AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA _AMERICAN HOME_ s='NAENw=a CLEVELAND, O., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1941 " LETO XLIV. — VOL. XLIV. |cem tedna L v zakladniškem od-l! v'ade že delajo na na-L^e davke. Najbrže bo t 8e letos prisiljen določili, ker dosedanji še L Nesejo dovolj denar- talno blagajno. L * * * I j ^ med Zed. državami f^rnsko p°čivaJ°-ja_ P* zahteve državne-ijj0 "u'la prestroge. Za-I ' ako se bo še razvila L"Ja' Bolj ko bo Hitler L; oli pokonci bodo no-I ICl glave. Ki. * WVe^1 poslanik za Zed-pj^eilrjr Haye, je izra- fc davnemu tajniku j^jJe- da bodo Zed. dr- to> da dobi Fran- IL.1110 nedotaknjeno na-L oltleval z odgovorom J ^'Poslaniku, da Fran. ^ ko a'a Amerike za ^ je izročila Indo-Kino k '1ni vprašala Ame-^ivSVet. ko je hitela Viji. Oii , * ^ ln iz Kitajske bo ° 500 pilotov, ki bodo k, ppotl"ebno treningo v fe Rajali bodo v sku-W ln v prihodnjih še-S^i Jih bo vežbalo v ■f ^anj 5oo. la vojna končana, 'Illr«ja odločno na 'iif^ov. Tako trdijo ^ tirani krogi v \j|,' turški diplomati k (j0 ^"glijo in Ameri-Turčija borila na '* De kadar bo predanostjo. To se 1 Rusija popolnoma kaže, da se ■ tVeJPravlj'a na inva" S tg 0> Narod v Nor-da zrevoltira in X Ui takrat pri roki, uVabi- Fakt je- da J^ve.,najbolj skrbi po-%tj ' k-ier narod ka-10(ipor apram na. Kje je moj mili dom ... Šfe nikdar prej se nismo s tako bolestjo in s strahom v srcu spraševali: Kje je moj mili dom, kot to delamo v teh dneh, ko dobivamo poročila sem čez morje o Kalvariji našega naroda. Kje so moja mamica, kje so moje sestrice, kje moji brateci? Mamica mi v grobu spe, bratje so na vojsko šli! Še nikdar niso zvenele besede iz naše nebeško lepe, pa v srce segajoče psmi tako očitajoče, tako pomenljivo, kot v teh časih svetovne morije. Ko nam je prvič zapel naš baritonist Tone šubelj to pesem, smo se zdramili iz pozabljivosti na naš rojstni dom, na naše doma. Slika naše nepozabne domovine nam je zopet stala živo pred očmi. Saj je tudi zapel tako proseče, tako očitajoče, kot bi bila ta pesem ena sama vroča molitev za našo slovensko zemljo, za naš rojstni dom. In jutri bo Tone Šubelj zopet zapel: Kje je moj mili dom . . . kje so moja mamica, kje so moje sestre, kje so moji brateci . . . In zapel bo, kot ni še nikdar zapel. Pridite jutri popoldne ob pol štirih na koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. in slišali boste našo slovensko pesem kot jo zna zapeti samo Tone Šubelj. -o-- Prispevki za Lauschetovo kampanjo Glavni tajnik Slovenske moške zveze, Mr. Vincent Lauter, 1067 Sutherland Ave., Akron, 0. nam je poslal za Lauschetovo kampanjo vsoto $25.00. To vsoto je določila za kampanjo konvencija SMZ z iskreno željo, da bi bil Frank Lausche izvoljen s tako večino glasov, kot ni bil pred njim še noben drug kandidat v Clevelandu. Mrs. Theresa Jakšič iz 14311 St. Clair Ave. je prispevala za kampanjo $10.00. Naš neumorni Anton MiklauiHC nam je prinesel za kampanjo $10 in sicer je darovalo društvo Tabor št. 139 SNPJ $5, in društvo Beacons št. 667 SNPJ $5. S " ■ * jHojJ Llbij0 se naJbr-še tako hitro- vozrti bojno %a na rusko f ron" J Največja potre- Po $2.00 so prispevali: Joseph in Mary Salomon, 1152 E. 63. St., Primož Šulen, 15910 Midland Ave., družina Joe Sila, 8414 Rosewood Ave. Mr. in Mrs. Louis Turk, 846 Wayside Ave., Mr. in Mrs. Anton Sernel, 16810 Grovewood Ave. Po $1 so prispevali: Frank Sernel, 16810 Grovewood Ave., Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Sernel, 16812 Grovewood Ave., Frank Golob, 6034 Carry Ave., Leopold Stegel, 18621 Kewange Ave. Najlepša hvala vsem darovalcem in nabiralcem, ki se tako požrtvovalno odzivajo in pomagajo vzdržati uspešno kampanjo. ph % * m J>roča o vedno Proti naci-i} to izrabila in , u 0 propagando, podžge proti tL ^vok „ \ % V FranciJ1 L' ^ ^ ni pričakovati % v bilo dozdaj sa- X Cern> Je bila sa- jJV J)°sameznikov ali ^SjjgPoljubnim vo- SSJo, naj se sicer i naJ čakajo na j. „ . sv * C ta bleski ušilec S?°billlapravil več i (Jf- \y Skov na obrežju |Oih j^ilca so se v v ^ ?cali angleški L 11 in T %iji, Franciji, KChpiai so vd0- \ imenovati' >n da jih bodo I sam0 "Ruse." V Cleveland prihajajo od vseh strani ljudje, ki jemljejo delo domačinom Howard Green, statistik in analist, dokazuje, da prihaja v Cleveland vedno več zunanjih ljudi, ki jemljejo izpred nosa delo domačinom, katerih je še vedno do 27,000 brez dela. čeprav se sicer ne more reči, da je na potu v Cleveland kar masna imi-gracija, vendar pa prihaja dovolj ljudi od drugod, da postaja položaj precej resen. Novi doseljenci bodo povzročili, da bo še bolj primanjkovalo stanovanj, obenem bo pa postalo relifno vprašanje akutno, ako ne bodo oni, ki zdaj dobivajo relif, dobili kmalu dela. Pa ne samo to, ampak mestne oblasti že skrbi, kaj bo s temi novimi naseljenci, kadar bo ponehala sedanja prosperiteta in bodo padli ti ljudje, ali vsaj ne kateri, mestu v breme. V Cleveland prihajajo za delom beli in črni iz Alabame, Georgije, Tennessee, West Virgi-nije in od drugod. Samo v avgustu je dospelo na Terminal postajo 452 novih došlecev, ki so poizvedovali za stanovanji in kje naj vprašajo za člelo. -o- Zadušnica V nedeljo ob desetih bo darovana v cerkvi Marije Vnebovze-te sv. maša za pokojno Mary Praznik. Sorodhiki in prijatelji so prijazno vabljeni. Farmar prosi pomoči Včeraj nam je pripovedoval Frank Hočevar iz Olmsted Falls, O. o silni škodi, ki mu jo je priza-djal vihar v četrtek. Sapa mu je raznesla vse seno in slamo, ki jo je imel v kopicah. Podrlo mu je tudi stene pri hlevu, katerega pravkar postavlja. Mr. Hočevar prosi svoje prijatelje če imajo kaj časa, da bi mu prišli pomagat devat seno in slamo nazaj v kopice, predno pride deževje, ker sam ne bo opravil nič. Ob prvi obletnici V nedeljo ob 11:30 se bo brala v cerkvi sv. Vida maša zadušnica za pokojno Johano Bajt ob priliki prve obletnice njene smrti. Sorodniki in prijatelji so vabljeni. Preša je že zapela Mr. Anton Korošec, 6629 St. Clair Ave. naznanja, da je že začel stiskati grozdje. Kdor želi dobro kapljico, naj se oglasi pri njem. novi grobovi Ana Šulen Včeraj je nagloma preminula ob 7:30 zjutraj dobro poznana Ana Šulen, rojena Somrak, 10402 Park Heights Ave., v starosti 58 let, doma iz vasi Veliki Kal, fara Mirna peč. V Ameriko je prišla pred 29 leti. Bila je članica društva Napredne Slovenke, št. 137 SNPJ in podružnice št. 47 SŽZ. Tukaj zapušča žalujočega soproga Johna, sinove Josepha in Rudolfa ter hčere Mary Lastnar v Wisconsinu, Anna Gregory, Julia in Sally Redmond; brata Jožefa v Ambridge, Pa., Johna v Calumetu, Mich., in Antona v Chicagu ter več bližnjih sorodnikov. Pogreb ranjke se bo vršil v pondeljek iz Louis Ferfo-lia pogrebnega zavoda, 9116 Union Ave., ob 9:30 v cerkev sv. Terezije Male cvetke na Ranger Rd. ob 10. uri. Naj počiva v miru, sorodnikom pa naše soža-lje. Joseph Rossman Kot smo že včeraj poročali, je umrl v Polyclinic bolnišnici mladenič Joseph Rossman, star osem let in pol, stanujoč na 1127 E. 71. St. Tukaj zapušča žalujoče starše Joseph in Ana, sestro Mary Ann in veliko drugih sorodnikov. Bil je učenec Hodge šole. Bil je rojen v Clevelandu in član mladinskega oddelka društva Collinwood Hive, št. 283 T. M. Pogreb se bo vršil v pondeljek zjutraj ob 9:15 iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda, 6502 St. Clair Ave. v cerkev sv. Vida in na pokopališče sv. Pavla. Naše sožalje prizadetim. Marija Nose V bolnišnici sv. Aleša je umrla v četrtek ob 6:30 zvečer Marija Nose, rojena Papeš, stanujoča na 3708 E. 77. St. Stara je bila 64 let in doma iz vasi Sela, fara Hinje. Zapušča soproga Franka in hčer Mrs. Mary Mo-lek, brata Gabriela Papeš v Weirton, W. Va., sestro Mrs. Uršulo Jaklich in nečakinjo Mrs. Mary Nose. Bila je članica društva Marije Vnebovzete, št. 103 ABZ. Truplo bo ležalo na domu Fred Michaleka, 14220 Miles Ave. Pogreb se bo vršil v pondeljek zjutraj ob devetih v cerkev sv. Lovrenca pod vodstvom Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda. Naj počiva v miru, preostalim sožalje.' -o- Dobite si licenco! V torek opolnoči poteče ve-ljaynost letošnjih licenc za voznike avtov. Kdor ga še nima, naj si ga pravočasno preskrbi, da ne bo imel sitnosti. Nemci pripravljeni za zimo v Rusiji Oče in 7 sinov v mornarici Norvežanom so pobrali vse zimske odeje za armado. Vseh sedem sinov farmarja Clarence Patten iz Ridgefield, Wash., je odšlo k ameriški bojni mornarici. "Čakajte, bomo šli skupaj," je rekel oče. Tako zdaj vsi sku služijo na bojni ladji U. S. S. Nevada. Mornarji so pri posadki, oče je pa za kurjača pri strojih. Na sliki vidite na sredi očeta, okroy njega so pa njegovi fantje. Edin tak slučaj mendd v ameriški zgodovini. Delavcem pri WPA nameravajo zvišati mezdo, da bo nekoliko bližje plačam v industriji Washington, 26. sept.—Howard Hunter, komisar za WPA dela naznanja, da ima v načrtu zvišati mezdo 1,000,000 WPA delavcem. Za koliko bo mezda zvišana, še ni znano, toda najbrže 10 odstotkov. Zvišanje bo izvršeno v prihodnjih 30 dneh. Sedanja mezda pri WPA je bila v veljavi zadnji dve leti. V tem času je bila zvišana mezda delavcem v industriji za 32 odstotkov, medtem ko se je cena živilom zvišala za 15 odstotkov. Plačilna lestvica pri WPA je danes od $31.20 do $81.90 na mesec v južnih državah, in od $39 do $94.90 na mesec v severnih državah. Komisar Hunter jp tudi izjavil, da pričakuje n^ zimo več prošenj za delo pri WPA, ker je pričakovati odpustitev delavcev iz tovaren, katere ne bodo mogle dobiti materiala za nadaljni obrat. -o- PREDRZNEGA ZLOČINCA SO PRIJELI Težko breme! Mlada vdova je postavila lep Icamen na grob svojemu umrlemu možu. Dala je vklesati na kamen sledeč napis: "Moja bol je tako velika, da je nikakor ne morem prenašati." čez kako leto se je pa zopet poročila. Mislila je, da napis na grobnem spomeniku ne odgovarja več, pa je naročila kamnoseku, naj doda še eno besedo — "sama." V četrtek večer je stopilo iz busa na 79. cesti irt Piatt Ave. neko 16 letno dekle in se napotilo peš proti domu. Kar stopi k nji nek moški, jo prime za vrat in začne groziti z odprtim nožem. Prisilil jo je, da je šla ž njim na prazen lot, kjer ji je storil silo. Potem mu je morala pa še obljubiti, da ga bo prihodnji večer počakala na vogalu 79. ceste in Woodland Ave. Satrši so o tem obvestili policijo, ki je poslala z dekletom dva detektiva. Res je pohotnež prišel. Toda ko je zapazil da je dekle pokazalo'nanj, jo je ubral, detektiva pa za njim. Kmalu sta ga dohitela. Je to nek 14 letni fant, ki je priznal, da je vlekel dekleta na lot, vendar zanika, da bi ji bil storil silo. Toda zdravniška preiskava je dlogna-la da je bilo dekle oskrunjeno. Nadškof priporoča davke za okrajni relif V torek bo predloženo volivcem vprašanje, če sprejmejo 2.8 tisočink davka za relif. Nadškof Schrembs priporoča katoličanom, da glasujejo za te davke, od katerih se podpira 35,000 otrok in odraslih, ki si sami ne morejo služiti kruha. Grob v stari domovini . Josip Sribar iz 1031 E. 71. St. je dobil iz stare domovine pismo, da mu je umrla ljubljena mati Terezija Sribar stara 67 let. Doma so bili iz Planine pri Krškem. Pismo je hodilo 4 tedne. Naj bo ohranjen materi blag spomin pri vseh, ki so jo poznali in naj mirno počivajo v rodni grudi. RUSKI ODPOR JE VEDNO VEČJI Kjaj pranji j o naši zupansKj Kcmdidati LAUSCHE: "Naš okraj prosi davke za relif. V Columbusu pa ležijo milijoni brez hasni. Če bi imeli pravega župana, bi tega ne bilo." BLYTH1N: "Politika moje administracije je preprečila razen nekaj vse večje stavke v Clevelandu. Obrambna industrija nima zadržka." DAY i "Ako boste mene izvolili županom, bomo kupili premoženje "ulične železnice po $80 delnico in ne po $45, kot hoče Blythin." SWEENEY: , "Jaz sem edini kandidat, kateremu ne diktirajo uredniki clecelandskih dnevnikov. Glas zame, je tudi glas proti vojni." Naciji skušajo v Ameriki izolirati katoličane Springfield, 111. — Na konferenci Nžtrodnega koncila katoliških žena za osrednji zapad je imel nagovor med drugimi tudi škof James A. Griffin iz Spring-fielda, 111. Dokazoval je, da skušajo naciji napraviti Vrzel med ameriškimi katoličani in drugimi veroizpovedanji, kakor se jim je to posrečilo v Evropi. "Nacijska propaganda v Ameriki dopoveduje protestantom, da so katoličani fašisti a katoličanom skuša dokazati, da se obrača vsa ostala dežela h komunizmu," je rekel škof." Tako skušajo naciji uničiti krščanstvo in demokracijo obenem. ---o- Sinko je! Pri družini Turk na 1929 E 31. St., Lorain, O. se je oglasila teta štorklja in pustila za spomin kreukega sinčka. Srečni oče je iz poznane Turkove družine riz 63. ceste Cleveland, O. mamica je pa hčerka Leopoldove družine iz Madison, O. čestitamo! Na dopustu Iz taborišča Lee, Virginia, je dospel za nekaj dni na dopust korporal Michael Lah ml. iz 18907 Kildeer Ave. V nedeljo gre zopet nazaj. Mike pravi, da .se je že kar privadil vojaškemu stanu. Lausche na radiu Jutri večer bo od 8 do 8:15 govoril na postaji WHK Frank J. Lausche. Hitlerjeva armada se pripravlja, da bo preživela vso zimo na ruski fronti, kot se priznava iz Berlina. V istem času so nemške oblasti ukazale norveškim trgovcem, da morajo izročiti vse volnene odeje za rabo nemški armadi. Nemška poročila priznavajo, da je čutiti vedno silnojši odpor ruske armade in sicer vzdolž vse fronte, od Leningrada do Črnega morja. Radio iz Londona naznanja, da so Rusi počistili z otokov Oesel in Da-goe 15,000 nemških vojakov, ki so se pred par dnevi izkrcali tam. Otoka varjeta vhod v Finski zaliv. Ruska poročila javljajo, da so bili uničeni celi bataljoni Nemcev pri napadu na polotok Krim, ko so Rusi razstrelili pod njimi mine, skrite v zemlji. Nemci so spustili na Krim mnogo parašutarjev, toda vse so Rusi spravili s poti. Nemci si silno prizadevajo, da bi zasedli polotok Krim, kjer je ruska bojna luka" Sevastopol. Ako bi Nemci tukaj dobili oporišče, bi imeli samo še en korak do ruskih oljnih polj v Kavkazu. Nemci so prišli na dan z novimi številkami ruskih ujetnikov. Zdaj jih imajo že "zajetih" 574,000 samo na ukrajinski fronti. Rusi odgovarjajo, da je to zopet nova Hitlerjeva sleparija. Rusom zdaj veliko pomaga blato, ki je zmehčalo ceste, kar zelo ovira prodiranje nemških oklepnih divizij. Ako napravijo Nemci po teh potih sedem milj na uro je že veliko. ZGREŠILA STA SE, PA SE LE NAŠLA Taborišče Robinson, Ark. — Roy Kaufman je komaj čakal, da bo šel na dopust, da bo obiskal svojega dekleta. Končno se mu je želja izpolnila in odšel je domov. Zgodilo se je pa, da 3e je prav v tem času tudi dekle, tu stožilo po fantu in odšla je v taborišče, da ga obišče. Da ne bo kake nadaljne pomote, je fant ostal doma in brzojavno poklical dekleta, naj pride hitro nazaj. -o- K molitvi članice društva sv. Ane št. 4 SDZ so prošene, da pridejo nocoj ob osmih k skupni molitvi za pokojno sestro Ivano Modic, 1072 E. 68. St. V pondeljek ob 8:30 se pa po možnosti udeležite pogreba. Seja in molitev čilanicam društva Marije Vnebovzete št. 103 ABZ se naznanja, da je umrla sestra Marija Noše in da bo nocoj ob sedmih posebna seja v navadnih prostorih. Po seji bodo šle pa članice skupno molit za pokojno sestro. GLASBENA MATICA PODA OPERO "Cigan baron" 5. OKTOBRA S 2 ____________________________________________' ________________________________________AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 27, 1941 "AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER tin 81. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio Published dally except Sundays and Holidays. BESEDA IZ NARODA NAROČNINA: v:; tole, da on Pričal|i "j ske glasove, da Frank J. Lausch^ g eden izmed nas. JM Slovencev volil . mo v škodo nam v ^ Jaz ne deluje«1 j J vo izvolitev iz jA namenov in '' jsoj tega nikake oseb"1 pak zato,, ker Je ^A sten, zmožen itd- M nikar ne dobi tf cev lastnega na1'0 va zmaga je tlldltlldi% njegov poraz, bo ^ Mr. Lausche ljen, zato pa »e . ^ C kdo med nami- ■ kesal, ker ni fj , . O v»e / glasu njemu. w J> izdajalcih se bo z g)0/ volitvah. Torej ^ Svetek Po«? INVALIDNI VOZ J 478 E. 152nd St. .......... ZA NEUSTRAŠENO VODSTVO IZVOLITE frank j. LAUSCHE županom A. MALNAR CEMENT WORK EN'dicott 4371 1001 East 74th Street ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO IN GRETJE POKLIČITE A. J. Budnick & CO. = PLUMBING & HEATING I 7207 St. Clair Ave. § Tel. HEnderson 328» | 10008 Burton Ave. r Residence: IVanhoe 1146 fuiiiiimimmiiiiiinmiiiiiuiiMiiiiHii! izvolite ponovno ANTON VEHOVEC mestno zbornico 32. varde - —-...............................ZAKAJ? Primarne Volitve v torek 30. septembra Cuyahoga County Democratic Executive Committee RAY T. MILLER, Chairman. Ker je energičen in pošten, ker je pravi ljudski zastopnik, ker ima v mestnem poslovanju izkušnje, ker je neustrašen borec za pravico. ON HOČE Da bodo državljani vljudno postrežem, da bodo parki publiki odprti, da bodo ceste in ulice v najboljšem redu, da bo kanalizacija v brezhibnem stanju. REKORD njegovega osemletnega zastopstva jasno govori, da je 32. varda v najboljšem stanju in redu. POTREBUJETE GA vnaprej radi novih federalnih in mestnih projektov, ki so v načrtu prihodnja leta. VOLITE 30. SEPTEMBRA TAKOLE anton vehovec frank j. lausche FOR COUNCILMAN FOR MAYOR šega predsednika Roosevelta v njegovem prizadevanju za pomoč Veliki Britaniji, Sovjetski Rusiji in Kitajski. Program Bernard V. McGro-arty-ja že sledeč: Protest proti visokim cenam. Mesto mora sodelovati z federalno vlado, da se napove vojna proti dobičkarjem; mestno lastništvo transportnega sistema in 5-cetno vožnjo; dalje središče za zdravje v naši vardi in igrišča za otroke; sivilne svobodščine; nižje cene elektriki, plinu in telefonu; zvišanje relifne podpore vsem ki ne morejo dobiti dela in si tega niso sami krivi.* Obdržavati redne ljudske seje, kjer bi ljudje lahko prišli na dan s svojimi morebitnimi pritožbami in na teh sejah bi moral mestni zastopnik poročati državljanom v vardi, kaj se godi in dela v mestni zbornici itd. Tu imate sedaj njegov program in sodite sami. Bolj inteligentnega in zmožnega človeka bo težko dobiti. Vodite za Bernard V. McGroar-ty za councilmana v 32. vardi in vam gotovo ne bo žal. Fisher Body Local 45 UAWCIO. -o- Prodaja na obroke je že zelo stara, še Zjcl CclSci Cezarja so razni rimski trgovci z zemljišči prodajali domove na obroke. RAZPRODAJA FRIGID AIRE, Cold Wall 39, 159.95 prej 229.50, sedaj samo_____ " FRIGID AIRE, 1941, družinska J27.75 velikost, samo __,._________ 1941 PHILCO in ZENITH radios dobite od 20 do 40% popusta WHITE ŠIVALNI STROJ, 44J§ prej 79.95, sedaj------------- " Znižane cene imamo tudi na pečeh, pralnih strojih, električnih čistilcih in sploh na vsem pohištvu. LAHKA MESEČNA ODPLAČILA NORWOOD APPLIANCE & FURNITURE • 6104 St. Clair Avenue V severni Afriki vporabljajo pražene dateljeve koščice v nadomestilo za kavo. MALI OGLASI Hiše naprodaj Hiša za dve družini, na 65. cesti v bližini Superior, 10 sob, hrastov, pod, 2 fireplace, 2 fur-neza, 2 garaži. Cena $5,700. Hiša, 12 sob, 2 furneza, hrastov pod. Nahaja se v bližini sv. Frančiška cerkve. Cena $5,800. Hiša v bližini Euclid Beach parka, 10 sob, za dve družini. Cena $6,800. Joseph Globokar REAL ESTATE 986 E. 74. St. HEnderson 6607. Išče se fante, stare nad 18 let, za delo kot "pin setters," v slovenskem kegljišču. Samo ob večerih. Vpraša* se na"809 E. 152. St. (226) V najem V najem se odda dva trgovska prostora s stanovanjem v ozadju. V jako dobrem trgovskem okrožju na 14301-14303 Sylvia Ave. Pokličite ENdicott 8002. (226) Naznanjam, da sem pričel stiskati grozdje. Kdor želi imeti dobro kapljico, naj se oglasi pri Anton Korošec 6629 St. Clair Ave. Trgovske ure v pondeljek od 9:30 zj. do g:00 zvečer v . ■ i'; # I ^^BHBuUBHHUnB be SPOMIN SMBTINAŠE *42proge in 1 Praznik , ^U^aa preminila \. ^»a, 1937. nezabna mati! r'- ^ boiv, * smo doth tvrb žai srce izročili ma-•k^V „!Stni ^letnici kle- Nr: "n bu in v žalostl I Htpu a-i naši soprogi in \ v tuji zemlji!" 11 OROCI. ^^Membra, 1941. ' ......................................uiiiiiiimmiismimmiiiiiiiiiHiumir | POZOR GOSPODARJI Hiš | |1 Kadar potrebuje vaša streha popravila, kritja z asfaltom ali škrilje I ■ popravo žlebov ali novih, se z vso zanesljivostjo obrnite do nas, ki smo I H že nad 30 let v tem podjetju in dobro poznani tudi mnogim Slovencem. H H Plačate lahko na prav lahke obroke. The Elaborated Roofing Co. I MEIrose 0033 6115 LORAIN AVE, GArfield 2434 1 Kadar pokličete, vprašajte za MR. A. LOZICH VSI MAY DAY PREDMETI ki ne bodo prodani v soboto bodo na razprodaji v pondeljek po MAY DAY CENAH CERTIFIED TYPEWRITER SERVICE 1127 East 66th St. Pisalni stroji in seštevalni stroji naprodaj, v najem in v popravo. Trakovi in carbon papir. J. MERIIAR Pokličite HEnderson 9003 Vsi oddelki v raznih n a d s trop jih in v basementu bodo v tej razprodaji danes. "V TAM, ki niste mogli kdnčati vašega kupova-nja, vam, ki se vam ni moglo postreči zaradi velike množice ljudi, ki se niste mogli udeležiti razprodaje zaradi tega ali drugega vzroka, vam, ki niste bili v mestu v petek in soboto . . . vsem! vam damo priliko, da pridete v pondeljek in kupite MAY DAY predmete po MAY DAY cenah. Našli boste še veliko izbero stvari, ki vam jih bomo radevolje prodali po znižanih cenah. POPRAVLJANJE IN ClŠCE NJE POHIŠTVA. Se priporoča JOHN J. CERAR 5819 Bonna Ave. HEnderson 2632 ^SPOMIN ^ , Hi x SMRTI PRE- ] , VflKDAR POZA- L| IN MATERE Bajt % ' svoje mile oči i^^fS* in mater, 1» \l |p» na zemlji . . % Mača Bog. j * l , ^ajt, n%scei» jv !nembra. 1941. Pazite na naše May Day napise Ti vam kažejo May Bay predmete, ki so na razprodaji v pondeljek. NOBENIH POŠTNIH, TELEFONSKIH ALI C.O.D, NAROČIL SE NE B( SPREJEMALO ZA MAY DAY PREDMETE Kanadski ženski vojaški oddelki so dobili nove uniforme, v katerih se dekleta prav postavijo, kakor nam kaže gornja slika. Damo in zamenjamo Eagle znamke Prosto parkanje v naši garaži »KIS!! Vsi nakupi na kredit bodo vknjiženi s 1. novembrom BMHfif AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 27, 1941 " * IN VOLITVE te K^pie z 2 strani) pa 0 in drugo vrsto tre-ijalj^stite malenkostnim >čleta se je sililo Lau-{ Postal županski kan-iijajl] °s se nam je želja iz-^rjZat°Pa tudi glejmo, da Seti'2v°lili. Vsi Slovenci ju,in ® ®>isii to je, da ga iz-9io, drugo pa ta čas po- ^•Jlosalie Streiner. McGroarty v < vardi ^ ^ -— k 1 McGroarty ki je La c°uncilmana v 32. ! ^ Sporoča sledeče: ^itve v Clevelandu ! , v zelo razburkanem Glavno vprašaji narodom, ka- , erja in "jezove • «,tJ d°kler ne bo uni- i %!■ ^^kaj v Ameriki % ifi5reč varni. 1 p& n&j b°za < sten urad, bi ne !tega tako važnega varnosti ame-|iracije. Vsak kandi- , EHo V0(^i svojo kam-mtf.h bi združil vse ^^Pno podpirali na- Hiša naprodaj Naprodaj je hiša 14 sob za 2 družini, štiri garaže, prinaša okrog $70 na mesec. Se proda radi bolezni za $4,800. Se nahaja na E. 71. St. Lot je 50x 168. Hiša za eno družino, 8 sob, 2 garaži, lot 50x197, na E. 174. St., blizu bulevarda. Cena $6,800. Jacob Tisovec 1366 Marquette Rd. blizu St. Clair Ave. (227) Stanovanje se odda Odda se lepo moderno stanovanje 5 sob; vse lepo in udobno urejeno. Vprašajte na 15929 Saranac Rd. (226) j VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES DRAPERY FIXTURES CLEANING and REPAIRING J. L. Venetian Blind Sales & Service 1058 Addison Rd. ENdicott 0443. Proračun zastonj. Fine hruške Prvovrstne hruške, ki nam jih je stresel vihar, dobite pri Birtičevih. Vozite po Chardon Rd. do ceste 84, potem po 84 do Eddy in vozite pol milje po tej cesti, kjer boste videli napis. Prinesite svojo posodo. Hruške so po $1 bušelj. Zglasite se v soboto ali nedeljo. (226) ; FRANK KlEMENČIČ 1051 ADDISON ROAD Barvar in dekorator HEnderson 7757 Mi popravimo fenderje, ogrodje in prebarvamo, da bo avto izgledal kot nov. Superior Body & Paint Co. 6605 St. Clair Ave. EN 1633 FRANK CVELBAR, lastnik prepare your Heating System now! Neiv Furnaces for Coal, Gas, Oil, Hot water or Steam Resetting........................$12.00 Cleaning..........................$4.00 Air Conditioning, Tinning and Roofing Carpenter work, Complete Remodelling EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS MASON heatingco. 1193 ADDISON RD. ENdicott 0487 fe Delo dobi ženska srednje starosti dobi delo za dva dni v tednu, da bi oprala perilo in počistila po hiši. Samo dva v družini. Zglasite se v petek ali soboto pri Mrs. Map-del, 18221 Nottingham Rd. ali pa pokličite IVanhoe 1008 W. (226) __ ' _AMERIŽKA DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 27, 1941 DEDICATED TO THE YOUNG AMERICAN SLOVENES DEADLINE FOR ALLCjjl WEDNESDAY NIGH11 St. Vitus Dramatic Club Review of 1940-41 Season By Audience Summary Theie has been some talk also of creating projects in the fields of writing, ccstuming. make-up, stage-crafting. Members have been encouraged with sound advice, for instance, by Mr. Matt Grdina. who has been make-up man for the club since its beginning. The executive board at one time also made arrangements for certain members who were interested to learn costuming and interior decorating. There is such a committee functioning at the present time which promises to expand until it will take care of all the requirements of the stage. On this committee Marv Luznar especially deserves mention. Selection of plays is an -unpleasant and responsible task. Mr. Prank repeatedly has called for original dramatic work. It'was proposed at one time to modernize comedies of Shakespeare or Moliere and put them on the stage. Short skits and one-act plays could easily be put on either at a regular performance or at a club show. Here the budding author could work with the director and learn valuable lessons about action, dialogue, in fact, all the requirements for writing a successful Broadway stage success. Nor need the writer look to tlie stage alone, pointed out Mr. Prank, for the films are always looking for new talent to produce stories for the movies. At one time or another, it has been urged that members be given training in radio acting. Here would be an excellent opportunity for younger members to attain another advantage, for they would bo in a position to look forwaid to a radio career. As more and more young people become interested in this newest industry, and as the industry expands more and more, the day is not far distant when the club members will have to arrange Just such a program. Alreadv with the close of the present season, the young heads are full of projects, especially the stagecrafters' union, which plans to improve the stage proper and the scenery. At the head of this section is Stanley Martin-cic, who has proved his worth as an all-around man. I have heard some talk, too. about putting on musical performances. Now, here is a real need that should be fulfilled by the club. It is true that the Baraga Glee Club has put on musical performances, but they never have proposed an operetta or similar work. Furthermore, the glee club would be hampered by the total absence of male character. The dramatic club, on the other hand, has some very worthy singers, as Stanley Martincic, Edward Bradach. Josephine Rupar, Ann Ko-renchan to mention only a few. Thus, both Slovenian and American light works could be presented with a minimum of trouble. , Lastly, stacking up the gains and losses which the club has experienced or will experience, we see that the club lost some of its best members. Edward Zakrajsek. brother of the vice-president, Ted, received an appointment at Wright Field. Dayton, and was entirely absent in the current season, although he did come to Cleveland to witness one or another performance. Anthony Orehek, that indefatigable live wire who filled a good role as the negro comic joined the Franciscan Fathers at Lemont. 111., and his ability is sorely missed. Margaret Yartz was an up and coming star destined to assume leading roles by next season and no words can express the loss nor the grief which the club underwent. The draft has taken away, thus far. only two members, Anthony Brodnick who had not had a chance to become indispensible to the club and Joseph Skerbec who left on July 7th. This loss will certainly trouble the director. Skerbec has appeared in most of the important plays both American and Slovenian in the last few years. While William Tome does not expect to be drafted for some time yet, the eventual possible loss is quite dinconcerting to Director Frank. Still another member likely to be called to the colors is stage-manager Joseph Zelle, who for years past has assumed full responsibility for the staging of plays. Here, however, the blow may not be as acute as might be believed, since the inheritor of the lob probably will be young tony Baznik. Tony may find opposition. since Director Frank needs him very badly cn the stage. Tony is also in charge of seating arrangement, which will handicap him in his other work. But as the ranks of the male actors is depleted, there looms the loss also of Herman Ogrinc and Larry Og-rinc. both versatile men. The future for the male section of the dramatic club therefore looks gloomy indeed. Furthermore, as the director had difficulties with men in previous plays, the, present situation wi)l not be a pleasant one at all. The gain is encouraging for the feminine side, for the club has won the services of Miss Eleanore Karling-er. who during the current season proved a very efficient prompter. Matt Mlinar has likewise shown to the director that he will be able to appear in future dramas. While the young starlets. Ann Korenchan, Mary Ann Sever. Josephine Rupar, Agnes Kosec, Emily Arko and Ann Bandi have al-leadv proved their worth. Matt Mlinar. Edward Pevec, Frank Laurich. and particularly Joseph Mjerlfer have shown that the male problem on the stage may. after all. not become as acute as first indications would seem to show. All these advantages and disadvantages however, will be meaningless, unless the members continue to have the enthusiasm of their director and some of their most valuable workers which may be lost to them very soon. Marriage has likewise taken many a good actor or actress from the stage and consequently the members look askance at this problem which only adds to complications. But despite ail these unwelcome situations, the mem-, post organizes lausche club Members of the American Legion, Lake Shore Post. No. 273. have organized themselves into a Lausche For Mayer Club. This was especially in honor of their buddy and first president of the post. Frank J. Lausche, who is at present a candidate for mayor of Cleveland. Officers were elected at the first meeting held on Sept. 11th and include Jc hn G. Vargo, president, William Dru-ry, vice-president, R. F. Gregorich, secretary, and A. M. Princic, treasurer. Meetings are held every Tuesday evening at 8:30 in Knaus Hall. At the first collection of contributions the veterans boasted $55 which were given by Joe Mohar, Frank Kerze, Ed Pcsch. John Bukovnik. Frank J. Skok'. John G. Vargo. William Drury, and Joe Ambrozich. it's tonight Tonight the Frances Susel Cadets, SWUA No. 10. will hold their much talked of Straw Hat Jamboree at Man-chu-ta's Barn on Glenridge Road (1% miles up Green Road). Dancing will begin at 8:00 p.m. and the admission is only 30 cents. What about the revival of the old Broom Dance? Remember? You will net only dance to your heart's content but the winner will take a brand new broom home. And have you heard of the Draft Dance? Well, boys, if you have not been drafted by Uncle Sam vet, vcu will be tonight—by some pretty girl—to dance a special dance with her. But of course, if the girls are shy vou can always be patriotic and volunteer. Remember Clevelanders. we'll be expecting you at the Straw Hat Jamboree where Tony Malcvasic and his Hillbillies will feature Broom Dances, Draft Dances, old dances, new dances, and all other kinds of dances. Rain or shine, warm or cold, the entertainment «'111 be to everyone's satisfaction. ST. VITUS Sodality News The general meeting of the Sodality will be Tuesday, September 30. It is very important that everyone attend as there will be election of officers. During the month of October, we will have the daily recitation of our decade of the rosary by each girl, to make a "living rosary." The intention is for peace. The Our Lady's Committee is going to raffle a five-pound box of cookies. Chances will be five cents each and proceeds will be used to buy new vigil lights and flowers for the Blessed Virgin's altar. So remember to bring some nickels with vcu, girls, DSU DANCE The Sodality Union is holding a Harvest Semi-Formal Dance in the Cleveland Room at Hotel Cleveland on Saturday, Oct. 11. Dancing will start at 8:30 and last till 12:30. Music will be bv Willard. Tickets are 75c and they can be obtained at the next meeting or frcm Mary Hrovat. 6411 St. Clair Ave. Baraga Glee Club Gals, this is your last opportunity for a nice outing in this glorious autumn season! We're meeting Sunday, at 1 p.m. at Cimpy's—you know where —on Norwood Road. We've selected Squire's Castle, Chagrin River Metropolitan Reservation for our "stamping grounds." Requisites for a good time: A good disposition, wieners and buns, marsh-mallows. a heavy sweater and a blanket. The Social Committee has planned an honest-to-goodness baseball game with a real "ump" ... a long hike through the woods (can't you almost hear the rustle of dry leaves as you'll tramp through them ) . . . horseback riding, if you feel daring enough . . . singing around a campfire, etc., etc. Jeannette Lokar says she'll brew the coffee a-la-camp style (with E. K.'s promise of assistance). Oh, yes. do bring vour camera, because there's a contest on, for the best pictures taken at the outing. You may also ask your girl friend along just this once. We'll be seeing you on Sunday then. Did you hear the mellow strains of "Girl of My Dreams" wafting from the gym last Tuesday? What an arrangement! Also thought I heard some Latin—must be the High Mass the Glee Club is rehearsing for the approaching wedding of its prexy in November. More about this later. Toodle-oo! CURLY JO CALENDAR oTEVENTS Sept. 28—Baraga Glee Club wiener roast at Squire's Castle. Oct. 5—Orel's final outing of this season. Oct. 12—Dramatic club outing and wiener roast. Oct. 21—Dramatic Club monthly meeting: added—Quiz Bee contest. Nov. 2—Holy Name Eighth Annual Fall Festival, St. Vitus School Auditorium. Nov. 8—Harvest Moon Frolic at Twilight Ballroom by Sodality. Nov. 16, 17—Orel Turkey Give-away, St. Vitus church basement. Matica Rehearsing For "The Gypsy Baron" Glasbena Matica ushers in its second fall season with the familiar and melodious Johann Strauw three act musical comedy. "The Gypsy Baron," Sunday, October 5 at 7:30 p.m. "The Gypsy Baron," the story of which takes place in Hungary, possesses an unusual plot which steadily progresses and reaches its brilliant climax in the last act. This panoramic display abounds in fascinating melodies, gay dance rhythms and lively gypsy music. The costumes are bright and colorful. We promise that this operetta will be so highly intriguing that your interest will be held throughout the entire performance and will long be remembered as one of the most successful endeavors of the Matica at entertaining an appreciative audience. All seats are reserved and can be purchased from all the members and at Mrs. Makovec Confectionery. Do net delay, get your tickets now! formetprexies honored at tea The Yugoslav (Slovene) Club, member of the Federation of Women's Clubs of Greater Cleveland, will entertain its past presidents at a tea and musicale tomorrow at the international institute of the Y. W. C. A. from 3 to 5 p.m. Past presidents of the club to be so honored arc Mrs. Joseph Zorman (first president, 1928), Miss Honey Gornik, Mrs. A. A. Urankar. Mrs. John Gornik. Jr., Miss Jo Modic, Miss Vleki Kmet, Miss Vera Knaus, Miss Polly Vidervol, Mrs. Vaughn Cahill, and Mrs. Frank Vegel. presiding officer. The program arranged for the after-neon includes the following soloists: Miss Caroline Budan. Miss Ann Gac-nik. Mr. Louis Grdina and Mr. John Lube. Miss Irma Kalan will be accompanist. During the tea selections will be offered by the Music School Settlement String Trio. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. R. J. Grdina. chairman, Miss Mildred Millavec. Miss Mary Marsich and Mrs. Victor J. Svete. -O- Local Statistics DIJATHS: Frank Hculer 54, K916 St. Clair Ave. Johanna Modic 49. 1072 E. 68 St. Iirnutius Praznik, 59, 9207 Loren Ave. JoBeph Sajovic, 77. 14G7 Larchmont ltd. John Stih, 58. 54 4 7 Lake Court. Mrs. Julia Vukmirovic, 64. 82^8 Perkins Ave. CONVALESCENT: Miss Florence Bricel, 24465 Lakeland Blvd. (City Hospital) Mrs. John Hostnik Jr.. 18676 Abbey Ave. (Women's Hospital) John Hrovat, 6711 Edna Ave (Home) Joe Zulich, (Clenvllle) DIRTHS: Mrs. James Gospodarich (Mucdalenc, 10713 Prince Ave.) 14928 Sylvia Ave., girl Mrs. John Hostnik Jr., (Stella Line), 18676 Abbey Ave., Kirl Mrs. Stephen Mikus, girl Mrs. William Mramor, (Louise Petrlck), 395 E. 163 St., boy expect record crowd at shrine Slovenians from all parts of Ohio will meet at the national shrine in Providence Heights, Ohio, tomorrow to participate in the annual Slovenian pilgrimage. Services will get under way at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Casicir Zakrajsek of St. Chiistine's parish delivering the sermon in Slovenian. Father Aloysius Baznik of St. Lawrence parish will speak in English. Again this year the Ilirija Choir of St. Mary's Church will sing the church hymns. The chorus is under the direction of Mr. Martin Rakar. The chorus will sing: 1) Lurška pesem . . . zvenovi zvonijo. 2) Angelovo češčenje . . . cznanil je Angel. 3) Mother, Dear. O' Pray for Me. 4) Ponižno tukai pokleknimo. 5) Glasno zapojmo. 6) Hvala večnem Bogu. Rt. Rev. Msgr. B. J. Ponikvar will be the celebrant at benediction services. He will be assisted by Rev. Joseph Ce-lesnik. Rev. M. Jager of Barberton •will lead the prayers in the procession. Fathers Slaje and Virant will be deacon and sub-deacon respectively. -0- Beginners' Course In Photography 'Tis a sure sign of fall: this announcement by the Women's Photographic Society of Cleveland that its fall Beginners' Course in Photography will begin October 2. Under the dirsction cf Miss Helen Hewett. the class will meet every Thursday in the club quarters. 204 Erie Building. Miss Hewitt has promised tc spend a -coAsiderable portion of the nine-week course teaching members the use of the camera. In addition, the ccurs2 will cover such technical phases as developing film, printing enlarging, etc. Registration will close Wednesday, October 1. Tc register fcr the course visit the club rooms this Wednesday evening, or call Miss Caroline Sorn, president of the Society, at ENdicott 4143. All Around Town A Straw-hat Jamboree is sponsored tonight b.v the Frances Susel Cadets at the Glenridge Barn on Green Rd. Tonv Malovasic and his Blue Jackets will play. Go to the dance held bv SS. Cyril and Methodius Lodge, SDZ No. 18. tonight in the Slovenian National Home cn St. Clair Ave. John Pecon and his orchestra begin playing at 8 p.m. Len Perme Attracts Baseball Scouts A possible chance at big time baseball pitching was the reward of Cleve-lander Len Perme as star pitcher for the Superior Dukes in the Northwestern League. Leonard Tree, scout for the Chicago White Sox. and Joe Ma-thes, of the St. Louis Cards, have been sizing up lanky Len to decide whether he is ready for the major leagues. Perme has been one of the mainstays for tUe Superior nine. In one game against Duluth. for instance, he fanned 12 batters, helping his team to win. 8-5. In another fray his pitching plus a triple in the seventh sewed up the ball game for the Dukes, 4-3. Len Perme hails from Cleveland, on Naumann Ave. His father conducts a tailor shop on Waterloo Rd. Perme attended St. Vitus School, West High and was graduated from Collinwood High in 1936. He is 23 vears old and promises to be a sensation in the national pastime. slovenianštars with white sox Away back in 1924 and 1925, Joe Kuhel played with the semi-pro Cleveland Chiropractors, and in 1925 he succeeded in being placed with Flint, Michigan of the Mich.-Ont. League. From Flint he went to Springfield in the Three I League, and then held berths with Lincoln of the Western League, and followed this with three seasons in a Kansas City AA uniform. In 1930 the Washington Senators, bidding against other teams for Ku-hel's services, laid $55,000 and one player on the line for Joe, and he thus came into the big show. Washington optioned him to Baltimore early in 1931, but .recalled him almost immediately, and he remained with the Senators until 1938 when he was traded to Chicago for Zeke Bo-nura. Joe Kuhel was born in Cleveland in 1906, and though in the twilight of his career as a major leaguer he can still hit the old apple,- and is a dangerous man at the plate.—The Junior Magazine. Kay Jay Lads Invite Everyone is invited to attend the Annual Fall Dance sponsored by Christ the King Society of KSKJ on Saturday, Oct. 4, in Slovenian National Heme. Music bv Lou Trebar orchestra. Admission 35 cents and dancing from 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. anton subelj to appear as m at tenth anniversary concert Such a fine array of talent as will appear on the/Jf of the concert commemorating the 10th anniversary of J ^ 50, SWUA, is a rare treat. This concert for instance i Mr. Anton Subelj in his first appearance this season on ^MJ soldier news Henry Malensek. 1217 Norwood Rd.. George Kapec, 1355 E. 55 St., and Vladimir Kclich. 6723 St. Clair Ave., left Monday morning for Columbus. O., to join the U. S. Army. Tne following boys were drafted frcm Collinwcod last Tuesday and were sent to Pert Hayes. Columbus, I.: John Sayatovic. 15714 Calcutta Ave., Frank Znidart-c. 1007 E. 185 St., Ivan Miklich 18509 Shawnee Ave., and Albin Virant 19605 Kildeer Ave. Ccrpcral Michael Lah Jr., of Camp Lee, Va„ returned to Cleveland Thursday, on a four-day furlough. Friends and relatives are invited to visit him at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Lah, 19807 Kildeer Ave. VOTE AT THE PRIMARIES SEPT. 30! It is the duty of every American citizen to cast his ballots on Tuesday, Sept. 30, in the primary 'elections. Vote for your councilman and Frank J. Lausche for mayor of Cleveland. IMPRISONMENT AND INHUMAN TREATMENT OF CONSPICUOUS SLOVENIANS IN STYRIA AND CARNI0LA (Publicity Director, The Jugoslav .JRelief Committee of America, Slovenian Section) (Continuation.) The prisoners were crowded together in the autobusses and barracks. For instance, in autobusses for 30 there were 50 people; in barrack-rocms 50-00 pec pie instead of 20-25. Lying on the thinly spread straw or on the bare floor they could scarcely turn on the ether side. In the barracks of Maribor a special sadistic behaviour was shown by Sergeant Rozman. Five to six times a day he inspected every room, shouted at his victims, upbraided them in a most unpleasant way and derided the Slovenian language. He boxed without reason some of the prisoners and beat them co that thev bled. In a like manner behaved "oberwachtmetster Bov-ha." During the night of the 6th and 7th of May four drunken Germans from Celje (Konig, Skoberne, Jerisich, La-zlc) came to the court-prison where Slovenians were imprisoned together with three members of the Gestapo and beat 17 Slovenians with "boxers" and iron rods so that almost all fainted from broken ribs and wounded selves with doubled effort. The idea of selves with doubled effort. The ida of a merit system was a good one and the enforcement o£_it .will directly measure the results which the club hopes to achieve. There is no feason why this splendid organization should not continue to do its valuable missionary work. botb_£>r the actors and the audiences. The 1940-1941 theatrical season produced four Slovenian and two American plays, which makes the St. Vitus Dramatic Club the most active theatrical group in Cleveland, if not in America. THE END Weddings... Mrs. Ursula Kodek announces v the marriage of her daughter, Albina, to Mr. Joseph Arko this morning at ten o'clock in St. Lawrence Church. A wedding reception will be held in the lower hall of the Slovenian National Home. Last Wednesday in St. Vitus Church Miss Valeria Polsek of 1048 E. 70 St. became the bride of Mr. Joseph Str-nad of 1106 E. 67 St. Miss Gqldie Major. 1370 E. 65 Stand Mi-. Frederick J. Ubic, 1426 E. 55 St., were married this morning in Our Lady of Peace Church. E. 126 St. and Shaker Blvd. Mr. Ubic is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ubic of 1426 E. 55 St. Sir. and Mrs. John Marincic of 1124 E. 63 St., announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. Anthony Strekal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe iStrekal, 12309 Clarrington Ave., West Park. Wedding nuptials were performed this morning in St. Paul's Church. E. 40 St. and St. Clair Ave. Mr. and Mrs. John Dolinar. 8805 Vineyard Ave., celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Our best wishes! A thirty vear anniversary was celebrated bv Mr. -and Mrs. Michael I. Lah 18907 Kildeer Ave. Their son, Corporal Michael Lah Jr.. of Camp Lee. Va., came to town early Thursday morning to felicitate his happy parents. Congratulations to the happy family. heads. A Slovenian girl had to look at all these cruelties because once she was net willing to gratify the lust of frits; Skoberne. The girl fainted and :s still suffering from shock. In the Maribor barracks (room 59) young members of the Gestapo snatch-:d breviaries from the hands of priests, ;pat on them and forced the priests to ock at immoral pictures. On the 12th of May the aforementioned Rozman beat a barber in the orison. The latter got a big wound on :iis face. In such a state he was led .n the courtyard, where he was forced to take gymnastic exercises in the rain and mud then they threw him in ;he cellar. At the same time Major Libius, the xmrnandtr. forced the prisoners to sing while they were filmed for propaganda purposes. In the castle Borl near Ptuj several hundred intellectuals especially teachers were imprisoned members of Gestapo came there als~ to beat' them. In Carinthia too, as the war between Germany and Yugoslavia broke out, they began to persecute the Slovenians, 2S3Ecially priests and other leading persons were imprisoned in Klagen-iurt. They had to sleep on a concrete iloor, at night they were beaten, their food was verv bad. In Slovenjgradec, on the 17th of April, all the foremost Slovenians were arrested, including Judges, physicians, school-inspectors, priests and owners factories and merchants. The members of the Gestapo behaved towards them very rudely. The school-inspector had to gather before the railway station straw land horse-dung with bare hands. They scared their victims in many ways, saying that they would break their Slovenian spirit. Two rich timber merchants were driven around a tack, perhaps 60 times. Furthermore, hey had to fall down and to rise re-oeatedly. They were also forced to carry for the Gestapo the furniture aut of their own houses into other houses. The hearings often were brutal and immoral. A woman-teacher was asked-Have you any children? Upon her negi ative answer, she was not married the Gestapo replied, "This does not matter ;ur Fuhrer says that every giri must have a child, legitimate or illegitimate " The same question they put to priests :aying. "we know that you have children, why do vou deny," and so on All Upper Carniola and Lower Sty-ria were deprived of priests and of Divine Service, for nearly all the priests are in prison. Weddings cannot take place and are forbidden. Even the eldest priests, as for instance the Retired Rev. F. Lavtizar of Ratece, over 90 years old, were forcibly taken to the concentration camp Rev. F. Jemec, over 80. and helplessly ill. was brought from the mountains and died two days later in the concentration camp at Menges. We are commencing our sixth week of maneuvers in Louisiana. After looking back at the things that took place there has been one regrettable accident, two planes cracked up and one pilot was killed in my squadron. On the ether hand the health of the men is very good. This is one of the few states of the union that has the malaria mosquito and also it is the natural habitat of many poisonous snakes but to date there has been no case of malaria or snake bite in my outfit. The nearest town is Arcadia. It is quite large, has two drug stores, no less. Its only claim to fame may be that Mi-. Longfellow's "Evangeline" mentioned a place of the same name We are about three miles from Arcadia. encamped by the side of a cow pasture glorified bv the name of Municipal Airport of Arcadia. It is perhaps misnamed because Arcadia hardly is large enough to be called a municipality. as that term is commonly used, nor is the landing field the sort of place one would refer to as an airport. Our campsite is noteworthy in some respects: "The sun shines down1 good and hot and if you've never been in the center of Louisiana in the summer you don't know what "hot" means. Water, unlike flies, gnats and other insects, is conspicuous by its absence. The only time we have contacted the "enemy" was yesterday and that, a twenty minute "gas attack" from the air. We out on our masks so quickly, it surprised us. This was the first time under battle conditions that we had an opportunity to make use of our training. Aside from that, things have followed a routine pattern. I am still assisting in the dispensary, giving medical care to the men. Regards to all. Yours, WILL GLIHA. Medical Det., 16th Obsr. Sqdn The anti-religious feeling 0f the Gestapo is clearly evident from the words of one of the Gestapo chiefs at Škof j a Lcka (Carniola) who addressed the parish-priest. Rev. Ignatius Breglez in the following words: "Your mere entrance in the priesthood is disgusting propaganda against us; the more so, if you open your mouths." To the parish-priest. Rev. Čuk of Kranjska Gora a Gestapo agent said: "What! This priest will pray? There is no Gcd! We ourselves are the gods!" II. Transports to Serbia Every week beginning with June 13th two transport trains left Styria. Up to June 25th .seven transports arrived at Arandjelovac, south of Belgrade. The transported people have been settled in various Serbian regions: DANCING At the next meeting dancing will again be featured. This was once the Orel's most popular after-meeting activity and now with cool weather setting in it should again regain its popularity. Bowling Jamboree results: <**><><><>0<>C><><><><>C^ ST. MARY'S NEWS Tomorrow afternoon, the Slovenians cf Cleveland will gather once again for their annual pilgrimage at Providence Heights. This year as never before our people should make It their absolute duty to attend this religious ceremony. For the past week the daily Ameriška Domovina has reprinted many letters received frdm Jugoslavia and in each is noted signs of despair and utter hopelessness. Much has been said of England and the suffering she is enduring, but very little is told of our own people and the hardships that thev have encountered. Read these pathetic letters and we are sure your prayers at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception tomorrow will be more zealous. Ilirijans have been requested to aid in the congregational singing tomorrow afternoon. Need we ask that as many as possible attend? POSTLUDE: Congratulations to Lou Brodnik. He is the proud father of a baby boy. "according to those "it's a boy" cigars which we received. Lou i promised to bring him down to rehearsals just as soon as his voice changes. . . . That makes Pvt. Stan an uncle. . . . Incidentally Pvt. Brodnik has penned us a card telling of the dances he has attended with those southern gals in Texas. . . . Priscilla Skolar Jjas returned after a very (?) busy summer. . . , yicki Habjan and Laddie also rolling up their sleeves and attending rehearsals. . . . Al Kozel has deserted the bass ranks (that makes four) to further his education at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Ilirija wishes you much success! A1 has promised to continue his study of various numbers for our concert by correspondence. ... Jo Novak displaying a new wrist watch, which she received for her birthday. . . . Bill Novak Frank Tomazin, and Johnny 0-4 making the bass section exclusively theirs practically. Ed Kuhel ............................118 140 163 Matt Mlinar ........................ 85 112 Bertha Vidmar .................... 72 67 63 Vldy Vidmar ...................... 89 128 200 Ann Zak .............................. 89 68 119 Jane Intihar ........................101 101 100 Pauline Erbeznlk ..............122 143 112 Ann Golobic ........................ 69 75 71 Angie Moster ........................Ill 153 135 "The turnout for bowling was surprising considering the beautiful fall day. It looks like Orels are ready for the parish bowling league if and when same is organized. Under the direction of {j, oil re. president cf Branch = M W. U. A., three hours ot fj'1 tfM followed bv dancing M palate of the most disc«111 I son. Program jg The program will be Frances Kurre who w* ot patrons and also introdu^ j of ceremonies, Mrs. founder cf the branch. ^ flag will be honored m clamation given by M,, w iWJ Esther Zugel. This wil _f tH'" 2 a song sung in honor o ^ en cf the branch, and w" J LoulS2 Mlakar. In the first portion « jf M Mr! Subelj will sin* n dem." "Kozak" which «V>1 pageant, and "Oče "^jui^l also be presented in c A a tableau scene. y| v2 A novel attraction * y ffl ciety's own sextet wnic«,tVti of Molly Frank. Traven, Josephine Bi« „ nl kleva, and Rosalie Jcr%llf»J sing "Sem slovenska ° ..yl^J večer ljubo dekle." a^jpu'l Mrs. Molly Frank «'»> -will Miss Irene JazD„nd will sing "Pastirica' 91 J navski valovi." „f The second Dortio",^.J concert will contain '„ >fr VI Bey" and "Nina nana- nUlrj planning ether encore J also a special pagea"1 J^i elude himself. Miss the sextet. cAt cA GWej nd p*] Mrs. ROSE FRANt?/c»V| the new owners of tn sliM| 54 St. . . . JOHN GER^nd J^l ideht of the KSKJ<. »' oiA LAR. supreme seer«-' organization traveled al Gorge in Colorado. - ^v.« lcth, Minn. GEORG*V ^jA supreme board m^ yjct^UI land to attend th„ TjodPe jit St. Joseph's No. l6^ r;V day. ...ALA. KOZfUJ \>K§ Mrs. LOUIS KOZEk -mrl Ave. registered aS.fl.n „■ University of Michigfl^n, The Slovenian pr^tuif0. . tomorrow at 1 P-11}-sick-Cerne girls 'ofJ; oP^i and Mrs. VINCENT ^ ^ Euclid Heights Blvo-.ollgii J their honeymoon "" J and the Dr. announce » in his office . . • „ptS AJ Your bowling fingp tne l'Jl tingle when you s® -c^-bowling alleys cf ot^Sfl Recreation Inc. wh>c" 1.V last Saturday ni«" elf ft alleys and they w^gCP&l Judge FRANK J- ^ tne » ?j ed the first ball • • gt., »M cated at 809 E. 152 a Slovenian group-PERUSEK. Secreta' .r v J SITTER, and Treasu* yi PANCIC. ^ ... s0on y.l JOHN MOLE Wl" 1> d at 18027 Nottingham ^ p 303____The Yug^W^a organized in Cleve^fr^l to. what with Minis«* T Rev. Bernard Anibr« ai the recruiting. rt- r^Ai -The marriage m81 f^e-JA ME. 23. 5801 Prosser . r VERHOVNIK. 23. » EDWARD MIKLAV j.jvpi 168 St. and MAR* CK rk Thames Ave.. LOU£ $ 16003 Huntmere A* M l INE TERBANC. Ave.. ANTHONY ^ C.fJ Norwood Rd.. and 1052 Addison Rd- 1ifiyfA LY. 29. 2196 E. 1°® .4908 . 'A BUKOVNIK, ANDREW KRE/SA^ Clarence Ave. and-rgti VIC. 20, 1177 E. 74 boharjj BEAUTY /I 6023 St. C^ A For Appoint. ^ BerosSjf/i For Fine ph°l 6116 St. J NEW AND fcN 0670 for an / Don't Delay - Prices are Select your 1941-42 FUR or CLOTH COA? P CALL now, direct from Cleveland's best c°a at prices much below retail. I FUR COATS FROM ....................I CLOTH COATS FROM ................$ vPj BENNO B. LEUSTIG m4 ENDICOTT 8506 or - » j People Jagodina ..................... ......................430 ......................283 ......................300 ................ 310 Milanovac ................... ............. 350 Cacak .......................... .......... 350 Obrenovac .................. ? .................................. In the month of Julv there was a transport every day. (To Be Continued)