Paper received: 10.03.2009 Paper accepted: 08.07.2009 Variation of Normal Anisotropy Ratio "r" during Plastic Forming Srbislav Aleksandrovic* - Milentije Stefanovic - Dragan Adamovic - Vukic Lazic University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia Cold rolled thin sheet metals are typical anisotropic materials as a consequence of the production process of rolling. Anisotropy is usually described from two aspects: as plane anisotropy and as a normal one. Most frequently used anisotropy parameter is the normal anisotropy ratio or the r value, which represents strains ratio in sheet metal plane and along its thickness. It is determined experimentally, usually as mean constant numeric valu, without testing the possible variation in dependence on realized plastic strain. Accurate defining of the r value has great significanc, since it is not only the formability parameter, but also the crucial anisotropy parameter in software for simulation of the plastic forming process. The paper presents the results of experimental investigation of three typical materials: low carbon Al killed steel DC04 sheet metal, alloy AlMg4.5Mn0.7 sheet metal and stainless steel X5CrNi18-10 sheet metal. Particular attention is given to defining the dependence of the r value on plastic strain during the forming process. The experiment requires sophisticated devices and accurate calculations. In the actual case, the computerized measuring system Zwick/Roell Z 100 was used. In addition, the paper contains the proposal on how to take into account variations of the r values during the plastic forming process. © 2009 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. Keywords: sheet metal, anisotropy, r value 0 INTRODUCTION Cold rolled sheet metals are very significant in modern industry. Registered export of cold rolled steel sheet metals (including coated ones) in 2006 was 71.9 million tons on the global level [1]. Total production of primary aluminum in the world in 2007 was 38.7 million tons [2]. Approximately one quarter of that quantity is processed into thin sheets, foils excluded [2]. Due to complex metallurgical process of rolling and its structural specifics, thin sheet metals have prominent anisotropy, i.e., inequality of different characteristics depending on the considered directions in volume. Since sheet metal has a specific geometry, two dimensions in plane which are significantly larger than the third dimension - thickness, anisotropy is considered from two aspects: in sheet metal plane and perpendicular to that plane, along thickness. In the first case, one referent direction, most often the rolling direction and two other corresponding directions are defined with respect to the rolling direction. Those most often are at 45 and 90o with respect to the rolling direction. For each of these directions, the necessary material characteristics are determined, like the elasticity modulus, yield strength, tensile strength, strain at fracture, the mean r value, strain hardening exponent, etc. The major differences in their differences along different directions indicate the significant influence of plane anisotropy. The second case is related to the so-called normal anisotropy, i.e., the difference in sheet metal strain in plane and along its thickness. The quantitative indicator of that difference is the normal anisotropy ratio or the r value, which is very important for sheet metals. In anisotropic plasticity theory, starting with the Hill's approach and including all the other [3] and [4], it is used in almost all important relations. In practice, it is an obligatory parameter of the sheet metal formability by deep drawing. Apart from theory, the r value is very important for the functioning of all the software for computer simulation of plastic forming process. It is determined only experimentally, by uniaxial tension process, according to proper standard procedures, likes ASTM E 517, EN 10130-B etc. Usually, the result is a constant numeric value, which represents the mean value during the measurement or the value that corresponds to relations at the end of the forming process. The following question is reasonable: what should be done if there are materials for which the changes of the r values during the *Corr. Author's Address: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, S. Janjic 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia, process are prominent? These variations can have the greatest significance in software for computer simulation. According to [3], not a single modern commercial software contains implemented r values that vary with strain, for different materials. The aim of this paper is to point to the nature of those variations of the r value in typical cold-rolled sheet metals and to propose how those variations should be taken into account. 1 PROCEDURE FOR DEFINING THE r VALUE The r value is defined as the ratio of true plastic strain of width (^b) and true plastic strain of thickness (^s) of specimen at uniaxial tensile test: r = , Fig. 8. where B and a are constants which can be approximately determined in the following way: a = q>m ; B =-m, a (12) where the subscript m denotes the selected values of r and q> in the diagram. X5CrNi18-10 sn=0.7 mm ; 0o 0,0 0,00 —1 -0,18 0,20 0,0 — 0,00 0,05 0,10