The Influence of Tourism on Deforestation and Biodiversity Zdravko Šergo Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Poreč, Croatia Anita Silvana Ilak Peršurić Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Poreč, Croatia Ivan Matošević DIU LIBERTAS International University, Zagreb, Croatia Sustainable use of space is often influenced by human activities causing adverse effects on biodiversity. Human impact on land and its natural reserves is very obvious in the case of forests. International tourism as an income-generating human activity also affects biodiversity and forests. Therefore, this paper analyses international tourism arrivals as a factor influencing deforestation in a global framework. The Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992) growth model is applied to estimate the rate of deforestation, using the rate of change of tourism arrivals, economic growth rate, and population growth rate. Descriptive and inferential analysis was used to explain the various cross-national data used in this paper. Keywords: deforestation, convergence, real GDP per capita Introduction In considering the benefits of tourism, it can be argued that tourism has the potential to become a strategic engine of long-run economic growth. It should also be added, however, that the uncontrolled growth of tourism may have a devastating impact on landscape quality and/or environmental conditions (Rid-derstaat, Croes, & Nijkamp, 2014). The tourism industry uses large amounts of energy and water, creates more waste, emits more particulates and gases due to car and air traffic, and negatively impacts biodiversity via land use, climate change, and in other ways. The addition of billions of people to the medium and high income ranks, with its attendant high consumption patterns and travel preferences, increases the pressure enormously. Tourism in the world today is considered to be a highly relevant economic activity and social force impacting the allo- cation of scarce (often exhaustible and non-renewable) resources. If those resources are exhausted over time, then one way or another, material well-being and quality of life will suffer. A central premise is that tourism is underpinned by sets of assets, not just the conventional ones, such as hotel and camping infrastructure, but a broader set that includes multiple impacts on three dimensions of life: environmental, social and economic dimension. In this paper, the focus is on studying the relationship on a global scale between tourism and natural environment, i.e. deforestation. The rate of deforestation is dramatically fuelling climate changes and the destruction of an invaluable resource. Globally, the trend of accelerated environmental degradation in recent times has primarily been driven by land use changes as a consequence of frontier expansion and population growth (Rich- ards, 1990). Land use practices and land use significantly impact natural forests, the environment and the entire biosphere. Much of our growing awareness of sustainability has to do with the environment (Spence, 2011). The earth becomes warmer because of "the anthropogenic (or manmade) greenhouse effect"; the climate campaigner George Mon-biot has urged the governments of the rich world "to keep growth rates as close to zero as possible". In the years preceding the recent crisis of 2008/09, economic growth had been particularly high but the financial crisis has interrupted this growth. Linked to that, sustainability adviser Tim Jackson argues that only the complete elimination of growth (despite the colossally damaging effect on employment levels and inherent to such a policy, the argument persists) can save us from planetary disaster, adding hopefully that it will also make us happier (Op.cit., Skidelsky, R.). However, without growth, there will not be tourism as such or traveling to abroad: in short not much happiness at all. Among various socio-economic factors that contribute to alter or deplete the forest cover and affect forest structure and species composition (Schwartz & Caro, 2003), tourism growth, is undoubtedly, among them. In this paper, we have assumed that tourism, as a global economic activity, impacts deforestation rates. Those rates vary massively; one reason is the inaccessibility of many of the forests and the way people classify deforestation. It is claimed that only about 5% of the earth's surface is currently covered in tropical rainforests, compared to nearly 15% fifty years ago. Many people believe that tropical rainforests could disappear this century. With people becoming ever more environmentally conscious and looking for increasing adventures, ecotourism to rainforests is increasing. This not only helps protect rainforests but also creates income for locals. Ecotourism is an important source of income to countries like Costa Rica and Belize, for example, but does not prevail on a broader scale worldwide and has remained very rare. Nordhaus's respected study (1992) anticipates an increase in average temperatures in the 1990-2050 period of 3 degrees Celsius due to an accelerated increase in greenhouse gasses. The burning of fossil fuels is the main factor behind human-caused climate change, but about 20% of the problem comes from deforestation. Every year, nearly 200,000 square kilometres of forest is cut down, mostly in tropics (Climate Central). Deforestation as a negative externality is functionally linked to economic and population growth, and part of it is fuelled by the global tourism activity. In the growth literature, economic convergence has widely been studied in economic research since the mid-1980s. In this paper, we will develop the concept of convergence and apply it in the envirometrics perspective. Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1992) find that per capita income and gross domestic product have converged across states from 1880 to 1988. This includes the convergence of per capita income levels and economic growth rates across economies. The decline of per capita income dispersion is referred to as a (sigma) convergence; and the convergence of economic growth rates as ß (beta) convergence (Sala-i-Martin, 1990; Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 1991). A potential shortcoming in these studies is that only one measure of well-being is considered, i.e. a measure of wealth linked to incomes or production. It concerns the GDP per worker or capita; the former measures productivity and the latter standard of living. Inherent in many theoretical models (e.g. Wilson 1987) is the possibility that regions may converge in incomes when specialization occurs, e.g. poorer countries specialize in the production of pollution-intensive goods and experience large increases in per capita income, whereas richer regions specialize in the production of clean goods, but also in production of services such as pollution-free industry and subsequently have a lower growth rate in per capita income. The example of China is striking in relation to this; see also J. M. Diamond's chapter 12 on the pollution of rivers and the environment in China (2005) as a result of a 10% annual growth rate over the last three decades. In this scenario, it is quite possible that countries are converging in monetary wealth but diverging in "green incomes", or income levels adjusted for environmental quality (List, 1999). The fundamental issue related to our paper is how to hinder problems in order to maintain the economic and environmental factors in a symbiotic balance; there are various direction of thoughts regarding this: there is the freedom to adopt varying "shades of green" in approaching sustainable tourism. From the light green approach that holds tourism development and tourist and opera- tor satisfaction as the central aim to the darker green in which the precautionary principle and concept of carrying capacities feature highly (Hunter, 1997). The study of these issues has an important environmental policy implication. It aids in understanding the current trend of global deforestation, its convergence and how it is impacted by tourism and other socio-economic forces, and thus provides useful information for global environmental policy makers for further development strategy. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the data and their source. Section 3 presents an econometric specification of the model of deforestation rate convergence and introduces the Ordinary Least Squares Estimation methodology for its estimation. The results are also presented. Finally, further steps are discussed in conclusions. About the Data This paper studies the convergence of per capita forest, and tourism arrivals impact on it across 185 various countries in the world in 1995-2011 (see Table 5 in Appendix): ABW - Aruba, AGO - Angola, ALB - Albania, ARE - United Arab Emirates, ARG - Argentina, ARM - Armenia, ATG - Antigua and Barbuda, AUS - Australia, AUT - Austria, AZE - Azerbaijan, BDI - Burundi, BEN - Benin, BFA - Burkina Faso, BGD - Bangladesh, BGR - Bulgaria, BHR -Bahrain, BHS - Bahamas, BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina, BLR - Belarus, BLZ - Belize, BMU - Bermuda, BOL - Bolivia, BRA - Brazil, BRB - Barbados, BRN -Brunei Darussalam, BTN - Bhutan, BWA - Botswana, CAF - Central African Republic, CAN - Canada, CHE - Switzerland, CHL - Chile, CHN - China, CIV - Cote d Ivoire, CMR - Cameroon, COG - Congo, COL - Colombia, COM - Comoros, CPV - Cape Verde, CRI - Costa Rica, CUB - Cuba, CYP - Cyprus, CZE - Czech Republic, DEU - Germany, DJI Djibouti, DMA - Dominica, DNK - Denmark, DOM - Dominican Republic, DZA - Algeria, ECU - Ecuador, EGY -Egypt, ERI - Eritrea, ESP Spain, EST - Estonia, ETH - Ethiopia, FIN - Finland, FJI - Fiji, FRA - France, FRO - Faroe Islands, FSM - Micronesia, Federated States, GAB - Gabon, GBR United Kingdom, GEO -Georgia, GHA - Ghana, GIN - Guinea, GMB - Gambia, GNB - Guinea-Bissau, GNQ - Equatorial Guinea, GRC Greece, GRD - Grenada, GTM - Guatemala, GUY - Guyana, HND Honduras, HRV - Croatia, HTI - Haiti, HUN - Hungary, IDN - Indonesia, IND - India, IRL - Ireland, IRN - Iran, Islamic Republic, ISL - Iceland, ISR Israel, ITA - Italy, JAM - Jamaica, JOR - Jordan, JPN - Japan, KAZ - Kazakhstan, KEN - Kenya, KGZ Kyrgyzstan, KHM - Cambodia, KIR Kiribati, KNA - Saint Kitts and Nevis, KOR - Republic of Korea, KWT - Kuwait, LAO - Lao People s Democratic Republic, LBN - Lebanon, LBR Liberia, LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, LCA - Saint Lucia, LKA -Sri Lanka, LSO - Lesotho, LTU - Lithuania, LVA -Latvia, MAC - Macao, MAR - Morocco, MDA - Moldova, MDG - Madagascar, MDV - Maldives, MEX -Mexico, MHL - Marshall Islands, MKD - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, MLI - Mali, MLT -Malta, MNG - Mongolia, MOZ - Mozambique, MRT - Mauritania, MUS - Mauritius, MWI - Malawi, MYS - Malaysia, NAM - Namibia, NCL - New Caledonia, NER - Niger, NGA Nigeria, NIC - Nicaragua, NLD -Netherlands, NOR - Norway, NPL Nepal, NZL - New Zealand, OMN - Oman, PAK - Pakistan, PAN - Panama, PER - Peru, PHL - Philippines, PLW - Palau, PNG - Papua New Guinea, POL Poland, PRI - Puerto Rico, PRT - Portugal, PRY - Paraguay, PYF - French Polynesia, ROU - Romania, RUS - Russian Federation, RWA - Rwanda, SAU - Saudi Arabia, SDN - Sudan, SEN Senegal, SGP - Singapore, SLB - Solomon Islands, SLE - Sierra Leone, SLV - El Salvador, SMR -San Marino, SOM - Somalia, SPM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon, SRB - Serbia, TP Sao Tome and Principe, SUR - Suriname, SVK - Slovakia, SVN - Slovenia, SWE - Sweden, SWZ - Swaziland, SYC - Seychelles, TCD - Chad, TGO - Togo, THA - Thailand, TJK - Tajikistan, TKM - Turkmenistan, TON - Tonga, TTO - Trinidad and Tobago, TUN - Tunisia, TUR - Turkey, TUV Tuvalu, TZA - Tanzania, United Republic of, UGA - Uganda, UKR - Ukraine, URY - Uruguay, USA - United States, UZB - Uzbekistan, VCT - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, VEN - Venezuela, VUT Vanuatu, PSE West Bank Gaza, WSM - Samoa, YEM - Yemen, ZAF - South Africa, COD - the Democratic Republic of Congo, ZMB - Zambia . Data Source The source of all data that used in this paper is from the Database of World Development Indicators ( In short, FOREST area (in sq. km) is land under natural or planted stands of trees of at least 5 metres in height in situ, whether productive or not, and excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems and trees in urban parks and gardens. GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. Total population (POP) is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship (except for refugees), and the number of arrivals (ARRIV) refers to international inbound tourists of each country as a section unit. Descriptive Statistics From the descriptive statistics of Table 1, it is clear that the lowest growth of forest as land area per capita in 1995-2011 was realized in Comoros (about -0.104%) and the largest by the Iceland (4.1%), the disparity being 2.5 times greater in favour of Iceland. If deforestation per capita is defined as a negative forest growth rate from 1995 to 2011, Deforestation is defined as a negative change in forest area, the occurrence of which was found in many countries throughout the world: from 185 countries included as the observation, 122 countries have negative or zero growth rate of forest per capita in the time interval of our observation (see histogram as Figure 1). Table 1 Summary Descriptive Statistics T ~r -0.10 -0.05 0.00 Growth Rate 0.05 Figure 1 Histogram of Growth Dynamics of Forest per Capita Source: Calculated by authors In 1995, the forest per capita gap between the most endowed nation, i.e., Suriname and the least endowed nation in forest, Macedonia, FYR, was so extreme that the ratio of the level of forest per capita between these two countries equalled approximately 141250:1. Because our sample is created from al- Variable Mean Min Max gFOREST_PC -0.015 -0.104 (COM) 0.041 (ISL) Fo_PC 0.0168 0.0000024 (MKD) 0.339 (SUR) ARRIV 6793501 1218 (TUV) 74124000 (FRA) gGDP_PC 0.064 -0.022(GMB) 0.198 (AZE) gPOP 0.284 -0.170 (LTU) 2.8 (ARE) Source: Calculated by authors most the country units from around the world, high heterogeneity in forest density in each country is not surprising. Regarding population, it is interesting to note that Lithuania, as a country once part the former Soviet bloc now a member of the EU, shows the heaviest rate of depopulation; in contrast, the United Arab Emirates has the highest population growth rate, because of inflows of new labour from abroad. France is the most developed nation with regards to tourism, i.e. it has the most tourism arrivals; Tuvalu is the most under-developed country, in the sense of tourism. From the Table 1 of the descriptive statistics, it is clear that the lowest income per capita growth in 1995-2011 was realized by Gambia and the largest growth dynamic occurred in the post-Soviet state of Azerbaijan. Modelling Deforestation per Capita Convergence: Hypothesis, Results and Evidence In order to verify FOREST per capita convergence, we first start testing for ß-convergence. This analyses whether countries with a lower (normalized) initial level of FOREST per capita have augmented their forest protection in relation to the deforestation at a higher rate, with a simultaneous augmentation of the speed of forest growth per capita than those countries with a higher initial level of forest under the land area per capita. In a very broad sense, in the long run, deforestation is function of pervasive or continuing economic growth, but in the shorter run (i.e. in terms of one generation, or less as in our case), there can be convergence. The latter hypothesis should be additionally clarified. It is known that deforestation historically resulted in excellent agricultural land which eventually supported the Industrial Revolution and remains productive in EU countries to this day. It is perhaps noteworthy that most of EU countries were heavily forested 1000 years ago; nowadays, those countries hinder the process of deforestation by various measures of forest policy protection; the increasing returns in agriculture can be achieved by applying the modern agro-technical measures that leave the remaining stocks of forests intact. The green revolution in agriculture, which greatly increased grain yields per hectare, staved off the threat of mass starvation, predicted in the 1972 bestseller Limits to Growth, despite the close-to-projected growth of world population by the end of the 20th century. The empirical test of absolute convergence involves estimating the following equation that relates the growth rate of the level of the i-th country's FOREST per capita to the log of its initial level, that is: gFOREST_PC,i=a+ßk>g(FOREST_PCi,0)+u,i where gFOREST_PC, i is the average geometrical growth rate in the level of FOREST_PC in country i over the entire sample period, FOREST_PCi, 0 is the initial level of forest area in thousands squares km (per capita ratio) in country i, u, i is the random error component, and a and ß are estimated parameters. ß-convergence holds for ß < 0. The formula for calculating the average geometrical growth rate in the above regression is g = (FOREST_PCn/ FOREST_PC 95)(1/16) - 1 We will also test the hypothesis of relative convergence in forest per capita (regression equation 2), which states that the countries with lower forest per capita over time accelerate the growth of forest per capita, while the countries with higher initial forest per capita decelerate the forest growth in the own country over time, due to additional variation of tourism arrivals, economic growth and unequal population growth among them. gFOREST_PC,i=a+ßlog(FOREST_PCi,0)+ y log(ARRAV) + 5 log (gGDP_PC) + r|log( gPOP)+ u,i The second regression equation does not need to be particularly explained. Specifically, the expected decline of per capita forest growth rates gap is referred to as relative ß (beta) convergence (Sala-i-Martin, 1990; Barro & Sala-i-Martin, 1991); that decline should be obtained by the help of additional variables. It is expected that the tourism arrivals and GDP growth rate should positively impact narrowing the gap in the forest per capita endowment among the nations. Furthermore, population growth as a varia- -8 -6 -i -2 log(F_D/POP_0 Figure 2 Convergence in Terms of Forest Area per Capita - Across Encompassed Countries, 1995-2011 Source: Calculated by authors Note: Scatter plot based on influence measures criterion Table 5 (in Appendix) reports the data of the selected countries in the initial year 1995 and the final year 2011. The choice of the initial year depends on those facts: previous periods, or years in falling in between are characterized by missing data. 17 .w * f. i ? ■ J.-l Figure 3 Convergence in Terms of Forest Area per Capita - Across Encompassed Countries, 1995-2011 Source: Calculated by authors Note: Scatter plot based on so-called good observations Table 2 Regression of gFOREST_PC on Log (FOREST PCi,o), Absolute Convergence Explanatory variable OLS (a) OLS based on delation diagnostics (b) Resistant Regression (c) Л -0.024 [-4.714] -0.023*** [5.941] -0.019*** [-5.588] В -0.0006 [-0.935] -0.002** [-2.652] -0.001 * [-1.927] N. obs 185 164 182 Adjusted R-squared -0.001 0.03 0.016 F-stat. 0.874 [0.351] 7.032 [0.008] 2.965 [0.086] BP-test 2.266 [0.132] 0.046 [0.826] 0.477 [0.489] RESET 0.525 [0.592] 9.077 [0.000] 0.883 [0.415] X = speed of convergence 1.187 (118% per year) -1.332 (133% per year) -1.182 (118% per year) Explanatory OLS OLS based Resistant variable (a) on delation Regression diagnostics (c) (b) HL= half life 0.584 0.523 0.585 of conver- gence Source: Calculated by authors Notes: *, ** and *** indicate that the coefficients are significant at the ten, five and one per cent levels respectively; in parentheses [] below coefficient indicates t-value, otherwise p-value - Regression (a) is based on 1995-2011 average growth rates of forest land area per capita and for 187 countries. The t-values are given in parentheses. - Regression (b) shows the results using all the available data during the 1995-2011 period but excluding the countries found to be outliers based the influence measures criterion. Excluded countries from data set, here, are: ABW, ARE, BHR, COM, DJI, GAB, ISL, KWT, MDW, MLT, MRT, NER, NGA, OMN, PYF, SGT, SUR, TGO, UGA, PSE. - Resistant regression (c) shows the results using all the available data during the 1995-2011 period; deletion of countries as outliers based on a "bad observation" criterion. Excluded countries, are: ARE, COM, MLT. - The speed of convergence is obtained according to equation: (1-eA(- X t))/T= - ß - The formula for half life (HL) of convergence in years is HL = ln (2) / X, where ln(2) is the natural logarithm of 2 (approximately 0.693). Figures 1 & 2 plot the average annual growth rate of FOREST per capita against the log of the level of FOREST per capita at the start period (1995) for 166 and 184 various included countries, respectively; the number of observations refer to unique data set according to criterion in identifying outliners. The scatter plots show a negative correlation between the growth rate and the initial position. Table 2 displays the results of the regression test. The latter are consistent with the convergence hypothesis as ß is less than zero and significant (t-value greater than value of 2). This implies that countries converged in terms of forest in squares kilometres of land per capita. For the 1990-2005 period, a convergence speed of forest per capita among the various countries is about 118133 per cent per year and the half-life of convergence is 0.5-0.58 years. The dangers of using OLS were expressed by Swartz and Welsch (1986, p. 171) in econometrics literature. Outliers can cause the estimate of the regression slope line to change drastically. In the least squares approach, we measure the response values in relation to the mean. However, the mean is highly sensitive to outliers; one outlier can change its value so it has a breakdown point of zero per cent. To address the concern of outliers influencing the results of simple OLS regression (column a in Table 2), we exclude the countries found to be outliers as well as the ones found to be outliers because of individual data points, with leverage higher than three times the mean leverage above or below the sample mean (Kleiber, Zeileis, 2008, p. 99); regression results with excluded countries based on influence measures are located in column b. Otherwise, we performer the least trimmed squares regression as "resistant" regression (in column c) that can withstand alternations of a small percentage of outlying observations (Ibidem, p. 111). By far the best response to outlier problem is to use a robust estimator, such as least trimmed squares. Qualitatively, the results do not change. Importantly, changes in statistically significant coefficients are major in some cases, and some coefficients become significant. For cross-section regressions, the assumption of constant variance is typically in doubt. The most of the cross-section regressions are plagued by het-eroskedasticity problem, and our example is not an exception. The studentized Breusch-Pagan test (Breusch and Pagan, 1979) detect heteroskedasticity in the data with respect to the regressors if its p-value < 0.05 (regressions a and b in Table 3). Therefore, we corrected the standard errors of the OLS regression by the White procedure; White (1980) proposed the heteroskedasticity-robust variance matrix estimator to adjust the standard errors of a regression in the presence of heteroskedasticity. It should be added that the RESET test (Ramsey, 1969) as a general misspecification test, implies the rejection of the null hypothesis in the case of both models, based on the influence of the measuring criterion when we remove outliers from total observations as well as OLS regression, which tests the relative convergence hypothesis. Therefore, we find that those models with just a few independent and significant variables are incorrectly specified, but how the models are mis-specified is beyond the concern of this study. Table 3 Regression of gFORESTPC on Log (FORESTP-Ci,0), Conditional Convergence Explanatory variable OLS (a) OLS based on delation diagnostics (b) Resistant Regression (c) a -0.028*** [-4.141] /-2.3256/ -0.009. [-1.988 ] / -1.946 / -0.003 [-0.616] ß -0.001* [ -2.177] /-2.0105/ -0.001* [-2.503] /-2.435/ -0.001 [-1.247] ARIVV 0.001*** [3.185] /2.045*/ 0.001. [1.687] /1.835/ 0.0003 [0.870] gGDPpc -0.001*** [-3.562] /-2.235*/ 0.015 [0.835] /0.685/ 0.014 [0.653] gPOP -0.042*** [-12.706 ] /-3.048/ -0.061*** [-20.902] /-13.284/ -0.068*** [-18.409] N. obs 185 163 177 Adjusted R-squared 0.52 0.76 0.70 F-stat. 65.75 [0.000] 180.7 [0.000] 136.6 [0.000] BP-test 22.287 [0.000] 16.369 [0.001] 3.350 [0.340] RESET 20.672 [0.000] 10.324 [0.000] 0.841 [0.437] X = speed of convergence 1.187 (119% per year) -1.165 (116% per year) -1.179 (118% per year) HL= half life of convergence 0.584 0.594 0.587 Source: Calculated by authors Notes: the t-values between slashes (//) are based on heteroskedasticity-consistent estimates of the vari-ance-covariance matrix - Regression (b) shows the results using all the available data during the 1995-2011 period but excluding the countries found to be outliers based the influence measures criterion. Here, the excluded countries from data set, are: ARE, BHR, CYP, KNA, KWT, MKD, MLT, NGA, PYF, SGT, TGO, TUV, URY. - Resistant regression (c) shows the results using all the available data during the 1995-2011 period; deletion of countries as outliers based on 'bad observation' criterion. Excluded countries are: ARG, ARM, BHR, COM, EGY, KWT, MDA, RWA. A similar result was confirmed in the case of estimates of beta coefficients in the model of relative convergence; the positive impact of tourism on the convergence rates is observed in the case of the second regression with deleted outliners but unfortunately only at the 10% level of significance of the coefficient, and that only when taken into consideration HC estimate of standard deviation, as a remedy to problem of heteroskedasticity. In line with theoretical expectations, the growth in population dynamics discourages the reduction of the gap in the forest area per capita between countries; this is confirmed in all three regressions. Conclusion This paper uses cross-sectional tests for deforestation convergence, using data on deforestation per capita from 185 very heterogenic countries belonging to the developed, developing as well as emerging market countries over the 1995-2011 period. Our findings suggest that the extension of the augmented Solow model of Mankiw et al. (1992) applied to deforestation, if it includes tourism arrivals, performs remarkably well in explaining cross-country differences in deforestation rate per capita for the aforementioned time period. Including tourism arrivals, GDP per capita and population growth improves the explanatory power of the model, in contrast to model of absolute convergence, which comes without conditioned variables and only with an initial explanatory variable. 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The Distribution of the Deforestation Rate, Forest per Capita, Tourism Arrivals, Population and the GDP per Capita in 1995 and 2011 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc ABW 0.003 4 4.2 717470.6 0.27 -0.012 0.027 AND 0 160 160 2530846.2 0.22 -0.012 NA AFG 0 13500 13500 NA 0.66 -0.031 NA AGO -0.002 603520 584494.4 163176.5 0.67 -0.033 0.17 ALB 0 7790 7790 885000 -0.06 0.004 0.118 ARB -0.014 926413.8 739325.4 56177779 0.42 -0.035 0.08 ARE 0.009 2775 3202.7 4220454.6 2.8 -0.072 0.021 ARG -0.008 333270 293077.8 3586705.9 0.17 -0.018 0.027 ARM -0.014 3255 2597.7 276882.4 -0.08 -0.009 0.134 ASM -0.002 182.2 176.5 29807.1 0.05 -0.005 NA ATG -0.002 101.5 98.3 235941.2 0.29 -0.018 0.036 AUS -0.003 1547100 1474486.9 5001705.9 0.24 -0.016 0.072 AUT 0.001 38070 38683.7 19309059 0.06 -0.002 0.032 AZE 0 9360 9360 933000 0.19 -0.011 0.198 BDI -0.022 2435 1705.8 98062.5 0.54 -0.048 0.027 BEL NA NA NA 6614705.9 0.09 NA 0.032 BEN -0.011 54110 45333.4 152588.2 0.63 -0.041 0.046 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc BFA -0.01 65475 55749.2 194705.9 0.59 -0.038 0.065 BGD -0.002 14810 14343.1 232000 0.28 -0.017 0.054 BGR 0.011 33510 39920.2 4206000 -0.13 0.02 0.101 BHR 0.037 3 5.4 5546294.1 1.29 -0.015 0.049 BHS 0 5150 5150 1521352.9 0.31 -0.017 0.036 BIH 0 21975 21975 226933.3 0.09 -0.005 0.147 BLR 0.005 80265 86932.7 123764.7 -0.07 0.01 0.1 BLZ -0.007 15375 13740.5 206764.7 0.53 -0.033 0.029 BMU 0 10 10 302823.5 0.08 -0.005 0.06 BOL -0.005 614430 567076.6 482352.9 0.35 -0.024 0.062 BRA -0.005 5603910 5172023 4475117.7 0.22 -0.017 0.063 BRB 0 83.6 83.6 523176.5 0.07 -0.004 0.038 BRN -0.004 4050 3798.4 177625 0.38 -0.024 0.06 BTN 0.003 30880 32396.1 16058.8 0.43 -0.019 0.094 BWA -0.01 131265 111766.6 1294875 0.25 -0.024 0.061 CAF -0.001 230530 226869.1 18687.5 0.35 -0.02 0.024 CAN 0 3101340 3101340 18017235 0.17 -0.01 0.06 CHE 0.004 11725 12498.3 7583250 0.12 -0.003 0.038 CHI 0 8 8 NA 0.11 -0.007 NA CHL 0.003 155485 163118.6 2029176.5 0.2 -0.008 0.07 CHN 0.014 1670705.5 2086926.6 39013529 0.12 0.007 0.147 CIV 0.001 102750 104406.4 228000 0.36 -0.018 0.03 CMR -0.01 232160 197674.4 515000 0.52 -0.036 0.042 COG -0.001 226413 222817.4 48235.3 0.55 -0.028 0.097 COL -0.002 620140 600590.4 1200294.1 0.29 -0.018 0.067 COM -0.081 100 25.9 21176.5 0.5 -0.104 0.036 CPV 0.012 699 846 173764.7 0.23 -0.001 0.074 CRI 0.004 24700 26329.1 1415529.4 0.36 -0.015 0.061 CSS 0 327795 327795 5205352.9 0.12 -0.007 0.065 CUB 0.016 22465 28960.5 1840470.6 0.03 0.014 0.05 CYM 0.001 124 126 315176.5 0.79 -0.035 NA CYP 0.003 1663.6 1745.3 2332058.8 0.31 -0.014 0.046 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc CZE 0.001 26330 26754.5 9156444.4 0.02 0 0.085 DEU 0.001 109085 110843.5 20394588 0 0.001 0.023 DJI 0 56 56 27142.9 0.28 -0.015 0.043 DMA -0.006 487 442.3 72882.4 0 -0.006 0.05 DNK 0.01 4655 5458.4 5349529.4 0.06 0.006 0.035 DOM 0 19720 19720 3194882.4 0.27 -0.015 0.063 DZA -0.006 16230 14740.1 1253823.5 0.29 -0.022 0.085 ECU -0.018 128290 95934.9 754235.3 0.35 -0.036 0.054 EGY 0.02 515 707 7113882.4 0.3 0.004 0.072 EMU 0.005 916152.6 992258.5 261382468 0.07 0.001 0.033 ERI -0.003 15985 15234.7 142352.9 0.74 -0.037 0.061 ESP 0.011 154031 183496 49259824 0.19 0 0.046 EST 0.001 21665 22014.3 1514470.6 -0.07 0.006 0.114 ETH -0.011 144095 120722.9 241058.8 0.57 -0.038 0.063 FIN 0 221740 221740 3132571.4 0.05 -0.003 0.041 FJI 0.003 9666.7 10141.3 461235.3 0.12 -0.004 0.034 FRA 0.004 149450 159307.2 74124000 0.1 -0.002 0.03 FSM 0 637.2 637.2 18538.5 -0.04 0.002 0.024 GAB 0 220000 220000 188818.2 0.48 -0.024 0.061 GBR 0.004 27020 28802.1 25611294 0.09 -0.001 0.041 GEO -0.001 27736 27295.5 771941.2 -0.05 0.002 0.114 GHA -0.021 67710 48214.3 501125 0.48 -0.045 0.093 GIN -0.005 70840 65380.4 33583.3 0.42 -0.027 -0.002 GMB 0.004 4515 4812.8 97176.5 0.63 -0.026 -0.022 GNB -0.005 21680 20009.1 13750 0.43 -0.027 0.063 GNQ -0.007 18015 16099.9 NA 0.62 -0.037 0.302 GRC 0.008 34500 39191.1 13552059 0.05 0.005 0.048 GRD 0 169.9 169.9 120470.6 0.05 -0.003 0.064 GRL 0.006 2 2.2 NA 0.02 0.005 NA GTM -0.014 44780 35736.7 1138941.2 0.47 -0.038 0.051 GUM 0 258.8 258.8 1188647.1 0.11 -0.006 NA GUY 0 152050 152050 111176.5 0.09 -0.005 0.087 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc HND -0.022 72640 50885.9 587000 0.39 -0.042 0.077 HRV 0.002 18675 19281.6 6600470.6 -0.08 0.007 0.072 HTI -0.007 1125 1005.4 190764.7 0.28 -0.022 0.05 HUN 0.006 18540 20402.2 9715000 -0.03 0.008 0.074 IDN -0.009 1089770 943003.5 5382647.1 0.26 -0.023 0.078 IMN 0 34.6 34.6 NA 0.17 -0.01 NA IND 0.004 646645 689295.3 3609647.1 0.28 -0.011 0.091 IRL 0.019 5500 7432.8 6764588.2 0.27 0.004 0.062 IRN 0 110750 110750 1704352.9 0.25 -0.014 0.101 IRQ 0.001 8110 8240.7 405100 0.56 -0.026 NA ISL 0.053 135.5 309.6 352117.6 0.19 0.041 0.033 ISR 0.005 1425 1543.4 1996117.7 0.4 -0.016 0.042 ITA 0.009 79795 92094.6 39076294 0.07 0.005 0.039 JAM -0.001 3427.5 3373.1 1466823.5 0.09 -0.006 0.053 JOR 0 975 975 2532058.8 0.47 -0.024 0.069 JPN 0 249130 249130 5790705.9 0.02 -0.001 0.005 KAZ -0.002 33935 32865.2 2991916.7 0.05 -0.005 0.146 KEN -0.003 36450 34739.2 1106437.5 0.53 -0.029 0.058 KGZ 0.009 8474 9780.2 613058.8 0.21 -0.003 0.073 KHM -0.013 122450 99319.2 1163647.1 0.36 -0.032 0.065 KIR 0 121.5 121.5 4564.7 0.3 -0.016 0.053 KNA 0 110 110 98470.6 0.24 -0.013 0.06 KOR -0.001 63290 62284.9 5798235.3 0.1 -0.007 0.043 KWT 0.027 42 64.3 143176.5 0.97 -0.016 0.071 LAO -0.005 169230 156187.6 625470.6 0.34 -0.023 0.081 LBN 0.003 1310 1374.3 1046176.5 0.44 -0.02 0.055 LBR -0.007 47790 42709.6 NA 0.96 -0.048 0.116 LBY 0 2170 2170 47600 0.29 -0.016 0.003 LCA 0.002 452.5 467.2 275235.3 0.22 -0.01 0.041 LIE 0.002 67 69.2 54823.5 0.18 -0.008 NA LKA -0.011 22160 18565.7 475529.4 0.15 -0.02 0.09 LSO 0.005 410 444.1 250545.5 0.16 -0.004 0.059 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc LTU 0.006 19825 21816.3 1429705.9 -0.17 0.017 0.124 LVA 0.003 32070 33644.5 1002000 -0.17 0.015 0.125 MAR 0.001 50330 51141.3 5487470.6 0.19 -0.01 0.059 MDA 0.012 3215 3891.1 17176.5 -0.03 0.014 0.093 MDG -0.004 134070 125742.2 186470.6 0.61 -0.033 0.042 MDV 0 9 9 539705.9 0.36 -0.019 0.091 MEX -0.004 685210 642647.9 20921588 0.25 -0.018 0.065 MHL 0 126.4 126.4 6094.1 0.03 -0.002 0.02 MKD 0.004 9350 9966.7 190764.7 0.07 0 0.05 MLI -0.006 136765 124210.2 118411.8 0.6 -0.035 0.064 MLT 0 3 3 1191529.4 0.12 -0.007 0.052 MMR -0.01 370430 315405.5 225705.9 0.15 -0.019 NA MNA 0.001 207446.8 210791 31547271 0.33 -0.017 0.081 MNG -0.007 121265 108373.6 267176.5 0.2 -0.018 0.106 MNP -0.005 327.9 302.6 482941.2 -0.07 0 NA MOZ -0.005 422830 390243 914727.3 0.54 -0.031 0.084 MRT -0.027 3660 2362 27000 0.59 -0.055 0.039 MUS -0.006 387.5 351.9 715117.6 0.15 -0.014 0.057 MWI -0.009 37315 32289.5 448000 0.55 -0.036 0.061 MYS -0.005 219835 202892.6 14518177 0.39 -0.025 0.055 NAC 0.001 6084000 6182077.5 68526471 0.17 -0.009 0.037 NAM -0.009 83970 72661.2 731764.7 0.34 -0.027 0.055 NCL 0 8390 8390 101235.3 0.32 -0.017 NA NER -0.02 16365 11844.9 56764.7 0.8 -0.055 0.041 NGA -0.035 151855 85874.9 2902882.4 0.51 -0.06 0.152 NIC -0.019 41640 30634.8 618823.5 0.27 -0.033 0.04 NLD 0.002 3525 3639.5 9533705.9 0.08 -0.003 0.039 NOC 0 8232017 8232017 101137320 0.09 -0.005 0.079 NOR 0.006 92155 101411.4 3628588.2 0.14 -0.002 0.069 NPL -0.011 43585 36515.5 446647.1 0.32 -0.028 0.076 NZL 0.002 79930 82526.5 2146785.7 0.2 -0.009 0.049 OMN 0 20 20 791750 0.4 -0.021 0.084 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc OSS -0.003 526713.5 501992.2 5690586.6 0.32 -0.02 0.069 PAK -0.021 23215 16530.7 645235.3 0.39 -0.041 0.06 PAN -0.006 35805 32518.1 743058.8 0.36 -0.025 0.073 PER -0.002 696845 674877.3 1334470.6 0.24 -0.015 0.064 PHL 0.008 68435 77740.4 2495470.6 0.37 -0.011 0.051 PLW 0.002 389 401.6 72647.1 0.19 -0.009 0.041 PNG -0.005 308280 284521.2 81529.4 0.49 -0.029 0.037 POL 0.003 89700 94103.8 15634118 0 0.003 0.085 PRI 0.025 3755 5574.3 3343764.7 0 0.025 0.054 PRK -0.019 75670 55670.8 NA 0.13 -0.027 NA PRT 0.002 33735 34830.9 5868823.5 0.05 -0.001 0.042 PRY -0.009 202625 175336.2 369058.8 0.37 -0.028 0.045 PSS 0 39905.8 39905.8 774708.2 0.22 -0.012 0.033 PYF 0.044 800 1593.3 195941.2 0.26 0.029 -1.000 ROU 0.002 63685 65753.8 6128764.7 -0.11 0.009 0.116 RUS 0 8091092 8091092 20555941 -0.03 0.002 0.106 RWA 0.019 3310 4473.2 434750 0.97 -0.023 0.059 SAS 0.002 794804 820622.8 6091694.8 0.29 -0.014 0.085 SAU 0 9770 9770 9405307.7 0.5 -0.025 0.074 SDN -0.018 734362 549153.8 195764.7 0.49 -0.042 0.082 SEN -0.005 91232 84200.9 805555.6 0.53 -0.031 0.042 SGP 0 23 23 6777000 0.47 -0.024 0.048 SLB -0.002 22960 22236.2 13000 0.5 -0.027 0.007 SLE -0.007 30200 26989.5 28705.9 0.49 -0.032 0.052 SLV -0.014 3545 2829.1 862294.1 0.09 -0.019 0.052 SOM -0.011 78985 66173.7 NA 0.56 -0.038 NA SST -0.002 894414.3 866218.4 12234054 0.26 -0.016 0.064 STP 0 270 270 9588.2 0.4 -0.021 NA SUR 0 147760 147760 109941.2 0.22 -0.012 0.108 SVK 0 19215 19215 6080888.9 0.01 0 0.086 SVN 0.002 12105 12498.2 1381941.2 0.03 0 0.054 SWE 0.002 273350 282229.6 3966117.7 0.07 -0.002 0.043 Country gFOREST FOREST_0 FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc SWZ 0.009 4950 5713 553941.2 0.26 -0.005 0.042 SYC 0 407 407 140411.8 0.16 -0.009 0.037 SYR 0.013 4020 4942.8 3249235.3 0.53 -0.014 NA TCA 0 344 344 195823.5 1.07 -0.044 NA TCD -0.007 127135 113619.6 65000 0.73 -0.04 0.104 TGO -0.048 5855 2665.1 96941.2 0.51 -0.072 0.041 THA -0.001 192765 189703.8 11420059 0.13 -0.009 0.038 TJK 0 4090 4090 218750 0.35 -0.019 0.089 TKM 0 41270 41270 88333.3 0.22 -0.012 0.152 TLS -0.014 9100 7262.3 34500 0.36 -0.033 NA TON 0 90 90 37705.9 0.09 -0.005 0.041 TTO -0.003 2371.5 2260.2 387000 0.06 -0.007 0.094 TUN 0.02 7400 10158.6 5515764.7 0.19 0.009 0.049 TUR 0.009 99130 114409.9 17328000 0.25 -0.005 0.085 TUV 0 10 10 1217.6 0.07 -0.004 0.078 TZA -0.011 394785 330751.1 560882.4 0.55 -0.038 0.07 UGA -0.024 43100 29219.6 456411.8 0.69 -0.056 0.029 UKR 0.002 93920 96970.9 13434529 -0.11 0.01 0.087 URY 0.027 11660 17857.7 1972529.4 0.05 0.024 0.054 USA 0.001 2982650 3030732 50206412 0.17 -0.009 0.035 UZB 0.003 31285 32820.9 559937.5 0.29 -0.013 0.062 VCT 0.003 256.5 269.1 76117.6 0.01 0.002 0.059 VEN -0.006 505885 459445.4 621117.6 0.34 -0.024 0.075 VIR -0.008 227.5 200.1 519294.1 -0.02 -0.007 NA VNM 0.018 105440 140271.6 2986294.1 0.22 0.005 0.111 VUT 0 4400 4400 65176.5 0.44 -0.022 0.055 PSE 0.001 90.8 92.3 227375 0.59 -0.027 0.041 WSM 0.008 1505 1709.6 96411.8 0.1 0.002 0.068 YEM 0 5490 5490 428647.1 0.55 -0.027 0.097 ZAF 0 92410 92410 6773294.1 0.32 -0.017 0.045 COD -0.002 1588060 1537997.3 60294.1 0.52 -0.028 0.066 ZMB -0.003 519670 495279.3 562117.6 0.54 -0.03 0.083 Country gFOREST FOREST_o FOREST_11 ARRAVER gPOP gFOREST_ CAP gGDPpc ZWE -0.018 205290 153515.3 2000647.1 0.15 -0.026 0.019 Source: data-catalog/world-development-indicators)