HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZARJA - THE DA WN IN APRIL (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to : ZARJA — THE DAWN, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60608 National Officers: NO. 4 APRIL, 1988 VOLUME 60 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except January, June <& August — izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, junij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, S10.00 — naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher :SL O VENI A N WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL AH communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 DATES TO REMEMBER Apr. 8 - SWIM PARTY for Juniors, Br. 33, Duluth, MN Apr. 10 - CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI, John’s Hall, 1 p.m. Apr. 17 - PA-NY-DC STATE CONVENTION, Br. 71, Strabane, PA hostesses Apr. 17 - MASS, Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI at St. John the Evangelist Church, Greenfield, 8:45 a.m. Sep. 18 - WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 17, West Allis, WI Sep. 25 - OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION ON THE COVER... This gorgeous Marian altar was originally made for the monastery at Kostanjevica near Krka in the Dolenjska region of Slovenia. It is now located at Ig near Ljubljana. Sculptor, Janez Gabrič followed the design of the well-known artist, Franc Jelovšek and completed the work in the mid 18th century. „ . „ Photo courtesy Ognjišče, Koper, 1985 from "Lepote Slovenskih Cerkva" Apr. 4 -Apr. 16 -Apr. 21 - Irene Jagodnik, Auditor, Cleveland, OH Emily Skull, Regional President, Duluth, MN Hermine Dicke, President, Scholarship Fund, Madison, WI Presidents: Apr. 1 -Apr. 4 -Apr. 6 -Apr. 10 -Apr. 17 -Apr. 24 -Apr. 25 - Secretaries: Frances Korošec, Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA Margaret Gricar, Br. 71, Strabane, PA Betty Stefanic, Br. 92, Gunnison, CO Jeanette Killoran, Br. 6, Barberton, OH Virginia Uhemik, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA Charlotte Laurich, Br. 74, Ambridge, PA Kathleen Emerson, Br. 105, Detroit, MI Apr . Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Ardis Gregorash, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Vida Lanari, Br. 29, Eveleth, MN Betty Stefanic, Br. 92, Gunnison, CO Stella Dancull, Br. 21, Cleveland, OH Angeline Voytko, Br. 40, Lorain, OH Apr. 18 - Katherine Knuth, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN Apr. 24 - Delores Puhek, Br. 2, Chicago, IL Apr. 26 - Jennie Crea, Br. 52, Kitzville, MN MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! l - 3 -6 - 7 - 8 - May 1 - May 1 - May 1 - May 1 - May 3 - May 10 - May 11 - May 18 - May 18 - MOTHER S DAY PARTIES MOTHER OF THE YEAR Party Br. 35, Aurora, MN CORPORATE COMMUNION, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN, 8 a.m. MOTHER OF YEAR Party, Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH MOTHER OF YEAR Party, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH MOTHER OFTHE YEAR Party, Br. 14, Euclid, OH MOTHER OF THE YEAR Mass and Celebration, Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH MOTHER OFTHE YEAR Party, Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI, Noon luncheon at the Hillcrest MOTHER OFTHE YEAR Luncheon, Br. 17, West Allis, WI, Kegel’s Inn at noon MOTHER-DAUGHTER Luncheon, Br. 54, Warren, Oh, Elks Club at 1 p.m. JNDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 SOM Center Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Road, Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 dVationat ^J-^zziiLclznt \d\l\smacjL [[5 4 7 f' 8 ENTHUSIASM IS CAUGHT - NOT TAUGHT! Shortly after the National Convention last May, I pondered as to what goals we could attain during the next four years. Having reviewed the overall projections of our branches, I have several objectives in mind. I would like to see a REVITALIZATION of the S.W.U. branches. We need a vibrant and enthusiastic vision into the future. Too often “dead wood” is found among our branches, doing the same thing over and over again. This is one of the reasons why some of our branches are lacking interest and folding up. “Enthusiasm is caught, not taught.” If tradition is to survive, I believe we must also CHANGE. Dare to try something different for the good of your organization. Granted, as in every branch only about a half dozen members take charge, but the remaining attend for the sociability, sisterhood, and support which is most important. When called upon to host a Regional Convention, you will find a renewed spirit and a sense of pride in your accomplishments. You ASK for people’s help and delegate responsibility! One or two people cannot do everything—the responsibility lies in ALL. As a result, you’ll get new members and a renewed vitality, besides it’s a profitable endeavor for the host branch. Get our younger people involved; ask them to wait on tables for the banquet or participate as host or hostess, e.g., giving directions, acting as greeters or perhaps gift bearers, ushers or lectors at Mass. Show your gratitude by making a special effort to thank them and tell them how much you appreciate their services. Now that you have received the By-laws booklet, please take the time to read them and implement the rules set forth so that we will have continuity and order among our branches. In most areas the By-laws are strictly adhered to and in some areas they feel they can do as they please. This is another reason whereby indifference has created pockets of weakness in some of our branches. We will also be writing Job Descriptions for all officers during the coming year. In this way when asked to accept an office, they will know what their duties entail. Fear of the unknown can be terrifying. Guidelines will be helpful for all of our membership as I have been receiving letters asking me, “What am I expected to do?” We have entered the 61st year of the publication of the ZARJA magazine; our heartiest congratulations to our Editor, Corinne Leskovar and to all of our members contributing toward making this an outstanding publication. To the branches who infrequently send in news, please assign a capable reporter who will write an article regularly--it’s good public relations for your own area and you will be surprised as to the favorable comments you will receive. As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, let us also rejoice in the resurrection of spring as birds, flowers, trees and fields come alive. Let us be refreshed in the Spirit in which we were baptized, leading us to freedom to reconciliation, and to a new life. May you have a joyous Easter! Victoria “Tory” Bobence NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Hi Everyone! It’s been said that February is a very boring month. Not much to do, the waiting month before the weather gets real nice. This February proved how wrong that old saying is! February 11 was our meeting night. What a night! It snowed all day and the night before, we had 12” of blowing snow piled everywhere. Questions were tossed around, should the meeting be called and planned for another day. Decisions were made, “let’s go for it” and have the meeting. When I got to St. Stephen’s what a surprise before my eyes, our president Fran Morison was out there shoveling a walk for all the ladies, so that they could get to the hall (What a lady!). We celebrated St. Valentine’s Day and the Chinese New Year - “Gung Hui Fa Choi” & Kyun See Fa Tsai -It is the year of the “Dragon”. (We could understand a lot more about China since Corinne has been writing those beautiful articles.) Our hall was decorated by pretty posters, table decorations, too, were all from China. Jo Lukas made firecrackers filled with peanuts, Percy made fans, Mary Foys Lauretig, as usual, made very pretty center pieces, Terry made each lady a beautiful red corsage with a little teddy bear in the center. Food: of course Chinese/ American/Slovenian - we did have fortune cookies. Did you know that the Chinese believe that if you eat cup cakes made with sweet sour pork and eat peanuts on their New Year’s Day you will have a long life? Eventho we had such a terrible night, there were 53 members that attended. No one ever wants to miss any of the fun that Precious has planned for the evening. Our meeting was called to order by our President, Fran Morison at 7:30 with a prayer and she read a very inspirational poem. There was so much discussed: 1) Picnic in July. No date as yet. If the ladies have any ideas to make this a very memorable day, please call any of the officers. We also need prizes for that day. 2) This being the Marian Year, trip somewhere???? More later. 3) How about a “Brag Pig”? A piggy bank will be passed around and each member should brag about something and then pay 25 cents. This money will be used for a dinner, a day trip, etc. You must come to the meeting to hear what our members have to brag about. It sounds like fun... 4) Branch No. 20 in Joliet is planning a trip to D.C. and New York area, the date is May 12 thru May 18. If anyone is interested please call Fran for more details. Should be a good trip. 5) Market day at St. Stephen’s. Money is used for the school and gym and the food is guaranteed to satisfy. Contact either Jean Hraster or Irene Kalina. 6) Bowling tournament in Sheboygan. Hope we get a few teams. 7) Voted on the Mother of the Year! Elsie Cizek will be our Mother of the Year! Chairman is Ann Sam. Some dates to remember: March 12 - Birthday of the Girl Scouts April 3, Happy Easter - “Velika Noč” April 10, 100th Anniv. K.S.K.J. Dinner-Dance April 14, S.W.U. Meeting. A belated happy birthday to the Girl Scouts of America. (March 12, 1912). They are now 76 years old. It has meant so much to so many girls. Scouting is so much more than the cookies they sell every spring, but this money is used to send many of the girls to camp. What fun they do have there! Ann Bunetta’s granddaughter, Valerie Wold - 15 years old, entered a teen talent contest playing the piano. There were 50 teens, she won first place! Congratulations, Valerie! While we were home glued to the TV sets watching the activities of the Olympics, Vera and Louis Gregorich were in Calgary visiting friends and also met Slovenian ski team. Mike Morison, Director of Education and Operations of the Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala. has been busy entertaining some very well-known people. Recently the head of the French Army, and Senator Ted Kennedy’s family were visiting. If anyone is interested in sending their children to this space school, please contact Fran and she can get an application for you. Helen Fitzgerald’s grandson attended last year and he has all good things to say about the school. Mike Morison is also working with the Japanese Govt. They have plans to build a space school and space academy. Donations were given by the Nipon Steel Co., it will be constructed on Youksha-Souikun Island. So, if anyone goes to Japan in about 5 years there will be another place to see. The Baraga Mass in Lemont was well attended. We also had a real good time afterwards, Ann Sam is the hostess and she had a beautiful spread. Mary Ann Oblak gave a talk on the history of Bishop Baraga and Mike Morison was up from Alabama and also filled us in - on what is being done on the research. Hope more people will be coming out to Lemont now that the worse of the winter is over. Remember - Mass is at 5:00 o’clock - at St. Mary’s Seminary. To complete our meeting - Thanks to Father Thad, he told us such a funny story. It made us all laugh and we felt really good afterwards. Laughter is a good medicine! Please pray for all of our sick. And our condolences go out to the Elsberg family. Remember them in your prayers at their time of deep grief. Confirmation was February 26. What a wonderful time for 47 students. Bishop Abramowicz confirmed. Sister Cindy had everyone well-prepared, as usual. Don’t forget Father Thad’s “Cheer Basket”. There are a lot of unfortunates just waiting for help. Take care, love you all, until next month. DAISY NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI We had a nice attendance at our meeting and the birthday girls treated us. Our Woman of the Year was missing, also Ann Grambow and Mimi Debelak, as their sister was buried that morning. We extend heartfelt sympathy to the whole family. On a sad note, we lost two members, Fanny Seston and Lucy Cum- WOMAN -A Call To Beauty VI. Beautiful is she who leads others to understanding. Like a cobblestone walk — she is strong and supportive, providing a solid foundation that helps others move ahead more freely in carrying their own weight of existence. Beautiful is the woman who is peacemaker She is like leaven, whose bread of love, sympathy and care, makes a difference in every home. She is that kind of bread that enlightens and raises life to a new level of thinking and living. Her laughter and sense of humor bring joy — a kind of gentle light over everything. She is one who never takes herself seriously because she lives out of a God who is beyond the whole world, And she lives into Him who is greater than everything. She is never restricted by the greatest, and yet she knows how to remain enclosed in the smallest. She is the one who can take up the opposite strands of life, And in weaving the tensions, produces a whole new pattern of texture, design and color. Submitted by Victoria “Tory" Bobence with permission from NCCW In the little town of Oplotnica, beneath the Pohorje mountains in Slovenia, the Leskovar family origin begins. There they have this roadside shrine, carefully tended by members of the family. It is the editor’s favorite Marian shrine. mings. Lucy was a big bingo fan and played more than one card every month. Our heartfelt sympathy to both families and may they rest in peace. Our card party on April 10th at John’s Hall on 35th and Lincoln was discussed with further discussion expected at the March meeting. We invite our other Lodges and friends to attend starting at 1:00 p.m. We are asking our members for some home made bakery to help our kitty. Our trip this summer will be July 27, further details later. What a surprise! Imagine answering your door bell with money in your hand to pay the paper boy and instead you see your son and family from California standing there! Mary Pon-tar was so surprised she closed the door, then opened it saying, “What are you doing here?” Matt Pontar and family came in to celebrate Mary Pon- tar’s 80th birthday! Thursday and Friday nights Mary was taken to her favorite restaurants but Saturday night was supposed to be a family get-to-gether. at Walker’s Grove given by Mary’s children, Matt, Mary Ann and Lori and their families. It was a total surprise to her, with family coming from Florida, too. It was a beautiful tribute to a wonderful person. May you live many more healthy years, Mary, and as your son Matt said, “we will repeat this again in 20 years!” Sophie Rozman is spending time in Florida. She said she had enough of snow. With her son and family, she won’t miss our weather, cold and snow. To all our sick members a big get well soon, and greetings to those in nursing homes. Hope the weather man cooperates with us, so we can have a big attendance in April. Stay healthy, we need you all. MARY KIEL NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA We had our February meeting with 18 members present. Everyone brought a bag lunch and we had Valentine treats and desserts. It was nice to see so many members present. President Josephine brought cards for everyone to sign and send to some of our members who are unable to attend. We were sorry to hear Ann Sus-tarich suffered a painful injury to her elbow. I am happy to report that I, B. Jackson will be going to Lancaster, Pennsylvania in April for the Quilters Heritage celebration. I will be attend- OUR MARIAN YEAR SHRINE Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M.: The Risen Lord our Hope Last October in a small town of Midland, Texas, an 18 month old baby accidentally slipped into an abandoned well shaft. She remained there for 58 hours. For people without hope this meant the end of the baby, Jessica. But people of Midland showed the whole world, that they do not give up so easily; they had hope. They dropped everything to concentrate on saving Baby Jessica. They had faith in themselves, faith in each other, faith in God and faith in little Jessica who showed her will to live by singing from time to time. When on the third day she was finally pulled from that hole, the world that watched this drama via television, exploded with delight. This is a good picture of our life. We are going through our own agony, through disappointments, through suffering, yes, finally through to our own death. But this leads us into Resurrection. Through the history of our Christianity, we find men, women and children who were dying with a smile on their faces. Now, where did they get that courage? From a dead crucified Christ? No, their courage came from the living faith in the Resurrected Christ. As we celebrate this great feast of Easter, let us renew our faith in the Risen Christ to strengthen hope in our own resurrection. As people from Texas did everything to save a young life, so many times we too must drop our personal ambitions to focus our eyes on the life that will come. May the Risen Lord bring you and your loved ones the joy of Easter, that will be your strength in time of trouble! »- - ■ -tr- -ir -***"----------O* •< PA-NY -DC CONVENES! Dear Members, It is with great pleasure that we announce the upcoming 1988 regional convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union to be held on Sunday, April 17 at 1:00 p.m. Branch 71 is hosting this event at the V.F.W. Post 191 on West Pike St., Canonsburg, PA. Regional President, Jenny Flisek, along with the convention committee, have planned an informative and enjoyable afternoon. Attending lodges are asked to prepare a brief report of their recent activities and designate a spokesperson to read it at the convention. During this event we will also be honoring the fifty year members from each attending lodge. All forty year members will also be recognized for their continuing efforts in their respective lodges. Jenny will also have cookbooks and tee-shirts available for sale. After the business meeting, a buffet lunch will be served followed by some good ol’ Slovenian entertainment. Since it has been several years since we have had the opportunity to get together with our sister lodges in this region, we urge you to attend to show your interest in preserving our heritage, to rekindle old friendships, and meet some new friends! ATTENTION BRANCH SECRETARY: Tickets at $ 15.00 each are available by sending checks to: Peggy Gricar Branch 71 - President 951 Logan Rd. Bethel Park,. PA 15102 or Jenny Flisek Regional President 721 3rd St. Oakmont, PA 15139 Upon receipt of your checks, tickets will be forwarded to you. Since all reservations must be confirmed by April 7, 1988 to the caterer, no tickets will be sold at the door. Please try to urge all of your branch members to attend and perhaps bring a guest. We hope to see you there! ing lectures on Amish Quilts and seeing the beautiful countryside. Remember we have our Mother’s Day Brunch at Lehr’s Greenhouse in May. And I wish everyone a beautiful and blessed Easter. BEVERLY JACKSON NO. 14, EUCLID, OH February has been the unkindest month of the entire winter, so it is with joy we see it fade away, knowing that we can look forward to the arrival of new life...Spring! Our members also look forward to honoring Mother of the Year, Anna Cakada, Tuesday, May 3. We invite all our members to call in their reservations to Donna Tome 481-9374 or Vera Bajec 481-7473. Festivities start at 6:00 when we feast on a delicious home-style dinner and get the opportunity to enjoy the company of our warm and friendly ladies. Vera Bajec introduced four of fourteen members who have merged with our lodge from #41 Waterloo. We were delighted to welcome Mary Jenovic, Rose Pujzdar, Pierina Dus and a “young” Ann Skok who has just celebrated her 91st birthday! Con- gratulations and God bless you Ann Skok! We also welcomed Ann Dus (Pierina“s daughter) who was kind enough to act as chauffer for these newcomers and who has promised to join us as a new member. We anticipate welcoming all of the #41 ladies in the very near future. Ruth Korelec was sworn in by Pres. Martha Koren. We always look forward to welcoming new members since with each newcomer we become a stronger and healthier group. So encourage your family and friends to join us. We received greetings from Ann Gacnik, resident at Slovene Home for Departed Members 2 - Maryann Slaby (72) 46-yr member 3 - Rose Swartz (71) 31 -yr member 10 - Rose Dodick (91) 46-yr member Mary Glinšek (84) 54-yr member Mary Novak (83) 58-yr member 13 - Frances Kocjan (61) 9-yr member Mary Springer (82) 49-yr member 15 - Frances Novak (89) 56-yr member 16 - Frances Hoffner (99) 60-yr member Anita Quilici (70) 18-yr member 17 - Lucille Kozlevchar (87) 46-yr member Frances Potočar (85) 55-yr member Frieda Turck (69) 45-yr member 20 - Mary Mance (88) 37-yr member 21 - Alice Vidmar (70) 53-yr member 22 - Anna Jamnik (89) 59-yr member 23 - Mary Zgonc (81) 50-yr member 25 - Frances Bell (75) 40-yr member 31 - Jožefa Gruden (77) 38-yr member 38 - Mary Cvar (83) 54-yr member 50 - Christine Miklacic (74) 27-yr member 64 - Mary Hotujec (83) 38-yr member 67 - Mildred Hulina (75) 30-yr member 71 - Millie Dami (77) 32-yr member 73 - Agnes Walters (86) 42-yr member 79 - Anna Mantel (93) 51-yr member 101 - Anamae Bizily (55) 11 -yr member Aged who sends her warmest regards to all her friends. Get well wishes to Elsie Sedmak of Conneaut who has been reported ill by our Sunshine Committee. May you soon enjoy good health once again! Condolences to the family of Mary Mahne who passed away at age 85 after a short illness. Pray for the souls of our dearly departed that our merciful Lord and His kindly Mother Mary welcome our loved ones into Their heavenly light. May the beginning of spring bring you renewed vigor and life. ALICE KUHAR NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WI With the arrival of Spring and wanner weather, we celebrate the Easter holidays. Hope many of you enjoyed the traditional way of the Slovenians with plenty of colored eggs, Blessed food and our good tasty wal- nut Potica. This inherited tradition is universal. Our Valentine party after the close of our Feb. meeting was loads of fun. We enjoyed the Valentines and delicious treats of cakes and apple strudel. Thanks, ladies for the yummy treats! Thanks, Angie, for taking over the kitchen duties. Just a reminder - we will honor our Mother of the Year. Colletta Imperl, on Wednesday, May 18th at a noon luncheon at Kegel’s Inn, 59th and National, West Allis. If you plan to attend, please contact our Secretary, Joan Yaklich, at 281-8983 or president, Marion Marolt, at 327-3871 so reservations can be made. Hope many of you ladies will attend and make this a memorable day for Colletta. Our very active member Jackie Nimmer is as of this writing enjoying a wonderful vacation in Palm Springs, California visiting friends and having a ball. She will also visit her daughter Nancy and family in Scottsdale, Arizona before coming home. Now on a sad note - Lucille Kozlevchar passed away Saturday, Feb. 6th at the age of 86. She will be sadly missed by her family and many friends. Sincere condolences to the Kozlevchar family. Frieda Turck, wife of our West Allis alderman, John Turck, passed away on Friday, Feb. 12th at the age of 68. The friends of the USPEH Chorus sang Slovenian songs as did the regular church choir at the funeral mass held at St. Mary’s Help of Christians Church. She will be sadly missed by her husband, John, family and her many friends. Sincere condolences to the Turck families. Our most beloved Father Matthew J. Setnicar was killed in an auto accident on that snowy day Feb. 10th. He had been the administrator at St. Mary’s Help of Christian Church parish 40 years and retired in 1979. But still, he helped out whenever the need arose. Father Setnicar was 79 years old. A funeral Mass was said on Monday, Feb. 15th at St. Mary’s Help of Christians Church with the Most Reverend Rembrandt Weak-land, Bishop of Milwaukee, officiating. The friends of the USPEH Chorus and church choir sang at the Mass. He was a much loved priest. Sincere condolences to the Setnicar family, relatives, his many colleagues, friends and parishioners. On Saturday, April 9th the USPEH Chorus will present their annual Spring Concert at the West Allis Nathan Hale High school, So. 116th and W. Lincoln Ave. at 7:30 p.m. with Dolores Ivancich, conductor. The donation is $6.00. Plan to attend this splendid concert; it will be an evening well spent and enjoyable, I’m sure. The USPEH organization will also hold a dinner dance on Saturday April 30th at St. John’s Gym Hall, 84th and Cold Spring Road. There will be a cocktail hour from 5 to 6 - dinner at 6 p.m., a short program will follow, the dancing to commence approximately at 8 p.m. till 12 p.m. The tan-tilizing dance music will be furnished by our own talented, famous, Louis Bashell. Tickets for this fun-filled evening are $10.00 each. There will also be a cash bar to wet your whistle. Plan to attend and have an enjoyable evening among friends. Get well wishes are extended to all our sick and shut-in members and friends. Happy and a joyous blessed Easter to all. FRAN PIWONI SLOVENIA Julia is Woman of the Year in Houston! SLOVENE AMERICAN CLUB OF HOUSTON named Julia Crouch, a social member of Branch 20, as its “Woman of the Year.” Julia met her husband, Bill, while vacationing in Colorado and joined him in Houston, his native city. Julia is a Charter Member of the Houston Club and its present Membership Chairman. She spends endless hours on the telephone contacting existing and potential members. The costume worn by Julia is from a pattern from the SWU Heritage Museum which she sewed for a festival appearance. Julia, a nurse, has two children, Bill, whose work is with the space program; and Juliana, who is employed at the University of Texas at Austin, her Alma Mater. Juliana pursued courses in Serbo-Croatian language and is interested in all things Slovenian. An 18-month old grandson Matthew gives the grandparents much pleasure and joy. An Awards Dinner was held on February 20. Arrangements were made by Jim Golick and included a superb dinner, gifts of a plaque and floral arrangement. The Houston Club is participating in the Houston International Festival on April 9 and 10. Helen Horwaih CALIFORNIA’S GIFTS: SUN, SURF, SPIRIT! Thank you for the many holiday greetings and letters you sent me. You are truly a caring group. After spending Christmas with my family in River-dale, Illinois, I traveled by Amtrak to the west coast to see my other children and grandchildren . The trip was very pleasant - the constantly changing scenery - from plains to snow-covered mountains, a thrilling sight. The train wending it’s way to the top of mountains in Colorado and Utah with snowcaps and thick flakes, makes one feel privileged to be part of this great universe. The ever-chang-ing views from mountain crests are breathtaking. We sat in the parlor car watching deer taking refuge under pine trees, wondering how they could survive the weather. I was met at the train by the whole family, the little ones awed by the sight of a real engine. The weather was rainy for the first week or so, but then sunshine; while it is cool in the 50’s it’s not bad for January. One Saturday, we drove to the ocean at Bodega Bay, with the waves pounding the shore, making it difficult to approach the edge of cliffs where crowds watch for whales migrating south. This same wind moved to Los Angeles the following day and did much damage to the Pier and Malibu. I spent one day in San Francisco with Sandra, my daughter-in-law, enjoying the sights, as I have before, each time, more impressed by the crowds that walk the wharf. We met a lady who came from Cleveland 13 years ago. Because Sandra is originally from that city, they had much in common, Slovenian friends, and of course, “Potica”, which we promised to take on our next visit. While in Santa Rosa, I called Rose Scoff, hoping to see her and members of Branch 13, but I had missed one meeting and could not attend another. During my stay, I was able to see my daughter and her family - grandson, Kurt, who is in the Navy, was preparing to go to sea on the Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Enterprise , his brother Christopher is in his 2nd year of college and Andrea, 18, is a freshman. Having been to California a number of times, I am still awed by the beauty of the majestic mountains and the tides beating against the rocks and coves of the blue Pacific. The trip home was equally enjoyable. There are many people traveling by train today - some who do not care to fly and some who enjoy the ambiance. I look forward to visiting this beautiful country again. Mary Muller NO. 20, JOLIET, IL How did you spend Valentine’s Day? I was in the company of my daughter, son-in-law and little grand daughter, enjoying the music of Frank Yankovic. We attended the party at St. Mary Nativity Church—Father David Stalzer, our Spiritual Director, is pastor there. Met several of our branch members there and it was great to see some of the couples from “way back,” when we all wore ourselves out dancing the night away to Frank’s music every time he made an appearance, which was frequently, and always to a full house. His music is as great today as it was 40 years ago-more so, he’s like perpetual motion! (just felt a few more gray hair and wrinkles evolve). Two of our local Polka People, Bob Doszak and Ron Kramerich, were in attendance and were acknowledged by Frank. Just about everyone was on the dance floor for “Bird Dance,” and "The Hokey Pokey.” What great fun way to spend a few hours. During the KSKJ Basketball Tour- nament, one of our local girls was voted Most Valuable Player. Congratulations to Margie Cepon. Two of our members and husbands had a chance to “to get away from it all” during our cold spell-Millie and Rudy Pucel headed for Las Vegas and Mary and Stan Marolt to Florida. Hope they have a suntan to show us! Of course, some of us will be heading for Washington, D.C. in May. The Naperville Art Fair, Mid-winter Juried Show, was held Saturday, February 6, 1988, at Naperville North High School. Fine Art and Crafts were for sale. Seventy three artists exhibited. Member Lucille (Lucija, her Slovenian Heritage Pen Name), Dragovan won Best of Show. Five judges and chairman presented the winner with a ribbon and money. Congratulations Lucille. The new Constitution and By-laws Booklet is printed and ready for distribution—we had some at our meeting, hope you picked one up. Happy anniversary to Ron and Kathy Kramerich who celebrated on Valentine’s Day. We extend our sympathy to family of Mary M. Mance who died recently. Maybe some of you remember her husband, Charles, who hosted a program on WJOL on Sundays, many years ago. Mary was 87. Our April meeting will be held on Tuesday the 19th, at the Park Hall. This will be our first evening meeting of the year. Don’t forget to bring along a new member. I found this poem on the envelope of unsolicited cards and since it’s Springtime, it seemed kind of appropriate: “The kiss of the sun for pardon The song of the birds for mirth One is nearer God's heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth." Last call for the trip to Washington, D.C. in May; we leave on the 12th, return the 18th. $570.00 covers all travel and lodging and entrance fees to the various points of interest scheduled, one dinner and two lunches. Come join us, we’ 11 have a great time. Happy Easter. HELEN PLUT S.W.U. INVITES YOU Membership open to all members of the family. Write to: SWU Home Office 431 N. Chicago St. Joliet, IL 60432 NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL The so-called February doldrums were dispelled in a hurry when we “girls” met on the 21st to enjoy the friendly hospitality of the Lustig sistes, Gabrielle and Toni Legris. It was like Christmas all over again to receive Holiday greetings and thank-you’s from Rose and Mary Ann Barothy of Indianapolis, Emma Znidarsich of Hurley, WI, Louise Gerdesich of Franklin Park, and Jo Zaletel of Bourbonnais. Though distances separate us, your spirit is here. No way did anyone envy Emma’s 116 inches of snow recorded to date in Hurley. Just call us “chicken”. As we pray at each meeting for our deceased members our mothers and friends who were the bulwark of Br. 22 are drawn closer to us. Our recent loss of Anna Jamnik is Heaven’s gain. May all these faithful souls rest in peace! Anna LaMontagne bade me to announce to the Slovenian world that she won the raffle! So be it! And Anne Marie Kinder won a fly swatter that in colorful letters warns one to “bug off’. Surely, Aunt Mollie will hide that as Anne, the portress, opens the door to members for the meeting on April 19 (7 p.m.) at Starasinich’s, with Elizabeth Kinder co-hostess. Happy Easter, Happy Spring to all! EMMA LUSTIG NO. 23, ELY, MN Combined the two meetings on Jan. 11 - as Jan. 4 meeting cancelled because of cold and snow. Ann Saari opened with prayer for deceased member, Mary Zgonc. Also, new officer, took office: A Mobilia-pres.; D. Papesh-secretary; Sally Davidson, treas. Auditors reports accepted for SWU and Dawn Club. Dawn Club Valentine party was held Feb. 8 at Church hall with Zup’s catering. Rose Pucel drew her own number for door prize. “B” played. Feb. 1, SWU meeting and 32 present even though 25 below zero. Ann Saari opened with prayers. Reports by Sec’y and Treasurer. All accepted. A letter was read from a group called Živeli, that they would perform in Ely if possible during Centennial. Monetary donation preferred, so moved to donate. Also we should all try to get new members. All officers present. Mary Karsten spoke about Centennial week, July 4-10. Would like to have SWU women have a booth during ethnic days. Strudels and poticas would be sold and all proceeds would go to SWU. All agreed on it. Door prize won by Mary Niemi. Nice lunch served. “B” played. Dawn Club Valentine Dinner was Feb. 8-6 p.m. Church Hall. Ninety-two members present. Choice of chicken or pork dinner. Pres. A. Mobilia opened with a prayer. Door prizes won by Rose Perushek, Mary Landa, Rose Stupnik, Rosalyn Perko, Chickie Novak and Jay Boldine. Members agreed to help with booth during Centennial in July. Also agreed to pledge monetary amount to sponsor “Živili”. Looking forward to hearing this group. Ladies on committee for dinner were: Ann Lunka, Jane Yadlosky, Jennie Marianni, Mary A. Starkman, Helen Theno, M. Gotchnik, A. Mobilia, M. Maki, Pat Lammi. Chris Cadari was chairman. Nice decorations and we all had a nice time, ending with “B”. A job well done. Looking forward to spring and an early Easter. St. Anthony’s Parish did a bit of renovating. Put baptismal font in entrance where all can see it. Also put marble altar facing parishioners, looks very nice. Stop in if you’re in Ely. KRIS GARNI NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Thirteen members of our branch enjoyed a post-holiday dinner at the Maples in Peru on Thursday, February 25th at noon. A short meeting followed the dinner at which time the following officers were elected: Anne Marie Wangler, President; Minnie Carter, Vice-President; Mary Gramc, Recording Secretary; Betty Stack, Financial Secretary; Ann Serri, Treasurer; Josephine Foley and Teresa Kinczewski, Auditors; Rev. James Swaner, Spiritual Advisor; and Anne M. Wangler, Reporter. Our sincere thanks must go to our retiring officers who served so long and so faithfully as long as they were able—Emma Shimkus, who has held office for many, many years in so many capacities, most recently as our Recording Secretary; Wanita Helmer, who has been our most efficient Financial Secretary and Mary Gomik, who most recently has been our Auditor and has been active in our branch in many ways. These three ladies represent the best of Slovenian women— their dedication and loyalty are an inspiration to all of us! Member, Agnes Bartley, passed away on February 10. She was 96 years of age, and had received her 50 year member award last fall. Our sympathy to her family. Belated condolences to Mary Gramc whose brother, John passed away in late November, to Josephine Spayer whose husband, A1 passed away in December and to Mary Pyszka and daughter, Rita Mae whose brother and uncle, William Gergovich, passed away recently. God grant Eternal Rest to their souls that they might rest in Peace. Dues will be collected before our meetings. For those unable to attend a meeting, call our new Financial Secretary and make arrangements. Her phone number is 224-1949 and her address is Mrs. LeRoy Stack, 624 Calhoun St., Peru, IL 61354. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m. in La Salle Catholic School, Resurrection Building. Please try to attend and help us plan our branch activities and projects. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Congratulations and greetings are on our menu today. I’ll say: “Congratulations to all, from the first ones to the last ones!” Happiness came to parents Robert and Deborah Selan in their healthy and beautiful daughters, Brittany Michele and Sarah Michelle, bom Feb. 5th 1988. Grandparents are Michael and Mary Ann Selan and you know, who is greatgrandma? Nobody but Jennie Feme! Thanks to Mary Ann, as she always picks up her mother Jennie, every second Tuesday of the month and brings her to her destination: St. Vitus social room. Our meetings are on that day. Taken by a really complete surprise at the USS dinner were our faithful members, Josephine Ambrosic and Marie Orazem. They were honored for the good job they do over there, too. Good baker, again receiving blue ribbons for her poticas was Emilee Jenko, at USS Bake-Off. Many happy returns and friendly wishes to all birthday ladies and some belated ones too, to Mary Turk and Molly Dezelan. Mary was taken out by friends to Robert’s Restaurant. It was a very bad day, but it did not spoil their fun. Somehow with Divine Guidance they made it to the restaurant and back to tell the tale. Josie Godec was waiting patiently for them with the birthday cake. Happy to be back they continued with celebration. Molly brought cake to the meeting. We all sang a “happy birthday” to Molly and of course to Mary too. God bless you both and thanks for everything. Ann Skully was selected as “Woman of the Year” at the Slovenian National Home. She will be honored for the many years of work in the kitchen and everywhere else. Get well wishes are sent to Nettie Malnar. Hope to see you soon. May Peace and Love be yours thru the New Risen Christ! CIRILA KERMAVNER EUCLID, OH Pres. Dorothy Lamm, opened our Feb. meeting with a prayer. Our special silent prayers were for all of our sick members including Kathryn Majcen, who resides in Port Charlotte, Florida, Caroline Lokar, who is now at her daughter’s recuperating after having a knee operation and Barbara Baron, who is in the hospital after surgery. It was good to see the members at this meeting who were sick last month and could not attend. Our recording sec’y, Johanna Weg-larz and member, Sophie Skopitz with Sophie’s brother are vacationing in Florida. Josephine Gornik, accepted the task of taking minutes of the meeting for Johanna. Thanks, Jo, for such a fine job. We can always count on you to help out. Our sweetheart this year is Alma Eppick; she really deserves the honor. Pres., Dorothy Lamm, presented her with flowers, a crown was placed on her head by Dorothy. The crown was made by our very talented member, Ann Rossman. She does a lot of crafts, she also does a lot of cooking and baking. Sorry that her name was omitted from the list of helpers who made some of the strudels that we had for our Christmas dinner. Pres. Lamm also had a presentation of “This Is Your Life” for Marge Sas. She really was astonished to hear all the information that Dorothy, was reading about her life. Dorothy also presented her with flowers. Marge is another deserving members. We welcome into our branch Viola Mocnik, a transfer from Br. 41. Hope she will enjoy our group as much as we enjoy having her as a member. Rose Brancely, is beaming all over as her grandson, Frank and his wife, Kathy, presented Rose with a great grandson named Frank Brancely IV. Congratulations. Ann Cooke, went to Lake City, Florida to visit her daughter Kathie, and husband and granddaughters, Lauren, 3-1/2 yrs. old and Kristen, 6 months old. She also visited with her other daughter, Christine, in Lakeland, Florida and Kathie’s in-laws in Largo, Florida. Dorothy Lamm, is so very proud of her niece Julie Lamm, Bob’s brother Al’s daughter. Julie, is president of her own J.L. Lamm advertising Agency and is a millionaire, single and only 31 vrs old! Her drive was to Special Offer The Ameriška Domovina newspaper is published on Tuesdays entirely in Slovenian and on Fridays, half Slovenian, half English. It is dedicated to preserving the Slovenian heritage and culture and dedicated to freedom and justice among the Slovenian people. The paper also serves as a communication vehicle from person to person and community to community throughout the United States, Canada and the rest of the world. Do not be left out on what is going on among the Slovenians. For first lime readers, a trial subscription for six months for (he twice weekly paper can be purchased WITH THIS Al) for only $15.00 — or every Friday's Kn|>lish l.anj>ua)>c edition for only $10 for six months. Sent to American Home, 6117 St. Clair., Cleveland, OH 4410.1. PRESERVING YOUR HERITAGE THROUGH A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE AMERIC AN HOME MAKES AN EXCELLENT GU T. have a career which she accomplished by a business in Allentown, PA. Mary Golobic traveled to Las Vegas, with daughter, JoAnn, was very successful as she won $500.00. Happy birthday and best wishes to all members that have birthdays in the months of Feb., Mar., and April. Special greetings, to our member, Jennie Jagodnik, who is now 97 yrs. young! Thanks. Jennie, for the donation you sent to our treasury. Jennie lives with her daughter-in-law, Irene and son, Tony. Josephine Novak celebrated her birthday on Feb. 12th. To all members, may good health and happiness be with all of you. Mary and Frank Golobic celebrated their 16th anniversary on Mar. 4th. To all members who have anniversaries this month, much happiness and good health. It was good to see our hostesses back after being sick last month. Helen Kovačevič and Vicky Holny did a beautiful job with the refreshment table. It was just perfect for Valentine’s Day. Thanks to all who donated for the goodies. Hope all had a nice Valentine’s Day. Our secy, Josephine Comenshek would like all members to check their dues books to make sure that their dues are paid up to date. The month of March we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day. We also said the Rosary at our meeting. Meetings are third Wed. of the month at 7 o’clock at Slovene Society Home. Please try to attend. FRANCES OGOREUC NO. 33, DULUTH, MN At our Feb. 3 meeting Sandra Malmquist won $25.00 attendance prize and Mary Pogorelec missed $5.00. A “Swim Party” is set for April 8 for Juniors, and any others who wish to attend. Emily Skull, president, told of some trip possibilities: Shopping during Flower Show; Mississippi River, Michigan, Fanny Hill, and a “mystery trip.” Let her know which (or all) you are interested in. Minnesota Power Speaker, with demonstrations, was very well-received. Prayers for our sick members include: Christine Carr and Ann Erick-smoen. Travelers are Dodie and Bill Skull to Hawaii, and Renee Doble to Arizona. Don’t forget to pay money into our “Funeral Fund.” LOIS PELANDER, Reporter NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Branch 34, Soudan, met on Ash Wednesday, February 17, after the evening Mass. We had another good attendance; our members first went to Mass and stayed for our meeting. We tried something new, thanks to the suggestion of Molly Wilson. We played “B” for cash prizes with half the money going to the prize winner and half going to the treasury. The members liked it so well that we will do the same for our meeting on March 16. This time, each member will bring a small prize and the money made will go into our treasury! At our meeting, Helen Adkisson brought the door prize, which was won by Sophie Zavodnick. For the March meeting, the door prize was brought by Lorraine Berg. Our books were audited for the year by our Auditors, Mary Gomick, Angela Planton, and Sophie Zavodnick. Sophie reported that they were in excellent order and the books were then transferred to our new Secretary-Treasurer, Mary Vollendorf. We thank Tory Bobence for keeping our books so well and we know Mary will carry on in the same manner. New granddaughters of members of our branch are Kathryn Mustonen, daughter of Larry and Mary Mustonen of Inver Grove Heights, MN and granddaughter of Adeline Mustonen; Lisa Kelsey, daughter of Jim and Patty Helin of Minneapolis, and granddaughter of Molly Wilson; and Kristen, daughter of John and Amy Bobence of St. Louis Park, MN, granddaughter of Tory Bobence, and Teresa, daughter of Christine and John Skalko of Esko, MN, also granddaughter of Tory Bobence. Kathryn, Kristen, and Teresa are already members of the SWU. Congratulations to all! Another new member we have is Sophie Prince, of Richfield, MN, who is a cousin to Tory Bobence and Agnes Mattson of Branch 34, and also to Fran Bizal of Chisholm. Welcome, Sophie! Tory Bobence, National President, attended the national board meeting in Joliet starting March 5th, and we will be waiting for her report at our next meeting. Our parish hosted a Day of Recollection for the Council of Catholic Women with Fr. Hoffman from Ely in charge and was very well received— it was nice to see so many SWU members from Ely and Aurora. Our Woman of the Year, Sophie Zupanich, was honored at our meeting with all of us singing Happy Birthday to her-she was 80 years old on February 12. We enjoyed coffee and cake in her honor. Sophie will be honored at our dinner meeting in May. Spring will be here soon, the days are getting longer, and I hope all of you have done well over the winter. ADELINE MUSTONEN NO. 35, AURORA, MN On Sunday, Feb. 7th, we met at Holy Rosary Church Hall with 31 members present. We were happy to have our State President, Emily Skull, and her secretary, Bev. Menart and Mary Landgren as our guests. Mary and Emily are formerly from Ely and enjoyed a short visit before the meeting. It was so nice to have Josephine Potter, a member from Remses, N.Y. with us, too. Pres. Skull told us she would like to have more than one meeting a year with all the Branches so that we could get to know each other better and to exchange ideas. She expressed a concern for the loss of our Slovenian language, and felt we should encourage our young people and older people, too, to learn the language. She congratulated Anita Vovk and her Slovenian language classes that she teaches. Another suggestion was to have interesting projects about our Heritage and Culture so that our younger members would become more active members. Thank you, Emily. Anita Vovk is a very dedicated teacher. She learned to read and write Slovenian by attending classes taught by Ann Tushar in Gilbert. Anita is Italian and married to a Slovenian. Welcome to another new member, Theresa Moraski from Hoyt Lakes. Congratulations and good luck to Carol Hodnik Ferris in her new business, Acu-Bend Electrolysis. Carol was the director of the Inter-church Ministries Choir (of fifty people) who presented “A Collection of Well-known Sacred Music” on Sunday, Feb. 21st.. We are so proud of you, (Continued on page 12) Anne Orazem and Anita Vovk Reprint from the Mesabi Daily News, Virginia, MN By Linda Tyssen News Editor AURORA - The visit took me back to when my mother and father and I would visit the family of John Drobnich. The highway from Mountain Iron to Buhl now passes by where their farm was, but still I remember the house with its smells of onion and cabbage. They would butcher pigs and make blood sausage, and in Grandma Drobnich’s bedroom rosaries were carefully draped over the dresser mirror. I would listen to her speak in Slovenian to her husband and wonder what they were saying. On this day 30 years later, five people sat around a card table in Anita Vovk’s home in Aurora, having apple pie and coffee. The hostess was Italian, and the guests were two Catholic priests from Slovenia, the president of the American Yugoslav Club of Aurora and a Finn - and we had gathered to talk about things Slovenian. Anne Orazem of Aurora and Mrs. Vovk had dressed for the occasion in their Slovenian costumes, the same ones they wear as part of the Festival Singers of Aurora. They wore the traditional headdress called avba, and Mrs. Vovk had white crocheted stockings from Slovenia, the Republic in the northwest section of Yugoslavia. Mrs. Vovk had also invited Father John Sustarsic and Father Joseph Vovk. The Slovenians are friendly and happy people, the women told me. They like to dance and eat and make music. Family is important, and so is religion. Mrs. Orazem, bom Anne Kolak to a Slovenian mother and a Croatian father, married Tony Orazem, a Slovenian. Mrs. Vovk was bom Anita Vitali, an Italian from Chisholm and married Frank Vovk, a native of Slovenia. She became immersed in Slovenian culture because all her friends were Slovenian and she liked their music and said “my full Italian mother would have to get the words off the radio.” Father Vovk came to America in 1948 and Father Sustarsic two years later, and both speak with the accent that preserves the tradition of “old country.” Father Vovk was ordained in Ljubljana and served in Ely and in Cook, where St. Mary’s Church was built under his pastorship. He is retired now and lives with Father Sustarsic in Aurora, where Fr. Sustarsic is pastor of Holy Rosarv Catholic Church. Fr. Sustarsic also served in Gilbert, Eveleth, Pengilly and Ely. The priests are pleased, they said, when people keep up Slovenian traditions. The interest dropped off after the 1960s and now has revived, they said. The Slovenian Women’s Union in Aurora and American Yugoslav Club, of which Anne Orazem is president, are among the more active of such groups, the women said with pride. And the annual Aurora Grape Festival attracts many. The Women’s Union was formed, she said, because the "men had something to do and the women didn’t.” Other Slovenian organizations on the Range include KSKJ and SNPJ. Holidays are a big tradition with Slovenians, especially Easter. Orazem always serves “želodec,” made with buckwheat flour and filled with ham and pork. Krofe, a sweet dough, is served with ham, and of course there is potica, the walnut-filled pastry, and sarmas, or cabbage rolls. Anne’s father always made wine, she said, and she remembers stomping on heads of sour cabbage to make sauerkraut. “Sarmas — Dad made them every Sunday, like the Italians have spaghetti.”* At Easter the food is taken in a special basket to the church to be blessed, she said, and all of it must be eaten. The egg symbolizes new life, with red-colored eggs the sign of Christ’s wounds, said Father Sustarsic. Horseradish is used to symbolize the nails on the cross and bread represents Christ’s crown. He remembered in his village in Slovenia how the unmarried women took the food baskets to the church. “The first one home would be the first to get married,” he said. “They really tried to outdo one another.” Sometimes they would put heads of cabbage on top of the food basket to make it look fuller. Slovenia: Colorful costumes, good stories cJ-fzzitagz, and O/izvjs, Irene M. Odorizzi MANY THANKS! For the past three years, Ms. Helen Horwath and Ms. Jean Govednik have shared chairmanship for the Museum Committee. As of March, they have resigned this position, but not their participation in the functions of the committee. Helen will act as liason for the 111./ Mich. Corridor. She will be joined in this effort by Mrs. Helen Plut. Jean will continue to function in various capacities when her assistance is required. Other members of the committee who met with the Heritage Director on March 6th were: Helen Plut, Olga Ancel, Jonita Ruth, Molly Gregorič. Unable to attend the meeting was committee member, Mary Rozman. BOOKS ARRIVE The Jugoslav National Home Inc. of Ely, Minnesota has sent the Heritage Museum their collection of 500 books. Mr. Joseph Kovach, Secretary, has communicated with the Heritage Director for the past many months arranging this transfer of books which are expected to arrive this month. In another edition of ZARJA, the collection of books will be discussed in detail. Until that time, new bookcases will be secured and the cataloging will begin. We thank Mr. Kovach and the members of the Jugoslav National Home in Ely for their generous donation, for packing the books and arranging the transfer to Joliet. WELCOME MS. ANN DRAGO VAN We are happy to announce that Ms. Ann Dragovan will be co-ordinator of the Museum for the coming year and hopefully even longer. Ms. Dragovan is energetic, enthusiastic and very interested in expanding the Museum. She already has organized her committee to catalogue books and artifacts. MEMORIAL PLAQUE The former National President, Mrs. Mary Muller, donated $100 in her own name and in memory of her deceased husband, Walter. A wonderful way to keep a memory alive. Thank you. We encourage our members to support the goals of heritage by monetary donations, if you cannot donate items of historical significance. There is need for further expansion and funds are needed! Please keep our needs in mind when you are remembering a special occasion or a special person. Until next time, remember: Heritage is a way of thinking! Then the village priest would visit every house, said Father Vovk. There was also the blessing of the fire, he said. “Each family would take home a piece of burning wood, to start the fire in their home hearths.” “There are no customs that are strictly cultural,” Father Sustarsic said. “It’s very intermingled with religion.” As for the language, Anita Vovk is happy that even high school students have taken her Slovenian class at Aurora. She’s also a great collector of Slovenian glassware and dishes and other items. Among her collection is a cloth to hang behind the stove to catch grease and embroidered in Slovenian with the saying, “Loving husband, stay home, or I’ll look for another one.”** The napkins Anita Vovk used at lunch were printed with a Slovenian welcome, “Dobrodošli.” It was the same feeling I’d had the day before at Anne Orazem’s house when she served apple strudel. And as for the word Slovenian, she said, remember that it has “love in it. EVERY Fr. John Sustersic and Fr. Joseph Vovk, proud to have their parishioners so interested in Slovenian heritage. In church and the community, they continue to try to bring the beauty and meaning of their culture to the coming generations. Editor’s Note: * Anne’s father must have been a terrific Croatian cook if he specialized in delicious Sarma, their very well-known dish! Her family was enriched by the combination of Slovenian and Croatian holiday treats! **The Splasher Cloth Anita has is an art form that is being preserved by the Slovenian Art Guild in Ohio which has issued a series of Splasher Cloth prints for stitching or painting. Their ad in our ZARJA last November gives you more information. The Guild is looking for more originals for their collection which are displayed at various ethnic educational exhibits. No. 35: Carol. The concert was beautiful! Carol’s children, Allyson and Adam are Junior members of our branch, too. Congratulations to Brent Kalar, who made his Confirmation in February. Michelle Klander, along with eight “Class Up” students and their advisors spent one week in Washington, D.C. High School students from all over the U.S. gathered in our Nation’s Capital to observe our “Government in Action.” This is the purpose of the Class Up program. These students had to raise all the money for the trip which has been a good experience for them. Martin Urick spent a month in Germany, studying German at the University of Trier. He is a junior at the College of St. Thomas. Catherine Hanka is our Mother of the Year for 1988! We will honor Katherine on Sunday, May 1st, time and place to be announced in our bulletin. Heartiest congratulations, Katherine! Pres. Holland reported on a successful “Steering Committee” meeting for our State Convention. Dorothy Jamnik, Dottie Jamnik, Josephine Potter, Katherine Hanka, Ann R. Mis-mash, Nancy Martinetto and Tona Soukup have been and are busy making favors. Our sincere sympathy to the following who lost their mothers, Josephine Potter, Delta Zabrocki and Frank Vovk and Betty Carlson who lost her sister, Ann. May they all rest in peace. Thank you to everyone for their lovely gifts for our “Dime Auction”. We netted $62 for our “over 80” members’ dues. To out hostesses, thank you for the delicious dessert and your help with the auction. Hostesses for our Mother’s Day celebration and meeting are Dorothy Ceglar, Virginia Moraski, Anita Vovk, Delores Lesnau, Maria Bradach, Ann F. Mismash, Helen Simonich and Olga Berdice. The closing prayers were led by Pres. Holland for our State Pres. Emily Skull that she may receive the cooperation of all the branches for a successful and fruitful year. Prayers were also said for our ill and deceased members and their families. I would like to share an event that took place in our area. Many volunteers, including many SWU members, helped to make this a successful and happy time for all the participants. On Feb. 16,17,18, 1988, the Annual Special Olympics Winter Games were held at Giants Ridge Ski Area in Biwabik and the Eveleth Hippodrome. These 350 Special Olympians were honored with a beautiful opening ceremony at the Hippodrome. This included the parade of athletes, the Special Olympic’s oath, “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” Lighting of the Olympic Flame and a welcome by Governor Rudy Perpich followed. They were then entertained by the Virginia Figure Skating Club, the Iron Range Singing Strings, a group of young people playing and singing Finnish songs, 1 Cantatori, a group of men singing Italian songs and the Slovenian Dancers, Stanley and Josephine Trost and Tony and Anne Orazem, accompanied by Pauline Cimermancic and Paul Sersha on their button box accordians. Julia Sersha was the Commentator. The audience loved the music and dancing, especially the polkas and clap dance! All the groups were dressed in their ethnic costumes. These Special Olympians enjoyed participating in the skiing and skating events. Win or lose, they were happy. They truly are Special People! Happy Easter to everyone! ANNE M. ORAZEM No. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Our “Think Spring” card party on Feb. 28 turned out as we had hoped - a balmy day of 40 degrees above zero! 80 women enjoyed the afternoon playing cards. Jennie Samsa, Jennie Briski and crew kept up their reputation by serving a delectable Cantonese lunch. As an added touch, Jennie Samsa baked her own crescent rolls. Many door prizes were given and a prize of home-made noodles were courtesy of Fran Zalec, Walnut potica, from Jennie Samsa; 3 lb. of coffee and a 12 pack of Coke, donated by Rose Niemi. A demonstration of “sisterly love” was provided by Ann Selvo, Valeria Carlson, Mary Sikich, and Mary Micheletti of Hibbing who presented our president, Charlotte, with a beautiful spring bouquet of flowers. So, we all have another happy get-together to keep in our memories. Thank you to all who worked and to those who attended. * * * Branch 38 of Chisholm had a very pleasant evening on Wednesday, March 2nd. Jennie Samsa and Jennie Briski had a detailed report on the card party and expressed their appreciation to those who helped make it such a success. The following made dessert cup cakes for the event: Jo Zupancich, Charlotte Laurich, Rosemary Benson, Rosemary Tanko, Jennie Samsa, Florence Fryckman, Jennie Briski. Rose Niemi contributed the wine for the attendance prize. Mary Ruth Cameron, hospitality chairperson, asked to be replaced. She had worked in this capacity for two years. Anne Walach will take over the duties, effective immediately. Thank you, Mary Ruth, for this service to our shut-ins. And thanks, Anne, for taking over. On Sunday, May 1st, all members are invited to attend the 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph’s for all living and deceased members of Br. 38. We will sit in the reserved pews and receive the Eucharist in a body. After the Mass, we will have a catered brunch. Arrangements are not completed as to the place of the brunch. Our calling committee will notify everyone. Members whose birthdays are in March were Irene Sinko, Helen Segan, RoseFaras, and Jennie Briski. Travelling prize was won by Teresa Gerzin, and attendance prizes were given to Kathy Knuth and Helen Segan. Lunch was served by Fran Zalec and Mildred Bashel. For April, the lunch committee will be: Jennie Samsa, Anne Walach, and Rosemary Tanko. After the meeting, Fran Zalec entertained us with a delightful story of Jesus and Peter. It was a great ending to a good meeting! After the meeting and entertainment, Rose Niemi came up with a very good idea for our April meeting. She suggested that every member come to the meeting wearing her favorite Easter bonnet from years past. Prizes will be awarded for the most beautiful creation and for the strangest one. That sounds like a lot of fun, and, hopefully, all will participate. ANN NUSICH, Rec. Sec’y NEW PHASE MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN COMING UPI Watch for news of it in the next issue! NO. 40, LORAIN, OH I’m sorry to report that since we were having a lot of heavy snow and freezing temperatures and many of our members are ailing, we cancelled our Feb. meeting. We are hoping that the worst weather is behind us and sunny days are ahead. News about our sick members: Our new Sec.-Treas., Agatha Dongas, has left the hospital and is recuperating at home. Angie Kozjan’s condition has improved somewhat. May me Erjavec who had a Tripleheart by-pass surgery is recuperating well. Pres. Agnes Tomazin is still waiting to go and have arm surgery and Molly Glavan is still under doctor’s care. Anna Bruce is in the Good Samaritan Nursing Home. Frances Krumpek is in the Ohio Extended Care. Louise Seskar is in the Avon Oaks Nursing Home. Let’s all try to send cards to these shut-ins. I’m sure they would appreciate hearing from us. We wish a Happy Birthday to our members who have birthdays in Feb. and March and to our Angie Kozjan who will be 87 years young on April 8th. There’s happiness in the Uehlein household. A baby boy was bom to Myron and Candi Uehlein on Dec. 14, 1987. Grandparents are Milo and late Binnie. The maternal grandmother is Betty Lou Goodrich. Congratulations to all. Genevieve Wenzel has returned home after visiting her son and family for the holidays in Colorado. Agnes Bucher and husband are still in sunny Florida and so are Rose and Bob Knezetic. Ash Wednesday was the beginning of Lent. It is a time for prayer and self-denial. Let’s all try to sacrifice something worth while and share it with someone less fortunate. If you are looking for a practical gift to give to a new bride or a dear friend, why not give the latest edition of the “Pots & Pans” cook book? It will be a gift that will be treasured for many a year. Our new Sec.-Treas. would appreciate it very much if you would try to keep your dues paid up to date. Our next meeting is April 13th at 7 p.m. Best wishes for a Happy and Blessed Easter. Love, MARY MATOS NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OH Greetings to all from Br. 42 members. Another month has gone by; before you know it spring will be here. Happy birthday to the April birthday ladies, Imelda Blazey, Arlene Legan, Helen Lipnos, Helen Prudic, Marge Roznik, Joyce Kosak, Jennifer Repka, and Frances Stavic. Best belated birthday wishes to Marie Vercek and Anna Zupančič. To our sick, especially Mary Stimetz, Ann Rezin and Helen Lipnos and to anyone I may have missed, best wishes and our prayers are with you. Lou Kastelic, husband of Betty, was chosen Maple Hgts. National Home Man of the Year, 1988. Congratulations! Lou is the son of Antonia Kastelic, our former president. Teresa Gorup spent some time with her daughter, Margaret Gravier. Eugene and grandson, John Anthony, are down at Port Charlotte. Millie Lipnos spent two wonderful weeks with her sister, Vicky in Arizona. The slides of the Holy Land were shown at our last meeting. Thanks to Marge and Ann Zupanič. They were enjoyed by all. Our annual trip to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine will be on August 28th this year. A letter was received from Fountain Valley, California from Louise Toth. She and her husband were fortunate to take an Alaskan Cruise last August. They also toured Buckart Gardens and Vancouver for several days. They plan a trip to Hawaii in April if all goes well. Best wishes, Louise from Br. 42. Our Mother of the Year Mass and celebration is scheduled for May 10th. Please plan to attend. Happy and Blessed Easter to all. DONNA STUBUER NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI We had a good attendance at our February meeting. Our birthday gals surprised the members with a lunch at noon of bar-b-q beef sandwiches, ham sandwiches, macaroni salad, pickles and coffee. At 1 p.m. we started our meeting. A new member was initiated, then our old business. The Mass for living and deceased members will be held on Sunday, April 17th at 8:45 a.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church, 8500 W. Cold Spring Rd. All members are urged to attend. Meet in hall downstairs and we’ll march in a group to the front pews which will be reserved for us. Please call yours truly if you are coming. In May we will honor our Mother of the Year, who is Christine Kokalj, our treasurer. The date is Wednesday May 11th at noon, at the Hillcrest, 8612 W. Watertown Plank Rd. Reservations must be made; call yours truly 481-7357. I was notified that Ella Udovich is at St. Lukes Hospital. A card or visit will be greatly appreciated. To all our sick and shut-ins a speedy recovery. Welcome our new member, Arline Fritz. Remember your 1988 dues. Next meeting Wednesday April 27th. Happy Easter. ROSE KRAEMER Notice: My new address as of March 1st - 3763 So. Kansas Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207 NO. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OH Being that Easter is early this year it may be here and gone before my article will be published in the ZARJA. Our March meeting was well-attended. It was opened with prayer by our President, Mary Mundson. Secretary gave her yearly financial report and found to be in order. On Sunday May 1st we will honor our selected Mother of the Year, Vice President Olga Dorchak. Time and place will be discussed at our next meeting. Congratulations are in order to Judy Philips and Dan Freeman who were united in marriage on Saturday, Feb. 6. A reception for immediate family was held at Stouffer’s on the Square. From all of us to a fine couple, good luck, good health and may you spend many happy years together. Judy and husband will make their home in New Orleans. Judy we will miss you! Congratulations to Jennie Zupančič, who was honored by the Nash on E. 80th St., Newburgh as their hon-oree on March 20th at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. Jennie is 96 years young, has been a faithful member of S.W.U. for 55 years! Happy birthday to our ladies who have birthdays in April: Esther Bonc-ser, Helen Culkar, Katherine Gas- Anna L. Hodnik Leam Slovenian! I chose a few words from the article I wrote on Blessing of Food-Žegen. (on page 28) custom—navada emblem, symbol-znak explain-razložiti brought-prinesel liturgy—cerkveni obredi lamb-jagnje solemnity—svečanost feast-praznik joy—veselje resurrection—vstajenje century-stoletje savior-odrešenik basket—koš-jerbaš lucky-srečen commemorate—spominjati se Lent-post Easter-Velika noč bum-goreti protection—varstvo snake-kača paric, Delores Hrovat and Antonette Ganders. Mary Lovrenčič, was surprised by her family and relatives for her special 85th birthday with a dinner at Squire’s Restaurant on Feb. 21. May all yolur birthdays be blessed with health and happiness, Mary! Travelers on the go include Eleanor and Anthony Stražišar who enjoyed their trip to Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara, Mexico. Not long enough! May be next time you will stay longer. Sick list: Jennie Praznik is convalescing at home after having surgery at Deaconess Hospital. Jo and Bernard Godec send a big hello to all Br. 47 members from Sunny California. Our sincere sympathy to family of Mary Skul on their recent loss of husband, Rudy Skul. To Frances Persin passing of her aunt, Mary Per. Antonia and family on passing of husband Joe. Antonia Beme is presently living with daughter, Antonia Gittler and husband in Buffalo, New York. May their souls and all the souls rest in peace. Next meeting is the second Sunday in April, S.W.U. Maple Hts., 1 o’clock. Happy Easter to all S.W.U. members. Respectfully submitted, MARY TAUCHER NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OH Shrove Tuesday - and our meeting night - with a decrease in attendance as quite a few of our members were at St. Vitus Church Auditorium for a homemade sausage and sauerkraut dinner for the benefit of Ave Maria magazine. We celebrated in different ways too. First we did have bakery brought in by our members - strudels and cakes and we had a treat of chocolate candy for all of us given by John and Mary Chesnik who are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary and we all do wish them many more healthy years together. We also honored Anne Muhic as our Valentine Queen. Ann is married to John and is a mother of two daughters and grandmother of 4 granddaughters and one grandson. She looked like a Valentine with the traditional red cape and silver crown and received a box of candy and a beautiful red velvet pillow which was made by our member, Carole Traven, as gifts. Our historian did some homework reading back issues of ZARJA and relating to us some incidents at Branch 50 meetings from the years of 1938 and 1939. Really interesting what our mothers and may be even some of our grandmothers did to have fun at meetings and novel ways of earning money. Can you imagine charging 25 cents and 35 cents admission to their social dances? Sewed sheets and pillow cases and sold them for 35 cents and made money? Dances were entitled “Moon Glow” and “Frolics” and do your remember the Twilight Gardens dance hall? Thanks, Jo Smith, nicely done and enjoyed. We now have a suggestion box. Any new ideas for the good and fun of our branch or Union, let us know. Will appreciate! Albina and Frank Kocisko, Angelo and Jane Vidic volunteered their help making perogis at St. Steven’s Church during Lent and all the workers enjoyed a good dinner and a game and all four won prizes! Even the rest of their table! Albina and Stan Ulle stayed in Florida for a month and enjoyed the warm weather. Ann Glavic spent three weeks in Prescott, Arizona whose ele- SLOVENE FOR TRAVELERS Conversational Phrases Cultural Information Travel Tips By Miran Hladnik and Toussaint Hočevar Phrases for all occasions: traveling around * meeting people * eating out * driving * shopping' sightseeing * hunting * water sports' skiing * searching for Slovene roots... and more. Comments on customs and lifestyle. Sections on Slovene cooking, songs, and letter writing. Tips on places to see and things to do: spas, castles, musical events, folk festivals, hiking, room and board on Alpine farms. Publisher Peter Amalietli Posebne edicije FENIKS Ljubljana 1988 136 p. (soft bound) $12.95 (including a 90-minute audio-cassette); add $1.00 p & h Send orders to: Mrs. T. Hočevar 6005, Wildair Drive New Orleans Louisiana, 70122 Tel. (504) 283-7177 vation is a mile high, like Denver, Colo. She enjoyed the scenery and the fresh air. Those mountains sure can elevate your spirits! Mary Vogrin wrote from Florida and is contemplating coming up again this summer as she enjoys her visits with us. She was on a trip to Washington, D.C. in January and encountered cold weather and snow and decided that was enough of winter for her. Glad to have you come up to see us again! Our “telephone system” of reporting deaths or current events will be re-established again. If you can help by calling 3 or 4 names please let Ann Tercek know. If we cooperate it can be done. The survivors appreciate our visits and prayers to their deceased. Marie Beck had double trouble this winter. Her husband, Ray, had a stroke and still needs help and at the same time she received news of her brother’s death. He was Joseph Skull of Ljubljana and died on Dec. 30th. Marie, our sympathy and hopes for your husband’s recovery. Angie Shine lost her brother, Harry Shine, in death in Annaheim, Calif. She and friend Mary Delost, travelled there for the funeral. Our sympathy, Angie. Many of our members are ailing with stays in the hospital and hopefully at this printing they are home and convalescing or better yet, well. Catherine Fedus has a back problem and also broke her arm; eye problems - Helen Levstick, Loretta Hlabse and Ann Tercek; Julia Sadar hospitalized; Alice Somrack, back surgery; Evelyn Pipoly fell and broke her arm; Anne Ryavec fell on ice and hurt her knee and shoulder; they all told us how treacherous ice can be. Also ill is Jean Miller; Carolyn Budan appreciated the visit from Millie Petrovič and Ann Tercek. Everybody take care; stay well. News from Florida: Rose and Frank Ziherl are great grandparents to two new babies and love it. Remember, more than two years ago I had everyone looking for my wedding album that I brought to our meeting when we displayed our wedding pictures and it was lost! Well, I found it! Sometimes one doesn’t appreciate things until they’re lost. I really missed it as it is something you can’t replace after 52 years. Looking for a map of Colorado, I found the album underneath the large atlas in a drawer of a table. St. Anthony heard my prayers even if it did take 2 years! Thank you, St. Anthony! Many of our members attended the U.S.S. Band Concert, Dinner, Bake Sale and Baking Contest. Two members were winners of ribbons in the contest, namely, Mary Peterlin and Josephine Misic. Congratulations! It was the Band’s 10th anniversary celebration since it was founded by the U.S.S. (United Slovene Society). Their beautiful rendition of songs we know and loved showed the progress they have made. They are the largest Slovene band in the USA. Initiation of new members is in April, our annual feature - if you haven’t ever been initiated - come — you will be escorted by our Cadets with candlelight. Our fish bowl free dues - catch up on your dues - so you can win. Help Diane! Hope you have a nice Easter! Just a thought — Measure your lifetime in blessings and you’ll always remain in your prime. For youth is a feeling you keep in your heart whether seven or seventy-nine. VERA ŠEBENIK, Reporter Dear Members: Please pay your dues by June, 1988. You might be the lucky winner of FREE dues in 1989! What Kind of Member Are You? Some always pay their dues ahead, and some are behindfor months instead. Some do their best, some build, some make; while some never give but take. Some lag behind, some let things go; some never help us grow. Some draw, some pull, some don’t, some do. Consider then, what kind of member are you? Some members help keep us strong; while others they just belong. Some dig right in; some strive with pride; some go along justfor the ride. Some volunteer to do their share, while some lay back andjust don’t care. For meetings some always show, while there are those who never go. Submitted by: DIANE M. BENCIN Secretary Br. 50, Cleveland, OH A FUTURE LEADER! ANDREW SCOTT JAGODNIK, age 18, whose story we read last month about his study-trip to Slovenia, will graduate this June from St. John’s Catholic High School. He hopes to start his pre-med studies this fall. He is the son of Anthony and Nancy Jagodnik of Bolton, MA and is a member of Br. 50 since birth. His grandmas, Irene Jagodnik and Marie Beck are our active officers in Cleveland. NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MN It seems the time flies by so fast! It was cold on our meeting day but the members ventured out anyway. We took the time to offer our deepest sympathy to Genevieve Zidarich and Carmella Bonazza on the loss of their dearly beloved dad. He was an outstanding person, lived to the grand old age of 91 and was a very much loved man. His wife preceded him in death a few years ago. We hope and pray that this wish and our prayers will in some way sustain them in the loss which is now felt by the bereaved family. We pray that his burdens are lifted and may his soul and all souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. And to all our sick members, we wish them Gods speed to a rapid recovery. Our meeting was again conducted by our Vice-President, Genevieve Zidarich. Our president, Rose Trombley was in the hospital and is home recovering nicely. God bless you. Get well soon. Katherine Plese Dolinich is getting along better now and is in the Crest Nursing Home. Hope to be seeing her soon. Get well - missing you! Our meeting was closed with prayer and we continued on to the social of the evening. Our hostesses were sisters, Ann Mansfield, Ann Roberts and Julia Mancuso. A delicious lunch was served and cards were played with honors going to sisters, Dorothy Russo and Margaret Kochevar in Smear, Bridge honors to sisters Alice Baratto and Celia Palitano. Door prize went to Gertrude Kochevar. A very good time was had by all. Next meeting is on the first Wednesday of April at the Community Center. May God bless you all and hope to see you soon. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR Hermine Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, WI 53711 PotS and f&EE What a pleasant surprise to receive a letter from a male reader, Lawrence Ellenich, with a tasty recipe for POTATO PO VATIC A. He and his wife, Betty, of Br. #28, reside in Calumet, Ml. I was happy to read: “I tried your POLISH SAUSAGE recipe in Jan., 1965 ZARJA, and have been using it ever since with one difference; I made a smokehouse and smoke my own sausages. These are also enjoyed by parishioners and friends of St. Paul the Apostle Church during the Fall Festival.” Lawrence added: “I inherited the German potato recipe enclosed from my dear mother who learned it as a teenage house girl when working for a German family.” Olga Ancel thoughtfully sent recipes from two Joliet members of Br. 20: HAMBURGER BUNS from Kay Feldman and Helen Plut’s RASPBERRY SNOW BARS enjoyed at their annual January meeting. Corinne Leskovar, our editor, has suggested using an occasional diabetic recipe for this column. The dietitian in the hospital where I volunteer suggested the book: The Diabetic's Cookbook by Clarice B. Strachan. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE from that book seems timely since strawberries will soon be on the market at reasonable prices. She does suggest that unless your doctor has placed you on a strict diet, “keep the fat content down when preparing meat; cut away visible fat and use low fat shortening, sparingly, if at all.” Happy Spring! Love, Hermine POTATO POVATICA 2 cups left over mashed 2 cups (about) chopped or potatoes blended onions 2 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons oil, Crisco, etc. 1 teaspoon pepper, or as 2 cups flour desired In large mixing bowl, add the mashed potatoes, eggs, shortening and flour, mix thoroughly with a spoon and hands to a pliable dough. Roll out on floured table cloth to about an 18-inch circle. On this spread the chopped or blended onions. Season with salt and pepper. Roll up and curl in 9 x 13-inch greased pan. Bake at 350° for 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1-1/2 hours until lightly browned. Smells and tastes like Comish Pastry. Good hot or cold. The mashed spuds can be 1-3/4 or 2-1/2 cups. Add more flour, if needed. Variation: Add 1/2 pound seasoned hamburger or 8 slices crisp and crumbled bacon over onion layer. HAMBURGER BUNS 1 quart milk 1 cup sugar 3 packages dry yeast 4 teaspoons salt !/4 cup warm water 1 cup oil 1 teaspoon sugar 10!/2 to 11 cups all-purpose flour 3 eggs, beaten Heat milk. Cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in warm water and 1 teaspoon sugar. Pour cool milk in large bowl; add eggs, sugar, salt, oil and yeast. Stir in 10-1/2 cups flour to make a soft dough. On floured board knead 10 minutes; gradually add remaining flour until dough is no longer sticky. Place in greased bowl; turn dough to grease top. Cover with a cloth and let rise 1 hour or until double. Punch down and let rise again for 1 hour or until doubled. Lightly grease cookie sheet. Divide dough into 4 portions; divide each portion into 8 or 10 balls, depending on size (small buns for kids: larger for adults). Shape balls, folding edges under. Cover. Let rise until double, about 30 minutes. Place first buns on cookie sheet without touching and bake 15 minutes or until golden brown in a preheated 375° oven on middle rack. Repeat two times. Makes 32 to 40 buns. . J RASPBERRY SNOW BARS cup Crisco (half butter Vi cups sifted all-purpose for better taste) flour cup sugar 1 cup or one 12-ounce jar teaspoon salt red raspberry preserves x'» teaspoon almond extract x'i cup flaked coconut 2 eggs, separated ui cup sugar Preheat oven to 350°. Cream Crisco, 1/4 cup sugar and salt until fluffy; blend in almond extract and egg yolks. With spoon or fork gradually stir in flour until all flour is absorbed. With fingers and palm of hand pat into 9 x 13-inch greased pan (dough will be somewhat sticky). Bake 15 minutes. Spread hot crust with preserves; top with coconut. Beat egg whites until foamy; gradually beat in 1/2 cup sugar until stiff peaks form. Spread over coconut; bake 25 minutes. Cool completely. Cut into 2 dozen bars. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE NO. 54, WARREN, OH Vi 2 cups flour teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt tablespoons shortening IS cup milk teaspoon sucaryl solution (2 tablespoons sugar non-diabetic) quarts strawberries, crushed r Heat oven to 450°. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Work in shortening with pastry blender until crumbly. Stir in milk and sucaryl Just until blended. Pat out to about 3/4-inch thickness. Cut out six biscuits and place on greased baking pan. Brush tops with milk. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Split biscuits while hot and cover with berries. Serve immediately. One serving may be exchanged for 2 fruit exchanges, 1 bread exchange and 2 fat exchanges. ---------------------------------------------------------- MOLDED FRUIT SALAD 3 ounces cream cheese or 1 cup yogurt 'U cup lemon juice 'U teaspoon salt 1 can (8 ounces) pineapple tidbits 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin 1 package (10 ounces) frozen strawberries, thawed 1 cup fresh or canned pears, drained and sliced Lettuce leaves Soften cream cheese at room temperature. Combine cream cheese or yogurt with lemon juice; add salt and blend well. Drain pineapple. Soften gelatin in pineapple juice and heat until dissolved. Stir into cream cheese or yogurt mixture. Add berries. Beat with rotary beater. Chill until begins to thicken. Stir in pineapple and pears. Pour into 1-quart mold diped in cold water. Chill until set. Unmold on lettuce leaves. Six 1/2 cup servings. About 160 calories with cheese; 135 with yogurt. Our Mother-Daughter Luncheon will be held on Wed., May 18th at the Elks on Rt. 422. You shall be called for reservations by me or our president, Jo Kasson. We will honor Stephanie Spelich and Mary Diana as our two Mothers of the Year, so please try to come and help them celebrate. You are to bring a door prize and canned food for the games. You can bring a guest, also. We will have entertainment for your pleasure. My husband and I just came back from a cruise to the Virgin Islands., It was wonderful. We never were able to go away like that before because our parents were sick for so many years and needed us. And now that they are gone, we will try to travel a little. We went to St. Thomas, St. Croix and Nassau and loved it. Congratulations to my Aunt Margaret, her granddaughter. Donna Zuga and husband, Vince. They just adopted a lovely baby girl, three months old. They’re naming her Lorraine. The parents are overjoyed. They’ve waited for years! Happy 35th Wedding Anniversary to Mary and Cappy Diana. Good health and God’s blessing to all. JOANNE PONIKVAR Old World Strudel Bread 3 Varieties: • Apple • Cream Cheese • Original English Walnut