FOR Freedom AND Justice No. 71 A MERIŠ* ^^TSSSSSm!* %Ta I 3 Pi Ley* *k~ J AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Friday, September 25, 1 987 'IN A SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER VOL. LXXXIX Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - ZDA želijo sovjetsko podporo za embargo zoper prodaje orožja Iranu — Iranska mina uničila manjšo raziskovalno ladjo v Zalivu ZDRUŽENI NARODI, N.Y. — Včeraj sta se srečala državni sekretar George P. Shultz in sovjetski zunanji minister Edvard Sevardnadze. Soglašala sta, da bosta njuni državi dali Iranu nekaj več časa, da pristane na resolucijo Varnostnega sveta ZN iz 20. julija, po katerem naj bi Irak in Iran pristali na Premirje v vojni, ki traja že sedem let. Irak je resolucijo že sprejel, Iranci pa zahtevajo, da bi ZN prograsili Irak za povzročitelj te voj-ne. ZDA želijo mednarodno embargo preko ZN zoper prodajo orožja Iranu, ako Iran ne Pristane na omenjeno resolucijo. Čeprav so Sovjeti glasovali za resolucijo, imajo svoje interese v Iranu in torej ne želijo nepotrebne-8a slabšanja odnosov z Iranom. Na drugi strani so pa Sovjeti zainteresirani za izbolj-šnnje odnosov z ZDA in za sporazum med državama o uničenju misilov srednjega in kratkega dosega. Tak sporazum naj bi po v$ej verjetnosti podpisala predsednik Rea-8an in sovjetski voditelj Mihail S. Gorbačov bnje že novembra letos ob obisku Gorbačova v ZDA. To sovjetsko zanimanje skušajo ZDA sedaj izkoristiti v zvezi z ukrepi zoper Iran. Pretekli torek je raziskovalno ladjo Ma-rtssa, z nosilnostjo 180 ton in 7-čIansko po-sadko, trčila v iransko mino v vodah Perzijskega zaliva. Eksplozija je bila tako močna, a Se je Marissa potopila, ne da bi mogla po-Sadka preko svojega radia prositi za pomoč. Trije člani posadke so bili rešeni, štirje pa še Pogrešajo in so po vsej verjetnosti mrtvi. Pentagon namerava objaviti posnetke, napravljene na ameriških helikopterjih, ki so aaPadli iransko bojno ladjo Iran Ajr, ko je e"ta polagala mine. Posnetki bodo zaneslji-v° dokazali, pravijo v Pentagonu, da je Plenjena ladja mine res polagala v času, ko •le bila napadena. Na ladji, ki je sedaj v ame-'skih rokah, so našli razne zanimive doku-^nte, ki prav tako potrjujejo iransko aktivnost v polaganju min. ZDA bodo te dni vrni-ujetih iranskih mornarjev Iranu in sicer ^reko Posredovanja Omana. Ladjo Iran Ajr Vrnili Iranu, dobro obveščeni viri v Penta-0nu Pravijo, da bo ladja najbrž potopljena. O poteku iransko-iraške vojne same, 0 povedati opazovalci te vojne, da bo v ^slednjih tednih šla v novo, aktivnejšo v °- Iranci menda pripravljajo nove ofenzi-s n So zbrali za te precej v tujini kupljenega Ve .°|)nega orožja. Nekateri analitiki napo-uJejo nov iranski napad na južno iraško ^ to Basro, spet drugi pa napade v sred-delu fronte, ki je oddaljena komaj 80 J °d Bagdada samega. Iranci so kot doslej v Pravlieni utrpeti ogromne človeške izgube j Paniu. da bi težke izgube na iraški strani Hn ' C pac*ec režima predsednika Saddama lje .eina- Iračani pa pravijo, da so priprav-raz 0c*k*ti iranske ofenzive. Irak še vedno lank°k 3 2 °8romno premočjo v letalstvu in nih n’ lranci pa v številu fanatično preda-v°jakov. Vlna?an n' pripravljen sprejeti kongresnega e avanja v Zalivu — Zakon iz 1. 1973 o Crn Po Reaganu ne pride v poštev b' ravnal v svoji politiki na hotrj jzJU Perzijskega zaliva v skladu z zako-duik 3 po katerem mora predse- boS)a) uradno obvestiti Kongres, da je anieriške bojne sile v kraje, v katerih je aktualna nevarnost, da bodo zapletene v vojnem razmerju. Predsednik po tem zakonu, katere ustavnost sicer še ni bila ugotovljena, mora tako obvestiti Kongres v dveh dneh po pošiljanju bojnih enot. Nato morajo biti ti vojaki odpoklicani domov v 60 dneh z izjemo, ako.Kongres specifično odobri, da ostanejo v omenjenih krajih. Zakon je bil sprejet v času, ko so kongresniki hoteli preprečiti, da bi prišle ZDA zopet v vojno razmerje brez izrecne privolitve zveznega kongresa. Tako s? je zgodilo, so menili takrat, v zvezi z ameriškim angažiranjem v vietnamski vojni. Novih Vietnamov kongresniki 1. 1973 niso hoteli. Ko je Reagan poslal mornariške enote ZDA v Perzijski zaliv pred meseci, ni poslal zveznemu Kongresu takega sporočila, predvidenega iz zakona iz 1. 1973. Reagan trdi, da je zakon sicer protiustaven, ker krši predsednikova pooblastila, navedena v ustavi ZDA sami — to je stališče vseh predsednikov od Nixona do Reagana — in tudi, ker zakon v zvezi z akcijami v Zalivu ne pride v poštev. To stališče zagovarja Reagan tudi sedaj, v dneh potem, ko so ameriški helikopterji napadli iransko ladjo v Zalivu. Nezadovoljni kongresniki, ki mislijo, da je Reagan kar preveč neodvisen od Kongresa v izvrševanju zunanje politike in razpolaganju z ameriškimi bojnimi silami, skušajo nanj pritiskati, a brez uspeha. Nekateri opazovalci menijo, da bo moral zakon dokončno pred Vrhovno sodišče za odločitev glede njegove ustavnosti. — Kratke vesti — Des Moines, Iowa — Včeraj je sen. Joseph Biden prišel v to državo, da bi se poslovil od kampanjskih delavcev. V Iowi bodo prihodnje leto namreč prve predsedniške primarne volitve, Biden pa je bil prisiljen opustiti svojo kandidaturo zaradi njegovega neresničnega prikazovanja svoje akademske preteklosti in drugih enostavno nepoštenih ravnanj. Sicer Bidenova kandidatura v demokratski stranki ni kazala vidnega napredka vse do njegovega odhoda. Beograd, SFRJ — Wall Street Journal poroča iz Beograda, da je Bihaška banka, ki je sodelovala v aferi Agrokomerca, ko je to podjetje izdajalo nepokrite menice v skupni vrednosti 256 milijonov dolarjev, v bankrotu. Gre za prvi tovrstni primer v zgodovini povojne Jugoslavije. Pretekli torek je pa bil odstranjen zaradi neodgovornega ravnanja v Agrokomercovi aferi guverner Narodne banke BiH Jure Pelivan. Ta naj bi bil imel dolžnost, pravočasno odkriti Agrokomerco-ve manipulacije, kar pa ni bil storil. Suva, Fidži — Vojska je izvedla državni udar, pod vodstvom Sitivenija Rabuke. Že 14. maja letos je vodil Rabuka državni udar, a je bil prisiljen pod angleškim in avstralskim pritiskom popustiti in pristati na ustanovitev začasne civilne vlade. Včeraj je dejal Rabuka, da ta vlada ni nič koristnega storila in je radi tega drugič prevzel oblast ob pomoči vojske. Kot kaže, se bodo mednarodni pritiski na Rabuko ponovili. Možnost angleške ali avstralske vojaške zasedbe Fidžiskega otočja ni torej izključena. Lusaka, Zam. — Čad in Libija sta pristali na mednarodno posredovanje v zvezi s sporom glede meje med državama. Spor traja že 14 let in so Libijci vojaško zasedli kraj Aouzou na svojem jugu in čadskem severu. Posredovala v zadevi bo Organizacija alriške enotnosti. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo Oltarnega društva— To nedeljo bo letno kosilo Oltarnega društva pri Sv. Vidu. Kosilo bodo delile v šolskem avditoriju med 11.30 in 1.30 pop. Cena kosilu je $6, za otroke do 12. leta pa $3. Vstopnice bodo na voljo pri vhodu v dvorano. Kosilo se bo tudi lahko vzelo domov. Pridite! Nov član v družini— V petek, 18. septembra, je zagledal luč življenja Erich Robert, ki bo delal družbo bratcu Davidu. Fantek se je rodil v Euclid General bolnišnici. Srečna starša sta Robert in Margie Leden, stari starši pa Gordi in Veronika Leden ter Frank in Pepca Kastigar. Čestitamo! Rojstni dan— Dne 21. septembra je svoj 75. rojstni dan praznoval g. Matevž Tominec s 701 E. 160 St., Cleveland, OH 44110. Da bi dragemu očetu pomagali ta visok življenjski jubilej praznovati, sta k družinskemu slavju prišla hčerki Ivy Tominec iz Miami, Fla. in Maggie Lockemer iz Beaumont, Teksas. Slavljencu čestitajo vsi v družini, sorodniki, prijatelji in vsi pri A.D.! Fantek je— Tomažu in Marjetki Žnidaršič se je rodil zdrav fantek, Viktor Filip, ki bo delal družbo Tomažku in sestrici Juliji. S tem je postala g. Vera Žnidaršič dvanajstič stara mama, Jože in Francka Kristanc pa štirinajstič. Čestitamo! Novi grobovi Antonia Chesnik V sredo, 23. sept., je v Euclid General bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrla 87 let stara Antonia Chesnik, rojena Granc v Ljubljani, od koder je prišla v Cleveland L 1920, vdova po pok. možu Franku (njen prvi mož, John Fortuna, je tudi že pok.), mati Johna Fortune, Franka Fortune, Stan-lyja Fortune, Williama Fortune in že pok. Josephine Heilin-ger. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v soboto, dop. ob 10.30 na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. in od 7. do 9. Petar Brozovič Dne 22. sept. je nenadno umrl 53 let stari Petar Brozovič z E. 288 St. v Wickliffu, rojen v Jugoslaviji, mož Barbare (r. Gojak), brat Barbare Duwaski, Josepha, Ivana (pok.), Johna, Branka in Anne, član HBZ št. 235. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda danes dopoldne, v cerkev sv. Pavla na E. 40 St. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. NAROČNINA POVIŠANA— Nenehna rast cen tiskarskega materiala, predvsem tretjinsko podražitev časopisnega papirja in malo manj kot podvojitev izdatkov za pošiljanje lista po pošti v zadnjih treh le^ tih, odkar je bila naročnina A.D. zadnjič povišana, je vzrok, da moramo naročnino na A. D. povišati za tri dolarje v vseh kategorijah začenši s 1. novembrom 1987. Ako pa želite poravnati naročnino pred I. novembrom, foodo seveda v veljavi sedanje naročninske kategorije. Tarok turnir— To nedeljo ste tarokaši, ženske in moški, ter navijači, vabljeni na Slovensko pristavo na tarok turnir. Pričetek bo ob dveh popoldne. Skupno sv. obhajilo— Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo imelo skupno sv. obhajilo v nedeljo, 4. okt., pri sv. maši ob 8. uri, ob 1.30 pop. pa molitveno uro z blagoslovom, nato pa redno mesečno sejo v stari cerkvi. Koline— Klub slovenskih upokojencev Slovenske pristave vabi v soboto, 3. oktobra, na SP na koline. Serviranje krvavic in drugih kuhinjskih dobrot bo od 5. ure dalje. Pridite! Družabni večer— Tabor DSPB v Clevelandu, prireja svoj jesenski družabni večer v soboto, 17. oktobra, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vstopnice lahko rezervirate, ako pokličete Filipa Oreha (tel. 943-4681) ali pa Milana Zajca (851-4961) in sicer ob večernih urah. Hvala za pomoč— Uprava A.D. se lepo zahvaljuje g. in ge. Joe Dovganu iz Waterloo Rd., ki sta prinesla v tiskarno veliko vrečo, napolnjeno s cunjami, ki sta jih kupila za našo tiskarno na neki dražbi. Hvala tudi ge. Kuret, Majcen, Zallnick in Marolt, ki so nam odstopile cunje, katere lastnik rabi za čiščenje tiskarskega stroja. V tiskovni sklad— Od časa do časa dobivamo podporo tudi od bralcev, ki želijo ostati v tej rubriki neimenovani. Tako se prisrčno zahvalimo Neimenovanemu iz Chardona, O., ki nam je poklonil $100, in pa drugemu Neimenovanemu iz Euclida, O., ki je daroval $32. VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z najvišjo temperaturo le okoli 60° F. Pretežno sončno jutri, z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 67° F. V nedeljo zopet pretežno sončno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 70° F. Tudi za ponedeljek napovedujejo sončno vreme. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Drobtinice, sladke in žaltave 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN OF THE YEAR 1987 • PAUL KOSIR NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 1 8 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $18.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 71 Friday, September 25, 1987 ®asj^^s>83 O razmerah v današnji Sloveniji n. Zanimal sem se za gledanje mojih sogovornikov v Sloveniji na naseljevanje neslovenskih ljudi iz južnih oz. drugih jugoslovanskih republik in pokrajin. Izražali so svoje nezadovoljstvo nad tem pojavom in tudi določeno zaskrbljenost, vendar kot v zvezi z gospodarsko in politično krizo, tudi tu niso videli kakega zadovoljivega izhoda. Tako sem tudi glede tega čutil nekakšen fatalizem, da se ne da nič koristno narediti, da takšne so pač razmere in se jim ne da uspešno kljubovati. Res je sicer, da sem ta vtis dobil od bolj ali manj »navadnih« ljudi. V Dragi sem srečal seveda ljudi iz Slovenije, ki so aktivni v prizadevanjih za bolj odprto, demokratično slovensko dru: žbo. Nikakor se ne strinjam z mnenjem nekaterih rojakov v izseljenstvu, ki so mnenja, da oporečniki v Sloveniji dejansko nič niso dosegli oz. da ne tvegajo dovolj, saj jih oblasti niti ne spravljajo v zapor. To je lahko brbljati v tujini, ko si sam na varnem. Tisti, ki so aktivni v prizadevanjih v Sloveniji za demokratizacijo političnega sistema kar ogromno tvegajo, ker ima policija — ne samo mi v tujini — svoje skrbne kartotekar-je, ki zabeležujejo, ko gre namreč državljan Slovenije na Drago, ali počne kaj drugega, kar je političnega značaja. Imel sem priliko govoriti s človekom iz Slovenije, o zanesljivosti katerega osebno nimam najmanjšega dvoma, da vodijo v Sloveniji takšno kartoteko kar za vsakega državljana. Vsakdo mora namreč imeti osebno izkaznico, moj sogovornik pa mi je razlagal, kako je nek njegov prijatelj, sicer povezan s policijo, mu pojasnil, koliko ve policija ravno o njem, mojem sogovorniku. Še ena zanimivost v zvezi s tem: Nek moj prijatelj, ki je sicer javno smatran za človeka iz naših »naprednih« vrst, mi je rekel — tudi o njegovi zanesljivosti nimam najmanjšega dvoma —- da, ko je bil enkrat v jugoslovanskem konzulatu v Clevelandu zaradi tega ali onega opravka, so ga pustili samega v neki sobi, on pa je brskal po knjige na neki polici, naletel pa na neko nenavadno nevezano knjigo, jo nič sluteč odprl, in našel seznam njemu znanih clevelandskih Slovencev, pri njihovih imenih pa razne zanimive osebne podatke kot npr., kje živijo, koliko zaslužijo na leto in še vrsto drugih podatkov, ki bi morali biti privatni. Povedal mi je tudi imena nekaterih, ki so na tem seznamu bili. Izhajali so tako iz naprednih kot »ne-naprednih« vrst. Osebno sem že vsaj parkrat slišal ponosnih besed naših starejših naprednežev, kako počaščeni da so bili, da je ta ali oni jugoslovanski diplomatski predstavnik o njih toliko vedel, ko ga prej v življenju sploh niso bili nikoli srečali. Dobrosrčna naivnost. Mislim, torej, da oporečniki ali kritiki v slovenski družbi opravljajo veliko delo, ki ga je treba ceniti, ne pa omalovaževati. Morda več tvegajo, kot si sami zavedajo. Kajti, če pride političen preobrat s strani centralistov, bodo ti oporečniki in kritiki gotovo veliko plačali za svoje pogumno delo. Že kmalu po Titovi smrti, če se prav spominjam, sem na tem mestu pisal, da bo morala Jugoslavija slej ko prej kreniti v eno ali drugo smer: k bistveno demokratizacijo ali se vrniti v stalinistično vladanje iz prvih povojnih let. To trdim še vedno, le vzelo je CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet sedim za strojem, da pripravim nekaj poročil, ki utegnejo, če ne vse, vsaj nekatere zanimati. Dobil sem iz Koroške pismo od prelata č.g. dr. Janeza Hornbocka, v katerem pravi: »Bil sem v prvi polovici tega leta zelo bolan, pa sem se z božjo in zdravniško pomočjo le še postavil na noge. Bil sem 8 mesecev v bolnici, operiran za žolč, ledvice in še držala se me je zlatenica. Z mesecem majem sem spet doma in prevzel župnijske posle, enkrat na teden pa se zopet zapeljem v Celovec na Mohorjevo. Delo pa mi gre le počasi izpod rok. Mohorjevke so dotiskane in odposlane, o čemer hočem vas informirati — priložen pa je s tem pismom še članek s prošnjo, da vi posredujete, da se objavi v Ameriški Domovini. Mislim, da je prav, da tudi tam pri vas Mohorjani zvedo, katere knjige bodo prejeli.« Sedaj pa še nekaj stavkov »Drobtiničarja«. Bodimo veseli in Bogu hvaležni, da nam je Bog takega neutrudljivega delavca kot je Cerkveni zbor »Lira« obhaja 75-letnico CLEVELAND, O. - Cerkveni pevski zbor »Lira« pri Sv. Vidu bo obhajal 75. obletnico svojega delovanja s cerkvenim koncertom, ki bo v nedeljo, 18. oktobra, ob treh popoldne v cerkvi sv. Vida. Koncert bo vseboval vse dele »Maše« Karla Kemterje-ve, in veliko najbolj priljubljenih pesmi celotnega cerkvenega leta kot so npr. postne, velikonočne, božične, Marijine skladbe itd. Po koncertu bo prijateljsko srečanje v avditoriju za vse posetnike koncerta. Sedanji organist pri Sv. Vidu in pevovodja zbora »Lira« je g. David Križan. Prejšnji svetovidski organisti in zborovi dirigenti so pa bili: gg. Matej Holmar, Peter Srno-vršnik, Martin Košnik in Peter Johnson. Župljani, nekdanji župljani in prijatelji fare sv. Vida, vsi ste prijazno vabljeni, da pridete na ta koncert. Tako nam boste pomagali proslaviti ta pomembni dogodek v zgodovini zbora »Lira« in same slovenske župnije sv. Vida! Dan Postotnik č. prelat dr. J. Hornbdck še pustil v vinogradu Gospodovem, kjer je poleg duhovništva ves zavzet za našo Mohorjevo. Mnogi delajo pri Mohorjevi kot plačani najemniki in jim včasih ni dosti mar, kako delo opravljajo — dr. Hornbdck pa je pri Mohorjevi z vsemi zmožnostmi zastonjski garač že več desetletij. Naj ga Bog nam še ohrani! Kakor izgleda iz članka, ki sledi, v svojem originalu, bodo letošnje »mohorjevke« prav zanimive — ocene pa bodo podali čitatelji, ko bodo knjige prerešetali. J. P. Knjižni dar Družbe 5 v. Mohorja v Celovcu za leto 1988 Spoštovani bralci Ameriške Domovine! Zdaj, ko berete to pričujočo števiko Vašega lista, je knjižni dar Družbe sv. Mohorja v Celovcu že na poti čez veliki ocean. Dovolite, da Vam predstavimo na kratko knjige, ki so jih zbrali odborniki s pomočjo poverjenikov za ta novi knjižni dar. Najprej se zahvaljujemo za zvestobo vsem poverjenikom in seveda tudi bralkam in bralcem, s katero ste pripomogli, da Družba more izpolnjevati svoje poslanstvo in širiti dobre knjige med naše rojake širom svetovne oble. Naša skupna skrb naj bo uresničitev visokih Slomškovih idealov v naših usodnih dneh! Knjižni dar za leto 1988 bo obsegal naslednje knjige: —Koledar DSM za prestopno leto 1988; — Večernice: Sergej Kurda-kov. Odpusti mi Nataša; — Ludvik Ceglar, Slemeni-ški župnik II; — Valentin Stiickler, Duhovnik med okupacijo in revolucijo. Nove Večernice vsebujejo pričevanje nekdanjega oficirja sovjetski mornarice in vodja prostovoljnih preganjalskih skupin zoper vernike v Sovjetski zvezi, ki se sredi preganjaja spreobrne in pobegne v Kanado. Agenti KGB ga ustrelijo med turnejo predavanj po Ameriki. Pričevanje Sergeja Kurdakova je doprinos Mohorjeve družbe ob 1000-letnici pokristjanjevanja Rusije. (dalje na str. 3) več časa, kot sem pričakoval — in še ni odločeno. Slabšanje gospodarskega položaja se pa še nadaljuje in radi tega bi sklepal, da se bo moralo nekaj prelomnega značaja zgoditi v doglednem času. To me pa povrne k že prej na tem mestu izraženem mnenju, da bi se morali tisti med nami, ki se res zanimamo za usodo slovenskega naroda v domovini in zamejstvu, navezovati tesnejše stike, da bi mogli v slučaju velikih dogodkov nastopati bolj ali manj enotni v javnosti, še posebej pa pri naši vladi v Washingtonu in pri zveznem kongresu, širše mišljeno pa ob sodelovanju zavednih rojakov v drugih državah, Kanadi, Angliji, Avstraliji, Franciji, Nemičiji, Argentini, tudi pri vladah teh in drugih demokratičnih držav. Slišal sem že pripombo, da so bili pretekla desetletja taki poskusi, vendar to me dosti ne zanima. Gre za današnji in jutrišnji čas. Kar se je počelo v preteklosti je stvar preteklosti. Morda bi se pa mogli iz .prejšnjih neuspehov in pa tudi uspehov nekaj naučiti. (dalje prihodnji torek) Rudolph M. Susel Pristavski upokojenci vabijo na koline! CLEVELAND, O. - Koline? Saj je še prevroče. Doma smo klali prašiče pozimi. Je že res, a dobra večerja, z doma pripravljenimi krvavicami in Pečenicami se prileže že tudi v jeseni. Za soboto, 3. oktobra, je v pratiki (tkim. Farmers Almanac) napovedan sončen, a hladen dan. O, kako bo Iep° na Slovenski pristavi! Listje še na drevju, v vseh mogočih barvah. Že samo zaradi tega se splača priti na Pristavo. Na njej je lepo v vsakem letnem času, a v začetku oktobra je res krasno. Najboljše bo, da pridemo že zgodaj popoldne 3. oktobra SP, da se bomo res naužili te jesenske narave. Lepo tudi, da se ustavimo na Orlovem vrhu pri Mariji Pomagaj vsaj za dobrih 10 minut in se zahvalim0 nebeški Materi in našim Pa' dlim bratom za milost, da sm° mi tukaj v svobodni Amerik'' Ali se sploh zavedamo, kak® srečni smo v tej prelepi dežel*-Res: God Bless America! Z Orlovega vrha se podam0 na sprehod po gozdni poti sk° zi park do Škrbčevega m°stl1' Tam bomo že slišali prUetn0 vriskanje balincarjev, iz zv°c ni kov bo donela slovenska Pe sem, iz kuhinje bo že dišalo V° klobasah. Čas bomo še ime' za sprehod po spodnjem k0'1 cu Pristave, a ob peti uri b°u že začeli servirati večerjo. Klub upokojencev SP že nad 70 članov in to sobot° (3. okt.) boste tudi vi imeli Prl L Si 01] liko, da postanete član, a^e niste. Člani kluba so nap*'05*', ni, da pripeljejo na SP tu ( one, ki zaradi zdravja morejo sami voziti. Saj Je men našega kluba povezova upokojence in starejše ose ’ ki so člani Slovenske Pr’staVaj in njih prijatelje v krog, k' jim poživi družabnost s sest® ki, družabnimi in razvedri ® mi prireditvami in izleti. K članstvu oskrbuje razne dnosti na Slovenski Pr'sta,j. utrjuje medsebojno priJa ^ stvo in vzajemnost, lajš® motne ure v slučaju nesreC-no bolezni, se od članov ^ z molitvijo poslovi v s*u.aV. smrti, vključuje v svoje dej nosti, ki morejo še na kakr5 . CU gost vens nov] Sl°Vi v It: Prib, najk rovs 'talij V Pevc Jer, bode kom "ihf Vens; St.( Priče kfric banj, 'n Prim t°Vo k) Že H, % Me "e/at, koli drug način pomagaj f navedem delu za zgoraj nav'''”^e|i osnovne namene. Seveda, ^ Klub slov. upokojencev^ tudi pomagati po svojih ^ Čeh upravnemu odboru thesti ?r' n; Po, !Po| % Hi Rui He, venske pristave. ati Član kluba more P j! član Slovenske pristave a^ njegov zakonski drug, ,je. stopil v pokoj, ki ga Je je tje predčasno upokojil0’ brez ozira na upokojite' gel starostno dobo 60 let‘ e Letos so bile vse Pr‘r^ 0[,i' na Slovenski pristavi leP^ skane in upajmo, da ^0W prva prireditev Kluba -ana jencev, ki je obenem za SP za to sezono. Prid'1 ’ vam žal! Frank Uranka'-1 Ameriška je Vaš list* me? smo res, pri-pe-ji v bra, ier’s Jen, lepo ie še bar-a se Na nem a je o že a na li te i,da /rim do-imo pasmo riki' .ako želi? amo sko- istu. stno voČ' ipe- opo rriel' ski »Tržaški oktet«, usta- slo^611 ^reC* *ca*c'm' *et‘ 0o t iaj' Po. Prihajaj Poln, očih številkah AD eJe poročali. cij,'1 ^opnice in več informa-obrn'te na ene8a fer5en tel- 946-9607 Prant 2 481-3155 Her k.Cendol 256-8872 minaBonutti 831-1954 Tržaški oktet je imel številne, vedno uspele in visoko ocenjene nastope tako v Italiji, kot v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji ter v Avstriji. Junija 1985. leta je bil zbor povabljen v palačo Kvirinale, uradno rezidenco italijanskih predsednikov, da bi pevce poslušal takratni predsednik Italije Sandro Per-tini. Tako je o tem nastopu in o vtisu, ki so ga pevci napravili na Pertinija, poročal tržaški list Gospodarstvo 21. junija 1985: »Pertini sam je — čeprav ni razumel besedil pesmi, ki mu jih je zapel oktet v njegovi delovni sobi na Kvirinalu — očitno dojel njih duha in navdušeno pritrjeval lepoti njegovega petja. ’’Slišal sem že mnogo zborov, zlasti ruskih, čudovitih ruskih, pa tudi naših italijanskih, ki ne zaostajajo, a takega petja kot je vaše, še nisem slišal”, je dejal in vsi, ki smo bili prisotni, smo vedeli in čutili, da te njegove besede, izrečene na glas, niso bile vljudnostne fraze, pač pa iskrena izpoved njegovega trenutnega podoživljanja.« Po sprejemu pri Pertiniju, je oktet še isti večer nastopil v rimskem Sloveniku - vatikanskem visokošolskem kolegiju za slovenske absolvente bogoslovnih fakultet v Sloveniji. Na ta koncert so prišli tudi v Rimu živeči Slovenci, ki se zbirajo v Sloveniku. Zbor ima obširen repertoar in poje v več jezikih poleg slo- Dv V BLAG SPOMIN A J STE OBLETNICE, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU ^MINULA NAŠA LJUBLJENA MATI, STARA MATI IN PRASTARA MATI /fgi v I ILj' 'i S« JOSEPHINE CIMPERMAN ki je preminula 28. septembra 1975. sladk<> s pavu, be, "U5u tj uh Vl/tove, * 'hijeni Zla'a "'a"lu-J? več ne ve. Srčna ljubljena nam mama, Ha prezgodaj si od nas, dobra, skrbna si nam bila, kako brez Tebe dolg je čas! JlS. Ž a I u j o č i : Sin: Louis Hčeri — Josephine Godič in Rose ~~ ^ank Godič; Snaha: Mary Cimperman Vnuki in vnukinje •nu. o septembra 1987. venskega, največ seveda v italijanskem. Prireditelji nastopa v Clevelandu — sodelujejo Slovensko-ameriški kulturni svet, ki uradno sponzorira, in še Primorski klub in Fantje na vasi ter drugi — so bili v stiku z oktetom in ga prosili, naj pripravi koncertni spored, ki bo vseboval v veliki večini slovenske narodne pesmi. Pri oktetu so že sporočili, da bodo to storili. Torej obeta se nam krasen večer pristnega slovenskega petja. Tako je po koncertu v dvorani Glasbene matice v Trstu aprila 1984 pisal o zborovi izvajalski ravni kritik Ivan Silič v tržaškem Primorskem dnevniku: Sicer pa lahko govorimo le o visoki reproduktivni kulturi okteta; kar nam je pokazal zahteva mnogo znanja umetniškega vodje in pevcev, veliko truda in dela, ki ga zmorejo samo ljudje močne predanosti umetniškemu delu. Kar zadeva vokalno tehnično področje, je bilo nekaj opaznih intonanč-nih nihanj v prvem tenorju na začetku, pri Mirkovi Na trgu pa je ansambel zazvenel v popolni ubranosti in vztrajal do konca v zvočni izenačenosti in (dalje na str. 4) V BLAG SPOMIN DRUGE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE DRAGE MAME, STARE MAME, PRASTARE MAME IN SESTRE Leopoldina Žitnik ki je umrla 24. sept. 1985. V božjem vrtu sladko spava, kjer nežne cvetke valove, naša ljuba, zlata mama, za trpljenje več ne ve. Srčna ljubljena nam mama, šla prezgodaj si od nas, dobra, skrbna si nam bila, kako brez Tebe dolg je čas. Žalujoči ostali: Ivan in Dušan — sinova Poldi Bojc - hčerka Barbara in Slavka — snahi Jože — zet Justina Holozan — sestra v Chicagu vnuki, vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinja. Cleveland, Ohio Cicero, Illinois 25. sept. 1987. Drobtinice, sladke in žaltave (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) Slemeniški župnik II. Pred dvema letoma je v sklopu Mo-horjevk izšel prvi del zgoraj omenjene knjige, letos pa Mohorjeva nudi svojim zvestim bralcem drugi del, v katerem opisuje naš rojak Ludovik Ceglar svoje slovo od Koroške in preselitev v Južno Ameriko, kjer še sedaj živi. Knjiga je napisana v lepem, duhovitem slogu, ki mu ne moremo odrekati literarne vrednosti. V knjigi Duhovnik med okupacijo in revolucije opisuje avtor, msgr. Valentin Stiickler, svoje delovanje v Mežiški dolini med II. svetovno vojno in prestajanje zapora v povojni Jugoslaviji. Knjiga je napisana s srčno krvjo človeka, ki je iz svojega krščanskega prepričanja živel v največjih preizkušnjah tega stoletja. Letošnji Koledar celovške Mohorjeve je v znamenju štiridesetletnice obnovljenega delovanja Družbe sv. Mohorja v Celovcu. O tem tudi izrecno govori članek Vinka Ošlaka, ki analizira napade, ki so se v obliki časopisnih polemik in političnih pritiskov prihajali iz Slovenije in Koroške. Članek seveda obravnava tudi pozitivno smer razvoja odnosov med obnovljeno Mohorjevo v Celovcu in slovensko javnostjo v Sloveniji in na Koroškem. Za bralce Mohorjevega koledarja bodo gotovo zanimive ugotovitve dr. Franca Merka- ča o Slovencih v Celovcu. Njegova študija, katere povzetek objavljamo v Koledarju, je dvignila na noge vso nemško javnost na Koroškem, predvsem seveda v odklonilnem smislu. Vinko Ošlak objavlja tudi esej, ki bo po svoji vsebini zanimiv tudi za Slovence v tujejezičnem okolju v svetu: o posebnostih literature na meji dveh ali več jezikov. Vinko Mirt objavlja članek o umetniških upodobitvah grba nekdanje Slovenske ^ar^e" (daljo na str. 4) fOlga Ambrosic JOLIET, 111. - Po kratki bolezni je v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa v tem mestu preminula Olga Ambrosic, rojena Simonič. Za njo žalujejo mož Frank, pred leti živeč v Clevelandu, sin Frank ml. z ženo Sharon (r. Martinelli), hčerka JoAnn, vnuk Frank in vnukinja Karen, brat Walter in sestre Elizabeth, Helen in Dorothy. Brat Edward in sestre Ann, Isabella in Josephine so že pok. V Clevelandu žalujejo svakinje Jean, Frances, Angela in Josephine, svak Joseph z ženo Josephine (r. Orazem), nečak Joseph z ženo Pat (r. Quelhorst) in pranečak Jason. Pogreb je bil v Jolietu, pogrebna sv. maša pa je bila v tamkajšnji cerkvi sv. Jude. V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠIH STARŠEV PAJK JOSEPHINE rojena: 19. novembra 1891 umrla: 20. junija 1976 JOHN rojen: 2. januarja 1884 umrl: 25. septembra 1962 Žalost naša srca trga, solze lijejo iz oči; dom je prazen in otožen, ker Vaju več med nami ni! Počivajta v miru! Žalujoči ostali: Hčerki — Josephine Strniša — Mary Ontonichar Sin — John Pajk — 14 vnukov in vnukinj — 1 2 pravnukov in pravnukinj Cleveland, Ohio, 25. septembra 1987. KOLEDAR društvenih priredite V SEPTEMBER — OUarno društvo pri Sv. idu ima vsakoletno kosilo v arnem avditoriju. A. — S.K.l). Trigl-r Mil-vaukee, Wis., priredi Vinsko .gatev v Parku. Kosilo z zaba-o in plesom. OKTOBER — Klub upokojencev Slo- enske pristave priredi »koli-:.e na SP. Serviranje krvavic, "levih klobas-in pečenic dd 5. ur: Jalic. 11. — Koncert »Tržaškega akteta« iz Trsta, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Claii Ave. Pričetek ob 5.30 pop. I. — »Prijatelji SND I ■»* '- ''■■■M'"'«1’ Sv. Vidu. Pričetek ob 7. zv. Igrajo Veseli Slovenci. 8. — Mladinski pevski zbor Kr. št. 3 SNPJ ima jesensko prireditev z večerjo in koncertom v SDD na Recher Ave. 14. — Belokranjski klub priredi martinovanje z večerjo in plesom v SDD na St. Clair Ave. Igra Tony Klepec orkester. 14. — Pevski zbor Jadran ima svoj jesenski koncert z večerjo in plesom, v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Joey Tomsick orkester. 28. — Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza praznuje 77-Ietnico z banketom in plesom v Slov. nar. domu na St. Clair Ave. DECEMBER 6 — S.K.D. Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis., priredi miklavževa nje v dvorani sv. Janeza Evangelista. 12. — Društvo sv. Marije Magdalene št. 162 KSKJ ima božičnico v družabni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Pričetek ob 2. pop. MALI OGLASI Euclid Bungalow Off E. 200. Move-in cond. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. Enclosed front porch. Basement. Parklike yard. Seller's home already purchased. Asking $52,900. John Voso Jr. — 481-2248 SMYTH CRAMER CO. 289-3500 (71-73) Euclid Estate Sale Must sell! Priced below appraisal. Mint double. Low maintenance. Great location. $72,900. Call Bonnie Gould. Acacia Realty Professionals 289-4663 (71-72) ZEMLJA NAPRODAJ Naprodaj: 2 in 3/4 akra zemlje. Lepo urejena. Dve vrsti grozdja in 2 sadni drevji. Mala hiša zadaj. Prodaja lastnik. Kličite 481-1594. (71, 73) Euclid-Chardon Rd. Area Luxury brick. 3 bedrooms. Family room. Central air. $80's. By appt. - 944-7303. For Rent 5 rooms, up. St. Vitus area. Also, jars and crocks for sale. Call 431-5572. (71, 75, 79) Complete Works of IVAN CANKAR Collectors’ item. - Hard to come by. Best offer over $150. Write to: 639 Broadway, New York City, 10012 or call (212) 475-0450. (x) TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. HOSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmHŠ MALI OGLASI Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj. Tapeciramo. (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNIK Pokličite 423-4444 (x) General Office Accounting Co. Full-time. Bookkeeping, typing, filing, 10-key adding machine. Must speak Slovenian or Croatian. 881-5158. (x) Part-Time Help Needed To care for elderly man in Euclid area — cooking, giving medication, light housekeeping. Call 481-5371 between 6 and 7 p.m. Za oskrbo ostarelega moža Iščejo osebo za oskrbo ostarelega moža v Euclidu, delni čas — kuhanje, dajanje tablet in lažja gospodinjska dela. Kličite 481-5371 med 6. in 7. zvečer. (70-71) FOR SALE Euclid. 4 bdrm one owner home. 2 blocks from St. Robert Church. Walk to all shopping. 5 rooms dn. and 2 up, plus Ige rm w/fireplace. Owner broker. 731-3322. (70-71) FOR RENT 5 rooms, dn. E. 67 St. off Superior. Elderly persons. Call 881-7485 after 6 p.m. (70-73) Apt. for Rent Lake Shore, E. 185th area. Modern, very large 1 bdrm apt. Appliances &. air cond. Garaga available. No children & no pets. Lease. 338-3205. (x) Dental Assistant Needed 4 days a week. Ability to speak Slovene or Croatian preferred, but not necessary. For interview, call 431-6644. (x) HELP WANTED INSPECTOR Must be dependable a good worker. Helpful prior experience in F-P^ Zyglo. Will train. MACHINIST Person with machinW background. Prefer turning operator. Qua® oriented a must, with! sense of dedication WELDER Person with weldW background. Prefer welder. Quality orient61’ a must, with a sense dedication. - Full Time Positions Send letter or resumeiC American Home Pub-6117 St. Clair Ave-Cleveland, OH 441^ 169, J1' PrijateVs Pharn4 SI, Clair Ave. &E. 68 StD61,,, IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRA»', ZA RAČUN POMOČI D«^ OHIO. — AID KOR AGl11 PRESCRIPTIONS^ Anton M. Lavrih ATTORN EY-AT-LA" (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Sej^ Income Tax-Notary 18975 Villaview Ro)i 1 at Neff 692-1172 Joseph L-FORTUNE 0$ POGREBNI Z*V 641^ 5316 Fleet Ave. Moderni pogrebn i# Ambulanca na razp0. podnevi in pon° CENE NlZKt po vaši zak-zakrajsek Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • /Vo Branches nor A ffiliations 9 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director — Simple Wills $40 — EDMUND J. TURK A ttorney-at-La w (OD VE TNIE) Total Legal Services Slovenian National Home E. 65th & St. Clair — 391-4000 $1 ~ F — £■ . fF P S- P ^ ofs s o C* °° 5 £2 S'? o .=r- a x Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! ' ' jK'n** American Home •Ameriška Domovina S^VENIANMORNINONEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 IP hi Coming Events in! « te! tc L'« I ✓ ✓ Sunday, Sept. 27 St- Vitus Altar Society An-nual Dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Sunday, Oct. 4 Grape Festival sponsored by Slovenian National Home of 7IaP,e Heights, 5050 Stanley ve- beginning at 2 p.m. 'nree bands. Friday, Oct. 9 Progressive Slovene Women lrcle 7 Fall Card Party at 0venian Workmen’s Home, aterloo Rd at 7 p.m. Tickets door. Saturday, Oct. 10 Maple Heights Pensioners ^ebrates 25th anniversary £1 a dinner/dance at the 0venian National Home in . aP*e Heights. For tickets call %3'b957 or 662-9064. Sunday, Oct. 11 q. Un<3ay Brunch at the St. a,r Slovenian National ^0rne from noon until 2 p.m. mancing until 3:30. Cost to S«*. J’-’«- "O"- •Cr' ii0'00- A" Sunday, Oct. 11 AMLA Lodge Kras No. 8 ^lebrates 75th anniversary 'lb dinner dance at Slovenian °nie, 15810 Holmes Ave. “ttier 4-6, dancing 6-10. Sunday, Oct. 11 .Annual Card Party of M Cam3" Court No- 2 St v°lic ^r<3er Forester bus Auditorium, 2 p. Th Sunday, Oct. 11 Si0ve ^r'este Octet concerl ^3oen*an ^at'ona* Home Can ^ ^or at 831-!q!!6'9607- 481'31 V54 or 256-8872. Ql Saturday, Oct. 17 SloVe . na Matica concer biI1nnian National Hoi eon^ at b:30 followed Sl4 ar|d dance. Tickets calHn^ chon>.s members 8 *24-4053 _ SlovenUnday’ 0ct’ 18 v 'an ^boir Lira ma ^itus p?r vv‘t*1 concert at s Ghurch at 3 p.m. - Artisf‘,nday. °c‘- >8 Sa,e sDo and Crafts Show Am S°red by The Sl°' SUild a, K1"311 National / ^°»ne R e slovenian Socit ’ Recher Ave. The pU"day' Oct. 18 > atbbalf ° boosters aim ' and n at Rbma Grove, Cho!cne^e-,Serving: ’ .Ce °f clambake 1 1 1 Steak !15.00dinner- 'leva’s 26l'Il24Cal1 486'2 Music l’s, 4 . 8 Monday, Oct. 19 Trio Lorenz from Ljubljana, concert at Cleveland State University. Saturday, Oct. 24 Collinwood Slovenian Home Poor Man’s Dinner. Music by Corky Godec. Sunday, Oct. 25 Slovenian Home on E. 80th St. will hold their Annual Clambake by Maple Hts. .Catering. For tickets call 341-7540, or 341-6136, or 641-9072. Sunday, Oct. 25 Zarja Concert, 3:30 p.m., at Slovenian Society Hall, Euclid. Tickets $4 from Zarja members, Tivoli, Tony’s Polka Village, or Recher Clubroom. Saturday, Nov. 7 Lorain Slovenian National Home presents “Night in Slovenia!’ featuring buffet dinner, concert with Fantje na Vasi, and dance with John Detelich Orchestra of Youngstown, Ohio and Lorain Slovenian Button Accordionists. Sunday, Nov. 8 Fall Dinner-Dance and Program of Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle No. 2 at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid. Saturday, Nov. 14 Jadran Fall Concert - Dinner - Dance at SWU on Waterloo Rd. Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Friday, Nov. 27 Collinwood Slovenian Home Annual After Thanksgiving Dance. Music by Johnny Vadnal Orchestra. Saturday, Dec. 12 St. Mary Magdalene Lodge 162 KSKJ Christmas Party, St. Vitus Social Room 2 p.m. St. Vitus Mothers Meet The Mothers’ Club of St. Vitus school meeting will be held at St. Vitus auditorium on Wednesday, October 7 at 7:30 p.m. The speaker will be Robin Swoboda, anchorper-son of channel 8. There will be refreshments, door prizes and Split-the-pot. Please be advised the dues are $3.00 and payable by December, or you will be dropped from the roster. Also, ladies, calendars for the Calendar Event will be sold at this meeting. What better way to help your parish and school and also yourself, with the purchase of one of these calendars. They make excellent gifts for the person who is difficult to buy for and also do much good. Mrs. Beverly Hetman Publicity Chmn. American Slovene Club Dinner Happy to see each other after the summer vacation, these American Slovene Club members attended the club’s dinner-meeting on September 14 at the Cabin Restaurant, Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio. Left to right are Mildred Hrovat, Dorothy Bolden, Olga Campbell, Alice Lausche and Carolyn Budan. American Slovene Club members shown are Eleanor Pavey, Pauline Burya, and Rose Intihar. Pauline will soon be departing from Cleveland to her lovely condo in Ft. Myers, Florida for the winter months. (Photos by Emilee Jenko) SNH Sets Another Sunday Brunch On Sunday, May 17 of this year, some 300 charter members of the newly organized support group, “Friends of the Slovenian National Home,” were treated to a lovely Sunday afternoon brunch at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home hall. Those attending, impressed with the delightful event, expressed an interest in more similar Sunday brunches. Others who missed that event, having heard the favorable reports, hoped for a repeat in which they could participate. We are pleased to announce that on Sunday, Oct. 11, the St. Clair Home will be the scene of another brunch. This one promises to be a Super Sunday Brunch with an expanded menu, including among other items, delectable “palachinke.” While dining, you will be entertained with musical selections by the popular trio of Ed Kenik, June Price, and Dolores Mihelich. The Slogar Band will bring you memorable hit tunes of the Big Band era, and feature the mellow tones of Duke Marsic with his clarinet. The Slogar band will also provide music for dancing. The doors open at 11:30 a.m. Serving of the brunch will be from 12 noon until 2 p.m. Social and dancing will continue until 3:30 p.m. The cost to members of “Friends” will be $7.50. Bring your membership card for identification. The price to non-members, who are also most welcome, is $10.00. The cost to children under 12 will be $3.50 when accompanied by parents. It promises to be a most pleasurable Sunday afternoon. Make your plans now to attend. You may wish to reserve a table to accommodate your friends. You can do this, but be sure to make the reservations early to assure such arrangements. Reservations for tickets should be in by October 4. Do this NOW. For reservations, call the SNH at 361-5115 between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. any day except Sundays. Members of the “Friends” organization will receive literature with details in the mail. Those who normally attend church services may find it convenient to attend Mass at the near-by beautiful St. Vitus church on that Sunday. Note: Security parking for the brunch patrons will be provided in the parking lots at the rear of the Home. Park your car there and relax and enjoy the afternoon with ’’friends.” Publicity Committee A.D. Price Increase Due to the continuous rise in printing costs, particularly the one-third increase for newsprint, and almost double the cost of mailing the paper since our last price increase three years ago, we are forced to raise the price of subscriptions for Ameriška Domovina by $3.00 across the board. The $3.00 price increase will take place effective November 1, 1987.___________________ Saw Pope in Miami North Miami, Fla. — The Holy Father John Paul 11 visited Miami and touched us all profoundly. I stood and cheered on the cathedral lawn, took a flash picture of the popemobile on Biscayne Blvd., and waited with 600 other Eucharistic Ministers at the papal Mass to give out Holy Communion. However, that was not to be (because of the heavy rainstorm), but the collecting of spiritual bouquets (prayer offerings) for the Holy Father from all the faithful of the archdiocese was delegated to the Legion of Mary. We tied the submitted bundles with yellow ribbons and placed them in an attractive basket, which was to have been one of the offertory gifts. It also got very wet, as we all did, but somehow no one seemed to mind. Ivy Tominec Thanks To all our families, relatives and friends: All of you have really been just wonderful during the past nine months. Words cannot expess enough thanks to all you folks out there who have brought in meals which I couldn’t prepare because of my being in a wheel chair. Thanks also for the cards, spiritual bouquets, flowers, visits, prayers and much more. One never realizes how many friends one has until a crisis appears. As you all know I injured my right leg in Florida on March 2. Charlie broke four ribs on April 1 going to the mail box at home and on May eighth, I broke my ankle when my knee gave in. Both of us were hospitalized, but now all that is behind us. But for the time being we have to be cautious. That is why I am writing this note of thanks and I sincerely mean it. May God bless all of you and we will be offering a Mass of thanks in a few weeks. Faye Starman AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 Memo from Madeline St. Vitus Altar Society Dinner Sunday, Sept. 27 Two Slovenians in SI. Joe’s First Hall of Fame Seven graduates of St. Joseph High School in Cleveland, along with three long-time members of its teaching or administrative staffs,- comprise the first “class” scheduled for induction into the school’s new Alumni Association Hall of Fame. Induction is set for Friday, Oct. 23, following an 8 p.m. dinner at Stouffer Tower City Plaza Hotel. Ticket information can be obtained by calling 481-8414. Among those permanently honored are Tony Petkovšek (1959), winner of more than 75 proclamations locally and nationally for exemplary community contributions. Petkovšek is host of the longest-running daily polka and ethnic radio program in the United States. Another ethnic honoree is Bob Golic (1975) starting all-pro nose tackle with the Cleveland Browns football team. He has enthusiastically donated his time to numerous area charitable organizations. Former Journal newspapers editor Thomas Brazaitis (1959) will also become a “Hall of Fame” member. Brazaitis is currently chief of the Washington Bureau of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Other inductees are Dr. Carl Asseff (1959), internationally renowned ophthalmologist and eye surgeon who has served as chief of staff at St. Vincent Charity and St. Alexis hospitals, Jim Beers (1960), active in Catholic Renew program, he has turned a personal handicap into a source of inspiration to all whose lives he has touched, Ronald Banc (1964), a cancer victim in 1981, he actively supported school activities and is remembered as a “typical” Viking, Clark Kellogg (1979) professional basketball player for the Indiana Pacers who also played college ball at Ohio State. Among non-graduates are William Gutbrod, the only head football coach in the school’s history, The Rev. Louis J. Wiesner, first principal of St. Joseph High School, and Evelyn Langer, recently retired office administrator. BY MADELINE D. DEBEVEC The wonderful ladies of St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor their annual chicken and roast beef dinner on Sunday, September 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at St. Vitus Auditorium. The menu will include homemade chicken dumpling-noodle soup, roasted chicken or roast beef, mashed potatoes, salad, coffee and ice cream. r Tickets are $6.00 for adults and $3.00 for children. Take out orders will be available. Hope to see you Sunday! Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine Fall Festival Oct. 4 The Shrine and Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, 21320 Euclid Ave., Euclid, Ohio (entrance off Chardon Rd.) announces the annual Fall Festival and Bazaar will be held on Rosary Sunday, Oct. 4. Home-baked specialties and handcrafted items will be offered for sale at the Bazaar. Mass are scheduled at 8, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. with candlelight procession at 4 p.m. Everybody welcome. Outstanding Men Thomas J. Zlatoper, Ph.D., has been selected to the 1987 list of “Outstanding Young Men of America.” He is an Assistant Professor of Economics at John Carroll University and Research Associate for the Cleveland Center for Regional Economic Issues. His brother, Capt. Ronald J. Zlatoper, U.S. Navy, was listed in the 1973 edition. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Zlatoper of Moreland Hills. Art Show Oct. 18 The Slovenian American National Art Guild is hosting its annual Artists and Crafts Show and Sale Sunday, October 18 at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. The show is free and open to the public. If there are any persons who might want space in the show, either to sell or perhaps just to be a part of the event for display purposes, please contact Millie Hoegler, Chairperson at 731-0699 for more details. Travel News Sylvia, Branko and Veronika Pišorn sent the following postcard from Logarska Dolina, Slovenia, Yugoslavia: Greetings to all our friends from this most beautiful center of mountains, sea and hospitable people. We have logged over 3,000 km. on our driving tour of Slovenia and at least that many on our aching feet. Enjoying it all. Danica Chemas of Cleveland sent greetings from Bela Krajina, Slovenia. She is visiting family and friends there. Ann and Sophie Opeka, Jane and John Poznik, and Florence and Nick Hotujac mailed a card from “Calgary, Alberta, Canada the XV Olympic Winter Games February, 1988.” They wrote: Greetings to all from the spectacular Rocky Mountains in Calgary, Lake Louise, Jasper, and Banff. Scenery absolutely breathtaking including canoeing, cruise, boarding gandolas and trains up the side of mountains. Saw big horn sheep and bear. All very exciting. The weather is fantastic, every day in the 70°s. Liptaks Celebrate Golden Anniversary Lawrence and Rose Liptak of Euclid celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Aug. 9 with a reception at the Kirtlander Party Center in Kirtland. They renewed their vows Aug. 7 at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Euclid. They were married Aug. 7, 1937, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Collinwood in Cleveland. Liptak is retired from Eaton Manufacturing and his wife from Pesco Products. They have a daughter, Charlotte of Euclid. Circle 7 Card Party The Progressive Slovene Women of America (PSWA) Circle 7 will host their annual Fall Card Party at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., on Friday, Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. Donation is $2.00 per person with tickets available at the door. There will be plenty of attendance gifts and refreshments. Funds raised will be donated to area charities. Bring a friend, and enjoy a fun filled evening. Sternad-Svete Wedding Jody Svete recently married David Sternad at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Willowick. The Rev. Francis Sterk officiated. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Svete. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sternad, Eastlake. Deborah Janki of Chester Township was maid of honor with bridesmaids, Cheryl Meglich of Cleveland, Patricia Ponzani of Jacksonville, Fla., and Kathleen Richards of Willowick. Greg Dugger of Eastlake served as best man. Ushers were Michael Turick and Richard Vondrak of Eastlake, James O’Connell of Kirtland and James Cudo of Euclid, cousin of the bridegroom. Todd Levstek of Mentor, cousin of the bride, was ringbearer. A reception at Recher Hall in Euclid honored the couple before a Caribbean cruise. The bride is a graduate of Lake Catholic High School in Mentor and John Carroll University in University Heights. She is assistant manager at Bobbi Gee in Euclid. Her husband is a graduate of Lake Catholic and John Carroll and is a sales representative for Miceli Dairy Products. Pppe John Paul II gives the Papal Blessing from Popemobile- Anxiously waiting for Pope John Paul II to pass in front are (left to right) Joe Košir, Cilka and Paul Kosir and Madeline Debevec. In back row are Dorothy Urbancich and Maria Lah' Waiting in line to get into the Silverdomc last Saturday after' noon are (I. to r.) Wilma Percic, Christine Manfreda, Kat^-' Kosir, Paul and Cilka Kosir, Mitzi Kosir, and Madelin6 Debevec. (Photos by James V. Debevec) Slovenians See Pope At 6 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 19 two buses left the Harley Hotel in Willoughby Hills, Ohio under the direction of Adolph Somrack and his Golden Leisure Tours on an all day pilgrimage to Pontiac, Michigan to be in the company of Pope John Paul II. Among the 90 passengers were Paul and Cilka Kosir, Joe and Mitzi Kosir, and daughter Kathy, and niece Christine Manfreda, Helena and Mario Percic and two children Tim and Majdi, Antoinette McGrath, Dorothy Urbancich, Marie Lah,, Mrs. Ribic, with four gland-children, Tinka Ribic, John Ribic, Gregory Sedmaki and Ed Sedmak, and Miss Josephine Svigel. After picking up pilgrims on Hale Avenue and downtown Cleveland, the bus made a breakfast stop in Amherst, Ohio to an all you can buffet breakfast. w •«*»•»•»• mu*. • t.g I Mr. Somrack informed uS^ received a call at 10:30 ^ previous night saying 11105 Detroit was closed to tra mi’5 only vehicles with Per j would be allowed to Pr°^Cere desperately sought by Admission tickets w th°se After wishing to see the P°Pe- ^r. passing numerous pol'cC ricades, we made i( ,0 Silverdomc at around n°^ We selected our seats completely enclosed sta and anxiously awa’!C.0pter' Pope’s arrival by 'c arriV' Right on time, at 4: l-5 e ^]\e outside the stadiun1 event was shown °n ,je tb6 television screen 'nSl ur)(j o* stadium and a huge r° applause erupted. . ^ Pope John Pa°> ‘ " a entered his “P0Pern° nCloSe^ bullet-proof g*asS (Continued on Pa8c Metno from Madeline (Continued from page 6) pick-up truck for a ride around the track of the Radium. The 100,000 in atten-ance went wild with cheering, ariner waving and clapping. e Pope then celebrated a ass at 4:30 p.m. and gave a ^rmon on the gospel that day oncerning the field workers ( 0 Were hired from 12 hours °ne hour, but all received e same wages. Art amazing feat was the Jmunion distributed to the lre congregation in about m'nutes time. 'ce president George Bush one o? ,akttendance- sit,ing in tho he press boxes along Th f,y'yard line. aft e ^'Shlight of the day came ainT h" ^3SS was comPletecl pi ,he orchestra started to th/ a Sessional song, but mi P°Pe grabbed the I r°Phone and gave a short eVerr0mbta ,alls- He thanked hosJ.°?e for their warm Wona ty and said il was C ful to bc in 'he United peo ,S whcre so many different cop. 6 "'orked together for the ohuret?11 8°od- He hoped his Peopig )V0Uld also UIlite many Whep °8ether 'n one faith. heam th-,10Se in attenclance apnu hlS’ ‘hey wcnt wild with caipe?^ and eheers. The TV the p sh°wcd a close up of strea .°Pe and lears came Aftm,ng down his cheeks. pe0 !r ‘he two hour Mass the e headed for their Veh/c/e ves k disen,, 0ut were stunned t 'he f ol"V lo ex r stadium Solving "'med was througl doors. Big line door^* to 8° through thi ’One person at a time. e Pope departed b; e||cont Port lo ‘he Detroit air v'sit. ^L^lherta for a one da ba„i. e next day he fle\ ^ek tn d uay ne ne' ^e°rfie u°me- ^’ee Presider šotore .Ush jeft by a larg Niee m 'v',h dozens c At g otorcycle escorts. i*16 staH01 °Ur bus departe-°rili abr,1Uni and venture' ^ stopr,^ 3 ha'i hour whei I” ^icPhiDd 31 Swedish Hous !?Ucanemn f°r ano,her al fete Wi,h Sni0rgasbord com lon of ,i a ‘remendous selec ^ desserts. back 11 k ed bp. ‘"s at l a.m. VbeenC^Ple‘ely happy t, 1 to th„ .'‘.^.announced I; 1 0 tbpi “"nounced Vra Mnited S‘a'es. 8ratulations ,o Ado.r °ur long-tin “Scribe for a n o t h i lope ‘ a,|ot J°b well done. Cold O’« E p"18 C^nanr ?ak rcce1’' Pk 'h C- Golden at 5 S>^Ea:;,yr >P4 TI'O Re Tk a Snvri* c- 1 he I bricledsr.h0fficia,ed. ^n^d Mrs nhe daughter Ct0r Theb rdJ- pecja '!>r a^roomis, >denaJd Mrs. L.w ^r,vrecepti0n ‘j. Louis’ ^ '-enter at Norman ln Wicklii honored the couple before a • wedding trip to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. The bride is a 1981 graduate of Lake Catholic High School in Mentor, a 1985 graduate of St. Mary’s College in South Bend, Ind., and a 1986 graduate of Notre Dame in South Bend with a master’s degree in psychology. She is a caseworker for Marycrest in Independence. Her husband is a 1981 graduate of Strake Jesuit High School in Houston, Texas, .and a 1985 graduate of Notre Dame. He is an accountant for Arthur Young & Co. in Cleveland. * * * The “Friends of the Slovenian National Home” are sponsoring a Sunday Brunch on Oct. 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. There will be live entertainment with the Slogars featuring Duke Marsic on clarinet and the songs of Edward Kenik, Dolores Mihelich, and June Price. Price is $7.50 for members, $10 for non-members and $3.50 for children under 12. For further information call John Perencevic 361-5115. * * * 20th Century Drawings at Art Museum Eighty of their finest 20th century drawings and water-colors have been selected by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, for an exhibition on view at The Cleveland Museum of Art from Sept. 30 through Nov. 8. Included will be the works of American artists Thomas Hart Benton, Charles Burchfield, Arshile Gorky, Jackson Pollock, Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Rauschenberg. High points of graphic achievement are exhibited chronologically to reflect the diversity and development of the major movements of 20th century art in the United States: regionalism, social realism, surrealism, abstract expressionism and geometric abstraction. * * * Cleveland Philharmonic Marks Golden Year The 1987-1988 season will mark the 50th anniversary of the Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra. During the anniversary year the orchestra will perform a “Festival of Fifth Symphonies” including the fifth symphonies of Schubert, Prokofiev, Schostakovich, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky, and the fifth piano concerto of Beethoven. There will be two world premieres and a performance of the Schumann Concert-stuck for four horns with soloists from, .Tour different major America^ orchestras. All Cleveland Philharmonic-Orchestra concerts are held Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. For further information call 662-5382. * # * Si. Vilus Renovales Work will soon begin on the renovation of St. Vitus School Auditorium. Bishop Anthony Pilla approved expenditures of nearly $137,000. The three projects include a new storage space in the auditorium and a place for bleachers, placing of new adequate restrooms in the area of the present storage rooms, and the construction of a masonary wheel-chair ramp by the church. Most of the monies for the projects was saved from the last two Summer Festivals and the difference will be made up by parish savings. The pastor, Rev. Joseph Božnar, asks parishioners and friends to please excuse the dust and inconvenience caused by construction - and be patient. * * * Cameron John Makes Debut Greg and Linda Williams, 1765 Pontiac Drive, Euclid, Ohio, are the proud parents of Cameron John born on August 29th who weighed in at eight pounds and one ounce. Grandparents are John and Mary Obat of Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. Al Williams of .Solon, Ohio. You can be sure grandpa John will be telling all the KSKJers about it when he leads a bus to Steelton, Pa., during the Eastern Regional KSKJ Bowling Tournament there the first weekend in October. Congratulations to all! * * * Singing Angels at Bohemian Hall The Singing Angels will appear in a Founders Day Benefit for the Broadway School of Music and the Arts at the Bohemian National Hall on Sunday, Oct. 11 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. There are a number of Slovenians in the chorus. This concert will be the Angels first appearance following their successful tour of Southeast Asia this past July. Tickets are $7 for adults and $3 for children under 12 and senior citizens. The Bohemian National Hall is located at 4939 Broadway Avenue. For tickets or information call 641-0630. * * * Spisich-Lustri Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spisich, 30144 Rickey Lane, Wickliffe, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy, to Ralph Robert Lustri, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gino Lustri of Westlake. The bride-to-be is a 1983 graduate of Wickliffe High School and attended Lakeland Community College in Kirtland. She is employed by McDonald & Co. Securities Inc. in Cleveland. Her fiance is a 1983 graduate of Case Western Reserve University and a 1987 graduate of Cleveland Marshall College of Law. He began employment with Arthur Young in August. The wedding will be in May 1988 at St. Vitus Catholic-Church in Cleveland. Slovenian “Trieste Octet” Concert in Cleveland is Sunday, October 11 Those of us who enjoy the traditional Slovenian songs performed by the many Slovenian choruses in Cleveland and other communities in the United States and Canada will welcome the opportunity to hear this music sung by a group of professionally trained Slovenes who come from the Slovene-inhabited areas in and around the city of Trieste, Italy. The Trieste Octet (Tržaški oktet) will be making its first-ever concert tour of the United States and Canada during October and will present its first American concert in Cleveland on Sunday evening, October 11, in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. The concert will begin at 5:30 p.m. From Cleveland, the group will travel on to Chicago, then to Hamilton and Toronto, Canada, for concerts to Slovenian communities in those cities. Details of those appearances are forthcoming. Critical reviews of previous Trieste Octet appearances stress the singers’ mastery of the Slovenian vocal tradition. Each of the singers is an accomplished soloist in his own right and their voices blend superbly. An indication of the respect the group has won was demonstrated by a special concert they' gave in the Quirinal Palace in Rome, the residence of the President of Italy, in 1985. Sandro Pertini, Italy’s President at that time, said: “I have heard many choruses, especially Russian choruses, wonderful Russian choruses, and also Italian, which are also of high quality, but singing such as yours I have never heard.« The reporter who was present at the concert and reception which followed noted it was obvious to all that Pertini was speaking honestly and not merely from a sense of duty or protocol. The Trieste Octet has made many appearances in Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia, always to high acclaim. They have a very substantial repertory and have, for example, frequently sung concerts of religious music in churches in Italy and Slovenia. Sponsors of the upcoming concert appearance in Cleveland have emphasized that our public would be most interested in hearing selections from traditional Slovene songs and the Octet is preparing its program accordingly. Photos of the Octet are not yet available, but these are promised, as are tapes of their singing, which will be made available to the Slovenian radio programs as soon as possible. The appearance of the Octet in Cleveland is being sponsored by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, with support from the Primorski Club, Fantje na Vasi and other organizations and individuals. Tickets for the concert October 11 are $5.00 per person. Tables of ten are also available. Reservations can be made by calling one of the following: John Srsen_______ 946-9607 Rudi Knez_______ 481-3155 Hermina Bonutti 831-1954 Frank Cendol _ 256-8872 Further details about the Octet and the concert will appear in subsequent issues of American Home. If you do enjoy Slovenian vocal music — and who can forget the singing of the original Slovenian Octet — you won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to hear native Slovene speakers perform these beautiful songs. One More Note: Another special occasion for the Greater Cleveland Slovene community will come on Monday, October 19, when the world-famous Trio Lorenz from Ljubljana, Slovenia, will have a concert at Cleveland State University. The Trio performs classical music and has appeared in many of the major concert halls in the United States, Europe and around the world. More details about this appearance, which will be open to the public without charge, are also forthcoming. — Rudolph M. Suscl Spiritual Report for St. Vitus Christian Mothers Members The By-laws are as follows: Article IX Obligations Section 2 — In the event of the death of any member, a High Mass shall be offered for the repose of her soul. Members will meet at a specified time for the recitation of the Rosary at the mortuary in the St. Vitus vicinity. Section 3 — In the event of a death in the immediate family of a member (husband, child, father, mother, brother or sister), the Mothers’ Club will meet for the recitation of the Rosary at the wake, only in the St. Vitus vicinity. Now then, when the by-laws state “the members will recite the Rosary,” that means ALL THE MEMBERS. There are about 215 members in our club, and all 215 are obligated to say the Rosary, not only those who wish to be called, but every member. It is easier to pray when we come together in a group, but if you are unable to join us in the afternoon, you are obligated to say the Rosary at home for our members and their immediate family members. Just think, the 215 Rosaries said for you might just be what is needed to whisk you straight into heaven. So when you are called, remember this and pray for your fellow member. One day it will be your turn to reap the benefits. Vera Hlad Spiritual Chmn. 7 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 AMERIŠKA D0MC7INA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 8 Gerdin is S ki Director in Aspen Victor Gerdin has been hired as Buttermilk Mountain Ski School Director in Aspen, Colorado. Gerdin, a ski instructor for the past 16 years, comes to the Aspen area from Wyoming where he supervised the Jackson Hole Ski School for a decade. Gerdin says he’s delighted to join the Buttermilk Ski School. “Buttermilk is the permier learning center in the United States, with the Vic Braden Ski College at Buttermilk and other special programs,” he says. “As ski school director, my goal is to maintain the instructors’ enjoyment and enthusiasm for the sport of skiing.” Gerdin adds that he enjoys working with people so much he plans to get out of the office as often as possible to teach skiing. Gerdin is a three-year veteran of the prestigious ten-member Professional Ski Instructors Association (PS1A) National Alpine Demonstraton Team. He serves as staff member and certification examiner of the PSIA and teaches ski instructors from all over the world at the annual National Academy. Gerdin will encourage Buttermilk Ski School instructor in-vovlement with PSIA by continually offering scholarships for National Academy attendance. “I’ve been personally and professionally acquainted with Gerdin for twelve years,” says Buttermilk Mountain Area Manager Paul Jones, also a member of the PSIA National Alpine Demo Team. “His skiing background is superior and he’s a person with terrific employee relations skills. We feel fortunate to have lured him away from Jackson Hole and very honored to have him be a part of the Buttermilk team. Aspen Skiing Company President Jerry Blann says, “We’re very pleased that two of the ten members of the PSIA National Alpine Demo Team are working at Buttermilk Mountain.” In addition to his skiing instruction expertise, Gerdin has formal training as an engineer and was involved in chairlift design, snowmaking installation, ski run grading and mountain restaurant construction projects in the Jackson Hole area. Originally from Euclid, Ohio, Gerdin’s ski experience goes back many years to the time when his mother, Frieda, taught at Mont Chalet. He later remembers being coached by Lee Brewster who still coaches at Alpine Valley where manager Bill Harris does great things for Alpine Valley as well as for Ohio skiing in general. Victor has “great memories of coaching one of the first JOIN THE SSS! The Society for Slovene Studies (SSS), a scholarly, nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of Slovene studies, invites you to become a sustaining member. The SSS, now in the fourteenth year of its activities, publishes its journal, SLOVENE STUDIES, a newsletter and other occasional publications, and organizes scholarly conferences. It is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies and participates with its sessions at the AAASS National and International Conventions. This year the SSS is soliciting new members for the category of Sustaining Membership, which includes those who may not be active scholars (Regular Members) but who wish to be supportive of the SSS and remain current with its activities and with scholarship in the field. After this year the Sustaining Membership category will be limited in number and future applications will be processed on a waiting list basis pending new openings for such membership. To join as a sustaining member of SSS for 1987, please complete the form printed below and mail it to Prof. Timothy Pogačar at'the address listed together with the dues for 1 987 — $ 10.00. ^plication for Sustaining Membership — 1987 The Society for Slovene Studies Name of applicant (above) Address:__________________ Enclose check or money order payable to The Society for Slovene Studies, in the amount of $10.00, for 1987 dues. Mail to: Profesor Timothy Pogačar Dept, of German and Russian Bowling Green Stale Univ. Bowling Green, OH 43403-0239 Buddy Werner Leagues in Ohio for racers 10 and younger. The look on those kids’ faces when they received a trophy was priceless.” A graduate of St. Joseph High School and Cleveland State University, Victor is excited about his new position at Aspen. “The move I have made to Aspen is going to be an exciting one to me. As one of the three mountains owned by the Aspen Skiing Company, Buttermilk Mountain has the potential for becoming the premier learning center for skiing in the United States. The Aspen ski schools are taking into consideration the wants and needs of people taking ski lessons and incorporating various new and different ideas into their programs. The most unique of them all is the “Vic Braden Ski College” to be held at Buttermilk Mountain. Modeled after Vic Braden’s successful worldwide Tennis College, the VBSC will incorporate Mr. Braden’s many years of physiological, psychological, and bio-mechanical research performed by many top athletes in many sports. What makes this program even more unique is the fact the entire program is thoroughly designed by the 300 students of a company funded research program. In all, the program is specifically designed to reduce the anxiety and increase the learning ability of beginning and intermediate skiers while in Vic Braden’s words you, “... laugh your guts out.” “Helping the beginner and intermediate skiers enjoy the sport of skiing has always been Slovenian Village Restaurant 6415 St. Clair Ave. Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sundays Anna Vugrinec, owner Vidor Gerdin one of my genuine joys. Jackson Hole has always been a great place to ski but has not always been the easiest place to learn. At Buttermilk Mountain the ski terrain is perfect for accelerated learning.” Victor Gerdin is the son of Frieda and Stanley Gerdin 0 Kirtland, Ohio. Anyone interested in joining a group tour to Butterm'l Mountain in Aspen, ColO'1 this winter, give the Americ311 Home a call. SWU Ohio-Michigan Convention Preside111’ The Ohio-Michigan State Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America takes place on Sunday, Sept. 27th beginning with a 10 o’clock Mass at the Euclid Park Clubhouse on E. 222 St. and Lake Shore Blvd., near the lake. After the concelebrated Holy Mass by Rev. Victor Tome, a luncheon will be served. At approximately 1 p.m., the meeting will come to order. There will be some very interesting speakers, our newly elected National Victoria “Terry” Bohencc 01 Ely, Minn., and the interest^ and talented Frances my” Babic of Gates M'7/5’ Ohio, who was the Keyfl0’6 Speaker at the National Con vention in Joliet, 111. Also, all of the Dawn Zar^ magazine reporters will honored at this time. members are asked to p!ea attend to make this 2 cessful convention. Ann J. Terček Ohio-Mich. State Pre«1 suc' ide"1 In Chinese folklore a small mirror is carried as Pr0*e^ tion, because demons are frightened at the sight of the own faces. IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” sP NDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK • 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ‘Balances $1,000.00 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. Computed daily, Compounded quarterly FSLIC Federal Savings * loan Insurance Corp ! Your Saving* Inaurad lo *100.000 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-6200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. ! Widening Yugoslav Financial Scandal by Barry Newman The Wall Street Journal September 14 The expulsion of 42 members of Yugoslavia’s ruling Communist Party and the resigna-tion of its vice president in a spreading financial scandal have laid bare the depths of lhe nation’s economic troubles. As in some other communist oountries, Yugoslavia’s economic system has been incapable of coping with the Pressures of modern times. And its leaders, unlike their strong-willed counterparts in 'he Soviet bloc, have had little Power to do anything about it. In a country without a free market, the central bank sometimes appears to have less ■nlluence over the money sup-P!y than the U.S. Federal Reserve Board; in August, the annual inflation rate topped '16%. In a system that doesn't adniit the possibility of labor Unrest, strikes are rampant: ^3 have taken place since •laniiary. la part because of a weak ollar, the country’s foreign debt has, by one estimate, reached $22 billion. Political rivalries and ethnic conflicts among six republics and two autonomous provinces make everything worse. b’s not a totally hopeless Case,” says a Western banker who follows the country. “It’s '"hat’s been going on all °ng, only everybody thought hat what was wrong was be-lng fixed.” Rut now the country is being shaken by a scandal involving j*n outsized example of a Usiness practice ugoslavs consider .nc* many foreigners find as-ounding. a big agro-astrial company called Rrokomerc had issued pro-'ssory notes in local currency Th11^ 31 *east ^56 million. e notes had no collateral. A °ank at1yw guaranleecl them the comPany usecl fan ^r°ceecls to finance some pa Cy Pr°jects. Now it can’t ’he money back. gu e bank that issued the l0orantee’ ’he Bank of Bihac, tj0nS Set to go under. In addi-Up ’ ^ °ther banks are lining CoUr|) press their claims in Agro,‘ The president of unde 0nierc> F'kret Abdic, is day And on Satur- 'he ,C 013,1 due to take over bresi(KCrCnion^a* rotating May °l Yugoslavia next resiBn amdija Pozderac, as vice president. agencv 0ff’cial Tanjug news Comni Sa.lcl yesterday that the htetnbe n,St Party expelled 42 als° rs 0ver the scandal. It ’hunist ,, at least 130 Com-’he pa ,ace the judgment of S'tian and ,he law” in tlie town of Velika many normal flPmniW ^■AMERICA'S GREAT! consumerbIh PRODUCTS 1 EXPOSmON Dates and Hours Weekends and Columbus Day 10 a.m.-IO p.m. Weekdays 3 p.m.-IO p.m. Ohio’s most exciting event y+ufin- iA£:/ Call 216/676-6000 tor more inlormation. •) II« , /''L,!'' OCTOBER 9-18, l-X CENTER Discount coupons available at McDonald's and in The Rain Dealer \ uvy. JISKA DOMOVINA, StPIEMBER 25, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 Many Causes F or Kidney Stones Zarja Fall Concert Oct. 25 Recently, I suffered severe pain that was diagnosed as being caused by kidney stones. How do kidney stones form, and is surgery the only treatment? The majority of kidney stones are ideopathic, that is, physicians are not able to attribute them to a specific cause. However, physicians do know that a variety of metabolic disorders play a part in the formation of kidney stones. For example, people who have chronic infections tend to form large stones and the bacteria causing the infection may reside within the stone. Also, some geographical areas could be considered stone “belts.” In comparison to the rest of the country, certain parts of Massachusetts and the Carolinas have large populations with kidney stones. Physicians believe that dehydration plays an important role in the formation of stones. When kidneys produce low levels of urine, they seem to precipitate crystals, which combine to form stones. Therefore, because prevention is the best treatment, physicians recommend that patients who have a tendency to produce kidney stones drink one 10-to-12 ounce glass of water before each meal and between meals. Germany and is available at a few medical centers in this country. The patient receives a spinal or general anesthetic, and then is placed in a large bath which contains a special machine that produces shock waves; these invisible waves will help break apart the stone. Later the patient passes the fragments with his urine. However, because of the expense—the unit costs more than $2 million—and the fact that some large stones can not be treated this way, the procedure is unlikely to be adopted by many hospitals. Percutaneous renal surgery is a revolutionary new technique that has been used successfully to treat young and old patients with small and large kidney stones. In addition, the procedure has the advantage of not requiring expensive new equipment. Most hospitals already have the technology. Until the 1980s, surgery was frequently necessary for people unable to pass kidney stones with their urine. Now, new techniques offer alternative therapies. One kidney stone procedure that has received a lot of publicity was developed in In contrast to open surgery, which is performed in an operating room with the patient under general anesthetic, percutaneous renal surgery can be done under local anesthetic in a radiology laboratory. Using a flouroscope, the radiologist locates the kidney stones, establishes the nephrostomy tract, and places a tube through the skin, into the kidney. After the physician dilates the tract with a balloon catheter, instruments are passed through the tube to grab and pull the stone out of the kidney. When the tube is removed, generally in 24 to 48 hours, most patients are completely healed. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Ml smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posreibo. miM unera! Homes 1053 E. 62 St. §31-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. __ GRDINA 17010 Lake Shore Blvd Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meat the financial status of all families. Roy G. Sankovič, director All manipulations are done without open surgery so patients avoid the risks of general anesthesia, require a shorter hospital stay, and recuperate more quickly. Some physicians predict that conventional kidney stone surgery will soon be obsolete. Available since 1980, percutaneous renal surgery is an effective alternative to open surgery for the majority of people with kidney stones. Question: I am an 87 year old woman who was never seriously sick. Last year, however, I lost control of my bowels. MY doctor won’t allow me to eat dairy products, and I take Metamucil. But I have many “accidents” and cannot leave my house. Must I go on like this the rest of my life? Answer: It may comfort you to realize that loss of bowel control at your age is rather common, and more women have this problem than men. Some people mistakenly believe they have diarrhea. Medical conditions, such as diabetes and neurological diseases, may impair bowel control. And rectal surgery may weaken the rectal muscles that control the passage of stool. If your lack of control is only partial and intermittent, medications, such as loperamide, may help by making the stool firmer. A newer method of treatment involves biofeedback. Physicians trained in this technique use special equipment, called rectal manometry, and visual reinforcement to help patients regain control of the rectal muscles. Biofeedback treatments can be done in the doctor’s office and usually take only a few sessions. Sixty to 80 percent of people whose colon and rectum are not diseased can regain bowel control. My advice is that you ask your family doctor to refer you to a medical center where rectal manometry is being combined with biofeedback to help people who have lost bowel control. Slovenian Singing Society Zarja will present its Fall Concert and Dance on Sunday, October 25 at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. Zarja Chorus will entertain with a pleasant selection of songs, Slovenian and American. Curtain time is 3:30 p.m. There will, of course, be specialties to add to the variety always offered to our audiences. Directing the chorus will be Doug Elersich. Our accom-paniest is Ed Polšak, along with accordionists Steve Valencie and Jim Kozel. Will Microwaves Cause Cancer? Question: 1 try to do everything I can to reduce my chances of developing cancer. I don’t smoke, and I try to eat a low-fat diet, etc. My question is: should I avoid eating foods cooked in microwave ovens to reduce the amount of radiation I’m exposed to? Answer: You do not have to worry about receiving any radiation from foods cooked in microwave ovens. Microwaves generated by microwave ovens to cook foods are more like radio waves or radar waves than like X-rays or other potential sources of cancer-producing radiation. When a microwave strikes a piece of food, it causes the molecules in the food to become excited and generate heat. This heat causes the food to be cooked. While it is possible to burn yourself on the food if you’re not careful, there is no danger of increasing your risk of developing cancer. Michael Kademain, M.D. Department of Radiation Therapy, Cleveland Clinic Foundation In Memory The Ambrosic Family of Carl Avenue has donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of the deceased Ambrosic Family. BRICKMAN &SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 A void Probate Court WILLS Call Thomas G. Lobe (216) 621-2158 Legal Services at Reasonable fees. Special discount on wills for subscribers of Ameriška Domovina. Dancing after the program will be to the Ray Polantz Orchestra. Food and refreshments will be available for those so inclined. Donation is $4.00, $3 for the dance only. Tickets may be purchased from any Zarja member, Tivoli’s at E. 65 and St. Clair, Tony’s Polka Village on E. 185 St., or the clubroom at Recher Hall. Sophie T. Elersich Secretary Deaths STANLEY J. ZABKA Stanley J. Zabka, 61, formerly a resident of 1377 E. 65 St., passed away in St. Vincent Charity Hospital on Sept. 20 after a short illness. Mr. Zabka was born >n Cleveland and has been a resident of Fuller Avenue, Wickliffe for the past 15 years. He was a member and pas| president of St. Vitus Dads Club, the St. Vitus Holy Name Society, the St. Vitus Catholie War Veterans No. 1655, Benedictine Dads Club as 3 member and past president, and Scout Master for Troop 250 Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Zabka was employed as3 model maker in the researc and development departmen* at Bailey Controls for the Past 14 years. . He was the husband 0 Carolyn (nee Lovrin), l^e father of Linda, Nat^ Christopher, Stanley Kathleen Brasdovich nd Jeanne Berzin, grandfather six, brother of John, Andre* and Richard. Friends were received at Ze Home, 452 E. 152 SG where services were he Wednesday, Sept. 23 and 3 St. Vitus Church. lntermenta All Souls Cemetery. Rosaf service was conducted by R£V William Jerse. WILLIAM R. MALENS*^f William R. Malenšek, 43; Hudson, Ohio, died Satur 3 Sept. 12 0f He was the husban Kathleen Ann (nee Wid111^ father of Scott and Amy> of August and the late A v' j brother of Kenneth Thomas. ri3' The family suggests lTienrl<^|1e Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ST. VITUS PARISH 4-SUITE BUILDl^ fy Owner-occupied ar'^u\\d^ clean, this 4-suite ° 9, 3 features seoarate U clean, this 4-suite i0S, 3 features separate u beautiful yard with 9raf) arKin0' trellis, 2 driveways ,or Pmoroccivi* Urban Re* di: lie Pr sp. do gei he (cl fai tha hoi dis lite to eve it dis bee fan be bioi age ach thej gro Moi age: A 'viti SU(j( oats feel Peri, The, ding rubt fbroi "aus thiuv An Ppfa Pece; ^sor 'bese S 8ecai 5«0r; Piop "Vi Vat Vrj s Pop the w Vt Mo; red Vci contributions tu ^ Hematology and One ^ Research Fund Cleveland Clinic Found3 ^______| Al Koporc, Jf,j Piano Technics? \ (216) 481-439* , Vd CVd sin 'be l stu !ifctri % Vi »C; 0, V Pc v Ir, % e i er- ;nt 20 in ;si- LlC» irs. iast ids’ ime olic the s a *nt' aop a. asa irch ient pas1 , of the in«1 S-and •r of ire'*' Ze*e i st-> he>d d a1 mta* )saf>' Rev' vina Jf* 1 A fear of “No Place Like Home” Seeks Vidmar relatives, and history 1 i Dear Vidmar Associate, What is agoraphobia and how can its victims be helped? A phobia is a severe and isabling fear, out of propor-llon w'th the situation that Provokes it. You can have a i’Pecific phobia, such as fear of °8s, rats, or spiders; or a general phobia, such as fear of h^h‘s, small places c|austrophobia) or large, un-aodliar places (agoraphobia). For agoraphobics, feeling at 'there’s no place like home” is disorder ■'terallv a serious mental that keeps them y housebound—afraid 0 drive, to visit someone, jtVen t0 walk down the street. ls not known why the ls°rder develops. But, ecause it tends to run in ^ mdies, agoraphobia might J ^aused in part by a °chetnical imbalance. Many g0raphobics are high ^ ,evers and perfectionists; ey are often neat, well-^omed and responsible. st are women between the a8es of 25 and 45. ■ g0raPh°bia usually begins with , ,a Panic attack that strikes Uddenly when 0ut. ....... the victim is fee|S'de ha home. She might per. 's°riented at first and ex-lence a loss of control, di en ’f16 Panic sets in: a poun-rabb ^eart’ "ghtheadedness, *e8s. a lump in the ua at’ *10t 0r c°ld sensations, i hup3 anC* t^le neePiljar n place is not dJSSarily agoraphobia. The s°rder Ihejp 'erfe episoib>ine r vitor " °xidase (MAO) '^DrecS and tricyclic an-^blitig3015 fsucb as im-«Sed and desipramine). ^ thanrags usually work bet- ^chon-tranciu'bzers or anti- ! They H G lidlP« es. ^ ,\oe* rKinfl- si»“ must be cft>re t,r 'bree to four weeks .Ley become effective. l ' bet, C ?nx'ety'S controll-|Lfg'tt. |nav'0r therapy can Vj^Dy ^ne ^P0 °f behavior tiro is(c,esensitization), the 'i«" - e of the phobia as rCOm« ber panic %le Confrontation. For a truly housebound . agoraphobic may begin by going out to mail a letter. When she is comfortable doing that, she may go to a small store. She may then be able to go to a shopping mall without fear of a panic attack and eventually do so without drugs. “Flooding”, which exposes the victim all at once to the major source of her fear, is a more dramatic way of treating agoraphobia. Some victims use relaxation and breathing techniques to help them through their panic. Group therapy with current or former agoraphobics is a valuable part of treatment. For an agoraphobic, knowing that she is not along is a great comfort. With the will to succeed, many agoraphobics who have been housebound for years are cured within weeks. °st a red k ^oraphobics are refer-Psypi ,y 'beir doctors to a -her ‘r'81* Psychologist, ^Ith S °r tearn °f mental Hiiljj Pr°fessionals. While ^d are sometimes 3'oiie •y behavior therapy ba n ITl0re serious cases Nr0||'C anx>ety is usually ^ies W't*1 dru8s- Recent, ^ dr^g aVe sb°wn two classes 'o be most effective: Just windows are no longer taxed, cleaning them need not be taxing. In seconds, windows and washable surfaces all around the house can come sparkling clean with Glass*Plus® glass, appliance and cabinet cleaner. Just spray surfaces to be cleaned and wipe dry with a paper towel or lint-free cloth. IP5* The use of glass for decorative purposes goes back to ancient times. The Athenians used opaque glass to decorate floors and ceilings. The Romans made the first windows and used them in the luxurious Pompeian baths. 1 am a descendant of a VIDMAR family and am trying to trace the origin of my grandparents. Because there are so many VIDMARS in the Mayfield Heights telephone directory, 1 have elected to send copies of this letter. (1 was in Mayfield Heights last year.) According to the US Census, John Vidmar, my grandfather, at age 24 immigrated to the Cleveland, Ohio area in 1888. His wife, Alojzija (Louise) Šuštaršič Vidmar, came in 1890 with my father, Ignac (Ignatius), who was about 2 years old. They eventually settled in a Slovenian Parish near Union Avenue and E. 81st Street. The Newburgh Slovenian National Hall was on E. 80th Street behind their house. There was probably a relative, Ignac, older than John. My father’s cousin, Joseph, who spelled his name WIDMAR, lived in the St. Clair area of Cleveland around 1922. The family spoke Slovenian. John Vidmar also spoke Russian and German and may have been a help to other immigrants on board ship. They could have emigrated from Austria or the Ukraine, as well as from Slovenia. John’s and his parents’ birthplace is recorded in the 1910 Census as Russ-German. His wife’s and her parents’ birthplace is written Russ-Slovenian. In 1910, John’s brother and sister, Frank and Lizzie (Louise), age 18, were living with my grandparents. John is listed as a hatter working in a battery. It may be that your family connects in some way with mine. If so, can you give me any information that will help me? If you know other persons, relatives, Vidmars not in the Mayfield Hts. phone book, or Sustarsics who are able to assist in my search, I would appreciate having their names and addresses if they have no objections. 1 have enclosed a Response Sheet and a SASE for your convenience. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Do you know of their use of any other ports of exit besides Hamburg and Bremen? Are you aware of their reasons for coming to America? Sincerely, Louise Vidmar Starek Can you give me any relevant information that would help me find my grandparents’ village where they were born and lived, what Catholic Church they attended, their history and migration? Respone Sheet My Yugoslavia map has ‘‘Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom” in parentheses. In 1970 there was from Slovenia a group in native costume who were in the candlelight procession at Lourdes. Two people carried aloft a lighted sign with the word “Slovenia.” Please use the other side if necessary. Thank You! Peter Vidmar who won gold and silver medals in gymnastics in the 1984 Olympics is no relation. His father, John R. sent me a short biography of his father, John Charles. Do you know of any groups of Slovenians who immigrated in 1888 or 1890? The names of the ships? Louise Vidmar Starek 14118 Fonseca Avenue La Mirada, CA 90638 Lira Choir Presents Church Concert Oct. 18 The Slovenian choir Lira will observe its 75th anniversary with a church concert. It will be held in St. Vitus Church on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 3 p.m. The choir sings at various Masses at St. Vitus church on Sundays and special occasions. The Silver Anniversary concert will include various parts of Karl Kemter’s Mass, plus many favorites from the church year, such as Lenten, Easter, Christmas, and Blessed Mother hymns. After the performance there will be a social gathering in the auditorium. Mr. David W. Križan is the organist and director of the choir. Former organists and directors were Messrs. Matthew Holmar, Peter Srnovr-snik, Martin Kosnik, and Peter Johnson. Parishioners, former parishioners, and friends of St. Vitus along with music lovers, are cordially invited to attend and help Lira observe this significant milestone. Attention Correspondents When submitting an article for publication, please be sure to include all the facts, such as who, what, when, where and why. If it is an announcement for an upcoming event, please include pertinent information such as where tickets can be purchased. Remember, the deadline for all articles for the Friday edition is 10:00 a.m. the Tuesday before publication. Thanks The editor YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES THE GREAT CONSUMER PRODUCTS EXPOSITION American History and Heritage Pavilion NASA Space Exhibit A Taste of Ohio • Dates and Hours ■ Weekends and Columbus Day I 10 a.m.-IO p.m. Weekdays 3 p.m.-10 p.m. The Food Fair New Cars New Boats Home Remodeling Ethnic Pavilions, music, live entertainment and much more Ohio's most exciting event y*t4&3- Call 216/676-6000 tor more Information. OCTOBER 9-18, l-X CENTER Discount coupons available at McDonald's and in The Plain Dealer 5 : V »Ji**-* J- .tj fur AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 25, 1987 On Tuesday, August 18 the Slovenian Pensioners Club held their annual picnic at the SNPJ Farm. In a recent issue of Ameriška Domovina Stanley Frank wrote about the activities. Pictured here are Justine Girod, Mrs. Kapel, Sutton Girod. A card game is played by Sue and Frank Pečjak, Holmes Ave. Pensioners. Taking advantage of a beautiful day are Sylvia Jansa and Jennie Batich. Gus Petelinkar, president of the Collinwood Pensioners, sits among fellow members. (Photos by Jennie and Carl Schultz) Recipes APPLE SQUARES 2 c. flour l tsp. baking powder I tsp. cinnamon 4 apples (Peeled, cored, and chopped) I 1/2 c. sugar 1 c. oil 1/2 tsp. soda 3 eggs Combine sugar and eggs. Beat well. Stir in oil and sifted dry ingredients. Add apples and nuts. Spread in greased 11 1/2 by 17” pan. Bake 40 to 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Cool in pan. Cut in squares. TASTY CHICKEN CASSEROLE 41/2 chicken breasts, cooked 2 C. Pepperidge Farm stuffing 2 cans cream of mushroom soup I can cream of celery soup 1 1/2 C. mayonnaise 2 cans water chestuts, sliced Buttered cereal such as Special K Preheat oven to 350°. Cut up chicken meat. Mix together all ingredients. Put in casserole. Top with buttered cereal. Bake 1 hour. Serves 12 or more. COCONUT FRIED SHRIMP The shrimp can be prepared up to the point of frying, and refrigerated 24 hours ahead. Leaving the tails attached makes this an easy-to-pick-up hors d’oeuvre of appetizer. Dipping Sauce 1/2 cup honey 3 tablespoons prepared white horseradish Batter 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup cornstarch 1 /2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup water White of 1 large egg 1 pound large fresh shrimp, peeled (see Note), deveined and patted dry 2 1/2 cups sweetened flaked coconut (7 ounces) 1 cup vegetable oil, for frying Mix Dipping Sauce ingredients in small serving bowl. Mix Batter ingredients in small bowl with fork until blended (if some lumps remain, that’s OK). Dip shrimp one at a time in batter, then roll in coconut to coat. Place on waxed paper. Heat oil in a 10-inch skillet (oil will be only about 1/4 inch deep) until a 1-inch piece of white bread added to oil turns golden brown in 1 minute. Fry shrimp, about 8 at a time, 1 minute per side until crisp, Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) Maple Heights Catering 17330 Broadway Avenue Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 “We Cater to Weddings, -J Clambakes and Banquets’ 663-7733 Three Generatons of Hočevar Tradition JOSEF’S HAm DESIGN Introducing Patrick SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER 20% OFF All-Styling Services OFFER GOOD WITH PATRICK ONLY thru Sept. 30 5235 Wilson Mills Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 461-8545 461-8544 golden and opaque throughout. Remove with slotted spoon to paper towels to drain. Serve hot with Dipping Sauce. Makes 8 appetizer servings. Note: When shelling shrimpt leave tail and shell sectiori next to tail attached. CHEESE KRISPIES .11/4 cups grated sharp Cheddar cheese 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper 11/4 cups toasted rice cereal In large mixer bowl combit,e cheese and butter margarine; beat until sinuot Mix in flour, salt and red pepper. Fold in rice cereal. Place dough on wax P^ and form into a cylinder abo11 12x1 1/2 inches. Wrap 3,1 refrigerate overnight. Preheat oven to 375°F. 1 roll into 1/4-inch slices; Pa^ 1 inch apart on ungf635^ cookie sheet. Bake 10minlllCj Remove from cookie sheeta cool on rack. (Can be ,,,a^ ahead. Cover and freeze one month.) Makes 3 dozen, 45 calories each. PITA sticks of butter egg yolks cup of sugar tsp. baking powder cups of flour . tJ d medium speed mi-* l yolks and sugar mded. Mix flour and ^ wder and add to ^uttersp£t( -e, mixing at mediun1 i^[l til all blended. ^e^utes ugh for about 10 1111 ^ii read the dough on a eet, cover with a 2 ^ • of your favorite preserves are too fu Topping ?gg whites 4 cup of sugar ups of walnuts s,j| t the egg whites un^ ^ I sugar and waln!j,gpr«a' white until bonded ^ ^ the jam. ^ ees for 35 minu'6^, cut into 2-inch sd Thanks ^ wish to thank tb ^|* ms who kept °u son, Andrew (na rs. praye in their /es and the stab ' ^ et>° r for all your^V' deeds on beha nW mO3-, he intercession5slori$ )s Baraga an^otr r Lord and H1 ’leSS- e Me*ka/ stane’ iiv Kuhar ^ A„dre» septei"be' int0 / ref J Churc , (P 7 and 5PeV vo weeks at and Children, b di .V it b m d; je VI oi di lj< be it t>c ni tfi Dr re: Hi: