ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE 2ENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION AUGUST, 1964 NUMBER 8 VOLUME 36 -W _ At Coronation of 13th National Convention Queen and Princesses Founder, Marie Prisland and Supreme President, Antonia Turek, congratulate Queen Vicki Faletič and Princesses, Rose Kraemer (second from left), Anna Podgoršek and Rose Zeloilec (on right), at the Coronation ceremonies at the Chicago National Convention. Looking on are Editor, Corinne Leskovar, emcee of the banquet! and Pauline Stampfel, pres, of Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1926 in the State of Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inhorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v drlavi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN * ★ * ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post O/fice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. CAMPAIGN CELEBRATION HONORS CONVENTION PRINCESS OF BRANCH NO. 50 Princess Rose Želodec was guest of honor at the last Br. 50 meeting in Cleveland. Her true sisters, Julia Horvat and Ann Kumse are seen with Rose on the first picture. Then we see Rose crowning the 1962 Campaign Girl, Theresa Komat. Ohio State Pres., Mary Br'tian joins the two Queens on the 3rd photo. Below we see some of Br. 50 members as they enjoyed themselves. In the center are Mary with Fran Sietz, preparing refreshments. Br. 50 gained 86 new members in the course of one year through the efforts of their officers and members. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Aug. 19 — Pot-Luck Supper, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Auk. 19 — Picnic at Geneva, Ohio for members of Br. 10 Sept. 2 — Yearly Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 4 — Junior Hop, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Sept. 1? — Minnesota Zveza Day, Biwabik, Minn. Sept. 13 — Junior's Wiener Party at St. John’s Hall, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 13 — Penna State Day at Acmetonia, Pa. Sept. 14 — Annual Picnic, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio Sept. 16 — 35th Anniversary, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Sept. 20 — Colo. State Convention, Pueblo, Colo. Sept. 27 — Misc. Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Oct. 20 — Rummage Safe, St. John’s Hall, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wisconsin HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN AUGUST Supreme Officers: Aug. 12 — Mary Bostian, State President, Ohio - Michigan, Euclid, Ohio. Branch Presidents: Aug. 1 — Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, III. Aug. 1 — Rose Veronick, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Aug. 3 — Helen Cobai, Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Aug. 7 — Mary Vukelich, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Aug. 7 — Mary Krogulski, Br. 24, La Salle, 111. Aug. 8 — Mary Oblak, Br. 53, Cleveland, Ohio Aug. 18 — Frances Lindich, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio Aug. 22 — Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Aug. 2'9 — Rose Racher, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL, ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXVI. — NO. 8 AUGUST, 1964 LETO XXXVI. — ŠT. 8 Biwabik Invites Us To Minn. Sun., Sept. 13, 1964 is the day of the annual Minnesota Zveza Day at Biwabik, Minn. We extend a most cordial invitation to all members and friends who will attend! Holy Mass will be at 10:30 at St. John's Church where the banquet will be held at 1:30 p.m. There will be lots of good food, entertainment, both choral and instrumental, and our Mayor, Walter Osby will welcome you! The highlight of the day will be the address of our own Congressman, John A. Blatnick! Come and see us in Biwabik, Sept. 13th! A. Karish A DISTINGUISHED PERSONALITY EVALUATES THE S.W.U. COOKBOOK! Mrs. Clarence J. Weber, the newly elected State President of the Wisconsin State Federation of Women’s Clubs — membership 22,000 — has this to say about our new cook book: “Even the gourmet can enjoy this excellent cook book, compiled with loving care. Its pages abound in recipes which contain precious hints to insure success of age-old family delicacies. “The recipes, enhanced by tender comments and histories of their origin, proudly proclaim "Woman’s Glory-The Kitchen” a publication to be treasured. “Congratulations to Marie Prisland and Albina Novak for keeping alive the traditions of the stalwart Slovenian Women.” Mrs. Weber, formerly First Vice-President of the Wisconsin Federation of W'omen’s Clubs and the International Hostess Chairman, an artist and a speaker, lias a very active and illustrious life. She started to work on the American Field Service program, which yearly brings thousands of foreign students to American high schools to sample our educational methods, to live in American homes and to become acquainted with our family life. For 13 years Mrs. Weber has “mothered” some 40 students coming to Sheboygan from all parts of the world. Mrs. Weber has been abroad where she attended international conventions of Women’s Clubs in Germany and Switzerland, as well as National conventions of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in America. (Membership 840,000). Our sincere good wishes to the hospitable and gracious Mrs. Weber in her new position where she will have additional opportunities to create and carry out programs for which she is so well qualified. Marje Pris|and (Courtesy The Sheboygan Press) Mrs. Clarence J. Weber ILL.-IND. STATE CONVENTION AUG. 30th! To achieve our common goals . . . With summer well on its way, our Supreme officers and vacationers are enjoying themselves well-earned vacations. Here’s hoping you all are in the best of health wherever you are in Europe or in the States. Now that you are relaxed, the mind has been sending out little feelers to further and benefit the S.W.U. The time is rapidly coming to when monthly meetings will be resumed. Each year is a challenge for greater achievements. It has been noted that youth activities in some branches have been quite good which was seen and praised at the National Convention. It would be nice if more branches will take interest in the youth or sport activities which I am sure all would enjoy, from the very young to the young at heart. Let us all get behind the great big “Push” and let’s make the SWU even bigger and greater than ever! These days people are more sport-minded than ever before and it is wonderful to see such enthusiasm. Let’s not forget the “Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen,” our cookbook, which every member and friend should have. It certainly is a wonderful gift for that special birthday, shower, or wedding gift. You may purchase it thru your Secretary or our Supreme President, Toni Turek. Itemember — the price is only $2.75. Best wishes for a successful Illinois - Indiana State Convention which will convene Sunday, August 30, 1964. Happy Birthday to all the members for the month and best wishes and a speedy recovery to all of the sick. This thought for the day: To be a friend, one should join hands with all people who are working for great principles, great purposes and great causes, one should put his shoulder to the wheel to help achieve the common goals. Marie A. Floryan, Supreme Vice-President As the State President of Illinois - Indiana, may I extend a cordial invitation to the Indiana branch No. 5 and Illinois branches, 2, 1G, 20, 22>, 24, 30, 72, 85, 89, 95, and 99 to attend our annual Convention which will be held on August 30th, 19G4 in Oglesby, 111. and Br. 89 will be the hostesses. The following is the program of the day: 11:00 am, Mass at Holy Family Church, 311 Woodland Ave., Oglesby. 12:00 noon, Dinner at Garzanelli Supper Club, 750 N. Columbia Ave. 2:00 pm, Convention Meeting at Dickinson House, 3rd and Dale St. Mrs. Frances Meglich, Chairlady, informed me that the tickets for the dinner will be $2.35 per person, and urges everyone who will attend to have your reservations in by August 20th. Please let her know the number of tickets you desire by filling in and returning the card that all of you received. Do your utmost to attend; we want this convention to be successful. Your presence will help assure *'k’s‘ Mildred James, State President, 111.-Ind. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. The Door Was Closed We all lose our patience now and then. We are even inclined to believe that it does us good to “blow off steam" once in a while. But we may be absolutely certain that it never does anyone any good whatever to wound another, or deny him those simple deeds of kindness that are a part of Christian charity. Nor is there any joy in life deeper than that glow of self-mastery when we top our worst impulses and find peace and good will in the very midst of rage and resentment. We do not want to pay a frightful price like the woman in the story told by Fulton Oursler, about the lost physician from Vienna. This good doctor healed a rich man’s daughter when all others had failed. With the new technique which soon was called “bloodless surgery” doctor operated and made the girl well. Then his fame flared round the world, so that soon he was asked to make a tour of American hospitals. His name was Dr. Adolph Lorenz. In this country he was to explain his technique to the American doctors. But everywhere he went he was being besieged by anxious parents and husbands, imploring his personal help for ailing loved ones. There were only a very few for whom he had time. On this visit he encountered an experience he never forgot. One day while he was in a midwestern town he felt restless. Guards were always at his heels to protect him, and he began to crave a little solitude. So, in late in the afternoon, he managed to slip away, to take a walk all by himself through the residential streets of the city. In the midst of his stroll he was overtaken by a sudden and violent thunderstorm. So fierce was the downpour, and no shelter near, that he rang the bell of the nearest house. When a woman opened the door he asked if he could come in. But the woman, who was already upset, visibly exasperated, cried out: "Go somewhere else. There is trouble enough in this house.” And she slammed shut the door. Doctor stood outside in the rain until the car with guards searching for him found him and hurried him back to the hotel. When, the next day, that inhospitable housewife looked at the newspaper, she screamed with dismay. For she recognized a front-page picture of the great healer. The terrible fact was that this woman’s daughter suffered from the same illness as had the Chicago girl. And she had written letters to the hotel entreating Dr. Lorenz to come to her house and make her child well. But she had shut the door in his face when God brought him there. Every day we have a chance to help someone. On every doorstep opportunity waits to serve our fellow man. And we have the promise of Judgement day: “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me.” ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. This is a resume of activities of our branch for the past half year. Our heartiest welcome to our new eight members who are: Dorothy Brezonik, Evelyn Bushner, Margaret Mary Bushner, Agnes Ploetz, Frances Sass, Helen Shircel, Anna Schlegel and one junior member Kathleen Ann Brezonik. A thank you to Mary Go-dez, Mary Vertacic and Marianne Gus-taveson for helping me in the secretary’s campaign. Two members celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversaries; the are: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mohar and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pavell. To these two couples we wish the best of health and happiness. Our branch lost two members in death: Mary Kovacic and Clarissa Cvetan. Members Christine Panko, Johanna Zore and Frances Seiko lost their loved ones. Our sincere sympathy to all the grieving families. To our sick members a speedy recovery and hope to see them at our next meeting. The Mothers Day Program was a success, well attended and enjoyed by all. We are grateful to our president Olga Saje and my mother for compiling and conducting the program. Our Mother of the Year, Mary Vertacic was well pleased with the honors received. On September 2nd we will hold our annual card party in the St. Cyril and Methodius Hall. The card party committee is working hard to make this undertaking a success and hope all members will cooperate and attend our party. Tickets may be purchased from Anna Modez Chairman, Mary Turk, Co-Chairman and myself. The first meeting will be held Sep- tember 13th. Please try and attend. The convention report will be read. As approved by the convention all members who were 75 years on May 1, 1964 begin paying 20«! per month as of July 1, 19G4. Class A and B members will pay additional five cents beginning January 1, 1905. We are all proud of our junior member Barbara Carek who was presented with a scholarship award from the South High School. Our heartiest congratulations to you Barbara and your family. Hope you may all enjoy a pleasant summer. Be seeing you at the card party. Margaret Fischer, Sec’y. No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Here we are, getting into the warmest months of the year. Our June meeting was pretty well attended. The main topic of our discussion was the report of our delegates to the convention held in May. Needless to tell you, they didn’t have very much to say, except they were disappointed in some decisions. We sent them to Chicago with our best wishes, nevertheless, they came back very unhappy. So much for that! During July and August, the ladies are taking a vacation, therefore, there will be no meetings during the summer months. For August, we are planning our annual one day picnic at the Farm in Geneva, Ohio on Aug. 19th. Anyone interested contact the secretary, Mary Camloh. It’s an all day affair and we really have a good time. We didn’t have any birthdays to celebrate in June. Our President, Anne Markovič, thanked our delegates for the trip they made to Chicago. We wish a very happy vacation to everyone — hope you have a nice summer. See you all in the fall, happy and healthy. Sophie Magayna No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Referring to the bazaar which is to be held by the combined branches of this area on October 10th and 11th, it would be very nice and helpful if some members of our Euclid Branch who can sew or knit a suitable outfit and also model their creation, to get into action as soon as possible, and the more the merrier. Thanks to Mrs. Jennie Stopar for her donation to the Good-time treasury. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Anna Rossman, who suffered a broken wrist. Also to Mrs. Mary Walters, who spent some time in Huron Road hospital following an eye surgery. Birthday greetings are extended to all of our members whose birthdays fall during the month of August. The report will be short this month, and hope that all of you will enjoy delightful vacations. Molly Sodja, Secretary No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Our 13th National Convention is behind us, a great success. Being a spectator, it was very interesting to listen and observe. The delegates were serious and “on the ball” in all matters pertaining to the business of the day. The convention, the program, were very well organized. Whoever attended this event, will have long and lasting memories. Congratulations and best wishes to Br. 2 for their wonderful hospitality. The “Half in Pol" sldt on the stage was talked about for days. We are proud to have Rose Kraemer of Milwaukee re-elected state president and we are doubly proud to have our Secretary, Marie Floryan, re- 50 YEARS CELEBRATED BY WEISSES OF CLEVELAND elected as Supreme Vice-President. We are also very happy to have Kev. Claude of Milwaukee as our Spiritual Advisor. Besides myselt' as spectators were Louise Meyer, Josephine Nimmers, Mary Petrich, a Supreme Officer of K.S.K.J. and Mary Grasch of West Allis. The month of May was hectic for all. Our president, Marion Marolt who was elected delegate just couldn’t make it as “Emma” was almost due. Our one and a half bowler hit a high individual game of 248 and also took a prize in all events. On June 14, 19G4, Roberta Ann made her debut so we shall have another bowler, perhaps better than her mother. She is an S.W.U. member already because her grandmother, Marie Flo-ryan, saw to that. So, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marolt, also to grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Anton Floryan and paternal grandmother, Frances Marolt. Our alternate at the convention also had a hectic time. Vickie Kastelic’s daughter, Diane presented her with a granddaughter, Beth Ellen, just when Vicki arrived home from the convention. Congratulations to the parents, Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Zebrowski, grandmother, Vickie, great grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Tael and Mary Kastelic, her maternal great grandmother. At our June meeting, we awarded these prizes donated by various members; they are as follows: Afghan to Mrs. Louise Ribicli of Sheboygan, Wis.; Chafing Dish to Rose Ulma; Pillowcase to Jo Fierst; Towel set to Frances Gorišek of Oglesby, 111.; Towel set to Marion Marolt; Tablecloth to Mary Kranjec; Sugar & Creamer set to Josephine Kolar of Milwaukee and Towel set to Maude Glojeck. Our condolences to the bereaved families of Gertrude Pugel our charter member who passed away recently and to Lydia Paich. May they rest in peace. We will resume our meetings on Sept. 20th and on Sept. 27th is our Misc. Card Party for our treasury. All neighboring branches are invited. On Tuesday, Oct. 27th a U singer Sausage demonstration and card party will be held at 7:30 at St. Mary’s Hall. A speedy recovery to the sick and may God grant good health to all. Frances Piwoni, Treasurer No. 20, Joliet, III. We wish to extend our sincere condolence to several local families on their recent bereavements. The Stefanich family lost their sister, Pauline Stefanich, age 54 and owner of the Stefanich Restaurant and Tavern, noted for their famous chicken dinners. She was preceded in death by her mother who was also our member. Pauline Stefanich was secretary for the United Liquor Co. for the past 25 years. She is survived by two brothers, one of whom is a Joliet attorney, Matthew Stefanich, five sisters and numerous .other .relatives. Sisters, Mayme Pluth and Catherine Peraud Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weiss and family: Josephine, Helen Nosan, Alice Vidmar and Michael Jr. are members of the branch as well. Pauline was a great benefactor to the community, always giving to the needy. She joined the branch in 1947 recommended by yours truly. Four sons and three daughters mourn another of our members, Agnes Korelc, who made her home with her family in Lemont. She was well-known here in Joliet, with many friends and relatives. She joined the branch in 1928, recommended by deceased Louise Riffel. Her birthplace was Bela Cerkev in Slovenia. The Buchar family lost their sister, Stephanie, who died suddenly. She was the owner of a beauty shop for many years. Her three sisters and brothers are extended our sympathy. A sister, Josephine, is our long-standing member and a brother, Robert, is Justice of the Peace and attorney here for many years. Our members attended the funerals of these members and to our departed, we pray for their eternal rest. Josephine Erjavec No. 33, Duluth, Minn. We shall resume again with meetings Aug. 5th at 7:30 p.m. at which time plans will be made for Minn. Zveza Day in Biw-abik on Sept. 13th. Reservations for bus will be made then so please try to be present. Mr. Filiatrault of Filiatrault Funeral Home has contributed $25.00 to our bowlers for the coming season. This was deeply appreciated by our branch and we extend a big thank you to him. A full convention report was given at the last meeting by our pres. Rose Ann Munsell who was our delegate and yours truly. What a surprise a-waited me at the convention when I was crowned Princess! We were proud to have beautiful Vicki Faletič as the Queen and a very deserving one she Is. Congratulations, Vicki, it was a pleasure to be in your court! Many thanks to all for the beautiful gifts given me and the many greetings received from the delegates. The trophy is a cherished memento. Cleveland, Ohio. We would like to offer our most sincere congratulations to Michael and Josephine Weiss who observed their golden wedding anniversary on June 6th with a Mass of Thanksgiving offered in their name at Annunciation church where they joined hands together before the altar. Later in the evening, they joined their fine family at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vidmar of Parma. They have three other children who helped to plan the affair, namely, Josephine, Michael, Jr. and Mrs. Helen Nosan. There are four grandchildren to complete the family. The Weiss’s were born in Yugoslavia but were married here at St. Vitus church on June 6, 1914. Down thru the years, Josephine has been active in our branch, giving generously of her time and energy. May God bless them both with years of good health and happiness! Stella Dancull THANK YOU FROM THE WEISSES Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weiss extend their most sincere thanks to all the fine friends and neighbors who attended their anniversary Mass and sent wishes on this occasion. Their prayers are that God may reward you abundantly for the happiness given to them! We are most grateful to Br. 2 of Chicago for the wonderful arrangements made for us. They all worked hard. It was wonderful to see our many friends from far and near again. Barbara Giacomini, mother of our pres., Rose Ann, had the sad misfortune of losing a limb thru illness recently. We hope and pray she will regain strength really soon. We were saddened by the death of Mrs. Helen Krall, our branch organizer who worked hard for our branch’s progress all the time. She was well-known throughout our city and is remembered for her efforts on behalf of the community and church. Anyone who needed help, regardless of what it was, found Mrs. Krall to be a willing friend. She will never be forgotten, I’m sure, in our prayers. As a very dear friend of mine, I know I shall miss her very much. May God reward her abundantly. Mrs. Anna Samarzina, member of our branch, also lost her beloved husband recently. Our sympathies to both families. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Danko, celebrants of their 30th wedding anniversary. May you have many more years of happiness. We have on hand our wonderful cookbook, “Woman’s Glory” and it’s very nice as a gift for showers, weddings, birthdays, etc. Ask for it. God’s blessings to everyone. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter NEW STATE PRESIDENT'S GOOD IDEA! Cleveland, Ohio. Greetings to all the members of Ohio and Michigan! 1 hope everyone is doing well and that it’ I can be of some help, you’ll not hesitate to ask, write or call on me. I’ll be more than glad to oblige. Good luck to all! ****** Being elected State President of Ohio and Michigan at the last convention is certainly an honor but I cannot do it alone! I need your help and the help of all officers and branches. Please — the first thing — attend our combined branches meetings whenever possible. They are every second Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. Our first venture together will be this year’s Ohio Bazaar on October 10th and 11th, 1964. With your help it can and will be a big success. We all like to do things to make our branch attractive and I know if you join this Bazaar you will find great satisfaction. Have your members arrange things for your own booth — make items that every housewife will want to buy. Judge by yourself which things are most tempting when you shop and then, whip them up yourselves! It may bring your branch some profit and you’ll all be so proud. Christmas is not far from October and some things you make to sell may attract early Christmas shoppers. Make many things, but not too expensive and you’ll see how fast you’ll be selling! I will be so happy to see your success and the success of the 1964 Ohio Bazaar on October 10th and 11th! God bless you all. Mary Bostian No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. The last meeting was held in June with a good attendance. In June, two of our members passed away, namely Angeline Valte and Mary Safosnik. Sincere heartfelt sympathies go to the Stump Family and also for the Safosnik-Szmania families. On Sunday September 13th a children’s wiener party will be held at St. John’s Hall, 1028 So. 9th St. All juveniles thru the ages of 12 years are invited. Parents will be served cake and coffee. Please notify the secretary as soon as possible how many will attend. The regular meeting will begin at 1 P.M. and the party at 3 P.M. A rummage sale is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th also at St. John’s Hall. Any clothing, dishes or whatever articles you wish to dispose of, will be greatly appreciated. Contact the secretary for further information. We have several shut-in members at their homes, and also one in the hospital. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Members, if you have an opportunity to spend a few minutes with the closest shut-in sister-member, make it possible to visit her. Josephine Kramer is convalescing at St. Mary’s Hospital, 2320 No. Lake Dr., Milw., Florence Ureda is confined to her home at 4036 So. 56th St., Celia Vach-etz at her home 3691 So. Clement Ave., Milw. 7. If you can’t make a personal visit, send them a card. A surprise 35th Wedding Anniversary party was given for Mr. & Mrs. George Groth by their daughter Shirley, and their son-in-law, Eddie. Everyone knows our faithful and dedicated S.W.U. member, Ceil. She and her husband George were really surprised by the great unmber of friends who were there and from all hearsay everyone really must have had a grand time. Anne Hiller’s husband “Red” met with an accident. We wish him a speedy recovery. Last but not least, check your dues, and if you are in arrears, please pay at your earliest convenience. Remember, for each deceased member an extra 15(( special assessment is to be added to defray funeral expense. A Happy Birthday wish to all who are celebrating their birthdates in August. Rose Kraemer, Secretary No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. The June meeting was well attended. After a short business meeting, one of our very faithful members, Mrs. Mary Grabian and her husband, were honored by a Golden Wedding celebration, which actually was in July. Their two daughters, son-in-law and several grandchildren were present. Lovely gifts were presented to them. It was a means for them to remember our good ladies who are always very gracious in honoring one of our members. Thank you all. Congratulations to our Vice-Presi-dent, Mrs. Margaret Dolenz, on her becoming a Great-Grandmother of a darling baby boy, Joseph Dolenz IV. Mrs. Anna Johnson is recuperating rapidly and we will be happy to see her soon. Marie Golobic is still on the sick list, but due to changes being made, we hope things will turn for the better. Speedy recovery Marie. There will be no meetings during the Summer months. Reporter No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Hooray, I am back to work again! And, do we have a wonderful large group at our meetings! It’s so great to see our ladies in good spirits — this is what makes a meeting worthwhile and interesting. Everything goes along fine with a large group and all discussions have good decisions. Now that the convention is over and campaign excitement, we must get busy and concentrate on our Oct. 10-11th Bazaar. We got started at the June meeting which was presided by Fran Sietz. Three of our officers were absent. Frances is just IT — we all love her. Our sympathy to president, Beatrice Tome on the loss of her lovely mother. We also extend condolences to Mamie Marin on the loss of her husband. May God grant them both eternal rest and consolation to the bereaved. At the meeting, we surprised Rose Želodec our Convention Princess and Theresa Komat who was our campaign manager in 1962. They both were so surprised because each thought she was going to crown the other. First, Theresa was asked to crown Rose as our very own Queen for enrolling so many new members in the membership drive. Then, Rose turned around and crowned Theresa! Both were pre- sented gifts which were greatly appreciated. And, we are happy we could show recognition to our lovely Rose as our Queen and Theresa as our Princess. This was our own Branch No. 50 celebration! Our hostess, Fran Sietz prepared such good refreshments that we really give her top cooking honors! Ann Dekleva served and 1 brought the cake. Sophie Zagorc donated the coffee and the loveliest party imaginable took place. Mary Okiki snapped some pictures and we thank her for it. A nicer person there isn’t! (See front inside cover for Br. 50 snaps). We ended the party by singing to our Queen and Princess to the tune of "My Country Tis of Thee,” but the words were: "So say all of us — we love you so.” Our own beautiful songstress, Carolyn Budan, led the singing and everyone followed along. We also sang happy birthday to our lovely new member, Helen Kokely. May God bless her also. Helen’s husband has been sick for a long spell. We all hope he has a speedy recovery. We hope our travelers are enjoying themselves. These include our Supreme President, Toni Turek, secretary, Marie Beck and Josephine Trunk and her husband and Antoinette Celes-nik and her husband and also the Kodrichs. We wish they have a good time. Also, same goes to Albina Novak our Supreme Secretary. May you all come home safe and sound and all rested up. I know at least their minds will be rested for a while! Fran Sietz’ husband, Frank is also there in Slovenia vacationing with the others who are touring. Gee! They’re all enjoying Slivoviea and here our mouths are watering! I wonder if they are thinking of us once in a while? Ha, Ha! Meeting this month — don’t forget! Mary Bostian, Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke; TOMATO TIME IS ANY TIME United States Department of Agriculture reports: ‘‘Tomatoes, red, ripe, and fresh from summer vine . . . tomatoes green for pies and other good dishes after the first light frost of fall . . . tomatoes for winter and early spring “put up” plain or in juice, butter, marmalades. Around the calendar tomatoes and their special note of bright color, tempting flavor, and vitamin value.” “Tomatoes are among the most important sources of Vitamin C” (other important sources being: cantaloup, grapefruit, lemons, oranges and strawberries). Since Vitamin C easily dissolves in water; you must eat foods rich in Vitamin C every day because your body can’t store enough to last very long. One medium-sized tomato (three to a pound) will give you nearly half your day’s quota of Vitamin C, as well as a generous amount of Vitamin A. To get most good from tomatoes, eat them raw and fresh. But remember they hold a large share of their vitamins even when cooked or canned. Tomato Tips: Ripe tomatoes keep best in the re- No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Vacation time in Girard, but gave up part of it to bring you some news of our members and families. First, we are very happy to send our congratulations to Rev. Donald C. Lozier, O.P. who was ordained a priest of the Dominican Order at St. Dominic Church, Washington D.C. on June 11, 1964. On June 14th, Father Lozier celebrated his first solemn Mass at St. Rose Church in Girard. The Rev. Eugene Bondi, O.P. was deacon and Rev. Leonard Tracy, O.P. sub-deacon. The Very Rev. Ferrer Cassidy, O.P., Master of Novitiate of St. Joseph Priory, gave an interesting sermon. Four Dominican Novices served as minor ministers. After Mass, dinner was served in the Auditorium. It was an affair long to be remembered. The decorations were just beautiful even to the keepsake favors. They were in the form of tiny gold chalices set on styrofoam, a spray of gold wheat and a cluster of purple grapes. Fr. Lozier, his mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lozier, were showered with congratulations afterward and we want to extend our congratulations, too. To Theresa and Frank, his parents, God’s fondest blessing! They also are blessed by having a daughter, frigerator, when the cold stops the ripening process. Underripe tomatoes, even mature green ones about to turn color, will ripen indoors. Spread them out at cool room temperature (at 60 to 70 degrees F), in the cellar or woodshed, or on the porch if not too cold. Light isn’t needed to produce good red color after tomatoes are picked. Ripening on a sunny window sill in summer is a poor practice; too much sunlight prevents development of normal or even color. Immature green tomatoes won’t ripen and are likely to rot if kept too long. It’s best to cook them soon after picking. Tomato Salad Suggestions Sliced tomatoes and cucumber with cottage cheese. Diced tomato, celery, radishes, cucumber, green onions, and lettuce. Chopped tomato and shredded cabbage. Diced tomato, raw spinach, onion, and grated carrots. (Serve with your favorite salad dressing). Combine diced tomatoes; diced, cooked potatoes, chopped onion, and fresh dressing. Tomato Juice Dressing Combine in jar and shake well: 1/2 cup tomato juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated onion Zi teaspoon dry mustard i/2 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce Chill to blend flavors. Shake well before serving. Serve on vegetables salads. Calories — 0. Sr. Mary Nathanial a Dominican nun who is 011 the faculty of the College of St. Mary of the Springs at Columbus, Ohio. The evening of June 14th a reception was held for our new priest and we offer our sincere wishes for his happy and rewarding life in the service of God. Hope to have a picture of Fr. Lozier some time soon in Zarja. Another person to be congratulated is Miss Beverly Hlasta, graduate from Liberty High School with high honors and was awarded a scholarship. We wish the best of everything in life to Beverly. On our sick list we have the following ladies who spent some time in the hospital during May and June: Mmes. Amelia Robsel, Gala Scaglione, Anna Marie Racick. Get wrell wishes were sent to them. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Margaret Umeck on the loss of her beloved father. Until next month, stay happy. May you all enjoy the best of health. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Convention time has come and gone and the delegates will have the memories of another successful convention. What a wonderful time we had! The Mass, dinner and program that was prepared on the opening day, May 17th, was really something. Never have I heard such beautiful singing as the Choir of St. Stephen’s church! Fr. Vendelin is a treasure and the parishioners can be very proud of them; also, of Maria Fischinger who sings so beautifully. The dinner was delicious and anyone who saw the food vanish could really know it was. Compliments to the wonderful Slovenian cooks of Br. 2. The program was really good. After it, dancing was enjoyed by all until it was time to return to the hotel. The Morrison was a very nice place to stay — everyone was so courteous. We had our daily meals served there and they, too, were delicious. At the Tuesday banquet we again had the pleasure of hearing that beautiful singing by the Junior Choir and Mrs. Fischinger. The crowning of Vicki Faletič as the Convention Queen was held and truly, Vicki made a beautiful queen. I can only say I had a grand time and all too soon it was over. While in Chicago, I visited relatives of my husband who live on Cermak Road near the Home Office. They are Michael Arko and Stanley Simrayh families. They treated me like royalty — many many thanks to them for all they did to show me a good time. After visiting there, Mrs. Ernest Weber and daughter, Pat of Elmhurst came and took me home with them. I also saw the rest of the Weber family, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Elhage and the former Helen Vertovec (sorry, I don’t know your married name, Helen!). Again, I wras treated graciously and shown real midw'estern hospitality. The Elhages and Webers are former residents of Colorado and relatives of my husband. Our branch doings centered around the June 7th meeting wrhen we had a small celebration of our 27th anniversary with refreshments for the few members who attended. Our next meeting will be Sept. 13th at 3 p.m. at the hall. Members, please try to attend so we can plan on going to the State Convention on Sept. 20th. We have several sisters on the sick list. To these and all members who aren’t well, our prayers for a speedy recovery. Christine Konte No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. As I write this, the members are planning our Family Picnic at L. Ep-ley’s house. I know everyone will have a nice time. One of our Juniors members had her tonsils removed — Ann Yurato-vac. Hope she is feeling fine now. Mary Juratovec’s daughter, Betty Skoto, had a baby girl. Congratulations — hope all are fine. Ann Biennas is moving to Los Angeles, Cal. Lots of luck in your new surroundings, Ann. Sylvia Ivocjan is visiting in California — we wish her a safe trip. Ann Dular's father passed away. We all send our sympathy and may he rest in peace. Betty Adamovich is in Memphis, Tenn. studying to become a Welcome Wagon Hostess. Good Luck. Ann Modic’s niece got married recently. To her our congratulations and may all her troubles be little ones. To all our members, have a happy a safe summer. Good luck on your vacation trips. See you at the meeting Sept. 14th at J. Turk’s yard for our annual picnic. Be there and don’t miss the fun. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. Sorry members, I am not a frequent reporter. The June meeting was held at sister Mrkonich’s home and as usual a good attendance was there. After a short meeting, popular games were enjoyed and a delicious luncheon served by our hostess. After a long illness, sister Ann Bu-torac passed away on March 15th. She had been a member for many years. May her soul rest in peace and our condolences to three sons and a daughter and G grandchildren who survive. June 8th was the 27th anniversary of our branch in Crosby. We celebrated it with 16 members having dinner at the Crystal Cafe. That day was also my birthday, so I was treated to the dinner and a birthday card signed by all the members with a beautiful hanky inside. We all had a very enjoyable evening. Open House and the dedication of the new Cuyuna Range District Hospital was held in early June. We are proud to have a new hospital in our community. The Benedictine Sisters will be in charge and Sister Adeline is the hospital administrator. We were glad sister Margaret Per-pich was feeling better and could attend the dinner. We also have a new member, Frances Vidmar. Glad to have you in our circle, Frances. I wish each and everyone an enjoyable summer. Bless you all. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 85, DePue, ill. In my May report, I mentioned that sister Angela Spolar was going to California but her trip was postponed due to illness. She is feeling much better at the present time. Good luck to her. Also, wre were sorry to hear that sister, Agnes Resetich who was to go to Europe with Mr. & Mrs. John Zugich in June had to cancel her trip due to her husband’s illness. My husband and I had a wonderful trip to California. Everyone was so friendly to us. Vince and I enjoyed our visit to Fontana where his wonderful sister Maggie resides. Best to' all. Frances Machek, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Our regular meeting was held on Friday, May 22nd at the Nashwauk Memorial Building. This reporter was absent due to another previous commitment, so I thank the members for giving me the news. Sorry I am late — but as the saying goes, better late than never. We honored our Mother of the Year at that meeting. She is Mrs. Frank Dergantz and she was presented with a gift. Our hostesses for the evening were Mrs. William De Petro and Mrs. Steve Stimac. Cards were played following the business session. This was our last meeting until September — so, have a wonderful and safe summer. We’ll see you next month. Anne Mazar, Reporter No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. We had a very nice turn-out at our May meeting which was opened with prayer as always. Plans are being made for our big Pennsylvania State Convention on Sept. 13th at the Slovenian Club at Acmetonia, Pa. Timetable of program is: 2 p.m. Meeting and 3 p.m. Banquet. It isn’t a large hall but will accomodate 200 persons, so we’ll try and do our best. I ask our members to please come to the meeting at sister Anna Flisek’s home. We are counting on you, gals. There will also be a discussion on what is still needed and how to get on with our Big Event. We are hoping that you are all having nice vacations and see to it that you get back home safely. Our deepest sympathy to sister, Anna Hrovat and family on the loss of her daughter-in-law, Florence Ilrovat and to her son, Andrew and granddaughter, Andrea, the survivors. May she rest in peace. See you all at the meeting! Anna Kastelic, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Amidst laughter and tears, oh’s and ah’s were in order when Polonia Ashenbrenner crowned her successor, Mary Ashenbrenner as Mother of the Year at our May meeting and celebration. Each of our mothers was pinned with a carnation which climaxed the evening. We were especially pleased with the many guests and members of her family who attended which made the affair the first and biggest family gathering that will be hard to match. We had fun participating in the short program and adding our medley of songs to the Mother’s Day theme. After the ceremony the members began to show a marked preference for the table heavily laden with goodies prepared by the following: Mary Sertich, Marge Rozich, Carol Ashenbrenner, Shirley Bachich, Frances Butkovlch, Ann Pearson, Lucille Sva-llna, Rose Krneta, Eva Cora, Marge Krmpotich, Evelyn Driscoll, Mary Bar-cevac, Mary Ashenbrenner, Mary San-tori, Helen Peloza, Mildred Poropat, Ann Kompare and yours truly. Rose Mary Caclch donated a number of gifts which our members thoroughly enjoyed receiving. Hostesses for the evening were: Mary Perkovich, Mary Barcevac, Marge Rozich, Mary Niksic, Ann Pearson, Mildred Poropat, Marge Krmpotich and Amelia Cuzella. Again the ingenious Marge Krmpotich created her own altar and madonna for our centerpiece. The most Important event of the evening and a very successful money-raiser was our booklet project. The lucky recipients of the five prizes were: Anna Tumpich, Josephine Zad-ro, Barbara Sambol, Ann Pearson and Joan Innis. Congratulations winners! Evelyn Driscoll, who works effortlessly and with true dedication in her capacity as our Rec. Secretary and was chairlady of this event deserves a low bow. $245.00 was realized. I want to express my sincere thanks to all of the members for your continued encouragement and help in gaining our objectives. Belated birthday greetings to the following: Helen Kopilash, Louise Dichele, Matilda Grepo, Margaret Krmpotich, Ann Lonear, Mary Medo-nich, Milka Miljak, Manda Nosich, Joan Paulich Mary Possedi, Anna Sabljak, Sylvia Werner, and Ann Matesevec (of Calif.). The following are celebrating birthdays in August: Rose Ballock, Louise Bogovich, Florence Cuzella Sr., Rose Dosen, Ann Kompare, Anne Kuehl, Bernice Golden, Matilda Martin, Mary Matijevicli, Anna Nagoda, Ella Nosich, Olga ICrmopich, Lucille Nosich, Anna Plesha, Mildred Poropat, Genevieve Ross, Katherine Rukavina, Matilda Stevens, Mary Ugarkovich, Mary Zelenika and Carol Dean. I am happy to hear that Matilda Turica and Sylvia Werner are completely recovered from their illness and returned to business as usual. I do know that we have members who are ill and in the hospital, but just who they are I am not aware of; please contact me by writing or call me at 375-5789. Do come to our first fall meeting on September 2nd at 7:30 P.M. when we will have a lively discussion on the convention. Mildred James, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. The meeting of our branch was very well-attended at the home of Sophie Funfar. Pres., Pauline Kokal opened the meeting with a prayer. She read a letter from Mrs. Sorch, pres, of Br. 91, inviting us to Penna. State Day on Sept. 13 at Acmetonia. Plans are being made to attend by bus. Please let us know if you will be coming with us. The Oct. 24th meeting will be held at the home of our pres., Paula Kokal. Report on the Aug. 29th meeting at Anna Podobnik’s home will be given later. The most delicious lunch was served by our hostess Sophie Funfar. It was a feast with ham sandwiches, potatoe salad, fancy cakes, potica and flancate. Thank you, Sophie. Ladies don’t forget, to attend the meetings this coming season. Our best wishes to all, especially get-well wishes to those on the sick list. Antoinette Mozina, Reporter Minutes of the 13th National Convention of the Slovenian Womens Union MAY 18, 19. 20, 1964, HOTEL MORRISON, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS The 13th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America is being held at the Morrison Hotel, 79 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois on the days of May 17 thru 20, 1964. TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1964 The president calls for order and opens the afternoon session of the second day’s meeting. Discussion is opened on the cookbook. The President makes the following report: Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen, which has been revised and edited by Mrs. Marie Prisland and Mrs. Albina Novak is one of the best on the market. The book has the history of our Zveza, is composed of 600 recipes and on very fine quality of paper. I receive many compliments on the books. Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak spent many weeks in compiling the book enabling it to look so nice. We had 5000 books printed which Mrs. Novak mailed out during the Christmas holidays. 1195 books were sent from the Home Office and there are 265 still on hand there. I received 3440 books of which I have sold 2121 and still have on hand 1319. Money that I have paid on the books is a check for $2,500.00 paid on Feb. 17, 1964 and today I shall present a check for $3,000, which will be a total of $5,500.00 paid to date. There is still money standing out by branches and am sure when the books are sold, the money shall be forwarded to me. At this time, I cannot give you a complete account as all the books are not sold and as soon as they will be, and all moneys collected, I shall give an accurate report in Zarja. I am appealing to all branches, that they should take ten books so we can dispose of the books on hand now. It would enable us to have another quantity printed and these would be less costly as we could eliminate the expense of editing the book and cost would only be for printing the material that is standing. This would give a larger profit to the organization than even this printing will. To all who have done such a good job in helping the sale of the books, — to all officers, and members, we thank you. Antonia Turek There has been a good response for advertisements in Zarja, in newspapers and radio in Cleveland and Chicago. The best cook book seller is Anna Pachak (3) with 260 books to her credit, followed closely by Marie Prisland with 244 books sold. Few books are still on hand and those are expected to be sold in a short time. President urges all delegates to carry the message home to promote the cookbook and thereby promote the organization and realize a nice profit for our expense fund. The President calls for the report of the Youth and Recreation Committee. It is given by secretary of the committee, Jos. Sumic (20). Bowling is still the most favorite and popular sport in the S.W.U. world. The 28th annual Women’s Union Midwest Bowling Tournament Was held on March 14, 15, 1964 at West Allis, — Milwaukee, Wis. There were 36 teams entered which is a total of 180 bowlers, also, 53 doubles and 106 singles. In the special events, we had rolling, 46 grandmothers, 12 mother-daughter pairs and 11 sister pairs. The S.W.U. appropriated a grant of $6.00 per team which went towards prizes. Our tournament has a standing date, always, two weeks before Easter. To participate in this tournament, it is open to all S.W.U. members, in- cluding juveniles, in good-standing regardless of what locality you come from. The tournament is governed by the Rules and Regulations of the S.W.U. and the Women’s International Bowling Association, with offices in Columbus, Ohio. It is the suggestion of the recreational committee that juvenile tournaments be held in your own localities. Branches interested in this sport, please write to the S.W.U. Bowling Association or any Director on the Board nearest you for further information. Today bowling is very popular among the younger set also. Age recommended for Junior bowlers is between 7 and 12 years. The committee suggests Christmas parties, Valentine Parties, Easter egg hunts, Halloween parties, skating parties, art and handcraft exhibits during the summer months. There are various ways of money-raising, such as candy selling at Christmas time, greeting card, napkins, vanilla selling and special raffles, to promote cultural social and recreational activities. The S.W.U. Supreme Women’s Youth and Recreational Activities Directors are serving as advisors to the branches’ program committee leaders, who are members of the program committee, shall lead the Women’s clubs and Junior circles, attend their meetings, and assist them when needed with their understandings. The leaders shall report the groups’ progress to the regular meetings of the branch. We must not forget the great comeback of our Drill Teams. A 16, or 8 man drill team and a fancy drill team are suggested. Baking demonstrations, sewing and singing clubs, give an added incentive to the members. If the branches are interested in any of these recommendations, please get in touch with the office, your S.W.U. Director of Women’s, Youth and Sports Activities, your interest will be credited. This committee recommends a full page in the Zarja, for our Women’s activities such as sports, educational activities, home economics, dramatics, sing clubs, civics, drill teams and social clubs. Discussion is opened on this report. Juvenile bowling is explained. Also, that 25^ is given for each child (juvenile) attending the Christmas party or Mother’s day or other programs of respective branches. The following proposal is made by Secretary Novak, based upon her experience with the secretaries and other officers preferences. That the Union contribute 25«* for every juvenile in the branch, in one sum, once a year, for use as promotional fund at the descretion of the branch. This is intended to eliminate questions as to how many juniors attend functions when the secretary is asked to give the number for the contribution. A second proposal is made by Mrs. Faletič that the 25<‘ contribution be paid according to the number of juveniles present at the event and a list of their names submitted. A third proposal is offered by Mrs. Prisland that the fund be contributed only if there is an educational or cultural program instituted for the juveniles together with a party given. After much discussion, the Sec’y, Mrs. Novak amends her proposal to stipulate branches with 10 or more juveniles members receiving 25i for each attending programs and party. Discussion continues on branch activities such as treats for the juveniles on occasions, Mother’s Day and Christmas parties, gifts at Christmastime and giving candy to juveniles when they pay dues. It was moved by Rose Kraemer (43) and seconded by Josephine Golinski (25) that Proposal 2 be adopted. A vote is taken and carried with the suggestion that programs be held together with the party. Scholarship Fund President Mrs. Prisland reports that $77.00 in cash donations and $141.88 profit from the handwork sale has been collected so far. She encourages further sales today and tomorrow. She also introduces two donors to the Scholarship Fund who are present in the assembly, namely, Mrs. Anna Pa-chak, contributor of $276.00 into the Fund and visitor, Mrs. Jacqueline Nimmers who contributed $100.00. The President introduces other guests in the assembly. They are: Frances Piwoni, Louise Meyer, Mary Grasch and Mary Petrich, Supreme Officer of K.S.K.J. All these members represent Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. From Cleveland, guests include Leona Blatnik, Mary Modic and Antonia Mihevc. Greetings are read. Adjournment is at 2:45 p.m. Sightseeing Tour follows for delegates and guests. Delegates and guests will attend the Coronation Banquet at 7 p.m. at the hotel. MINUTES OF THE THIRD DAY’S PROCEEDINGS The President calls for the opening of the third day’s proceedings at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 2'0, 19G4 at the Embassy Room of the Hotel Morrison. Invocation is given by Rev. Claude followed by roll call and Minutes of the previous day. Compliments are expressed to the recording secretaries for the copies of each day’s Minutes distributed among the delegates. The President calls for a report from the Resolutions Committee. The president of the committee, Marie A. Floryan (17) reports that a general thank-you resolution has been drafted from the assembly to be sent to the local branch and parish. Secretary of the committee, Millie Novak (10) reads the resolution as follows: Thanks are extended to Father Claude Okorn for his mass offering on Sunday, May 17tli at St. Stephen’s Church here in Chicago, for the intention of the delegates and in thanksgiving for the success of the S.W.U., Thanks to the singers of the St. Stephen’s Choir for the ultra-beautiful singing of the Holy Mass and at the Program, especially to Fr. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M. for all his efforts and sacrifices to make the musical portion of the event so memorable, Thanks to the Pastor of St. Stephen’s, Rev. Thomas Hoge, O.F.M. for the hospitality shown in use of the premises; for his cooperation in all ways in welcoming the delegates and visitors to St. Stephen’s parish, Thanks to the Directors of Chicago who arranged for the many beautiful Convention programs and events, namely Secretary, Albina Novak, Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar, Editor, Corinne Leskovar and Women’s Activities Director, Elizabeth Zefran, Thanks are expressed also to Mrs. Marija Fischinger for her unforgettable vocal presentation which was for the delegates and visitors to this convention most enjoyable and thrilling, Thanks to the cadets of Branch 50, Cleveland, Ohio and juniors of Branches 25 and 50, for their performance, that proved age is no barrier when it comes to good spirit. They achieved a marvelous prestige with their ability to march and brought happiness to all. We hope they will carry on in the same fashion for a long time to come! The same wish of gratitude to their captain, Frances Seitz who has been their teacher and has kept them together just as true soldiers should be. Thanks to the Convention committees for their hard work which made the event most successful and worthwhile for all; to the cooks for their delicious Sunday Dinner at St. Stephen’s and to all who helped with the serving and other arrangements, And lastly, but most important, to the Supreme Board, and Mrs. Marie Prisland for all their efforts in the past three years to bring us to this place today where we can be proud of the organization and all it is doing. M. Floryan, Pres., M. Novak, Secy, for The Convention Resolution Committee It was moved by Louise Prhne (42) and seconded by Stephanie Ryan (28) that the Report and “thank you” by the Resolutions committee be adopted. It is carried. The Resolutions committee will also send a number of thank you letters on behalf of the convention to the following: Most. Rev. Aloysious J. Wycislo, Aux. Bishop of Chicago, Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M., Rev. Thomas Hoge, O.F.M., Rev. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M. and St. Stephen’s Choir, Rev. Fortunat Zorman, O.F.M., Mrs. Fanny Sliohet of Morrison Hotel, and Mrs. Maria Fischinger. The President of the Scholarship Committee, Mrs. Prisland makes a current report on the Handwork Exhibit and sale plus cash donations received so far. The Secretary, Mrs. Novak suggests that since it is the last day of the convention, a series of numbers be sold to help dispose of the remaining articles. This is agreed and will be done at the luncheon. Delegate of Br. 20, Josephine Sumic expresses the gratitude of Scholarship winner, Roseann Savol who is studying at St. Francis College on a S.W.U. grant. The delegate from Br. 33, Ann Podgoršek also expresses the thanks for the John Schubitz family of Duluth. Father John Schubitz, a recent S.W.U. scholarship student, will be ordained on May 30th at his home parish in Duluth, St. Elizabeth’s. The delegation wishes continued good luck to students R. Savol, Fr. Shubitz; also Arlene Voytko (40) and Patricia Hren (38) mentioned in delegates’ reports. The Greetings committee is asked to extend the greetings of the convention to two golden jubilarians who are members of S.W.U. This is approved. The delegate from Br. 50, Mary Bostian expresses the happiness her branch has had at being able to sponsor the Marie Prisland Cadets in the trip to Chicago for the Convention and the satisfaction all felt at being able to perform. The delegation gives a round of applause to the team and asks the delegate and Supreme President to convey their hearty thanks to the team. Director Prisland proposes and moves that the Convention empower the Finance Committee to equalize Zveza’s funds as of January 1, 1904. It is seconded by Anna Pa-chak (3) and carried. The Convention adjourns for Mass at St. Peter’s Church at 9:45 a.m. The delegates re-convene at 11:30 a.m. Before calling the assembly to order, (he President introduces Maria Fischinger, soloist at this morning’s Holy Mass who also performed at the Tuesday evening Banquet. Her mother and mother-in-law are also among the visitors this morning and a number of Chicagoans, among them, Mrs. Gizella Hozian, president of St. Ann Society, K.S.K.J. The delegates also meet Fr. Fortunat, editor of Ave Maria publication of Lemont, 111., who had the brief but inspiring sermon at this morning’s special Mass. The delegates spent a very solemn hour at St. Peter’s church participating in the Mass offered by Bishop Wycislo in memory of the departed sisters of S.W.U. The delegates also express their gratification and delight at the proceedings of the previous evening, the Grand Convention Banquet which was a highlight of the convention. The Convention Queen, Mrs. Vicki Faletič and three Princesses, Mrs. Rose Želodec, Mrs. Ann Podgoršek and Mrs. Rose Kraemer were given the love and admiration of the entire membership at their coronation. Toast-mistress, Corinne Leskovar presented a group of noted guests, among them Prof. and Mrs. John A. Zvetina of Ixjyola University in Chicago and Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Tiffany, the Union’s actuary. The scene of the banquet the Cotilion Room was arranged with flowers and a stage upon which performers from Br. 2 and local Chicago artists gave a delightful musical program. The delegation thanks everyone who took part. A report is given by Director Marie Prisland on the History of the organisation as she compiled it in English for the Cookbook and in Slovenian language enlarged and detailed for the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and also, the University of Minnesota for their archives. Members comment 011 various points of this work and recommend copies be made available for distribution among students who are undertaking such studies. On motion by A. Karisli (39) and seconded, A. Kompare (95), it is agreed that the Slovenian History be translated into English and both versions printed in book form and made available to the members. The President thanks Mrs. Prisland for compiling the History and adds that all membership is indebted to her for such a worthwhile effort. A round of applause is given Mrs. Prisland. She adds that to make the history really complete, the names of the organizers of every branch will be added in a special section. The Editor is asked to do the translating when the History will be printed in booklet form and in both languages. The President opens discussion on Zarja, She asks the Editor to make her comments 011 various questions brought up by the delegates. In brief the Editor’s oral report is noted: Thanks are extended to everyone who has had any dealings with Zarja, including the many reporters from the branches and branch officers. The future rests on 100% co-operation in the future from everyone. This means that changes of address should be sent in regularly to avoid confusion and delay in sending Zarja out; also branches are asked once again to submit a yearly mailing list for the editor to have as a check list against the list she keeps at the printers. In the past year, she has taken great pains to systemize the list and put it in better order and asks that the branches continue to watch that their members receive it in good order. The delays in delivery of Zarja are not the responsibility of the Editor once it leaves the shop — this is an explanation of the question why some localities receive it sooner than others. It is a postal delay many times as second class matter is not given first class service. The branches are also asked to clip the addressed portion of the Zarja which needs changing of some sort and to send that to the Editor when there is repeated complaint. The Editor also recommends that reporters anticipate events to come in their reports so that when a branch plans anything special, the late Zarja delivery would not be such a disappointment. The small staff of workers which produce the monthly organ is doing the top job in every respect and there must be consideration for the size of the job Zarja has become before rashly judging or complaining on minor points. The Editor also asks for reporters to try to keep the deadline more strictly and to print names when writing of members to eliminate future mistakes. The question of too much space for one report, double articles from one branch (in English and Slovenian) are .also discussed and the delegation is given the editor's viewpoint. Contributors Marie Prisland and her daughter, Hermine Dicke who originated and have been monthly columnists with “Pots, Pans and Past-times,” are commended by the delegation and given compliments on this work. The delegates want this page to continue. Mrs. Prisland is given a vote of confidence on her Slovenian page: Oh, Ta Svet which she has been writing for all the years Zarja has been in existence, this year being the 35th anniversary and ask that she continues writing each month. On the basis of the report of the Youth Committee, the sports program of the organization shall be promoted and a special page given in Zarja whenever there is material for it. The Director in charge will see to this. The Junior Page is now contributed by Olga Ancel of ■loliet, 111. and will continue as such with the addition of material sent by the Juvenile Director who will be elected at the convention. Women’s Activities will also be promoted through the efforts of the Women’s Activities Director. The delegates express their confidence in the Zarja and give the Editor authority to use her judgement on the type, length and content of all reports to see to it that Zarja remains interesting and a true voice of all the membership. Pictures of members and extra features are all appreciated and should be kept in according to the judgement of the editor. The Secretary also adds remarks on the way Zarja is produced and adds her pride in each issue. Rev. Claude is given compliments by the delegates who voice their approval of his many inspirational articles, both in English and Slovenian. He responds with remarks in appreciation of Zarja and its role in the progress of the Union. The President explains that due to the new by-law on assessment, Zarja will be kept as it has been in the past, six issues at 22 pages and six issues at 16 pages for the next three year term. Subject of Zarja is closed. The Secretary, Mrs. Novak reads the names of the officers who have served the Union lor twenty-five years and are still in office. She presents them with keepsake rosaries on behalf of the Union. There are approx. 70 in number. The Scholarship Committee President, Mrs. Marie Prisland reports the total of donations and sales from the Handwork Exhibit and special tickets is $540 upon the conclusion of the sale. Thanks are extended to Rose Želodec, Br. 50 and the ladies of local Br. 2, in Chicago for their help, namely: Anna Zorko, Duba Troha and Josephine Železnikar wrho took charge of the exhibit. The convention adjourns for lunch at 1:15 p.m. during which time the giving of the handwork prizes is conducted. Immediately after lunch, the convention picture is scheduled. „ ^ ****** The Convention is re-convened at 3:00 p.m. The President calls on the report from the Salaries and Per Diem Committee. The president of the committee, Vicki Faletič (25) makes the following report: Salaries are proposed as in the past with slight exceptions: Spiritual Advisor: $100.00 yearly award; Finance Secretary and President of Scholarship Fund: $50.00 monthly plus $25.00 administrative expenses; President: $75.00 plus $25.00 adm. exp.; Vice-President: $25.00 yearly award; Secretary: $400.00 monthly with taxes paid; Treasurer: $250.00 yearly award; Auditors: $50.00 annual award plus travel and per diem for semi-annual meetings; Editor: $300.00 monthly with taxes paid and $40.00 admin, exp.; Directors of Women’s and Juvenile Activities: $50.00 annual award and $50.00 promotional fund; State Presidents: $25.00 annual award if there is a state function or $10.00 annual award if no state function is held; Per diem is stipulated as before at $15.00. The Union shall also pay actuarial expenses monthly and for the yearly report as in the past. The Salaries committee recommends that the Board of Directors be authorized to obtain part time help for the Home Office and pay wages at their own discretion. Secretary is entitled to a month’s vacation writh pay. Convention Awards: All the same as in the past: Convention President: $50.00; Secretary $150.00; Chairman of By-Laws Committee: $100.00; Editor: $50.00; Recording Secretaries: $50.00 each. Committee recommends that awards be given to St. Stephen’s church and participants in the various convention preparations in the amount of $400.00 total, to be distributed as needed. The report is accepted upon motion by F. Zibett (2) and seconded by A. Satkovich (56). The President calls for the report of the Nominating Committee. President of the committee, Mary Otoničar (25) makes the following report: The Nominating committee hopes all the nominees will accept the positions and we ask the report be accepted as given. For the position as Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Claude Okorn. By acclamation the delegation approves this nomination and he accepts. For the positions she has held many years as Secretary of the Finance Committee and President of Scholarship Fund, the committee asks Marie Prisland, the Founder of S.W.U. and Honorary President to accept the nomination. She is given acclamation by the delegation and accepts. For the office of President, the committee nominates Antonia Turek. The delegation also voices its approval of this nomination and Mrs. Turek accepts. Nominated as Vice-President is Marie A. Floryan who accepts with the unanimous approval of the delegation. There is one nomination for the office of Secretary, namely Albina Novak. She is given the unanimous approval of the delegation and accepts. For the office of Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar is nominated and also given unanimous approval by the delegation, whereby she accepts the position. For the position of President of Auditing Board is nominated Ann Podgoršek who is given unanimous approval and accepts. Second Auditor unanimously approved upon nomination is Victoria Faletič who, upon further consideration accepts the position. Third Auditor named is Frances J. Gaspich, also given unanimous approval by the delegation and she accepts. For the office of Director of Women’s Activities is nominated Elizabeth Zefran who accepts with unanimous approval of the body and further nomination is made for a Director of Juvenile Activities, namely, Louise Epley. She accepts the nomination with unanimous approval by the delegation. For the position as Editor, Corinne Leskovar is nominated and unanimously approved — she, too, accepts. For the seven State Presidents the following are nominated : Colorado - Kansas - Missouri: Anna Pachak; Wisconsin: Kose Kraemer; Minnesota: Barbara Rosandich; Ohio - Michigan: Mary Bostlan; Pennsylvania: Mary Tomsic; California - Washington - Oregon: Rose Scoff; Illinois - Indiana: Mildred James. The committee recommends the Finance Committee be staffed by the President, A. Turek, Hon. President, M. Prisland, Secretary, A. Novak and Treasurer, J. Železnikar. In accepting this position, Mrs. Prisland adds that she will begin training the president as her successor in the intra-cacies of investment, etc. for the future. The Scholarship Committee as nominated consists of Mines. Prisland, Turek and Novak. On a motion by A. Kozjan (40), seconded by A. Modiz (1), the report of the nominating committee is accepted as given. The President thanks the committee for their work and expresses her gratification that all officers were given unanimous approval of the assembly. The officers in turn express their thanks to all for the confidence shown in them during the last term. The last recommendation by this committee is for the location of the next convention and the nomination is for Cleveland, Ohio, Br. 15 hostesses. Other nominations GREETINGS A previous engagement prevents Mrs. Marzullo and myself from being with you. Please convey to your Officers and the beautiful Convention Queen our heartiest best wishes for the coming year. You and your Organization have always contributed to the general will being of our community. My congratulations, I am looking forward to your constructive, continuing support. Alderman Vito Marzullo, Chicago, III. Please convey our heartiest best wishes to the Delegates of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America at their 13th regular Convention which is now in session. May your deliberations be fruitful and beneficial for your Organization. John A. Kodrich, Supreme Sec'y, S.D.Z., Cleveland, O. Greetings and all good wishes to the Board of Directors, Delegates and Mambers of the Slovenian Women’s Union assembled at the 13th National Convention. May your deliberations for the future progress of your Union be fruit- American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ), Louis Železnikar, Supreme Secretary, Joliet, III. are made from the floor for San Francisco, California, and Washington, D.C. It is moved by A. Kompare (95) and seconded by M. James (95) that Washington, D.C. be chosen. After discussion, the vote is taken and Washington is the chosen site. The delegates express their delight at this decision and during the discussion, Secretary Novak recommends that branches now begin planning for many visitors and guests to join in a large excursion to the convention in 19G7 which will be combined with a sight-seeing tour of the area. On the recommendation of the Supreme Secretary, Mrs. Novak, it is moved (E. Zefran) and seconded (F. Bottari, 20) that profit realized from a sale of the new order of cookbooks to be printed this summer, will go toward the payment of per diem to delegates to the 19G7 National Convention. It is passed. State Pres. Anna Pachak is awarded a bound book of Zarjas from 1961-G3 for her diligence in passing from the second degree to the third degree in the S.W.U. Honor Roll. She has more than 200 enrolled members to her credit. Mary Otoničar (25) was also awarded a book as the top winner and leading worker of Zveza, as recorded on the Honor Roll. The Convention Queen and Princesses are also awarded the books as well as Board of Directors. In preparation for the conclusion of the convention, the President calls upon Rev. Claude for his closing remarks and asks him to act as Installing Officer. He is most complimentary to the officers and delegates and admits to being very impressed with the assembly and its operation during the convention. He calls upon the officers to continue tliier work with equal vigor in the future. The new staff of officers, Supreme Board members, are duly installed according to the S.W.U. Ritual by Fr. Claude and applauded by the assembly. All the decisions of the Convention, unless otherwise specified, as well as the new term of officers, go into effect as of July 1, 19G4. The Honorary President and Supreme President are designated to review and approve the Convention Minutes for the last day’s proceedings. The concluding prayer is given and the President calls the Convention adjourned at. 5:00 p.m. She extends the final wish for a safe journey home to all present. Antonia Turek, Supreme President Albina Novak Corinne Leskovar, Recording Secretaries Monsignor Butala thanks you for the greetings extended to him and wishes you a most successful Convention with God’s blessings. Right Rev. Monsignor M. J. Butala, Joliet, III. Greetings and best wishes to the 13th National Convention of The Slovenian Women’s Union of America. Our best wishes also to State President Rose Scoff and Delegate Margaret Fager of San Francisco. Church of The Nativity, Choir Members of San Francisco, Calif. Spoštovane gl. odbornice in delegatinje, zbrane na 13sti Konvenciji Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Iskrene čestitke s prisrčno željo, da Bog blagoslovi vaša dela in sklepe, da bi v vsem doprineslo dosti dobrega za Zvezo in članice. Naj Slovenska Zenska Zveza še v bodoče lepo napreduje in se razcvita med Ameriškim katoliškim ženstvam. Uda-nostne pozdrave. Helen Tomažič, organiz. št. 47 in 54, Euclid, Ohio. Greetings to the Supreme Officers and Delegates, especially to our Delegates from Cleveland Branch Number 10 Mary Camion and Millie Novak. Mary Urbas, Cleveland, O. (To be continued) Marie Prisl and Zvezi n a glavna predsednica, sestra Antonija Turek, se točasno s soprogom nahaja na obisku v stari domovini. Izrekla je željo, naj njeno po-konvenčno poročilo v slovenščino prevedem, kar zelo rada storim. Sestra Turek je prvega julija letos dokončala svoj prvi termin kot Zvezina glavna predsednica. Od kraja se je kar malo bala, kako bo šlo, je rekla; a ker ji je Zvezino delo bilo znano, saj je bila poprej 13 let v glavnem odboru kot voditeljica mladine in predsednica podružnic države Ohio in Michigan, se je v svoj nov posel kmalu vživela. V obeh prejšnih uradih je bila delavna in vsled svoje prijaznosti, zelo priljubljena. Pritrdile mi boste, da tudi urad glavne predsednice prav odlično vodi. Njena podružnica — št. 50 — je v zadnjih treh letih v članstvu 100 odstotno napredovala. Pri teni ima gotove zasluge tudi glavna predsednica. Na konvenciji ji je delegacija države Ohio izrekala priznanje in zahvalo za njeno delo pri nastopih skupnih podružnic, Tončka pa je nekam začudeno rekla: “Kaj me hvalite! Delati za Zvezo je moja dolžnost! Rada delam in vesela sem, da ste z menoj zadovoljne!" * * * Po-konvenčno poročilo glavne predsednice: Ljubljana, Slovenija Drage sosestre: S soprogom se nahajava na obisku v domovini mojih staršev. Občudujeva krasne kraje lepe Slovenije. Vkljub krasotam, ki jih dnevno uživava, pa moje misli vedno uhajajo nazaj k Zvezini zadnji konvenciji. Razmišljam o vsem, kar je bilo predloženo in odobreno. Upam in res iskreno želim, da bo članstvo zadovoljno z vsem, kar je bilo sprejeto, ter da radi poviška v asesmentu ne bo nikakega razburjanja. Vsi se zavedamo, da se vsaka reč draži in da nobena cena ni več stalna. Povišek v asesmentu je bil potreben radi zvišane cene tiskanju Zarje. Ako smo hotele ohraniti list v sedajni obliki in v sedajnem obsegu, ni bilo drugega izhoda. Zarja prihaja tudi v domovino. Na več krajih sem slišala, ko list dospe gre iz rok v roke, iz ene hiše v drugo, celo iz ene vasi v drugo vas. Vsi radi čitajo Zarjo. Prejela sem tudi priznanje glede Zvezine zgodovine, poslane Narodni knjižnici in ljubljanski univerzi ter Izseljenski Matici. Zgodovina je za Zvezo važna zadeva, zlasti vsled tega, ker je spisana po ustanoviteljci, ki je zgodovino sama doživljala. Podružnice so na konvencijo poslale razsodne in daleko-vidne delegatke, ki bodo članstvu natančno poročale o zaključkih konvencije, zato o tem tukaj ne bom razpravljala; priporočam pa, naj vsaka članica pazno čita konvenčni Zapisnik. Bilo mi je v čast kronati uspešne delavke zadnje članske kampanje. Točasno prosim in apeliram na sleherno Zvezino članico, da se odzove klicu prihodnje kampanje, ker le z pridobivanjem novega članstva in novih moči, je zasigurana bodočnost Zveze. — Lepo organizacijo imamo, ki nam je v ponos. Delujmo zanjo! Kuharska knjiga. — Prevzela sem razpečavo kuharskih knjig. Na roki imam še par sto izvodov. Prav lepo apeliram na vse članice posebno na tajnice naših podružnic, da vzamejo v prodajo še te knjige, da bomo lahko naročile novo zalogo, katere dobiček pri prodaji je namenjen v kritje dnevnic delegacije prihodnje konvencije. Če bi pri tem projektu so-delovala vsaka članica, bo tudi prihodnja zaloga knjig kmalu razprodana. V prijetno dolžnost si štejem zahvaliti se Zvezinemu duhovnemu svetovalcu Rev. Okornu za prisotnost na konvenciji, glavnim odbornicam za pomoč — urednici Corini Leskovar za ureditev lepih programov, konvenčnim odborom za sodelovanje, ter delegatkam za prijazno, razsodno in razumevajoče zborovanje. Konvencija je potekala v pravem sestrskem duhu. Prisrčno se zahvaljujem naši Mrs. Albini Novak, Mrs. Železnikar in Mrs. Zefran, direktorici ženskih aktivnosti, ter konvenčnemu odboru podružnice v Chicagu za prijazen sprejem in veliko delo, ki so ga imele s pripravami za konvencijo. Najlepša zahvala vsem, ki so nastopili na zanimivem in bogatem programu v nedeljo in v torek. Glavne odbornice, odbornice podružnic, delegatke in vso članstvo prisrčno pozdravlja, Vaša sosestra, Antonija Turek, glavna predsednica. * * * Mrs. Anna Kameen Sestra Kameen je mati 8mih otrok; sedem sinov in ena hčerka. Sin duhovnik, Father John, je pred par leti preminul, soprog pa leta 1929. Štirje sinovi, Joseph, William, Paul in Louis lastujejo Kameen Hardware & Plumbinfl prodajalno v Forest Cityju in Carbondale, dr. Anthony Kameen, zdravnik za oči, uraduje v Wilkes Barre, Larry je exekutivni uradnik korporacije RCA, hčerka pa je bolničarka. Res lepa in ugledna družina! Sestra Kameen ima zanimivo zgodovino. Ustanovna članica je svoje podružnice, katero vse od takrat vodi kot predsednica. Skozi 27 let že lepo skrbi za podružnico, ter z njo deli vesele in težke dni. Mnoge izmed nas se uradov kmalu naveličamo, ker nalagajo veliko dela in odgovornosti; sestra Kameen to breme nosi 37 let. Podružnica št. 7 je bila ustanovljena 23. januarja 1927 z osmimi članicami. Ustanoviteljica podružnice je bila pokojna Pauline Osoliri. Podružnica točasno šteje 234 članic v obeh oddelkih. V pridobivanju novega članstva se je najbolj odlikovala pokojna tajnica podružnice Christine Menart, direktorica Zvezinih mladinskih aktivnosti, sestra Kameen pa je članica Zvezinega Častnega reda s seznamom 73 pridobljenih članic. Skozi dobo IG let (1933-1949) je gospa Kameen bila vestna glavna odbornica Svetovalnega odseka. Kot vedno, je tudi v tem času po vsej svoji moči delovala za Zvezin napredek in ugled. Vse priznanje in najlepša zahvala sestri Kameen za njeno vzgledno in vstrajno delo za podružnico in Zvezo! V priznanje neumorni, zvesti Zvezini delavki Gospa Ana Kameen, predsednica podr. št. 7, Forest City, Pa, je 2. julija letos praznovala svoj 85ti rojstni dan. Odbornice in članice ji k visoki obletnici iskreno čestitamo z željo, da bi jo dobri Bog ohranil zdravo in zadovoljno tudi zanaprej! P. Claude Okorn, o.f.m. ZARADI BOGA Danes je malo ljudi, ki bi storili kaj zaradi Boga. Če kaj storijo, to napravijo, ker pričakujejo ali plačilo ali pohvalo. Morda tudi zato, ker se nočejo zameriti temu ali onemu. Še tedaj, če ljudje kaj napravijo iz dobrote, to bolj napravijo zaradi človeške obzirnosti kakor pa zaradi Boga. Nekje sem bral besede: “Vsi smo pod božjo mislijo.” Kako čudovito povedo te besede, da smo vedno v božjih mislih, da nismo niti trenutek sami za se. Tudi ne moremo biti. Bog nas je ustvaril in smo tako popolnoma od Njega odvisni. Če bi Bog odtegnil svojo misel od nas, bi izginili v nič. Ničesar ne uide božji vsevednosti in vsevid-nosti. Vse, kar imamo je njegov dar. Dobro pravi o tem sv. Pavel: “Kaj pa imaš, česar nisi prejel? Če si pa prejel, kaj se ponašaš, kakor da ne bi prejel?” Če bi se vedno zavedali, da je vse, kar imamo, dar božji, bi seveda tudi besede: “Zgodi se tvoja volja,” res izpolnili. Svoji postavi ne moremo dodati ne en komolec, vsak naš korak je odmerjen, svojega življenja ne moremo podaljšati ne za eno minuto. Kako se v tem kaže naša nemoč. In vendar se še upiramo božji postavi. Seveda v svojo nesrečo in to vedno. Če še tako zatiskamo svoja ušesa, če še tako bežimo pred Bogom, nas njegovo usmiljenje išče in najde. Če se pa še temu upremo potem nas pa najde božja pravica. Človek se seveda ne bi rad zameril Bogu. Ali na drugi strani se je zopet tako teško premagovati. Sladkosti življenja nas preveč mikajo. Pomislimo, kaj vse je storila božja ljubezen, da človeka reši. Zato ta ljubezen sili človeka, da stori vse, da je vreden te cene. Božje kraljestvo silo trpi in le silni, to je tisti ki se zanj borijo, ga dosežejo. Odločiti se je treba. Dvema gospodoma ni mogoče služiti. Toliko je dogodkov v življenju, ki ostanejo neizrabljeni za božje kraljestvo. Vsak trenutek nam je dana prilika storiti dobro. Ali tega ne storimo, ker ni več prave, žive vere, ki nam veleva: "Vse kar delate, delajte k časti božji.” Vsak gleda le nase. Krščanske dobrote in ljubeznivosti je tako malo posebno take, ki bi bolj gledala na blagor bližnjega, kakor pa na svoj. Navadno se jezimo, če moramo storiti kaj več, kot je nujno potrebno. Neki mož je prišel domov z dela s svojim avtomobilom. Toda ni zavil kakor običajno v garažo ampak je obstal pred vratmi v kuhinjo. Iz avtomobila je vzel dve košari paradižnikov, ki jih je kupil z namenom, da bi jih žena vložila. Žena, ki je že ves trdo delala, so je začela sama pri sebi jeziti, češ, kako gara in ji še nalagajo, nikoli niso zadovoljni, kar naredi. Celo smrti je želela možu, ker se je nekaj takega spomnil. Začela se je jeziti na Boga, ker ji nalaga toliko skrbi. Skrbelo jo je obenem kako bo odpravila madeže z rok. Končno se je le domislila, da le ni tako napačno, če bi vložila nekaj paradižnikov. Spomnila se je tudi, da lahko roke opere z lemono. Pomislila je, morda pa Bog le hoče, da vloži te paradižnike. Zaradi Boga lahko to stori. In je tudi storila. Kako olajšala bi položaj sebi in možu, ko bi se takoj spomnila, da zaradi Boga sprejme in stori, kar ji je naloženo. Tako bi tudi mi lahko mnogokrat drugače storili, če bi delali zaradi Boga. Opravljeno bi bilo dobro delo, ki bi ga drugače ne storili. Da, zaradi Boga delajmo, zaradi Boga odpuščajmo, zaradi Boga prizanašajmo in svet se bo oddahnil in spremenil bridkosti, ki ga sedaj stiskajo v veselje in to po človeku zaradi Boga. DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. Naše članice se bodo udeležile drž. konvencije 30. avg. v Oglesby. Glede vožnje tja, pokličite preds., Mrs. J. Železnikar, VI 7-G891. Preminula je Karolina Bukovitz, sestra Mr. John Grimsicha, ki je bolehala več časa. Naj počiva v miru. V avg. ne bo seje ampak ne pozabite na sejo 10. sept. Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Čas hitro beži in naša 5. državna konvencija se naglo približuje. Vljudno vabim vse članice podr., da bi prišle na sejo v septembru v polnem številu, da uredimo vse potrebno za to prireditev. V tem času sem v duhu z mnogimi našimi sosestrami Zveze v krasni rojstni domovini. Vsem želim mnogo prijetnega razvedrila, posebno gl. taj. Albini Novak, gl. preds. Tony Turek, dalje Mary Dolgan in sinu Jackieju, dalje Mary Klun iz Leadville, Colo. Vsem zdrav povratek. Naš prijatelj, slovenski duhovnik č. g. Francis J. Papesh je 31. maja obhajal 25 letnico mašništva v sosednji naselbini Avondale, Colo. On je že par let za župnika na fari cerkve Srca Jezusovega. V mašnika je bil posvečen po škofu Bernard Shell 28. maja 1939 v Quigley Seminary v Chicagu, doma je iz Jolieta. V 25 letih svoje vzvišene službe je ustanovil 5 far in pokazal izredne sposobnosti, veselje in predanost za visoko službo. Srebrnomašniku čestitamo k temu lepemu jubileju in mu obljubljamo., da ga bodo spremljale naše molitve, da bo zvesto služil še naprej Bogu in ljudem. Naše misli se rade vrnejo v čas naše zadnje konvencije, kjer je bilo nepozabno snidenje z dragimi sosestrami naše edine Slovenske Ž. Z., zopet skupno poveselimo, saj ima celo Bog rad vesele ljudi. Čestitam čla. Rose Strumbel, ki je postala Mrs. Rose Swartz. Toda kmalu jo je obiskala žalost, ko ji je komaj dva dni po poroki umrl brat Joseph. Smrt je posegla v družino članice Mollie Jeršin ko jim je 14. jun. umrl sin William star komaj 49 let. Zapušča odraslo družino. Čla. Bettie Hund je ujegova sestra. Vsi žalujoči naj sprejmejo izraze našega sožalja. — Obe družini Jeršin in Strumbel so vsem hvaležne ki so jim stali ob strani in jih tolažili v uri žalosti. Naše bolne sestre naj mi oprostijo, ker pozabim nekatera imena, saj jih je veliko bolanih. Mary Papesh so kar dobro prestali operacijo za njihova visoka leta. — Betty Prijatel je v bolnišnici za srčno napako. — Obžalujemo, da je se mlada Mary Patric ponovno bolna, njena mama Težak iz Arroya St. srčno želi hitrega hčerkinega ozdravljenja. — Enako želimo tudi me, da bi so vse bolnice čimprej pozdravile. Mrs. Dorothy Meister je zelo ponosna na svojo hčerko Barbaro, kakor tudi grandma Katherine Yerman na svojo vnukinjo, ki z velikimi uspehi nastopa v glavni vlogi spevoigre “Sound of Music.” Bila sem navzoča na eni predstavi in res naša ljubka Barbara Meister je velika umetnica in zasluži vse priznanje. Bog naj ji nakloni svojo pomoč in nadaljnje uspehe v poklicu. Še enkrat vse vabljene na banket drž. konvencije 20. sept. Vaša, Anna Pachak Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. Smo sredi lepih poletnih dni, ko prijazno sonce ogreva to božjo naravo. V mesecu juniju smo zopet imele kar lepo udeležbo na seji. Članice so prišle, da so slišale poročila naših delegatinj narodne konvencije. Naše dve delegatinji sta prišle iz konvencije nekoliko razočarane, ker nekateri njuni predlogi niso bili sprejeti. Za mesec julij in avgust bomo imele počitnice, zato ne bo sej. Dne 19. avgusta bomo imele letni piknik in celodnevni izlet v Genevo, Ohio. Vse članice, ki bi se želele udeležiti znami, naj pokličejo našo tajnico Mary Cam-loh. Naša preds. Anne Markovič se je lepo zahvalila našim delegatinjama za pot v Chicago, nakar je zaključila sejo. Bodite vse lepo pozdravljene, imejte lepe počitnice, da se v jeseni zopet vsi vidimo zdravi in veseli. ______________Sophie Magayna Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 17. septembra ob 1 uri pop. v cerkveni dvorani. Prosila bi sestre, da bi pripeljale kaj novih članic, da bi nadomestile tiste, ki so nas za vedno zapustile. Več članic je na bolniški listi in te so: Josephine Martinčič, Frances Herald, Anne Planovšek, Mary Erman, Anne Oreškovich, Kathie Stuller, Josephine Berginc, Anne Brulc, Mary Koropec, Josephine. Jakllcli in Joseph- ine Seiko. Vsem želimo hitro okrevanje. Čestitamo družini Marciniak, ker je teta štorklja prinesla zalo punčko. Vse, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, prosimo, da poravnate. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam in vsem sestram posebno pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz, tajnica Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. V poletnih mesecih ne bomo imele sej, toda na seji v majniku se nas je zbralo kar lepo število na domu podpisane, čeprav je precej deževalo. Počastile smo našo častno mater, ses. Kapš., ki je bila globoko ganjena ko so jo njene hčerke, tudi naše članice, Agnes in Thresa pripeljale. Po več letih je zopet bila med nami in izjavila, da je to nepozabni dan, čeprav je bolana in težko hodi, vendar se počuti danes zdravo. Zapela je tisto njeno najljubšo: “Rože je na vrtu plela . . .” Vse smo ji čestitale in vsaka je prejela šopek kot dar ses. Sterle in podpisane. Ses. Kapš sem pripela lep šopek, a preds. Nemgar jo je pozdravila z nagovorom. Vsaka čla. je tudi prejela spominček, ki ga je naredila moja hčerka Mary Nornberg. Na lepo okin-čano mizo z Marijinim kipom so servirale podpreds. Polack in Margi Le-nich. Dobrote so prinesle ses. Zadko-vich, Primozicli, Pollack, Margi Lenich in podpisana. Zahvala tudi vsem za dar v blag: Stimac, Nemgar, Agnes Novak, Indihar in ses. Agnes Krall za lepi robček. Naši delegatinji ses. Sterle smo zapele srečno pot na konvencijo. Vljudno vabim vse sestre, da pridete na važno sejo dne 12. avg. ob 2 uri pop. na domu podpisane. Slišale bomo poročilo delegatinje ses. Sterle, nato pa poročilo od prodaje peciva, kakor tudi o Zvezinem dnevu, ki se bo vršil drugo nedeljo v sept. v Biwabiku, ko so bomo zopet zbrale. Več članic se nahaja v bolnišnici. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Ses. Mary Ulesich je v bolnišnici na Dulu-thu, upamo, da bo kmalu zdrava. V maju se je podala na obisk domovine ses. Angela Vesel in to v Jur-jevico pri Ribnici, kjer je obiskala se živečo mater po 28 letih. Bilo je veselo snidenje. V Slovenijo so tudi odšli na obisk Jerry in Jennie Zupec iz Barbertona. Strečno potovanje in varno vrnitev želimo tudi naši Albini in gl. preds. Tončki Turek. Ses. Angela Sterle in mož Anton sta praznovala 25 letnico zakonskega življenja. On je sin naše zapisnikarice in odlične delavke za podr. V imenu vseh članic jima čestitamo in želimo še mnogo let sreče in zdravja. V juniju je več naših mladinskih članic graduiralo iz višje sole. Vsem želimo mnogo sreče in uspehov v živ- ljenju. Vsem slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov v jun. in jul. želimo ljubega zdravja in še mnogo srečnih let. Vsem bolnicam tudi želimo, da bi se hitro zdrave vrnile med nas. Na tem mestu se želim zahvaliti de-legatinjam za poslane kartice in pozdrave iz konvencije. Tudi jaz sem vas pogrešala, toda sem bila v duhu z vami. Hvala, da ste se me spomnile. Gl. odbornicam in članstvu najlepše pozdrave in na svidenje na seji 12. avg. Št. 20, Joliet, III. Naše iskrene čestitke Angeli Lukančič, hčerki Louis in Pavle Lukančič, ki je z odličnim uspehom končala študije na 111. University ter imela poslovilni govor. Angela je bila med najboljšimi študenti vsa leta. Na njo smo ponosni vsi, ne samo njena družina, saj je v čast vsem Slovencem, da naša sorojakinja doseže tako lepe uspehe. Poročila se bo v avgustu z Mr. Frank Zaida iz Crivitz, Wis. Ženin je asistent dekana v Joliet Junior College. Angela je tudi vnukinja Mrs. Emma Planinšek. Čestitke na vse strani. Čestitke tudi Veri Ancel, hčerki Edw. in Olge Ancel, ker je bila imenovana za delegatinjo Am. Legion, 1080, kjer se je udeležila 111. Girls MacMurray College v Jacksonville. Vera je tudi podpres. St. Frances Academy kamor bo pohajala v jeseni kot senior. One je tudi candy striper v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa. Naše sožalje družini Stefanič, ob izgubi sestre Pauline, lastnice Stefanič Restaurant and Tavern. Zapušča dva brata in pet sester, med njimi sta dve naši dolgoletni članici, Mayme Pluth in Cath. Peraud. K podr. je pristopila okt. 1947, priporočena po Erjavec. Ob smrti je bila stara komaj 54 let. Sožalje tudi družini Agnes Korelc, ki je pristopila tri mesece po ustanovitvi podr. Umrla pe pri sinu v Lemontu, kjer zapušča štiri sinove in 3 hčerke. Pogreb je bil na pok. Sv. Jožefa tukaj. Družina Buchar žaluje izgubo sestre Stephanie, ki je mnogo let vodila če-salni salon. Pokojna, ki je umrla za srčnim napadom, zapušča več sester in bratov. Josephine je naša članica mnogo let. Iskreno sožalje. V bolnišnici so se nahajale Emma Planinšek, Anne Zewit, Mary Feri, Jennie Popek, a na domu se zdravi Antonia Struna. Vsem želimo hitro okrevanje. — Mrs. Planinšek je obiskala hčerko Irene v Washington, D.C. 70 letnico praznuje dne 16. avg. KS KJ. Vsi vabljeni. John L. Jevitz je chairman. — Naše čestitke vsem gra-duantom naših članic. Pozdravlja, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Drage sestre, leto gre hitro naprej, smo že v mesecu juliju in vročina pritiska. — Sestra Weiss je prav lepo obhajala s svojim soprogom 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Bog naj ju blagoslovi z ljubim zdravjem še mnogo let. Ses. Frances Blatnik je zopet postala stara mati, ko so pri njeni hčerki kupili hčerko. Vse ji čestitamo, mladi mamici in njeni hčerkici pa ljubega zdravja in božjega blagoslova. Ses. Brakovič nas je obiskala iz Californije. Pravi, da se ima prav fletno. Veseli nas, da je zadovoljna. — Ses. Agnes Zakrajšek je darovala 3 robce za podr. Ses. Brodnik obhaja ta mesec svoj rojstni dan ter ji vse želimo ljubega zdravja in dolgo življenje. Enako vsem drugim slavljenkam. Na bolniški listi je Mary Rahne in Julia Oblak. Naj jima presveto Srce Jezusovo nakloni zdravje. Pozdrav tudi ses. Frances Miklič in Mary Prosen, želim, da se kmalu pozdravite. Upam, da se vse zdrave vidimo na seji v septembru, do takrat pa z Bogom. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III. Naša seja v juniju je bila prva seja po konvenciji in zadnja v poletni sezoni. Ko se bodo naše članice vrnile s počitnic, bomo zopet imele redne seje od oktobra naprej. Upamo, da bodo dobro obiskane, ker same odbornice ne morejo vsega urediti in potrebujemo predlogov od strani članic v dobrobit podr. in Zveze. Na zadnji seji smo izvolile ses. Mary Uranič kot delegatinjo za državno konvencijo, ki se bo letos vršila dne 30. avgusta v Oglesby, 111. Vse članice vabimo, da se nam pridružite v lepem številu, da obiščemo sestre v Oglesby. NAŠA ZASLUŽNA MATI, ses. Kapš obkrožena od njenih hčerk, članic in odbornic podružnice na dan proslave materinskega dneva. (Photo courtesy Eveleth News) Po skupni sv. maši bo kosilo, nato pa zborovanje ko bomo slišale važna poročila. Vse, ki nameravate se udeležite tega pomembnega Zvezinega dneva za Illinois v Oglesby, lepo prosim, da se čimprej prijavilo in rezervirajo mesta pri meni, ali pa direktno pri Frances Meglič, preds. podr. št. 89. Ker ni daleč, upamo, da se vas bo odzvalo lepo število. Na seji sem tudi poročala o poteku narodne konvencije v Chicagu. Obrazložila sem sklepe kolikor sem mogla podrobno. Tiste, ki niste bile na seji, pa pazljivo prečitate konvenčna poročila v Zarji. Izrekam iskreno sožalje ses. Marti Radleb nad izgubo moža Viljema. Enako sožalje hčerki Eileen ob izgubi dobrega očeta. Sožalje tudi Thresi Aj-ster, ob smrti njenega soproga Josepha. — Ko to pišem, sem izvedela, da je preminul Father Michael Itogel, star komaj 47 let. On je sin naše članice Josephine in moža Johna Rogel. Pokojni zapušča tudi štiri brate in tri sestre. — Vsem pokojnim naj bo Bog bogat plačnik in naj jim sveti večna luč. Žalujočim ostalim naše sožalje. Čestike članici Anne Stahovjak in soprogu Al, ki sta slavila 25 letnico zakonskega življenja. Želimo jima, da bi dočakala še mnogo let zdrava med njuno družino. V bolnišnici se nahajajo sestre: Anna Stahovjak, Josephine Rogel in E-mily Jordan, ki si je zlomila roko pri padcu na domu. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Vse, ki ste v zaostanku z asesmen-tom, prosim, da bi prišle in čimprej poravnale, ker ne morem zalagati, a blagajna je izčrpana. — Pozdrav vsem bolnim in celokupnemu članstvu z željo za prijetne počitnice in zdrav povratek. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Po dolgem času se zopet oglašam v naši lepi Zarji z novicami in vabilom na naš Pensilvania Zvezin dan, dne 13. septembra pod pokroviteljstvom podr. št. 91 iz Oakmont, Pa. Prireditev bo obsegala tudi slavnostni banket in zborovanje ob Z uri popoldne. Vse članice ste vljudno prošene, da bi se čimprej priglasile. Kakor je bilo sklenjeno na junijski seji, bomo imele svoj naročeni bus, če bo dovolj prijav, zato prosim, da nam sporočite svojo udeležbo, ker tako bomo videle, če imamo dovolj rezervacij za posebni bus. Priglasite se pri naši podpreds. Antonia Štaj-duhar (telefon: ST 1-8028), ali pri meni, Anna Trontel (ST 1-7502) do 28. avgusta. V juliju in avgustu ne bomo imele seje in prihodnja seja bo ]5. sept. Naše seje so prav lepo obiskane, čeprav običajno pridejo ene in iste, toda smo vesele, da so tako dobre in da se zanimajo za delo podr. in za našo Zvezo. Vsaki mesec tudi prinesejo toliko dobrot, da zgleda kakor kakšni banket. Ne bom imenovala vseh pridnih in dobrih darovateljic, ker no- Kai je novega pri podr. št. 25? št. 25, Cleveland, O. Potem, ko smo za mesec dni odložile pero in prepustile kolone Zarje drugim v uporabo, se zopet vračamo z novicami naših članic pri podružnici št. 25. Izbrale smo si novo kraljico, ki bo nosila to čast za leto 1964-65, in sicer je to naša vedno prijazna in nasmejana Marie Oražem iz znane Oražmove družine na Carl Ave., katere sliko vidite tu. Vljudna in radodarna je ter jo vse imamo rade. Pozdravljamo jo za našo kraljico ter ji kličemo: Živela! V zadnjem času so kar tri naše članice imele čast slaviti 50-letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. To so: Mr. in Mrs. Frank Steklasa z 1114 E. 64 St.; Mr. in Mrs. Peter Rom z 1103 E. 67 St. ter Mr. in Mrs. Frank in Ančka (Grdinova) Jakšič z 6111 St. Clair Ave. Vsem tem jubilantkam in njih soprogom izrekamo prisrčne čestitke, želeč jim obilo zdravja in zadovoljstva še na mnoga leta! Čestitamo tudi sestri Tek in njenemu možu Johnu z 1181 E. 74 St., ki sta obhajala 31. obletnico poroke. Še na mnoga leta! Imamo pa tudi dve članice, katere ste praznovale svoje rojstne dneve, namreč, sestra Johanna Rutar z Norwood Rd. jih je naštela 77 let, sestra Jennie Lužar z E. 69 St. poznana kuharica na naših priredbah in svatbah, pa 75 let. Sestri Lužar in družini izrekamo naše globoko sožalje na izgubi soproga in očeta, ki je pred kratkim umrl. Sedaj pa bi rada povabila naše članice, da bi se v večjem številu udeleževale naših sej, ki so vsak drugi ponedeljek v mesecu. Gotovo se boste z nami poveselile, ko boste iskale “številke" po končani seji. Malo razvedrila dobro dene vsaki, pri nas imamo nekaj veselih članic, da je kar prijetno biti v njih družbi, zato upamo, da nas boste posetile. Ob tem pisanju smo že zašli v drugo Kraljica št. 25, Marie Oražem polovico leta 1964 in ne bo dolgo, ko bomo na koncu leta. Nekatere članice so zaostale z asesmentom, prosim vas vse, katere nimate plačano, da to storite čim prej. Tajnici je težko voditi knjige, če niso prispevki v blagajni, in tudi ni prav, da bi morala ona zalagati za asesment. Asesment lahko plačate na redni seji ali pa na 2'5. v mesecu, ko pobiram v šolski dvorani Sv. Vida od 4.30 ure popoldne do 8. ure zvečer. Če pa vam je nemogoče priti ali plačati osebno, pa pošljite po pošti na naslov 1036 E. 68 St., Cleveland, Ohio 44103. Vsem našim dragim članicam želim, da bi se dobro odpočile v poletni dobi. Veselite se vaših dragih in bodite dobre z njimi, kakor tudi z vašimi prijatelji in prijateljicami. Življenje je kratko in premnogokrat poseže smrt v ožji krog znancev, katere potem zelo pogrešamo. Zato, pomudite se ž njimi dokler vam je mogoče in dokler so med nami — življenje bo toliko bolj sladko za vse. Veste — ničesar ni tako sigurno kot davki in smrt. Zato ne zanašajte, se, da boste pojutrišnjem ali prihodnji teden šle na obisk znanke. Storite to danes — jutri morda je ne bo več med živimi! Zbogom, Josephine (Antončič) Golinski, taj. čem, da bi po pomoti katero izpustila. Vse so hvale vredne. Bog naj vam da zdravja, da bi še mnogo rojstnih dnevov obhajale. Bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja in vsem na svidenje na prihodnji seji dne 15. sept. Iskren pozdrav vsem članicam Zveze, posebno pri št. 2'6 in glavnemu odboru in vsej naši dični Zvezi širom Amerike. Anna Trontel, predsednica Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. Najprej vse sestre najlepše pozdravljam in želim da bi bile zdrave in srečne. Sedaj v teh lepih poletnih mesecih, mi moje misli tako pogosto poletijo v moj rojstni kraj in v srcu se mi vzbudi želja, da bi pozdravila mojo rojstno hišico očetovo, da bi poslala srčni pozdrav domači vasici in lepi farni cerkvici, kjer sem hodila k maši in pozdrav planjavam, kjer sem se kot otrok igrala. — Enako pozdravljam Forest City, kjer sem toliko let živela in imela tako mnogo prijateljev. Vseh se spominjam in jim pošiljam lepe pozdrave. Vsem sestram, ki obhajate svoje rojstne dneve, želim sreče in zdravja. Vaša, Mary Pristave Št. 30, Aurora, III. Letos mi pa res ne gre po sreči. Kakor veste, sem bila lani v nov. v bolnici za srčnim napadom, nakar sem se kar dobro pozdravila in sem se že kar veselila, da bom šla pogledat in pozdravit zadnjo konvencijo naše Zveze v Chicagu, kar sem si res zelo želela. Saj so bile med njimi tudi nekatere tiste, ki mi vsako leto pošljejo toliko lepih kartic in še lepših voščil. Tudi sem že naprosila sinaho, ki mi je obljubila, da bo šla z mano, toda 10 dni pred konvencijo sem morala zopet v bolnico zaradi prevelike izgube krvi. Dali so mi 3 pinte krvi in taka zdravila, da me delajo močnejšo. In tako sem morala kar v bolnici premišljevati kaj in kako SLAVJE SREBRNE MASE PENNfl. ZVEZIN DAN Garfield Hts, Ohio. Vsa naša fara se veseli dneva ko bo 2. avgusta daroval srebrno sv. mašo č.g.p. Gabriel Russ v cerkvi Sv. Lovrenca na E. 81 St. v Clevelandu. Prav posebno so ponosne na jubilanta njegova mati Agnes Russ in štiri sestre. Srebrnomašnikova družina je vedno živela v neuburski naselbini. Njegov oče Gabriel je prišel v Ameriko 1. 1911 in po 6 mesecih mu je sledila mati z dvema sinovoma od katerih je najmlajši kmalu nato umrl. Vzgojila sta vzorno katoliško družino. Srebrno mašnik je bil rojen 1910 na Bledu na Gorenskem odkoder je bil doma njegov oče. Njegova mati pa je iz 1'are Studenec na Dolenskem. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Simončič. Kot dete ga je mati prinesla v Ameriko in njegov oče je upal, da mu bo sledil v krojaški obrti, toda nadarjeni sin je imel veliko veselje do učenja in se je odločil za vzvišeni duhovniški poklic. Njegovi predstojniki so ga zaradi odličnega uspeha poslali na študije v Friburg, Švico in dne 25. jul. 1939 je bil posvečen v mašnika. Novo mašo je daroval dne 4. avg. 1939 na Bledu v Sloveniji v domači cerkvi, kjer je bil krščen. Starša sta odšla v domovino, da prisostvujeta sinovi novi maši in njuno veselje je bilo nepopisno, ko jima je sin podelil novomašniški blagoslov. Navzočih je bilo mnogo odličnih gostov, tudi Amerikancev in slavnost je dobila posebni pomem z govorom prevzvišenega knezoškofa ljubljanskega, pok. dr. Gregorija Rožmana. Takratni novomašnik je vse očaral ko je v lepi slovenščini se vsem zahvalil za pozornost. Po tolikih letih v tujini, pa je vendar ohranil zaklad materinske govorice. Srebrnomašnik bo prišel iz Dayton, O. v Clev., da bo pozdravil svoje sošolce in farane. Žal ob tej priliki ne bo navzoč njegov oče, ki je umrl 24. okt. 1958, malo pred obhajanjem zlate poroke. Taka je pač bila božja volja, kateri se je potrebno pokoriti. debatirajo delegatinje o naši Zvezi, posebno pa še o Zarji! Upam, da so odločile najboljše kar je mogoče. Prisrčna hvala sinu Hermanu in si-nahi Dorothy, ki sta zopet prišla po mene v bolnico in me vzela s seboj v Lombard, da sem dobila nazaj nekaj moje moči. Sedaj sem zopet doma. Naša dobra in pridna članica Florence Aister je tako nesrečno padla pri delu v tovarni, da si je nalomila roko nad komolcem. Zdravi se doma pod zdravniško oskrbo že nad 3 mesece, toda roka še ni dobra. Florence, vse ti želimo, da bi se roka hitro pozdravila. Vam moram še povedati kakšna sreča me še čaka, seveda če bom še zrastla. Moj sin v Oconomowac, Wis. ima 5 letnega sinčka s katerim sva prava prijatelja, pa je povedal njegovi mami: “I like grandma and when she grows up, 1*11 take her fishing in daddy’s motor boat!” — Res škoda, č.g.p. Gabriel Russ Mrs. Anna Russ, njegova mati Ko bo srebrnomašnik g. Gabriel Russ daroval sveto daritev, se bo od radosti in sreče topilo materino srce, da je dočakala ta dan. Želimo ji, da bi v zdravju dočakala še zlati jubilej. Članice podružnice čestitamo sre-brnomašniku in mu želimo, da bi še mnogo let uspešno deloval v vinogradu Gospodovem. da sem bolj kratka in pri mojih 78 letih že "nazaj” rastem, pa nič zato, sem pa bolj okrogla . . . Pozdrav vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Frances Kranjc Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. Na seji v juniju smo praznovale materinsko proslavo v najlepšem razpoloženju. Matere so naše odlične pevke počastile tudi s pesmijo in kot zveste državljanke smo tudi prisegle zastavi. Udeležba je bila prav dobra in počastile smo našo častno mater, Agnes Žagar. Ses. predsednica ji je pripela šopek na prsi ter jo pozdravila v imenu vseh. Poklonjen ji je bil mali dar v spomin. Častna mati je bila zelo ginjena in vesela za priznanje ter je tudi izročila dar podr. Hvala lepa Agnes. Zahvalimo se tudi vsem odbornicam in članicam, ki so pomagale v vseh ozirih, da je letošnji materinski dan tako lepo uspel. Ses. Mary Železnik v San Pedro, Cal. 13. SEPT. št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Naša junijska seja je bila prav lepo obiskana. Sprejele smo dve novi članici, katerim kličemo dobrodošlico. Hvala tajnici, ki jih je pridobila. Vse podružnice Pensilvanije vabim, da se gotovo udeležite Zvezinega Dneva, ki se bo vršil dne 13. sept. v Ac-metonia dvorani. Prisrčno dobrodošle tudi sestre iz Clevelanda in New Yorka. Naša gl. tajnica in gl. preds. in mnogo članic se nahajajo v domovini, oz. so se že vrnile. Vsem želim mnogo razvedrila, predvsem pa tudi zdrav povratek. Poročati moram žalostno novico, da je 3. jul. umrl soprog naše dobre članice Zofi Getzek. Zapušča sina in hčer, ter 5 vnukov. Družini izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Lep pozdrav vsem in na svidenje na Zvezinem dnevu, 13. sept. __________________Mary Tomsic, preds. izrekamo globoko sožalje ob smrti njenega sina v Solon, O., ki je preminul stai komaj okoli 50 let. Mary je prišla na pogreb, ki se je vršil ravno pred spominskim dnevom. — V jun. je umrla tudi Karlina Hočevar, mati naše čla. Victoria Hočevar. Naj jim bo blag spomin. Žalujočim družinam naše sožalje. Prih. seja se bo vršila 9. avg. v S.D.D., 10814 Prince Ave. Vabljene vse k udeležbi. — Prosim tudi, kadar se katera preseli, da mi takoj sporoči novi naslov. Pozdravljene vse, posebno tiste, ki ste bolane, se vas večkrat spomnim. ________________Jennie Pugely ^ 64, Kansas City, Kans. Na naši majniški seji nam je delegatinja Regina Cop poročala o poteku konvencije in o sprejetih spremembah. Povedale so tudi, da sta se lepo imele. Hvala vam vsem za pozdrave, katere ste jih Po njej poslale. Na junijski seji pa ni bilo dovolj članstva, da bi dokončale načrte za veselico, ki se imela vršiti v juliju. Nasa prihodnja seja pa bo tretjo nedeljo v oktobru. 11. jun. je preminul soprog naše letošnje častne matere Johane Anziček. John je res že dalje časa bolehal, vseeno je njegova smrt prišla nepričakovano. Poleg žene žalujejo za njim 11 otrok in 25 vnukov in 7 pravnukov, dva brata tukaj v K.C. in sestro v Sloveniji. članici Štefaniji Malnar je pa preminula hčerka, Mrs. Cindrich. Obema družinam izrekamo globoko sožalje. Člani društva sv. Jurija, A.B Z. se pridno pripravljajo za konvencijo te organizacije, ki se bo v avgustu vršila v našem mestu. Naša podružnica kliče glavnini uradnikom ter vsem delegatom in delegatinjam Bratske Zveze, PRISRČNO DOBRODOŠLI v našem mestu in naselbini. S sosesterskim pozdravom, Antonia Kostelec FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1964 NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Finančno poročilo za mesec april, 1964 S potrtim srcem naznajam, (la je po Branch kratki bolezni, na posledicah srčnega No. Total napada, dne 2'2. jun. preminula naša 1. 81.40 ljubljena mati, stara mati in prastara 2. 187.10 mati, ANNA KACIN. Pok. je bila ro- Z. 142.75 jena 27. nov. 1882 v vasi čresnice, fara 4. 4.85 sv. Duh, Krško na Dolenskem v Slo- 5. 92.67 veniji. K večnemu počitku je bila po- 6. 48.65 ložena 25. jun. iz cerkve St. John Bap- 7. 76.50 tist na farno pokopališče na Unity, Pa. g. _____ Žalujoča družina izreka globoko za- 9, ______ hvalo članicam S.Ž.Z. št. 96 za pogreb- 10. 146.35 ce, izkazano čast in molitve. Naša po- 12. 270.25 sebna zahvala Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph 13 50.70 Findland za duhovno tolažbo, dalje 14. 140.50 društvom za poslednji pozdrav; ter 15 111.40 vsem številnim prijateljem in znan- jg 69.65 cem za vence in sv. maše, ki so nam 17 75.15 na eden ali drugi način stali ob strani 19. 59.15 v uri žalosti. 20. 178.85 Našo predrago mamico, ki nas je 21. 42.60 prehitro zapustila, pa bomo ohranili 22 19 40 vedno v ljubečem spominu, dokler ne 23. 101.40 pridemo za vami v kraj večnega miru. 24. 7S.25 Naj počiva v miru in naj ji bo lahka 25. 373.70 ameriška gruda. Žalujoči ostali 26. 45.80 ------------------------------------------ 27. ----- THANK YOU SINCERELY 28. 39.05 With a very sad heart, I write to £19. 12.60 announce the passing of our dear 30. 15.40 mother, Anna Kacin who succumbed 31. 50.35 to a short illness following a heart 32. 60.39 attack, June 2?2, 1964. Her wake was 33. 79.G5 in her own beautiful home which she 34. 18.45 loved so much and Requiem Mass was 35. 36.00 offered at St. John Baptist church at 37. 9.15 Unity, Pa. She was laid to rest along 38. 59.70 side her husband at St. John’s Ceme- 39. 23.40 tery. 40. 36.10 Mrs. Kacin, our beloved mother, 41. 102.40 grandmother and great grandmother, 42. 22.45 was born in 1882 at Vas Črešnice, fara 43. 58.60 sv. Duh, Krško na Dolenjsko in Slo- 45. ----- venia. She belonged to our branch at 40. 13.20 Universal, Pa. and A.B.Z. Dodge No. 47. 53.85 33 Sv. Barbara. 48. 4.30 The family wishes to thank all who 49. ----- expressed their messages of condol- 50. 92.70 ence personally, attended the funeral, 51. 7.65 sent floral wreaths and offered mas- 52. 26.05 ses. Also to the pallbearers of Dodge 53. 17.45 No. 33, and Joseph Skerl for his fare- 54. 38.30 well message; to the honorary pall- 55. 29.60 bearers from Br. 96 and Anna Podob- 56. 47.80 nik for the farewell words and pray- 57. 40.05 ers. To Josephine Podobnik who led 59. 43.80 the Rosary for the Christian Mothers, 61. 63.60 Catholic Daughters of America and St. 62. 17.10 John’s Guild members and everyone 63. 61.55 who stood by and helped in one way 64. 40.10 or another in our hour of sadness, 65. 26.85 deepest thanks. 66. 26.50 “Dear Mother, since you’ve gone 67. 40.25 away, 68. 24.95 The ones you loved so true 70. 19.95 Try hard to carry on the way 71. 52.75 We know you want us to.” 72. 12.75 Sadly missed by family. Pauline 73. 50.70 Kokal, Frances Kalik, Anna Fontana, 74. 23.25 Victoria Little, Veronica Thomas, 77. 24.95 Frank, Stanley, Alvin Kacin. 78. 26.40 Center & Universal, Pa. 79. 18.90 so. ----- Membership 81. 8.70 25 Adult Junior 83. 11.45 22' 5 162 45 84. 69 6 349 159 85. 11.30 29 5 288 164 86. 9.95 20 19 — 88. 15.38 38 7 108 39 $ 89. 98 58 123 11 90. 22.55 53 25 110 130 91. 31.55 55 13 62 1 92. 13.15 23 2 34 3 93. 84.00 G5 * 367 45 94. 18 1 ** 216 70 % 95. 99 65 171 38 114 20 96. 23.65 51 2 318 31 97. 11.50 21 6 243 27 99. 8.75 21 12>9 82 100. 21.45 43 9 164 57 101. 28.35 44 20 136 42 102. 25.35 21 4 % 434 127 104. 8.55 22 90 53 105. 12.94 22> 5 22 229 60 $ 106. 20 1 175 77 $4,414.28 8926 2751 760 261 $ Paid for April and May 110 12 % Paid for April, May and June 66 5 & Paid in March 82 10 # Paid for Jan., Feb. and March 32 7 @ Paid for 1963 18 — $ if Paid for March and April 104 40 * Paid for Feb., March and April 117 32 ** Paid in February 151 91 41 7 Income — dohodki: 67 42 Assessment $ 1,414.28 27 4 April rent 155.00 148 1 Interest 149.95 57 23 Total income $ 4,719.23 100 265 49 12« 60 5 39 75 7 Disbursements — Stroški: Mary Nicholas, 6, Barberton $ Matilda Perkovich, 12, 100.00 Milwaukee 100.00 30 115 13 K Mary Klun, 14, Euclid, Ohio 100.00 O 26 3 Josephine Smrekar, 15, Cleveland, “B” 150.00 36 & Mary Kocjan, 28, Calumet 100.00 158 17 53 92 Theresa Turk, 35, Minnesota 100.00 Mary Plesec, 41, Cleveland 100.00 15 8 Margaret Patrick, 51, Akron 100.00 37 Tessie Kirsling, 56, Hibbing 100.00 72 66 Mary Devorich, 57, Niles, Ohio 100.00 67 7 Mary Krultz, 77, NS Pittsburgh 100.00 111 76 33 12 35 116 57 61 20 35 4 Mary Smoley, 90, Presto, Pa. 100.00 Zarja — The Dawn, # (n) April — 32 pages 1,608.42' Salaries and administration 955.00 1 58 O. Annual actuarial service 270.00 Director of Internal Revenue 489.28 4 Fuel, electricity, water 66.90 24 20 27 r Real Estate tax (one year) 471.28 Bowling awards (teams) 40.00 OO 75 43 14 Rent of Home Office Miscellaneous, printing, 75.00 0 0 % supplies, sundries 335.05 106 21 Total $ 5,560.93 3a 4 Balance March 31, 1904 $491,820.24 107 58 Income in April, 1961 4,719.23 44 4 $496,539.47 55 27 32 9 Disbursements in April, ’64 5,560.93 35 21 Balance April 30, 1964 $190,978.54 19 — Albina Novak, Secretary JUNIOR’S PAGE -— ——— —— I HI BOYS AND GIRLS Family activities — as picnics, parties, vacations — are events which make for many a memorable, exciting occasion. The almost yearly family retreats to the North for one week of fishing and swimming is something all of us look forward to for many days. Included in the preparations of e-quipment and luggage there must be a satchel filled with necessary supplies for the younger children. To save wear and tear on everyone’s nerves and to help pass the time happily on a bng or short journey, a few little purchases are important. For the very young a few games, as Auto Bingo, simple puzzles, picture books, coloring books and cards keep them busy during the trip and on rainy days in a resort. We take along a cuddly toy, doll or some plaything as a comforting reminder of home, and "surprises” when the going gets rough. There’s always a thermos jug of water or lemonade as well as cookies. A damp washcloth in a plastic bag helps keep sticky little paws clean. Older children enjoy riddle or crossword books and they extract hours of fun out of a pair of binoculars. They get a bang (and so will you) out of joining in songs, quizzes, playing games involving license plates of passing cars or guessing distances to the turn of the road, the silo up ahead or some other unusual object. Here are two interesting games that could be used when the interest in riding and scenery has lagged. I SPY L«t someone name an object, such as a green car or a dog or anything which it’s possible to see as you’re riding along. For instance, let’s suppose that the object named is a dog. Everyone, including the person who named the object must look sharply until someone who sees a dog calls, “I spy!" and points it out to the o-thers. Then It will be his turn to name something to be found. ALPHABET The object is to find words that begin with the letter of HAVE YOU HEARD THESE? Nick: How can you raise a baby elephant? Dick: Put a tack 011 his chair. *■ * * Hal: My father has George Wash- ington’s watch in his collection of antiques. Al: That’s nothing—my father has Adam’s apple! * * * John: Have you ever studied a blot, ter? Jane: Why should I study a blotter? John: It's a very absorbing subject. the alphabet. When a child spots a word beginning with A in a sign he is ready to look for a B word, then C and so on, until he has them all. No letter may be used uatil the preceed-ing letters have been checked. Perhaps you know of a few others. Play quietly or take nap occasionally, as lots of noise will distract the driver. Family cooperation is important for a safe trip and a fun-filled vacation. And may St. Christopher guard you! One of my young daughters came a-cross the following prayer and thought some of the boys and girls would like to memorize it: “A CHILD’S NIGHT PRAYER by Elizabeth McFadden Jesus, safe in Mary’s aims, Thank you for this day. Keep my house tonight from harms Hear me as I pray: Help me do the things I should, Keep me well and make me good.” * * * Do you find the last month of vacation a bit boring. If you’re not vacation bound, perhaps you could interest yourself in a hobby. A hobby can be like a good friend who comes to see you when you are tired, or when it’s raining outside and you are lonesome. It is always there waiting for you. A hobby can be the easiest way to learn things. For example through a postage stamp collection you may learn the reason for a stamp being issued which in turn may also be a study of a country’s historical event or of an inspirational, great leader. A well-liked hobby can be play-work staying with you throughout your life like an old friend. Hobbies of great interest include aviation, birds, boating and fishing, building, painting, collecting, cooking, electricity and radio, gardening, husbandry, photography, and sewing. A Feastday rarely mentioned in the book of Saints is August 1 which honors the virgin-martyrs, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity. In memory of the day when the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken to Heaven by Jesus Christ and the Angels, the Church designates August 15 as a Holyday. As this is election year, it is interesting to learn that this year on August 26, the women of the United States will celebrate the 44th year since they were given the right to vote through the 19th Amendment. Two great men celebrate their birthdays 011 the 27th — my father and the President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson. Many happy returns to both and may God shower many blessings on them. Your Friend, REGINA KENT STATE GRADUATE Mrs. Kozuh and Karen No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. We extend congratulations to our graduates who recently received their diplomas. Grandchildren of Mrs. Theresa Kozuh are: Karen Kozuh, a graduate of Kent State College who will be a teacher; also Mary Ellen Pfeil will attend St. Augustine High School and Charles Brinda who goes to St. Edward High school. To all, the best of success in every field of endeavor! Stella Dancull GRADS OF JOLIET No. 20, Joliet, III. Our congratulations to Miss Angela M. Lukančič, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lukančič of N. Broadway who was valedictorian of the June graduating class at the Univ. of Illinois. Miss Lukančič had a perfect “A” record at the University. Majoring in teaching French, she has joined the staff at Downers Grove High School. In her previous years she also had a perfect record at JTHS and JJCollege. She was a student at St. Joseph’s parochial school as well. Her sisters and brothers were all A students, too, and have achieved their goals. Mother, Mrs. Pauline Lukančič, has been our member for years and the pres, of Br. 20, Mrs. Planinšek is her aunt. The Lukančič family is unique in having such brilliant and intelligent children who have all made successes of their lives. We wish Angela many years of happiness and continued success. Congratulations also to Miss Vera Ancel, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ancel who was chosen to represent the American Legion Post 1080 as a delegate to the III. Girls’ State Mac-Murray College for ten days. This was a seminar in government and good citizenship. She was the class vice-president at St. Francis Academy where she will be a senior this fall and is a “candy striper” at St. Joseph Hospital. She holds a Red Cross certificate for senior life saving and is devoting much time at the Guardian Angels children’s home as a lifeguard during this summer. Best wishes to her from all of us. Josephine Erjavec ŠUŠTERŠIČ IVANA X JOOOVA 24 MAHI BOR, STUDENCI JUGOSLAVIA IMPORTANT STATE CONVE PENNSYLVANIA DAY, Acmetona, P-Sponsored by Br. 71 NTI0NS! Sept. 13th, 1964 MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Biwabik, Minn. Sponsored by Br. 39 SEPT. 20, 1964: COLORADO STATE DAY AT PUEBLO, COLO., BR. 3, HOSTESSES PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin SOMETHIN’ GOOD? See the delicious foods listed in famous cookbook. “Woman's Glory — The Kitchen" Postpaid $2.75 Order your copy now ANTONIA TUREK 19170 Monterey Euclid 23. Ohio JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities H.GRDINRS SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za veaele in žalostne dneve Nad 61 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HZnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HZnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. TeL: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY US lan lOOth airtai 18000 K u e 11 d Av*nu« I21B St. C l«i r Avenue ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors <& Etnbalmer. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurr-nce 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 mm •Hi :