INVENTORY OF THE SKOCJAN WORLD HERITAGE SITE INVENTAR ŠKOCJANSKE SVETOVNE DEDIŠČINE DANIEL ROJŠEK Izvleček UDK 502.6(497.12) Daniel Rojšek: Inventar Škocjanske svetovne dediščine Po predstavitvi predloga za zavarovanje naravne dediščine na matičnem Krasu v letu 1987, smo dopolnili prvi inventar naravne dediščine Krasa in po novi metodologiji izdelali inventar Škocjanskega jamskega spleta, kjer smo obdelali 62 enot naravne dediščine. Članek prinaša kratko poročilo o zavarovanju naravne dediščine Krasa in inventarju Škocjanskega jamskega spleta. Ključne besede: inventarizacija naravne dediščine, inventarni list, kraški pojavi, Slovenija, matični Kras, Škocjanski jamski splet, UNESCO Abstract UDC 502.6(497.12) Daniel Rojšek: Inventory of the Škocjan World Heritage Site After report on the natural heritage of Matični Kras in 1987 the first inventarisation of the Kras natural heritage has been upgraded and new inventory of 62 units of the Škocjan Cave System recorded. A short report about protection of the Kras natural heritage after 1987 and the inventory of Škocjan Cave System are introduced in this paper. Key words: inventarisation of natural heritage, inventory foil, karst phenomena, Slovenia, Classical Karst, Škocjan Cave System, UNESCO Address - Naslov: mag. Daniel Rojšek Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Gorica Delpinova 16 65000 NOVA GORICA Slovenija INTRODUCTION Natural heritage inventories of the Classical Karst and the Velika Voda -Reka drainage area were upgraded (Sušnik-Lah & Klemenčič/Eds. 1990; Gorkič et al. 1990). In the Škocjan World Heritage Site the first inventarisation of natural phenomena was made after improved methodology (Rojšek 1989, 1994). Access to some parts of the Škocjan Cave System is not easy and there are some problems to organise a team of cavers and experts for inventarisation of natural heritage and a financial support. To the end of September 1992 146 natural phenomena were registered in the protected area, after September 62 units have been sufficiently processed and presented in resumption, but many of natural features are not yet registered. The most recent recognitions of natural heritage inventarisation methodology are also published (Rojšek 1994) and recommended for easier understanding of the present paper. A BRIEF NATURAL HERITAGE INVENTORY OF THE CLASSICAL KARST After a report about the natural heritage of the Classical Karst (Rojšek 1987) an upgraded brief inventory of the Sežana commune natural heritage was achieved (Sušnik-Lah & Klemenčič /Eds. 1990) where 754 units are registered to be protected by a regional plan in the Kras region of Slovenia. Assembly of the Sežana commune proclaimed the natural features (1992) cited in the report (Rojšek 1987). Cave Register at the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Postojna, registered 564 speleological objects (at this occasion I should like to acknowledge J. Hajna and A. Mihevc) on the Classical Karst in November 1995 or 127 more than eight years earlier. 16 new registered speleological objects per year in the area seem a lot, however the whole area was not checked equally. The question remains open at the contact of the Brkini, Materija and Kras (Rojšek 1987, 258-259). Among the last inventarisations of the important natural heritage the surface hydrogeographical ones have to be mentioned. There were 72 units registered in the Kras "waterless" area in 1990. 14 of them are called "lokev" ^k(xjanski jainski spJef'^ - The Skocßn Cave System 0 on surface location lo @ L ® tt e ffllo ® ML ® iL » IVo e - ^»eensurfaceaa. underground MIltiKil Skocjan -iiimiiDit: Sežana ■Loaliommiiy: Divača ■oiaiirtfeliict Naklo NaofSIOTflnciveiiiliiirc 735,1098,5791,5934,5935 NtodotnaMiiicmatolrtVO: 112 Sfneip/!: Škocjanske jame G/K coordinates Y: 5421.980 X: 5058350 Z ^^U-Z^deptht 425"^ m Z ML=the Hebt point ai.L 425 Z mm. = the lowest point ai.L 214"^ map (name) TK25/G: Divača (028-4-2) TTO Sežana 35, 36, 46 SIGNATURE: Begiimig of Velika voda - Reka cave system's drainage zone. Cave system is composed of 11 spelaeological objects: Škocjanska jama v/ithOkroglica and Rov, Velika and Mala Koščakova jama. Vodnjak, Miklov skedenj. Jama and Jamica nadßzerom, Tominčeva jama. Ozka špilp. Jama strahov and Šumeča jama vriXhPrukeraRä Tihi rov. DMEUSION/S: - logit about 5500'" m - lepit 211 or lOS"-" m tr: v^ AL J Ar I C) rsj E^RTM SCIENCE CRITERIA > > COMPLEXITY: lamfaxämUlijtlm"^ mi črnimi mUHijum"' or icmpoxiliiifslm"' otmalliiiaie A uiuil loitije mil II1 pm (< |ilisic)l'{top|ilijtiI regiig, iliiiiliiil ol lalinl tnait > ECOLOGICL CRITERIA: bijh degree preserved ecosjsleot Kosysleo will large vsrietj of babitats (siaNe ecosfsteo) rare ecosjstea nysleiiiiitibolaiiicaliKlioological alaiieied, relic ud eitaiil species, iltt hasdms - ii disjnctioial, amiil, etilranial and/w marginal area areao(iiiai;di>eneecos)sleiis itjeaiioi o! ttotBiitöt peiito|ictl piofik > MATHEMATICAL CRITERIA: verj rare very tig mil ol nanral beriage (DiaiiaialliodiieisioK)nlitBlli«iiageiiilolatliYe ;OLOGICAL CRTT niiesslaid or iuerbnid of latiial ail cdiral beriage sjiloliiicisc petvesiiitiess ciicgtimal^ajetesi lalinl beritage nil, isfmi iaidscape eleneii PLANE - JURISTIC STATUS> - republic obligalolrj sianing-poiii ii pjainiig CoijOTalioislam: protected iirislicaci: Odlok o zavarovanju Škocjanskih jam (Ul SRS17/80 z dopolnitvama) >CONSERVATiNGGROUPff ofRSIowiila: natural monument & nature reserve oflUCN: I, in & IV Eitopeaiconninil;: A, B & D FUNCTIQN/S: . 'aoiDiieiiar or D. Rojšek, 1990, Human Impact on Škocjanske jame System, Studia casologica 2:120-132, Brno. Biiic smicils: Notes and computations of the caves surveys notes of terrain sights and plans of spelaeological objects in cadastres of Društvo za raziskavanje jam Ljubljana and Mtit za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU Ailtor/iolilili: Daniel Rojäek AiHor/j o( dBoiplion: Daniel Rojšek ftowsirilif: Andrej Pokorn & Daniel Rojäek DaWsrfiucosM;: 15.12.91,318.1992,12.09.92,27.0293, 02.03.93 Pile ol the liilcliiiiteii: 11.03.93 By the name Škocjan Cave System 11 locationaly and geneticaly intervolven spelological objecs are designated. There are same problems by names of the parts. German names were given by official discoverers from German-austrian alpine club, but some Slovene toponyms and names of brave men were noticed. Cave administration of CAI SAG Italianised the spelaeo-names, Slovene origin names were dedlited. The system have not been undertook sistematically for a long time by Slovene cavers and spelaeologsts after association to motherland, but improper names have not been solved, yet German names grotte and hohle have been translated to pma, unaccording to spelaeotype of cavern (for example: Tiha jama is not cave, but gallery, Schmidlova pma is not cave, but hall and so on). Names of the system parts are used as are enforced by locals and cave guides, respectful original names as it is possible and by regarding Slovene spelaeomorphogenetical terms. LcKal hireling cavers, virtual discoverers were probably given names by ther own, but A. Hanke was put down only official german names to the first cave plane. Y, X in Z coordinate are taken by cave cadastre of Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU and centre of Okroglica entrance is noticed. Level of Martelovo jezero is surveyved by laser theodolit. _"'The system has not been discovered, yet. The lenght is a sum of the singular parts quoted in the signature, the depth is a altitude difference beetven the lowest point of Velika dolina circumference (425 m), the ponor level (317) and everage water level in Martelovo jezero (214). The lowest points of runoff syfon and of the newest discoveries after the syfon should be noticed, but enough exact data have not been available, yet The system can be treated as a pact of VeMa vodB - Reka proper and wider channel networks or as a part of Timav karst hinterlana with the Soča drainage area. Fig. 2. 1 škocjanski jamski splet - ŠkocjaD Cave System: I. geol., I. geom^ II. hidrU UI. bot, III. den., HL for., IV. zoo. 2 Škocjanska jama - Škocjan Cave: I. geol., L geom., n. hidrl., IV. zoo. 3 Mahorčičeva dvorana - Maborčič Hali: I. geoi., I geom., IL hidrl., IV. zoo. 4 Jezero v Mahorčičevi dvorani - Lake in Maborčič Hali: IL hidrl. 5 CzOmigova dvorana - CzOmig Hali: L geol., L geom., IL hidrl., IV. zoo. 6 Mannitscht\z. dvorana - Marinitscb HaU; I geol., L geom., II. hidrl. I Škocjanski prelom - Škocjan Break: L geoL, L geom. 8 Rov - Gallery: L geoL, I. geom., IL hidrl 9 Sigove tvorbe Rova - Cave Corals of Rov. L geoU L geom. 10 Mala dolina - Small Doline: L geol., L geom., II. bidrl., m. bot, IV. zoo. II Kalonca Betancova - Farmhouse Small Entry of Betanc. I. geom.. III. bot 12 Reka v MaJi dolini - Velika voda-Reka River in SmaU Doline: H. hidrl. 13 ReCni "vodnjak" - River's "WeU - Pothole": L geoL, L geom., IL hidrl, m. bot 14 Most med Malo id Veliko dolino -Natural Bridge beetwen SmaU and Big Doline: L geol., L geom., n. hidrl, lU. bot, IV. zoo. 15 Miklov skedenj - Mikutič Hay Store: L geol, L geom., 11 hidrl, m boL, IV. zoo. 16 Jezero pod Miklovim skednjem -Lake above Mikulič Hay Store: IL hidrl 17 Zgornje okno pod Miklovim s. - Upper Window above AGti/ÄfRSj L geol, L geom. 18 Korita pod Miklovim skednjem -Eversion Channels above Mikulič H.S--I. geol, I. geom, IL hidrl, lU. boL 19 Spodnje okno pod Miklovim s. - Lower Window above Mikulič ILSi L geom, n. hidrl 20 Stranski rov Miklovega s. - Side Gallery of Mikulič H-i: L geom. 21 Slap pod Miklovim skednjem -WaterfaU above MikaUč RSj tt hidrl 22 Lepi {Primula auricula) -Primula auricula Growing Site: HI. bot 23 Velika dolina - Big Doline: L geol, L geom, IL hidrl, HL bot, IV. zoo. 24 Slap v Veliki dolini - Waterfall in Big Doline: IL hidrl 25 Jezero v Veliki dolini - Lake in Big Doline: H. hidrl 26 Podome skale v Veliki dolini -Boulders in Big Doline: L geom. 27 Jama strahov - Cave of Ghosts: L geol, L geom. 28 Pruker - Pruker or Abri of the Brucker Family: L geol, L geom. 29 Tominčeva jama - Tominc Cave: L geol, L geom. 30 Sigove tvorbe na stenah Velike doline -Cave Corals of Big Doline Walk I. geol, L geom. 31 Šumeča jama in Tihi rov - Rustle Cave and Silent Gallery: I. geol, L geom, U. hidrl, ni. bot, IV. zoo. 32 Scbmidlova dvorana - Schmidl HaU: I. geol, i. geom, IL hidrl., III. bot, IV. zoo. 33 Sigove tvorbe v Schmidlovi. d. - Cave Corals of Schmidl Hall I. geol, L geom, lU. bot 34 Venerini laski - {Adiaatum capillus veneris L Growing Site: IIL bot. 35 Rudolf ova dvorana - Rudolf Hail: L geol, I. geom, II. hidrl, IV. zoo. 36 Jezero v Rudolfovi dvorani -Lake in Rudolf Hait n. hidri. 37 Dvorana Ponvic - Hall of Rimestone Pools: L geol, I. geom, II. hidrl 38 Ponvice - Rimestone Pools: L geol, L geom., n. hidrl. 39 Svetinova dvorana - Svetina HaU: I. geol, I. geom, II. hidrl. 40 Jezero v Svetinovi dvorani -Lake in Svetina HaU: IL hidrl 41 Valvasorjev rov - Valvasor GaLery: L geoL, L geom, II. hidrl 42 Slap v Valvasorjevem rovu -WaterfaU in Valvasor GaUery: IL hidrl. 43 3ßf//erjeva dvorana - Müller HaU: 1. geol,!. geom,Tl. tfidrl 44 Jezero v Mullerpvi dvorani -Lake in MüUer Hall: IL hidrl 45 Orjaške ponvice v Müller'pA dvorani -Giam Rimestone Pools in Müller Haü: 46 Tihi rov - Silent Gallery: L geol, L geom, U. hidrl, IV. zoo. 47 VelUta dvorana - Big HaU: L geol, I. geom, II. hidrl 48 Orjaki - Giants: 1. geol, I. geom, IL hidrl 49 Orgle - Organ: L geol, L geom, H. hidrl. 50 Paradiž - Paradise: L geol, L geom, U. hidrl 51 Hankejev kanal - Hanke Channel-I. geol, I. geom, IL hidrl 52 Slon - Elephant L geol, L geom. 53 Sibirija - Sibiria- L geoL, L geom, IL bidrl 54 Dvorana planinskega društva - Alpine Club Hait L geol, L geom, IL hidrl 55 Rinaidinij&va dvorana - Rinaldini HaU: L geol, I. geom, n. hidrl 56 Putickova ävorana • Putick Halt 1. geol, L geom, IL hidrl 57 Or jaSki kapniški polsteber - Giant Sinter Pilaster L geol, I. geom, n. hidrl 58 Orjaške podorae skale v Pütickovi dvorani -Giant Boulders in Putick HaU: L geom. 59 Martelova dvorana - Martel HaU: L geol, L geom, IL hidrl 60 Orjaški kapniki - Giant Stalagmites: L geoL, I geom. 61 Orjaške ponvice v Martelovi dvorani -Giant Rimestone Pools in Martel Hall: 1. geol, I. geom, IL hidrl, IV. zoo. 62 Martelovo jezero - Martel Lake: IL hidri. L group of natural beritage units - some elemets of reUef or geological (L geol) and j I (L geom.) heritage; n. group of natural heritage units - hydrological (IL hidr.) and nival-glacial or hydrological heritage; m. group of natural beritage units - some elemets of seil aßd vegetation or pedologicai aad botanical, botanical (HL bot), dendrological (XU den.) and f otestal (m. for.) beritage; IV. group of natural heritage units - some elemets of animality or zoological (IV. zoo.). There is no units of V. group - natural heritage with anthropological elements or formed heritage (parks, gardens and coUonades of trees) SLOVENE AND TRANSLATED NAMES, POSITIONS, GROUP AND SPECIES OF NATURAL HERITAGE UNITS OF ^ig- 3. a Tm ŠKOCJANSKI JAMSKI SPLET 0 50 100 300 m ground plan after A. Hanke Fig. 3. b and 58 "kal", but Gams (1973, 11) all of them quoted by English term "sinkhole pond". "Lokev" is man-made shallow-hole, the most interesting hydrogeographical unit where epikarst water is captured. In the past this water was used for drinking. Nowadays, due to water supply they are no more kept but some of them are used for children swimming or water games. On the other side all the preserved samples of "kal" were registered too; they are man-made also and maintain open water fed by rain only and are used as drinking water for cattle. Both phenomena are important from the ecological point of view or as units of the second, the third or the fourth group of natural heritage; in some cases as the first group even. natural heritage inventory of the škocjan cave system Brief inventory of natural heritage of the Skocjan World Heritage Site was done by brief methodology of inventarisation (Rojšek 1989). After the first inventory of the Site methodology of inventarisation has been improved and new inventory prepared (Rojšek 1994). Parts of the system were determined (Fig. 1) and 62 unit of the heritage processed (Fig. 3). The system consists of 11 speleological objects linked by the Velika Voda - Reka river or by position inside huge collapse dolines (Velika and Mala Dolina) as follows: Škocjanska Jama (1) with Okroglica (la) and Rov (lb). Velika (2) and Mala (3) Koščakova Jama, Rečni Vodnjak (4), Miklov Skedenj (5), Jama (6), and Jamica (7) Nad Jezerom, Tominčeva Jama (8), Ozka Špilja (9), Jama Strahov (10), and Šumeča Jama (11) with Pruker (IIa) and Tihi Rov (lib). The parts of the system are displayed on Fig. 1. The most frequent units (21 specimen) of the first and the second group of the natural heritage (Rojšek 1994-2, Fig. 2) appear in the inventory: 14 units belong to the first group only; 11 to the second group; 6 to the first three groups; 4 to the first four groups; 2 to the first or the third group; 2 to the first and the fourth group; 1 to the first, second and fourth group and 1 to the third group only. There are no units of the fifth group registered in this area. Among the units of the first group belong the huge cave chambers (a volume of Martelova Dvorana (Fig. 3, No. 59) is estimated to 2.100.000 m^), stalagmites (Orjaki height (Fig. 3, No. 48) up to 15 m), and massive gours (Fig. 3, No., 45). Evorsion channels and fast deposition of flowstone are very important too. There are 8 river lakes (7 underground lakes, up to 110 m long and 50 m large) and 3 waterfalls (5 m, 12 m, 6 m) belonging to the second group. Growing sites of Alpine species Primula auricula L. and Mediterranean fern Adinatum capillus veneris L. are the most exceptional units of the third group. Some endangered bird and bat species are noticed within the fourth group. The most important feature is Sumeča Jama with Pruker and Tihi Rov (Fig. 1. No. 11 & Fig. 3, No. 28, 31-62) where 32 or more than half of the units were processed, but it is known that the majority of the system natural heritage units is located in this cave. Access to these units in the cave is the most difficult as the cave's volume is one of the greatest on the Earth. After the last inventarisation the unique site of cave pearls was discovered in Tominčeva Jama (Fig. 1, No. 8 & Fig. 3, No. 29). The inventory is graphically introduced by a printed specimen inventory foil presenting the System (Fig. 2); Fig. 3 provides groundplan of locations and the names of the units. conclusion Nemo propheta in patria, however we daresay that more than 200 units of natural heritage may be inventoried in the Skocjan Cave System, not including the natural heritage in the Škocjanski Kras and Vremska Dohna - the extended Sites of Skocjan. A team of cavers and experts for the inventarisation should be organized to confirm or to deny the prediction if the responsible organs of the Republic of Slovenia recognize a need to support such inventarisation of the protected area. references Cave Register, Situation November 1995; Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU, Postojna Drašček, E. & Gorkič, M. & Osmuk, N.^ & Rojšek, D. & Sušnik, M., & Svetina, J., 1989: Krajinske zasnove Škocjan (Landscape Plan Škocjan). Typeprint of branch base for natural and cultural heritage conservation in the World Heritage Site, the first natural heritage inventory of wider protected area. Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Gorica v Novi Gorici Gams, I./Ed. 1973: Slovenska kraška terminologija. Ljubljana Gorkič, M. & Markič,. M. & Jamnik, A. & Pokom, A. & Rojšek, D. & Sušnik-Lah, M., 1990: Inventar naravne dediščine občine Ilirska Bistrica. Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Gorica v Novi Gorici Odlok o razglasitvi naravnih znamenitosti in kulturnih spomenikov na območju občine Sežana, 1992. Primorske novice - Uradne objave, 13/17.4.1992, Koper Rojšek, D., 1987: Natural Heritage of the Classical Karst. Karst and Man, Proceedings of the Int. Symp. of Human Influence on Karst, 255-265, Ljubljana Rojšek, D., 1989: Methodology and inventory of geological, geomorphological and hydrogeographical heritage of the World Heritage Site. In Drašček et al. Rojšek, D., 1990: Human Impact on Škocjanske jame System. Studia Carsologica, 2, 120-132, Brno Rojšek, D., 1994-1: Geografsko vrednotenje naravne dediščine na primeru Škocjanskega jamskega spleta z okolico in varstvo okolja. Third degree Thesis, FF, Ljubljana Rojšek, D., 1994-2: Inventarisation of the Natural Heritage. Acta carsologica 23, 111-121, Ljubljana Sušnik-Lah, M. & Klemenčič, B./Eds., 1990: Strokovne osnove za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine za izdelavo prostorskih ureditvenih pogojev za občino Sežana. Zavod za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Gorica v Novi Gorici inventar škocjanske svetovne dediščine Povzetek Po predstavitvi predloga za zavarovanje naravne dediščine na matičnem Krasu (Rojšek 1987) smo na Zavodu za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine Gorica v Novi Gorici dopolnili prvi inventar naravne dediščine Krasa (Sušnik-Lah & Klemenič/Eds. 1990) s pripravo strokovnih osnov za varstvo naravne in kulturne dediščine pri izdelavi prostorskih ureditvenih pogojev za tedanjo občino Sežana. Registrirali smo 754 enot naravne dediščine, med katerimi izstopajo hidrogeografski pojavi. Tedaj smo namreč na Krasu, "brezvodni" pokrajini, registrirali 72 vodnih pojavov, štirinajstim pravijo lokev, oseminpetdesetim pa kal. Gams (1973, 11) pojava enači, vendar gre za dve različni umetni hidrogeografski kraški tvorbi. Lokev je plitva izkopana vodna globel, ki jo napaja epikraška voda. V preteklosti so jo uporabljah za pitno vodo. RegistriraH smo vse ohranjene kale, ki predstavljajo umetno narejene in vzdrževane zbiralnike deževnice za napajanje živine. Oba pojava sta pomembna z ekološkega vidika. Skupščina občine Sežana je razglasila vse naravne znamenitosti (odlok 1992), ki jih navajamo v poročilu (Rojšek 1987). Za izdelavo krajinske zasnove smo pripravili kratek inventar naravne dediščine zavarovanega ozemlja Škocjanske svetovne dediščine (Rojšek 1989). Po tem prvem inventarju smo izboljšali metodologijo in izdelali nov inventar naravne dediščine Škocjanskega jamskega spleta (Rojšek 1994). Na zavarovanem ozemlju smo registrirali 146 enot naravne dediščine, strokovno pa smo jih obdelali 62 (SI. 3). Določili smo tudi dele jamskega spleta (SI. 1). Tega sestavlja 11 speleoloških objektov: Škocjanska jama (1) z Okroglico (la) in Rovom (lb), Velika (2) in Mala (3) Koščakova jama, Rečni vodnjak (4), Miklov skedenj (5), Jama (6) in Jamica (7) nad jezerom, Tominčeva jama (8), Ozka špilja (9), Jama strahov (10) in Šumeča jama (11) s Prukerjem (Ha) in Tihim rovom (lib). Ponikalnica Velika voda - Reka in lega znotraj oboda Velike in Male doline jih povezujeta v jamski splet. Največ enot (21 primerkov) pripada prvi in drugi skupini naravne dediščine (Rojšek 1994-2; SI. 2); 14 enot sodi samo v prvo, 11 pa samo v drugo skupino; 6 v prvo, drugo in tretjo; 4 v prvo, drugo, tretjo in četrto; 2 v prvo in tretjo; 2 v prvo in četrto; ena v prvo in četrto in ena v tretjo skupino naravne dediščine. Na zavarovanem ozemlju ni enote naravne dediščine, ki bi sodila v peto skupino. V prvi skupini omenimo največje jamske dvorane, stalagmite in ponvice v Sloveniji, korita in hitro odlaganje sige. Osem jezer in trije slapovi sodijo v drugo skupino. Rastišča lepega jegliča (Primula auricula L.) in Venerinih laskov {Adinatum capillus veneris L.) so med največjimi posebnostmi v tretji skupini, v četrti pa omenimo ogrožene vrste ptičev in netopirjev. Najpomembnejši naravni pojav je Šumeča jama -s Prukerjem in Tihim rovom, kjer smo obdelali 32 ali dobro polovico vseh enot naravne dediščine Škocjanskega jamskega spleta. Predvidevamo, da leži večina enot naravne dediščine ravno v tej jami. Dostop do posameznih naravnih pojavov spleta je v njej najtežavnejši, kajti njena prostornina sodi med največje na Zemlji. Po zadnji inventarizaciji smo v Tominčevi jami (SI. 1, št. 8 & SI. 3, št. 29) odkrih edino znano nahajahšče jamskih biserov. Inventar predstavljamo grafično s primerkom inventarnega lista Škocjanskega jamskega spleta (SI. 2) in tlorisom lokacij enot naravne dediščine z imeni (SI. 3). Nemo propheta in patria, vendar si upamo napovedati, da Škocjanski jamski splet vsebuje več kot 200 enot naravne dediščine, skupaj z naravno dediščino Škocjanskega krasa in Vremske doline pa je teh enot še precej več. Skupina jamarjev in strokovnjakov za inventarizacijo bi napoved potrdila oziroma ovrgla, če bi se odgovorni organi Republike Slovenije zavedli svoje dolžnosti in finančno podprli inventarizacijo zavarovanega ozemlja.