21. FEBRUAR 2013 21 FEBRUARY 2013 št./No 1 15 KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIŠTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING št./No 1 BILANCE PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE KMETIJSKIH PROIZVODOV, SLOVENIJA, 2011 – končni podatki SUPPLY BALANCE SHEETS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, SLOVENIA, 2011 – final data Stopnja samooskrbe v Sloveniji v letu 2011 je bila za živalske proizvode precej višja kot za rastlinske proizvode. Posebno nizko stopnjo samooskrbe sta v letu 2011 izkazovali bilanci zelenjave (37 %) in krompirja (63 %). Stopnja samooskrbe v bilancah mesa in jajc je bila v povprečju nad 80-odstotna. In 2011 the self-sufficiency rate in Slovenia was much higher for animal products than for crop products. Especially low rates of self- sufficiency in 2011 were observed for supply balance sheets for vegetables (37%) and potatoes (63%). On average the rate of self- sufficiency in the balance sheets for meat and eggs was over 80%. Zaradi sorazmerno stabilne prireje in domače potrošnje mesa je stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci mesa v obdobju 2001–2011 ostajala visoka (okrog 90-odstotna). V letu 2011 se je kljub vsemu nekoliko zmanjšala (na 85 %). Due to the relatively stable indigenous production and domestic use of meat, the rate of self-sufficiency in the balance sheet for meat remained high (around 90%) throughout the 2001-2011 period. In 2011, however, it fell slightly (85%). Samooskrba s krompirjem je po letu 2004 začela upadati, in sicer zaradi precej zmanjšane pridelave. Leta 2011 je znašala 63 %. Stabilnejša je bila stopnja samooskrbe z jajci (v povprečju okrog 95- odstotna). Self-sufficiency in potatoes started to decrease after 2004 due to significantly reduced production. In 2011 it stood at 63%. More stable was the rate of self-sufficiency in eggs (on average around 95%). Za Slovenijo je značilno, da v proizvodnji vin prevladujejo bela vina. V tržnem letu 2010/11 je (po začasnih podatkih) njihov delež znašal 68 % vse proizvodnje, stopnja samooskrbe z vinom pa je dosegla 94 %. In Slovenia, the predominant production of white wines is characteristic. In the marketing year 2010/11 its share reached 68% of the total wine production, according to the provisional data; the rate of self-sufficiency reached 94% in that marketing year. Analiza podatkov o potrošnji za prehrano na prebivalca je pokazala, da se je v zadnjem letu najbolj povečala potrošnja riža (za 14 %) in zelenjave (za 5 %), zmanjšala pa potrošnje krompirja (za 5 %), mesa (za skoraj 5 %) ter žita (za skoraj 3 %). The analysis of data on human consumption per capita showed that in 2011 the consumption of rice (14%) and vegetables (5%) increased the most, while the consumption of potatoes (5%), meat (almost 5%) and cereals (almost 3%) per capita decreased. V Sloveniji smo v letu 2011 potrošili na prebivalca povprečno 118 kg žita (od tega 98 kg pšenice), 90 kg mesa (od tega največ, 40 kg, prašičjega in 20 kg govejega mesa), 66 kg krompirja in 97 kg zelenjave. V enem letu je vsak prebivalec potrošil povprečno še 41 kg sladkorja, 10 kg jajc, 6 kg riža in popil skoraj 39 litrov vina. In 2011 an average Slovene consumed 118 kg of cereals (of which 98 kg of wheat), 90 kg of meat (mostly pork, 40 kg, and beef, 20 kg), 66 kg of potatoes and 97 kg of vegetables. In one year each person also consumed 41 kg of sugar, 10 kg of eggs and 6 kg of rice and drank almost 39 litres of wine. Grafikon 1: Stopnja samooskrbe po vrstah kmetijskih proizvodov, Slovenija Chart 1: Self-sufficiency rate by type of agricultural products, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 2 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 BILANCE PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE KMETIJSKIH PROIZVODOV SUPPLY BALANCE SHEETS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Namen bilanc je spremljanje tržnih gibanj Purpose of the supply balance sheets is monitoring of the market trends Bilance proizvodnje in potrošnje kmetijskih proizvodov so standardizirane informacije o ponudbi določenega kmetijskega pridelka ali skupine pridelkov in o povpraševanju po določenem kmetijskem pridelku ali skupini pridelkov in se nanašajo na državo kot celoto. Z njimi primerjamo razpoložljivi proizvod ali skupino proizvodov s proizvodi, porabljenimi na določenem območju v določenem referenčnem obdobju, spremljamo tržna gibanja, strukturo in razvoj posameznih trgov kmetijskih proizvodov, predstavljajo pa tudi podatkovno osnovo za izdelavo ekonomskih računov za kmetijstvo ter za izračun uteži za spremljanje gibanja cen v kmetijstvu. V EU so pomembna informacijska podlaga pri urejanju posameznih kmetijskih trgov in zagotavljajo informacije za oblikovanje agrarnopolitičnih odločitev. Supply balance sheets of agricultural products represent standardized information for a certain period on supply and demand for an agricultural product or group of products that relate to the country as a whole. They enable the comparison between the available product or group of products and the products consumed in a given area in the reference period, monitoring of the market trends, and the structure and development of individual markets for agricultural products. They are also the data basis for the compilation of economic accounts for agriculture and the calculations of weights for monitoring the price developments in agriculture. In the EU the supply balance sheets are important information basis in the regulation of individual agricultural markets and they provide information for the agricultural policy decisions. Določitev dveh prednostnih sklopov bilanc Determination of two priority sets of balance sheets S podpisom dogovora med MKO in SURS o sodelovanju pri izdelavi bilanc rastlinskih proizvodov in bilanc za živinorejo je bil kot izvajalec bilanc določen Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije (KIS). Določena sta bila tudi dva prednostna sklopa bilanc, ki se že izdelujejo ali pa se še bodo začele izdelovati v Sloveniji za domače potrebe. V prvi prednostni sklop bilanc so bile uvrščene bilance za žita, krompir, sladkorno peso, sladkor, med, zelenjavo, meso, jajca, mlečne izdelke, riž in vino. Večina teh se že pripravlja. V drugi prednostni sklop bodo uvrščene bilance za rastlinske maščobe (iz oljne repice), oljna semena in beljakovinske izdelke, posamezne vrste krompirja, suhe stročnice, posamezne vrste zelenjave in sadja, oliv ter pripravljene maščobe in olja. Te bilance naj bi se začele pripravljati v prihodnosti. Under the signed agreement between the MAE and SURS concerning the cooperation in the field of compilation of the crop and animal supply balance sheets, the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (AIS) was set as a contractor. Two priority sets of balance sheets which are already compiled or will be in the future have been set in Slovenia for national needs. In the first priority area the balance sheets for cereals, potatoes, sugar beet, sugar, honey, vegetables, meat, eggs, dairy products, rice and wine have been classified. Most of these have already been prepared. The balance sheets for vegetable fats (rape seed oil), oil seeds and protein products, certain types of potatoes, dried pulses, certain types of vegetables and fruits, olives and processed fats and oils have been classified in the second priority area. These balances should be compiled in the future. Na voljo bilance za obdobje 2000–2011 Supply balance sheets available for the 2000-2011 period Podatki o bilancah so na voljo za leta od 2000 do 2011, objavljeni pa so na spletnih straneh SURS. Objavljajo se dvakrat letno – začasne in končne koledarske ter tržne bilance – glede na referenčno obdobje, na katero se nanašajo. Na spletnih straneh SURS so objavljene posamezne bilance za obdobje 2000–2011. Vse prikazane bilance se nanašajo na koledarsko leto, razen bilance za vino; ta se nanaša na proizvodno (tržno) leto (za koledarsko leto se namreč ta ne izdeluje). The supply balance sheets for the period from 2000 to 2011 are available on the SURS website. The balance sheets are published twice a year - the provisional and the final calendar and market balances - relative to the reference period to which they relate. On the SURS website balance sheets for the 2000-2011 period are published. All the displayed balance sheets are compiled for the calendar year, except the balance sheet for wine, which is compiled for the production (marketing) year and is not compiled for the calendar year. Grafikon 2: Potrošnja kmetijskih proizvodov na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 2: Consumption of agricultural products per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 3 Grafikon 3: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za vino, Slovenija Chart 3: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for wine, Slovenia 1) Bilanca za vino je za tržno leto 2010/11 pripravljena na osnovi začasnih podatkov. The supply balance sheet for wine is prepared according to the provisional data for the market year 2010/11. Vir/Source: SURS Stopnja samooskrbe nad 90-odstotna The self-sufficiency rate over 90% V obdobju, za katero so bile izdelane tržne bilance za vino, tj. od 2005/06 dalje, je stopnja samooskrbe z vinom presegala 90 %. V primerjavi s tržnim letom 2009/10, ko je celo rahlo presegla 100 %, se je po začasnih podatkih v tržnem letu 2010/11 zmanjšala za 6 odstotnih točk (dosegla je 94 %). V celotnem opazovanem obdobju je potrošnja vina na prebivalca upadala, v tržnem letu 2010/11 pa se je v primerjavi s predhodnim letom znova povečala za odstotno točko; vsak prebivalec Slovenije je takrat popil povprečno skoraj 39 litrov vina, od tega skoraj 27 litrov belih vin (leto poprej 38 litrov vina, od tega 24 litrov belih vin). During the period for which the market supply balance sheets for wine were compiled (from 2005/06 on), the self-sufficiency rate for wine exceeded 90%. In comparison with the 2009/10 marketing year, when it slightly exceeded 100%, it fell by 6 percentage points in the marketing year 2010/11 according to the provisional data (94%). Throughout this period, wine consumption per capita was falling; in the 2010/11 marketing year it increased again by one percentage point in comparison with the previous year; the average Slovene then drank almost 39 litres of wine, of which almost 27 litres of white wines (in the previous year 38 litres of wine, of which 24 litres of white wines). Grafikon 4: Potrošnja vina na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 4: Consumption of wine per capita, Slovenia 1) Bilanca za vino je za tržno leto 2010/11 pripravljena na osnovi začasnih podatkov. The supply balance sheet for wine is prepared according to the provisional data for the market year 2010/11. Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 4 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA ŽITA SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR CEREALS Tabela 1: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za žita, Slovenija Table 1: Supply balance sheet for cereals, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Pridelano 496,0 576,3 493,6 531,9 579,6 532,8 568,9 607,8 Production od tega pšenica skupaj 181,1 141,3 134,5 133,3 160,3 136,9 153,5 153,6 of which total wheat od tega žita brez pšenice 314,9 435,0 359,1 398,6 419,3 395,9 415,4 454,2 of which cereals other than wheat Domača potrošnja 1.076,4 960,0 986,2 992,8 912,3 962,0 1.006,0 855,0 Domestic use od tega pšenica skupaj 312,1 294,1 305,7 286,0 290,8 285,7 311,3 279,6 of which total wheat od tega žita brez pšenice 764,3 665,9 680,5 706,7 621,5 676,2 694,7 575,4 of which cereals other than wheat Domača potrošnja za prehrano 269,3 248,1 252,1 250,3 241,2 222,1 248,1 242,3 Human consumption od tega pšenica skupaj 221,1 200,3 204,5 197,0 191,2 175,7 205,8 200,4 of which total wheat od tega žita brez pšenice 48,2 47,9 47,5 53,3 50,0 46,4 42,3 41,9 of which cereals other than wheat % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od celotne potrošnje 25,0 25,8 25,6 25,2 26,4 23,1 24,7 28,3 Share of human consumption of total domestic use od tega pšenica skupaj 70,8 68,1 66,9 68,9 65,8 61,5 66,1 71,7 of which total wheat od tega žita brez pšenice 6,3 7,2 7,0 7,5 8,0 6,9 6,1 7,3 of which cereals other than wheat % Stopnja samooskrbe 46,1 60,0 50,0 53,6 63,5 55,4 56,5 71,1 Self-sufficiency od tega pšenica skupaj 58,0 48,0 44,0 46,6 55,1 47,9 49,3 54,9 of which total wheat od tega žita brez pšenice 41,2 65,3 52,8 56,4 67,5 58,6 59,8 78,9 of which cereals other than wheat kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 135,2 124,0 125,5 124,0 119,2 108,7 121,1 118,1 Consumption per capita od tega pšenica skupaj 111,0 100,1 101,8 97,6 94,5 86,0 100,4 97,7 of which total wheat od tega žita brez pšenice 24,0 23,9 23,7 26,4 24,7 22,7 20,6 20,4 of which cereals other than wheat Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 5 Grafikon 5: Domača pridelava žita po vrstah žita, Slovenija Chart 5: Production of cereals by type of cereals, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS V letu 2011 smo v Sloveniji pridelali več žita kot leto prej Domestic cereal production in Slovenia in 2011 higher than in 2010 Pridelava žita v Sloveniji se je v letu 2011 v primerjavi z letom 2010 povečala; pridelali smo ga namreč 608.000 ton ali za 7 % več kot v predhodnem letu. Delež pridelka pšenice med vsemi žiti je leta 2011 predstavljal (podobno kot v preteklih opazovanih letih) četrtino celotne pridelave žit (25 %); v letu 2010 je znašal 27 %. Sorazmerno z rahlim zmanjšanjem deleža pridelane pšenice v letu 2011 se je delež pridelka drugih žit rahlo povečal in je obsegal 75 % skupne pridelave žit. In comparison with 2010, the production of cereals in Slovenia increased in 2011. It reached 608,000 tonnes, which is 7% more than in the previous year. The share of the harvested wheat in the total production of cereals, similarly to the previously observed years, represented a quarter of total production of cereals in 2011 (25%). The share of wheat in 2010 was 27%. The share of other cereals slightly increased in proportion with the movement of the wheat production and it amounted to 75% of the total production of cereals in 2011. Od žit pridelamo v Sloveniji največ koruze v zrnju in navadne pšenice. V letu 2011 smo pridelali skoraj 350.000 ton koruze v zrnju (to je bilo za nekaj več kot 57 % celotne pridelave žit), navadne pšenice pa 154.000 ton. Po količini pridelka sta sledila ječmen in tritikala. Pridelava posameznih vrst žit je v obdobju med 2001 in 2011 količinsko nihala, in sicer približno tako kot skupna pridelava žit. V letu 2011 se je glede na leto 2010 izmed vseh vrst žit najbolj povečala pridelava koruze v zrnju, za 12 %. Slovenia produces the most maize for grain and common wheat. In 2011, maize production amounted to almost 350,000 tonnes, which was more than 57% of the total cereal production, and common wheat production to 154,000 tonnes. According to the yield, barley and triticale followed. Production of the individual types of cereals varied similarly to the total production between 2001 and 2011. In comparison with 2010, the production of maize for grain increased the most in 2011, by 12 %. Grafikon 6: Domača potrošnja žita po vrstah žita, Slovenija Chart 6: Domestic use of cereals by type of cereals, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 6 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Domača potrošnja žita večja od domače pridelave žita Domestic use of cereals exceeded domestic production Domača potrošnja žita je v vsem obdobju močno presegala domačo pridelavo te kulture. V Sloveniji smo v letu 2011 potrošili največ koruze v zrnju, navadne pšenice in ječmena; koruze v zrnju smo potrošili 423.000 ton (to je predstavljalo 50 % celotne domače potrošnje žit), navadne pšenice pa smo potrošili nekaj več kot 248.000 ton (njen delež od skupne potrošnje žit pa je v primerjavi z letom 2010 ostal približno enak, in sicer je v letu 2011 znašal 29 %). Po količini potrošnje so sledili ječmen, trda pšenica in tritikala. Delež potrošnje vse pšenice od skupne potrošnje žita je leta 2011 znašal 33 %, preostali delež potrošnje žita je predstavljala potrošnja drugih žit. In the whole period domestic use of cereals exceeded domestic production. In Slovenia, the most maize for grain, common wheat and barley was consumed in 2011. The quantity of the consumed maize for grain amounted to 423,000 tonnes in 2011, accounting for 50% of the total domestic use of cereals. In 2011, the consumption of common wheat amounted to more than 248,000 tonnes, its share in the total consumption of cereals stayed approximately the same as in 2010 (29% in 2011). Barley, durum wheat and triticale followed in terms of the quantity. The share of domestic use of total wheat out of the total domestic use amounted to 33% in 2011, while the rest of the share was represented by the consumption of other cereals. Delež potrošnje žita za prehrano se je leta 2011 v primerjavi s predhodnim letom povečal za skoraj 4 odstotne točke, znašal je 28 %; v povprečju je v opazovanem obdobju predstavljal 25 % celotne potrošnje žita, to je približno 250.000 ton. Veliko večino za hrano potrošenega žita je v letu 2011 predstavljala navadna pšenica, in sicer 70 %, preostali del, približno 50.000 ton, pa so predstavljala druga žita. Količina za prehrano porabljene navadne pšenice se je v primerjavi z letom 2010 nekoliko zmanjšala (v letu 2011 znašala je 170.000 ton); količina za prehrano potrošene trde pšenice pa se je nekoliko povečala (v letu 2011 smo je porabili skoraj 31.000 ton). Večina potrošene pšenice, rži in soržice ter drugih žit (ajde, prosa) se je porabila za prehrambne namene. The share of human consumption of cereals increased by almost 4 percentage points in 2011 in comparison with the previous year and it amounted to 28%. On average in the observed period, the share of human consumption accounted to 25% of the total domestic use, which was about 250,000 tonnes. The vast majority of the human consumption of cereals was represented by common wheat, which accounted for 70% in 2011; the rest, approximately 50,000 tonnes, was represented by other cereals. The amount of human consumption of common wheat fell slightly in comparison with 2010 (170,000 tonnes in 2011). The human consumption of durum wheat somewhat increased in the same year (almost 31,000 tonnes). Most of the consumed wheat, rye, meslin and other cereals (buckwheat, millet) was used for human consumption. Grafikon 7: Potrošnja žita na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 7: Consumption of cereals per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Potrošnja žita na prebivalca se je v letu 2011 zmanjšala Consumption of cereals per capita decreased in 2011 Potrošnja žita na prebivalca se je od leta 2001, ko je znašala 135 kg, do leta 2011 zmanjšala na nekaj več kot 118 kg. Od tega je prebivalec Slovenije porabil povprečno 83 kg navadne pšenice, 15 kg trde pšenice, 14 kg koruze za zrnje, 3 kg rži in soržice ter malo manj kot 2 kg drugih žit (ajde, prosa). Potrošnja pšenice na prebivalca je v vsem obdobju predstavljala okrog tri četrtine celotne potrošnje žita. Consumption of cereals per capita dropped from 135 kg in 2001 to a little over 118 kg in 2011. Out of these, the average citizen in Slovenia in 2011 consumed the most wheat; 83 kg of common wheat, 15 kg of durum wheat, 14 kg of maize for grain, 3 kg of rye and meslin and almost 2 kg of other cereals (buckwheat, millet). Consumption of wheat per capita represented around three quarters of total consumption. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 7 Grafikon 8: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za žita, Slovenija Chart 8: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for cereals, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Za prehrano potrošimo le četrtino celotne domače potrošnje žita Human consumption of cereals represented only a quarter of total domestic use V obdobju med letoma 2001 in 2011 je proizvodnja žita v Sloveniji rahlo nihala. Leta 2011 je dosegla približno 610.000 ton. Stopnja samooskrbe se je leta 2011 v primerjavi s predhodnim letom povečala za skoraj 15 odstotnih točk, na 71 %. Delež domače potrošnje žita za prehrano je v celotnem obdobju predstavljal približno četrtino celotne domače potrošnje žita. In the 2001-2011 period, the production of cereals slightly varied in Slovenia. In 2011 it reached about 610,000 tonnes. The self-sufficiency rate, compared with the previous year, increased by 15 percentage points in 2011, reaching 71%. The share of the human consumption of cereals during the whole period represented about a quarter of total domestic use in the whole period. Stopnja samooskrbe najnižja pri ržu in soržici The lowest rates of self-sufficiency for rye and meslin Najnižjo stopnjo samooskrbe sta med posameznimi vrstami žit v obdobju 2001–2011 izkazovali rž in soržica. Sicer je ta stopnja zelo nihala, v odvisnosti od nihanj v domači potrošnji. Leta 2011 je stopnja samooskrbe z ržjo in soržico znašala 43 %. Najvišjo stopnjo samooskrbe je v tem letu izkazovala tritikala, skoraj 88 %; stopnja samooskrbe je pri tej vrsti žita v celotnem opazovanem obdobju tudi najhitreje naraščala. Stopnja samooskrbe pri navadni pšenici je dosegla 62 %, pri ječmenu skoraj 70 %, pri koruzi za zrnje pa je celo rahlo presegla 80 %. As regards individual types of cereals, the lowest rates of self-sufficiency were typical for rye and meslin. In the 2001-2011 period, the rate highly varied depending on variations in domestic use. In 2011, the rate of self- sufficiency for rye and meslin amounted to 43%. The highest rate of self- sufficiency, almost 88%, was shown by triticale in 2011, the self- sufficiency rate for this type of cereal was increasing most rapidly throughout the period. The self-sufficiency rate for common wheat reached 62%, for barley almost 70% and that for maize for grain slightly exceeded 80%. Stopnja samooskrbe z vso pšenico višja Increased self-sufficiency rate for the total wheat Zvišanje stopnje samooskrbe pri navadni pšenici je hkrati pomenilo tudi zvišanje stopnje samooskrbe pri vsej pšenici, tj. pri navadni in trdi pšenici skupaj, saj trde pšenice pri nas nismo pridelovali. Skupna stopnja samooskrbe s pšenico je bila leta 2011 55-odstotna, z vsemi preostalimi žiti skupaj pa je bila višja, in sicer 79-odstotna. Due to the increase in the rate of self-sufficiency for common wheat, the increase in the self-sufficiency rate for the total wheat (common and durum wheat) was also reported, since there was no production of durum wheat in Slovenia. Total self-sufficiency rate for wheat was 55% in 2011; for all other cereals it was higher and reached 79%. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 8 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Tabela 2: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za meso, Slovenija Table 2: Supply balance sheet for meat, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Domača prireja mesa 184,6 172,0 166,7 176,8 177,8 158,9 161,6 155,7 Indigenous production Govedo 48,0 44,1 42,2 43,1 44,5 41,0 43,2 44,7 Beef Prašiči 66,4 61,4 63,2 62,5 61,3 45,4 44,5 40,2 Pork Ovce, koze 1,4 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,9 2,0 2,0 1,9 Sheep and goats Konji 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7 Horses Perutnina 58,8 55,4 50,1 59,8 60,9 62,6 63,7 61,0 Poultry Domača potrošnja 185,3 194,7 189,4 191,2 195,5 192,4 192,3 183,8 Domestic use Govedo 40,3 47,2 41,6 42,6 43,2 41,8 40,9 40,7 Beef Prašiči 82,3 88,4 90,8 84,9 87,3 82,8 85,2 81,2 Pork Ovce, koze 1,4 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,9 Sheep and goats Konji 0,7 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 Horses Perutnina 51,9 49,3 46,3 52,6 53,9 57,3 57,0 53,8 Poultry Domača potrošnja za prehrano 185,3 194,7 189,4 191,2 195,5 192,4 192,3 183,8 Human consumption Govedo 40,3 47,2 41,6 42,6 43,2 41,8 40,9 40,7 Beef Prašiči 82,3 88,4 90,8 84,9 87,3 82,8 85,2 81,2 Pork Ovce, koze 1,4 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,9 Sheep and goats Konji 0,7 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,4 Horses Perutnina 51,9 49,3 46,3 52,6 53,9 57,3 57,0 53,9 Poultry % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 99,6 88,4 88,0 92,5 90,9 82,6 84,0 84,7 Self-sufficiency Govedo 119,1 93,4 101,4 101,2 103,0 98,1 105,8 109,7 Beef Prašiči 80,7 69,5 69,6 73,6 70,2 54,8 52,3 49,5 Pork Ovce, koze 100,0 99,5 99,5 98,6 98,5 97,5 98,0 99,0 Sheep and goats Konji 72,5 162,5 162,1 157,1 145,5 145,9 142,1 171,8 Horses Perutnina 113,3 112,4 108,2 113,7 112,9 109,1 111,7 113,3 Poultry kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 93,0 97,3 94,3 94,7 96,6 94,2 93,8 89,6 Consumption per capita Govedo 20,2 23,6 20,7 21,1 21,3 20,5 19,9 19,8 Beef Prašiči 41,3 44,2 45,2 42,1 43,2 40,5 41,6 39,6 Pork Ovce, koze 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,9 Sheep and goats Konji 0,3 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 Horses Perutnina 26,1 24,7 23,0 26,1 26,7 28,1 27,8 26,3 Poultry Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 9 Grafikon 9: Domača prireja mesa po vrstah mesa1), Slovenija, 2001 Chart 9: Indigenous production of meat by type of meat1), Slovenia, 2001 1) Podatek za drobovino ni prikazan. Data for offal is not represented. Vir/Source: SURS Grafikon 10: Domača prireja mesa po vrstah mesa1), Slovenija, 2011 Chart 10: Indigenous production of meat by type of meat1), Slovenia, 2011 1) Podatek za drobovino ni prikazan. Data for offal is not represented. Vir/Source: SURS V domači prireji mesa prevladovali perutnina in prašiči Poultry and pigs prevailed in indigenous production of meat Domača prireja mesa se je v letu 2011 glede na predhodno leto nekoliko zmanjšala, celotna prireja mesa je znašala 156.000 ton. Skoraj dve tretjini celotne prireje mesa je predstavljala prireja perutnine (39 %) in prašičev (26 %). Od prireje drugih vrst mesa je prireja goveda s 45.000 tonami v letu 2011 predstavljala nadaljnjih 29 % celotne prireje. V opazovanem obdobju se je priredilo najmanj ovc in koz ter konj. Pri vseh vrstah mesa je bila količina prireje med posameznimi leti sorazmerno stabilna, le prireja perutnine in prašičev se je v letu 2011 količinsko nekoliko zmanjšala. Compared to the previous year, in 2011 indigenous production of meat slightly decreased; in total 156,000 tonnes of meat were produced. Almost two-thirds of total meat production was production of poultry (39%) and pigs (26%). As regards other types of production, cattle production of 45,000 tonnes accounted for a further 29% of the total production in 2011. During the observed period the lowest was the production of sheep, goats and horses. For all types of production the relative stability in the quantity between years can be seen, though there was a slight decrease in poultry and pig production in 2011. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 10 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Grafikon 11: Domača potrošnja mesa po vrstah mesa, Slovenija Chart 11: Domestic use of meat by type of meat, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Domača potrošnja mesa vpliva na samooskrbo Slovenije Domestic use of meat influences the self-sufficiency rate of Slovenia Vsa domača potrošnja mesa je bila namenjena za prehrano. V vsem opazovanem obdobju je presegala domačo prirejo, zato Slovenija z mesom ni bila v celoti samooskrbna. V letu 2011 smo v Sloveniji potrošili največ prašičjega mesa, 81.000 ton; to meso je pomenilo nad 40 % celotne domače potrošnje mesa. Potrošnja perutninskega mesa (54.000 ton) in govejega mesa skupaj (41.000 ton) je leta 2011 predstavljala več kot polovico skupne domače potrošnje (52 %). Domača potrošnja mesa je bila po posameznih vrstah mesa v tem obdobju stabilna; leta 2011 smo potrošili najmanj konjskega mesa (manj kot 1 % od celotne domače potrošnje mesa). All domestic use of meat was used for human consumption. Throughout the period it exceeded the indigenous production, therefore Slovenia was not fully self-sufficient as regards meat. With a share of above 40% we consumed the most of pig meat in Slovenia in 2011, which was about 81,000 tonnes. Domestic use of poultry (54,000 tonnes) and beef (41,000 tonnes) together accounted for more than half of the total domestic use (52% in 2011). Domestic use of the individual types of meat was stable throughout the period. In 2011 the lowest was the consumption of horse meat (less than 1% of total domestic use). Grafikon 12: Potrošnja mesa na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 12: Consumption of meat per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 11 V letu 2011 smo potrošili 90 kg mesa na prebivalca In 2011 consumption of meat per capita 90 kg V Sloveniji smo v opazovanem obdobju potrošili v enem letu povprečno okrog 90 kg mesa na prebivalca, od tega največ prašičjega mesa, okrog 40 kg; na drugem mestu je bila perutnina; te smo v celotnem obdobju potrošili na leto povprečno okrog 25 kg na prebivalca, leta 2011 pa povprečno 27 kg na prebivalca. Potrošnja prašičjega mesa se je v primerjavi z letom prej (42 kg na prebivalca v 2010) v 2011 nekoliko zmanjšala in znašala 40 kg. Govejega mesa smo leta 2011 potrošili povprečno 20 kg na prebivalca; poraba ovčjega, kozjega in konjskega mesa pa je bila precej manjša. The average resident consumed in one year of the observed period around 90 kg of meat, mostly pork (about 40 kg). The second largest consumption of meat per capita was typical for poultry meat, which was during the whole period around 25 kg; in 2011 it amounted to 27 kg per capita. The consumption of pig meat per capita decreased slightly in 2011 in comparison with the year before (42 kg in 2010), and it amounted to 40 kg per capita. In addition, the average Slovene consumed 20 kg of beef in 2011, while the consumption of mutton, goat and horse meat per capita was much lower. Grafikon 13: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za meso, Slovenija Chart 13: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for meat, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Stopnja samooskrbe z mesom stalno visoka The self-sufficiency rate for meat remained high Letna količina domače prireje mesa se je v celotnem obdobju gibala okrog 170.000 ton, leta 2011 pa je znašala skoraj 156.000 ton, tj. 4 % manj kot v letu 2010 (162.000 ton). Tudi domača potrošnja mesa (ta gre v celoti za prehranske namene) je bila v opazovanem obdobju 2001–2011 stabilna; znašala je okrog 190.000 ton. Leta 2011 je znašala 184.000 ton. Zaradi sorazmerno stabilne prireje mesa in domače potrošnje je stopnja samooskrbe ostala v opazovanem obdobju visoka, okrog 90-odstotna, v letu 2011 je znašala 85 % ali približno prav toliko kot v letu pred tem. The annual amount of indigenous meat production was around 170,000 tonnes over the whole period; in 2011 it amounted to almost 156,000 tonnes, which is 4% less than in 2010 (162,000 tonnes). Domestic use of meat, which is entirely for human consumption, was also stable over the period and it amounted to around 190,000 tonnes. In 2011 it amounted to 184,000 tonnes. Because of the relatively stable indigenous meat production and domestic use, the self-sufficiency rate remained high at around 90%; in 2011 it amounted to 85%, in comparison with the previous year it stayed at about the same level. Stopnja samooskrbe s prašičjim mesom najnižja Self-sufficiency in pig meat the lowest V primerjavi z letom 2010 se je v letu 2011 najbolj povečala stopnja samooskrbe s konjskim mesom, in sicer za 30 odstotnih točk. Leta 2011 je ta znašala 172 %. Tudi stopnja samooskrbe z govejim mesom je izkazovala presežke z mesom, saj je znašala 110 %, v primerjavi z letom 2010 se je povečala za 4 odstotne točke. Najnižjo stopnjo samooskrbe je leta 2011 izkazovala bilanca prašičjega mesa, ta je bila 50-odstotna in najnižja doslej. V primerjavi z letom 2010 se je namreč znižala za 2 odstotni točki (50 % v letu 2011). V letih 2010 in 2011 je bila Slovenija skoraj v celoti samooskrbna z ovčjim in kozjim mesom (99 % v letu 2011). In comparison with 2010, the self-sufficiency growth was the highest in horse meat in 2011, it increased by 30 percentage points and it amounted to 172% in 2011. The self-sufficiency rate in beef meat also expressed surplus of meat, it amounted to 110% and in comparison with 2010 it increased by 4 percentage points. The lowest rate of self-sufficiency was recorded in the supply balance sheet for pig meat in 2011. In comparison with 2010 it decreased by 2 percentage points (50% in 2011). In 2010 and 2011, Slovenia was almost entirely self-sufficient as regards sheep and goat meat (99% in 2011). Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 12 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA JAJCA SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR EGGS Tabela 3: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za jajca, Slovenija Table 3: Supply balance sheet for eggs, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Proizvodnja 21,3 14,3 15,8 19,3 21,5 21,6 21,4 22,2 Production Valilna jajca 2,3 3,3 3,5 3,6 3,6 3,7 4,1 3,8 Hatching eggs Druga jajca 19,0 11,0 12,3 15,8 17,9 17,9 17,3 18,4 Other eggs Domača potrošnja 21,9 15,2 16,3 20,3 22,6 23,2 23,1 23,0 Domestic use Valilna jajca 1,7 2,2 2,2 2,4 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 Hatching eggs Druga jajca 20,1 13,0 14,1 18,0 20,3 20,9 20,8 20,8 Other eggs Domača potrošnja za prehrano 20,1 13,0 14,1 18,0 20,3 20,9 20,8 20,8 Human consumption Valilna jajca … … … … … … … … Hatching eggs Druga jajca 20,1 13,0 14,1 18,0 20,3 20,9 20,8 20,8 Other eggs % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 92,1 85,9 86,5 88,4 89,8 90,0 90,0 90,2 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 97,7 94,5 96,8 95,1 95,3 93,1 92,7 96,2 Self-sufficiency Valilna jajca 134,3 154,4 158,6 151,5 156,5 158,4 177,2 168,9 Hatching eggs Druga jajca 94,5 84,5 87,3 87,8 88,4 85,7 83,3 88,3 Other eggs kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 10,1 6,5 7,0 8,9 10,0 10,2 10,2 10,1 Consumption per capita Valilna jajca … … … … … … … … Hatching eggs Druga jajca 10,1 6,5 7,0 8,9 10,0 10,2 10,2 10,1 Other eggs Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June … ni podatka data not available Vir/Source: SURS Grafikon 14: Indeksi proizvodnje, domače potrošnje in potrošnje za prehrano v bilanci za jajca, Slovenija Chart 14: Indices of production, domestic use and human consumption in the supply balance sheet for eggs, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 13 Letna proizvodnja jajc znaša okrog 20.000 ton Total annual egg production around 20,000 tonnes Proizvodnja jajc v Sloveniji obsega proizvodnjo valilnih in drugih jajc oz. jajc za prehrano. Delež proizvodnje drugih jajc od skupne proizvodnje se je leta 2011 v primerjavi z letom 2010 nekoliko povečal, znašal je 83 % (81 % leta 2010). Celotna proizvodnja jajc se je v vsem opazovanem obdobju gibala okrog 20.000 ton, najvišjo vrednost pa dosegla leta 2011, in sicer več kot 22.000 ton. Egg production in Slovenia is represented by the production of hatching eggs and other (table) eggs. The share of other eggs in the total production of eggs slightly increased in 2011 in comparison with 2010, it amounted to 83% (81% in 2010). Total annual egg production was around 20,000 tonnes in the whole observed period, reaching the highest value of 22,000 tonnes in 2011. Domača potrošnja jajc nekoliko presegala domačo proizvodnjo jajc Domestic use of eggs slightly exceeded the production Domača potrošnja jajc je skoraj v celotnem obdobju 2001–2011 nekoliko presegala domačo proizvodnjo jajc. Okrog 90 % celotne potrošnje je v opazovanem obdobju predstavljala potrošnja drugih jajc, leta 2011 je ta delež znašal 83 %. Velika večina jajc se porabi za prehrano. Delež potrošnje jajc za prehrano od celotne potrošnje jajc je leta 2011 dosegel 90 %, to je toliko kot v letu 2010. Domestic use of eggs slightly exceeded the production throughout the entire period. About 90% of total domestic use accounted for consumption of other eggs, this share amounted to 83% in 2011. The vast majority of eggs is used for human consumption. The share of eggs for human consumption of the total consumption was 90% in 2011, the same as in 2010. Grafikon 15: Potrošnja jajc na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 15: Consumption of eggs per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Grafikon 16: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za jajca, Slovenija Chart 16: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for eggs, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 14 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA ZELENJAVO SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR VEGETABLES Proizvodnja zelenjave vključuje poleg pridelave na kmetijskih gospodarstvih tudi pridelavo na hišnih vrtovih In addition to production on farms, the production of vegetables includes the production in kitchen gardens Proizvodnja zelenjave vključuje poleg pridelave na kmetijskih gospodarstvih tudi pridelavo na hišnih vrtovih, namenjeno samooskrbi. Vključuje pridelek, pospravljen v koledarskem letu, v katerem se začne referenčno obdobje. Potrošnja se ocenjuje na osnovi posajene površine in povprečne potrošnje na hektar, potrošnja za prehrano pa vključuje zelenjavo v vseh oblikah. V Sloveniji se pripravlja poenostavljena bilanca za zelenjavo skupaj, ne po posameznih vrstah zelenjave. In addition to production on farms, the production of vegetables includes the production in kitchen gardens intended for self-supply. It includes yield harvested in the calendar year that represents the beginning of the reference period. Consumption is estimated on the basis of area sown and average consumption per hectare, but the human consumption includes vegetables in all forms. In Slovenia the simplified balance of the total vegetables is compiled, and not by type of vegetables. Tabela 4: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za zelenjavo, Slovenija Table 4: Supply balance sheet for vegetables, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Pridelava 61,2 87,6 78,8 65,2 78,2 83,9 60,0 77,3 Production Domača potrošnja 155,4 194,9 204,0 193,4 216,2 223,8 199,2 210,8 Domestic use Domača potrošnja za prehrano 146,2 182,6 192,0 182,6 203,3 210,6 188,3 198,5 Human consumption % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 94,1 93,7 94,1 94,4 94,0 94,0 94,5 94,1 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 39,4 44,9 38,6 33,7 36,2 37,8 30,6 36,7 Self-sufficiency kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 73,4 91,3 95,6 90,4 100,5 102,3 90,4 96,7 Consumption per capita Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June Vir/Source: SURS Grafikon 17: Indeksi proizvodnje, domače potrošnje in potrošnje za prehrano v bilanci za zelenjavo, Slovenija Chart 17: Indices of production, domestic use and human consumption in the supply balance sheet for vegetables, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 15 Domača potrošnja zelenjave se je v letu 2011 povečala Domestic use increased in 2011 V Sloveniji smo v opazovanem obdobju v povprečju pridelali okrog 70.000 ton zelenjave. V letu 2011 je bila domača pridelava glede na leto 2010 večja za 29 %, znašala je nekaj več kot 77.000 ton. Domača potrošnja zelenjave je v vsem obdobju močno presegala količino pridelave; ker se je celotna potrošnja zelenjave večinoma povečevala, je stopnja samooskrbe z zelenjavo upadala. V letu 2011 pa se je v primerjavi z letom 2010, ko je znašala 199.000 ton, znova povečala in je znašala 211.000 ton. Stopnja samooskrbe se je glede na preteklo leto v 2011 povečala za 6 odstotnih točk (37 % v 2011). Velika večina potrošene zelenjave se je potrošila za prehrano (v letu 2011 94 %). Slovenia produced about 70,000 tonnes of vegetables per year in the observed period. Compared to 2010, the domestic production was 29% higher in 2011 and it amounted to more than 77,000 tonnes. Domestic use of vegetables greatly exceeded the volume of production throughout the period; it was mainly increasing, which is the reason for the decreased rate of self-sufficiency in vegetables. In comparison with 2010, when domestic use amounted to 199,000 tonnes, it increased again in 2011, reaching 211,000 tonnes. The self-sufficiency rate increased by 6 percentage points in 2011 (37%), compared to 2010. The vast majority, i.e. 94% in 2011, was used for human consumption. Grafikon 18: Potrošnja zelenjave na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 18: Consumption of vegetables per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Potrošnja zelenjave na prebivalca v letu 2011 večja The consumption of vegetables per capita increased in 2011 Potrošnja zelenjave na prebivalca je od leta 2001 dalje večinoma naraščala. Vsak prebivalec Slovenije je v letu 2011 v povprečju potrošil 97 kg zelenjave, kar je za 7 % več kot v letu 2010 (90 kg). Consumption of vegetables per capita was mainly increasing from 2001. In 2011 every citizen on average consumed 97 kg of vegetables, which was 7% more than in the previous year (90 kg in 2010). Grafikon 19: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za zelenjavo, Slovenija Chart 19: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for vegetables, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 16 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Stopnja samooskrbe z zelenjavo leta 2011 znova višja Rate of self-sufficiency in the balance sheet for vegetables higher again in 2011 Izmed vseh doslej izdelanih bilanc je v opazovanem obdobju 2001–2011 izkazovala najnižjo stopnjo samooskrbe bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za zelenjavo. V povprečju je v celotnem opazovanem obdobju dosegala nekoliko več kot 35 %. Po letu 2010, ko je znašala le 31 %, pa se je v letu 2011 znova povečala, in sicer na 37 %. Of all the compiled supply balance sheets, in the 2001-2011 period the lowest self-sufficiency rate was recorded in the balance sheet for vegetables. On average it was above 35% over the whole period. After 2010, when it amounted to only 31%, the rate of self-sufficiency increased again in 2011 and reached 37%. BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA KROMPIR SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR POTATOES Tabela 5: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za krompir, Slovenija Table 5: Supply balance sheet for potatoes, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Pridelava 148,3 144,7 107,0 131,1 100,3 103,4 101,2 96,2 Production Domača potrošnja 188,9 195,3 178,8 186,2 174,8 164,7 160,6 152,8 Domestic use Domača potrošnja za prehrano 158,5 153,7 158,4 164,3 156,9 147,0 143,7 136,4 Human consumption % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 83,9 78,7 88,6 88,2 89,8 89,3 89,5 89,3 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 78,5 74,1 59,8 70,4 57,4 62,8 63,0 62,9 Self-sufficiency kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 79,6 76,8 78,9 81,3 77,6 72,0 70,1 66,4 Consumption per capita Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June Vir/Source: SURS Grafikon 20: Indeksi proizvodnje, domače potrošnje in potrošnje za prehrano v bilanci za krompir, Slovenija Chart 20: Indices of production, domestic use and human consumption in the supply balance sheet for potatoes, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 17 Domača proizvodnja in tudi potrošnja krompirja upadata Fall in domestic production and consumption of potatoes V obdobju 2001–2011 je skupna pridelava krompirja precej upadla. Leta 2011 je znašala več kot 96.000 ton, kar je za 5 % manj kot v letu 2010, ko je pridelava rahlo presegla 100.000 ton. Količina domače potrošnje je bila večja od količine domače pridelave v celotnem opazovanem obdobju. V vsem obdobju se je sicer tudi potrošnja krompirja počasi zmanjševala, vendar je bil upad potrošnje manjši od upada pridelave, zato se je stopnja samooskrbe s krompirjem v opazovanem obdobju precej znižala; leta 2011 je znašala 63 % (enaka je bila tudi v letu 2010). Domača potrošnja krompirja je v letu 2011 znašala nekaj več kot 150.000 ton, od tega je bilo za prehrano namenjenih 89 % krompirja. Potrošnja krompirja za prehrano se je v tem obdobju gibala okoli 85 %. In the 2001-2011 period, the total potatoes production declined significantly. In 2011, it amounted to more than 96,000 tonnes, which is 5% less than in 2010, when the production slightly exceeded 100,000 tonnes. Domestic use exceeded domestic production in the whole period. Throughout the period, a downward trend in consumption of potatoes was detected, but the decline was smaller than in production, so the rate of self-sufficiency in potatoes decreased significantly in the observed period; in 2011 it was 63%, it stayed at the level of 2010. Domestic use of potatoes amounted to over 150,000 tons in 2011, of which 89% was used for human consumption. During the observed period human consumption of potatoes was around 85%. Grafikon 21: Potrošnja krompirja na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 21: Consumption of potatoes per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS V letu 2011 smo potrošili 66 kg krompirja na prebivalca In 2011 the consumption of potatoes per capita was 66 kg Potrošnja krompirja na prebivalca se je opazovanem obdobju 2001–2011 počasi zmanjševala. Najnižjo vrednost v opazovanem obdobju je dosegla leta 2011, in sicer 66 kg krompirja na prebivalca. Consumption of potatoes per capita recorded a downward trend in the 2001-2011 period. The lowest value of consumption per capita was observed in 2011 when the average Slovene consumed 66 kg of potatoes. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 18 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Grafikon 22: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za krompir, Slovenija Chart 22: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for potatoes, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Samooskrbe z zelenjavo, krompirjem in žiti najnižje v Sloveniji Supply balance sheets for vegetables, potatoes and cereals with the lowest self-sufficiency rate in Slovenia Samooskrba s krompirjem je po letu 2004 začela upadati, in sicer zaradi precej zmanjšane pridelave krompirja in hkratnega upadanja domače potrošnje. V opazovanem obdobju 2001–2011 je najvišjo stopnjo izkazovala leta 2004 s 86 %, do leta 2011 pa je zdrsnila na 63 %. Poleg bilanc za zelenjavo in žita je bilanca krompirja izkazovala najnižjo stopnjo samooskrbe pri nas. The self-sufficiency rate in potatoes declined after 2004 due to significantly reduced production of potatoes and a decline in domestic use. During the observed period, the highest rate was recorded in 2004, with 86%, dropping to 63% by 2011. In addition to the supply balance sheets for vegetables and cereals, the balance sheet for potatoes showed the lowest self-sufficiency rate in our country. BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA SLADKOR SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR SUGAR Tabela 6: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za sladkor, Slovenija Table 6: Supply balance sheet for sugar, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Pridelava 211,8 322,2 307,7 1,5 1,6 1,9 1,7 2,5 Production Sladkorna pesa 185,7 260,1 262,0 … … … … … Sugar beat Beli sladkor 23,5 60,4 43,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 White sugar Med 2,6 1,7 2,3 1,5 1,6 1,9 1,7 2,5 Honey Domača potrošnja 259,5 494,3 365,2 65,6 76,7 79,4 81,1 83,2 Domestic use Sladkorna pesa 185,7 390,9 291,9 … … … … … Sugar beat Beli sladkor 71,4 101,2 70,5 63,7 74,8 77,2 78,9 80,3 White sugar Med 2,4 2,2 2,8 1,9 1,9 2,3 2,3 2,9 Honey Domača potrošnja za prehrano 73,8 103,4 73,3 65,6 76,7 79,4 81,1 83,2 Human consumption Sladkorna pesa 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sugar beat Beli sladkor 71,4 101,2 70,5 63,7 74,8 77,2 78,9 80,3 White sugar Med 2,4 2,2 2,8 1,9 1,9 2,3 2,3 2,9 Honey … ni podatka data not available Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 19 Tabela 6: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za sladkor, Slovenija (nadaljevanje) Table 6: Supply balance sheet for sugar, Slovenia (continued) 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 28,4 20,9 20,1 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 81,6 65,2 84,3 2,6 1,9 2,1 2,3 Self-sufficiency Sladkorna pesa 100,0 66,5 89,8 … … … … … Sugar beat Beli sladkor 32,9 59,7 61,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 White sugar Med 104,5 75,0 80,9 77,9 81,4 84,9 73,9 85,2 Honey kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 37,0 51,7 36,5 32,5 37,9 38,9 39,6 40,5 Consumption per capita Sladkorna pesa 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Sugar beat Beli sladkor 35,8 50,6 35,1 31,5 37,0 37,8 38,5 39,1 White sugar Med 1,2 1,1 1,4 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,4 Honey Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June … ni podatka data not available Vir/Source: SURS Potrošnja sladkorja v opazovanem obdobju močno presegala domačo proizvodnjo Domestic use of sugar in the observed period higher than domestic production Do leta 2006, ko je še obratovala Tovarna Ormož, je celotna proizvodnja sladkorja nihala; leta 2006 je znašala več kot 300.000 ton. Od tega je v celotnem obdobju 2001–2011 nad 80 % predstavljala proizvodnja sladkorne pese. K skupni vrednosti proizvodnje sladkorja je okrog 10 % v opazovanem obdobju prispevala proizvodnja belega sladkorja, z največjim deležem leta 2005 (skoraj 15 %), pridelava medu pa je znašala okrog 1 % od vse proizvodnje; to je v obdobju od 2001 do 2006 pomenilo več kot 2.000 ton. V zadnjih letih se je pridelava medu nekoliko zmanjšala. Potrošnja sladkorja je v opazovanem obdobju presegala domačo proizvodnjo, zato v Sloveniji s sladkorjem nismo bili v celoti samooskrbni. Do leta 2006 se je skupna potrošnja gibala med 260.000 in 500.000 tonami, potrošnja medu pa je znašala v povprečju nekoliko nad 2.000 ton letno. By 2006, when the sugar factory in Ormož was still operating, the total production of sugar varied; in 2006 it amounted to over 300,000 tonnes. Of this, over the whole period sugar beet production accounted for over 80%. The production of white sugar contributed to around 10% of the total sugar production during the observed period, with the largest share in 2005 (almost 15%). Honey production stood at around 1% of the total production, with more than 2,000 tonnes during the 2001-2006 period. In recent years the production of honey has slightly fallen. Domestic use of sugar was higher than domestic production, which is why Slovenia was not entirely self-sufficient in sugar. By 2006, the total domestic use was between 260,000 and 500,000 tonnes and domestic use of honey on average slightly more than 2,000 tonnes per year. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 20 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Grafikon 23: Potrošnja sladkorja na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 23: Consumption of sugar per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Največ sladkorja na prebivalca smo potrošili leta 2005, skoraj 52 kg Consumption of sugar per capita the highest in 2005 with almost 52 kg per capita Potrošnja sladkorja na prebivalca je v Sloveniji v obdobju 2001–2011 nihala, največjo vrednost je dosegla leta 2005, skoraj 52 kg. Od tega je veliko večino predstavljala potrošnja belega sladkorja, ki se je gibala okrog 40 kg letno. Leta 2011 je potrošnja sladkorja na prebivalca v primerjavi s predhodnim letom ostala na približno enaki ravni, znašala je skoraj 41 kg na prebivalca. Potrošnja medu na prebivalca je bila vsa leta stabilnejša; leta 2011 je znašala nekaj več kot 1 kg na leto. Consumption of sugar per capita varied in Slovenia in the 2001-2011 period, reaching the highest value in 2005 (almost 52 kg). Of these, the vast majority was represented by the domestic use of white sugar, which was around 40 kg per year. In 2011 it stayed at about the same level as in 2010 and amounted to almost 41 kg per capita. Over the years, the domestic use of white sugar varied considerably. Consumption of honey per capita was stable throughout the period; in 2011 it amounted to a little more than 1 kg per capita. Grafikon 24: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za sladkor, Slovenija Chart 24: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for sugar, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 21 Samooskrba s sladkorjem po letu 2006 okrog 2-odstotna The rate of self-sufficiency with sugar is around 2% after 2006 Stopnja samooskrbe s sladkorjem se je po letu 2006, odkar je bila opuščena domača proizvodnja sladkorne pese in belega sladkorja, bistveno spremenila. Do leta 2006 je nihala, najvišjo vrednost pa je dosegla v letih 2002 in 2006, in sicer nekaj več kot 84 %. V obdobju med 2001 in 2006 se je gibala med 65 % in 90 %. Ker domače proizvodnje sladkorja v Sloveniji nimamo več, proizvajamo pa točeni med, se je stopnja samooskrbe v tej bilanci po letu 2006 gibala okrog 2 %. With the termination of the domestic production of sugar beet and white sugar, since 2006 self-sufficiency has changed significantly. Until 2006, it varied and reached the highest level in 2002 and 2006, when it was just over 84%. In the 2001-2006 period it was between 65% and 90%. Since there is no domestic sugar production in Slovenia and we still produce honey, after 2006 the rate of self-sufficiency in this balance sheet was around 2%. BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA RIŽ SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR RICE Tabela 7: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za riž, Slovenija Table 7: Supply balance sheet for rice, Slovenia 2001 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1.000 t Pridelava 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 Production Domača potrošnja 7,8 8,2 8,4 9,0 8,8 8,8 10,6 12,1 Domestic use Domača potrošnja za prehrano 7,3 8,0 8,2 8,6 8,4 8,7 10,4 12,0 Human consumption % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 93,3 96,7 97,4 95,8 95,3 98,8 98,1 98,7 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 1,4 0,6 0,8 1,7 2,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 Self-sufficiency kg Potrošnja na prebivalca 3,6 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,1 4,3 5,1 5,8 Consumption per capita Število prebivalcev na dan 30.6. 1.992.035 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 2.042.335 2.049.261 2.052.496 Number of population on 30 June Vir/Source: SURS Stopnja samooskrbe z rižem najnižja The balance sheet for rice with the lowest rate of self-sufficiency V celotnem opazovanem obdobju (2001–2011) domače proizvodnje riža nismo imeli. V tem obdobju smo v povprečju potrošili okrog 8.000 ton riža letno, leta 2011 nekoliko več (12.000 ton). Leta 2011 je bila skoraj vsa količina potrošenega riža namenjena za prehrano (99 %). Ker domače proizvodnje riža nismo imeli, bilanca riža pa vključuje tudi iz riža predelane proizvode, je bilanca riža izkazovala najnižjo stopnjo samooskrbe (1 %–2 %). In the entire observed period (2001-2011) there was no domestic production of rice. In this period, we consumed about 8,000 tonnes of rice annually on average, in 2011 a little more (12,000 tonnes). In 2011 the vast majority, 99% of the total domestic use, was used for human consumption. Due to no domestic production and the inclusion of processed rice products in the balance sheet, the balance sheet for rice showed the lowest rate of self-sufficiency (1%-2%). Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 22 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Grafikon 25: Potrošnja riža na prebivalca, Slovenija Chart 25: Consumption of rice per capita, Slovenia Vir/Source: SURS V letu 2011 smo potrošili več riža na prebivalca, skoraj 6 kg In 2011, we consumed more rice per capita, i.e. almost 6 kg Potrošnja riža na prebivalca je v zadnjih letih naraščala in je v letu 2011 dosegla največjo vrednost, skoraj 6 kg riža na prebivalca. Consumption of rice per capita has increased in recent years and in 2011 reached the highest value, almost 6 kg of rice per capita. BILANCA PROIZVODNJE IN POTROŠNJE ZA VINO SUPPLY BALANCE SHEET FOR WINE Sestava in definicija bilance za vino Composition and definition of the balance sheet for wine Bilanca vina je sestavljena iz več podbilanc glede na kakovostne razrede in glede na barvo. Po kakovosti se bilanca vina deli na podbilanco za kakovostno vino z določenih pridelovalnih območij, za namizno vino in za drugo vino, vsaka od teh bilanc pa še glede na barvo na podbilanco za belo vino in za rdeče vino ali rosé. Vino, ki je predmet bilanc, je definirano kot alkoholna pijača, pridobljena izključno z alkoholnim vrenjem iz stisnjenega grozdja ali iz grozdnega mošta. Zajema tudi vino, ki je še v fermentaciji. Namizno vino je vino, proizvedeno v EU, ki ima minimalno alkoholno stopnjo, kot je določena za pridelovalno območje, v katerem je bilo vino proizvedeno, ali vino, pridobljeno v EU, ki ustreza specifičnim merilom glede kakovosti. To vino ima lahko status vina z geografskim poreklom ali tega statusa nima. Po dogovoru sodi med namizno vino tudi vse vino, ki je namenjeno za likersko vino, peneče vino, gazirano peneče vino, polpeneče vino, gazirano polpeneče vino in vino, okrepljeno z destilacijo, razen nekaterih izjem. Kakovostno vino je lahko mirno vino, likersko vino, peneče vino, polpeneče vino ali drugo vino, ki izpolnjuje nacionalna merila. Seznam kakovostnih vin je objavljen v Uradnem listu EU. Med druga vina spadajo vina, proizvedena iz grozdja namiznih sort, sort za rozine ter iz grozdja, ki je sicer namenjeno za destilacijo v grozdno žganje, in tudi vino iz prezrelega grozdja ter vse vino, ki ni proizvedeno v EU. The balance sheet for the wine is composed of several sub-balances according to the classes of quality and colour. According to the quality, the balance sheet for wine is composed of the balance for quality wines from specific growing areas, table wines and other wines; each of these balances is then according to the colour divided into the balance for white wine and for red wine (rosé). Wine which is the subject of the balance is defined as an alcoholic drink obtained exclusively by fermentation of pressed grapes or grape must. It also includes wine still in fermentation. Table wine is wine produced in the EU which has a minimum alcohol level as determined for the region in which the wine was produced, or wine made in the EU which meets specific criteria in terms of quality. This wine can be with or without designation of origin. By agreement, table wine also includes all wine which is intended for liqueur wine, sparkling wine, aerated sparkling wine, semi-sparkling wine, aerated semi-sparkling wine and wine fortified with distillation, with some exceptions. Quality wine can be still wine, liqueur wine, sparkling wine, semi-sparkling wine or other wine which meets the national criteria. The list of quality wines is published in the Official Journal of the EU. Other wine is considered to be wine made from grapes of table varieties, varieties for raisins and grapes which are intended for the distillation of grape spirit, as well as wine from overripe grapes, and all wine that is not produced in the EU. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 23 Bilanca za vino za tržno leto 2009/10 prvič objavljena po novi razdelitvi kakovostnih razredov vina Supply balance sheet for wine for marketing year 2009/10 published for the first time according to the new distribution of wine quality classes V skladu z Uredbo Evropske komisije št. 479/2008 je bila končna bilanca za vino za tržno leto 2009/10 prvič objavljena po novi razdelitvi kakovostnih razredov vina. Po tej uredbi se vino po novem glede na kakovost deli na naslednje razrede: vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla, vina z zaščitenih geografskim poreklom, sortna vina in druga vina. Izdelane končne bilance za tržna leta od 2005/06 do 2008/09 zaradi različne razdelitve kakovostnih razredov vin niso primerljive z bilanco za vino za tržno leto 2009/10. In accordance with the European Commission Regulation No. 479/2008, the final supply balance sheet for wine for the marketing year 2009/10 was published for the first time according to the new distribution of wine quality classes. According to the new regulation the quality of wine is divided into classes: wines with protected designation of origin (PDO), wines with protected geographical origin (PGI), varietal wines and other wines. Due to different distribution of wine quality classes, the supply balance sheets, compiled for the marketing years between 2005/06 and 2008/09, are not comparable to the last one. Tabela 8: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za vino, Slovenija, 2005/06–2008/09 Table 8: Supply balance sheet for wine, Slovenia, 2005/06-2008/09 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 1.000 hl Proizvodnja 846,0 738,4 857,8 740,0 Production od tega bela vina 571,0 512,7 576,5 488,8 of which white wines Kakovostna vina 533,0 498,0 640,0 554,0 Quality wines Namizna vina brez geo.porekla 59,9 28,6 54,5 34,0 Table wines without geographical designation of origin Namizna vina z geo.poreklom 253,1 211,8 163,4 152,0 Table wines with geographical designation of origin Druga vina 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Other wines Domača potrošnja 886,0 808,6 816,4 764,4 Domestic use od tega bela vina 605,8 551,9 510,5 521,4 of which white wines Kakovostna vina 518,2 492,6 572,4 532,2 Quality wines Namizna vina brez geo.porekla 69,3 20,8 57,3 33,2 Table wines without geographical designation of origin Namizna vina z geo.poreklom 267,8 278,5 171,7 192,2 Table wines with geographical designation of origin Druga vina 30,6 16,6 15,0 6,8 Other wines Domača potrošnja za prehrano 869,1 793,8 799,2 749,6 Human consumption od tega bela vina 594,4 541,6 499,0 511,6 of which white wines Kakovostna vina 507,6 482,7 559,6 521,1 Quality wines Namizna vina brez geo.porekla 68,1 20,3 56,3 32,6 Table wines without geographical designation of origin Namizna vina z geo.poreklom 262,8 274,3 168,5 189,1 Table wines with geographical designation of origin Druga vina 30,6 16,6 15,0 6,8 Other wines % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 98,1 98,2 97,9 98,1 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 95,5 91,3 105,1 96,8 Self-sufficiency od tega bela vina 94,3 92,9 112,9 93,7 of which white wines Kakovostna vina 102,9 101,1 111,8 104,1 Quality wines Namizna vina brez geo.porekla 86,4 137,4 95,0 102,3 Table wines without geographical designation of origin Namizna vina z geo.poreklom 94,5 76,0 95,1 79,1 Table wines with geographical designation of origin Druga vina 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Other wines l Potrošnja na prebivalca 43,4 39,5 39,6 37,1 Consumption per capita od tega bela vina 29,7 27,0 24,7 25,3 of which white wines Kakovostna vina 25,4 24,0 27,7 25,8 Quality wines Namizna vina brez geo.porekla 3,4 1,0 2,8 1,6 Table wines without geographical designation of origin Namizna vina z geo.poreklom 13,1 13,7 8,3 9,4 Table wines with geographical designation of origin Druga vina 1,5 0,8 0,7 0,3 Other wines Število prebivalstva na dan 30. 6. 2.001.114 2.008.516 2.019.406 2.022.629 Number of population on 30 June Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 24 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 V Sloveniji prevladuje proizvodnja belih vin In Slovenia the domestic production of white wines prevails V tržnem obdobju med 2005/06 in 2008/09 je proizvodnja vin nihala. Najvišja je bila v letu 2007/08, in sicer je znašala skoraj 860.000 hektolitrov. V letu 2008/09 je upadla na 740.000 hektolitrov. V celotnem opazovanem obdobju, razen v zadnjem prikazanem letu, je proizvodnja belih vin znašala nad 500.000 hektolitrov in je predstavljala v povprečju okrog 65 % celotne proizvodnje vina. In the market period between 2005/06 and 2008/09, the domestic production of wines varied. It was the highest in 2007/08, when it amounted to almost 860,000 hectolitres. In 2008/09 it fell to 740,000 hectolitres. Throughout this period, except in the last year shown, the domestic production of white wines ranged over 500,000 hectolitres, representing on average about 65% of total wine production. V obdobju 2005/06–2008/09 proizvodnja kakovostnih precej večja od proizvodnje namiznih vin In the 2005/06-2008/09 period the production of quality wines much higher than the production of table wines V obdobju 2005/06–2008/09 smo glede na kakovost vin ločili kakovostna, namizna in druga vina. V Sloveniji je v opazovanem obdobju prevladovala proizvodnja kakovostnih vin; ta je v celotnem obdobju naraščala in je v letu 2008/09 obsegala 75 % skupne proizvodnje. Okrog 25 % proizvodnje vin je v letu 2008/09 obsegala proizvodnja namiznih vin (brez geografskega porekla in z geografskim poreklom skupaj). Delež proizvodnje namiznih vin se je v obdobju od 2005/06 do 2008/09 zmanjševal na račun povečane proizvodnje kakovostnih vin. According to the quality, in the period of 2005/06-2008/09, wines were divided into quality wines, table wines and other wines. In Slovenia, in this whole period the production of quality wines dominated. It was increasing throughout the period and it represented 75% of total production in 2008/09. Approximately 25% of the wine production was represented by the production of table wines (without and with the geographical origin) in 2008/09. The share of the production of table wines in the period from 2005/06 to 2008/09 fell on account of increased production of quality wines. Tabela 9: Bilanca proizvodnje in potrošnje za vino, Slovenija, 2009/10–2010/111) Table 9: Supply balance sheet for wine, Slovenia, 2009/10-2010/111) 2009/10 2010/11 1.000 hl Proizvodnja 790,0 759,8 Production od tega bela vina 498,9 518,4 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 539,0 475,0 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 196,7 211,4 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 0,0 3,6 Varietal wines Druga vina 54,3 69,8 Other wines Domača potrošnja 788,5 806,8 Domestic use od tega bela vina 500,6 556,1 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 495,8 467,1 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 228,3 235,6 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 13,9 6,3 Varietal wines Druga vina 50,5 97,8 Other wines Domača potrošnja za prehrano 772,7 791,6 Human consumption od tega bela vina 490,6 545,8 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 485,1 457,6 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 224,4 231,4 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 13,9 6,2 Varietal wines Druga vina 49,4 96,4 Other wines % Delež potrošnje za prehrano od skupne potrošnje 98,0 98,1 Share of human consumption of total domestic use % Stopnja samooskrbe 100,2 94,2 Self-sufficiency od tega bela vina 99,7 93,2 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 108,7 101,7 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 86,2 89,7 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 0,0 57,3 Varietal wines Druga vina 107,6 71,4 Other wines l Potrošnja na prebivalca 37,7 38,6 Consumption per capita od tega bela vina 24,0 26,6 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 23,7 22,3 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 11,0 11,3 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 0,7 0,3 Varietal wines Druga vina 2,4 4,7 Other wines Število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6. 2.046.976 2.050.189 Number of population on 30 June 1) Bilanca za vino je za tržno leto 2010/11 pripravljena na osnovi začasnih podatkov. The supply balance sheet for wine is prepared according to the provisional data for the market year 2010/11. Vir/Source: SURS Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 25 V tržnem letu 2010/11 skupna proizvodnja vina večja In the 2010/11 marketing year total production of wine higher V tržnem letu 2010/11 se je v primerjavi z letom prej proizvodnja vin zmanjšala ter dosegla 760.000 hektolitrov vina. Od tega je večino, in sicer 68 % (ali skoraj 520.000 hektolitrov) od celotne proizvodnje, predstavljala proizvodnja belih vin. Proizvodnja drugih vin je bila manjša, znašala je 70.000 hektolitrov. a In comparison with the previous year, the production of wine decreased in the marketing year 2010/11 and it reached 760,000 hectolitres of wine. Out of this, the majority, i.e. 68% (almost 520,000 hectolitres) of the total production, was represented by the production of white wines. The production of other wines was lower, it amounted to 70,000 hectolitres. Prevladovala je proizvodnja vin z zaščiteno označbo porekla Production of wines with protected designation of origin prevailed V skladu z novo uredbo Evropske komisije od tržnega leta 2009/10 dalje vina po kakovosti delimo v naslednje razrede: vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla, vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom, sortna ter druga vina. V tržnem letu 2010/11 je v Sloveniji prevladovala proizvodnja vin z zaščiteno označbo porekla; to je po začasnih podatkih predstavljalo 63 % vse proizvodnje. Delež proizvodnje vin z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom je tedaj znašal 28 %. As regards the new regulation of the European Commission, from the marketing year 2009/10 onwards wines are distinguished into classes: wines with protected designation of origin, wines with protected geographical indication, varietal wines and other wines. In the marketing year 2010/11 the production of wines with protected designation of origin prevailed according to the provisional data, they represented 63% of the production. The share of the production of wines with protected geographical indication was 28%. Grafikon 26: Potrošnja vina na prebivalca, Slovenija, 2005/06−2008/09 Chart 26: Consumption of wine per capita, Slovenia, 2005/06-2008/09 Vir/Source: SURS Domača potrošnja vina med leti 2005/06 in 2008/2009 upadala Domestic use of wine decreased between 2005/06 and 2008/09 V opazovanem obdobju, tj. med 2005/06 in 2008/09, je nad 60 % celotne domače potrošnje vina predstavljala potrošnja belih vin. Delež doma porabljenih kakovostnih vin je v tem obdobju nihal, v tržnem letu 2008/09 pa je znašal skoraj 70 %; približno toliko je znašal tudi v letu pred tem. Potrošnja namiznih vin se je v opazovanem obdobju zmanjševala: od skoraj 340.000 hektolitrov v tržnem letu 2005/06 se je zmanjšala na 225.000 hektolitrov v tržnem letu 2008/09. Over 60% of the total domestic use of wine throughout the period of 2005/06-2008/09 was domestic use of white wines. The share of the domestic use of quality wines varied during the period, in 2008/09 it reached almost 70%, which is similar to the previous year. During the observed period, the domestic use of table wines decreased and fell from almost 340,000 hectolitres in 2005/06 to 225,000 hectolitres in the marketing year 2008/09. Povprečno 26 litrov kakovostnih in 10 litrov namiznih vin na prebivalca v letu 2008/09 In 2008/09 almost 26 litres of quality wines and 10 litres of table wines per capita V tržnem letu 2008/09 je vsak prebivalec Slovenije popil povprečno 37 litrov vina, od tega skoraj 26 litrov kakovostnih vin in 10 litrov namiznih vin; to je kar za 15 % manj kot v tržnem letu 2005/06, takrat je znašala povprečna potrošnja vina nekoliko več kot 43 litrov vina na prebivalca. In the marketing year 2008/09, average consumption of wine per capita in Slovenia amounted to 37 litres, of which 26 litres of quality wines and 10 litres of table wines; since the marketing year 2005/06, when it amounted to more than 43 litres of wine per capita, it has declined significantly, by almost 15%. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 26 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 Tabela 10: Potrošnja vina na prebivalca, Slovenija, 2009/10–2010/111) Table 10: Consumption of wine per capita, Slovenia, 2009/10-2010/111) 2009/10 2010/11 l Vino 37,7 38,6 Wine od tega bela vina 24,0 26,6 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 23,7 22,3 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 11,0 11,3 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 0,7 0,3 Varietal wines Druga vina 2,4 4,7 Other wines 1) Bilanca za vino je za tržno leto 2010/11 pripravljena na osnovi začasnih podatkov. The supply balance sheet for wine is prepared according to the provisional data for the market year 2010/11. Vir/Source: SURS Skoraj 70 % celotne domače potrošnje vina so v tržnem letu 2010/11 predstavljala bela vina White wines represented almost 70% of the total domestic use of wine in the marketing year 2010/11 V tržnem letu 2010/11 je domača potrošnja vina znašala skoraj 810.000 hektolitrov vina. Potrošnja belih vin je predstavljala 69 % od celotne domače potrošnje vina. Skoraj vsa potrošnja vina je bila namenjena za prehrano (98 % v letu 2010/11). In the marketing year 2010/11 the domestic use of wine amounted to almost 810,000 hectolitres. 69% of the total domestic use of wine was represented by the domestic use of white wines. Almost the whole domestic use was intended for human consumption (98% in 2010/11). Vsak Slovenec je v tem tržnem letu popil povprečno skoraj 39 litrov vina, od tega skoraj 27 litrov belih vin. Every citizen in Slovenia then drank almost 39 litres of wines in this marketing year, of which almost 27 litres of white wines. Grafikon 27: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za vino, Slovenija, 2005/06–2008/09 Chart 27: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for wine, Slovenia, 2005/06-2008/09 Vir/Source: SURS Presežek kakovostnih vin, več kot 100-odstotna samooskrba med 2005/06 in 2008/09 Surplus of quality wines and more than 100% rate of self-sufficiency between 2005/06 and 2008/09 Stopnja samooskrbe je bila v opazovanem obdobju visoka in precej stabilna, presegala je 90 %, v 2008/09 je dosegla skoraj 97 %. Za Slovenijo je bil za celotno opazovano obdobje značilen presežek kakovostnih vin; to se kaže v stopnji samooskrbe s kakovostnimi vini; ta je namreč v vseh letih presegala 100 %. The rate of self-sufficiency was high and stable during the observed period, it exceeded 90%, and in 2008/09 it reached almost 97%. For Slovenia, the entire observed period was characterized by a surplus of quality wines, which is indicated by the rate of self-sufficiency in quality wines, which in all years exceeded 100%. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 27 Tabela 11: Stopnja samooskrbe v bilanci za vino, Slovenija, 2009/10−2010/111) Table 11: Self-sufficiency rate in the supply balance sheet for wine, Slovenia, 2009/10-2010/111) 2009/10 2010/11 1.000 hl Vino 100,2 94,2 Wine od tega bela vina 99,7 93,2 of which white wines Vina z zaščiteno označbo porekla 108,7 101,7 Wines with protected designation of origin Vina z zaščitenim geografskim poreklom 86,2 89,7 Wines with protected geographical indication Sortna vina 0,0 57,3 Varietal wines Druga vina 107,6 71,4 Other wines 1) Bilanca za vino je za tržno leto 2010/11 pripravljena na osnovi začasnih podatkov. The supply balance sheet for wine is prepared according to the provisional data for the market year 2010/11. Vir/Source: SURS Stopnja samooskrbe z vinom je v tržnem letu 2010/11 dosegla 94 % Self-sufficiency rate in wine reached 94% in 2010/11 V tržnem letu 2010/11 je bil za Slovenijo značilen presežek vin z zaščiteno označbo porekla, kar se je kazalo v stopnji samooskrbe, ta je tedaj presegala 100 %. Najbolj je primanjkovalo sortnih vin; stopnja samooskrbe s temi vini jebila namreč v tem tržnem letu le 57-odstotna. In the 2010/11 marketing year the surplus of wines with protected designation of origin and other wines was characteristic, which was indicated by the rate of self-sufficiency, which exceeded 100% in that year. The most obvious was the deficit of the varietal wines, as the self-sufficiency rate amounted to only 57%. STATISTIČNO ZNAMENJE STATISTICAL SIGN … ni podatka … data not available DRUGO ZNAMENJE OTHER SIGN , decimalna vejica MERSKE ENOTE , decimal point (in tables) UNITS OF MEASUREMENT hl hektoliter hl hectolitre kg kilogram kg kilogram l liter l litre KRATICE ABBREVIATIONS EU Evropska unija EU European Union KIS Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije AIS Agricultural Institute of Slovenia MKO Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano MAE Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food SURS Statistični urad Republike Slovenije SURS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Viri in metode zbiranja podatkov Sources and methods of data collection Bilance kmetijskih proizvodov se izdelujejo za koledarsko in tržno leto na podlagi Eurostatove metodologije. Vsi podatki o bilancah, razen o bilanci za vino, se na mednarodnem področju sporočajo neobvezno. Izdelava bilanc po enotni metodologiji je vključena v redno statistiko pri vseh Supply balance sheets of agricultural products are compiled for the calendar and marketing years on the basis of Eurostat methodology. All the balance sheets, except the balance sheet for wine, are optionally reported at the international level. The compilation of the supply balance sheets Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 28 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 državah članicah EU. Tudi bilance kmetijskih proizvodov za Slovenijo so izdelane po metodoloških priporočilih Eurostata. according to the common methodology is included in regular statistics of all EU Member States. In Slovenia the supply balance sheets are compiled according to the Eurostat methodological recommendations. Glavni viri podatkov za izdelavo bilanc pri nas so statistike rastlinske pridelave, živalske proizvodnje, zakola, industrijske proizvodnje in zunanje trgovine, tržni informacijski sistem za trg jajc pri Agenciji za kmetijske trge in razvoj podeželja (MKO), Eurostatovi seznami kod carinske nomenklature in tehničnih koeficientov pretvorbe, ekspertne ocene Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije ter druge statistične ocene. The main data sources for the compilation of the balance sheets are crop production statistics, animal production and slaughter statistics, industrial production and external trade data, a market information system on the market of eggs from the Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development (MAE), Eurostat code lists of the customs nomenclature and technical conversion coefficients, expert opinions of the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia and other statistical estimates. Referenčna obdobja za bilance proizvodnje in potrošnje posameznih kmetijskih proizvodov The reference period for the supply balance sheets of agricultural products 1. 4.–31. 3. Zelenjava po vrstah Sadje po vrstah 1. 7.–30. 6. Žito Suhe stročnice Krompir, krompirjev škrob Zelenjava Sadje Sladkorna pesa, sladkor, med Oljnice, rastlinske maščobe, oljne pogače Krma 1. 8.–31. 7. Vino 1. 9.–31. 8. Riž 1. 1.–31. 12. Rastlinske maščobe, predelane maščobe Meso Mleko in mlečni izdelki Jajca 1 April - 31 March Vegetables by type Fruit by type 1 July - 30 June Cereals Dried pulses Potatoes, potato starch Vegetables Fruits Sugar beet, sugar, honey Oilseeds, vegetable fat, oil cake Feed 1 August - 31 July Wine 1 September - 31 August Rice 1 January - 31 December Vegetable fat, processed fat Meat Milk and milk products Eggs Zajem podatkov Coverage Bilance se lahko nanašajo samo na osnovne proizvode, samo na predelane proizvode ali na osnovne in predelane proizvode skupaj. Če se bilanca nanaša na osnovne in predelane proizvode skupaj, je treba vse proizvode preračunati na isto enoto (praviloma na osnovni proizvod). Bilance proizvodnje in potrošnje kmetijskih proizvodov so pripravljene na osnovi Eurostatovih seznamov kod kombinirane nomenklature carinske tarife, ob upoštevanju tehničnih koeficientov za preračun predelanih proizvodov v ekvivalente. Supply balance sheets can relate to the primary products only, to the processed products only or to the primary and processed products together. If the balance sheet relates to the primary and processed products together, all the products have to be converted to the same unit (usually the primary product). Supply balance sheets of agricultural products were prepared on the basis of Eurostat code lists of the combined nomenclature with the technical conversion coefficients of processed products as equivalents. Pravna osnova za izdelavo bilanc The legal basis of the balance Bilanca vina je v Evropski uniji edina, ki je v celoti predpisana in je obvezna za vse države članice. Pravno podlago predstavljata uredba Sveta o ureditvi trga z vinom Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 1493/1999 in izvedbena uredba Komisije, ki postavlja podrobna pravila glede zbiranja podatkov za spremljanje trga vina, tj. Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 1282/2001. Za vse ostale bilance obstajajo Eurostatova metodološka priporočila, poročanje držav članic pa je neobvezno. Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 479/2008, ki je stopila v veljavo z letom 2009, je postavila novo razdelitev kakovostnih razredov vina. The supply balance sheet for wine is the only one in the European Union, which is fully prescribed and is compulsory for all member states. The legal basis is presented by a council regulation on the organization of the wine market Council Regulation (EC) No. 1493/1999 and the implementing regulation, which sets out detailed rules concerning the collection of data to monitor the wine market Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1282/2001. For all other balance sheets Eurostat methodological recommendations exist and member states' reporting is optional. The Commision Regulation (EC) No. 479/2008, which came into force with 2009, has set the new distribution of quality classes of wine. Splošni koncepti bilanc so določeni z dokumentoma Dok. ESTAT/CPSA/447 in Dok. ESTAT/CPSA/459. Dok. ESTAT/CPSA/471 dopolnjuje Dok. ESTAT/CPSA/459 in predlaga Eurostatove roke sporočanja štirih sklopov bilanc. V prvi sklop spadajo nacionalne bilance, ki naj bi jih izdelovale države članice (bilance sladkorja, krompirja, sadja, zelenjave, vina, oljk, oljne repice, pripravljenih maščob in olj ter riža), v General concepts of the supply balance sheets are specified in the documents Doc. ESTAT/CPSA/447 and Doc. ESTAT/CPSA/459. Doc. ESTAT/CPSA/471 complements Doc. ESTAT/CPSA/459 and proposes Eurostat deadlines for four sets of supply balance sheets. The first set includes the balance sheets for sugar, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, wine, olives, rape, fats and oils and rice which have to be compiled by Member Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 29 drugi sklop bilance, ki bi jih za nacionalno raven izdeloval Eurostat (bilance jajc, mesa, mleka), v tretji sklop bilance, ki naj bi se izdelovale na ravni EU-27 in bi jih pripravljal Eurostat (bilance žit, medu, oljnih semen in beljakovinskih proizvodov, suhih stročnic, sončnic, lanu in bombaža), v četrti sklop pa tiste, ki jih ni več treba posredovati Eurostatu (bilance melase, kokosa, živalskih maščob in olj, maščob in olj morskih živali, oreščkov). States, the second includes the balance sheets for eggs, meat and milk which have to be compiled at the national level by Eurostat, the third set includes balance sheets which would be prepared at the EU-27 level and could be prepared by Eurostat (the balance sheets for cereals, honey, oil seeds and protein products, dried pulses, sunflower, flax and cotton), and the fourth set is the set of supply balance sheets that no longer need to be transmitted to Eurostat (the balance sheets for molasses, coconut oil, animal fats and oils, fats and oils of marine animals, nuts). Eurostatova metodološka priporočila za posamezne bilance Eurostat methodological recommendations for individual balance sheets Dok. ASA/PE/635 Priročnik s splošnimi koncepti za izdelavo bilanc za proizvodnjo in potrošnjo kmetijskih proizvodov Doc. ASA/PE/635 Handbook with the general concept of the supply balance sheets of agricultural products Dok. ASA/PE/636 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za žita Doc. ASA/PE/636 Guide for compilation of cereals balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/637 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za riž Doc. ASA/PE/637 Guide for compilation of rice balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/638 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za suhe stročnice Doc. ASA/PE/638 Guide for compilation of dried pulses balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/639 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za krompir in krompirjevi škrob Doc. ASA/PE/639 Guide for compilation of potato and potato starch balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/640 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za zelenjavo Doc. ASA/PE/640 Guide for compilation of the vegetables balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/641 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za sadje Doc. ASA/PE/641 Guide for compilation of the fruit balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/642 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance sladkorja in medu Doc. ASA/PE/642 Guide for compilation of the sugar and honey balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/643 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za oljna semena in oljnice Doc. ASA/PE/643 Guide for compilation of the oil and oil seeds balance sheet Dok. ASA/PE/644 Rev.1 Priročnik za izdelavo bilance za vino Doc. ASA/PE/644 Rev.1 Guide for compilation of wine balance sheet Definicije in pojasnila Definitions and explanations Bilance proizvodnje in potrošnje kmetijskih proizvodov so informacije o ponudbi in povpraševanju za določen kmetijski pridelek ali skupino pridelkov za določeno obdobje in se nanašajo na državo kot celoto. Bilance se glede na to, iz katerih podatkov se pripravijo, delijo na začasne in končne. Predstavljajo sintezo velikega števila različnih statističnih in drugih podatkov s področja kmetijstva in živilske industrije. Supply balance sheets of agricultural products are information on supply and demand for an agricultural product or group of products for a limited time series that relate to the country as a whole. The supply balance sheets are divided into the provisional and final, according to the data on which they are prepared. They present a synthesis of a wide variety of statistical and other information in the fields of agriculture and food industry. Bilance se glede na stopnjo predelave lahko nanašajo na osnovne proizvode, na predelane proizvode ali na osnovne in predelane proizvode skupaj. Če se bilanca nanaša na osnovne in predelane proizvode, je treba vse proizvode preračunati na isto enoto (praviloma osnovni proizvod). Za preračun predelanih proizvodov v osnovni proizvod (in obratno) se uporabljajo tehnični koeficienti. As regards the level of processing, balances may relate to the primary products, to the processed products, or to primary and processed products together. If the balance sheet relates to the primary and processed products, all products have to be converted to the same unit (usually the primary product). For the conversion of processed products in the primary product (and vice versa) the technical coefficients are used. Osnovni proizvod je proizvod v svojem začetnem stanju (npr. žito, krompir, jajca ipd.). Osnovni proizvodi so definirani s Standardno klasifikacijo dejavnosti (SKD) in opisani v okviru metodoloških pojasnil za posamezna področja statistike (npr. statistika rastlinske pridelave). Količine osnovnega proizvoda se izražajo v teži standardnega proizvoda. Primary product is a product in its initial state (e.g. cereals, potatoes, eggs, etc.). Primary products are defined by the Standard Classification of Activities and described in the context of methodological explanations for specific areas of statistics (e.g. harvest statistics). Quantities of primary products are expressed in the weight of a standard product. Predelani proizvod je rezultat predelave enega izmed osnovnih proizvodov. Stopenj predelave je lahko več (npr. osnovni proizvod – koruza; prva stopnja predelave – škrob; druga stopnja predelave – glukoza; tretja stopnja predelave – izoglukoza). Stranski proizvodi, ki nastanejo pri predelavi osnovnega proizvoda (npr. otrobi), se v bilanci praviloma ne upoštevajo. Processed product is a result of processing of one of the primary products. Different levels of processing exist (e.g. primary product - maize; the first processing stage - starch; the second processing stage - glucose; the third processing stage - isoglucose). By-products are results from the processing of basic products (e.g. bran); they are not included in the balance sheet. Referenčno obdobje za zbiranje podatkov in izdelavo bilanc proizvodnje in potrošnje kmetijskih proizvodov zajema 12 zaporednih mesecev. Za živalske proizvode se to obdobje ujema s koledarskim letom, za rastlinske proizvode, razen za rastlinske maščobe, pa se to obdobje The reference period for the compilation of the balance sheets of agricultural products covers 12 consecutive months. For animal products, this period coincides with the calendar year, for crop products, except for vegetable fat, this period coincides with the marketing year, and this is Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 30 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 ujema s tržnim letom; to pa ni enako za vse pridelke. Bilance proizvodnje in potrošnje kmetijskih proizvodov delimo glede na referenčno obdobje, in sicer na koledarske in tržne. not the same for all crops. Supply balance sheets of agricultural products are divided according to the reference period into the calendar and the market balance sheets. Proizvodnja vključuje vse uporabne količine, proizvedene v državi v določenem referenčnem obdobju, ne glede na vrsto porabe. V rastlinski pridelavi se kot proizvodnja upošteva pridelek, pospravljen v koledarskem letu, v katerem se začne referenčno obdobje. Nepospravljeni pridelek in izgube ob spravilu ter ob prevozu do gospodarstva se ne upoštevajo kot proizvodnja. Production includes all the useful quantities produced in the country in a given reference period, irrespective of the type of consumption. In crop production it means harvested yield in the calendar year covered by the start of the reference period. Non-harvested yield and losses at harvesting and transport are not considered as production. Skupna proizvodnja vina vključuje proizvodnjo vin in mošta, namenjenega za pridelavo vina. Proizvodnja za druge namene je zanemarljiva. Razčlenitev po kakovosti poteka v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo. Vsa vina, proizvedena po kmetijah, se štejejo za namizna vina. Uporabna proizvodnja obsega pridelek (bruto proizvodnja, zmanjšana za izgube pridelka) grozdja (deli se po barvi) v koledarskem letu, v katerem se začne referenčno obdobje, ki se nato pretvori v vino z uporabo tehničnih stopenj ekstrakcije. Domača industrijska potrošnja zajema količine destiliranega vina za proizvodnjo etilnega alkohola in vino, ki se uporablja pri proizvodnji kisa. Predelava vključuje količine vina, namenjene za proizvodnjo vermuta, in aromatična vina. Potrošnja za prehrano vključuje količino vin in mošta za prehrano ljudi. Bilanca za vina je tudi edina izmed prikazanih bilanc, ki se pripravlja za tržno, to je vinsko leto. Total domestic production of wine includes wines and must intended for the production of wine. Production for use, other than wine, is negligible. Breakdown of quality is conducted in accordance with national legislation. All wines produced from the farms are considered to be table wines. Usable production consists of yield (gross output minus the loss of yield) of grapes (divided by colour) in a calendar year, which represents the beginning of the reference period, which is then converted into wine by using technical rates of extraction. Industrial domestic use includes quantities of wine distilled for the production of ethyl alcohol and wine used in the manufacture of vinegar. Processing includes quantities of wine intended for the production of vermouth and aromatic wines. Human consumption includes quantities of wine and must for human consumption. The balance sheet for wine is the only shown supply balance sheet compiled for the marketing year, wine year. Zunanja trgovina vključuje uvoz in izvoz proizvodov po Kombinirani nomenklaturi carinske tarife (KN), in sicer ločeno za promet med drugimi državami in državami članicami EU in za promet z drugimi državami (zunaj EU). Seznam kod KN in tehnični koeficienti za preračun v ustrezne enote (ekvivalente) so določeni za vsako bilanco posebej. External trade includes import and export of products in accordance with the combined nomenclature (CN), separately for the transport between other countries and EU Member States and for the transport with other countries (outside the EU). The code lists and technical conversion coefficients for the calculation to the appropriate units (equivalents) are set separately for each balance sheet. Spremembe v zalogah se nanašajo na vse zaloge, ne glede na to, kje se te nahajajo. Predstavljajo razliko med zalogami na koncu in zalogami na začetku referenčnega obdobja. Začetne zaloge so definirane kot neporabljene količine proizvodov iz proizvodnje v predhodnem referenčnem obdobju, ki so na zalogi na prvi dan referenčnega obdobja. Končne zaloge so zaloge na zadnji dan referenčnega obdobja. Praviloma je treba v bilancah upoštevati zaloge vseh tistih proizvodov, ki se upoštevajo tudi v zunanji trgovini. Zaloge na ravni trgovine na drobno in končnih porabnikov (gospodinjstva) se ne upoštevajo (upoštevajo se v različnih oblikah domače porabe). Changes in stocks should refer to all stocks, regardless of where they are located. It means the difference between stocks at the end and stocks at the beginning of the reference period. Initial stocks are defined as quantities of unused products from the production of the previous reference period, which are held on the first day of the reference period. Ending stocks are stocks on the last day of the reference period. As a rule, in the supply balance sheets stocks of those products which are taken into account in external trade have to be taken into account. Stocks in retail trade and end consumers (households) are not included (they are included in the various forms of domestic use). Domača potrošnja je sestavljena; vključuje tudi semena ali jajca, ki se porabijo za naslednji proizvodni ciklus, izgube, ki so nastale med skladiščenjem, med prevozom, v predelavi in pripravi za trg, vključno s količinami, ki so bile umaknjene s trga, krmo, namenjeno neposredno za prehrano živali ali za proizvodnjo krmil, industrijsko potrošnjo za proizvodnjo proizvodov za neprehranske namene, predelano (količine osnovnega proizvoda, porabljene za nadaljnjo predelavo), ter potrošnjo za prehrano v predelani ali nepredelani obliki; zadnja zajema tudi izgube in spremembe v zalogah na ravni trgovine na drobno in končnih potrošnikov. Domestic use consists also of seeds or eggs which are used for the next production cycle, the losses that have occurred during storage, during transport, processing and market preparation, including the amounts that were withdrawn from the market, feed intended directly for animal feed or for production materials, industrial use for the production of products for uses other than for human consumption (the quantities of basic products used for further processing) and human consumption in processed or unprocessed form; the latter also includes losses and changes in stocks at the level of trade retailers and end consumers. Stopnja samooskrbe kaže, v kolikšni meri domača proizvodnja (iz domačega osnovnega proizvoda) zadošča za domačo potrošnjo (potrošnjo za krmo, za prehrano in za potrošnjo v industriji). Self-sufficiency indicates the extent to which the domestic production (from domestic primary product) covers the domestic use (domestic use of feed, food and consumption in industry). Potrošnja na prebivalca je izračunana z razmerjem potrošnje za prehrano in števila prebivalcev. Za izračun se uporabljajo podatki o številu prebivalcev iz uradnih statističnih virov. V bilancah za koledarsko leto je upoštevano število prebivalcev na dan 30. 6., v bilancah za tržno leto pa na dan 31. 12. Podatki se nanašajo na prebivalce, ki običajno živijo v državi. Upoštevajo se tudi osebe, ki sicer živijo v državi, a so začasno odsotne, medtem ko se tujci, ki v državi živijo začasno, ne upoštevajo. Consumption per capita is calculated by the ratio of domestic use of food and population. For the calculation the data on the population from official statistical sources are used. In the calendar supply balance sheets the number of population on 30 June is used and in the market supply balance sheets the number of population on 31 December is used. Data refer to the people who usually reside in the country. People who otherwise live in the country but are temporarily absent are also taken into account, while foreigners who are temporarily living in the country are not included. Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 31 Objavljanje rezultatov Data publishing Letno: Annually: – Rastlinske in živalske bilance za koledarsko leto, Slovenija - končni podatki. Prva objava – Crop and animal supply balance sheets for the calendar year, Slovenia - final data. First Release – Končna bilanca za vino za tržno leto, Slovenija. Prva objava – Final supply balance sheet for wine for the marketing year, Slovenia. First Release − Bilance proizvodnje in potrošnje kmetijskih proizvodov, Slovenija – končni podatki. Statistične informacije − Supply balance sheets of agricultural products, Slovenia – final data. Rapid Reports − Statistični letopis Republike Slovenije − Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Slovenia Avtorica Špela Gale Author Špela Gale Publikacija je na voljo na spletnem naslovu www.stat.si/publikacije/pub_statinf1.asp?področje=15 Datum objave na spletu: 21. 2. 2013 Informacije daje Informacijsko središče: tel. (01) 241 64 04 elektronska pošta info.stat@gov.si Access to the publication at: www.stat.si/doc/statinf/15-si-275-1301.pdf Web release date: 21. 2. 2013 Information: Information Centre phone: + 386 1 241 64 04 e-mail: info.stat@gov.si Izdal in založil Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Litostrojska cesta 54 – © SURS – Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljeni le z navedbo vira Issued and published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Litostrojska cesta 54 – © SURS – Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged Statistične informacije, št. 1/2013 32 Rapid Reports No 1/2013 KAKO DO STATISTIČNIH PODATKOV IN INFORMACIJ? 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