ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION n 547S.S SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, 111. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. SLOVENSKA ZENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inhorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. » * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois ZARJA —THE DAWN Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee-. MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. WORDS OF WISDOM The essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. We never miss the water till the well runs dry. Time is the soul of this world. Some friends are like shadows: they follow you around in sunshine, but disappear in storms. Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know. Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. Censorship of the press Is bad, but censorship by the press is worse. The man who despises himself will find most people agree with him. Green hills are blue from a distance. After men kill their prophets, they honor them as mar A long life may not be good enough, but a good life will be long enough. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JANUARY Branch Presidents: Jan. 13 — Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 13, — Antonia Legan, Br. 4'2, Maple Hgts., Ohio Jan. 21 — Agnes Zitko, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. Jan. 27—Mary Polajner, Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER .. . Jan. 11 — Combine Cleveland Branches meeting 1 p.m. St. Clair Rec. Jan. 3 — Br. 95, So. Chicago, III., yearly meeting March 11-12 — Ohio State Bazaar & Style Show, Cleveland, March 18-19 — Midwest Bowling Tourney, Milwaukee, Wise. April 23 — Wisconsin State Convention, West Allis, Wise. Oct. 1 — Br. 2, Chicago, III. State Convention and 35 Anniv. America’s “First Family,” the John F. Kennedys, become residents of the White House this month. Our prayers good wishes go with them as they begin the greatest ost exciting venture in a lifetime. This picture is, see, minus their newborn son, John, Jr., who is o make hte photographic debut. ON THE COVER ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXIII —No. 1 JANUARY, 1961 LETO XXXin—ŠT.1 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: New Year s Dedication n New Year’s Day we place a new calendar 011 our desk. From January to December the days follow one another in orderly succession. The exact hour and minute when the sun and moon rise and set each day is indicated. Hut the pages of the calendar say nothing about our lives. We cannot write on it what will happen tomorrow, or the next week and month; we cannot even guarantee that we will see them. Life is slipping away from us and we feel with each New year how transitory life is, how full the whole world is of ruins; everything vanishes; everything passes. But God lives. God who is everywhere and who is eternal. Even if we wished, we could not hide from Him. But through a living faith, we do not wish to hide from God. We wish to live in His presence, of the God in whose hands the whole world lies, of the infinite God who envelopes us, covers us, conceals us, preserves us. May this thought occupy our minds, and our hearts. May it fascinate us and bind us to God always and every- where, so that not one moment of this New Year will be lived without him, not one moment far from Him, not one moment against Him through serious sin. Our New Year’s resolution can be made in the words of St. Paul in the New Year’s Day Epistle: We resolve to “reject ungodliness and worldly lust that we may live temperately and justly and piously in this world, looking for the blessed hope and glorious coming of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and cleanse himself an acceptable people, pursuing good works. Of course, resolutions are broken, of course after resolutions we often fail; we fail far more without them. Our resolutions remain the sign if divine discontent, of human striving for perfection, and of the unconquerable will that separates successes from failures, men and women of achievement from men and women of spineless will and collapsed ideals. St. Paul says; One thing I do: Forgetting the things that are behind and stretching forth myself to those that are before, I press on towards the mark, to the prize of the supernal vocation of God in Christ Jesus. This is our goal: after this life to come back to God. The resolution kept will bring you there. My wish is that God of peace be with you all in the new year. P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. Začnimo znova angleškem pisatelju Tomažu Carlyle pripovedujejo, da je pisal knjigo o francoski revoluciji več let. Upal je, da mu bo knjiga prinesla slavo in denar. Bil je namreč zelo ubog in je komaj rinil skozi življenje. Da bi zagotova uspel, je dal pregledati svoj rokopis nekemu svojemu prijatelju. Ljudje so veliko dali na njegovo oceno knjig. Tako tudi Tomaž Carlyle. Nepotrpežljivo je pričakoval ocene. Od nje je zavisela njegova bodočnost. Končno neko jutro pride njegov prijatelj s pretresljivo novico. Njegova služkinja je smatrala rokopis za zavržen papir in je z njim zakurila peč. Kakšen udarec za pisatelja. Vse se je podrlo. Ta novica ga je tako potrla, da je izgledalo, da ne bo napisal nobene vrstice več. Dolgo časa se je predajal žalostnim mislim. Le kako je življenje kruto. Nobene sreče nimam. Take in podobne misli si se podile po njegovi glavi. Zatopljen v žalostne misli in zagrenjen do dna duše, je nekega dne po naključju pogledal skozi okno delavne sobe in ozrl na nasprotni strani ceste zidarje pri delu. Popravljali so neko podrto steno. Opazoval jih je, kako so potrpežljivo polagali opeko na opeko, vrsto za vrsto. Stena je vidno rastla in vrzel v steni je bila vedno manjša. Pogled na zidarje in na skoraj dovršeno steno je vrnil pisatelju duhovne moči. Zbudil se je v njem nov duh. S solzami v očeh si je dopovedoval, da bo tudi on obnovil svoj uničeni rokopis in sicer besedo za besedo, vrstico za vrstico, poglavje za poglavjem dokler ne dokonča knjige. Bilo je teško začeti ali dobra volja je premagala vse težave. Knjiga je končno le zagledala svet v veliko zadoščenje ljudi. Vsak človek piše svojo zgodovino, zgodovino svojega življenja. Z 31. decembrom končamo eno poglavje knjige in z novim letom začenjamo drugega. Ko gledamo na pretekle dni tudi nas včasih prime nejevolja in nas začne peči vest. Nekaj naših dni je bilo popolnoma izgubljenih. Skrbeli smo za telo na dušo smo pa popolnoma pozabili. Miki življenja so nas preslepili, da nismo videli nebes. Želimo si sedaj, da bi teh dni ne bilo več in da bili popolnoma izbrisani iz knjige nažega življenja. Tak obračun z življenjem, ki smo ga napravili ob koncu leta nam je morda prinesel izgubo. To pa ni povod za obup in brezkoristno žalovanje. Znova se zberimo. Znova poprimlmo za delo na izboljšanju samega sebe. Znova začnimo graditi. Naj nam razvaline iz preteklosti ne vzamejo dobre volje. Znani iznajditelj Edison, je napravil nešteto polskusov predno je dosegel luč, ki jo danes imenujemo električno žarnico. Če bi on izgubil pogum in ne bi bilo volje v njem začeti znova bi morda še danes čakali na človeka, ki bi iznašel električno žarnico. Zato tudi mi začnimo znova. Ne odlašajmo na jutri. Vsaka minuta je dragocena. Bog nam je podaril življenje in čas. Kako ga porabljamo za Boga in kako mu ta caš vračamo. Za dobroto ga udarjamo v obraz z grehom. Dajmo Mu vsaj minuto na dan in se ga spomnimo kot svojega dobrega prijatelja, v molitvi. Darujmo mu nekaj minut ob nedeljah, ko gremo k sv. maši. Dajmo mu priliko vsaj enkrat na mesec, da lahko pride k nam v sv. obhajilu. Dajmo mu priliko, da njegova milost v nas deluje in raste. Bodimo kristjani ne samo v besedi, ampak v dejanju in resnici. Naši stari so rekli: "Z Bogom začni vsako delo, da bo dober tek imelo.” Tako tudi mi začnimo novo leto in ob sklepu leta ne bo treba obžalovanja nad izgubljenimi minutami in zapravljenim življenjem. Samo zač-lmo. Znova začnimo in novo leto bo srečno, kar je naše voščilo vam. A Happy Neiv Year to You All! DEAR OFFICERS AND MEMBERS: My new year greetings to our Spiritual Advisor, supreme officers branch officers and all members of our Slovenian Women’s Union. May the year 1961 bring a fulfillment of your fondest hopes and dreams and may Our Lord bestow upon you countless blessings all year through. The year 19G1 is our National Convention year. Four months from now we will convene In our twelveth regular convention at Ely, Minn. The formal opening will take place on Sunday, May 21, 1961—“LOOK SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT”. The pre-convention membership campaign has come to a close. Good prizes were offered for those who took an interest for success. A round trip ticket to Ely, Minn., the convention city goes to the winners and the title “HONORARY DELEGATE”. The assessment of the new member must be paid a year in advance the convention takes place in order to be recognized. The election of delegates will take place in January and February. I advise every branch president to carefully read the section in the BY-LAWS under the caption “DELEGATES”. Each branch that has all its members assessments paid by the first of January of the convention year, shall be entitled to a delegate to the convention. ATT: “READ THE SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT IN THIS ISSUE”. This month the officers elected for the coming year will assume their obligations. I wish you the best of luck m every endeavor. I appeal wholeheartedly to all members to put their shoulder behind them and in unity work for continued growth and progress! I wish to express my utmost appreciation for all your past work and I extend to you my sincere wishes for happiness, good health and prosperity. This is my NEW YEAR’S GREETING and prayer that God may bless you a thousand-fold! Josephine Livek, supreme president Silver Jubilee of Rev. Matthew J. Setnicar The Silver Jubilee of his ordination was celebrated by Rev. M. J. Setnicar, pastor of St. Mary Help of Christians Church. West Allis, Sunday Dec. 4, 1960. A Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving took place at 12:30 P.M. The Revs. Raymond Welter and Francis Bisenius were deason and sub deacon, respectively. Rev. Raymond Leng was pre-byster. Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Schulien preached the sermon. The Thurifer was Gregory Serva and the acolytes were Dan Hendrlch and John Kompas. The Cross Bearer was Robert Telich. There were seven Monsignori and about forty-five priests who attended the Mass. The Assistant pastor, Rev. J. Ziegler, was toastmaster at the dinner which followed the Mass. He also managed all arrangements for the Silver Jubilee celebration. About one hundred clergy, relatives, and other guests were present at the dinner. Relatives of the Jubilarian Included his sister, Sister Mary Alice, OSB from Colorado. Among the priests present was our Supreme Spiritual advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. of Milwaukee. The speakers included Msgr. Butala, pastor of St. Joseph Church, Joliet, 111. who had been pastor of Mother of God Church, Waukegan, 111. which was Rev. Setnicar’s home parish, and who, acting as his advi sor, gave a very heart-warming speech in which he frequently referred to him as "my boy.’’ Rt. Rev. Msgr. Schneider of St. Francis Major Seminary recalled their days together at the seminary in Rome—and his ordination. Among the congratulatory letters mentioned by Rev. J. Ziegler at the dinner was one from Mayor Arnold Klentz of West Allis. Silver Jubilarian is Spiritual Director of Branch #17 Father Setnicar was born on August 18, 1908, in Waukegan, 111., and attended the St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, from 1924 to 1930. From 1930 to 1938 he studied in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the College Propaganda Fide. He was ordained December 8, 1935 in Rome and offered his first Mass at Mother of God Church in Waukegan, where he was baptized. Father Setnicar served as notary on the Archdiocesan Marriage Court on his return from Rome. He was then placed as an assistant pastor of St. Mary Help of Christians Church and a year later became the pastor. Rev. Setnicar has been here for the past 22% years, and during these years of faithful service he has undertaken the building of a new school and gym auditorium and also purchased property for the Sister’s residence. Among his many accomplishments and the improvements, were the building of a small Chapel for future use, repairing of the church basement, adding two new confessionals and a small baptistry and the installation of a beautiful new main altar in the church. He also purchased a new organ for the Church. There were over 650 parishioners and friends who greeted Rev. Setnicar at the evening reception which was followed by a luncheon. The assistant pastor, Rev. Ziegler, read the names of the societies which participated in a beautiful altar vestment gift presented to him: St. Mary’s C.Y.O., Altar Society, Christian Mothers, Holy Name, Ushers, St. Joseph, KSKJ #103, St. Mary’s KSKJ #165 and Slovenian Women’s Union-Zveza #17. The St. Mary’s Senior Choirs sang a number of songs which were appropriate for the occasion. A chart with a staff of twenty-five silver dollars representing notes of the scale was given by the Slovenian choir. The English choir gave a hand-made floral bouquet containing twenty-five silver dollars and a handmade statue of a priest. The C.Y.O. Choir gave him a statue of the Immaculate Conception and a small purse. The St. Mary's School Children sang under the direction of Sister Louise of St. Agnes Order, the parish Sister-Organist. Father Setnicar ended the program by giving an interesting history of his life and “What makes a Priest” and expressed his gratitude to all parishioners and friends. Our sincere congratulations to this fine and exemplary “servant of God.” Josephine Imperl 12th National S. W. U. Convention in Ely, Minn. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY are the two months designated for the election of your delegates to the 12th National S.W.U. Convention. Members are requested to attend the meetings and help elect the most qualified delegates and alternates to represent your branch. The following sections are taken from the By-laws and Regulations of our S.W.U. The 12th regular S.W.U.A. Convention will be held May 21 -24, 1961 at Ely, Minn. To be a delegate or alternate, one must be at least 21 years of age, and be a member In good standing besides being a practical Catholic and a U.S. citizen at the time of election. Candidates for delegates and alternates must have attended at least 5 meetings of the year, prior to the Convention, being a member at least one year. This, however, shall not apply to newly organized branches (The convention year Is considered from the first day of February of the previous year to the last of January in the convention year). Each subordinate branch which has the assessment paid for all its members and which numbers 100 to 300 members In adult Classes A and B on the first day in the month of January of the convention year, shall be entitled to one delegate to the convention. Branches numbering 301 to G00 members shall be entitled to two delegates. Branches with more than 601 members are entitled to three delegates to the convention. No branch shall send more than three delegates to the convention irrespective of the membership total. Delegates and alternates shall be elected in the month of January or February in the convention year. Elections held earlier than the first day of January or later than the first day of March of the convention year shall not be considered valid. The nominations of delegates shall be public, the election being made by written ballot. If more than one delegate is nominated and a majority is not reached by any one candidate, the two highest nominees shall be voted upon to decide the election. A separate election shall be held for each delegate. Alternates shall be elected in a similar manner. Unanimous elections shall be valid when the entire present membership approves, or if only one candidate has been nominated. Credentials of the delegates shall be signed by the president, secretary and treasurer of the respective branch to be valid and shall be presented to the convention credential committee by the delegate. Subordinate branches having a membership of less than 100 members shall be combined with other such branches by the Supreme Secretary for the purpose of electing a delegate. The total membership for consolidation for elections shall be considered as of the first day in the month of January of the convention year. The consolidated branches shall have a total of 120 members to be entitled to one delegate In connection therewith the branches closest to each other shall be consolidated. The Supreme Secretary shall issue the order of consolidation after which the ledegates shall be elected. Consolidated brach-es shall elect their delegate in the month of February. Branches which do not send a delegate may authorize another delegate or a Supreme Board member who attends the convention to represent them. A proxy vote of such branches is valid only if the branch numbers 100 members. From it Expense Fund the Union shall pay the delegates transportation to and from the convention city. (Round trip fare in coach) Albina Novak, Supr. Sec. Activities State President of Ohio — Michigan Reports With the holidays over and also the old year out—we are left with many happy memories and also sad ones. But, before us is the new year, 1961, with our new President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, who will start his new term of office with a vigor and enthusiasm—as we must begin our new tasks for the year. I have a lot of faith in him, that he will do all in his power for the millions of Americans and people all over the world who look to the U.S. for leadership—and I have faith in our members and officers who will lead in the work of moving our organization ahead this year. We will be very busy now with our Bowling Tournament in February —no date is set yet but this will be taken up in the next issue of Zarja. And then on the agenda will be the Fair, or Style Show and Baking Demonstration on March 11-12, 1961 at the St. Vitus Aud. Admission will be 500 and this is good for the two days of events. The ticket will entitle you to a ticket for a beautiful door Prize. I am appealing to all the members to get busy and start handiwork at home. We can really make this Fair something to be remembered and to be proud of. It’s a big project, but with your help, will be worth the effort. We also want to get our juveniles interested — so, if all the branches get their youngsters together, start them in some kind of art or craft, they can display the work at the Fair, too. Grdina’s Bridal Shoppe will arrange the Style Show with other models who will style their own clothes, juniors included. There will be activity from the minute the doors open until they close — so purchase your tickets early. Branches are asked to send representatives to the combined branch meeting on Jan. 11th at 1 p.m. at St. Clair Rec. Center. There will also be a belated Christmas party at this meeting and exchange of gifts. We postponed the event from the busy month of Dec., so please come now and bring a gift. In closing, a reminder to send in reservations early for your trip to Europe this summer. Time’s a flyin’! To all, a prosperous and healthy new year. Antonia Tanko No. 2, Chicago, III.—Happiest New Year wishes to all. We hope to have many members attend our Jan. meeting when we have installation of officers—the same slate for 1961 as served previously: president, Albina Novak; vice-president, Mary Hozian; secretary, Mary Muller; treasurer, Mary Tomazin; recording secretary, Corinne Leskovar; auditors, Liz Ze-fran, Sophie Petrovčič and Jennie Kovačič, and sentinel, Luba Troha. After the meeting there will be the usual Jan. birthday celebration. Among our most important plans for the new year has been the formation of a working committee of members who will prepare our 35th anniversary celebration to take place on the first Sunday in Oct., 1961. In conjunction with this will be our Ulinois-Indiana State Convention here in Chicago Committee members serving will be, in addition to the officers: Antonia Basko, Josephine Koren, Frances Petrovčič, Frances Kozel, Fiances Zibert, Mary Ovnik, Marie Grdo-vich, Frances Gomilar, Stephanie Osterman, Jennie Rojc, Urska Kerzis-nik, Albina Grimsich, Alma Helder, Ivanka Ferjan and Ella, Clara Vrasic, ar a Happy New Year! Another year has passed. Whether it has brought you happiness and prosperity, or disappointment and loss, your life is still the richer because of the experience you have gained. A New Year is ahead. It offers every kind of opportunity. During the coming year you can increase those treasures of life — friends, happiness, and success. And, our S. W. U., begins its 35th year of progress in 1961; a busy, constructive year, with the 12th National Convention in Ely, Minnesota this May. Now, at the dawn of the New Year, we extend our very best wishes and hopes for health and happiness to you and yours. Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM, Spiritual Advisor Mrs. Marie Prisland, Honorary President Mrs. Josephine Livek, Supreme President Mrs. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary Mrs. Mary Otoničar, Miss Katie Triller and Mrs. Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditors Mrs. Corinne Leskovar. Editor Lena Pichman, Verona Gorkis, Catherine Gyura, Vera Kolenko, Verna Antolin, Marija Tajcman and Josephine Leban. Plans will be made more complete later in the year. We then discussed more fully the Christmas party for juniors to take place Dec. 18th, which was very successfully carried out. More details next month. Also, arrangements were made for a Holy Mass to be offered on that Sunday in honor of the founding of S.W.U. on Dec. 19, 1926. All members made plans to attend this Mass. We selected our Mother-of-the-Year, Frances Gomilar, a member who has been very willing to help at every meeting and event. Her family, too, has participated in all our doings. Congratulations, Frances! Two new members were initiated at the meeting, namely, Josephine Leban and Marija Tajcman. Welcome to them. Our Christmas grab-bag and party concluded the evening to the enjoyment of all present. Corinne Leskovar No. 14, Euclid, Ohio—At our December meeting, president Amalia Legat sent in her resignation of office, this was due to her recent operation. Through her excellent leadership our branch has shown great progress. We will all miss you, sister Legat. Presiding at this evening was vice-president, Mary Stražišar. Elections were held and Mary Iskra was reelected treasurer, Antonia Sustar was re-elected rectording secretary. The office of president and secretary will be voted on in Jan. We did elect representatives to ■“Club Društev” at the A.Y.C. Jose- phine Blatnik, Mary Stražišar, and Margaret Tomazin. Elected auditors are Frances Globokar, Antonia Kos-trevec, and Anna Perko. Our Spiritual Advisor remains the Reverend Anthony Bombach of St. Christine. Our meeting nights will remain the same, the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the A.Y.C. on Recher Avenue. Please pay your dues on time, either on meeting nights, the 25th of the month at the A.Y.C., or send them to the secretary’s home. You would be doing the secretary a great service if you paid your dues early. This month we again celebrated our quarterly birthdays besides having a Christmas party which included a gift exchange. We were all pleasantly surprised when Mr. Frank Novak began playing his accordion; in fact, many members began dancing. All in all it was a pleasant evening. The "goodies” donated for this evening were brought by: Sister Rose Leskovec, a bottle of cheer; Sister Cebul, a bottle of wine and French crullers; Sister Mary Iskra, delicious coconut bars; Sister Mary Stražišar, appetizing apple strudel; Sister Mu-kavetz, a bottle of wine. Tasteful sausages, which were purchased at Rudy Spehar’s Market, were served along with hot coffee. The following good sisters added to our “good time treasury:” Antonia Vichich, Mary Stražišar, Ann Perko, Mary Mandich, Antonia Tanko, and Mary Rome. The donations of Sister Mary Smerdel and Sister Mary Grill, however, went toward our “regular” treasury. Two lovely Christmas tree decorations were brought by Sister Frances Globokar. One was given as a door prize and one was given to the secretary’s daughter, Carole; in fact, she is so happy she is still talking about it. Another prize which was given away was brought by Sister Margaret Tomazin; a pair of embraidered pillow-cases. Vice-president Mary Stražišar enrolled two new members into our branch; Stana Marie Grill, and Mary Knaus of Geneva, Ohio. We welcome both of you to our branch. Again this year we shall visit our sick and bedridden members. In the name of S.W.U. #14 they will be presented with a small cash gift. Through previous experiences we know that by just visiting the sick before Christmas means more to them than anything else. Included on our list are: Sister Frances Gerchman, Sister Josephine Skerl, Sister Anna Ban, Sister Jennie Travnikar, Sister Casserman, Sister Mezget, Sister Ursula Trtnik and Sister Frances Primožič. The following members will cele brate another birthday sometime during the month of January: Mary Gu-zeli, Loretta Hlabse, Mary Jakse, Helen Kusar, Agnes Lash, Jennie Mace-rol. Mary Mahne, Rose Marn, Betty Ann Marolt, Olga Marsey, Franoes Medved, Anna Perko, Rose Picely, Veronica Rupert, Pauline Seselc, Antonia Skrjanc, Mary Slaper, Mary Sopko, Frances Streetz, Frances Sus-man, Antonia Trebec, Antonia Zupanc, Margaret Batls, Pauline Cesar, Jose-phie Lapuh, Irene Mrsek, Dorothy Srpan, Josephine Herman, Jeanette Arko, Mary Hornig and Anna Multo-vetz. May you all have a happy and blessed New Year. Pauline Cesar, sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III.—Our congratulations to the proud parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellena from 1002 Campbell St. upon the birth of a little girl. The mother’s maiden name is Mildred Mikolič, and she is an ardent bowler. Congratulations also, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lovatti on Thedore St., upon the birth of a son. Mrs. Lovatti was Agnes Schmidberger whose mother, Mary Schmidberger, and grandmoher, Agnes Skul and sister Gen. Kalinsek are also our members. Sister Theresa Koleto has reported she had returned home from a months vacation in Butte, Montana, where she was visiting with her relatives and had a wonderful time. The old year has gone into eternity. Our thoughts glance back upon the various experiences we were confronted with during the past twelve months. Some were pleasant, some were tiresome and painful. But, we should remember of only the ones that pleased us most in life, and with hopes that the New Year of 1961 will be a healthy one for us that we may achieve success in the many things we plan to undertake and with a prayer on our lips for Peace in the world our many endeavors will be obtained. Just a reminder! Our meetings are held every third Sunday in the month. Everyone is invited to come, and meet with one another, and where we can debate, chat, and visit with one another. Do come, one and all. With best wishes to every one of you for a Happy and blesed New Year. Josephine Erjavec M. P.: ANS No. 20, Joliet, III.—Bowling News— Prediction for ’61: The league’s all time high individual series will be topped! Jo Mlakar holds that record with a 610 series in 1955. Lorraine Roth-lisberger challenged that series the following year, 1956, but just missed with a 605. These are the only 600 plus series entered in the pages of the league’s history. Prediction for ’61:: The all time high individual game will command first place for a couple more years! On Nov. i, 1951, a spectacular 255 game, rolled by Li 11 Berg, had been respectfully recorded as the league’s all time high and still retains that Position. There have been a couple of 240s entered in the records, but nothing close enough to erase the commanding 255 from the number one spot. Incidentally, Lill’s series that night was 578. Prediction for ’61:: The all time high team game and team series will bo nudged! The Northwest Recreation Club team of ’51, set the pace with a game a,xid Mrs. Anna Pachak, state president for Colorado-Kansas-Missouri, and a great benefactor of our Scholarship Fund contributed the following recipe for Štruklje (Rolled Dumplings)—a Slovenian delicacy: Ingredients for dough 1J cups of flour J teaspoon bak- 1 egg ing powder 2 tablespoons J cup luke warm butter water 1 teaspoon salt From the above make a soft dough. Since flour is various, use your own judgment. If the dough is too soft, add a little flour, if too hard, add a little water. Kneed the dough by hand about 15 minutes. Cover it with a bowl and let rest one hour. Ingredients for filling 1 box (1 lb.) cot- i cup sour cream tage cheese 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten. 1 teaspoon salt Mix together cheese, sour cream, eggs, sugar and salt. With a rolling pin roll out the dough on cloth-cover-ed table, sprinkle with flour. Spread the dough with cheese filling. Roll it up like potica. Wrap rolled dumplings in a wet cloth. Tie one end with string, then loosely wind the string around the dumplings, fasten the other end. Place into boiling salt water and cook for J hour. When cooked, untie, unwrap and cut dumplings into 2 inches long slices. Top with browned buttered bread crumbs. Color reflects your personality! — Have you ever observed the color schemes in homes of different people? It’s a fascinating game. Here’s the tab: Red—lives by excitement—-loving, energetic, impulsive type of people. Yellow—People who are sunny, cheerful and interested in the world around us, love yellow color. Blue—Cold and detached types, also —direct opposites, keyed up people who enioy the soothing effect. Green—Relaxed, easy-going, adaptable people. Orange—Vibrant types who set a hectic pace. Tan—People who are seemingly calm. Aqua—A cross between the green and blue types; cool, relaxed individuals. Pink—Sociable types who enjoy life and and like to be in the midst of everything. The young husband of today is playing a more active part in home-making than his father or grandfather ever did. As one young wife put it: “My husband and I are partners in everything we do. My husband would not think of sitting down watching me work, when by pitching in and helping me, we can get the work done in half the time, and then we sit down together.” J* JU jH The honeymoon is over when the loving couple stop telling each other, “Darling, you’re wonderful!” and begin; “The trouble with you is - -JX jt <£ Learning is pain! Too many people won’t go through pain; that’s why the biggest enemy of human progress is mental indolence--lazyness. of 887. That same night they also captured the top post with a team series of 2316. That team game and series includes Lill’s superior contribution. Merichka’s Restaurant team came within 25 pins of that team record this year, with a 2291 series, this season’s high. Only Helen Golobic, a member of the ’51 Northwest Recreation Club team, Is bowling with our league this year. Other members of that record holding team were: Isabelle Musich Gulas, Doris Fabian, Eleanore Bayuk, and Lill. Wishes for ’61:: May your high hopes brighten with each new day! J. G. No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio—At our annual meeting, the following officers were elected to serve in 1961: Theresa Lach, president; Frances Blatnik, vice-president; Stella Dancull, secretary; Josephine Weiss, treasurer; Anna Pelcic, recorder; auditors: Anna Pelcic, Theresa Kozuh, Anna Kosak. The sentinel is Mary Ann Hosta and reporter is Frances Kavc. We chose as our Mother-of-the-year, Josephine Weiss, who holds the office of treasurer. She is well-deserving of this honor. One new member received into the branch in December is Marie Pivik. Hope you will enjoy your membership with us, Marie—a hearty welcome. The only parties to be held In the new year will be at the May and December meetings. There will be no meetings in the months of July and August. The members are reminded to pay their dues in advance for these two months. The delegate for the next convention will be elected at the February meeting. Congratulations to Patricia Arlene and Stephen Spicuzza who were married at St. Charles Church on Nov. 26th. Following the reception at the Ridgewood Country Club, the couple took a wedding trip to Florida. The bride is the daughter of Rose Naples and granddaughter of Mrs. Pauline Zupan. To the newlyweds, best wishes for health and God’s blessing. Our sympathy and sorrow to Josephine Intihar who lost her husband suddenly on Dec. Cth. May his soul rest in peace everlasting, Mrs. Cele Brodnik recently underwent an operation, and we hope is feeling much better these days. Mrs. Mary Rahne is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery as are Marie Hosta, Ann Augustine and Theresa Zupančič. May God restore your health, ladies. Our out-going president, Mary Ann Hosta, expressed her thanks to the ladies for the wonderful cooperation shown her in the past year. After the meeting, our Christmas party with refreshments and gift exchange was enjoyed by all. The evening came to a close very pleasantly. A big thank you to all who helped make the party a success in donating prizes, krofe and vino. Again, thanks to Mrs. Mary Nosan for her generosity. A happy year to all. Stella Dancull, sec’y No, 23, Ely, Minn..—At our December meeting and Christmas dinner, we had a very good attendance. The chicken dinner was prepared and served by Ed Pucel and his capable staff at the A. & W. Cafe. The tables were beautifully decorated in the proper motif for Christmas. Gifts were exchanged by all. After the delicious dinner, president Ann Pucel called the meeting to order and after the opening prayer, led by Barbara Brennan, special contributions were approved for various charities. Barbara Rosandich then reported on the coming convention to be held in our city in May. Everyone will be out doing what she can to make this convention a big success. The election of officers then took place with the following results: president, Ann Miklausich; vice-president, Emma Pucel; secretary, Barbara Brennan; treasurer, Stephanie Vranesich; reporter, Ann Rowe. Thanks to our Dec. party committee: Mmes. John Rosandich, Frank Pucel, Frank Vranesich, George Fer-derber, Jos. Starkovich and John Sku-bitz. The lunch committee for January will be: Rose Pucel, Mary Jamnik, Ann Levar and Molly Richards. Lou- ise Šeliga took home the door prize. The evening ended with a musical trio supplying dance music for us— they were the “Bob Cats!” Thus, a very enjoyable party came to a close. Our bowling team has some mighty active bowlers winning two trophies in the recent weeks, for which we wish to congratulate them. Our branch sponsors this team, consisting of: Mary Shikonya, Mrs. J. Starkovich, Mrs. J. Somrock, Mrs. J. Jamnick, Mrs. S. Lobe and Mrs. J. Pecha. To all members who are ill, a very speedy recovery. Ann Rowe, reporter No. 45, Portland, Oregon—By the time you’ll read this article in the Zarja the Christmas holidays will be over, but I do want to wish all the members and the Supreme officers a very happy and healthful new year. At our December meeting, election of officers was held, and most of the officers were re-elected, except the vice-president and sentinel. Vice-pre-sident elected is Yustina Misetich,' and sentinel is Florence Lolich. Florence is also chairman of calling committee, Mildred Quinn is chairman of social committee. The meetings will be held as in the previous years, on the 1st Thursday of the month 7:30 p.m. at Mrs. Cecilia Pezel’s home 0002 N.E. 33rd Ave. Phone A.T. 4-0421. Following the business session Christmas gifts were exchanged and refreshments were served. Thanks to the ladies who donated the goodies. We wish Lo extend our sincere thanks to Violet and her husband for letting us have our meetings at their home for the past G years. Our wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to all our sick members. Hope that we will start New Year right and attend our meetings as often as we can. God be with you and keep you well. Louise Struznik, secretary No. 46. St. Louis, Mo.—The December meeting and Christmas party was held at Helen Skoff’s house. We had a very nice buffet which consisted of potica and home-made apple strudel, Christmas cookies, ham and potatoe salad, etc. We also had election of officers at this meeting. The following officers were reelected: Jo Prebil, pres.; Margaret Dolenz, vice-pres.; Helen Skoff, treas., and Marie Thompson, sec’y. We had 19 members present. Everybody received a Christmas gift. We also changed our meeting date to second Sunday of month instead of first. Also meeting place is changed: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI. FI. 2-8689. We will meet at her house the first three meetings. That is, Feb., April, June. We meet every other month. Our deepest sympathy to member, Josephine Ancel in the loss of her husband on Nov. 13th. Also to the daughter Josephine and son John Jr. May his soul rest in peace. We wish a speedy recovery to Theresa Gabrian, the only one on the sick list that I know of; hope she is well on the road to recovery. I wish to thank Helen Skoff for letting us have the xmas party at her house, also Jo Prebil, Mrs. Hosek, Vi Pisoni, Mrs. Dolenz, Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Mihelcich, Mrs. Staker, Mrs. Lousha, for donating refreshments. If I missed anyone, I’m sorry, it was not intentional. It was a pleasure meeting Frances Lindich, pres, of Cleveland, Ohio Br. 15. She was in St. Louis for the funeral of her cousin’s husband, John Ancel. Hope to see her next year in Cleveland. Wish this nice visit could have been under happier circumstances. With the start of a new year our attendance at meetings, I hope, will be better. It will be better located for some; so hope that helps. Also hope by changing the date of meetings will help as far as reporting for the Zarja Is concerned. To end this year’s article I would like to wish each and everyone A Happy and Prosperous, Healthy New Year. Marie Thompson, sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio—As we enter the 1961s the officers who will preside over our affairs will be: Frances Sietz, president; Antonia Tanko, vice-president & rec. sec’y; Marie Beck, secretary & treasurer; Ann Slapnik, hospitality chairman, and auditors: Ann Dekleva and Antoi- nette Celesnik. At this time we wish to thank Mary Bostian for helping us out at a critcal time—acting as our secretary for most of 1961 after the sudden death of Mary Loushin on April 22nd. Her kind deed will be forever appreciated. Our Christmas party at Mary Bos-tian’s home was a big success. Our hostess, with the help of Agnes Tre bar, made us feel at home. The table just groaned under the weight of the good things laden there. The food was out-of-this-world . . . ham, potica, potato salad, three kinds of gelatin salad, cakes, cookies and good coffee and assorted drinks. Christine Duche and Toni Tanko surprised us too, by bringing along cookies and cake. Mamie Marin took care of the games and prizes in which every member took part. Everyone had a wonderful time. Too bad the absent members missed out on this grand affair. Happy Birthday was sung to Fran- ces Milavec and Josephine Trunk who were our Dec. girls. We missed Rose Lo Presti at our Christmas Party — Rose was all set to go, but because her husband, Joseph, was recuperating from a recent operation, she couldn’t make it. It was good to welcome a new member, Mary Okicki; we hope she will enjoy coming to the meetings. COMB AGAIN, in capital letters is extended to Jennie Kepic, Prances Milavec, Josephine Trunk, Theresa Zupančič and Jo Gerbeck, Ann Kumse and Hattie Jenko! To our regular faithfuls, thank you for making 1960 a wonderful year and for making our meetings always interesting. Hope the new year will prove the same. Our Bazaar is coming up in March —the 11th and 12th at St. Vitus Aud. It’s going to be a grand affair with a booth for each branch to display their articles to show and sell. At this time, we are asking our members to get ready for this event by making articles that can be sold at the No. 50 booth. Our branch will profit by the sale. We can use dresser scarves, doll clothes, aprons, pillows, hankies, stuffed toys, pillow cases and many other items. A former member, daughter of Mary Hočevar is Sister Lukemarie and we hear she is very happy teaching school. We wish her the best of luck in her chosen life. Jan. 16th is the date for our next meeting at the St. Yitus Club rooms, 8 p.m. I hope we have a big attendance as it will be time to pay dues again for the year and to meet our new secretary, Mary Beck. Members who wish to mail their dues, please notice the new address: Mrs. Mary Beck, 25854 Highland Rd., Cleveland 25, Ohio. Telephone KE. 1-6481. Our Jan. birthday girls will be hostesses for this meeting. Please attend so they won’t be disappointed. Remember our motto for 1961: The More The Merrier! Frances Sietz, pres. No. 55, Girard, Ohio—So proud to announce that our present officers were reelected for another year at our regular November meeting. Retaining office for the new year are: sisters, Theresa Lozier, pres.; Mary Luhz, vice-pres.; Theresa Severinski, rec. sec.; Mary Mehalco, sec. & treas.; Emma Zore and Sophie Kren, auditors, and Emma Zore, Slovenian reporter. Birthday wishes were extended to the following who celebrated their birthdays in November, and they 'vere: sisters, Mary Bradish, Agnes Kambič, Olga Rogel, Frances Serca, Jennie Selak, and Beth Ann Wolford. Another delicious lunch was served, and sister Mary Turk, was the chair- lady, assisted by Mmes. Angeline Bernard, Victoria Penska, Barbara Martin and Mary Bradish. The door prizes were awarded to Emma Zore and Katherine Anciezk. We didn’t have anyone on the sick list this month. Don’t have any other news to report, so I’ll close wishing all our officers and members a Healthy and Prosperous 1961. Anna Marie Racick No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Due to the many home election parties, we had a small attendance at our November 8th meeting. Following the business session, the Rosary was recited for all deceased members. Prayers and ‘Draping of the Charter’ were held in memory of Johanna Majerle and Ann Shelko, members for many years, who died recently. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to their families. Condolences are also extended to Mrs. Marco Maras and her family on the recent death of her husband. Games were played and lunch was served by the hostesses. Anyone interested in a trip out West next June? A group of ladies of our Union have chartered a bus for a 20 day tour to California next June, 1961. Itinerary includes: Kansas City, Kansas, Abilene, New Mexico, Phoenix, Arizona, San Diego, California. Los Angeles with a 4 hour motion picture tour, trip to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm. San Francisco, (hey ladies, get this) — 7% hour tour of the world’s largest vineries and wineries. Portland. Oregon with a 4 hour de lux city tour and another 7 hour tour, and possibly attend the Rose Show and Rose Parade. Visit the Grotto Shrine. Reno, Nevada (hang on to your money, ladies —and please, please see that Mary Bissonette doesn’t linger too long with the one-armed bandits). Omaha, Nebraska; Fargo. North Dakota; and back home to Hibbing. There are manv more important stops and visits to Shrines, Cathedrals, which are too numerous to mention, so for further details and information, please contact; Mrs. Charles Hattam 1320 12th Avenue East Hibbing, Minn. Phone: AMherst 3-6473 Reservations must be in before January 1, 1961 with a small deposit. Round trip ticket $241.74 which includes all hotels and side tours. Anyone who has heard of the past tours of our lady members knows a wonderful trip is assured. Mary F. Ayotte, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio—Our meeting for the month of Nov. was fairly well attended with 16 members present. Many interesting discussions on various topics were discussed. The branch would like to thank the members who sold the beautiful cans of Christmas candy to benefit our treasury so tremendously. Our election of officers took place with a few changes. The following will serve for the year 1961: president, Frances Yerman; vice-president, Jane Logar; secretary, Mary Macek; treasurer, Mary Strah; recording sec’y, Mary Moler; auditors, Jerry Spolja-ric, Pauline Logar, Liz Havaich. Reporter for Zarja is Mary Molar and sergeant at arms is Ann Dolence. The meetings will again be held at the home of our president, Frances Yerman. Our sincere condolences to the members who have lost dear ones recently: Frances Kosance who lost her husband; Josephine Perusek who lost her father, Mr. Dolsak and to Theresa Racher and her daughters on the loss of their sister and aunt, Matilda Luzar. It was nice to see one of our members, Frances Kosance up and about after being on the sick list for quite some time. Best to her. Just a reminder, those who are in arrears with dues, kindly take notice. Help us make the secretary’s work easier by keeping in good standing. Let’s make it 100% attendance at the meetings, too. Frances Hribar, reporter No. 66, Canon City, Colo.—On Sunday Dec. 4th, our lodge held it’s final meeting of the year. There were seventeen members present. Discussion was held in regard to raising funds for our treasury. It was decided to assess each adult member $1.00. So, members, when paying your dues, please remember the assessment. Election of officers was held with the same officers being retained, those being: Agnes Lukeman, pres., Hannah Adamic, vice-pres.; Cecilia Adamic, sec. & treas.; Mildred Pierce, Mildred Adamic, Katherine Scavarda, auditors. Jennie Lukezic, Slovenian reporter; Julia Javernick, American reporter. Refreshments were served by members of the lodge. We were happy to have an out-of-town member present, Tina Konte. A speedy recovery to all of our sick members. Happy holidays to everyone, and a blessed year to all. Julia Javernick, reporter No. 72, Pullman, III.—Just a reminder to tell you that we will not have meetings in January and February. Our first meeting of the New Year will be on March 8th, the second Wednesday of the month. At this time I also want to tell you that we have changed our meeting day to the second Wednesday of the month instead of the third Wednesday. Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year. Wilma Zagar, reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio— Fifty-nine members and one junior made our Pot-luck Christmas dinner and December meeting a success. We all had a good time. The main part of the meeting was our elections for the coming year. We have a new president who is Kay Juratovac. Our past president, Mary Juratovac, will be vice-president and the other officers will remain the same: Louise Epley, financial secretary; Agnes Walters, treasurer and Rosemary Mauer, recording sec’y and reporter. Lots of luck to our new president and to all the other officers as well. Two new members, Estell Ozog and Irene Yagu were introduced at the meeting. The members each donated money; and many of them preferred this instead of bringing a gift exchange. It will be turned over to the Sisters of the Rosemary Home for Crippled Children to purchase football helmets which they are in need of for help in co-ordination and therapy of these children. Agnes Walters became granma for the 21st time when daughter, Lea, gave birth to a son. Congratulations to all. Mary Bartholemew’s son, Bob, and Sandra Osborn were united in marriage on Nov. 26th at St Jude’s Church. Our best wishes to the happy couple. Also on the same day, at 11 o’clock Mass, Carol Duall, daughter of member Florence Duall, was married. Our extended best wishes to the young couple. Member Barbara Orlosky is in the hospital—wishes for a speedy recovery to her. Our belated birthday greetings to our president, Mary Juratovac who celebrated her 50th recently. A big family dinner was held in her honor at her daughter’s home. Also, a big thank you to Mary on behalf of our members for the splendid job you have done in the past years serving as our president. To all who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month, very best to you and to all who may be on the sick list, a speedy recovery. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. — The December meeting was held at the home of sister L. Sipper with 20 ladies in attendance. After the prayer and a short meeting, election of officers was held. All incumbent officers were reelected: president—Helen Kovali; vice-president — Katherine Grgurich; secretary — Mary T. Deblock; treasurer — Mary J. Deblock; recording secretary — Anna Widmar. Auditors: Tonka Vukelich and Antoinette Deblock. All members can get their lodge badges at the Jan. meeting which will be at sister Mary Vukelich’s home. The extra badges that were ordered will be paid from our treasury. At this meeting a gift was given to sister Burgstaler. All members were glad that she is feeling better. The ladies exchanged Christmas gifts; everyone received a useful gift. Games were also played with prizes going to all lucky winners. The evening came to a close with a delicious lunch served by our hostess. To all sick members a speedy recovery. Wishing all a Happy New Year. Molly Domin, reporter No. 95, S. Chicago, III.—May all of our members enjoy good health and contentment all through the year of 1961. In spite of conditions being somewhat unsettled as to where we shall have our meetings, we proceeded with great preparations for our Christmas party and business meeting. It was finally agreed that the meetings be held at the Croatian Hall, 9618 S. Commercial Ave., and in Jan. it’s on the 4th, at 7:30 p.m. The attendance at our Dec. 7th meeting was good—to the pleasure of those who come faithfully every month. I wish to thank most heartily, the following ladies who served on the Christmas committee and did an excellent job as hostesses, especially with the table decorations: Mary Bar-cevac, Mary Brozynski, Mildred Cu-zella, Manda Dosen, Ann Kompare, Mary Niksic, Mary Perkovich and Ann Pave. Thanks to the following ladles who contributed cakes, strudel, salads and potica: Agatha Mesin, Anna Na-goda, Louise Dichele, Tillie Martin, Mary Markezich, Katherine Jacko-vich, Anna Bozich, Mary Perkovich, Mary Niksic, Mary Brozynski, Ann Pearson, Ann Pave, Polonia Ashen-brenner, Mildred Cuzella, Mildred James, Mary Sambol, Ann Hlacer, Doris Cuzella and Mary Kahn. If I missed anyone, my apologies. My sin-cerest thanks to all of you for taking the time to prepare all of these home made delicacies. I can’t forget the members who contributed financially toward our treasury: Ann Kompare, Anna Turn-pich, Anna Jovanovich, Mary Simu-nic, Vica Rukavina, Anna Pleslia, Catherine Cacich, Kate Rajcic, Frances Seabloom and Mary Andretich. Many, many thanks! Mildred Poropat and Evelyn Ashenbrenner donated prizes which were taken home by Anna Na-goda, Katherine Jockovich, Mildred Cuzella, Katherine Alfirevich and Louise Dichele. Many thanks to Ann Kompare and Mary Perkovich for handling the grab-bag in such a smooth running manner. Over $9 was the profit from the prizes. We approved a $10.00 donation to the Sacred Heart parish. At this party we also celebrated December birthdays. All good wishes to the celebrants for January, who are: Sophie Barbich, Mary Brozovlch, Frances Ciriello, Cvita Chorich, Georgia Gaspar, Kate Grahovac, Manda Jergovich, Anna Jurkas, Antonia Mrkobrada, Sophie McNulty, Victoria Rukavina, Anna, Serticlx, Anna Zagar and Helen Zeffiro. We are happy that sister Georgia Gaspar has been released from the hospital and is recuperating at home--a speedy recovery to all our members who are ill. Sorrow came into the lives of Mr. & Mrs. Mike Tomich, Sr., when their son, Mike, Jr., was killed by a train In Carbondale, 111., where he resided. He was the beloved husband of Bonita loving father of Sharon Sue and Carol and dear son of Victoria Tomich, our member. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the grieving family. In your charity, remember him as well as all the deceased members in your daily prayers. All members are urged to attend our Jan. 4th meeting, where movies will be shown by Helen Rapaich. See you all then. Mildred James, pres. ES. 5-5789 No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—We had wonderful weather all the month of November. We also had a grand time at the Blue Danube Inn at our annual luncheon date. We go to a different place each year, and always look forward to it. By the time this column is read, our Christmas party will be a past issue. Mrs. Katherine Musick, our secretary, invited us to her home for this event and we had all the plans made for a complete party with gift exchange and all. More on the party later. Ladies, please be ready to pay your dues as the secretary must be punctual every month with her report. Mrs. Pauline Adamic attended the SNPJ Bowling Tourney at Flint, Mich, last month (Dec.) and hope she had a nice time. Three of our members celebrated their birthdays in December: Mrs. Ann Lindich, Mrs. Kathryn Petrich and Mrs. Marie Nezbeda. Rather late for our wishes—but they are sincere! The same with Christmas—here it’s over, and I have yet to wish you merry Christmas! But, do accept my wish for a very happy and prosperous new year—which I know will reach you in time! Rose Jamnik, reporter Marie Prisland Novoletne misli.—Gledam snežinke, ki se pozibavljajo v zraku, polagoma padajo na tla ter se oprijemljejo ena druge, da tako tvorijo belo odejo materi zemlji. Snežinkam enako se porajajo naše misli, se izlivajo druga v drugo ter tako ustvarjajo temelj našim namenom, načrtom in udejstvovanju. Pravkar minulo leto je postalo del preteklosti. Srečno ali ne, preživeli smo ga. Kakšno bo novo leto, se vprašujemo? Ali moremo kaj pomagati, da bi bilo boljše od starega? Ali imamo dovolj energije, da si novo leto olepšamo in ga pretvorimo v dneve sreče in zadovoljnosti? Na vprašanja si lahko odgovorimo sami. Vsakdanje življenje je večna borba za obstanek, ki nima ne konca ne kraja. Živimo v zelo kritičnih časih, ko nikdo ne ve, kaj nam prinese jutrišni dan. Vsak ni rojen v srečni uri. Vsak pa si lahko vsaj nekoliko pomaga do sreče ali do izboljšanja svojega položaja. V ta namen potrebujemo tri stvari; vere, skromnosti in zadovoljnosti.—Z globoko vero v Onega, ki nam pošilja preiskušnje, si bomo netile zaupanje v boljšo bodočnost. Skromnost nas popelje nazaj v čase, ko ni bilo vsega v izobilju in se je dalo izhajati tudi z malim, zadovoljnost pa nam da tisto sigurnost in mirnost, ki je življenju neobhodno potrebna. Zadovoljnost je polovica srečnega življenja, trdijo dušestovci. Alco zamoremo sebe in svoje zadovoljiti s tem, kar nam je na razpolago, je doseženo skoro vse. Če smo zadovoljni, ne bo breme, ki ga nam nalaga življenje, nikdar presegalo naših moči. Pretečeno leto nam je morda prineslo razočaranje v družini, med prijateljicami, v družabnih in društvenih krogih. Razočarala nas je morda zavist in hudobnost nekaterih, tem bolj smo pa bile presenečene nad zvestobo in razumevanjem drugih. Ako bi ne bilo razočaranja od ene strani, bi ne bilo dokazov zvestobe in prijateljsva od druge strani. Prijateljsko razumevanje je neprecenljivo in vsakemu srcu ljubo. V ognju se čisti zlato, prijatelji se pa v potrebi spoznajo. S končanim letom dokončajmo in na stran položimo vse neljube spomine bridke izkušnje ter razočaranja, saj nad nami biva in čuva pravičen Sodnik, ki dobro plačuje in hudo kaznuje, vse ob svojem času. Novo leto nam bo prineslo nove upe, nove nade, nove priložnosti pa tudi novo razočaranje, brez katerega ne sme biti ta solzna dolina. Blage misli, poštene in iskrene misli nas bodo povedle v novo, boljše leto ter nam pomagale ustvariti za sebe in naše drage leto sreče in zadovoljnosti. Zvezinim odbornicam in članstvu iskreno želim, da bi novo leto —1961—za vse vas bilo leto sreče, veselja in zdravja, za našo organizacijo pa leto dobrega napredka! * * * Stara, Sanskritova legenda o prvi ženi takole pripo- veduje: Dobri bog TVAŠTI je ustvaril svet. Iz elementov je vstvaril nebo in zemljo, sonce in luno in končno čleveka. Ker so bili vsi trdi elemeti porabljeni, ni ostalo ničesar, iz kar bi mogel ustvariti ženo. Bog Tvašti je toraj vzel obliko lune, prožnost vrtnice—ovijalke, žametost cvetlice, lahkoto perja, živ pogled srne, svetlobo sončnega Žarka, solzo rose, boječnost zajčka, mehkobo maha, trdost diamanta, hladnost snega, žlobudranje šoje, ljubkovanje grlice in švig kače.—Iz vsega tega je bog Tvašti ustvaril ženo ter jo dal možu za tovaršico. Moževi dnevi so bili zdaj polni sreče in veselja, ker imel je nekoga s katerim se je pogovarjal in delil slad- kosti življenja, ki je bilo tako novo in lepo. Skupno sta hodila po gozdu, se držala za roke, in poslušala krasno ptičje petje. Veselila sta se sončnega vzhoda in zadivljena opazovala večerno zarjo. Končno se je mož žene naveličal. Prišel je k bogu Tvašti in prosil: “Vzemi jo nazaj! Vzemi nazaj to, kar imenuješ ženo, ker naveličal sem se je. Govori kar naprej in trati moj čas, da ne morem napraviti tistih stvari, ki bi jih rad naredil za tvojo in mojo čast. Ta žena tudi joka brez potrebe in glava jo večkrat boli.” Tvašti je vzel ženo nazaj k sebi. Čez osem dni, je mož spet prišel k bogu. "Gospod,” je rekel žalostno, “moje življenje je praZiid in pusto odkar nimam žene. Zdaj še le vem, kako me je razveseljevala, ko sem bil truden in žalosten. Plesala je pred menoj in nje smeh je polnil moje srce. Kako lepo so se njene roke ovile okrog mojega vratu in njena bližina je bila prijetna moji duši. Daj mi nazaj ženo!” Tvašti mu je vrnil ženo. Čez mesec dni je bil mož spet pred božjimi vrati. “Moj gospod” je tožil,” ne vem, kaj je z menoj? Sam sebe ne razumem. Zdi se mi pa, da žena, ki si mi jo dal, mi dela več sitnosti kot prijetnosti; napravi več preglavice kot veselja. Ali je ne bi hotel nazaj vzeti? Mislim, da bom bolj srečen brez nje.” “Pojdi in stori kar najboljše moreš,” pravi Tvašti. “Uči se potrpeti, zraven pa pomisli, da tudi ti nisi ženi všečen v vseh stvareh in tudi ona ni povsem s teboj zadovoljna.” “Ampak jaz ne morem živeti z njo!” vsklikne mož. “Brez nje pa tudi ne,” zarohni bog Tvašti ter spodi moža izpred svojih vrat. * -x- •» Dr. Crampton je iznašel, da se človek ne postara ves naenkrat, pač pa ima vsak del telesa svojo starost. Zato imamo ljudi, stare po 70 let, ki imajo še vedno mlado srce in ljudi s 30 timi leti, katerim je srce ostarelo. Nova diagnoza narekuje, da se mora zdravnik potruditi in ugotoviti, kateri del telesa je opešal, da se mu pomaga. Zdravniška veda tudi predpisuje hrano za ostarele ljudi. Na primer, 60-letnemu človeku je treba več hrane, ki vsebuje protein in železo kot človeku pri 30-letih, a zato pa manj masti in kruha. Človek, ki je v letih, ne sme preveč sedeti. Giblje se naj kolikor more, seveda bolj počasi. Sprehodi so jako priporočljivi. Požirek dobrega žganja in kozarček vina dene staremu človeku dobro, takozvani “Cocktails” pa zanj niso priporočljivi. Angleški zdravnik Dr. J. H. Sheldon je več let vodil preiskavo pri 477 starejših ter ugotovil, da stari moški so, ali zelo bolani, ali pa zelo zdravi. Stare ženske pa bolehajo redno; zdaj jih boli to, zdaj ono. Ženske prenašajo otividno bolezen bolj potrepežljivo kot moški, pravi zdravnik. *• * * V smehu je zdravje, trdijo zdravniki. Prisrčen smeh razgiblje mišice, umiri živce, pospeši prebavo, odžene slabovoljnost in srčne motnje, ugodno vpliva na ledvice, z glavobolom pomete in revmatizem v kot postavi . . . Človek veselega značaja je srečno bitje. Veselega človeka ima vsak rad, tudi Bog, pravi pregovor. A koliko mračnosti je na tem svetu, kjer bi lahko bila svetlost! Koliko mržnje, namesto prijaznosti; koliko zdražbe in slabe volje, ki škoduje zdravju in odganja veselje do našajo očividno bolezen bolj potrepežljivo kot moški, pravi stroške! # * * Ta mesec nastopa svoj termin John F. Kennedy, novi predsednik Združenih Držav. Urad nastopa v zelo resnih in težkih časih. Za svoje delovanje bo kritiziran od dveh strani; od republikancev in od protestantov, ker je katoličan. Spomnimo se ga v molitvi, da bi srečno vodil gospodarstvo naše Amerike. Srečno In Veselo Novo Leto Vsem! DRAGE SO-SESTRE: m Srečno, zdravo in veselo Novo leto želim č.g. duhovnemu svetovalcu, glavnim odbornicam, podružničnim uradnicam ter celokupnemu članstvu naše Zveze. Naj bi to leto bilo za vas in vaše drage, blagoslovljeno z vsem, kar bi vas moglo napraviti srečne in zadovoljne! Leto 1961 je naše konvenčno leto. Še štiri mesece od danes, pa bomo zborovale na svoji redni dvanajsti konvenciji v Ely, Minn. Formalna otvoritov konvencije bo v nedeljo 21, Maja, 1961. Zborovanja bodo trajala tri dni, 22, 23, 24, Maja, ’61. “POZOR, GLEJTE ČLANEK GL. TAJNICE.” ■» Konvenčna članska kampanja je zaključena, koliko bo uspeha bomo zvedle na gl. seji, ko bomo direktorice zborovale zadnji teden tega meseca. Upam, da je vsaka dobra članica pridobila nekaj novih, ker nagrade so bile lepe. Zmagovalke bodo dobile povratni vozni listek za potovanje v Ely, Minn., in naslov "ČASTNA DELEGATI-NJA.” Assessment za te nove članice mora biti plačan za eno leto naprej, da pride v poštev. VOLITVE DELEGATINJ se bodo vršile v Januarju in Februarju. Opozarjam vas, da predsednice pazno pre-čitajte oni del naših PRAVIL, v katerem je govor o izvolitvi delegatinj, te točke bo napisala naša gl. tajnica v tej izdaji Zarje. V tem mesecu boste novo izvoljene uradnice prevzele svoja mesta in dolžnosti. Vsem želim mnogo sreče v delu. Ob tej priliki se zahvaljujem vsem uradnicam in pridnim delavkam za njih delo v preteklosti in vsem iskreno želim srečo in napredek. Torej naj še enkrat ponovim: Srečno novo leto vsem! Naj nam svem skupaj prinese vsega tega, kar si najboli želimo. Moje novoletno voščilo in molitev je, da bi VAS BOG mnogokrat blagoslovil! Iskreno Vaša, Josephine Livek, gl. predsednica Dopisi Št. 2, C h icago, III.—Najlepša voščila vsem za to leto! Upam, da se bo mnogo članic udeležilo jan. seje, ko bomo imele instalacijo novega odbora, ki je isti, kakor zadnje leto: preds., Albina Novak; pod-preds., Mary Hozjan; taj,; Mary Muller; blag., Mary Tomazin; zapis., Corinne Leskovar; preglednice Liz Zefran, Sophie Petrovčič in Jennie Kovačič ter vratarica Luba Troha. Po seji bo običajna proslavitev rojstnih dnevov. Med najvažnejšimi načrti za to leto, je ustanovitev odbora članic, ki bodo pripravile proslavo 35 letnice podr., ki bo prvo nedeljo v okt. 1961. S tem v zvezi bo tudi Ill.-Ind. državna konvencija. Poleg odbornic bodo naslednje služile v tem odboru: Antonia Baško, Josephine Koren, Frances Petrovčič, Frances Kožel, Frances Zibert, Mary Ovnik, Marie Grdovich, Frances Go-milar, Stephanie Osterman, Jenny Rojc, Urška Kerzisnik, Albina Grim-slch, Alma Helder, Ivanka Ferjan in Ella, Clara Vrasic, Lena Pichman, Verona Gorkis, Catherine Gyura, Vera Kolenko, Verna Antolin, Marija Taj-čman in Josephine Leban. Podrobni načrti še bodo izdelani. Razpravljale smo tudi Božičnico za mladino, ki je bila zelo uspešna. Več o tem prihodnjič. Sv. maša v spomin ustanovitve Zveze je bila 19. dec.— Izvolile smo častno mater leta Mrs. Frances Gomilar, ki je ena izmed najbolj požrtvovalnih članic, ki vedno rada pomaga. Njena družina je tudi vedno z nami. Čestitke, Francka! Iskreno dobrodošlico dvema novima članicama, ki so bele sprejete na tej seji: Josephine Leban in Marija Taj-čman. Izmenjava daril je zaključila sejo v zadovoljstvo vseh. Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo.—Vsem želim vso srečo v tem letu. Letna seja vršila ob pičli udeležbi članic. Se ne pomnim tako slabe udeležbe. Po seji pa smo imele prigrizek in 6 naših mladink so nam zapele 2 božični pesmi. Vesele smo se podale domov. Tajnica je poročala, da se je prireditev 20. nov. dobro obnesla. Hvala vsem, ki ste pomagale. Sprejele smo 3 nove članice: Josephine Rimes, in dvojčke Margaret in Mary Koch-evar Jr., ki so dobrodošle v podr. —Na seji je sledil obred za pok. Vera Matush, kajti v tem letu smo izgubile G članic. Omenjena Vera je bila naša družabna članica, ki je prišla na seje če je le mogla. Naj ji bo mirni počitek in blagi spomin. Za domačo cerkev je podr. darovala za Božič $10.00. Vesele smo bile, da je bila z nami ses. Stravje, ki je večinoma odsotna od domov. Pravi, da ima toliko domov, kot zaje grmov. Dne 23. nov. sta obhajala 50 letnico zakona Mr. in Mrs. John in Johana Pauček, ki sta se poročila pri Mariji Pomagaj, katero se sedaj obiskujeta. Imata 5 odraslih otrok; 2 hčerki Elsie in Emma so naše članice, kakor tudi zlato-poročenka. Tudi naSa podr. se pridružuje številnim prijateljem z najlepšimi željami za mnoga mnoga srečna leta. Naša pod-preds. Mary Težek se zdravi v bolnišnici in Anna Tekavec se zdravi doma. Bila je več časa v bolnišnici. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja. Odbor, ki bo vodil podr. v tem letu je naslednji: Anna Pechak, preds., Mary Težak, pod-preds., Frances Simonič, taj., Frances Skul, blag., Antonia Klun, zapis, in nadzornice: Mary Poder in Angela Škerjanec. Duh. svetovalec: Rev. Daniel Gnidica. Seje vsako prvo sredo v mesecu ob 7 uri zvečer v cerkveni dvorani. V slučaju smrti članic podr. plača 6 dol. za maše in 5 dol. za pogrebni auto, za članice. Vsi lepo pozdravljeni, Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, O.—Vsem želim srečno leto 1961. Glavna seja se je vrSila 4. dec. Hvala vsem, ki so se odzvale. Seja je hitro minila, potem pa smo se malo zabavale. Bilo Je prav dobro. Hvala ses. Pauline Bar-borlch, Jeanette Kiloran in A. Stopar za dober prigrizek. Ses. Kiloran nas je podvorila z dobro kavico. Novic ni posebnih, urad je bil ves ponovno izvoljen, samo bolnih sester imamo precej in sicer: ses. Mary Serjak, Jennie Škraba, Angela Sun- 12 Redna Konvencija S Ž Z v Ely, Minnesota JANUAR IN FEBRUAR sta meseca, določena za izvolitev delegatk 12. redne konvencije SŽZ. Članice sepozi-vajo, da se udeležijo sej in pomagajo izvoliti najbolj sposobne delegatke in namestnice, ki bodo zastopale podružnice. Spodaj so navedena poglavja iz Zvezinili pravil in določb, ki se nanašajo na izvolitev delegatk. Dvanajsta redna konvencija SŽZ se vrši v dneh od 21. do 24. maja 1960 v Ely, Minn. Delegatka in njena namestnica je lahko vsako članica, ki ima plačan asesment, je praktična katoličanka, ameriška državljanka za časa volitev delegatk In je stara vsaj 21 let. Mora biti članica Zveze nad eno leto in se tisto leto pred konvencijo udeležiti najmanj pet sej svoje podružnice. To pa ne zadeva novih podružnic. (Konvenčno leto se smatra od prvega februarja prejšnjega leta do zadnjega januarja konvenčnega leta.) Vsaka podružnica, ki ima plačan asesment za svoje članice in ki šteje od 100 do 300 članic v odraslih oddelkih (A in B) prvega dne meseca januarja konvenčnega leta, je uprevičena do ene delegatke za konvencijo. Podružnice, ki štejejo 301 do GOO članic, so upravičene do dveh delegatk. Podružnice z več kot 601 članic so upravičene do treh delegatk za konvencijo. Nobena podružnica ne more poslati več kot tri delegatke, ne oziraje se na skupno število članstva. Podružnice, ki štejejo manj kot 100 clanic, glavna tajnica združi, da si skupno izvolijo delegatko in pri tem naj združi podružnice, ki so si najbližje. Združitev se vrši na podlagi števila članstva, ki ga take podružnice izkazujejo prvi dan meseca januarja konvenčnega leta. Združene po- družnice morajo skupno šteti 120 članic, da so upravičene do ene delegatke. Glavna tajnica sestavi red, po katerem se volijo delegatke združenih podružnic. Volitve se vršijo meseca februarja. Podružnice, ki ne pošljejo svoje delegatke, lahko zastopstvo poverijo delegatki kake druge podružnice, ali pa kateri izmed gl. odbornic, ki je na konvenciji navzoča. Glas takih podružnic je veljaven le, če podružnica šteje 100 članic. Delegatke in njih namestnice se volijo meseca januarja ali februarja konvenčnega leta. Volitve, ki se vrše pred prvim januarjem ali kasneje kot zadnjega februarja konvenčnega leta, se smatrajo za neveljavne. Delegatke se volijo tajno (z listki), nominacija je pa javna. Ako je nominiranih več kandidatk in če pri prvi volitvi ne prejme nobena nadpolovične večine oddanih glasov, se vrši ožja volitev med tistima dvema kandidatoma, ki imata največ glasov. Kandidatka, ki pri teh volitvah dobi nadpolovično večino oddanih glasov, je pravilno izvoljena. Pri podružnici, kjer se voli več kot ena delegatka, se voli vsako posebej. Ko so delegatke izvoljene, se volijo namestnice po istem načinu. Soglasne volitve so veljavne, če se s tem strinjajo vse na seji navzoče članice ali če je bila nominirana le ena kandidatka. Da so poverilnice delegatk veljavne, morajo biti podpisane od predsednice, tajnice in blagajničarke podružnice Zveza krije iz svoje blagajne vozne stroške delegacije do mesta konvencije in obratno (round trip fare in coach). Albina Novak, gl. tajnica km, ki je bila v automobilski nezgodi in ses. Ana Ambrožič ter ses. Frances Zupec. Ako ste blizu naših bolnih sester, vas prosim, da jih obiščete, saj to je naša dolžnost.—Drugega nimam kaj poročati. Na Novo leto ne bo seje, ako pa želite plačati, vas pričakujem vsak četrtek na domu. Pozdravljene, vaša tajnica, Mary Fidel Št. 10, Collingwood, O.—Pri naši podr. se prav pridno pripravljamo za spomladansko razstavo, ki se bo vršila na St. Clairju dne 11. in 12. marca. Vse podr. bodo lahko razstavljale vse svoje lepe izdelke, katere bodo napravile v teku zimskih mesecev. Prav ko pišem te vrstice, sem izvedela, da je preminula naša dobra in dolgoletna članica Mary Vidmar iz 977 Nela View Rd., Clev. Hgts. Njen soprog je umrl 1. 1956. Zapušča hčer, sina in 4 vnuke ter več drugih sorodnikov. Bog ji daj mirni počitek v ameriški zemlji in večna luč naj ji sveti. Sorodstvu naše sožalje, posebno še otrokom ob izgubi dobre mamice. Dobrodošle med nami naše nove članice: v razred A je pristopila Mary Slaypah in v mladinski oddelek pa Cheryl Lynn Komidar. Vsem bolnim članciam želim, da bi prav hitro ozdravele, ker hudo je kadar človeka bolezen obišče. Naša čla. ses. Trampush iz Holmes Ave. se je nahajala veliko mesecev v bolnišnici, morala se je podvreči več težkim operacijam. Zdravniki so pos-kusali ohraniti bolno nogo, toda končno so morali nogo odstraniti, da so dobri ženi ohranili življenje. Soprog naše čla. J. Batich je tudi bolan in se nahaja doma pod zdravniško oskrbo. Tudi njemu, kakor vsem bolnim članicam, želim hitrega okrevanja. Vsem pa želim vso srečo in zdravje v tem nastopnem letu 1961. Antonia Repic, poročevalka P.s. Še enkrat prosim vse tiste članice, ki dolgujete svoj asesment, da ga z novim letom poravnate. Plačate lahko vsakega 24. in 25. v mesecu v Slov. D. na Holmes Ave., ali tudi na domu tajnice M. Comlah, 15726 Holmes Ave., ali pa po pošti. Tajnica vam bo hvaležna, da bo z novim letom lahko uredila knjige in zaključila letno finančno poročilo, kakor zahtevajo pravila. V imenu tajnice, hvala lepa. Kusnik, Kathie Stuller, Josephine Berginc,, Louise Susek in Mary Kra-penc. Prosimo, da obiskujete naše bolne sestre in jim tako lajšate dolge ure bolezni. Prosim vse članice, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, da poravnate čimprej. Za 1. 1961 je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor: preds. Frances Plesko, podpreds. Mary Evanich, taj. Mary Schiemnz, zap. Mary Mesarich in nadzornice: Mary Trader, Gene Sagadin, Josephine Schiretz. Seje so prvo sredo v mesecu v St. John’s dvorani. Vesele godove in rojstne dneve vsem, ki obhajate. Veselo novo leto 1961 vsem. Pozdrav gl. odbornicam, vsem članicam Zveze, posebno pa sestram pri št. 12. Mary Schimenz Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.—Vabim vse članice na sejo 4. jan. v cerkveni dvorani ob l uri pop. Imamo več važnih zadev za rešiti na tej seji. Imele bomo Card party dne 15. januarja točno ob 2 uri popoldne. Članica Lena Cisie je z možem obhajala 55 letnico zakona in jima čestitamo. Na bolniški listi so naslednje sestre: Mary Erman, Mary Tamse, Mary Werderitsch, Annie Brulc, Mary Schuster, Josephine Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.—-Poročam, da je bila dec. seja precej živahna, ker smo se srečale s številnimi članicami. Vse se tudi zavedajo važnosti glavne seje in volitev odbora za prih. leto, ker pa članice odobravajo sedanji odbor, se torej ni veliko spremenilo. Želeti je samo, da tudi še za naprej skupno delujemo v miroljubnem poslovanju. Zavedajmo se tudi obljube, ki smo jo položile ob vstopu v Zvezo, da se bomo udeleževale sej kolikor mogoče in da ne bomo odlagale z asesmentom, ker to je naša naloga in pravilno postopanje. Kakor je bilo poročano, je tajnica vsako leto prikrajšana na asesmentu kar ni častno in tudi bukve je nemogoče imeti v pravilnem redu. Prosi se torej, da bi članice ne delale te nerednosti, katere hočete ostati zveste podr. V naši starosti skoro vse čutimo pomanjkanje denarja, vendar pa se tako majhna vsota vedno lahko prihrani, da ne delamo težav z odlaganjem. Pregovor pravi: kar moreš storiti danes, ne odlagaj na jutri, ker jutri bo mogoče že prepozna in tako naše delo ni pravilno končano. Dne 15. jan. bo naša podr. priredila kartno zabavo. Želeti je obilne udeležbe in pomoči od članic, da s tem krijemo stroške ročne blagajne. Posebno naj nas Bog obvarje smrtnih slučajev v tem letu. Vsem pa, ki so nas lani zapustile, jim bodi blag spomin. Bolnim članicam prosimo popolnega ozdravljenja. H koncu želim najsrečnejše 1 milosti polno nastoplo leto vsem članicam po širni Ameriki, posebno pa pri naši podr. Mary Mesarich, zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo seje 6 dec. Tega dne smo obhajale god sv. Miklavža in ta dan se je vršila tudi naša seja. Ker ni bilo preveč mrzlo, se je zbralo kar precej članic. Seveda so bile tudi radovedne, če jim bo Miklavž kaj prinesel. Ta večer je drugam krenil, zato smo pa morale darila same razdeliti. Pa smo bile kar zadovoljne za tako lepe stvari. Imele smo tudi 2 door prizes, ki sta jih podarila Mrs. Frances Globokar in Mary Iskra. Obema iskrena hvala. Ta večer so se vršile tudi volitve odbora. Za preds. je bila izvoljena Mrs. Mary Stražišar, za pod-preds. pa Tili Špehar. Ves drugi odbor pa je ostal po starem. Naša dolgoletna članica Urška Trtnik je zelo oslabela. Ne more več opravljati hišnih del, enako je oslabel tudi njen mož. V kratkem bosta šla v Dom onemoglih, zato kdor bi ju želel še videti naj se v kratkem ustavi pri njih na Lindberg St. 205G0 Euclid. 9. dec. je praznovala svoj 81 rojstni dan spoštovana Mrs. Frances Gorše ki vsako loto podpre našo blagajno. Hvala vam in Bog naj vam da dočakati še veliko rojstnih dnevov v ljubem zdravju in veselju sredi družine. Rojstni dan je praznovala tudi naša novoizvoljena preds. ter ji vse članice podr. iskreno čestitamo in želimo še mnogo zdravih in veselih let. Zadnji mesec je bila odpeljana v bolnišnico na operacijo naša dosedanja spoštovana preds. Mali Legat. Sedaj se že nahaja na domu in upamo, da bo kmalu spet pri ljubem zdravju. Zaradi bolezni je morala pustiti predsedniški urad, zelo dobro je vodila In skrbela, da je vse šlo res lepo naprej v napredku. Hvala Mrs. Legat. Mrs. Gerčman so po hčeri Francki poslali pozdrav vsem navzočim članicam tega večera, rekli so, da jim je zelo hudo pri srcu, ker se ne marejo Srebno slavje Rev. Dr, 4 dec. je Rev. Dr. M. J. Setničar, župnik pri fari Marija Pomoč Kristjanov v West Allisu daroval slovesno zahvalno mašo ob 25. letnici mas-ništva. Navzočih je bilo sedem mon-signorev in okoli 45 duhovnikov. Diakon in subdiakon sta bila Rev. Francis Bisenius. Pridigar je bil Monsignor Rt. Rev. John Schulien. Pri slavnostnem kosilu je bilo okoli 100 duhovnikov, sorodnikov in drugih gostov. Med njimi jubilantova sestra Sister Mary Alice, OSB iz Colorada. Govornika sta bila Msgr. Butala iz Jolieta in Msgr. Schneider iz Mihvau-keeja. Navzoč je bil tudi naš glavni Z v e z i n duhovni svetovalec Rev. Claude Okorn OFM. Rev. Setničar je bil rojen 18. avgusta .1908 v Waukegan, 111. in je študiral v semenišču v Mlhvaukeeju od leta 1924 do 1930. Nato je študiral v Rimu na Gregorijani in Propaganda Fide. V duhovnika je bil posvečen 8. dec. 1935 v Rimu, prvo več udeleževati naših sej zaradi hude bolezni. Mrs. Koljat je bila zadnje mesece precej bolana, sedaj je boljši in je prišla na sejo. Zahvaljuje se, za o-biske in darila. Ker smo ta večer počastile godove nekaterih članic, so nam prinesle več dobrih stvari in te so-sestre: Čebuly, Iskra, Stražišar (Arrowhead), Leskovec, in Mukavetz. V denarju so pa prispevale sestre: Vickic, Stražišar (Arrowhead), Perko, Mandič, Tanko, Rome, Kokal, Plesnikar, Smrdel, Grili. Vsem skupaj Bog plačaj na vašem zdravju, da bi dočakale se mnogo rojstnih dni. Vsem čla. podr. pa želim veselo leto 1901 in iskren pozdrav. Antonia Sustar, poročevalka Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O.— Ravno ko pišem ta dopis, leži na mrtvaškem odru naša sestra Frances Adler, stara komaj 53 let. Po par mesecih hudega trpljenja je umrla na posledicah težkih opeklin, ki jih je dobila pri eksploziji. Tem potom izrekamo naše globoko sožalje možu in hčeri poročeni Babich, kakor tudi drugim sorodnikom ob bridki izgubi prerano umrle žene in matere . Pokojni pa naj sveti večna luč. Iskrene čestitke vsem slavljenkam rostnih dnevov v zadnjih par mesecih. Ses. Mary Filipovič je na zadnji seji pogostila članice s prav dobrim sirovim štrudelnom. Pri družini Joseph in Florence Host se veselijo male hčerke-prvorojenke. Čestitamo! Vse članice se prijazno vabi na prihodnjo sejo v januarju, ker bodo prebrani letni računi in boste slišale kako smo napredovale v preteklem Matevža J. Setničarja sv. mašo pa je daroval v cerkvi Matere Božje v Waukeganu, 111., kjer je bil krščen. Rev. Dr. Setničar je župnik pri fari Marija Pomoč Kristjanov že 22 let. V tem času je 1'ara dobila svojo šolo in avditorium, sestrsko hišo, prenovljeno cerkev in še mnogo drugih koristnih pridobitev. Zvečer je izreklo čestitke svojemu župniko preko G50 župljanov in prijateljev, ki so mu poklonili tudi mnoga darila. Vse priprave za to lepo slavje je imel na skrbi kaplan fare, Rev. Jerome Ziegler. Pri sv. masi in pri večernem slavju sta pela oba slovenski in angleški cerkveni zbor fare. Tudi šolski otroci so zapeli zvečer Rev. Dr. Setni-čarju nekaj pesmi pod vodstvom sestre—organistinje. Številnim čestitkam jubilantu se pridružuje tudi Zarja, ki želi duhov, svetovalcu podr. št. 17 §e mnogo blagoslova v njegovem vzvišenem poklicu. letu. Vsem bolnim pa želim ljubega zdravja. Helen Mirtel, poročevalka Št. 16, So. Chicago, III. -— Lep dan smo imeli 4. dec., ko so naši malčki pričakovali Miklavža. Kako veliko veselje doživljajo ve samo tisti, ki jih vidi in posebno še to velja za tiste otroke, ki ga vidijo prvokrat. Letos je bolj mali po postavi, zato se ga niso mali nič bali, kar okoli njega so šli in mu segali v roke. Zelo je bil radodaren, vsi so dobili lepe stvari. Hvala Jean Buckvich, ki je vse tako lepo uredila, saj ni bilo lahko nakupiti za 56 otrok različne starosti in vse je bilo v lepih zavitkih. Spret-njakove so se zopet postavile kot vsako leto, da so okrasile in lepo uredile mize. Iskrena hvala dekleta. Hvala tudi Mrs. Starehericli za darovano mleko in Mrs. Buck, ki je napekla za vse otroke keksov. Enako zahvala tudi drugim, ki so prinesli pecivo. Hvala Mrs. Marolth hčerki, ki je naredila lepo Madono, da smo jo dali z dvema drugima dobitkoma na listke, kar je prineslo lepe denarce v blagajno. Tudi Jean Buckvich je naredila dve dalike in še nekaj drugih stvari, tako da smo našo blagajno kar lepo podprle. Hvala vsem, ki so pomagale v kuhinji, ali v dvorani, pri mizah in tistim, ki so prodajale listke. Seveda ne smem pozabiti tudi tistih, ki so kupile listke, ker brez tega ne bi bilo denarnega uspeha. Vsem In vsaki posebej: Bog plati! V upanju in z željo, da bi bilo novo leto polno Božjega blagoslova za nas vse, pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu. Katie Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio—Zahvalim se vsem članicam, ki ste prišle na glavno sejo. Imele smo se prav dobro. Jaz sem prišla z obvezano roko, katero sem zlomila pri padcu. Tako bi morale tudi druge članice, ki so zdrave pokazati zanimanje za seje in priti tudi, če niste popolnoma "cele”. V odboru imamo novo nadzornico, sestro Josephine Grebenc. Vse drugo je ostalo po starem. Voščim Vam vsem srečno novo leto ter se Vam zahvaljujem za sodelovanje in prijaznost, kakor tudi izkaze sočutja za časa moje onemoglosti. Nettie Strukel, predsednica Št. 20, Joliet, III.—Naše čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Clarence Ellena ob rojstvu male hčerke. Družina Ellena imajo svoj dom na 1002 Campbell St. Mrs. Ella (Mildred) se je prej pisala Mikolič, ter je zvesta lcegljacica. Dalje čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Albert Lovatti, ki stanujejo na Theodore Street. Dobili so krepkega sinčka. Mrs. Lovatti (Agnes) se je prej pisala Schmidberger, katera mama in stara mama sta obe naše članice. Mrs. Theresa Koleto se je vrnila iz eno mesečnega obiska pri sorodnikih v Butte, Montana, kjer je imela prav lepe čase. Bolna se je nahajala tudi Mrs. Antonia Bavc iz Cora Street. Želimo ji stalnega zdravja. Staro leto je za nami. Zatonilo je za vedno. Naše misli uhajajo nazaj na razne doživljaje katere smo preživeli, na razne članice, ki so ob Novem bile še tako žive in zdrave, a jih danes ob Novem Letu ni več med nami. Kdo mora uganiti kaj nam prinese leto 1961. Bomo preživeli še eno leto? Naše seje so vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu. Lepo bi bilo da bi vse članice napravile obljubo v tem letu obiskati seje vsaj šest krat na leto, ako Vam ni mogoče biti navzoče vsaki mesec. Saj na sejah je prilika da se vidimo in pogovorimo ter tudi potožimo ena drugi. Vsem članicam želim Srečno in zdravo Novo Leto 1961. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O.—Prav vesela poročam, da je bila dec. seja zelo uspešna. Volitev je šla kar gladko; za preds. je bila nova izvoljena, Theresa Lah, 1311 Crussbum Ave., pod-preds. Frances Blatnik, 12614 Kirton Ave., tajnica Stella Dunallavich, blag. Josephine Weiss, zap. Ana Palcic. Vse so pridne in zveste delavke, ki lepo vodijo našo podr. Nadzornice so: ses. Ančka Kožuh, in Ana Košek. Vse drugo je po starem. Lepa hvala ses. Mary Nosan, ki je darovala pecivo za party. Imele smo tudi izmenjavo daril, da smo bile vse zadovoljne. Posebna zahvala gre Mary Hosta in Stella Dunallavich, ki sta tako lepo okrasile dvorano. Sprejelo smo novo članico ses. Spivek, katero je pridobila Theresa Kožuh. Na bolniški listi se nahajajo: Cecilija Brodnik, Mary Rahne, Marie Hosta, Theresa Zupančič. Poročati imam žalostno novico, da je umrl mož ses. Intihar. To je veliki udarec za družino. Draga sestra, vse žalujemo s teboj. Taka je pač božja volja. Tudi jaz sem dobila sporočilo, da mi je rodna sestra umrla v starem kraju. Pokojnim naj sveti večna luč. Sestram po širni Ameriki vso srečo in zdravje v letu 1961. Zdaj pa z Bogom. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Naše letne seje se je udeležilo precejšnje število članic. Soglasno je bil izvoljen ves prejšnji odbor ter vsa podr. pravila so ostala nespremenjena. Seje se bodo vršile tudi naprej, kakor doslej v cerkveni dvorani. Letno darilo za cerkev je bilo odobreno, kakor vsako leto. Tudi druga običajna darila so bila odobrena. Tajnica Barbara prosi, da bi se članice gotovo udeležvale sej naslednje mesece pred Zvezino konvencijo, ki bo v maju v Ely, Minn. Po zadnji seji smo igrale priljubljene igre in precej članic je bilo srečnih z dobitki. Potem smo presedle k drugim mizam, kjer so bila pripravljena okrepčila in naša Mary Huter je zaigrala na piano in me smo zapele listo “Češčena si Marija.” Naša pridna sodelavka Mrs. Alary Vidmar je še vedno bolehna. Enako tudi Mrs. Mary Stubel, a Mrs. Josephine Grahek, se je morala podvreči operaciji. Vsem bolnim sestram, želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Vsemu gl. odboru, čestitemu duh. svetovalcu in vsem članicam naše Zveze, želim obilo božjega blagoslova in zdravja v tem letu. Kath. Slogar, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III.—Želim vsem članicam, da bi bile vse zdrave, vesele in zadovoljne skozi vse leto in da bi narelile sklep, da bi redno prihajale na seje v tem letu. Poročam, da je bilo sklenjeno, da bomo v januarju napravile kartno zabavo. Ves dobiček bo šel za novo šolo, zato prosim, da bi vse pomagale, da bo uspeh kar najlepši. Prav dobrodošel bo tudi vsak dobitek, če ga katera more prispevati. Ko bodo tickets! v prodaji, vas prosim, da pridete po nje, ker jaz jih ne morem nositi po hišah. Upam, da se bomo potrudile, da bo naša Zveza tudi doprinesla svoj delež. Za datum pa citajte lokalni časopis in cerkveni buletin. Zopet moram poročati, da je več naših sester bolnih: težko operacijo je prestala Julija Sever; dalje Nellie Kakreski in doma se zdravijo Dorothy Mertič in Carolina Hrovat. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Tudi Ana Ter-šelič se še vedno zdravi nadomu. Sožalje izrekamo ses. Prances Kotar nad izgubo soproga Martina, ki zapušča tudi štiri hčere in enega sina. Pokojnemu večni mir. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ in vsem gl. odbornicam. Vso srečo v novem letu. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio—Nastopili smo zopet novo leto 1961. Bog daj, da bi prineslo mnogo blagoslovov vsem, ki smo pri Zvezi in za vso Ameriko. To lahko pripomoremo z molitvami in žrtvami. Upam, da nam je minila kampanja prinesla zopet lep napredek, ker to dokaže, kje se zanimajo za Zvezo. Saj je v zgodovini Zveze mnogo dobrih del in to bi morale v glavnem upoštevati, kadar govorimo o svoji organizaciji. Pri podružnici smo imele 31 smrtnih slučajev v letu 1960, to je do danes, ko pišem to poročilo. Bile so vse zveste in dobre članice. Bog jim daj večni mir in pokoj! Težko operacijo je prestala sestra Angela Virant, naša nadzornica. Ona je s svojim požrtvovalnim solelovan-jem dosti pripomogla k napredku. U-pamo, da bo kmalu zopet popolnoma zdrava! V odboru imamo sedaj tudi mlade članice, ki bodo delale za mladino. Sestra Margaret Rebol bo imela v oskrbi vse mladinske aktivnosti. Za športno aktivnost sta prevzeli sestri Viki Faletich in Anne Brancel. Obe sta pridni delavki. Gotovo se spominjate, kako lepo sta pred leti za nas prepevali na prireditvah sestri Viki Faletich in Olga Urbas (Koporc sestri). Me imamo v naše mlade odbornice veliko zaupanja in gotovo bodo agilne v uradu. Odbor za leto 1961 je sledeč: Duhovni vodja, Rt. Rev. Monsignor L. B. Baznik. Predsednica Pauline Stamp-fel, podpredsednica Viki Faletich, tajnica in blagajničarka Mary Otoničar, zapisnikarica Dorothy Strnisha, nadzornice Antonia Mihevc, Angela Virant in Anne Brancel, rediteljica Mary Deželan. V letu 1961 bo vsaka prispevala 50 sentov v ročno blagajno za stroške. Vabljene ste vse na seje; posebno v Januarju in februarju bomo imele lepo zabavo, kakorsno si same želite. Želim vam vsem blagoslovljeno novo leto. Bog in Marija naj vam podelita, kar si želite. Hvala vsem mojim številnim prijateljicam za lepe kartice in darila. Na svidenje na seji 9. januarja! Mary Otoničar, tajnica Št. 30, Aurora, III,—Pozdravljene v novem letu 1961, ki naj vam prinese vse kar si same želite, pajbolj pa še ljubega zdravja, ki je največje bogastvo, posebno za nas starejše. V četrtek 8. dec. smo imeli v Aurora “Man Night,” to je, da so bile zvečer prodajalne odprte samo za možke, da so lahko kupili darila za žene, ali zaročenke. Prodajalci so se v lokalnem listu zelo pohvalili da je bil business prav dober. Naj vam še povem, kako so me sinovi z zvijačo dobili k sinu v Wis. na graduacijo starejšega sina. Večkrat so me vabili, toda sem jim rekla, da je 2 uri in pol preveč vožnje za mojo glavo. Toda sinovi so se dogovorili, da se dobimo v Lombard, toda na poti nazaj on krene auto v “north” namesto v “south” in pravi, da mora samo stopiti v Elgin, ki pa se nikakor ni hotel pokazati. Ko mi postane vse nekam sumljivo, ko tudi za hribom ni bilo Elgina, mi sin z nas-mehon prizna, da gremo v Edwardu v Wis. Kaj sem hoteladrugega kot z dobro voljo sprejeti in res sem jim sedaj hvaležna, ker tam je bilo dosti razvedrila za moje živce, ki so sepo dveh mesecih bivanja pri sinu Da mi ostanete vse zdrave črez in njegovi družini kar popravili, zimo in še naprej, to vam želi, vasa Frances Kranjc Št. 32, Euclid, O.—Na dec. seji je bila kar lepa udelažba, kar je v veselje odboru ko vidi zasedene sedeže. Hvala vsem, ki ste se potrudile. Imele smo tudi nekaj malčkov iz mladinskega oddelka, katere je Miklavž obdaril in so imeli svoje veselje. Za to leto je bilo sklenjeno, da se bodo seje vršile šestkrat na leto in sicer ob prvih torkih naslednjih mesecev: januar, april, maj, september, oktober in december. Prosimo vse, da bi si te datume zaznamovale na stenskih koledarjih, da ne bo zmešnjave. V maju bomo obhajale materinski dan in rojstne dneve, v oktobru obletnico in rojstne dneve ter ste že sedaj vabljene na te zabavne seje. Za te zabave gre iz naše “birthday fund” blagajne, ki se nabere iz pristovoljnih prispevkov. Iz naše ročne blagajne pa se plačajo naslednji izdatki: rent za seje, če se članica poroči odbi dar v vrednosti $3.00, če ječlanica resno bolana, se ji da članarina za 3 mesece v razredu A in 2 meseca v razredu B. Za umrlo članico se naroči sv. maša za kar se daruje $5.00 in plača pogrebni auto. Cerkvi se daruje za Božic $10.00 in ob obletnici ustanovitve se daruje $5.00 za sv. mašo za žive in mrtve članice. Poleg tega pa pridejo še drugi stroški. Tako vidite, da gre denar ven, zato so potrebni dohodki. Skleneno je bilo, da se izda knjižce z listki in da vsaka vzame za $1.00 g HAPPY NEW YEAR! g W COREL’S MOTEL fl* MRS. HELEN COREL, prop, Overnight accomodations |jp Bloomingberg, New York iu tako bomo vse enako prispevale in ne samo ene in iste. Upanje je, da boste vse šle na roko. V dec. je umrl Jožef Ulepič. Naše sožalje hčeri Mary Rupar, ki je naša članica in ostalim. Josie Janes je zopet v bolnišnici in upamo, da se kmalu pozdravi kar želimo tudi vsem drugim bolanim članicam. Po seji smo obhajale božičnico in rojstne dneve ter imele izmenjavo daril. Naše dobre članice so zopet prinesle dobrot in sicer: Terezija Potokar, Thresa Popovič, Katarina Go-linar in Mary Drobnič. V denarju so darovale po $1.00: Mary Erčul, Jennie Jagodnik, Angela Barkovich, Ana Pirc, Mary Crček, Mary ŽeŽle, Ann Cooke in F. Perme. Hvala vsem, ki ste pripomogle k lepemu večeru in upam, da se vidimo na prihodnji seji. Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, O.—Srečno, uspešno ter zdravja polno novo leto, želim celokupnemu gl. odboru, članicam in prijateljem Zveze. Na dec. seji je bilo prav živahno, tudi udeležba je bila prav povoljna. Prečitano je bilo pismo gl. preds. Josephine Livek z željami za nada ljnji napredek podr. in voščilo za praznike, kar je bilo z veseljem vzeto na znanje. Odbornice za 1. 1961, so na splošno željo navzočih članic še kar vse iste ostale. Iz blagajne smo izplačale za 5 vstopnic za koncert Mladinskega Pevskega Zbora, ki so bile razdeljene med navzoče. Ses. Ana Bozich je bila edina slavljenka rojstnega dneva v dec. navzoča na seji. Njej in vsem, ki so godovale v dec. želimo še mnogo zdravih let. Ses. Frances Oblak se že dalje časa nahaja resno bolana v bolnišnici. Vse ji želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Naša najstarejša članica, nekdaj aktivna ses. Mary Mihelčič, potom podpisane pozdravlja vse članice podr. in vsem želi srečno novo leto. V nov. smo zgubile eno izmed naših ustanoviteljic, ses. Mary Jakše. Blaga pokojnica zapušča 3 sinove, hčerko Mary, 13 vnukov, pravnukinjo in več drugih sorodnikov. Vsem preostalim izrekamo globoko sožalje. Pokojna ses. Mary naj sladko sniva in v miru počiva. Iskreno in globoko sožalje izrekamo ses. Rose Piškur iu družini nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga in očeta, Joseph Piškur. Blagemu pokojniku pa želimo večni mir in pokoj. V blagajno so prispevale ses. Justine Dermasa, Anna Bozich, Mary Mlinar in Theresa Strauss. Vsem lepa hvala. Po seji smo imele običajno božičnico in izmenjavo daril. Vlogo Miklavža je prav dobro predstavljala ses. Nellie Pintar, za kar ji prav lepa hvala. Prisrčna hvala naši preds. Rose Pujzdar za lepa darila odbornicam. Enako lepa hvala ses. Mary Mlinar za darilo prisotnosti (door prize), ki ga je dobila ses. Rose Pujzdar. Ses. M. Debevec, M. Markel, A. Skok, M. Jurkezi, A. Maček, A. Rebolj, M. Cerjak, R. Strumble, N. Pintar in podpisana so pa prinesle toliko raznih okrepčil, da bi lahko imele party celo noc. Vsem za vse prisrčna hvala. Tako smo še z voščili za lepe praznike, zaključile zadnjo sejo leta. Želim, da bomo v tem letu z dobro voljo in zanimanjem delovale še za večji napredek podr. in naše organizacije. Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 54, Warren, O.—Ko to pišem, se naša božičnica še ni vršila, ker je prestavljena za 15. dec. Priprave ima v rokah Jean Ponikvar. Poročati imam žalostno novico, da smo izgubile dolgoletno članico, zavedno Slovenko Helen Gradlshar, rojena Petrich. Rojena je bila na Sarskem pri Igu. Bolehala je zadnjih par let, vendar ni bila v postelji. Umrla je n a posledicah operacije. Soprog Frank je umrl pred 15 leti. V Warren so živeli 30 let, prej pa v Pueblo, Colo., kjer se jima je rodilo 5 otrok in sicer sinova: Joe in Frank ter hčere Heddy, Elsie in Anna, ki vsi žive tukaj. Hčerke so takoj ko so bile dosti stare, pristopile k podr. in so še sedaj naše aktivne članice. Pokojna je bila ob početltu pod-preds. in članica gospodinjskega kluba in tudi SDZ. Zapušča 9 vnukov. Zelo rada se je udeleževale naših sej in prireditev. Pokopana je bila iz cerkve St. James na St. Mary pokopališče ob številni udeležbi članic, ki so skoro polnoštevilno prišle tudi kropit in moliti sv. rožni venec. Bog plačaj vsem skupaj. Nepozabni članici naj sveti večna luč. Vsem žalujočim ostalim naše iskreno sožalje. Millie Habicli je morala drugič v bolnišnico, zaradi posledic opeklin, katere je dobila kjer je zaposlena kot kuharica. Frances Banesh je tudi nevarno bolana v bolnici. Ona je ze veliko prestala; pred leti so ji vzeli nogo. Kako je to trpljenje si lahko vsak predstavlja. Vsem bolnim želim ljubega zdravja. Tiste, ki ste obhajale rojstne dneve kličem na mnoga leta. Želim duh. svetovalcu, gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam srečno in veselo novo leto; SŽZ pa dosti napredka v 1. 19G1. Da bi Bog dal novemu pred. sedniku dovolj modrosti in moči za težavni posel, ki ga čaka pri ureditvi državnih zadev, da bi prineslo mir celemu svetu. S sestrskim pozdravom. Rose Racher, poročevalka Št. 55, Girard, O. Na letni sejo so bile ponovno Izvoljene naslednje odbornice naše podr.: Thresa Luzier, preds.; Mary Lukez, pod-preds.; Mary Mehalko, taj. in blag.; Sophie Kren in Emma Zore, nadzornice, Anna Mary Racich, poročevalka v amerikanskem jeziku in Emma Zore v slovenskem. Mary Turk je bila na čelu odbora za lunch in njene pomočnice so bile: Angeline Bernard, Victoria Penska, Barbara Martin in Mary Bradish. Lunch je bil zelo okusen in lepo serviran. Komiteju lepa hvala. V nov. so praznovale rojstne dneve: Mary Bradish, Agnes Kambič, Olga Rogel, Frances Serca, in Beth An Wolford. Še enkrat vesel rojstni dan in še na mnoga leta prav vsem od nas vseh. Nagrade sta dobile zadnji mesec: Emma Zore in Katherine Anzičelc. Dne 4. dec. smo praznovale Božičnico skupaj z Moško Zvezo. Bilo je lepo, otroci so deklamirali in prepevali božične pesmi. Navzoč je bil tudi dobro poznani slov. zdravnik dr. R. Juvančič s soprogo in otroci. V bolnici Sv. Elizabete se nahaja Jos Turk, ki mu želimo hitrega poz-dravljenja in vrnitve na dom k soprogi Mary, ki ga zelo pogreša. Ker bo ta dopis v začetku leta, želim prav vsem doma in širom Amerike veselo, srečno in zdravo novo leto. Z mnogimi pozdravi. Emma Zore št. 66, Canon City, Colo.—Pozdravljene vse članice SŽZ. Dec. seja je bila prav lepo obiskana. Marsikaj smo razmotrivale kaj bi naredile za našo Zvezo. Nove članice je težko dobiti. Sklenjeno je bilo, da imamo za 1. 1961 en dolar doklade na članico. Blagajna se prazni, zato je treba do-ložiti, predno se sprazni do dna. Društvene odbornice so zopet iste, kot so bile doslej, ker najbolj vedo kako dobro voditi društvo. Seje bodo Po starem, vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 3 uri pop. v navadnih prostorih. Po seji smo imele dober prigrizek In kavo. Bile smo vse zadovoljne. Pa še nekaj ne smem pozabiti omeniti kako so me članice presenetile za moj rojstni dan in so mi zapele Happy birthday in preds. Lukman mi 3® podarila lep pušeljc, da ga bom imela vedno za spomin “in se bom troštala z njim.” Hvala lepa Mrs. Lukman. Bog Vam daj zdravja še mnogo let. Enako želim ostalim članicam. Financial Report for the Month of October, I960 Finančno poročilo za mesec oktober, I960 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 70.70 3.70 .80 .45 75 65 159 37 2, Chicago, 111. 179.35 17.60 1.20 198.15 367 178 3, Pueblo, Colo. 129.75 14.10 .30 3.55 147.70 301 148 4, Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 .60 6 85 23 5, Indianapolis, Ind. 112 59$ 6, Barberton, Ohio 54.65 2.20 .10 1.05 58.00 131 23 7, Forest City, Pa. 66.05 19.50 .50 86.05 144 223 8, Steelton, Pa. 114.00 2.00 1.20 117.20 67 5& 9, Detroit, Mich. 74.40 2.80 2.40 79.60 39 7& 10, Cleveland, Ohio 155.65 5.80 4.80 166.25 361 58 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 243 73$ 13, San Francisco, Cal. 54.05 1.60 1.50 57.15 124 16 14, Cleveland, Ohio 144.00 4.20 .30 2.95 151.45 310 42 15, Cleveland, Ohio 122.80 3.30 1.20 127.30 256 33 16, So. Chicago, 111. 66.95 6.20 .20 1.20 74.55 138 63 17, West Allis, Wis. 61.10 1.10 1.65 63 85 151 30 18, Cleveland, Ohio 28.10 .80 .70 29.60 75 8 19, Eveleth, Minn. 61.00 5.50 1.35 67.85 146 55 20, Joliet, 111. 179.45 17.10 3.75 200.30 465 171 21, Cleveland, Ohio 38 05 4.GO 1.05 43.70 88 47 22, Bradley, 111. 22.70 .30 23.00 24 @ 23, Ely, Minn. 97.85 6.40 .10 3.00 107.35 224 65 24, La Salle, 111. 72.05 7.80 2.40 82.25 183 81 25, Cleveland, Ohio 372.90 18.30 6.45 397.65 819 180 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 46.90 1.20 .75 48.85 111 12 27, No. Braddock, Pa. 34.70 .70 .15 35.55 71 7 28, Calumet, Mich. 35.85 .50 2.60 1.05 40.00 79 6 29, Broundale, Pa. 16.95 2.20 19.15 40 22 30, Aurora, 111. 19.90 .20 20.10 23 i@ 31, Gilbert, Minn. 48.60 4.20 .20 .45 53.45 107 42 32, Euclid, Ohio 119 27 33, Duluth, Minn. 42.00 5.20 .15 1.20 48.55 100 54 34, Soudan, Minn. 22.20 .70 .10 23.00 48 7 35, Aurora, Minn. 41.05 5.40 .20 1.05 47.70 84 54 37, Greaney, Minn. 12.00 .80 .30 13.10 30 8 38, Chisholm, Minn. 64.00 .60 1.80 66.40 145 6 39. Biwabik, Minn. 43 19 40, Lorain, Ohio 42.75 .50 1.C5 44.90 102 5 41, Cleveland, Ohio 88.95 3.90 1.95 94.80 224 39 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio 44 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 41.75 9.10 .60 51.45 104 91 45, Portland, Ore. 23.85 .80 1.05 25.70 61 8 46, St. Louis, Mo. 14.30 .20 .15 14.65 32 9 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 42.30 1.30 1.65 45.25 108 33 48, Buhl, Minn. 4.35 .30 .10 .60 5.35 14 n 49, Noble, Ohio 18 60 .15 18.75 45 50, Cleveland, Ohio 81 23$ 51, Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 .30 8.10 18 52, Kitzville, Minn. 26.90 .90 .15 27.95 56 9 53, Cleveland, Ohio 18.35 1.30 .15 19.80 39 13 54, Warren, Ohio 36.45 7.60 .40 .15 44 60 84 7S 55, Girard, Ohio 35.35 1.40 .45 37.20 79 14 56, I-Iibbing, Minn. 51.70 1.40 53.10 120 IS 57, Niles, Ohio 32.60 3.30 35.90 69 35 59, Burgettstown, Pa. 33 9$ 61, Braddock, Pa. 25 6 62, Conneaut, Ohio 15.95 .10 16.05 33 1 63, Denver, Colo. 55.65 6.10 .20 .15 62.10 116 21 64, Kansas City, Kans. 27.05 .50 27.55 67 5 65, Virginia, Minn. 31.50 2.80 34.30 72 28 60, Canon City, Colo. 24.20 2.20 .90 27 30 54 22 67, Bessemer, Pa. 8S 49% 68, Fairport Harbor, O. 20.95 20.95 38 70, W. Aliqulppa, Pa. 9.50 .60 10.10 15 3 71, Strabane, Pa. 52.15 1.80 .15 54.10 116 20 72, Pullman, 111. 15.65 .50 .15 16.30 37 5 73, Warrensville, Ohio 47.55 4.10 51.65 118 41 74, Ambridge, Pa. 22.70 .60 23.30 43 6 Drage članice, predno boste brale ta dopis, bodo lepi božični prazniki že minili. Vam pa voščim srečno in veselo novo leto. Enako želim tudi Vam gl. odbornice, ki vas vse osebno poznam. Vso srečo v novem letu Tebi, Corinne, ki se Te še spominjam ko si bila tukaj v Pueblo 1. 1949 na glavni konvenciji s Tvojo mamo. Tako si lepo po slovensko zapela. Pozdrav Tebi in Tvoji družini. Imaš tako luštne otroke “Janezek in Micka.” (Hvala za prijaznost. C.) Srčni pozdravi vsem članicam širom Amerike. Jennie Lukezic, poročevalka St. 68, Fairport Harbor, Harbor, O. —Zopet nekaj vrstic za našo ljubljeno ZARJO. Pri naši podr. sicer ni nič kaj posebno novega. Na zadnji seji nas je bilo kakor po navadi. Pride nas približno eno tretjino. Med drugim smo razpravljale da bi bilo nam v zadoščenje, če bi se enkrat zbrale prav vse članice. Pridite, saj imamo na vsaki seji kaj zanimivega in dobro je, da se zberemo vsaj enkrat na mesec Božični prazniki so za nami. Nastopili smo novo leto. Želim, da bi bilo srečno in zdravo. Bog bodi z nami, da nas varuje vseh nezgod. Sestre bodite zdrave! Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y.—Ko bo prišla naša dična Zarja bo že novo leto, novo dete 1961. Drage sosestre Amerike, naša organizacija bi tudi rada videla, če bi se kaj NOVIH kandidatinj pridobilo. Dajte se malo potruditi. Drage sestre, želim Vam srečno in blagoslovljeno novo leto in še posebej najlepša voščila našemu duhovnemu vodji Father Okoren in zahvala za prelepe ln poučne članke, ki jih piše za nas in ravno tako želim Gl. uradu in splošno celi naši prelepi organi zaciji SŽZ. Z odličnim spoštovanjem. Helen Corel, predsednica SOMETHIN’ GOOD? See the delicious foods listed in famous cookbook. Woman's Glory The Kitchen" 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 23.45 2.80 .45 26.70 58 28 78, Leadville, Colo. 27 9 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 15.45 2.30 .70 .15 18.60 33 23 80, Moon Run, Pa. 9.80 9.80 23 81, Keewatin, Minn. 10.00 .30 10.30 27 83, Crosby, Minn. 9.50 .60 .40 .45 10.95 20 6 84, New York City, N.Y. 62.80 1.60 2.60 67 00 76 8 85, DePue, 111. 11.95 .50 .10 .15 12.70 29 5 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 9.60 .10 9.70 19 88, Johnstown, Pa. 31.85 2.80 .60 35.25 64 29 89, Oglesby, 111. 39.85 6.10 .30 .45 46.70 99 61 90, Presto, Pa. 24.50 1.90 .10 .45 26.95 60 19 91, Oakmont, Pa. 27.80 1.20 29.00 52 12 92, Crested Butte, Colo. 11.80 .20 12.00 22 2 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 59.80 .80 1.20 61.80 71 4# 94, Canton, Ohio 25.05 1.20 26.25 19 5** 95, So. Chicago, 111. 100.20 5 90 106.10 183 59 96, Universal, Pa. 50.20 .60 1.20 .40 52.40 54 3# 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. 12.10 .80 12.90 24 8 99, Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 22 100, Fontana, Calif. 20.50 1.20 1.20 22 90 45 12 102, Willard, Wls. 9.15 .90 10.05 7 3** 104, Johnstown, Pa. 11.30 11.30 27 105, Detroit, Mich. 9.90 .50 10.40 16 5 106, Meadowlands, Pa. 20 2 Total — Skupaj $ 3 961 65 250.10 13.55 63.25 $4,288.55 9182 2780 $—Assessment paid in Sept. &—Assessment for Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. @—Assessment for Oct. Nov. %■—Assessment paid in July #—Assessment for Sept. and Oct. **—Assessment for Oct. Nov. Dec. Income — Dohodki: Assessment from members — Članarina od članic............................ $4,288.55 Rental income in October — Najemnina za oktober............................. 115.00 Interest on bonds and savings — Obresti od investiciji...................... 142.90 Smrtnine: . .$ 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 . . 100.00 Total — Skupaj ................ $4,546.45 Disbursements — Stroški: Funeral Benefit Claims paid for the following deceased members Frances Dolenc, Branch 2, Chicago, Illinois.......................... Katherine Schutte, Branch 9, Detroit. Michigan....................... Josephine Spillar, Branch 10, Cleveland, Ohio........................ Margaret Grahek, Branch 23, Ely, Minnesita .......................... Sophie Pryatel, Branch 23, Ely, Minnesota............................ Mary Gornik, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio....................................... 100.00 Agnes Bukovec, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio, Class B............................ 250.00 Mary Ivanovich, Branch 33, Duluth, Minnesota ................................. 100.00 Maria Devar, Branch 97, Cairnbrook, Penna..................................... 100.00 Benedictine Press — Zarja—The Dawn, October edition........................... 758.44 Salaries and administration—plače gl. uradnic in admin........................ 857.65 Printing, telephone, office supplies,—telefon, razno.......................... 495.58 Rent for Home Office — Najemnina za gl. urad................................... 75.00 Director Internal Revenue Service — dohodninski davek....................• ■ • 361.86 Total — Skupaj ................ $3,598.53 Balance Sept. 30, 1960 — Preostanek 30. sept., 1960.............$ 442,104.25 Income in September, 19G0 — dohodki v septembru, i960--. 4,546.45 Total — Skupaj............$ 446,650.70 Disbursements in September, 1960, — stroški v sept. I960.. 3,598.53 Total —Skupaj............$ 443,052.17 ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary Postpaid $2.25 Order your __‘0 copy now: \ ALBINA NOVAK, ]V / 1937 W. CERMAK - CHICAGO 8, ILL. THE PRE-CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN IS OVER!!! But, it’s still a good time, right now, to sign up a NEW MEMBER for the S.W.U. Begin the New Year with a New Member for your Branch! Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary JJčto ||£ar ta (©ur W H <|(uniors _____ _ ______— ___________________________i Scenes from the Branch 2, Chicago, III., Christmas Party: Santa’s arrival at the Christmas festivities was a happy moment for the players in the "Story of the Blue Angel,” Christmas pageant presented by 25 juniors. Miss Margie Prah as the Blue Angel is seen on the right with the littlest angels, all four years old. The Royal Bakers, (see left) were part of the show which included dancing and singing in a setting of medieval fantasy. Right, the Jester and company of Ladies in Waiting are listening to the Princess’ story of having seen the boy Christ. Ladles In Waiting join in a traditional Christmas song in a scene at rOyal court. After the play, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town” was sung and danced by Twinkletoes, Miss Anita Wipotnik. The show was directed by Margie Prah and Corinne Leskovar. PEN PALS WRITE! Dear Kathy, Welcome to the S.W.U. Pen Pal Club Your letter is one of the nicest gifts to receive lor Christmas. 1 just love the Christmas Tree you made for me. 1 know all the boys and girls enjoyed your letter and drawing, too. We are all anxious to see our new pen pal so send in a picture of yourself all dressed up in your Brownie outfit! I have a dog named Mickey. Whenever we say “sit pretty,” she sits up on her hind legs. Her favorite game is bringing back balls or sticks that we throw. She runs so fast to get them that sometimes she passes them up and has to turn around again. I bet your grandmother, Mrs. Pris-land is very proud to know that you joined the pen pal club. Do write again. DONNA MH. JOHN COTTLI H.2, BOX 45-3, % C.A.PAL^KK WHEATON, ILL. rnrnm happy new year from our advertisers smssss-m DR. FRANK T. GRILL »'HYSiCIAj.. and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Kd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JEDNOTA Najstarejia slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota s fijema moške in ženske od 16. do 60. leta starosti, .uvUe pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-853 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois AVE AFELY 313 Cast 188th 81 r • • I 20000 Euolld Av«nu« 0230 St. Cl«lr Avtnua ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8. ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Director* & Embalmera Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin R.GRDIND & SONS ZA POHI&TVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio