BIOLOGICAL AND HEALTH RELEVANT EFFECTS FROM EXPOSURE TO HIGH-FREQUENCY EMF Michael Kundi Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria INVITED PAPER MIDEM 2004 CONFERENCE 29.09.04-01.10.04, Maribor, Slovenia Key words: high frequency electromagnetic fields, HF EMF, health effects of EMF, protection against EMF, athermal effects of EMF Abstract: Electromagnetic fields are a constant companion of modern civilisation. It is undeniable that modern life is unthinkable without its ubiquitous presence. However, it is the responsibility of science to implement these technical achievements in such a way as to minimise adverse effects to humans and the environment. Concerning potential biological and health effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields there exists a scientific controversy lasting for almost 50 years. There is agreement that immediate, acute reactions from increased temperatures due to absorption of electromagnetic energy exist and that adverse outcomes or even death may occur as a consequence of these thermal effects. However, there is disagreement about the existence of non-thermal or athermal effects and the role for human health of low-level exposures that do not result in a relevant temperature increase. Epidemiological studies (especially about brain tumours and leukaemia) point to a moderately increased risk in subjects exposed to diverse types of high-frequency electromagnetic fields. Particularly prolonged exposure to mobile telephones seems to be associated with an elevated risk to develop brain tumours and maybe other malignancies localised in the head. Animal experiments provide at most limited support to the assumption of a carcinogenic potential of high-frequency electromagnetic fields. However, most studies have severe methodological limitations and cannot contribute to risk assessment. Biološke in zdravstvene posledice zaradi izpostavitve visokofrekvenčnim elektromagnetnim poljem KJučne besede: visokofrekvenčna elektromagnetna polja, vpliv EMF na zdravje, zaščita pred EMF, atermični vplivi EMF Izvleček: Elektromagnetna polja so stalen spremljevalec moderne civilizacije. Ne moremo zanikati, da si modernega življenja ne znamo več predstavljati brez njihove prisotnosti. Odgovornost znanosti je, da vpelje tehnološke dosežke na ta način, da zmanjša njihove škodljive vplive na ljudi in okolje. Glede možnega vpliva visokofrekvenčnih elektromagnetnih polj na biološke sisteme in zdravje v znanstvenih krogih v zadnjih petdesetih letih vladajo nasprotujoča si mnenja. Obstaja strinjanje, da je možna takojšnja, akutna reakcija na povečanje temperature zaradi absorpcije elektromagnetne energije, ki lahko povzroči škodljive posledice ali celo smrt. Obstaja pa dvom, da nizkoenergijska sevanja, ki ne povzročajo povišanja temperature prizadenejo človekovo zdravje, oz. da taka sevanja sploh lahko imajo atermične efekte. Epidemiološke študije (še posebej o možganskih tumorjih in levkemiji ) kažejo na nekoliko povečan rizik pri osebah, ki so bile izpostavljene različnim visokofrekvenčnim elektromagnetnim poljem. Še posebej daljša izpostavljenost mobilnim telefonom kaže na povečan rizik razvoja možganskih tumorjev in mogoče še kakšnih drugih malignih tvorb v glavi. Tudi poskusi na živalih nam podajajo omejene dokaze, ki bi podprli predpostavko o potencialni karcinogenosti visokofrekvenčnih elektromagnetnih polj. Večini študij lahko očitamo resne metodološke omejitve in le redke bistveno prispevajo k oceni rizika. 1. Introduction Nothing is more central to modern technologies than electromagnetic fields (EMF). Since the middle of the 19th century electricity gradually replaced the steam engine and already a few years after Heinrich Hertz's experiments in the 1880ies demonstrating that EMF have exactly the properties predicted by Maxvi/ell's equations (that unified the theories of electricity, magnetism and optics) radio broadcasting stations started to transmit regular programs all over the world. Military purposes accelerated the development of powerful and efficient radar technologies as well as ap- plications of radio frequency (RF) fields during world war II. Miniaturisation of electric circuits made necessary by space flights led to the digital revolution we do experience in our days. Introduction of computer technology into telecommunication began to fundamentally change our habits in the 1990ies due to the introduction of digital cellular telephones. This process turned a whole branch of industry upside down, and rapidly changed a system (the analogue wired telephony) that remained almost unchanged for about 100 years. All these new applications supplied us not only with a lot of new tools but changed also our environment. While the steam and smoke of the early days of Industrialisation could be seen and smelt, and in some areas lil2 y 1.2 [0.6-1.6] Auvinen et al. [37] CC 398 mobile telephones ORanalog 1.6 [1.1-2.3] Harden et al. [38-39] CC 1429 mobile telephones ORanalog 1.3 [1.0-1.6] 93a) ipsilateral use 1.8 [1.3-2.5] number of cases of discordant pairs, E...ecological, pC...population based cohort, nCC...nested case-control, rC...retrospective cohort, RR...relative risk, SIR,SMR...standardized incidence/mortality ratio, OR...odds ratio, rR...rate ratio ed. Nevertheless a moderately elevated risk for development of malignancies of the haematopoietic and lymphatic tissues can be inferred from the evidence compiled so far. There is only weak support of the assumption of a carcinogenic potential of high-frequency EMFs from long-term animal experiments. There are about 25 studies that can be evaluated. Almost all of them have serious limitations that make an overall assessment impossible. Especially insufficient numbers of animals, an unsuitable choice of induction methods with a too steep decline of survival or too high rates of incidence may be responsible for the predominantly negative findings. None of the studies was conducted according to the recommendations of the US National Toxicological Program. 3. Conclusion There is a decade long controversy about the existence of long-term low-level effects of high-frequency EMFs. According to the thermal effects principle no health relevant effect can occur without substantial increase of body or tissue temperature from absorption of electromagnetic energy. Therefore the specific energy absorption rate (SAR) is considered the basic dosimetric quantity that is also the focus of exposure guidelines for the protection of human health. The critique against this concept can be summarised as follows: SAR is a macroscopic concept while effects may be due to microscopic interactions at the level of membranes or biomolecules SAR cannot account for the complex composition of tissues and gives at best an upper limit within rather big volume elements The problem of simultaneous exposure to fields of very different frequencies (e.g. short waves and microwaves) is unresolved with respect to SAR measurement SAR establishes an equivalence that has never been empirically demonstrated to be valid, to the contrary for high exposure it is surely invalid, whether it holds for low levels of exposure is unclear For thermal death there exists an inverse relationship between SAR and time to death, indicating that exposure duration plays a decisive role, hence SAR as a rate cannot be the basis for calculating exposure limits (if thermal effects are considered SA is definitely the better option!) Compliance with a limit value expressed in terms of SAR cannot be demonstrated in the exposed individual Measurement and calculation methods of SAR are complicated and result in a high coefficient of variation. Table 2: Synopsis of studies assessing risk of exposure to higfi-frequency EMF witfi respect to haematopoietic and iympfiatic neoplasms Reference Study type No of cases Exposure Result Robinette et al. [41] rC 49 military radar SMRr 2.0 [0.9-4.5] Milham [42] rC 89 amateur radio SMR 1.2 [1.0-1.5] Muhm [43] rC 2 electromagnetic pulse SMR 3.3 [0.4-12.0] Selvin et al. [20] E 51 TV tower RR 1.0 [0.7-1.4] Tynes et al. [21] pC 9 occupational RF SIR 2.9 [1.3-5.4] Armstrong et al. [22] nCC 807 occupational PEMF OR 1.0 [0.5-1.9] Szmigielski [23] rC -155 militaiy (pulsed) RF/MW SIR 6.3 [3.1-14.3] Mascarinec et al. [44] E 12 military radio tower SIR 2.1 [1.1-3.7] Hocking et al. [26] E 59 3 TV towers rRchildren 2.3 [1.4-4.0] 847 rRadulls 1.2 [1.0-1.4] Dolk et al. [27] E 45 TV/FM radio tower SIRo-2km 1.2 [0.9-1.6] 51 SIR 1-5km 1.4 [1.1-1.9] 935 SIRo-lOkm 1.0 [1.0-1.1] Dolk et al. [45] E 759 20 TV/FM radio towers SIRl-5km 1.1 [1.0-1.2] Lagorio et al. [28] rC 1 dielectric heat sealers SMR 5.0 [0.1-27.9] Finkelstein [29] rC 20 police radar (possible) SMR 0.7 [0.4-1.0] Morgan et al. [30] rC 203 occupational RF ^^^high exp. 0.7 [0.3-1.5] Johansen et al. [36] pC 84 mobile telephones SIR>2y 1.5 [0.5-3.2] Michelozzi et al. [46] E 40 radio station SMRadults 1.8 [0.3-5.5] 8 SIRchildren 2.2 [1.0-4.1] E...ecological, pC...population based cohort, nCC...nested case-control, rC...retrospective cohort, RR...relative risk, SIR,SMR...standardized incidence/mortality ratio, SMRr..ratio of SMR, OR...odds ratio, rR...rate ratio Evidence from epidemiological investigations, most of which have focused on brain tumours or leukaemia, points to a moderate risk associated with occupational or environmental exposure to high-frequency EMFs. 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