ISSN 1408-7073 RMZ - MATERIALS AND GEOENVIRONMENT PERIODICAL FOR MINING, METALLURGY AND GEOLOGY RMZ - MATERIALI IN GEOOKOLJE REVIJA ZA RUDARSTVO, METALURGIJO IN GEOLOGIJO RMZ-M&G, Vol. 56, No. 2 pp. 108-253 (2009) Ljubljana, June 2009 Historical Review More than 80 years have passed since in 1919 the University Ljubljana in Slovenia was founded. Technical fields were joint in the School of Engineering that included the Geologic and Mining Division while the Metallurgy Division was established in 1939 only. Today the Departments of Geology, Mining and Geotechnology, Materials and Metallurgy are part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana. Before War II the members of the Mining Section together with the Association of Yugoslav Mining and Metallurgy Engineers began to publish the summaries of their research and studies in their technical periodical Rudarski zbornik (Mining Proceedings). Three volumes of Rudarski zbornik (1937, 1938 and 1939) were published. The War interrupted the publication and not until 1952 the first number of the new journal Rudarsko-metalurski zbornik - RMZ (Mining and Metallurgy Quarterly) has been published by the Division of Mining and Metallurgy, University of Ljubljana. Later the journal has been regularly published quarterly by the Departments of Geology, Mining and Geotechnology, Materials and Metallurgy, and the Institute for Mining, Geotech-nology and Environment. On the meeting of the Advisory and the Editorial Board on May 22nd 1998 Rudarsko-metalurski zbornik has been renamed into "RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment (RMZ -Materiali in Geookolje)" or shortly RMZ - M&G. RMZ - M&G is managed by an international advisory and editorial board and is exchanged with other world-known periodicals. All the papers are reviewed by the corresponding professionals and experts. RMZ - M&G is the only scientific and professional periodical in Slovenia, which is published in the same form nearly 50 years. It incorporates the scientific and professional topics in geology, mining, and geotechnology, in materials and in metallurgy. The wide range of topics inside the geosciences are welcome to be published in the RMZ -Materials and Geoenvironment. Research results in geology, hydrogeology, mining, geotechnology, materials, metallurgy, natural and antropogenic pollution of environment, biogeochemistry are proposed fields of work which the journal will handle. RMZ - M&G is co-issued and co-financed by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Ljubljana, and the Institute for Mining, Geotechnology and Environment Ljubljana. In addition it is financially supported also by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Republic of Slovenia. Editor in chief Table of Contents - Kazalo Original Scientific Papers — Izvirni znanstveni članki Hardenability prediction based on chemical composition of steel 108 Napovedovanje prekaljivosti na osnovi kemične sestave jekla KNAP, M., FALKUS, J., ROZMAN, A., LAMUT, J. Waste mould sand-potential low-cost sorbent for nickel and chromium ions from aqueous solution Potencialni nizkocenovni sorbent za nikljeve in kromove ione iz vodne raztopine odpadnega formarskega peska ŠTRKALJ, A., MALINA, J., RABENOVIČ, A. Processing the PK324 Duplex Stainless Steel: Influences on hot deformability of the as-cast microstructure Izdelava dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla PK324: Vplivi na vročo preoblikovalnost lite mikrostrukture VEČKO PIRTOVŠEK, T., FAJFAR, P. Irradiation methods for removal of fluid inclusions from minerals 138 Iradiacijske metode odstranjevanja tekočinskih vključkov iz mineralov BELASHEV, B. Z., SKAMNITSKAYA, L. S. Geochemical and petrogenetic features of schistose rocks of the Okemesi fold belt, Southwestern Nigeria Geokemične in petrogenetske značilnosti skrilavih kamnin v sistemu gub Okemesi, jugozahodna Nigerija OLUGBENGA A. OKUNLOLA, RICHARDSON E. OKOROAFOR 148 Lower Jurassic carbonate succession between Predole and Mlacevo, , ,. , . 164 Central Slovenia Spodnjejursko karbonatno zaporedje med Predolami in Mlačevim, osrednja Slovenija DOZET, S. Device for thermal conductivity measurement of exothermal material Naprava za merjenje toplotne prevodnosti eksotermnega materiala KLANČNIK, G., KLANČNIK, U., MEDVED, J., MRVAR P. Professional Papers — Strokovni članki Underground Natural Stone Excavation Technics in Slovenia 202 Tehnike podzemnega pridobivanja naravnega kamna v Sloveniji KORTNIK, J. Raziskava možnosti za nadaljnjo eksploatacijo rezerv rjavega premoga v Sloveniji - RTH, Rudnik Trbovlje-Hrastnik Evaluation of possibilities for further exploitation of brown coal reserves in Slovenia -RTH, Rudnik Trbovlje-Hrastnik DERVARIČ, E., KLENOVŠEK, B., VUKELIČ, Ž. Vpliv zračenja visoko produktivnega odkopa na zračilno območje ^30 Premogovnika Velenje Influence of air conditioning at high productive mining field in ventilation area of the Velenje Coal Mine SALOBIR, B. Short Papers — Kratki članki Svetovna konferenca podiplomskih študentov v Brnu na Češkem 240 PhD World Foundry Conference, Brno, Czech Republic KORES, S. Author s Index, Vol. 56, No. 2 242 Instructions to Authors 244 Template 248 Hardenability prediction based on chemical composition of steel Napovedovanje prekaljivosti na osnovi kemične sestave jekla Matjaž Knap 1 *, Jan Falkus 2, Alojz Rozman 3, Jakob Lamut 1 'University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Krakow, Poland 3Metal Ravne, d. o. o., Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: March 26, 2009 Accepted: April 22, 2009 Abstract: With use of neural networks the influence of chemical composition of steel on the hardness i.e. hardenability was determined. The chemical composition has varied within for the specified steel prescribed tolerances. The modeling of influence of chemical composition on Jominy curve was made for three steel grades or steel groups respectively. Izvleček: Z nevronskimi mrežami smo modelirali vpliv spreminjanja kemične sestave jekla na njegovo trdoto oz. prekaljivost. Kemična sestava se giblje v za določeno jeklo predpisanih tolerancah. Vpliv spreminjanja kemične sestave na prekaljivost smo modelirali za tri vrste oz. skupine jekel. Keywords: modeling, neural networks, hardenability, Jominy test Ključne besede: modeliranje, nevronske mreže, prekaljivost, preizkus Jominy Introduction Steel is by production among metals by far in the first place in the world. This is due to its mechanical, physical, chemi- cal and other properties that meet the user's demands in a wide area. One of the parameters affecting the properties of steel is also its chemical composition. For chosen steel grade it is deter- mined with tolerance limits. Idea to use neural networks for modeling the influence of chemical composition on Jominy curves (hardenability) is not new. Vermeulen et al.[1] demonstrated that Jominy curve can be modeled if chemical composition of steel is known. They also presented how the neural network parameters influenced the quality of predictions. Dobrzan-sky et al. have published their results from neural network modeling of hardenability[2, 3]. They investigations were focused on constructional steels. Results of their work gave eloquent proof that modeling of Jominy curves on the basis of chemical composition give good results. For mentioned models, i.e. data base, typically relatively small variances in chemical composition occur. Our department has rich experiences with applying neural networks[4, 5] also with various predictions on basis of chemical composition[6-8]. Table 1. Typical chemical composition of mass fractions, w/% [10] First results of our Jominy curves modeling on the basis of chemical composition of steel were good[9]. In this study we focused on modeling of hardenability of various steels. Variances in chemical composition within data base were bigger then we found in literature[10]. Materials and methods Three steel grades were used in the process of hardenability modeling: VCNMO 150, CT207 and 42CrMoS4. VCNMO150 is a heat treatable, low alloy steel containing nickel, chromium and molybdenum[10]. Steel CT207 is used for highly stressed hardened dies for artificial resin[10]. Steel 42CrMoS4 is used for high and moderately stressed components for automobile industry and mechanical engineering[10]. Typical chemical compositions are presented in Table 1. VCNMO 150, CT207 and 42CrMoS4 in C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni V W others VCNMÛ150 0.34 max. 0.40 0.65 1.50 0.23 1.50 - - - CT207 0.21 0.28 0.75 0.85 0.20 1.35 - - Cu < 0.25 Al < 0.035 42CrMoS4 0.41 max. 0.40 0.75 1.05 0.28 - - - - Experimental part The Jominy test samples have length of 102 mm and a diameter of 25.4 mm. To exclude differences in microstructures due to the preliminary forging, before testing samples were normalized and later austenitised. Austenitising temperature is usually between 800 °C and 900 °C. The samples were quickly transferred to the device Jominy where frontend was cooled with controlled jets of water. Cooling the sample from one end simulates the effect of forging of bigger components in the water. After forging and cooling the samples were cleaned. The hardness measurements were made at prescribed intervals along the test samples from the quenched end. The Jominy curves were presented as a function of measured hardness (HRc) vs. distance from the quenched end. Collecting of data base A database was constructed from measurements of hardness at different distances from cooled surface. The database has contained nearly 20,000 measurements (exactly 19469), but they were not evenly distributed regard to the distance from the surface, as is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that the maximum number of measurements were carried out up to a distance of 20 mm (about 60 %), as well as can be seen that the number of measure- ments at a distance greater than 50 mm is negligible (less than 2 %). 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 JO 80 _Distance dfiam_ Figure 1. Distribution of measurements regard to the distance from cooled surface Various steel groups (special steel, alloyed carbon steel and unalloyed carbon steel) were included in data base. It consists of about 50 different steel grades. Less than 10 of them contain more than 10 charges (chemical compositions), about half of them have fewer than 5 entries. For each of the hardness measurements the chemical composition (25 elements) and distance from the forged surface was attached. These 27 figures formed the so called data vector. The whole database was presented in a matrix consisting of 19,469 lines and 27 columns. From complete data base 11 elements were used for modeling. The selection procedure is presented later. The variations in amount of elements are shown in Figure 2. ences from previous work[9] multilayer perceptrons type neural network (MLP NN) was used. To obtain good quality of predictions 12 input and 12 neurons in hidden layer were used. Because only one output parameter was calculated also the neural network with one output neuron was applied. The correlation coefficients for training, test and validation data base are presented in Table 2. From comparison of those results it can be deducted that applied model is capable to accurate predict the output values and also that overtraining did not occur. In the process of model development the sensitivity analysis was performed with special module within the program. Based on this analysis we decided that, in addition to distance, only 11 chemical elements will be used. These elements have been found as parameters with maximum correlation with the hardness. Correlation factors of the input parameters are given in Table 3. The p factor indicates the amount of influence and rang is classification according to the importance of influence parameters. Table 3. Factors of influence of the input parameters dis. C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Al Cu p 5.19 6.55 0.08 1.94 1.01 1.05 2.84 1.96 4.60 1.28 1.11 1.06 rang 2 1 9 6 12 11 4 5 3 7 8 10 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 S/ 1,5 % c" 1,0 s °,5 C 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 Mean Mean±SD Mean±1,96*SD — 1 C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Al Cu Figure 2. The amount of variation of particular element Data was randomly divided into training, verification and test data base in the ordinary 2:1 : 1 proportion (9735 + 4867 + 4867 model vectors). The distribution in the three groups was automatic and random. The authenticity of the databases is guaranteed, what can be seen from a comparison of correlation coefficients (Table 2). Table 2. Correlation coefficients for developed neural network model training test verification Correlation coefficient 0.9526 0.9424 0.9421 Applied type of neural network Program Statistica was used for modeling. On the base of our good experi- Results and discussion Before modeling of the hardness profile basic statistic evaluations of predictions for whole data base were made and results are collected in Table 4 and Table 5. In those two tables it can be seen that we can expect hardness prediction error smaller than HRc = 2. It is also clear that a tiny part of data base cannot fit into developed model. Table 4. Basic statistic parameters for the absolute error of predictions No. of predictions 19469 Mean 1.867 Median 1.169 Min. 0.00004 Max. 38.990 25th % 0.529 75th % 2.207 Table 5. Frequency table of absolute error distribution Range Cumulative % 0-1 43.96 0-2 71.23 0-5 94.33 0-10 98.20 The results for hardness predictions for three most important chemical elements (Table 3) - carbon, nickel and chromium are presented on Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5. From higher and lower density of markers on these diagrams is evident that input data was not homogeneously distributed. Also less accurate predictions in boundary areas with no or little records in data base can be observed on these pictures. Data base contains steel grades with the same amount of carbon but different amount of alloying elements and thus big variances in hardness value. This confirms our hypothesis that more than two input parameters must be taking into consideration if good enough predictions want to be achieved. Nevertheless, from the pictures it can be seen the general law: carbon increase the hardness of steel and with growing distance from the quenched surface the hardness decreases. This is in agreement with results from literature[2, 3]. On Figure 4 the nickel content influence is presented with surface in the 3D graph. It can be seen that for lower nickel contents the influence of distance from quench surface is noticeable, but at higher nickel values stays almost the same. Figure 3. Dependence of hardness (measured - markers and predicted - area) upon amount of carbon and distance Figure 5. Dependence of hardness (measured - markers and predicted - area) upon amount of chromium and distance On Figure 5 the influence of chromium is presented. It can be seen that the hardness at lower chromium contents near the quenched end decrease with the distance. But at bigger distances from cooled surface even slight increase in hardness can be observed. These unexpected results are due to lack of data but in the agreement with measurements Figure 4. Dependence of hardness (measured - markers and predicted - area) upon amount of nickel and distance Figure 6. Results from hardness measurements dependent on amount of chromium and distance Figure 6. At higher chromium contents the expected drop in hardness at larger distances can be observed. Effects of charge in chemical composition - variances within one steel grade were studied on case of most influential parameter - carbon. Table 6. Chemical composition of two VCNMO150 steel samples in mass fractions, w/% C Si Mn P Cr Al Ni Mo Cu C. low 0.320 0.235 0.595 0.013 0.960 0.012 1.485 0.165 0.110 high 0.430 0.290 0.690 0.021 1.530 0.015 1.720 0.230 0.210 Low alloy steel VCNMO150 For these steel grade 323 different chemical compositions (charges) out of 1508 were used for calculation, what is more than of 1/5 of whole data base. Note; for each chemical composition data up to 15 hardness measurements on different distances from surface is included in data base. Two chemical compositions used in the process of hardenability prediction are shown in Table 6. Figure 7. Measured and predicted hardness profile for steel grade VCNMO150 On Figure 7 variations in hardness profile are shown. Both full lines present hardness predictions, one for the sample with high carbon content (white cir- cles) and other predictions for the sample with low carbon (black circles). Good criteria for variations in measured hardness are points with error bars placed along thin dashed line. They present average value of all measurements at particular distance. The variations of measured hardness at chosen distance were more or less constant on the whole measured area. From Figure 7 is obvious that effect of chemical composition variations on hardenability for this steel grade can be predicted. Evidently the predicted hardness and trend of hardenability are in good correlation with the results from Jominy test measurements. Differentiation between sample with low and high carbon content and accurate prediction is in this case possible due to broad and accurate data base. Special structural steel CT207 Data base for CT207 is not comprehensive - it contains only 61 different chemical compositions (charges) out of 1508. Two chemical compositions for steel grade CT207 with carbon content on upper and bottom border were used for prediction (Table 7). From error bars presented on Figure 8 big differences in measured data can be noticed. On the other hand increase in hardness at distances over 30 mm can be noticed -the line which represents average value of all measurements. Figure 8. Measured and predicted hardness profile for steel grade CT207 From Figure 8 it is obvious that effect of chemical composition differences on hardenability for steel grade CT207 can be only roughly predicted. Differences in measured hardness are too big and thus generalization occurs. In spite of all that trend of hardenability is in good correlation; also increase in hardness can be predicted. Special structural steel 42CrMoS4 Data base for 42CrMoS4 is also small - it contains only 66 different charges, what is a little more than 4 % of whole data base. Predictions of hardness profile after Jominy test were made for two test samples with different chemical compositions; one with low and other with high carbon content (Table 8). C Si Mn P Cr Al Ni Mo Cu c, low 0.160 0.240 0.580 0.011 0.570 0.017 1.650 0.210 0.150 high 0.210 0.260 0.610 0.015 0.660 0.027 1.680 0.220 0.220 Table 8. Chemical composition of two 42CrMoS4 steel samples in mass fractions, w/% C Si Mn P Cr Al Ni Mo Cu C. low 0.390 0.230 0.670 0.018 1.080 0.015 0.090 0.180 0.200 high 0.440 0.280 0.720 0.029 1.140 0.030 0.130 0.230 0.230 Table 7. Chemical composition of two CT207 steel samples in mass fractions, w/% Variations in measured hardness near surface are small compared with those measured farther toward specimen center (Figure 9). Near sample surface the measured differences can be practically neglect (HRc < 5). At distances 20 mm or more those variations can be almost HRc = 20. It is obvious that such big change in variations cannot be modeled very accurate with the model which was developed for whole data base. In our opinion the predictions which were made for steel grade 42CrMoS4 can be described as successful. The differences in hardness profile for different steel chemical composition can be observed. 0 10 20 30 40 50 d/mm Figure 9. Measured and predicted hardness profile for steel grade 42CrMoS4 Conclusions It was successfully proved that neural networks are capable to make good and on narrow region focused predictions. In our case even if large and heterogeneous data base was implemented. If "necessary conditions" are fulfilled very accurate modeling of influences in chemical composition within one steel grade on hardness and hardenability can be made. The "necessary conditions" are: data base must have sufficient data vectors and they have to be representative data for treated steel grade. In the case of VCNMO150 this conditions were completely fulfilled and influence of carbon content on hardenability was successfully demonstrated. Also for steel grades which have a lesser amount of data modeling of chemical composition influence on hardness can be made. The results are not as accurate but basic law can be deduced. For those steel grades the carbon content influence on the hardness was qualitative successfully predicted; quantitative predictions were less accurate. Basic hardness profile or average value was of course successfully modeled for all the predictions which were made during this research. References [1] Vermeulen, W. G. et al. (1996): Prediction of Jominy hardness pro- files of steels using artificial neural networks. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance; Vol. 5(1), p. 57-63. [2] Dobrzanski, L. A., Sitek, W. (1998): Application of a neural network in modeling of hardenability of constructional steels. Journal of Materials Processing Technology; Vol. 78, p. 59-66. [3] Dobrzanski, L. A., Sitek, W. (1999): The modelling of hardenability using neural networks. Journal of Materials Procesing Technology; Vol. 93, p. 8-14. [4] Tercelj, M., Perus, I., Turk. R. (2003): Suitability of CAE neural networks and FEM for prediction of wear on die radii in hot forging. Tribology International; p. 573-583. [5] Knap, M., Kugler, G., Palkowski, H., Turk, R. (2004): Prediction of material spreading in hot open-die forging. Steel Research; Vol. 75, No. 6, p. 405410. [6] Turk, R., Perus, I., Tercelj, M. (2004): New starting points for the prediction of tool wear in hot forging. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture; Vol. 44, p. 1319-1331. [7] Večko Pirtovšek, T., Fazarinc, M., Kugler, G., Terčelj, M. (2008): Increasing of hot deformability of tool steels : preliminary results = Povečanje vroče preoblikovalnosti orodnih jekel : preliminarni rezultati. RMZ-Materials and Geoenvironment; Vol. 55, p. 147162. [8] Večko pirtovšek, T., Peruš, I., Kugler, G., Terčelj, M. (2009): Towards Improved Reliability of the Analysis of Factors. ISIJ International; Vol. 49, No. 3, p. 395-401. [9] Knap, M., Falkus, J., Rozman, A., Lamut, J. (2008): The prediction of Hardenability using neural networks. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; Vol. 53, No. 3, p. 509-514. [10] Metal Ravne Steel Selector [online]. Metal Ravne, 5. 1. 2009, [citated: 10. 3. 2009.] http://www.metalravne. com/selector/selector.html. Waste mould sand-potential low-cost sorbent for nickel and chromium ions from aqueous solution Potencialni nizkocenovni sorbent za nikljeve in kromove ione iz vodne raztopine odpadnega formarskega peska Anita Štrkalj 1 *, Jadranka Malina 1, Ankica Rabenovic 1 'University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44 000 Sisak, Croatia *Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: January 20, 2009 Accepted: February 25, 2009 Abstract: In the present work investigated the sorption of the metal ions on waste mould sand, which is solid residue of gray iron foundry industry. Waste mould sand can be used as a new sorption material for removing some toxic metals from aqueous solution. The system variables studied include initial concentration of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) ions and agitation time. Metal ion sorption was strongly dependent on initial concentration and agitation time. The experimental data fitted well to the Freundlich and Langmuire isotherms. Izvleček: V članku je raziskana absorpcija kovinskih ionov v odpadnem formarskem pesku, ki je odpadek v livarnah sive litine. Ta odpadni pesek je lahko uporaben kot absorpcijski material za odstranjevanje nekaterih strupenih kovin iz vodne raztopine. Kot preiskane neznanke iz sistema so vključene tudi začetne koncentracije ionov Ni(II) in Cr(VI) in čas mešanja. Absorpcija kovinskih ionov je bila močno odvisna od začetne koncentracije in časa mešanja. Pridobljeni eksperimentalni rezultati se dobro ujemajo s Freundlichovimi in Langmuirovimi izotermami. Key words: waste mould sand, sorption, nickel ions, chromium ions Ključne besede: odpadni formarski pesek, sorbcija, nikljevi ioni, kro-movi ioni Introduction People are currently exposed to the hazards of various kinds of metal pollution in wastewater and drinking water. Pollution has a harmful effect on biological systems. Therefore, the elimination of toxic metals from aqueous solutions is important for protection of public health. Heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr, Ni, As, etc.) are very toxic and do not undergo biodegradation[1]. Chromium, which is on the top priority list of toxic pollutants, is present in the electro-plating, metallurgy, and chemical engineering wastewater as Cr(VI) in the form of oxides species, such as chromates (CrO42-) and dichromate (Cr2O72)[2]. Due to its high solubility, Cr(VI) is the most hazardous, since it can accumulate in the food chain and cause several ailments[3, 4]. Nickel is also a common toxic pollutant. Acute nickel poisoning by inhalation exposure or ingestion of nickel carbonyl or soluble nickel compounds can lead to headache, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, nephrotoxic effects, and pneumonia followed by pulmonary fibrosis [5]. Nickel ions are frequently encountered together in industrial wastewaters (e.g. from mine drainage, plating plants, paint and ink formulation units, porcelain and metal enamellings)[6]. The stricter environmental regulations related to the discharge of heavy metals make it necessary to develop efficient processes for Ni(II) and Cr(VI) ions removal from wastewater. Removal of hazardous metal ions especially in low concentrations from industrial effluent is of great interest due to the large quantity of material processed[7]. The main techniques that have been used for remove heavy metals from water include chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, ion exchange, and sorption on activated carbon[8-13]. However, these methods have limitations such as high operational cost in the case of sorption by activated carbon. Intensive studies have therefore been carried out to develop more effective and inexpensive metal sorbents[14]. Natural materials which are available from industrial waste products or agricultural operations can be used as potential inexpensive sorbents[15]. In foundry industry, millions tones of spent materials are disposed in the world[16]. Over 70 % of the amount of the dumped waste materials consists of sands. For many years, the spent sands generated by foundry industry were successfully used as landfill materials. But disposal by landfill of spent sands is becoming an increasing problem as legislation is getting tighter. Also the disposal costs by current practices increases rapidly[17]. This waste mould sand is composed of fine silica sand, clay binder, organic carbon, and residual iron particles. Because of their potential sorptive properties, waste mould sand can using as a low cost sorbent[18]. In this work, waste mould sand, was studied as non-conventional and low-cost sorbent for nickel and chromium ions from aqueous solution. Materials and methods Waste mould sand which is solid residue from gray iron foundry production was used as sorbent. For analysis, a representative sample of waste mould sand was obtained by a quartering technique. It was dried at 105 °C for 4 h. The chemical composition of the sample was determined by atomic adsorption spectroscopy AA-6800, Shimadzu. Mineralogical composition was determined by XRD method using a Philips PW 1830. Batch experiments were performed in order to evaluatie the rate of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) removal in the presence of waste mould sand under different initial Ni(II) and Cr(VI) concentrations. One gram of waste mould sand was placed in contact with 50 mL solutions of different concentrations of the aqueous Ni(II) and Cr(VI) solution for a period of (0.5; 1; 1.5; 2 and 3) h on mechanical shaker. The concentration of free Ni(II) and Cr(VI) ions after sorption was determined spectropho-tometrically (model Camspec M-107) using standard procedure[19]. The mass of metal ions solute sorbed per 1 g of sorbent, sorption capacity (q/ (mg/g)) was calculated using equation (1): AC 77 q =--V m (1) where is: Ac - mass concentration of metal ions, mg/L V - volume of solution, L m - sorbent mass, g The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms are used to interpret sorption equilibrium data[20]. Their equations are commonly used for describing different sorption systems. The linear equation of Langmuir and Freundlich are represented as follows (equations (2) and (3), respectively): 1 1 - + - 1 q K •q •c q le Lim e 1 (2) where is: qe - the mass of metal ions solute sorbed per 1 g of sorbent, sorption capacity, mg/g ce - the equilibrium concentration of metal ions, mg/L qm - saturation sorption capacity of the waste mould sand, mg/g Kl - Langmuir constant m \nqe =KP +-lnc, n (3) where is: qe - the mass of metal ions solute sorbed per 1 g of sorbent, sorption capacity, mg/g ce - the equilibrium concentrations of metal ions, mg/L K and n - Freundlich constants F The free energy of sorption (AG°) can be related to the equilibrium constants KL/(L/mg) corresponding to the reciprocal of the Langmuir constant qm, by the van't Hoff equation: and mineralogical composition of examined waste mould sand. The waste mould sand is dominated by the mass fraction of SiO2 (96.1 %). Table 1. Chemical composition of waste mould sand Composition w/% SiO2 96.1 Fe 2.57 Al2O3 0.85 Ca 0.31 C 0.12 Mg 0.03 Cr 0.009 Mn 0.008 AG° = -RTlnK (4) The removal efficiency (E, %) was calculated using the following relation: c — c E = -°-^ • 100 (5) where is: cn - the initial concentrations of metal ions, mg/L Figure 1. XRD difractogram analysis of ce - the equilibrium concentrations of waste mould sand metal ions, mg/L Effect of contact time c e Results and discussion Characterization of the waste mould sand Table 1 and Figure 1 present chemical The effect of contact time on the uptake of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) ions was studied in single solutions using differential concentrations ((50, 100, 200, 300 and 500) mg/L). The results obtained can be presented as curves q = f(t). Their char- acteristic form is shown in Figure 2 for initial concentration of 300 mg/L. -<^Cr(VD -□-M(l) 600 Co/fmg/L) Figure 3. Influence of initial concentration of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) on the fraction of removal metal ions 2 0 Figure 2. Adsorption capacity, qe versus contact time for an initial concentration of 300 mg/L The results show that the removal process was rapid and the equilibrium agitation time for the sorption of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) is 3 h. Such results can be related by theory from which: a) diffusion across the liquid film surrounding the solid particles, b) diffusion within the particle itself assuming a pore diffusion mechanism, and c) physical or chemical sorption at a site[21]. Effect of initial concentration The effect of initial concentration of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) is shown in Figure 3. Results from this plot indicate that removal efficiency E decreases from 18.2 % to 9.4 % for Ni(II) and from 9.6 % to 4.6 % for Cr(VI) as the initial concentration is increased from 50-500 mg/L. The percentage of sorption metal ions to the waste mould sand decreased as the initial concentration of metal ions was increased from 50 mg/L to 500 mg/L. This appears to be due to increase in the number of ions competing for the available binding sites in the sorbent. Sorption isotherms The sorption isotherms are regular, positive, and concave to the concentration axis. Initial sorption is quite rapid, which is followed by a slow approach to equilibrium at higher metal ion concentrations (Figure 4). _c./(mg/L)_ Figure 4. Adsorption capacity, qe versus equilibrium concentrations of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) ions Figure 5. Langmuire isotherms for sorp- Figure 6. Freundlich isotherms for sorption of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) on 20 °C tion of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) on 20 °C Table 2. The values of Langmuir and Freundlich constants and correlation coefficients LAI FAI KL/(L/mg) ?m/(mg/g) R2 -AG/(kJ/mol) Kf Un R2 Ni(II) 2.266 •lO-3 5.340 0.9982 14.83 32.055 -10-3 1.360 0.9651 Cr(VI) 2.796 •lO-3 2.141 0.9996 14.32 19.197 -10-3 1.464 0.9899 Figures 5 and 6 show the Langmuire and Freundlich sorption isotherms for Ni(II) and Cr(VI) sorption on waste mould sand. The values of Langmuir and Freundlich constants and correlation coefficients were determined and are shown in Table 2. The correlation coefficients (R2) values (Table 2) indicate that, generally, experimental data were better fitted to the Langmuir equation. Langmuir's isotherm model is valid for monolayer sorption onto the homogenous sorbent surface. Once a sorbate molecule occupies a site, no further sorption can take place at that site. The Freundlich expression is an empirical based on sorption on a heterogenous surface[22]. Negative values of AG° indicating that the spontaneous nature of sorption. Conclusion The equilibrium agitation time for the sorption of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) is 3 h. Results indicate that removal efficiency E decreases as the initial concentration is increased from 50-500 mg/L. The sorption data fit in both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. Langmuire iso- therm model shows a better agreement with equilibrium data. Negative values of AG° indicating that the spontaneous nature of sorption. Waste mould sand indicate better sorption properties for Ni(II) than for Cr(VI) ions. The obtained sorption capacity value is promising in the waste mould sand use as efficient low-cost sorbent in Ni(II) and Cr(VI) removal from solutions. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, under the project 124-1241565-1524. References [1] Pehlivan, E., Arslan, G. (2007): Removal of metal ions using lignite in aqueous solution-Low cost biosor-bents. Fuel Processing Technology; Vol. 88, pp. 99-106. 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Processing the PK324 Duplex Stainless Steel: Influences on hot deformability of the as-cast microstructure Izdelava dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla PK324: Vplivi na vročo preoblikovalnost lite mikrostrukture Tatjana Večko Pirtovšek 1, Peter Fajfar 1 * University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: April 8, 2009 Accepted: May 27, 2009 Abstract: Examination of reasons that cause cracking ofthe as-cast microstructure of the PK324 duplex stainless steel (DSS) during the hot working process represents an important step to improve the final quality of product. Hot compression tests were applied in the examination and they were combined with the observations in light microscope. Deformation behaviour of initial as-cast samples as well of the samples after ten hours ageing has been studied with the Gleeble 1500D thermo-mechanical simulator. Applied strain rate was in the range of 0.1 s-1 to 5 s-1, temperature interval was 900-1300 °C and strains were up to 0.7. Ten hours aged samples exhibited considerably narrower temperature range (interval) of safe hot deformation. Calculated activation energy for the entire range of the hot working process and for peak stresses was 287 kJ/mol. Izvleček: Za izboljšanje kvalitete končnih izdelkov iz dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla PK324 (DSS) so pomembne preiskave vzrokov za nastanek razpok med vročim preoblikovanjem. Za preiskovalni metodi smo uporabili vroče tlačne preizkuse in optično mikroskopijo. Preizkuse za določevanje preoblikovalnih lastnosti dupleksnega jekla v litem stanju ter v stanju po deseturnem homogenizacijskem žaijenju smo izvajali na simulatorju termomehanskih stanj Gleeble 1500D. Preizkusi so bili izvedeni v območju hitrosti deformacije od 0,1 s-1 do 5 s-1, v temperaturnem intervalu 900-1300 °C ter pri stopnji deformacije do 0,7. Temperaturno področje, ki zagotavlja deformacijo brez nastanka razpok, je za žarjene vzorce bistveno ožje kot za lite. Izračunana navidezna aktivacijska energija za vroče preoblikovanje pri največjih napetostih in na celotnem temperaturnem področju je 287 kJ/mol. Key words: PK324 duplex stainless steel, as-cast microstructure, aging treatment, hot compression Ključne besede: dupleksno neijavno jeklo PK324, lita mikrostruktura, žaljena mikrostruktura, vroče stiskanje Introduction Duplex stainless steels (DSS) are constantly gaining their importance due to good combination of their corrosion resistance and of mechanical and physical properties in a wide temperature interval when compared to standard austenitic stainless steels, and they have found their applications in chemical and paper industry, in shipbuilding, as welding materials, in petroleum industry, etc. The obtained properties of super duplex stainless steel result in balanced alloying with the ferrite - (Cr, Mo, Si, etc.) and austenite-forming elements (Ni, Mn, C, N, etc.). Thus steel consists of a two-phase matrix, i.e. of austenite and ferrite, where austenite (y) contributes toughness while ferrite (a) improves the mechanical and welding characteristics. Their properties have been continually improved by optimization of alloying, hot and cold working, heat treatment, etc.[1-6]. It is well known that hot working of dual-phase steel is a very demanding one since possible problems are usually more intricate in comparison to working single-phase steel especially when the as-cast material is taken in account. Interface boundary sliding (IBS) seems to be the major deformation mechanism in the duplex steel at higher strain rates (> 1 s-1) and relatively low temperatures (about 1000 °C). Precipitation of intermetallic phases (sigma (o), Cr2N, Chi phases (x), etc) in the approximate temperature interval of 500-1050 °C additionally reduces the range of safe hot working therefore the process has to be performed at temperatures above the interval of precipitation of intermetallic phases. Hot working of the as-cast material represents critical step in the production cycle since the as-cast microstructure is very prone to cracking, especially on the ferrite/austen-ite (a/y) grain boundaries (it has been observed also on the a/a and y/y grain boundaries) since there eventually impurities and carbides precipitate (usually M C and M C ). Furthermore, both J 7 3 23 6y ' phases have different crystallographic structures and deformation modes, different strengths (austenite is significantly stronger in the range of hot working) and softening mechanisms (and rates too). On the other hand, DSS can exhibit excellent hot plasticity if the microstructure is fine enough[6-16]. The PK324 DSS is usually used as welding material and it belongs to the group of duplex stainless steel, and cracking during the hot working process, especially when cast ingots are worked, is still its disadvantage. This paper represents a contribution to elucidation of reasons for appearance of cracking of the as-cast microstructure in hot working the PK324 DSS. Applied methods for characterization, testing and materials An ingot of PK324 DSS weighing 380 kg has been cast in a vacuum electric furnace. Chemical composition of the applied batch is given in Table 1; from the Table is thus visible that the batch contained mass fraction 0.10 % of C, 30.1 % of Cr and 9.5 % of Ni. Test specimens (cylindrical specimens with dimensions 10 mm x 15 mm) were taken from the ingot cross sections and half of them was additionally aged at 1250 °C for 10 h. Both groups of samples were hot compressed (Figure 1a) in the Gleeble 1500D thermo-me-chanical simulator at three strain rates (0.1 s-1, 1 s-1 and 5 s-1), in the temperature interval of 950-1300 °C and with strains up to 0.7. Cylindrical specimens were heated to the deformation temperature in 5 min. A 5 min holding time, hot compression and gas cooling followed (Figure 1b). (LM) ZEISS JENA VERT microscope was applied in the light microscopy, and Murakami etchant[17] was used in order to colour o phase grey, a phase brown, carbides red, green and blue, while y phase remained uncoloured. XRD (X-ray diffraction, Cristalloflex 4 apparatus) was used to determine fractions of phases in the microstructures. All the experiments and testing conditions as well as the applied characterizations in the examinations are presented in Table 2. The initial as-cast microstructure is presented in Figure 2; the microstructure consisted of y phase in the interden-dritic spaces and of a phase. Amount of ferrite of about 48 %, of austenite of about 52 % were found in the samples taken from the ingot centre, while the amount of sigma phase was below 1 %, and amount of carbides (M23C6 and M7C3) at about 0.3 %, measured at the room temperature. Carbides predomi- nately precipitated on the a/y bounda- in the areas of ferrite. o phase was at ries in the interdendritic spaces (due to temperatures above 900 °C dissolved segregation of C during the solidifica- in the matrix, thus this phase did not tion) and to a smaller extent also inside take part in hot deformation in the tem- the austenite grains but close to the a/y perature interval of 900-1300 °C[16]. boundaries while o phase precipitated SaaMng at tafff1 i^fnw-i] Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the hot compression test with the Gleeble 1500D thermo-mechanical simulator (a), and of thermal cycles used in compression tests (b). Table 1. Chemical composition of the used batch for experiments, PK324 DSS; w/% C Si Cr Mn Ni Mo S P Al Cu 0.10 0.26 30.1 1.91 9.5 0.04 0.004 0.020 0.007 0.06 Figure 2. The initial as-cast microstructure of the PK324 DSS, LM. Table 2. Collected experimental and testing conditions Initial state as-cast Aging No 10 h at 1250 °C Hot compression Temperature 900-1300 °C, strain rates 0.1 s-1, 1 s-1, 5 s-1 Temperature 900-1300 °C, strain rates 0.1 s-1, 1 s-1, 5 s-1 Cooling gas Characterization LM, XRD Results and discussion The obtained flow stress curves with the as-cast samples taken from the ingot head and for 0.1 s-1 strain rate are presented in Figure 3; steady-state flow was achieved with the initial as-cast material. At higher deformation temperatures, i.e. above 1150 °C, where the fraction of ferrite was considerably higher[16], the flow curves after achieving maximal values retained those levels since dynamic recovery of ferrite occurred during the hot deformation. Ferrite has namely high stacking-fault energy that favours dynamic recovery (DRV). On the other hand, at deformation temperatures below 1150 °C the fraction of austenite was higher in comparison to the upper temperature interval (1150-1250 °C); dynamic re-crystallization (DRX) led to reduced values of flow stresses after achieving the peak values. The phenomenon of DRX of austenite was indicated also by shifts of peak values of flow curves to higher strains at decreased deformation temperatures. The shape of flow curves at 1 s1 strain rate was similar to that of curves for 0.1 s1 strain rate while the peaks at the strain rate 5 s1 were not so pronounced since they were more elongated like in hot compression of DSS at higher strain rates[13]. The results about appearance or not appearance of cracks on free surfaces of compressed not aged and 10 h aged y- ' ——X / -—.-- 950 -C ______ 1000 X 1050 °C F 1150 X -■-—-—1500 X 1250 X 0.00 0 05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 _Deformation, ¡:_ Figure 3. Flow stress curves of the as-cast PK324 DSS at various compression temperatures and at 0.1 s-1 strain rate samples (see Figure 4a-b) are presented in Table 3 for the entire examined temperature interval. The results from the table indicated that good hot deformability was achieved with the nonaged as-cast samples in the temperature range 1150-1250 °C while cracks were observed on deformed specimens bellow mentioned range. This could be attributed to the increased fraction of austenite[16] at temperatures below 1150 °C, to different deformation modes as well as to different strengths of austen-ite and ferrite, etc. that led to crack formation on the a/y grain boundaries. The obtained microstructures of compressed samples at various deformation temperatures are given in Figure 5. The microstructure became finer with the decreased compression temperature since the content of austenite increased; DRX namely took place in austenite. Formation of austenite on the a/y and a/a grain boundaries which were sub-boundaries or boundaries of grains began during the hot deformation and the followed cooling. Microstructure of samples being deformed in the 1200-1250 °C temperature range consisted of ferrite and austenite that were in equilibrium at the deformation temperature, of Widmanstatten austenite that was formed during the cooling after the deformation, and of a small amount of carbides on the a/y grain boundaries (Figure 5a). Equilibrium between ferrite and austenite was achieved at those temperatures almost after ten minutes[16]. Further, dynamic softening process in the mentioned temperature range was very intensive since number of initial spots potentially suitable for precipitation of austenite during the cooling process after the hot deformation was reduced; consequently, austenite precipitated predominately on the a/y grain boundaries. The obtained microstructures of samples being deformed at lower temperatures (below 1150 °C) (Figure 5b-d) differed from the microstructures of samples that were deformed at temperatures above the mentioned ones. At latter temperatures the softening process was considerably less pronounced, thus many spots potentially suitable for nucleation and consequently also for precipitation of austenite (a ^ y) during the cooling process were available. On the other hand, 10 h aged samples exhibited considerably narrower temperature range of safe hot deformation, i.e. 1200-1250 °C, in comparison to the non-aged samples (1150-1250 °C (Table 3)). This could be attributed to different a^-y transformation kinetics of the not aged and of the 10 h aged samples during the hot deformation. Microstructures of deformed and 10 h aged samples are given in Figure 6a and 6b for the deformation temperatures of 1250 °C and 1150 °C, respectively. Comparison of Figure 5a-b and Figure 6a-b revealed that approximately equal fractions of austenite and ferrite were found in both cases, but the grains in the 10 h aged samples were coarser. On the other hand, approximately 10-25 % higher values of steady-state flow stresses were obtained with the 10 h aged samples in comparison to the not aged samples. This could indicate that higher amount of ferrite was transformed into austenite during the hot deformation and this could be explained in the following way: a higher fraction of ferrite existed in the microstructure of samples being aged for 10 h before the hot deformation, thus higher non-equilibrium ferrite/austenite ratio existed at lower deformation temperatures. Consequently higher transformation (precipitation) rate of austenite took place in the entire ferrite phase and not only on the grain boundaries. Furthermore, the fraction of transformed austenite was not higher in comparison to that in the not aged samples since there was not enough time for transformation, but austenite probably precipitated in a different way and the difference of its distribution could be observed. Thus the temperature range of safe hot working was narrower with the 10 h aged samples. The results on microanalyses on 10 h aged samples at 1250 °C (before hot compression) indicate that differences in contents of Cr and Ni between a and y phase seems to decrease, i.e. trying to reach the equilibrium between both phases. Thus the content of Cr decreases and of Ni increases in a while the opposite behaviour for both chemical elements in y was found (these results will be published in next article). The state of material similar to that obtained after 10 h aging could be obtained also at slow solidification rates of DSS (segregations) that could result in reduced range of safe hot working of as-cast microstructure. For more accurate explanation of these results further examinations should be done. Figure 4. Appearance of cracking phenomenon on compressed samples; macro view (a), and micro view (cracking on grain boundaries) (b) Table 3. Appearance of surface cracks as a function of compression temperature for as-cast state, not aged, and 10 h aged samples, strain rate 1 s-1. Deform. temp. T/°C 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 Cracking Non-aged Y Y S S S N N N Y 10 h aged Y Y Y Y Y S N N Y N - without cracks, Y - deep cracks, S - fine cracks. Figure 5. Obtained microstructures at 1 s 1 strain rate and at various compression temperatures: 1250 °C (a), 1150 °C (b), 1100 °C (c), and 950 °C (d), non-aged samples, gas cooling Figure 6. Obtained microstructures at 1 s-1 strain rate and at various compression temperatures: 1200 °C (a), 1150 °C (b), samples 10 h aged at 1250 °C, gas cooling 9«) 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 Temperature, 7TC Figure 7. Comparison between the calculated and the measured peak stresses as a function of temperature, not aged, as-cast. In order to determine activation energies by the procedure given in reference[18], the values of peak stresses for the initial as-cast samples were fitted to the empirical sine-hyperbolic equation: • Q g = ^[sinh(aa)]" exp(-—) (1) K1 Q represented the deformation activation energy, R the universal gas constant, and n, a and A materials constants. Activation energy at temperatures of examinations and for the applied strain rate ranges was calculated to be 287 kJ/mol. The comparison between the calculated and the measured values of peak stresses together with the other parameters of the equation (1) is given in Figure 7. The obtained activation energy was somewhat lower than that cited by other authors, e.g. Cabrera et al[9] for 25Cr7NiN3.8Mo DSS (Q = 438 kJ/mol), and Paul et al[15] (Q = 360 kJ/mol). This could be attributed to considerably higher fraction of ferrite in our steel. Conclusions Hot deformation behaviour of the PK324 DSS samples, as-cast, and 10 h aged at 1250 °C, was examined at strain rates 0.1-5 s1 and in the 950-1300 °C temperature range. The following conclusions could be made: • Compression temperature played important role in the deformability of the as-cast microstructure. Appearance of surface cracking in hot compression below 1150 °C and no cracking above that temperature was observed with the not aged samples. Cracking occurred predominately on the a/y grain boundaries. • Ten hours aged samples at 1250 °C could be safely deformed only in the temperature range 1200-1250 °C. • The as-cast microstructure could be broken in the temperature range of 1150-1250 °C, otherwise the work-piece should be reheated to above 1150 °C. • Calculated activation energy for the hot deformation process and for the peak values of flow stresses was 287 kJ/mol, and it was lower in comparison to the cited values by other authors since our DSS contained higher fraction of ferrite. References [1] Josefsson, B., Nilsson, J. O., Wilson, A. (1992): Phase transformation in duplex steels and relation between continuous cooling and isothermal heat treatment, in: Duplex stainless steels. Ed.: J. Charles and S. Bernhardsson, Beaune Bourgogne, France; pp. 2830. [2] Nilson, J. O. (1992): Super duplex stainless steels. Materials Science and Engineering; Vol. 8, pp. 685-700. [3] Martins, M., Rodrigues, L. 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[18] Kugler, G., Knap, M., Palkowski, H., Turk, R. (2004): Estimation of activation energy for calculating the hot workability properties of metals. Metalurgija; Vol. 43, pp. 267-272. Irradiation methods for removal of fluid inclusions from minerals Iradiacijske metode odstranjevanja tekočinskih vključkov iz mineralov B. Z. Belashev1, *, L. S. Skamnitskaya1 'Institute of Geology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: March 11, 2009 Accepted: April 8, 2009 Abstract: Methods for removal of fluid inclusions, using gamma quantum and high energy proton irradiation, microwave radiation and electromagnetic impulse treatment, were studied. The effects investigated directly decrease the number of fluid inclusions in minerals and change their temperature spectrum. Radiation methods differ from thermal treatment in that they are not connected with direct heating of a mineral, are less expensive, use background radiation and can be combined with other technologies. Izvleček: Preučene so bile metode za odstranjevanje tekočinskih vključkov z gama-kvantno in visokoenergijsko protonsko iradiacijo, mikrovalovno radiacijo ter z elektromagnetno impulzno obdelavo. Preučeni efekti neposredno zmanjšujejo število tekočinskih vključkov v mineralih in njihov temperaturni spekter. Radiacijske metode se razlikujejo od termalne obdelave v tem, da niso povezane z neposrednim segrevanjem minerala, so cenejše, uporabljajo radiacijo naravnega ozadja, lahko pa jih tudi kombiniramo z drugimi tehnologijami. Key words: fluid inclusions, removal of minerals, gamma quantum, high energy proton, microwave radiation, electromagnetic impulses, water extracts Ključne besede: tekočinski vključki, odstranjevanje mineralov, gama- kvanti, visokoenergijski proton, mikrovalovna radiacija, elektromagnetni impulzi, vodni izvlečki Introduction As pure materials are in demand, attempts are made to develop efficient methods to remove impurities from minerals. A common type of inclusions that are hard to remove, that disturb the homogeneity, deteriorate the characteristics and limit the use of minerals are fluid inclusions (Roedder, 1984). Such inclusions are removed by heating a mineral to a high temperature that destroys inclusions (Dolgov, Ermakov, 1971; Kravets , 1995). As a lot of energy is needed to heat minerals, more economic methods to destroy fluid inclusions are being sought (Belashev, Skamnitskaya, Lebedeva, Ozerova, 2001; Skamnytskaya, Kameneva, Belashev , 2004). The paper deals with methods for removal of fluid inclusions from minerals by gamma quantum, high energy particle and microwave irradiation and by treatment with strong electromagnetic impulses. The mechanism of the effect of radiation on fluid inclusions has not been thoroughly studied. Well-known impacts of radiation on a mineral, such as the formation of colour centres, structural rearrangements, weakening of bonds, redistribution of defects and loosening of a sample (Shevyakova, Lifshitz, Polyaschenko, 1980), indirectly contribute to removal of fluid inclusions from a mineral but do not cause their destruction. The study of the effect of various fields on a mineral is expected to cast light on inclusion destruction mechanisms. The goal of the study is to acknowledge the destructive effect of irradiation on fluid inclusions and to assess its quantitative characteristics. Material and Methods The problem was approached by studying initial fluid inclusions in the sample, their disintegration products or inclusions that were not removed by treatment. As the first step it was important to estimate the influence of radiation on all kinds of fluid inclusions in minerals. Quartz, microcline, plagioclase, kya-nite, apatite and tourmaline samples were collected from various deposits in Karelia (Danilevskaya, Skamnitskaya, Shiptsov , 2004) and the morphology of fluid inclusions and their spatial distribution in the sample were studied under optic microscope. At the initial stage of removal of inclusions, the mineral was ground to reveal coarse inclusions and inclusions at grain boundaries. The samples were subjected to gamma quantum irradiation with an energy of 4 MeV on a de- fectoscopic installation provided by Tyazhbummash Plant (Petrozavodsk). A bundle of protons with an energy of 2 GeV, produced by the Nuclotrone at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna), was also used. The samples were subjected to UHF treatment in a domestic Samsung microwave oven. The minerals were affected by strong electromagnetic impulses with an amplitude of 40-50 kV and a pulse frequency of 125 Hz and 200 Hz on a plant at the Institute for Integrated Development of Mineral Resources (Moscow) designed for disintegration of refractory auriferous raw materials (Skamnits -kaya, Kameneva, Belashev, 2004). The efficiency of removal of fluid inclusions was controlled by an acoustic de- crepitograph, recording impulses from the disruption of inclusions left after treatment (Belashev, Skamnitskaya, Lebedeva, Ozerova , 2001). It was also controlled by the water extract method used by studying inclusion disintegration products that passed into aqueous solution (Moskalyuk, 1973). The relative error of this method of measurement is 10 %. Results and discussion Fluid inclusions, 10-50 pm in size, are distributed in minerals either chaotically or along the internal fractures of grains (Figure 1). The number and composition of fluid inclusions in min- Figure 1. Fluid inclusions in minerals: quartz, Kyrjala deposit, secondary fluid inclusions (a), kyanite, Khizovaara deposit, primary fluid inclusions (b), microcline, Kyrjala deposit, primary fluid inclusions (c), plagioclase, Kyrjala deposit, primary fluid inclusions (d), tourmaline, Kyrjala deposit, primary fluid inclusions (e). Table 1. Number of fluid inclusions in samples of quartz decrepited in temperature ranges Temperature ranges, T/°C Sample 9/98, pegmatitic, Kyrjala deposit Sample 3/94, veined, Khizovaara deposit Number of inclusions 100-200 711 796 200-300 4569 406 300-400 3939 1160 400-500 9159 992 Table 2. Concentration and species composition of initial fluid impurities Mineral Extract Concentration, c/(mg/L) PH Fe Ca2+ Mg2+ Na1+ K1+ Li1+ hco3- SO42- Cl- C org. Quartz, Kyrjala deposit 1 7.62 0.15 1.4 0.4 2.5 2.4 0.19 16.4 4.4 5.5 2.7 2 6.97 2.70 1.0 0.2 2.3 0.9 0.08 6.8 5.2 4.6 2.7 Microcline, Kyrjala deposit 1 8.43 0.19 7.4 1.2 05 114 3.9 166 10.0 29.4 0.5 2 8.43 0.05 7.4 0.5 0.5 55 3.6 138 7.3 6.7 0.5 erals depend on the parameters of mineral-forming solutions and vary with deposit, sector of deposit and temperature range (Table 1). The density of fluid inclusions varied considerably with quartz type (Belashev, Skamnitskaya, Lebedeva, Ozerova , 2001). The sulphate-chloride-bicarbonate composition of fluid inclusions was determined by the water extract method (Table 2). Ion concentration in the inclusions is 1.43 times that in solutions produced by dissolving the minerals. For fluid inclusions in feldspars, a pH of 7.5-8.5 suggests an oxidation-reduction medium. The cations that play the leading role are sodium, potassium and calcium. In microcline, small-sized Na and Ca ions are more easily replaced by H+ ions than K ions. Impurities in feldspars, such as lithium, magnesium etc., pass into aqueous solution as a result of hydrolysis. Anions are acid residues or the dissolution products of the solidphase components of fluid inclusions. Figure 2. Decreptograms of quartz, microcline and plagioclase of powders from Kyrjala deposit before (a, c, e) and after irradiation (b, d, f) with a bundle of gamma-quanta (E = 4 MeV) for 1 h. The results of 1 h gamma-quantum ir- in Figure 2. The effect of proton irra-radiation of the minerals are shown diation on fluid inclusions in quartz is shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows the influence of UHF irradiation on quartz samples. The results obtained corroborate the effect of irradiation of minerals on the concentration of fluid inclusions. Figure 2-4 shows that as irradiation dose and mineral treatment time increase, the number of fluid inclusions decreases and their temperature spectrum changes qualitatively: the peaks of the initial decreptograms decrease in amplitude, split up and are shifted to the medium and low temperature range. Figure 3. Effect of proton irradiation dose on the number of fluid inclusions in quartz from Kyrjala deposit (a) initial decreptogram not subjected to irradiation; (b, c) decreptograms of quartz subjected to increasing irradiation doses; (d) dependence of the number impulses NL on the decreptogram on the number of protons P that passed through the sample. Figure 4. Decreptogram of vein quartz from the Mursula deposit: 1- initial sample, 2 - UHF irradiation for 5 min, 3 - UHF irradiation for 10 min The compositions of water extracts from the minerals after electromagnetic impulse treatment are shown in Table 3. The regimes used to reveal fluid inclusions vary with mineral. In micro-cline, treatment with electromagnetic impulses for 60 s reveals a maximum number of inclusions, and the greatest number of HCO3-, SO42-, Cl anions pass into water extracts, the number of SO42- anions being five times that observed when treatment time is less than 10 s. A maximum number of inclusions is found when treatment time is 15 s for kyanite and 180 s for apatite. The data obtained show that long treatment leads to local heating and destruction of organic impurities and their decreased concentration in water extracts. The effect on fluid inclusions observed could be explained by mechanisms that act with regard for the composition of inclusions and the characteristics of irradiation. An inclusion is destroyed by a rise in internal pressure caused by ionization and heating of inclusions upon dissipation of particle energy. An inclusion can be heated selectively by protons because of mass equality; they efficiently supply energy and impulse to the water protons of inclusions. UHF irradiation is absorbed in a resonance manner by the rotational fluctuations Table 3. Composition of extract from minerals after electromagnetic impulse irradiation Mineral Treatment pH of Concentration, c/(mg/L) time, t/s extract Ca2+ Mg2+ Na1+ K1+ Li1+ HCO3- SO42- Cl- Corg 0 7.16 1.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.03 5.1 0.4 1.2 2.7 Microcline, Kyrjala deposit 10 7.27 2.2 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.05 7.9 1.8 1.3 10.8 30 7.28 2.3 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.04 7.9 1.6 1.3 0.5 60 7.36 3.4 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.06 11.1 2.2 1.5 2.7 300 7.20 3.3 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.05 7.03 0.6 1.3 2.7 15 4.65 3.4 0.51 1.4 0.38 0 76.8 35.8 Kyanite, Khizovaara deposit 30 4.57 3.5 0.52 1.4 0.38 0 50.6 22.8 60 4.50 3.6 0.51 1.4 0.40 0 54.4 6.5 180 4.52 3.4 0.48 1.4 0.36 0 58.2 21.6 15 5.17 0.92 0.17 0.77 0.23 0 30.9 19.8 Apatite, Tikshozero deposit 30 5.10 0.92 0.18 0.77 0.24 0 29.1 21.2 60 5.04 0.84 0.17 0.77 0.22 0 27.2 27.0 180 5.26 0.92 0.17 0.85 0.26 0 26.2 6.4 of inclusion water molecules. Electromagnetic impulses create in minerals numerous channels that expose fluid inclusions or create high pressure and decompression zones in close proximity to them (Chanturia, Bunin, Ivanova, Skamnitskaya, Pylova, 2004). Some of the mineral treatment regimes used are far from being optimum. The energy of gamma quanta does not correspond to the energy of their resonance absorption by the water of inclusions. As the ability of protons to cause maximum destruction at the end of their travel in matter is not used, the efficiency of different methods cannot be compared experimentally, and radiation technology should further be improved. An example of UHF irradiation (Figure 4, curve 3) shows that the resonance transmission of field energy to inclusions makes the destruction of high temperature inclusions more efficient. For low temperature peaks, this statement requires additional checking because of masking by an intense peak of adsorbed water. Conclusions [2] • Irradiation of minerals and their treatment with electromagnetic impulses at the optimal conditions change the number of fluid inclusions and their temperature distribution, decreasing the number of high temperature fluid inclusions. [4] • The radiation destruction of fluid inclusions and their treatment with electromagnetic impulses are not connected with direct heating of a mineral, are less expensive, use background irradiation and can be [5] combined with other technologies. • As dressing continues, the destruction products of fluid inclusions pass into pulp, change its ion composition and affect flotation processes and the composition of return water [6] (Skamnitskaya, Kameneva, 2005). Acknowledgement The study was partly supported by RFBR grant 08-01-98804. The authors [7] gratitude to Shimansky S. and Tar- kanen I. for management of samples radiation. References [1] Roedder, E. (1984): Fluid inclusions. Reviews In Mineralogy, Vol. 12, p. [9] 644. Dolgov, Yu., Yermakov N. (1971): Thermobarogeochemistry. Methods To Study Inclusions In Mineral - Forming Media And Their Potential Use, (In Russian), Moscow. Kravets, B. (1995): Practical Recycling Of Raw Quartz. Izvestie Vuzov. Gorny Zhurnal (In Russian), No. 8, p. 160. Belashev, B., Skamnitskaya, L., Lebe -deva, G, Ozerova, G. (2001): Noncon-ventional Methods For Removal Of Gas-Liquid Inclusions From Quartz. Geology And Useful Minerals of Karelia (In Russian), No. 3, p. 131. Skamnitskaya, L., Kameneva, E., Belashev, B. (2004): Changing The Qualitative Characteristics Of Quartz By Various Power Fields. Proceedings Of The International Seminar Quartz. Silica, Syktyvkar, Russia, June (In Russian), p. 52. Shevyakova, E., Lifshitz, E., Polyash-chenko, R. (1980): On The Radiation Resistance Of Natural Minerals Of Various Structural Types. Problems In Atomic Science And Technology. Series: Radiation Damage Physics And Radiation Study Of Materials (In Russian), Vol. 50, No. 3, p. 81. Danilevskaya, L., Skamnitskaya, L., Shchiptsov, V. (2004): Raw Quartz Materials of Karelia (In Russian), Petrozavodsk, p. 52. Moskalyuk, A. (1973): Determination Of The Composition Of Mineral-Forming Solutions By The Water Extract Method (In Russian), VSEGEI, St-Petersburg, p. 58. Chanturia, V., Bunin, I., Ivanova, T., Skamnitskaya, L., Pylova, M. (2004): The Study Of The Effect Of High Impulses On The Volumetric Properties Of Sulphide-Bearing Products. Modern Methods For Assessment Of The Industrial Properties Of Hardly Dressable And Nonconventional Mineral Products Of Noble Metals And Diamonds And Up-To-Date Reworking Technologies. Proceedings Of An International Meeting. Plaksin Readings, Russia, Moscow, October, (In Russian), Moscow, p. 196. Skamnitskaya, L, Kameneva, E. (2005): The Study Of Gas-Liquid Inclusions In Minerals From The Standpoint Of Technological Mineralogy. Ore Dressing (In Russian), No. 2, p. 31. Geochemical and petrogenetic features of schistose rocks of the Okemesi fold belt, Southwestern Nigeria Geokemične in petrogenetske značilnosti skrilavih kamnin v sistemu gub Okemesi, jugozahodna Nigerija Olugbenga A. Okunlola & Richardson E. Okoroafor University of Ibadan, Department of Geology, Ibadan, Nigeria Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: January 13, 2009 Accepted: March 18, 2009 Abstract: Schist belts form a dominant component of the Precambrian basement complex of Nigeria. This study of schistose rocks around the Okemesi fold belt, Ife-Ilesha schist belt therefore, is with a view to evaluate their compositional features and petrogenetic affinities and to contribute further to the understanding of the geodynamic evolution of Nigeria's Schist belts. Three lithologic varieties, namely quartzite, quartz schist and biotite muscovite schist are revealed from systematic mapping and petro-graphic examinations. Whole rock analytical results of major, trace and rare earth elements of fifteen samples using ICP mass spectrometer method show that the rock units are comparable to those of post Archean pelitic-supracrustal rocks. Variation plots involving Na2O3, Al2O3 and K2O on one hand and TiO2 and SiO2 on the other hand reveal arkosic sedimentary progenitors for the rocks. In addition, La/ Th and Th/U ratio suggest that the rocks especially biotite schist is associated with post Archean recycled Upper Crustal sources while Chondrite normalized rare earth signatures of samples further indicate low grade post Archean terrigenous sedimentation of rocks derived from possible mixture of granite- tonalities. Relatively intense weathering and maturity of source rocks is revealed from calculated values of Index of alteration (CIA) and Index of Compositional Variability (ICV). The study further elucidates the possibility of the rocks evolving in a rifted environment of rapid subsidence, followed by closure which led to contemporaneous deformation of the sediments Izvleček: Metamorfni skrilavci so prevladujoča kamnina v predkambrij-skem metamorfnem masivu Nigerije. Namen raziskave je določiti sestavo ter nastanek skrilavih kamnin Okemesi pasu, in sicer Ife-Ilesha pasu metamorfnih skrilavcev. Rezultati bodo prispevali k razumevanju geodinamičnega razvoja nigerijskih metamorfnih skrilavcev. S sistematičnim geološkim kartiranjem in petrografskimi raziskavami smo ugotovili tri litiološke različke - kvarcit, kremenovi skrilavci in biotitno muskovitni blestniki. Z metodo ICP masno spektroskopijo smo določili vsebnost glavnih in slednih prvin ter prvin redkih zemelj v petnajstih vzorcih. Analize so pokazale, da so raziskovani tipi kamnin primerljivi s po-arhajskimi pelitskimi kamninami zgornje skorje. Tako variacijski diagrami Na2O3, Al2O3 in K2O kot tudi TiO2 in SiO2 potrjujejo, da je bila izvirna kamnina sedimentna - ar-koza. Razmerji La/Th in Th/U nakazujeta, da so kamnine, zlasti biotitni blestnik, nastale iz po-arhajske reciklirane zgornje skorje. Iz vzorcev hondritsko normaliziranih REE sklepamo, da je bila prvotna kamnina nizko metamorfoziranih arhajskih terigenih sedimentnih kamnin mešanica granitov in tonalitov. Izračunane vrednosti indeksa preperevanja (CIA) in indeksa spremenljivosti sestave (ICV) kažejo na relativno močno preperevanje ter zrelost izvirnih kamnin. V študiji podajamo možnost nastanka kamnin v okolju hitrega pogre-zanja razpornega bazena, ki mu je sledilo zapiranje; to je povzročilo sočasno deformacijo sedimentov. Key words: schist, archean, sedimentary, rifted, compositional Ključne besede: metamorfni skrilavci, kvarcit, arhaik, sedimentne kamnine, zgornja skorja Introduction Schistose rocks which occur in defined belts are known to be a dominant feature and constitute a distinct component of the western half of the Precambrian Basement Complex of Nigeria. This basement complex itself, apart from the schist belt, is made of the Gneiss- migmatite complex and the Pan African Older Granite rocks. The schist belts are made up of mainly low-medium grade metasediments which are usually associated with minor assemblages of mafic-ultramafic rocks, iron deposits and carbonates (Muotoh et al., 1988; Okunlola, 2001). These northerly trending schist belts occur prominently west of 80 Meridian (Oyawoye 1964, 1972; Mccurry , 1976). However, it is now known that some extend eastwards of this meridian (Ajibade , 1976; Emeronye , 1988; Eneh et al., 1989; Ekwueme and Shing, 1987). They exhibit distinct penological and structural features. The belts in the southwest include the Iseyin-Oyan, Igarra, Egbe-Isanlu and Ife-Ilesha schist belts (Rahaman , 1976; Odeyemi , 1977; Elueze, 1981; Annor et al., 1996). The Lokoja-Jakura, Toto-Gadabuike belts (Muotoh et al., 1988; Elueze, 1981; Okunlola, 2001) while the Obudu schist belt is the recently highlighted southeastern belt (Ekwueme & Shing, 1987). So far, there is no complete agreement on delineation, geological nomenclature and geodynamic setting of this major rock unit of the Nigerian Precambrian basement Complex. In this study attempts are made to elucidate the geochemical and petrogenetic features of the schistose rocks around the Okemesi fold belt area, which is a part of the Ife- Ilesha schist belt. The latter has one of the most complex lithologi-cal and structural frameworks amongst the Nigeria's metasedimentary belts (Olobaniyi , 2003). The present study, it is hoped will assist in understanding the evolution of this major rock unit of the Precambrian of Nigeria. Materials and methods The study involves systematic geological mapping on a scale of 1 : 50 000 collection and thin section study of 15 fresh representative samples of all the lithological units mapped. Four samples each were collected from the quartz schist and biotite muscovite schist and 7 from the quartzite. Variation in sample numbers is largely due to availability of fresh unweathered and uncontaminated samples. For geochemical investigations, collected samples were dried at 60 oC, crushed, pulverized and sieved to -80 mesh. A 0.2 g samples aliquot was weighed into a graphite crucible and mixed with 1.5 g of LiB02/LiB407 The sample charge was heated in a muffle furnace for 30 min at 980 oC. The cooled bead is dissolved in 100 mL of 5 % HN03 (ACS grade nitric acid in de-mineralized water). An aliquot of the solution was poured into a propylene test tube. Calibration standards and verification standards are included in the sample sequence. Sample solutions are aspirated into an ICP mass spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer Elan 9000) for the determination of major, minor and rare earth elements at the Acme Laboratories in Vancouver Canada. Quality control protocol incorporates a sample preparation blank (G1) as the first sample in the proce- dure which is carried through all stages of preparation to analysis. Also, the procedure incorporates a pulp duplicate to monitor analytical precision, a reagent blank to measure background and aliquots of in-house reference material STD SO-18. structure comprising massive quartz-ite, quartz schist, and mica schist with subordinate gneisses and amphibolites (Figure 1). These metasedimentary assemblages has been hitherto referred to as the Effon psammite formation (De Swardt, 1953; Hubbard, et al., 1975). Results and discussion Lithological relationship and petrography The Okemesi Fold Belt lies between Latitudes 70 45' and 70 52' and Longitudes 40 54' and 40 50' E and covers an area of 132.25 km2. It has an antiformal The quartzite samples are mostly whitish in color but some ferruginized varieties display reddish bands. They are medium to fine-grained, steeply dipping, with an average dip of 540 E. They consist mainly of quartz which occurs as irregular fine to medium grained crystals with interlocking grains of muscovite. In thin section, the quartz Figure 1. The Geological map of Okemesi fold belt. grains are colorless to grey in transmitted light. The quartz schist which forms the innermost parts of the Okemesi anticline, occur as low-lying outcrops. They are fine to medium-grained, display incipient schistosity and contain quartz, microcline, muscovite with accessory hematite and zircon. Quartz occurs as randomly oriented crystals. Two generations are evident. The first one is coarser grained, usually anhe-dral and elongated parallel to the fabric. Some grains exhibit wavy extinction. The finer grained variety occurs as localized granoblastic aggregates and show uniform extinction. This variety may likely be of secondary origin. Microcline which is present in minor amounts as crosshatched twinned elongate fine blasts are located sometimes in intergranular spaces of the interlocking quartz blasts. The biotite- muscovite schist also occurs in lowland areas between the quartzite ridges and trend generally in the NNE-SSW direction. The foliation on the outcrop is defined by mica streaks, particularly biotite. The schist is generally coarse-grained and contains mainly muscovite, biotite and minor quartz. In thin section, quartz occurs as coarse-grained, stretched, and white to greyish anhedral blasts. Biotite occurs as light brown leaflet sometimes slender and prismatic with occa- sional stumpy laths and is pleochroic from light brown to reddish brown. Muscovite is subhedral, showing alignment in the foliation plane (Figure 2). Plagioclase is of oligoclase-andesine composition, mostly colourless but in the absence of twinning it is often distinguished from quartz by the alteration to sausurite. Euhedral to subhedral garnet is predominantly almandine with minor amounts of spessartine and grossularite. They sometimes exhibit poikiloblastic texture and are characterized by inclusion of fine quartz and some mica. The schistose rocks occur in association with banded gneiss and amphibolites which occupy mainly the outer portions of the anticline and are more prominent in the eastern side. Figure 2. Photomicrograph of biotite-muscovite schist in transmitted light showing Quartz (Q), Biotite (B), and Muscovite (Mu) The banded gneiss consists of alternating bands of felsic minerals notably plagioclase feldspars and quartz, and the dark bands consisting of biotite and hornblende. Quartz is present as coarsegrained randomly oriented crystals. The amphibolite which is mostly low lying is laminated in places with leucocratic bands of plagioclase and quartz. Hornblende is the main mineral with minor quartz and plagioclase. Quartz is het-erogranoblastic, colourless in transmitted light and in some parts, fractured. The hornblende crystals are pleochroic from brown to light green. Table 1. Major Element Oxides (w/%) results of schistose rocks from Okemesi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SiO2 88.91 81.11 83.32 84.17 65.31 65.42 65.38 96.97 96.64 94.18 94.10 94.21 96.61 94.21 94.67 Al2O3 6.52 9.37 8.51 8.21 13.55 13.81 13.82 0.79 1.17 4.11 2.34 1.98 2.31 2.62 2.11 Fe203 0.68 1.29 1.21 1.63 6.30 6.41 6.42 1.22 0.74 0.38 2.1 2.45 0.52 2.41 1.56 MnO 0.0 11 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.01 MgO 0.08 0.75 0.71 0.80 2.97 2.64 2.61 0.07 0.12 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.11 0.12 0.11 CaO 0.11 0.410 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.13 Na2O 0.14 0.68 0.61 0.58 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 K2O 1.76 3.89 3.11 2.64 1.76 2.1 2.5 0.04 0.21 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.07 P2O5 0.10 0.22 0.17 0.11 0.10 0.20 0.21 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 Ti02 0.24 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.31 0.32 0.05 0.07 0.20 0.16 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.08 C^2O3 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.013 0.011 0.021 0.019 0.046 0.048 0.017 0.020 0.043 0.021 0.042 0.045 LOI 1.2 1.8 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 Total 99.75 99.79 99.22 99.99 99.75 99.86 99.81 100.05 99.99 99.98 99.97 99.95 100.83 100.6 99.83 1, 2, 3 and 4 = Quartz Schist 5, 6 and 7 = Biotite-muscovite Schist 8-15 = Quartzite Geochemical features From the results of the major oxide data (w/%), trace and rare earth element (pg/g) composition presented in Tables 1 and 2, the Okemesi metasedi-mentary rocks are generally siliceous, (w(SiO2) > 65 %) with quartzite being chemically similar to quart-sandstones (Blatt, et. al., 1972). These values are also similar to those for the Jebba quartzite and micaceous quartzite, central Nigeria (Okonkwo , 2006). Table 2. Showing Trace Elements (^g/g) analytical results of rocks from Okemesi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sc 13 4 7 6 2 6 4 nd 1 1 1 1 1 nd 1 Be 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 nd 4 2 1 4 2 1 2 V 63 nd 61 61 21 45 40 nd nd nd 8 nd nd 8 8 Ba 93 911 902 880 968 942 902 85 15 60 42 65 62 59 71 Sr 325 201 202 362 64 58 60 12 27 46 32 40 55 31 28 Y 44 47 45 42 33 36 38 32 16 32 22 18 5 10 21 Zr 630 133 589 579 733 829 812 211 318 93 242 200 195 181 262 Co 11 nd 10 10 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ni 25 20 24 20 20 21 22 20 20 3 4 3 3 3 3 Cu 29 4 4 28 2 3 3.8 6 3 3 4 4 5 4 3 Zn 88 2 81 71 14 30 28 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 3 Ga 20 7 11 10 7 11 10 1 4 4 3 5 5 5 4 As nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 5 5 nd nd 3 nd nd nd Rb 127 76 108 109 118 120 119 31 26 35 25 14 31 21 21 Nb 21 11 20 20 6 6.5 6 5 4 5 5 2 3 4 5 Sn 8 11 7 8 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Cs 2 2 2 2 4.5 2 2 nd 2 3 5 6 6 5 4. Au nd nd nd nd 1 1 1 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Rb/Sr 0.39 0.38 0.54 0.30 1.84 1.98 1.98 2.55 0.96 0.75 0.78 0.34 0.57 0.67 0.76 Sr/Ba 0.35 0.22 0.22 0.41 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.15 1.85 0.78 0.75 0.63 0.89 0.52 0.39 1, 2, 3 and 4 = Quartz Schist 5, 6 and 7 = Biotite-muscovite Schist 8-15 = Quartzite is also noticeable in the mean Fe2O3 content of the metasediments where the values are less than 7 %. Mean MnO content is generally low (< 0.15 %) in the entire samples. These trends prob- Average Al2O3 content is lowest in the quartzites (1.93 %). The biotite muscovite schist has a much higher average value of Al2O3 (13.92 %) than the quartz schist (8.15 %). The same trend ably denote an increase in chemically unstable grains (lithic components) with decrease in quartz content. The values are however within the range for metasediments (Weaver, 1989). Average MgO, CaO, and Na2O values are generally less than 0.60 % except for the mica schists that have a mean MgO value of 2.74 %. Mean K2O content is highest in the quartz schist with the quartzites having the lowest value of 0.57 %. The depleted MnO, Na2O may suggest paucity of movement of metamorphic remobilized fluids during the Pan African or earlier events. Some of Nigeria's schist belt especially the shear zones host auriferous quartz that are presumed to be formed by metamorphic dewatering of the country rocks during the Pan African tectonic phase. (Olobaniyi , 2003) This result therefore, explains the paucity of auriferous veins as noted in an earlier study around this sector of the Ife-Ile-sha Schist belt compared to the more mineralized eastern parts about 80 km from this study area (Elueze , 1992) . The values are still within those for metasedimentary rocks (Brown et al., 1979) and comparable to that of Scottish metapelites (Okonkwo , 1992), Ig-arra quartz mica schist (Okeke & Meju , 1985) and Burum Marble (Okunlola, 2001). Average TiO2 is highest in the biotite muscovite schist, 0.21 % for the quartz schist and 0.29 % for the mica schist, whereas the quartzite has a mean TiO2 value 0.10 %. Mean Cr2O3 content is generally low in all the samples of both the schists (0.012-0.017 %) and the quartzite (0.035 %). Compared with the post Archean metasediments, the Okemesi rocks are depleted in CaO and Al2O3, while they are richer in K2O when compared with the Archean mud-stone (Taylor & Mclennan, 1985). Also a seemingly positive trend is noticed between the Al2O3 and TiO2 values in the biotite muscovite schist, suggesting that TiO2 may have been held in the clay mineral lattices. (Figures 3 and 4).This is, unlike the indiscernible or scattered trend in the quartzite and the quartz schist, suggesting that both oxides are contained in the heavy mineral phases. Conversely Zr and Nb in the quartz schist shows a positive trend and this suggest their containment in the heavy mineral phases (Figure 5). Figure 3. TiO2 versus Al2O3 plot of rocks from Okemesi 1HX»- *tr 0 ; thAtM IÛU - f I Siw- s e a DO N ID - o\ TiiO r%l' - J] Î-H ■ F IMllM IW) - * t i' 1 ft m- B- 1 st m 4, h » Figure 4. Zr versus TiO2 plot of rocks from Figure 5. Zr versus Nb plot of rocks from Okemesi Okemesi Ba, Sr, Rb and Zr concentrations are more enhanced in the quartz schist than in the quartzite (Table 2) but are well within the range for supracrustal rocks (Brown et al., 1979; Babcock et al, 1979). In particular, the high Zr content may reflect the presence of detrital zircon in the rocks (Elueze , 1981). Zn, Cu and Co content (pg/g) is generally low. The schistose rocks are generally low in Sr/Ba ratios (< 0.4 %). However, Rb/ Sr ratio (> 0.4 %) is typical for pelitic metasediments (Van De Kamp, 1968). The petrogenetic character of the rocks as established on the Na2O/Al2O3 versus K2O/Al2O2 diagram (Garrels & Mackenzie, 1971) (Figure 6) shows that the rocks are largely of sedimentary origin. In the MgO-CaO-Al2O3 diagram (Figure 10) (Leyleroup, et al., 1977) the samples plot outside the magmatic field which also supports the sedimentary antecedent of the rocks. These features are similar to those for Ilesha metasediments (Elueze , 1981), Birnin Gwari schist (Ajibade, 1980) and Jebba schists (Okonkwo & Win -Chester, 1996; Okonkwo , 2006). However, the Na2O versus K2O plot (Petti -john , 1975) (Figure 7) shows possible arkosic affinity of the metasediments, but the discrimination function diagram (Roser & Korsch ,1988) (Figure 8) shows that the samples are generally of quartzose sedimentary provenance with the samples plotting deep into the quartzose sedimentary field. The TiO2-K2O-P2O5 plot (Pearce et al., 1975) (Figure 9) confirms the continental nature of the sediments. On the Al2O3-CN-K2O plot, (Figure 10) the biotite schists and the quartzite plot close to the illite and kaolinite fields while the quartz schist plot close to the average shale. The relatively high content of Ba in contrast to Rb indicates the contribution of felsic components since Ba indicates K-feldspar-rich source rocks. (Okonkwo , 1992; Okonkwo & Win -Chester , 1998) In addition, Taylor & Mclennan, (1985) have indicated the importance of such immobile trace elements as Th and La in provenance de- terminations of pelitic metasediments because they often reflect those of source rocks. The Th content of Okem-esi metasediments (1.4-43.3 pg/g) is comparable to those derived from granitic composition. Also most of the samples analysed have low La/Th and Th/U especially those for the biotite Figure 6. Na2O/Al2O3 against K2O/Al2O3 plot for the Okemesi metasediments (Gar-rells & Mackenzie , 1971) Figure 8. Discrimination Function Diagram of rocks from Okemesi (Roser & Korsch, 1988) Figure 7. Na20 versus K20 plot of rocks Figure 9. Ti02-K20-P205 plot of rocks from Okemesi (Pettijohn, 1975) from Okemesi (PEARCE et al., 1975) Figure 10. Al2O3-CN-K2O plot for the Okemesi rocks muscovite schists. This feature is normally associated with post Archean recycled upper crust sources (Leyleroup et. al., 1977; Taylor et. al., 1986). The rock samples generally exhibit REE values and patterns typical of low grade Post Archean terrigenous sediments with variable enriched steep LREE and almost flat HREE with no discernible Eu anomaly. (Table 3, Figure 11). La/Yb ratio is also high, resembling the Yellowknife and Pil-bara metasediments (Mclennan et al., 1983). These features suggest sediment derivation from a source dominated by felsic igneous rocks (Mclennan & Taylor , 1984). Taylor and co workers, (1986) have also suggested that sediments with steep LREE enrichments and low Al22O3/Na2O ratio point to derivation from a possible mixture of granite-tonalite rocks to produce the sedimentary protolith. Figure 11. Chondrite normalised REE plot of the Okemesi rocks The results of the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) (Nesbitt & Young 1982; Okunlola, 2003) reveal average values of 69.7 %, 85.9 % and 91.2 % for the quartz schist, mica schist and quartzite (Table 4). These values point to relatively intense chemical weathering of the source rocks. The Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) (Cox & Lowe, 1995) which measures the abundance of alumina relative to other constituents of the rock, except SiO2 show that the quartz schist, biotite-mu-covite schist and the quartzite have an average ICV values of 0.68, 0.85 and 0.83 respectively (Table 4). Compo-sitionally immature pelitic rocks have high ICV, whereas mature pelititc rocks with very little non silicates or those rich in kaolinite group clay minerals possess low values (< 0.6) (Elueze & Okunlola, 2003). The calculated ICV value for the quartz schist (0.68) shows the matured nature of the sedimen- tary protolith prior to metamorphism. Mature to moderately mature pelitic metasediments are characteristic of relatively stable cratonic environments (Weaver, 1989). This may be marked by sediment recycling or moderate to very intense chemical weathering of first cycle material (Bershad , 1966). In terms of the geodynamic evolution of the rocks in the study area, The Ife-Ilesha schist belt has been thought by earlier workers to be an ensialic basin in an environment of thin and attenuated Crust (Ajibade , 1976; Elueze , 1992; Annor ,, 1996). Therefore, the occurrence of sub greywacke rocks in the study area as evidenced, suggests a rapidly subsiding depocenter basin, or that there existed much difference in topographic elevation between the sediment source and depocenter. However, since typical deep water sediments and proximal distal-facies variations are absent, there is the possibility that only a moderate depth and width was attained in the basin in the absence of the development of a fully mature ocean. The rapid subsidence of the basin was accompanied contemporaneously with tectonic instability resulting in antiformal deformation and multidirectional fracturing. This may have aided the rapid removal of the sediments before deep weathering and mineralogical maturity was attained. This activity probably accounts for the shallowness of the depth of the basin. Similar characteristics have been noted for the Isanlu schist belt, central Nigeria (Olobaniyi , 2003). The Nigeria's schist belt is believed to have evolved as a result of an initial continental extensional stage culminating in rift openings and sedimentation with contemporaneous magmatism in the formed basins. These processes were followed by basin closure which led to the deformation of sediments. (Ajibade,, 1987; Elueze, 1992). As seen in this study from petrographic and chemical signature, the Okemesi schistose rocks, which outcrops in the eastern part of the Ife- llesha schist belt,have most probably evolved in a rifted environment of rapid subsidence. Conclusions Systematic geological mapping, petro-graphic and geochemical evaluation of schistose rocks around the Okemesi fold belt show that the metasedimen-tary assemblages which form the inner portion of the Okemesi anticline are continental post Archean supracrust-als. The sedimentary protolith prior to metamorphism and tectonism have had arkosic affinity and may have also been derived from original source rocks rich in felsic components. However, the discriminant plot of Roser & Korsch (1988), suggests contribution from a quartzose sedimentary provenance. Calculations of the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) show that the schistose rocks are metamorphosed from intensely weathered and mature sediments. Furthermore, the REE signatures confirm the possible contribution of material to the sedimentary protolith from a mixture of granite and tonalite rocks. The rocks are believed to have evolved in a rifted environment accompanied by rapid subsidence. Acknowledgement This study has benefited from the assistances of numerous friends and colleagues. The staff of ACME laboratories, Vancouver Canada are specially appreciated for their assistance during the geochemical analysis. References [1] Ajibade, A. C. (1976): Provisional Classification and Correlation of the schist belt of Northwestern Nigeria. Geology of Nigeria; Kogbe C. A., (ed). Elizabethan Pub. Co., Lagos, pp. 85-90. [2] Ajibade, A. C. (1980): Geotectonic evolution of Zunguru Region, Nigeria. Unpbl PhD Thesis, University of Wales Aberyswyth, 421p. [3] Annor, A. E., Olobaniyi, S. B. & Muche, A. (1996): A note on the geology of Isanlu in the Egbe-Isanlu schist belt, S.W. Nigeria. J. Min. Geol.; Vol. 32(2), pp.47-51. 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Lower Jurassic carbonate succession between Predole and Mlačevo, Central Slovenia Spodnjejursko karbonatno zaporedje med Predolami in Mlačevim, osrednja Slovenija Stevo Dozet 1 'Geološki zavod Slovenije, Dimičeva ulica 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Corresponding author. E-mail: Received: March 4, 2009 Accepted: April 8, 2009 Abstract: The paper deals with Lower and Middle Jurassic carbonate succession sotheasterly of Ljubljana in the area belonging to the northern margin of the Dinaric Carbonate Platform. The Lower Jurassic carbonate succession between Predole and Mlacevo is composed of five lithostratigraphic units that in view of biostratigrafy belong to the cenocona Palaeodasycladus mediterraneus (Pia). In the topmost part of the Lower Jurassic stratigraphic sequence there is an unfossil-iferous interval zone of the platy Spotty Limestones. The considered rocks are developed in a shallow-water carbonate facies lying conformably upon the Norian-Rhaetian variously grey bedded dolomite in Lofer development, the Main Dolomite respectively. The passage of the micritic Lower into oolitic Middle Jurassic limestones is gradual. In the Lower Jurassic carbonate sequence, where limestones strongly prevail over dolomites, occur thinner and thicker sedimentary rhythms of subtidal and intertidal environments. The first and especially the last unit of the Lower Jurassic carbonate succession between Predole and Mlacevo are poor in fossils. In central more or less fossiliferous unit play most important role alga Palaeodasycladus, benthic foraminifer Orbitopsella, lithiotid bivalves and corals. Important are also megalodontid bivalves that appear already in the Rhaetian and Lowermost Jurassic part of the Mesozoic stratigraphic sequence. Lithiotid and megalodontid bivalves occur in the form of lumachelles composing biostromes, whereas the corals build minor mud mounds. Nonfossiliferous dark platy Spotty Limestones were deposited in restricted parts of shelf, where there were no favourable conditions for greater diversity of organisms. In geotectonic regard is the investigated area a part of External Dinarides. Povzetek: Članek obravnava spodnje in srednjejursko karbonatno zaporedje plasti jugovzhodno od Ljubljane na ozemlju, ki pripada severnemu robu Dinarske karbonatne platforme. Spodnjejursko karbonatno zaporedje med Predolami in Mlačevim je sestavljeno iz petih litostratigrafskih enot, ki biostratigrafsko pripadajo cenoconi Palaeodasycladus mediterraneus (Pia). Prav na vrhu je nefosiliferna intervalna cona ploščastih marogastih apnencev. Obravnavane kamnine so razvite v plitvovodnem karbonatnem faciesu. Leže konkor-dantno na norijsko-retijskem, različno sivem plastnatem dolomitu v loferskem razvoju oziroma na Glavnem dolomitu. Prehod mikritnih spodnjejurskih v oolitne srednjejurske apnence je postopen. V karbonatni spodnjejurski skladovnici, v kateri močno prevladujejo apnenci nad dolomitom, se pojavljajo tanjši in debelejši ritmi sedimen-tov podplimskega in medplimskega okolja. Prva in še zlasti zadnja enota spodnjejurskega karbonatnega zaporedja med Predolami in Mlačevim sta revni s fosili, v osrednjih fosilifernih plasteh pa igrajo pomembno vlogo alga Palaeodasycladus, bentična foraminifera Orbitopsella in litiotidne školjke. Zelo opazne so tudi megalodon-tidne školjke, ki se pojavljajo že v retijskem in spodnjejurskem delu mezozojske skladovnice. Litiotidne in megalodontidne školjke se pojavljajo v obliki lumakel ozorima horizontov, korale pa ponekod tvorijo manjše kopaste grebene. S fosili revni, temni, ploščasti maro-gasti apnenci so nastajali v zatišnih delih šelfa, kjer ni bilo ugodnih pogojev za večjo raznolikost organizmov. V geotektonskem pogledu je raziskano ozemlje del Zunanjih Dinaridov. Key words: stratigraphy, shallow marine carbonate rocks, litho- and biostratigraphic subdivision, Lower and Middle Jurassic, External Dinarides, Slovenia Ključne besede: stratigrafija, plitvomorske karbonatne kamnine, lito- in biostratigrafska razdelitev, spodnja in srednja jura, Zunanji Dinaridi, Slovenija Introduction In this article are applied data obtained during geological mapping for elaboration of Geological Map of Slovenia on the scale of 1:50 000 on the Map Sheet Grosuplje performed in the years 2005 to 2007 by Stevo Dozet. With our research work we intend to define, above all, the stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic sedimentary succession and to carry out lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivision in formations, unit, cenocones and subcones, what will be useful for elaboration of the geologic formation-map of this ter- Figure 1. Location map of the investigated area ritory. Next to the Lower Jurassic carbonate sequence we intend to research more in detail also rocks and their fossil contents at the lower and upper boundary of the discussed stratigraphic sequence. Geological setting. The mapping area (Figure 1) lies on the Map Sheet Grosuplje on the scale of 1:25 000 (No136) southeast of Ljubljana respectively on the western border of Radensko polje extending on the distance of 3.5 kilometers in the area between Spodnja Slivnica, Mlačevo and Predole at Račna. The Lower Jurassic carbonate rocks build smaller hills Gradišče (486 m) and Griči (492 m and 488 m) extending continually in NW-SE direction. In structural respect the investigated area represents one of smaller tectonic units of External Dinarides defined by northwestern-southeastern (NW-SE) faults (Buser, 1974; Placer, 1998) belonging to the northern margin of Dinaric Carbonate Platform (Buser, 1989). Previous investigations. The oldest registered data on geologic structure of the considered area could be found in works of M. V. Lipold (1858), who in the Dolenjska and Notranjska regions attributed a greater part of Jurassic beds to Triassic. Kercmar (1961) researched Jurassic beds in the area between Krka, Videm and Ilova gora. In the Explanatory text of the Map Sheet Ribnica Buser (1969, 1974) described principal geological mapping lith-ostratigraphic units of this area. Tecton-ically he ranged the investigated area to the Dolenjska-Notranjska Mesozoic Blocks, paleogeographically however, to the Dinaric Carbonate Platform (Buser , 1989). Sribar and coworkers (1966) investigated Jurassic sediments between Zagradec and Randol in the Krka valley. Within the framework of geologic investigation for his doctor's degree Strohmenger (1988) carried out under the guidance of his comentor Dozet sedimentological and geochemi-cal investigations in the cross-sections Kompolje (Mala gora) and Krka-Mali Korinj in Suha krajina (Strohmenger & Dozet, 1991; Strohmenger et al., 1987 a, b). Dozet (1993) recorded the complete Lofer cyclothems in lower part of the Lower Jurassic beds in the Krka area that compose the slovenian part of External Dinarides. Buser and Debeljak (1994/95) determined rich findings of lithiotid bivalves. Debel-jak & Buser (1998) added the lithiotid horizon to Pliensbachian respectively Domerian. Dozet & Sribar (1981, 1997) and Dozet (1990 a) recognized and proved almost all litho- and biostratigraphic units applied for sub- division of the Jurassic stratigraphic sequence in Dinarides. Dozet (1999 a, b) explored and described Lower Jurassic shallow-water carbonate succession with coal on the Dinaric Carbonate Platform in Southern Slovenia. The coal occurs in the form of lenses and thin seams among the limestone and dolomite beds of middle part of the Lower Jurassic age. Miler and Pavsic (2008) described the development of the Triassic and Jurassic beds in the Krim Mountain area. The Jurassic stratigraphic sequence involves Lower and Middle Jurassic shallow marine carbonate rocks. Materials and methods This work is based on data, obtained during the systematic regional geologic mapping in the field on the Map Sheet Grosuplje for elaboration of Geologic Map of Slovenia on the scale of 1 : 50 000, performed by Geological Survey of Slovenia. During geologic mapping of Central Slovenia we were focused on stratimetric researches in the field and systematic labor examinations. For planning of geologic mapping on the Map Sheet Grosuplje the Basic Geologic Map of SFRJ - Map Sheet Ribnica on the scale of 1:100 000 and its Explanatory text has been applied. For formation analaysis the cross-section Spodnja Slivnica-Pred-ole has been chosen (Strohmenger & Dozet, 1991). Around 150 samples of carbonate rocks have been collected along the road on the southeastern border of Radensko polje and another 65 rock samples in the cross-section Ilova gora-Cusperk for micropaleontological analyses carried out by Rajka Radoicic and S. Dozet. Carbonate rocks are classified according to Folk's (1959) practical petro-graphic classification of limestones and Dunham's (1962) classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional texture. Results of the research work Lower Jurassic In the area between Spodnja Slivnica and Racna (Figure 2) five litostrati-graphic units of the Lower Jurassic age is separated. Superpositionally from bottom to top they follow one other like that: 1 - bedded micritic and oo-litic-oncolitic limestones, 2 - bedded Orbitopsella Limestones, 3 - bedded Lithiotis Limestones, 4 - bedded to massive oolitic and reef limestones, 5 - platy Spotty Limestones. AGE STAROST FORMATION FORMACIJA No MEMBER-ČLEN ENVIRONMENT OKOLJE NASTANKA 2 Korinj breccias Korinjske breče Bauxite horizon - Boksitni horizont Intertidal -supratidal Medplimsko nadplimsko Dry land - Kopno ■M. IX < S Šentrumar Formation Tidal-bar Plimski prag formacija 11 Pisolitic" limestones " Piz o litm" apnenci Supratidal Nadplimsko —3 1 O tn DOGGER Laze Formation Formacija Laze Hočevje Group Hoôevska skupina Tidal- bar Plimski prag 5 Spotty limestones Maroqasti apnenci Supratidal Nadplimsko íf Predole 4 Oolitic limestones Oolitni apnenci Open lagoon Odprta laguna cr <0 < Beds 3 Lithiotis limestones Litiotidni apnenci Restricted lagoon Z at i sna laguna D - Predolske 2 Orbitopsella limestones Orbitopselni apnenci Restricted lagoon Zatišna laguna plasti 1 Banded m ¡critic limestones Shallow subtotal Pasnati mi kritni apnenci Plitvo podplimsko TRI ASS IC - TRIAS NOR 1A N- R H AET1 AN NORIJ-RETIJ Main Dolomite (Hauptdolomit) Glavni dolomit Regression Regresija Supratidal, intertidal, subtidal Nadplimsko, medplimsko, podplimsko Figure 2. Stratigraphic position and environment of the Predole Beds and "pisolitic" horizon Distribution: The Lower Jurassic limestones can be followed along the Dolenjska railway in the Spodnja Slivnica-Racna section, but Jurassic beds are, however, exposed also along the roads Mlacevo-Racna and Ilova gora-Cusperk; further on, they build the smaller hills Gradišče (486 m) and Griči (495 m and 488 m) that pass in the NW-SE direction as far as Račna. Similar limestone development is exposed also in the Krka area (Dozet & Strohmenger , 2000), where these carbonate rocks compose Podbukovje For- mation respectively Krka Limestones. Also isolated small hill Kopanj (392 m) and solid bedrock of the southern part of Radensko polje are built of Lower Jurassic carbonate rocks. Stratigraphic position. We already mentioned, that about 325 m thick succession of limestones and to much minor extent of dolomites that compose Lower Jurassic carbonate succession lies conformably between the underlying Main Dolomite and overlying Laze Formation (Figure 2). Conformably upon the Main Dolomite repose bedded micritic and biomicritic limestones with algae Palaeodasycladus, that together with other fossils prove the Lower Jurassic age of the limestones. Platy and thin-bedded Lower Jurassic Spotty Limestones pass gradually upward into dark grey to grayish black oolitic limestones with Middle Jurassic diagnostic foraminifer Gutnicella (Dictyoconus) cayeuxi Lucas and Spiraloconulus gi-ganteus Cherchi & Schroeder as well as alga Holosporella siamensis Pia. Dark oolitic limestones overlying the Lower Jurassic sequence correspond accordingly to the Laze Formation from Hocevje Group (Dozet , 2000 b). Also the upper boundary of the Lower Jurassic sequence is conformable, since the Lower Jurassic Spotty Limestones pass gradually into the dark oolitic limestones of Middle Jurassic age. Quite other case is with the Lower Jurassic carbonate sequence of Podbukovje For- mation (Dozet & Strohmenger, 2000) where erosional discordance between the Lower Jurassic and Middle Jurassic sequences have been recorded and the relatively small thickness (only 15 m) of the Lower Jurassic dark platy limestones is explained, that greater part of Spotty Limestones was eroded. Description of lithostratigraphic units 1st Unit — Bedded micritic (mudstone) limestones, Hettangian and Sinemu-rian The oldest unit of Lower Jurassic limestones is represented by a carbonate succession (Figures 3, 5) in which prevail variously grey, bedded and occasionally banded (Figures 6, 7) micritic limestones containing in spots fragments of benthic foraminifers and molluscs (wackestone). Bedded micritic limestones contain sporadic interbeds of oosparitic (ooid grainstones), in-traoosparitic, bioosparitic, biosparitic, biomiciritic and oncomicritic limestones, that alternate rhythmically. In the thick-bedded oosparitic limestones (ooid grainstones: Pl. 1, Fig. 6) are to be found intraclasts (intraclastic grainstones) and bioclasts (bioclastic grainstones). Intraclasts are subangular to poorly rounded and up to one centimeter in size. They belong to micritic, biosparitic, intrasparitic and laminated limestones. Bioclasts are represented by more or less rounded and micritized Plate 1. Fig. 1. Bioclastic packstone with algae Palaeodasycladus medi-terraneus (Pia) and strongly changed (micritized) Thaumatoporella par-vovesiculifera (Raineri) as well as foraminifers Textulariidae and Tro-chaminidae, Lower Lower Jurassic, Predole at Racna; Fig. 2. Strongly recrystallized mollusc fragment and alga Palaeodasycladus elongatulus Praturlon coated with algal or cyanobacterial crust as well as foraminifers Textulariidae, Lower Lower Jurassic, Predole at Racna; Fig. 3. Bioclastic-ooid grainstone with alga Palaeodasycladus elongatulus Praturlon and foraminifers Orbitopsella praecursor (Gumbel), Verneuilinidae, Textulariidae, Trochaminidae and echinoderms, Middle Lower Jurassic, Predole at Racna; Fig. 4. Foraminifer Lituosepta recoarensis Cati, Middle Lower Jurassic, Predole at Racna; Fig. 5. Foraminifers Orbitopsella sp. and Tro-cholina sp. in the bioclastic-intraclastic grainstone Lower/Middle Lower Jurassicsic, Predole at Racna; Fig. 6. Ooid-grainstone with foraminifer Agerina sp., Middle Lower Jurassic, Predole at Racna. fragments of algae, molluscs and fora-minifers (Pl. 1, Fig. 5). Some beds of the lower part of the Lower Jurassic carbonate succession were subjected to selective late diagenesis. Dolomitiza-tion affected especially coarse-grained sparitic limestones (grainstones), so that the limestones pass in spots into coarse-grained respectively coarse-crystalline dolomite. There are also pretty much strongly dolomitized limestones. The intergranular pores in the limestones of the grainstone type are filled with fibrous calcite cement A and/or mosaic sparry cement B. AG E STAROST ST RAT (GRAPHIC COLUMN STRATIGRAFSKI STOLPEC LITHOLOGIC COMPOSITION LITOLOŠKA SESTAVA FOSSILS FOSILI W ¿y i , I i SEE _ Temen ploščast marogast apnenec z vložki oolitnega apnenca Dark platy bioturbated spotty limestone with inter beds of oolitic limestone Haurania deserta Thaumatoporella parvovesi-culifera Ophlhalmidium sp. Pseudocyclammina sp Crinoids Lagenida? Grey platy oolitic and reef limestone Siv ploščast 001 itn i in grebenski apnenec Corals - korale Pseudocyclammina lituus Gastropods Pectin i dae U I /VT I :<-ÍSID O Dark and brcwnish grey lithiotid lim estone Temen iri rjavo siv plastnai litiotidnl apnenec Medium grey to grey bedded sparry and intrasparitic limestone with orbitopsellas Srednje siv do siv plastnat spariten in intrasparuditen apnenec z orbito psel am i in paleodasikladusi CocWear/fes ¡oppinus Lähhpema scutata Amijtella amiji Brachiopoda Palaeodasycladus medi-terraneus. P. elongatulus Pseudocyclammina liasica Paleomayncina termieri rV\ © ]aaal © I, i, i no Orbitopselta praecursor Palaeodasycladus mediterraneus P. eiongalulus Amijieila amiji Paleomayncina termteri Pseudocyclammina liasica Brachiopoda, Opisoma sp Nerineidae, Mogalodontidae K> I j? n Ji 1 , J © I © I © I»| 104 EZT-T IV Ö1Ö ® 0 I 0 > ® j 0 Dark, grey and light bedded limestones interbedded with oolitic limestone and meg a todo ntid I umac belles Temni, sivi in svetli plastnatl mi kritni apnenci z vložki oolitnega apnenca in megalo-dontidnimi lumakelami IV I . IK1 'K' Pa taeodasycladus meditenaneus P. barrabei Thaumatoporella parvovesiculifera Amijiella amiji Glomospira sp Trochaminidae Textulariidae Mega lodo ntidae Figure 3. Stratigraphic column of the Lower Jurassicsic Beds in Predole at Račna area (Dolenjska) Figure 4. Biostratigraphic subdivision of Jurassic beds on the northern margin of Dinaric Carbonate Platform 200 110 140 2(0 1S0 J00 m HO J®0 J« Katrina zraka (inVminj Slika 1: Karakteristična krivulja glavnega ventilatorja Šoštanj in njegova obratovalna točka v času pred vključitvijo visoko produktivnega odkopa Stanje po vključitvi in pred doseganjem polne proizvodnje odkopa Odčitani podatki so: h = 3171,43040 Pa, Q = 241,68 m3/s Odčitana obratovalna točka 2: naklon lopatic a = -2o Slika 2: Karakteristična krivulja glavnega ventilatorja Šoštanj in njegova obratovalna točka v času po vključitvi odkopa in pred razširitvijo na celotno dolžino Stanje ob doseganju polne proizvodnje odkopa Odčitani podatki so: h = 3776,82133 Pa, Q = 247,08 m3/s Odčitana obratovalna točka 3: naklon lopatic a = +2o Slika 3: Karakteristična krivulja glavnega ventilatorja Šoštanj in obratovalna točka v času doseganja polne proizvodnje Stanje se je v tem primeru spremenilo tako, da sta se povečala depresija in pretok zraka. Če se pri odkopavanju VPO ne poveča profil vstopne in izstopne proge ter profil odkopa, se pogoji prezračevanja odkopnega polja poslabšajo zaradi potrebne večje količine zraka glede na večje ekshalacije plinov, kar je treba upoštevati. Glede na spremenjeno stanje pri razširitvi se je obratovalna točka spremenila na takšen način, da se je naklon lopatic spreminjal od a = -2o do +2o. Pri tem so ostale še rezerve za spremembo naklona lopatic do a = +8o. To pomeni, da je na danem obsegu zračenja in zmogljivosti ventilatorja zadovoljivo velika rezerva, ki omogoča na danem območju obratovanje še enega takšnega odkopa enakih razsežnosti. Povzetek Pri projektiranju visoko produktivnih odkopov so se v smislu zračenja in zaradi upoštevanja predvidenih sprememb zračilnih parametrov teoretično izboljšali pogoji za delo. Zmanjšala se je hitrost zraka, povečan je svetli presek tokovodnikov, izvaja se kontinuirno opazovanje emisij nevarnih plinov, v večji meri je preprečeno dvigovanje prahu in zmanjšale so se nevarnosti za požare. Zaradi povečanja varnosti in velike ekshalacije metana pa so izjemoma dovoljene večje hitrosti zraka, kar v praksi slabša pogoje za delo rudarjev. Vpliv visoko produktivnega odkopa je zaenkrat vezan samo ne en ventilator, to je tisti v zračilni postaji v Šoštanju, zato moramo morebitno vključevanje več odkopov locirati tako, da bo vsak vplival na samo en ventilator, glede na sistem prezračevanja velenjske jame. Visoko produktivne odkope je možno vključevati v velenjsko jamo ob upoštevanju v članku naštetih pogojev. Kljub prvotni hipotezi o poslabšanju zračilnih razmer zaradi dolžine odkopa in večje ekshalacije plinov ter možnosti ogrevov izračuni kažejo, da je mogoče vključiti hkrati dva takšna visoko produktivna odkopa, ne da bi bistveno vplivala na zračilni sistem premogovnika, lahko pa tudi več, odvisno od sistema razpeljave zraka. Viri Ahčan, R. (1985): Racionalno vodenje zraka v pogojih eksploatacije v Rudniku lignita Velenje. Rudarsko metalurški zbornik; Vol. 32, No. 2-3, pp. 289-299. Orličnik, R. (2008): Zračenje visoko produktivnega odkopa. Diplomsko delo. Mentor doc. dr. Boris Salobir, Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geotehnologijo in rudarstvo, Ljubljana. Salobir, B. (2004): Optimiranje delovanja glavnega ventilatorja v odvisnosti od izmerjenih parametrov, program raziskovalne naloge. Premogovnik Velenje, d. d., in Protos inženirski biro, d. o. o., Velenje. Salobir B., Žibert , Z., Založnik, Z., Bi-ščič, A. (2005): Optimiranje delovanja glavnega ventilatorja v odvisnosti od izmerjenih parametrov, raziskovalna študija, št. PRO-PV-RS-1/2004. Premogovnik Velenje, d. d., in Protos inženirski biro, d. o. o., Velenje. Teply, E.(1971): Proračun regulacije ru-dničkih vjetrenih mreža. Rudarsko metalurški zbornik; Vol. 1971, No. 1, pp.11-29. Žibert , Z.(2006): Določitev zračilnih parametrov po barometrski metodi, magistrsko delo. Mentor doc. dr. Boris Salobir, Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravo-slovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geotehnologijo in rudarstvo, Ljubljana. Svetovna konferenca podiplomskih študentov v Brnu na Češkem PhD World Foundry Conference, Brno, Czech Republic Stanislav Kores 1Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za materiale in metalurgijo, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija E-mail: Kot vsako leto smo se tudi letos odzvali vabilu na konferenco podiplomskih študentov v Brnu na Češkem, ki je potekala od 1. do 4. junija 2009. Letošnja konferenca je bila toliko bolj pomembna, saj je bila prva svetovna konferenca podiplomskih študentov, ki je potekala v okviru WTF (World Technical Forum). Na konferenci je bilo predstavljenih 7 znanstvenih prispevkov predavateljev iz Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Oddelka za materiale in metalurgijo, in sicer, 2 na svetovnem tehniškem forumu in 5 prispevkov na svetovni konferenci podiplomskih študentov. S konference se vračamo zelo ponosni, saj smo na njej prejeli dve nagradi za najboljša prispevka. Prvo nagrado za najboljši prispevek na podiplomski konferenci je prejel as. Mitja Petrič z znanstvenim prispevkom »Ability of feeding for Al-alloys dependant on grain refinement and modification«, drugo nagrado pa as. Maja Vončina s prispevkom »Transition phases in Al-Cu alloy - temperatures and activation energies«. Takšna svetovna priznanja nam dajejo motivacijo in veselje za naše raziskovanje in nadaljnje delo. Slika 1. Slovenska delegacija s predsednikom WTF (iz leve proti desni): Grega Klančnik, Jožef Medved, Maja Vončina, Milan Horaček, Stanislav Kores, Mitja Petrič, Primož Mrvar in Sebastjan Kastelic MiD internAtiončI tonlerence AWAKD id it* bci[ mo Pri Slika 2. Prva nagrada za as. Mitja Petriča in druga nagrada za as. Majo Vončina Author's Index, Vol. 56, No. 2 Belashev B. Z. Dervarič Evgen Dozet Stevo Fajfar Peter Falkus Jan Klančnik Grega Klančnik Urška Klenovšek Bojan Knap Matjaž Kores Stanislav Kortnik Jože Lamut Jakob Malina Jadranka Medved Jožef Mrvar Primož Olugbenga A. Okunlola Radenovic Ankica Richardson E. Okoroafor Rozman Alojz Salobir Boris Skamnitskaya L. S. Štrkalj Anita Večko Pirtovšek Tatjana Vukelič Željko INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS RMZ-MATERIALS & GEOENVIRONMENT (RMZ- Materiali in geookolje) is a periodical publication with four issues per year (established 1952 and renamed to RMZ-M&G in 1998). The main topics of contents are Mining and Geotechnology, Metallurgy and Materials, Geology and Geoenvironment. RMZ-M&G publishes original Scientific articles, Review papers, Technical and Expert contributions (also as short papers or letters) in English. In addition, evaluations of other publications (books, monographs,...), short letters and comments are welcome. A short summary of the contents in Slovene will be included at the end of each paper. It can be included by the author(s) or will be provided by the referee or the Editorial Office. * Additional information and remarks for Slovenian authors: English version with extended "Povzetek", and additional roles (in Template for Slovenian authors) can be written. Only exceptionally the articles in the Slovenian language with summary in English will be published. The contributions in English will be considered with priority over those in the Slovenian language in the review process. Authorship and originality of the contributions. Authors are responsible for originality of presented data, ideas and conclusions as well as for correct citation of data adopted from other sources. The publication in RMZ-M&G obligate authors that the article will not be published anywhere else in the same form. Specification of Contributions Optimal number of pages of full papers is 7 to 15, longer articles should be discussed with Editor, but 20pages is limit. Scientific papers represent unpublished results of original research. Review papers summarize previously published scientific, research and/or expertise articles on the new scientific level and can contain also other cited sources, which are not mainly result of author(s). Technical and Expert papers are the result of technological research achievements, application research results and information about achievements in practice and industry. Short papers (Letters) are the contributions that contain mostly very new short reports of advanced investigation. They should be approximately 2 pages long but should not exceed 4 pages. Evaluations or critics contain author's opinion on new published books, monographs, textbooks, exhibitions...(up to 2 pages, figure of cover page is expected). In memoriam (up to 2 pages, a photo is expected). Professional remarks (Comments) cannot exceed 1 page, and only professional disagreements can be discussed. Normally the source author(s) reply the remarks in the same issue. Supervision and review of manuscripts. All manuscripts will be supervised. The referees evaluate manuscripts and can ask authors to change particular segments, and propose to the Editor the acceptability of submitted articles. Authors can suggest the referee but Editor has a right to choose another. The name of the referee remains anonymous. The technical corrections will be done too and authors can be asked to correct missing items. The final decision whether the manuscript will be published is made by the Editor in Chief. The Form of the Manuscript The manuscript should be submitted as a complete hard copy including figures and tables. The figures should also be enclosed separately, both charts and photos in the original version. In addition, all material should also be provided in electronic form on a diskette or a CD. The necessary information can conveniently also be delivered by E-mail. Composition of manuscript is defined in the attached Template The original file of Template is temporarily available on E-mail addresses:, References - can be arranged in two ways: - first possibility: alphabetic arrangement of first authors - in text: (Borgne, 1955), or - second possibility: [1] numerated in the same order as cited in the text: example[1] Format of papers in journals: Le Borgne, E. (1955): Susceptibilite magnetic anomale du sol superficiel. Annales de Geophysique, 11, pp. 399-419. Format of books: Roberts, J. L. (1989): Geological structures, MacMillan, London, 250 p. Text on the hard print copy can be prepared with any text-processor. The electronic version on the diskette, CD or E-mail transfer should be in MS Word or ASCII format. Captions of figures and tables should be enclosed separately. Figures (graphs and photos) and tables should be original and sent separately in addition to text. They can be prepared on paper or computer designed (MSExcel, Corel, Acad). Format. Electronic figures are recommended to be in CDR, Al, EPS, TIF or JPG formats. Resolution of bitmap graphics (TIF, JPG) should be at least 300 dpi. Text in vector graphics (CDR, Al, EPS) must be in MSWord Times typography or converted in curves. Color prints. Authors will be charged for color prints of figures and photos. Labeling of the additionally provided material for the manuscript should be very clear and must contain at least the lead author's name, address, the beginning of the title and the date of delivery of the manuscript. In case of an E-mail transfer the exact message with above asked data must accompany the attachment with the file containing the manuscript. Information about RMZ-M&G: Editor in Chief prof. dr. Peter Fajfar (tel. ++386 1 4250-316) or Secretary Barbara Bohar Bobnar, un. dipl. ing. geol. (++386 1 4704-630), Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana, Slovenia or at E-mail addresses:, Sending of manuscripts. Manuscripts can be sent by mail to the Editorial Office address: • RMZ-Materials & Geoenvironment Aškerčeva 12, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia or delivered to: • Reception of the Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering (for RMZ-M&G) Aškerčeva 12, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia • E-mail - addresses of Editor and Secretary • You can also contact them on their phone numbers. These instructions are valid from September 2003 TEMPLATE The title of the manuscript should be written in bold letters (Times New Roman, 14, Center) Naslov članka (Times New Roman, 14, Center) Name Surname 1, .... , & Name Surname x (Times New Roman, 12, Center) X University of ..., Faculty of ..., Address., Country ... (Times New Roman, 11, Center) Corresponding author. E-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 11, Center) THE LENGTH OF FULL PAPER SHOULD NOT EXCEED TWENTY (20, INCLUDING FIGURES AND TABLES) PAGES (OPTIMAL 7 TO 15), SHORT PAPER FOUR (4) AND OTHER TWO (2) WITHOUT TEXT FLOWING BY GRAPHICS AND TABLES. Abstract (Times New Roman, Normal, 11): The text of the abstract is placed here. The abstract should be concise and should present the aim of the work, essential results and conclusion. It should be typed in font size 11, single-spaced. Except for the first line, the text should be indented from the left margin by 10 mm. The length should not exceed fifteen (15) lines (10 are recommended). Izvleček (TNR, N, 11): Kratek izvleček namena članka ter ključnih rezultatov in ugotovitev. Razen prve vrstice naj bo tekst zamaknjen z levega roba za 10 mm. Dolžina naj ne presega petnajst (15) vrstic (10 je priporočeno). Key words: a list of up to 5 key words (3 to 5) that will be useful for indexing or searching. Use the same styling as for abstract. Ključne besede: seznam največ 5 ključnih besed (3-5) za pomoč pri indeksiranju ali iskanju. Uporabite enako obliko kot za izvleček. Introduction (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) Two lines below the keywords begin the introduction. Use Times New Roman, font size 12, Justify alignment. There are two (2) admissible methods of citing references in text: 1. by stating the first author and the year of publication of the reference in the parenthesis at the appropriate place in the text and arranging the reference list in the alphabetic order of first authors; e.g.: "Detailed information about geohistorical development of this zone can be found in: Antonijevic (1957), Grubic (1962), ..." "... the method was described previously (Hoefs, 1996)" 2. by consecutive Arabic numerals in square brackets, superscripted at the appropriate place in the text and arranging the reference list at the end of the text in the like manner; e.g.: "... while the portal was made in Zope[3] environment." Materials and methods (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) This section describes the available data and procedure of work and therefore provides enough information to allow the interpretation of the results, obtained by the used methods. Results and discussion (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) Tables, figures, pictures, and schemes should be incorporated in the text at the appropriate place and should fit on one page. Break larger schemes and tables into smaller parts to prevent extending over more than one page. Conclusions (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) This paragraph summarizes the results and draws conclusions. Acknowledgements (Times New Roman, Bold, 12, Center - optional) This work was supported by the ****. References (Times New Roman, Bold, 12) In regard to the method used in the text, the styling, punctuation and capitalization should conform to the following: FIRST OPTION - in alphabetical order Casati, P., Jadoul, F., Nicora, A., Marinelli, M., Fantini-Sestini, N. & Fois, E. (1981): Geologia della Valle del'Anisici e dei gruppi M. Popera - Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Dolomiti Orientali). Riv. Ital. Paleont. ; Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 391-400, Milano. Folk, R. L. (1959): Practical petrographic classification of limestones. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull.; Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-38, Tulsa. SECOND OPTION - in numerical order [1] Trcek, B. (2001): Solute transport monitoring in the unsaturated zone of the karst aquifer by natural tracers. Ph. D. Thesis. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana 2001;125 p. [2] Higashitani, K., Iseri, H., Okuhara, K., Hatade, S. (1995): Magnetic Effects on Zeta Potential and Diffusivity of Nonmagnetic Particles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 172, pp. 383-388. Citing the Internet site: CASREACT-Chemical reactions database [online]. Chemical Abstracts Service, 2000, updated 2.2.2000 [cited 3.2.2000]. Accessible on Internet: CASFILES/casreact.html. The length of full paper should not exceed twenty (20, including figures and tables) pages (optimal 7 to 15), short paper four (4) and other two (2) without text flowing by graphics and tables. Text in Slovene (title, abstract and key words) can be written by the author(s) or will be provided by the referee or by the Editorial Board. PREDLOGA ZA SLOVENSKE ČLANKE Naslov članka (Times New Roman, 14, Center) The title of the manuscript should be written in bold letters (Times New Roman, 14, Center) Ime Priimek 1, ..., Ime Priimekx (Times New Roman , 12, Center) XUniverza..., Fakulteta., Naslov., Država. (Times New Roman, 11, Center) *Korespondenčni avtor. E-mail: ... (Times New Roman, 11, Center) Izvleček (TNR, N, 11): Kratek izvleček namena članka ter ključnih rezultatov in ugotovitev. Razen prve vrstice naj bo tekst zamaknjen z levega roba za 10 mm. Dolžina naj ne presega petnajst (15) vrstic (10 je priporočeno). Abstract (Times New Roman, Normal, 11): The text of the abstract is placed here. The abstract should be concise and should present the aim of the work, essential results and conclusion. It should be typed in font size 11, single-spaced. Except for the first line, the text should be indented from the left margin by 10 mm. The length should not exceed fifteen (15) lines (10 are recommended). Ključne besede: seznam največ 5 ključnih besed (3-5) za pomoč pri indeksiranju ali iskanju. Uporabite enako obliko kot za izvleček. Key words: a list of up to 5 key words (3 to 5) that will be useful for indexing or searching. Use the same styling as for abstract. Uvod (Times New Roman , Bold , 12) Dve vrstici pod ključnimi besedami se začne Uvod. Uporabite pisavo TNR, velikost črk 12, z obojestransko poravnavo. Naslovi slik in tabel (vključno z besedilom v slikah) morajo biti v slovenskem jeziku. Slika (Tabela) X. Pripadajoče besedilo k sliki (tabeli) Obstajata dve sprejemljivi metodi navajanja referenc: 1. z navedbo prvega avtorja in letnice objave reference v oklepaju na ustreznem mestu v tekstu in z ureditvijo seznama referenc po abecednem zaporedju prvih avtorjev; npr.: "Detailed information about geohistorical development of this zone can be found in: Antonijevic (1957), Grubic (1962), ..." "... the method was described previously (Hoefs, 1996)" ali 2. z zaporednimi arabskimi številkami v oglatih oklepajih na ustreznem mestu v tekstu in z ureditvijo seznama referenc v številčnem zaporedju navajanja; npr.; "... while the portal was made in Zope[3] environment." Materiali in metode (Times New Roman , Bold , 12) Ta del opisuje razpoložljive podatke, metode in način dela ter omogoča zadostno količino informacij, da lahko z opisanimi metodami delo ponovimo. Rezultati in razprava (Times New Roman , Bold , 12) Tabele, sheme in slike je treba vnesti (z ukazom Insert, ne Paste) v tekst na ustreznem mestu. Večje sheme in tabele je po treba ločiti na manjše dele, da ne presegajo ene strani. Sklepi (Times New Roman , Bold , 12) Povzetek rezultatov in sklepi. Zahvale (Times New Roman, Bold, 12, Center - opcija) Izvedbo tega dela je omogočilo......... Viri (Times New Roman , Bold , 12) Glede na uporabljeno metodo citiranja referenc v tekstu upoštevajte eno od naslednjih oblik: PRVA MOŽNOST (priporočena) - v abecednem zaporedju Casati, P., Jadoul, F., Nicora, A., Marinelli, M., Fantini-Sestini, N. & Fois, E. (1981): Geologia della Valle del'Anisici e dei gruppi M. Popera - Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Dolomiti Orientali). Riv. Ital. Paleont.; Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 391-400, Milano. Folk, R. L. (1959): Practical petrographic classification of limestones. Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol. Bull.; Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-38, Tulsa. DRUGA MOŽNOST - v numeričnem zaporedju [1] Trček, B. (2001): Solute transport monitoring in the unsaturated zone of the karst aquifer by natural tracers. Ph. D. Thesis. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana 2001;125 p. [2] Higashitani, K., Iseri, H., Okuhara, K., Hatade, S. (1995): Magnetic Effects on Zeta Potential and Diffusivity of Nonmagnetic Particles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 172, pp. 383-388. Citiranje Internetne strani: CASREACT-Chemical reactions database [online]. Chemical Abstracts Service, 2000, obnovljeno 2.2.2000 [citirano 3.2.2000]. Dostopno na svetovnem spletu: http://www. Dolžina izvirnega znanstvenega članka ne sme presegati dvajset (20, vključno s slikami in tabelami), kratkega članka štiri (4) in ostalih prispevkov dve (2) strani. Znanstveni in pregledni članki se objavijo samo v angleškem jeziku. PREMOGOVNIK PREMOGOVNIK VELENJE je pomemben in zanesljiv člen v oskrbi Slovenije z električno energijo. Zavedamo se odgovornosti do lastnikov, zaposlenih in okolja. ČUT ZA PRIHODNOST Inženirska geologija Hidrogeologija Geomehanika Projektiranje Tehnologije za okolje Če se premakne, boste izvedeli prvi Leica Geosystems rešitve za opazovanje premikov ■ Geodetski senzorji samodejni lahimetri, GPS in GNSS senzorji ■ Geotehnični senzorji senzorji nagiba. Campbell datalogger ■ Drugi senzorji meteo. senzorji nivoja ■ Programska oprema za zajem in obdelavo podatkov, analizo opazovanj, alarmiranje, predstavitev rezultatov Leica Oosy«rms Oi: - vuhen it has to be right Geo>crvii. d.o.o. Litijska testa 45.1000 Uu Oll «¿86 18 ?0. I. (AWW.I{IH Geosystems Aškerčeva cesta 12 1 000 Ljubljana Telefon: (01) 470 46 08, internetni naslov: E-pošta: