48 Endemitne rastline kamnitih pašnikov otoka Paga Endemic plants on rocky pastures on the island of Pag i v i c a lj u B i č i ć, M i h a e l a Br i T v e c , iv a n a v i T a S o v i ć ko S i ć University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Botany, Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; iljubicic@agr.hr The island of Pag is situated between the group of north Dalmatic and a group of Kvarner islands, at the turn of submediterranean and eumediterranean climat zone. Vascular rocky pastures flora was researched on the island of Pag during in 2005. and 2006. A total of 331 plant taxa (296 species, 34 subspecies and 1 varietas) were found. The taxa belonged to 201 genera and 51 families. Floral analysis (Horvatić, 1963) shows that 23 endemic species of plants were found. Of this number constituted 15 taxa of the group Illyrian-Adriatic, then 7 taxa a group of Illyrian-Apenin and 1 taxa from the group of Kvarner-Liburnian endemic plants. The diversity of flora including the endemic plants on rocky pastures on the island of Pag really depends on the environment in which a large impact has a way of management of pasture lands in agriculture. i v i c a lj u B i č i ć eT al.: Endemitne rastline kamnitih pašnikov otoka Paga