Finite element solution strategy to analyze heterogeneous structures Strategija analize heterogenih struktur z metodo končnih elementov Martin Lamut 1CO Vesolje-SI, Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Corresponding author. E-mail: * Received: September 19, 2011 Accepted: November 2, 2011 Abstract: In this contribution a general strategy for solving a coupled micro-macro problems is presented which enables analyses of modern heterogeneous materials. It provides an efficient problem solving tool to structures with complex microstructures, used in a demanding structural components. The method uses a nested finite element solution strategy called multilevel finite element approach-ML-FEM. Within the ML-FEM framework one conducts an embedded micro-scale computation in order to obtain quantities required at the macroscopic level. The application of ML-FEM circumvents the need to construct an explicit macroscale constitution formulation, considering increased computational costs. Increased computation is linked to detailed microscopic analysis for which the statistical representative volume element-RVE is needed. RVE will be derived based on the convergence criterion. In this work a general method for calculation of the consistent macroscopic stiffness matrix via sensitivity analysis of a micro level is shown. As an example the proposed method is applied on a simple test specimen under compression consisting microstructures with porosities and stiff inclusions. Povzetek: V tem delu je bila razvita splošna strategija za reševanje vezanih mikro-makro sodobnih heterogenih materialov. Strategija je učinkovito orodje pri reševanju problemov s kompleksno mikrostrukturo, uporabljeno v zahtevnih inženirskih komponentah. Strategija uporablja večnivojski način reševanja problemov, kjer na mikroskopski in makroskopski ravni poteka analiza z metodo končnih elementov (ML-FEM). Pri tej metodi reševanja makroskopska konstitutivna zveza ni več potrebna, saj je le-ta na račun povečanega računskega časa pridobljena z natančno mikroskopsko analizo. Ta je izvedena na statističnem reprezentativnem volumnu (RVE), katerega velikost določimo s konvergenčnim merilom. Metoda je splošen način reševanja makroskopske togostne matrike preko občutljivostne analize mikroskopskega nivoja. Lastnosti metode so bile preizkušene na enostavnem tlačnem preizkusu za porozno mikrostrukturo in mikrostrukturo s togimi vključki. Keywords: Heterogeneous materials, multiscale analysis, macroscopic tangent computation, sensitivity analysis Ključne besede: heterogeni materiali, mikro-makro analize, makroskopska togost, občutljivostna analiza Introduction Heterogeneous materials used in engineering sciences have physical properties that vary throughout their microstructures. Heterogeneities, such as inclusions, pores, fibers and grain boundaries, have a significant impact on the observed macroscopic behavior of multi-phase materials. In engineering some typical examples are metal alloy systems, various composites, porous and cracked structures, polymeric blends and polycrystalline materials. To describe the macroscopic overall characteristics of heterogeneous structures is a vital problem in many engineering applications. The ability to convey information across length scales is essential for a better understanding of the sources of physical behavior observed on higher scales. Using mi- cromechanical models of the microstructural elements, homogenization techniques allow an efficient and correct transfer of microscale information to the macroscale analysis. The fundamental methodology of homogenization is the characterization of the macroscopic behavior of the heterogeneous material by appropriately identifying and testing a statistically representative micromechanical sample. Once an appropriate sample is identified it can be used in the multiscale analysis methodology. The most straightforward way is to use the multilevel finite element method ML-FEM[1-5]. When analyses at both levels are made in the context of FEM, it can be referred to as the FE2 method[6, 7]. The application of ML-FEM circumvents the need to construct an explicit macroscale constitution formulation, though at an increased computational cost. The con- stitutive equations are written only on microscopic scale and homogenisation and localization equations are used to compute the macroscopic strains and stresses knowing the mechanical state at microscopic level. By analyzing the engineering structure, the point of interest is usually localized in the so called critical region, where detailed analyses are needed. So to further increase the efficiency of the computation the structure can be divided into subdomains, critical region and the rest of the structure. In the critical region an embedded ML-FEM computation is conducted, while elsewhere a classical homogenization technique is used. In either case a statistical mi-cromechanical model or representative volume element (RVE) will be needed. The purpose of this contribution is mainly two fold. First, the statistical RVE size will be derived based on convergence criterion of the several parameters being monitored. The second purpose of this work tackles the efficiency of multilevel computation. Since a conventional way of macroscopic tangent computation in a condensation procedure, necessitate the computation of a Shur complement. It inflicts for increasingly complex microstructure higher memory allocation demands that may not be met by today's computers. Therefore, as an alternative, a tangent computation tech- nique based on a sensitivity analysis of a microscopic level will be presented. Methods Numerical RVE size In order to estimate the effective properties of heterogeneous material, most of the micro-macro methods assume the existence of a micromechanical sample that is statistically representative of the microstructural features. The usual approach[8] is to determine a relation between averages, E\ defined through (o)RVE = E*(e)RVE . Here o and e are the stress and strain fields within a statistically representative volume element. The RVE is considered both smaller enough than the macro scale media and bigger enough than the heterogeneities on the micro scale, without introducing non-existing properties (e.g. anisotropy). In this contribution, macroscopically isotropic materials are considered, therefore the two linear elastic constants (bulk and shear moduli) describing the form of E'can be computed using: (1.1) ¡(^RVE-j^RVE V (s')xMv where a' and e' denotes the deviatoric part. Macroscopically isotropic heterogeneous structure is achieved by random particle distribution at the mi-croscale. Therefore, for a given sample size, multiple distributions of particles are possible. In order to capture a statistical measure of the range of responses from different distributions, a simple averaging of three samples per RVE size was used. To model random porous microstructures a matrix containing randomly distributed pores throughout a square L x L was considered. The size of the particles were determined relatively to unit length of the RVE such that 0.1 < 2r < .15. Mechanical properties of the matrix material was K = 167 GPa and G = 77 GPa. In order to determine a suitable RVE size, one must monitor the range of estimates to E" for successively larger samples, shown on Figure 1. The following sequences of particles per sample are used (N): 2, 4, 15 and 32. Relying on the expectation as RVE size increases indefinitely the effective properties of material constants (K, G) will converge towards E\ For numerical simulation of the response a 2D quadrilateral plane strain 2 x2 Gauss rule elements were used. To determine the effective bulk and shear moduli, since the effective response is assumed isotropic, only one test loading is necessary en = 0.01005. In Table 1, the perturbation magnitudes are shown for various quantities as a function of pore number in the sample. Besides convergent material properties, the RVE must be tested upon the influence of the microstructural geometry Figure 1. A series of test samples with increasing size, the volume fraction of particles is fixed at 0.6 %. Table 1. Perturbation magnitudes for shear and bulk moduli as a function of particles number (N). K G N RVE size K32 ~ K V Gn ~GN Kn Gn 2 0.73 0.0 IX 0.018 4 1 0.021 0.023 15 2 0.013 0.013 32 3 0.002 0.005 properties. This can be done by tracking various quantities such as: strain energy function, maximal stresses, averaged stresses in the particles or matrix etc. In this work the maximal effective stress was considered (von Misses). To guarantee the mixed stress fields besides the previously used normal test loading en = 0.01005 the shear loading condition was used e12 = 0.01005 all the rest stays the same as described previously. Figure 2 is showing the convergence of the max. effective stress in the RVE by increasing its size. Based on the tests the statistical RVE size 2 (approximately 15 particles) is chosen. This size is used in all subsequent analysis. The outline of the determination of the RVE size and ef- size Figure 2. Max. effective stress for two loading cases depending upon RVE size Table 2. Perturbation magnitudes of max. oeff for normal and shear load condition as a function of particles number (N). n RVE size fb fs