Original Scientific Article Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management Stanislava Pachrová College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic stanislava.pachrova@vspj.cz Petr Chalupa College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic petr.chalupa@vspj.cz Eva Janoušková College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic eva.janouskova@vspj.cz Alice Šedivá Neckářová College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic alice.sediva@vspj.cz Leoš Štefka pla Administration Moravský kras, Czech Republic leos.stefka@nature.cz This article reviews the possibilities of using visitor monitoring in the management of a protected area in the example of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area (pla). TheMoravian Karst is the largest andmost significant karst area in the Czech Republic. Its location near a large city and its easy accessibility mean that some of the pla’s parts are faced with the negative impacts of overly intensive tourism on rare natural sites and protected species. While the presence of visitors in a protected area is desirable, it is necessary to regulate their activities in the area. The pla man- agement needs quality information for its decision making, such as on the current characteristics and behaviour of visitors. To obtain this information, primary mar- keting research was carried out at selected pla sites from May to September 2018. A questionnaire survey was used to obtain data from 2,100 visitors and to define the Moravian Karst visitor profile. We found that most visitors were attracted to caves open to the public and the Macocha gorge and that almost a quarter of respondents were planning to return to the pla within six months of questioning. Amajor chal- lenge for the sustainable development of tourism in the area will be the fact that vis- itors to the caves are not interested in visiting other localities in the pla. The data obtained about visitors will be used by the pla management to formulate measures to redirect visitors from the most-visited locations to the less-visited ones. Keywords: sustainable tourism, marketing research, visitor profile, destination management, protected landscape area, Moravian Karst https://doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.13.67-79 Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 | 67 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management Introduction According to the unwto, sustainable tourism can be simply defined as ‘tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and en- vironmental impacts, addressing the needs of visi- tors, the industry, the environment and host com- munities’ (unep & wto, 2005, p. 12). When focus- ing on rural areas, where most protected areas are lo- cated, tourism has gained significance in recent years (Sánchez-Hernandéz et al., 2016). Sustainably manag- ing tourism is a fundamental objective for most des- tinations. Tourism is often used as a tool for local de- velopment. Sustainable tourism brings advantages for all tourism stakeholders and society as a whole; for example, it helps to create jobs or to generate income. Staying in protected areas significantly improves the physical and mental state of visitors who relax there and learn interesting facts about the area (e.g., through a guided tour in a cave). This interesting and pleasant experience creates positive attitudes in visitors towards the protected area and contributes to the preserva- tion acceptance of these areas by the general public (Pachrová et al., 2019). Tourists’ encounters with na- ture also lead to their pro-environmental behaviour and activities (Mensah, 2019, p. 54). To strengthen the positive impacts of tourism on a rural destination, it is necessary to conserve resources and appreciate the existing heritage. For this purpose, a proactive aware- ness is promoted in the environmental area (Gallardo Vázquez et al., 2014). However, tourism also creates certain negative impacts, mainly when the carrying capacity of the destination is repeatedly exceeded (e.g., by excessive numbers of visitors); these aspects include pollution, increased erosion, and reduced population or even the extinction of various species can result (Pásková, 2008; Hübelová et al., 2016). Managing protected areas has to combine both na- ture protection and the interests of visitors to ensure the sustainable development of the areas. Achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process, and it re- quires the constant monitoring of impacts (unep & wto, 2005). Monitoring and research in protected ar- eas have the potential to describe these various im- pacts of tourism, to decipher the causes and contexts, to use the acquired knowledge to stimulate desirable behaviour, and to optimise the activities of not only the protected area management but also all the rele- vant stakeholders, including visitors to the area (Ze- lenka et al., 2013, p. 61). Finally, the local population should be managed so as to achieve sustainable development of protected areas, too. As mentioned by Sevšek and Slavič (2017) (among others), locals represent a long-term develop- ment factor of protected areas, and they should ac- tively participate and cooperate with a protected area administration. This article discusses some possibilities of using visitor monitoring in the management of a protected area in the example of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area (pla). We focus on the possibility of obtaining important, topical, and relevant data for the pla’s management decision-making from primary marketing research; this data describes the current characteristics of visitors and their behaviour. The au- thors would like to inspire the managers of other pro- tected areas to use marketing research as an effective tool for visitor management and to intensify the dis- cussion among tourism experts on the increasing and severe problem of overtourism in the most attractive nature areas. The Moravian Karst is the largest and most sig- nificant karst area in the Czech Republic. Its location near a large city and its easy accessibility mean that some parts of the pla face the negative impacts of too intensive tourism on rare natural sites and protected species. While the presence of visitors in a protected area is desirable, it is necessary to regulate their activ- ities in the area. The pla management needs quality information for its decision-making, such as on their characteristics and behaviours. To obtain this infor- mation, a questionnaire survey among 2,100 visitors was carried out in 2018, and the Moravian Karst visi- tor profile was defined based on it. The present paper is structured as follows: the in- troduction is followed by the theoretical framework and a brief description of the pla Moravian Karst. Next comes the methodology used, and the stated null hypotheses are described. Selected results of the case study and their discussion are then presented. The conclusions underscore the principal results and 68 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management contributions of the paper. Research limitations and future research lines are also provided. Visitor Management as an Integral Part of Protected Areas’ Management According to Eagles (2007) and confirmed by other authors on tourism, such as Balmford et al. (2012), or Prouza (2019), the number of visitors to protected ar- eas is increasing. This is especially true for the most attractive locations. Frequently, the number of visi- tors exceeds the limits recorded in the previous years. With growing numbers of visitors to protected ar- eas, the burden that tourism puts on treasured sites is sharply increasing; therefore, the importance of man- aging protected areas is also increasing, and alongwith it the task to ensure not only the protection of nature and the landscape for future generations, but also to ensure the sustainable use of the area by the general public and thus the adequacy of tourism itself. Visitor management is an integral part of protected areaman- agement and, after the creation of a protected area, management specifying human use of the area is de- veloped (Newsome & Moore, 2017, p. 264). In pro- tected areas, there is not only unique nature but also places with sites of cultural heritage (e.g., caves with archaeological points of interest). Visitormanagement of protected areas should, therefore, not forget that some visitors have culturally oriented tourist motives (Belij, 2017). Currently, destination management is considered the most effective way of planning and managing the sustainable development of tourism in any area. The basic principle of destinationmanagement is coopera- tion (Wang, 2008). General cooperation should ensure cooperation between all stakeholders in the tourism of the destination through the destination manage- ment organisation, which maintains mutually effec- tive communication and facilitates the coordination of the activities in planning, organising, and decision- making that take place in the destination (Holešinská, 2012, p. 47). The management of the protected area should cooperate in various ways with the local des- tination management organisation in the destination management area, while not excluding that the organ- isation engaged in protected area management sepa- rately undertakes the activities of destinationmanage- ment in that area. Also important is the cooperation between nearby destinations (Ness et al., 2014), as well as those with protected areas; networking can help to solve many problems because it enables them, for ex- ample, to share good cases of management measures. Recently, the attention of professionals has often been focused on modern technologies and many changes they bring to tourism, including new models of desti- nation management (Donald et al., 2019; Ivars-Baidal et al., 2019). Destination management and, therefore, the man- agement of the tourism of protected areas should al- ways include visitor management in their activities. Sustainable visitor management is, according to New- some and Moore (2017, p. 261), achieved as a com- bination of different approaches (e.g., controlling the size, type and spatial extent of visitor activities in com- bination with various educational programmes) and the application of modern technologies. Basic visitor management attempts to guide the flow of visitors in the time and space of the destination in such a way as to minimise the negative impacts of tourism on the area. Visitormanagement simultaneously attempts to positively motivate visitors on how to behave with concern for the environment in the given area. Visitor management of the protected area can use many tools, for example, the marking and mainte- nance of hiking trails, the building of visitor centres, offering guided tours, introducing/regulating admis- sion to the protected area, introducing limits on visitor numbers to the most vulnerable parts of protected ar- eas, providing clear and up-to-date information avail- able on the website of the protected area, among oth- ers. A significant current challenge is using modern technologies for visitor management in protected ar- eas, such as mobile learning in environmental inter- pretation and visitor education (Tan & Law, 2016). A tool that has not been mentioned yet, but is signif- icant for decision-making processes in the manage- ment of protected areas, is primary research. Research should be done on various topics, such as natural and landscape conditions and their development, includ- ing changes caused by tourism activities in an area. Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 | 69 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management Uncontrolled and unmanaged visitors can easily and adversely affect the core values of a protected area. As revealed by Foin et al. (1977), visitors can cause changes in density and species composition of vegeta- tion and animal populations. Protected area manage- ment sometimes has to control the resource damage from tourism being restrictive even if it can lead to backlash responses from visitors (Bixler et al., 1992). Typical measures of visitor management in karst areas are restrictive. Tour guide services are provided as the only legitimate way to visit caves (Tomic et al., 2019) and the determination of a maximum visitor capacity per one cave tour (Calaforra et al., 2003). Visitor Monitoring in Protected Areas For visitormanagement to be done effectively and effi- ciently, the management of the protected area needs a great deal of information about visitors. For this pur- pose, visitor monitoring within the protected area is carried out. Summary reviews of the locations where visitor monitoring studies were conducted over the past ten years, were given by Pickering et al. (2018). The monitoring of visitors in protected areas is a specific and multidisciplinary field of research. Ze- lenka et al. (2013, p. 232) state that the monitoring of visitors to the natural and treasured landscapes of the area can vary according to the measurements con- ducted: • monitoring the flow of visitors, • monitoring the activities of visitors, • monitoring the behaviour of visitors and conflicts between them, • monitoring the characteristics of visitors and their segmentation. The first mentioned type of visitormonitoring (i.e., monitoring the flow of visitors) is the one most widely used in the protected areas of the Czech Republic, which is usually narrowed down to monitoring the absolute numbers of visitors at selected locations. At present, mainly data from mobile operators or differ- ent visitor counters placed in the ground and oper- ated by specialised firms are used for this purpose. In many national parks of America, moreover, the self- registration of visitors to the area is also common. A purely European approach is, for example, data taken from summit books (Muhar et al., 2002, p. 3). In the case in which entry to some locations in the protected area is not free, the data on the number of tickets sold is used to record the number of visitors (e.g., caves open to the public). Integrated visitor monitoring, moni- toring using a combination of several methods for obtaining data (long-term video monitoring, counts by human observers, specific visitor interviews and route analysis by the gis tools, etc.) seems to be the most effective approach (Arnberger & Hinterberger, 2004). This is very interesting, because a cost-effective approach to visitor monitoring can be using crowd- sourced data (Rice et al., 2019). Other types of visitor monitoring, especially mon- itoring the characteristics of visitors and segmenting them, are much more difficult to implement system- atically for protected area management. The data can be obtained, for example, from primary marketing re- search, while the disadvantage in obtaining data is the need for more time, personnel availability, expertise, and financial resources. Another innovative source of information about visitors is an analysis of big data from social media (Pickering et al., 2018). Supporting information is also usually provided by tourist infor- mation centres in the area, by the visitor centres of pro- tected areas, or by the wardens and staff of protected areas. As mentioned by Ballantyne et al. (2011), a visitor’s experience can impact their future behaviour. Visitor satisfaction is the best tool for their attachment to the place (Trakolis & Harding, 1981). The quality of the experience and visitors’ satisfaction with the services provided in protected areas should form the basis of visitormanagement. These two factors should system- atically be surveyed as part of visitor monitoring (Ea- gles, 2007; Tonge & Moore, 2007; Huang et al., 2008; Samuel et al., 2008; Musa et al., 2017; Oviedo-Garcia et al., 2019). Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area The Moravian Karst pla is located in the south-east- ern part of the Czech Republic, close to Brno. The pla was declared there in 1956, covering an area of almost 100 km2; it is the largest and most extensive karst area 70 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management in the Czech Republic, and more than 1,100 caves are located in Devonian limestone. Five cave systems are open to the public and are visited every year by ap- proximately 400,000 people (see http://moravskykras .ochranaprirody.cz). Karst areas are not typical tourist attractions; most of them have extraordinary scientific and social im- portance, not only because they represent remark- able geological and geomorphological phenomena, but they also preserve valuable evidence about the ori- gin and evolution of life or the origin and development of human culture. The Moravian Karst area is a good example of this. From the scientific perspective, it is valuable, but for visitors to the area, the surface and subsurface of the karst landscape offer highly attrac- tive features (extensive cave systems, abyss, sinkholes, sinking and gaining streams of water, deep canyon gorges, etc.). In addition, the pla is interesting in that there are 21 species of bats and many invertebrate species unique in the world (endemic) have been de- scribed here. In 2004, the Punkva cave system was included by the Ramsar Convention among interna- tionally significant wetlands. From the cultural and historical points of view, the importance of the Mora- vian Karst pla is that it offers various evidence on the development of human society from the Palaeolithic Age to the present (Hübelová et al., 2017; Chalupa & Veselovský, 2018). In the surveyed area of the Moravian Karst, the trend of increasing numbers of visitors can be seen: visitors to the caves increased between 2010 to 2018 by more than 22 (Štefka, personal communication, July 12, 2019). As stated by Pachrová et al. (2019), one of the main problems of tourism in the Moravian Karst is its pronounced seasonality: most visitors come to the pla in the summer to visit the accessible caves and the Macocha gorge. In these locations, the inten- sity of tourism is already too strong, and damage is occurring to this unique environment. The pla man- agement, therefore, needs to take corrective measures within the visitor management of the area. Mass tourism and insufficient protection of the unique underground of the Moravian Karst has de- stroyed more than half of the dripstone decoration in some parts of the caves (Štefka, 2013). Now, all drip- stone decoration is strictly protected, and visitors are not allowed to touch it. The needs of visitors and needs of nature protection had to be harmonised regarding the use of lights in the caves. The extremely negative impact of excessively intensive lighting in the caves was described by Štefka (2016): the lights used for enabling visitors to see in the caves caused the ap- pearance of green plants in large parts of the visited underground. This factor, absolutely foreign for the cave environment, had to be cleaned away. Unfortu- nately, cleaning caves was done by furbishing or by us- ing chemicals that harmed the sensitive environment. As a result, rules for lighting in the caves, including the timing of light periods and the intensity of light, are carefully managed now. The importance of setting strict limits for num- bers of visitors per day to the caves was proved Lang et al. (2017), who discovered that when visitors were present the anthropogenic co2 flux in Výpustek Cave exceeded all other co2 fluxes and that intervals be- tween visitor groups would have to be up to six hours long if the cave environment were to return to natu- ral conditions. Karst places decorated with ice during winter (small caves near the surface) are also very at- tractive for visitors. As stated by Ždímal (2015), some visitors to the Moravian Karst crawl through small tunnels and destroy valuable local plant and animal communities.Moreover, new tourism activities poten- tially dangerous for the environment are being devel- oped in the Moravian Karst now, such as single trails for mountain bikers (Fialová et al., 2019). The need for visitor management in the researched area is obvious. Nevertheless, according to Leslie (2015, p. 56), people, in general, express their support for all environmental initiatives, including conservation measures. Loren- cová et al. (2014) conducted a questionnaire survey among visitors ofMoravian Karst and stated that most tourists do not feel limited by conservation measures, which is a very positive finding for the pla’s Admin- istration and sustainable development of tourism in the area. Methodology This paper aims to review the possibilities of using visitor monitoring in the management of a protected Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 | 71 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management area in the case study of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area in the Czech Republic. The authors would like to inspire other protected area manage- ments to use marketing research more often, because it gives unique and valuable data on visitor manage- ment. The results of the research will be used by the pla Administration to create measures that will lead to a greater spread of visitors throughout the pla to relieve congestion at the most attractive locations and will also lead to shifting more visitation to the spring and autumn months. The profile of the visi- tor to the Moravian Karst will serve as background material for creating the management strategy for the protected area in question. The pla Administration asked for information about the characteristics of vis- itors and information about their values, attitudes, and behaviour. For effective visitor management, they need to know, for example, if there is a difference in the main reason for visiting the pla between visitors who come for the first time and those who are returning to the area. For mostly marketing communication of the pla, it is crucial to knowwhere the visitors come from and if people from closer areas return to theMoravian Karst more often. Based on the mentioned needs of the pla Administration, we stated and tested two null hypotheses (h0): h01 There is no significant difference in the main reason for visiting the Moravian Karst pla be- tween first-time visitors and those who are re- turning to the area repeatedly. h02 For visitors to the Moravian Karst, there is no dependence between repeat visits to the pro- tected area and the distance of the home of the respondent. This article presents selected results of extensive primary research among visitors to theMoravianKarst. The research was carried out by the Department of Travel &Tourism at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava (všpj) in cooperation with the pla management of the Moravian Karst. The research was carried out using a quantitative survey method of standardised questionnaires fromMay to September 2018. The ques- tionnaire had a total of 19 questions (closed, semi- closed, scaled) and was distributed in four languages (Czech, English, German, and Polish). Data were ob- tained using the face-to-face survey with visitors at ten designated pla locations throughout the protected area. The data collected by trained interviewers were anonymous, with the choice of respondents consis- tently random. In order to prevent any distortion of the surveyed results, for example due to bad weather, the data was collected on different days of the week at different times of the day. A total of 2,100 question- naires, properly completed, were obtained. To verify the stated null hypotheses, attention will be given to the geographic, psychographic, and be- havioural characteristics of the respondents. The ini- tial data obtained were processed, analysed, and in- terpreted with mathematical and statistical methods. Concerning the methods, analysis and synthesis were used. Microsoft Excel and Statistica 13 software were used to process the data. The existence of a conclusive dependence between the selected characteristics of the respondents was proved using the Pearson’s chi-square test of indepen- dence (χ2), provided that a maximum of 20 of the expected frequencies was less than 5. For the Pear- son statistic χ2, the number of degrees of freedom (df) is also given for completeness. On the basis of the probability of the distribution of chi-square, the p- value was observed for the null hypothesis (assuming the independence of the two selected signs), which is the lowest level of significance for which the null hy- pothesis can be rejected (p < 0.05). The observed χ2 was then interpreted using the method of correspon- dence analysis. Correspondence analysis is a multi- variate statistical method that allows the display and summary of a set of data in a two-dimensional graphic form. It is traditionally applied to contingency tables; correspondence analysis decomposes the chi-squared statistic associated with this table into orthogonal fac- tors. The distance between single points is defined as a chi-squared distance. This analysis aims to reduce the multidimensional space of row and column profiles and to save as much of the original data as possible (Hebák et al., 2007). The total variance of the data matrix is measured by the inertia (Greenacre, 1984), which resembles a chi-square statistic but is calculated based on relative observed and expected frequencies. 72 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management Table 1 Sociodemographic Structure of Respondents Respondents characteristics N  Gender Women ,  Men ,  Total ,  Age Up to  years   – years   – years   – years   +   Total ,  Education Without high school   High school ,  University   Total ,  All tables and figures in this article are the joint work of the authors. Results and Discussion During the primary research carried out, 2,100 ques- tionnaires properly completed by visitors to theMora- vian Karst were obtained (N = 2,100). The socio- demographic characteristics of the respondents are shown in Table 1, which indicates that, in a represen- tative sample of visitors to the pla, the share of men is 51 and women 49. It can be concluded from this result that men and women visit the Moravian Karst in equal proportion. All age categories were represented in the research. People aged 35–49 were the predominant group in the structure of visitors, accounting for 40 of the total number of respondents (Table 1). Nearly a quarter of visitors (24) are in the age segment of 25–34 years old. The age categories of 24 years old and less, and 50–59 had an equal share of 14 of the total number of respondents. The least numerically represented age category of visitors were seniors (i.e., 60 and older). The age structure of visitors is very similar to the one observed by Lorencová et al. (2014) in 2013, so we can conclude that in a long-term view a majority of the pla’s visitors is between 25 to 49 years of age. The structure of visitors to the pla according to the highest level of education reached shows that al- most 80 of visitors had at least a high school degree, and one fifth of the total number of respondents had a university education (Table 1). The remaining fifth, (i.e., 452 respondents) had a basic education or ap- prenticeship. This number, however, included 195 sec- ondary school students (9 of the total respondents), who can be expected to continue with their education. The results of our research show that visitors to the surveyed pla are mostly well educated, which con- firms the trend of tourism in protected areas as pub- lished byEagles (2007) and confirmed byZelenka et al. (2013, p. 70), as well as Newsome and Moore (2017, p. 261). These authors suggest that protected areas are ex- ploited mainly by educated people expecting an expe- rience full of interesting information and things to do, but who also expect sophisticated services and man- agement of the area. Visitor management of theMora- vian Karst should take this into account, because the right choice of marketing tools and provision of qual- ity services could quite easily motivate this group of visitors to make repeat visits, even outside the main summer season; it is also possible, given these visitors’ interest in new information and experiences, to redi- rect them to less exposed tourist parts of the pla. Due to the age structure of the respondents (Ta- ble 1), it is not surprising that the Internet is the main medium from which visitors to the pla get informa- tion for their visit (31 of respondents). The second most important source of data (27 of respondents) is information from friends and relatives, transmitted not only by word-of-mouth but also through various social media, which underscores the need of visitor management of the protected area to have a clear, up- dated, and interesting presentation of visitor services on the internet, as well as the need to provide quality services to receive positive reviews and recommenda- tions. For visitor management of the researched area, it is crucial to recognise that the combination of these two sources of information makes it possible to reach themajority of visitors, and some of themcan certainly be motivated to visit (e.g., a selected cave in winter), when they will have the unique experience of the karst in wintertime with a minimum number of other vis- Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 | 73 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management itors, and the cave will probably be pleasantly warm (compared to outdoor temperatures). In the context of the geographic structure of re- spondents, whether they came from the Czech Re- public or abroad was determined. The questionnaire showed that theMoravianKarst is a destinationmainly for domestic tourism. Of the total respondents, only 4 were foreign visitors. In the structure of foreign visitors, most respondents were from Slovakia; the second most frequently cited country of origin was Poland; the third was Russia. The largest representa- tion of Slovaks among visitors from abroad also prove Lorencová et al. (2014). It can have various reasons, for example, not too great a distance of the Mora- vian Karst from Slovakia, or that many Slovaks live in the Czech Republic. In the ratio of Czech and for- eign visitors, the results of our research contradict the information of the Moravian Karst Cave Adminis- tration, which indicates that visitors from abroad ac- count for approximately one-third of the total number of visitors to the area (Enviweb.cz, 2017). It needs to be taken into account, however, that the information from the cave administration is based on the tickets sold to publicly-accessible caves, while our data were obtained at various locations throughout the protected area. Both sources of information nevertheless agree on themost common countries of origin of foreign vis- itors as well as on the fact that the number of visitors to the pla, for whom the main reason for their visit to the protected area is a tour of the caves, accounted for less than half of the total number of visitors to the area (Table 2). This agreement confirms, among other things, the relevance of the results of our research. The authors of the paper are, therefore, inclined to see the results of their research as corresponding better to the real situation in relation to the entire pla, and so the share of foreign visitors to the Moravian Karst is sig- nificantly lower than the overall number of visitors given by Enviweb.cz (2017). For visitor management and maintaining the sus- tainable tourism of the pla, the research implies the positive fact that almost 70 of visitors return to this protected area, 30 even repeatedly (i.e., they had been there at least five times at the time of data col- lection) (Table 2). Of the total number of respondents Table 2 Reason for Visiting the Moravian Karst pla in Dependence on the Frequency of the Destination Visit Reason for visit () () () () () Exploring natural attractions (caves) a     s . . . Sightseeing a     s . . . Relaxation a     s . . . Hiking, cycling, etc. a     s . . . House of Nature of the Moravian Karst a     s . . . Sport a     s . . . Work a     s . . . Entertainment a     s . . . Visit to relatives/friends a     s . . . Transit a     s . . . Total a    , r     s    – Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) frequency: a – absolute, s – column relative (), r – relative (), (2) 1st visit, (3) 2nd–4th visits, (4) 5th and further visits, (5) total. χ2 = 167.2909, df = 18, p = 0.0000. (N = 2,100), 650were visiting the area for the first time, (i.e., 31). The statistical processing of the null hypothesis h01 with Person’s chi-square test showed a significant dependence between the main reason for visiting the Moravian Karst and the frequency of visiting this pro- tected area.When testing the independence of the two variables, the values of the test statistic χ2 = 167.2909 and p = 0.0000 were calculated; the h01 null hypoth- 74 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management Figure 1 The Correspondence Analysis: The Dependence of the Reason for Visiting the Moravian Karst pla to the Frequency of the Destination Visit (2d plot of row and column coordinates, dimension: 1× 2; input table (rows × columns): 3× 10; standardization: row and column profiles; dark – visit frequency, light – reason for visit) esis was rejected at the level of significance of 5 (Ta- ble 2). The corresponding analysis of examining both variables suggests that there is a significant difference between the main reason for visiting the destination among first-time visitors and among visitors repeat- edly coming back (i.e., those who have been to the area at least five times) (Figure 1). The first visit to the pla is most often logically fo- cused on becoming acquainted with the most famous attractions in the area (i.e., the caves), while for repeat visitors the predominant reason is the desire for active leisure in the beautiful natural environment, whether for relaxing walks, hiking, or biking. While the major- ity of first-time visitors (55.4) said their main reason for visiting the pla was to ‘explore natural attractions – caves,’ it was the reason for only 27.9 of repeat vis- itors. In contrast, only 26of first-time visitors indicated active leisure in the pla natural environment, but it was the reason for 52.3 of repeat visitors to the area (Table 2). Moreover, one quarter of respondents were planning to return to the pla within six months of questioning, and 52 of respondents want to come Figure 2 The Correspondence Analysis: The Dependence of the Distance from Visitor’s Residence to the Frequency of the Moravian Karst pla Visits (2d plot of row and column coordinates, dimension: 1× 2; input table (rows × columns): 3× 4; standardization: row and column profiles; dark – visit frequency, light – residence distance) back too, but not so soon. A major challenge for the sustainable development of tourism in the area will be the fact that visitors to the caves are not interested in visiting other localities in the pla during their visit. For visitor management of the pla, these research re- sults are significant in that they demonstrate that re- peat visitors are greatly interested in other locations of the protected area than the accessible tourist caves and the Macocha gorge, and they need much more attention in the visitor management in future. We can also see that Moravian Karst has some spe- cific characteristics in terms of the main reasons for visiting this area. Visitors come here mainly to explore the natural attractions, then to relax and to do sports. Entertainment was the main reason for less than 3 of respondents. In contradistinction,Navrátil et al. (2015) revealed that most important for tourists in the pro- tected areas in the southern part of the Czech Republic are relaxation, entertainment, and recreational sports activities. Furthermore, the stated h02 null hypothesis was tested, forwhich the assumptionwasmade that among visitors to the Moravian Karst pla, repeat visits to the Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 | 75 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management Table 3 Distance from Visitor’s Residence in Dependence on the Frequency of the Moravian Karst pla Visits Residence distance () () () () () Up to  km a     s    – km a     s    – km a     s    Above  km a    , s    Total a    , r     s    – Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) frequency: a – absolute, s – column relative (), r – relative (), (2) 1st visit, (3) 2nd–4th visits, (4) 5th and further visits, (5) total. χ2 = 548.398, df = 6, p = 0.0000. area are not dependent on the distance of the respon- dent’s home. Pearson’s chi-square test showed a signif- icant statistical dependence of both variables, because χ2 = 548.398 and p = 0.0000 (Table 3); we, therefore, reject the h02 null hypothesis at the significance level of 5. Figure 2, a biplot created using the correspon- dence analysis method, shows that respondents resid- ing within 20 km of the surveyed site are clearly the most frequent visitors to the Moravian Karst. Two- thirds of repeat visitors to the area reside within 50 km of the pla. Interestingly, more than a fifth of repeat visitors to the surveyed area come from a distance of over 100 km. Almost 70 of first-time visitors come from a distance of over 100 km from the pla (Table 3). For visitor management of the protected area, it is recognised that people not only from the surround- ing area are repeatedly returning to the pla, again im- portant information. This fact confirms the high at- tractiveness of the area for tourism, and management could use it in their marketing activities, especially in an effort to disperse visitors across the pla, ideally in combination with the previous finding regarding the main reasons for repeat visits by the respondents. Conclusion Protected areas around the world are seeing a growing public interest in visiting them, and in many places valuable natural and landscape features are under threat from overly heavy a tourist burden. This is the current problem of the Moravian Karst pla, the largest and most popular karst area in the Czech Re- public. This article shows the possibilities of using visitor monitoring in the visitormanagement of the protected area in the example of the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area and serves as a case study that could inspire other protected area managements to use pri- mary marketing research more often as an effective tool for obtaining data needed for sustainable tourism management of the given area. The data obtained di- rectly from visitors enables not only the creation of their exact profiles and segmentation of them, but also provides valuable data on the motivation to visit the area, data on the planned and real behaviour of visi- tors, their satisfaction with their stay in the destina- tion, and similar. The results of the research into the Moravian Karst Protected Landscape Area showed that this protected area is visited by men and women in balanced propor- tion and that the structure of visitors is significantly predominated by persons aged 35–49. Furthermore, almost 80 of visitors to the surveyed pla have at least completed secondary education. This fact should be exploited by the visitor management of the Mora- vian Karst pla, as this group of visitors can be easily motivated for repeated visits and can be redirected to less exposed parts of the pla. The results of the re- search also show that the surveyed area is primarily a destination for domestic tourism and that the main motive for visiting the destination is, for almost half of the total number of visitors, to become acquainted with tourist–accessible caves. The vast majority of vis- itors (almost 70) return to the Moravian Karst pla and 30 of the total number even repeatedly. The stated h01 null hypothesis, which assumed there is no significant difference in themain reason for visiting the Moravian Karst pla between first-time visitors and those who repeatedly return to the area, was not confirmed. The statistical processing of the 76 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 1, June 2020 Stanislava Pachrová et al. Monitoring of Visitors as a Tool of Protected Areas Management data by Pearson’s chi-square test showed a significant dependence between both variables analysed. It has been proven that the first visit to the pla is most of- ten focused on becoming acquainted with the most famous attractions of the area (the caves) while repeat visitors are mostly motivated by the desire for active leisure (relaxing on walks, hiking or biking). This re- sult for visitormanagement of the pla is significant in that repeat visitors have shown great interest in other areas of the protected area than the tourist-accessible caves and the Macocha gorge. The stated h02 null hypothesis, which assumed that repeat visits to theMoravianKarst pla donot de- pendon the distance of the respondent’s residence,was also not confirmed. Pearson’s chi-square test showed a significant statistical dependence of both variables. Respondents residing within 20 km of the place of in- quiry are clearly the most frequent visitors returning to the pla. With the combination of the knowledge that returning visitors to the pla are more interested in getting to know new sites of the protected area, vis- itor management of the Moravian Karst pla should also work on trying to relieve the most burdened sites. Our article has provided much new information about the profile of visitors to theMoravianKarst pla, which is practical in the management of visitors to this area. The primary limitation of the research con- ducted is that the data collected in the field was not year-round and did not cover at least onewhole tourist season. However, due to the chosen methodology of data collection and well-trained interviewers, our re- search results are sufficiently representative. The con- tinuous collection and subsequent evaluation of data on visiting a destination are essential for the sustain- able management of tourism in any area. Our research should, therefore, be followed up by further research, which would be conducted throughout the year and provide, for example, information on the prevailing motivation to visit the pla outside the main tourism season and during the winter. Acknowledgments The paper was created with the financial support of project No. 1170/026/013 of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava. References Arnberger, A., & Hinterberger, B. (2004). Visitor monitor- ing methods for managing public use pressures in the Danube Floodplains National Park, Austria. Journal for Nature Conservation, 11(4), 260–267. Ballantyne, R., Packer, J., & Sutherland, L. A. (2011). Visitor’s memories of wildlife tourism: Implications for the de- sign of powerful interpretive experiences. TourismMan- agement 32(4), 770–779. 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