Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians America Z.ESZ-T0222 VA NOIONIIUV 0UT idv aa asnoHianoo t0£T T vrNVAva>i NV1IW ■Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 103, No. 23 USPS 024100 Serving over 200,000 American Slovenians AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 7, 2001 ISSN Number 0164-68X 600 Slovenia to Host Bush - Putin Summit United States President George W. Bush and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, will meet in Slovenia in mid-June (on either the 16,h or 17th). Bush will be on a tour of Europe from June 12th to the 16th and at the end of that tour he will visit Slovenia where he will also hold his first meeting with Russian President Putin. Slovenia’s selection for the meeting is not only an expression of the excellent relations that Slovenia has with both the US and Russia, but also an acknowledgment of its efforts towards peace and easing tensions in the world and of everything that Slovenia has done along its path of fundamental economic, political and social reforms, according to senior Slovenian officials. News about the visit was announced by US Secretary of State Colin Powell in Washington and was confirmed by the Slovenian Foreign Ministry. President Bush is also scheduled to meet with Slovenia Prime Minister Janez Drnovšek and President Milan Kučan. The talks will focus on bilateral relations and Slovenian interests in membership in Euro-Atlantic organizations. Slovenia places considerable importance on the summit, since it hopes the meeting will lead to greater stability and the consolidation of peace in the world. Officials and security personnel are considering the various possibilities for the high-level meeting site. As of this printing final determination has not been made. Locations under consideration are Ljubljana, Brdo (near Kranj), and Castle Strmole. A rumor is that Putin may stay an extra day to do some skiing in Kanim where at least 4 mches of snow remains. He is an avid skier. But the resort manager says he hasn’t heard about the possible visit. Amanda Koporc is Collinwood High Salutatorian Amanda Koporc, daughter of Albert and Suzanne Koporc of E. 152nd St., Cleveland, graduated Salutatorian from Collinwood High School on May 25,2001. Participating in many activities, namely Yearbook, Drama Club, Academic Olympiad, National Academic Decathlon, ■lohn Carrol Math Compe-tition, National Honor So-^ety, and March of Dimes j^ive did not keep her r°m making the High Honor Roll all four years. She was a Teacher’s ssistant for Cleveland hematic Program and Hgonometry Teaching Assistant and Tutor. Amanda was awarded The Cleveland State University’s Presidential Award (fully paid/-including books for four years). Other Awards received: Academic Decathlon, Silver and Bronze Medals, and the General Electric Essay Scholarship. She took First Place in Science Fair and 2nd Place in the Regional Science Fair, and was named Science Student of the Year. Amanda is listed in. the “Who’s Who in Cleveland Municipal Schools.” She will attend Cleveland State University and major in Nursing. Congratulations and Best Wishes for a very successful future. Amanda is the granddaughter of A1 and Aggie Koporc of Bratenahl. Daniel Hirselj Receives Doctor of Medicine Degree Daniel A. Hirselj, the son ® Emil and Ann (Zevnik) Irselj of Centerville, Ohio \j) Daniel A. Hirselj received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the Ohio State University College of Medicine on June 7, 2001. He will serve his doctor’s residency at St. Louis University Hospitals where he will be specializing in urology. Dan received his undergraduate degree from the Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri where he played on the school’s soccer team, and graduated Cum Laude. Dan has just returned from a 30-day trip to Europe which included a stop in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the birthplace of his ancestors. Besides his proud parents, Dan has a host of relatives who are very proud of his achievements. They include his brothers, Air Force Captain Mark Hirselj of South Carolina, twin brother David of Oregon, and sister Rebecca Hirselj Esq. of Washington, D.C.; grandmother Pauline Zevnik of Wickliffe, and aunts and uncles. Dan is also the grandson of the late Josephine (Pepsa) Selic. Congratulations to all! Left to right: Alyson, Dr. Christopher, Tori and Jonathan Christopher Robben is UM Med School graduate Christopher N. Robben, son of Norm and Genie Robben of Cape Coral, FL graduated May 12 from the University of Miami School of Medicine. He will begin his internship in Emergency Medicine at the Orlando Regional Medical Center in June. He graduated from the University of Florida in 1997. Christopher is the brother of Tori who also graduated in year 2000 from the University of Florida with a degree in Communications, specializing in Public Relations. Her sister Alyson is a third year honor student at Florida State University, majoring in Theater Performance. Brother Jonathan is a junior at Bishop Verot High School. Their grandmother is Genevieve “Gene” Drobnič. Congratulations to all! Avsenik on Public Radio Editor, I am a former Ameriška Domovina carrier, and I receive the AD as a gift from my mother-in-law, Kristina Rihtar (a rather “hip” lady who lives on E. 63rd Street in Cleveland). I now live in Colorado with my wife Majdi (nee Rihtar), and three children. I want to share a wonderful story that I heard on Public Radio last month. I was driving home on May 17th not happy with what I was listening to on the radio. So I switched to our Public Radio station and, with a pleasant surprise, heard Avsenik’s music. A weekly music show was doing a piece on the origin of the polka and interviewing the sons of the original band-members. Once hearing the familiar music on the station, I turned up the sound and smiled from ear to ear. I wanted to honk my hom or yell out the window, but restrained myself. What a treat. Later, I found the radio program on the Internet. In the “music archives” of www.theworld.org dated May 17th, one can find the radio program and listen to it with proper software. The programming was very well done and a special treat for my commute home. P.S. -1 appreciate hearing about Slovenians and Cleveland through the Ameriška Domovina. I especially have enjoyed Mr. Žakelj’s Diary. It gives us a glimpse of the trials our parents went through as immigrants. Well done. —Frank Lavrisha Louisville. CO ififiT' ‘/ aMnr VMTAOiArnrr W^T'H'^lArv Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Another meeting of the American Home Read Warriors is now in session. I’m inconsolable. The reason is WRMR, the easy listening, golden oldies, big band, swing, nostalgia radio station is going off the air. Not only will they cancel the world’s most marvelous music, but talk shows will take its place. What can be worse than a bunch of people who don’t know what they’re talking about, call in to let others in on their shortcomings and misplaced proclivities, stirred with blissful ignorance. To add insult to injury, they’re going to be talking about sports. Statistics produce sleep in me. What’s a music fan to do? I tuned in to WDOK this evening. They play a lot of fine familiar 1970s songs, but after a while, it all begins to sound the same - sorrowful wailing about lost some-thing-or-other. It’s hard to tell what they lost, because they’re groaning so sadly; maybe it was their slippers. I don’t know; the distressful mumbo-jumbo is hard to understand. Might as well listen to the country and western stations. Just about everybody I know listens to WRMR, the former WJW station. If they wanted to hear some blabber-mouths, they could listen to the hyenas at the zoo. I’m going to miss Ted Hallaman to whom I could relate, especially his terrific sense of humor. He reminds me of Julius (Groucho) Marx. Some disc jockeys spend much of their time bragging about how important they are. I want to hear the music, not a lecture on their achievements in life. Many hours I would be working late at night with the radio on enjoying the familiar love songs and sentimental favorites. Now as I sit here at the computer, there is only the clicking of the keyboard to keep me company. On the new digital cable television, there are 40 some channels with only music. A person can tune in jazz, rock, golden oldies, classical, rapp, easy listening, etc., with music playing continuously. What they ought to do is bring those satellite TV channels to the radio. Imagine having a car radio which is able to tune to a station with continuous music of your choice. Or beam it in to your Walkman. Ted Hallaman used to end his show with the song, “Whatever happened to radio?” The song refers to the half-hour and hour dramas, comedies and mysteries of the 1940s and 1950s. That was when listening to the radio was entertaining and the focal point of an evening’s activity. To enjoy those programs you had to use your brain. Television has taken away most of your expertise to imagine. We have almost lost the ability for our brain to translate spoken thoughts into a picture in our mind. The TV does the work for us. It’s essential we still have books to read. For those whose eyesight is dimming or if we become tired of listening to drones yakking on the radio, we can listen to books on tape. Bring back the great music that means something wonderful in our lives. Until then, I’m going to miss you more than words can say. Comments: Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 fax: (216) 431-0628, e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina BIORHYTHM Yean ago, by means of this colantn, yonn truly offered a FREE 30 DAY BIORHYTHM CHART. Many of you responded by sending your dates of birth in * self-addressed, stamped business size envelope, and received a personalized chart-This opportunity is again being extended to you. Perhaps you never beard about “BIOHYTHM”? Let me explain. Psychologists and medical researchers 100 years ago discovered that every human being goes through different phases of life on a set cycles of emotion. These phases are based on a biological clock that begins to tick at the moment of your birth. Scientists claimed that you have a pattern of physical, emotional and intellectual high, low and critical days, starting at the moment of your birth and these cycles continue until your death. Scientists claimed that they could predict why a person Mdld not feel good* on a certain day or had a catastrophic event on another day, as well as a period of tranquility, all based on these cycles. Biorhythm books are filled with examples of famous people and events in their lives, based on biorhythm charts. Do you wish to know yourself better? Do you want to know why yon may have received a failing grade on a test on a certain date? Do you want to know why you fell and broke your ankle on a certain day? This chart may explain and IT IS FREE! NO MAGIC! HAVE SOME FUN FIGURING YOUR HIGHS AND LOWS! PLEASE SEND YOUR REQUEST, NOTING THE DAY, THE MONTH AND THE YEAR THAT IS OF INTEREST TO YOU TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: John Mercina, c/o American Home, 6117 St.Clair Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 ALL IN THE FAMILY by RUDY FLIS Serenade means “evening music.” If you were to sing to someone in the morning, it would be an aubade. It’s nice to be important; but more important to be nice. -Sally Furlich It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. Vacation There will be no American Home (Ameriška Domovina) printed the week of July 4,h. Calling all recreational gamblers!! Don’t miss this chance to cruise with Jean Scott, Queen of Comps* (Author of best selling book. “The Frugal Gambler”) ♦Free slot tournamenl with cash prizes-Spccial added features ♦Golden opportunity to discover how can become an advantage player. ms Westerdam 5-day Bahamas and Key West Feb. 17-22, 2002 Starting at only $789.00pp** (♦♦based on double occupancy, includes port charges and taxes^ Ask about air add-ons.) Limited Cabins Available! Reserve your cabin now! 1-216-261-1050, 1-800-659-2662 I? Lkk Cruise Giants Division of Euclid Travel 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 travel@euclidtravel.com etiOSI*, I’m first generation Slovenian. I cherish customs, food and memories of my heritage. My mom, my dad and my sisters and brothers will always be special to me. We were close. But when It comes to my aunts and uncles and also my cousins, who were east side Slovenians, we were not as close. Sylvia Avenue, E. 169th and Grovewood, and Union Avenue were a long streetcar ride to or from our far west side home. But we always saw the east-siders at weddings and funerals, and that is about how we stayed in touch with each other. That didn’t include name days and when my aunts and uncles came to help my mom and dad cut hay with scythes and make a huge haystack behind our house, needed for our cows and pigs. And, that is why we are now pretty much out of touch with some of our cousins. Also, we are the oldies, working on our family memories. To continue, this past Friday I stopped at Malensek’s Meat Market and purchased some Slovenian smoked klobase. I wanted to deliver it to a customer of mine, so he could enjoy it on a weekend. He is always pleased when I stop with such a delivery, 3 reward he has received only from me. But this Friday he was busy and unable to see me, because I didn’t call and set up an appointment. As I stood in front of a pretty 3n^ very young receptionist, not sure what to do next, I asked if she could see to it that Mark got this package before he left work today. Then I said to her, “You won t know what this is, or why the special aroma, so I must tell you this package contains Slovenian smoked klobase.” She started laughing as she told me her grandma brings Slovenian sausage when she visits them. Then knew whom this young l3^ was. I said to her, “Your grandma is my cousin, 3n your great-grandma is ^ aunt Rose and the sister o my dad, and she helped mV dad come to the USA frolTl Austria-Hungary in 1913- This young lady’s d3 ’ owner of the company I business with, married nay cousin Rose’s daughter, aJ) it was a pleasant surprise t me to meet their love ^ daughter for the first time. Who would have eve thought, Slovenian smok6^ klobase is also an excel!6 way to ferret out dist3 relatives. American Home on Internet You can e-mail noticed, articles, informati°n directly to the American Home newspaper at ah@buckeyeweb.com Starting Over in America i . ....................... by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) Sunday, July 15, 1956 I slept better. The shower doesn’t seem to help me anymore, so I’ve stopped using it. Terribly hot. We went to the St. Vitus carnival again. The children only spent $1 on rides; I spent $2 on bets. S°n John won a basket of food, worth about $1.50-$2. Monday, July 16,1956 At the shop Joe Perko Was very angry that DP’s w°n both cars in the St. Vitus raffle. Thursday, July 19,1956 F- Pala started laying a oow sidewalk along our house, as we had agreed. Friday, July 20, 1956 Despite the rain, Pala 'nished the new sidewalk, and charged me $375. Saturday, July 21,1956 . 75 . 8o°F, but the humid-lty 'S 95%. I’m tired: I forked 8‘/2 hours at the s °P, and then cleaned up after Pala at home. Sunday, July 22, 1956 I wanted to get some s cep during the day, but the children were screaming so I couldn’t sleep. Monday, July 23, 1956 I Worked at two machines 0m 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., in-c uding, for the first time, the kr'nder. Milton noticed that I Was nervous and moved me otf the grinder. 1 'vent to see Dr. Ukmar this evening. He gave me a , lit £av<* 1UW a , ' of penicillin (I think) three kinds of medicine. e ordered me not to work °ce than 9 hours a day. ‘ttesday, July 24,1956 didn't sleep all night, so I didn’t go to work today. Instead I worked at home. It’s not as hot, and I’m feeling better. Wednesday, July 25, 1956 Same as yesterday. In the morning I built a screen for the porch. In the afternoon, I took a water treatment. Thursday, July 26, 1956 I slept better last night, so I went to work today and stayed until 5 p.m. Ralph, Mike and Andy reminded me not to work so fast, since I’m 49 and not 22. Bob asked me why I’m sick so often: “Are you worried about something?” I replied: “It’s everything!” He said, “Are you worried about getting to our new shop after we move? Don’t worry. You’re a good worker and I will arrange everything so it’ll be fine.” I thanked him from my heart. Sunday, July 29,1956 Nice, 75°F. This afternoon we went to Gordon Park and visited the Aquarium there. Wednesday, Aug. 1, 1956 Another nice day; 80°F. I slept well last night and worked easily today. Saturday, Aug. 4,1956 Lev Jereb handed out cigars and chocolate for his last day at our shop. He showed me a letter from his relative in Slovenia asking for a dress so his relative’s daughter could go to her First Communion. Sunday, Aug. 5, 1956 Last night, a strong thunderstorm blew down the large tree in our yard. We cleaned it up today and loaded the branches on Ernest Zupan’s truck. He drove everything down to the lake. Friday, Aug. 10,1956 Ernest Zupan painted the polka mass Saturday, June 16, 2001 5:00 p.m. George Balasko Celebrant (Polka Priest) (o ves's/ovie id atefce/ne/ Immediately following Mass: Roast Pork Chicken Marsala Cabbage Roll Dinner Wish Included 6:00 p.m. (Advance Sale Only) B.Y.O.B. Tickets: $22.00 per person Dancing ’til 10:00 p.m. T/te T& I 'Bond (Formerly "The Orcades") For Tickets Call: Joe Moynihan (21(i) 351-2048 Pat DeLuca (216) 749-7815 Jack Altenberg (216) 351-6870 apartment that the Cerar’s had rented. He charged $30 for his labor and $19 for the paint. Sunday, Aug. 12, 1956 This afternoon we went to the Yugoslav Cultural Garden. There were speeches by Governor Lausche, Mayor Celebrezze and others, then dancing and singing. Monday, Aug. 13,1956 This evening I went to Slak Optical. I told him about the headaches I’ve been getting and asked if new glasses would help. He didn’t think so, but he recommended that I see Dr. Gauly for a complete eye exam. Dr. Gauly is in Europe, so I won’t be able to see him for a while. Wednesday, Aug. 15,1956 I felt sick and missed work again. . I went to Ceme’s (Jewelers) and bought a watch for $25. Thursday, Aug. 16,1956 I slept poorly and I can’t eat, but I worked easily. In the evening, I took a water treatment, wrapping my body in a cold, wet sheet. Friday, Aug. 17, 1956 88°F. I gave son John $5 for his birthday, but he was more excited about the dime his mother gave him to buy On Sundays we often took walks along East 55"’ to the shore of Lake Erie. Here are sons Tony, Joe and John next to the East Ohio Gas Co., September, 1954. “blowing bubbles.” Cilka is bleeding again; Dr. Ukmar says this is com- mon for women her age. (She’s 41). (To Be Continued) Tony’s... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $6.00 664 E. 185th St. - at Abbey Ave. Cleveland HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat. We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers! fa Listen to SLOVENIAN ^ HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM Saturdays 9-10 pm Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Science as a Path Towards Unity of Slovenians THE WORLD CONGRESS OF SLOVENIAN SCIENTISTS AND RESEARCHERS UNIVERSITIY OF MARIBOR, SEPTEMBER 20 - 22, 2001 Name and Family Name:_ Institution: _________ Mailing address:. Telephone no. (office)___ Telephone no. (residence). Facsimile no. (office)___ Facsimile no. (residence) e-mail: __________________ Names and Addresses (e-mail) of other colleagues scientists of Slovenian descent: I would like to participate to the Conference of Slovenian scientists and researchers at home and abroad: with a lecture i with a poster with both Suggested topics:. We kindly ask You to send us a short Curriculum vitae along with your reply. Date:.......................... Signature:.............................. Please return your completed form to: Svetovni slovenski kongres - Slovenian World Congress Cankarjeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, or fax to 386 1 2522 125 or 386 1 425 24 40, e-mail: ssk.uD@eunet. si AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 7, 2001 ‘Z. 3Nnr ‘VMIA niATorr wmctm^tai 4 1 i: St. Vitus Village Receives $6,000 The above picture was taken in front of St. Vitus Village which is currently under construction in Cleveland, Ohio. The occasion was to present Rev. Joseph Boznar, Pastor of St. Vitus Parish, a donation totaling $6,150 toward the construction costs of the St. Vitus Village, an independent living senior facility that is being built on parish grounds. The proceeds were raised from a Chicken and Pork Dinner that was held April 8lh at the St. Vitus Auditorium. St. Mary Magdalene KSKJ Lodge #162, St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25, St. Vitus Altar Society, and the St. Vitus Holy Name Society co-sponsored the dinner. This event was a part of the American Slovenian Catholic Union KSKJ Matching Funds Program. Included in the above figure is $2,000 from the KSKJ Matching Funds Program -- $1,000 from each of the two KSKJ lodges that participated in organizing the dinner. The committee would like to thank everyone, including the cook and her staff, for volunteering their services to make this dinner a huge success and to those who came to the dinner. A total of 575 dinners were served. A special thanks to James Slapnik Jr. Florist for donating the flowers that decorated the tables at the dinner. It was nice having the youth of the parish helping at the dinner. Shown in the picture from left to right are, John Turek, Financial Secretary of KSKJ Lodge #25, Ivanka Matic, President of the St. Vitus Altar Society, Betty Orehek, Vice President of KSKJ Lodge #162, Fr. Joseph Boznar, Pastor of St. Vitus Parish, Joseph Baškovič, President of KSKJ Lodge #25, Charles Winter, President of the Holy Name Society and Auditor of KSKJ Lodge #25, Albin Orehek, Treasurer of KSKJ Lodge #25, and Joseph Hočevar, Vice President of KSKJ Lodge #25 and 2nd Vice president of the KSKJ National Board. Slovenians "R" Usl Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, June 9. SWU Branch 10 Reporting Bea Zimmerman Hi, ladies! Mother’s Day is gone, Memorial Day is gone. How fast the days are going. Next will be the 4th of July. I hope everyone will be having a good time. I know I will because I like fireworks. Victoria Manardo made her First Holy Communion in May. Congratulations from grandmother Joyce Se-gulin and great-grandmother Stephanie Segulin. Frances Klemenčič’s grandson Ricky Penicka made his First Holy Communion at St. John Vianney church in Mentor. Ricky’s brother Jason was the Altar Boy at this beautiful Mass. Ricky is the great-grandnephew of Elsie Zalar. Congratulations, Ricky. The ladies give thanks to Pat Nevar Slovenian Workmen’s Home, for having their Mothers’ Day get-together on May 18lh. It was wonderful. No steps, just walk into the building and sit down at a table already fixed. All the ladies had a good time. Bea Zimmerman, Stephanie Segulin, Theresa Dagg, Mary Pozelnik, Lillian ''mnieo. Frances Klemen- čič, Elsie Zalar, Ann Augustine, Lucy Romih, Sylvia Jansa, Antonia Ker-jenik, Kaye Moro, Marian Moro, Mary Podlogar, Theresa Ferraccoli, Marie Gombach, Ann Stefančič and Frances Rusmak. Thank you and God bless you all. The generosity of these members was greatly appreciated. Would like to hear from other members. Please send donations to Theresa Dagg, Secretary of SWU #10, 15611 Saranac Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. I would like the ladies to know we have a special person in our lodge #10. She is our favorite volunteer, Albina Zimmerman. Bea has devoted 22 years and thousands of hours taking care of sick babies and sick children to the age of 12 at Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital. April was volunteer month. The volunteer dinner at the Skating Club in Shaker Heights had 500 present. Bea Zimmerman was one of the top five and was highly honored with a standing ovation. Congratulations, Bea; we are very proud to have such a wonderful lady in our Slovenian Women’s Union #10. Wishing all our ailing members a speedy recovery, especially Joyce Lenassi and Mary Pierce. —Steffie Segulin Meeting Slovenian Women’s Union Branch #25 will meet on Sunday, June 10 in St. Vitus Social Room at 1:30 p.m. All members are invited to attend. St. Clair Pensioners News A wonderful time was had by all at the Lucky Pick Drawing on May 17,h. The winners were: $300 -John Klopcic; $100 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhel; $50.00 - Olga Pelko; $25.00 - Helen Pisek; and $25.00 -Donald Novak. The Afghan was received by Jeff Zabukovec. Beautifully made, it was donated by Marge Steixner. Two bottles of spirits were won by Irene Toth and Josephine Petrovič. It was donated by Larry Hočevar. Lovely table centerpieces provided by our designer Josie Perpar went to 12 lucky winners. Delicious Slovenian sausages, sauerkraut, chips, muffins, coffee, etc., were served by hostesses Lil Ribarich, Fran Forsythe, Fran Piletič, Chris Ujcich and Vickie Spech. Entertainment was provided by Frank Rich, Tony Baznik, and Joe Okom. Greeting and registration was handled by Florence Jaksic and Joe Avsec. A million thanks to all who helped in any way. The singing was great and the smiles on all our St. Clair Pensioner power people made this a delightful fundraiser. Get well wishes to the following who had eye surgery: Angie Shine, Louise Fegus, Ann Zgonc, Ed Kar-nak and Frank Rich. On the mend are Helen Pisek and Larry Hočevar. Love and prayers to all of you and all our shut-ins. Congratulations are in order to the following: Marie and Ed Kotar on the wedding of their daughter in Cincinnati; Ann and Joe Zgonc on the wedding of their granddaughter in Texas; Agnes and Al Koporc on the graduation of their granddaughter; Betty and Tony Grdina on the graduation of their son from Baldwin Wallace; Val and Tony Baznik on the graduation of their daughter from Ursuline College; and Mary Persin on the graduation of her daughter from Ursuline College. Best wishes to all the prestigious parents, grandparents and children. -Have a happy life. At our monthly meeting on Thursday, June 21st, our speaker will be Beverly Keeler, a Registered Dietitian from St. Vincent Charity Hospital. Taking responsibility for our health is extremely important. Have your questions ready; she will be happy to inform you- On June 26,h, Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m., we will depart from Orr Ice Arena on Babbitt and Milton Rd. in Euclid for Greektown in Detroit. A 7 a.m. departure will be from Slovenian Home on St. Clair. The coach will be carrying 3 piggy, so bring your nickels. Please send your $23 check payable to St. Clair Pensioners, and specify your pickup point - Euclid or St-Clair; to: Mrs. V. Baznik, 19790 South Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44119-Payment must be made before June 18Ih. —Valerie Baznik i— ----------------;—i i Fences - Ograje i [Any type of fence. Chain[ | link, wood and ornamental [ J iron. Railings for steps. [ j Porches, balconies. We ] ] have our own surveyor. J JOKIC FENCE CO. 216-944-6777 EUCLID COLONIAL For sale by owner. By appointment only. 261-2584. Newly updated. Open house Sunday 2-4. 21671 Ball Ave. Drive in - or Walk In BRONKO’S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine soldi 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer SL O VENE FOLK TALES _____by DUŠICA KUNAVER_ Fairies in the Cave of Vilenica "T THlenica is the under-\/ ground cave where V in ancient days fairies lived. Fairies were shy beings, hiding from humans, but sometimes the Vilenica fairies came out of their underground palace to meet the people who lived in the villages around their cave. Long ago a poor woman called Mother Jegrič, lived in a little hut at the end of the village of Lokev in the Karst countryside. She dearly loved her daughter, her only child, Marinca. That was the time when fairies lived in the nearby Vilenica cave. They had lived there for thousands of years. One day the mother and the daughter had enough wood, the mother said: “Let’s go home, Marinca.” “Yes, let’s go,” answered Marinca, “and cook our supper.” Just then they saw three fairies standing under a big lime tree. They were very beautiful in their long dresses, as soft and white as morning mist. They had long, golden, shining hair. “Mother, bring your daughter to this place next year at the same time,” one °f the fairies said. “Marinca will go with us into the cave.” The mother knew she Would lose her child. She was desperate, but she had to obey. The wishes of the Vilenica fairies must always be obeyed. The fairies might even kill the people who disobeyed. Marinca’s mother cried day and night, all the year long. “Don’t worry, Mother,” Marinca said to her ^ben she found her in tears, bet God help us. Let him ^elp us. Everything will be ab right in the end.” One year passed and the Mother took her daughter to the forest. The fairies were already waiting under the lime trees. They took the girl into lheir underground palace in the Vilenica cave. For three °tirs they walked along a Pmh, covered with little, "'bite, shining stones, until they reached the bottom of the cave. Marinca saw 30 halls, glittering with gold and silver. She found fairies dancing and heard their wishes: “Marinca, dust our stalactites and stalagmites.” “Keep our stone curtains tidy.” “Collect water in our stone pots.” “Wash our dresses.” “Listen to us singing.” “Cook our meals and don’t try to escape from our cave.” Marinca lived among the fairies, she worked busily, and the fairies gave her everything she wanted. “Eat as much as you can,” they said to her. “Take whatever you wish.” Marinca had whatever she needed, she lived in abundance, she enjoyed listening to sweet fairy songs, but she was not happy. She dreamed of her mother every day and wished to exchange all the luxury of the underground fairy splendor for the poverty of her own home. Soon the fairies saw that Marinca did not love them. They started to hate her and decided to get rid of her. “Marinca, go to the castle of Gradišče,” they said to her one day, “and bring us golden oranges. An old lady lives in the castle, she has three oranges. Steal them from her and bring them to Vilenica.” Next morning Marinca left the cave. She knew her task was difficult and dangerous. She was scared, but she had to follow the fairies’ order. The fairies showed her the way to the castle. In those days it stood on top of the hill named Gradišče, near the village Preloze. Marinca’s eyes were full of tears when she met an old man. “Where are you going, Marinca?” the unknown man asked her. When he heard what the fairies had ordered Marinca to do, he said calmly, “Don’t cry, Marinca. I will help you.” He gave her some nails, a little bottle of oil, a piece of bread, a broom and a rope. “Take these five things,” he said, “and don’t lose them. You will need them.” Marinca thanked him and hurried toward the castle. Soon she saw the castle at the top of the hill, a deep moat all around it and an old bridge over the moat. Marinca did not dare to step on it. It was too old and too rotten. She took the nails and fastened the boards one by one and soon the bridge was safe enough for her to walk over. On the other side of the bridge there was an old gate, covered with rust. She couldn’t open it, because it was too rusty. She took the bottle, oiled the gate bolts and opened the gate easily. From behind the door a pack of starving dogs jumped at the girl, but she quickly threw the piece of bread at them, saying, “Eat this bread. Eat it all up.” She came to the courtyard, where an old woman was sweeping the floor. She didn’t have a broom, so she swept the floor with the edge of her skirt. “Take the broom,” Marinca said to her kindly, “the work will be much easier with the broom.” The woman took the broom and Marinca hurried to the stone well in the middle of the courtyard where another woman stood, trying to draw up water from the well. She didn’t have a rope, so she had a lot of trouble with the twisted tree branches which she used instead of a rope. It was difficult work. “Let me help you,” Marinca said. She tied the bucket to her rope and gave it to the woman. She was very pleased. Then the girl approached the castle carefully. Silently she entered a big hall. An old lady was sleeping there, leaning against a table. Marinca saw three golden oranges on the table. She grasped them and ran out of the hall. At that moment the old lady woke up. “Stop her. Stop her,” she cried to the woman at the well. “Don’t let her pass. She has stolen my oranges.” “I am not going to stop her,” the woman answered. “For more than 20 years I have had trouble drawing the water out of the well. This girl gave me a rope. She helped me.” The old lady hurried after the girl as quickly as she could, but Marinca was quicker. She reached the woman who swept the courtyard with the broom that Marinca had given to her. “Kill the girl! Kill her!” the castle lady demanded of her servant. “I will never do that,” the woman said, refusing to obey her mistress’ command. “I am thankful to this girl. For years and years I have swept the courtyard with my skirt. She gave me a new broom.” “Then speak to the dogs. Let them tear her to bits,” the old lady cried to the woman and hurried after Marinca. In the meantime the girl came running up to the dogs. “Tear her to pieces,” the enraged castle lady screamed at the dogs. “No,” the dogs barked in reply. “We won’t tear her to pieces. We have suffered from hunger. This girl gave us bread.” “The gate should stop her,” the lady shouted. “Let it stop her.” Marinca was already at the gate when she heard the castle lady’s voice: “Gate, lock the girl inside the castle.” But the gate stood open. “This girl has cleaned the rust from my bolts,” the gate answered. “I won’t lock her inside the castle.” “Bridge, collapse into the depths,” demanded the castle mistress, and hobbled with her stick as fast as she could toward the bridge. “Bridge, throw the thief into the moat.” “No, I won’t. I won’t fall to pieces,” the bridge thundered in reply. “It was the girl who repaired me.” Marinca was saved. The fairies were astonished when they saw her back at Vilenica. She had brought them the golden oranges. Up to that time no human being had ever come back from the Gradišče castle. Marinca was the very first. “You have brought us the golden oranges,” the fairies said. - “What do you want as a reward?” “Please, let me go home to my mother,” Marinca asked them. “Let’s allow her to go home,” the fairies agreed. They gave her an armful of precious presents and let her go home. On the very same day she embraced her happy mother. The underground cave Vilenica is about 3 km from the world-famous horse-breeding farm Lipica and not far from Postojna Cave. It is the oldest underground cave in the world open to tourists. It was in the year 1633 when the first visitors stared at its stalactites and stalagmites -as in a fairy tale! No wonder that the fairies chose this Karst beauty for their dwelling and gave it the name Vilenica (“vila” means fairy.) On cold winter days when warm air is coming from the cave and forms a white mist, driven around by the wind, people believe they see white fairies dancing at the entrance to the cave. W.MAIER^n DOORS UNLIMITED |. {.Garage door Repair and re-1 ] placerrfent. Entrance ‘ and [ J storm doors. Door openers | | arid electrical repairs. [ Call (Slovenian) Walter j | Majei; at 216 - 732-7100. j j Emergency pager: 216- ] '506-8224.* Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s hair salon 4^i'7989 /461-0623 5216 Wilson Mills Road Richmond Hts.. Ohio 44143 4ERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 7, 2001 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA; JUNE 7, 2001 6 Rescuing an American Pilot (Continued from last week) By Janez Grum Even before the departure from Leonišce, of course even in the hospital room. Dr. Janez freed the injured man’s three fingers on each hand so that he could hold a spoon and removed the mask from his face. Dr. Meršol meanwhile explained to the pilot why the move was necessary and also told him what unusual neighbors he was going to have and that it should not bother him. That the door of his room would always be locked. Only Sister directress and sister nurse would be opening it. Dr. Janez too came to the asylum several times to look how the burns were healing, cleaned them, wrapped them anew. However the Sisters by his instructions were taking care of his burns by themselves. I do not know how long the pilot was in the asylum since I did not keep a diary. I would say eight da perhaps a day more or less. A while ago they mentioned that Sister Lidija, sister by birth of Dr. Miha Krek, kept a diary for every day of Brash’s stay at the asylum. Since I do not have this notation even though I am mentioned in it, I cannot say more about it. Indeed however I have told in the main that in other words the wounded man was also a week of days in the asylum. Before we transferred him to Gabrje near Dobrova, Dr. Janez freed his fingers still more, while Dr. Meršol explained why the move was necessary. I do not know which night I accompanied Brash out of the asylum to Gabrje, but I would say that it was in the first middle half of December. Also after previous conversations and contacts with the commander of the Homeguard detachment at Dobrova, the Suhadolc peasant family accompanied him. The older son. Franc, was the Homeguard sergeant; the younger, Tony, had somewhat earlier taken a Doctor of Law degree. Therefore it was immediately possible for a limited conversation. For medical help we asked Dr. Franc Puc. The pilot stayed with the Suhadolcs two weeks as Dr. Suhadolc told me years ago. Two or three days before Christmas we escorted him along the very same way back to the Ižanski road-block from there to Rudnik and finally to Orlje. A whole page or more would be needed to describe detailed preparations and exact agreements for these movements. I would mention only some significant things on the way from the asylum to Gabrje. A day or two before, it was necessary to agree exactly with the Homeguard commanders at Dobrova and at Rudnik as well as the chief officers of the Ižanski road block and with the non-commissioned officer at Mali Graben. And especially regarding the most reliable Homeguardsmen in guarded places or in patrols and who would be the escorts. At Mali Graben Attention West Side Residents SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 ALTERATIONS BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING ■ SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • LAKEWOOD, OHIO 44107 KWICK-N-CLEAN DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY & ^0n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM radio hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEl/FAX web: www.wcsb.org CamCng^ Ev&nty... Homeguardsmen were at the Barjanski right bank while the Germans were-across the bridge on the Trnovski side. It was tense too crossing the railroad and Trieste Road at Vic at three in the morning some three hundred meters (1,000 feet) outside of a wire fence and a guard station. The Homeguard patrol had terribly frightened Brash and me because it had stopped us at the little bridge before Dobrova instead of waiting for us at the school as had been agreed upon. Of course we then walked together a few feet to the school. There Sergeant Suhadolc and two others awaited us. (To Be Continued) Things my Mother Taught Me 1. - My mother taught me about anticipation. “Just wait until your father comes home.” 2. - My mother taught me about receiving. “You are going to get it when he gets home!” 3. - My mother taught me about logic. “What were you thinking? Answer me when 1 talk to you... Don’t talk back to me.” 4. - My mother taught me medical science. “If you don’t stop crossing your eyes they are going to freeze that way.” 5. - My mother taught me to think ahead. “If you don’t pass that spelling test, you’ll never get a job.” 6. - My mother taught me to become an adult. “If you don’t eat your vegetables, you’ll never grow up.” 7. - My mother taught me about genetics. “You’re just like your father.” 8. - My mother taught me about roots. “Do you think you were bom in a bam? 9. - My mother taught me about aging. “When you get to be my age, you will understand.” Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 Flower Power 2001 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216) 361-9909 Friday, June 8 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Dan Peters. Sunday, June 10 Picnic at Slovenska Pristava sponsored by St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School with Mass at 12:30 followed by dinner. Friday, June 15 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Noltkamper & Habat. Sunday, June 17 SPD Tabor, celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, June 22 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m., featuring Stan Mejac. Friday, June 22 Pork Cutlet Dinner at Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., Newburgh. Donation $8. Serving 5:30 -7 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. by Wayne Tomsic Orchestra Main Hall. Sunday, June 24 Ohio Federation 50,h Annual KSKJ Day Picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harp-ersfield, OH. Games, food, refreshments, and music by the Ray Polantz Orchestra. Wednesday, June 27 Waterloo Pensioners picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd., Kirtland, Ohio. Dinner at 1 p.m followed by dancing from 2:30 to 5:50 p.m. to music of Fred Ziwich. Dinner and gate admission $11. For tickets call Dorothy Gorjup 1-216-732-9231. June 29 - July 1 Bethlehem, PA festival including Bethlehem-Murska Sobota Sister Cities activities of Slovenians and other nationalities. Sunday, July I Slovenian Day - 10th Anniversary of Slovenia’s independence and 40lh Anniversary Slovenska Pristava family picnic at Pristava. Special guests: Dr. Andrej Bajuk and Mr. Janez Janša. Saturday, July 7 Slovenian Octet from Mendoza, Argentina will perform at a concert at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Sunday, July 8 Catholic Mission Aid picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 11 Holmes Ave. Pensioners annual picnic at VFW Post 4358 on White Rd. (old Mo-cilnikars) from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich 2:30 - 4:40 p.m. Friday, July 13 BBQ or Roasted Chicken Dinner at Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Newburgh. Donation $8.00. Serving 5:30-7 p.m. Music 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Joe Novak & Friends Main Hall. Reservations requested 1-216-341-6136. Saturday, July 14 Korotan Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 15 Slovenian Sports Club SP at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 29 St. Vitus Slovenian School Annual Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 5 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 11 Old bands reunion at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 12 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Aug. 18 Tony Petkovsek’s 20-40-60 Party at Slovenian National Home, Cleveland. Sunday, Aug. 19 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Aug. 25 Kres Dancers at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, Cleveland. Sept. 1-2 St. Vitus Parish Homecoming Days on paf*3 grounds, 6019 Glass Ave-Cleveland. Dinners, games and music. Sunday, Sept. 16 Wine festival (Vese" Godci) at Slovenska PrlS' tava. Saturday, Sept. 22 Bishop Baraga celebm tion at Immaculate Heart o Mary Church in LansinfF Mich. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM 1560 on Your A.M. Dial on WATJ Your Host Mario Kaucic American and International Selections Saturdays at Noon . .. 1560 WATJ • Box 776 • Chardon, Ohio 44024 ^ 1-440-286-1560 ® 1-800-946-1560 J ^ ® Fax: 1-440-286-2727 P Death Notices | FRANCES J. KOS Frances J. Kos (nee Petrovič), 78, of Willoughby Hills, Ohio, died Monday, June 4 at Richmond Heights General Hospital. Frances was bom in Cleveland and was a resident of Willoughby Hills for the last 47 years. She was the treasurer for the former Euclid Race Dairy in Euclid for 40 years before retiring ■n 1983. She was a member of the SNPJ and AMLA fraternal lodges. Frances was the wife of the late James; mother of J. Jeffrey (Rosemary), Carol (David) Race, Kim Kos and the late James and Dennis; grandmother of Nicholas, Danielle and Dennis Kos, Diana and David Race; sister °f Louise (Stan) Ahlin. Funeral Mass will be held 0n Thursday, June 7 at St. Eelicitas Church. Burial in AH Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home in Willoughby Hills. MARIJAN GAŠPERŠIČ Marijan Gašperšič, 56, of Euclid, died suddenly on Monday, June 4 in an auto accident near his home. Mr. Gašperšič was bom 'o Begunje, Slovenia and l'ved in Euclid for the past 27 years. He was the husband of Erancka (nee Roblek); father of Mario Gašperšič, and Erika (Paul) Arlesic; grandfather of Christina Arlesic; brother of Stanislav and Milka Gašperšič (both of Movenia). Mass of Christian Burial 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, ttoe 9 at St. Christine hurch. Interment in All S°uls Cemetery. Family will receive r'ends at The Dan Cosic foneral Home, 28890 Char-°n Rd., Willoughby Hills °n Friday, June 8 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. CARST-NAGV Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 4S1-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” ANTHONY M. BREGANT Anthony M. Bregant, 46, son of Antonia (nee Dolinar) and Paul (deceased); husband of Sandra (nee Cooke); father of Cassandra and Anthony Jr.; grandfather of Anthony; brother of Maryann, Paul, John, Joe, Julie, Maggie, Dave, Tom, Frank, Jim, Mike, Jeff, Harry and Rick; uncle of 16; great uncle of two; Mr. Bregant was a lifelong member of KSKJ Christ the King Lodge No. 226. Family received friends Friday, June 1 from 3-8 p.m. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Saturday, June 2 with a 9 a.m. chapel service followed by a 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. KRISTINA KIKOL Kristina Kikol (nee Zupančič), 98, of Willoughby Hills, died Thursday, May 31 at the Slovene Home for the Aged. Kristina was a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch #14 and AMLA #6. She was the wife of the late Frank; mother of Joseph (Paula) Kikol of Richmond Hts., Mrs. Mary C. Jackson of Willoughby Hills and the late Frank Jr.; grandmother of five and great- grandmother of five. Funeral services were held Saturday, June 2 at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home in Willoughby Hills with burial in Whitehaven Cemetery. In Loving Memory of the First Anniversary of the death of Stanley Kozar Passed Away June 5, 2000 Loving husband, faithful father, how we miss his presence here. Home and world for all • cherished, Darkened since your passing, dear. Sadly missed by Wife, Betty; Children: Stan and Carol Judy and T.J. Gregory and Richard and Grandchildren Zele Funerai Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E. 152 Street Phone 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 In Memory Thanks to Molly Hribar of Warren, Mich., who renewed her subscription plus added a $20.00 donation in memory of her dear husband, Frank J. Hribar and wonderful sister Mary Zupan-chick. In Memoriam OF OUR DEAR FATHER , Frank Cesen Sr. who passed away on June 11,1983 18t" Anniversary His helping hand was always first to render any aid he could. His voice was always raised in praise. His words were wise and good. Dear father, since you 've gone away, The ones you loved so true, try hard to carry on the way we know you’d want us to. Dear Dad, we miss you very much! son, Frank Jr., Patricia Wilks, Francine Žabkar, granddaughters, and great-grandchildren In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Emma Emma Cesen Entered into rest January 14,1994 Dear Emma, since you’ve gone away, the ones you loved so true try hard to carry on the way we know you’d want us to. Dear Emma, we miss you very much. Loving Husband - Frank Daughters: Patricia Wilks Francine Žabkar Son-in-law: Brian Grandchildren, and Great-grandchildren In Memory Thanks to Isabelle Kralj of Glendale, WI, who renewed her subscription plus enclosed a $70.00 donation in memory of Isabella and Vladislav Kralj. Donation Thanks to Jennie Tuma of Wickliffe, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus added a $25.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Vinko Radisek of Richmond Heights, Ohio who donated $50.00 to the American Home in memory of brother Martin Radisek. Donation Thanks to Stansa Žitnik of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to John and Frances Mauric of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription plus added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Gary Gorsha of Seattle, WA who renewed his subscription plus added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Lillian Fre-derico of Cleveland, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents, Joseph and Margaret Yartz. In Memory Thanks to Mary Taucher of Maple Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, John Taucher. Donation Thanks to Martin and Mimi Lisac of Mentor, Ohio who renewed their subscription plus added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Judy and Richard Rabe of Mentor, Ohio who renewed their subscription plus added a $20.00 donation in memory of Joe and Ruth Koman. In Memory Thanks to A1 and Aggie Koporc of Bratenahl, Ohio who renewed their subscription plus added a $20.00 donation in memory of John and Agnes Kosec. “See everything. Overlook a great deal. Improve a little. -Pope John XXIII St. Mary’s Alumni Meet St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Alumni will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, June 21st, at 1:30 in St. Mary’s School Auditorium. Thoughts Life is 10% of what happens to you; and 90% of how you respond to it. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself. Following the path of lease resistance is what makes rivers and people crooked. Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace. — And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace. Submitted by Henry Stal-zer of Connecticut. You’ve Got Questions - Here's the answers Q. - What trivia fact about Mel Blanc (The voice of Bugs Bunny) is the most ironic? A. - He didn’t like carrots. Q. - What is an activity performed by 40% of all people at a party? A. - They snoop in the medicine cabinet. In Gulliver’s Travels, author Jonathan Swift described the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, giving their exact size and speeds of rotation. He did this 100 years before either moon was discovered. If You Get Sick Take grandma’s advice. Since there is no cure for the common cold or influenza, help your body fight off the invading virus by getting plenty of rest, drinking extra fluids and eating chicken soup. Research shows that chicken soup may help move viruses out of the body. Treat the symptoms. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen will relieve headache, fever and body aches. Zinc lozenges could help shorten the duration of a cold. Over-the-counter cold remedies such as decongestants and cough suppressants can make you feel more comfortable; however, they won’t speed your recovery and they can cause unwanted side-effects. For children, avoid aspirin and consult a doctor before offering cold or flu medications. -Cleveland Clinic Family Checkup AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 7, 2001 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 7, 200 8 Church of the Holy Trinity in Ljubljana The Holy Trinity Church, or the Ursuline Church, as it is better known to the residents of Ljubljana because of the order of nuns that it belongs to, is clearly one of the most striking Baroque churches in Ljubljana. Only recently did a study by Blaž Resman, from the France Stele Institute at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, show that its architect was the Italian Carlo Martinuzzi, who also designed Ljubljana’s seminary palace with its famous library. Since its construction at the beginning of the 18th century (1718-1726), the church and especially its surroundings have changed considerably. The staircase added in front of the church in the 20th century and the Baroque plague memorial pillar moved from Ajdovščina are the work of the architect Jože Plečnik. Changes were also dictated both by the new organization of traffic -Ljubljana’s main street runs by the church - and the altered ownership relations after WWII. The church used to be part of a wider complex that once extended between Dunajska, Prešernova, Šubičeva and Erjavčeva streets. The complex of the so-called Ursuline gardens to the south is ended by the church building and the large nunnery, added by the present Plečnik Gymnasium along Šubičeva in 1941, and in the 19,h century by the tract along Josipina Tur-nograjska street, which is currently under renovation. Where once there was a garden of the nunnery is now the building of the Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Center and two office skyscrapers, designed in the sixties and seventies by Edo Ravnikar. The church’s exterior is the most Palladian building in the town, and its bright and varied interior suggest strong Venetian influences. The interior is supplemented by Robba’s luxurious altar, adorned with allegorical statues of Faith, Hope, and Love. This is probably the best work of this important Baroque sculptor of Italian origin, who also designed the fountain in front of the Town Hall and many other altars in Ljubljana. —Slovenia Weekly There is “love” and “venison” in Slovenian -------------------------------------------------1 i Sour Cream Fruit Salad [ i ‘ 1 large can fruit cocktail, drained \ 2 bananas, cut \ 2 cups sour cream \ i 1 can mandarin oranges, drained j Vi cup slivered almonds | i 1 cup mini marshmallows. J 1 I ] 1 Blend all ingredients gently together by spoon.! i Place in refrigerator, chill, — and serve. ! Picnic Time for Waterloo Pensioners The Waterloo Pensioners would like to extend an invitation to non-members to join us at our annual picnic which will be held on Wednesday, June 27th at the beautiful SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd., Kirtland, Ohio. We have put in our order for a warm, sunny day. Dinner will be prepared by Sophie Mazi and her experienced crew. Breaded pork chops, salad, potatoes, roll, dessert and coffee will be served at 1 p.m. After dinner, you can partake in dancing or listening to the melodious sounds of the talented Fred Ziwich from 2:30 to 5:50 p.m. Dinner and gate admission is only $11.00. If you care to join us for dancing, the gate admission will be $4.00, payable at the gate. Tickets for dinner must be purchased in advance by calling Dorothy Gorjup, 1-216-732-9231 or from any club member. Cut-off date for purchasing tickets is June 20th. We hope you will join us for an afternoon of fun and relaxation, socializing with your friends and making new acquaintances. LAVRISHA Construction & Repair BUILDING IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 6507 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216/391-0035 (440)602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorneyiat Law Centre Plaza South Suite 330 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster _________________-J* Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) -SINCE 1961- WELW - 1330 AM Simulcasting Daily 3-5 pm / Sat. ______ (K0LLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 1 East 185th Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 IVSEK • COHOST-JOEY T0MSICK * Featuring - AUCE KUHAR DUKE^ PATTY StUGA 481-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-10° FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina fcTTi i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVFNIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, June 7, 2001 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Referendumska kampanja pridobiva na intenzivnost - Dokaj jasna razmejitev med liberalnimi in konservativnimi državljani V nedeljo, 17. junija, torej dan po srečanju na vrhu v predsednikov ZDA in Rusiji Georgea Busha in Vladimirja Putina, bodo slovenski volilci šli na volišča glasovat ° noveli zakona - sprejel jo je po kar hitrem postopku državni zbor -, ki omogoča oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo tudi sicer zdrave ženske, ki so samske oz. brez moškega partnerja. Izredno so angažirani tako tisti, v ogromni večini iz liberalnega tabora, ki novelo podpirajo, in tisti, predvsem iz konservativnega tabora in Katoliške cerkve, ki so proti. (Gl. uvodniški članek v današnji številki.) Iz vsake strani prihajajo Publikacije, letaki itd., ki skušajo volilce Prepričati, da, v prvi vrsti, gredo glasovat, m, drugič, da novelo ali podpirajo ali odklanjajo. Kčr so mediji v glavnem liberalno usmerjeni, izgleda, da imajo največ podpore bsti, ki novelo podpirajo, iz nasprotnega tabora pa menijo, da je ta slika napačna 0z- namenoma zavajalna. Zadnjo besedo bodo seveda imeli volilci 17. junija. Združena lista socialnih demokratov ima 4. kongres to soboto in nedeljo Pred tedni je imela svoj 7. kongres v Celju Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije, na njem so delegati ponovno izvolili edine-8a in dosedanjega predsedniškega kandidata Jnneza Janšo. Ta konec tedna se bo v Ko-Pru zbralo 436 delegatov Združene liste so-c’alnih demokratov (uradna naslednica Zve-2e komunistov Slovenije, znana sedaj tudi P° kraticah ZL oz. ZLSD). Strankin predsednik Borut Pahor, ki hkrati opravlja fun-ClJ° predsednika parlamenta, ponovno kan- didira za predsedniško mesto in vse kaže, da l °o tudi zmagal. Znotraj stranke so pa .^ne struje, nekateri opazovalci celo meni-J°> da je Pahor le figura v rokah drugih, • _______________________________________ nič pa ne kaže, da bo na kongresu prišlo do pretresljivih dogodkov. Nekaj težav utegne povzročiti strankin podmladek, ki se imenuje Mladi forum. Ti člani ZL kažejo bolj radikalno levičarsko podobo kakor starejši in tudi strankino vodstvo. Tako se je MF npr. izrazil proti slovenskemu članstvu v NATO. Ob času srečanja na vrhu v Sloveniji Georgea Busha in Vladimirja Putina govorijo o organiziranju protesta proti NATO zvezi. Lani se je rodilo nekaj več otrok v Sloveniji kakor v letu 1999 Slovenski statistični urad je objavil podatke, ki kažejo, da se je lani v Sloveniji rodilo 18.180 otrok, kar je po začasnih podatkih z 647 otrok ali za 3,7 odstotka več, kot se jih je bilo rodilo leta 1999. Dejstvo pa je, da se število rojstev na mater v Sloveniji upada že debelo stoletje. V novejšem času se je število rojstev pri slovenskem prebivalstvu začelo rešheje usihati v šestdesetih letih. To dejstvo je nekaj časa skrilo prišeljevanje mladih ljudi iz ' drugih . *'/ I. ' jugoslovanskih republik, sedaj pa je to usihanje pri 'slovenskih ljudeh vedno bolj opazen. Povprečna starost .matere ;ob rojstvu prvega otroka je čpdalje višja;.;Leta 1986 je bilo 25,6 leta, lani pa 26,4 leta. V Gorici v nedeljo umrl msgr. Kazimir Humar, v Sloveniji msgr. Vinko Kobal V 87. letii je v nedeljo v Gorici premi- nil upokojeni duhovnik, šolnik, publicist in kulturni delavec Kazimir Humar. Na Goriškem je aktivno deloval na različnih področjih več kakor pet desetletij. Pogreb je danes v goriški stolnici. .ti Dne 29. maja je pa umrl duhovnik koprske škofije msgr. Vinko Kobal, 72, župnik v Godoviču in voditelj gibanja Pot, pri katerem so sodelovali tudi mnogi sedanji vodilni politiki iz vrst nekdanjih SKD in SLS. Pogreb je bil 31. maja v Godoviču. Parlament odobril nov zakon o zunanjih zadevah Dne 25. maja je državni zbor sprejel nov zakon o zunanjih zadevah, Zakon med drugim ureja odnose med ek-sekutivno in zakonodajno vejo oblasti. Tako parlament ne bo moral več ratificirati nekatere mednarodne sporazume, prav tako veleposlaniški kandidati ne bodo morali več dobiti potrditve od parlamentarnega odbora za zunanje zadeve. Ne bo več razlike v statusu poklicnih in nepoklicnih diplomatov. Zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel je izjavil, da je z zakonom zadovoljen in da bo med posledicami povišanje kvalitete in profesionalnosti slovenskih diplomatov. Nekateri poslanci so pa imeli dvome zaradi zmanjševanja pristojnosti parlamenta v zunanjih zadevah. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Piknik Slovenske šole— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima svoj piknik to nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi. Sv. maša bo ob 12.30, takoj po maši bodo postregli s kosilom. Ves popoldan bo na voljo dobra hrana, igre za otroke, godba za ples in razvedrilo ter razna okrepčila. Vsi vabljeni! Praznovanje— Slovenski ameriški svet (SAS) in Odbor Slovenske pristave pripravljata na Pristavi 1. julija skupno praznovanje desetletnice slovenske države in štiridesetletnice Slovenske pristave. Praznovanje se bo pričelo s sveto mašo, nato bo na voljo kosilo, za katero je pa potrebno, da si nabavite kartice v predprodaji v prihodnjih nedeljah na Pristavi oziroma v župnišču fare Marije Vnebovzete ali sv. Vida. Cena kosilu je $12 za odraslo osebo, za otroka pa polovična. Glavna govornika na praznovanju bosta predsednika SDS Janez Janša in NSi Andrej Bajuk. Novi grobovi Ivanka Shutta V ponedeljek, 4. junija, je v Aristocrat South nego-vališču v Parma Hts., O., umrla Ivanka Shutta, roj. Dolenc, žena pok. Antona Shutta. Do konca marca je živela v Berwyn, Illinois. Rojena je bila 8. oktobra 1918 v Spodnjem Bitnju pri Kranju. V Ameriko je prišla iz Vetrinj, Avstrija, 1. 1956. Pokojna starša sta bila Matevž in Marija Dolenc. Bila je najmlajša sestra pokojnih bratov Jožeta, Venceljna, Jankota, Matevža, Francelj na in Pavleta ter sester Frančiške Šifrer, Antonije Kuralt in Marije Jančar. Zapušča številne nečake in nečakinje v ZDA, Kanadi, Argentini in Sloveniji. Ure kropljenja so danes v Zakrajškovem pogrebnem zavodu na St. Clair Ave. od 4h do 7h. Pogrebna sv. maša bo v petek, 8. junija, ob lOh v cerkvi sv. Vida. Truplo bo čakalo vstajenja na pokopališču Vernih duš v Chardon, Ohio. (MS) (dalje na str. 13) Spominska proslava— V soboto in nedeljo, 16. in 17. junija, bo na Slovenski pristavi spominska svečanost ob 56-letnici konca 2. svetovne vojne, in na spomin po vojni pomorjenih domobrancev. V soboto bodo molitve pri kapelici in nato prižiganje kresa. V nedeljo bo ob 12. uri opoldne sv. maša pri Spominski kapelici. Pridite v narodni noši, da bo spomin na pomorjene še bolj poudarjen. Gospodinje so lepo napro-šene za domače pecivo. Članek na str. 10. Popravek— To soboto ne bo prodaje krofov in rezancev s strani, kakor smo objavili pretekli teden, pač bo ta prodaja šele v soboto, 7. junija, ko bomo zopet poročali. Vsaj tokrat smo dobili napačne informacije. Seja— Podružnica št. 25 SŽZ ima sejo to nedeljo, 10. junija, ob 1.30 pop., v društveni sobi svetovidskega avditorija. Članice vabljene. Slovenski dan v Kanadi— Letošnji 42. Slovenski dan v Kanadi bo v nedeljo, 8. julija, na slovenskem letovišču v Boltonu. Ob 11. uri bo sv. mašo daroval kardinal Alojzij Ambrožič, po maši bo kosilo, ob 2h pop. pa kulturni program. Glavni govornik bo Bernard Sadovnik, predsednik Narodnega sveta koroških Slovencev, s temo: Slovensko zamejstvo in Slovenci po svetu. Gl. str. 14. V tiskovni sklad— G. John Ravnik, Oakland, Kalif., je daroval $30 v podporo našemu listu. Po $20 so darovali: Frank Grčar (Hambden, O.), Rudy Sterk (Kirtland, O.), Andrew in Patricia Sims (Gates Mills, O.), Frank in Eleanor Zernic (Highland Hts., O.), g. in ga. Duijava (Euclid, O.) ter Michael in Alice Rutar (Lorain, O.). Po $25 sta darovala John in Joseph Hočevar (Cleveland, O.) in še dr. Anthony Spech (Cleveland). Martin in Mimi Lisac (Mentor, O.) sta darovala $20, prav tako Mimi Stibil s Parma Hts., Ohio, Najlepša hvala vsem darovalcem! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $160 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 23 June 7, 2001 Naš komentar DSPB “Tabor” vabi vse na Slovensko pristavo EASTLAKE, O. - Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev “Tabor” vabi vse Slovence, da se mu pridružijo na vsakoletni prireditvi v spomin vseh žrtev, ki so izgubile svoje življenje med drugo svetovno vojno in po njej. V soboto, 16. junija, se bomo zbrali popoldne na Slovenski pristavi in skupaj z brati in sestrami iz Clevelanda ter drugih krajev ZDA in Kanade pomolili pri kapelici za vse naše rajne. Po molitvi bo večerja in tradicionalno zažiganje kresa, z medsebojnim srčnim pogovorom. V nedeljo, 17. junija, bo sv. maša ob 12. uri pri kapelici Matere božje, katero bo daroval kot vsako leto č.g. Kosem. Po maši bo kosilo, kateremu bodo sledili prijateljski pogovori med navzočimi. Društvo Tabor naproša vse rojake in rojakinje, ki imajo narodne noše, da jih oblečejo za to priložnost in s tem obogatijo to lepo vsakoletno prireditev. Dušan Maršič P. dr. Vendelin Špendov______________ Lemont, III. Lemontski odmevi MILAN ŽUŽEK Referendum srečno Za zdravo in družino! Junij, mesec posvečen presvetemu Jezusovemu Srcu. Pred njim prižigamo lučke v imenu tistih, ki so jih zaželeli in naročili. V juniju je največkrat tudi praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa, Telovo. Letos bo tretjo nedeljo, 17. junija. Po romarski maši bo Telovska procesija s štirimi oltarji, kakor smo vajeni od doma, s pesmimi kot “Praznika svetega danes radujmo se; Med nami Jezus bivaš“ in drugimi primernimi. Večkrat ta dan med mašo ali izven maše izvajajo Mozartovo skladbo “Ave verum - Pozdravljeno resnično Kristusovo telo”, ko zbor spremljajo orgle ali orkester. So pa tudi naše slovenske pesmi za Telovo prave umetnine. Med njimi je treba posebej omeniti skladbe Gregorja Riharja iz 19. stoletja. Ta dan se tudi po domovih poglabljamo v skrivnost Jezusa v sv. Reš-njem Telesu. Sobratje: 16. junija godu-je p. Beno Korbič. Rojstne dneve obhajata: p. Bernardin Sušnik, 19. junija 1935; p. Blaž Chemazar, 23. junija 1928. V juniju sta umrla: p. Benedikt Hoge, 17. junija 1983; p. Alfonz Ferenc, 25. junija 1954. Kapitelj slovenske frančiškanske province se je vršil v Ljubljani od 30. aprila do 4. maja 2001. Kapitelj je zborovanje, ki ga mora vsaka frančiškanska provinca opraviti vsaka tri leta. Glavno na kapitlju so volitve novega vodstva province ali pa samo njegovega dela. V Sloveniji so letos volili nov provincialni defi-nitorji, provincial in provincialni vikar pa sta ostala še za tri leta. Nas je pri tem kapitlju zastopal p. Krizolog (Martin) Cimerman, župnik slovenske fare sv. Cirila v New Yorku. Možne spremembe v naši kustodiji, bomo objavili v prihodnji številki (Ave Maria). Vsak mesec darujemo sv. mašo za žive in rajne naročnike našega lista. Obenem se jih spominjamo pri skupnih in osebnih molitvah, zlasti vseh rajnih. Precej let je že, odkar smo zadnjič dvignili naročnino. Tudi sedaj je ne bomo, čeprav so stroški večji, kakor sami veste. Že samo poštnina se je zvišala. Samo z naročnino ne bi mogli shajati. Precej pa jih je, ki z naročnino dodajo še “dar listu”, kar je pravi božji dar. Ker naročnine ne mislimo zvišati, prosimo, ne prezrite prošnje, v kolikor je komu mogoče. Bog plačaj že vnaprej! (Letna naročnina je $20 za ZDA, $25 izven. Naslov: je: Ave Maria Prin-tery, 14246 Main St., P. O. Box 608, Lemont IL 60439 -0608) Velikonočne praznike smo slovesno obhajali. Za cvetno nedeljo so pridne rojakinje naredile in pripravile veliko število butaric, ki so ji potem razdelile in darove dale Verskemu središču. Blagoslov butaric in zelenja je bil v Centru s procesijo v cerkev, kjer je že čakalo lepo število, zlasti starejših, ki se jim je zdela pot iz centra v cerkev prenaporna. Kakor so v Jeruzalemu vzklikali ob Jezusovem vhodu, tako je tu pevski zbor ob vhodu procesije prepeval “Kristus Kralj vseh večnih časov, kralj sveta in kralj neba”. Med sv. mašo se je z znanimi postnimi pesmimi pridružila vsa cerkev. Na veliki četrtek smo za mašo “zadnje večerje” pričakovali lepšo udeležbo, prav tako na veliki petek. Velika sobota ne more miniti brez blagoslova velikonočnih jedil, “žegna”. Pater jih je blagoslovil popoldne. Zvečer so bili obredi velikonočne vigilije: blago- slov ognja in velikonočne sveče. Berila iz stare zaveze so vpeljale Glorio-Slavo na nadaljevanje sv. maše Kristusovega vstajenja. Po sv. maši je bila razmeroma kratka vstajenjska procesija, medtem je zbor prepeval domače velikonočne pesmi. Mnogi, ki so jih znali še od doma, so pritegnili. Veseli smo bili lepega obiska tako za vigilijo, kakor tudi za slovesno velikonočno mašo. Dnevi velikega tedna in velike noči so bili lepi, le nekoliko hladni. Saj se letos kar ni moglo ogreti. Pa nas je zato presenetilo na belo nedeljo. Nekaj noči je deževalo, gorkota je pritisnila, pa je vse vzbrstelo. Prav lep pogled, saj je bilo do tedaj še vse zimsko. Upamo, da bodo tudi šmarnice lepo vzcvetele, da bo zopet gozdiček ob groti vzcvetel in zaduhtel. Po veliki noči je bil začetek drugega dela obnove v Lemontu: delo na cesti od samostana mimo romarskega doma do mostička pri rožnovenski dolinici, delo za osuševanje travnika za piknike in povečanje parkirišč. Upamo, da bo do sezone romanj in pikiri' kov dokončano. Naj B°S blagoslavlja delo, da bo dobro in lepo narejeno brez posebnih nesreč. Zahvala vsem, ki so za to darovali gmotno ali delovni čas, predvsem pa strokovnjakom pri pripravi načrtov. Omenili smo že, da je vodstvo mariborske škofije pričelo s postopkom za beatifikacijo Danijela Halasa, duhovnik, mučenca. Sedaj raziskujejo njegovo življenje in delo kot duhovnika, P°' sebej še o njegovem duhovnem življenju, življenju s Cerkvijo, kakšen je bil hie gov odnos do faranov, da omenimo samo nekatere stvari. Postulator za beatif* kacijo Danijela Halasa, mu čenča, prosi, da bi se k njemu zatekali in sporočali uslišanja mariborskemu škofijskemu uradu. Nadškof Elden Francis Curtis, ki od leta 1993 v0 di nadškofijo Omaha, (dalje na str. 11) Za kaj gre pri referendumu? Ne za kakšno podrobnost, ampak za naš biti ali ne biti! Neke politične skupine v državnem zboru so zlorabile svojo politično moč in na hitro, brez prave javne razprave, s pičlo večino uveljavile medicinsko, antropološko, pravno, etično ipd. sporno ter zgolj ideološko “utemeljeno” lastno gledanje na oblikovanje naše družbe v prihodnosti. Komaj smo preživeli en tak poskus nove družbe, prisilno nategovanje na marksistično kopito. Zdaj gre za drugo, neobrzdano liberalistično kopito. Ne narekuje ga življenje, ampak (spet) domislica nekih glav. O novi družini, taki brez poroke, brez obveznosti, trajnosti, ali celo “kar tako". Morebitni otrok bi bil tam le - veselje. Igračka. Takih nazorov je v svetu danes veliko. Neke skupine v državnem zboru pa so šle v skrajnost: tudi samske ženske naj bi imele “pravico” do otroka, celo, če bo že vnaprej izključen - oče. To prinaša katastrofo. Po vsem svetu opravljajo raziskave in povsod se pokaže, da so otroci iz neurejenih družin (tudi če so na videz “urejene”), v nekajkrat višjih odstotkih žrtve asocialnosti, nasilnosti, kriminalnosti, narkomanije, psihoz, samomorilnosti itd. Naj omenim le eno, in to domačo študijo: Gorazd Meško, Družinske vezi na zatožni klopi, Edu-cy, Ljubljana 1997. Podrobno je raziskoval primere iz naših kaznilnic, vsi so bili iz problematičnih družin, vsi podvrženi kriminalu že iz otroštva. Kdo je odgovoren za ta zavožena življenja? Na zatožno klop je treba postaviti - družinske vezi! In seveda tiste, ki hočejo razbiti ustanovo zdravih in trdnih družinskih vezi. Družina, to je naravna ustanova, obstajala je stotisočletja pred prvo državo. Seveda je poznala tudi krize, stranpoti, zablode, ki pa so se vedno maščevale. Ideal je bil pa vedno jasno pred očmi: monogamna trajna zveza moškega in ženske in njunih otrok. Skoraj dobesedno tako jo opredeljuje tudi naša ustava, na kar smo ponosni. Zdaj pa nekateri kar brez sramu razglašajo, da so za družbo, v kateri bo družina komaj še svoja lastna senca. Živčno, nestrpno, poniževalno. Vsakdo naj živi, kakor mu pade v glavo. Vse drugo - ne obstaja. Z olajšanjem sem bral tehtna in stvarna razmišljanja dr. Karla Zupančiča. (Delo,, Sobotna priloga 26. 5. 2001, str. 14). Opozarja nas na zgrešenost načela: “Dovoljeno je vse, kar je mogoče.” Kam bi nas to vodilo, pove že naslov razprave: Zanemarjeni otrok. kar bo prinesel vrh Sloveniji, to, da se bosta Predsednika, ki bosta morala v v razmeroma kratkem asu pregledati celo vrsto P^nšanj, prvič sestala iz v °či in si tako tudi stvarila vtis drug o dru-8em. J^neriška veleposlanica ni J«303, da je bil kraj ' nja Bush-Putin izbran pljučno; tako ZDA kot s‘ja imata zelo dobre n°Se 2 LjyjjjjgjKj in v °^h pogledih je bila Kenija logična izbira, ^ni diplomatka. ^sekakor gre tudi za po-Slombno vlogo, ki jo ima Ujjr^^ja Pri zagotavljanju 'n stabilnosti v JV njenih besedah ne hi smeli podcenje- vati vloge slovenskih političnih voditeljev, saj je njihovo poznavanje položaja v tem delu Evrope za ZDA izjemno dragoceno. Kot je še povedala veleposlanica, z ruskim veleposlanikom v Ljubljani Tigra-nom Karahanovom odlično sodelujeta v pripravah na vrhunsko srečanje, ki se ga sicer tudi sama zelo veseli. Ameriškim veleposlanikom se namreč zelo redko zgodi, da v svojem mandatu lahko gostijo kar dva predsednika države. “Priprave na vrh v Sloveniji potekajo zelo učinkovito, vsi imamo veliko izkušenj iz preteklosti in računam na vašo vlado, da bo vse potekalo gladko,” je dejala Nancy Ely-Raphel. Ameriško veleposlaništvo je v stalnih stikih s slovensko vlado, Belo hišo, ruskim veleposlaništvom in mediji. Iz Washingtona prihaja veliko ljudi, ki pomagajo pri pripravah, saj je veleposlaništvo v Ljubljani majhno, priprava vrha pa je velik podvig. “Zelo dobro sodelujemo tudi s slovenskim notranjim ministrom Radom Bohincem, ki predseduje organizacijskemu odboru, z uradom predsednika vlade in s protokolom. Prepričana sem, da bo vrh v Sloveniji enako ali še bolj uspešen kot obisk prejšnjega predsednika Billa Clintona leta 1999 v Sloveniji, ki je bil izjemen dogodek za vse nas,” je poudarila veleposlanica. ZDA in Rusija bodo na srečanju obdelala celoto dvostranskih vprašanj in vključno z ameriškimi načrti za izgradnjo protiraketnega ščita. “ZDA in Rusija si delijo odgovornost za oblikovanje trdnega, stabilnega in resničnega odnosa, ki bo zagotavljal uresničevanje interesov obeh držav in prispeval k miru, stabilnosti in blaginji v svetu,” je prepričana ameriška veleposlanica. Najverjetneje se bosta predsednika Bush in Putin pogovarjala tudi o srednje-vzhodni krizi, kjer si obe državi prizadevata za stabilizacijo in umiritev razmer, ter o odnosih z Irakom, ki je zaradi nezadovoljstva ob zgolj enomesečnem podaljšanju programa ZN nafta za hrano prenehal izvažati nafto. Ena od možnih tem pogovora med predsednikoma ZDA in Rusije je tudi širitev zveze NATO, ki ji Rusija nasprotuje, Kot je poudarila veleposlanica Ely-Raphel, je iz izjav novega ameriškega državnega sekretarja Colina Powella jasno razvidno, da so ZDA trdno zavezane politiki odprtih vrat. “Vse članice zveze NATO pravijo, da bi bilo nesmiselno, če bi širitev zavezništva ustavili. Kdaj bo do širitve prišlo, ne vem, domnevam pa, da se bo nekaj zgodilo na zavezniškem vrhu prihodnje leto v Pragi. Jasno pa je, da to mora biti soglasen sklep vseh članic, saj ne gre le za ameriško odločitev,” je dejala. Obisk ameriškega predsednika Busha v Sloveniji bo tudi priložnost za njegovo prvo srečanje s slovenskim političnim vrhom po prevzemu poločaja. “Predsednik Bush se bo s slovenskim predsednikom in premierom pogovarjal o skupni zavezi za izgradnjo svobodne, celovite in mirne Evrope,” je napovedala ameriška veleposlanica. Po njenem mnenju pa bo Bushev obisk pomemben tudi zato, ker si bo ameriški predsednik že na prvi poti v Evropo lahko oblikoval vtis o Sloveniji, tako kot si ga bosta tudi državni sekretar Colin Po- Slovenska tiskovna agencija 6. junij 2001 Dan slovenske državnosti praznik tudi v Ohiu Ljubljana - Guverner ameriške zvezne države Ohio Bob Taft je v torek podpisal resolucijo, s katero je 25. junij, dan slovenske državnosti, postal uradni praznik Ohia. Taft je v resoluciji pozval vse prebivalce Ohia, naj se pridružijo slovenski skupnosti v praznovanju dneva državnosti z ustreznimi dejavnostmi in prireditvam. Prav tako pa je tudi določil, da bo slovenska zastava 25. junija izobešena pred državnim poslopjem državnega kongresa (State Capitol) v prestolnici Ohia, Columbusu. Resolucija posebej omenja, da si slovenske skupnosti v Ohiu zasluži pohvalo za dolga leta neutrudnih prizadevanj pri obnavljanju svobode, demokracije in tržnega gospodarstva v domovini ter za prispevek k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja v državi Ohio in za ohranjanje tradicij slovenske družine in skupnosti. Slovesnega podpisa resolucije sta se udeležila direktor guvernerjevega urada za multikulturne zadeve in mednarodne odnose Avgust Pust ter slovenski konzul v Clevelandu Tone Gogala, ki je Taftu tudi predal slovensko zastavo, ki jo bodo izobesili pred državnim kongresom. Pust je ob tem spomnil, da je bila država Ohio prva ameriška zvezna država, ki je z resolucijo posebej priznala Slovenijo in da ima Ohio s Slovenijo zelo dobre poslovne in druge odnose. Resolucijo o priznanju je takrat podpisal nekdanji guverner, sedanji zvezni senator George Voino-vich. Gogala je Tafta, pravnuka nekdanjega ameriškega predsednika Howarda Williama Tafta (leta 1909-1913, op. ur. AD), povabil, da se oktobra, ko bo obiskal Evropo, ustavi tudi v Sloveniji. Slovenski konzul je z guvernerjem govoril tudi o bližnjem srečanju med ruskim predsednikom Vladimirjem Putincfm in ameriškim predsednikom Georgem Bushem v Sloveniji. Avgust Pust je omenil, da sta imela z Gogalo tudi sestanek s predstavniki ministrstva za trgovino Ohia, katerim sta predstavila številne podatke in informacije o Sloveniji. Na sestanku so poudarili, da imata Slovenija in Ohio dobre poslovne stike, ki jih bodo v prihodnje še izboljšali. well in predsednikova svetovalka za nacionalno varnost Condoleezza Rice. Na vprašanje, kako po prihod nove ameriške administracije vplival na odnose med Slovenijo in ZDA, je ameriška veleposlanica odgovorila, da si “ne more predstavljati, da bi bili ameriško-slovenski odnosi lahko še dosti boljši, saj so že zdaj zelo zelo dobri”. Ob tem je posebej pohvalila slovensko podporo zvezi NATO med kosovsko krizo in njen prispevek v mednarodne mirovne enote SFOR v Bosni in Hercegovini ter KFOR na Kosovu. Nadja Podobnik NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s sir. 9) Marijan Gašperšič V ponedeljek popoldne je na posledicah avtomobilske nesreče blizu svojega doma na Tracy Ave. v Eu-clidu umrl 56 let stari Marijan Gašperšič, rojen v Begunjah, Slovenija in živel v Euclidu zadnjih 27 let. Bil je mož Francke, roj. Roblek, zanj žalujeta sin Mario in hčerka Erika Ar-lesic, stari oče Christine Arlesic, brat; Stanislava in Milke Gašperšič (oba v Sloveniji. Pogreb bo v soboto, 9. junija, v oskrbi zavoda Cosic na 28890 Char-don Rd., s sv. mašo dop. ob 9.30 v cerkvi sv. Christine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Ure kropljenja bodo jutri, v petek, od 2. do 4. pop. in od 7. do 9. zv. Frances J. Kos Umrla je 78 let stara Frances J. Kos z Willoughby Hillsa, rojena Petrovič v Clevelandu, vdova po Jamesu, mati Jeffreyja, Carol Race, Kim Kos ter že pok.. Jamesa in Dennisa, 5-krat stara mati, sestra Louise Ahlin, zaposlena kot blagajničarka pri nekdanjem Race Dairy v Euclidu 40 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1983, članica AMLA in SNPJ. Pogreb bo danes, 7. junija, v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na 28890 Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. (dalje na str. 16) Kanadska Domovina Pišem, rišem, torej sem Ted Kramolc - osti življenja 42. SLOVENSKI DAN V KANADI Vsak ustvarjalec besedne, likovne in zvočne umetnosti najprej izpoveduje sebe, a je hkrati kot s popkovino navezan na svoje etnične pa misljejske posebnosti. To velja za slovenske pesnike, pisatelje, glasbenike, slikarje, kiparje in arhitekte doma in po svetu; vsi so prispevali dragocen kamenček v duhovni mozaik našega naroda. Eden izmed tistih, ki jih je usoda pognala po svetu, je tudi slikar, grafik, pesnik in pisatelj TED KRAMOLC; doma je iz Podgore (r. 1922) blizu Ljubljane, od leta 1948 živi in ustvarja v Kanadi v teh tednih majhen izbor svojih likovnih del razstavlja v Galeriji sodobne umetnosti v knežjem mestu Celju. se bo vršil v nedeljo, 8. julija 2001, na Slovenskem letovišču pri Boltonu, Ontario, Kanada. Ob 11. uri dopoldne bo daroval sv. mašo Alojzij kardinal Ambrožič. Po maši bo v Baragovem domu kosilo. Ob 2. uri popoldne bo kulturni program, glavni govornik bo BERNARD SADOVNIK, predsednik Narodnega sveta koroških Slovencev (NSKS), s temo: “Slovensko zamejstvo in Slovenci po svetu” Sledi zabava. Igra orkester Murski Val. Vabi Kanadska slovenska skupnost “Sem slikar, ki tudi piše!” pravi o sebi Kramolc, kanadski Slovenec, pisec kratke proze - pravljic, črtic, novel. Za slikarski poklic ga je že v ljubljanski realki navdušil prof. Marij Pregelj, med študijem arhitekture pri mojstru Plečniku se je posvečal slikanju pri Božidarju Jakcu, Mitju Šviglju, Mateju Sternenu in Francetu Goršetu. Prijateljeval je tudi s slikarjema Lojzetom Perkom in Marijanom Tršarjem. “S prijateljem Božom Kramolcem sva se, oba mladostnika, navduševala nad vzori naših štirih velikih impresionistov, pa tudi nad bolj ’sodobnimi’ Neodvisnimi,” je zapisal Tršar. “Željna znanja sva tedaj spodbudila mojstra Goršeta za risarsko šolo. Ta je s svojo zagnano resnostjo obetala prerasti v akademijo.” V Gonarsu, kamor je bil dvakrat interniran, je nastal njegov prvi risarski ciklus, po vojni je v Spittalu ilustriral knjige za taboriščne šole, ob prihodu v Kanado se je vpisal na Šolo umetnosti ter jo končal leta 1953, že leta 1956 je bil izvoljen za člana Kanadskega združenja grafične umetnosti. . Kanada je postala izziv za njegovo likovno in literarno ustvarjanje. To je dežela velikih prostranstev -druga največja država na svetu, vendar z nekaj manj kot šestindvajset milijonov prebivalcev; zanj je bilo novo odkritje pokrajine s hribi, gozdovi, jezeri (samo Ontario jih ima četrt milijona), neskončna in divja pokrajina - God’s Country (deviška) -, kruta in dramatična z vetrovi, s strašnimi zimami. Drugačna, kot je Slovenija, dežela s polji, z vasmi, ljudmi, s cerkvicami na hribčkih, kar daje človeku toplino in bližino. Kramolc je novo deželo čutil skoraj religiozno, nanjo je gledal kot na nekaj mogočnega; več kot pol stoletja je zanj neizčrpen vir umetniških snovanj. Doslej je imel veliko samostojnih razstav (prve v Gonarsu in Spittalu) in sodeloval v skupinskih (v New Yorku, Torontu, Buenos Airesu); njegove slike visijo v številnih galerijah in muzejih osrednjih kanadskih mest. Kramolc je tudi uveljaven pesnik in pisatelj. Njegovi prvenci segajo v čas taborišč v Avstriji; pisal je pravljice in črtice, torej kratko prozo, ki je izhajala v številnih revijah in zbornikih (Koroška kronika, Ameriška domovina, Zapiski, Novi svet, Dnevi smrtnikov, Antologija slovenskega zdomskega pesništva, Rodna gruda, Slovenija, Slovenski izseljenski koledar, Srce in oko). Slovenski bralni javnosti se je Ted najbolj predstavil z zbirko novel Podobe iz arhivov (Mladinska knjiga, 1992) in romanom Potica za navadni dan (Slovenska matica, 1997). Kdaj bo izšel roman Tango v svilenih coklah, je za zdaj še menda skrivnost založbe Nova revija. Najraje ima ameriško novelistiko - short stories -zaradi njene skrajne premišljenosti, življenjske izkušenosti in neposrednosti, verjetnosti. Pisal je izvirne črtice in tudi pesmi za dnevnik The Toronto Star, ki ima za sabo mesto z veliko več prebivalci, kot je vseh Slovencev skupaj, doma in po svetu. To dejstvo je narekovalo, da je začel pisati v angleščini. Poslovenili so jih drugi rojaki: argentinskoslo-venski (France Papež), av-strijskoslovenski (Lev Detela), ameriškoslovenski (Edi Gobec). “Slovenski pisatelj, ki se v inozemstvu še trudi s slovenščino, dela iz ljubezni do rodne zemlje in spoštovanja materinščine ter iz svetovnonazorskega prepričanja, da od Boga dani talen! uporablja in izpopolnjuje,” je Kramolc zapisal ob izidu izbora avtobiografskih • novel Podobe iz arhivov. Številne kratke zgodbe oživljajo izseke iz življenja malih ljudi. Mladi Karl na vlaku sreča privlačno sopotnico, poskuša se ji približati, pa ga prehiti mlad Ukrajinec; ko pa ona izstopi, zagleda na peronu mladega moškega z dvema otrokoma - njena družina (Vlak v Paternion). Raymond pripoveduje o prijazni Anastaziji, ki toži, kako jo njeni rojaki - diletantski politiki - obravnavajo kot tujko; želi si, da bi se večkrat srečala, a po nerodnosti izgubi škatljico vžigalic, na katerem si je napisal njeno telefonsko številko (Vžigalice). Vrste se številne kratke zgodbe z motivi srečanj revnih in tudi neizobraženih priseljencev z ljudmi anglosaškega rodu - z narejeno vljudnostjo, s finesami urejenega sveta (Čajanka v Lyttonu). Mlada in prikupna diplomantka psihologije v video- teki izposoja filme; ostarel obiskovalec kavbojskih filmov oživlja spomine na otroštvo in mladost, prešteva svoja nekdanja dekleta, hkrati pa mu asociacija odstira tudi vpogled na povojne poboje v Sloveniji in na pobite Američane v vietnamski vojni (Štetje podrtih, The Body Count). Isti način razvijanja poglavitne teme so tudi kratke zgodbe, zbrane v Podobe iz arhivov. Sedemnajst epizod ponazarja razsejene ljudi, ki so se po drugi svetovni vojni nenadoma znašli sami v tujem svetu. Dogajalni prostor v romanu Potica za navadni dan je postavljen v kanadsko okolje. V prvem delu romana je izsek iz življenja slovenske emigrantske skupnosti v Torontu; ironično pripoved o “poklicnih Slovencih” - premlevajo zgodovino svojih rojakov v času zadnje velike vojne, beg iz domovine, življenje v taboriščih, pobojih njihovih tovarišev in podobno - pisec prerašča predvsem z razmišljanjem o pomembnosti ali nepomembnosti človeške eksistence, torej tiste bežne razpetosti med rojstvom in smrtjo, ki jo imenujemo - življenje. Dobro sodbo je o njegovem literarnem ustvarjanju zapisal Aleksander Zorn v spremni besedi k Podobam iz arhivov: “Pisava Teda Kramolca je kot zamah slikarja: nariše nam perspektivo, osnovne barve in dramatične podobe. Mojster vzdušja je, detajla in rahle nostalgije, ki je dana samo modrim opazovalcem iz distanc. Ti vedo, da je za eno dramatično človeško strastjo še množica drugih zgodb in usod, in zato ena sama ne sme prekriti perspektive. Da je življenje ene zgodbe skladno kakor barva ene slike, samo uzreti jo je treba v vsej polnosti. In da je nostalgija kot perspektiva daljne pokrajine, kamor bo treba oditi.” Jani Ravenko DRUŽINA, 27. maja 2001 Želja ob 1000-letnici Solkana Nekdanje župnišče naj vrnejo Cerkvi Trst/Gorica - Med p°' budami, ob tisočletnici p^6 pisne omembe Solkana jc tudi želja, zapisana v zadnji številki Svetogorske kraljice-V prispevek z naslovom O, Solkan poglej v svoje tisočletje, ki ga je napisa* frančiškanski pater s Svete gore Pavel Krajnik, s pre' vodom listine iz l. 1550, ^ jo najdemo v Arhivu Slo venske frančiškanske Pr0 vince v Ljubljani, poudarj3 slovenski značaj Solkana *n piše, “da so solkansko cer kev v srednjem veku ime novah goriška cerkev”. ^ tem dodaja, “da pravo sol kansko župnišče, ki je 0il° po drugi svetovni vojni cer kvi nasilno odvzeto, še vrnjeno lastniku”. Morda se bo to vendarle zgodilo ob letošnji tisočici niči Solkana. Novi glas, 17. maja 2001 Polemike med vodstvom in člani SIM Sledi tekst pisma, ki ga je v “Poštni predal 29” priloge “Sobotna branja” v Delu z dne 26. maja objavil bivši več-desetletni urednik Rodne grude Jože Prešeren. Ur. AD in zanje pripravilo času in razmeram primerne programe za Slovence po svetu. Zavedati bi se morali, da ima meje potrpežljivosti tudi njihova podpora SIM. Mediji so očitno pričakovali, da bo zadnji občni zbor Slovenske izseljenske matice (SIM) dobra (ali slaba?) novica, saj so ga obiskali v neobičajno velikem številu. Poročanje je bilo dokaj objektivno, čeprav je bilo čutiti nekaj razočaranja zaradi ne-dogod-ka. Od poročevalcev seveda m mogoče pričakovati komentarjev, zato bi kot član SIM rad dodal nekaj oseb-n>h zapažanj o vzrokih, ki 50 morda pripeljali do krize ali celo “agonije” SIM, kot so poročali mediji, če-Prav sem prepričan, da to vseeno še ne drži. Slovenska izseljenska matica je ves čas svojega obsoja, od leta 1951, društvo; in to z namenom, da bi kot nevladna ustanova lahko sodelovala z vsemi izseljenskimi skupnostmi po svetu, kar bi bilo zaradi takratnega sistema nemogo-^e> če bi bila to vladna ustanova. Vse do leta 1991 je bila to edina specializirana usta-nova za stike s Slovenci po SVetu, zato je opravljala tu-i naloge osrednje nacio-nalne organizacije za to Področje, ki naj bi ji bil ^ določene meje dovoljen tudi idejni pluralizem. Po drugi strani pa je dr-^ava zagotavljala svoj vpliv jta SIM s kadrovsko politi-*0> zato je prek SZDL po-slljala za predsednike in tonike “preverjene” kadre, naJPOgosteje nekdanje diplomate pa tudi druge t.i. ružbenopolitične delavce. P^l članstva si še danes Podstavlja SIM v nekda-pomenu tega društva Se ne zaveda, da je to .anes le eno od strokovnih poštev, ki s pomočjo drža-e®a proračuna na eni rani izvaja naloge v korist °vencev p0 svetu, vru8i pa tudi kj'ske države. Zato priča-a|.^e na čelu društva bolj ne mani ugledno osebnost, v&aif!.ede na to’ da se ie Sa 1 v društvo šele ob Dr1*!?111 kandidiranju za ne bednika in prav tako % ^Cde na svoje poznavanj 12seljenske problematike 03 svoje dosedanje delo na v korist slo- tem področju. Vzrok lcrize1 Pov v tem tiči tudi trenutne kadrovske v katero je zabredla Slovenska izseljenska matica; predsednik dr. A. B. se je v kandidacijskem posto-ku sicer izkazal z nekaterimi svojimi dotedanjimi stiki z izseljenci, z lobiranjem dosegel, da je bil edini kandidat, in člani so ga na občnem zboru izvolili, vendar se je že z nekaterimi svojimi izjavami v nastopnem intervjuju (Sobotna priloga Dela) zameril velikemu delu izseljencev, člane izvršnega odbora in tudi same člane društva pa odbil s preveč avtoritarnim načinom vodenja; ob tem pa le redko prihajajo na dnevni red temeljna vprašanja, ki bi jih društvo, kot je SIM, moralo obravnavati. Sam predsednik napoveduje skorajšnjo temeljito reorganizacijo SIM in ob tem nov, programsko-volilni občni zbor, vendar glede na njegovo dosedanje delo težko verjamemo, da bo ta sestava vodstva znala pripraviti ustrezen delovni program, predvsem pa, ali mu bo uspelo ponovno privabiti člane. Pretežen del dela v vsakem primeru opravi strokovna služba, ki na politiko samega društva ne more vplivati, trenutno pa je, ne zgolj zaradi finančnih težav, tako skrčena, da je to društvu že v škodo. Rešitev bo prav gotovo prinesel čas in po mojem mnenju bi jo bilo treba iskati tudi v formalni ločitvi društvenega in strokovnega dela z izdajanjem publikacij vred. Vsekakor je treba SIM šteti v dobro, da je kljub težavam ohranila stike s tisoči posameznikov ter večino slovenskih društev in organizacij po vsem svetu, ki jih v veliki meri vzdržuje z revijama Rodna gruda in Slovenija v angleščini. In prav ti številni prijatelji SIM pričakujejo, da bo “njihovo” društvo kmalu rešilo svoje .notranje težave Slovaški želi sodelovanje s Koprom Koper - “Izkoristimo zdajšnji pravi trenutek, kajti kdor bo zamudil, ga ne bo nikoli več nadoknadil,” je na obisku v Luki Koper 24. maja dejal slovaški predsednik Rudolf Schuster. Ob tem je poudaril velik pomen tradicionalno dobrih odnosov med Slovenijo in Slovaško, ki se s konkretnimi in v Kopru predstavljenimi izvozno-uvoznimi načrti, sodelovanjem pri privatizaciji luke Bratislava in podobnem lahko samo še izboljšajo, obogatijo. Da se Slovaki zanimajo za sodelovanje, potrjuje tudi številna delegacija gospodarstvenikov in drugih, ki so spremljali slovaškega predsednika na obisku v Sloveniji. Zmogljivost koprskega pristanišča je ogromna in kot je dejal slovaški predsednik, Slovaška nima na voljo veliko tako strateško pomembnih luk, kot je Koper. “Zato moramo informacije o Luki Koper ustrezno posredovati našim podjetnikom in prepričan sem, da tudi vlada ne bo stala ob strani,” je dejal Schuster. Slovaška je za Luko Koper partnerka s stalnim prometom (lani okrog 230 tisoč ton, od tega 200 tisoč ton glinice v uvozu za Slovaško), ki se lahko še poveča. Kot je povedal Bruno Korelič, predsednik uprave Luke Koper, je slovaški trg za Koprčane zelo zanimiv in pomemben, zato tam skupaj s slovaškimi partnerji med drugim načrtujejo kontejnerski terminal. D. G. DELO, 25. maja 2001 BRALCI Ak/IERIŠKE DOMOVINE! PRIPOROČAJTE NAŠ I 1ST! ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Družine Pesmi in Melodije WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm iz Naše Lepe Slovenije 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 m/fAX Radijska Družina Cleveland web: www.wcsb.org Misijonska srečanja in pomenki (nadaljevalce s str. 16) štiri podružnice. Obe pod-fari imata okoli 6.000 ljudi, katoličani pa 10 temeljnih krščanskih skupnosti. Na obeh sedaj gradijo še kako potrebno obzidje. Samb 300 m od naše cerkve pa so sektaši New bom, Living Water zgradili svojo veliko cerkev. Ob nedeljah kar 30 avtomobilov pred njo. Kar izzivalno za naše katoličane. K temu še številne Jehovci, Assembly of God... Obe fari bi se morali osamosvojiti. Ni novih. Niti na vidiku! Domačini... Lani 6 novomašnikov, letos zopet 6. Škofija pa nad dva milijona. Zadnji slovenski jezuit je prišel pred 26 leti! Prosite Gospoda žetve... Pozdrav Vam in vsem Vašim v MZA. Molimo! P. Radko Rudež.” Vsakdanja prošnja: Gospod, pošlji delavce na žitno polje k žetvi! Ni lahko misijonarju, ko gleda okolico in marsikaj vidi, kar ne spada v njegovo območje. Spremeniš lahko samo z molitvijo in veliko dobre volje, potrpežljivosti. Tudi mi smo vključeni, da molimo in prosimo Nebeškega Očeta, naj pošlje delavce, ki bodo nadaljevali začeto delo ter pridobivali duše za nebeško kraljestvo. Več dobrotnikov se je oglasilo s svojim darom: NN $10; N. Tomc (za s. M. Pavlišič) $200; J.I. Levstek (za bog. $350, bog. $50, R.O. $60) $460; J. Mraz (za P. Opeka $200, za L. Tomazin $150) $350; M. Goršek (za T. Mavrič in L. Letonja $200, za pošto $5) $205; V.R. Kolarič (za salezijance) $200. Dalje: A.J. Tushar (za J. Šomen) $100; A.R. Knez (za J. Šomen) $100; NN (za s. Z. Mikec $400, za R.O. $60,. za vse $30, za pošto $10) $500; M. Križman (za L. Letonja $200, za potr. $200, za pošto $10) $410; T. Celestina (za Karmel-Sora) $250; M. Celestina (za Karmel-Sora $150, za dr. Janežev sklad $100, za cerkev v Kisovcu $100, za zvonove $25) $375; NN $100; NN (za Rev. Letonja) $50; B. Mrak (za begunce) $50; M. Petrič in družina $30; B. Lavrisha $20; P. Osenar (za slov. sem.) $3000; S.M. Grdadolnik (za nov. P. Končan $600, za Most Rev. S. Hočevar $100, za študentko Emily Hwale v Zambiji $100) $800. V imenu vseh, ki bodo deležni teh dobrih del: Iskren Bog povrni! Naj nas Sveti Duh vodi, da bomo prav ravnali tudi v tem navadnem času, katerega smo pričeli ta teden, ko se je s preteklo nedeljo končala velikonočna doba. Smo v mesecu juniju, ko častimo Srce Jezusovo, ki je za nas in naše zveličanje toliko pretrpelo, a mi še vedno na to tako mirno pozabljamo. Vsaj ta mesec se večkrat spomnimo in z malo hvaležnosti se oddolžimo. Prav iskren misijonski pozdrav vam vsem, ki berete te vrstice! In zabeležite si na koledarju, da bo 8. julija misijonski piknik na Slovenski pristavi! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov kakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 centov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime Nasloc ____________ Mesto, Država, Zip Star naslov Star naslov Mesto, država, zip Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1381. Kar nekaj pisem je prispelo od zadnjega pisanja in je prav, da pridejo na vrsto. Misijonarka s. Marija Pavlišič je še v februarju napisala naslednje pismo/ “Spoštovana! Z velikim veseljem sem prejela Vaše pismo, sem ga že kar pričakovala, saj sem dobila iz Pariza sporočilo, da ste denar poslali. Včeraj sem prejela pismo in Vam takoj odgovarjam. Tu v notranjosti Madagaskarja gre pošta počasi zaradi podrtih mostov, mi pošljemo pošto po živi pošti do letala, zato pride do Vas bolj hitro. Lansko leto smo naredili dvanajst hišic in vsaj dvakrat toliko popravili, enim streho, drugim stene, nekaterim pa vse skupaj. En dan je prišla mlada žena noseča in 5- in 3-letna otroka. Prej je živela pri mami, ko je mama umrla, je iskala zatočišče pri očetu, a mačeha je ni sprejela, pa si je sama naredila kolibo, a ko bo deževna doba, ne bo mogla tam stanovati. Grem pogledat njeno “stanovanje”, morala sem jo pohvaliti, da je kar lepo postavila kolibo. Povabi me, naj vstopim, pa se ji nasmehnem, češ, da ni prostora za dve, moraš ti iti prej ven, potem bom šla jaz notri. Bila je toliko visoka, da si komaj pokonci sedel. Ko smo postavili čeno hišico, otroka kar nista mogla verjeti, da je to njihova in da jih ne bo nihče podil ven. Ali starejša žena je zbolela, hčerka me prosi, naj pridem na dom. V enem kotu je bilo še nekako suho, vse drugo pa mokro, streha taka, da bi še sonce moral imeti dežnik nad glavo. Da vidite, kako so take družine hvaležne vaših darov. Zgodi se, da se ena družina seli iz ene luknje in ko potem dobijo skromno enosobno 4x5 ali še manjše, otroci kar naprej sprašujejo: mami, ali je res to našel, in da jih vidite, kako se jim svetijo očke. Veliko pomagamo družinam tuberkuloznih bolnikov s kvalitetno hrano in šolanjem otrok. Prav tako bolnikom, ki pridejo v bolnico na zdravljenje. V bolnici ne dobijo nič drugega kot “golo” posteljo in zdravniško pomoč. Mi jim pomagamo z zdravili in hrano. Brez vaše pomoči mi tega ne bi zmogli, zato smo vam hvaležni za razumevanje in pomoč. Naj vam bo Gospod bogat plačnik. Želim Vam lep postni čas in globoko doživeto Veliko noč. Iskren pozdrav vsem misijonskim prijateljem, vaša hvaležna s. Marija.” Priložila je sestra štiri fotografije in njihovega misijona. Iz Ihposy, Madagaskar, je misijonar p. Ivan Štanta poslal sredi marca tele vrstice: “Prav lepo se vam zahvaljujem za obilno pomoč pri mojem misijonskem delu. Bog naj vam bogato povrne! Bližajo se velikonočni prazniki, kakor prej božični, zanašajo naše misli in čustva k našim sorodnikom in dobrotnikom onkraj obširnega morja. Ljubezen, hvaležnost, molitev ne poznajo daljav. Ljubi Bog nas povsod zbližuje. Želim vam vesele velikonočne praznike! Lansko leto sem bil na oddihu v Sloveniji. A največji del počitnic sem prestal v Videmski bolnici. Bal sem se, da mi ne dovolijo več vrnitve. Pa, hvala Bogu, zdravje je šlo na bolje in tako sem se vrnil na prejšnje delo. Sedaj pripravljam okoli šestdeset katehumenov na sprejem sv. krsta in kakih dvajset otrok na prvo sv. obhajilo. Po sprejemu teh zakramentov, koliko od njih bo ostalo zvesto Kristusu?! Bo nadaljevalo po evangeljskih smernicah? Molite, da Bog bi blagoslovil naš trud v svojo čast in v zveličanje duš! Prisrčen pozdrav Vam in vsem misijonskim dobrotnikom, p. Štanta.” Oglasil se je p. Radko Rudcž, misijonar, ki deluje v Zambiji: “Spoštovana, pa tudi vsi pri MZA! Prav lepa hvala Vam za pismo, za spomin in za stalno darilo od MZA. Prejšnji mesec (to bilo bilo v februarju) smo imeli obisk slovenskega jezuitskega provinciala in g. Planinška, odgovornega za naše misijonarje. Največ sta prišla zaradi Rozmana in njegove Nangome. Nekaj res velikega, delo enega človeka. V popolnem “bush” bolnica, prav prijetno župnišče, moderne hiše za zdravnike in bolničarke, gospodinjska šola, mizarska šola, pekarna, policija, bencinska in dizelska črpalka, hiše za navadne delavce (vseh v službi je 70), moderna maxi-trgovina, samostan za kar osem sester. In seveda kmetijstvo! Zraven Nangome je v zadnjih 15 letih zgradil še 7 cerkva na območju Nangome!... Naša fara je svojevrstna za mestno župnijo, ki navadno nimajo nobenih podružnic. Naša ima dve pocFFari in še (nazaj na str. 15) ŽIVLJENJE NA MADAGASKARJU Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija (MZA) Catholic Mission Aid (CMA) je javna, nepridobitna, dobrodelna misijonska organizacija. Ustanovil jo je Fr. Charles A. Wolbang, CM. Registrirana je v mestu Columbus, Ohio, ZDA. Za pomoč slovenskim misijonarjem zbira finančno pomoč za njih delo med ubogimi v misijonskih deželah ter za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev za domači misijon. Hvaležni bomo za vsak dar, ki ga boste darovali v ta namen. Spomnite se misijonarjev in ubogih v svojih oporokah. Za vse prejete darove izdamo potrdilo za “Income tax”. Uradni naslov: MZA - CMA 17826 Brian Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119 Glavni odbor MZA-CMA, Cleveland Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 13) William Stopar Umrl je 74 let stari William Stopar, mož Kaye, roj. Thomson, oče Davida in Judy, 1-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat Justine Erickson, Mildred Jagodnik, Henryja, Raymon-da, Heddy Rieder in Sylvi-jc Cek, veteran ameriške vojske, član SNPJ št. 142. Pogreb je bil 4. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Paskala Rajonskega in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pauline F. Kolman Umrla je 87 let stara Pauline F. Kolman, hčerka pok. Jacoba in Katie (roj. Sodja), sestra Jean Snyder ter že pok. Mary Pryatel, Lucy Snyder, Vincenta, Josepha, Jacka, Sophie McFa-dden in Rose Kolman, teta in prateta. Pogreb je bil 6. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Joan of Arc v Chagrin Fallsu s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Kristina Kikol Dne 31. maja je v Slovenskem domu za ostarele umrla 98 let stara Kristina Kikol, rojena Zupančič, doma z Willoughby Hillsa> vdova po Franku, mati J°' sepha, Mary C. Jackson *n že pok. Franka ml., 5-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, članica AMLA št- ^ in SŽZ št. 14. Pogreb je bil 2. junija v oskrbi Cosi-cevega zavoda na Chardon Rd. s pokopom na Whitehaven pokopališču. Anthony M. Bergant Umrl je 46 let stari M1' thony M. Bergant, sin Ah tonije (r. Dolinar) in pok. Paula, mož Sandre, roj. Cooke, oče Cassandre in Anthonyja ml., stari 0# Anthonyja ml., zanj žaluje)0 sestre Maryann, Julie ‘n Maggie, bratje Paul, Joh0’ Joe, Dave, Tom, Frank Jim, Mike, Jeff, Harry Rick, član KSKJ št. 226-Pogreb je bil 2. junija oskrbi Zak zavoda na ^ Clair Ave. s sv. mašo cerkvi sv. Vida in P0^0 pom na Vernih duš p0^0 pališču. Mary Prhne Umrla je Mary Prhn6 hčerka Louisa in Mary Zontar Prhne (oba pok.), sestra Louisa Margaret Lipnos (oba pok.), teta in prateta-greb je bil 5. junija v roj- Že in Že po- oS' na krbi Fortunovega zavoda Fleet Ave. s sv. rnašo • p° cerkvi sv. Lovrenca 10 ^ kopom na Kalvarije P° pališču.