163 Twin plots – appropriate method to assess the impact of alien tree on understory? Abstract Replacing native forests by alien tree plantations can lead to changes in the species composition of the understory. However, differences in the understory species spectrum can also be a part of the natural variability of forest stands. We have tested the suitability of the twin plots method for an evaluation of the impact of alien trees on the species composition of the understory. This research was conducted on an alluvial plain (SW Slovakia) that was originally covered by a hardwood floodplain forest. The study was based on 7 twin plots of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and native forest plots, with a maximum distance of 100 meters between the members of the twins. The dissimilarity of the plots within the black locust forest was significantly lower than the dissimilarity between the twin plots. In addition, the dissimilarity of the plots within the hardwood floodplain forest was also significantly lower than the dissimilarity between the twin plots. Under the same environmental conditions, the higher dissimilarity of the twin plots was caused by major edificators and their impact on the understory vegetation. The twin plots method proved to be a suitable tool for analyses of the impact of alien trees on understory vegetation. Izvleček Nadomeščanje naravnih gozdov z nasadi tujerodnih vrst lahko vodi v spremembe vrstne sestave zeliščne plasti. Vendar so lahko razlike v vrstni sestavi zelišč tudi del naravne variabilnosti gozdnih sestojev. Testirali smo primernost metode dvojnih popisnih ploskev za ovrednotenje vpliva tujerodnih drevesnih vrst na vrstno sestavo zeliščne podrasti. Raziskavo smo izvedli na poplavni ravnini (JZ Slovaška), ki je bila prvotno poraščena z trdolesnimi poplavnimi gozdovi. Temeljila je na sedmih dvojnih popisnih ploskvah robinije (Robinia pseudoacacia) in popisnih ploskvah naravnega gozda. Razdalja med njimi je bila največ 100 metrov. Različnost med ploskvami v sestojih robinije je bila statistično značilno manjša kot razlika med dvojnimi ploskvami. Tudi različnost med ploskvami v trdolesnem poplavnem gozdu je bila značilno manjša kot med dvojnimi ploskvami. V enakih rastiščnih razmerah je bila večja raznolikost med dvojnimi ploskvami posledica glavne edifikatorske vrste in njenega vpliva na zeliščno plast vegetacije. Pokazali smo, da so dvojne ploskve uporabna metoda za analizo vpliva tujerodnih dreves na zeliščno podrast. Keywords: black locust plantation, changes of the species composition, paired relevés, Chelidonio majoris- Robinion, Fraxino-Quercion roboris, dissimilarity, variability. Ključne besede: nasadi robinije, spremembe vrstne sestave, pari popisov, Chelidonio majoris- Robinion, Fraxino-Quercion roboris, različnost, raznolikost. Received: 25. 5. 2017 Revision received: 3. 10. 2017 Accepted: 27. 10. 2017 1 Institute of Botany, Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail: denisa.bazalova@savba.sk, katarina.botkova@savba.sk, katarina.hegedusova@savba.sk, jana.majekova@savba.sk, jana.medvecka@savba.sk, maria.mikulova@ gmail.com, iveta.skodova@savba.sk, maria.zaliberova@savba.sk, ivan.jarolimek@savba.sk * Corresponding author Denisa Bazalová1,*, Katarína Botková1, Katarína Hegedüšová1, Jana Májeková1, Jana Medvecká1, Mária Šibíková1, Iveta Škodová1, Mária Zaliberová1 & Ivan Jarolímek1 DOI: 10.1515/hacq-2017-001217/2 • 2018, 163–169 D. Bazalová, K. Botková, K. Hegedüšová, J. Májeková, J. Medvecká, M. Šibíková, I. Škodová, M. Zaliberová & I. Jarolímek Twin plots – appropriate method to assess the impact of alien tree on understory? 164 17/2 • 2018, 163–169 Introduction In many territories, alien tree species can establish them- selves and behave invasively. They can disrupt the natural ecosystems (Richardson et al. 1989, Dickie et al. 2014) and can cause changes to the environment in many ways, consequently, modifying the species composition. As a re- sult of the increments in global trade, urbanisation, land use intensification, as well as climate change, a growth in the number of established invasive species is expected (Dawson et al. 2017). For this study, we chose the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) as a model species, due to its high abundance in Central Europe (Vítková et al. 2016). The black locust species can add as much as 75 kg of nitrogen ha-1 per year to the soil (Boring & Swank 1984), with a high probability that it facilitates the estab- lishment of other invasive species (Peloquin & Hiebert 1999, Von Holle et al. 2006). The black locust spreads quickly, generatively and vegetatively, through its sprouts (Kowarik 1996, Jung et al. 2009). The above-mentioned properties of the black locust are important and effective tools for its reaching out to new habitats (Lee et al. 2004). The impact of alien tree species on understory vegetation can be analysed in several ways. One method is by compar- ing natural and alien forest diversities by using large data- sets from databases (Chytrý et al. 2005, Medvecká et al. 2012, Wagner et al. 2017). Another widely used approach is based on the comparison of alien and natural forest plots in an ecologically specified area (Riepðas & Straigytë 2008, Marozas et al. 2009, González-Muñoz et al. 2012, Woziwoda et al. 2014). The concept of paired “twin” plots represents another method, which has been used in both fertilisation experiments and forest production models in forestry research (Stape et al. 2004, Stape et al. 2006). In an invasive ecology, the twin plots method is based on the sampling of twin phytosociological relevés on both sides of the boundary between native and alien tree stands, at a close distance, with the aim of evaluating the impact of alien tree species on the understory vegetation. There have been several studies using twin plots in order to evaluate impact of alien species on species diversity (Dzwonko & Loster 1997, Hejda et al. 2009, Benesperi et al. 2012, González-Muñoz et al. 2012, Sitzia et al. 2012, Trentanovi et al. 2013). However none of these studies have verified whether the changes in floristic composition of the under- story in alien tree stands, are only part of the natural vari- ability of species composition in forest vegetation. In analyses of forest twins (pairs of relevés), usually all of the differences in species composition between them can be explained by the influence of alien trees. This ex- planation is based on the assumption that if the environ- mental conditions of the twin plots are the same, we can deduce that most of the differences are caused by the dif- ferent dominating tree. However, phytocoenological rel- evés that have been previously recorded in the same type of native forest and under the same environmental condi- tions, with short distances, are not totally the same. They differ more or less in species composition and abundance, as a consequence of the natural variability of species com- position, in every type of forest. The same is also true for alien tree dominated stands – they likewise display some natural variability. In this study, we have tested the suitability of the meth- odology of twin plots, for the evaluation of the impact of alien tree species, on species diversity in the understory. If the similarity of relevés from the same type of forest is larger than the similarity between the twins of relevés (al- ien vs. native edificator tree (Sukachev 1964)), recorded under the same environmental conditions, then the twin plots method could be considered as being a suitable tool for the evaluation of impact of alien tree species on under- story species composition. Material and Methods Study Area The model’s locality was chosen based upon LGIS - Geo- graphic Information System for Foresters (http://gis.nlcsk. org/lgis/), which is available to users via the Internet, as a comprehensive information tool for science, research, economy, and public practice. LGIS contains informa- tion about forestry units, a list of planted tree species, the stands age, and so forth. It makes searching for the poten- tial suitable twin plots more efficient. Sitzia et al. (2012) worked in their study with nearby sampling units. They claimed that the methodology would be best suited to ar- eas where precise forest-type vegetation maps or clear his- torical photographs were available. LGIS, which was used in this study, was one of the best options for the selection of twin plots, because of its availability via Internet, as well as in its precise and actualised forest vegetation maps. The model’s locality was located in the Borská nížina Lowland, NNW of the Bratislava city (SW Slovakia; 16° 58' 54.4", 48° 17' 02.2"; 16° 59' 28.3", 48° 16' 56.7"; 154 m a.s.l.), on the alluvial plain of the Stupava creek (Figure 1). According to the geobotanical map of Slovakia, the whole of the selected area has the potential to be covered by a hardwood floodplain forest (Michalko et al. 1987). The alluvial plain enables researchers to expect that all of the abiotic conditions on the studied plots are ap- proximately the same. All of the relevés were taken from the forests on the alluvial plain along the Stupava creek D. Bazalová, K. Botková, K. Hegedüšová, J. Májeková, J. Medvecká, M. Šibíková, I. Škodová, M. Zaliberová & I. Jarolímek Twin plots – appropriate method to assess the impact of alien tree on understory? 165 17/2 • 2018, 163–169 (54 ha), which belongs to the Territorial System of Eco- logical Stability (TSES) (http://www.stupava.sk/galeria/ file/uzemny_plan-zmena2012/130502_zadanie_upnstu- pava_final_01.pdf ). It contains elements of a regional importance, a regional biocorridor and a local biocentre (Ruzicka & Miklós 1982). Recently, the Stupava creek has formed a natural bor- der between the hardwood floodplain forest dominated by Fraxinus angustifolia, Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor on the left bank of the creek (25-75 years old) and the Robinia pseudoacacia forest on the right bank (15-45 years old). The tree composition has been mini- mally formed by black locust and native trees since 1955 (https://www.staremapy.sk/?zoom=15&lat=48.2812080 7676698&lng=16.99058818810953&map=SR1952). Therefore, the impact of tree species on understory veg- etation has remained for at least for 60 years. Data Collection The dataset consisted of 14 relevés. All of the relevés were recorded by the methods of the Zürich-Montpelliér school (Braun-Blanquet 1964) in the forest stands that were dominated by black locust, classified within the alli- ance Chelidonio majoris-Robinion Hadač et Sofron ex Vít- ková in Chytrý 2013 (7 relevés) and stands dominated by native oaks, elms and ashes, classified within the alliance Fraxino-Quercion roboris Passarge 1968 (syn. Ulmenion Oberd. 1953) (7 relevés). The twin plots were always recorded on localities with the same altitude, aspect, slope, and soil type, on equal area, and at the same time. The only difference between the stands was the dominant tree. The sampling of the nearby twin plots (native vs. alien forest) ensured the uniformity of the abiotic factors (we can suppose that they were the same). In order to maximise the uniform- ity of the environmental conditions data, the samples were collected on a relatively small and homogeneous area. All of the relevés were collected on squared plots (20×20 meters) and contained a list of plant species, with their cover estimated by using the new Braun-Blanquet scale (Braun-Blanquet 1964, Westhoff & van der Maarel 1978), the date, and locality, as defined by the geo- graphical coordinates that were measured by hand GPS Garmin Oregon 600t. The distance between the relevés of the twins was less than 100 metres. The upper limit in the study was the borders of forest area; the lower limit did not exceed a distance 30 meters. For a shorter dis- tance than 30 meters, an edge effect appeared (Honnay et al. 2002). For the nomenclature of higher vegetation units, we followed Jarolímek & Šibík (2008). The no- menclature of the vascular plants was in accordance with Marhold (1998). Data Analyses The data was stored in a TURBOVEG database (Hen- nekens & Schaminée 2001) and it was processed by us- ing JUICE software (Tichý 2002). The species from the tree layer were omitted in order to focus on the differ- ences in the herb layer. The different layers were merged and the species that occurred in only one relevé with cover “r” or “+” were deleted in order to avoid the influ- ence of randomly occurring species. In order show the relations among all of the relevés, we used hierarchical cluster analyses in SYN-TAX 2000 (Podani 2001), with a beta-flexible algorithm (β= –0.25) and a Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficient. In order to test the significance of the differences in the species composition between the native and alien forests, we used PERMANOVA (R- software, Package Vegan). The distance measurements (dissimilarities) were calculated by SYN-TAX 2000 and were used for following data processing. Each relevé was calculated for “twin dissimilarity” – i.e. the dissimilar- ity between the current relevé and its related twin rel- Figure 1: Location of the study area near to Stupava city (big black dot) in Bratislava district; distribution of twin relevés dominated by native oaks, elms and ashes (circles) and the stands dominated by alien black locust (squares); Stupava creek (dashed line) (http://gis.nlcsk.org/lgis/). Slika 1: Lokacija preučevanega območja v bližini mesta Stupava (velika črna pika), v okrožju Bratislava; razporeditev dvojnih popisov z dominantnimi hrasti, bresti in jeseni (krožci) in sestoji z dominantno tujerodno robinijo (kvadratki); potok Stupava (črtkana črta) (http:// gis.nlcsk.org/lgis/). D. Bazalová, K. Botková, K. Hegedüšová, J. Májeková, J. Medvecká, M. Šibíková, I. Škodová, M. Zaliberová & I. Jarolímek Twin plots – appropriate method to assess the impact of alien tree on understory? 166 17/2 • 2018, 163–169 evé from the other forest type. The “control dissimilar- ity” was then calculated as a mean of the dissimilarities between the current relevé and all of the other relevés from the same forest type. “Control” and “Twin” dis- similarities were subsequently used, in order to compare the dissimilarities inside and between the groups. We checked for the normality of the distribution of the data in STATISTICA software (StatSoft 2001) when using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality. As the data had a non-normal distribution, we tested the differences in “Twin” and “Control” dissimilarity by using the Wil- coxon test in R-software. Results The results of cluster analyses, as tested by PERMANO- VA, confirmed our presumption and divided the dataset of all of the 14 relevés into two clusters, depending on the dominant tree – the cluster of black locust dominat- ed forest plots and the cluster of native forest plots (Fig- ure 2). The species composition of the understory vegeta- tion differed significantly in this small area, whilst under the same environmental conditions, so the difference can be explained as an effect of the dominant tree species. All of the relevés from the native forest and all of the relevés from the black locust forest were merged at a much lower level of dissimilarity and both of the groups were fused at a distinctly higher level of dissimilarity. The results of the analyses also indicated that the native forest stands were more similar to each other than the stands of the black locust forest. The Wilcoxon test proved that the dissimilarities of the twin plots were significantly different and higher than the “control” dissimilarities of the relevés within the same forest type. The same results were obtained be- tween the “twin” and the black locust forest relevés and between the “twin” and the hardwood floodplain forest relevés (Figure 3). Therefore, we have concluded that the plots that were located in the same type of forest were significantly more similar than the closest plot that was located in the other type of forest. Discussion Over the last few decades, scientists have been interested in the impact of alien trees (black locust is common ob- ject of research) on the species composition of the under- story vegetation. There are various approaches used for an assessment of the impact of alien tree species on understory vegetation. One of these approaches is by using a big database (Den- gler et al. 2011, Lososová et al. 2015, Berg et al. 2016) Figure 2: Result of hierarchical cluster analysis (SYN-TAX 2000, Hierclus). Two clusters represent native stands (N) on the left and alien black locust stands (A) on the right side. Used parameters: Bray-Curtis coefficient and β-flexible method (β = –0.25). Slika 2: Rezultat hierarhične klastrske analize (SYN-TAX 2000, Hi- erclus). Dva klastra predstavljata naravne sestoje (N) na levi in sestoje tujerodne robinije (A) na desni. Uporabljeni parametri: koeficient Bray-Curtis in metoda β-flexible (β = –0,25). Figure 3: Comparison of the dissimilarity inside and between groups of relevés from same forest type and twin plots. For each relevé was cal- culated the “twin dissimilarity” – dissimilarity between current relevé and its related twin relevé from other forest type. Then the “control dissimilarity” was calculated as mean of dissimilarities between current relevé and all other relevés from the same forest type. The distribution of dissimilarities was tested using Wilcoxon test and the results are indicated by the markers of significance (a, b). Slika 3: Primerjava različnosti znotraj in med skupinami popisov iz istega tipa gozda in dvojnih popisov. Za vsak popis smo izračunali “dvojno različnost” – različnost med popisom in povezanim dvojnim popisom iz drugega gozdnega tipa. Nato smo izračunali “kontrolno različnost” kot povprečno različnost med popisom in vsemi drugimi popisi iz enakega tipa gozda. Razporeditev različnosti smo testirali z Wilcoxonovim testom in rezultati so prikazani z oznakami statistične značilnosti (a, b). or data from articles, where the cases of invasions have been published (Vilà et al. 2011). The advantage of this particular approach is a large dataset and easy data avail- ability, but this data do not contain any ecological, en- vironmental, or geological relations. By going this route, one can only obtain a rough image of the alien tree influ- ence on the species composition of herbal synusia – and D is si m ila rit y 0 1 6N 5A3N 7N4N 2N5N 1N 4A 2A 1A 6A 3A 7A 0.5 0.6 D is si m ila rit y 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 a b ba Robinia Native TwinTwin D. Bazalová, K. Botková, K. Hegedüšová, J. Májeková, J. Medvecká, M. Šibíková, I. Škodová, M. Zaliberová & I. Jarolímek Twin plots – appropriate method to assess the impact of alien tree on understory? 167 17/2 • 2018, 163–169 the results are biased by different (or unknown) environ- mental conditions of compared groups. Furthermore, the dataset can also contain data which was sampled over a long period of time, even several decades. In another ap- proach, the map of natural potential vegetation is taken into consideration (Chytrý et al. 2013, Bazalová et al. 2016). In this case, the relevés could have been selected on the basis of another ecologically specified area from different articles and databases (González-Muñoz et al. 2012, Woziwoda et al. 2014). However, in this approach, the abiotic factors are more or less not uniform on a lo- cal scale. The members of the relevés may not be close together. An unequal number of relevés in the compared groups is also a disadvantage of this method. Abiotic conditions (slope and the orientation of plots, geological base, and so on) are important factors, influencing the understory vegetation. These circumstances could all in- fluence the evaluation of the results. The concept of twin plots has allowed for us to eliminate the disadvantages of the previous alternative methods. The concept of twin plots was more widely used in the late 1990’s by Walker & Smith (1997). They supposed that the twin relevés method increased the probability that the stands would have the same disturbance regime and land-use context. A neighbourly sampling system would guarantee similar geology, soil type, land-use, and climate. It is an acceptable approach, in order to study the effects of an alien tree species. The twin plots method has also been used in forest ecology, in order to deter- mine nutrient limitations and the potential productiv- ity of Eucalyptus L’Hér. plantations in Brazil (Stape et al. 2006). There are several studies that have used the twin plots method. Benesperi et al. (2012) have claimed that under comparable environmental conditions in the Northern Apennines, the replacement of native forests (mixed oak, chestnut and European hop hornbeam forests) by pure black-locust stands, resulted in both a plant rich- ness loss and a shift in species composition. The method of twin relevés was also used in an urban area of Ber- lin and there was a significantly lower alpha diversity in the black locust stands when compared with the native birch (Trentanovi et al. 2013). In the Czech Republic, Šenkýř (2015) proved that there was a negative impact of black locust, hybrid poplar, and black walnut, on the species richness and the composition of the understory, with a positive effect on the occurrence of alien species, when using the twin plots method. On the other side, in Northern Italy, result about the negative impact of young black locust trees (10-36 year old) on species diversity and composition was refuted (Sitzia et al. 2012) by us- ing nearby paired sampling units. In addition, a study in France chose a similar method of sampling relevés for an evaluation of the impact of alien tree species (Chabrerie et al. 2008). They supposed that a twin plots sampling approach reduced the impact of possible confounding environmental variables on the observed differences, in response to variables between the invaded and uninvad- ed stands. In a study about increasing the mineral nutri- ent in the soils under invasive plants in Belgium, this twin plots method was used, where patches of the tar- geted exotic plants were surrounded by uninvaded veg- etation consisting of native species. Thus, site selection contributes to minimising the probability of pre-existing differences, prior to the invasion event (Vanderhoeven et al. 2005). The twin plots method was also used in a Ca- nadian study, where it evaluated the effects of vegetation on soil resource heterogeneity on the prairie and in a for- est (Kleb & Wilson 1997). The above-mentioned authors considered the twin plots method as being appropriate for assessing the impact of alien tree species on the spe- cies composition of the understory. The basis of the twin plots method is that there is an assumption that the close proximity of the twin plots of natural and alien forests ensures a maximum similarity (uniformity) of their abiotic conditions. This fact has enabled this study to conclude that the differences in species composition of the understory are caused by the edificator (alien tree in the tree layer). We know from phytosociological practise that there are not even two relevés from forest vegetation which could be completely identical (not even relevés from the same forest commu- nity). Plots that have been recorded in the same forest are not identical and the differences in species composition of the understory are not dependent only on the tree ed- ificator and abiotic factors, but natural variability as well. Natural variability is often the overlooked part in studies that have focused on the impact of alien tree species on the understory vegetation. Those authors that have been using twin plots in or- der to evaluate the impact of alien species on diversity have not taken into consideration that the differences in species composition may not have been caused only by the impact of the alien species. Differences can partly be caused by the natural variability of vegetation and also by differences in the microclimatic conditions of the in- dividual plots. Our study has compared the dissimilarities within the relevés of one type of forest (native or alien) and between the twin relevés from different forest types. Our results of the cluster analyses, PERMANOVA, and the Wil- coxon test have shown that the differences in the species composition of relevés, from the same forest, are signifi- cantly lower than the differences between the twins. D. Bazalová, K. Botková, K. Hegedüšová, J. Májeková, J. Medvecká, M. Šibíková, I. Škodová, M. Zaliberová & I. Jarolímek Twin plots – appropriate method to assess the impact of alien tree on understory? 168 17/2 • 2018, 163–169 Thus, the results of our analyses have suggested and proved that the twin plots method is a suitable tool for the assessment of the impact of dominant alien tree spe- cies on the species composition of the understory. The twin plots method eliminates the influences of the envi- ronmental factors (the same orientation, slope, altitude, geological base, and the soil type of twin plots) on the composition of understory vegetation and stresses the importance of tree edificators. 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