Radiol Oncol 2021; 55(1): 1-6. doi: 10.2478/raon-2020-0068 1 review Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal oncological radiology Matjaz Vogrin1,2, Teodor Trojner1, Robi Kelc1,2 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Center Maribor, Slovenia 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Slovenia Radiol Oncol 2021; 55(1): 1-6. Received 1 June 2020 Accepted 29 September 2020 Correspondence to: Assist. Prof. Robi Kelc, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Medical Centre Maribor, Ljubljanska ulica 5; SI-2000 Maribor. E-mail: robi.kelc Disclosure: No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. Background. Due to the rarity of primary bone tumors, precise radiologic diagnosis often requires an experienced musculoskeletal radiologist. In order to make the diagnosis more precise and to prevent the overlooking of potentially dangerous conditions, artificial intelligence has been continuously incorporated into medical practice in recent dec- ades. This paper reviews some of the most promising systems developed, including those for diagnosis of primary and secondary bone tumors, breast, lung and colon neoplasms. Conclusions. Although there is still a shortage of long-term studies confirming its benefits, there is probably a consid- erable potential for further development of computer-based expert systems aiming at a more efficient diagnosis of bone and soft tissue tumors. Key words: artificial intelligence; deep learning; tumor recognition; cancer imaging; image segmentation Introduction Primary bone and soft tissue neoplasms present a minority among neoplastic lesions. Due to their rarity, precise radiologic diagnosis often requires an experienced radiologist with special interests in musculoskeletal oncology. To surmount the chal- lenge of making precise diagnoses, and more im- portantly, to prevent overlooking potentially fatal conditions, attempts to incorporate artificial intelli- gence and its related techniques into medical prac- tice have occurred in the last decades (Figure 1). Being first introduced by McCarthy in the 1950s, artificial intelligence (AI) is a general term that describes computer machines that imitate hu- man intelligence.1 Machine learning, a subset of AI, uses computational algorithms, which learn with experience and therefore improve the per- formance of tasks.2 The rapid progress of compu- tational power and big data availability allowed the emergence of an even more specialized sub- field of machine learning, called deep learning. It is a promising method capable of processing raw data to perform detection or classification tasks.3 Deep learning algorithms, implemented as arti- ficial neural networks, mimic biological nervous systems.4 The network is organized in layers com- posed of interconnected nodes imitating archi- tecture in a biologic brain.2,5 Nodes are weighted individually for the purpose of increasing data extraction. In order to classify data, weights are automatically and dynamically optimized during the training phase.5,6 Regarding the layers, three different kinds are present in each neural network. It begins with an input layer, which receives input data, followed by numerous hidden layers extract- ing the pattern within the data. It terminates with the output layer, which produces results or output data (Figure 2).5 Among the different types of artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, in par- ticular, gained attention in radiology due to their high performance in recognizing images.7 By cal- culating the intensity of each pixel or voxel, to- gether with evaluating complex patterns in each image, they provide reliable quantitative image Radiol Oncol 2021; 55(1): 1-6. Kelc R et al. / Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal oncological radiology2 interpretations, eventually surpassing human per- formance.8 However, to build an intelligent machine a train- ing phase is required, which requires sufficient computational power and large datasets. The latter is obtained from radiological images, which is in the domain of radiomics. Radiomics is a process of quantitative extraction of a high number of seman- tic and agnostic features from diagnostic images.9 Its approaches, like feature extraction and feature engineering techniques, are essential in the forma- tion of AI applications.10 Artificial intelligence in cancer imaging (oncologic radiology) Until recently, radiologists’ decisions were based predominantly on his or her experience of recog- nizing patterns and appreciating various features of each tumor including size, location, intensity, and surface characteristics, all combined with pa- tients’ demographic data. However, after many consecutive image interpretations, they were con- sciously or subconsciously faced with fatigue11, which could lead to errors and potentially jeopard- ize patients’ health and own credibility.12 AI’s potentials are developing exponentially. Instead of qualitative and subjective image inter- pretations, it allows quantifiable and objective data extraction with the ability to reproduce the same results.13 Furthermore, by quantifying information otherwise not detectable to humans, AI may com- plement clinical decision-making.5,13 Computer-aided detection (CADe) and comput- er-aided diagnosis (CADx) algorithms have been used for the last two decades14 predominantly in mammography15, detection of lung16, and colon17 malignancies. In contrast to CAD algorithms, which only highlight the features they have been exactly trained for, actual AI systems continue to learn and improve in time. By focusing on the spe- cific diagnosis, systems learn to discover new typi- cal patterns that have not been linked with the dis- ease before.18 For example, Beck et al. developed a machine learning-based computer program named “Computational Pathologist (C-Path)” to automat- ically analyze breast cancer and predict its prog- nosis.19 Importantly, regardless of all well-known histological characteristics that were implemented into the program, C-Path recognized surrounding stroma as another important prognostic factor.19 Convolutional neural networks have also given optimistic results in automated detection.6 It has been used for automated detection of liver tumors on CT scans with high detection accuracy and pre- cision of 93% and 67%, respectively.20 Similarly, a deep learning-based CADe for detection of brain metastasis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been developed and achieved a sensitivity of 96% and reasonable specificity.21 In general, characterization is composed of segmentation, diagnosis, and staging of tumors.13 Image segmentation is the process used in cancer imaging to outline pathological area and distin- guish it from non-pathological adjacent tissue. It can range from planar measurements to advanced 3-dimensional assessment of tumor volume.13 Tumors have traditionally been manually labelled by radiologists, which is indeed time-consuming, as well as a subject of interobserver variability.13,22 Thus, implementation of AI into automated image segmentation could potentially take over, increase the quality and reproducibility of measurements, and also save time.5,13 For example, machine learn- ing has been used for breast density segmentation on mammography, which turns out to be as ac- curate as manual ones.23 Ye et al. successfully pro- posed and verified a fully automatic nasopharyn- geal carcinoma segmentation method based on dual-sequence MRI and convolutional neural net- work.24 The mean dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of the models with only T1 sequence, only T2 se- quence, and dual sequence were 0.620 ± 0.0642, FIGURE 1. Schematic illustration of the hierarchy of artificial intelligence and its machine learning and deep learning subfields. Radiol Oncol 2021; 55(1): 1-6. Kelc R et al. / Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal oncological radiology 3 0.642 ± 0.118, and 0.721 ± 0.036, respectively. The combination of different features acquired from T1 and T2 sequences significantly improved the seg- mentation accuracy.24 Ability to quantitatively extract tumor features has great potential in the process of making diag- nosis. With machine learning, Liu et al. quantita- tively represented radiological traits characteris- tics of lung nodules and showed improved accu- racy of cancer diagnosis in pulmonary nodules.25 Convolutional neural network has also shown to be an effective and objective method that provides an accurate diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.26 Another important aspect of tumor characteri- zation includes staging. Mainly, TNM classifica- tion is used to assess the extent of primary tumor, lymph nodes, and metastases and therefore classi- fy the lesion in a specific stage. However, attempts to extend the TNM cancer staging system have been made. For instance, CAD has shown to be a promising method of evaluation of tumor extent and multifocality in invasive breast cancer patients and therefore expanding the staging algorithms.27 In tumor response monitoring, many AI ap- proaches have shown some potential. For example, AI and machine learning have been successfully implemented into the pre-procedural prediction of trans-arterial chemoembolization treatment outcomes in patients with hepatocellular carci- noma using clinical and imaging features.28 Ha et al. demonstrated promising results in the utiliza- tion of convolutional neural network to predict neoadjuvant chemotherapy response prior to the first cycle of therapy in breast carcinoma using baseline MRI tumor datasets.29 Positive response to chemotherapy led to decreased tumor metabolism, opening a potential opportunity to detect lower ac- cumulation rates of a radiotracer.30 Differentiating between responders and non-responders based on low-dose 18F-FDG PET/MRI scans might, therefore, be another opportunity of the implementation of convolutional neural networks.6 Complementary to radiologic diagnosis, ad- ditional advanced methods have been proposed, promising even further advances in cancer man- agement. Liquid biopsy based on circular tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis may importantly improve early tumor detection, diagnosis, monitoring ther- apy, and progression in time.31 Contrary to stand- ard tissue biopsies, liquid biopsies taken from blood may provide us with detailed biochemical characteristics of the neoplastic lesion and detect potential metastasis.32 What is more, a combina- tion of liquid biopsies and radiomics, supervised by deep learning may significantly improve cancer management in the future. FIGURE 2. Schematic presentation of a neural network. Regions of interests (ROI) are defined, either by user or by an automated computer process. These present the input cells (in pink) a neural network. For each ROI the neural network extracts and compute features within the hidden layers (in grey) by using pre-trained data sets. Finally, the output cell offers the final results in different possible forms (yes/no, final diagnosis, probability of malignancy etc.). Radiol Oncol 2021; 55(1): 1-6. Kelc R et al. / Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal oncological radiology4 Artificial intelligence in skeletal tumors The first attempts to introduce computational power into diagnostic procedures of primary bone tumors date back to the 1960s.33 Based on Bayes’ formula, a computer program accurately predicted a bone tumor diagnosis in 77.9% of cases. Later in 1980, the same author set a milestone by publish- ing an article about computed-based radiographic grading of bone tumor destruction.34 This was a cornerstone for further research and implementa- tion of neural networks into the diagnosis of focal bone lesions.35,36 A scarce number of articles regarding AI and primary bone tumors have been published so far, while considerably more has been done on the de- tection and segmentation of bone metastasis. For example, Burns et al. successfully identified and segmented sclerotic lesions in the thoracolumbar spine using CADe techniques. The sensitivity for lesions detection was 79%.37 What is more, Wang et al. developed a Siamese convolutional neural network to research the potential of automated spinal metastasis detection in MRI. The proposed approach accurately detected all spinal metastatic lesions with a false-positive rate of 0.4 per case.38 Another research proposed a machine learning- based whole-body automatic disease classification tool to distinguish benign processes and malignant bone lesions in 18F-NaF PET/CT images.39 Healthy and tumorous bone differs in numer- ous characteristics. Unlike healthy osseous tissue, which consists of cortical and trabecular part, pri- mary bone malignancies may penetrate cortex and spread into adjacent soft tissue, as well as cause swelling around the bone or even weaken the bone architecture and lead to pathological fracture.40 Radiologically, they differ in absorption rate, which can be quantitatively evaluated. For exam- ple, CADx has been used to detect and classify pri- mary bone tumors into benign and malignant le- sions using x-ray images. In their study, Ping et al. an overall greater intensity of pixels for malignant bone tumors compared to benign bone tumors.41 Another study by Bandyopadhyay et al. proposed a CADx method to automatically analyze bone x- ray images. By integrating several classifiers, the method achieved accurate decisions regarding a bone-destruction pattern, stage, and grade of can- cer in 85% of cases.42 When describing sarcomas, diagnosed on MRI, features like tumor size, shape, and enhancement pattern are estimated and taken into consideration along with patient’s demographic data.2 Machine learning and artificial neural network excel in quantifying and extracting supplementary fea- tures, which can correlate with clinical character- istics, diagnosis, and outcomes. Most of these are out of human visual perception and include inter- voxel relationships, image intensity analysis, and filtered images analysis.43 Deep learning-based algorithm has also been developed to predict sur- vival rates in patients with synovial sarcoma.44 Its prediction was more precise compared to the Cox proportional hazard model, which is a commonly used regression model in medical research. In primary bone tumors, bone tumor matrix, its density, and zone of transition represent suit- able characteristics than may be classified through deep learning techniques. In fact, recurrent con- volutional neural network outshined experienced musculoskeletal radiologists in bone tumor matrix classification with 86% vs. 72%, respectively.45 Li et al. proposed a super label guided convolutional neural network to classify CT images of bone tu- mors.46 In comparison, results exceeded the classic convolutional neural network. However, the classi- fication included only nine types of the most com- mon skeletal tumors. Limitations and future directions There are indeed some limitations of AI. First, it could potentially still be a subject of interobserv- er variability, due to different algorithms used in a neural networks of different AI systems or un- equal learning stages in which the systems pro- cess a specific task. Standardization is mandatory to establish a large database. Data also needs to be accessible in order to integrate them into large sets. Prior to that quality check, labelling, classifi- cation, and segmentation need to be done manu- ally by experts, making the process expensive and time-consuming.13 However, introducing deep learning-based techniques to the extensive quality ground-truth training datasets is essential for the development of accurate algorithms.47,48 Also, ethi- cal dilemmas should be taken into consideration. When dealing with systems that operate with enor- mous amounts of data, patients’ privacy as well as human dignity may be jeopardized, unless meticu- lous safety mechanisms are implemented. There are also no long-term follow-up studies available thus far. On the contrary, the appreciating results Radiol Oncol 2021; 55(1): 1-6. Kelc R et al. / Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal oncological radiology 5 of the already published studies and the presenta- tion of a commercially available application is only a matter of time. Undoubtedly, all kinds of artificial intelligence are persistently being integrated into the com- plex management of musculoskeletal tumors and tumors of other sites. Deep learning-based tech- niques are expected to minimalize false positive rates as well as assure accurate decisions and di- agnoses.49 Further automatization of radiological tasks is expected to take place in the future. Among physicians, radiologists in particular are required to perform many time-consuming tasks, like im- age segmentation, delineation of regions of inter- est, and image annotation. AI techniques have an enormous potential to transform their workflow, which will allow them to focus on more meaning- ful tasks.11 On the other hand, “imaging is not an isolated measure of disease.”13 Neoplastic lesions are com- plex conditions, following DNA mutations that cause abnormal cellular proliferation.50 Despite many mutations being discovered and related to specific malignancies, intertumoural and in- tratumoural heterogeneity exist.51 Undoubtedly, molecular approaches, like genetic biomarkers and molecular imaging have already significantly contributed to a better understanding of cancer management. 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