Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 © 2017 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2016.4258 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2016-12-12 Received revised form: 2017-02-06 Accepted for publication: 2017-02-14 Performance Index in MHD Duct Nanofluid Flow Past a Bluff Body at High Re Kozhikkatil Sunil Arjun* - Rakesh Kumar Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), India The quasi-two-dimensional Al2O3-water nanofluid magneto hydro-dynamics (MHD) flowing over a circular cylinder at higher Reynolds number has been modelled using Ansys FLUENT 15.0 in a rectangular duct to determine the viability of heat transfer enhancement. The effect of the numerical simulations on performance indices were analysed for the range of 1000 0.15 in water-based nanofluid past a square cylinder in vertically upward flow and the average Nu was found increasing with nanoparticle concentration [21]. Energy content in the mean mixed convective flow of the base fluid at Ri of 0.5 is found to be maximum compared to that of nanofluids past a square cylinder [22]. Increasing the value of non-uniform heat generation/absorption parameter in boundary layer nanofluid flow leads to deterioration in heat transfer over a stretching circular cylinder [23]. Proper solutions at each time step were obtained reaching steady state using an unsteady free convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid over a vertical cylinder with an explicit finite-difference 236 Arjun, K.S. - Rakesh, K. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 scheme [24]. The energy content in the individual modes of mixed convective flow stability for Cu-water nanofluids past a square cylinder is found to be higher than that of Al2O3-water nanofluids [25]. A small control cylinder placed in turbulent wake of a much larger 2D bluff body can cause a significant increase in drag fluctuations and can occur on longer timescales than vortex shedding and reveal a bistable wake regime [26]. Flow around porous and solid cylinders with external magnetic fields showed a decline of critical Stuart number for suppressed vortex shedding with increasing Darcy numbers and the enhancement of Stuart number for the disappearance of the re-circulating wake with increased Re [27]. Three distinct regions observed among the bluff bodies of different shapes in the vertical axis wind/ water turbine wake structure are similar: near wake, where periodic blade shedding dominates; transition region, where blade vortices decay and growth of shear layer instability occurs and far wake, where bluff body wake oscillations dominate [28]. Numerical simulations are necessary for many engineering applications, which operate at high-speed or in highly turbulent regimes, which are very difficult to model. Most of the computational works available in literature employ two-equation turbulence models for modelling due to their simplicity and reasonable accuracy. The absence of comprehensive data is observed in magneto hydro-dynamics (MHD) duct nanofluid flow past a circular cylinder as a bluff body. This study aims to establish the relationship between the size and position of the cylinder, magnetic field strength, Reynolds number, nanoparticle volume fraction and performance index for quasi-two-dimensional flow around circular cylinders, in which the parameters can influence the flow characteristics of the wake, nature of separation, drag, and lift forces. 1 GEOMETRY, BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AND SIMULATION A circular cylinder with diameter d is placed in a rectangular duct with length 23 d and diameter 10 d (2L) with its axis parallel to a magnetic field with strength B at distance G from a heated sidewall of constant wall temperature Tw (Fig. 1), higher than the ambient temperature. The blockage ratio, ¡3 = d/(2L) characterizes the size of the cylinder relative to the duct. The cylinder position is defined relative to the distance to the duct centreline as position ratio, Y = G/(L-d/2). The value of position ratio varies between 1 when the cylinder is placed symmetrically between the sidewalls to 0 when it is in contact with the heated sidewall. The cylinder proximity to the heated wall is characterized better in terms of the gap ratio G/d. The induced magnetic field is assumed negligible. Fig. 1. Geometry of rectangular duct showing Schercliff layer This produces dimensionless magneto hydrodynamic equations governing continuity, momentum, and energy expressed as: u = 0, (1) „ 1 „ 2 Ha — + (u■V)■ u +Vp = —V2 ■ u---u, (2) dt y ' Re Re — + (u-V)-T = —V dt K ' Pe - T, (3) The terms describing the effects of viscous dissipation and Joule heating, as included in [29], are not considered in the energy equation here, following [30] to [32]. An order of magnitude calculation confirmed that their contributions were between 500 times and 107 times smaller than those of the included terms for applications considered in this study [33]. However, at applied magnetic fields, the destabilizing effect of shear generated at the sidewalls wins the competition with the damping effect by Joule's dissipation and turbulent side layers are created, as already reported [31]. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of applied magnetic fields on the forced convection around a cylinder and as a result, the effect of buoyancy is ignored in the momentum equation of the present study and treated as a case of incompressible flow of constant thermodynamic and transport property for the Newtonian fluid, as reported earlier [32]. The volume fraction equation is solved for the secondary phase (nanoparticles). The concentration of the secondary dispersed phase (nanoparticles) is solved by a scalar equation, considering the correction made by phase slip. The governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer for a multiphase Eulerian-Eulerian mixture model in dimensional form are utilized [34]. In the above equations, the velocity component of the mixture (nf) is treated as the product Performance Index in MHD Duct Nanofluid Flow Past a Bluff Body at High Re 237 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 of the mixture density and mass averaged mixture velocity. The mixture momentum is obtained by summing the individual momentum equations of every phase. The energy of the mixture is calculated from the effective thermal conductivity of the mixture. The velocity of the secondary phase (s) is the sum of drift velocity for the secondary phase and mass averaged mixture velocity. The velocity of the secondary phase in relation to the primary phase (f) is known as the relative or slip velocity and is calculated as its difference. The drift velocity, slip velocity and drag function are calculated as per the standard equations proposed by [35] and [36]. The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial to viscous forces and is defined as: Re = u0 —. d v (4) The Hartmann number is the square root of the ratio of electromagnetic to viscous forces and is defined as: Ha = aBj—. I Pv (5) The local Nusselt number along the heated sidewall (x) of the duct after time t is defined as „t t \ d dT . Nuw (x t ) = ----- — /, Tf - Tw dy (6) Tf is the bulk fluid temperature calculated using V the velocity and temperature distribution as Tf (x, t) = PL I uTdy I udy (7) The heat transfer improvement and the pressure drop penalty on the duct are considered together for better quality and expressed as the performance index defined as: n = Nu Nu0 JP Ap (8) where Nu / Nu0 and AP / AP0 are the heat transfer enhancement ratio and pressure penalty ratio. Nu and AP are the overall Nusselt number and pressure drop across the duct where a circular cylinder is shifted from the channel centreline; and Nu0 and AP0 are the overall Nusselt number and pressure drop without a cylinder. ANSYS FLUENT 15.0 is used for simulation. A nodal spectral-element method is utilized to discretise the governing flow and energy equations in space, and a third-order scheme based on backwards differentiation is employed for time integration [37]. The setup of the system is the same as that described in [33]. The flow is quasi two-dimensional, consisting of a cold flow core region, where the velocity is uniform along the direction of the magnetic field [38] and variable-variance two-dimensional Gaussian-weighted summation of particles in the vicinity of each interpolation point [39], a thin Hartmann layer at the wall perpendicular to the magnetic field and a thin Schercliff layer along the heated wall. A thorough description of this model is available in [40] and [41]. The boundary conditions imposed on Eqs. (1) to (3) are as follows: a no-slip boundary condition for velocity is imposed on all solid walls. At the channel inlet, the analytical solution to Eqs. (1) and (2) for fully-developed flow in a channel without a cylinder is imposed [42] and [43]. At the exit, a constant reference pressure is imposed and a zero stream-wise gradient of velocity is weakly imposed through the Galerkin treatment of the diffusion term of the momentum equation [44], [39] and [45]. The SIMPLE algorithm [46] has been adapted for the pressure velocity coupling. A high-order Neumann condition for the pressure gradient is imposed on the Dirichlet velocity boundaries to preserve the third-order time accuracy of the scheme [37]. The temperature of the incoming stream and the unheated top wall is taken as T0, and at the bottom heated wall as Tw. The cylinder is thermally insulated (i.e. a zero normal temperature gradient is imposed at its surface). The computational domain is divided into a nonuniform grid of quadrilateral elements, concentrated near the cylinder and the heated wall that experience high velocity gradients to capture the small-scale structures in the flow (Fig. 2). Within each element, a grid of interpolation points resolves the highorder tensor product of polynomial shape functions using the second order upwind scheme to describe flow fields. The asymmetrically positioned cylinder requires the creation of new meshes, and further grid-independence tests are performed to ensure that adequate spatial resolution is maintained for the simulations in this study. A convergence study for spatial resolution has been performed by varying the element polynomial degree from 4 to 9, while keeping the macro element distribution unchanged. It is found that the results converge to within less than 0.5 % with polynomial order 7, which is used for the simulations reported in this study. Continuous phase modelling is followed in this study and the thermo-physical properties of base 238 Arjun, K.S. - Rakesh, K. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 fluid and nanoparticles are provided as in [47], and the classic formulae of [48] were used to determine the density and heat capacitance of nanofluids in this study. A grid independence study is carried out for base fluid at Reynolds number 100. Three different combinations of grid with the Nusselt number have been considered to ensure the grid independence of the solution. The results of grid sensitivity analysis exhibited the Nu values of 0.8163, 0.821 and 0.8211 respectively for 100 x 50, 100 x 100 and 100 x 150 grids. Based on the results of grid sensitivity analysis, 100 x 100 grid has been selected to ensure consistent numerical results. Fig. 2. Spectral element mesh of the computational domain Grid independence study is conducted at Re = 3000, Ha = 100 and blockage ratio 0.4 for mean drag coefficient and the Strouhal number, which are sensitive to domain size. The meshes to model the placement of the cylinder at various domain lengths along the heated side wall are constructed. The domain length for downstream distance is made constant as 20 and that for upstream distance is varied. Values of mean drag coefficient and the Strouhal number resulting from the use of 2, 3 and 4 domain lengths for the upstream distance with 1188, 1472 and 1488 macro elements showed 1.659, 2.15 and 2.152 values for mean drag coefficient and 0.246, 0.262 and 0.262 values for Strouhal number, respectively. Thus, the second domain with 3 upstream and 20 downstream distance lengths is sufficient to resolve the flow. 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1 Effect of Nanoparticle Volume Fractions The influence of Al2O3 nanoparticle volume fractions from 0.5 % to 2 % and Re from 1000 to 3000, when a circular cylinder is placed at the mid-plane of the rectangular duct with magnetic field strength of Ha = 100 is shown in Fig. 3. As the volume concentrations and Re increase, the performance indices also increase successively with the maximum value of 2.4 using 2 % Al2O3-water nanofluid at Re = 3000. The results are in agreement with the previous reports. The Nu increases as Re and the nanoparticle volume fraction increase over a stretching circular cylinder [49]. Heat transfer over a heated circular cylinder wall increases with an increase in particle fraction of copper-water nanofluid and Re at lower Re range [50]. 25 nm size (0.01 volume fraction) Al2O3 nanofluid with circular cylinder as the bluff body has the highest Nu compared to CuO, SiO2, and TiO2 nanofluids at low Re [51]. The heat transfer of nanofluid flow over a square cylinder increases with higher Pe and particle volume concentration, but with smaller particle diameter [52]. 2.5 r --- Re= 1000 -•- Re=2000 2.4 i?e=3000 2.3 2.2 ^ ¿.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Fig. 3. Effect of nanoparticle volume fractions on performance index at different Re 2.2 Effect of Blockage Ratio and Position Ratio The results (Fig. 4) demonstrate that the improvements in performance indices are much higher at higher blockage ratios (> 0.3) for all Re from 1000 to 3000 with the highest value of 2.29 for blockage ratio 0.4 at Re = 3000 using 2 % Al2O3-water nanofluid at Ha = 100. The performance indices were higher than 1.5 for blockage ratio 0.3 and higher than 2 for blockage ratio 0.4. As the position ratio decreases from 1 to 0.25, the performance index increases for all Re for blockage ratio 0.1. However, for blockage ratio 0.2, this increase is limited to position ratio 0.5; thereafter, it decreases up to position ratio 0.25 for all Re. For blockage ratio > 0.3, it decreases as position ratio decreases for all Re. Performance indices increase as Re increases. Maximum performance index for heat transfer enhancement is augmented by 37 % through decreasing position ratio for a small blockage ratio, 1.e. when the cylinder is close to the heated wall. As Re and blockage ratio increases, performance index also increases. The maximum performance index augmentation was higher than two-fold at the duct centreline. Proximity of the cylinder to the heated wall has significant influence on heat transfer and flow characteristics. The interaction of Schercliff layer with shear layers separating cylinder surface might be responsible for this observation. Performance Index in MHD Duct Nanofluid Flow Past a Bluff Body at High Re 239 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 7"1 2.1 1.9 L11 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 7"1 Fig. 4. Effect of blockage and position ratio on performance index at Re a) 1000 b) 2000 c) 3000 Similar results have been reported in literature. The transition from steady to unsteady flow regimes of a liquid metal past a circular cylinder in a rectangular duct is determined as a function of Ha, the blockage ratio, the Strouhal number, and heat transfer from heated wall to fluid [33] and downstream cross-stream mixing induced by cylinder wake found to increase heat transfer by two-fold. Variation in wake recirculation length in the steady flow regime of liquid metal flow under a strong axial magnetic field in a rectangular duct is determined as a function of Re, Ha and blockage ratio [53]. The blockage ratio controls fluid flow and heat transfer from the circular cylinder is confined between parallel planes and delays the separation [54]. Increasing L/d from 1 to 2 has insignificant lower effect on heat transfer and Nu of circular tube [55]. Vortex generators with height equal to half the boundary-layer thickness produce a significant delay of separation and 60 % drag reduction in incompressible steady flow past a circular cylinder in a transcritical flow regime, with turbulent boundary layers ahead of separation [56]. As the immersion level ratio of a horizontal circular cylinder in shallow water increases, the magnitude of jet-like flow velocity goes up and result a difference between primary and developing circulation bubble and this stimulates the momentum transfer between the core and wake flow region [57]. A 30 % frequency was reduced independent of Re, downstream of a circular cylinder, and shear layers were elongated in wake so that the Karman vortex street was not developed in water flow; and vortex formation length was considerably extended downstream of cylinder and peak magnitudes of turbulence parameters were comparably smaller [58]. 3D unsteady LES shows the broadband nature of shear-layer instability behind a circular cylinder and the dependence of shear-layer frequency on high Re [59]. When a nonlinear optimal control free-stream velocity is applied, vortex shedding was suppressed in incompressible flow past a circular cylinder up to Re = 1000 with a 70 % drag reduction [60]. The correlation coefficient of a circular cylinder bluff body placed inside a circular pipe in a fully developed turbulent regime improves with an increase in blockage ratio [61]. 2.3 Effect of Gap Ratio When the cylinder approaches the heated wall (small gap ratio), the performance indices decrease at all blockage ratios and Re than its magnitude when the cylinder is located at the duct centreline. This enhancement might be due to the increased velocity of the flow near the heated surface caused by the wake vortices leading to effective mixing taking place in the flow core. It is also observed from Fig. 5 that when the cylinder is further away from both the heated wall and mid-plane, performance indices decrease for a particular blockage ratio and Re. The performance indices at gap ratio 0.75 and 1.25 are at par. From Figs. 3 and 4, the performance indices were greater than 1 for all the cases tested, which indicates that the heat transfer enhancement for this flow is viable. The highest performance index of 2.4 is recorded for the highest blockage ratio when the cylinder is located at the duct centreline. 240 Arjun, K.S. - Rakesh, K. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 1'0.75 1 1.25 1.5 G/d Fig. 5. Effect of blockage and gap ratio on performance index at Re a) 1000, b) 2000 c) 3000 Cylinder placement with gap ratios between 0.75 and 1.25 diameters performed best, achieving a 100 % performance index enhancement for the highest blockage ratio. These gap ratios corresponded to deviation of cylinder from the wake centreline of counter rotating vortex pairs that carry hot fluid farther. In the present study, the duct geometry is wide enough to accommodate the cylinder with high blockage ratio at these optimal gap ratios without crossing the aforesaid centreline showing performance indices higher than 2 in all cases (Fig 4). This trend is repeated for all blockage ratios including the smallest one. The highest performance indices were consistent for gap ratio one for all blockage ratios. Thus, the assumptions for the quasi 2D nature of the model is proved. Non-monotonic dependence of critical Re along the circular cylinder placed symmetrically in a rectangular duct for vortex shedding with respect to Ha and onset of new flow regime based on quasi-2D simulations are confirmed earlier [62]. The drag coefficient increases as G/d increases and for G/d = 0.3, the influence of the gap becomes negligible [63]. For a small gap, the pressure coefficient around the cylinder is asymmetric and results a net upward lift force on the cylinder, for an intermediate gap (G/d = 0.25). The pressure coefficient is symmetric and causes a negative mean lift force on the cylinder; for large gaps, the pressure coefficient is again symmetric and the mean lift force approaches zero. Circular cylinder placement in conducting fluid flows within a strong transverse magnetic field with gaps to the heated duct wall between 0.83 and 1.4 diameters performed best. This leads to achieving at least 95 % of the peak efficiency indices for each blockage ratio with heat transfer enhancement of up to 48 % compared to the centreline placement and only a modest increase in pressure head losses from cylinder drag [30]. 2.4 Effect of Position of Cylinder along Duct Wall The performance index at position along the heated duct wall is depicted in Fig. 6, which shows that as the distance downstream of cylinder increases from 0 to 20, the performance indices increases up to 10 d and thereafter decreases for all Re. Distance downstream of cylinder Fig. 6. Effect of position of cylinder along duct wall on performance index at different Re As Re increases from 1000 to 3000, the performance indices also increase with the maximum value recorded for Re = 3000 at 10 d downstream of cylinder. This region from the cylinder to distance 10 d downstream of cylinder, where a successive Performance Index in MHD Duct Nanofluid Flow Past a Bluff Body at High Re 241 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 increase in performance index corresponds to a strong interaction region of the heated Shercliff layer vorticity and cylinder wake vorticity. Beyond this region, the placement of the cylinder was not distinguishable in all Re, which might be due to the non-interaction of wake and Shercliff layers. Due to rotational oscillation of the cylinder in MHD flow of fluid in a rectangular duct, maximum heat transfer enhancement of more than 30 % from the heated channel wall over a zone extending 10 diameters downstream of the cylinder is reported [64]. 2.5 Effect of magnetic field strength As the magnetic field strength is varied from Ha 10 to 100 with blockage ratio 0.4, position ratio = 1 and gap ratio 0.75 with the circular cylinder placed 10 diameters distance downstream of the cylinder at Re = 3000; Ha = 20 recorded best performance index of 2.426 (Fig. 7). A higher value at Ha = 10 and a lower value at Ha = 50 are also recorded. Fig. 7. Effect of magnetic field strength on performance index The Nu decreases as the magnetic parameter increases over a stretching circular cylinder [49]. In the presence of the magnetic field, the near wall velocity gradients increase, enhancing the slip velocity at the pipe walls and thus the heat transfer rate and pressure drop increase [65]. Increasing Ha (intensifying magnetic field) leads to an increase in the Lorentz force (a retarding force to the transport phenomena), which tends to resist the fluid flow and thus reduces the nanofluid's velocity. 2.6 Flow Structures and Temperature Field In order to better characterize the effect of vortex patterns on the wall heat transfer, vorticity and temperature contour plots are visualised using nanofluid of 2 % volume concentration, Hartmann number 20, circular cylinder placement in a rectangular duct with position and gap ratios of one each are shown in Figs. 8 to 10. Diffused and blurred structures observed in the temperature contours might be due to greater thermal diffusion than viscous diffusion. Wavy structures in the contours might be due to the cross-stream mixing by advecting vortices. Low-temperature fluid is transported towards the hot region of the duct and the high temperature fluid near the heated wall is convected away to mix with the low-temperature fluid. This transport enhances the mixing between the heated surface and the cold fluid. The effect of increasing blockage ratio from 0.2 to 0.3 at Re 2000 with respect to vorticity contours are compared in Fig. 8; whereas the effect with respect to temperature contours are presented in Fig. 9. The vorticity and temperature contours at Re 3000 and blockage ratio 0.4 are shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 8. Vorticity Contour Plots for a) Re = 2000, p = 0.2 b) Re = 2000, p = 0.3 a) b) Fig. 9. Temperature Contour Plots for a) Re = 2000, p = 0.2 b) Re = 2000, p = 0.3 a) b) Fig. 10. Contour Plots for Re = 3000, p = 0.4 a) vorticity b) temperature 3 VALIDATION The numerical system has been validated for the flow and heat transfer of stationary and oscillating cylinders in both an open flow and confined within a channel for cases with and without a magnetic field [33], [45], [66] and [67]. The mean percentage differences between the Nu predicted by the present simulations and those of the previous studies were less than 1 %. These studies demonstrate the reliability of the present solution. Validation was performed against published 242 Arjun, K.S. - Rakesh, K. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 experimental results [68] and presented in Fig. 11 to ensure the accuracy of the present formulation and model. The test concerns the critical Reynolds number (Rec) under the influence of a magnetic field and the associated blockage ratio (ft) and exhibits a very close agreement (R2 = 0.999). The mean percentage differences between the critical Reynolds number predicted by the present simulations and those of the previous experimental study was less than 0.001 %. This study demonstrates the reliability of the present solution. experiments placing circular cylinders as bluff body flow [71] and [72]. The Nu values of the present study at Re = 1000 and ft = 0.2 and 0.4 were compared with the data published by [54] and found in good agreement with less than 10 % deviation, validating the model. The aforesaid model of [54] was validated with the experimental Nu values at Re = 1000 and ft = 0.67 [73] and 0.5 [74] and found to be in perfect agreement by them. These studies demonstrate the reliability of the present solver. Fig. 11. Comparison of numerical results with experimental results Fig. 12. Validation comparing the numerical model and experimental results The Strouhal number computed for various Re from the numerical results of the present study is compared with those from the experimental study of a circular cylinder placed in the flow of a circulating water channel facility with Reynolds number ranging from 2000 to 5000, and velocity up to 0.4 m/s [69]. A perfect agreement of simulated and experimental values of the Strouhal number is observed (Fig. 12). The Strouhal number increase with Re in the present study is in agreement with that of [70]. In the Reynolds-number range (Re < 1600), the Strouhal number increased as the shear parameter increased beyond about 0.1 as reported in laboratory 4 CONCLUSIONS When a circular cylinder is placed at the mid-plane of the rectangular duct with magnetic field strength and as the volume concentrations of water-based nanofluid and Re increase, the performance indices also increase successively. The maximum performance index augmentation was higher than two-fold at the duct centreline. As the blockage ratio increases, the performance index also increases for higher Re using nanofluid and magnetic field. The proximity of the cylinder to the heated wall has significant positive influence on the performance index for small blockage ratios. As the position ratio decreases, the performance index increases for all Re for lower blockage ratio; and as the blockage ratio increases, the performance index first increases and then decreases; thereafter, the performance index decreases successively when blockage ratio increased to 0.3 and further. When the cylinder approaches the heated wall (small gap ratio), the performance indices decrease at for all blockage ratios and Re than its magnitude when the cylinder is located at the duct centreline. When the cylinder is further away from both the heated wall and mid-plane, performance indices decrease for a particular blockage ratio and Re. The performance indices were greater than 1 for all the cases tested, which indicates that the heat transfer enhancement for this flow is viable. Cylinder placement with gap ratios between 0.75 and 1.25 diameters performed best achieving 100 % performance index enhancement for the highest blockage ratio with the trend repeated for all blockage ratios. The highest performance indices were consistent for gap ratio one for all blockage ratios. The assumptions for quasi two-dimensional nature of the model is proved. Beyond the region from the cylinder to distance 10 diameters downstream of cylinder, where there is a successive increase in performance index is noticed; the placement of cylinder was not distinguishable. A magnetic field strength of Ha = 20 Performance Index in MHD Duct Nanofluid Flow Past a Bluff Body at High Re 243 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)4, 235-247 with blockage ratio 0.4, position ratio and gap ratio one with the circular cylinder placed 10 diameters distance downstream of cylinder at Re = 3000 recorded best performance index of 2.43. The Nu values of the present study were compared with the analytical and experimental data published earlier and found in perfect agreement, validating the reliability of the present model. The wake vorticity and temperature contours were found to be closely related. 5 NOMENCLATURE a duct depth (out of plane) B uniform magnetic field strength f primary phase G gap between cylinder and heated duct wall Ha Hartmann number L duct half-width (in the y direction) nf nanofluid Nu0 Nu for duct without a cylinder Nuw local Nu along heated duct wall p kinematic pressure Ri Richardson number s secondary phase Tf bulk fluid temperature T0 cold wall and fluid temperature Tw hot wall temperature u quasi-two-dimensional velocity vector u0 Initial quasi-2 D velocity U0 peak fluid velocity at duct inlet x, y streamwise direction, transverse direction P blockage ratio Y position ratio ds Shercliff layer thickness (duct sidewalls) n performance index v fluid kinematic viscosity p fluid density a magnetic permeability of fluid q nanoparticle volume fraction AP total pressure drop in duct AP0 duct pressure drop (no cylinder) 6 REFERENCES [1] Dennis, S.C.R., Chang, G.Z. (1970). 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