M. I. ANSARI et al.: DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM RHOMBIC PLATES WITH A VARIATION IN THE MASS 731–736 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM RHOMBIC PLATES WITH A VARIATION IN THE MASS DINAMI^NA ANALIZA FGM ROMBSKIH PLO[^ RAZLI^NIH MAS Md Irfan Ansari 1 , Ajay Kumar 1 , Danuta Barnat-Hunek 2 , Przemyslaw Brzyski 2* , Wojciech Andrzejuk 3 1 National Institute of Technology Patna, Department of Civil Engineering, Patna, Bihar, India 2 Lublin University of Technlogy, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Construction, Nadbystrzycka 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland 3 Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Bia³a Podlaska, Faculty of Economics and Engineering, 95/97 Sidorska, 21-500 Bia³a Podlaska, Poland p.brzyski@pollub.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2018-04-06; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-06-14 doi:10.17222/mit.2018.071 A dynamic analysis of shear-deformable rhombic plates from functionally graded material (FGM) with a variation in the mass is presented. The present mathematical model incorporates a realistic cubic variation of the thickness coordinate in displacement fields. Due to the parabolic variation of the transverse shear strains in the thickness, the shear-correction factor is eliminated. The finite-element formulation of the present mathematical model is done using a two-dimensional C 0 element with seven nodal unknowns. A computer code is written for the present finite-element formulation. The material properties vary in the thickness direction of the FGM rhombic plate at any point according to the Mori-Tanaka scheme. The accuracy of the formulation is demonstrated by comparing it with suitable examples from the literature. This is the first attempt at a dynamic study of FGM rhombic plates with a variation in the mass and with various volume-fraction indices, thickness ratios and boundary constraints. Keywords: functionally graded material, finite-element method, cutouts, additional mass V ~lanku je predstavljena dinami~na analiza stri`no deformiranih rombskih plo{~ iz materiala s funkcionalno porazdeljenimi lastnostmi (FGM, angl.: functionally graded material) razli~nih mas. Predstavljeni matemati~ni model vklju~uje realisti~ne kubi~ne variacije koordinat debeline v premi~nem polju. Zaradi paraboli~nih variacij pre~nih stri`nih deformacij v debelini je eliminiran korekcijski faktor striga. Formulacijo z metodo kon~nih elementov predstavljenega matemati~nega modela so avtorji izvr{ili z uporabo dvodimenzionalnega C 0 elementa s sedmimi vozli{~nimi neznankami. Napisali so ra~unalni{ko kodo za predstavljeno formulacijo kon~nih elementov. Materialne lastnosti se spreminjajo v smeri debeline rombske FGM plo{~e v vsaki to~ki skladno s shemo Tanake. Natan~nost formulacije je v ~lanku predstavljena s primerjavo primernih primerov iz literature. To je prvi pristop k dinami~nemu {tudiju rombskih FGM plo{~ s spremenljivo maso in s spreminjajo~imi kazalci volumskim dele`ev, razmerji debeline in mejnimi omejitvami. Klju~ne besede: material s funkcionalno porazdeljenimi lastnostmi, metoda kon~nih elementov, izrezi, dodatna masa 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, plates made of FGMs have gained considerable attention in civil, aeronautical, mechanical and marine engineering. A variation in the mass is achieved using a cutout and additional mass in the present model. Plates with cutouts are used to modify the weight of a structural member, provide ventilation, attain the appropriate connection between structural compo- nents or alter the resonant frequency of a structure. The additional mass is generally used to reduce the funda- mental frequency to a desired value. Reddy 1 evaluated the static behaviour of FGM plates based on a third-order shear-deformation theory (TSDT). Abrate 2 studied the complications of a free vibration analysis of FGM plates using a classical laminated-plate model. The three- dimensional solution for the vibration problem of a plate from functionally graded material was presented by Uymaz & Aydogdu 3 under various boundary conditions. Matsunaga 4 used a two-dimensional higher-order defor- mation theory and Zhao et al. 5 implemented a first-order shear-deformation theory (FSDT) while Fares et al. 6 used a refined two-dimensional theory to estimate the vibra- tions of FG plates under different boundary conditions. The bending behaviour of an FGM plate using a higher- order shear-deformation theory was studied by Taj et al. 7 The finite-element formulation based on a third-order shear-deformation theory was used by Taj and Chakra- barti 8 to analyse the static and dynamic behaviour of skew plates from functionally graded material. Asemi et al. 9 utilized the principle of minimum energy and Ray- leigh-Ritz energy method for static and dynamic anal- yses of FGM skew plates. Most of the earlier dynamic analyses of the plates with cutouts were limited to iso- tropic plates 10–11 and Reddy 12 reported on a laminated composite plate with a cutout. Huang and Sakiyama 13 used a numerical method for the analysis of free vib- rations of square plates with different types of cutouts. The thermal effect on free vibrations of FGM non-uni- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 6, 731–736 731 UDK 620.1:620.172.21 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(6)731(2018) form straight-sided plates with different shapes of cutouts was investigated by Janghorban and Zare. 14 Most of the finite-element (FE) software is based on FSDT, which is not suitable for moderately thick plates because FSDT requires the shear-correction factor. In the present analysis, a parabolic transverse-shear-strain deformation across the thickness is taken and conse- quently the need for the shear-correction factor is elimi- nated. From the literature review, it is clear that no result of a dynamic analysis of FGM rhombic plates with a variation in the mass is available. Hence, in the present study, an attempt was made to carry out a dynamic analysis of FGM rhombic plates with a cutout and additional mass. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Effective material properties An FGM plate is a combination of two differently dispersed constituents; its material is macroscopically isotropic and material properties gradually change only in the thickness direction. The effective property of the FGM plate at any height x 3 can be expressed as Px PV x PV x () () () 333 =+ cc mm (1) Vx x h n c () 3 3 1 2 =+ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ,() 0≤≤ ∞ n andVx Vx cm () () 33 1 += (2) where P m and P c denote the material properties of the metal and ceramic, respectively, V c and V m are called the volume fractions of ceramic and metallic constituents, respectively, and n is known as the volume fraction index. According to the Mori-Tanaka scheme, 15 the effective bulk modulus (B), the effective shear modulus (G), the modulus of elasticity (E) and Poisson’s ratio (v) can be calculated at any point within the FGM plate. 2.2 Mathematical formulation The geometry of the FGM plate with a cutout used in present study is shown in Figure 1. The length of the plate is taken as a, the width is b and the total thickness is h. The middle section of the plate from functionally graded material is taken as the reference. The displace- ment field for the FGM rhombic plate is considered to derive the mathematical model based on Reddy 1 : ux x x u x x h w ux x x xx x (,,) ( ) (,,) , 123 03 3 3 2 0 123 11 1 4 3 =+ − + =+ − + = vx x h w wx x x w xx x 03 3 3 2 0 123 0 22 2 4 3 () (,,) , (3) where u, v and w are displacements of any generic point in the plate geometry, u 0 , v 0 and w 0 are displacements at the mid-plane and x1 , x2 are the bending rotations defined at the mid-plane about the x 2 and x 1 axes, res- pectively. For the condition of field the variables are continuous within the element, while for the C 0 conti- nuity problem the out-of-plane derivatives are substi- tuted by incorporating the following relations in Equation (3): xx x w 11 1 0 =+ () , , xx x w 22 2 0 =+ () , (4) The strain-displacement relationships can be ex- pressed as x x xx x x xx u v uv 1 2 12 1 2 21 0 0 00 ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎫ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪ = + ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎫ ⎬ , , ,, ⎪ ⎭ ⎪ + + ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎫ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪ + + x x h xx xx xx xx 3 3 3 2 11 22 12 21 4 3 , , ,, xx xx xx xx xx xx 11 22 12 21 23 31 , , ,, , , + ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎫ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪ ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ = + + ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ − ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ w w x h x x x x x x 0 0 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 3 , , (5) Further, the expression of the strain vector can be correlated with the displacement vector using the following relationship: {} [ ] {} = B (6) where B is known as the strain-displacement matrix, involving the derivatives of shape-function terms. 2.3 Finite-element formulation 2.3.1 Element description A nine-nodded C 0 isoparametric Lagrangian element is utilized in the present investigation. It has a total of sixty-three degrees of freedom and each node has seven degrees of freedom. M. I. ANSARI et al.: DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM RHOMBIC PLATES WITH A VARIATION IN THE MASS 732 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 6, 731–736 Figure 1: Geometry of an FGM plate with a cutout having a zero skew angle with the x 2 axis 2.3.2 Skew boundary transformation For the rhombic plate shown in Figure 2, the edges of the boundary elements are not parallel to the global axes of the rhombic plate. Hence, the transformation matrix T is required to transform the element matrices from the global to the local axes. Transformation matrix [] T cs sc cs sc cs = − − − 00000 00000 0010000 000 00 000 00 00000 00000sc ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ (7) where c = cos , s = sin and is the skew angle of the plate. 2.3.3 Governing equation for the free-vibration analysis The acceleration at any point within the element may be expressed in terms of the mid-surface displacement parameters (u 0 , v 0 , w 0 )as {} {} [] {} f t f u v w Ff == − ⎧ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ ⎫ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ ⎪ =− ∂ ∂ 2 2 22 (8) where the vector f represents the nodal unknowns and is ofthe7×1order, containing the terms of Equation (3). The vector f is decoupled into the matrix C that con- tains the shape functions (N i ) and the global displace- ment vector . {} [] {} fC = (9) By utilizing Equations (8) and (9), the mass matrix of an element may be expressed as [] [][] [] mCL C A A T ∫ ∫ d (10) where the expression of the matrix L can be written as [] [][] LFF z T A ∫ d (11) where is the density of the FGM estimated from Equation (1). Hence, the governing equation for the free-vibration analysis becomes [] [] () {}{} KM X −= 2 0 (12) where M and K are the mass matrix and linear-stiffness matrix, respectively. The solution of the above equation (eigenvalue problem) provides the vibration characte- ristics, that is, the frequency parameters for the free vib- ration of the functionally graded rhombic plate. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The vibration behaviour of the FGM rhombic plates with additional mass and cutouts was analysed con- sidering different combinations of ceramic and metal constituents, the boundary condition, skew angle, cutout size and additional mass with several geometric para- meters. An FE code was implemented based on the present formulation. Seven unknowns per node for the present model were utilized for the nine-nodded isopara- metric elements to discretize the FGM rhombic plate. The non-dimensional quantities used are: The non-dimensional frequency parameter = a h E 2 c c The non-dimensional additional mass M M ha = c 2 The boundary conditions used in the present study are as follows: Clamped and simply supported (CCSS): At x 1 =0, a uvw xxxx = ====== 1212 0 At x 2 =0, b uw xx == = = 11 0 Clamped and free (CCFF): At x 1 = 0,a At x 2 = 0,b uvw xxxx = =====≠ 1212 0 3.1 Convergence and validation Since there is no study of a free-vibration analysis of an FGM plate with additional mass available, a compari- son with an FGM plate without additional mass was made. The material properties of the FGM components specified at the normal temperature and utilized for the calculation used in present study are provided below. M. I. ANSARI et al.: DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM RHOMBIC PLATES WITH A VARIATION IN THE MASS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 6, 731–736 733 Figure 2: Plan of a plate with a skew angle ( ) with the x 2 axis FGM (Al/Al 2 O 3 ): E c = 380 GPa, E m =70GPa,v c = 0.3, v m = 0.3, c = 3800 kg/m 3 , m = 2707 kg/m 3 Table 1 shows a convergence-and-validation study of an FGM plate without additional mass where the present finite-element formulation is validated with a three- dimensional solution by Uymaz and Aydogdu 3 .Itisno - ticed that a 20 × 20 mesh is satisfactory for the free-vib- ration analysis of the FGM plate. For various thickness ratios, the present results compare well with the previous results. The dimensionless frequency parameter of an FGM rhombic plate made of SUS304 and Si 3 N 4 is shown in Table 2. The side-to-thickness ratio a/h = 10 and skew angles = 15° and 30° were considered. For various volume-fraction indices, the non-dimensional frequency parameter applying up to 4 modes was compared with the result obtained by Zhao et al. 5 and reasonable agree- ment between the results was found. The numerical results for the non-dimensional frequency parameter of a simply supported isotropic plate for v = 0.3 and a/h=50 are presented in Table 3. The presented results were checked against those obtained by Ali and Atwal 11 ;we found the results were close, confirming a high accuracy of the present model. 3.2 Results and discussion Table 4 shows the effect of the non-dimensional additional mass and volume-fraction index (n) on the non-dimensional frequency parameter for the simply supported (SSSS) FGM rhombic plate. The results are computed for a/h = 10, a/b = 1 and M = 0.5, 1, 2. It is observed that the rise in the volume fraction (V c =0to1) results in a decrease in the dimensionless frequency. The reason for this is the fact that an FGM plate with a larger volume fraction (near to 1) implies that the plate has a smaller ceramic component and thus the stiffness is reduced. Apart from this, the dimensionless-frequency parameter increases with an increase in the skew angle. Due to the fact that the increase in the skew angle reduces the length of the shorter diagonal, which leads to an enhancement in the stiffness of the rhombic plate, the frequency increases. Table 4: Variation in the frequency parameter for a simply supported FGM rhombic plate with additional mass (a/b=1,a/h = 10) nM Skew angle 15° 30° 45° 60° Ceramic 0.5 3.2506 3.6066 4.3476 5.8281 1 2.4517 2.6919 3.1919 4.1979 2 1.7940 1.9580 2.3008 2.9959 0.2 0.5 2.6773 2.9714 3.5869 4.8309 1 2.0159 2.2149 2.6314 3.4789 2 1.4738 1.6099 1.8961 2.4825 0.5 0.5 2.3343 2.5889 3.1220 4.2024 1 1.7531 1.9255 2.2869 3.0240 2 1.2798 1.3979 1.6465 2.1572 1 0.5 2.0933 2.3180 2.7873 3.7336 1 1.5671 1.7192 2.0374 2.6837 2 1.1419 1.2462 1.4652 1.9133 10 0.5 1.6393 1.8046 2.1445 2.8105 1 1.2156 1.3272 1.5574 2.0129 2 0.8810 0.9576 1.1162 1.4325 Metal 0.5 1.4470 1.5962 1.9065 2.5281 1 1.0730 1.1742 1.3852 1.8113 2 0.7778 0.8473 0.9930 1.2893 Figure 3 illustrates the effect of additional mass on the frequency parameter of the FGM rhombic plate under various boundary conditions and Figure 4 shows the effects of side-to-thickness ratios on the frequency parameter. It can be noticed that the value of the dimen- sionless frequency parameter decreases with an increase in the additional mass. It is interesting to notice that a very low effect of additional mass is observed for the CFCF (clamped and free) type of boundary condition. It is also noticed that the frequency parameter increases when constraints on the boundaries increase. The CCCC type exhibits the highest frequency parameter while the CFCF type exhibits the lowest frequency parameter M. I. ANSARI et al.: DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM RHOMBIC PLATES WITH A VARIATION IN THE MASS 734 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 6, 731–736 Table 1: Convergence of linear frequency with the volume-fraction index for an FGM (Al/ZrO 2 ) square plate under the clamped-boundary condition a/h Mesh size n 0 0.5 1 2 5 10 10 4 × 4 3.3290 2.9372 2.8051 2.7061 2.6063 2.5284 8 × 8 3.3026 2.9131 2.7824 2.6850 2.5867 2.5094 12 × 12 3.3010 2.9116 2.7837 2.6836 2.5854 2.5082 16 × 16 3.3006 2.9113 2.7806 2.6834 2.5852 2.5080 18 × 18 3.3005 2.9112 2.7805 2.6833 2.5851 2.5079 20 × 20 3.3005 2.9112 2.7805 2.6833 2.5851 2.5079 Uymaz and Aydogdu 3 3.3496 3.0249 2.8809 2.7658 2.6645 2.5923 Table 2: Comparison of frequency parameters for an FGM (SuS 3 O 4 /Si 3 N 4 ) clamped rhombic plate (a/h = 10, a/b=1) n Mode Skew angle ( ) 15° 30° Present Zhao et al. 5 Present Zhao et al. 5 1 1 6.2833 6.2043 7.4459 7.3546 2 11.2783 11.1789 12.3863 12.2774 3 12.6163 12.5160 15.4895 15.3673 4 16.1050 15.9364 17.2137 17.0489 Table 3: Comparison of frequency parameters for a simply supported square plate with a square cutout at the centre Cutout size Ali and Atwal 11 FEM Ali and Atwal 11 Rayleigh’s method Present (TSDT) No cutout 19.816 19.739 19.7133 0.1a × 0.1a 18.491 19.427 19.4282 0.2a × 0.2a 18.446 19.274 19.1095 0.3a × 0.3a 19.126 19.549 19.4235 0.4a × 0.4a 20.650 20.705 20.7270 among all combinations of the end supports and all the skew angles. The dimensionless frequency parameter for the other end supports (CCSS, CSCS, CCFF and CFCF) is between CCCC and CFCF. The frequency parameter increases with an increase in the a/h ratio up to a/h = 50; beyond that no significant change in the frequency parameter is noticed. The variation in the non-dimen- sional frequency for the simply supported FGM rhombic plate with a central cutout is presented in Table 5. The results are computed for a/h =1 0a n da/b =1 .T h e dimensionless frequency parameter first decreases, then it increases with the increase in the cutout size at the centre. The increase in the cutout size results in an increase in the frequency parameter of the FGM rhombic plate due to the reduction in mass. However, this is not always the case due to the fact that the position and size of the cutout change the mass as well as the flexure rigidity of the FGM plate. Figure 5 describes the variation in the frequency parameter with the cutout size for the FGM rhombic plate under various boundary conditions. It can be seen that the increasing boundary constraints increase the non-dimensional frequency parameter as expected. It is also noticed that the dimensionless-frequency parameter increases with an increase in the cutout size for SSSS, CCCC, CCSS, CSCS, but not for the CFCF boundary condition. Figure 6 shows the deviation in the non- dimensional frequency parameter of the FGM rhombic clamped plate with the side-to-thickness ratio for diffe- rent cutout sizes. The results are computed for various cutout sizes, keeping a/b = 1 and n=1. M. I. ANSARI et al.: DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FGM RHOMBIC PLATES WITH A VARIATION IN THE MASS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 6, 731–736 735 Figure 5: Variation in the frequency parameter with the cutout size for the FGM rhombic plate for various boundary conditions Figure 3: Variation in the frequency parameter with non-dimensional additional mass for the FGM rhombic plate for a/h=10 Figure 6: Variation in the frequency parameter with the side-to-thick- ness ratios for the FGM rhombic plate with a cutout Figure 4: Variation in the frequency parameter with non-dimensional additional mass for the simply supported FGM rhombic plate Table 5: Variation in the frequency parameter with the cutout size for the simply supported FGM rhombic plate n c/a = d/a Skew angle 15° 30° 45° 60° Ceramic 0.1 5.9877 7.0664 9.6664 16.5884 0.2 5.8644 6.8498 9.1699 15.1024 0.3 5.9319 6.8652 9.0272 14.4389 0.4 6.2847 7.2101 9.3307 11.4766 0.2 0.1 5.0072 5.9121 8.0967 13.9318 0.2 4.9085 5.7363 7.6878 12.6871 0.3 4.9690 5.7536 7.5728 12.1298 0.4 5.2677 6.0461 7.8302 9.9944 0.5 0.1 4.4485 5.2523 7.1928 12.3751 0.2 4.3604 5.0956 6.8284 11.2642 0.3 4.4136 5.1102 6.7245 10.7632 0.4 4.6781 5.3687 6.9505 9.0363 1 0.1 4.0793 4.8147 6.5878 11.3109 0.2 3.9976 4.6698 6.2521 10.2930 0.3 4.0452 4.6816 6.1548 9.8303 0.4 4.2860 4.9164 6.3583 8.2377 10 0.1 3.4273 4.0397 5.5100 9.3908 0.2 3.3606 3.9208 5.2353 8.5733 0.3 3.4024 3.9333 5.1590 8.2046 0.4 3.6061 4.1322 5.3329 6.2411 Metal 0.1 3.0466 3.5955 4.9183 8.4400 0.2 2.9839 3.4853 4.6657 7.6840 0.3 3.0183 3.4931 4.5931 7.3465 0.4 3.1977 3.6686 4.7475 5.8376 4 CONCLUSIONS The following general conclusions are made from the present study considering various side-to-thickness ra- tios, volume-fraction indices, additional-mass amounts, cutout sizes and boundary conditions. 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