Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID 689–696 STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID RAZISKAVA FAKTORJEV, KI VPLIVAJO NA DRSENJE POVR[INE V MAGNETOREOLO[KIH FLUIDIH Qibo Fang, Yiping Luo * , Weicheng Wang, Shicheng Wang, Shichong Song, Luyun Zhang School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-10-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2022-11-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.643 The wall slip of magnetorheological (MR) fluids refers to a phenomenon that affects the application of mechanical properties of magnetorheological fluids due to the relative slippage between the magnetic particles and the transmission wall. In this paper, we analyze and experimentally verify the factors affecting the wall slip of magnetorheological fluids, which can limit the appli- cation of magnetorheological-fluid devices. Firstly, from the theoretical point of view, it is considered that the influencing fac- tors are mainly divided into two parts: magnetorheological fluid’s own parameters and transmission surface roughness, among which the parameters include viscosity, mass fraction, etc. When studying the influence of the transmission surface roughness, it is found that different surface morphologies have a great influence on the shear stress. Secondly, a magnetic field simulation analysis and shear yield stress experiments are conducted on shear blocks with different surface morphologies; the obtained re- sults are compared and verified, confirming that different surface shapes affect the shear yield stress by changing the magnetic field distribution of the groove, which in turn changes the wall slip characteristics. These findings provide an effective basis for further research on the wall slip of magnetorheological fluids to improve the transmission effect. Keywords: magnetorheological fluid, wall sliding characteristics, magnetic field distribution Drsenje na stenah magnetoreolo{kih (MR; angl: magnetorheological) fluidov je pojav, ki vpliva na njihovo uporabnost v povezavi z njihovimi mehanskimi lastnostmi zaradi relativnega drsenja magnetnih delcev in stene. Opisana je analiza in eksperimentalna verifikacija faktorjev, ki vplivajo na drsenje magnetoreolo{kih fluidov na stenah. V prvem delu ~lanka je obravnavan problem s teoreti~nega stali{~a s poudarkom, da lahko vplivne faktorje razdelimo na dva dela: notranje oziroma lastne parametre magnetoreolo{kih fluidov (viskoznost, masni dele` itd.) in parametre sti~ne povr{ine. Med raziskavo vpliva morfologije povr{ine so avtorji ugotovili, da imajo razli~ne morfologije povr{ine velik vpliv na stri`no napetost. Izvedli so tudi primerjave in preverili analize simulacij magnetnega polja in poizkusov stri`ne napetosti na meji te~enja s stri`nimi bloki z razli~no povr{insko morfologijo. Dobljeni rezultati in primerjave so pokazali, da razlike v obliki povr{ine vplivajo na stri`no mejno napetost te~enja v sozvo~ju s spremembo porazdelitve magnetnega polja povr{ine, ki povratno vplivajo na drsne karakteristike stene. Ugotovili so, da izvedene raziskave predstavljajo dobro osnovo za nadaljnje raziskovanje obna{anja magnetoreolo{kih fluidov. Klju~ne besede: magnetoreolo{ki fluidi, drsenje stene, porazdelitev magnetnega polja 1 INTRODUCTION With the rapid development of science and technol- ogy and the advancement of research methods, people gradually began to pay attention to the wall slip proper- ties of MR fluids. 1 The wall slip properties of MR fluids started to receive attention when magnetorheological products were widely used, and more mature MR prod- ucts appeared in the 21 st century. The research on the wall slip properties of MR fluids is still in its initial stage and still needs a lot of theoretical knowledge for its sup- port. The yield stress of MR fluids is an important basis for their application and an important indicator for deter- mining the wall slip of MR fluids. However, due to the complexity of the working environment of MR fluids and the specificity of their own materials, the yield stress of MR fluids cannot be characterized more accurately at present. The accuracy of using the shear yield stress 2 to determine the occurrence of wall slip characteristics still needs to be improved. The wall effect of MR fluids was first discovered by Lemaire et al. 3 at the University of Nice, France, who measured the yield stress of magnetorheological fluids with a rheometer and found that the yield stress values were always lower than the predicted values based on interparticle forces. And through further studies it was found that the type of material and surface roughness of a transmission wall had a great influence on the yield stress values of MR fluids. The MR fluid viscosity con- sists of magnetic particles and carrier fluid viscosity. 4 It is known from the Herschel-Bulkley 5 model that with an increase in the shear rate, a shear thinning 6 phenomenon occurs, leading to a decrease in the MR fluid viscosity. Shear thinning also has an impact on the occurrence of wall slip, so the viscosity of MR fluids must be carefully selected in order to control the wall slip. The mass frac- tion of MR fluids undoubtedly changes as a result of the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 689 UDK 544.272 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 56(6)689(2022) *Corresponding author's e-mail: yipingluo@sues.edu.cn (Yiping Luo) formulation of MR fluids with different viscosities, which is also one of the main principles affecting the yield stress of MR fluids. Gorodkin et al. 7 studied the effect of the radial groove wall surface and smooth wall surface on the magnitude of yield stress of MR fluids. They established through experiments that the effect was most visible under cer- tain small particle volume fraction and strong magnetic field conditions, and that the yield stress was increased by 2.8 times. The radial groove effectively inhibited the occurrence of a wall defect. Laun et al. 8 studied the ef- fect of magnetic wall materials, nonmagnetic wall mate- rials, and the effect of wall roughness on the wall slip characteristics of MR fluids. The results showed that in- creasing the roughness and number of grooves of non- magnetic wall materials could increase the shear stress transferred by them. While under magnetic wall condi- tions, the wall roughness had no effect on the magnitude of the shear stress generated. T. Zuzhi et al. 9 studied the mechanism of the wall slip generation and the influenc- ing factors from both theoretical and experimental as- pects. They investigated the effect of wall slip character- istics on the transfer capability of MR fluids on different experimental benches. The results showed that the trans- fer-wall material type and surface roughness have a sig- nificant impact on the transfer capability of MR fluids. C. Fei et al. 10 studied the effect of wall morphology on the slip phenomenon. The results showed that different wall morphologies have different effects on the slip. As a result, the viscosity and mass fraction of MR fluids, as well as the roughness of the transmission wall surface can have an impact on the wall slip effect. The role of different transmission surface topography features on the prevention of slip is complex. According to the above, the existing research on wall slip characteristics is mainly qualitative experimental re- search. The analysis of the mechanism of occurrence and quantitative research on the influencing factors are lim- ited. In the process of measuring the shear yield stress, the centrifugal and inertia forces have an impact on the measurement results. As a result, the accuracy with which the shear yield stress is used to determine the de- gree of wall slip needs to be improved. The wall slip phenomenon is unstable, having an impact on the rheo- logical properties of MR fluids. 11 In this paper, a quanti- tative experimental study was conducted to verify the ef- fect of the MR fluid viscosity and mass fraction on the shear yield stress based on various indicators affecting the wall slip. A simulation of the magnetic field distribu- tion of shear blocks with different surface morphology characteristics was carried out using the COMSOL soft- ware. The results of the shear stress predicted by the sim- ulation were compared with the experimental results to find and verify how the magnetic field distribution of shear blocks affects the wall slip effect, thus giving a transmission solution for attenuating the wall slip effect. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Preparations of experiments MR fluids with (67, 72 and 77) % mass fraction were configured using the base fluid replacement method and placed in beakers with labels. An experimental table was built. A magnetic field generation device, shearing device and force measuring device were used for this experiment. During the experi- ment, the magnets were placed symmetrically at both ends of the fixed base in order to produce as uniform a magnetic field as possible. The drive mechanism, trans- fer mechanism and reservoir were all part of the shear device. The model of the stepper motor acting as a power source was YZ-57BLS120 (Hangzhou Yizhi Technology Co., Ltd.). In addition, we used a matching driver and Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID 690 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 Figure 1: Experimental bench controller to control the speed and lifting distance of the stepper motor. The role of the transfer mechanism is to convert the motor rotational force into pulling force, mainly including a pulling rope and fixed pulley. The reservoir is a device that holds the MR fluid so that the shear block can be pulled out of the device, fixed by the fixed base. For the material of the reservoir we selected a transparent acrylic plate. In addition to allowing us to vi- sually observe the shear block pulling process, it is also a non-conductive material. It does not have an impact on the reservoir magnetic-field distribution uniformity. The length, width and thickness of the reservoir volume were (60, 60 and 10) mm, respectively. The force measuring device included a tension sensor and recorder (Shanghai Longlv Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.). Finally, the test stand was built with the above experimental equip- ment. Its structure and location are shown in Figure 1. 2.2 Viscosity test An NDJ-5S digital rotational viscometer (Shanghai Star Optical Instrument Co., Ltd.) was selected. The sur- face of the measuring rotor of the viscometer was cov- ered with 60, 120, 240 and 400 grit sandpaper, respec- tively. The MR fluid with the 72 % mass fraction was selected and placed in a beaker to measure the viscosity change under rotational speeds of (6, 12, 30 and 60) min –1 . 2.3 Mass-fraction experiment and surface-roughness experiment Shear-yield-stress experiments were conducted at dif- ferent magnetic field strengths using MR fluids with dif- ferent mass fractions, in which a shear block without sandpaper and the one covered with 60 grit sandpaper were used. The shear yield stresses of these two types of shear blocks were measured at different magnetic field strengths using the 72 % mass fraction MR fluid and shear blocks covered with 60 or 400 grit sandpaper. 2.4 Simulation and experimental analysis of surface morphological features The magnetic field distribution of each groove on the transmission surface is changed by different machining shapes and sizes of the grooves on the surface, resulting in a change in the force between the magnetic particles and the transmission surface. The magnetically induced shear yield stress is affected by the wall slip of MR flu- ids. In other words, the surface topography has an impact on the wall slip characteristics of MR fluids. The surface processing of certain morphological features is a promis- ing and feasible method for attenuating the wall slip characteristics. The types of shear block grooves are shown in Figure 2: Shear blocks are semicircular, triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal in shape, with each shear block having the same number of grooves on one side and a direction that is perpendicular to the shear direction. The parame- ters of shear blocks are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Model parameters of different slot shapes Shear blocks Depth of grooves (mm) Width of grooves (mm) Number of grooves Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) 50 50 6 1 2 24 There are three directions of the grooves (horizontal, 45 degrees, vertical). The information of the shear blocks is shown in Table 2. Single-sided processing with 3, 6 and 12 vertical rectangular grooves is applied. The rectangular groove width of the shear block is 2 mm, and the depths are 1 mm and 2 mm, respectively. Figure 2 shows how the shear block models were im- ported into the COMSOL software for a magnetic field analysis. The set uniform boundary conditions included room temperature, 101.3 kPa (1 atm), spherical air do- main outside the shear block and an air boundary radius of 50 mm. The magnetization direction was perpendicu- lar to the surface of the shear block, and the intensity was 200 kA/m. A steady-state solution was used to ob- Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 691 Table 2: Parameters of different slotting directions Size of shear blocks (mm×mm×mm) Material Shape of grooves Number of grooves Size of grooves width (mm) × depth (mm)) 50 × 50 × 6 Aluminum Rectangle 24 2 × 1 Figure 2: Different slotting types of shear blocks: a) different shapes, b) different directions, c) different densities, d) different depths serve the magnetic field distribution around the shear block grooves by dividing the tetrahedral mesh freely. Then, on the constructed experimental table, a MR fluid sample with 72 % mass fraction was measured un- der the conditions of different surface characteristics of the shear block, and a lifting experiment was performed to obtain the variation in the shear yield stress with the magnetic field. 3 SIMULATION RESULTS 3.1 Different slotting shapes Magnetic field concentration is generated at the re- cesses, as shown in Figure 3, in the magnetic field simu- lation of the above four slotted shapes. A concentrated magnetic field is located on both sides of a groove. The concentrated areas of the magnetic fields in the semicir- cular groove and rectangular groove are larger than those in the trapezoidal groove and triangular groove. The magnetic field distributions of the trapezoidal and rectan- gular recesses fluctuate greatly and the maximum values of the magnetic field are also large, so wall slips occur easily. The magnetic field distribution of the semicircle is small, as is the maximum value, and a wall slip is easy to occur. According to the above analysis, the magnetic particles produce greater magnetic adsorption on both sides of a groove than at its bottom. It means that it is easier for them to anchor at the sides (i.e., there is stron- ger adsorption between the particles at the end of the particle chain and the drive surface). It can be predicted that the shear blocks with trapezoidal grooves and rect- Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID 692 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 Figure 4: Magnetic field simulation of shear blocks in different grooving directions: a) horizontal, b) vertical, c) 45° direction Figure 3: Magnetic field distribution at the grooves with different shapes: a) semicircular, b) triangular, c) rectangular, d) trapezoidal angular grooves have more difficulties with the wall slip than those with semicircular and triangular grooves. 3.2 Different slotting directions As can be seen from Figure 4, the magnetic field in the groove position is the smallest for all three grooving directions. Magnetic field concentration is generated at the ends of both faces of a groove. It demonstrates that irrespective of the grooving conditions used, the end of the magnetorheological fluid particle chain is under the action of an anchor bolt. In an actual working process, both vertical slotting and 45° slotting have a certain blocking effect on the movement of the particle chain. According to a compre- hensive analysis and comparison, the order of the wall slip characteristics of an MR fluid from difficult to easy should be: vertical direction > 45° direction > horizontal direction. 3.3 Different slotting densities According to the previous analysis, processing rect- angular recesses on the surface of a shear block produces a magnetic field concentration effect at the rectangular recesses. From the specific analysis from Figure 5,itcan be seen that machining different numbers of rectangular recesses on a surface can effectively produce the above phenomenon at each recess. The larger the number of rectangular recesses, the larger is the number of the posi- tions where the magnetic particles can be anchored. The greater the shear yield stress, the more obvious is the ef- fect on suppressing the MR-fluid wall-slip phenomenon. 3.4 Different slotting depths The magnetic field distribution for the two grooves in the shear block transverse center is shown in Figure 6. The magnetic field concentration in the 2-mm-deep groove is more uniform, and the concentration area is more evenly distributed on both sides of the groove. On the other hand, the magnetic field concentration in the 1-mm-deep groove is mainly concentrated near the outer Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 693 Figure 5: Magnetic field simulation of shear blocks with different grooving densities: a) 3 grooves, b) 6 grooves, c) 12 grooves Figure 6: Magnetic field simulation of shear blocks with different grooving depths: a) 1 mm, b) 2 mm surface of the groove. The magnetic field concentration becomes more visible as you get closer to the sharp cor- ner of the outer surface. The maximum magnetic field generated by the 1-mm groove is larger than that gener- ated by the 2-mm groove on the whole groove surface of the shear block. The magnetic field concentration loca- tion of the 1-mm groove is close to the outer surface of the shear block, which is more likely to produce the an- chor bolt phenomenon. So it can be predicted that the 1-mm-deep recess should theoretically be more difficult to generate a wall slip than the 2-mm-deep recess. 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 4.1 Viscosity experimental analysis The viscosity of the MR fluid as a function of shear rate is depicted in Figure 7a. The viscosity value of the MR fluid varies with different-surface roughness values. The rougher the surface, the higher is the viscosity value at the same speed. At the same roughness of the rotor, the zero-field viscosity value of the MR fluid decreases as the shear rate increases, which is due to the shear thin- ning phenomenon when the MR fluid is shearing. There- fore, the viscous resistance can be increased by increas- ing the roughness of the transmission surface, which in turn weakens the wall-slip phenomenon. 4.2 Experimental analysis of the mass fraction and roughness Figure 7a represents the variation in the shear yield stress at different mass fractions. The shear yield stress increases as the mass fraction of the MR fluid increases, as can be seen in the figure. This is due to the increase in the mass fraction, which increases the number of mag- netic particle chains. The measured yield stress increases with the increase in the surface roughness of the shear block. This indicates that the surface roughness has a certain inhibitory effect on the wall slip of the MR fluid. The degree of increase in the shear yield stress varies be- tween the two types of mass fractions, indicating that the influence on the MR fluid wall slip varies between the two types of mass fractions. At low mass fractions, the wall slip of the MR fluid can be better suppressed by changing the external rough- ness. This phenomenon is caused by a small number of magnetic particles, poor chain aggregation under the magnetic field, and a simple chain structure, which is more likely to cause a wall slip. In this case, increasing the surface roughness can have a better inhibition effect. However, as the mass fraction of the MR fluid decreases, the shear yield stress decreases, which has an impact on practical applications. Although the average improve- ment rate decreases as the mass fraction of the MR fluid increases, the decrease is small and can still reduce the wall slip within a certain range. In summary, a MR fluid with a medium to high mass fraction should be used as the working fluid. As can be seen from Figure 7b, when the surface of the shear block is coated with sandpaper, the shear yield stress of the MR fluid is greater under the same magnetic-field working conditions, indicating that an increase in the surface roughness effectively sup- Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID 694 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 Figure 7: Variation of: a) zero-field viscosity under different rough- ness surfaces, b) shear yield stress under different mass fractions, c) shear yield stress under different surface roughness values presses the occurrence of a wall slip of a magneto- rheological fluid. The shear yield stress gradually in- creases with an increase in the magnetic field strength. But the increasing trend is gradually slowed down, indi- cating that the effect of roughness on the wall-slip phe- nomenon starts to weaken under the working conditions of a high magnetic field strength. 4.3 Experimental analysis of surface morphological characteristics 4.3.1 Different slotting shapes As can be seen from Figure 8a, all four grooving shapes have an effect on the wall slip of the MR fluid. Among them, the shear yield stress of the shear block with semi-circular grooves is slightly lower than that of the shear block without grooves, indicating that the semi-circular grooves have limited effect on suppressing the occurrence of a wall slip. On the other hand, the tri- angular grooves, rectangular grooves and trapezoidal grooves all increase the shear yield stress to a certain ex- tent. Rectangular and trapezoidal grooves have a better effect, which is consistent with the simulation results. As a result, rectangular or trapezoidal grooves on a wall sur- face can be used to effectively reduce the wall-slip effect. 4.3.2 Different slotting directions Figure 8b shows that under the same magnetic-field operating conditions, the rectangular groove in the verti- cal direction produces the highest shear yield stress and the lowest stress in the horizontal direction, which is the same as predicted by the simulation. The rectangular groove in the horizontal direction does not improve the shear yield stress of the MR fluid because the horizontal groove direction is the same as the shear direction. The magnetic particle chain of the MR fluid contributes to the occurrence of a wall slip during the shear process. As a result, grooves in the drive wall can be made in the ver- tical direction or at an angle of 45° to the shear direction to suppress the wall-slip effect. 4.3.3 Different slotting densities According to Figure 8c, the shear yield stress of the MR fluid does not increase significantly when the shear block has 3 grooves on one side. The stress increases sig- nificantly when the groove density reaches 6 and 12 on one side. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental results. The suppression effect, on the other hand, decreases as the magnetic field strength increases, indicating that the magnetic field strength has begun to dominate. In summary, in order to effectively suppress Q. FANG et al.: STUDY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE WALL SLIP OF A MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL FLUID Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 689–696 695 Figure 8: Variation in the shear yield stress under different surface morphologies: a) different shapes, b) different directions, c) different densi- ties, d) different depths, e) different widths the slip, more grooves should be machined on the trans- mission surface. 4.3.4 Different slotting depths Figure 8 shows that all the shear blocks increase the shear yield stress after machining the grooves. However, the shear block with 2-mm grooves produced less yield stress than the shear block with 1-mm grooves, indicat- ing that the grooving depth should not be too large. The magnetic field concentration phenomenon is more obvi- ous in the shear block simulation for the 1-mm notch shear block. It means that the magnetic field concentra- tion can make the magnetic particle chain anchor tighter and generate a greater yield stress. This is due to the fixed position of the magnetic field generating device and the fixed working gap on the outer surface of the shear block. When the depth of the groove increases, the working gap on the inner surface of the groove becomes larger, resulting in a loss of the magnetic field inside the groove and a reduction in the stress. As a result, in order to effectively suppress the phenomenon of the MR-fluid wall slip, the depth of groove wall should not be too large, and good results can be achieved at 1 mm. 5 CONCLUSIONS The article experimentally confirms that the MR fluid parameters and transmission surface roughness can influ- ence the wall slip characteristics. Both the viscosity and mass fraction of a MR fluid can effectively improve the yield stress during shear by increasing the viscosity and mass fraction of the MR fluid. 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