30 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 Abstract The aim of the study was to ascertain whether the one and/or bi-cycle training periodisation was accompanied by similar one and/or bi-cycle adaptation. Two groups of paddlers of the Slo- vene national team in slalom wild water kayak: an »Olympic« group of three paddlers and »Non-Olympic« group of four paddlers, who did not qualify to the Olympic Games, partici- pated in a one year follow-up throughout the Olympic com- petition season. The Olympic group had bi-cycle and the NonOlympic group one-cycle training periodisation. They per- formed the two tests several times throughout the Olympic season. In the incremental testing protocol (ITP) the velocity determined by Lactate Threshold (v LT ), Onset of Blood Lacta- te Accumulation (v OBLA ) and maximal velocity (v max ) charac- teristics were used. The second was test of »Eight«, where the time of completing the test (t 8 ), heart rate (HR 8 ), and lactate concentration (LA 8 ) were used. The results showed that velo- cities v LT , v OBLA and v max did not differentiate the groups. In the Olympic group periodisation showed an unexpected mo- nocyclic response with very small changes. In the Non-Olym- pic group, the paddlers’ response periodisation was closer to monocyclic expectations. Time t 8 fluctuated in a bi-cycle man- ner in both groups. This was expected for the Olympic group but was not accompanied by monocyclic changes of training in the Non-Olympic group. Of the other characteristics, LA 8 and pH 8 showed expected fluctuations in both groups. The study showed an absence of a typically significant relationship between training periodisation and periodisation of the selec- ted characteristics of basic paddlers’ performance in the two groups of the highest level of international wild water kaya- kers. Therefore, the practical application of training-based pe- riodisation seems not to be always accurate in top level sport. Key words: wild water kayak, slalom, training periodisation, paddlers’ response periodisation Anton Ušaj University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Sport Laboratory of Biodynamics Gortanova 22 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 520-77-00 Fax: + 386 1 520-77-50 E mail: anton.usaj@guest.arnes.si Izvleček Cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti ali je vadbena ciklizacija, ocenjena s pomočjo kazalcev količine in intenzivnosti vadbe v skupini kajakašev na divjih vodah v slalomu, ki so nastopili na Olimpij- skih igrah (Olympic) in tistih, ki se niso uvrstili na to tekmova- nje (Non-Olympic) skladna z ciklizacijo učinkov vadbe: kazal- cev osnovne vzdržljivosti in osnovne hitrostne vzdržljivosti. Vadba prve skupine (trije udeleženci Olimpijskih iger) je na- mreč imela značilnosti dvojne, vadba druge skupine (štirje čla- ni nacionalne ekipe, ki je nastopala v svetovnem pokalu) pa enojne ciklizacije. Opravili so dva testa: prvi, večstopenjski obremenilni test (ITP) in test »Eight«, oba na mirni vodi. Za oce- no osnovne vzdržljivosti so v ITP uporabljeni laktatni prag (LP), prag izraženega povečanja laktata (OBLA) in največja obreme- nitev (v max ). V testu »Eight« so za oceno osnovne hitrostne vz- držljivosti uporabljeni čas veslanja (t 8 ), frekvenca srca (HR 8 ), vsebnost laktata (LA 8 ) in pH krvi (pH 8 ). Rezultati naloge kaže- jo, da hitrosti veslanja v LP , v OBLA in v max ne razlikujejo obeh skupin. V skupini Olympic ciklizacija učinkov vadbe kaže ne- pričakovano en cikel z zelo majhnimi spremembami. V skupi- ni Non-Olympic so ravno tako značilnosti ciklizacije bliže enoj- nemu ciklu, ki je pričakovan. V testu »Eight«, čas t 8 fluktuira v obliki dvojne ciklizacije in sicer v obeh skupinah. To je priča- kovano za skupino Olympic, toda v nasprotju s pričakovanim odzivom enojne ciklizacije skupine Non-Olympic. Druge zna- čilnosti: LA 8 in pH 8 kažejo pričakovane fluktuacije obeh sku- pin, toda z zmanjšanim spreminjanjem pH 8 . Raziskava kaže odsotnost tipične povezave med osnovnimi značilnostmi vad- bene ciklizacije in izbranimi značilnostmi ciklizacije učinkov vadbe športnikov visokega mednarodnega nivoja. Torej je praktična uporaba vadbene ciklizacije, ki naj bi povzročila predvidljivo cikličnost sprememb osnovne vzdržljivosti in os- novne hitrostne vzdržljivosti v vrhunskem športu dejansko do- kaj omejena. Ključne besede: kajak na divjih vodah, slalom, vadbena cikli- zacija, ciklizacija učinkov vadbe KINETICS OF BASIC ENDURANCE AND BASIC SPEED ENDURANCE CHARACTERISTICS THROUGHOUT ONE OLYMPIC SEASON IN WHITE WATER SLALOM KAYAK ČASOVNI POTEK VREDNOSTI KAZALCEV OSNOVNE VZDRŽLJIVOSTI IN OSNOVNE HITROSTNE VZDRŽLJIVOSTI SKOZI ENO OLIMPIJSKO TEKMOVALNO SEZONO V SLALOMU KAJAKA NA DIVJIH VODAH Anton Ušaj (Received: 12. 04. 2002 – Accepted: 12. 09. 2002) INTRODUCTION The competitive season in white water kayak sla- lom starts with a preparatory period, usually in No- vember (sometimes also in the second half of Oc- tober) and finishes with the final competitions in September (Vest, 1996). The preparatory period lasts all of November, December and January. Ba- sic endurance and strength type training are cha- racteristic for this period. Training is performed mainly on flat or slowly moving water and by using other non-specific possibilities of training: cross country skiing, running, fitness. It continues with a pre-competition period in February, March and April. The training characteristically changes, to be specific for white water slalom paddling in a domi- nant part. The specific speed endurance and po- wer training increased, with a reduction of basic endurance and strength training (tapering cycle). The main part of training is performed on wild wa- ter and through gates. The competition period be- gins in May (April). Training is concentrated main- ly on preparations for competitions. The schedule of World Cup competitions is the main factor, which determines training characteristics of prepa- rations for a specific competition. Therefore the pe- riodisation is mainly influenced by this series of competitions. Usually, the competitions are more or less uniformly distributed. Therefore, training pe- riodisation mainly consists of one competition cy- cle (Bompa, 1999). When very important compe- titions are included in the competitive season, then the date of this competition may have very drama- tic influence on training schedule and periodisa- tion, which may change to two cycle periodisation (two competition cycles) (Bompa, 1999). The Olympic Games is such a competition where perio- disation is usually changed, according to training characteristics (Bompa, 1999). This, the most im- portant competition, is usually under special care of preparation of sportsmen of all. Therefore two-cy- cle training periodisation is characteristic for such a competition period (Bompa, 1999; Vest, 1996). In spite of clear two-cycle periodisation of the Olympic competitive season, which may be asses- sed from the time course of training volume and intensity, it is more important that the adaptations of paddlers’ performance and biological adapta- tion as well also follows the training cycles (the paddlers’ response periodisation). It is expected that the second cycle of responses should be more dramatic and in time of the Olympic Games. Ho- wever, because of a possibility of very different res- ponse times of specific adaptations, which may oc- cur very early after a certain training cycle or may be delayed, it is not possible to predict accurately the response of specific characteristics. Similarly al- so training adaptation of complex characteristics such as psychomotor performances, which are strongly influenced by emotions, cannot be accu- rately predicted (Vest, 1996). Therefore, dependent on individual training adaptations, it may be possib- le that the specific response to similar training may be different in its magnitude and also timing espe- cially for high performance athletes when very small changes of training response occur. Therefo- re, the specific adaptations may not be clearly and simply assessed as in controlled training studies, where untrained subjects were usually used. The question is whether the training adaptations that occurred in a controlled training experiment and monotonous training will be the same for top level sport training of kayakers, who performed complex training. Our special interest was placed on two basic trai- ning assumptions. The first assumption relates to the belief that high training volume and low-to-me- dium intensity influences the increase of enduran- ce performance but does not influence significantly the increase of speed endurance. The second as- sumption related to »tapering«: the reduction of training volume and significant increase of its in- tensity increases speed endurance. If one looks at the entire competitive season, the changes of trai- ning characteristics and changes of specific cha- racteristics of adaptations and performances of sportsmen, show periodisation. Our interest and the aim of the study was to ascertain if basic cyclic changes of training characteristics (training perio- disation) corresponded to cyclic changes of speci- fic training response of subjects (periodisation of paddlers response) who prepared and competed at the Olympic Games. The hypothesis we verified was that training periodisation may not always inf- luence periodisation of paddlers’ response in the predicted manner for a group of high performan- ce paddlers. METHODS Two groups of paddlers: group Olympic of three paddlers who qualified for the Olympic Games in the white water kayak slalom Slovene national team 31 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 (age 23±4 years; height 183±6 cm; weight 81±4 kg) and group Non-Olympic of four members of the national slalom team who failed to qualify for the Olympic Games, however competed success- fully at the international level (age 21±3 years; height 184±5 cm; weight 79±6 kg), participated in the study. Both groups trained equally until the end of quali- fication competitions in June. Training consisted of a preparatory period (November, December and January), pre-competition period (February, March and April) and competition period (May to Octo- ber) (Fig. 1). The dominant characteristic of the pre- paratory period was large volume of endurance and strength training. Endurance training consisted of lower intensity, somewhere between the limits of heart rate (HR) determined by criterions Lactate Threshold (LT) and Onset of Blood Lactate Accu- mulation (OBLA), dependent on their duration and intensity of training: paddling on flat or slow mo- ving water, cross-country skiing and running. Strength training was focused to influence more its endurance component by using classical circuit training, whole body variations. The aim of the trai- ning was to increase basic endurance performan- ce. The following, pre-competition period consi- sted of more intense and lower volume training. The volume of endurance training decreased with no change in its intensity. The volume of speed en- durance training increased. Its intensity quickly in- creased close to maximal. In general, the total trai- ning volume decreased in exchange to an increase of training intensity (tapering). Training used speci- fic kayak–slalom characteristics on wild-water. The aim of the training was improvement of speed-en- durance (power and speed) and to keep enduran- ce on a steady level. The competition period starts in May with international competitions. Some of them are also qualifications for selection to the Olympic team. Training was specific and consisted characteristically of preparations for the competi- tions. The Olympic group changed their training characteristics when the qualification period was over. Training changes to a second shorter cycles of 32 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 Fig. 1 Relative training volume, represented as a % of the sum of relative values of basic endurance and basic speed endurance training, showed typical bi–cyclic periodisation in the Olympic and monocyclic periodisation in the Non-Olympic group. Relative training in- tensity, which was based on calculated paddling velocities at each training session and compared with the best result during the whole competitive season, showed bi–cyclic periodisation in the Olympic and monocyclic periodisation in the Non-Olympic group. intense basic training and pre–competition training with the goal to increase, for the second time, the basic endurance and speed endurance to the hig- hest possible level and transform the attained level for use in competition situations with special trai- ning and also some competitions. Training charac- teristics showed a bi-cycle competition season (Fig. 1A and 1B). These groups concentrate to train furt- her for the Olympics in September. The Non-Olym- pic group continued to compete at the internatio- nal level (Fig. 1C and 1D). Their training showed a one–cycle competition season. Both groups trai- ned under the program of the national coach. Both groups performed two tests on flat water: in- cremental testing protocol (ITP) for assessing the adaptation in biological background of basic endu- rance performance and test of eight (EIGHT), which was a typical exercise for assessment of ba- sic speed endurance performance. The ITP consi- sted of 5 repetitions of a 600 m distance with con- trolled intensity, which is made possible by using fixed, pre determined HR of 110, 130, 150, 165 and maximal possible intensity. The rest between each 600 m repetition was about 1 min (blood sam- pling). The test EIGHT consisted of all-out paddling over a 200 m distance in a manner of the number 8 through two gates, separated by 50m. During ITP the heart rate (HR) was continuously measured by using Polar Sport Tester (Polar, Fin- land). Additionally, capillary blood samples (10 µl) were taken from hyperaemic ear lobe immediately after each 600 m distance and measured for lacta- te concentration (LA) by using MINI 8 Photometer (dr. Lange, Germany). During the test EIGHT, the time for completing the test was measured by using a stopwatch, HR was continuously measured at 5 s intervals and LA was measured before and after the test. LT, OBLA and maximal characteristics in ITP were used for final analysis. Paddling velocity (v LT and v OBLA ), HR (HR LT and HR OBLA ) and LA (LA LT ) were calculated by using criterions Lactate Threshold (Beaver, Wasserman, & Whipp, 1985; Ušaj, 1990; Ušaj, 1998a; Ušaj, 1998b) and Onset of Blood Lac- tate Accumulation (Karlsson, & Jacobs, 1982; Ušaj, 1998a; Ušaj, 1998b). Additionally, maximal values of velocity (v max ), LA (LA max ) and HR (HR max ) were also used for further analysis (Ušaj, 1998a; Ušaj, 1998b). The time for completing the test EIGHT (t 8 ), end HR (HR 8 ) and end LA (LA 8 ) were used for further analysis (Ušaj, 1998a; Ušaj, 1998b). The differences between the Olympic and the Non- Olympic groups were calculated by using repea- ted T-test with a level of significance of P<0.05. The time course curves of the used characteristics throughout the Olympic season were fitted by us- ing 4 th grade polynomial. This was also the charac- teristic of specific periodisation in the Olympic group. Differently, the Non-Olympic group perio- disation was expected to be monocyclic, but we were not sure. Therefore, the same model was used because it may be applied to bi-cycle and mo- nocycle response, dependent on the calculated be- ta coefficients’ values of curves which would be very low, when monocycle curve would be calcu- lated. Using logical relationships based on the theo- retical assumptions made, a comparison between estimation of training periodisation and calculated curves of training response was made. RESULTS The frequency of testing by ITP followed the prac- tical point of view and applied it as an additional tool of training planning. Therefore, the test was re- peated more frequently during the preparatory pe- riod and less during the competitive one (Table 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). The Olympic and the Non- Olympic groups did not differ in the observed cha- racteristics throughout the Olympic competition season (Table 1). This practical point of view was followed also in the test EIGHT; this test was repeated more frequently during pre–competition than in the competition periods (Table 2, Fig. 5). Again, the Olympic and Non-Olympic groups were not different in the ob- served characteristics throughout the Olympic competition season (Table 2). In spite of non-signi- ficant differences, HR 8 showed a tendency to be lower in the Olympic group (Table 2, Fig. 5). Addi- tionally, LA 8 showed a tendency to be higher in the Olympic group in July and September (Table 2, Fig. 5). Blood pH 8 did not show the expected mirrored picture (Fig. 5). When time course changes of v lt , v OBLA and v max (Fig. 2) were compared to changes of general trai- ning characteristics during the basic endurance pe- riod (November, December and January) (Fig. 1), then unexpectedly no changes of parameters can 33 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 34 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 NOV. DEC. JAN. MARCH MAY JULY LT v LT (m/s) 2.23 ± 0.06 2.19 ± 0.06 2.19 ± 0.05 2.21 ± 0.05 2.25 ± 0.02 2.26 ± 0.02 2.17 ± 0.03 2.19 ± 0.04 2.17 ± 0.04 2.20 ± 0.05 2.24 ± 0.05 2.27 ± 0.04 HR LT 142 ± 3 135 ± 5 142 ± 12 135 ± 6 138 ± 4 139 ± 3 (b/min) 146 ± 5 141 ± 2 140 ± 4 144 ± 8 142 ± 5 146 ± 6 OBLA v OBLA 2.30 ± 0.03 2.32 ± 0.04 2.28 ± 0.01 2.33 ± 0.05 2.34 ± 0.04 2.36 ± 0.04 (m/s) 2.25 ± 0.09 2.31 ± 0.05 2.28 ± 0.05 2.32 ± 0.06 2.35 ± 0.07 2.36 ± 0.09 HR OBLA 152 ± 5 151 ± 4 154 ± 1 150 ± 5 153 ± 4 154 ± 4 (b/min) 156 ± 5 155 ± 6 154 ± 6 159 ± 5 159 ± 5 160 ± 5 max v max 2.57 ± 0.01 2.57 ± 0.04 2.52 ± 0.01 2.59 ± 0.04 2.65 ± 0.01 2.65 ± 0.3 (m/s) 2.54 ± 0.11 2.57 ± 0.05 2.50 ± 0.05 2.57 ± 0.07 2.58 ± 0.10 2.60 ± 0.15 HR max 183 ± 1 181 ± 3 183 ± 6 181 ± 5 184 ± 7 191 ± 6 (b/min) 153 ± 5 182 ± 3 178 ± 9 187 ± 3 184 ± 2 185 ± 3 LA max 15 ±1 14.3 ± 1.7 15.7 ± 2.3 14.1 ± 0.9 14.5 ± 0.5 14.6 ± 1.2 (mmol/l) 13.3 ±10 13.2 ± 1.7 14.7 ± 1.1 15.2 ± 2.3 14.4 ± 2.0 13.9 ± 1.5 p-H min 7.21 ± 0.02 7.19 ± 0.03 7.22 ± 0.01 7.21 ± 0.02 7.20 ± 0.02 7.19 ± 0.03 7.22 ± 1.01 7.21 ± 0.01 7.19 ± 0.01 7.19 ± 0.04 7.19 ± 0.04 7.19 ± 0.02 LEGEND: For abbreviations see the text Results in upper lines of each cell are the results of Olympic, in lower lines of the Non-Olympic group Fig. 2 The periodisation of velocities v LT , v OBLA and v max showed very small fluctuations. When type of the time course of each velo- city was estimated for a certain type of training response perio- disations, then monocyclic periodisation showed for both the Olympic and the Non-Olympic group. Fig. 3 When HR fluctuations were observed at the level of LT, OBLA and maximal intensity, then changes were practically negligible. No characteristic type of periodisation can be seen from the available data for the Olympic and the Non-Olympic group. Table 1: BASIC STATISTICAL DATA FROM THE INCREMENTAL TESTING PROTOCOL be assessed in contrast to an increase in enduran- ce training volume. HR LT , HR OBLA and HR max gene- rally followed the tendency of no changes (Fig. 3). Only LA max , showed increased values in the Non- Olympic group but not in the Olympic group (Fig. 4). Blood pH min accompanied LA max changes in the Non-Olympic group and in the Olympic group (relatively values) (Fig. 4) in this period. Surprisingly, the most dramatic changes occurred in t 8 in spite of absence of such training. Both groups show very similar changes (Fig. 5). HR 8 showed a tendency for decreasing in spite of the increase of velocity in this test (Fig. 5). This is valid for the Olympic group. However, the results in the Non-Olympic group were stationary. LA 8 increased in both groups, which may be expected from the increased padd- ling velocity in this test. pH 8 logically accompanied LA 8 changes in this period, however with a smaller magnitude (Fig. 5). Velocities v LT , v OBLA and v max of both groups sho- wed a continuous tendency for increasing during the pre–competition cycle (February, March and April), which continued in the competition cycle, until July (Fig. 2). This was in contrast to training characteristics, which showed a clear decrease of volume of endurance training but increased volu- me of speed endurance training, which was more intense. Nevertheless, the phenomenon was welco- me. Changes of HR LT , HR OBLA and HR max in both groups did not accompany changes of velocities in 35 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 Fig. 4 Time course of LAmax fluctuations in the test ITP showed negli- gible fluctuations in the Olympic group, without supporting any type of training response periodisation. In the Non-Olympic group training response periodisation may show monocyclic res- ponse. The training response periodisation assessed by the time course analysis of pHmin data may show a bi–cyclic training res- ponse in the Olympic group. In the Non-Olympic group, the time course of pHmin showed monocyclic training response. Fig. 5 Time course of t8 showed characteristically a bi–cyclic periodi- sation in the Olympic group, which was expected, and similarly in the Non-Olympic group, which was unexpected, because of monocyclic training periodisation. Heart rate (HR 8 ) did not show any type of characteristic periodisation. However, for the Olympic group, the initial decrease of HR 8 showed relatively lar- ge adaptation if increase of paddling speed is also taken into account. Thereafter, HR 8 increased linearly, which may also be some kind of monocyclic periodisation. The time course in the Non-Olympic group did not show any typical periodisation. Ho- wever, this did not mean that adaptations did not occur: simi- lar HR 8 at increased velocity of paddling means positive adap- tation. LA 8 showed characteristically a bi–cyclic periodisation in the Olympic group and a non–typical but visible monocyclic pe- riodisation in the Non-Olympic group. Both periodisation types were expected. pH 8 showed non–typical, but not expected (bi–cyclic training periodisation) monocyclic periodisation in the Olympic group, which was however positive. In the Non-Olym- pic group, the periodisation may be also assessed as monocyc- lic. This was the expected periodisation for this group. spite of their fluctuations (Fig. 3). LA max fluctuated relatively stationary to July in the Olympic group in contrast to LA max of the Non-Olympic group which reached its top values in March (Fig. 4). Then, it de- creased to the lowest values in July. Blood pH min decreased to July in the Non-Olympic group in contrast to more stable LA max fluctuations in the Olympic group (Fig. 4). Differently, the decrease of pH min in March accompanied LA max increase in the Non-Olympic group (Fig. 4). When data from test EIGHT was analysed for the pre– competition and competition periods then the decrease of t 8 from November to January and after April were present in both groups (Fig. 5). This was expected for the Olympic but not for the Non-Olympic group. HR 8 did not accompany t 8 changes (Fig. 6). Differences observed between the groups became negligible towards the end of the competitive pe- riod. LA 8 accompanied t 8 changes in the Olympic group and showed bi–cyclic periodisation (Fig. 5). The time course in the Non-Olympic group sho- wed non–characteristic, but visible monocyclic pe- riodisation (Fig. 5). Both types of periodisation were expected. The pH 8 changes showed non–typical monocyclic response periodisation in the Olympic group (Fig. 5). This was expected for the observed period. The decrease of pH 8 in August can be ex- plained easily by LA 8 data, which showed the hig- hest values (Fig. 5). Therefore, LA 8 and pH 8 sho- wed very similar periodisation in the Olympic group. The periodisation of pH 8 in the Non-Olym- pic group may be also assessed as monocyclic pe- riodisation, which was also expected (Fig. 5). When cyclic characteristics were estimated from the interpolated time courses of the training res- ponse characteristics and compared with cyclic changes of training volume and intensity, then on- ly pH min , t 8 and LA 8 of the Olympic group fluctua- ted in a characteristic two–cycle manner according to expectations (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) based on fluc- tuations of general training characteristics (Fig. 1). In contrast pH 8 response showed more cyclic fluc- tuations. In the Non-Olympic group the pH min , LA 8 and pH 8 fluctuated in a monocyclic manner (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) according to expectations also based on training characteristics (Fig. 1). In con- trast, t 8 showed a characteristic bi–cyclic response (Fig. 5). The first training cycle was in period from November to April for both groups (Fig. 1). The se- cond training cycle occurred from June to Septem- ber in the Olympic group only (Fig. 1). In contrast, training response cycle of t 8 was similar in the Olympic and the Non-Olympic groups in spite of monocycle training characteristics in the Non- Olympic group. All other training response charac- teristics did not show characteristic cycles or cycles were not recognised. DISCUSSION The Slovene national kayak slalom wild-water team members were followed throughout the Olympic season in the current study. The aim was to ascer- tain whether the changes of training volume and intensity during the season (training periodisation) were somehow accompanied by changes in the se- lected characteristics of paddlers’ basic endurance and basic speed endurance performance (training response periodisation). Additionally, we ascertai- ned whether the selection to the Olympic team or not differentiates kayakers according to their basic endurance and basic speed endurance performan- ce. Results showed that qualification in the Olym- 36 Ušaj, A., (2002). Kinetics of basic endurance and basic speed endurance characteristics throughout … KinSI 8(1), 30–37 NOV. DEC. MARCH APRIL JUNE JULY SEPT. OCT. t 8 (s) 121 ± 2.5 116.7 ± 1.0 115.9 ± 2.8 117.2 ± 1.7 113.0 ± 3.9 115.3 ± 1.0 113.4 ± 2.1 118.6 ± 2.0 124.3 ± 1.0 115.5 ± 3.8 116.9 ± 5.1 115.0 ± 2.6 112.3 ± 4.5 115.0 ± 3.5 117.0 ± 1.0 HR 8 (b/min) 180 ± 3 176 ± 7 177 ± 5 182 ± 2 179 ± 1 183 ± 5 184 ± 3 182 ± 2 181 ± 5 185 ± 3 183 ± 3 184 ± 2 165 ± 5 LA 8 (mmol/l) 11.5 ± 0.4 11.7 ± 2.1 14.2 ± 4.0 17.6 ± 2.1 14.6 ± 0.7 17.7 ± 0.9 19.2 ± 1.9 9.9 ± 0.4 8.1 ± 2.0 10.9 ± 0.6 14.3 ± 3.3 14.1 ± 2.6 15.4 ± 1.2 14.4 ± 1.3 PH 8 7.20 ± 0.03 7.17 ± 1.2 7.20 ± 0.08 7.19 ± 0.06 7.16 ± 0.05 7.08 ± 0.03 7.14 ± 0.07 7.16 ± 0.05 7.17 ± 0.12 Table 2: BASIC STATISTICAL DATA FROM THE TEST »EIGHT« LEGEND: For abbreviations see the text Results in upper lines of each cell are results of the Olympic, in lower lines of the Non-Olympic group pic team has no base in differences of basic endu- rance and basic speed endurance performance of paddlers. Therefore, the selection principle, which uses competitive results as the criterion includes predominantly very specific paddlers’ characteri- stics, mostly probably related to daily-variable cha- racteristics and/or non-systematic factors (emo- tions), which usually caused mistakes (Vest, 1996). The time course of general training characteristics: volume and intensity of basic endurance and basic speed endurance training showed a bi-cycle com- petition season for the group of paddlers, who qua- lified for the Olympic Games and a monocyclic competition season for those who did not. The first cycle in Olympic group included the preparatory period, pre-competitive period and competition period. The second included the second basic, se- cond pre- competition and second competition pe- riods. These were different from the Non-Olympic group, which consisted of only one preparatory, pre-competitive and one competitive period. It may be assumed that such training will influence selec- ted characteristics similarly in both groups only in the first preparatory period. In contrast, training should influence differently on the two groups the- reafter because of different periodisation. Results showed that training did not influence some of the most important characteristics (v LT , v OBLA , v max, t 8, LA 8 and pH 8 ) logically. In spite of large volume of basic endurance training and strength training and practically no speed endurance training, the cha- racteristics of basic endurance: v LT , v OBLA and v max practically did not change at all. This was an unex- pected phenomenon. In contrast, t 8 showed clear improvement of speed endurance performance in spite of the absence of speed endurance training. Our explanation is that possibly a positive influen- ce of strength training may have such effect. Any- way, such adaptation still remains unexplained by the available data. The dramatic change in training during the pre-competition phase (tapering phase) did not change dramatically and simultaneously any of used characteristics in the March to May pe- riod. v LT , v OBLA and v max in the Non-Olympic group and v max in the Olympic group increased during this period in contrast to expectations. The only ex- planation is reduction of training volume of basic endurance training, and the increase of basic speed endurance training volume. The second cycle of decrease of t 8 and increase of LA 8 in the Olympic group may be explained by the second basic pre- competition and competition periods which inclu- ded more frequent maximal effort in the period of preparations for the Olympic Games. However, it cannot be explained why the second cycle occur- red in Non-Olympic group (t 8 ), where training did not change so dramatically. In conclusion, the study showed an absence of a significant relationship between basic training cha- racteristics and some of the selected characteristics of basic paddlers’ performance. The discrepancy of expected relationship cannot be reasonably ex- plained by the available data. However, it is assu- med that training influence at such a high level of performance is relatively small because paddlers probably reached their highest limit of biological adaptation (Astrand, & Rodahl, 1986). They also trained practically the whole year with individually dependent large training volume and high inten- sity. Therefore, the interaction of many different training characteristics, which influenced perfor- mance simultaneously, has no simple influence on the paddlers’ adaptation at the top level of the com- petition performance. REFERENCES 1. Astrand, P.O., & Rodahl, K. (1986). Textbook of work physiology. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 2. Beaver, W.L., Wasserman, K., & Whipp, B. (1985). 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