UPORABNIKI IN VARO VANJE G R A D IV A DANES Nada Čučnik-Majcen, Ljubljana UDK 7.025:02/08 Povzetek V času, ko postajamo informacijska družba, ko gradimo nove informacijske ceste za pretok sporočil in uvajamo nove načine medsebojnega komuniciranja, se redkokdo sprašuje o trajnosti teh zapisov, o tem, kako in kaj bomo zapustili našim zanamcem.Arhivska trajnost sporočil (informacij) zapisanih na papirju je znana. Za to imamo večstoletne dokaze. Današnja sporočila nastajajo na različnih vrstah materiala, katerih trajnost še ni dovolj raziskana. Glavne nevarnosti, ki pretijo gradivu, so: notranje, ki zadevajo strukturo zapisa, fizikalno-kemične lastnosti materiala in zunanje - nečisto okolje in neprimerne razmere za varovanje. Nevarnosti, ki grozijo gradivu, so sicer znane, vendar strokovni in odgovorni delavci ne opozarjajo dovolj glasno na posledice nestro­ kovnega ravnanja z njim. Potrebno je nenehno izobraževanje. Standardizacija na tem področju utira pot - ANSI, ISO, BS in drugi. UDC 7.025:02/08 Summary In the times when we are becoming an information society, building new infor­ mation paths for information transfer and introducing new ways of mutual communication, there are only few of us who are concerned about the permanence of the records, about what will be left for those coming after us. The archival permanence of the records written on paper is well known and has been proved during the centuries. Today's records are registered on different kinds of material the permanence of which has not been thoroughly researched. There are several threats endangering the materials: intrinsic, i.e. the structure of the record, physical and chemical properties of the material, and extrinsic, i.e. polluted environment and inadequate conditions in which the materials are kept. The threats endangering the materials are well known; still, the professionals and those occupying responsible positions do not call the attention to the consequen­ ces of inadequate handling of the materials loud enough. Permanent education is necessary. In this area, standardization - ANSI, ISO, BS and other standards - is paving the way. Čučnik-Majcen Nada: Users and Collection Preservation Today. Knjižnica, Lju­ bljana, 40(1996)3/4, 323-335