A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders AEIOU Leaders from SLOVEnia for a Brighter World A leadership attitude stems from Leading based on the energy of AROHA: an individual’s intimate, internal love, the comprehension of how leading with the attitude to the world, life, obstacles, everything is interconnected, and opportunities. The internal meaningful work to accomplish the energy of love, world of a leader is mirrored in the organization’s mission, responsibility external world, in the development for the well-being of everyone, and EB: of his or her relationships with on developing relationships, thus eco-systemic view on co-workers, business partners, represent the five dimensions of interconnectedness, and other stakeholders of the conscious leadership organization. Hence, relationships Why? In order to facilitate understanding mutuality, and are the first dimension of conscious of these five dimensions,the interdependence, leadership. metaphor of the AEIOU of leadership The second dimension is the is created. AEIOU is an acronym of IKIGAI: understanding of one’s personal five powerful words that impart calling as well as the organization’s the timeless wisdom of indigenous meaning and Nature, with pandemics, increasing goes far beyond the narrow Conscious leaders complement their mission. A leader acts in line with peoples from five continents. temperatures and frequent storms understanding of responsibility as knowledge of business with their mission, these two pursuits and also lends Every instance of progress – also and floods, is firing clear warning being connected only to the material open-heartedness and broadness meaning to the work of his or her the shift to conscious leadership shots. There is no more denying resources of an organization. of mind. The purpose of the AEIOU OIKOS: co-workers. – begins with contemplating the that the actions of individuals and Conscious leaders are aware that alphabet is to open new dimensions responsibility for Responsibility for the well-being necessary changes. When we convert organizations are in many cases they are also responsible for the of conscious leadership and thus to of everyone is the third dimension our thought into spoken word, it harmful to the planet. emotional and spiritual development serve as a guide for managers who creating value for all, of conscious leadership. It even gains power. Words are like base If we want to bequeath a planet of their employees, who should be wish to contribute to sustainable encompasses the responsibility for camps whence we can embark on healthy, brimming with life, and see success through their actions. UBUNTU: with decent living conditions to our life on our planet. the challenging paths that lie ahead. descendants, we need to drastically meaning in their work. Such leaders Sonja Klopčič, the author of The AEIOU trust-based The fourth dimension of conscious Evolution into thinking and conscious transform the economy. I believe do not manage their organizations of Leadership solely as business ventures, but relationships of leadership is interconnectedness. organizations requires that we build that this can only be done by This also includes awareness of new base camps and find new words conscious leaders who, with their also as platforms for fulfilling their belonging and interdependence and mutuality. for them so that we can upgrade heart wide open, perceive the world mission and the mission of their co-creation. Nothing is done in isolation, but the alphabet of leading with a new as a unified whole. Leaders who employees, and thereby contribute rather every action also affects outlook on the quest of leaders. see their role in the wider context to the welfare of the community. others. Aroha – Eb – Ikigai – Oikos – Ubuntu. and are aware that their decisions They know that their responsibility Five words with their corresponding directly affect the quality of many extends far beyond the limits of the And the fifth dimension of conscious initials A, E, I, O and U constitute people’s lives. Such perception organizations they manage. leadership is leading with the energy of love towards everything and a new structure of conscious everyone. Love is expressed with leadership. Aroha comes from New respect, encouragement, support, Zealand, Eb from Central America, nurturing, compassion, inspiration, Ikigai from Japan, Oikos from Greece, and enthusiasm. and Ubuntu from South Africa. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Aroha: Leading with the Energy of Love Leading propelled by measurable release of the energy of love is endorphins in the brain. respectful towards Love has the capacity to everyone and focused discern the essence. It on integrity. The leap focuses on the goodness from rational thinking to of life in all its expressions seeing with one’s heart and augments that – as Antoine de Saint- which is positive. It Exupéry put it in The Little dissolves negativity by Prince – is a formidable recontextualizing it rather challenge. However, it is than by attacking it. »Aroha is not just a word; it is an ancient Māori precisely this shift – from Aroha from the Maori concept. According to Dr Hinemoa Elder, a New an intellectual grasp of in New Zealand means Zealand child and adolescent psychiatrist and concepts and the search love on various levels: recipient of the 2019 New Zealand Order of Merit, for causes to a loving and between people, towards aroha “describes a deeply felt emotion and a way respectful embrace of the the environment and of thinking that encompasses love, compassion, unified whole and all there in connection with sympathy and empathy” (2020, p. 4). Aroha is – that holds the key to the universe. It is an denotes so much more than the oversimplification acting with the energy of emotional, physical, of its English translation: love. As a compound love. When we act with and spiritual love, love word, aroha contains many intricate meanings, the energy of love, we towards past and future which can also be used as kind of guiding life accept everything as it generations, and love principles, like (Spiller et al., 2015): is, support it as such, and towards nature. gently nudge it towards - Aro: The word aroha is further improvement. thought, paying attention, focus, concentrate composed of four words: - Ro: As David R. Hawkins so aro, ro, ha, and oha. inner, within, introspect eloquently put it in his Thus, it is multi-layered - Hā: Power vs. Force, love is and rich in meaning. Aro life force, breath, energy not intellectual and does represents thought, the - Oha: not proceed from the life principle, as well as generosity, prosperity, abundance, wealth, gift mind. Love emanates focus; ro means internal, from the heart. It has the Aroha is an all-expansive concept of Love, which introspection; and ha is capacity to lift others and should be understood with a capital L! It is an the life force, breath, accomplish great feats abiding and infinite kind of love. As a leadership energy. Oha corresponds because of its purity of principle, it builds on a relational philosophy of to generosity, progress, motive. Love deals with empathy, compassion, generosity and respect – to abundance, and health. wholes. This ability, often the planet, to other people, and also to oneself. ascribed to intuition, is the As a practice/behaviour, aroha and wairuatanga capacity for instantaneous “Aroha Mahi, (Eng. spirituality) represent a natural pair for understanding without Aroha Atu” maintaining harmony, linking the physical and resorting to sequential the metaphysical worlds of the present, past and (Old Māori proverb) symbol processing. This future. When “love” becomes “Love”, it becomes a abstract phenomenon is, [Eng. “Love and compassion gift to us and others«, in fact, quite concrete; given, love and compassion Matevž (Matt) Rašković, PhD, AEIOU ambassador for it is accompanied by a received.”] AROHA. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Eb: Interconnectedness and Interdependence In natural ecosystems, changes and disturbances are a normal occurrence. Systems always respond by trying to restore biological balance. In nature, this process continues until equilibrium is reached, as allowed by the climate conditions in a certain area. Links between living organisms and the environment also bear relevance to business communities. A business ecosystem is an interdependent community that provides products and services that generate added value for customers. The business ecosystem of a company consists of a substantially wider circle of stakeholders than we would normally expect. Customers are just as much a part of the ecosystem as are suppliers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders. The members of the ecosystem develop their abilities and roles together and align themselves. They progress towards a shared vision, coordinate their contributions, and find roles that are mutually supportive. The emphasis is on the ability to collaborate and inclusive models. Competition among stakeholders morphs into collaboration. “Playgrounds, not battlegrounds, are the training grounds of creativity and inclusiveness,” as Ladeja Godina Košir, founder and executive director of Circular Change, illustrated the difference in our perceptions. Our connectedness and interdependence is even better encapsulated by the Mayan word eb, which has several meanings. Eb is a road, grass, abundance, growth, harvest, vital energy, the spiral ladder of life. Eb is the connection among people, places, dimensions, and worlds. Eb can help us to expand our awareness of how we are connected with others. This does not refer only to people who live in the present time. We are also connected to our forebears as well as our descendants. During our everyday actions we must therefore also think of those who are yet to come and make sustainable decisions that will allow our successors to live on this planet. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Ikigai: Meaning and Mission Ikigai was coined from two separate Japanese characters: iki (life) and gai (value). It is hard to find a literal meaning, but it roughly translates as “the meaning of life”. It stems from the understanding that the sum of the small joys in everyday life results in a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Ikigai is where the four primary elements converge: mission, passion, profession, and vocation. We are confronted with more and more data that reveal extremely high stress levels, higher levels of anxiety, and employees’ perception that work negatively affects their health. These data strongly correlate with the fact that people do not see any meaning in their work, do not know what their personal calling is, nor are they living it. They do not know or they forgot that it is their personal responsibility to continuously seek out and develop what they are good at, what they love, what the world needs, and what they can be paid for. Ikigai is where all this overlaps and it is a synonym for an endless pursuit of the path on which we can fully live our mission – both personal as well as that of the organization we are associated with. Also on the level of an organization, ikigai propels us toward doing what is in line with our deep-seated beliefs and values and what is beneficial to the community. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Oikos: Responsibility for the Well-being of Everyone The word economy money just for the sake traces its origins back to of it. Aristotle warned the Greek language. It that amassing money as derives from the words an end in and of itself is oiko (house) and nomo an unnatural activity that (laws, rules). In his book dehumanizes those who 95 tez, pribitih na vrata practice it. All too often, svetišča neoliberalnega the concept of economy kapitalizma (95 Theses is exploited to justify Nailed to the Door of chrematistics. The spirits the Temple of Neoliberal of oikos, however, instills »Oikos refers to three related, yet distinct Capitalism), Friar Karel in economics the rules of concepts: the family, the family’s property, and Gržan reminds us that the mutual respect, fairness, the house. Its meaning also depends on the word economy primarily accountability, and taking context in which it is being used. means exploring and care of everyone. maintaining the rules of In ancient Greek, oikos is the equivalent of a Oikos is a synonym coexistence that allow household, house, or family. An oikos was the for conscientious everyone on this planet, basic unit of society in most Greek city-states, and management. The word our shared home, to live included the head of the oikos, his immediate originally denoted in harmony. In his work family, and slaves living together in one domestic family, family property, Politics, Aristotle describes setting, as well as those with whom they came and household. two kinds of economies. into regular contact. These 8–15 people may be Being responsible for The first, or the actual their neighbours, co-workers, a local barista, a possessions or, even one, is based on oikos. This grocery store clerk…. more importantly, for the is economics in relation Literally translated, oikos means home and heart. well-being of everyone to human needs, where Throughout the centuries, the word became the is a pivotal dimension of people are producers prefix “ecos.” It conjures up images of Earth and leadership, thus a leader because they require forms the basis of words like ecology, economics should know what the certain things in order and ecosystem. It is unfortunate that the word key elements are that to survive. This is natural “heart” got lost in translation, becoming used only create well-being and economics whereby a for the “house” or “household” in a dry economics how they change as our product is converted sense. Who knows what the world would look consciousness expands. into money so that a like today had “heart” remained an important person can satisfy his or component of the economy and was addressed as her existential needs. thoroughly as the financial part. The second economy, Oikos may also be looked at from different by contrast, concerns perspectives. On one hand, as a safe space within chrematistics – being which the right things can happen, preserving occupied with gaining both words, home and heart. It may also be wealth, accumulating a good antipole, a parallel option to global money as an end in transhumanism, stressing the importance of a itself. Money is invested community and caring for each other. And as part in goods for the sole of the AEIOU model where oikos is one of the key purpose of earning even aspects of modern leadership«, more money – hoarding Violeta Bulc, MSc, AEIOU ambassador for OIKOS. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Ubuntu: Relationships Based on Trust Leadership can take place and develop only in relationships between people. In mutual relationships we also learn from each other, develop, change, train ourselves, and become stronger. It is important to be aware that we influence ourselves and the people around us with our thoughts and actions, that our intentions alone can infuse a moment with beauty or “The Ubuntu concept – that bitterness, open or close the doors of heartfelt understanding of of opportunity, create favorable U Relationships with other people open yet another dimension – collective creation. Everyone has probably experienced how a team can come up with new ideas by employing the brainstorming method. The various perspectives of the team’s members can conjure up new associations, combinations, and strokes of insights. The first person’s idea can stir the second one’s imagination, a combination crosses the mind of the third one, the inherent goodness in every circumstances or barriers, deepen a the fourth one thinks out of the box human and respect for their relationship or merely scratch at its and suggests something completely journey and whatever may surface. The attention that we invest novel, and in this way everyone have happened to them. In in a relationship also influences that feeds off of each other’s ideas. this interconnectedness, there relationship, even though it may Similarly, everyone has probably had is no feeling of dominance. appear we are merely being a passive the experience of delving deep into Trust comes from the core observer. some work and suddenly previously of being. Actions are done Relationships with others can help unconnected pieces started to form in the spirit of not wanting us understand our own personality a full picture. One is so immersed something in return. Having and hold up a mirror to ourselves. in what one is doing that one an understanding of human Just like a plain mirror reflects our loses track of the surroundings complexity; bringing to external appearance, other people and time and fully enjoys the act awareness our unconscious reflect our own personality. That of creating; we say that such a bias regarding diversity; which disturbs, angers, or excites us person has entered a state of flow. nurturing compassion; about others is also within ourselves. Collaboration by people who are choosing forgiveness over fully connected can also unite revenge or ignorance; bringing these two experiences of flow and in hope; and believing in the entire team can thus tap into fundamental goodness and unprecedented enthusiasm and co-the common good – this is how create in the “zone”. I feel the spirit of Ubuntu. In The word ubuntu, which comes from line with the spirit of Ubuntu, I South Africa, is chosen as a synonym am interested and care about for building relationships. It says that You and We, from the centre I am who I am because you are who of the dignity of I”, you are. We become who we are as a result of our relationships with other Barbara Cukjati, MSc, AEIOU ambassador for UBUNTU. people. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders By linking the selected The interlocked rings of the Olympic The powerful sound and vibration collaboration with others. Together use of energy sources as well words aroha, eb, ikigai, symbol represent coexistence, of vowels is reflective of the effect they innovate products, services, and as environmentally sound input mutual respect, and friendship that leaders have on the people solutions for the prosperity of all. materials. They plan circular models oikos, and ubuntu into among the nations from the around them with their energy Just as virtually all words cannot for reusing raw materials. They see the AEIOU of leadership, five continents of planet Earth and vibrations. Vowels are the exist without a vowel, so a leader their business as a platform for we can also symbolically depicted in different colors. Blue is carriers of syllables and, together cannot act consciously without developing people and sustaining Europe, black is Africa, red America, with consonants, they form gaining a profound understanding happiness and not only as a means to interconnect all the yellow Asia, and green Australia shorter or longer strings, either of and embodying all the five words achieve narrow business goals. They continents or the with Oceania. These are also the accented or not. Syllables dictate that make up the AEIOU acronym. set broader business goals that serve continents whence originate the the rhythm and compose words. not only the employees and the entire world, just as the As leaders internalize the AEIOU of words that convey the ancient Words form sentences that carry company, but also the community interlaced Olympic rings leadership, their attitude towards wisdom of their first, indigenous meaning, purpose, and message. at large. Amassing wealth for business undergoes a radical united the five continents inhabitants. The words aroha – love, This is analogous to how modern themselves and the company ceases transformation. Consequently, they eb – interconnectedness, ikigai – leaders act: they connect between to be their goal. Success acquires a under the guidance of do not aspire to massive production, mission, oikos – responsibility for the themselves and with co-workers so new dimension and is measured in but rather cater to the true needs Pierre de Coubertin. well-being of everyone, and ubuntu that they all assume an important terms of the success of the people of consumers. They use resources – relationships, together as AEIOU role, create in their own rhythm, and around them and the well-being of wisely. They are conscious in their represent a universal collection of find meaning in their work and in the entire ecosystem. five dimensions for conscious leaders from around the globe. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World: Insights from AEIOU Leaders »As a leader, I wake up »Being a heartfelt leader, »I love creating a new »As an AEIOU leader, I every day thinking about serving with the energy of work culture based on the work intuitively with the how I can develop the love for the well-being of AROHA (leadership with energy of love – from the talents and competencies everyone (people&planet) love), one that I hope will source of old wisdom, my of my colleagues, friends according to the 5 AEIOU become a new reality in values and life mission. I and acquaintances with Leadership approaches entrepreneurship«, am good at recognising the goal that they are is a wonderful role that the key capabilities Nika Močnik. HAPPY in private life and through a language of individuals and efficient and successful in of responsibility and encouraging people to business life«, collaborative relationships collaborate on meaningful projects to bring about Damijan Andjelković. based on trust and respect is helping to create a better relationships and a sustainable eco-civilisation sustainable society«, for the future. Together, Estera Lah Poljak. we can do more and everything!«, Klaudija Javornik. »I choose AEIOU leadership as a heartfelt and ethical way to our sustainable future. The »The AEIOU leadership stakes have rarely been model reflects our any higher«, mission in the learning Matic Kadliček. communities The Positive »Participating in the Psychology Marathon AEIOU community of and The Pan-European leaders inspires me, Conference on Digital »My mission in our satiates my curiosity and Education, which is company Insights d.o.o. is desire for connection increasing access to to discover and develop and belonging, and knowledge for all people the potential held by satisfies my aspiration so that they can lead their people and organisations. for continuous personal life with purpose«, The AEIOU leadership growth leading to a better version of myself, as a Blanka Tacer, PhD. concept resonates »An inner voice and with me and my way of person, and as a heartfelt heart energy urge me working, while it also leader«, to encourage pupils represents a beacon I turn Milena Rakun, MSc. to master their talents to in the event of doubt sincerely, with love and and ambiguity«, responsibility for the well- Natalie Cvikl Postružnik, being of both them and »I dream of a world in which MSc. constellations, and constellations What a coincidence: when we their descendants«, everyone leads themselves out of create galaxies. The Milky Way, connect the places on the five love, thinks in terms of ecosystems, Nataša Grom. our galaxy, contains 200 to 400 continents from where these lives their personal mission and the billion stars. And this is just one of words come from, we get the »In essence, humanity only mission of the organisation, and billions of galaxies in the observable shape of the constellation speaks one language – the creates trust-based relationships universe. In this whole unimaginable Cassiopeia. Five of its brightest language of love. That is for prosperity. I want to live in such abundance of stars, everything flows stars form a W-shape – to remind why AEIOU leaders use »Persistence is the Key to a world. This is a world where each as it should and creates all that is us that We are co-creating the the alphabet of the heart Achievement with AEIOU individual is the sun that shadows needed to support life on our planet. World. to accomplish its ends«, values. From words to always shun, as the Slovenian poet Indigenous people on planet Earth Every AEIOU leader is a sun in action #vdczasavje«, Tone Pavček says. Maja Ambrož, MSc. have been very much aligned with themselves, a star that emits light. Špela Režun, PhD. The universe shows that such a the stars and with cosmic cycles. Together, connected with the energy world is possible. Everything flows Many of their wisdoms are woven of love, we can build a new World. in harmony in the universe. Our into the concepts of aroha, eb, ikigai, Sonja Klopčič, MSc, initiator of the Sun is just one of the stars. Stars oikos and ubuntu. community of AEIOU leaders connect with each other to form A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders »Humankind needs big »The meaning of life and »As an AEIOU leader, I »I support leading »I think one of the most »With personal energy »I am committed to »The AEIOU approach changes. Sooner than we leadership is to grow love wish to help create an people from the important qualities of a and integrity, I ensure respecting everyone, to leadership welcomes expected!«, and respect for others«, inclusive, collaborative (energy of love) heart good leader is leading by the running of business promoting responsibility, the agility of the mind, Žiga Vavpotič, MSc. Martina Brec. environment focused on through understanding example. I strongly believe processes and actively collaboration and a the alertness of the lifelong learning, centred interdependence and in honesty and being seek pragmatic solutions positive attitude, to heart, and humanity, all on each human being interconnectedness. authentic. And mostly, and proposals«, finding solutions and I of which I identify with. and their relationship to I encourage the walk the talk – do as you Igor Vuković, PhD. believe in the heartiness Leadership is thus part their fellow humans, the responsibility and preach«, of everyone«, of a mindful relationship wider community, all living creativity of the individual Petra Juvančič. Mojca Kunšek, MSc. with one another and the beings, nature and the to find meaning and to community as a whole«, planet, with the ultimate contribute to the mission Nana Šumrada Slavnič, goal of prosperity for all. of the company and MSc, PhD. Together, we can make it preserve the state of happen«, nature«, »I believe that »In 2007, Slovenians were strengthening our the first in the world Tatjana Kolenc. Marta Kelvišar. virtues is a crucial step to start to measure the in the evolution of our quality of relationships. I »I believe this is the consciousness«, believe that through my right way for a better Urška Lan. engagement in developing »To me, AEIOU Leadership tomorrow. Not only for »I am an economist by and implementing the means to always lead employees, but for all education and a humanist methodology and the in every situation with who live by the AEIOU by occupation. A big growth ecosystem, I am a higher purpose for principles. Because it is nature lover and a loyal »I always try to act contributing to AEIOU the greatest good of sustainable and arises supporter of the motto according to my inner leadership«, yourself, the company, from the next level of Mens sana in corpore energy, values, knowledge and experience for Edita Krajnović, MSc. »As a Business Intuition »I believe in our team’s society, and the planet. consciousness, since sano. I believe in living trainer, I am deeply developmental, The AEIOU Leadership it’s based on growing with meaning because the lives of everyone I connected to the spirit innovative, sometimes code – Aroha, Eb, Ikigai, relationships, connection if you find your WHY, influence through my of AEIOU leadership. imaginatively feasible Oikos, and Ubuntu – are and cooperation«, you will always get actions and decisions to It sustains the same ideas which we can breakthroughs that your HOW. Constantly make them easier, more »It is neither a high school Urša Podobnik. meaningful and soulful implement together and support me in various learning and discovering creative and fulfilling. diploma nor an academic intentions of prosperity do something good for situations according to new things, developing The five dimensions of title that makes you a in purposeful business the community«, my purpose in a given my own potential AEIOU leadership are the leader. Something more engagements that leads situation«, and compassionately framework in which I have is needed. The easiest Biljana Škarja, MSc. to sustainable results encouraging others to recognised what I have way to describe this Tea Odlazek Mesar, MSc. for people and the develop their potential been striving to do since “something more” is »I am continuously planet. AEIOU teaches is my passion and daily time immemorial«, AEIOU«, exploring the infinite conscious leadership food«, Matej Detič. Gregor Škorc, PhD area of potential, both that encompasses the mine and my colleagues’. Janez Žezlina, MSc. intuitive skill of using the I wish them to develop in whole spectrum of human »I believe the secret of the direction of personal intelligence: rational, living is giving. And the growth and awareness emotional and spiritual. same goes for an AEIOU of the role of every Without it, we stay lost in leader. Also for the AEIOU single person in teams the maze of the limited »As a personal strategist, community«, for fulfilling the mission mind«, a profession developed »Leading with love, Lucija Sajevec, MSc. of Nuclear power plant at Hedoni Intuition, I will thinking broadly and being Krško«, Manica Čelofiga. continue to support the aware of the importance Alenka Pirc, Msc. AEIOU process with Divine of interconnectedness or Philosophy Alaj«, interdependence are the main reasons I decided to Bogo Seme. become an AEIOU leader«, Nina Jambrec, Msc. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders »I want to engage and »Simply because I »As a leader, I strive to »AEIOU values are some »I believe in AEIOU »The AEIOU concept »At some point, each »I live the belief that is motivate people as well as believe in the strength be empathetic and act kind of ‘glue’ for the leadership and I am contains ancient wisdom of us must play the not worth dealing with to help them feel fulfilled of encouragement, responsibly regarding global networks I co- grateful to be able from across the planet, role of a leader. When I opposition to change, but in their work environment. recognition and the environment and create, connect and to live my mission by transformed into the find myself in this role, it is better to look for its I see leading with love as awareness on a personal my employees. I have a nurture in the field of the encouraging individuals principles of modern I build relationships positive sides. The AEIOU leading for the future«, level, and because I clear set of values and am circular economy. Through and helping them develop leadership. By acting in on mutual respect, I Leadership principles help Mario Gluhak. believe in the strength aware of my mission. I lead systemic collaboration their talents, to grow line with these principles, also take responsibility me spread this belief more of cooperation and by example, which does and heartily actions, we and to reinvent in a safe we can create a better for the prosperity of easily among my fellow contribution. Everyone not mean that I put myself are transcending the environment. When you world and anyone who others, I believe in workers«, needs to understand and first, but inspire my fellow boundaries of existing see someone shining, be feels responsible enough interdependence, and Anisa Faganelj. find their own meaning workers, excite them and structures and replacing happy and successful, it’s for the future of our with my personal mission in the context of the give them the opportunity them with emerging the greatest gift«, children must join«, I also make sense of the common purpose«, to implement their own collaborative forms based Metka Glas. Andrej Božič. work of others. That’s why Stane Rožman. ideas, initiatives, as well as on AEIOU principles«, I believe I am an AEIOU allow for some mistakes«, Ladeja Godina Košir, MSc. leader«, Marko Lukić. Živa Gorup Reichmann. »Leading with love makes me an AEIOU leader,« Marko Malerič. »We all need a tribe of fellow leaders. A circle where diverse stories, »Values are the foundation »Excellent AEIOU leaders projects and experience »We convene progressive of relationships and are those who persistently connect us to the deeper organizations, which »I see AEIOU leadership as leadership. AEIOU convey their vision of a essence and wisdom of understand that the path »I believe in the ‘butterfly a way of life, a certain way connects us to the ancient thinking company to the »Ever wondered how to leadership«, to the future is green effect’ attributed to of collaborating, thinking, natives and expresses the employees by example help people on their way Matej Delakorda. and resilient. Climate dynamic systems. And feeling and acting. AEIOU interconnectedness of the and love. At the same to success? I lead from the neutrality is no longer humanity is such a leadership acts like a people who are especially time, they are able to heart with attentiveness »With the help of the an alternative, it is system. Small differences compass for me. It helps close to me. They give build a creative work by placing trust in people AEIOU leadership imperitive«, can make a big impact. me co-create in the right us the strength and environment with the and their potential. principles, I became aware Through my work, I want way, here and now, with a determination to spread appropriate change-for- Working together, we of and deeply internalised Ana Struna Bregar. to add and contribute to view to the future«, these values for future development dynamics. inspire each other, the values that are the better leadership«, generations«, Top AEIOU leaders know we grow, and we are foundations of operation Katarina Primožič Ramoveš, MSc. how to work with open- becoming the best version and development in the Ksenija Špiler Božič. Ajša Vodnik, MSc. minded people holding of ourselves«, direction of a just and different viewpoints, sustainable society. By Taja Kaker. take account of and value »I follow the principles working in different them, while employees of AEIOU leadership communities, I try to use return this sense of because I know everyone my example to influence value by being creative likes to feel accepted and the internalisation of and enthusiastic in their appreciated. When these these principles by cooperation«, values are practised and others and thereby felt, we then find meaning become AEIOU leaders Peter Mlakar, MSc. and joy in what we are themselves«, doing«, Marija Studen Pesjak. Vesna Lavtižar, PhD. »Exploring the five concepts interconnected in AEIOU leadership offers a great platform for creating the ambitious change we need as a society«, Uršula Butkovič. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders »I believe that the future »Just as harmony is »I believe that modern »I am a heartful leader »The AEIOU leadership is »Heart leadership »I believe that »The principles of AEIOU belongs to those who important for a melody, leaders can only be because I believe it is new paradigm for leading means mutual respect, leadership is the path leadership are in line with have yet to come. Such the harmony of all successful if they are the most natural way ourselves and business. compassion, cooperation, of responsibility and my leadership philosophy. thinking requires not only leadership dimensions is ‘aware’ of their actions to lead, for the good of It reminds us who we are transparent action, the path of continuous Among them, I pay special personal but broader important for success in and influence on their the individual and the and what our purpose is in support for one’s co- learning; it is the attention to aroha«, responsibility; to respect leadership. In the AEIOU surroundings, so that they system as a whole. I love business«, workers, and good willingness to establish Peter Malenšek. the principle of inclusion leadership messages, I know themselves and my colleagues and feel such a partnership that Martina Praprotnik. example-setting and and diversity on all levels! recognise messages for are constantly building it is my mission to care honesty with a great enables everyone to do Sustainable leadership the required awareness a ‘better self’ for their for and connect them. deal of inspiration and what they do best. Open is the determination and a holistic approach, teams, colleagues and AEIOU is my lighthouse creativity, supported by collaboration, respect, to create a better on both a personal level organisations. The AEIOU on the undulating path of love«, professionalism, and trust tomorrow«, and the level of the leadership provides a leadership«, ensure the development Nataša Bratina, MSc, PhD. Medeja Lončar. organisation and the compass while taking and future of humanity«, Tina Merčnik. wider living environment«, responsibility for co- Gorazd Pfeifer. creating a better business Sonja Špoljarič. world«, »AEIOU incorporates all Boštjan Gorjup. »I want to create an the values that ensure environment that offers better relationships and a encouragement and hope more connected society. to young people«, In my professional career, the main principle I follow Jure Knez, PhD. »I truly believe that in is “leading by example”. »Awareness of »I strive to be an AEIOU such a rapidly changing I am very committed to responsibility for leader because leadership world we must change »To AEIOU or not sustainability and strive successful business, with »Leading with love means as we have known it so far constantly and adapt AEIOU, that is not the to incorporate it into empathy for fellow human acting for the whole will not successfully take our ways of handling, question! For me, AEIOU every aspect of my work. beings in relationships beehive, not just one bee »The AEIOU concept is the us to the next level. The we have to build even means wholeness: I am proud that, together with employees and only. It means finding best possible leadership hierarchical leadership stronger relationships, One world (that is with my team, we are customers, connecting certainty amid uncertainty principle and at the same pyramids of the past must and dedicate ourselves to globally connected), successfully helping to with positive energy, to reassure, guide and time a personal attitude. be transformed into co- leadership with empathy One person (human establish sustainable courage, heart and get the best out of teams. In all of my work, I seek creator communities of so that as a society we and businessperson in tourism in Slovenia«, sustainability. And, finally, Exploring and caring to follow this principle the future«, »Being a leader is a remain successful and one) and One common Maja Pak, MSc. my mission of involving about what inspires us. wholeheartedly«, privilege. You don’t gain approach to development Vita Godec, PhD. constantly evolving. young people, that is AEIOU empowers love, this by position, but by Janez Škrabec. We are often too goal- (Agenda 2030, where exactly what I want to trust and kindness, unique who you are. To follow the oriented and forget about the social, ecological and be and I want to lead my leaders from sLOVEnia, a principles of AEIOU means that, so it’s time to change economic interact and colleagues along this path nation of BEekeepers«, to live my mission«, this«, cooperate as one)«, to a common goal. The Tanja Subotić Levanič. Zvezdana Lubej. Katja Kraškovic, MSc. Tičo Zupančič. AEIOU dimensions should be the dimensions of every one of us, not only while at work – we live by them«, »I love life and enjoy »It’s time to change how co-creating with a Melita Rozman Dacar, MSc. we do business. The purpose. The AEIOU AEIOU model suits this call guidelines remind us of for change«, the importance of working with passion, sharing Jože Mislej. love, and nurturing relationships. AEIOU should be THE attitude both inside and outside the workplace«, Sabina Košak. A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World A Gift from SLOVEnia to the World Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Insights from the AEIOU Leaders Cobiss ID 66178819 Zapis CIP Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 66178819 ISBN 987-961-94891-3-0 (PDF)