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7,6.$1 8ý%(1,. ± .$- -( ä( 72" (/(.75216.( .1-,*( 35, ,=2%5$ä(9$1-8 1$ 81,9(5=, +HOHQD 3HþNR 0OHNXã ______________________ Oddano: 12.11.2001 – Sprejeto: 16.12.2001 3UHJOHGQL ]QDQVWYHQL þODQHN UDK 027.7 : 655.4/.5 : 004 ,]YOHþHN 3ULVSHYHN VNXãD RGJRYRULWL QD YSUDãDQMH DOL ERGR HOHNWURQVNL XþEHQLNL QDãOL VYRMH PHVWR Y YLVRNRãROVNHP R] XQLYHU]LWHWQHP ãWXGLMX LQ NDNãHQ ER QMLKRY YSOLY QD YLVRNRãROVNH NQMLåQLFH 2GJRYRU QD SUYL GHO YSUDãDQMD MH SULWUGLOHQ VDM VH SRMDYOMD YVH YHþ ]DORåQLNRY R] SRQXGQLNRY elektronskih knjig in opreme za prebiranje besedil ( þLWDOQLNRY 2EVWDMDMR ãWHYLOQD QHUHãHQD vprašanja, predvsem glede standardizacije opreme. Univerzitetni ( QHSURILWQL ]DORåQLNL VH QLVR SUDYRþDVQR ]DYHGOL SRPHQD HOHNWURQVNH NQMLJH ]D DNDGHPVNR RNROMH ]DWR VR SREXGR SUHY]HOL NRPHUFLDOQL SRQXGQLNL R] ]DORåQLNL =DQMH SD NQMLåQLFH ]DHQNUDW QH SUHGVWDYOMDMR GRYROM YHOLNHJD WUåLãþD GD EL VH PX SULODJRGLOL QMLKRYH VWRULWYH VR YHþLQRPD QDPHQMHQH LQGLYLGXDOQLP uporabnikom. Potekajo številne pilotne študije v ZDA in Veliki Britaniji, v katerih skušajo ponudniki najti najboljše rešitve v skladu s potrebami in zahtevami uporabnikov. Na koncu prispevka je QDQL]DQLK QHNDM SUHGYLGHYDQM R YSOLYX HOHNWURQVNLK NQMLJ QD VWRULWYH YLVRNRãROVNH NQMLåQLFH .OMXþQH EHVHGH WLVNDQH NQMLJH HOHNWURQVNH NQMLJH YLVRNRãROVNH NQMLåQLFH Review article UDC 027.7 : 655.4/.5 : 004 $EVWUDFW The article tries to answer the question whether electronic texbooks will support the teaching and learning process at the university in the future and the way they will inflluence academic libraries' collections and services. The answer to the first part of the question is affirmative. A lot of publishers offer access to electronic textbooks, hardware and software equipment and their number is even increasing. However, there are a lot of problems to solve, lack of standardisation being one of them. University publishers have not responded to the changing environment in time and that is why commercial firms took the initiative. Libraries do not represent an adequate market for them and are mostly oriented towards individual users as well. There are a lot of ongoing studies and pilot projects in the United States of America and the United Kingdom trying to find the best solutions for the existing problems. At the end, some possible tasks and challenges for academic libraries are presented. .H\ ZRUGV : books, electronic books, academic libraries 3(ý.2 0/(.8â +HOHQD What is a printed textbook?: electronic books at the university teaching and OHDUQLQJ .QMLåQLFD /MXEOMDQD xx-xx