UDK 669(497.12):669.001.5 ISSN 1580-2949 Pregledni znanstveni članek MATER. TEHNOL. 35(6)317(2001) FP5 AND SLOVENIAN PARTICIPANTS - TOWARDS FP6 VKLJUČEVANJE V PROJEKTE 5. OKVIRNEGA PROGRAMA EU IN PREDLOG 6. OKVIRNEGA PROGRAMA EU Bojan Jenko Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Trg osvobodilne fronte 13, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia bojan.jenkoŽmszs.si Prejem rokopisa - received: 2002-01-25; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2002-02-04 In the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) of the EU is research activities prepared by the European Commission, Slovenia, as an associated state, has been eligible to be a participating partner. FP5 is closing at the end of 2001/begining of 2002. Slovenian participants have been very successful, sometimes with a success rate even exceeding the European average. The success rate has varied from programme to programme and from call to call. Autumn 2001 calls, especially for NAS (Newly Associated States, including Slovenia), were dedicated to add extra partners from pre-accession countries to the on-going projects, for fascilitating the integration of NAS into the European Research Area, for Strategic action on training/excellence, etc. The application procedure was simplified. The information including procedures, application forms and eligible projects for joining were available on the EC CORDIS website (http://www.cordis.lu/ fp5/home.html), and accessible from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport website, too (http://www.mzt.si/mzt/med/ 5okvp/index.html). Some calls forSMEs will close in spring 2002. The European Union is establishing the European Research Area (ERA) with new priorities, new procedures, new challenges and new opportunities. At present, theEuropean Commission is preparing the next Framework Program, FP6, for the period 2002-2006 in order to stimulate it. The proposal for FP6 began in the European Parliament’s procedures in second the half of 2001. Key words: 5 Framework Programme, growth, IST, quality of life, environment and sustainable development, energy, European Commission, success rate, call for proposals, NAS, European Research Area, 6th Framework Programme, Cordis, web pages Slovenija sodeluje v 5. okvirnem programu raziskovalnih aktivnosti Evropske unije (EU) kot pridružena članica; program se bo končal v začetku leta 2002. Slovenski udeleženci so bili zelo uspešni, včasih je uspešnost celo presegla evropsko povprečje. Jeseni 2001 je Evropska komisija pripravila nekaj razpisov, namenjenih predvsem vključevanju v potekajoče projekte za udeležence iz NAS (Newly Associated States), kamorspada tudi Slovenija. Razpisi naj bi olajšali vključevanje držav kandidatk v evropski raziskovalni prostor. Postopki prijav so bili poenostavljeni. Informacije, skupaj s postopki, obrazci in spiskom ustreznih potekajočih projektov, so dosegljive na spletnih straneh CORDISa Evropske komisije (http://www.cordis.lu/ fp5/home.html), in tudi na spletni strani (http://www.mzt.si/mzt/med/5okvp/index.html) Ministrstva za šolstvo, znanost in šport. Prvi NAS razpis se je končal že decembra 2001, večina drugih pa do februarja 2002. Evropska unija ustanavlja evropski raziskovalni prostor z novimi prioritetami, postopki in izzivi. Naslednji, 6. okvirni program, ki bo potekal od 2002-2006 in je namenjen spodbudi za vključevanje, je že v parlamentarnem postopku Evropskega parlamenta. Ključne besede: 5. okvirni program, programi, evropska komisija, slovenski uspehi, razpisi, NAS, evropski raziskovalni prostor, 6. okvirni program, Cordis, spletne strani 1 INTRODUCTION The Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) is a four-year (from 1999 to 2002) EU strategic plan of research activities to support research and technological development as a part of the European Community research policy. It was prepared by European Commission and adopted by European Parliament. FP5 was on EU response to the challenges of the 21st century and of globalisation, a response to the effective economies in the United States and the fareast. In contrast to previous Programmes, which concentrated largely on technical performance, "problem-solving-oriented" FP5 focused the research on the social and economic problems faced by individuals, too. Framework Programmes of the EU stimulate the mobility of both those involved and of ideas, which is fundamental because technical and scientific knowledge is the principal raw material of modern industry and society. The growing cooperation catalysed by the European Union Framework Programmes are building up the European scientific community, which will develop in the European Research Area with even more support in the forthcoming 6th Framework Programme. FP5 comprises four thematic programmes with a budget of 15 billion euros. The 23 key actions deal with concrete problems through multi-disciplinary approaches. The four thematic programmes of FP5 are: - Quality of life and management of living resources - User-friendly information society - Competitive and sustainable Growth - Energy, environment and sustainable development The Competitive and sustainable Growth thematic programme (usually shortened to Growth) has four key actions: - Innovative products, processes, and organisation (KA1) - Sustainable mobility and intermodality (KA2) MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 35 (2001) 6 317 B. JENKO: FP5 AND SLOVENIAN PARTICIPANTS - TOWARDS FP6 – Land transport and marine technologies (KA3) – New perspectives for aeronautics (KA4) and three generic activities: – New and improved materials, and their production and transformation – New and improved materials and production technologies in the steel field – Measurements and testing 2 FP5 AND SLOVENIAN PARTICIPANTS Slovenia, as an associated country, is eligible as a participating partner in FP5, which has its last calls at the end of 2001 orat the begining of 2002. Slovenian partners have been successful, sometimes their success rate was exceeded the European average. The success rate varies from programme to programme and from call to call. The success rate per capita was very often remarkable. Table 1: Slovenian results (Growth 3rd periodic call - GROWTH 2000) (GOV: govermental; PUC: public company; PRC: private company) SI participations coordinators projects proposed 21 GOV 12 KA1 5 1 20 KA2 8 PUC 1 KA3 0 KA4 0 PRC 8 MAT 8 MTI 0 retained 6(+2) GOV 4(+1) 0 6 (+2) KA1 1 PUC 1(+1) KA2 4(+2) MAT 1 PRC 2 success 29% (38%) 0 30% (40%) 1600 1400 1200 + 1000 800 600 400 200 0 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 + 10 5 0 Participations Figure 1: Participations, retained, success rate (Growth 2nd periodic call) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Table 2: Slovenian results (Growth 4th periodic call - GROWTH 2001) (GOV: govermental; PUC: public company; PRC: private company) SI participations coordinators projects proposed 67 GOV 36 KA1 56 1 41 KA2 1 PUC 5 KA3 0 KA4 0 PRC 26 MAT 9 MTI 2 retained 8(+2) GOV 7 0 8 (+2) KA1 7 PUC 2 KA2 0 MAT 2 PRC 1 MTI 1 success 12% (15%) 0 20% (24%) SI CS PL CH Total 3 LAST FP5 CALLS FOR PROPOSALS (DEDICATED FOR NAS) The autumn 2001 calls, especially forNAS (Newly Associated States, including Slovenia), were prepared by the European Commission (EC). The calls were Participations Retained Success % IHRP Figure 2: Participations, retained, success rate (nonEU) (Growth 2nd periodic call) A B D DK E EL F FIN I IRL L NL P S UK SI H CS P L IL CH Participations/mil Population Figure 3: Successful participations / capita (Growth 2nd periodic call) Environment 17% Energy QoL Growth 17% Figure 4: Slovenian participation in the FP5 programmes: Distribution of Slovenian participants by specific programmes of the FP5 and Euratom in 1999-2000 Retained Success % H IL 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 318 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 35 (2001) 6 B. JENKO: FP5 AND SLOVENIAN PARTICIPANTS - TOWARDS FP6 - Basic data about "NAS" calls: - QUALITY OF LIFE (http://www.cordis.lu/life) closing: 15/02/2002 - GROWTH (http://www.cordis.lu/growth) closing: 13/12/2001 - ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE - DEVELOPMENT (http://www.cordis.lu/eesd) closing: 15/02/2002 - ENERGY (http://www.cordis.lu/eesd) closing: 14/12/2001 - IST (http://www.cordis.lu/ist/calls) closing: 28/02/2002 4 GENERAL RESULTS REGARDING SLOVENIAN PARTICIPATION IN FP5 At the end of 2001 more than 140 contracts for projects were signed by the European Commission with Slovenian participants; Slovenia, regarding participation/ capita is in a leading position among the candidate countries. Current data are accessible on the EC Cordis web page (http://dbs.cordis.lu/fep/FP5/FP5 PROJl_search. html). 5 NEXT EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME The European Commission has prepared the proposal forthe 6th Framework Programme of Research activities (FP6), which has been in the European Parliament's procedures since June 2001. The proposal, which is accessible on the EC Cordis web page (http://www. cordis.lu/rtd2002/fp-debate/cec.htm#fp6modified), has the structure and activities presented in Table 3. The indicative amount of the proposal is 16 270 million euro. The emphasis of the 6th Framework Programme will be on building the European Research Area (ERA) (on the Table 3: Proposed structure of FP 6 with proposed budget FP 6 (2002-2006)- Structure (16 270 M€) Integrating European Research (12 770 M€) Priority Thematic Areas (10 425 M€) Anticipating s/t needs (2 345 M€) Genomic and biotechnology for health (2 000 M€) Information society technologies (3 600 M€) Nanotechnologies, intelligent mat., new production proc. (1 300 M€) 12 v C3 2 m O O O *3 O 3 _. C3 C-Ö O « u o O C3 <¦ Cu Food safety and health risks (600 M€) Sustainable development and global change (1 700 M€) Citizens and governance in knowledge society (225 M€) Research for policy support Frontier research, unexpected developments Specific SME activities (> 350 M€) Specific international cooperation activities (600 M€) JRC activities (715 M€) Structuring the ERA (3 050 M€) Strengthening the foundations of era (450 M€) Research and innovation (300 M€) Human resources & mobility (1 800 M€) Research infrastructures (900 M€) Science and society (50 M€) Coordination of research activities (400 M€) Development of research/innovation policies (50 M€) ¦All participants - Total 785 DSuccessful participants - Total 197 Figure 5: Slovenian participants in the specific programmes of the FP5 in 1999-2000 dedicated to add extra partners from pre-accession countries to the on-going projects, for fasciliting the integration of NAS into the European Research Area, for Strategic action on training/excellence, staff exchange, conferences, etc. The application procedure was simplified. NAS calls closed in December2001, with the last ones in February 2002. Some calls for SMEs will close in spring 2002. There are four main actions: - Call to add extra partners from pre-accession countries (NAS1) - Joint call QoL/Growth/Energy, Environment: - Integration of NAS in the European Research Area (NAS2) - New INCO call: Strategic action on training/ excellence - Modified INCO call: Conference participation support Last dedicated Growth call: Measurements and Testing, Infrastructures (http://www.cordis.lu/growth/ calls/200103.htm) closing: 15/02/2002 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 35 (2001) 6 319 B. JENKO: FP5 AND SLOVENIAN PARTICIPANTS - TOWARDS FP6 same web page) with priorities on networking (Networks of Excellence ŠNoE]) and large projects (Integrated Projects ŠIPs]). The proposed priority thematic areas of Integrating research are: - Genomic and biotechnology forhealth - Information Society technologies - Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, new production processes - Aeronautics and space - Food safety and health risks - Sustainable development and global change - Citizens and governance in the European knowledge-based society The first calls for proposals for the FP6 are expected at the end of 2002. 6 CONCLUSIONS The EU Framework Programmes stimulate common research work in Europe. Participants in the 5th Framework Programme from Slovenia have been very successful, the success rate has been near the EU average (even exceeding it in some areas) and the number of Slovenian participants in accepted and contracted proposals per capita has been remarkable. Slovenia has been financially positive in FP5, the received funds have exceeded the participation fees. The FP5 experience has been a good starting point for the expected full membership of Slovenia in the FP6. 7 LITERATURE * European Commission CORDIS web pages (http://www.cordis.lu) * Ministry of Education, Science and Sport web pages (http://www. mzt.si) and info materials 320 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 35 (2001) 6