general theory.17 Table 2: Dependence of the surface roughness and crystallite size of the electrodeposited Cu-Zn thin films on deposition potentials Tabela 2: Odvisnost hrapavosti povr{ine in velikosti kristalnih zrn Cu-Zn tanke plasti po elektronana{anju od potenciala pri nanosu E/(V vs. SCE) Rq/nm Ra/nm D/nm –1.10 42.72 33.12 48.20 –1.20 53.04 65.60 46.50 –1.30 108.62 82.08 46.10 The effect of the current density on this surface mor- phology can be explained since a high current density results in higher rates of the crystal nucleation (a higher mobility of atoms), giving rise to finer crystal structures and, hence, a smoother surface.17 However, a new theory18,19 has emerged, proposing that the concentration of metallic ions does change the bath homogeneously, but rather preferentially increases near the substrate (cathode). This relative concentration in the discharging zone is of a little significance at a low current density, at which the surface of a deposited film is rough. At a high current density, the convexity of the film increases, being associated with a relative concentration of ions in the discharging zone. The surface of a film deposited under these conditions is very smooth. The convex part of the film attracts more ions by acting as a focus of discharge, further increasing the convexity of the film. This may explain the mechanism of deposition.20 Figure 5 shows the XRD patterns of the Cu-Zn films deposited on the Ru substrates in the sulfate/EDTA bath under different deposition potentials of –1.1 V, –1.2 V and –1.3 V vs. SCE in the 2 scan range of 25–60°. All the XRD patterns show many peaks corresponding to two distinct phases,  and , respectively. It is clear that A. REDJECHTA et al.: ELECTRODEPOSITION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cu-Zn ALLOY FILMS ... 224 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 221–226 Figure 4: AFM images of the Cu-Zn thin films prepared at different cathodic potentials: a) –1.1 V, b) –1.2 V and c) –1.3 V vs. SCE Slika 4: AFM-posnetki tankih plasti Cu-Zn, pripravljenih pri razli~nih katodnih potencialih: a) –1,1 V, b) –1,2 V in c) –1,3 V v odvisnosti od SCE the XRD patterns from the Cu-Zn electrodeposits are different from those of pure Zn and Cu, indicating that crystalline alloys are indeed formed in these Cu-Zn electrodeposits. Furthermore, the  phase diffraction lines increase in intensity as the deposition potential becomes more negative; in other words, the  phase increases as the Cu content in the electrodeposited Cu-Zn alloy decreases. At a higher deposition potential, a decrease in the Cu concentration is explained with the fact that, at these potentials, a reduction in Cu is mass- transport limited. A further increase in the deposition overpotential would only increase the amount of Zn being deposited.21–23 From these results, the  phase was more dominant than the  phase in the Cu-Zn alloy thin films. The average crystallite size of the particles is calcul- ated from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the respective peaks using the Scherrer relation:24 D = 0 9. cos    (1) where D is the crystallite size,  is the wavelength of X-ray radiation ( = 0.15406 nm),  is the FWHM of the peak and  is the diffraction angle. Also, Table 2 shows the average crystallite size obtained from XRD for [001] planes, for the  phase of the alloys electrodeposited at three different applied potentials. The average crystallite size decreases with the increasing Zn concentration in the films and with the increasing applied potentials. This observation shows that, at a more negative potential, the deposition rate is high and, hence, the atoms are incorporated in the film with little surface migration, thus limiting the grain size. 4 CONCLUSIONS Smooth, compact and bright binary Cu-Zn alloys were deposited on a Ru substrate from a sulfate electrolyte with an EDTA additive. The electrodeposition behavior of the sulfate electrolyte was studied using cyclic voltammetry. A possibility of depositing pure copper and zinc with a trace of copper was revealed during a cathodic scan of the substrate potential. The effects of deposition potentials on the microstructures of Cu-Zn were investigated by means of AFM and XRD techniques. The AFM images showed Cu-Zn clusters of an equivalent size randomly distributed in the surface defects acting as active sites. An X-ray diffraction measurement reveals that the Cu-Zn alloy exhibits two phases, the  and  phases. According to these results, the  phase was more dominant than the  phase in the Cu-Zn alloy thin films. 5 REFERENCES 1 D. Y. Park, N. V. Myung, M. Schwartz, K. Nobe, Electrochim. Acta, 47 (2002), 2893 2 Southampton Electrochemistry Group, In: T. J. Kemp (Ed.), Instru- mental Methods in Electrochemistry, Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, UK 1985 3 D. Pletcher, Industrial Electrochemistry, Chapman and Hall, London 1984, 187 4 R. W. Mackey, In: F. A. Lowenheim (Ed.), Modern Electroplating, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1974, 418 5 K. Raeissi, A. Saatchi, M. A. Golozar, J. A. Szpunar, J. Appl. Elec- trochem., 34 (2004), 1249 6 L. H. Mendoza-Huizar, C. H. Rios-Reyes, M. G. Gómez-Villegas, J. Mex. Chem. Soc., 53 (2009), 243 7 N. M. Younan, J. Appl. Electrochem., 30 (2000), 55 8 J. P. Millet, M. Gravria, H. Mazille, D. Marchandise, J. M. Cuntz, Surf. Coat. Technol., 123 (2000), 164 9 C. S. Lin, H. B. Lee, S. H. Hsieh, Metall. Trans. A, 31A (2000), 475 10 P. F. J. de Leon, E. Albano, V. R. 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REDJECHTA et al.: ELECTRODEPOSITION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Cu-Zn ALLOY FILMS ... 226 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 221–226 M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL FOR TURNING THE 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) ALLOY USING COATED CARBIDE/CERMET CUTTING TOOLS EKSPERIMENTALNA ZASNOVA IN MODEL UMETNE NEVRONSKE MRE@E ZA STRU@ENJE JEKLA 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) Z UPORABO ORODIJ S KARBIDNO ALI KERMETNO PREVLEKO Murat Tolga Ozkan1, Hasan Basri Ulas2, Musa Bilgin3 1Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Industrial Design Engineering, 06500 Ankara, Turkey 2Gazi University, Faculty of Technical Education, Mechanical Education Department, 06500 Ankara, Turkey 3Erzincan University, Vocational Technical School, Mechanical Program, 24000 Erzincan, Turkey mtozkan06@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-03-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-18 In this experimental study, the 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) steel was subjected to the machining tests with coated carbide and cermet cutting tools in a turning operation. The tests were carried out at various cutting speeds, feed rates and cutting depths. In the light of these parameters, cutting forces and surface-roughness values were determined. Three components (Fa, Fr and Fc) of the cutting forces were measured during the tests using a dynamometer, while the machined surface-roughness values were determined using a surface roughness measuring unit. A multiple regression analysis and experimental design were performed statistically. The measured surface-roughness values were used for the modeling with an artificial neural network system (ANNS). The relations between the cutting forces and the surface-roughness values were also defined. Keywords: turning operations, coated carbide/cermet cutting tools, cutting force, surface roughness, artificial neural network V tej {tudiji je bilo jeklo 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) strojno obdelano s stru`enjem z orodji za rezanje s karbidno ali kermetno pre- vleko. Preizkusi so bili opravljeni pri razli~nih hitrostih rezanja, podajanja in globine rezanja. Iz teh parametrov so bile ugotovljene sile pri rezanju in vrednosti hrapavosti povr{ine. Tri komponente sil rezanja (Fa, Fr in Fc) so bile merjene med poskusom z dinamometrom, medtem ko so bile vrednosti hrapavosti povr{ine izmerjene z merilnikom za hrapavost povr{ine. Izvr{ena je bila ve~kratna regresijska analiza in statisti~na obdelava izvedbe poskusov. Izmerjene vrednosti hrapavosti so bile uporabljene za modeliranje s sistemom umetne nevronske mre`e (ANNS). Dolo~ena je bila tudi odvisnost med silami rezanja in hrapavostjo povr{ine. Klju~ne besede: postopek stru`enja, rezilna orodja s karbidno ali kermetno prevleko, sila rezanja, hrapavost povr{ine, umetna nevronska mre`a 1 INTRODUCTION Machining experiments are usually costly and time consuming. In order to eliminate the cost and to reduce the time, some advanced techniques were developed. These are generally called modeling. There are several modeling methods. Empirical modeling, analytical modeling, mechanistic modeling, finite-element model- ing and artificial neural network modeling are some of these modeling methods. With these techniques, predic- tions are made using the experimentally obtained results. Boubekri et al.1 investigated different cutting condi- tions on three grades of steel, namely, 1018 (low-carbon, cold-rolled steel), 304 (austenitic stainless steel) and 4140 (low-alloy steel) using uncoated carbide inserts as the tool material. Mathematical models were developed for predicting the forces acting on the tool for different cutting conditions and materials. Kumar et al.2 studied the performance of an alumi- na-based ceramic cutting tool as an attractive alternative for carbide tools in the machining of steels in its hardened condition. Two types of ceramic cutting tools, namely, the Ti[C, N] mixed alumina-ceramic cutting tool and zirconia-toughened alumina-ceramic cutting tool were used for the investigation. The performance of these ceramic cutting tools related to the surface finish was also discussed. Tekiner and Yeþilyurt3 carried out machining tests to determine the best cutting conditions and cutting parameters in the turning of AISI 304 stainless steels by taking into consideration the process sound. The ideal cutting parameters and cutting-process sounds were determined. The tests involving the AISI 4340 steel were per- formed using two hardness values, 42 HRC and 48 HRC; for the former, a coated carbide insert was used as the cutting tool, whereas for the latter a polycrystalline cubic boron nitride insert was employed. The machining tests on the AISI D2 steel hardened to 58 HRC were conduc- ted using a mixed-alumina cutting tool. The cutting forces, surface roughness, tool life and wear mechanisms were assessed. The results indicated that when turning Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 227 UDK 621.941:004.032.26 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)227(2014) the AISI 4340 steel, using low feed rates and depths of cut, the forces were higher when machining the softer steel and that the surface roughness of the machined part was improved as the cutting speed was elevated and it deteriorated with the increasing feed rate.4 The wear mechanisms of the cutting tools made of tungsten-carbide (WC), PCBN and PCD were investiga- ted using the tool life and the temperature results avail- able in the literature. For the tool/work combinations of WC/steel and PCBN/hardened-steel, under practical con- ditions, the tool wear was found to be greatly influenced by the temperature.5 The AISI 4340 low-alloy steel was assumed for the workpiece. Cubic boron-nitride (CBN) or polycrystalline (PCBN) inserts are widely used as the cutting-tool mate- rial in high-speed machining of hardened tool steels due to high hardness, high abrasive-wear resistance and che- mical stability at high temperature. Cutting forces and feed forces were determined with numerical simulations. The cutting force and feed force increased with the increasing feed, tool-edge radius, negative rake angle, and workpiece hardness. The results from the simula- tions were compared to the experimental results reported in the literature.6 The effects of the cutting speed, cutting force and feed rate on the flank wear land and tool life of the TiN coated carbide inserts in boring operations were studied when machining the 38MnVS5 alloy. The results showed that the machinability of microalloyed steel is better than that of heat-treated alloy steels under identical condi- tions.7 The tribological influences of PVD-applied TiAlN coatings on the wear of cemented carbide inserts and the microstructure influence on the wear behaviors of the coated tools were investigated under dry and wet machining. The turning test was conducted with variable high cutting speeds ranging from 210 m/min to 410 m/min.8 The tested work materials were plain carbon steel JIS S45C and BN free-machining steels. The JIS S45C was used as the standard. The tool wear in turning the BN free-machining steel was smaller than that in turning the standard steel. In the case of turning BN1 with P30 at 200 m/min, 300 m/min, the wear-progress rate of the flank wear and crater depth were about half as much as that in turning the standard steel. The BN free-machining steel showed a slightly lower cutting temperature and a smaller cutting force in comparison with the standard steel at the tested cutting speeds.9 The cutting-force data used in the analyses was gathered with a tool-breakage detection system detecting the variations of the cutting forces measured with a three-dimensional force dynamometer. The workpiece materials used in the experiments were: cold-work tool steel, AISI O2 (90 MnCrV8); hot-work tool steel, AISI H10 (X32CrMo33); and mould steel, AISI improved 420 (X42Cr13). The cutting tools used were HSS tools, uncoated WC and coated TiAlN and TiC + TiCN + TiN inserts (ISO P25). No cutting fluid was used during the turning operations. During the experiments, the cutting forces, flank wear and surface-roughness values were measured throughout the tool life and the machining performances of the tool steels were compared.10 Orthogonal cutting experiments were performed on a high-speed machining center with the surface speeds of up to 500 m/min and the uncut chip thicknesses ranging from 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm. The results indicate that in cer- tain critical regions of the thermal field, the improved machinability correlates with significant reductions in the temperature exceeding the measurement uncertain- ties. Such micro-scale temperature measurements will help to design the materials with further improved machinability.11 Three different carbide cutting tools were used, namely, TiCN + TiC + TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN-coated car- bide tools with multilayer coatings of 7.5 μm and 10.5 μm and an uncoated WC/Co tool. The turning experi- ments were carried out at four different cutting speeds, which were (125, 150, 175 and 200) m/min. The feed rate (f) and depth of cut (ap) were kept fixed at 0.25 mm/r and 1.5 mm/r, respectively, throughout the experiments. The tool performance was evaluated with respect to the tool wear, the surface finish produced and the cutting forces generated during turning.12 Cakir and Isik13 performed a study about the tool-life testing with single-point turning tools. The cutting-force data used in the analysis was gathered with a tool-break- age detection system detecting the variations of the cutting forces measured with a three-dimensional force dynamometer. Six pairs of ductile iron specimens, austempered at (300, 350 and 400) °C for 1 h and 2 h were tested. The cutting tools used in the tests were coated carbide inserts, ISO SNMG 120408 (K10), clamped on the tool holders, CSBNR 2525 M12. No cutting fluid was used during the turning operations. During the experiments, the cutting forces, flank wear and surface-roughness values were measured throughout the tool life and the machining performances of ADI having different structures were compared. Lalwani et al.14 carried out a machining study focus- ing on the effect of the cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) on the cutting forces (feed force, thrust force and cutting force) and the surface roughness in the finish hard turning of the MDN250 steel (equivalent to the 18Ni(250) maraging steel) using a coated ceramic tool. A non-linear quadratic model best describes the variation in the surface roughness with the major contribution of the feed rate and the secondary contributions of the interaction effect between the feed rate and the depth of cut, the second-order (quadratic) effect of the feed rate and the interaction effect between the speed and depth of cut. The suggested models of the cutting forces and surface roughness are adequately map- M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... 228 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 ped within the limits of the cutting parameters consi- dered. In another study, coated tungsten-carbide ISO P-30 turning-tool inserts were subjected to a deep cryogenic treatment (–176 °C). The machining studies were con- ducted on a C45 workpiece using both untreated and deep cryogenic treated tungsten-carbide cutting-tool inserts. The cutting force during the machining of the C45 steel is lower in the case of the deep cryogenic treated carbide tools when compared with the untreated carbide tools. The surface finish produced when machin- ing the C45 steel workpiece is better with the deep cryo- genic treated carbide tools than with the untreated carbide tools.15 The objective of the work is to determine the influence of cutting fluids on the tool wear and surface roughness during turning AISI 304 with a carbide tool. A further attempt was made to identify the influence of coconut oil on reducing the tool wear and surface rough- ness during the turning process. The performance of coconut oil was also compared with two other cutting fluids, namely, an emulsion and a neat cutting oil (immi- scible with water).16 Ebrahimi and M. M. Moshksar17 machined micro- alloyed steel (30MnVS6) and quenched-tempered (QT) steels (AISI 1045 and AISI 5140) under different cutting conditions. An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the effects of the cutting speed, feed rate, hardness, and workpiece material on the flank wear and tool life of the coated cemented carbide inserts in the hard-turning process. A statistical analysis was used for evaluating different factors of the cutting forces. Chip characteristics and the chip/tool contact length were also investigated. In another study, the machining of the uncoated AISI 1030 steel (i.e., the orthogonal cutting), PVD- and CVD-coated cemented carbide inserts with different feed rates of (0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40 and 0.45) mm/r, with the cutting speeds of (100, 200 and 300) m/min and a con- stant depth of cut (i.e., 2 mm), without using a cooling liquid was accomplished. The effects of the surface roughness, the coating method, the coating material, the cutting speed and the feed rate on the workpiece were investigated. Afterwards, these experimental studies were carried out on artificial neural networks (ANNs). The training and test data of the ANNs were prepared using experimental patterns for the surface roughness. Therefore, the surface-roughness value was determined with an ANN with an acceptable accuracy.18 Gaitonde et al.19 made a study analyzing the effects of the depth of cut and the machining time on the machi- nability aspects such as machining force, power, specific cutting force, surface roughness and tool wear using second-order mathematical models during turning high- chromium AISI D2 cold-work tool steel with the CC650, CC650WG and GC6050WH ceramic inserts. The effects of the machining parameters on the cutt- ing force, specific cutting pressure, cutting temperature, tool wear and surface-finish criteria were investigated during the experimentation. The present approach and the results will help manufacturing engineers to under- stand the machinability of Inconel 718 during high-speed turning.20 Two AISI 4140 steels with different machinability ratings and three types of tools were compared. The con- trol-volume approach was used to estimate the energy partition from the thermal images and the energy out- flows were compared for the measurement of the cutting power. This provides a new physical tool for examining machinability, tool wear and subsurface damage.21 The work is an experimental study of hard turning the AISI 52100 bearing steel with a CBN tool. The relationships between the cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) and machining output variables (surface roughness, cutting forces) are analyzed and modeled with the response-surface methodology (RSM). Finally, the depth of cut exhibits the maximum influence on the cutting forces as compared to the feed rate and cutting speed.22 There are many studies in the literature about the arti- ficial neural network modeling of the surface roughness. The main purpose of this study is to carry out the turning tests on the 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) steel using coated car- bide/cermet cutting tools and to carry out the modeling with an artificial neural network. There are many studies in the literature about the SAE 6150 material. These studies are especially related to physical and mechanical properties. However, there is no sufficient study on the machinability of the SAE 6150 material. 2 MATERIALS AND METHOD The turning tests were carried out on the commer- cially available 50CrV4 (equivalent to SAE 6150) steel workpiece specimens. These steel specimens were pro- duces by CEMTAS, TR and their chemical composition is shown in Table 1. The 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) workpiece specimens were prepared in accordance with the requirements of the ISO M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 229 Table 1: Workpiece material 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) and its chemical composition (w/%) Tabela 1: Material obdelovancev 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) in njegova kemijska sestava (w/%) Material Hardness (HB) Material content C Si Mn P S Cr V 50CrV4 - SAE(AISI)6150 311 0.50 0.31 0.78 0.009 0.008 1.06 0.15 3685 standard. The size of the specimens was determined in accordance with the diameter/length ratio that should not exceed 1/10. Prior to the machining tests through a surface turning operation, both faces of the specimens were machined and center drilled on a universal lather. The dimensions of the workpiece specimens are shown in Figure 1. Tool holder was also chosen according to the require- ments specified in ISO 3685 for the machinability tests. The specifications of the tool holder, produced by SANDVIK, were PCLNR 2525 12. The tool-holder features are shown in Figure 2. The cutting inserts with six different features were used for the machining tests. These cutting inserts were coated carbide and cermet cutting tools. In addition, the cutting-insert tip radii were (0.4, 0.8 and 1.2) mm. The cutting-insert grades and technical specifications are shown in Table 2. The machining tests were carried out at the cutting speeds of (150, 200, 250, 250 and 300) m/min, the feed rates of (0.12, 0.16, 0.20) mm/r and the depths of cut of (0.5, 1, 1.5) mm without a coolant, using the cutting tools whose specifications are given in Table 2. The cutting speed, depth of cut and feed rate were chosen according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... 230 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 Figure 2: Tool-holder specifications Slika 2: Specifikacija nosilca orodja Figure 1: Experimental-workpiece-specimen geometry Slika 1: Geometrija poskusnega vzorca Table 2: Cutting-tool technical specifications Tabela 2: Tehni~ne zna~ilnosti poskusnega orodja za rezanje Cutting-tool number Cutting-tool material Cutting tool Coating method Coating material Code Tip radius ISO grade 1 Carbide CVD Al2O3+TiCN GC4215 0.4 CNMG 12 04 04-PF-P15 2 Carbide CVD Al2O3+TiCN GC4215 0.8 CNMG 12 08 04-PF-P15 3 Carbide CVD Al2O3+TiCN GC4215 0.12 CNMG 12 12 04-PF-P15 4 Cermet PVD TiN+TiCN GC1525 0.4 CNMG 12 04 04-PF-P15 5 Cermet PVD TiN+TiCN GC1525 0.8 CNMG 12 08 04-PF-P15 6 Cermet PVD TiN+TiCN GC1525 0.12 CNMG 12 12 04-PF-P15 Table 3: Cutting parameters used in the experimental study Tabela 3: Parametri rezanja, uporabljeni pri eksperimentih Cutting tool Tip radius Rå/mm Depth of cut d/mm Feed rate f/(mm/r) Cutting speed v/(mm/min) Coated carbide 0.4–0.8–1.2 0.5–1–1.5 0.12–0.16–0.20 150–200–250–250–300 Coated cermet 0.4–0.8–1.2 0.5–1–1.5 0.12–0.16–0.20 150–200–250–250–300 related literature and the ISO 3685 standard. Table 3 shows the types of cutting tool, tip radius, depth of cut, feed rate and cutting speed. An industrial-type Johnford TC-35 CNC lathe was used as the machine tool. To measure the axial (Fx), radial (Fy) and main (Fz) cutting-force components, a KISTLER 9257B dynamometer was used. This dynamo- meter was connected with a KISTLER TYPE 5019 multichannel charge amplifier and the cutting-force signals were sent to a computer with an RS-232C cable connection. The graphs were obtained with the Dyno- Ware Type 2825A1-2 software. Fx (Fa), Fy (Fr) and Fz (Fc) force values were determined during the machining processes. These values were calculated as the average scalar values in newtons (N) by the DynoWare software. A schematic presentation of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 3, while the experimental setup is shown in Figure 4. For the measurement of the surface-roughness values, a MAHR-Perthometer M1 model device was used (Figure 5). The cut-off length and the sampling length were chosen to be 0.8 mm and 5.6 mm, respectively. Three measurements were made parallel to the longitu- dinal axis of the workpiece at the intervals of 120°. The average surface roughness, Ra, was taken into account in all the measurements. 3 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL The concept of an artificial neural network has emerged with the idea that it simulates the operating principles of a human brain. The first studies were made with mathematical modeling of biological neurons that make up the brain cells. An artificial neural network consists of a large number of interconnected processing elements. Artificial neural network processing elements are called simple nerves. An artificial neural network contains a large number of interconnected nodes. A nerve is the basic unit of an artificial neural network. An artificial nerve is, thus, simpler than a biological nerve. Figure 6 shows an artificial neural network algorithm. All the artificial neural networks are derived from this basic structure. The differences in the structure of artificial neural networks result in different classification types. The learning procedure can be affected by establish- ing correct correlations between the input and the output in artificial neural networks. This process falls below a certain value of the error between the foreseen output and the desired output. Artificial neural networks learn like a human. The more samples are used for learning, the more accurate is the obtained result. When a certain input is entered, the network can make changes to the data in order to give similarly accurate answers. The Levenberg-Marquardt (Levenberg, 1944; Marquardt, 1963) method uses a search direction that is a solution of the linear set of equations: ( ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( )J x J x x I d J x F xk T k k k k T k+ = − (1) or, optionally, of the equations: ( ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ))) ( ) ( ) J x J x l J x J x d J x F x k T k k k T k k k T k diag+ = = − (2) M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 231 Figure 6: Artificial neural network Slika 6: Umetna nevronska mre`a Figure 5: Surface-roughness measurement device Slika 5: Naprava za merjenje hrapavosti povr{ine Figure 4: Experimental setup Slika 4: Eksperimentalni sestav Figure 3: Schematic presentation of the experimental assembly Slika 3: Shematski prikaz eksperimentalnega sestava where scalar k controls both the magnitude and direc- tion of dk. It is necessary to set the Scale Problem option to šnone’ to choose Equation 1 and to šJacobian’ to choose Equation 2. Multilayer networks often use the log-sigmoid trans- fer function (logsig). The function generates the outputs between 0 and 1 as a neuron’s net input goes from the negative to the positive infinity. Alternatively, multilayer networks can use the tan-sigmoid transfer function (tansig). Sigmoid output neurons are often used for pattern-recognition problems, while linear output neu- rons are used for function-fitting problems. The linear transfer function is shown below (Figure 7). 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Experimental study results In this study, the influence of the machining para- meters (cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) on the cutting forces (Fa, Fr and Fc) and surface-roughness values were investigated when machining the 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) steel. The surface-roughness values were analyzed on the basis of the process variables such as cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, and cutting-tool type. In addition, the influences of these variables on the cutting force were also examined. The relations between the cutting forces and the surface roughness were defined. A total of 270 experiments were performed to examine the effects of these variables. The minimum sur- face-roughness value was obtained with the coated cer- met cutting tool, while the maximum surface-roughness value was obtained with the coated carbide cutting tool. The cutting-force components were measured (Fa, Fr, Fc). Maximum Fa, Fr and Fc were obtained with the coated carbide cutting tool. However, minimum Fa and Fr were obtained with the coated cermet cutting tool. Maximum Ra was obtained with the coated cermet cutt- ing tool, while minimum Ra was obtained with the coated carbide cutting tool. A direct relation can be seen between the cutting forces and surface-roughness values. The lower are Fa and Fr, the lower are the surface-rough- ness values (Table 4). M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... 232 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 Figure 7: Used ANN functions Slika 7: Uporabljene funkcije ANN Figure 8: Comparison of the cutting forces: machining with coated carbide/cermet cutting tools Slika 8: Primerjava sil pri rezanju: rezanje z orodjem s karbidno ali kermetno prevleko Table 4: Maximum/minimum values of the cutting force and surface roughness Tabela 4: Maksimalne/minimalne vrednosti sil pri rezanju in hrapavost povr{ine Cutting tool (coated carbide/cermet) Cutting tool (z) Depth of cut d/mm Cutting speed v/(mm/min) Feed rate f/(mm/r) Fx (Fa)/N Fy (Fr)/N Fz (Fc)/N Surface roughness Ra/μm Min/max Cermet 6 0.5 250 0.12 74.37 118.83 218.68 0.345 Fa min Carbide 2 1.5 150 0.2 454.17 203.88 836.12 1.619 Fa max Cermet 4 1.5 200 0.12 321.63 51.72 516.02 0.702 Fr min Carbide 3 1.5 250 0.2 399.06 319.58 804.36 1.336 Fr max Carbide 1 0.5 175 0.12 100.11 94.04 202.54 0.634 Fc min Carbide 3 1.5 200 0.2 409.48 305.07 859.52 1.315 Fc max Cermet 6 0.5 250 0.12 74.37 118.83 218.68 0.345 Ra min Carbide 1 1.5 150 0.2 437.23 110.79 814.09 1.893 Ra max The cutting-force values were found to influence the resulting surface-roughness values. When Fa, Fr and Fc increase, the surface roughness also increases. There is a direct correlation between the Fa, Fr, Fc values and Ra. When the resulting surface-roughness values are exami- ned, it is seen that the surface-roughness values obtained with the coated cermet cutting tools are lower than those obtained with coated carbide tools. The resultant force components of Fa, Fr and Fc have a direct correlation with Ra. Maximum Fa, Fr and Fc appeared with the coated carbide cutting tools (Figure 8). However, the minimum surface-roughness values were obtained with the coated cermet cutting tools (Figure 9). The lower surface- roughness values obtained with the coated cermet cutting tools can be explained with a lower built-up-edge (BUE) formation tendency of the cermet cutting tools. The pre- sence of BUE on the cutting tool significantly increases the surface-roughness values. 4.2 Performance of the ANN model An experimental design was accomplished. A 27 fully factorial experimental design was planned. Totally, 8 column × 270 line data was obtained from the experi- ments. This data was divided into groups. 70 % of the data was used for the training, 15 % of the data was used for the validation of the results and 15 % of the data was used to test the results. A multiple regression analysis was accomplished (R2 = 0.81810949, adjusted M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 233 Figure 9: Comparison of the surface-roughness values: machining with coated carbide/cermet cutting tools Slika 9: Primerjava vrednosti hrapavosti povr{ine: rezanje z orodjem s karbidno ali kermetno prevleko Figure 10: ANN model Slika 10: ANN-model Table 5: Iterations to find the best ANN model Tabela 5: Pribli`ki pri iskanju najbolj{ega ANN-modela Net name Trainingperformance Test performance Training error Test error Training algorithm MLP 7-26-1 0.942287 0.910443 0.002352 0.003235 BFGS 52 MLP 7-14-1 0.957514 0.913514 0.001748 0.003132 BFGS 54 MLP 7-29-1 0.957661 0.911581 0.001738 0.003189 BFGS 90 MLP 7-26-1 0.940432 0.904966 0.002425 0.003485 BFGS 59 MLP 7-20-1 0.947744 0.907168 0.002135 0.003365 BFGS 73 MLP 7-54-1 0.960559 0.916491 0.001624 0.003013 BFGS 109 MLP 7-26-1 0.943531 0.910626 0.002302 0.003236 BFGS 50 MLP 7-37-1 0.987255 0.952368 0.000532 0.001757 BFGS 132 RBF 7-53-1 0.929539 0.905647 0.002851 0.003411 RBFT MLP 7-50-1 0.955443 0.904887 0.001829 0.003456 BFGS 67 MLP 7-43-1 0.962073 0.909532 0.001561 0.003283 BFGS 52 MLP 7-74-1 0.944994 0.907058 0.002245 0.003363 BFGS 66 MLP 7-45-1 0.943063 0.908330 0.002321 0.003342 BFGS 52 R2 = 0.81324982). The results obtained with the multiple regression analyses were not enough to interpret the experiment results. For this reason, an Annova analysis was also performed. But Annova did not make any contribution towards interpreting the experimental results either. The Statistica software was used for the statistical analysis. The artificial neural network (ANN) model could not be improved. A code was developed for modeling the ANN using Matlab. Different ANN models were tried (Table 5) and the best ANN model with the highest learning level was chosen. The code used in the model resulted in very sound results (RMS = 0.0055829150, R2 = 0.9997334826 and MEP/% = –0.0000134181). These are the average values of all the ANN-model results. There are many commercial ANN software products. In this study, the Matlab neural network toolbox was used to obtain a neural network model. There are seven inputs (type of cutting tool, coated carbide/cermet cutting tools, depth of cut, cutting speed, feed rate, Fa, Fr, Fc forces and one output (surface roughness). A multi- layer feed-forward perceptron (MLP 12-13-1) was used in the ANN model. The tansig, logsig and purelin functions were used on the Matlab code and the Levenberg-Marquardt training method was used in the ANN model. Figure 10 shows the ANN model. Figure 11 shows the training performance of the model. According to the graphs, the training percentage is a maximum. This shows that the training value can be acceptable. The resulting value is very close to 1. Figure 12 shows the ANN results: the training, validation and the test regression-analysis results. The performance of the ANN model relates to the deviation between the actual output values and predicted output values. Table 6 shows a comparison of the experimental values and the Matlab neural-network predictions. The error amounts were used for the analysis of three statistical values. M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... 234 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 Figure 12: ANN results: training, validation and the test Slika 12: Rezultati ANN: usposabljanje, ocena in preizkus Figure 11: ANN training result Slika 11: Rezultati ANN-usposabljanja Table 6: ANN test data Tabela 6: Podatki ANN-preizkusa Cutting tool (z) Depth of cut d/mm Cutting speed v/(mm/min) Feed rate f/(mm/r) Fx (Fa)/N Fy(Fr)/N Fz (Fc)/N Experimental surface rough- ness (Ra/μm) ANN model test (MATLAB) RMS R2 MEP 1 0.5 150 0.12 118.5 95.61 224.01 0.708 0.703709 0.004291 0.999963 0.006097 1 0.5 150 0.16 130.96 118.18 280.97 1.046 1.041602 0.004398 0.999982 0.004223 2 1 175 0.12 235.44 163.89 403.76 0.603 0.604894 0.001894 0.99999 –0.00313 2 1 175 0.16 221.03 164.91 474.29 0.866 0.868187 0.002187 0.999994 –0.00252 2 1 175 0.2 237.59 177.01 567.95 1.106 1.103077 0.002923 0.999993 0.00265 3 0.5 200 0.16 83.21 155.97 249.81 0.711 0.713359 0.002359 0.999989 –0.00331 3 0.5 200 0.2 97.96 173.58 310.1 1.018 1.014781 0.003219 0.99999 0.003172 3 0.5 225 0.12 86.49 148.89 226.71 0.465 0.470102 0.005102 0.999882 –0.01085 4 0.5 225 0.2 123.95 102.78 316.82 1.515 1.502162 0.012838 0.999927 0.008546 4 0.5 250 0.12 113.08 82.18 226.48 0.596 0.582287 0.013713 0.999445 0.02355 4 0.5 250 0.2 121.36 121.4 301.84 1.568 1.565077 0.002923 0.999997 0.001868 5 0.5 250 0.2 92.58 126.44 292.2 1.387 1.385913 0.001087 0.999999 0.000784 5 1 150 0.12 204.73 134.97 394.89 0.637 0.636777 0.000223 0.999999 0.000351 Figure 13 shows ANN function fit for output. Figure 14 shows ANN error histogram (30 Bins and 20 Bins). These are the statistical errors of the RMSE (the root mean square error), R2 (the absolute fraction of variance) and the MEP (the mean error percentage). If these error amounts are calculated according to the value of the output surface roughness, the RMSE is found to be smaller than 0.004291, R2 is 0.999963 and the MEP is around 0.006097 for the training and test data. The RMSE, R2 and MEP values are obtainable with the following equations: RMSE = ( )1 2 p j t oj j∑ − (3) RMSE = 0 708 0 703709 2 . .− = 0.004291 The statistical error amount: R j t o j o R j j j 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 708 0 703709 0 703 = − − = − − ∑ ∑ ( ) ( ) ( . . ) ( . 709 0 9999632) .= (4) and the average percent error: MEP/% = j t o t p j j j − ⋅ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟∑ 100 (5) MEP/% = 0 708 0 703709 0 703709 100 0 006097 . . . . − ⋅ = values are obtained, where t is the target value, o is the output and p is the number of the samples. 5 CONCLUSIONS An ANN was developed for predicting the surface- roughness values in turning the 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) steel using the cutting forces (Fa, Fr and Fc) and machining parameters. The influences of the machining parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and cutting-tool material) on the cutting forces and surface roughness were investigated. The optimum configuration of the ANN consisted of three layers with the LM neural network approach. The statistical-analysis results are: RMSE = 0.004291, R2 = 0.999963, MEP/% =0.006097. The predicted surface-roughness values using the ANN model are in good agreement with the experimentally obtained surface-roughness values. The ANN based on the calculation can be used to predict the surface rough- ness depending on the machining parameters. These results can be used to predict the cutting forces and surface roughness in machining the 50CrV4 (SAE 6150) steel using the coated carbide and cermet cutting tools. In conclusion, a surface-roughness prediction not requiring an experimental study with ANN models can provide both simplicity and fast calculation. It is shown that an ANN model can be used as an effective and alternative method of experimental studies improving both the time and economical optimization of the machining. M. T. OZKAN et al.: EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 227–236 235 Figure 14: ANN error histograms, 30 Bins and 20 Bins Slika 14: Histogram ANN-napak, 30 Bins in 20 Bins Figure 13: ANN function fit for the output Slika 13: ANN-funkcja, primerna za izhod 6 REFERENCES 1 N. Boubekri, J. Rodriguez, S. Asfour, Development of an aggregate indicator to assess the machinability of steels, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 134 (2003), 159–165 2 A. S. Kumar, A. R. Durai, T. Sornakumar, Machinability of hardened steel using alumina based ceramic cutting tools, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 21 (2003), 109–117 3 Z. Tekiner, S. Yeºilyurt, Investigation of the cutting parameters depending on process sound during turning of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, Materials and Design, 25 (2004), 507–513 4 J. G. Lima, R. F. Ávila, A. M. Abrão, M. Faustino, J. 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ESTIMATION OF THE BORON DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN FeB AND Fe2B LAYERS DURING THE PACK-BORIDING OF A HIGH-ALLOY STEEL DOLO^ANJE KOEFICIENTA DIFUZIJE BORA V PLASTEH FeB IN Fe2B MED BORIRANJEM VISOKO LEGIRANEGA JEKLA V SKRINJI Zahra Nait Abdellah1,2, Mourad Keddam1 1Laboratoire de Technologie des Matériaux, Département de Sciences des Matériaux, Faculté de Génie Mécanique et Génie des Procédés, USTHB, B.P N°32, 16111 El-Alia, Bab-Ezzouar, Alger, Algérie 2Département de Chimie, Faculté des sciences, Université Mouloud Mammeri, 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie keddam@yahoo.fr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-03-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-07 In this work we propose a diffusion model to estimate the boron diffusion coefficients in FeB and Fe2B layers during the pack-boriding of AISI M2 steel in the temperature range 1173–1323 K for a treatment time of 4–8 h. The proposed model is based on the mass-balance equations at the two growth fronts – FeB/Fe2B and Fe2B/substrate – under certain assumptions. The estimated values of the boron activation energies in the FeB and Fe2B layers were compared with the literature data. The present model was extended to predict the thickness of each boride layer for the borided samples at different temperatures for 10 h. Iso-thickness diagrams were established to be used as a tool for predicting the thickness of each boride layer as a function of the two parameters: temperature and time. Finally, a simple equation was proposed to estimate the required time to obtain a single Fe2B layer by diffusion annealing. Keywords: boriding, incubation times, Fick’s laws, simulation, growth kinetics, annealing Predstavljeno delo predlaga model difuzije za dolo~anje koeficienta difuzije bora v plasteh FeB in Fe2B med boriranjem v skrinji jekla AISI M2 v temperaturnem obmo~ju 1173–1323 K pri spreminjanju trajanja postopka od 4 h do 8 h. Predlagani model temelji na ena~bi masne balance na dveh rasto~ih mejnih ploskvah (FeB/Fe2B) in (Fe2B/osnova) pri dolo~enih predpostavkah. Dolo~ena vrednost aktivacijske energije bora v FeB- in Fe2B-plasti je bila primerjana s podatki iz literature. Predstavljeni model je bil raz{irjen, da bi lahko napovedal debelino vsake od obeh boridnih plasti za borirane vzorce pri razli~nih temperaturah in trajanju do 10 h. Postavljeni so bili diagrami enake debeline, ki so uporabni kot orodje za napovedovanje debeline vsakega od boriranih slojev v odvisnosti od dveh parametrov (temperature in ~asa). Predlagana je preprosta ena~ba za dolo~anje potrebnega ~asa za nastanek plasti Fe2B z difuzijskim `arjenjem. Klju~ne besede: boriranje, inkubacijski ~as, Fickovi zakoni, simulacija, kinetika rasti, `arjenje 1 INTRODUCTION One of the surface-modification methods for improv- ing the surface properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys is boriding. According to the Fe-B binary system, two kinds of iron borides, i.e., FeB and Fe2B, with a narrow range of composition can be identified.1 The boriding process applies in the temperature range 1073–1323 K between 1 h to 10 h and it can be carried out in solid, liquid or gaseous media. The possible for- mation of the FeB and Fe2B iron borides depends upon various factors, such as the boron activity of the boriding medium, the chemical composition of the substrate, the process temperature and the treatment time. The mor- phology of the boride layers is influenced by the pre- sence of alloying elements in the matrix. Saw-tooth- shaped layers are obtained in low-alloy steels, whereas in high-alloy steels, the interfaces tend to be flat. The modelling of the boriding kinetics is considered as a suitable tool to match the case depth with the intended industrial applications for this borided steel. So, the modelling of the growth kinetics for boride layers has gained much attention to simulate the boriding kinetics during recent decades.2–26 In the present work an original diffusion model is proposed to estimate the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers grown on AISI M2 steel by considering the boride incubation times. A non-linear boron-concentration profile is assumed through the boride layers. The mass-balance equations were applied to the two diffusion fronts: the FeB/Fe2B and Fe2B/sub- strate interfaces in the temperature range 1173–1323 K. In addition, a simple equation was proposed to estimate the required time to obtain a single Fe2B layer by diffusion annealing. 2 THE DIFFUSION MODEL The model takes into account the FeB/Fe2B bilayer growth on the saturated substrate with boron atoms, as shown in Figure 1. C up FeB and C low FeB (= 16.23 % B) are the upper and lower boron mass concentrations in the FeB, while C up FeB (= 9 % B) and C low FeB (= 8.83 % B) are, respectively, the upper Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 237–242 237 UDK 621.793:669.14 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)237(2014) and lower boron concentrations in the Fe2B. Cads denotes the adsorbed concentration of boron,15 while u is the position of the FeB/Fe2B interface, and v is the position of the Fe2B/substrate interface. C0 is the boron solubility in the matrix and is equal to 35 · 10–4 % B.2 The upper boron content in the FeB phase (C up FeB ), imposed by the boriding medium, gives rise to the two iron borides: FeB and Fe2B. From a thermodynamic point of view, the FeB phase exhibits a narrow composition range (of about the mole fraction x = 1 % B or the mass fraction w = 0.2 % B), as identified by Massalski.27 The upper boron content in the FeB phase was taken in the composition range of mass fractions 16.25–16.43 % B to obtain a bilayer configuration consisting of the two iron borides, FeB and Fe2B. The following assumptions are considered during the formulation of the diffusion model: • The kinetics is dominated by the diffusion-controlled mechanism • The growth of the boride layers is a consequence of the boron diffusion perpendicular to the sample sur- face • The range of homogeneity of the iron borides is about x = 1 % B • The iron borides nucleate after a certain incubation time • The boride layer is thin in comparison to the sample thickness • A local equilibrium occurs at the phase interfaces • A planar morphology is assumed for the phase inter- faces • The volume change during the phase transformation is ignored • The diffusion coefficient of boron in each iron boride does not vary with the boron concentration and follows an Arrhenius relationship • A uniform temperature is assumed throughout the sample • The alloying elements have no effect on the boron diffusion • The presence of porosity is neglected during the boron diffusion. The initial conditions of the diffusion problem are set up as follows: { } { } { } C x t C x t C x t FeB Fe B Fe 2 ( ) ( ) ( )    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = = = = (1) The boundary conditions are given by the following equations: { }C x t t T CFeB FeB upFeB[ ]= = =0 0( ) for C wtads B16 23. .% (2) { }C x t t T CFeB FeB lowFeB[ ]= = =0 0( ) for C wtads B 16 23. .% and with the FeB phase: (3) { }C x t t T CFe B Fe B upFe B2 2 2[ ]= = =0 0( ) for 883 16 23. .% . .%wt C wtB Bads  and without the FeB phase: (4) { }C x t t T CFe B Fe B lowFe B2 2 2[ ]= = =0 0( ) for C wtads B 883. .% and without the FeB phase: (5) C x t t u CFeB low FeB( ( ) )= = = (6) C x t t u CFe B up Fe B 2 2( ( ) )= = = (7) C x t t v CFe B low Fe B 2 2( ( ) )= = = (8) C x t t v CFe 0( ( ) )= = = (9) The mass-balance equations28 are given by the equa- tions (10) and (11): [ ]w u t J J x uFeB B FeB B Fe Bd d 2⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = − = (10) [ ]w v t w u t J x vFe B B Fe B 2 2 d d d d ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + ⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = = ' (11) with [ ]w C C C C w FeB up FeB low FeB low FeB up Fe B Fe B 2 2 = × − + − = 05 0 . ( ) ( ) [ ]. ( ) ( ) ' . ( 5 05 × − + − = × C C C C w C up Fe B low Fe B low Fe B 0 up Fe B 2 2 2 2 −C low Fe B2 ) The boron flux through a given boride layer is obtained from Fick’s first law as follows: J D C x t x i i i B B= − ∂ ∂ ( , ) with i = (FeB or Fe2B) (12) DB FeB and DB Fe B2 are, respectively, the diffusion coeffi- cients of boron in the FeB and Fe2B phases. The boron concentration profile in the FeB layer is given by: C x t C C C erf u D t FeB up FeB low FeB up FeB B FeB ( , ) ( ) = + − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠2 ⎟ ⎟ ⋅ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟erf x D t2 B FeB For 0 ≤ ≤x u (13) In the same way, the boron concentration profile in the Fe2B layer can be obtained as follows: 238 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 237–242 Z. NAIT ABDELLAH, M. KEDDAM: ESTIMATION OF THE BORON DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN FeB AND Fe2B LAYERS ... Figure 1: Boron concentration profile through the FeB/Fe2B bilayer Slika 1: Profil koncentracije bora skozi plasti (FeB/Fe2B) C x t C C C erf u D t Fe B up Fe B low Fe B up Fe B B Fe B 2 2 2 2 2 ( , ) ( ) = + − ⎛ 2⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ ⋅ ⋅ erf v D t erf u D t 2 2 B Fe B B Fe B 2 2 ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ erf x D t2 B Fe B2 For u x v≤ ≤ (14) The FeB layer thickness u grows parabolically according to equation (15), where kFeB represents the parabolic growth constant at the FeB/Fe2B interface: [ ]u k t t T= −FeB 0FeB ( ) /1 2 (15) The distance v is the location of the Fe2B/substrate interface and k its parabolic growth constant (equation (16)) and the difference (l = v – u) denotes the layer thickness of the Fe2B (equation 17): [ ]v k t t T= − 0 ( ) /1 2 (16) [ ] [ ]l v u k t t T k t t T= − = − − −0 FeB 0FeB( ) ( ) / /1 2 1 2 (17) with t T t T0 FeB ( ) ( ) 0 and k k FeB where t0(T) is the boride incubation time of the total boride layer and t T0 FeB ( ) is the boride incubation time of the FeB layer. To take into account the effect of the boride incubation times when solving the mass-balance equations, it is necessary to define the two parameters FeB(T) and (T): FeB 0 FeB ( ) ( ) . T t T t = − ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ 1 0 5 (18) and ( ) ( ) . T t T t = − ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥1 0 5 0 (19) The layer thickness of the FeB (u) is related to the FeB(T) parameter by equation (20): u k T t= FeB FeB ( ) (20) In the same way, the layer thickness of the Fe2B (l) is expressed using equation (21): [ ]l k T k T t= − ( ) ( )FeB FeB (21) 3 ESTIMATION OF THE BORON DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN THE FeB AND Fe2B LAYERS To estimate the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers, the experimental results published by Campos-Silva et al.29 on borided AISI M2 steel were used. In this reference work, the powder-pack boriding was carried out at four temperatures, (1173, 1223, 1273 and 1323) K, for three exposure times, (4, 6 and 8) h, using the B4C Durborid as a boriding medium. Eighty measurements were performed on different cross-sec- tions of the borided samples from the AISI M2 steel to determine the thickness of each boride layer. Tables 1 and 2 list the experimental parabolic growth constants for each phase interface with the correspond- ing incubation times. The experimental values of the parabolic growth constants at each phase interface were obtained from the slopes of the curves relating the squared boride layer thickness to the boriding time. The boride incubation times were deduced for a null boride layer thickness. Table 1: Experimental values of the parabolic growth constants at the FeB/Fe2B interface in the temperature range 1173–1323 K with the corresponding boride incubation times Tabela 1: Eksperimentalne vrednosti konstant paraboli~ne rasti na stiku (FeB/Fe2B) v temperaturnem obmo~ju 1173–1323 K, z ustrez- nim inkubacijskim ~asom borida T/K Experimental growthConstants: kFeB/(ìm s–1/2) t T0 FeB( )/s 1173 1223 1273 1323 0.065 0.121 0.179 0.238 10131 6085.7 4347.8 3815.5 Table 2: Experimental values of the parabolic growth constants at the Fe2B/substrate interface in the temperature range 1173–1323 K with the corresponding boride incubation times Tabela 2: Eksperimentalne vrednosti konstant paraboli~ne rasti na stiku (Fe2B/podlaga) v temperaturnem obmo~ju 1173–1323 K, z ustreznim inkubacijskim ~asom borida T/K Experimental growthConstants: k/(μm s–1/2) t0(T)/s 1173 1223 1273 1323 0.168 0.305 0.448 0.589 8806.2 4729 4323 3742.7 It was demonstrated that the higher boriding tem- peratures involve the shorter incubation times,24 as shown in Tables 1 and 2. The two respective parameters FeB(T) and (T) are linearly dependent on the boriding temperature and can be approximated by equations (22) and (23) from a linear fitting of the experimental data displayed in Figure 2: FeB ( ) ( . )T T= ⋅ × − −1 39 10 085793 (22) and ( ) ( . )T T= ⋅ × −−1 40 10 084703 (23) For this purpose, a computer code written in Matlab (version 6.5) was used to estimate the boron diffusivity in each boride layer. This program requires the following input data: the time, the temperature, the lower and upper boron concentrations at each phase interface as well as the two parameters FeB(T) and (T). By solving the mass-balance equations (equations (10) and (11)) via the Newton-Raphson method,30 it is possible to determine the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers. Table 3 summarizes the estimated values of the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers for an upper boron content equal to w = 16.40 % in the FeB phase. Figure 3 depicts the temperature dependence of the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers according to the Arrhenius equation. The value of the Z. NAIT ABDELLAH, M. KEDDAM: ESTIMATION OF THE BORON DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN FeB AND Fe2B LAYERS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 237–242 239 boron activation energy in each boride layer can be easily obtained from the slopes of the corresponding curves. So, the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers are, respectively, given by equations (24) and (25): D RTB FeB kJ /mol m s= × − − −28 10 3 220 2 2 1. exp ( ) . (24) D RTB Fe B kJ /mol 2 m s= × − − −16 10 3 213 2 1. exp ( ) (25) where R is the universal gas constant (= 8.314 J/(mol K)), and T represents the absolute temperature in Kelvin. The reported values of the activation energies24,29,31–33 of the borided steels are listed in Table 4 together with the values from this work. The obtained values of the activation energies are found to be dependent on the boriding method and on the chemical composition of the substrates. In Table 5, a comparison was achieved between the experimental boride layer thicknesses and the simulated ones at different temperatures for 10 h of treatment. The simulated results were obtained from equations (20) and (21). The present model was able to predict the boride layer thickness (FeB or Fe2B) for the given boriding conditions. Z. NAIT ABDELLAH, M. KEDDAM: ESTIMATION OF THE BORON DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN FeB AND Fe2B LAYERS ... 240 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 237–242 Figure 3: An Arrhenius relationship between the boron diffusion coefficient and the temperature: a) FeB layer, b) Fe2B layer Slika 3: Arrheniusova odvisnost med koeficientom difuzije bora in temperaturo: a) FeB-plast, b) Fe2B-plast Figure 2: Evolution of the two parameters as a function of the boriding temperature: a) FeB(T) and b) (T) Slika 2: Razvoj dveh parametrov v odvisnosti od temperature bori- ranja: a) FeB(T) in b) (T) Table 3: Determination of the boron diffusion coefficient in each boride layer for an upper boron mass fraction content of w =16.40 % in the FeB layer Tabela 3: Dolo~anje koeficienta difuzije bora v vsaki boridni plasti za zgornji masni dele` vsebnosti bora 16,40 % v plasti FeB T/K DB FeB m s( )2 1 1210− −× DB Fe B2 m s( )2 1 1210− −× 1173 1223 1273 1323 0.376 1.282 2.797 4.915 0.462 1.502 3.227 5.539 Table 4: Values of the boron activation energies obtained for different borided steels Tabela 4: Vrednosti aktivacijske energije bora, dobljene iz razli~nih boriranih jekel Material Boriding method Activation energy of FeBE/(kJ mol–1) Activation energy of Fe2B E/(kJ mol–1) Reference AISI M2 AISI4140 AISI H13 AISI 316L AISI M2 AISI M2 Paste Paste Powder-pack Powder-pack Powder-pack Powder-pack 283 – – 204 223 220.2 239.4 168.5 186.2 198 207 213 32 33 31 24 29 Present study Table 5: Experimental (exp.) and simulated (sim.) values of the boride layer thickness in the temperature range 1173–1323 K for 10 h of treat- ment, with an upper boron mass fraction of content of w = 16.40 % in the FeB phase Tabela 5: Eksperimentalne (exp.) in simulirane (sim.) vrednosti za debelino plasti borida v temperaturnem obmo~ju 1173–1323 K, za 10 h obdelave pri gornjem masnem dele`u vsebnosti bora 16,40 %, v FeB plasti T/K FeB (μm)exp. FeB (μm) sim. Fe2B (μm) exp. Fe2B (μm) sim. 1173 1223 1273 1323 10.17 20.98 28.30 40.24 10.30 17.89 29.75 47.60 19.66 32.81 51.83 72.28 16.70 28.23 45.81 71.67 In Table 6, the predicted values of the boride layer thicknesses are compared with the experimentally determined values in the temperature range 1173–1323 K for a treatment time varying from 4 h to 8 h. Good agreement was observed between the experimental data and the simulation results for an upper boron content equal to w = 16.40 % in the FeB phase. Table 6: Experimental (exp.) and simulated values (sim.) of the boride layer thickness in the temperature range 1173–1323 K for different treatment times with an upper boron content w = 16.40 % in the FeB phase Tabela 6: Eksperimentalne (exp.) in simulirane (sim.) vrednosti debe- line plasti borida pri temperaturah 1173–1323 K za razli~ne ~ase obdelave in zgornjo vsebnostjo bora w = 16,40 % v FeB-fazi T/K Time(h) FeB (μm) exp. FeB (μm) sim. Fe2B (μm) exp. Fe2B (μm) sim. 1173 4 4.24 6.47 8.31 10.53 6 6.96 7.92 12.04 12.89 8 8.88 9.15 14.87 14.89 1223 4 11.03 11.32 18.96 17.85 6 15.07 13.86 24.54 21.86 8 18.23 16.00 29.08 25.24 1273 4 17.94 18.81 27.02 28.97 6 23.51 23.04 35.37 35.48 8 28.00 26.60 42.09 40.97 1323 4 24.48 24.89 36.31 35.90 6 31.73 32.27 46.97 46.43 8 37.61 38.25 55.61 54.98 Figure 4 displays the iso-thickness diagrams des- cribing the evolution of the boride layer thickness as a function of the time and the boriding temperature. The results derived from Figure 4 can be used as a tool to predict the boride layer thickness in relation with its practical use in an industrial area. 4 OBTAINING OF A SINGLE LAYER OF Fe2B BY DIFFUSION ANNEALING In industrial practice it is possible to reduce the brittleness of boride layers by controlling their micro- structure. It is known that a single Fe2B boride layer is more desirable than a dual FeB-Fe2B layer.34 This makes it possible to reduce the FeB layer thickness by applying a diffusion annealing in a hydrogen atmosphere. During this stage, the supply of boron is stopped since the concentration gradient of boron in the FeB is null (i.e., C up FeB = C low FeB = 16.23 %), the FeB layer will be converted into an Fe2B layer. The time required to eliminate the FeB layer during the diffusion annealing can be obtained from equation (26): t u l C C D C C uFeB = = × × − −0 ( ) ( low FeB up Fe B B Fe B up Fe B low Fe 2 2 2 2 B ) (26) where u is the FeB layer thickness (μm), l the Fe2B layer thickness (μm) and DB Fe B2 represents the boron diffusion coefficient in Fe2B. It is clear that the annealing time depends on the boron diffusion coefficient in Fe2B, and also on the thickness of each boride layer. During the diffusion annealing, an infinitesimal reduction of the FeB layer is related to the infinitesimal growth of the Fe2B layer by equation (27): Δ Δ Δu w w w w l l= − + + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟⎟ = − Fe B FeB Fe B 2 2 ' .05493 (27) The value of the Fe2B layer thickness l' (μm) after diffusion annealing becomes: l l u ' . = + Δ 05493 (28) Table 7 presents the simulation results obtained from equations (26) and (28) to estimate the Fe2B layer thickness after diffusion annealing and the time required Z. NAIT ABDELLAH, M. KEDDAM: ESTIMATION OF THE BORON DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS IN FeB AND Fe2B LAYERS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 237–242 241 Figure 4: Iso-thickness diagrams describing the evolution of the boride layers: a) FeB, b) Fe2B Slika 4: Diagram enakih debelin opisuje razvoj boridnih plasti: a) FeB, b) Fe2B to eliminate the FeB layer in the case of the borided samples treated at different temperatures for 10 h. The obtained annealing times are increased with an increase of the boriding temperature since the boride layer becomes thicker. In this context, Kulka et al.26 have experimentally determined the annealing time using a hydrogen atmosphere to obtain a single Fe2B layer on gas borided Armco Fe at 1173 K for 2 h in a gas mixture (H2–BCl3). They found that the total elimination of the FeB layer took about 1 h. Furthermore, it was shown by Dybkov et al.35 that annealing of a borided Fe–Cr sample for 6 h resulted in the disappearance of the FeB layer. Table 7: Estimation of the Fe2B layer thickness and the time required to eliminate the FeB layer for the borided samples at different tem- peratures for 10 h Tabela 7: Dolo~anje debeline plasti Fe2B in ~as, potreben za odpravo FeB plasti, za vzorce, borirane 10 h pri razli~nih temperaturah T/K FeB (μm) sim. Fe2B (μm) sim. Fe2B (μm) After diffusion annealing Equation (28) Annealing time tu FeB = 0/h Equation (26) 1173 10.30 16.70 35.45 4.15 1223 17.89 28.23 60.79 4.99 1273 29.75 45.81 99.96 5.92 1323 47.60 71.67 158.32 6.93 5 CONCLUSIONS In this work an original diffusion model was pro- posed to estimate the boron diffusion coefficients in the FeB and Fe2B layers grown on AISI M2 steel. To deter- mine the boron activation energy in each boride layer, the mass-balance equations were formulated, including the effect of the boride incubation times. The estimated boron activation energies were compared with the lite- rature data. The present model was extended to predict the thickness of each boride layer for the borided sam- ples at different temperatures for 10 h. Iso-thickness diagrams were established to be used as a tool to predict the thickness of each boride layer as a function of the two parameters (temperature and time). The required time to obtain a single Fe2B layer by diffusion annealing was estimated on the basis of a simple equation. The for- mation of a single Fe2B layer on AISI M2 steel depended on the boriding parameters. Acknowledgements This work was carried out in the framework of the CNEPRU project under code number J0300220100093 of the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scien- tific Research. 6 REFERENCES 1 S. A. Sinha, Boriding, J. Heat Treat., 4 (1991), 437–447 2 M. Keddam, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253 (2006), 757–761 3 M. Keddam, Int. J. Mater. Res., 100 (2009), 901–905 4 M. Keddam, S. M. Chentouf, Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (2005), 393–399 5 R. D. Ramdan, T. Takaki, Y. Tomita, Mater. Trans., 49 (2008), 2625–2631 6 M. Keddam, Defect Diffus. Forum, 273–276 (2008), 318–322 7 I. Campos, M. Islas, G. Ramírez, L. Zuniga, C. Villa Velázquez, C. Mota, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253 (2007), 6226–6231 8 M. Keddam, Appl. Surf. Sci., 236 (2004), 451–455 9 I. Campos, G. Ramírez, U. Figueroa, C. V. 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The merits of such welded structures include a high joint efficiency, water and air tightness, and low fabrication costs. However, residual stresses and distortions can occur near the weld bead due to localized heating by the welding process and subsequent rapid cooling. This paper is focused on deriving a simulation solution to predict the design parameters, such as the temperature-stress distribution, the approximate gradient and the nodal displacement on the plates during the process of submerged arc welding (SAW). During the construction of an AH 36 quality T-beam profile using the SAW process, thermal residual stress and distortion occurs due to heat fusion from the source to the joint part of the symmetric T-beam. The value of the design parameter is achieved by performing a thermal elasto-plastic analysis using finite-element techniques. Furthermore, this investigation provides an available process analysis to enhance the fabrication process of welded structures. Keywords: submerged arc welding (SAW), finite element modelling (FEM), stress-temperature distribution Metalur{ko varjeni spoji se splo{no uporabljajo v industriji, vklju~no z ladjedelni{tvom, za naftne plo{~adi, jeklene mostove in tla~ne posode. Prednosti takih varjenih konstrukcij so velika zmogljivost spoja, tesnost za vodo in zrak, nizki proizvodni stro{ki. Vendar pa se v okolici kopeli zvara zaradi lokalnega segrevanja in hitrega ohlajanja lahko pojavijo zaostale napetosti in izkriv- ljanje. ^lanek je osredinjen na izpeljavo re{itve simulacije za predvidenje parametrov kot so: razporeditev temperature – nape- tosti, pribli`ek gradienta in izkrivljanja vozlov na plo{~ah med postopkom oblo~nega varjenja pod pra{kom (SAW). Med sestavljanjem AH 36 kvalitete T-nosilca s postopkom SAW se pojavijo termi~ne zaostale napetosti in izkrivljanja zaradi toplote zlivanja od vira do spojnega mesta simetri~nega T-nosilca. Vrednosti parametrov so dobljene z izvajanjem termi~ne elasto- plasti~ne analize s tehniko kon~nih elementov. Poleg tega ta preiskava omogo~a analizo procesa za pospe{itev izdelave varjenih konstrukcij. Klju~ne besede: oblo~no varjenje pod pra{kom (SAW), modeliranje z metodo kon~nih elementov (FEM), razporeditev napetosti – temperature 1 INTRODUCTION Metallurgical welding joints are extensively used in the fabrication industry, which includes ships, offshore structures, steel bridges and pressure vessels. Among the merits of such welded structures are a high joint effi- ciency, water and air tightness, and low fabrication costs. However, residual stresses and distortions can occur near the weld bead due to localized heating by the welding process and subsequent rapid cooling. Additionally, phase transformations that occur in the weld metal and adjacent heat-affected zone (HAZ), e.g., in structural steels, contribute to the evolution of residual stress. Stress regions near the weld may promote brittle fractu- res, fatigue, or stress-corrosion cracking. Meanwhile, residual stresses in the base plate may reduce the buckling strength of the structure members.1 The inhe- rent characteristics of weldments, such as metallurgical or geometrical defects, the presence of stress raisers and heterogeneous material properties, make them particu- larly vulnerable to failure. In material selection it is general practice to specify weld metals with strengths higher than those of the parent plate. This overmatching policy is thought to be able to offset potential problems, such as a reduced toughness and the presence of defects in the weld metals.2 Therefore, the residual stresses of welding must be minimized to control them according to the respective requirements. Previous investigators deve- loped several methods, including heat treatment, hammering, preheating, vibration stress relieving, and weld sequencing, to reduce the residual stresses attri- buted to welding.3–5 As known, many welded structures that cannot be subjected to post-weld manufacturing measures after the welding contain residual stresses of varying degree that can result in unintended deforma- tions of the welded component, increase the suscepti- bility to hydrogen-induced cold cracking, and also combine with tensile stresses experienced during service to promote brittle fracture, fatigue failure, and stress- corrosion cracking. Thus, developing an available welding sequence and accurately predicting the welding residual stresses for a welds system are necessary in order to achieve the safest design.1–9 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 243–248 243 UDK 621.791.75 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)243(2014) On the other hand, traditional methods for welding- induced residual stress and strain characterization are mainly experimental, and include hole drilling, X-ray, neutron diffraction, ultrasonic and demountable mecha- nical gauge measurement. However, the application of these methods in practice is usually limited by either their cost or accuracy. Numerical simulations based on finite-element modelling are used to study the influence of welding sequences on the distribution of the residual stress and distortion generated when welding a flat-bar stiffener to a steel plate. The simulation consists of sequentially coupled thermal and structural analyses using an element birth-and-death technique to model the addition of weld metal to the workpiece. The tempe- rature field during welding and the welding-induced residual stress and distortion fields are predicted and the results are compared with experimental measurements and analytical predictions.10,11 The intense heat input from the welding process and the molten steel, which is deposited into the joint, con- tribute to the thermal expansion and contraction of the heated parts. Also, residual stresses released in the rolled and raw-cut material will have some influence on the final shape of the beam. If the welding is carried out on only one side of the web the plate will bend upwards and sideways (sweep and camber). If two welds are made simultaneously, one on each side of the web, the beam tends only to exhibit beam camber due to the shrinkage produced after welding. Distortion can be minimized in symmetrical designs by applying the heat into the mate- rial in a symmetrical manner. The remaining distortion on the final part can rarely be tolerated in subsequent assemblies and must be eliminated with either thermal or mechanical methods. Both mechanical and thermal straightening techniques are used to straighten the beams subjected to plate shrinkage. Mechanical straightening requires large, expensive machines, which produce pro- cess "wrinkles". As with thermal straightening, this tech- nique adds another step to the production line for beams. Thermal straightening requires that the opposite (upper) side of the beam is heated – which later induces a com- pensating shrinkage. This is supposed to compensate for the initial shrinkage induced during the welding process mentioned above and can be carried out with a propane burner or induction line heating. In accordance with these explanations, the aims of the study were to obtain the temperature, stress and displacement region of a sub- merged arc welding (SAW) process for welded T-beam dimensions of 180 mm × 28 mm and 630 mm × 14 mm, AH 36 quality steel bars using the finite-element method. 2 SUBMERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) PROCEDURES FOR FLAT BARS Submerged arc welding is a method in which the heat required to fuse the metal is generated by an electric current passing between the welding wire and the work- piece. The tip of the welding wire, the arc and the weld area are covered by a layer of granular flux. A hopper and a feeding mechanism are used to provide a flow of flux over the joint being welded. A conveyor tube is 244 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 243–248 O. CULHA: FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING OF SUBMERGED ARC WELDING PROCESS FOR A SYMMETRIC T-BEAM Figure 1: Schematics of submerged arc welding process Slika 1: Shematski prikaz oblo~nega varjenja pod pra{kom Figure 2: Dimensional representation of steel bars for finite-element model analysis Slika 2: Predstavitev dimenzij jeklenih palic, uporabljenih za analizo z metodo kon~nih elementov Table 1: Process parameters of submerged arc welding (SAW) Tabela 1: Procesni parametri pri oblo~nem varjenju pod pra{kom (SAW) Wire diameter (mm) Amperage (A) Voltage (V) Welding speed (mm/min) 2.4 780 28 740 provided to control the flow of the flux and is always kept ahead of the weld zone to ensure an adequate supply of flux ahead of the arc. The intense heat evolved by the passage of the electric current through the welding zone melts the end of the wire and the adjacent edges of the workpieces, creating a puddle of molten metal. The puddle is in a liquid state and is turbulent. For this reason any slag or gas bubble is quickly swept to the surface. The flux completely shields the welding zone from any contact with the atmosphere. Additionally, SAW can use a much higher heat input and has slower solidification and cooling characteristics. Also, the silicon content will be much higher in submerged arc welding if care is not exercised in selecting the proper flux material. SAW can be used for the welding of mate- rials in higher gauges and has the advantage of a high weld-metal quality and a smooth and uniform weld finish. The deposit rate, deposition efficiency and the weld speed are high. This means that smoke and arc flash are absent in this procedure (Figure 1). According to these advantages of the SAW process, it was applied to two different steel plates (as shown in Figure 2; 180 mm × 28 mm and 630 mm × 14 mm) at Özkan Iron Steel Industry Co., Ltd. for the production of a symmetrical T-beam process. The SAW production- line parameters such as wire diameter, amperage, voltage and welding speed are listed Table 1. In particular, since the heat input amount per millimetre was affected by these parameters, they were controlled and modified depending on the dimensions of the steel plate. 3 FINITE-ELEMENT MODELLING OF WELDING FLAT BARS The simulation technologies were developed in accordance with the development of computers. In many applications, the numerical simulation is applied to save costs. In the field of the welding, the numerical simu- lations were proposed and applied to the practical field in order to determine the welding conditions. The accuracy of the dimensions after the welding of the steel structure becomes an important factor for the product costs. The dimensions become inaccurate due to the welding distor- tion. Therefore, the control of the welding distortion is demanded in the steel structure welding so as to improve the productivity. For this purpose, an estimation of the amount of deformation is needed and its behaviour is investigated in this study. The finite-element modelling (FEM) procedure for SAW was used to determine: a) the thermal stress forma- tion and distribution, b) the temperature gradient, c) the deformation characteristics and d) the thermal straighten- ing regions of the produced T-beam by welding. The SAW process under consideration was applied for the manufacture of a T-beam 180 mm × 28 mm and 630 mm × 14 mm steel plates, as shown in Figure 3. A two- dimensional (2D) FE model was used to investigate the detailed residual stress and strain distributions around the welded region of the T-beam. Therefore, the FE model 2D coupled temperature-displacement transient model was structured for the dimensions of the real steel plates. Additionally, the same thermal properties of the base and weld metals, such as the thermal conductivity, convection, expansion and the specific heat capacity, were taken for this analysis. On the other hand, the yield strengths of the base and weld metals were taken at room temperature. The O. CULHA: FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING OF SUBMERGED ARC WELDING PROCESS FOR A SYMMETRIC T-BEAM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 243–248 245 Figure 3: 2D model assembly of FE analysis Slika 3: 2D modelni sestav za FE-analizo Table 2: Composition of the steel used in the experiments Tabela 2: Sestava jekla, uporabljenega pri poskusu Material C Si Mn Cu Al V P S AH 36 0.14 0.20 0.90 0.25 0.027 0.07 0.028 0.030 Table 3: Thermal and mechanical properties of AH 36 quality steel12 Tabela 3: Toplotne in mehanske lastnosti jekla AH 3612 Te m pe ra tu re , o C E la st ic M od ul us , G Pa P oi ss on ra ti o,  T he rm al C on du c- tiv it y, K /W /( m °C ) S pe ci fi c he at , J/ (k g °C ) T he rm al ex pa ns io n co ef fi ci en t,  /( 10 –6 /° C ) T he rm al co nv ec ti on co ef fi ci en t, h/ W /( m 2 °C ) 20 207 0.30 52 485 11.8 3.2 100 202 0.31 50 486 11.8 5.5 200 200 0.33 48 495 12.1 6.3 300 198 0.34 45 513 12.7 6.8 400 181 0.36 42 532 13.2 7.4 500 112 0.38 38 555 13.7 7.7 600 65 0.40 34 586 14.2 7.8 700 42 0.42 30 636 14.7 8.1 800 33 0.44 27 683 14.8 8.3 900 24 0.46 26 698 14.7 8.5 1000 13 0.48 28 698 14.7 8.6 1100 7 0.48 30 698 14.7 8.7 1200 7 0.48 31 698 14.7 8.8 1300 7 0.47 32 698 14.7 8.9 1400 7 0.47 34 698 14.7 9.0 1450 7 0.47 35 698 14.7 9.1 1500 7 0.47 95 698 14.7 9.2 Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio variations were assumed to be the same in the base and weld metals between 40 °C and 1450 °C.10,12 The Von Mises yield criterion and the associated flow rule were used together with kinematic hardening and a bilinear representation of the stress – strain curve. Kinematic hardening is believed to be the best model that can simulate the reverse plasticity and Bauschinger effect that is expected to occur during multipass welding. The density of both materials was assumed to be constant at a value of 7800 kg/m3. The composition of the AH 36 quality steel plates and weld metal used in the T-beam production is shown in Table 2 and the properties used for the modelling of the temperature distributions and distortions are listed in Table 3. Furthermore, creating the mesh design of the entire model was very important, especially when the problem had different thermal regions. So, the elements were finest in the welded area and became coarser away from the steel plates. In Figure 4, the welded regions of the steel plates were partitioned and meshed as the struc- tured elements type and numbered as CPE4T: A4-node plane strain thermally coupled quadrilateral, bilinear displacement and temperature with 2000. In the region away from the location of the weld, the temperature gra- dient is significantly lower and the mesh was then made less dense in this region to reduce the number of degrees of freedom and thus the time required for the solution. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Thermal history A temperature-displacement analysis of the symme- trical T-beam welding with the given welding condition was performed using the 2D finite-element method. During this step, the temperature histories for each node were computed during the multipass welding process. Ogawa et al.13 states that the weld pass can be divided into a number of small parts (mesh blocks) with the same length to simulate the deposition of the weld metal. In each weld pass, the volume of the moving heat source is equal to that of these elements composing the corres- ponding weld bead in one mesh block. The elements involved in each block are successively activated and then heated to model the moving heat source. However, since the main aim of study was to obtain the tempera- ture gradient, distributions and thermal stress formation for whole body of the welded T-beam, a cooling pro- cedure was applied to the welding zone from 1450 °C to 40 °C as soon as the welding process for the steel plates was finished. In this way the temperature gradient-dis- tribution and the thermal stress-deformation amount, owing to cooling to room temperature, and the thermal expansion can be achieved using the finite-element mo- del with the transient temperature-displacement analysis. According to this cooling procedure, the temperature contours of the weldments are shown in Figures 5a and 5b. It indicated that the grey region was the welding pla- ce and its temperature was 1450 °C. When the cooling step of the symmetrical T-beam started and the tempe- rature reduced from 1450 °C to 40 °C in 377 increments, the temperature distributions and thermal gradient took place from the cross-section of the welding region to flat bars, as shown in Figures 6a and 6b. According to the nodal temperature variation versus time results, as graphically represented in Figure 6a, for example, at the node 348 (near the bottom plate), the reduction of the temperature from 1450 °C to 40 °C is faster than for the other nodes because of the cold bottom plate. So as the location of the temperature measurement changed from near the bottom plate to the centre of the welding region, the reduction of the temperature rate decreased and the cooling effect on the thermal gradient was small. On the other hand, the temperature distribution of the bottom steel plate is shown in Figure 6b. In accordance with the results, the temperature is increased from 40 °C to 88 °C at the node 145 (near the welding region) due to the heat diffusion from the welding region to the bottom steel plate over time. In addition, the temperature increase of O. CULHA: FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING OF SUBMERGED ARC WELDING PROCESS FOR A SYMMETRIC T-BEAM 246 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 243–248 Figure 5: Temperature contour of welded region for: a) 2D model and b) representation of extruded 2D model Slika 5: Kontura temperaturnega podro~ja varjenja za: a) 2D model in b) ekstrudiran 2D model Figure 4: Mesh designs of 2D symmetrical welded T-beam: a) normal view and b) magnified view of welded region Slika 4: Postavitev mre`e 2D simetri~no varjenega T-nosilca: a) nor- malen pogled, b) pove~ano podro~je zvara the surface of the bottom steel plate is slowed down as it moves away from the source region (from node 145 to node 137). 4.2 Mechanical analysis The same finite-element mesh as used in the thermal analysis was employed in the mechanical analysis. The analysis was conducted using temperature histories com- puted with the thermal analysis as the input information. Similar to the thermal analysis, in the mechanical analysis, the temperature-dependent mechanical proper- ties,10,12,13 such as Young’s modulus, yield strength and thermal expansion coefficient, are employed. The elastic strain-stress relationship is modelled using the isotropic Hooke’s law, and the plastic behaviour is considered through the Von Misses criterion. According to the counter analysis of the welding region as represented in Figure 7a, the nodal stress distribution shows that the thermal residual stress exceeded the yield stress of the welding material and the region is plastically deformed (stress exceeded 350 MPa). In detail, it can be seen that the nodal stress distribution is decreased from node 145 to node 142, as approximately 280 MPa to 70 MPa with time. When the temperature gradient effect started to disappear at the surface of the bottom steel plate (move away from the welding region), the thermal stress formation began to reduce, as shown in Figure 7b. In this study an elastic-perfectly-plastic material model is used with Von Mises failure criteria and the O. CULHA: FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING OF SUBMERGED ARC WELDING PROCESS FOR A SYMMETRIC T-BEAM Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 243–248 247 Figure 7: Von Mises stress formation and distribution stress distribu- tion of: a) welding surface and b) bottom steel plate Slika 7: Nastanek in razporeditev Misesovih napetosti: a) varjena po- vr{ina, b) spodnja jeklena plo{~a Figure 6: Nodal temperature distributions of: a) welding zone and b) surface of bottom steel plate for coupled temperature-displacement analysis Slika 6: Razporeditev temperaturnih vozlov: a) podro~je zvara in b) povr{ina spodnje plo{~e za skupno analizo temperatura – izkrivljanje Figure 8: Nodal x-axis displacement variation of bottom steel plate between: a) 0–40 s, b) 40–3600 s after welding, c) nodal y-axis dis- placement variation of bottom steel plate between 0–40 s, d) 40–3600 s after welding Slika 8: Variiranje izkrivljanj vozlov po x-osi na spodnji plo{~i: a) med 0–40 s, b) 40–3600 s po varjenju, c) variiranje izkrivljanj vozlov po y-osi na spodnji plo{~i med 0–40 s, d) 40–3600 s po varjenju associated flow rule, which states that the plastic flow is orthogonal to the yield surface. Nonlinearities due to the large strain and displacement are considered. Strain hardening is not included and was also neglected in several previous studies.14,15 Experiments by Karlsson and Josefson16 showed a nearly ideal plastic behaviour for the material at temperatures above 800 °C. Since most plastic strains during welding occur at high tempe- rature, this indicates that a perfectly plastic behaviour is suitable.10 So, the bottom plate of the welded material model has a displacement due to the thermal gradient, the stress and the strain distribution with time. Accord- ing to the results of the finite-element simulation of the model, the x-axis nodal displacement (node number system: 10, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136) of the bottom steel plate is illustrate in Figure 8a: 40 s after welding and Figure 8b: 40–3600 s after welding. Fig- ures 8a and 8b explain that when the cooling procedure began at the welding region, the nodal displacement of the bottom-edge steel plate was firstly increased (positive direction) from starting point to 0.034 mm until 13 s, then decreased to 0.015 mm at the end of the cool- ing step. On the other hand, the y-axis net nodal displa- cement of the bottom region after 2 s, between 2–10 s and 10–3600 s was decreased to the –0.11 mm (negative direction), increased to the 0.0 point and increased form 0.0 point to the +0.081 mm, respectively. So a detailed analysis showed that the thermal expansion and the stress caused a deformation at the welding region and joint steel plate as shown in Figure 8. The deformed and un- deformed bottom steel plate are represented in contours in Figure 9. It is clear that the bottom steel plate had a deformation depending on the thermal expansion of the welding region and the heat fusion from the source to the steel joints using a superimposed plot option of the analysis. 5 CONCLUSION A finite-element analysis of the Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) process was applied to the T-beam joint of AH 36 quality steel plates to obtain the temperature history, thermal gradient, stress distribution and nodal displacement of the 2D model. According to the analy- sis, the following time-dependent results were obtained: The temperature gradient and the thermal history of model were decreased from the welding region to the bottom steel plate, as represented graphically and with contours. The temperature decreased from 1450 °C to 40 °C at the welding zone and increased from 40 °C to 86 °C at the surface of the bottom steel plate. In this research a 2D model was constructed as 2D and extruded to 3D. According to the analysis results the formation of the thermal stress at the welding zone exceeded the yield strength of material, and at 350 MPa plastic deformation occurred. When the cooling proce- dure of the welding finished, the graphical and contour representation showed that the bottom steel plate of the joints had a shrinkage effect due to the thermal stress. In addition, the thermal stress decreased from 350 MPa to approximately 80 MPa away from the welding zone. The nodal displacement of the model revealed that the x and y axes net displacements of the bottom steel plate were 0.015 mm and 0.081 mm, respectively. Acknowledgement The author wishes to thank The Scientific and Tech- nological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-1501) for the financial support of the project titled and num- bered as: Design and developed of thermal straightening machine using induction heating for welding application of steel joints and 3110745, respectively. The author would also like to thank the project team of Ozkan Iron and Steel Industry Co. Ltd.; Hakan Erçay and Serhat Turgut for their technical facilities. 6 REFERENCES 1 T. L. Teng, P. H. Chang, W. C. Tseng, Computers and Structures, 81 (2003), 273 2 B. Petrovski, M. Koçak, Mis-Matching of Welds, ESIS 17 (Edited by K. H. Schwalbe, M. Koçak), Mechanical Engineering Publications, London 1994, 511 3 F. Jonassen, J. L. Meriam, E. P. Degarmo, Weld J, 25 (1946) 9, 492 4 E. F. Rybicki, P. A. Mcguire, Trans ASME J. Eng Mater Technol., 104 (1982), 267 5 R. L. Koch, E. F. Rybicki, R. D. Strttan, J. Eng Mater Technol., 107 (1985), 148–53 6 B. L. Josefson, Trans ASME J. Press Vessel Technol., 104 (1982), 245 7 C. Heinze, C. Schwenk, M. Rethmeier, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 19 (2011), 1847 8 P. J. Withers, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, Mater. Sci. Technol., 17 (2001), 366 9 T. Kannengießer, T. Böllinghaus, M. Neuhaus, Weld World, 50 (2006), 11 10 L. Gannon, Y. Liu, N. Pegg, M. 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ALTIN: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES IN THE HASTELLOY X SUPERALLOY BASED ON THE TAGUCHI METHOD OPTIMIRANJE SIL ODREZAVANJA S TAGUCHIJEVO METODO PRI STRU@ENJU SUPERZLITINE HASTELLOY X Abdullah Altin Van Vocational School of Higher Education, Yuzuncu Yýl University, 65080 Van, Turkey aaltin@yyu.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-04-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-11 In this study the effects of the cutting-tool coating material and cutting speed on the cutting forces and surface roughness were determined using the Taguchi experimental design. For this purpose, the nickel-based superalloy Hastelloy X was machined under dry cutting conditions with three different cemented-carbide tools. The main cutting force, Fz, is considered to be the cutting force as a criterion. The mechanical loading and the abrasiveness of the carbide particles have an increasing effect on the cutting forces. According to the results of the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the effect of the cutting speeds was not important. Depending on the tool-coating material, the lowest main cutting force was found to be 538 N and the lowest average surface roughness, 0.755 μm, both at 100 m/min with a multicoated cemented-carbide insert KC9240, whose top layer is coated by TiN. Moreover, the experimental results indicated that the CVD cutting tools performed better than the PVD and the uncoated cutting tools when turning the Hastelloy X in terms of the surface quality and the cutting forces with the current parameters. Keywords: machinability, Hastelloy X, superalloy, cutting force, surface quality V tej {tudiji so s Taguchijevim eksperimentalnim sestavom dolo~eni vplivi materiala opla{~enega rezilnega orodja, hitrosti rezanja na silo odrezavanja in hrapavost povr{ine. V ta namen je bila superzlitina na osnovi niklja Hastelloy X obdelana pri suhih razmerah s tremi razli~nimi orodji iz karbidne trdine. Kot merilo je bila vzeta glavna sila rezanja Fz. Mehansko obremenjevanje in abrazivnost karbidnih delcev vplivata na pove~evanje sile pri odrezavanju. Skladno z rezultati analize variance (ANOVA) vpliv hitrosti odrezavanja ni bil pomemben. Odvisno od prevleke na rezalnem orodju je bila ugotovljena najmanj{a stri`na sila 538 N in najmanj{a povpre~na hrapavost (0,755 μm), oboje pri 100 m/min z ve~plastnim nanosom na vlo`ku iz karbidne trdine KC9240 z vrhnjim prekritjem iz TiN. Rezultati poskusov so pokazali, da je pri stru`enju Hastelloy X s stali{~a kvalitete povr{ine, sil pri rezanju pri danih parametrih CVD rezilno orodje bolj{e od PVD in od orodja brez prevlek. Klju~ne besede: obdelovalnost, Hastelloy X, superzlitina, sile rezanja, kvaliteta povr{ine 1 INTRODUCTION Nickel-based alloys constitute an important class of materials that are used under demanding conditions of high corrosion resistance and high-temperature strength. These characteristics together with their good ductility and ease of cold working make them generally very attractive for a wide variety of applications; nearly all of which exploit their corrosion resistance in atmospheric, salt water and various acidic and alkaline media.1 Hastel- loy X is a nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy that has been developed for high-temperature applications and is derived from the strengthening particles, Ni2(Mo, Cr), which are formed after a two-step age-hardening heat-treatment process. With their face-centred cubic (FCC) structure, the Ni-Cr-Mo-W alloys, known as Hastelloys, are used for marine engineering, chemical and hydrocarbon processing equipment, valves, pumps, sensors and heat exchangers.2 Hastelloy X is chosen by many for use in furnace applications because it has an unusual resistance to oxidizing, reducing, and neutral atmospheres. The resistance to localized corrosion ma- kes the alloy an attractive material as a general-purpose filler metal, or weld overlay.3 Hastelloy X is widely used in the clamshell of a rocket, engine tailpipes, afterburner components, cabin heaters, and other aircraft parts.4 It has also been found to be resistant in petrochemical applications. Hastelloy X is widely used in a number of industries.5 Wang,6 Richards and Aspinwall,7 Ezugwu and Wang,8 with Khamsehzadeh9 studied the effect of applied stress and temperatures generated at the cutting edge and they were found to influence the wear rate and, hence, the tool life. Notching at the tool nose and the depth of cutting region was a prominent failure mode when machining nickel-based alloys. This is due to a combination of high temperature, high workpiece strength, work hardening and abrasive chips. Kramer and Hartung,10,11 observed that cemented-carbide tools used for machining nickel-based alloys at a cutting speed of 30 m/min failed due to the thermal softening of the cobalt binder phase and the subsequent plastic defor- mation of the cutting edge. Focke et al.12 examined worn tools, which revealed a layer of "disturbed material" beneath the crater and the cutting edge. Hastelloy is a registered trademark name of Haynes International Inc. The Hastelloy trademark is applied as a prefix for a range of corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloys Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 249–254 249 UDK 669.24:621.941:519.233.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)249(2014) promoted under the name "superalloys" or "high- performance alloys". Within corrosion applications, Hastelloy alloys may be chosen as a trade-off between performance, cost and other technical issues, e.g., suitability for welding. Hastelloy alloys are generally less attractive for use in acids compared to Tantaline (Tantaline is recognized as the leading performance/price option). Nomenclature v cutting speed (m/min) f feed (mm/r) da axial depth (mm) y tool life (min) Fm feed (mm/min) TL total length 2 MATERIALS AND METHOD 2.1 Experiment Specimens Specimens of Hastelloy X, which has an industrial usage, were prepared with dimensions of diameter Ø2 × 40 inches and then used for the experiments. The che- mical composition and mechanical properties of the specimens are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. As the contents of the workpiece, chromium (21 %) and molybdenum (17 %), are high, the material is hard to machine. The material consists of approximately 50 % nickel, making the alloy suitable for high-temperature applications. The specimen was annealed and has a hardness of Rockwell B 90. 2.2 Machine Tool and Measuring Instrument of Cut- ting Forces The machining tests were carried out on a JOHN- FORD T35 industrial-type CNC lathe with a maximum power of 10 kW and a rotating speed between 50 r/min and 3500 r/min. During the dry cutting process, a Kistler brand 9257 B-type three-component piezoelectric dyna- mometer under a tool holder with an appropriate load amplifier was used for measuring three orthogonal cut- ting forces (Fx, Fy, Fz). This allows direct and continuous recording and a simultaneous graphical visualization of the three cutting forces. The technical properties of the dynamometer and a schematic figure of the experimental setup are given in Table 3 and Figure 1, respectively. Table 1: Chemical composition of the workpiece material (Hastelloy X), w/% Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava obdelovanca (Hastelloy X), w/% Ni Cr Mo Fe Co W Mn Al Si C B 50 21 17 2 1 1 0.80 0.50 0.08 0.01 0.01 Table 2: Mechanical properties of Hastelloy X Tabela 2: Mehanske lastnosti Hastelloy X Hardness conductivit y(HB) Tensile strength (MPa) Yield strength (MPa) Breaking extension % (5 do) Thermal (W/m K) 388 1370 1170 23.3 11.4 Table 3: Technical properties of dynamometer Tabela 3: Tehni~ne lastnosti dinamometra Force interval (Fx, Fy, Fz) -5…10 kN Reaction < 0.01 N Accuracy Fx, Fy ≈ 7.5 pC/N Accuracy Fz ≈ 3.5 pC/N Natural frequency f0(x, y, z) 3.5 kHz Working temperature 0…70 °C Capacitance 220 pF Insulation resistance at 20 °C > 1013  Grounding insulation > 108  Mass 7.3 kg 2.3 Cutting Parameters, Cutting Tool and Tool Holder The cutting speeds (50, 65, 80, and 100) m/min were chosen by taking into consideration the ISO 3685 standard, as recommended by the manufacturers. The depth of the cut (1.5 mm) and the constant feed rate (0.10–0.15 mm/r) were chosen to be constant. During the cutting process, the machining tests were conducted with three different cemented-carbide tools, i.e., Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) coated with TiN/TiCN/TiN; Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) coated with TiN+AL2O3-TiCN+TiN; and WC/CO. The dimensions of the test specimens were 2 × 40 inches in terms of diameter and length. The properties of the cutting tools and the level of the independent variables are given in Tables 4 and 5. Surtrasonic 3-P measuring equipment was used for the measurement of the surface roughness. The measurement processes were carried out with three replications. For measuring the surface roughness on the workpiece during machining, the cut-off and sampling length were considered as 0.8 mm and 2.5 mm, respec- tively. The ambient temperature was (20 ± 1) °C. The resultant cutting force was calculated to evaluate the machining performance. The following are the details of the tool geometry CNMG inserts when mounted on the tool holder: (a) CNMG shape; (b) axial rake angle, 6°; A. ALTIN: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... 250 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 249–254 Figure 1: Measurement of the cutting forces and a schematic figure of the dynamometer unit Slika 1: Merjenje sil pri rezanju in shematski prikaz dinamometrske enote (c) end relief angle, 5°; and (d) sharp cutting edge. The cutting tool was mounted in the tool holder (PCLNR 2525M12) and used for such cutting tools (CNMG 120404) with an approach angle of 75°. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the experimental study. Table 5: Level of independent variables Tabela 5: Nivoji neodvisnih spremenljivk Variables Level of variables Lower Low Medium High Cutting speed, v/(m/min) 50 65 80 100 Feed, f/(mm/r) 0.1–0.15 0.1–0.15 0.1–0.15 0.1–0.15 Axial depth, da/mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Cutting forces and surface roughness After the test specimens were prepared for experi- mental purposes, they were measured with a three-com- ponent piezoelectric dynamometer to obtain the main cutting force. According to Figure 2, increasing the cutting speed decreases the main cutting force, excluding the area between 80 m/min and 100 m/min for K313. The lowest obtained values for the main cutting force at the cutting speeds of 50 m/min, 662 N, 65 m/min, 622 N, 80 m/min, 601 N, and 100 m/min, 538 N at a 0.1 mm/r constant feed rate, respectively. The lowest main cutting force was observed at 100 m/min cutting speed as 538 N. In Figure 2 the main cutting force depending on the cutting speed and the uncoating material of the cutting tool were changed in all the experiments. The cutting forces and surface roughness according to the experi- mental cutting parameters are given in Table 6. Accord- ing to W. Konig, the cutting speed must be increased in order to reduce the main cutting forces.13 However, in this study, a decrease was observed in the main cutting force between 50 m/min and 100 m/min. It is thought that this case is caused by the good performance of the cutting tool. The effect of the TiN-coated carbide inserts was found to be important for the main cutting force, but the effect of the cutting speeds was not important in the analysis of variance. The main cutting force decreases in spite of increasing the cutting speed from 50 m/min to 100 m/min. As a result of the experimental data, an increase of 100 % in the cutting speed (from 50 m/min to 100 m/min), a decrease in the main cutting force with K313 (6.5 %), KT315 (10 %) and KC9240 (19 %) was found with the 0.1 mm/r constant feed rate, and the decreasing contact surface area caused the main cutting force to decrease in comparison to the increased cutting speed. The decrement of the cutting force depends on the material type, the working conditions and the cutting speed range.14 The high temperature for the flow region and the decreasing contact area and chip thickness cause the cutting force to decrease, depending on the cutting speed.15 As is widely known, the cutting speed must be decreased to improve the average surface roughness.16 The scatter plot between the surface roughness and the cutting speed as shown in Figure 3 indicated that there was a linear relationship between the surface roughness and the cutting speed. The results of Figure 3 show that the average surface roughness decreases by 66 % with an increasing cutting speed from 50 m/min to 100 m/min A. ALTIN: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 249–254 251 Table 4: Properties of the cutting tools Tabela 4: Lastnosti rezilnih orodij Coating material (top layer) Coating method and layers ISO grade of material (grade) Geometric form Manufacturer and code TiN CVD (TiN, Al2O3, TiCN, TiN, WC) P25-40, M20-30 CNMG120404RP Kennametal KC9240 TiN PVD (TiN, TiCN, TiN, WC) P25-40, M20-30 CNMG120404FN Kennametal KT315 WC-CO Uncoated P25-40, M20-30 CNMG120404MS Kennametal K313 Figure 2: Change of main cutting force in Hastelloy X, according to the cutting speed: a) at f = 0.1 mm/r, b) at f = 0.15 mm/r Slika 2: Spreminjanje glavne sile rezanja materiala Hastelloy X pri hitrostih rezanja: a) f = 0,1 mm/r in b) f = 0,15 mm/r with the KC9240 cutting tool (0.1 mm/r constant feed rate). 3.2 Optimization with the Taguchi Method In this part the optimization of the turning parameters was carried out in terms of the cutting forces with the Taguchi analysis. The importance order of the effects of each control factor on the turning forces was identified. For this purpose, the factors selected in the Taguchi experimental design and the levels of these factors are shown in Table 7. Taguchi’s L18 2*1 3*2 mixed design was used. In the Taguchi method there are three catego- ries, i.e., "the smallest is better", "the biggest is better" and "the nominal is better" for the calculation of the signal/noise (S/N) ratio. In this research "smallest is better" was used since the minimum of the cutting force and surface roughness was intended. In the ith experi- ment, the S/N ratio can be calculated using the following equation.17–19  i i n n Y= − ∑10 110 2 1 log (1) n is the number of replications and Yi is the measured characteristic. Table 7: Cutting parameters and levels Tabela 7: Parametri rezanja in nivoji Control parameters Units Levels 1 2 3 Feed rate (A) m/min 65 80 100 Cutting speed (B) (mm/r) 0.1 0.15 Cutting tool (C) KC313 KT315 KC9240 3.3 Confirmation Experiments The final step of the Taguchi experimental design process includes confirmation experiments.18,19 To achieve this, the results of the experiments were compa- red with the predicted values using the Taguchi method and the error rates were obtained. The S/N ratios were predicted using the following model:18–20    pred = + − = ∑m i m i k ( ) 1 (2) Moreover, the optimum turning parameters were obtained for the performance characteristics using the Taguchi analysis, where m is the total mean of the S/N ratios, i is the mean S/N ratio at the optimum level and k is the number of the main design parameters that signifi- cantly affect the performance characteristics. After pre- dicting the S/N ratios other than 18 experiments (with Eq.2), the main cutting force or Fz was calculated using the following equation:20 Y S N pred = − 10 20 / (3) A. ALTIN: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... 252 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 249–254 Figure 3: According to cutting speed the change of the average surface roughness in Hastelloy X: a) at f = 0.1 mm/r, b) at f = 0.15 mm/r Slika 3: Spreminjanje povpre~ne hrapavosti Hastelloya X od hitrosti rezanja: a) pri f = 0,1 mm/r in b) pri f = 0,15 mm/r Table 6: Cutting forces and surface roughness according to the experimental cutting parameters when turning Hastelloy X Tabela 6: Sile rezanja in hrapavost povr{ine pri ustreznih parametrih poskusa rezanja pri stru`enju Hastelloy X E xp er im en t nu m be r C ut ti ng to ol C ut ti ng sp ee d (m /m in ) F ee d ra te (m m /r ) D ep th of cu t (m m ) Fx/N Fy /N Fz /N Ra/μm 1 K313 65 0.1 1.5 366 75 691 1.7 2 K313 80 0.1 1.5 323 67 655 1.599 3 K313 100 0.1 1.5 316 72 658 1.717 4 KT315 65 0.1 1.5 295 132 622 1.605 5 KT315 80 0.1 1.5 281 130 601 1.41 6 KT315 100 0.1 1.5 277 130 598 1.667 7 KC9240 65 0.1 1.5 446 203 715 1.455 8 KC9240 80 0.1 1.5 441 184 694 1.368 9 KC9240 100 0.1 1.5 393 158 538 0.755 10 K313 65 0.15 1.5 398 96 919 3.649 11 K313 80 0.15 1.5 371 90 901 3.462 12 K313 100 0.15 1.5 325 78 854 3.137 13 KT315 65 0.15 1.5 358 177 863 2.669 14 KT315 80 0.15 1.5 356 179 855 1.88 15 KT315 100 0.15 1.5 335 177 830 3.132 16 KC9240 65 0.15 1.5 527 272 966 1.492 17 KC9240 80 0.15 1.5 446 187 696 1.405 18 KC9240 100 0.15 1.5 436 195 697 1.085 where Ypred is the main cutting force or Fz with regard to the S/N ratio. 3.4 Taguchi Analysis for FZ Figure 4 shows the main effect plot for the S/N ratios, giving the effect of cutting parameters on the cutting force Fz. The smallest main cutting force is ob- tained with the cutting insert KT315. In this way, to achieve the minimum cutting forces it is understood that the KC9240 cutting tool should be used at a 0.10 mm/r feed rate and 100 m/min cutting speed. After analysing the effect of the cutting parameters on the cutting force, in order to find out which Fz cutting force it effected, a variance analysis was made. Accord- ing to the results of the ANOVA in Table 8, it is under- stood that the most effective cutting parameters that effected the cutting force was 65.99 % and the cutting speed was 11.14 %. Table 8: ANOVA results for Fz Tabela 8: ANOVA-rezultati za Fz Source DF Sum ofsquares Mean square F Prob > F Distribu- tion % A 1 181805 181805 57.75 0.002 65.99 B 2 30700 15350 4.88 0.085 11.14 C 2 13213 6607 2.1 0.238 4.80 A*B 2 4024 2012 0.64 0.574 1.46 B*C 2 9391 4696 1.49 0.328 3.41 A*C 4 23792 5948 1.89 0.276 8.64 Error 4 12592 3148 4.57 Total 17 275517 100.00 3.5 Taguchi Analysis for Ra Figure 5 shows the effect of feed rate, cutting speed and cutting-tool material on the average surface rough- ness. According to this figure, in order to obtain the smallest surface roughness, it is necessary to use the KC9240 cutting tool at a low feed rate (0.10 mm/r) and a high cutting speed (100 m/min). Besides this, in order to find out which important parameter affects the surface the roughness, the variance analysis was made with this aim. According to the results of the ANOVA in Table 9, the cutting parameters which effect the surface rough- ness, the cutting tool (40.38 %), feed rate, (33.15%) and 15.57 % feed speed and cutting tool’s interaction were found. Table 9: ANOVA results for Ra Tabela 9: ANOVA rezultati za Ra Source DF Sum ofsquares Mean square F Prob > F Distri- bution % A 1 4.1424 4.1424 56.56 0.002 33.15 B 2 0.18817 0.09408 1.28 0.371 1.51 C 2 5.04646 2.52323 34.45 0.003 40.38 A* 2 0.06687 0.03343 0.46 0.663 0.54 B*C 2 0.81483 0.20371 2.78 0.173 6.52 A*C 4 1.94611 0.97305 13.29 0.017 15.57 Error 4 0.29294 0.07323 2.34 Total 17 12.49777 100.00 4 CONCLUSIONS The goal of this study was to identify the effect of turning parameters such as feed rate, cutting speed and cutting tools on the main cutting force and surface roughness using an analysis of Taguchi. The experimen- tal design described here was used to develop the main cutting force and the surface-roughness prediction model for the Hastelloy X turning operation. The results of this experimental study can be summarized as follows: • The main cutting force decreased with increasing cutting speed and the cutting force increased at higher feed rates. • According to the analysis of Taguchi, in order to obtain the smallest cutting force and surface rough- ness, it was necessary to use the KC9240 cutting tool A. ALTIN: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 249–254 253 Figure 5: Mean response graphs of the surface roughness according to feed rate, cutting speed and cutting tool Slika 5: Prikaz odziva hrapavosti povr{ine glede na hitrost podajanja, hitrost rezanja in rezilnega orodja Figure 4: Mean response graphs of the cutting forces according to the feed rate, cutting speed and cutting tool Slika 4: Prikaz odziva sil rezanja glede na hitrost podajanja, hitrost rezanja in rezilnega orodja at a low feed rate (0.10 mm/r) and a high cutting speed (100 m/min). • The minimum main cutting force is obtained with CNMG 120404-type multicoated TiN+AL2O3-TiCN+ TiN carbide tools, while the maximum main cutting force is obtained as 965 N with the CNMG 120404- type uncoated carbide tools. However, cemented carbide tools have no significant effect on the main cutting force when machining Hastelloy X. • An increasing relation between the cutting speed and the arithmetic average surface roughness as well as between the coating number and the average surface roughness is observed. • In the case of coated tools, the effect of cutting speed on the surface roughness is no more pronounced than the effect of uncoated cemented-carbide inserts. • The minimum average surface roughness is deter- mined with CNMG 120404-type multicoated TiN+ AL2O3-TiCN+TiN carbide tools, while the maximum average surface roughness is observed with CNMG 120404-type uncoated tools. Moreover, uncoated and multiple-layer coated tools have a significantly different effect on the average surface roughness. • It was found that there is a positive correlation bet- ween the main cutting force and the average surface roughness. Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their gratitude to the University of Yuzuncu Yýl for the financial support Under Project No. BAP 2012-BYO-013. 5 REFERENCES 1 Q. Zhang, R. Tang, K. Yin, X. Luo, L. Zhang, Corrosion behavior of Hastelloy C-276 in supercritical water, CSci., 51 (2009), 2092–2097 2 V. B. Singh, A. Gupta, The electrochemical corrosion and passiva- tion behavior of Monel 400 in concentrated acids and their mixtures, Transaction of JWRI., 34 (2000), 19–23 3 Haynes Hastelloy C-22HS Standard Product Catalogue, Haynes International, Indiana, 2007, 2–16 4 P. C. Jindal, A. T. Santhanam, U. Schleinkofer, A. F. Shuster, Per- formance of PVD TiN, TiCN, and TiAlN coated cemented carbide tools in turning, Int. J. Recfrac. Met. Hard Mater., 17 (1999), 163–170 5 Website of trademark owner of Hastelloy C-276. www.hynesintl.com 6 M. Wang, Ph. D. Thesis, South Bank University, London, 1997 7 N. Richards, D. D. 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ALTIN: OPTIMIZATION OF THE TURNING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... 254 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 249–254 L. B. GETSOV et al.: THERMOCYCLIC- AND STATIC-FAILURE CRITERIA FOR SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS ... THERMOCYCLIC- AND STATIC-FAILURE CRITERIA FOR SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS OF GAS-TURBINE BLADES TERMOCIKLI^NA IN STATI^NA MERILA ZA PORU[ITVE LOPATIC PLINSKIH TURBIN IZ MONOKRISTALNIH SUPERZLITIN Leonid B. Getsov1, Artem S. Semenov2, Elena A. Tikhomirova3, Alexander I. Rybnikov1 1NPO ZKTI, Russia 2St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia 3Klimov Company, Russia guetsov@yahoo.com, semenov.artem@googlemail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-05-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-28 The problem of the thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) of single-crystal turbine blades has not been fully investigated theoretically or experimentally. In the present work TMF tests were performed for two single-crystal nickel-based alloys (ZhS36 and ZhS32) with various crystallographic orientations (001, 011, 111) under different temperatures and cycle durations. The dependence of the failure modes (crystallographic or non-crystallographic) on the loading regimes was analyzed. The non-linear viscoelastic, elastoplastic and viscoelastoplastic material models with non-linear kinematic hardening were used to predict the cyclic stress-strain state, ratcheting and creep of the samples. The deformation criterion of damage accumulation was introduced to the lifetime prediction. A stress analysis of the single-crystal samples, with concentrators (in the form of circular holes) and without them, was carried out using physical models of the plasticity and creep. These material models take into account that an inelastic deformation occurs due to a slip mechanism and it is determined with the crystallographic orientation. The proposed failure model using the deformation criterion allows qualitative and quantitative predictions of the TMF fracture process in single crystals. Keywords: gas-turbine blade, single crystal, thermo-mechanical fatigue, damage, crystallographic and non-crystallographic failure modes Problem termo-mehanske utrujenosti (TMF) monokristalnih turbinskih lopatic {e ni v celoti raziskan niti teoreti~no niti eksperimentalno. V tem delu so bili izvr{eni TMF-preizkusi na dveh monokristalnih zlitinah na osnovi niklja (ZhS36 in ZhS32) z razli~no kristalografsko orientacijo (001, 011, 111) pri razli~nih temperaturah in trajanju ciklov. Analizirana je bila odvisnost na~ina poru{itve (kristalografska ali nekristalografska) od vrste obremenjevanja. Modeli nelinearne viskoelasti~nosti, elastoplasti~nosti in viskoelastoplasti~nosti z nelinearnim kinemati~nim utrjevanjem so bili uporabljeni za napovedovanje cikli~nega stanja napetost – raztezek, nazob~anja in lezenja vzorcev. V napovedovanje dobe trajanja je bilo vpeljano deformacijsko merilo akumuliranja po{kodb. Izvr{ena je bila analiza napetosti v monokristalnem vzorcu s koncentratorji (v obliki okroglih lukenj) in brez njih, z uporabo fizikalnega modela plasti~nosti in lezenja. Ti materialni modeli upo{tevajo, da se pojavi neelasti~na deformacija z mehanizmom lezenja in je dolo~ena s kristalografsko orientacijo. Predlagani model poru{itve z uporabo deformacijskih meril omogo~a kvalitativno in kvantitativno napovedovanje TMF- procesa preloma monokristala. Klju~ne besede: lopatica plinske turbine, monokristal, termo-mehanska utrujenost, po{kodba, kristalografski in nekristalografski na~in poru{itve 1 INTRODUCTION The use of single-crystal alloys for the manufacturing of the blades of a gas-turbine engine allows a significant increase in the gas temperature before a turbine and sets a number of tasks that should help increase the reliability of a stress and strength analysis. In the present investi- gation, the results of the experimental studies of single- crystal nickel-based alloys, as well as the approaches to the computation of the stress-strain state and strength of the structural parts are considered and discussed. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS OF RESEARCH Numerous experimental studies were performed on two single-crystal alloys, ZhS32 and ZhS36 (Table 1) with different alloying and, most importantly, different carbon amounts and were designed to expand the infor- mation given in1,2. The tests of the mechanical properties, creep and thermal-fatigue resistance at different tempe- ratures were carried out. The creep tests were conducted on an installation of ATS (Applied Test Systems, Inc.) determining the kine- tics of the accumulated inelastic deformation during the first stage and in the steady state of the creep. The test methods for TMF are described in detail in3,4. For the tests, rigidly clamped samples with polished surfaces were used, as shown in Figure 1. The tests were con- ducted in a vacuum that allowed us, during the testing, to observe the formation of slip bands and crack initiation, and to determine the rate of the crack propagation on a polished surface using the magnification of 250-times. The tests were conducted with various values for the maximum (Tmax = 900–1100 °C) and minimum (Tmin = Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 255–260 255 UDK 539.42:669.018 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)255(2014) 150–700 °C) cycle temperatures. The tests with the retar- dation times of 2 min and 5 min at Tmax were carried out for some parts of the samples. Some samples had the stress concentrator in the form of a central hole with the diameter of 0.5 mm. The test specimens had different crystallographic orientations: 001, 011 or 111. To determine the crystallographic orientation for each sample Laue’s diffraction patterns were obtained and three Euler angles and Schmid factors were computed. On the basis of the results of a crystallographic ana- lysis, possible directions (angles) of the slip bands on the specimen surfaces were calculated with the aim to compare them with the angles, at which the samples were destroyed. The location of the fracture nucleus was determined with the results of fractographic studies using a TESCAN microscope. The comparison of the experimental data on the orientation of the fracture surfaces with the results of the crystallographic analysis and with the results of the finite-element analysis of the specimens allowed us to define the dependence of the failure mechanism (crystallographic or non-crystallo- graphic) on the parameters of the thermal cycle. 3 RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES The tests of mechanical properties show that single- crystal alloys do not have a high plasticity at all the temperatures (see, for example, Table 2). Low values of plasticity  are observed for the carbon-free ZhS36 alloy (as opposed to the carbon ZhS32 alloy) at 500 °C (as opposed to the cases of high temperatures where T > 900 °C). Table 2: Mechanical properties of single-crystal alloys with orienta- tion 001 at 500 °C Tabela 2: Mehanske lastnosti monokristalne zlitine z orientacijo 001 pri 500 °C Alloy Rp0.2MPa Rm MPa A % Z % ZhS36 964967 982 1000 1.3 2.3 5.0 6.9 ZhS32 Schedule t/t 1 850 880 19.5 35.5 Schedule t/t 2 810 1110 13.0 11.7 Figure 2 shows the short-term creep curves of alloy ZhS32. The curves obtained under the stress of 550 MPa at 850 °C significantly differ for various samples. The results of the creep tests for alloy ZhS36 are given in5. L. B. GETSOV et al.: THERMOCYCLIC- AND STATIC-FAILURE CRITERIA FOR SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS ... 256 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 255–260 Table 1: Chemical compositions of the ZhS32 and ZhS36 single-crystal alloys, w/% Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava monokristalnih zlitin ZhS32 in ZhS36, w/% Alloy C Cr Co Mo W Ta Re Nb Al Ti Ni ZhS32 0.12–0.18 4.3–5.6 8.0–10.0 0.8–1.4 7.7–9.5 3.5–4.5 3.5–4.5 1.4–1.8 5.6–6.3 – Base ZhS36 0.03 4.03 8.48 1.41 11.50 - 1.94 1.07 5.70 0.91 Base Figure 2: Creep curves of alloy ZhS32 at (850, 975 and 1050) °C Slika 2: Krivulje lezenja zlitine ZhS32 pri (850, 975 in 1050) °C Figure 1: a) Specimen for the thermal-fatigue test, b) with typical cyc- lic-temperature changes over time in the central point Slika 1: a) Vzorec za preizkus toplotnega utrujanja, b) z zna~ilnim nihanjem temperature v srednjem delu The tests of the ZhS36 alloy show that the conditions for failure under the thermal cyclic loading depend on the crystallographic orientation of the single-crystal alloy and also on the temperatures of the cycle. Unfortunately, the experiments conducted on the ZhS36 alloy with orientations 001, 011 and 111 were not numerous and the obtained results reflect only a trend. However, a formulation of the failure criterion depends on the failure mode (crystallographic or non-crystallographic).6 In this research, we obtained the conditions (a range of ther- mal-cycle parameters) (Figure 3) for the fracture modes of the ZhS32 alloy with the orientations close to 001. An accumulation of unilateral irreversible deformation (ratcheting) was observed in all the tests (Figure 4) for both alloys. 4 CRITERIA OF FAILURE UNDER STATIC LOADING Single-crystal superalloys, as a rule, are plastic materials and the possibility of a brittle fracture under static loading of gas-turbine blades is remote. However, this issue requires a special investigation. We considered such a possibility on the basis of two (stress and deformation) failure criteria. The effect of stress on deformation capacity * is determined with the formulas of Mahutov N. A. or Hancock J. W. and Mackenzie A. C.7:    * . exp . = ⋅ − pr mean 17 1 5 i (1)      * = pr e 1 mean K i 2 (2) where pr is the maximum deformation, determined from the experiments under short-term tension, and Ke is the characteristic of the material state (in a brittle state Ke = 1, in a viscous state Ke = 1.2). We need to consider the effect of stress on the fracture conditions in terms of the power criterion. Let us consider the general case of stress: 2 = A11, 3 = A21, where A1 and A2 can vary from – to 1. Depending on the relations between 1, 2, 3 and on the ratio of pr/0.2, there is an area of brittle damage, in which the ultimate tensile stress is used as the limiting strength characteri- stic pr for the local stresses. The above relation can also be written in a different form. Let us consider the case where 1/i > 1. Using an approximation of the stress-strain curve in the form of    i i p A m 0 2. + and the fracture condition according to the first theory of strength, 1 = pr. q = 1/i, we obtain q A i p m ( ). 0 2 + = pr, where the plastic deformation is defined with the equation:     i p qpr m/ .−⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ 0 2 1 (3) For k = pr/0.2, using:       i p k q k qpr m pr m/ ( / ).−⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ = −⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ 0 2 1 1 1 with k/q > 1, a brittle fracture takes place as k/q = 1. An analysis of crack initiation in the blades under static loading (centrifugal force and bending) on the basis of the stress-failure criterion should include: 1. A thermal finite-element analysis of the steady-state temperature field in a blade; 2. An elastic finite-element analysis of the stress fields with the subsequent definitions of q = 1/2 and k = pr/0.2 at the corresponding temperatures for all the elements of cooled blades; 3. According to the first strength theory we assume that pr = separation  F / (1 – ) and verify the absence of equality for q = k at all the points. For the remaining cases, we calculate the values of the plastic strain using equation (3); 4. An estimation of the strength by comparing  i p (3) with the limiting plasticity * (1) or (2). L. B. GETSOV et al.: THERMOCYCLIC- AND STATIC-FAILURE CRITERIA FOR SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 255–260 257 Figure 4: Ratcheting of alloys ZhS32 and ZhS36 under thermal cyclic loading Slika 4: Zob~enje pri zlitinah ZhS32 in ZhS36 pri toplotnem cikli- ~nem obremenjevanju Figure 3: Map of the fracture mechanisms for alloy ZhS32 under thermal cyclic loading Slika 3: Prikaz podro~ij mehanizmov poru{itve za zlitino ZhS32 pri toplotnem cikli~nem obremenjevanju An analysis of the crack initiation in the blades under static loading (centrifugal force and bending) on the basis of the strain-failure criterion should include: 1. A thermal finite-element analysis of the steady-state temperature field in a blade; 2. An elastoplastic finite-element analysis with a defini- tion of the zones of plastic deformation and maxi- mum values  i p max for all the elements of cooled bla- des; 3. A comparison of the obtained value for  i p max with the limiting characteristic * (1) or (2) at the correspond- ing temperatures, also taking into account a decrease under the effect of aging at the operating tempera- tures and during long exposures; 4. A viscoelastic finite-element analysis of the stress- relaxation processes with the initial conditions obtained with the elastoplastic analysis (see 2); 5. A calculation of the equivalent stress. If the value of (0 – res)/E is lower than, or approximately equal to, the maximum ductility under creep conditions at a suitable temperature, determined with the formulas: p i* . exp . = ⋅ −    c mean 17 1 5 (4) p K i * =     c e 1 mean 2 (5) then a brittle fracture under the conditions of stress rela- xation is possible. An acceptance of the assumption that fine micro- cracks are formed in the zone of inelastic deformation. Determination of the size of the zone of inelastic defor- mation (plastic and creep) and a comparison with the limit values corresponding to the beginning of the acce- lerated crack growth in non-linear fracture mechanics. 5 CRITERIA OF FAILURE UNDER THERMAL CYCLIC LOADING For a prediction of a TMF failure of single-crystal materials, it is reasonable to use the deformation crite- rion proposed in6. The crack-initiation criterion is the condition for achieving the critical value of the total damage initiated by different mechanisms: D D D D1 2 3 4 1( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Δ Δ   eq p eq c eq p eq c+ + + = (6) The criterion (6) is based on the linear summation of the damages caused by the cyclic plastic strain: D C i n i1 1 1 1 = = ∑ ( )Δ eqp k (7) the cyclic creep strain: D C i n i2 2 1 1 = = ∑ ( )Δ eqc m (8) the unilaterally accumulated plastic strain: D3 1 =   r p eq pmax (9) and the unilaterally accumulated creep strain: D4 1 =   r c eq cmax (10) C1, C2, k, m,  r p ,  r c are the material parameters depend- ing on the temperature and on the crystallographic orientation. Usually the relations k = 2, m = 5/4, C1 = ( ) r p k , C 2 3 4= ( ) r c m are used. Different norms of the strain tensor are considered as an equivalent strain for (6); among them there are: the maximum shear strain in the slip system with normal n{111} to the slip plane and slip direction l011: eq = n{111} · e · l011 (11) the maximum tensile strain (the maximum eigenvalue of the strain tensor): eq = 1 = max arg {det (e – l) = 0} (12) the von Mises strain intensity:        eq dev dev= ⋅ ⋅ = = − + − + − + 2 3 2 9 2 2 2 3 2 e e ( ) ( ) ( ) (x y y z z x[ ]  xy yz zx2 2 2+ + (13) and the maximum shear strain: [ ] [     eq 1 3= − = − = − − − 1 2 1 2 0maxarg det( ) maxarg det( { } { e e l l ])=0} (14) Equivalent strain (11) corresponds to the crystallo- graphic failure mode, while equivalent strains (12)–(14) correspond to the non-crystallographic failure mode. 6 RESULTS OF THE FINITE-ELEMENT SIMULATION The stress-strain analysis of single-crystal samples (Figure 1), with a concentrator (in the form of a central circular hole) or without a concentrator, was carried out on the basis of the finite-element program PANTO- CRATOR8 with an application of physical models of plasticity. These material models take into account that an inelastic deformation occurs in accordance with the crystal-slip systems due to a slip mechanism and, there- fore, the deformation is strongly sensitive to the crystal- lographic orientation. The elastoplastic and viscoelasto- plastic material models9,10 with non-linear kinematic and isotropic hardening, also accounting for the self-hard- ening of each system and the latent hardening11 between the slip systems, are used in the finite-element simu- lations. The application of viscoelastic models leads to unrealistically overestimated levels of the stress. The obtained results for the inhomogeneous stress, strain and damage fields allow us to find the location of the specimen critical point. The damage field is obtained with criterion (6) on the basis of the analysis of the L. B. GETSOV et al.: THERMOCYCLIC- AND STATIC-FAILURE CRITERIA FOR SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS ... 258 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 255–260 strain-field evolution using the experimental data on the creep and elastoplastic deformation-resistance curves. The typical damage-field distribution after the first thermal cycle (20 °C  Tmax = 900 °C  Tmin = 150 °C) is presented in Figure 5 for sample 5-1 of ZhS36 with orientation 001. The results of the finite-element simulations show that the crystallographic orientation has a significant influence on the stress-strain state of the samples (Figure 6), as confirmed also by the experiments.12 The width of the hysteresis loops and the unilaterally accu- mulated strain are also very sensitive to the thermal cyclic regime (Figure 7). The numbers of the cycles to crack initiation, calcu- lated on the basis of criterion (6) using different equiva- lent strains, (11)–(14), are given in Table 3. A satisfac- tory correlation is observed between the criterion predictions and the results of the experiments (without a sufficient statistical representation). 7 CONCLUSIONS 1. In the investigations of I. L. Svetlov, E. R. Golubov- sky and other researchers a series of tests were conducted regarding the definition of the thermal fatigue resistance and short-term creep of the single- crystal ZhS32 alloy, determining the temperature range causing the changes in the failure modes. 2. The failure criteria for the single-crystal alloys under static and thermal cyclic loadings are proposed and discussed. A satisfactory correlation is observed bet- ween deformation criterion (6) and the obtained experimental results. All the considered variants of equivalent strains (11)–(14) give practically the same results. The criterion using von Mises strain intensity (13) offers the most conservative estimation. 3. The finite-element simulations of single-crystal spe- cimens under thermal cyclic loading were performed using different material models. The obtained results indicate an applicability of the proposed deformation criteria of failure for the single-crystal ZhS32 and ZhS36 alloys for the temperatures up to 1100 °C. L. B. GETSOV et al.: THERMOCYCLIC- AND STATIC-FAILURE CRITERIA FOR SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 255–260 259 Figure 7: Influence of the temperature program on the cyclic stress- strain curve. Results of the finite-element simulations of the speci- mens with the 001 orientation (the central point of a specimen). Slika 7: Vpliv temperaturnega programa na krivuljo napetost – raz- tezek. Rezultati simulacije s kon~nimi elementi za vzorce z orientacijo 001 (sredinski del vzorca). Figure 5: Damage-field distribution after the first cycle for sample 5-1 with the 001 orientation Slika 5: [irjenje podro~ja po{kodbe po prvem ciklu pri vzorcu 5-1 z orientacijo 001 Table 3: Deformation-criterion (6) predictions vs. experimental results for the crack initiation life Tabela 3: Napovedi merila deformacij (6) v odvisnosti od eksperimentalnih rezultatov za za~etek nastanka razpoke Orientation Tmax/°C Tmin/°C Number of cycles to crack initiation eq = nl (11) eq = 1 (12) eq = i (13) eq = max (14) Experiment Sample 5-1 900 150 338 275 195 280 435 Sample 5-3 1000 500 218 196 150 172 305 Sample 1-2 900 150 85 73 59 75 190 Sample 2-1 900 150 15 9 10 15 17 Sample 1-1* 900 150 5 4 3 4 10 Sample 2-6* 1000 500 61 44 56 57 10–130 Sample 4-1* 900 150 6 4 4 5 10 *Specimen with a concentrator (the radius of the central hole is 0.25 mm) Figure 6: Influence of the crystal orientation on the cyclic stress- strain curve. Results of the finite-element simulations of the thermal cycles with Tmax = 900 °C and Tmin = 150 °C (the central point of the specimen). Slika 6: Vpliv orientacije kristala na cikli~no krivuljo napetost – raz- tezek. Rezultati simulacije s kon~nimi elementi za toplotne cikle s Tmax = 900 °C in Tmin = 150 °C (sredinski del vzorca). Acknowledgements The study was supported by the Russian Fundamen- tal Research Program, Project No.12-08-00943. The authors are also grateful to S. M. Odabai-Fard for help- ing prepare the paper. 8 REFERENCES 1 E. N. Kablov, E. R. Golubovsky, Heat-resistant nickel alloys, Mechanical Engineering, Moscow 1998 2 R. E. Shalin, I. L. Svetlov, E. B. Kachanov, V. N. Toloraiya, O. S. Gavrilin, Single crystals of nickel-base superalloys, Mechanical Engineering, Moscow 1997 3 L. B. Getsov, N. I. Dobina, A. I. Rybnikov, A. S. Semenov, A. A. Staroselsky, N. V. Tumanov, Thermal fatigue resistance of single cry- stal alloy, Strength of Materials, (2008) 5, 54–71 4 L. B. 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KAV^I^ et al.: UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS UHF RFID-ZNA^KE Z NATISNJENIMI ANTENAMI NA RECIKLIRANEM PAPIRJU IN KARTONU Ur{ka Kav~i~1, Matej Pivar2, Miloje \oki}2, Diana Gregor Svetec2, Leon Pavlovi~3, Tadeja Muck2 1Valkarton Rakek, d. o. o., Rakek, Slovenia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia urskavcic@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-05-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-07-03 The integration of passive RFID tags in different applications is important in order to increase product functionality. The present research was focused on the optimization of the printing process conditions for the screen printing of passive UHF RFID antennas for the box tracking in logistics and for newspaper tracking in the retail trade. The antennas were printed on uncoated and coated recycled papers and coated cardboards. Two different conductive inks were applied with a semi-automatic screen printer. Drying conditions were varied in order to obtain a good print quality and the appropriate electrical properties of the conductive printed layer on all the printing substrates. The integration of flip chips was applied to the printed antennas. At the end of our research, an analysis of the printed antennas and the final UHF RFID tags was carried out. The quality of the printed antennas was first evaluated by image analysis, after which the electrical properties, such as the impedance and radiation patterns, were measured. To analyse the quality of UHF RFID tags, the maximum reading length was also determined. We demonstrated that working UHF RFID tags with screen printed antennas can be realized on substrates with lower quality, such as uncoated recycled papers. The main influence on the final working tag is the quality of the conductive ink itself. Keywords: printed RFID antenna, tag integration, recycled paper, cardboard Vklju~itev pasivnih RFID-zna~k v razli~ne aplikacije je pomembna, da dose`emo dobro funkcionalnost izdelka. Predstavljena raziskava je bila osredinjena na optimizacijo razmer sitotiskarskega procesa, s katerim so bile natisnjene UHF RFID-antene za sledenje embala`e in ~asopisov v trgovinskih verigah. Antene so bile natisnjene na nepremazane in premazane reciklirane papirje in na premazane embala`ne kartone. Uporabljeni sta bili dve prevodni tiskarski barvi, ki sta bili na tiskovni material naneseni s polavtomatskim sitotiskarskim strojem. Razmere pri su{enju so bile optimizirane, tako da so bile dose`ene dobra kakovost in primerne elektri~ne lastnosti odtisov na vseh tiskovnih materialih. Na tiskanih antenah je bilo izvedeno kontaktiranje ~ipov. Na koncu raziskav je bila izvedena analiza natisnjenih anten in kon~no izdelanih zna~k. Kakovost tiskanih anten je bila ovrednotena s slikovno analizo ter z merjenjem impedance in sevalnega diagrama anten. Za dolo~anje kakovosti kon~ne zna~ke je bila dolo~ena {e maksimalna razdalja od~itavanja. Dokazali smo, da je UHF RFID-zna~ke mogo~e tiskati s sitotiskom tudi na nizkocenovne tiskovne materiale, kot je nepremazan recikliran papir. Glavni vpliv na delovanje kon~ne zna~ke ima kakovost prevodne tiskarske barve. Klju~ne besede: tiskane RFID-antene, izdelava RFID-zna~ke, recikliran papir, embala`ni karton 1 INTRODUCTION The future of automatic identification and data cap- turing in the field of packaging is increasingly dedicated to radio-frequency identification (RFID), which enables wireless identification and saves a lot of time (and money) in comparison to barcode technology. RFID is an automated identification technology that consists of a reader, a reader antenna and a tag (which consists of an antenna and a chip). It uses radio waves to transfer the information between the reader and the tag at long dist- ances. The RFID tag can work at different frequencies: low (LF: 125 kHz or 134 kHz), high (HF: 13.56 MHz) or ultrahigh (UHF: 860–960 MHz) radio-frequency ranges. Due to the fact that the higher the frequency, the larger the distance at which the information can be read, in packaging identification UHF RFID tags are mostly used. The RFID tag can be produced conventionally by an etching process or can be printed. While the conven- tional production of RFID tags is still very expensive and environmentally unfriendly, many researchers are trying to produce printed RFID tags, where the electronic com- ponents are printed in-line, roll-to-roll, in the same pro- cess as the packaging layout itself. The printing, unlike conventional etching, is an additive process, and is far more ecological and economical than the subtractive etching process. This could reduce the amount of material used for production, i.e. the waste that is a side product of production, and consequently the total cost per tag. RFID antennas can be printed with different printing technologies:1 offset lithography, flexography, gravure, ink jet, electrophotography and screen printing. Different printing technologies enable different accuracy, resolution and ink thickness. Most research has been carried out using inkjet2–5 and screen6–9 printing techno- logies. There have also been some using gravure print- ing,10,11 but less with offset and flexography. Many research programmes have also been undertaken to test the performance of RFID printed antennas12–19 and chip Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 261–267 261 UDK 621.396.44:621.396/.398:655.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)261(2014) bonding.20,21 Printed antennas are usually applied to different foils22,23 or photo papers. There are also some researches made on the field of printed paper-based RFID or sensors,17,24–29 but none of them analysed the printing RFID antennas on recycled paper and card- board. The research in that field analysed the printing substrates from the electrical point of view and not from the graphical point of view. For this reason, in this paper the application of silver conductive ink to recycled papers and packaging cardboards is presented. The goal of our research was to optimize the printing process and drying conditions for the screen printing of passive UHF antennas directly on packaging and paper substrates. The antennas were printed with silver con- ductive printing inks using a semi-automatic screen printer. After that the silicon chip was applied to the antenna. At the end of our research, the analysis of the printed antennas and final UHF RFID tags was carried out. The quality of the printed antennas was evaluated by image analysis and the resistance to abrasion, which is important if the antennas printed on packaging or on newspaper are not additionally protected with another protective layer. At the end the impedance and radiation patterns were measured. To analyse the quality of the UHF RFID, the tag reading length was determined by measuring the received power in watts. 2 EXPERIMENTS The current investigation involved the selection of the UHF RFID antenna for the central frequency of 868 MHz (Figure 1), antenna printing, drying optimization, analysis of antenna printability, mounting the chip onto antenna and an analysis of RFID tag reading. 2.1 Printing The UHF RFID antennas were printed with two con- ductive printing inks: SunChemical30 (CRSN2442, Sun- Tronic Silver 280, Thermal Drying Silver Conductive Ink) and DuPont31 (DuPont 5064H silver conductor). As printing substrates, two coated cardboards and two recycled papers (one coated and one uncoated) were used. A RokuPrint semi-automatic screen printer and monofilament polyester plain weave mesh with 120 L/cm were used (theoretical ink volume 16.3 cm3/m2). The properties of the printing inks and printing sub- strates are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1: Printing inks properties30,31 Tabela 1: Lastnosti tiskarskih barv30,31 Property SunChemical DuPont Solids 69–71 63–66 Viscosity 2–3 10–20 Sheet resistance: R/m for 25 ìm) 10–32 6 on 125 μm PET film Drying conditions Static box oven 150 °C/ 30 min 130 °C/ (10–20 min) Reel-to-reel 100–130 °C/(30–90 s) 140 °C/ (2 min) 2.2 Print penetration The print penetration was determined in accordance with the IGT–W24 and ICP–T17 methods. At the mo- ment of printing a quantity of ink or varnish is absorbed by the surface of the paper. This amount is determined by the absorption of the liquid in the surface recesses (roughness) and the absorption into the paper pores at the surface. With the IGT test method the sum of the two phenomena is determined: the oil absorption or varnisha- bility. The reciprocal value of this is called print penetra- tion. A large stain indicates a low roughness/absorption of the paper. The final values for the print penetration were calcu- lated according to Equation 1, where PP is the print penetration and l is stain length of the print in mm: PP = 103/l (1) 2.3 Optimization of drying conditions After printing, the optimization of the drying condi- tions was determined to achieve the lowest sheet resi- stance of the prints. Based on experiments, a two-stage drying process was determined as optimal (Figure 2). The samples were dried according to the printing sub- strate and the printing ink. The optimal drying was U. KAV^I^ et al.: UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS 262 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 261–267 Figure 1: Antenna printing form Slika 1: Tiskana oblika antene Table 2: Properties of printing substrates Tabela 2: Lastnosti podlag za tiskanje Standard Type Grammage (g/m2) Thickness (ìm) Roughness (ìm) (Stylus TR200) Porosity (mL/min) (Bendtsen) Water absorpti- veness (g/m2) (Cobb60) ISO 536 ISO 534 ISO 4287 ISO 5636-3 ISO 535 paper 1 coated recycled paper 60 60 2.226 16.00 not determinable paper 2 uncoated recycled paper 60 113 5.706 381.00 not determinable cardboard 1 coated cardboard 245 400 0.463 27.33 5.609 cardboard 2 coated cardboard 350 525 0.482 12.00 4.427 determined as the point where the sheet resistance of the printed samples became constant and did not get any lower with longer drying times or higher temperatures. 2.4 Analysis of printed conductive ink layer After printing and the two-stage drying process, the analysis of the printed conductive ink layer was carried out. The print mottle, abrasion and sheet resistance of the printed ink layer were determined. 2.4.1 Print mottle The print uniformity (print mottle) was determined using image analysis (ImageJ software). The print mottle was determined with a traditional STFI method, by calculation of the coefficient of variation (CV), where  is the standard deviation of the grey values and R is the mean grey value:32 CV/% = /R × 100 (2) 2.4.2 Abrasion The abrasion was determined on the samples (5.1 cm × 23 cm) using a Param RT-01 Rub tester instrument (according to the standard ASTM D 5264). The printed samples were positioned on the table, and the unprinted specimen of the same printing substrate was mounted on the weight, which rubs the printed sample. The test duration is determined by the number of strokes (a stroke is one back-and-forth cycle) the sample is rubbed. The speed of the rub was 106 cycles per minute using a mass 0.9 kg. The abrasion was determined on the receptor surface of 4.8 cm × 10 cm size using image analysis after 100 (paper) or 500 (cardboard) strokes. The uncoated (and coated) recycled paper has a rougher surface than the coated cardboard and consequently the abrasion of the printing ink on the paper was much higher than on the cardboard. If 500 strokes were applied to paper, the abrasion would not be determinable using image ana- lysis. On the other hand, after 100 strokes on cardboard there is no evident abrasion. That is why only 100 strokes were applied to paper and 500 to cardboards. The results present the proportion of the area coated with the rubbed ink on the receptor surface. 2.4.3 Resistance The resistance was measured on the test element presented in Figure 3 between points 1 and 2 using a DT-890G multimeter. The nominal length was L = 22 mm and width W = 3 mm. The nominal number of squares was Nsq = L/W = 10.3. The final results are given as the value of the conductive printed layer sheet resi- stance R (m). 2.5 RFID tag analysis 2.5.1 Antenna evaluation The numerical simulation of the antenna impedance was carried out using a commercial 3-D solver (Ansoft HFSS). In addition, the radiation patterns in the E (elec- tric field) and H (magnetic field) planes for the paper and cardboard printed antennas were measured at an outdoor antenna-measuring polygon. 2.5.2 RFID tag reading After the antennas had been printed and analysed, the strap chip (NXP) with impedance Z = 22 – j195  33 was assembled onto the printed antennas. Then the analysis of the RFID tag was performed using an IDS-R902 reader (IDS Microchip, Ljubljana, Slovenia). The IDS-R902 reader consists of an IDS reader and a Patch A0025 antenna (Poynting GmbH, Dortmund, Germany). The reader is based on the IDS-R902 circuit, supports the ISO18000-6 C or EPC Gen 2 Protocol and measures the strength of the modulated signal backscattered from the tag. The reader antenna (gain 4.5 = 6.5 dBi) emits circularly polarized UHF radiation with a frequency f = 867 MHz. Its output power is 400 mW (+26 dBm). The reader uses an amplitude shift keying and has a maxi- mum input sensitivity of 25 pW (–76 dBm). The quality of the final UHF RFID tag was evaluated by measuring the power in W (dBm) for every 5 cm by moving the tag straight from the reader. U. KAV^I^ et al.: UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 261–267 263 Figure 3: Test element for resistance measurement Slika 3: Preizkusni element za merjenje upornosti Figure 2: Schematic representation of two-stage (combined) drying process Slika 2: Shematski prikaz dvostopenjskega su{enja 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Print penetration Print penetration is a measure of the penetration velocity of the printing ink into the printing substrate. It represents the properties (roughness, porosity and absorptiveness) of the printing substrate. Figure 4 shows that recycled papers have a higher print penetration than cardboards. Again, the higher penetration can be detected with uncoated recycled paper, which can be directly connected to the roughness and print mottle. 3.2 Drying optimization The drying optimization was determined as the point where the resistance became constant with a higher temperature or longer drying. The optimal drying condi- tions were determined as presented in Table 3. Samples were first dried in the hot zone and then they were exposed to the Heat&Press process (Figure 2). During the drying process, the printing substrate exposed to high temperatures changes its surface colour, which is significant when the final product is graphically designed, such as with packaging, where the colours and final product’s appearance are very important. The colour difference ( E) of the printing substrate was determined for both printing inks (Figure 5). It is clear that the printing substrates printed with DuPont printing ink change their colour more than the samples printed with SunChemical printing ink, due to the higher heating temperature. Even so, all the values are very low and the colour change is hard to detect with the eye. The printing with SunChemical printing ink is also more appropriate from an ecological point of view, because of the lower drying temperature. 3.3 Analysis of printed conductive ink layer 3.3.1 Print mottle In Figure 6 the print mottle for all the printing substrates is presented. The print mottle is dependent on the surface properties of the printing substrate. Usually, it is the result of an uneven ink layer or non-uniform ink absorption across the printing substrate.34 The higher roughness (Table 2), print penetration (Figure 4) and water absorptiveness (Table 2) of the two recycled papers affect the higher print mottle, as presented in Fig- ure 6. The difference between the two conductive inks is also obvious, with the DuPont printing ink having a slightly higher non-uniformity. The final antenna perfor- mance is also dependent on the print quality of the printed conductive lines. If the antenna is printed onto rough substrates the conductive Ag particle in ink could not be connected and the final conductivity could be questionable. In that case the final antenna performance would not be as good as expected based on the antenna design and simulation. U. KAV^I^ et al.: UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS 264 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 261–267 Figure 5: E of printing substrates after two stages drying process Slika 5: E podlag za tiskanje po dvostopenjskem su{enju Figure 4: Print penetration of the printing substrates Slika 4: Tiskarska penetracija na podlagah za tiskanje Table 3: Drying conditions Tabela 3: Razmere pri su{enju Hot zone Heat&Press Printing substrate Time (s) Temperature (°C) Printing ink Time (s) Temperature (°C) Cardboard 135 115 SunChemical 10 150 Paper 90 115 DuPont 10 190 Figure 6: Print mottle Slika 6: Tiskovna neenakomernost 3.3.2 Abrasion The abrasion of the printed antennas is important, while prints have to have good conductivity, which is degraded if the prints’ abrasion is too high. In that case it is possible to get a inhomogeneous printed conductive layer and small holes can appear on the surface of the antenna, because of the printing substrate roughness. In Figure 7 it is clear that the prints printed on papers have much higher abrasion (at lower rub) than those printed on cardboard. It is also evident that the DuPont printing ink has higher abrasion than the SunChemical ink. On paper (especially on uncoated recycled paper), the binder penetrates more quickly and deeply into the substrate than on coated cardboard, and consequently the conductive silver particles remain unbounded at the surface. Moreover, the surface of the paper is rougher (Table 2) and when rubbed more the particles remain on the receptor (unprinted specimen), and the abrasion is higher. 3.3.3 Sheet resistance The sheet resistance was calculated and is presented in Figure 8. All the samples achieved a good sheet resi- stance, i.e., lower than R = 100 m, with the antennas printed with DuPont printing ink being even lower than those printed with SunChemical ink. In the inks’ speci- fication (Table 1), the specified resistances are much lower than those presented in Figure 8. This is because the resistances in Table 1 correspond to a thick dry film 25 μm, while the measured thicknesses of the dry film in our experiment were much lower (the thickness was determined on a cross-section of the printed samples), between 6 μm and 10 μm, and consequently the sheet resistance is higher. 3.4 RFID tag analysis 3.4.1 Antenna evaluation The radiation patterns in the E- and H-planes were evaluated by measurements of antennas on two printing substrates. The uncoated recycled paper (paper 2) and coated cardboard (cardboard 1) were selected as they had the highest and the lowest print mottles (Figure 6) and abrasions (Figure 7) of the four samples. The samples printed with the SunChemical printing ink were selected on the basis of lower heating temperatures, lower abra- sion and smaller print mottle in comparison with the DuPont printing ink. The results revealed that the patterns are nearly the same for both measured antennas, regardless of which printing substrate was used (Figure 9). The measured radiation patterns have slight irregula- rities in the measurement, especially at the nulls. This is U. KAV^I^ et al.: UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 261–267 265 Figure 9: Radiation pattern for antennas printed on both cardboard and on recycled paper and its simulation Slika 9: Sevalni diagram antene, natisnjene na embala`nem kartonu in recikliranem papirju ter njena simulacija Figure 7: Abrasion Slika 7: Abrazija Figure 8: Sheet resistance of the prints Slika 8: Plastna upornost odtisov Figure 10: Simulated antenna impedance Slika 10: Simulirana impedanca antene due to the disturbance to the antenna and the obstruction of the attached balun that was used for the balanced antenna to the coaxial cable interface. Without the balun interference, the radiation patterns should be approxima- tely the same as the simulated ones shown in Figure 9. Besides the radiation pattern, the impedance of the antenna was simulated (Figure 10). The simulated an- tenna impedance of about 15 + j180  at 868 MHz ensures a good match to the RFID chip impedance (22 - j195 ). 3.4.2 RFID tag reading The NXP chips on strap were attached to the printed antennas and the largest reading distances with the corresponding power values were measured in a real environment on five samples, as presented in Figure 11. The printed antenna was oriented horizontally to the transmitting antenna. Figure 12 shows that the power (an average of 5 measurements) diminishes with the distance of reading from around 10 nW to almost 100 pW (-50 dBm to almost -70 dBm) at one metre distance. The largest measured distance where the tags still worked was 105 cm. It was observed that the power of the tags printed on paper was a little lower than that of the tags printed on cardboard. 4 CONCLUSIONS The analysed influences of drying conditions on the quality of the printed conductive layers were proven to be significant, not only in terms of the quality of the printing but also on the relevant electrical parameters measured on the printed antennas. A higher drying tem- perature increases the final conductivity. The paper and cardboard enable drying to 150 °C or a maximum of 200 °C. A higher drying temperature causes the substrate to become yellow. The two-stage drying process with Heat&Press makes it possible to use a lower drying temperature and a shorter drying time. Comparing the printing inks, the DuPont ink has a slightly lower resistance, which is its only advantage over the SunChemical ink. On the other hand, the weakness of the DuPont ink is that it requires a higher drying temperature. SunChemical ink shows lower print mottle and has lower abrasion. It means that antennas printed with SunChemical ink are more uni- form on their surface and more mechanically stable. The printing substrate, especially the coating, has significant influences on better ink formation, higher uniformity and also on better abrasion resistance. This effect is visible especially on coated recycled paper and cardboards compared with uncoated recycled paper. The design of the UHF antenna is appropriate for both printing substrates – no differences in radiation pattern were observed between antennas printed on coated cardboard and those on uncoated recycled paper. By the end of our research we had shown that work- ing UHF RFID tags with screen-printed antennas can be realized on substrates of extremely low quality, such as uncoated recycled papers. The main influence on the final working tag is the quality of the conductive ink itself. Acknowledgements The authors express their gratitude to Ralf Zichner (Fraunhofer), and to the companies Ams R&D and RLS. Thanks are also due to Avery Dennison for permission to use their antenna design. Ur{ka Kav~i~ acknowledges assistance from the European Social Fund ("Operation part-financed by the European Union, European Social Fund"). 5 REFERENCES 1 A. Blayo, B. Pineaux, Printing processes and their potential for RFID printing, Joint Conference on Smart Objects and Ambient Intelli- gence: Innovative context-Aware Services: Usage and Technologies, Grenoble, 2005, 27–30 U. KAV^I^ et al.: UHF RFID TAGS WITH PRINTED ANTENNAS ON RECYCLED PAPERS AND CARDBOARDS 266 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 261–267 Figure 11: Measurements of tag readability Slika 11: Merjenje berljivosti natisnjenih zna~k Figure 12: Reading distances and corresponding power values Slika 12: Razdalje od~itavanja in pripadajo~e vrednosti mo~i 2 S. Pranonsatit, D. Worasawate, P. 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TOPMOST STEEL PRODUCTION DESIGN BASED ON THROUGH PROCESS MODELLING WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS PROJEKTIRANJE PROIZVODNJE VRHUNSKIH JEKEL NA PODLAGI MODELIRANJA SKOZI PROCES Z UMETNIMI NEVRONSKIMI MRE@AMI Tadej Kodelja1, Igor Gre{ovnik1,2, Robert Vertnik2,3, Bo`idar [arler1,2,4 1Center of Excellence BIK, Solkan, Slovenia 2University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia 3[tore Steel d.o.o., Research, [tore, Slovenia 4IMT, Ljubljana, Slovenia bozidar.sarler@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-06-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-07-03 Application of artificial neural networks for modeling of a complete process path in a steel production – from the scrap steel to the material properties of semi products – is presented. The described approach is introduced as an alternative to physics based through process modeling, with the advantage of lower complexity of the software and much lower computing times for calculating the influence of a specific settings of the process parameters. This new approach can be beneficially used in designing the production process. This is clearly demonstrated by estimating the influence of 34 alloying elements and process parameters of 6 process steps on 5 final mechanical properties of spring steel (elongation, tensile strength, yield stress, hardness after rolling and necking), based on 1879 recorded data sets from the production line in [tore Steel company. The ANN used is of a multilayer feedforward type with sigmoid activation function and supervised learning. An important feature of this approach is its dependence on accurate and sufficient data, acquired from the modeled process. Therefore, special care must be devoted to validation of the obtained model and error estimation. The reliability and other characteristics of the available data can vary to a great extent in real industrial practice, therefore analysis of the models is a highly customized task that has to be performed on a case to case basis. A flexible and easily extensible software base has been developed in the scope of the described work in order to adequately support research, development and practical application of this kind of models. Keywords: steel production, mechanical properties of steel, artificial neural networks, response approximation, feed forward networks with back propagation Predstavimo uporabo umetnih nevronskih mre` za modeliranje celotne procesne poti izdelave jeklenih polizdelkov – od rene do snovnih lastnosti polizdelkov. Opisani pristop je vpeljan kot alternativa fizikalnemu modeliranju skozi proces s prednostjo manj{e kompleksnosti programske opreme ter bistveno manj{imi ra~unskimi ~asi za izra~un vpliva specifi~ne nastavitve procesnih parametrov. Tak{en pristop se lahko s pridom uporablja pri na~rtovanju proizvodnega procesa. To je nazorno prikazano pri oceni vpliva 34 legirnih elementov in procesnih parametrov 6 procesnih korakov na 5 kon~nih snovnih lastnosti vzmetnega jekla (raztezek, natezna trdnost, meja te~enja, trdota po valjanju in skr~ek), na podlagi 1879 zabele`enih podatkovnih setov iz proizvodne linije podjetja [tore Steel. Uporabljena je usmerjena nevronska mre`a s sigmasto aktivacijsko funkcijo in nadzorovanim u~enjem. Pomembna zna~ilnost tega pristopa je njegova odvisnost od pravilnih in zadostnih podatkov, pridobljenih iz procesa. Zato se je potrebno posebej posvetiti validaciji pridobljenega modela in oceni napak. Zanesljivost in ostale zna~ilnosti razpolo`ljivih podatkov, pridobljenih iz realnih industrijskih procesov, se obi~ajno zelo razlikujejo, zato je analiza tak{nih modelov zelo specifi~na in mora biti narejena od primera do primera. V ta namen je bila izdelana fleksibilna in enostavno raz{irljiva programska oprema, ki omogo~a primerno podporo raziskavam, razvoju in prakti~ni uporabi tovrstnih modelov. Klju~ne besede: izdelava jekla, mehanske lastnosti jekla, umetne nevronske mre`e, aproksimacija odziva, nevronske mre`e s povratnim raz{irjanjem napak 1 INTRODUCTION Controlling the final mechanical properties of products or semi products is very important for steel production companies. This is a difficult task because there are a number of sequentially connected processes where the output of one process is an input to the next one. Different physics based numerical models can be used to predict the outcomes, but their development can be very complicated and time consuming.1,2 Artificial neural networks (ANN) based models3,4 can be used as an alternative to these physics based numerical models. Over the last years, ANNs have been successfully used across an extraordinary range of problem domains. Examples can be found in almost all fields of industry as well as in research areas that show promise for the future.5 ANNs are already being used in steel production industries in modeling of blast furnace,6 continuous casting, steel rolling,7 etc. The first use of ANN in modeling of the entire production path (also referred to as “through process modeling”) has been demonstrated for production of aluminum foil in8. Furthermore, a pre- liminary study9 was made for complete steel production path, while in this study, additional parametric studies and sensitivity tests were added. The main drawback of Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 269–274 269 UDK 669.1:004.032.26 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)269(2014) ANN models over physics based models is the fact that they can be used based on the specific training data only, and do not allow generalization to different production plants. Only the developed methodology is transferable. In the present paper, we study the possibility of using ANN-based models as a comprehensive decision support tool in steel production. We explore the prediction of important mechanical properties of steel (elongation, tensile strength, flow limit, hardness and shrinkage) based on values of influential process parameters that determine the complete steel production path. The steel manufacturing process in the [tore Steel company and the respective available data were considered10 as a basis for the present study. The manufacturing process path consists of six individual processes:11,12 steel making, continuous casting of steel, hydrogen removal, reheating, multiple stage rolling, and cooling on the cooling bed. Each of these processes can be independently modeled by a physics based numerical model.13–21 The state of the steel (shape, microstructure) of an individual process influences the downstream processing (subsequent pro- cesses in the process chain) and thus act as a part of input data (e.g. defining initial or boundary conditions) in the model of that process. This is schematically repre- sented in Figure 1. In the current work we use another approach where an ANN is used to build a complete model of the whole production chain. We model the outcomes after the last process step and relate them to process parameters defining all processes involved in the production path. After the model is built, we can explore the effect of variation of process parameters to the final material properties, e,g. by changing process parameters independently in parametric and sensitivity tests and observing model outputs. 2 MODELING SOFTWARE A software for construction and use of ANN-based models has been developed in the scope of this work. The software was designed to match the challenges and requirements met when solving this kind of problems. In particular, it has to provide good flexibility in designing training strategies, filtering training data, verification of results, testing different network layouts, integration with other software, etc. This is crucial when approxi- mating behavior of steel processing systems with large number of processing parameters. Data obtained from such systems is often inaccurate or even corrupted due to practical limitations in acquisition procedures. Response sampling can not be planned in advance but is accom- modated to production schedules in the factory, therefore information available may be deficient in some regions of parameter space in order to obtain good response approximation and therefore verification of results plays an important role. The software platform has been elabo- rated in22,23. The Aforge.Net library is used as ANN framework.24 A convenient characteristics of neural networks is that approximation can be performed in two separate stages (Figure 2). In the training stage, the network is trained by using the sampled response (either measured or calculated by a numerical model). In the approximation stage, trained network is used for all subsequent calcu- lations of approximated response at arbitrary values of input parameters. This gives the neural networks an important advantage over other modeling techniques, since the second stage if very fast as compared to the first stage. The software takes full advantage of this feature by separating these stages. This is especially T. KODELJA et al.: TOPMOST STEEL PRODUCTION DESIGN BASED ON THROUGH PROCESS MODELLING ... 270 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 269–274 Figure 2: Approximation with neural networks: training a network with presented data pairs (top) and calculation of approximated response with trained network (bottom) Slika 2: Aproksimacija z nevronskimi mre`ami: u~enje mre`e na podlagi podatkovnih parov (zgoraj) in izra~un aprokismiranega odziva z nau~eno mre`o (spodaj) Figure 1: Steel manufacturing process modeling strategy Slika 1: Strategija modeliranja procesa izdelave important when performing extensive analyses of the considered process on the basis of the developed ANN models, or when incorporating the models in automatic optimization procedures.25,26 3 CONSTRUCTION OF THE ANN-BASED PROCESS MODEL In the considered production setup from the [tore Steel company, the complete process is defined by 123 influential parameters (Table 1). There are 24 parame- ters defining the steel grade, 12 process parameters defining the continuous casting, 2 parameters the hydro- gen removal, 4 parameters the reheating furnace, 31 parameters the rolling mill, 43 parameters the continuous rolling mill, and 7 parameters the cooling bed. On the output side, five mechanical properties of the final pro- duct are observed and represent the output values of the model (Table 2). Table 1: Process parameters (input) Tabela 1: Procesni parametri (vhod) Processes / properties Number of parameters Composition 24 Continuous casting of steel 12 Hydrogen removal 2 Billet reheating furnace 4 Rolling mill 31 Continuous rolling mill 43 Cooling bed 7 Total 123 Table 2: Material properties (output) Tabela 2: Snovne lastnosti (izhod) Final mechanical properties Elongation (A) Tensile strength (Rm) Yield stress (Rp0.2) Hardness after rolling (HB) Necking (Z) For construction of the models, data was manually collected from different databases representing produc- tion of the steelwork in year 2011. Data was first sepa- rated for two billet dimensions (140 mm and 180 mm) which undergo considerably different process parame- ters. In addition, the data had to be filtered by applying a number of specially designed criteria in order to exclude corrupted data and overshoots. After these procedures, a total of 1879 data sets for dimension 140 mm have been prepared and used in the training procedure. This data was randomly divided into disjoint training and verification sets. Training data was then used in training a feed forward neural network with sigmoid acti- vation function, in which we iteratively minimize error of the model on this data by the back propagation algo- rithm. After the convergence was achieved, the model was validated on the verification set that was not involved in the training, in order to estimate its accuracy (Figure 3). A number of training procedures with different ANN architectures and training parameters have been per- formed in order to find the best settings. Figure 4 shows convergence of maximum relative training errors for 15 different ANN settings. Optimal settings (listed in Table 3) were identified by the convergence curve that reaches the lowest error at the end of the training procedure. Table 3: ANN training and architecture settings Tabela 3: Nastavitve u~enja in arhitekture umetne nevronske mre`e Training parameters Learning rate 0.4 Momentum 0.6 Alpha value 1.0 Architecture Neurons in input layer 34 Neurons in 1st hidden layer 25 Neurons in output layer 5 T. KODELJA et al.: TOPMOST STEEL PRODUCTION DESIGN BASED ON THROUGH PROCESS MODELLING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 269–274 271 Figure 4: Maximal relative training error convergence for the best 15 trained ANNs Slika 4: Najve~ja relativna napaka konvergence napake u~enja za 15 najbolj{ih umetnih nevronskih mre` Figure 3: Training and verification procedure for model construction Slika 3: Proces u~enja in verifikacije pri izdelavi modela In order to build the final model, we trained the ANN with optimal architecture and training parameters from Table 3. The maximum number of epochs was set to 105. Training procedures were performed on the HP ProLiant DL 380 G7 workstation with 2 six core 3.47 GHz Intel Xenon X5690 processors (6*256 kB L2 and 12 MB L3 cache), with 24GB installed RAM. Trained neural net- work which gave us the best results was trained in appro- ximately 13 hours. A remark should be given here, that training of ANN is indeed a cumbersome and CPU time consuming task, typically on the same order of a compu- tational cost of a physics based model. However, when the ANN is trained, the use of it is typically several orders of magnitude faster than executing the physical model. 4 RESULTS The training procedure results in the artificial intelli- gence model that relates the modeled output values v to the input parameters p: v = v(p) (1) In the present context, v contains mechanical pro- perties from Table 2 and p contains process parameters from Table 1. The obtained model can be used for a detailed study of response of final mechanical properties on variation of process parameters, which gives operators a better insight into the process and can be used as a valuable decision support tool. This is endorsed by low computa- tional times necessary to evaluate a single response once the model is built, which are around 10–3 s in our case. For illustration, we show dependence of hardness on carbon fraction around different points in the space of model input parameters (Figure 5). We have randomly selected 5 sets of parameters (points in the parameter space) from the training data. Then we varied the para- meter of interest (in our case the carbon mass fraction), while the other parameters remained fixed. The parame- ter was varied from the minimum to the maximum value attained by that parameter within the training data. It can be seen from Figure 5 that hardness generally increases with increasing carbon mass fraction, which is in line with the well-established metallurgical know- ledge. This is observed for different fixed combinations of other parameters, while the precise form of the rela- tion varies significantly with the values of other para- meters of the model. Since influences of individual parameters are highly correlated, it is important for some purposes to study behavior over larger range of process settings. This facilitates to obtain a deeper insight in the process. The described approach employing ANN-based models is ideal for such purpose due to the short calcu- lation times and exhaustiveness of information that is provided by such models. In another illustrative example, we take a different point of view. Instead of focusing on influence of indi- vidual parameters, we try to obtain a broader picture of the comparative influence of different parameters on the observed outcomes. We first chose a set from the training data sets close to the center of the interval containing the measured data. We denote the vector of input parameters of this set by pc = pi. We then varied one by one each component of the vector (i.e. the particular composition or process parameter) while the others were held fixed, and observed how the modeled quantities change as result of this variation. More precisely, we considered the following function of one variable: u t v p p p t p p i ij i j- j+( ) ( , , ..., , , , ..., ) , ... = = c1 c2 c 1 c c1 1 N j Nv p, , ...,=1 (2) where Np is the number of model parameters and Nv is the number of output quantities of the model. Each ele- ment of the parameter vector pc was varied over the whole interval that the given parameter attained in the provided industrial data. The variations were then calcu- lated for each output value (denoted by index i in equa- tion (2) and for each parameter (index j in equation (2) and used as a measure of influence of the specific T. KODELJA et al.: TOPMOST STEEL PRODUCTION DESIGN BASED ON THROUGH PROCESS MODELLING ... 272 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 269–274 Figure 6: Influence of process parameters on changes in elongation (A), ordered from the most influential one on the left, to the least influential one on the right Slika 6: Vplivi procesnih parametrov na spremembe v elongaciji (A), urejeni od najbolj vplivnih na levi do najmanj vplivnih na desni Figure 5: Steel hardness after rolling as a function of the carbon mass fraction, calculated by the ANN model on five training sets Slika 5: Trdota jekla po valjanju kot funkcija masnega dele`a ogljika, izra~unana z umetno nevronsko mre`o na petih u~nih mno`icah parameter. The results are shown in Figures 6 to 10 and are for each parameter calculated by: ( )Δu t u t u tij ij ij( ) max ( ) min ( )= − (3) where max ( )u tij and min ( )u tij represents maximum and minimum influence of j-th parameter on i-th output value. Table 4 shows 3 most influential parameters for each material property. From the available parameters that we use for training the ANN (Figures 6 to 10), different elements of the composition of the material are the most influential for all five properties. Process parameters do not have major influence. The most important parame- ters obtained from the present ANN response are tempe- rature of the liquid steel (Tcast) for elongation and hardness after rolling, temperature difference in the mould (Dtmould) for tensile strength, cooling water tem- perature in zone 1 (TZone1) for yield stress and cooling water flow rate in first spray system (Qsistem1) for necking. Obviously, the response of the model is not entirely expected. This indicates that the represented methodology should be used with care and finally judged by engineering expert knowledge. It is however true, that in the present model, several important process parame- ters are missing due to the lack of data acquisition in the plant (particularly for rolling), since a new rolling mill has been installed recently. Table 4: The 3 most influential parameters for each mechanical pro- perty Tabela 4: Trije najbolj vplivni parametri za posami~no mehansko last- nost Elonga- tion (A) Tensile strength (Rm) Yield stress (Rp) Hardness after rolling (HB) Necking (Z) 1 Ni C C Ti V 2 Al Cr Ni C Si 3 Ti Delta temperature in the mould Mn Ni C 5 CONCLUSIONS ANN have been used to model a complete production path in a steelwork. The developed methodology is essentially a black box modeling approach. Outcomes of the process can be predicted for arbitrary combination of process parameters without directly considering the phy- sical background of the modeled process, but are instead relying on information about previous realizations of the process. As an example, a model of production line in the [tore Steel company was studied, reduced to 34 influential process parameters and with 5 observed pro- perties of the final product. Several combinations of models that will include even less influential parameters will be studied in the future. A significant advantage of the approach, as compared to the physics based numerical models, is much lower complexity of the model. There is no need to calibrate the model in order to compensate for physical simplifi- cations and inaccurate knowledge of model constants, since the model is based on the realistic data gained from the actual process. Once the model is built, evaluation times are extremely short, in the order of a millisecond, T. KODELJA et al.: TOPMOST STEEL PRODUCTION DESIGN BASED ON THROUGH PROCESS MODELLING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 269–274 273 Figure 10: Influence of process parameters on changes in necking (Z) Slika 10: Vplivi procesnih parametrov na spremembe vratu te~enja (Z) Figure 9: Influence of process parameters on changes in hardness after rolling (HB) Slika 9: Vplivi procesnih parametrov na spremembe trdote po valjanju (HB) Figure 8: Influence of process parameters on changes in yield stress (Rp) Slika 8: Vplivi procesnih parametrov na mejo te~enja (Rp) Figure 7: Influence of process parameters on changes in tensile strength (Rm) Slika 7: Vplivi procesnih parametrov na natezno trdnost (Rm) compared to several hours or even days that would be necessary for state-of-the-art physics based models of the same process. This represents a great advantage in tasks where large number of evaluations are required, such as automatic optimization of process parameters or detailed parametric studies.22,23 This kind of modeling has therefore a great potential to enable better insight and understanding of industrial processing, as well as to serve as a powerful decision support tool. This potential was indicated in the present paper by clearly presenting influence on individual process parameters on the out- comes. The drawback of the approach is its dependence on reliable and abundant data that is sometimes hard to obtain. Great attention must be paid to estimation of accuracy of the model in imperfect conditions with regard to the available data.9 This will remain the main focus of future research, where influence of various fac- tors on model accuracy will be studied which will even- tually lead to procedures for reliable prediction of error bounds, which is crucial for industrial use. This will incorporate arrangements where controlled acquisition of training data is possible, e.g. by using physics based models. In this context, a large portion of work is devo- ted to building a flexible, modular and scalable software base to support such work. Finally, it should be noted, that the presented methodology stimulated more careful and complete data acquisition of the process parameters in [tore Steel company, needed for continuation of the present work and for better process repeatability as such. Acknowledgment The Centre of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumen- tation and Process Control (COBIK) is an operation financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund and Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science Culture and Sport. The financial support of COBIK, Slovenian Research Agency and [tore Steel company in the framework of the research program P2-0379 and the project L2-3651 is kindly acknowledged. 6 REFERENCES 1 B. [arler, R. Vertnik, S. 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Stable magnetic fluids are prepared by the addition of surfactants to supporting polar or nonpolar media. We have studied the preparation of magnetic nanoparticles based on cobalt ferrite or magnetite, and stabilized the obtained product in an aqueous suspension. We found the optimal co-precipitation time for cobalt ferrite at 90 °C to be 2 h. Under such conditions the product exhibited the lowest amount of amorphous phase (46.2 %), average particle diameter 10.2 nm and a relatively high proportion of agglomerated particles (30 %). The product is therefore destabilized in an aqueous solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone K. The optimal co-precipitation time for magnetite at 90 °C is 30 min. After 30 min the product has no amorphous phase, average particle diameter is 6.8 nm and the proportion of agglomerated particles is low (3 %). The product is poorly stabilized because the proportion of agglomerated particles increases when the magnetite is re-dispersed in an aqueous solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone K. Magnetite prepared with the Massart method has a small amount of amorphous phase (4 %), average particle diameter is 6 nm and a low proportion of agglomerated particles (4.5 %) and is therefore well stabilized in an aqueous solution of polyvinylpyrrolidone K. Keywords: cobalt ferrite, magnetite, superparamagnetic nanoparticles, co-precipitation, stabilization of magnetic fluids Nanodelci kobaltovega ferita in magnetita imajo superparamagnetne lastnosti. Stabilne suspenzije superparamagnetnih nanodelcev imenujemo magnetne teko~ine. Stabilne magnetne teko~ine pripravimo z dodatkom surfaktantov v nosilni polarni ali nepolarni medij. Sintetizirali smo magnetne nanodelce kobaltovega ferita in magnetita ter dobljeni produkt stabilizirali v vodnem mediju. Dolo~en je bil optimalen ~as soobarjanja kobaltovega ferita pri 90 °C, in sicer 2 h. V tem ~asu ima produkt najni`jo vsebnost amorfne faze (46,2 %), povpre~no velikost delca 10,2 nm in dele` ne`elenih aglomeratov pa je 30 %. Ko se delce kobaltovega ferita redispergira v vodi z dodanim surfaktantom, nastane destabilizirana suspenzija, katere vzrok je visok dele` aglomeratov. Optimalen ~as koprecipitacije magnetita pri 90 °C je 30 min. Takrat produkt ne vsebuje amorfne faze, povpre~na velikost delca je 6,8 nm, dele` aglomeriranih delcev je 3 %. Produkt se nato redispergira v vodnem mediju z dodanim surfaktantom, kjer je magnetit slabo stabiliziran zaradi pove~anja dele`a aglomeratov med redisperzijo. Magnetit, pridobljen z metodo po Massartu, vsebuje 4 % amorfne faze, ima povpre~no velikost delca 6 nm, dele` aglomeratov 4,5 % in je zato odli~no stabiliziran v vodni raztopini polivinilpirolidona K. Klju~ne besede: kobaltov ferit, magnetit, superparamagnetni nanodelci, koprecipitacija, stabilizacija magnetnih teko~in 1 INTRODUCTION Magnetic fluids are stable dispersions of magnetic nanoparticles in an organic or aqueous medium. Magne- tic nanoparticles are solid-state particles that are affected by magnetic fields. The term "nano" indicates particles that are in the size range below 100 nm. Magnetic nano- particles occur in the form of ferrites with the general formula MFe2O4, where M is a divalent metal cation (nickel, cobalt, manganese, zinc or iron). Ferrites crystal- lize in the spinel crystal structure.1–3 The most important characteristic of magnetic nano- particles is superparamagnetism. Superparamagnetism relates to nanoparticles whose magnetic moments are oriented irregularly and do not show any magnetic properties in the absence of an applied magnetic field. However, even when these nanoparticles are exposed to a small external magnetic field, dipole moments are formed within the particles. The dipole moments are directed in accordance with the source of the magnetic field.4 There are several techniques for the preparation of magnetic nanoparticles. The most common are: co-preci- pitation, sol-gel synthesis, hydrothermal synthesis and synthesis in microemulsions. When magnetic nanoparti- cles are obtained it is better if the resulting particles are crystalline, have a narrow size distribution and have the same shape.1,3 The developing product must be stabilized so it does not agglomerate due to the attractive forces between the particles. The techniques of stabilization are electro- static, steric and electrosteric. Electrostatic stabilization is the mechanism in which the attractive forces are due to the Coulomb forces between the charged colloidal parti- cles. The repulsion between the particles is achieved with an equally charged electric double layer surround- ing the particles. Steric stabilization is accomplished by the adsorption of long-chained molecules called surfac- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 275–280 275 UDK 621.318.1:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)275(2014) tants on the particle’s surface. These surfactants then form a coating that creates a repulsive force and sepa- rates one particle from another particle. Electrosteric stabilization is a combination between electrostatic and steric stabilization. The repulsion between the particles is achieved by the adsorption of charged polymeric mole- cules on the nanoparticle’s surface.4,5 The applications of magnetic fluids are primarily in engineering and medicine as seals for rotating mecha- nical parts, as in the heat dissipation system in speakers and as a contrast agent in imaging with the nuclear magnetic resonance technique.6,7 2 EXPERIMENTAL The main goal of this study was to prepare magnetic nanoparticles based on cobalt ferrite or magnetite, and stabilize the obtained product in an aqueous suspension. The product was quantitatively and qualitatively ana- lysed with a Rietveld analysis and morphologically described using scanning electron microscopy. The cobalt ferrite and magnetite were prepared by co-preci- pitation at 90 °C and pH = 13. The magnetite was also synthesized with the Massart method, where the product is instantaneously precipitated at room temperature with vigorous stirring. The product was stabilized with poly- vinylpyrrolidone K in an aqueous medium. 2.1 Synthesis of cobalt ferrite and magnetite at ele- vated temperature A solution of Co2+ and Fe3+ ions or a solution of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions was mixed in a laboratory reactor with a reflux condenser using a magnetic stirrer (Figure 1). Then, in deionized water dissolved sodium hydroxide was added, which allows the progress of the synthesis at pH = 13. The stirring was continued. Immediately after the addition of sodium hydroxide the dark precipitate was formed. The chemical reaction for the cobalt ferrite prepa- ration is as follows: 8 NaOH(aq) + CoSO4(aq) + Fe2(SO4)3(aq)  CoFe2O4(s) + + 4 Na2SO4(aq) + 4 H2O (1) The chemical reaction for the magnetite preparation is as follows: 8 NaOH(aq) + 2 FeCl3(aq) + FeCl2(aq)  Fe2+O · Fe2 3+O3(s) + 8 NaCl(aq) + 4 H2O (2) Next, the oleic acid was added to the reaction mixture and it was heated up to 90 °C. This temperature was regulated until the end of the reaction. Following the synthesis the pH of the precipitate was reduced from 13 to 5.5, after which the mixture was filtered and the obtained nanoparticles were re-dispersed and stabilized in an aqueous medium with the addition of a surfactant. 2.2 Synthesis of magnetite using the Massart method Aqueous solutions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions were mixed in a beaker. During vigorous stirring ammonia was added. This leads to the formation of a black, magnetic precipitate. After the reaction, when all the ingredients are well mixed, the mixture was filtered and the nano- particles were re-dispersed and then stabilized in an aqueous medium with the addition of a surfactant. The chemical reaction of the magnetite prepared with the Massart method can be described by Eqs. (3) and (4): NH3(l) + H2O  NH4 + (aq) + OH – (aq) (3) 8 NH4 + (aq) + 8 OH – (aq) + FeCl2(aq) + 2 FeCl3(aq)  FeO · Fe2O3(s) + 8 NH4Cl(aq) + 4 H2O (4) 2.3 Stabilization of the magnetic fluids The first level of stabilization was achieved with the addition of oleic acid during the development of the syn- thesis. Oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid (between the carbons atoms there is at least one double bond) with the molecular formula C18H34O2. The oleic acid sur- rounds the nanoparticles and prevents their further growth and agglomeration during the synthesis. The second level of stabilization was realized after the purification of the product. The resulting cake of particles was necessary to re-disperse and stabilize in an aqueous medium. Steric stabilization with polyvinyl- pyrrolidone [(C6H9NO)n] label K was used. Its molecular weight is 30000 g/mol. Polyvinylpyrrolidone is freely soluble in polar solvents, where it creates films that can serve as a coating for the particles. A. STAMBOLI], M. MARIN[EK: THE PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES BASED ON COBALT ... 276 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 275–280 Figure 1: Laboratory reactor used for co-precipitation at elevated tem- perature Slika 1: Laboratorijski reaktor za koprecipitacijo pri povi{ani tempe- raturi 2.4 X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld analysis X-ray diffraction shows whether the desired product (cobalt ferrite or magnetite) is formed. A subsequent Rietveld analysis determines the amount of amorphous phase in a sample. X-ray powder analysis provides information about the chemical composition, the degree of crystallinity and the size or symmetry of the crystal unit cell. With this method an X-ray beam is irradiated at the sample’s sur- face at an angle . During the operation the sample is synchronously rotated by half the speed of the detector so that the angle between the source of radiation and the sample is always equal to the angle between the sample and the detector. At every  the X-rays are apparently deducted from the samples surface. If the phase shift between the various parallel X-rays is equivalent to a multiple of the wavelength (peak of one wave coexists with the top of the second wave) then the X-rays are strengthened, otherwise they override.8,9 The samples were recorded on X-ray diffractometer PANalytical X’Pert PRO using Cu-K1 radiation with a wavelength of 1.5406 × 10–10 m. Using the Rietveld method the sample was quantita- tively analysed. The relative proportions of the individual crystal phases within the sample are determined. Measured and calculated powder patterns are compared using the Rietveld analysis. Also, the contribution of the individual phases in multiphase samples can be detected, including amorphous components or an unknown phase (with the addition of a crystalline or amorphous standard with a known mass fraction).10 2.5 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) The microstructure of the samples was characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The micro- structure of the materials is related to their properties (mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic) and thus their usefulness and purpose. SEM is used to observe the surface of non-volatile solid samples. This technique allows the interaction of electrons with the surface atoms and gives information about the shape, size, grain size distribution, elemental composition and the proportion of each element in the sample.9,11 For a nanostructure analysis a Zeiss Ultra Plus (FE-SEM) scanning electron microscope equipped with an EDS detector SDD Oxford was used. From SE ima- ges the morphological characteristics of the prepared products, especially the particle size, were defined. A. STAMBOLI], M. MARIN[EK: THE PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES BASED ON COBALT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 275–280 277 Figure 2: Dependence of the proportion of amorphous phase vs. time for the synthesis of: a) cobalt ferrite and b) magnetite Slika 2: Odvisnost dele`a amorfne faze od ~asa sinteze za: a) kobaltov ferit in b) magnetit Figure 3: SE images of cobalt ferrite after: a) 0.5 h, b) 2 h and c) 4 h of co-precipitation Slika 3: SE-posnetki kobaltovega ferita po: a) 0,5 h, b) 2 h in c) 4 h koprecipitacije 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION When preparing cobalt ferrite and magnetite at ele- vated temperature, we were interested in the proportion of amorphous phase in the sample during the synthesis in order to determine the optimal synthesis time. For this purpose we used the Rietveld method. Figure 2a shows that the proportion of amorphous phase in the cobalt ferrite is in a high range of about 50 % for all 4 h of synthesis. The reason for such a high proportion may be an incomplete reaction, old reactants or very fast precipitation. If the degree of supersaturation is high, then the precipitation is finished extremely quickly. Therefore, the particles do not have sufficient time to organize into a proper structure, which leads to the formation of an amorphous phase. This mechanism is quite possible as the average particle size varies very little after 30 min during the reaction. This means that the majority of the precipitation has come to an end much before 30 min. After 30 min of reaction the amount of amorphous phase is 51.61 % and then it is slightly decreasing for another hour and a half, when it reaches a value of 46.19 %. After 2 hours of synthesis the amount of amorphous phase varies. The minimum value is reached after 3.5 h, i.e., 46.13 %, but due to possible method errors, very small values deviation and economic reasons (long-term progress of the synthesis results in higher costs) it is enough to conduct the synthesis of the cobalt ferrite for 2 h or at least one hour. Because cobalt ferrite has a relatively high content of amorphous phase, the material has poor superparamag- netic properties as the particles react quite slowly on the magnet. Figure 2b reveals a slight increase in the proportion of amorphous phase with the time of synthesis for the magnetite. Since after 30 min of reaction there is no amorphous phase in the magnetite, we have further ope- rated with synthesis for just as long. Due to the lower levels of amorphous phase the superparamagnetic pro- perties of the material are much better. A Rietveld analysis was also performed for the mag- netite synthesized using the Massart method. The pro- portion of amorphous phase was 4.3 %. A. STAMBOLI], M. MARIN[EK: THE PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES BASED ON COBALT ... 278 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 275–280 Figure 5: Average diameter changes of individual particles, agglome- rated particles and overall particle for the synthesis of: a) cobalt ferrite and b) magnetite Slika 5: Spreminjanje nadomestnega povpre~nega premera posamez- nih delcev, aglomeriranih delcev in vseh delcev s ~asom sinteze za: a) kobaltov ferit in b) magnetit Figure 4: SE images of magnetite after: a) 0.5 h, b) 2 h and c) 4 h of co-precipitation Slika 4: SE-posnetki magnetita po: a) 0,5 h, b) 2 h in c) 4 h kopre- cipitacije SE images (Figures 3 and 4) were used to determine the morphological characteristics of the prepared pro- ducts. The developing cobalt ferrite particles have predo- minantly a spherical shape, while the magnetite particles have a cubic shape. The average size of the cobalt ferrite’s individual particles after the first hour is approximately 7.3 nm, which then increases to about 8 nm. The same trend is also visible for the overall particle (individual and agglo- merated), where the average size is in the range 9.46 nm to 10.37 nm (Figure 5a). The proportion of cobalt ferrite agglomerated particles is about 30 % for all 4 h of syn- thesis. A slight increase in the size of the individual particles is due to the co-precipitation mechanism, which in this case is not so definite. After 0.5 h the proportion of smallest particles (less than 4 nm) is about 20 % and after 1 h it dropped to 10 %. The conclusion from the morphological analysis of the cobalt ferrite particles is that in a time interval of 0.5 h to 1 h the formation of a new crystal nucleus is significantly reduced, but the particles are still growing. After 1 h of synthesis there are no noticeable changes so the crystal growth must have decelerated. The same trend was also observed for the agglomerated particles. The size of the individual, agglomerated and overall particles of magnetite is slowly increasing with the syn- thesis time. The average individual particle grows from 6.84 nm to 8.97 nm and the overall average particle (individual + agglomerated) grows from 6.84 nm to 10.49 nm (Figure 5b). The overall average particle size increases much more than the individual particle because the proportion of agglomerated particles increases considerably with the synthesis time (from 2.86 % to 21.36 %). When the magnetite was precipitated, typical mechanisms of co-precipitation were observed. After 30 min there are no agglomerated particles in the system. With the extension in the synthesis time the amount of the smallest particles decreases, which implies a decline in the formation of the crystallization nucleus. However, the particles are growing more noticeably and conse- quently agglomerating with an increase of the synthesis time. The observed behaviour of the Fe3O4 system during the synthesis where the magnetite particles are growing slowly, while slowly increasing the proportion of amor- phous phase with synthesis time, indirectly indicates the mechanism of formation of the solid phase magnetite in two stages. The first stage is relatively fast and results in magnetite nanoparticles with a number of defects higher than equilibrium. The second stage is substantially slo- wer. On the initially precipitated Fe3O4 surface new, smaller magnetite grains with an equilibrium number of defects should re-precipitate. The magnetite synthesized by the Massart method has a low proportion of agglomerated particles (4.6 %) so the possibility of their stabilization is extensive. The average individual particle size is 6.1 nm, and the overall particle size is 6.4 nm. The last stage of the research was to stabilize the magnetic fluid with PVP K. The addition of a surfactant should take care of the steric stabilization in an aqueous medium. A range of the mass fractions w = 0.001 % to 1 % PVP K was added in the polar aqueous medium and 1 % in decane. Figure 6a shows that cobalt ferrite is not sta- bilized in an aqueous medium with PVP K, irrespective of the quantity of added PVP K. Poorly stabilized, whereas the precipitate is settling, is the cobalt ferrite in a non-polar decane on the far right of Figure 6a. Despite everything, the settling of the particles was noticeably slower in the suspensions with a higher mass fraction of PVP K and faster in those with a lower mass fraction of PVP K. In Figure 6b the suspensions of magnetite are shown. The stability of the suspensions is evidently improved compared to the cobalt ferrite, but the suspensions are still far from ideal. Again, 0.001 % to 1 % of PVP K was added and once again we observed an improved stability for a larger addition of PVP K. A. STAMBOLI], M. MARIN[EK: THE PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES BASED ON COBALT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 275–280 279 Figure 6: Magnetic suspensions with different mass fractions (w/%) addition of PVP K for: a) cobalt ferrite, b) magnetite obtained at an elevated temperature and c) magnetite synthesized with the Massart method Slika 6: Magnetne suspenzije z razli~nimi masnimi dele`i (w/%) PVP K-ja: a) kobaltov ferit, b) magnetit, pridobljen pri povi{ani temperaturi in c) magnetit, sintetiziran z Massartovo metodo In the case of the magnetite synthesized using the Massart method stable suspensions were prepared. In stable suspensions the particles do not settle and are distributed throughout the volume (Figure 6c). All the reconstituted suspensions are stable, regardless of the amount of added PVP K. The stability of the suspensions can be related to the particle size and the proportion of agglomerated parti- cles. Cobalt ferrite has an average particle size of 7.45 nm, but it also has 26 % of agglomerated particles. A high proportion of agglomerated particles implies a larger number of particles with greater mass that settle smaller particles below and thus destabilize the suspen- sion. Magnetite has an average particle size of 8.17 nm, but only about 17 % of agglomerated particles. The num- ber of magnetite particles with higher mass is much lower, so the particles settle slowly, but eventually they all settle. Magnetite synthesized with the Massart method has a particle size of 6.37 nm and only 4.5 % of agglomerated particles. These suspensions are very stable due to the particles’ small size and because the contact between the particles was prevented by the addition of the surfactant. 4 CONCLUSIONS The synthesis of cobalt ferrite operating for 4 h at 90 °C ensures a relatively constant average size of overall particles equal to about 10 nm during the synthesis. The proportion of amorphous phase in the samples was approximately constant throughout synthesis, i.e., high  50 %. The proportion of agglomerated particles within the suspension was around 30 %. An optimal synthesis time of 2 h was determined. After 2 h of synthesis the average particle size was 10.22 nm, the sample has 46.19 % of amorphous phase and the proportion of agglomerated particles was 30.44 %. The synthesis of magnetite, which lasted for 4 h at 90 °C, exhibited a growth of the average particle size, an increase in the amount of amorphous phase and the pro- portion of agglomerated particles during the synthesis. The optimal time for the magnetite synthesis was 30 min when the particle size is 6.84 nm, the amount of the amorphous phase is 0 % and the proportion of agglome- rated particles is 3 %. Magnetic suspensions are stable when the particles are not agglomerated, dispersed all over the liquid vo- lume and do not settle. For the stabilization of the mag- netic fluids the surfactant polyvinylpyrrolidone K (M  30000 g/mol) was used. PVP K is freely soluble in water. When the nanoparticles are re-dispersed in liquid + PVP K the magnetite particles synthesized using the Massart method are more stable than the magnetite particles synthesized at 90 °C, which are more stable than the cobalt ferrite particles. Cobalt ferrite has an average particle size of 7.45 nm, but has 26 % of agglomerated particles. A high proportion of agglomerated particles implies a larger number of particles with greater mass that settle smaller particles below and thus destabilize the suspension. Magnetite has an average particle size of 8.17 nm, but only about 17 % of agglomerated particles. Because the number of particles with a higher mass is much smaller, the particles settle moderately, but even- tually they all settle. Magnetite synthesized with the Massart method has a particle size of 6.37 nm and only 4.5 % of agglomerated particles. These suspensions are very stable due to the particles’ small size and because the contact between the particles has been prevented by the addition of surfactant. 5 REFERENCES 1 V. K. Varadan, K. Chen, X. J. Linfeng, Nanomedicine: Design and Applications of magnetic nanomaterials, nanosensors and nanosys- tems, Wiley, Chichester 2009, 38–39 2 M. Rem{kar, Nanodelci in nanovarnost, Ministrstvo za zdravje, Urad RS za kemikalije, Ljubljana 2009, 14–17 3 A. Goldman, Modern Ferrite Technology, Second edition, Springer, Boston 2006, 51–58, 172–174 4 R. E. Rosensweig, Ferrohydrodynamics, Dover, New York 1997, 7, 32–38, 46, 55–63 5 M. N. 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MARIN[EK: THE PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES BASED ON COBALT ... 280 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 275–280 K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF MAGNETIC FIELD USING THE LOCAL-RADIAL BASIS-FUNCTION COLLOCATION METHOD SIMULACIJA KONTINUIRNEGA ULIVANJA JEKLA POD VPLIVOM MAGNETNEGA POLJA NA PODLAGI METODE KOLOKACIJE Z RADIALNIMI BAZNIMI FUNKCIJAMI Katarina Mramor1, Robert Vertnik2,3, Bo`idar [arler1,3,4 1CO BIK, Tovarni{ka c. 26, 5270 Ajdov{~ina, Slovenia 2[tore Steel, @elezarska c. 3, 3220 [tore, Slovenia 3University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia 4Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia katarina.mramor@cobik.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-12-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2014-01-13 The initial results obtained with the local-radial basis-function collocation method (LRBFCM) for a two-dimensional (2D), simplified model of continuous casting of steel with an externally applied magnetic field are presented. The multiphysics model is composed of turbulent-solidification equations (mass, momentum, energy, turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent dissipation rate) and Maxwell’s equations that are numerically solved for the non-uniform node arrangement. The numerical procedure is structured using the explicit time stepping and local collocation with multiquadric radial basis functions (MQ RBF) on the overlapping five-node subdomains. The pressure-velocity coupling follows the fractional-step method (FSM) and the convection is treated with adaptive upwinding. The novel LRBFCM has been already verified in several benchmark test cases, such as the natural convection in a cavity with a magnetic field, the lid-driven cavity, and the flow over the backward-facing step with a transverse magnetic field. Keywords: continuous casting of steel, turbulent flow, solidification, magnetohydrodynamics Namen ~lanka je predstavitev prvih rezultatov s poenostavljenim 2D-modelom za kontinuirano ulivanje jekel pri zunanjem magnetnem polju, izra~unanih z metodo kolokacije z radialnimi baznimi funkcijami. Numeri~ni model zdru`uje Navier- Stokesove in Maxwellove ena~be, ki jih re{ujemo na neenakomerni porazdelitvi to~k. V numeri~nem postopku je uporabljena eksplicitna ~asovna shema na petto~kovnih poddomenah, na katerih so uporabljene multikvadri~ne radialne bazne funkcije. Sklopitev tlaka in hitrosti se re{uje z metodo delnih korakov. Omenjeno metodo smo poprej verificirali za izra~un razli~nih preizkusov, kot so naravna konvekcija v kotanji z magnetnim poljem, kotanja z vsiljenim tokom ter tok preko stopnice v kanalu z magnetnim poljem. Dobljeni rezultati ka`ejo dobro ujemanje z drugimi numeri~nimi postopki, kot je npr. metoda kon~nih volumnov. Klju~ne besede: kontinuirano ulivanje jekla, turbulenten tok, strjevanje, magnetohidrodinamika 1 INTRODUCTION The production of continuously cast steel1 has greatly expanded in recent years. Continuous casting of billets, blooms and slabs is the most common process of steel production.2 The continuously growing demand for cast steel has fueled the need to produce the steel of even better quality. Although the process of continuous cast- ing of steel is cost efficient, exhibiting a high yield and good quality of the products, it can be further improved by introducing the electromagnetic (EM) field into it. The EM force, which is a result of an applied magnetic field, affects the velocity and temperature fields. By adjusting the magnetic field, the amount of defects in the material can be significantly reduced. The magnitudes of the velocity, the temperature and magnetic fields are all crucial to the final quality of a product. As all these quantities are difficult or impossible to measure, numerical models help us to better under- stand and further improve the process. A number of different numerical models3 have so far been used in the simulations of the problem. They include the finite- volume method (FVM),4–8 the finite-element method (FEM)9 and some more advanced meshless methods like the local-radial basis-function collocation method (LRBFCM).10 2 GOVERNING EQUATIONS The system of governing equations that describes the turbulent heat transfer and the fluid flow as well as the magnetic field in the continuous casting of steel, is based on the Reynolds time-averaging approach to modeling a turbulent flow11 and a mixture-continuum model, first introduced by Bennon and Incropera.12 The system con- sists of five time-averaged mixture equations: ∇⋅ =v 0 (1) Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 281 UDK 621.74.047:519.61/.64 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)281(2014) [ ][ ]   ! " # #  # ∂ ∂ v vv v v t p k f T+ ∇ ∇ ∇ + ∇ + ∇ − − ∇ − − ( ) ( ) ( ) L t L L2 3 1 2 Cf g T Tref L s T m3 ( ) ( )v v F− + − + (2)      "   ∂ ∂ h t h T h f h f h f v + ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ − − − + ∇ v v v v ( ) ( ) S S S L L L L L t t L∇ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟h (3)     # #    # ∂ ∂ k t k k P G D + ∇ ∇ + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟∇ ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ + + − − + − v L t k k k L L L ( )1 2 3 − f Cf k (4)       # #    !#  ∂ ∂t E f C + ∇ ∇ + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟∇ ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ + − − v L t L L( )1 2 [ ] f c f P c G c f kk kL 3 1 1 3 2 2"     ( )+ − (5) where v is the velocity of the mixture,  = S = L is the density of the mixture, assumed to be constant; t stands for the time and p for the pressure; μt is the turbulent viscosity and μL is the dynamic viscosity; k represents the turbulent kinetic energy and K is the permeability of the porous matrix. T, g, T, and Tref represent the thermal-expansion coefficient, the gravitational accele- ration, the temperature and the reference temperature, respectively. Fm stands for the Lorentz force, h for the enthalpy and  for the thermal conductivity. fS, fL, vS, vL, hS, and hL represent the solid-volume fraction, the liquid-volume fraction, the velocity of the solid phase, the velocity of the liquid phase, the enthalpy of the solid phase and the enthalpy of the liquid phase, while vt is the turbulent kinematic viscosity. Symbols  and C stand for the dissipation rate and the morphology constant of the porous media. Symbols t, k, , c1, f1, c2 and f2 are the closure coefficients of the turbulence model. Pk, Gk, D and E are the shear production of the turbulent kinetic energy, the generation of turbulence due to the buoyancy force, the source term in the k equation and the source term in the  equation, respectively. The closure relations defined by Abe, Kondoh and Nagano13 are used in the present work. A detailed description of the closure coefficients, source terms and damping functions are given in the paper by [arler et al14. The Lorentz force is defined as: Fm = j × B (6) where j and B are the current density and the magne- tic-flux density. Maxwell’s equations are used to calcu- late the current density: j = (–$% +v × B) (7) where  is the fluid electric conductivity, % is the fluid electric potential and B is the externally applied mag- netic field. The induced magnetic field is assumed negli- gible in comparison with the applied magnetic field. 2.1 Initial and boundary conditions The governing equations are strongly coupled. For the steady solution of a problem it is, therefore, very important how the initial conditions are chosen in order to minimize the required iterations to reach the steady state. Five different boundaries are chosen: the inlet, free surface, wall, outlet and symmetry of the present model. A detailed description of the initial and boundary con- ditions are given in the article by [arler at al14. The model of the domain is presented in Figure 1 and the computational domain is depicted in Figure 2. 3 SOLUTION PROCEDURE The solution of the governing equations is obtained with the LRBFCM employing the explicit time stepping. The fractional-step method (FSM)15 is used to solve the pressure-velocity coupling and an upwinding scheme is used to stabilize the highly convective situation.16 The solution procedure begins by calculating the initial Lorentz force (equation (6)). Afterwards, the inter- mediate velocity is calculated, without a pressure gra- dient. The pressure is then calculated from the Poisson equation14 by assembling and solving a sparse matrix.17 The calculated pressure gradient is afterwards used to correct the intermediate velocities. After the solution of the velocity field, the equations for the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate are solved. This is followed K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... 282 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 Figure 1: Simplified 2D model of continuous casting of steel Slika 1: Poenostavljeni 2D-model kontinuirnega ulivanja jekla by the solution of the enthalpy equation. The tempera- ture is calculated from the enthalpy, using the tempera- ture-enthalpy constitutive relation.17,18 Finally, the turbu- lent viscosity, velocity, temperature, turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate are updated and the solution is ready for the next time step. The LRBFCM is structured in the following way: Approximation function  is represented on each of the subdomains as a linear combination of the radial basis functions (RBFs) as: q l n l i l n i M l i( ) ( )p p= = ∑   1 (8) where li, li, and M represent the RBF shape functions, centred in points lpn, the expansion coefficients, and the number of shape functions, respectively. The most commonly used RBF is the multiquadric RBF:19,20 l i l ir c ( ) ( )p p= + 2 2 (9) where c stands for the dimensionless shape parameter, set to 32 in all the calculations, and the distance bet- ween the nodes: l i i l i i l i r x x x y y y 2 2 2 ( ) max max p = −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ + −⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (10) is scaled with lximax and lyimax, the scaling parameters of subdomain l in the x and y directions, respectively (Fig- ure 3). A subdomain is formed around each of the calcula- tion points consisting of the lM – 1 nodes nearest to node lpn. For the purpose of this work, five-node overlapping subdomains are used. By considering the collocation condition of: l l n i l n ( ) ( , )p = (11) a linear system of equations is obtained. To solve the partial differential equations (PDEs), the first and se- cond derivatives of function l(p) have to be calculated: ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ j j l j j l i i M l i&  &  ( ) ( )p p= = ∑ 1 (12) where index j = 1,2 is used to denote the order of the derivative and & = x,y. A detailed explanation of the solution procedure is given in the paper by Vertnik et al.17,18 The schematics of the discretization scheme is shown in Figure 3. 4 NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION The sparse-pressure matrices, used for the solution of the pressure and the flux-density Poisson equations, are solved by applying the Pardiso routine and Intel Math Kernel Library 11. The OpenMP Library is used for the parallelization. The post processing is performed in PGPlot, Gnuplot 4.4 and Octave 3.6.1. The results were calculated on an HP Proliant DL380 G/7 server running on 64 bit MS Windows. 5 NUMERICAL EXAMPLES The numerical procedure has so far been verified on the following benchmark test cases: the lid-driven cavity,21 the natural convection in a cavity,22 and the backward-facing step.23 The lid-driven test case was used K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 283 Figure 3: Discretization scheme. ', , lxiMAX and lyiMAX represent the boundary, domain and scaling parameters in the x and y directions, respectively. The circles represent the boundary nodes, whereas the black dots represent the domain nodes. Slika 3: Diskretizacijska shema. ', , lxiMAX in lyiMAX ozna~ujejo rob, obmo~je ter skalirna parametra v smeri x in y. Robne to~ke so ozna~ene s krogci, obmo~ne to~ke pa s pikami. Figure 2: Scheme of the computational domain Slika 2: Shema ra~unske domene to verify the coupling between the mass and momentum equations.21 In the natural-convection case, the energy-conservation equation was added.22 For the backward-facing step problem, the boundary conditions for the inflow and outflow problems were tested. The natural-convection and backward-facing-step problems were first tested without a magnetic field and then with an external magnetic field. The results of all of the test cases are in good agreement with the reference results, calculated with a commercial code or obtained from several published sources. Since the results of our calculations, mentioned in the above history of test cases, are in good agreement with the reference results, the method is subsequently applied to the simplified problem of continuous casting of steel with a magnetic field, as defined in the paper by [arler et al.14 5.1 Continuous-casting geometry and material proper- ties The simplified 2D continuous-casting model geome- try is shown in Figure 1 and the elements of the discre- tization are presented in Figure 2. The computational domain coincides with a half of the longitudinal section of the billet, taken to be 1.8 m long and 14 cm wide. The SEN diameter is 3.5 cm, the mold height is 0.8 m and the EM-coil height is 10 cm. The material properties of steel are temperature and steel grade dependent. However, for the purpose of the present simplified model, constant values are used. The values are given in Table 1. Table 1: Simplified material properties of steel Tabela 1: Poenostavljene snovne lastnosti jekla Property Value  7200 kg/m3  30 W/(m K) cp 700 J/(kg K) TS 1680 K TL 1760 K hm 250000 J/kg μ 0.006 Pa s T 1 · 10–4 K–1 C 1.6 · 108 m–2 The results of the numerical simulation are represen- ted in the following sections of the paper. 5.2 Convergence of the method and a comparison with the reference results for the continuous-casting process First the convergence of the method was tested for the node arrangements with 20 220, 50 951, 73 940, 100 089, 131 452, 165 426 non-uniformly arranged nodes. The convergence was tested for the velocity and the tem- perature fields. The vertical and horizontal components of the velocity were compared for three different vertical cross-sections: just before the application of the mag- netic field, just after the application of the magnetic field and at the end of the computational domain, as can be seen in Figure 4 (left). The temperature was verified at two different vertical directions, the one at the center of the domain and the one at the outside wall, as shown in Figure 4 (right). As can be seen in Figures 5 to 12, the smallest appropriate node arrangement is 100 089. The results were also compared with the results obtained with the commercial code based on the FVM (Fluent23). The smallest appropriate amount of the finite volumes in the commercial code for reaching a reasonable convergence was 169 169. The agreement of the velocity profiles with the commercial code (the solid line denoted with F) is similarly good for the horizontal as well as vertical velocities. The largest differences occur at the positions closer to the inlet. At the positions closer to the end of the computational domain, where a fully developed flow and a partial solidification take place, the agreement between the results obtained with the LRBFCM and FVM is excellent. In the early stages of the flow, slightly larger differences can be observed. The differences between the commercial-code results and the results obtained with the in-house built LRBFCM are reasonably small. The exact cause for the differences is K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... 284 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 Figure 4: Left: the positions of the velocity-field comparison lines; hI = –0.8 m, hII = –0.9 m, hIII = –1.8 m. Right: the positions of the temperature-field comparison lines; vI = 0.0 m (centreline), vII = 0.07 m (surface). Slika 4: Levo: Polo`aj linij, kjer je primerjano hitrostno polje; hI = –0,8 m, hII = –0,9 m, hIII = –1,8 m. Desno: Polo`aj linij, kjer je primerjano temperaturno polje; vI = 0,0 m (sredina), vII = 0,07 m (povr{ina). not known; however, several reasons why the results are not identical might be identified: the solution procedure, e.g., the energy equation in the commercial code is solved iteratively and the temperature is obtained directly from the equation, whereas in our method, the enthalpy equation is solved first and the temperature is obtained by solving the enthalpy-temperature relationship. Ano- ther reason might lie in the differences between the methods, e.g., in the commercial code a second-order upwind technique is used, whereas in our case an adap- K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 285 Figure 10: Horizontal-velocity profiles at vertical position hIII = –1.8 m, at the end of the computational domain Slika 10: Profili horizontalne hitrosti na mestu hIII = –1,8 m na koncu ra~unske domene Figure 7: Horizontal-velocity profiles at vertical position hII = –0.9 m, at the bottom boundary of the magnetic field Slika 7: Profil horizontalne hitrosti na mestu hII = –0,9 m na spodnji meji magnetnega polja Figure 6: Horizontal-velocity profiles at vertical position hI = –0.8 m, at the top boundary of the magnetic field Slika 6: Profili horizontalne hitrosti na mestu hI = –0,8 m na zgornji meji magnetnega polja Figure 5: Horizontal-velocity profiles at vertical position hI = –0.8 m, at the top boundary of the magnetic field Slika 5: Profili horizontalne hitrosti na mestu hI = –0,8 m na zgornji meji magnetnega polja Figure 9: Horizontal-velocity profiles at vertical position hIII = –1.8 m, at the end of the computational domain Slika 9: Profili horizontalne hitrosti na mestu hIII = –1,8 m na koncu ra~unske domene Figure 8: Horizontal-velocity profiles at vertical position hII = –0.9 m, at the bottom boundary of the magnetic field Slika 8: Profili horizontalne hitrosti na mestu hII = –0,9 m na spodnji meji magnetnega polja tive upwind technique is used. Despite the differences in the formulation, identical results are obtained in very simple test cases; however, slight differences appear when the examples become very complicated, like in the case of continuous casting of steel, where the turbulent- flow, heat-transfer and magnetic-field equations are strongly coupled. The agreement between the temperature fields calcu- lated with the commercial code and those calculated with the LRBFCM is better for the outer wall, where the shell has already solidified, than for the centre of the billet, where the liquid metal has not yet solidified. K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... 286 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 Figure 12: Temperature layout at position vII = 0.07 m, at the mold wall Slika 12: Potek temperaturnega polja na mestu vII = 0,07 m na steni kokile Figure 11: Temperature layout at position vI = 0.0 m, at the centre of the mold Slika 11: Potek temperature na mestu vI = 0,0 m v sredi{~u kokile Figure 13: Velocity layout at position vI = –0.8 m, at the top edge of the applied magnetic field Slika 13: Potek hitrostnega polja na mestu vI = –0,8 m na zgornjem robu apliciranega magnetnega polja Figure 16: Velocity layout at position hIII = –1.8 m, at the centre of the mold Slika 16: Potek hitrosti na mestu hIII = –1,8 m na spodnjem robu apliciranega magnetnega polja Figure 15: Temperature layout at position hII = –0.9 m, at the centre of the mold Slika 15: Potek temperature na mestu hII = –0,9 m, v sredi{~u kokile Figure 14: Velocity layout at position vI = –0.8 m Slika 14: Potek hitrostnega polja na mestu vI = –0,8 m Finally, the velocity and temperature profiles were compared for different magnetic-field strengths at different vertical (velocity) and horizontal (temperature) positions. As can be seen in Figures 13 to 16, velocity profiles do not change much, when a weak magnetic field (0.0026 T or 0.026 T) is applied, being only slightly different from the velocity profiles obtained with no magnetic field. An application of a weak magnetic field in the x direction causes the velocity in the x direction to increase (Figures 13 and 14) and the velocity in the y direction to decrease (Figures 15 and 16). However, an application of a strong magnetic field (0.26 T or 2.6 T) alters the velocity profiles and can even change the direction of the flow. The effect of the externally applied magnetic field on the temperature field is less pronounced. As can be seen in Figures 17 and 18, the temperature is slightly raised in the area of the application of the magnetic field. 6 CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the initial numerical calculations of continuously cast steel under the influence of a magnetic field are presented and compared to the commercial FVM-based computational fluid-dynamics (CFD) code Fluent.23 The LRBFCM method gives similar results as the commercial code; it is fully flexible, requiring no mesh generation, and enabling a straightforward inclu- sion of different turbulence models and constitutive equations. In the future, a more realistic magnetic field will be incorporated into the model and a realistic curved geometry of the caster will be assumed. Several sensiti- vity studies, in terms of the magnitude of an externally applied magnetic field and the position of the coils producing the magnetic field, will be performed. Finally, the species-conservation equation will be added in order to account for the macro-segregation. Acknowledgements The research in this paper was sponsored by the Centre of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and Process Control (COBIK) and the Slovenian Grant Agency under programme group P2-0357 and project L2-3651. This paper forms a part of a doctoral study of the first author that is partly co-financed by the European Union and the European Social Fund. The co-financing is carried out within the Human resources development operational programme for years 2007–2013, 1. Deve- lopmental priorities: Encouraging entrepreneurship and adaptation; Preferential directives, 1.3: Scholarship schemes. 7 REFERENCES 1 W. R. Irwing, Continuous Casting of Steel, The Institute of Mate- rials, London 1993 2 Steel Statistical Yearbook 2013, World Steel Association, Brussels 2013 3 B. [arler, R. Vertnik, A. Z. Lorbiecka, I. Vu{anovi}, B. 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Buchmann, Radial Basis Function: Theory and Implementa- tions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003 20 R. Franke, Math. Comput., 38 (1982) 157, 181–200 21 K. Mramor, R. Vertnik, B. [arler, CMES (Comput. Model. Eng. Sci.), 92 (2013) 4, 327–352 22 K. Mramor, R. Vertnik, B. [arler, CMC (Comput. Mater. & Con- tinua), 36 (2013) 1, 1–21 23 ANSYS® Fluent, 6.1, ANSYS, Inc. K. MRAMOR et al.: SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUS CASTING OF STEEL UNDER THE INFLUENCE ... 288 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 281–288 E. ALTUNCU, H. ALANYALI: THE APPLICABILITY OF SOL-GEL OXIDE FILMS AND THEIR CHARACTERISATION ... THE APPLICABILITY OF SOL-GEL OXIDE FILMS AND THEIR CHARACTERISATION ON A MAGNESIUM ALLOY UPORABNOST SOL-GEL OKSIDNIH TANKIH PLASTI IN NJIHOVA KARAKTERIZACIJA NA MAGNEZIJEVI ZLITINI Ekrem Altuncu1,2, Hasan Alanyali2 1Sakarya University, Dept. Metallurgical and Materials Eng., Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey 2Kocaeli University, Machine-Metal Technology, Hereke Borusan Campus, Vocational School of Asim Kocabiyik, 41800 Kocaeli, Turkey altuncu@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-09; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-07 Magnesium and its alloys are widely used in many industrial applications because of their high specific strength (strength/density) ratio. However, these applications are still restricted by the relatively poor surface resistance of these materials. To overcome the inherent drawbacks a useful solution is to deposit a protective coating on the magnesium alloys. The sol-gel process is an effective method for fabricating oxide films on a magnesium alloy in order to produce a higher corrosion resistance. The objective of this study is to comparatively investigate the process and properties of repeated sol–gel oxide (ZrO2, Al2O3) coatings. The coatings were characterized by SEM, XRD, ellipsometry and the effects of the process on their properties were comparatively analysed. Keywords: sol-gel, oxide films, magnesium alloy Magnezij in njegove zlitine se uporabljajo v vrsti industrij zaradi visoke specifi~ne trdnosti (razmerje trdnost – gostota). Vendar pa je industrijska uporaba omejena zaradi njihove slabe odpornosti povr{ine. Da bi to pomanjkljivost odpravili, je uporabna re{itev varovalni nanos na povr{ini magnezijevih zlitin. Sol-gel postopek je u~inkovita metoda za izdelavo oksidnih tankih plasti na magnezijevi zlitini za pove~anje njihove korozijske obstojnosti. Namen te {tudije je primerjava postopka in ugotavljanje lastnosti ponavljajo~ih se sol-gel nanosov ZrO2 in Al2O3. Nanosi so bili ovrednoteni s SEM, XRD in elipsometrijo, izvr{ena pa je bila tudi primerjava vpliva procesa na njihove lastnosti. Klju~ne besede: sol-gel, oksidni nanosi, magnezijeva zlitina 1 INTRODUCTION Magnesium and its alloys have a high specific strength, excellent mechanical properties, a good damp- ing capacity and a high electromagnetic shielding capability. They can be used for a variety electronic and many automotive parts.1,2 However, corrosion protection is one of the main obstacles to the application of magne- sium alloys in real environments. Conversion coating, anodizing, plating, laser surface alloying and plasma electrolyte oxidation have been applied on magnesium alloys. Material designers attempted to improve the corrosion resistance of the surface.3–5 However, with these technologies the protection of magnesium alloys it is hard to achieve a good cost-to-benefit ratio or there is a higher energy consumption or environmentally adverse effects. The sol–gel thin-film deposition method is described as a practical, environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to produce magnesium alloy surfaces. It is well known that Al2O3 thin films have been exten- sively used as an isolator, oxidation barrier, for anti- corrosion and for anti-wear.6–8 However, sol–gel ZrO2 thin films, owing to their chemical stability, have important applications as corrosion-resistant coatings on metal surfaces.9 Thin (0.2–10 μm), dense, sol–gel oxide coatings exhibited significant advantages in overcoming metallic surface-corrosion problems. From the point of view of synthesis, the sol–gel route offers versatile ways to synthesize effective coatings with specific properties. Surface functionality can be optimized by varying expe- rimental parameters such as the chemical structure, the composition and the ratio of precursors and complexing agents, the rate and conditions of hydrolysis, the synthesis media, the aging and curing conditions, and the deposition procedure.10–14 The objective of this study is to comparatively investigate the process and properties of repeated sol-gel ZrO2 and Al2O3 coatings. The coat- ings were characterized and the effects of the process on their properties were analysed.15–17 2 EXPERIMENTAL AM60 magnesium alloy plates were used as the substrates. The specimens were cut into pieces of 20 mm × 20 mm × 2 mm and their surfaces were ground and degreased ultrasonically in acetone and then dried with hot air. The deposition steps were as follows: sol prepa- ration, gelation and heat treatment (Figure 1). Initially, deionized water was heated in a glass beaker until it reached 80 °C. Aluminium sec-butoxide (ASB) was added to the water with continuous mixing. The molar Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 289–292 289 UDK 669.721.5:621.793 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)289(2014) ratio of ASB to water was 1 : 25. As hydrolysis took place, the temperature of the solution rose to 90 °C, at which it was maintained for 3 min. Then, acetoacetate (AcAc) was added to the mixture. The molar ratio of AcAc to water was fixed at 1 : 25. After stirring for 2 min, nitric acid was added to the solution stepwise, with stirring until it was transformed into a transparent solu- tion. The pH value of the as-synthesized sol was about 3. The Al2O3 sol–gel film was deposited onto the magne- sium substrate via the dip-coating method and with- drawing at a constant rate of 2 cm/min. The coated substrate was dried in a clean cabinet at 130 °C for 10 min to produce the alumina gel film. Then, the supported gel films were subjected to a thermal treatment at 500 °C for 1 h in an oxygen atmosphere. Zirconium n-propoxide (ZrNP) was diluted in n-propanol as the source of zirconia, and then acetylacetone AcAc and deionized water (diluted with n-PrOH) were added. The molar ratio of Zr(n-OPr)4 : AcAc : H2O : n-PrOH was 1 : 2 : 2 : 60. After stirring for 3 h at room temperature, a clear pre- cursor solution was obtained.16 The ZrO2 coatings were deposited by dipping the substrate into the sol and withdrawing it at a constant rate of 5 cm/min. Thin layers were prepared by repeating the dip coating and after every deposition there was a heat treatment of the sample at 500 °C for 1 h in an air atmosphere. The thicker films were produced by repeating the dipping process four times, followed by a thermal treatment. The deposited films were studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while the film thicknesses and the refractive indices were measured using the ellip- sometry method (Jobin Yvon, UVISEL HR 460). The structures of the resulting films were examined by graz- ing-incidence X-ray diffraction (XRD) with Cu K radi- ation using a thin-film apparatus. The electrochemical measurements were performed on a EG&G 273A-type potentiostat, using Pt as an auxiliary electrode, a satu- rated calomel electrode (SCE) as a reference electrode and 3.5 % NaCl solution as an aggressive medium. The potential was scanned from –1.8 V to 0.7 V (vs. SCE) at a scanning rate of 0.5 mV/s. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Morphology and Thickness Different viscosities of sols were created by the addition of the required amounts of nitric acid to the synthesis mixture of aluminium sec-butoxide and AcAC in n-propanal, which allowed us to control the rate of the condensation reactions. Uniform, mesoporous alumina coatings were obtained for the solvent-withdrawal rates below 10 cm/min. The limiting withdrawal rate increases as the solvent evaporation rate increases and it decreases as the sol viscosity increases. The cross-sectional mor- phologies indicate a mean thickness of approximately 1.6 μm and 2.3 μm for the repeated sol-gel coating for E. ALTUNCU, H. ALANYALI: THE APPLICABILITY OF SOL-GEL OXIDE FILMS AND THEIR CHARACTERISATION ... 290 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 289–292 Figure 2: Surface morphology of sol-gel coatings using the dip-coating method (SEM micrographs) Slika 2: Morfologija povr{ine sol-gel nanosa s potapljanjem (SEM) Figure 1: Flow chart for the preparation of coatings Slika 1: Postopek priprave nanosa ZrO2 and Al2O3, respectively (Table 1). The deposition efficiency is higher in the Al2O3 than in the ZrO2 sol-gel coating. The porosity level of the alumina coating is lower than the zirconia coating. Table 1: Thicknesses of the coatings Tabela 1: Debeline nanosov Composition Average bilayer thicknesses (nm) for 9 measurement Min Average Max ZrO2 63.42 65.2 ± 5 68.72 Al2O3 82.33 87.2 ± 4 90.14 It is clear from Figure 2 that both films were smooth, compact and crack-free, and the thicknesses were between 60 nm and 95 nm. In addition, a lot of bumps and small pores were observed in this film. 3.2 Crystal Structure Figure 3 illustrates the structure of the coatings formed on the AM60 alloy substrate. Both of the coatings have an amorphous structure. A small quantity of crystallite structures were observed, depending on the heat-treatment temperature and the time. However, the crystallisation growth was inadequate for both coatings. At higher temperatures than 600 °C for 1 h the cry- stallites started to produce strong peaks in the XRD pattern for the Al2O3 film. The characteristic peaks of -Al2O3 and -Al2O3 that were observed imply the existence of crystallized -Al2O3 and -Al2O3, which were transferred from the alumina sol annealed at 500 °C in the amorphous coating. The repeated sol-gel coating, which indicates a more crystallized -Al2O3 phase, is due to the direct introduction of Al2O3 particles. These results are similar to those in Wang’s study.18 The zirconia coatings are made up of m-ZrO2 (monoclinic crystal structure) and t-ZrO2 (tetragonal crystal structure) after a heat treatment at 600 °C for 4 h (Figure 3). Partial spinodal decomposition was observed in the ZrO2 coating. 3.3 Optical Properties Figure 4 shows the reflective spectra of a glass substrate, alumina bi-layer coatings with 1.5 and 1.625 refractive indices in the region 300–800 nm. The refractive index is changing between 1.9 and 2.2 for the zirconia coating. The magnitude of the refractive index decreases with the heat-treatment temperature and the re- fractive indices of the Al2O3 and ZrO2 thin films decrease with the increasing coating thickness. With an increase in the crystallinity there is a decrease in the refractive index of the thin films. The refractive index of the films depends strongly on their morphology. Up to the heat- treatment temperature, limiting the amorphous and crystallized phase, it increases steadily, probably in relation to an increasing densification of the layer. The lowering of the refractive index for the crystallized films is probably related to a lower densification of the films. The decrease of light intensity is strongly lowered for amorphous layers. 3.4 Corrosion Properties In both cases, the polarization curves of the sol-gel- coated substrates were appreciably different from that of the bare substrates. The corrosion test showed a smooth surface with no appreciable delamination or cracking of the coating on the magnesium alloy substrates. The open-circuit potential, Eoc, of the sol-gel-coated substra- tes was significantly lower than that of the bare surfaces E. ALTUNCU, H. ALANYALI: THE APPLICABILITY OF SOL-GEL OXIDE FILMS AND THEIR CHARACTERISATION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 289–292 291 Figure 4: Refractive index (n) versus the wavelength /nm change for the coatings Slika 4: Spremembe lomnega koli~nika (n) v odvisnosti od valovne dol`ine /nm pri nanosih Figure 3: XRD patterns of the sol–gel coatings Slika 3: XRD-posnetki sol-gel nanosov (Figure 5). In addition, a distinct passivation region was present for the coated substrates. The corrosion-pro- tection properties of the sol–gel-derived coatings are strongly dependent on the processing conditions. As evident from Figure 5, the alumina (Al2O3) film corro- sion protection is better than the zirconia (ZrO2) films. 4 CONCLUSIONS The sol-gel-deposited oxide films formed with these compounds had good adhesion, reflectivity or UV protection. After the appropriate deposition and heat treatment the oxide films were formed with very favour- able properties, such as high adhesion, homogeneity and density. The sol-gel alumina coatings developed on the magnesium alloy surface provide superior corrosion protection. After the heat treatments the XRD patterns revealed crystalline structures. With a controlled heat treatment a slight increase in the corrosion resistance was observed. However, both of the alumina- and zir- conia-based coatings can be used for optical applications with suitable heat-treatment conditions. The refractive index of the alumina film was lower than that of the zirconia films. This depends on the crystallite structure and the surface morphology, such as bubbles and the porosity effect. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Ýstanbul Technical University, Metal. and Mat. Eng. Laboratory, JOBIN YVON Lab. Also, thanks go to the Researchers Céline Marchand and Michel Stchakovsky, Researcher Stefan Winter, Metallic Mat. Dept. of Universität Des Saar- landes for their experimental support. 5 REFERENCES 1 E. F. Emley, Principle of magnesium technology, Pergamon Press, London 1966, 297 2 M. M. Avedsian, H. S. Baker, Magnesium and magnesium alloys, ASM International, New York 1999, 138 3 J. E. Gray, B. Luan, Protective coating on magnesium and its alloys, A critical review, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 336 (2002) 1–2, 88–113 4 R. Arrabal, E. Matykina, F. Viejo, P. Skeldon, G. E. Thompson, Corrosion resistance of WE43 and AZ91D magnesium alloys with phosphate PEO coatings, Corrosion Sci., 50 (2008) 6, 1744–1752 5 Z. M. Liu, W. 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Wang, Oxidation protection of mild steel by zirconia sol–gel coatings, Materials Letters, 51 (2001), 320–324 17 C. Jing, X. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Sol–gel fabrication of compact, crack- free alumina film, Materials Research Bulletin, 42 (2007), 600–608 18 Z. L. Wang, R. C. Zeng, Comparison in characterization of compo- site and sol-gel coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy, Trans. Non- ferrous Met. Soc. China, 20 (2010), 665–669 E. ALTUNCU, H. ALANYALI: THE APPLICABILITY OF SOL-GEL OXIDE FILMS AND THEIR CHARACTERISATION ... 292 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 289–292 Figure 5: Polarization curves for the thin oxide films: ZrO2 and Al2O3 Slika 5: Polarizacijski krivulji za tanek oksidni nanos ZrO2 in Al2O3 D. GOLUBOVI] et al.: TESTING THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NODULAR CAST IRON ... TESTING THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NODULAR CAST IRON AUSTEMPERED BY A CONVENTIONAL AND AN ISOTHERMAL PROCEDURE PREIZKU[ANJE TRIBOLO[KIH LASTNOSTI NODULARNE LITINE, MEDFAZNO KALJENE PO KONVENCIONALNEM IN IZOTERMI^NEM POSTOPKU Du{an Golubovi}1, Pavel Kova~2, Borislav Savkovi}2, Du{an Je{i}3, Marin Gostimirovi}2 1Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Vuka Karadzica 30, 71213 East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Faculty of Technical Science, Trg D. Obradovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 3University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Engineering, V. Stepe Stepanovica 75, 7800 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina pkovac@uns.ac.rs Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-03-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-07-15 In this paper the heat treatment of ductile iron and the tribological properties of contact pairs (pin and disk) were investigated. Two types of nodular cast iron, EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2, austempered using an isothermal and a conventional proce- dure, were tested. The friction-and-wear test was carried using a PIN on DISC Tribometer and the PQ test. The methodology of the classical and nodular cast-iron isothermal austempering and the methodology for the examination are also described. From analysing the results it was concluded that the tribological characteristics depend on the structural characteristic of the nodular cast iron, which are determined by heat treatment. The tested sample, austempered using a classic approach, gives the best performance in terms of friction, but it also showed the worst performance in terms of wear. In the same heat-treatment regime EN-GJS-500-7 is characterized by better tribological characteristics compared to the EN-GJS-700-2. The obtained results can be used for the proper selection of the type and regime of the nodular cast iron’s heat treatment, with the aim of improving the exploitation characteristics of the contact pairs. Keywords: nodular cast iron, heat treatment, friction, wear ^lanek obravnava preizku{anje nodularne litine s toplotno obdelavo in tribolo{ke lastnosti kontaktnih parov (klin in disk). Preiz- ku{eni sta bili dve vrsti nodularne litine EN-GJS-500-7 in EN-GJS-700-2, medfazno kaljeni po konvencionalnem in izoter- mi~nem postopku. Preizkus trenja in obrabe je bil izveden s "pin-on-disk" tribometrom in PQ-preizkusom. Prikazana je metodologija izotermnega pobolj{anja klasi~ne in nodularne litine ter metodologija preiskave. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so tribolo{ke lastnosti odvisne od zna~ilnosti strukture nodularne litine, ki je dolo~ena z vrsto nodularne litine in toplotno obdelavo. Preizkusni vzorec, klasi~no medfazno kaljen, izkazuje najbolj{e rezultate glede trenja, hkrati pa najve~jo obrabo. V istem re`imu toplotne obdelave ima EN-GJS-500-7 bolj{e tribolo{ke lastnosti v primerjavi z EN-GJS-700-2. Dobljeni rezultati se lahko uporabijo pri izbiri primernega re`ima toplotne obdelave nodularne litine, z namenom izbolj{anja lastnosti kontaktnih parov med rabo. Klju~ne besede: nodularna litina, toplotna obdelava, trenje, obraba 1 INTRODUCTION Modern materials used to create the elements of machinery, equipment and vehicles (cars, trucks, trac- tors, etc.) must possess, in addition to a high hardness, a good toughness and a high fatigue strength, as well as a more satisfactory resistance to friction and wear.1,2 The first three properties of metallic materials are determined by standard methods. Information about them can be found in the relevant literature and standards, as well as in the technical documentation of the manufacturer of the materials. The resistance to abrasive wear, as the tribological characteristic of materials, depends not only on their physical and chemical properties, but also on the condi- tions under which the contact between the elements of the tribomechanical system is achieved, as well as the properties of the other elements in the contact.3 The measurement of the tribological properties of these two materials is carried out, usually on tribometers that fulfil one of the three possible geometries of contact (touch at a point on the line or on the surface). The paper presents the results achieved for a linear contact.4,5 In this paper, using a realized tribomechanical system with a geometric line contact, we examine the basic tri- bological properties of materials in terms of friction and wear. Part of the results of the tribological characteristics of the two types of nodular cast iron, isothermal and the improved classical procedure, obtained in laboratory conditions and presented in this study, indicate the importance of heat treatment on the resistance to friction and wear.6–8 The use of ductile iron in scientific research has a strong presence, so the paper9 also considers the micro- structures and tribological behaviour of different roller mill specimens, having basically nodular cast iron com- positions, produced by conventional static and vertical centrifugal casting methods. Also, in the research work,10 the initiative was taken to improve the surface hardness as well as the wear resistance of the as-received nodular Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 293–298 293 UDK 669.131.6:531.43:620.178.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)293(2014) cast iron using the pack-carburizing technique. The objective of the paper11 is to evaluate the fatigue life of the nodular cast iron EN-GJS-500-7, which is used for railway brake discs. In the paper12 the results of the abrasive and adhesive wear resistance of selected grades of nodular cast iron with carbides are presented. The materials of the friction pairs, tested at the stand and sub- jected to heat treatment and chemical processing in order to attain specific parameters of their surface layers, were studied in the work.13 The studies conducted enabled a determination of the abrasive wear values for the material samples tested, having entailed the surface-layer parameters and the factors related to the operation of actual structural components used in automotive engi- neering. Through a literature review we can see what has already been done in terms of the wear resistance of ductile iron.14–16 The abrasion wear rates of two-step austempered ductile cast iron (ADI) were investigated.17 The wear resistance of the ductile cast iron can be im- proved through a different heat-treatment procedure and surface engineering techniques, each having some limita- tions and drawbacks.17,18 A microstructure of lower bainite consisting of acicu- lar (needle) bainite stable ferrite and carbon-enriched retained austenite, is provided if the isothermal transfor- mation is carried out at low temperatures. The micro- structure of the upper bainite, which consists of ferrite- tile bainite and stable carbon-enriched retained austenite is obtained if the isothermal transformation is carried at a temperature of 390 °C. With isothermal transformation temperature the dis- tance between the ferrite tile bainite increases while reducing the remaining shares, i.e., the volume fraction of retained austenite was increased. The impact strength and the fracture toughness can be strongly reduced. The light microscope, however, does not show the difference in the microstructure. The- refore, for a detailed correlation of the mechanical pro- perties depending on the microstructure it is necessary to apply a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM). For ductile iron of a ferrite base it is strongly recom- mend to use an isothermal transformation temperature of 350 °C.19 The objectives of the research were to prove that for a variety of thermal processing on the same material, a different value for the level of material wear is obtained. In addition, they want to show that the same level of heat treatment applied to different materials, for some sizes that represent the level of friction and wear, are of great importance and influence, whereas for some they are not. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 2.1 Material In all the experiments we used a hardened carbon steel (C40E) pin of guaranteed chemical composition and a hardness of 52 HRC. The test program includes two types of nodular cast iron, EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2, austempered by an isothermal and con- ventional procedure.19,20 The melting of the material was carried out in a net- work frequency induction furnace pot with an acid coating capacity of 2.5 t in a foundry. After this the desulfurization was carried out in a batch nodulation closed pot using a "sandwich" method with a simulta- neous modification at a temperature of 1500 °C. A secondary modification was made before the actual casting. The as-prepared metal was poured into a total 11 Y tube to BS 2789. All the Y tubes were covered by two tube sections, 25 mm diameter and length 250 mm. Attention was also given to two tubes by tensile tests in the irons JUS C.J2.022 and three tubes with V-notch toughness testing JUS C.A4.004. The isothermal austenitising was performed in a muffle furnace in a protective atmosphere at 900 °C for 90 min prior to preheating at 520 °C for 60 min. The austempering was carried out in a solar bath (made specifically for this purpose) at a temperature of 390 °C with a hold time of 30 min at a speed of movement for the salts of 0.6 m/s. Their basic characteristics are listed in Table 1.19 We present the chemical composition, the conventional austempering regimes, the isothermal austempering and the hardness of the tested parts.21 Figure 1 shows the metallographic structure of the nodular cast iron used in the test. It is important to men- tion that the EN-GJS-500-7 is ferrite-pearlite structure D. GOLUBOVI] et al.: TESTING THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NODULAR CAST IRON ... 294 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 293–298 Figure 1: Microstructures of: a) EN-GJS-500-7 and b) EN-GJS-700-2 Slika 1: Mikrostruktura: a) EN-GJS-500-7, b) EN-GJS-700-2 based (50 % ferrite and 50 % pearlite and more than 90 % of graphite-type-K size 3) and the EN-GJS-700-2 is predominantly pearlitic-structure based. During the structural test of the nodular cast iron the etching was performed with 2 % HNO3 and increased 500-times. Figure 1 shows that the black parts have a pearlitic structure, and the white parts are a softer ferrite struc- ture. In the middle are the visible graphite nodules sur- rounded by a highly visible ferrite structure.4 Figure 2 shows the austempered ductile iron micro- structure. The mechanical properties depend on the structure of the material. One pearlitic ductile cast iron has, before the isothermal treatment, an improved micro- structure consisting of pearlite, and in it are the graphite nodules. After the isothermal improvement the material microstructure consists of bainite and retained austenite. The amount of retained austenite is relatively high (aged between 20 % and 40 %). The austenite contributes to the high toughness and the ductility of the austempered ductile iron. Irons that were improved during a low-temperature isothermal transformation have a structure of lower bainite and about 400 HB hardness (HRC about 43), and are suitable for first gear and applications that must be resistant to high pressures. Irons that were improved at higher temperatures of isothermal transformation have an upper bainite structure and a hardness from 260 HB to 350 HB (HRC 27 to 38), and have a particularly high ductility, impact strength and fatigue strength. Figure 3 shows a diagram of the classical austempe- ring procedure of nodular cast iron.14 The process of austempering conventional materials was achieved by heating up to a temperature of 900 °C, where it is held for about 90 min and then by rapid cooling (water or air) to room temperature. After this it is heated to a tempera- ture of 520 °C and is then cooled to room temperature. Figure 4 shows a diagram of the discs’ isothermal austempering, made of an EN-GJS-500-7 ferrite-pearlite base and an EN-GJS-700-2 made of a very pearlite base. The austempering is done by heating the disks to a tem- D. GOLUBOVI] et al.: TESTING THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NODULAR CAST IRON ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 293–298 295 Figure 2: Microstructure of austempered ductile iron: a) EN-GJS- 500-7 and b) EN-GJS-700-2 Slika 2: Mikrostruktura izotermno pobolj{ane nodularne litine: a) EN- GJS-500-7, b) EN-GJS-700-2 Figure 3: Diagram of conventional discs’ austempering Slika 3: Diagram klasi~nega pobolj{anja plo{~ic Table 1: The chemical composition and heat-treatment regimes of nodular cast iron EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava in re`imi toplotne obdelave nodularne litine EN-GJS-500-7 in EN-GJS-700-2 Material of Disk Heat Treatment Hardness HB Legend StructureTa/°C Tp/°C / t/min EN-GJS-500-7 900 390/30 355 EN-GJS-500-7-30 ferrite-pearlite 520/60 302 EN-GJS-500-7-k EN-GJS-700-2 520/60 320 EN-GJS-700-2-k mostly pearlitic 390/30 365 EN-GJS-700-2-30 Chemical composition, w/% C Si Mn Mg P S Cu Ni EN-GJS-500-7 3.85 2.9 0.076 0.035 0.02 0.004 1.5 EN-GJS-700-2 3.76 2.35 0.51 0.02 0.004 1.48 1.5 perature of 900 °C, at which it is held for about 90 min, and then fast cooled to a temperature of 390 °C. The discs of EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2 were kept for 90 min and 30 min at the temperature of 390 °C. In this way we get a bainite structure (upper or lower bainite) that enables improved toughness, and in this case the wear resistance (abrasion of discs). 2.2 Method Figure 5 provides a schematic view of the contact pair (pin and disk) and an image using the Tribometer TPD-93 where the coefficient of friction is measured for the inline contact.5 With this equipment it is possible to measure the friction force, the normal force, the coeffi- cient of friction, the acoustic emission temperature of the oil and the contact temperature. The characteristics of the tribometer are: normal load 1–500 N, sliding speed 0.1–5 m/s, the motor power A is 1.5 kW, the motor power B is 0.37 kW, and the overall dimensions are 1 200 mm × 600 mm × 1 300 mm. By measuring the normal and friction forces at diffe- rent levels of load and sliding speed v = 1.3 m/s, the friction coefficients for a given combination of contact pairs are determined. In the given range of load Fn = 1–3 N the differences in friction coefficients are less than 5 %, so the comparison is the heat-treated nodular cast iron EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2 derived for the adopted level of load Fn = 2 N. This force was set on the tribometer. To determine the PQ index we used the PQ 2000 Par- ticle quantifier shown in Figure 6. According to the pro- cedure methodology the value of the PQ index is directly proportional to the quantity of the wear products (greater than 5–10 μm) that are contained in the oil used for lubrication of the contact zone, during the disk sliding along the pin. For this purpose the used oil was Polar INA 55-K. The PQ index is the average value obtained from several measurements. The average measurements of the PQ index for a sample of oil containing products in the research conducted was 10. In most cases the measure- ment error did not exceed 10 %. The duration of the contact in the experimental ope- rations was about 30 min. The friction force was measured at the beginning and at the end of the actual contact (tp = 1 min, tk = 29 min). There was a line contact D. GOLUBOVI] et al.: TESTING THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NODULAR CAST IRON ... 296 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 293–298 Figure 5: a) Schematic view of the contact pair (pin and disk) and b) image of Tribometer TPD-93 Slika 5: a) Shematski prikaz kontakta para (pin in disk) in b) tribo- meter TPD-93 Figure 6: PQ 2000 Particle quantifier Slika 6: Kvantifikator delcev PQ 2000 Figure 4: Diagram isothermal discs’ austempering Slika 4: Diagram izotermi~nega pobolj{anja plo{~ic between the pin and the disc. The measurement of the PQ indices in a sample of oil in which there are wear products was performed 3 times on 10 samples. The PQ index was determined based on the quantity of wear products per mg of oil produced during the sliding of one element of the tribomechanical system over the other for t = 30 min. The different values of the PQ index indicate the amount of wear product for the samples in contact in the lubricant are a direct conse- quence of the greater or lesser intensity of the wear of the contact pair. The test covered above thermally aus- tempered discs of nodular cast iron EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2. The wear of the pins for 30 min was carried out under the same contact conditions and based on samples of oil particle quantifiers over the levels of the PQ indices. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Experimental results 3.1.1 According to the experimental results In order to determine the influence of the heat-treat- ment type on the tribological properties of ductile iron, on two types of ductile iron EN-GJS-500-7 and EN-GJS-700-2, the test of the friction and wear accord- ing to a pre-defined methodology of experimental research was conducted. Figure 7 shows the histogram displaying values of the friction coefficients at the line of contact for the disc and pin, obtained from the derived values of forces, recorded by the measuring instru- mentation. The histogram shows that the heat treatment of the ductile iron EN-GJS-500-7 has a small (approxi- mately 2 %), practically negligible, impact on the value of the friction coefficient. Simultaneously, the EN-GJS- 700-2 ductile iron isothermally improved by about 8 % higher coefficient of friction than the same nodular cast iron improved using the classical procedure. On the other hand, the coefficient of friction in a ductile iron EN-GJS-700-2 increased by 15–20 % more than the values that were obtained for ductile iron EN-GJS-500-7. Figure 8 shows a histogram of the PQ index values for the observed contact pairs (pin and disk), the load level of 2 N and the slip velocity v = 1.3 m/s. The histogram displays the values of the PQ index, different than the coefficient of friction, which shows that the treatment regimens have a very large impact on the aspects of wear. In both nodular irons the PQ index is higher for iron improved by the classical procedure, especially for EN-GJS-500-7 (approx. 115 %). On the other hand, the ductile iron EN-GJS-500-7, improved the isothermal and classic approach, has a significantly lower PQ index for iron EN-GJS-700-2 (approx. 10–90 %). Figure 9 shows a comparative review of the tribolo- gical characteristics of the tested discs, in terms of friction and wear, i.e., by the indicators Pt = μr/μx and Ph = PQr/PQx. Here, μr and PQr are the values of the friction coefficient and the wear index of the reference contact pairs (it was a material austempered using the classical procedure), whereas μx and PQx are the values of the investigated contact pair. In doing so, for the reference a contact couple with the lowest coefficient of friction and wear is chosen, which receives the same indicator value for the maximum of 100 %. D. GOLUBOVI] et al.: TESTING THE TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NODULAR CAST IRON ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 293–298 297 Figure 9: Histogram Pt, Ph index of the tested materials with different heat treatments Slika 9: Histogram Pt, Ph-indeksov preizku{enih materialov z razli~no toplotno obdelavo Figure 8: Histogram values of PQ index Slika 8: Histogram prikazuje dobljene vrednosti PQ-indeksov Figure 7: Histogram of the obtained friction coefficients for the tested materials Slika 7: Histogram prikazuje dobljene koeficiente trenja preizku{anih materialov 3.2 Discussion By analysing the results obtained, it can be concluded that ductile iron, austempered using the classic approach, has different tribological properties in terms of friction and wear.6,7,14–17 The tribological characteristics signi- ficantly depend on the type of nodular cast iron, and the heat treatment. By comparing the tribological characteristics of the tribomechanical system elements, made of some kind of ductile iron, some coefficients of friction lead to the con- clusion that the thermal treatment has no practical impact. Differences in the tribological characteristics of the same elements, however, are very large if the tribo- logical characteristics are determined by the size of their wear, which occurs after a specified duration of the con- tact. The difference in the coefficients of friction is slight- ly higher when comparing the two studied materials. The coefficient of friction of the ductile iron EN-GJS-700-2 is slightly larger than the coefficient of friction of the material EN-GJS-500-7. The PQ index is higher in the material EN-GJS- 700-2. Both classical materials’ heat-treated PQ index is greater than the isothermally processed material. Based on this we can conclude that the higher wear is in the conventionally heat-treated material. The isothermal heat treatment helps to reduce the wear of these materials The indicator of the friction coefficient between the investigated disks Pt is higher for the classical heat- treated material. Also, the indicator Pt is significantly lower for the material EN-GJS-700-2, which suggests that the friction is less for this material. The values of the parameters Ph are higher for the materials EN-GJS- 500-7, whether it is a classic procedure or isothermally processed. It is confirmed that the materials that are isothermally processed have less contact wear than the classically heat-treated materials. 4 CONCLUSIONS The tested sample, a disc made of EN-GJS-500-7 austempered using the classic approach, gives the best performance in terms of friction, but it also showed the worst in terms of wear. The disc made of a hardened EN-GJS-500-7 and isothermally austempered has excel- lent features from the point of view of friction and wear. 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Djurdjevic1, Srecko Manasijevic2, Zoran Odanovic1, Natalija Dolic3, Radomir Radisa2 1IMS Institute, Bulevar Vojvode Misica 43, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia 2Lola Institute, Kneza Viseslava 70a, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia 3University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44 103 Sisak, Croatia srecko.manasijevic@li.rs Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-04-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-18 The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that it is possible to characterize the development and quantify the area percentage of Cu-enriched phases in Al-5Si-(1-4)Cu alloys by applying a cooling-curve analysis. It is shown that several distinct Cu-enriched phases are manifested as peaks on the first derivative of the cooling curve. The total area percentage of the Cu-enriched phases is defined as the ratio of the area between the first derivative of the cooling curve and the hypothetical solidification path of the Al-Si-Cu eutectic to the total area between the first derivative of the cooling curve and the base line. These calculations, based on the cooling curve analyses, are compared with the image-analysis and chemical-analysis results in order to verify the proposed method. There is a good correlation between the measured and calculated values for the area of the Cu-rich phase in Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys. Keywords: aluminum alloys, thermal analysis, cooling-curve analysis, image analysis Namen tega ~lanka je predstaviti mo`nost ocene nastanka in koli~insko dolo~iti podro~ja s Cu bogatih faz v zlitinah Al-5Si-(1-4)Cu z analizo ohlajevalne krivulje. Pokazano je, da se ve~ lo~enih, s Cu bogatih faz ka`e v obliki vrhov v prvem odvodu krivulje ohlajanja. Skupni dele` obmo~ja s Cu bogatih faz je dolo~en kot razmerje povr{in med prvim odvodom krivulje ohlajanja in hipoteti~ne poti strjevanja Al-Si-Cu-evtektika ter celotno povr{ino prvega odvoda krivulje ohlajanja in osnovno linijo. Izra~uni, ki temeljijo na analizi ohlajevalnih krivulj, so bili primerjani z analizo slik in rezultati kemijske analize, da bi potrdili predlagano metodo. Obstaja dobra korelacija med izmerjenimi in izra~unanimi vrednostmi podro~ij s Cu bogatih faz v zlitini Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, termi~na analiza, analiza ohlajevalne krivulje, analiza slik 1 INTRODUCTION The automotive industry makes frequent use of the Al-Si-Cu series of aluminum alloys. In order to ensure that cast components have good mechanical properties, their as-cast microstructures must be closely monitored. Two eutectic microconstituents are primarily responsible for defining the microstructures of Al-Si-Cu series alloys: Al-Si and Al-Cu. Both of these eutectics can be detected on a thermal-analysis (TA) cooling curve, or more precisely, on its first derivative. The solidification of Al-Si-Cu series alloys and the formation of Cu-enriched phases can be described, according to many authors, as follows:1–4 1. A primary -aluminum dendritic network forms between 580–610 °C. The exact temperature depends mainly on the amounts of Si and Cu in an alloy. This leads to an increase in the concentration of Si and Cu in the remaining liquid. 2. Between 570–555 °C (the Al-Si eutectic tempe- rature), a eutectic mixture of Si and -Al forms, leading to a further localized increase in the Cu content of the remaining liquid. 3. At approximately 540 °C, Mg2Si and Al8Mg3FeSi6 phases begin to precipitate. 4. At approximately 525 °C, a "massive" or "blocky" Al2Cu phase (containing approximately w = 40 % Cu) forms together with -Al5FeSi platelets. 5. At approximately 507 °C, a fine Al-Al2Cu eutectic phase forms (containing mass fractions approxima- tely 24 % Cu). If the melt contains more than 0.5 % Mg, an ultra-fine Al5Mg8Cu2Si6 eutectic phase also forms at this temperature. This phase grows from either of the two previously mentioned Al2Cu phases. A metallographic analysis of the TA test samples, presented in Figure 1, combined with an X-ray micro- analysis has confirmed that Cu-enriched phases appear with three main morphologies: the blocky type, the eutectic type and the fine eutectic type.3,5,6 The Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys are characterized by the presence of the two eutectics (Al-Si and Al-Si-Cu) that are primarily responsible for the mechanical properties of these alloys. Both eutectic temperatures can be detected on a TA cooling curve, or more precisely, on its first derivative. The eutectic-formation temperatures can Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 299–304 299 UDK 669.715:536.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)299(2014) help to define the maximum temperature, to which castings can be exposed during a solution treatment (i.e., by defining the temperature, at which incipient melting will take place). Unfortunately, the total amount of the Cu-enriched phases present in an as-cast part can, so far, only be measured using a metallographic analysis. This information is critical because these Cu-rich phases play a significant role in the heat-treatment process and can have a negative influence on the mechanical properties of the Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that it is possible to quantify and charac- terize the development of the Cu-enriched phases in the Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys using the TA system. This esti- mation is verified using quantitative metallography (an image analysis (IA)) and a chemical analysis (optical emission spectroscopy (OES)). 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Three Al-Si-Cu alloys with the chemical composi- tions presented in Table 1 were produced. Their che- mical compositions were determined using the OES. Liquid test samples with the masses of approximately 300 g were poured into thermal-analysis steel test cups. The weight of a steel test cup was 50 g. Two K-type ther- mocouples were inserted into the melt and the tempera- tures between 700–400 °C were recorded. The tip of a thermocouple was always kept at the constant height, 15 millimeters from the bottom of the crucible. The accu- racy of a thermocouple was ± 0.5 °C. The data for TA was collected using a high-speed data-acquisition system linked to a personal computer. The cooling conditions were kept constant during all the experiments and the cooling rate was approximately 6 K min–1. The cooling rate was calculated as the ratio of the temperature diffe- rence between the liquidus and solidus temperatures to the total solidification time between these two tempera- tures. Each TA trial was repeated three times. Conse- quently, a total of nine samples were gathered. In all the cases, the masses of the thermal-analysis test samples were virtually identical. The samples for the microstructural analysis were cut from the TA test samples, close to the tips of the thermo- couples. The cross-sections of the specimens were ground and polished on an automatic polisher using standard metallographic procedures. The samples were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) using the magnifications between 200-times and 5000-times. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of the chemical compositions of the Cu-enriched phases were done using an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The area fractions of the Cu-enriched phases were calculated using image-analysis software linked to a microscope, under a magnification of 500-times. Twenty-five analytical fields were measured for each sample and the final area fraction was expressed as the mean value. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Thermal-analysis results Three representative TA cooling curves obtained for the Al-5Si-1Cu, Al-5Si-2Cu and Al-5Si-4Cu alloys are presented in Figure 2. The cooling rate for all three curves was approximately 6 K min–1. Figure 3 shows that the increasing Cu amount of the melt lowers all the M. B. DJURDJEVIC et al.: QUANTIFICATION OF THE COPPER PHASE(S) IN Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu ALLOYS ... 300 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 299–304 Figure 1: SEM micrographs (BSE images) with the characteristic morphologies of Cu-enriched phases found in the investigated alloys: a) the blocky (#1) and eutectic types (#2), b) the fine eutectic type (#3)6 Slika 1: SEM-posnetka (BSE-posnetka) z zna~ilno morfologijo s Cu bogatih faz v preiskovih zlitinah: a) kockasta (#1), evtektik (#2), b) drobni evtektik (#3)6 Table 1: Chemical compositions (mass fractions, w/%) of the synthetic alloys Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava (masni dele`i, w/%) sinteti~nih zlitin Alloy Si Cu Fe Mg Mn Zn Ni Al Al-5Si-1Cu 4.85 1.03 0.09 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.007 residual Al-5Si-2Cu 5.01 2.06 0.10 0.26 0.01 0.01 0.007 residual Al-5Si-4Cu 4.89 3.85 0.09 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.009 residual characteristic solidification temperatures (TLIQ , TCOH , TEUT Al -Si and TEUT Al -Si -Cu) except the solidus temperature that is almost constant for all the investigated alloys. The first derivatives of the cooling curves are pre- ented in Figure 4. It is apparent that the shapes of the first derivative curves strongly depend on the Cu amount in the melt. The Cu-rich area is particularly affected by different Cu amounts. The numbers and shapes of the peaks visible in the Cu-enriched region of the first-derivative curves show a strong relationship with the amount of Cu present in the alloy. It can also be observed in Figure 5 that an increase in the Cu amount increases the solidification time of the Cu-rich eutectic phase. The precipitation temperature of the Cu-enriched phases decreases when Cu increases from mass fractions 1 % to 4 %. The Cu-enriched phase represented by the first peak on the cooling curve in Fig- ure 5 (5 % Si, 1 % Cu in the alloy) began to precipitate at 542.7 °C and the Cu-enriched phase represented by the second peak precipitated at 503.2 °C. For the alloy with 5 % Si and 2 % Cu, three peaks precipitated at various temperatures, (530.4, 505.4 and 498.1) °C, respectively. The increasing amount of Cu to 4 % (5 % Si) further changes the shapes of the Cu-enriched phase peaks (Figure 5). The precipitation temperatures were also altered. The Cu-enriched phase represented by the first peak of the Al-Si5-Cu4 alloy begins to precipitate at 514.4 °C, while the second peak appears at 507.2 °C. The increasing Cu amount from 1 % to 4 % slightly increased the total solidification time from 1167 s (for the Al-5Si-1Cu alloy) to 1211 seconds (for the Al-5Si- 4Cu alloy), increasing also the total solidification tempe- rature interval of the Cu-rich phase(s) from 31.4 °C (for the Al-5Si-1Cu alloy) to 65.4 °C (for the Al-5Si-4Cu alloy). These results of the experiments (Figures 2 to 5) indicate that the Cu-enriched phases precipitate at diffe- rent temperatures depending on the amount of Cu pre- M. B. DJURDJEVIC et al.: QUANTIFICATION OF THE COPPER PHASE(S) IN Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 299–304 301 Figure 4: First derivatives of the Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu cooling curves Slika 4: Prvi odvod ohlajevale krivulje zlitin Al-5Si-(1-4)Cu Figure 2: Cooling curves of the investigated Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys Slika 2: Ohlajevalne krivulje preiskovanih zlitin Al-5Si-(1-4)Cu Figure 5: First derivatives of the Al-Si5-Cu(1–4) cooling curves related to the Cu-enriched region Slika 5: Prvi odvod ohlajevalnih krivulj Al-5Si-Cu(1-4) glede na z bakrom bogato podro~je Figure 3: Impacts of different Cu amounts on the characteristic tem- peratures of Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu alloys Slika 3: Vpliv razli~nih vsebnosti Cu na zna~ilne temperature v zliti- nah Al-5Si-(1-4)Cu sent in the particular Al-Si5-Cu(1-4) alloy. The nucle- ation temperature of the Cu-enriched phases can be accurately read from the first derivatives of the cooling curves and used to define the maximum temperatures that the castings can be exposed to during the conven- tional solution-treatment process. However, before the solution-treatment routines can be "tailored" to specific alloys and applications, it is also necessary that the volume fractions of the Cu-enriched phases are known. This data enables the researchers to predict the mecha- nical properties of the castings and design components according to the predetermined specifications and requirements. To date, a volume-fraction assessment has only been possible through a metallographic analysis. 3.2 Metallography, the cooling curve and image-ana- lysis results Light optical microscopy (LOM) observations com- bined with the IA showed that the area fractions of the Cu-enriched phases increased with additions of Cu. A Cu increase from 1 % to 4 % caused the area fraction of the Cu-enriched phases to increase from about 0.55 % to about 2.42 % (Table 2). Table 2: Comparison of the Cu-enriched-phase area fractions detected by the IA system and determined with the TA Tabela 2: Primerjava dele`a podro~ij s Cu bogatih faz, ugotovljenih z IA-sistemom in dolo~enih s TA Alloy Area of Cu-rich phase, (TA) % Area of Cu-rich phase, (IAS) % w(Cu)/% Al-5Si-1Cu 0.90 0.55 1.03 Al-5Si-2Cu 2.55 1.65 2.06 Al-5Si-4Cu 4.30 2.42 3.85 An additional SEM observation, combined with an X-ray spot microanalysis for the investigated alloy (Al-5Si-4Cu) was performed to identify the morpholo- gies and stoichiometries of the observed Cu-enriched phases. This analysis confirmed the earlier assertion that Cu-enriched phases appear with three main morpholo- gies: the blocky type, the eutectic type and the fine eutectic type (Figure 6). The quantitative X-ray micro- analysis of the revealed stoichiometries of the Cu phases (Table 2) is presented in Figure 6. It should be noted that a complete evaluation of the morphologies and the corresponding stoichiometries of the Cu-enriched phases is beyond the scope of the pre- sent paper. Quenching experiments will be necessary to establish the crystallization sequences of the Cu-enriched phases and the corresponding stoichiometries with respect to the TA results. The imperfect agreement between these two measu- rements can be explained with two factors: First, the IA measurements do not take into account the small Si crystals that cannot be resolved with the LOM or the Si that is dissolved in the aluminum matrix. Second, because the cast samples are heterogeneous and due to the fact that only a finite number of regions were eva- luated using the IA, these measurements may not be representative of all the test samples. A determination of the total Cu-enriched-phase area fraction with metallography is a time-consuming and laborious procedure; therefore, it cannot be used as an on-line measurement tool, or as a method of controlling the casting quality in a foundry environment. The TA approach developed by Kierkus and Soko- lowski5 was used in this work for determining the area fractions of individual phases that precipitate during M. B. DJURDJEVIC et al.: QUANTIFICATION OF THE COPPER PHASE(S) IN Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu ALLOYS ... 302 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 299–304 Figure 6: SEM micrographs of the characteristic morphologies of Cu-enriched phases and their EDX elemental maps Slika 6: SEM-posnetki zna~ilne morfologije s Cu bogatih faz in njihova elementna EDS-analiza solidification of Al-Si-Cu alloys. In their work, the integrated area of the Cu-enriched phases is defined as the ratio of the area between the first derivative (FD) of the cooling curve and the hypothetical solidification path of the Al-Si-Cu eutectic (the hatched area in Figure 7) to the total area between the first derivative of the cooling curve and the base line (BL). The rationale of this assumption is based on:5 1. The IA results, which permit one to postulate that the solidification of the Al-Si eutectic continues until the solidus temperature is reached. 2. The total latent energy evolved during the alloy solidification is the sum of the energy released by all of the phases involved in the process. This concept is briefly demonstrated in Figures 7 and 8, which present the FD of the cooling curve and the BL curve. The area between the two curves, from the liqui- dus state (TLIQ ) to the solidus state (TSOL ), is pro- portional to the latent heat of the solidification of the alloy. If the two aforementioned assumptions are correct, then the regression line between the arbitrarily selected state (TNUC Al -Si -Cu) and the solidus state (TSOL ) is a part of the solidification path of the Al-Si-Cu eutectic (the hatched area). Therefore, it is evident that the area between the path (T TNUC Al -Si -Cu SOL− ) and the FD of the cooling curve should be proportional to the latent heat of the solidification of the Cu-enriched phases. The proportionality is constant in both cases; the total latent heat of the alloy solidification and the latent heat of the solidification associated with the Cu-enriched phases are the "apparent specific heat" of the alloy. A comparison of the total area fraction of the Cu-enriched phases determined using the IA with the integrated area (the hatched area in Figure 7) of the Cu-enriched phase of each alloy tested shows that the two measurements are almost perfectly correlated (Fig- ure 9). The imperfect agreement between these two measu- rements can be explained with two factors: First, the IA measurements do not take into account the small Si crystals that cannot be resolved with the LOM or the Si that is dissolved in the aluminum matrix. Only TEM investigations under a very high magnification would be able to reveal the presence of ultra-fine Al-Cu eutectics. Second, because the cast samples are heterogeneous and because only a finite number of regions were evaluated using the IA, these measurements may not be precisely representative of all the samples. The results of the Cu-enriched-phase determinations are presented in Table 2 and in Figure 9. A high corre- lation observed on the regression plots (Figure 9) shows that it is possible to estimate the volume fraction of the Cu-enriched phases from the TA analysis experiments without resorting to the IA. 4 CONCLUSIONS A comprehensive understanding of the melt quality is of a paramount importance for the control and prediction of actual casting characteristics. The thermal analysis is M. B. DJURDJEVIC et al.: QUANTIFICATION OF THE COPPER PHASE(S) IN Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 299–304 303 Figure 8: Relationship between IA and TA measurements and the chemical compositions of the investigated alloys Slika 8: Odvisnost med IA- in TA-meritvami ter kemijsko sestavo pre- iskovanih zlitin Figure 9: Relationship between IA and TA measurements and the chemical compositions of the investigated alloys Slika 9: Odvisnost med IA- in TA-meritvami ter kemijsko sestavo preiskovanih zlitin Figure 7: Part of the first-derivative curve (FD) related to the Cu-rich phase5 Slika 7: Del prvega odvoda krivulje (FD) glede na s Cu bogate faze5 an already used tool for the melt-quality control in an aluminum casting plant. It has been used routinely for assessing the master-alloy additions to an aluminum melt. In addition, its application can be extended to quantify the total volume fraction of the Cu-enriched phases of the Al-Si-Cu aluminum alloys. Future work should confirm that an on-line quantitative control of the Cu-enriched phases is also possible for the other series of Al-Si alloys using TA. 5 REFERENCES 1 L. Bäckerud, G. Chai, J. Tamminen, Solidification Characteristics of Aluminum Alloys, Vol. 2: Foundry Alloys, AFS/ScanAluminum, Oslo 1990 2 C. H. Caceres, M. B. Djurdjevic, T. J. Stockwell, J. H. Sokolowski, The effect of Cu content on the level of microporosity in Al-Si-Cu-Mg Casting Alloys, Scripta Materialia, 40 (1999), 631–637 3 M. B. Djurdjevic, T. Stockwell, J. Sokolowski, The effect of stron- tium on the microstructure of the Al-Si and Al-Cu eutectics in the 319 aluminum alloy, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 12 (1999), 67–73 4 H. W. Doty, A. M. Samuel, F. H. Samuel, Factors controlling the type and morphology of Cu-Containing phases in the 319 aluminum alloy, 100th AFS Casting Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 1996, 1–30 5 W. T. Kierkus, J. H. Sokolowski, Recent advances in cooling curve analysis: A new method of determining the "base line" equation, AFS Transactions, 66 (1999), 161–167 6 M. B. Djurdjevic, W. Kasprzak, C. A. Kierkus, W. T. Kierkus, J. H. Sokolowski, Quantification of Cu enriched phases in synthetic 3XX aluminum alloys using the thermal analysis technique, AFS Transac- tions, 24 (2001), 1–8 M. B. DJURDJEVIC et al.: QUANTIFICATION OF THE COPPER PHASE(S) IN Al-5Si-(1–4)Cu ALLOYS ... 304 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 299–304 G. AKPÝNAR et al.: INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ... INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ON POWDER-METAL PARTS WITH THE FINITE-ELEMENT METHOD PRIMERJAVA VPLIVA INDUKCIJSKEGA IN KONVENCIONALNEGA SINTRANJA NA DELCE KOVINSKEGA PRAHU Z UPORABO METODE KON^NIH ELEMENTOV Göksan Akpýnar, Can Çivi, Enver Atik Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Department, 45040 Manisa, Turkey goksanakpinar105@hotmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-04-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-06-13 Induction sintering provides large time and energy savings because the components heat up rapidly and the sintering time is lower than in classical sintering in a furnace. Therefore, induction sintering is an important alternative to classical sintering. In this study, mechanical properties of induction-sintered Fe-based components including Cu and carbon (graphite) were compared with those sintered in a classical furnace. For this purpose, microstructure photographs of both samples were taken. A tensile analysis of the sintered powder-metal samples was carried out with the finite-element method, and the micro-stress values were found to change depending on the amount and distribution of the porosity. Keywords: powder metallurgy, sintering, induction sintering, classical furnace, microstructure analysis, finite-element method Indukcijsko sintranje omogo~a velike prihranke pri ~asu in energiji, saj se komponente ogrejejo hitro in je ~as sintranja kraj{i, kot pri klasi~nem sintranju v pe~eh. Zato je indukcijsko sintranje pomembna alternativa klasi~nemu sintranju. V tej {tudiji so bile primerjane mehanske lastnosti indukcijsko sintrane komponente z Fe-osnovo in dodatki Cu ter grafita s komponentami, sintranimi v klasi~nih pe~eh. V ta namen so bili napravljeni posnetki mikrostrukture obeh vzorcev. Izvr{ena je bila analiza nateznih preizkusov sintranih kovinskih vzorcev z metodo kon~nih elementov. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so vrednosti mikronapetosti odvisne od koli~ine in porazdelitve poroznosti. Klju~ne besede: metalurgija prahov, sintranje, indukcijsko sintranje, klasi~na pe~, analiza mikrostrukture, metoda kon~nih elementov 1 INTRODUCTION Powders with different compositions are pressed and then sintered with the powder-metallurgy (P/M) method. Sintering is one of the most important issues of powder metallurgy because it causes a significant increase in the strength of the pressed powders. The sintering process is generally performed in sintering furnaces. It is done in a protective atmosphere of batch or continuous furnaces.1 In addition, rapid sintering methods such as induction sintering, microwave sintering, plasma sintering, laser sintering and discharge sintering are important alter- natives to conventional sintering methods.2 Sintering and additional heat treatments of powder mixtures cause the microstructure to meet the performance requirements.3 Mixtures of elemental iron and graphite powders are commonly used for P/M applications. A small amount of copper powder is always added to further strengthen the sintered alloys owing to its relative ease of dissolving and diffusing in an iron matrix upon sintering.4 Almost all low-alloy steel powders contain copper. The mass fractions of copper varies between approxima- tely 1 % and 8 % depending upon the desirability of end products. A small amount of copper is added to provide strength by age hardening, while the purpose of higher concentrations is to promote liquid-phase sintering causing a faster densification and homogenization.5 An addition of carbon to iron powder increases the sintering kinetics as it dissolves into the iron lattice, changing the melting point, surface tension and viscosity of the iron melt formed. Small areas of martensite and tempered martensite are also formed. 6 The most important feature of the induction-heating system is a rapid heating of the material because heating occurs directly on the metal parts. In general, induction sintering is used for surface heating of materials.7 If the frequency increases, eddy currents will occur on the region close to the surface.8 The heat transfer is 3.000 times better than in the other heating systems.7 This allows a much faster completion of the warm-up process, reducing the time spent for this period and, thus, shortening the sintering time. In addition, sintered ferrous P/M components have emerged as attractive candidates to replace wrought alloys in many applications due to their low cost, high performance and the ability to be processed to the near- net shape. Sintered materials are typically characterized by the residual porosity after sintering, which is quite detrimental to the mechanical properties of these mate- rials.9–17 The nature of the porosity is controlled with Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 305–312 305 UDK 621.762:621.762.5 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 48(2)305(2014) several processing variables such as green density, sintering temperature and time, alloying additions, and the particle size of the initial powders.10 In particular, the fraction, size, distribution and morphology of the porosity have a profound impact on mechanical behavior. Alloying elements such as copper, nickel and graphite affect the sintering parameters leading to the formation of a heterogeneous internal structure. Thus, the hetero- geneous nature of the microstructures of P/M steels will certainly play a role in the onset and evolution of damage under an applied stress.11–17 Under a monotonic tensile loading, the porosity reduces the effective load-bearing cross-sectional area acting as a stress-concentration site for the strain localization and damage, decreasing both strength and ductility.11 Interconnected porosity causes an increase in the localization of the strain on the relati- vely smaller sintered regions between the particles, while isolated porosity results in a more homogeneous defor- mation. It is also not uncommon for the porosity distri- bution in a material to be inhomogeneous. In this case, the strain localization will take place at the "pore clusters". Thus, for a given amount of porosity, the interconnected porosity is more detrimental, reducing the macroscopic ductility to a greater extent than the isolated porosity.17 Porosity affects the mechanical properties of mate- rials. Many studies have been conducted on this topic. N. Chawla and X. Deng17 investigated the effects of mecha- nical properties, the shape and size factors of the poro- sity of sintered Fe–0.85Mo–Ni steels. They systemati- cally examined the effect of porosity on the tensile and fatigue behaviors of the Fe–Mo–Ni steel. The steels of three densities were studied: 7.0 g/cm3, 7.4 g/cm3 and 7.5 g/cm3. A quantitative analysis of the microstructure was performed to determine the pore-size distribution and the pore shape as functions of the sintered density. Holmes and Queeney18 proposed that the relatively high stress concentration at pores, particularly the surface pores, is responsible for the localized slip leading to a crack initi- ation. Christian and German19 showed that the fraction of porosity, pore size, pore shape and pore spacing are all important factors controlling the fatigue behavior of P/M materials. In general, more irregular pores exhibit a higher stress than perfectly round pores.10 Polasik et al.15 showed that small cracks nucleate from the pores during the fatigue and coalesce to form a larger crack leading to a fatigue fracture. Here, the heterogeneous nature of the microstructure played an important role by contributing to the crack tortuosity. Crack arrest and crack deflection were observed due to microstructural barriers such as particle boundaries, fine pearlite, and nickel-rich regions.15 In this study, the microstructures of classically sin- tered and induction-sintered metal-powder parts with a medium/low frequency (30 kHz) obtained with the expe- rimental studies were compared. The effects of the sin- tering time on the mechanical properties were identified with image processing and the finite-element method. The micro-stresses around the internal spaces in the microstructures were investigated. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, the Högenas ASC 100.29 iron powder (2 % Cu, 0.5 % graphite and 1 % Zn Stereat lubricant by mass) was used. Powder-metal bushings were produced by Toz Metal Inc. with a dual-axis press under a 600 MPa pressure. The sieve analysis of the iron powder is shown in Table 1.20 Induction and classical sintering mechanism are indicated in Figure 1. Powder-metal bushings with the dimensions of (16/14 mm × 36 mm are shown in Figure 2. Table 1: Sieve analysis of the metal powder20 Tabela 1: Sejalna analiza kovinskega prahu20 Iron powder Sieve analysis (%) ASC 100.29 < 45 μm 45–150 μm 150–180 μm > 180 μm 23 69 8 0 The powder-metal bushings were sintered in an environment atmosphere in an electric-resistance furnace G. AKPÝNAR et al.: INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ... 306 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 305–312 Figure 1: a) Induction-sintering mechanism, b) classical resistance furnace Slika 1: a) Naprava za indukcijsko sintranje, b) klasi~na uporovna pe~ for 30 min at 1120 °C and they were also sintered by induction sintering for 8.4 min and 15 min at 1120 °C in the environment atmosphere. Induction sintering was carried out in a heat-resistant glass in a copper coil. The microstructural mechanical properties of these samples sintered for different periods and in different furnaces are compared with each other. The induction sintering was carried out in a heat-resi- stant glass in a 36 mm diameter copper coil. The con- veyor belt system is suitable for a mass production. The sintering temperature of 1120 °C was recorded on a pyrometer with laser and it was kept constant with the induction-mechanism unit. The sintered powder-metal bushings were cut and the microstructure images of the specimens were investigated using a Nikon Eclipse LV100 microscope. The cross-sections of the steel specimens were ground, polished and etched with a 2 % Nital solution (2 % HNO3 and 98 % alcohol). The ima- ges of the polished surfaces of the cross-sections were taken. The microstructures of the samples (40 μm) were processed by image processing. A tensile stress was applied to the samples with the finite-element method and the micro-stress values were obtained for the samples. The solution was made with an adoption of the mechanical properties of the steel containing 0.6 % graphite. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Microstructural analysis A microstructural investigation was applied to the sintered bushings after polishing the surface with alumi- na and acid etching with a 3 % Nital solution. The microstructural photos are shown in Figures 3 to 5. G. AKPÝNAR et al.: INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 305–312 307 Figure 5: Microstructure of an induction-sintered powder-metal bushing (sintered at 1120 °C for 15 min), light microscope (LM), a 100-times magnification Slika 5: Mikrostruktura indukcijsko sintrane kovinske pu{e (sintrano pri 1120 °C za 15 min), svetlobni mikroskop, pove~ava 100-krat Figure 3: Microstructure of a classically sintered powder-metal bushing (1120 °C/30 min in the furnace), light microscope (LM), a 100-times magnification Slika 3: Mikrostruktura klasi~no sintrane kovinske pu{e (1120 °C/30 min v pe~i), svetlobni mikroskop, pove~ava 100-krat Figure 4: Microstructure of an induction-sintered powder-metal bushing (sintered at 1120 °C for 8.4 min), light microscope (LM), a 100-times magnification Slika 4: Mikrostruktura indukcijsko sintrane pu{e iz kovinskega prahu (sintrano pri 1120 °C za 8,4 min), svetlobni mikroskop, pove~ava 100-krat Figure 2: Sintered bushings Slika 2: Sintrane pu{e 3.2 Image processing and FEM Analyses of micro- structure pictures The mechanical properties of the materials are shown in Table 2. The porosity values obtained from the image analysis of the samples are shown in Table 3. The maxi- mum and minimum micro-stresses of the static tensile strength acting horizontally (1 direction) on the internal pores were found and compared with each other. The results of the study using the finite-element method are shown in Figures 6 to 10. Table 2: Mechanical properties of the iron-based sintered material with 0.6 % graphite added and the loading conditions of the samples Tabela 2: Mehanske lastnosti sintranega materiala z dodatkom 0,6 % grafita in razmere pri obremenitvi vzorcev Poisson’s ratio (an approximation) Thermal-expansion coefficient (1/K) Fx – Edge load, 1-direction (N/m²) 0.3 11.8 E–6 20 E6 4 DISCUSSION It is well known that porosity decreases the Young’s modulus of a material.10 We use the approach of Rama- krishnan and Arunachalam (R–A)21 to model the effect of the porosity on the Young’s modulus. The Young’s modulus of a material, E, with a given fraction of porosity, p, is given by: E = E0 [(1 – p) 2 / (1 + )Ep)] (1) where E0 is the Young’s modulus of a fully dense steel (obtained by extrapolating the experimental data to the zero porosity, yielding a value of approximately 200 GPa), and )E is the constant in terms of the Poisson’s ratio of a fully dense material, v0: )E = 2 – 3v0 (2) For a fully dense steel, the Poisson’s ratio is approxi- mately 0.3. This is supported by the analysis of Rama- krishnan and Arunachalam,21 who compared the bulk modulus of porous materials with the spherical-versus- angular-pore geometry using FEM. An analytical solu- tion was made to show that, depending on the density and porosity, the samples of the microstructures were G. AKPÝNAR et al.: INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ... 308 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 305–312 Figure 7: a) Microstructure of a powder-metal bushing classically sin- tered for 30 min in the furnace, a finite-element model of microstruc- ture images with normal stress (MPa), b) microstructure of a powder- metal bushing induction sintered for 8.4 min, a finite-element model of microstructure images with normal stress, c) microstructure of a powder-metal bushing induction sintered for 15 min, a finite-element model of microstructure images with normal stress Slika 7: a) Mikrostruktura klasi~no sintrane kovinske pu{e 30 min v pe~i; model mikrostrukture z metodo kon~nih elementov z normalno napetostjo (MPa), b) mikrostruktura indukcijsko sintrane kovinske pu{e (8,4 min); model mikrostrukture z metodo kon~nih elementov z normalno napetostjo, c) mikrostruktura indukcijsko sintrane kovinske pu{e (15 min); model mikrostrukture z metodo kon~nih elementov z normalno napetostjo Figure 6: Finite-element boundary conditions of the real-microstruc- ture image of a powder-metal part Slika 6: Robni pogoji za analizo z metodo kon~nih elementov na realni mikrostrukturi sintranega kovinskega dela Figure 8: Induction-sintered sample 15 min, the maximum stress (MPa) in the area of the porosity of the microstructure Slika 8: Indukcijsko sintran vzorec 15 min, najve~ja napetost (MPa) na obmo~ju poroznosti v mikrostrukturi affected by micro-stresses. The Young’s modulus values of the samples are given in Table 3. Although the finite-element analysis was used to study the mechanical behaviors of powder-metallurgy materials,16,22–24 the pores are generally modeled as perfect spheres. But, at critical values of strain the imperfections cause localization of plastic flow.24 In the R-A model a single spherical pore is surrounded by a spherical matrix shell, causing an intensification of the pressure on the pore surface due to the interaction of the pores in the material.25 The material behavior is con- trolled by the microstructure of steel, in particular, the nature of the porosity.17 In this study we used two-dimensional microstruc- tures as the basis for the finite-element simulations of the samples induction sintered for 8.4 minutes and 15 min, and the samples classically sintered for 30 min in a fur- nace. Figure 6 shows the actual microstructure version of the uniaxial loading, boundary conditions and the mesh. A quadratic triangular mesh modeling was deemed appropriately. A finer mesh was used in the regions of pore clusters. In order to yield accurate simulation results, we used an entire picture of the microstructure simulation. The 2D analysis presented here shows the qualitative effects of the pore microstructure on the localized plastic strain and stress initiation around the pores. The porosity values of the samples, the maximum and minimum normal stresses, the Young’s modulus, the total displacement, thermal-expansion coefficient values, G. AKPÝNAR et al.: INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 305–312 309 Figure 9: Finite-element investigation of the microstructures of the samples with both deformed and undeformed shapes: a) powder-metal bushing classically sintered for 30 min in the furnace, b) powder-metal bushing induction sintered for 8.4 min, c) powder-metal bushing induction sintered for 15 min, d) bulk material Slika 9: Preiskava mikrostrukture z metodo kon~nih elementov vzorcev v deformiranem in nedeformiranem stanju: a) klasi~no sintrana kovinska pu{a (30 min v pe~i), b) indukcijsko sintrana kovinska pu{a (8,4 min), c) indukcija sintrana kovinska pu{a (15 min) in d) osnovni material Table 3: Porosity, stresses and total-displacement values obtained from the image-processing analysis Tabela 3: Poroznost, napetosti in skupen pomik, dobljeni iz analize slik Samples Porosity from image analysis (%) Density (kg/m³) Maximum stress around a pore (MPa) Minimum stress around a pore (MPa) Total displacement (μm) Young’s modulus (GPa) Average of the samples induction sintered for 8.4 min 3.5411 7270 794.128 –234.780 2.31 E–2 185.684 Average of the samples induction sintered for 15 min 3.1846 7352 581.068 –473.677 3.186 E–2 187.077 Average of the samples classically sintered for 30 min 2.4004 7474 708.883 –228.570 2.774 E–2 190.177 Bulk sample 0 7860 34.171 17.967 1.691 E–2 200.000 the Poisson’s ratio and the edge 1-direction loads are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The normal stress around the pores, the total displa- cement, the deformed and undeformed shapes of the microstructures of the samples are shown in Figures 7 and 9. These figures show that the porosity was caused by an inhomogeneous deformation. The modeling also shows that the plastic-strain intensification begins at the tips of the irregular pores in the microstructure. This means that the more irregular the porosity, the more damage can be seen in the microstructure. For a regular deformation, as well as the porosity shape, the distribu- tion of porosity in a structure is also important. Vedula and Heckel9 investigated the mechanisms of a damage of flat and angular pores in a microstructure. They observed the forming of local shear bands at the ends of the pores, creating unstable tensions around the angular pores. A mesh view and the finite-element boundary con- ditions of a real-microstructure image of a powder-metal part is shown in Figure 6. The solutions for each sample were compared by applying the same boundary condi- tions. Also, the local plastic strain acting around the micropores was found to be a result of the two-dimen- sional analysis. Each sample of the tensile surface is taken to have a value of F1 = 20 N/m2 for the stress-edge 1-direction load. The stress equation of the modeling is as follows:25 F(ij – *ij) – h(h) = 0 (3) where ij is the symmetric stress index, *ij is the first cycle of the yield surface, lh is the scalar function of the plastic strain and h(h) refers to the amount of expan- sion of the yield surface. The stress concentrations at the tips of irregular pores in the microstructure are shown in Figure 7. Also, for the area around the pores of the sintered samples, the normal-stress FE-analysis results are given. The maximum stress around the pores of the sample induction sintered for 8.4 min was 794.1 MPa. For the sample induction sintered for 15 min, a relatively lower value of 581.5 MPa for the maximum stress was obtained. On the basis of these results, it can be con- cluded that the maximum-stress value around the pores decreases with an increase in the density. As you can see in Figure 8, the maximum stress in the area of porosity depends not only on the density but also on the pore shape. The maximum stress for the microstructure of the sample induction sintered for 15 min is also shown in Figure 8. However, we have a difficulty here: although the sample induction sintered for 15 min showed the lowest tensile stress, the maximum stress value in the opposite direction is –473.7 MPa, which is higher than the other values. This result shows that the pore shape of a microstructure plays a key role in the micro-tensile stress. The non-deformed and deformed shapes of the sam- ples were analyzed. Despite having the lowest density, the induction-sintered sample 8.4 min showed a more uniform deformation than the other porosity samples. According to these results, smaller and regular pores contribute to a uniform deformation. When comparing the amounts of deformation in the porosity samples and the bulk sample, the porosity samples are found to be more deformed than the bulk sample. It can be said that the deformation amount of the samples depends on the pore shape as well as on the density. The strain curves of the tensile surfaces of the sam- ples are given in Figure 10. These strain curves appear to be quite different. The reasons for this difference are the rate, the shape and the pore density of the samples. As expected, the bulk sample has a symmetric defor- mation curve. When the inner tensile surface of the pores G. AKPÝNAR et al.: INVESTIGATION OF INDUCTION AND CLASSICAL-SINTERING EFFECTS ... 310 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 48 (2014) 2, 305–312 Figure 10: Total displacement curves of the tensile surfaces: a) pow- der-metal bushing classically sintered for 30 min in the furnace, b) powder-metal bushing induction sintered for 8.4 min, c) powder-metal bushing induction sintered for 15 min, d) bulk material Slika 10: Skupni premik natezno obremenjene povr{ine: a) klasi~no sintrana kovinska pu{a (30 min v pe~i), b) indukcijsko sintrana kovin- ska pu{a (8,4 min), c) indukcija sintrana kovinska pu{a (15 min) in d) osnovni material increases, the surface-deformation-curve peak increases as well. 5 CONCLUSIONS In this study, Fe-based powder-metal bushings were sintered with the classical-furnace and induction-sinter- ing mechanisms. The microstructures of the classically sintered and induction sintered powder-metal bushings with a low to medium frequency (30 kHz) were com- pared. The effects of the sintering time on the mecha- nical properties were investigated with image processing and the finite-element method. The results show the following: • The stresses that occurred around the pores in the microstructures of the samples were investigated numerically, showing how the stresses and displace- ment of the pores related to the sintering methods and parameter changes. Besides, it was also found that the mechanical properties of porous materials and the bulk material are quite different. • Numerical results are shown in the Table 3. The maximum and minimum stresses for the samples classically sintered for 30 min are 708.9 MPa and –228.6 MPa, respectively. The maximum and mini- mum stresses for the sample induction sintered for 8.4 min are 794.1 MPa and –234.8 MPa, respectively. The maximum and minimum stresses for the samples induction sintered for 15 min are 581.5 MPa and –473.7 MPa, respectively, while the maximum and minimum stresses for the bulk samples are 34.2 MPa and 18 MPa, respectively. • The pore sizes decrease with the increasing sintering time as illustrated in Figure 7. With the increasing induction-sintering time, large pores become relati- vely small, small pores disappear and the sintered density increases. On the other hand, when the induc- tion-sintering time in the microstructures increases, lower and more homogenized tensile stresses occur around the pores. • When looking at the values for the porosity obtained with the image analysis shown in Table 3, the mini- mum porosity value (2.4 %) is found for the samples classically sintered in the furnace for 30 min and, as expected, this porosity causes a smaller displacement than the other porosities. It is seen that the sample induction sintered for 8.4 min has a smaller displace- ment than the one induction sintered for 15 min. A more regular deformation is also shown in Table 3 and Figure 8. According to this result, smaller and more regular pores of the sample induction sintered for 8.4 min are thought to cause a more regular defor- mation. • The porosity samples were also compared to the bulk sample. It was seen that considerable internal stresses were formed around the pores of the porosity sam- ples. This means that the material is exposed to ten- sion, and the micro-stress concentrating around the pores can cause damage in a much shorter time. As a precaution, smaller and more regular pores should be formed in the microstructure and the microstructures of the materials should be concentrated. • The microstructure-based FEM modeling showed that smaller, more regular and more clustered pores cause a more regular displacement and a reasonable micro-stress. So, the micro-stress and micro-strain depend on the pore shape and the loading condition as well as on the pore density. • In our previous study, it was found that the strength values of the samples sintered with induction were increased by increasing the sintering time.26 Due to more uniform and smaller pores in our current study, the micro-stress values of the sintered samples decreased. This also proves that the strength of the samples increases with a decrease in the micro-stress values. • Another aim of this study was to investigate how the pores affect the micro-stress and micro-deformation. It was found that the strength of a porous material depends on the shape, the size and the density of the pores. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Toz Metal Inc. and Mr. Aytaç Ataº for providing the metal powder and pressing the powder-metal bushings. 6 REFERENCES 1 R. M. German, Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials Pro- cessing, MPIF, New Jersey 2005 2 E. Atik, U. 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