Scientific paper Room-Temperature Synthesis and Optical Properties of NdVO4 Nanoneedles Mirela Dragomir1,3^ and Matjaž Valant1,2 1 Materials Research Laboratory, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia 2 University of Electronic Sciences and Technology of China, Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science, North Jianshe Road No. 4 Section 2, Chengdu, China 3 Present address: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1, Canada * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 25-03-2018 Abstract Tetragonal NdVO4 nanoneedles were prepared via a simple room-temperature precipitation method in the absence of any surfactant or template, starting from simple inorganic salts, NdCl3 and Na3VO4, as raw materials. The nanoneedles were characterized by XRPD, SEM, Raman, PL, and lifetime spectroscopy. The particles have a length of about 100 nm and a diameter of 20 nm and grow along <112> direction. The advantages of this method lie in the high yield, non-toxic solvents, mild reaction conditions, and that it can potentially be employed for the preparation of other 1D lanthanide vanadates. Keywords: Nanostructures; Chemical synthesis; Optical properties; Raman spectroscopy; X-ray diffraction 1. Introduction The interesting optical properties of lanthanides such as luminescence, up-conversion, wide optical transparency, or large birefringence originate primarily from the multitude of transitions within the 4fn electronic states of the lanthanide ion. Thus, lanthanide-containing materials find applications as laser host matrices, optical polarizers, thermophosphors, sensors, solar cells, scintillators for Y-rays detection, in nuclear waste storage, ionic conductors, catalysts or photocatalysts.1-5 The efficiency of the 4fn excitations in a lanthanide ion can be enhanced through a charge transfer from a host material with a higher absorption coefficient. The orthovanadate group, VO43-, is a good host for the trivalent ion because it can excite most of the lanthanide ions via the charge transfer transition within the VO43- group, followed by an energy transfer to the emissive lanthanide ion. Choosing a crystal site with a very low symmetry for the lanthanide ion further increases the rate of absorption and emission, which can result in higher quantum yields. In a tetragonal ABO4 structure type, the A-site ion has a D4h symmetry. Thus, a lanthanide ion sitting on this crystal site has a low symmetry which favours the elec- tric dipole transitions resulting in higher radiative rate constants and less quenching processes. Neodymium vanadate, NdVO4, is one of the most studied orthovanadate from the lanthanide orthovanadate family with the ABO4-type structure. Numerous investigations have been made on optical materials based on NdVO4 due to their good optical properties.3,6,7 For example, Y-doped NdVO4 is a well-known laser material with five times higher absorption coefficient at 808 nm (the standard wavelength of the currently available laser diodes) than the Nd:YAG laser diode.6 The catalytic properties of NdVO4 have also been investigated, i.e. for oxidative de-hydrogenation of propane.2 Additionally, it has been found that NdVO4 exhibits a photocatalytic activity for degradation of dyes and organic pollutants comparable or even higher than that of the commercial TiO2.8,9 Another study indicated that Mo-doping increased the pho-tocatalytic activity of NdVO4 for the degradation of different dyes (e.g., methylene blue, rhodamine B, remazol brilliant blue).4 At ambient conditions, NdVO4 adopts a zircon-type structure in the I41/amd (Z = 4) space group with the lanthanide ion located in a polyhedron coordinated by eight oxygen ions. Under an applied pressure of about 6 GPa, the zircon-type NdVO4 undergoes a phase transformation to a metastable monazite-type structure with the space group P21/n (Z = 4) where the Nd atoms are located in a eight-coordinate site (with eight unique Nd-O bond distances).10,11 At around 11.4 GPa, NdvO4 further transforms to a scheelite-type phase and so to a denser packing. All these phase transformations are accompanied by a decrease of the band gap by 0.5 eV (measured on a single crystal).10 Due to large specific surface areas and quantum size effects, nano crystalline materials exhibit properties that are usually not observed in the bulk. Accordingly, the lanthanide orthovanadates in the form of nanocrystals show properties that make them potential multiphoton fluorescent materials, biochemical labels, solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), oxidant sensors, and contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging.12-16 Therefore, the design and synthesis of the nanosized NdVO4 opens up many opportunities for applications. Several methods have been developed for the synthesis of 0D, 1D or 2D NdVO4 nano-structures such as: microwave synthesis, co-precipitation followed by thermal treatment, hydrothermal, metathesis reactions, or sonochemical synthesis.8,17-21 Each of these methods has certain drawbacks - the requirement of either thermal treatment at high temperatures, long reaction time (up to several days), expensive equipment or the use of toxic solvents. A new and simple method to obtain crystalline NdVO4 nanoparticles at room temperature through a precipitation method, using a cheap and non-toxic solvent is reported in this study. In addition of being a very convenient and fast method, this route also conserves energy because it does not involve any thermal treatment. 2. Experimental Part 2. 1. Synthesis The precipitation procedure for the synthesis of NdVO4 nanoparticles employed in this study is summarized in the scheme depicted in Fig. 1. In this method, NdCl3 ■ 6H2O (99.9%, Alfa Aesar) and Na3VO4 (99.9%, Alfa Aesar), were used as precursors and NH3(aq) (25%) was the precipitating agent. Firstly, a NdCl3 aqueous solution was prepared by adding 0.05 mol NdCl3 ■ 6H2O to 2 mL of distilled H2O, while a Na3VO4 solution was prepared by dissolving 0.05 mol Na3VO4 in 3 mL of distilled H2O. The pH of the final solution was adjusted to < 1 with a few mL of HCl(aq) (32%). Secondly, the two solutions were mixed slowly until a clear yellow solution resulted. NH3(aq) (25%) was then added fast and under vigorous stirring to the above solution until the pH reached a value of ~11. A blueish-green precipitate formed. Then the obtained mixture was stirred for five more minutes before the precipitate was filtered, washed thoroughly with NH3(aq) and then dried at room temperature over- Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the synthetic procedure to obtain NdVO4 nanoparticles. night. The reaction that leads to the formation of NdVO4 can be summarized as follows: (1) 2. 2. Characterisation The phase composition was analysed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) using a PANalytical X'Pert PRO diffractometer with Cu Ka1 radiation (A = 1.54056 A). The X-ray powder diffraction pattern was collected over the 29 range 5-80° with a step size of 0.017°. A structure refinement was conducted using Topas (version 6, Bruker, AXS, Karlsruhe, Germany). A fundamental parameters approach was used for the profile fitting.22 A profile refinement was conducted in which the background (6th order Chebychev polynomial), the unit cell parameters, the scale factor, the crystallite size, the sample displacement, and preferred orientation were stepwise refined to obtain a calculated diffraction profile that best fit the experimental pattern. All the occupancies were fixed at nominal composition and kept constant during refinement. Finally, the quality of the fit was assessed from the fit parameters such as Rwp, Rp and x2- The morphology of the NdVO4 nanopowders was examined with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) model JEOL JSM 7100F, operating at an accelerating voltage of 10 kV (in secondary electron mode). The samples were first dispersed in ethanol, then few drops of this dispersion were added onto a Si wafer and air dried. The Si wafer was fixed on the SEM sample holder using a carbon tape. Raman spectroscopy was used for identification and structural characterisation of the NdVO4 nanoparti-cles. Room temperature Raman spectra were collected in a 180° backscattering geometry, with a microprobe Raman system type Horiba Jobin-Yvon Lab RAM HR spectrometer equipped with a holographic notch filter and a CCD detector, using a 632.81 nm excitation line of a 25 mW He-Ne laser. The samples were placed and oriented on an Olympus BX 40 microscope equipped with 50x objective and the spectra were recorded in the 50-1000 cm-1 range with a resolution of 1 ^m. To test the phase purity, the a spot resolution of were recorded on different regions of the sample. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) measurements were performed to obtain the band gap energies. The DRS spectra were recorded in the 250-800 nm range, with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, model X 650S) equipped with a 150 mm integrated sphere and using Spectralon as a reference material. The DRS data were converted to absorbance coefficients according to Kubel-ka-Munk method where NdVO4 was considered a direct band gap semiconductor.23 The details of the determination of band gap energies by using the Kubelka-Munk theory are described elsewhere.24 The photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra were collected with an Edinburgh Instruments Spectrometer (model FLS920) using a steady state 450 W xenon arc lamp. The experimental setup was equipped with a blue-sensitive high speed photomultiplier (Hamamatsu H5773-03 detector) tube. The emission spectra were collected at room temperature, in a 400-700 nm range, using an excitation wavelength of 371 nm (Xem = 524 nm). Information on the electron relaxation and recombination mechanisms were obtained by monitoring the PL intensity at a specific wavelength as a function of time delay after an exciting laser pulse. The time-resolved PL spectra were recorded at room temperature on a pico-second diode laser EPL 375 with an excitation wavelength of 371 nm, in the time range 0 to 50 ns. The analysis of the fluorescence decays was performed using the F900 analysis software. The measured (convoluted) data was fitted using the "Reconvolution Fit method".25' This method fits the sample response to the data over the rising edge, to match the theoretical sample response, R(t). The Reconvolution Fit procedure extracts the raw data (fluorescence decay) and eliminates both the noise and the effects of the exciting light pulse. < D _ csT S T- Experimental -Calculated Difference -Background p • (220) S01) 03) 1) I O C\T ir k Ï i CN . f«j L^SffS^S « _ ft ft I ij VjjUji, 1 1 1 1 1 II I I t I III I III I 1 IIII I II 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2 theta (degree) Fig. 2. X-ray powder diffraction pattern of the NdVO4 nanopowder. The black full circles represent raw data and, red solid line is the Rietveld fit, the black vertical bars are the Bragg reflections, while the grey line shown below is the difference between observed and calculated intensity. 3. Results and Discussion 3. 1. X-ray and SEM Studies Fig. 2 shows the XRPD patterns of the as-obtained NdVO4 sample, which was indexed as a tetragonal NdVO4 phase with the space group I4i/amd (ICSD code 78077). No impurities were detected. Additionally, the Rietveld refinement indicated that the (112) reflection appears with higher intensity due to the preferred directional growth of the nanoneedles along <112>. The unit cell parameters obtained after the Rietveld refinement are presented in Table 1. The agreement factors were: Rp = 6.59, Rwp = 7.78, and x2 = 1.26. As it can be seen, the refined cell parameters are in good agreement with the literature reported values. The particle size and morphology were examined by SEM. From Fig. 3 it can be seen that the NdVO4 particles prepared in this study have a needle-like shape with a length of about 100 nm and a diameter of about 20 nm. A schematic representation showing the NdVO4 nanonee-dles grown along <112> is depicted in Fig. 4. The SEM study also showed that the nanoparticles tend to agglomerate leading to formation of larger clusters. Table 1. The unit cell parameters obtained after Rietveld refinement of the NdVO4 nanoneedles and a comparison with the literature-reported values. Unit cell parameters Space group: I41/amd This study (nanoneedles) Yuvaraj et al.26 (27 nm particles) Fuess et al.27 (polycrystalline) Panchal et al.11 (polycrystalline) a (Ä) 7.3397(6) 7.3571 7.3290 7.334(1) b (Ä) 7.3397(6) 7.3571 7.3290 7.334(1) c (Ä) 6.4128(6) 6.4227 6.4356 6.436(1) c/a 0.8737(6) 0.8729 0.7878 0.8776(1) V (Ä) 346.332(65) 347.641 345.683 346.177 (b) 100 uni 3. 2. Raman Analysis Raman analysis was performed on the as-obtained NdVO4 nanopowders to study finer structural details (Fig. 5). As the XRPD analysis already suggested, the NdVO4 synthesised in this study is adopting the zircon-type structure. From a group theory consideration NdVO4 adopting this structure has 12 Raman active modes: 2A1g, 4B1g, 2g, and 5Eg.28 From these 12 modes, 7 are internal modes associated with vibrations in the VO4 structural unit (2A1g, 2B1g, 1B2g, 2Eg), and 5 are external vibrations (3Eg, 2B1g). So far, the Raman spectra of NdVO4 have been measured on single crystals and polycrystalline samples by several Fig. 3. SEM images of the NdVO4 nanopowders. (a) Low magnification, (b) High magnification. Fig. 5. Raman spectrum of the NdVO4 nanoparticles prepared in this study. Fig. 4. (a) Crystal structure of NdVO4; (b) Schematic representation of the as-grown NdVO4 nanoneedles; (c) Ball-and-stick model showing a tetragonal NdVO4 nanoneedle grown along <112>. Table 2. The Raman modes of NdVO4 reported in the literature and the Raman modes observed in this study. Study Sample type Peak position (cm1) Temp. This study Nanoneedles 871 810 796 469 383 - 264 236 150 124 - 297 K Panchal et al.11 Polycrystalline 871 808 794 472 381 373 260 243 151 124 113 297 K Yuvaraj et al.26 Nano rods 876 - 770 - - - - - - 297 K Jandl et al.29 Single crystal 873 810 797 472 381 - 259 242 151 122 10 K Nguyen et al.28 Single crystal 871 808 795 472 381 375 260 237 148 123 113 297 K Antic-Fidancev Polycrystalline 873 810 797 473 380 378 259 242 151 121 111 4.2 K et al.30 868 805 790 471 380 375 262 235 151 122 112 4.2 K Santos et al.31 Single crystal 871 808 795 472 381 375 260 237 148 123 113 297 K research groups. A comparison of our results with the literature reports is shown in Table 2. It can be seen that the observed Raman modes in this study are in good agreement with the literature data. The only modes that were not observed are the modes located at 113, 225, and 373 cm-1 (these modes are rarely observed). In the 100-1000 cm-1 region, the Raman spectrum of NdVO4 shows 9 modes that are separated in two regions. The high frequency region includes the internal modes in the VO4 units, whereas the external modes occur at lower frequency and correspond to motions of the Nd-O bonds in the NdO8 polyhedron. The symmetry annotations were made in accordance with the previous assignments reported in the literature.10,11,27 3. 3. Optical Studies Fig. 6 shows the UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectrum of the NdVO4 nanoneedles prepared in this study. The light absorption was observed at a wavelength of about 770 nm, followed by another absorption at about 615 nm. A third absorption peak started at about 353 nm, increased sharply and reached a maximum at about 280 nm (associated with the O-2-V+5 charge transfer within the VO43- group).32,33 The sharp increase at about 353 nm corresponds to the band gap transition in NdVO4. The additional absorption peaks observed in the UV-Vis Table 3. Characteristic peaks observed in the 500-800 nm range in the UV-Vis absorption spectra of NdVO4. Peak position (nm) (1) (2) (3) Synthesis method and particle size Study Comments/ Assignment From 4I9/2 to: - 615 770 Co-precipitation, needles of ~100 nm length and 20 nm diameter This study (1) / (2) 4G5/2 and (3) ^ - 590 750 Solid-state reactions, ~1 |im. Dragomir et al.,24,34 Singh et al. (1) / (2) 4G5/2, (3) 4F7/2 532 582 744 Templated sol-gel Nanotubes with the diameter of about 40 nm Peng et al.35 (1) 4G7/2 and 4G9/2 (2) 4G7/2, (3) 4F7/2 and 4SM 538 590 752 Nanowires, 100 nm diameter and 3|im length Xu et al.36 (1) 2G7/2, (2) 4G5/2, (3) 4F7/2 ~525 593 753 Hydrothermal, nanorods, length: 400-700 nm. Wu et al.37 (1) 4G7/2 and 4G9/2 (2) 4GM, (3) 4Fm Fig. 6. The UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectrum of the NdVO4 nan-opowder prepared in this study. spectrum of NdVO4 at about 615 and 770 nm have been described in the literature and they are summarized in Table 3. From the plot of the absorbance versus the energy (Fig. 7) the band gap of the NdVO4 nanopowders was calculated to be 3.50 eV, which is in the UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This value falls well in the range of values reported by other research groups.8,10 The electronic structure of zircon-type NdVO4 has also been investigated by Panchal et al.10 They observed that NdVO4 shows similar band shape with LuVO4 and YVO4; the upper part of the valence band and the lower part of the conduction band is mainly comprised of the V 3d and O 2p states, whereas the Nd 6s states contribute to a decrease in the band gap due to their hybridization with the antibonding conduction band states. Under UV excitation (Fig. 8) the NdVO4 nanonee-dles show green, yellow, and orange emissions. The NdVO4 spectrum consists of a broad peak centred at about 500 nm with three small shoulders at about 523, 545, and 600 nm. Several researchers have reported the photoluminescence spectra of nanosized NdVO4 (excited with UV light). Wu et al. reported the PL emission spectrum of single crystalline nanorods (of ~200 nm in diameter and 400-700 nm in length).37 The spectrum shows a strong emission around 490 nm followed by two less intense peaks at ~525 and 550 nm and a triplet at about 600-615 nm. The NdVO4 nanoneedles prepared in this study show similar peaks. Similar results were also obtained for 1 ^m NdVO4 particles prepared by a solid-state method and described by Dragomir et al.24 Briefly, the emission at about 500 nm can be assigned to the 4G11/2 — 4I11/2 transition, whereas the shoulders at ~525, 545, and 600 nm can be attributed to the 4G7/2 - 4I9/2, 4G7/2 - 4I9/2, and 4G5/2 - 4I9/2 transitions, respectively. Fig. 9 shows the time-resolved photoluminescence spectrum of the NdVO4 nanoneedles excited by a 371 nm laser wavelength and monitored at 524 nm. This decay curve could only be simulated by a third-order exponential function with the three lifetimes: T1 = 0.16 ns, r2 = 1.70 ns and t3 = 4.74 ns. The fitting parameters of the photoluminescence decay curves are presented in Table 4. These results suggest that the PL decay processes were dominated by third order kinetics. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report on the dynamics of photo-excited carriers in NdVO4. Fig. 8. The emission spectrum of NdVO4 nanoneedles, measured at room temperature. Fig. 7. Optical band gap of NdVO4 nanoparticles. Fig. 9. Photoluminescence lifetime measured on the NdVO4 nanoneedles, Aem = 524 nm. The black dots represent the time-domain intensity decay. The red line is the fitting curve, while the grey line is the response of the detector. The green line below represents the difference between the fitted curve and the measured data. The goodness of fit, x2, is 1.418. Table 4. Fitting parameters of the photoluminescence decay curves of the NdVO4 nanoneedles (Aex = 371 nm, Aem = 524 nm). Sample Lifetime (ns) Standard deviation (ns) x2 B1 B2 S3 NdVO4 t1 = 0.16 (50.61%) 0.01 1.418 0.35 0.03 0.00 nanoparticles t2 = 1.70 (30.64%) 0.15 t3 = 4.74 (18.75%) 0.59 4. Conclusions A facile room-temperature precipitation method was employed for the synthesis of NdVO4 nanoneedles. This approach utilizes aqueous solutions of NdCl3, Na3VO4 and NH3(aq) as a precipitating agent. The synthesis yielded impurity-free, crystalline NdVO4 nanoneedles with a tetragonal structure, space group I4i/amd. The Rietveld refinement study indicated a preferential growth of the nanoparticles along the <112> direction. The Raman analysis further supported the fact that the nanoparticles are single phase NdVO4 with a zircon-type structure, while SEM analysis showed that the as-synthe-sised particles have a needle-like morphology with a length of about 100 nm and a width of about 20 nm. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum showed an absorption band located at 353 nm (3.5 eV) which corresponds to the band gap transition. The room-temperature PL spectrum of the NdVO4 nanoneedles shows green, yellow, and orange emissions. The lifetimes of the nanoneedles were monitored for the 524 nm emission and were found to be 4.74 nanoseconds. In addition to its simplicity, the synthetic method employed in this study also conserves energy since it does not require any thermal treatment. This method could potentially be tailored for the facile preparation of other 1D lanthanide vanadate structures. 5. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency under the Young Researchers Programme and the Research Programme P2-0337. 6. References 1. J. A. Baglio, O. J. Sovers. J. Solid State Chem. 1971, 3, 458-465. DOI: 10.1016/0022-4596(71)90085-5 2. C.-T. Au, W.-D. Zhang. Faraday Trans. 1997, 93, 1195-1204. DOI:10.1039/a607565g 3. X. Wu, Y. Tao, L. Dong, J. Zhu, Z. Hu. J. 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