VSEBINA – CONTENTS IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Kinetics of weathered-crust elution-deposited rare-earth ore in a leaching process Kinetika postopka lu`enja elucijsko nanesene preperele skorje rude redkih zemelj L. Zhang, X. Deng, W. Li, Y. Ding, R. Chi, X. Zuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Microstructural and phase analysis of CuAlNi shape-memory alloy after continuous casting Mikrostrukturna in fazna analiza spominske zlitine CuAlNi po kontinuirnem litju M. Goji}, S. Ko`uh, I. An`el, G. Lojen, I. Ivani}, B. Kosec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Characterization and determination of mechanical properties of YBCO superconducting thin films with manganese using the TFA-MOD method Karakterizacija in dolo~itev mehanskih lastnosti superprevodne tanke plasti YBCO z manganom po metodi TFA-MOD O. Culha, I. Birlik, M. Toparli, E. Celik, S. Engel, B. Holzapfel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Distortion of the substructure of a 20-ft shipping container exposed to zinc hot-dip galvanizing Spreminjanje mer podstrukture pri 20 ft transportnem kontejnerju pri vro~em potopnem cinkanju I. Ivanovi}, A. Sedmak, R. Rudolf, L. Gusel, B. Gruji} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Optimization of the drilling parameters for the cutting forces in B4C-reinforced Al-7XXX-series alloys based on the Taguchi method Optimiranje parametrov vrtanja za sile vrtanja pri zlitinah Al-7XXX, oja~anih z B4C s Taguchijevo metodo A. Taþkesen, K. Kütükde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Wear properties of AISI 4140 steel modified with electrolytic-plasma technology Obrabne lastnosti jekla AISI 4140, modificiranega s tehnologijo elektrolitske plazme A. Ayday, M. Durman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Tribological behavior of a plasma-sprayed Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 coating Tribolo{ko pona{anje s plazmo napr{enega Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 nanosa Y. Sert, N. Toplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Characterization of selected phase-change materials for a proposed use in building applications Karakterizacija izbranih materialov s fazno premeno za predlagano uporabo v gradbeni{tvu M. Ostrý, R. Pøikryl, P. Charvát. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Improvement of the damping properties of carbon-fibre-reinforced laminated plastics using damping layers Izbolj{anje du{enja z ogljikovimi vlakni oja~ane laminirane plastike z uporabo plasti za du{enje R. Kottner, J. Vacík, R. Zem~ík . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 AA413.0 and AA1050 joined with friction-stir welding Spajanje zlitine AA413.0 in AA1050 z gnetenjem S. Kastelic, J. Tu{ek, D. Klob~ar, J. Medved, P. Mrvar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Increasing tool life during turning with a variable depth of cut Pove~anje zdr`ljivosti orodja pri stru`enju z variabilno globino reza M. Sadílek, R. ^ep, Z. Sadílková, J. Valí~ek, L. Petøkovská . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Raman investigation of sol-gel anticorrosion coatings on electronic boards Ramanske raziskave sol-gel protikorozijskih prevlek na elektronskih vezjih A. Rauter, M. Ko`elj, L. Slemenik Per{e, A. [urca Vuk, B. Orel, B. Bengû, O. Sunetci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Numerical study of Rayleigh-Bénard natural-convection heat-transfer characteristics of water-based Au nanofluids Numeri~na analiza prenosa toplote nanoteko~in voda-Au v razmerah Reyleigh-Bénardove naravne konvekcije P. Ternik, R. Rudolf, Z. @uni~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Alumothermic reduction of ilmenite in a steel melt Alumotermi~na redukcija ilmenita v jekleni talini J. Burja, F. Tehovnik, J. Lamut, M. Knap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 47(2)143–258(2013) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 47 [TEV. NO. 2 STR. P. 143–258 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA MAR.–APR. 2013 Analysis of corrosion properties of melt spun Nd-Fe-B ribbons coated by alumina coatings Analiza korozijskih lastnosti hitro strjenih Nd-Fe-B-trakov, opla{~enih z aluminijevim oksidom D. Sojer, I. [kulj, S. Kobe, J. Kova~, P. J. McGuiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Influence of the microstructure on machining a central housing made of pearlite grey cast iron Vpliv mikrostrukture na obdelovalnost centralnega ohi{ja iz perlitne sive litine N. [trekelj, M. Nuni}, I. Nagli~, B. Markoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 The wet-chemical synthesis of functionalized Zn1–xOMnx quantum dots utilizable in optical biosensors Mokra kemijska sinteza funkcionaliziranih kvantnih delcev Zn1–xOMnx, uporabnih v opti~nih biosenzorjih M. Alizadeh, R. Salimi, H. Sameie, A. A. Sarabi, A. A. Sabbagh Alvani, M. R. Tahriri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Influence of aluminium-alloy remelting on the structure and mechanical properties Vpliv ve~kratnega pretaljevanja aluminijevih zlitin na strukturo in mehanske lastnosti M. Cagala, M. Bøuska, P. Lichý, J. Beòo, N. [pirutová . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Tensile properties of cold-drawn low-carbon steel wires under different process parameters Natezne lastnosti hladno vle~ene malooglji~ne jeklene `ice pri razli~nih parametrih procesa C. S. Çetinarslan, A. Güzey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Impeller-blade failure analysis Preiskava po{kodbe lopatice rotorja R. Celin, F. Tehovnik, F. Vodopivec, B. @u`ek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 L. ZHANG et al.: KINETICS OF WEATHERED-CRUST ELUTION-DEPOSITED RARE-EARTH ORE ... KINETICS OF WEATHERED-CRUST ELUTION-DEPOSITED RARE-EARTH ORE IN A LEACHING PROCESS KINETIKA POSTOPKA LU@ENJA ELUCIJSKO NANESENE PREPERELE SKORJE RUDE REDKIH ZEMELJ Lili Zhang1,2, Xiangyi Deng1,2, Wen Li2, Yigang Ding1, Ru’an Chi1, Xiaohua Zuo2 1Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Process of Hubei Province and the Ministry of Education, Wuhan Institute of Technology, 430073 Wuhan, China 2School of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Hubei Polytechnic University, 435003 Huangshi, China deng29606@sina.com, wenl@ualberta.ca Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-07-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-09-13 The leaching reaction kinetics of weathered-crust, elution-deposited rare earth with mixed ammonium salts was studied. The influence of the concentration of the reagents and the particle size of the ore on the leaching rate was investigated. The results showed that the diffusion process and the leaching rate could be improved by increasing the reagent concentration and decreasing the leaching flowing rate and particle size. The leaching process could be explained using the shrinking-core model, which could be controlled with the diffusion rate of the reacting reagents in a porous solid layer. The leaching rate followed the equation 1–2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = 7.126 × 10–4C0.3038R0.1942t. Keywords: leaching reaction, leaching rate, rare-earth ore, leaching process Prou~evana je kinetika reakcije lu`enja preperele skorje elucijsko nanesene rude redkih zemelj. Preiskovan je bil u~inek koncentracije reagentov in velikosti zrn rude na hitrost lu`enja. Rezultati so pokazali, da je mogo~e proces difuzije in hitrost lu`enja pove~ati s pove~anjem koncentracije reagentov ter z zmanj{anjem hitrosti lu`enja in zmanj{anjem velikosti delcev. Postopek lu`enja se lahko razlo`i z modelom kr~enja jedra, ki ga je mogo~e kontrolirati s kontroliranjem hitrosti difuzije reagentov, ki reagirajo v poroznem trdnem sloju. Hitrost lu`enja je skladna z ena~bo 1 – 2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = 7,126 × 10–4 C0,3038R0,1942t. Klju~ne besede: reakcija lu`enja, hitrost lu`enja, ruda redke zemlje, postopek lu`enja 1 INTRODUCTION Weathered-crust, elution-deposited, rare-earth ore is China’s unique rare-earth mineral resource.1–3 There are many advantages of the ore: a widespread distribution of rich reserves, a low radioactivity, it is rich in the middle and heavy rare earths, it is an easily extracted rare earth, it is simple to process by leaching giving high-quality products, etc. The development and utilization of the ore in the world have a significant influence. In China, special attention has been paid to rare-earth mineral resources in recent years. Therefore, high efficiency and the comprehensive exploitation of the weathered-crust, elution-deposited, rare-earth ore was intensively investi- gated over the past decade. The leaching of the rare-earth ore is a liquid-solid multiphase reaction process, where the most common reaction is carried out in two ways: by using the integral-scaled model and the shrinking-core model. In the latter, a mixed ammonium salt solution is used as a leaching agent, causing the particle size of the ore to change only a little during the leaching reaction. For this reason, the leaching process of the rare-earth ore is usually based on the shrinking-core model. The leaching rate is connected with the concentration, the temperature, the surface area of the solid phase, etc. The leaching process can be controlled by the outer diffusion, the inner diffusion, or the chemical reaction.4,5 The influences of the concentration of the reagents and the particle size of the ore on the leaching rate were investigated to achieve a high rare-earth concentration, a low consumption of the leaching reagent and a high leaching rate. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Analysis of the ore samples Ore samples are mostly random and taken from non-cemented sands; they are of a pale flesh-red color, containing clay minerals, quartz sand, rock-forming feldspar etc., obtained from Dingnan County of Jiangxi Province. They contain about 40–70 % of clay minerals, such as halloysite, illite, kaolinite and a small quantity of montmorillonite. Some 90 % of rare-earth ions adsorp- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 145–148 145 UDK 621.794.4:546.65 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)145(2013) Table1: The main components of the ore Tabela 1: Glavne sestavine rude main components REO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO others content (%) 0.1146 61.80 14.28 3.190 0.470 20.15 tion is in a state of kaolinite and mica. The chemical composition of the ore is presented in Table 1. 2.2 Process and Method Prior to the leaching experiments, the ore sample was sieved through a +20 mesh, 20–60 mesh, 60–100 mesh, 100–140 mesh, +140 mesh to obtain five natural grain grades. Then the synthetic ore samples, according to the proportion of the natural grain grades, were weighed into a glass flask. The leaching agent with a certain liquid- solid ratio and a flow velocity puts the rare-earth ore into consideration. Then there is continuous leaching and the collected leaching solution. The RE3+ concentration was determined using the EDTA titration method,6 measuring the volume of the leaching reagent. The leaching process was evaluated by the RE leaching rate, which was calculated according to the following formula:  = /0 (1) where  and 0 are the amount of leaching-out RE3+ and the total RE3+ content of the sample ore. 2.3 Leaching mechanism for rare earth The leaching process of the weathered-crust, elu- tion-deposited, rare-earth ore is a kind of ion-exchange- able process between the positive ions in the solution and the clay minerals.7,8 The chemical reaction equation is as follows: [Al4(Si4O10)(OH)8]m·RE S( ) 3 + + 3nNH 4 + (aq)   [Al4(Si4O10)(OH)8]m·(NH 4 + )3n(S) + nRE aq( ) 3 + (2) The weathered-crust, elution-deposited, rare-earth ore is composed of ore particles, while the leaching process of the ore is a typical liquid-solid heterogeneous reaction. The leaching process can be described by the shrinking-core model and subdivided into five steps, as follows:9 • Diffusion of the leaching reagent (NH4+) through the film surrounding the particle to the surface of the clay minerals (Outer diffusion); • Penetration and diffusion of NH4+ to the surface of the un-reacted core (Inner diffusion); • Reaction of RE3+ with NH4+ (Chemical reaction); • Diffusion of the RE3+ exchanged though the remain- der back to the exterior surface of the clay minerals (Inner diffusion); • Diffusion of the RE3+ exchanged though the exterior surface back into the solution of the fluid (Outer diffusion). The kinetic control model of the RE leaching process can be divided into four models.10,11 1. Chemical reaction control: 1 – (1 – )1/3 = k1t 2. Diffusion through the liquid film control: 1 – (1 – )1/3 = k1t 3. Diffusion through the porous ore matrix control: 1 – 2 3 a – (1 – a)2/3 = k3t 4. Mixed control: 1 – (1 – a)1/3 = k k k k C M r p 1 2 1 2 0 0+ where, k1, k2, k3 are the constants for the different con- trol steps, respectively. a, t, C0, r0, p and M represent the rare-earth leaching rate, the leaching time, the initial concentration of the leaching reagent, the initial radius of the ore particle, the mole density of the ore particle and the mass of the ore particle, respectively. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION According to the optimum process of mixed ammo- nium salts, the leaching rare-earth ore experiment showed that the leaching rate of the rare-earth ore can reach up to 94.05 % when 2.0 % NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 with a quality ratio of 7 : 3, solid-liquid ratio of 0.5 : 1, and flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The rare-earth leaching dyna- mics was researched on the basis of this process to determine the influence of the factors of the leaching rate and the control steps. 3.1 Effect of the leaching-reagent concentration The initial average particle size of 0.2414 mm for the rare-earth ore was leached by different concentrations of mixed ammonium salts under the conditions of NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 with a quality ratio of 7 : 3 , a solid- liquid ratio of 0.5 : 1, and a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The influence of the different concentrations of reagents on the leaching rate was investigated. According to the reaction system, the reaction rate is proportional to the concentration of the product, increasing the leaching- L. ZHANG et al.: KINETICS OF WEATHERED-CRUST ELUTION-DEPOSITED RARE-EARTH ORE ... 146 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 145–148 Figure 1: Effect of the concentration of reagents on rare-earth leaching rate Slika 1: Vpliv koncentracije reagentov na hitrost lu`enja redke zemlje agent concentration is conducive to an improvement of the leaching reaction rate, thereby increasing the rare- earth leaching rate. Figure 1 shows how the leaching rate of the rare earth increases as the initial concentration of ammonium salt increases, when the leaching agent concentration of 2.0 % in 275 min for the rare-earth leaching rate is 92.79 %, with the mass fraction of leaching agent increases, the unit volume of ammonium nitrate leaching agent rate increases, leading to the main leaching agent in a large number of Al3+ impurities, some of which will cover the surface of the rare-earth ore and hinder RE3+ leaching. The date of the rare-earth leaching rate was substitu- ted into the shrinking-core model in Figure 2. When the mass fraction of the leaching agent is greater than or equal to 2 %, it satisfies the equation 1 – 2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = kt. Indicating that the leaching process step of the rare-earth ore is inner-diffusion controlled, and it can be used in the model equation: 1 – 2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = k'CaRbt (3) where  is the rare-earth leaching rate (%); C is the con- centration of the leaching reagent (g/L); R is the initial radius of the ore particle (mm) and t is the leaching time (min). This equation reflects the influence of leaching concentration and the particle size of the rare earth on the leaching rate. Figure 2 can be drawn for different concentrations of the NH4NO3 and (NH4) 2SO4 compounds of the rare- earth leaching agent and the apparent rate constant k value, assuming that the apparent rate constant is propor- tional to the power function of the concentration of the leaching agent, for which ln k = B + a ln C, and a least squares linear fit with the slope requirements. Figure 3 shows a linear relationship between ln k and ln C, and the apparent reaction order is 0.3038, so that a = 0.3038. 3.2 Effect of the particle size of the ore A rare-earth ore with a different particle size was leached by mixed ammonium salts under the condition of 2 % NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 with a quality ratio of 7 : 3, a solid-liquid ratio of 0.5 : 1, and a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The influence of the different particle size on the leaching rate was investigated. Figure 4 presents the effect of particle size on the rare-earth leaching. It shows that the rare-earth leaching rate of ore particles with a smaller size is greater. It is known that the smaller the particle size, the more pores, and at the same time this shortens the length of the pore, thereby reducing the resistance of the inner diffusion and shortens the spread time with the effect of speeding up the rare-earth leaching. The leaching process could be L. ZHANG et al.: KINETICS OF WEATHERED-CRUST ELUTION-DEPOSITED RARE-EARTH ORE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 145–148 147 Figure 3: Relation between ln C and ln k Slika 3: Odvisnost med ln C in ln k Figure 4: Effect of particle size on rare-earth leaching rate Slika 4: U~inek velikosti zrn na hitrost lu`enja redke zemlje Figure 2: Leaching kinetic data for different concentrations of rare earth Slika 2: Podatki za kinetiko lu`enja pri razli~nih koncentracijah redke zemlje explained with the shrinking-core model according to the ore particle-size experiment in Figure 5. As shown in Figure 6, a good linearity exists bet- ween ln kd and ln R, and the leaching process could be controlled by the diffusion rate of the reacting reagents in a porous solid layer. Furthermore, ln kd = 6.4483 + 0.1942 ln R, so that b = 0.1942. a and b were presented in the equation 1 – 2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = k'CaRbt, changing one factor, fixing others at the same time, so that k' is 7.126 × 10–4. As a result, the equation of the mixed ammonium salts leaching the rare-earth ore is: 1 – 2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = 7.126 × 10–4 C0.3038R0.1942t (4) 4 CONCLUSIONS The leaching kinetics of weathered-crust, elution- deposited, rare earth with mixed ammonium salts was investigated. The shrinking-core model with inner diffusion control was used to describe the leaching pro- cess of the rare earth. It was summarized as follows: the leaching rate increases with the increasing leaching reagent concentration and a decreasing of the particle size. The kinetics of the weathered-crust, elution-depo- sited, rare-earth leaching equation can be expressed as: 1 – 2/3 – (1 – )2/3 = 7.126 × 10–4 C0.3038R0.1942t. Acknowledgement This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (50974098) and Innovation team Fund of the Ministry of Education (IRT 0974). 5 REFERENCES 1 R. Chi, J. Tian, Weathered crust elution-deposited rare earth ores [M], Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2008 2 R. Chi, Z. Guocai, Rare earth partitioning of granitoid weathering crust in southern China [J], Transactions of Nonferrous Metal Society of China, 8 (1998) 4, 693–704 3 R. Chi, J. Tian, Review of weathered crust rare earth ore [J], Journal of the Chinese rare earth society, 25 (2007), 641–650 4 T. Xunzhong, L. Maonan, In-situ Leach Mining Of Ion-Absorbed Rare Earth Mineral [J], Mining research and development, 17 (1997) 2, 1–4 5 M. 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ZHANG et al.: KINETICS OF WEATHERED-CRUST ELUTION-DEPOSITED RARE-EARTH ORE ... 148 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 145–148 Figure 6: Relation between ln kd and ln R Slika 6: Odvisnost med ln kd in ln R Figure 5: Leaching kinetic data for rare earths of different particle size Slika 5: Podatki o kinetiki lu`enja redke zemlje pri razli~nih veliko- stih zrn M. GOJI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL AND PHASE ANALYSIS OF CuAlNi SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... MICROSTRUCTURAL AND PHASE ANALYSIS OF CuAlNi SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY AFTER CONTINUOUS CASTING MIKROSTRUKTURNA IN FAZNA ANALIZA SPOMINSKE ZLITINE CuAlNi PO KONTINUIRNEM LITJU Mirko Goji}1, Stjepan Ko`uh1, Ivan An`el2, Gorazd Lojen2, Ivana Ivani}1, Borut Kosec3 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44103 Sisak, Croatia 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 3University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, A{ker~eva cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia gojic@simet.hr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-07-24; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-09-14 The results of the characterization of a CuAlNi shape-memory alloy after continuous casting technology are shown. Using this procedure a bar with a diameter of 8 mm was manufactured. After solidification of the alloy the microstructure characterization was carried out using optic microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Our results showed that the as-cast alloy consisted of the parent 1 and 1’ martensite phases. The martensite phase primary as the needle-like inside grains was observed. Martensite laths have different orientations inside particular grains. It was found that the average grains size is 98.78 μm. The grain diameter near to the external surface is higher than in the center. The average hardness of the alloy was 275 HV1. Keywords: shape memory alloys, martensite, continuous casting, grain size Prikazani so rezultati karakterizacije spominske zlitine CuAlNi po postopku kontinuirnega litja. Po navedeni proceduri so bile izdelane palice premera 8 mm. Po strjevanju zlitine je bila izvedena karakterizacija mikrostrukture z uporabo metod opti~ne mikroskopije (OM), vrsti~ne elektronske mikroskopije (SEM), diferencialne vrsti~ne kalorimetrije (DSC) in rentgenske strukturne analize (XRD). Rezultati so pokazali, da lita zlitina sestoji iz izhodne faze 1 in martenzitne faze 1’. Opa`ena je bila martenzitna faza v obliki iglic v primarnih zrnih. Letve martenzita imajo razli~ne orientacije v posameznih zrnih. Ugotovili smo, da je srednja velikost zrn 98,78 μm. Premer zrn v v bli`ini zunanje povr{ine je ve~ji kot v centru. Srednja trdota zlitine je bila 275 HV1. Klju~ne besede: spominske zlitine, martenzit, kontinuirno litje, velikost zrna 1 INTRODUCTION Shape-memory alloys (SMAs) demonstrate the ability to return to some previously defined shape or size when they are exposed to the appropriate thermal treat- ment. The condition necessary to enable the memory effect is the presence of a reversible phase transfor- mation of austenite to martensite. Such phase trans- formations can be obtained by mechanical (loading) or thermal methods (cooling and heating). The main types of SMAs are Ni-Ti (nitinol), Cu-based and Fe-based alloys1–8. The main advantage of Cu-based SMAs is their low price compared to other SMAs. The properties of Cu-Al-Ni alloys are superior to those of Cu-Zn-Al alloys due to their wide range of useful transformation temperatures and small hysteresis. Cu-Al-Ni alloys can be applied at higher temperatures (close to 200 °C). Generally, ternary Cu-based shape-memory alloys show a very large grain size. This problem can be solved by the addition of appropriate refining elements (Zr, Ti, B etc.) due to the formation of precipitates that limit the grain size and grain growth9–11 and/or by applying the technology of rapid solidification. Generally, one of reasons for using the technique of rapid solidification is to obtain a small grain size for the SMAs12,13. The grain sizes obtained in the Cu-base are of the order of 10 μm in alloys produced by powder metallurgy and by rapid solidification14. Melt-spinning is the most commonly used technique for the production of ribbons15,16. In recent years the continuous casting technique is one of the technologies for production of SMAs due to the special competitive growth mechanism of the crystals and formation of a cast product with a favorable texture17,18. In the present paper the microstructure of Cu-Al-Ni SMAs obtained directly from the melt by continuous casting techniques are shown. The main aim of this paper was to obtain a homogenous martensite micro- structure by solidification without any heat-treatment procedure. 2 EXPERIMENTAL The Cu-Al-Ni shape-memory alloy (a bar of 8 mm diameter) was fabricated by means of the continuous casting technique using a device for vertical continuous casting that is connected with a vacuum induction furnace. The heating temperature was 1230 °C. The Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 149–152 149 UDK 621.74.047:537.533.35 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)149(2013) process of casting including the initial melting and solidification was performed using a vacuum or protective atmosphere. The characterization of the alloy was carried out by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy- dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. For microstructural observations, the samples were grinded (120–800 grade paper) and polished (0.5 μm Al2O3). Later on, the samples are etched in a solution composed of 2.5 g FeCl3 and 48 ml methanol in 10 ml HCl. The procedure for etching consisted of etching for 2 min, inter polishing for 2 min, and later etching for 1 min. The grain-size measurements were carried out by OM using the grain cutting line method. Hardness tests were carried out using the Vickers method (HV1). The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were employed using a device under an argon atmo- sphere in the temperature range from room temperature to 300 °C. The rates of heating and cooling were 10 K/min. In order to determine the phase composition the X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were per- formed. CuK radiation was used. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The chemical composition analysis of the alloy was done using EDS analysis (Figure 1). The results showed that the chemical composition of the alloy was 82.73 % Cu, 13.16 % Al and 4.11 % Ni (mass fractions). The microstructures of the lateral and longitudinal cross- sections of the bar after continuous casting are characte- ristic of a continuously casted bar (Figure 2). Under the surface there was a layer of fine equiaxiad grains followed by a region of long fringe crystals oriented towards to the centre of the cross-section where again equiaxiad grains appeared (Figures 2a and b). The orientation of the crystals was changed. The fringe crystals were formed at an angle with an average value of around 60° with the longitudinal bar axis. In accord- ing to Lojen et al.19 the maximum achieved velocity of the solidification front was about 2.1 mm/s. It is possible that the crystallization front that simultaneously proceeds from the outer part of the bars to its centre causes a preferential orientation of the growing grains. The average hardness of the alloy was 275 HV1. Figure 3 shows OM micrographs of the CuAlNi alloy after the continuous casting procedure. The grain boundaries are clearly visualized. As can be seen, the micrographs of the specimens show the typical marten- site microstructure. Martensite laths have different orien- tations into particular grains. The grain size depends on the place from which the samples were taken. The grain diameter near to the external surface is higher than in the center. An average grain size of 98.78 μm was observed for as-cast specimens. The number of grains per was 20.3 mm–2. For an average grain size from 50 μm to 100 μm the fracture strain in the martensite phase is of the order of 10 %, which is sufficient for shape-memory appli- cations. The grain size of the rapidly solidified alloys is determined by the amount of undercooling prior to the crystallization. Our results for bars after continuous casting showed that the sizes of grains vary from the surface towards the center of the bars. The increase in the grain diameter causes an increase of the Ms tem- M. GOJI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL AND PHASE ANALYSIS OF CuAlNi SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... 150 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 149–152 Figure 1: EDS spectrum of CuAlNi shape-memory alloy Slika 1: EDS-spekter spominske zlitine CuAlNi Figure 2: a) Lateral and b) longitudinal cross-section of bar after continuous casting Slika 2: a) Pre~ni in b) vzdol`ni prerez kontinuirno ulite palice perature. A similar behavior was already observed for the Cu-Al-Ni-Mn and Cu-Al-Ni-Mn-Ti shape-memory alloys20 obtained using the melt-spinning technique. The temperature Ms depends on the grain size according to the relation Ms  d1/2, where Ms is the difference between the temperature Ms of the melt-spun ribbons (small grains) and the bulk alloy (large grains) and d is the mean grain diameter. The martensitic microstructure was confirmed with the SEM micrographs (Figure 4). This microstructure is the result of the beta-phase of the Cu-Al-Ni alloys transforming into the martensite phase by cooling below the Ms temperature. The martensite is formed primarily as the needle-like shape. In some fields the V-shape M. GOJI] et al.: MICROSTRUCTURAL AND PHASE ANALYSIS OF CuAlNi SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 149–152 151 Figure 3: OM micrographs of the CuAlNi shape-memory alloy: a), b) near the external surface and c), d) in the center Slika 3: OM mikrostrukture spominske zlitine CuAlNi: a), b) v bli`ini zunanje povr{ine in c), d) v centru Figure 5: DSC curves of CuAlNi bar during cooling and heating Slika 5: DSC-krivulje palic CuAlNi med ohlajanjem in ogrevanjem Figure 4: SEM micrographs of the CuAlNi shape-memory alloy: a), b) in longitudinal and c), d) lateral cross-section: a, c – SEI; b, d – BEI Slika 4: SEM mikrostrukture spominske zlitine CuAlNi: a), b) v vzdol`nem in c), d) pre~nem prerezu: a, c – SEI; b, d – BEI martensite was observed. This is a typical self-accommo- dating, zig-zag, martensite morphology, which is characteristic for the 1’ martensite in the CuAlNi alloy21. The parallel bands in the martensite can be considered as twin-like martensite. Figure 5 shows DSC curves during heating and cooling. The temperature phase transformation are: Ms = 215 °C, Mf = 169 °C, As = 229 °C and Af = 191 °C. It can be seen that the CuAlNi alloy is a possible candidate for high-temperature usage. Figure 6 shows the X-ray profile of the as-casted alloy. Our XRD analysis showed that the alloy after continuous casting consisted of the parent 1 and 1’ martensite phases. 4 CONCLUSIONS The microstructure of a CuAlNi shape-memory alloy after continuous casting consisted of the parent 1 and 1’ martensite phases. The martensite laths have different orientations into particular grains. The grain size depends on the place from which the samples are taken. The grain diameter near to the external surface is higher than in the center. It was found that the average grain size was 98.78 μm in particular grains. The temperature phase transformations determined by DSC measure- ments were: Ms = 215 °C, Mf = 169 °C, As = 229 °C and Af = 191 °C. The average hardness of the alloy was 275 HV1. Acknowledgements This work was supported by EUREKA Project E! 3704 RSSMA "Rapidly Solidified Shape Memory Alloys" by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Goji}, Metalurgija, 31 (1992) 2/3, 77–82 2 K. Otsuka, C. M. Wayman, Shape memory alloys, Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, 1998, 97–116 3 D. ]ori}, M. Franz, Welding, 50 (2007) 5/6, 179–187 4 N. M. Lohan, B. Pricop, J. G. Bujoreanu, N. Cimpoesu, Int. J. Mat. Res., 102 (2011) 11, 1345–1351 5 H. Kubo, H. Otsuka, S. Farjami, T. Maruyama, Scripta Materialia, 55 (2006) 11, 1059–1062 6 K. Otsuda, X. Ren, Progress in Materials Scienc, 50 (2005), 511–678 7 T. Hu, L. Chen, S. L. Wu, C. L. Chu, L. M. Wang, K. W. K. Yeung, P. K. Chu, Scripta Materialia, 64 (2011), 1011–1014 8 M. Goji}, S. Ko`uh, B. Kosec, I. 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CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO SUPERCONDUCTING THIN FILMS WITH MANGANESE USING THE TFA-MOD METHOD KARAKTERIZACIJA IN DOLO^ITEV MEHANSKIH LASTNOSTI SUPERPREVODNE TANKE PLASTI YBCO Z MANGANOM PO METODI TFA-MOD Osman Culha1, Isil Birlik2, Mustafa Toparli2, Erdal Celik2, Sebastian Engel3, Bernhard Holzapfel3 1Celal Bayar University, Department of Materials Engineering, Muradiye Campus, Manisa, Turkey 2Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Tinaztepe Campus, Buca, Izmir, Turkey 3Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung (IFW), Solid-State and Materials Research, Helmholtzstraße 20, 01069 Dresden, Germany isil.kayatekin@deu.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-07-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-04 The aim of this study is to determine the microstructure, superconducting and mechanical properties of YBa2Cu3O6.56 (YBCO) and YBCO thin films with a manganese (Mn) addition. All the YBCO superconducting films (undoped and Mn-doped) were dip-coated onto (001) SrTiO3 (STO) single-crystal substrates with a metalorganic deposition using the trifluoroacetate (TFA-MOD) technique. The phase analysis, microstructure, surface morphologies and critical temperature (Tc) of the superconducting thin films were determined with an X-ray diffractometer (XRD), a scanning electron microscope (SEM), an atomic force microscope (AFM) and an inductive Tc measurement system. Since the main issue of this study is to determine the mechanical-property variations of the superconducting thin films with/without a Mn addition, the adhesion strength of these films on a STO substrate was tested with a Shimadzu scratch tester. Depending on the Mn addition, the critical forces of pure films increase from 56.23 mN, 58.63 mN and 60.11 mN for pure YBCO, YBCO with 0.05 g and 0.10 g of Mn. Furthermore, Young’s modulus and the hardness of the undoped and Mn-doped YBCO thin films were measured with a CSM Berkovich nanoindenter using the load-unload sensing analysis under a 0.3 mN applied load. Keywords: superconducting films, sol-gel synthesis, mechanical properties, nanoindentation Namen te {tudije je dolo~iti mikrostrukturo, superprevodne in mehanske lastnosti YBa2Cu3O6,56 (YBCO) in tanke plasti YBCO z dodatkom mangana (Mn). Vse superprevodne plasti YBCO (nedopirane in dopirane z Mn) so bile nanesene na monokristalni substrat (001) SrTiO3 (STO) s kovinoorganskim nanosom s trifluoracetatno tehniko (TFA-MOD). Fazna analiza, mikrostruktura, morfologija povr{ine in kriti~na temperatura (Tc) superprevodne tanke plasti so bile dolo~ene z rentgenskim difraktometrom (XRD), vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM), mikroskopom na atomsko silo (AFM) in induktivnim merilnim sistemom za Tc. Ker je bila glavna naloga te {tudije dolo~anje spreminjanja mehanskih lastnosti YBCO z dodatkom Mn in brez njega, je bila preizku{ena adhezivnost te plasti na STO-podlago s Shimadzu preizku{evalnikom za razenje. Odvisno od dodatka Mn kriti~na sila v ~isti plasti nara{~a od 56,23 mN, 58,63 mN in 60,11 mN za ~isti YBCO, YBCO z 0,05 g in 0,10 g Mn. Poleg tega sta bila izmerjena tudi Youngov modul in trdota nedopirane in z Mn dopirane tanke plasti YBCO z nanomerilnikom trdote CSM Berkovich z analizo zaznavanja obremenjeno – neobremenjeno pri uporabljeni obremenitvi 0,3 mN. Klju~ne besede: superprevodna plast, sol-gel sinteza, mehanske lastnosti, nanopreizku{anje trdote 1 INTRODUCTION After the discovery of high-Tc superconductors (HTS), their various applications have been tested in various areas. These materials are supposed to increase the performance of devices such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in medicine, energy-storage systems in a transformer, magnetic separators, levitation, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), generators, engines, cables, superconducting wires and tapes, accelerators, electro- magnets, electronic transistors and bolometers.1,2 HTS thin films with a sharp resistive transition, high critical current density Jc and low flux noise offer the potential for such applications.3 Extensive studies are currently being carried out worldwide on YBa2Cu3O6.56 (YBCO) films grown on different single-crystal and metal-based substrates4. Many YBCO thin films have been developed using different deposition processes. Most of them use high vacuum techniques such as pulse laser deposition (PLD) and magnetron sputtering that can create high critical current densities on YBCO thin films. Nevertheless, they require significant start-up costs for long-length coated-conductor production5. On the other hand, thin films prepared with non-vacuum techniques like metal-organic decomposition using triflouroacetic acid (TFA-MOD) which is a sol-gel- related method, show similar superconducting properties and are relatively simple and inexpensive6. High-quality YBCO films with high Jc can be fabricated in a TFA-MOD process7. Finding the optimum process para- meters for a coating solution can be challenging, but once the coating solution is found, it is very easy to obtain high Jc YBCO superconductors with supreme reproducibility. Although the TFA-MOD process using Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 153 UDK 532.6:620.17 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)153(2013) metal acetates as the starting materials is more cost effective than vacuum processes, the highly purified metal acetates are expensive and thus it is desirable to find a more economic route. Recently, several attempts to use oxide powders, such as the commercially available YBCO powder, as the starting materials have been reported and they have shown high Jc for the YBCO films compared to the other methods.8 In this paper we present a new approach by com- bining the superior properties of a solvent, especially 2,4-pentanedionate, and a commercially available YBCO powder with TFA, acetone and propionic acid as the preliminary study. Therefore, YBCO superconducting films were produced with BaMnO3 from the solutions prepared with the cheap and commercially available YBCO powders and Mn 2,4-pentanedionate, TFA pro- pionic acid and acetone. In practical applications, the importance of the mechanical properties of YBCO-based films cannot be ignored. Superconducting films with poor mechanical properties are useless, even if they possess good transport and flux-pinning properties. Since an addition of particles as pinning centers results in important changes on the microstructure of thin films, their effect on micromechanical properties such as Young’s modulus, hardness and adhesion strength also have to be investigated with respect to the particles type and quantity. 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The scratch test is used to measure the interfacial adhesion for a range of different coatings.9–19 During the test, a diamond indenter is drawn over the surface of a sample tested under a normal force, which is increased either stepwise or continuously until the critical normal force is reached, at which a well defined coating failure occurs.9 Then, force is taken as a measurement of the adhesion between the coating and the substrate. The onset of a coating failure can be monitored with optical microscopy, acoustic emission (AE) and friction-force measurements10. It has been suggested that the coating adhesive failure is directly associated with a sudden increase in the friction force.11,12 It is generally accepted that the scratch test is suitable for the coatings of a thickness ranging from 0.1 μm to 20 μm and this covers a large number of engineering applications.13 The adhesion strength (F) of the films was calculated by using equation (1) for the average value of three measurements. The scratch was examined with an optical microscope and the critical load, at which the coating was removed, was determined. The adhesion strength, F (in MPa), was calculated by using equation (1):20 [ ]F H R H W W = −( ) / / 2 1 2 c c (1) where H is the Brinell hardness value (kg mm–2) of the SrTiO3 (STO) substrate and R is the radius of the stylus (μm) and Wc is the critical force. On the other hand, indentation tests are used to deter- mine elasto-plastic properties such as Young’s modulus, yield strength and the strain-hardening exponent21 of thin films. Young’s modulus may be inferred from the unloading indentation load-depth curve and the yield strength from the maximum indentation load. In addition, a method to extract the flow stress and the strain-hardening exponent using indentation data has been researched.22–27 The indentation hardness of mate- rials is measured in several ways by forcing an indenter having a specific geometry (ball, cone, and pyramid) into a specimen’s surface.28 The conventional microhardness value can be determined with an optical measurement of the residual impression left behind upon a load release. The development of depth-sensing indentation equip- ment has allowed an easy and reliable determination of two of the most commonly measured mechanical properties of materials: the hardness and Young’s modulus.26,29 Two mechanical properties, namely, elastic modulus (E) and microhardness (H) can be obtained from the load and penetration-depth data. A typical load-penetration- depth curve can be investigated using a related reference.30 During an indenter loading, the test material is subjected to both elastic and plastic deformations. One of the challenges in studying mechanical properties of thin films is that the traditional methods used to evaluate mechanical properties of bulk materials are not applicable for thin films and so far there is no standard test method for the evaluation of mechanical properties of thin films.31 New methods, such as depth-sensing nanoindentation, microbridge test, uniaxial tensile test and ultrasonic method are being developed32–35 for the measurement of mechanical properties of thin films. Among these methods, the depth-sensing nanoinden- tation technique provides a continuous record of the variation of indentation load with the penetration depth into a specimen and this technique has been an area of considerable attention in recent years due to its high resolution at a low load scale. Currently, the nano- indentation technique is being applied to determine hardness and Young’s modulus, while limited studies are available to develop an effective method to obtain the plastic properties of thin films with a nanoindentation technique. For example, Nix34 has utilized a nanoinden- tation technique to study the strength properties of thin films. Giannakopoulos and Suresh32 have developed a step-by-step method to obtain the mechanical properties of materials from the nanoindentation experimental data. The indentation response of a thin film on a substrate is a complex function of the elastic and plastic properties of both the film and the substrate and it is essential to understand how the intrinsic mechanical properties of a film can be determined from the overall mechanical response of a film/substrate system. As the values of O. CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... 154 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 elastic modulus and hardness, determined from inden- tations, should not depend on the value of h (indentation depth) and, therefore, on the value of the maximum load, the indentation depth should not exceed 10–20 % of the coating thickness, otherwise the results will be affected by the properties of the substrate.21–30 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 3.1 Preparation of the solutions Y-Ba-Cu-O based solution was prepared from a commercial YBa2Cu3O6.56 powder (yttrium-barium- copper oxide) with propionic acid, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), acetone and 2,4-pentanedionate under atmo- spheric conditions at room temperature. The 8.3045 g YBCO powder was weighted out in order to prepare a 0.25 M and 50 ml solution. After 10 ml of propionic acid was added to the YBCO powder, the mixture was being dissolved in 25 ml of TFA at 45 °C for 60 min using an ultrasonic mixer (Sonorex digital 10P). The solvents were being removed at 100 °C for 60 min with a hot plate to yield a blue-sticky-glassy residue with a high viscosity. The solution of the film was made by dissolv- ing the residue with up to 50 ml of TFA. The solvents were being evaporated from the solution again at 60 °C for 60 min until a highly viscous solution of a trans- parent-blue colour was obtained. After adding up to 50 ml of acetone into the solution, 15 ml of propionic acid and 5 ml of TFA were incorporated into the obtained viscous solution, and then a standard transparent solution was prepared. Finally, Mn alkoxide was separately added into 5 ml of the transparent solution with a low content of 2,4-pentanedionate as presented by the flow chart in Figure 1. 3.2 Coating process Initially, (100) STO single-crystal substrates with the dimensions of 10 mm × 10 mm × 0.75 mm were rinsed in acetone using a standard ultrasonic cleaner. After that, the solutions were deposited on the substrates during a dip-coating process with a withdrawal speed of 0.3 cm/s in a vacuum atmosphere. The dip coating involves a formation of a film through a liquid-entrainment process that may be either batch or continuous in nature. The general steps include an immersion of the substrate into the dip-coating solution, a start-up, during which a withdrawal of the substrate from the solution begins, a film deposition, a solvent evaporation, and a continued drainage as the substrate is completely removed from the liquid bath. The film thickness formed in dip coating is mainly governed by the viscous drag, gravitational forces, and the surface tension. The deposited gel films were converted to an epitaxial pure YBCO and a YBCO film with BaMnO3 nanoparticles through a combination of the calcining and heat-treatment procedures. The gel film was dried from 80 °C to 406 °C in 12 % humidified oxygen. After the calcining was performed at 406 °C for 0.4 h in 12 % humidified nitrogen, the film was being heated up to 811 °C for 1 h in 12 % humidified nitrogen and the fired film was consequently heat treated at 465 °C for 2.2 h in a dry oxygen atmosphere. In order to obtain highly textured thin films on the STO substrate, the oxygen content was 500 ml O2 during the heat-treatment process at 465 °C for 2.2 h as expressed in Figure 1. O. CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 155 Figure 1: Flow chart of the TFA-MOD technique Slika 1: Potek postopka TFA-MOD 3.3 Characterization process The structural development of the produced thin films was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD- Rigaku D/MAX-2200/PC) patterns, recorded using the Co K irradiation (wavelength, = 0.178897 nm) and the scanning range was between 2 = 10° and 90°. The surface topographies and additional particle effects on the microstructure of the films were examined with a high resolution SEM (JEOL JSM 6060). The surface morphologies of the films were measured with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The resistivity-temperature behaviors of the superconductive thin films were determined and the critical temperatures, Tc, were obtained depending on the additional particle content. 3.4 Mechanical properties of the films The load on a Rockwell C diamond with a tip radius of the stylus (R) of 15 μm was linearly increased from 0 mN to 98 mN at the loading speed of 1 mN/s for the scratch test. In addition, the scratch speed of the diamond tip was 2 μm/s. The testing temperature and humidity percentage were 20.3 °C and 50 %, respec- tively. The scratch was examined with an optical micro- scope and the critical force (Wc) value, at which the coating removed from the substrate was determined three times for each sample. The hardness and Young’s modulus of the produced thin films were measured under 0.3 mN of the applied peak load three times with the CSM Berkovich nanoindentation tester (the loading- unloading test mode) to determine additional particle effects on mechanical properties. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Characterization of the films Figure 2 (a–c) shows the XRD patterns of pure YBCO, YBCO with 0.05 g and 0.10 g Mn on the STO single-crystal substrate obtained with the TFA-MOD method. XRD patterns showed that the pure YBCO film has (001) major diffraction peaks corresponding to the O. CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... 156 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 Figure 2: XRD patterns of: a) pure YBCO, b) YBCO with 0.05 g and c) 0.10 g BaMnO3 nanoparticles Slika 2: Rentgenski pra{kovni posnetki (XRD): a) ~isti YBCO, b) YBCO z 0,05 g in c) 0,10 g BaMnO3 nanodelci Figure 3: AFM study of YBCO thin films with: a) 0 g, b) 0.05 g and c) 0.10 g BaMnO3 nanoparticles Slika 3: AFM-{tudija YBCO tanke plasti z: a) 0 g, b) 0,05 g in c) 0,10 g BaMnO3 nanodelci (00l) parallel plane. It is worth mentioning that YBCO films with a high intensity were grown on the STO substrate using the TFA-MOD method. In addition, no second phases such as Y2Cu2O5, BaF2 and CuO were found in the case, where only a pure YBCO phase was formed. Apart from that, BaMnO3 perovskite peaks with a low intensity were determined on account of the Mn-doping effect. However, XRD peaks from the BaMnO3 perovskite second phase were hardly detected even for the film that was prepared using a precursor solution containing a 0.10 g Mn dopant. The effects of BaMnO3 nanoparticles on the micro- structure of YBCO thin films were identified in Figure 3. According to the AFM results, all the films show typical CuOx precipitatates with 100–200 nm diameters, which are regularly found on the surface of TFA-MOD samples. When the Mn content increased from 0 g to 0.10 g, the surface-roughness values of pure YBCO thin films and the YBCO thin films with BaMnO3 nano- particles changed from 21 nm to 33 nm depending on the Mn doping content. Nevertheless, a clear change in the YBCO surface was observed. Figures 4, 5 and 6 show SEM micrographs of pure YBCO and the YBCO films with BaMnO3 nanoparticles. Figure 4 shows surface topographies of the pure YBCO film with the a-axis which decrease the superconducting properties. These films were produced using the standard YBCO transparent solution. However, the decreasing superconducting properties with the a-axis were elimi- nated using the Mn doping in the standard YBCO precursor solution as clearly depicted in Figures 5 and 6. SEM micrographs indicate that structural defects can be reacted as nanodots or nanoparticles (due to the Mn addition) along the c-axis of the YBCO film. These properties result in an enhanced pinning over the pure YBCO film. Since Mn reacts with Ba and a BaMnO3 perovskite structure forms in the YBCO film during the heat-treatment process, the microstructures of supercon- ducting thin films were changed as expected. The dependences of the inductively measured critical transition temperature (Tc) and transition width (Tc) on the amount of BaMnO3 in the structure are shown in Figure 7. It can be seen that there is sharp decrease in the resistivity near 90 K where the critical-temperature value of pure YBCO is 90.4 K. When the quantity of additional particles increases from 0.05 g to 0.10 g, the critical temperature changes from 90.2 K to 90 K. These additional particles do not affect the critical temperature and only behave as impurities or second phases for the flux-pinning properties. O. CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 157 Figure 6: Surface morphology of an YBCO film with BaMnO3 nanoparticles produced using the YBCO transparent solution with 0.10 g Mn doping Slika 6: Morfologija povr{ine YBCO tanke plasti z BaMnO3 nano- delci, izdelane s prozorno raztopino YBCO, dopirano z 0,10 g Mn Figure 4: Surface morphology of a pure YBCO film with the a-axis produced using the standard YBCO transparent solution Slika 4: Morfologija povr{ine ~iste plasti YBCO z a-osjo, izdelane s standardno prozorno raztopino YBCO Figure 5: Surface morphology of an YBCO film with BaMnO3 nano- particles produced using the YBCO transparent solution with 0.05 g Mn doping Slika 5: Morfologija povr{ine YBCO tanke plasti z BaMnO3 nano- delci, izdelane s prozorno raztopino YBCO, dopirano z 0,05 g Mn 4.2 Determination of mechanical properties The analysis of the scratch test gives critical-force values of the produced thin films. These critical-force values correspond to the first peak in the cartridge output percentage – the test force graphical curve obtained from the scratch-test machine. The bond strengths, critical- force and Brinell-hardness values of pure YBCO and YBCO with BaMnO3 nanoparticles are presented in Table 1. The hardness value of the substrate was con- verted to Brinell hardness (H) with the Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metal and the adhesion strength (F) of the coatings was calculated as a MPa unit using equation (1).20 It is clearly seen from Table 1 that pure YBCO, the YBCO thin films with 0.05 g and 0.1 g of BaMnO3 nanoparticles have the critical forces of 56.23 mN, 58.63 mN and 60.11 mN, respectively. Therefore, the calculated adhesion strength of the films increases from 160 MPa to 173 MPa depending on the BaMnO3 formation in the microstructure. As expected, the mechanical strength against the internal forces caused by the flux pinning rather than the magnitude of the critical current density, may become the factor limiting the performance of HTS thin films for high-current density applications. For the bulk pure YBCO material, this problem has been already discussed in 36. In this study, an increasing Jc and an improvement in the flux-pinning properties of the YBCO films with the BaMeO3 perovskite nanoparticles (Me : Mn), as the pinning centers, on SrTiO3 (STO) are aimed at with the trifluoroacetic acid-metal organic deposition (TFA- MOD). Since the general purpose is to determine the mechanical properties such as Young’s modulus and the hardness of a pure YBCO thin film and the YBCO thin films with a Mn addition (Mn reacts as BaMnO3), an instrumented nanoindentation test was applied to both samples. This time, the importance of the applied load and the indentation size is apparent. As presented in Table 2, the ratios of the indentation depths and the film thicknesses are applicable for an instrumented inden- tation with an applied load of 300 μN. A smoothing procedure was applied to all of the instrumented indentation results of the samples. Another parameter, which can affect the indentation test, is the surface roughness. It has a very active role in an indentation experiment at the nanoscale. If the surface roughness is larger than the maximum indentation depth, the curve has very scattered data characteristic for the loading and unloading parts. O. CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... 158 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 Table 1: Brinell hardness, critical force and bond strengths of YBCO and YBCO with Mn Tabela1: Trdota po Brinellu, kriti~na sila in trdnost vezave YBCO in YBCO z Mn Sub- strate Brinell hardness substrate (HB) Indenter radius (μm) Material Average critical force (mN) Adhesion strength (MPa) STO 143 15 Pure YBCO 56 ± 1.2 160 ± 1.1 YBCO with 0.05 g Mn 59 ± 1.8 168 ± 1.7 YBCO with 0.1 g Mn 60 ± 1.6 173 ± 1.5 Table 2: Maximum depth, residual depth and film thickness of pure YBCO and YBCO with additional particles Tabela 2: Maksimalna globina, preostala globina in debelina plasti ~istega YBCO in YBCO z dodatnimi delci Material Force(μN) Maximum depth (nm) Residual depth (nm) Film thickness (nm) YBCO 300 40.24 ± 6.4 30.12 ± 7.8 292 ± 9 YBCO with 0.05 g Mn 300 42.32 ± 9.4 32.11 ± 8.7 297 ± 5 YBCO with 0.10 g Mn 300 42.45 ± 5.9 33.53 ± 4.4 294 ± 6 Figure 7: Critical-temperature values of YBCO thin films with: a) 0 g, b) 0.05 g and c) 0.10 g BaMnO3 nanoparticles Slika 7: Vrednosti kriti~ne temperature YBCO tanke plasti z: a) 0 g, b) 0,05 g in c) 0,10 g BaMnO3 nanodelci The YBCO-based thin film has suitable properties for ceramic materials, such as hardness and stiffness, together with the tendency to fracture. However, the references about the mechanical properties of this material, particularly the yield strength and the stress- strain curve, are scarce. The mechanical properties (hardness, Young’s modulus and fracture toughness) of the YBCO samples have been examined with the tech- niques such as ultrasound37, X-ray diffraction38 and nanoindentation39. The reported values of Young’s modulus for Y-123 are within the range of E = 40–200 GPa. This large scatter may be due to the residual porosity and a poor contact between the grains40. Other authors,41 also using nanoindentation and applying the loads between 30 mN and 100 mN, reported the values of E = 171–181 GPa for the YBCO samples textured with the Bridgman technique, which is in agreement with Johansen. The nanohardness values in the range of 7.8–8.0 GPa at the maximum loads of 30 mN were recently reported in several researches for the bulk, single-crystal YBCO.38–41 Roa et al. (2007) found a hard- ness value of (8.9 ± 0.1) GPa obtained with a nano- indentation on the YBCO samples textured with the Bridgman technique. After obtaining the loading-unloading (load-displace- ment) curves, force-time and depth-time graphs for pure YBCO and the YBCO films with 0.05 g and 0.1 g Mn (reacting as BaMnO3) under a applied peak load of 300 μN, some characteristic indentation parameters were listed in Tables 2 and 3. According to the indentation results in Table 2, the maximum and residual depths of the YBCO-based thin films under the same indentation loads were increased from (40.24 ± 6.4) nm to (42.45 ± 5.9) nm and from (30.12 ± 7.8) nm to (33.53 ± 4.4) nm, respectively. Furthermore, as represented in Table 3, the elastic modulus and indentation hardness of the YBCO-based thin films were decreased from (88.54 ± 3.1) GPa to (79.11 ± 1.9) GPa and from (12.51 ± 5.1) GPa to (5.75 ± 1.1) GPa under a load of 300 μN. Although the indentation load was fixed at 300 μN, the indentation hardness was decreased as if the indentation size affected the mechanical properties. Since the hardness is accepted as an inherent material property, it should not vary with the indentation load and size but may change with different phase formations. The indentation hardness was decreased with the formation of the BaMnO3 content in the YBCO thin-film structure. According to this explanation, it can be concluded that the pure YBCO thin film is harder and more brittle than the BaMnO3 additional ones. As listed in Table 3, the indentation hardness of the YBCO-based thin films decreased with an increased Mn content in the structure. The elastic-modulus variation of the YBCO-based thin films is also shown in Table 3. Although the hardness was very sensitive to the maximum indentation depth and the thickness/indentation-depth ratio of the samples and it changed from 12.51 GPa to 5.75 GPa, the elastic modulus of the YBCO-based thin films did not show a sharp decrease. However, as listed in Table 3, the elastic modulus of pure YBCO, YBCO with 0.05 g Mn, and YBCO with 0.10 g Mn was calculated to be 88.54 GPa, 83.41 GPa, and 79.11 GPa, respectively. After consider- ing the hardness and elastic modulus of the YBCO-based thin films with AFM, SEM and the critical temperature value, Tc, it was found that the second phase of BaMnO3 did not continuously improve the mechanical and super- conducting properties. When the Mn content increased from 0 g to 0.15 g, the BaMnO3 phases occurred and made the structure more ductile than the pure one. According to the Tc measurement, a sharp decrease in Tc could be considered and the Tc values of the YBCO-based films were very small up to the addition of 0.15 g Mn. In this case Tc was 4.2 K for the YBCO thin film with a 0.15 g Mn addition (BaMnO3) and a sharp decrease in the resistivity could not be seen easily as presented Figure 7. Table 3: Indentation-experiment results for pure YBCO and YBCO with additional particles Tabela 3: Preizkus trdote ~istega YBCO in YBCO z dodanimi delci Material Force(μN) Hardness (HV) Indentation hardness (GPa) Young’s modulus (GPa) YBCO 300 695 ± 28 12.51 ± 4.8 88.54 ± 3.1 YBCO with 0.05 g Mn 300 525 ± 16 8.21 ± 1.2 83.41 ± 1.8 YBCO with 0.10 g Mn 300 495 ± 21 5.75 ± 1.1 79.11 ± 1.9 5 CONCLUSION In this study, YBCO films with/without the Mn solutions were prepared by dissolving commercially available YBCO powders in propionic acid, trifluoro- acetic acid (TFA) and acetone. The prepared solutions were dip coated on the STO single-crystal substrates. The following microstructural and mechanical results were obtained: • XRD patterns show that the produced YBCO films have (001) and parallel plane reflections for pure YBCO and the YBCO with the BaMnO3 thin film. • According to the AFM study, topographic properties and the roughness of thin films were increased with an increase in the amount of nanoparticles (acting as a pinning center) in the film structure. • SEM micrographs indicate that the structural defects consisted of the nanodots or nanoparticles of BaMnO3 along the c-axis of the YBCO film. These properties resulted in an enhanced pinning over the pure YBCO film. • It can be seen from the Tc analysis that there is a sharp decrease in the resistivity near 90 K. • Critical force values of pure YBCO and of the YBCO-based thin films with 0.05 g and 0.1 g BaMnO3 were found to be (56.23, 58.63 and 60.11) O. CULHA et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND DETERMINATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF YBCO ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 153–160 159 mN, respectively. The calculated adhesion strength of the films increased from 160 MPa to 173 MPa depending on the BaMnO3 addition. • The calculated Young’s modulus of YBCO thin films decreased with the BaMnO3 formation. The same effects can be seen in the hardness variation of pure YBCO and the YBCO thin films with the BaMnO3 nanoparticles. 6 REFERENCES 1 N. Hari Babu, K. Iida, D. A. Cardwell, Enhanced magnetic flux pinning in nanocomposite Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors, Physica C, 445–448 (2006), 353–356 2 Y. Yoshida, K. Matsumoto, M. Miura, Y. Ichino, Y. Takai, A. Ichi- nose, M. Mukaida, S. Horii, Controlled nanoparticulate flux pinning structures in RE1+xBa2–xCu3Oy films, Physica C, 445–448 (2006), 637–642 3 B. Lakew, J. C. Brasunas, S. Aslam, D. E. Pugel, High Tc, transition- edge superconducting (TES) bolometer on a monolithic sapphire membrane-construction and performance, Sensor. Actuat. 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DISTORTION OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF A 20-ft SHIPPING CONTAINER EXPOSED TO ZINC HOT-DIP GALVANIZING SPREMINJANJE MER PODSTRUKTURE PRI 20 ft TRANSPORTNEM KONTEJNERJU PRI VRO^EM POTOPNEM CINKANJU Ivana Ivanovi}1, Aleksandar Sedmak2, Rebeka Rudolf3, Leo Gusel3, Biljana Gruji}1 1Innovation Center, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 3University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia iivanovic@mas.bg.ac.rs Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-03 The main goal of this study was to build a model for a numerical simulation of hot-dip galvanizing of a 20-ft ISO shipping container. For that purpose, the basic transient thermo-mechanical problem of a steel structure under the influence of the temperature characteristic for a zinc hot-dip galvanizing bath was analyzed. Numerical calculations were performed for a simple part and for the complex substructure of the container. Calculations were carried out on the Salome-Meca platform using a Netgen mesh generator and a Code_Aster finite-element solver. Keywords: shipping container, structural steel, zinc hot-dip galvanizing, transient heat transfer, distortion Glavni namen te {tudije je bila izdelava modela za numeri~no simulacijo vro~ega potopnega cinkanja 20 ft ISO transportnega kontejnerja. Zato smo analizirali osnovni termomehanski problem jeklene konstrukcije zaradi vpliva toplote med vro~im potopnim cinkanjem. Numeri~ni izra~uni so bili izvr{eni za enostavni del in za kompleksno podstrukturo kontejnerja. Izra~uni so bili izvr{eni na platformi Salome-Meca z uporabo generatorja mre`e Netgen in programske opreme Code_Aster na osnovi metode kon~nih elementov. Klju~ne besede: transportni kontejner, konstrukcijsko jeklo, vro~e potopno cinkanje, prenos toplote, deformacija konstrukcije 1 INTRODUCTION This study is a part of a wider research launched in order to develop an innovative 20-ft ISO shipping con- tainer with a longer lifetime. Since shipping containers have to face hard handling and hard weather conditions, zinc hot-dip galvanizing, if possible, in the form of an integrated welded structure, may represent the best way to achieve this goal. The dimensions of the 20-ft ISO shipping container are 6.058 m × 2.348 m × 2.591 m with a net weight of approximately 2 400 kg. The skeleton of the container is composed of various steel profiles made of 235–420 graded structural steel. Profiles are welded to the cubical corner fittings thus forming an orthogonal skeleton. The wall and roof panels are composed of welded corrugated steel sheets. The panels are welded continually to the rest of the structure. The material thickness varies depending upon the type of the element. The entire skeleton will be taken into consideration as a numerical model, despite the fact that the 20-ft shipping container is larger than any existing galvanizing bath, which means that in actual conditions it cannot be galvanized as a whole.1 On the other hand, it seems that it would be much more efficient to complete most of the construction before galvanizing. Welding of galvanized steel is possible, but it requires a special approach that differs greatly from the standard steel welding techniques.2 The temperature of the zinc bath is slightly above 450 °C. If other requirements for the preparation of an object for galvanizing are fulfilled, this temperature should not have a great influence on the mechanical properties of the structural steel in the mentioned structural steel grades.1,3 Problems were expected to arise due to an extremely complex structure. For example, one of the most important requirements for galvanizing is that the thickness of the material of different parts that are going to be galvanized together must be as uniform as possible. Large differences in the thicknesses will result in different heating and cooling of the material, and will increase the risk of undesirable large distortions. In the case of the shipping container, the thickness ranges from 28 mm in some regions of the corner fittings, 4.5 mm to 12 mm for the profiles in the skeleton and, finally, to 2 mm for the wall panel. Problems will also arise in several areas of the structure where the hollow sections are completely sealed by the other parts of the structure. These sections must be replaced with open sections or vent/drain holes must be provided. An even greater problem is the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 161–167 161 UDK 519.61/.64:669.58:669.14.018.291 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)161(2013) numerous corners of the element connections that also need to be supplied with vent/drain holes. When it comes to numerical simulation, there is very little information on previous studies dealing with zinc hot-dip galvanizing, especially those dealing with the fluid dynamics of zinc at the temperature of the galva- nizing bath, and the fluid dynamics of the galvanizing bath. Some insight into the field could be gained from a thermal analysis carried out, during the solidification, on the moving surface in a finite bath given in 4. Concerning a transient three-dimensional thermo-mechanical nume- rical analysis, there is a great number of papers dealing with this subject within the welding researches.5–8 The basic thermo-mechanical analysis, at some level similar to this one, is performed and described in 9,10. This is a highly idealized analysis of a real-time problem, and numerous real-time conditions are ignored deliberately. 2 GENERAL-MODELING DESCRIPTION 2.1 Geometry of the model The skeleton used as a model for numerical simulations of the zinc hot-dip galvanizing of a 20-ft ISO shipping container is presented in Figure 1. The skeleton model is composed of two front-corner posts, two outer rear-corner posts, two bottom side rails, two top side rails, a door sill, the lower part of the door header, a front sill, a front-top end rail, three types of floor cross- members, two forklift-pocket top plates and, finally, four top- and four bottom-corner fittings. It was already mentioned that some elements in the construction should be omitted or replaced in order to avoid closed hollow sections. Such sections are undesi- rable in galvanizing, but also need special treatment during a numerical simulation. The initial examples, the most sensitive to changes, are the corner posts. The front-corner post is planned to be a 6 mm thick, S235JR-steel closed profile as illustrated in Figure 2 (left). When welded to the corner fittings, this profile will form a closed hollow section. Therefore, in simu- lations, the closed profile is replaced by a standard- shaped open profile of the same thickness as illustrated in Figure 2 (right). To simplify an already complex geometry, the edge filleting is omitted here, as well as for all the other elements. The rear-corner-post profile consists of an inner and outer part. A standard 6 mm thick outer profile, planned to be made of the S420NL steel, is kept in the numerical model. The inner part could not be omitted from the real skeleton, but it is assumed that it can be added after- wards. The notches for door-hinge-pin lugs, which are usually made on the outer part of the rear-corner post, are omitted to simplify the geometry. Bottom side rails (4.5 mm S420NL steel) are introduced without the two forklift-pocket openings. Only the standard U-shaped lower part of the door header (4 mm S355NL steel) is included. For the two top side rails and for the front-top end rail (4 mm S355NL steel), the standard square tubes are replaced with the channel-shaped steel sections. The elements of the skeleton are connected to the construction with corner fittings. The dimensions of the corner fittings are much smaller than the dimensions of the other elements, 178 mm × 162 mm × 118 mm, but the thickness of the walls is much higher, and it ranges from 10 mm to 28 mm. They have a specific geometry since they are designed for lifting, stacking and securing the container. The real form of the top-corner fitting is illustrated in Figure 3 (left). A simplified form, attached I. IVANOVI] et al.: DISTORTION OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF A 20-ft SHIPPING CONTAINER ... 162 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 161–167 Figure 2: Cross sections of the front-corner-post profiles Slika 2: Prereza profilov kotnih drogov v sprednjem delu Figure 1: Skeleton of the 20-ft ISO shipping container Slika 1: Ogrodje 20 ft ISO ladijskega kontejnerja Figure 3: Top-corner-fitting geometry Slika 3: Geometrija gornjega vogala to the cables in a way that will be used for numerical simulations, is presented in Figure 3 (right). 2.2 Numerical procedures All pre-processing and post-processing work is performed using an open-source Salome-Meca platform. From the mesh module in Salome-Meca, an open-source Netgen mesh generator is applied to generate an auto- matic three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh. An example of the mesh generated on the top-corner fitting, with the maximum edge size of 9 mm, resulting in 14 358 tetra- hedral elements, is illustrated in Figure 4. The molten zinc bath is kept at a constant tempe- rature of 450 °C during all numerical simulations. The top-corner fitting and the whole skeleton are chosen separately for the simulations. The bottom side of each model is placed in an xy plane. The plane is placed so as to be parallel to the surface of the zinc bath. The models are suspended with four steel cables (Figure 3 (left) and Figure 4). In this manner, for the purpose of the numerical model of the skeleton, the mechanism for vertical lifting of the container from the top corner fittings is simplified and replaced only by cables. Cable thickness is selected so that its elongation is reduced to a minimum. A transient thermomechanical analysis is performed with the open-source finite-element solver Code_Aster. The thermomechanical properties of the steel are kept constant during the simulations. In the linear thermal analysis, convection boundary conditions are imposed on all the surfaces. An immersion is simulated at a constant velocity of 0.004 m/s and with two different constant heat-transfer coefficients, one at the immersed surfaces and the other at the surfaces outside the zinc bath. The initial temperature of the object and the temperature of the surroundings are the same, 25 °C. The thermal loads and the weight of the model are introduced in a non-linear static analysis. The cables are fixed at one end and connected to the selected points of the object (the corner fitting or skeleton) at the other end. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Simulations were performed on a desktop PC with an Intel Core i5-2300 CPU running at 2.8 GHz and with 4 GB RAM. Because of the limited computer resources, a simple top-corner fitting model was chosen for general model verifications and validations. 3.1 Top-corner fitting Corner fittings are the smallest parts of a container construction with very different wall thicknesses. Points 8, 9, 10 and 11, which were used for the presentations of the results obtained for different mesh densities, are illustrated in Figure 5. The thickness of the walls around the bottom point 9 is 20 mm on the sides and 10 mm at the bottom. The thickness around the bottom point 8 is 20 mm and 10 mm on the sides. The thickness of the top wall, where points 11 and 10 are situated, is approxi- mately 28 mm. In the case of a velocity of 0.004 m/s, the corner fitting is fully immersed after approximately 30 s. The temperature results for the selected points are illustrated in Figure 6a. The results are presented from the beginning of the simulation until 630 s. It can be seen that the temperatures of four points differ throughout the entire simulation. The maximum value of the tempera- ture difference between the two bottom points is approximately 33 °C, and is reached at 240 s. The temperature of the zinc bath was not reached at the end of the simulation, despite the fact that the corner fitting was immersed fully for 10 min. The maximum temperature was reached at point 8 and has the value of 408 °C. I. IVANOVI] et al.: DISTORTION OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF A 20-ft SHIPPING CONTAINER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 161–167 163 Figure 5: Positions of points 8, 9, 10 and 11 Slika 5: Pozicije to~k 8, 9, 10 in 11 Figure 4: Example of a Netgen three-dimensional tetrahedral mesh Slika 4: Primer tridimenzionalne tetraedri~ne mre`e Netgen The results obtained using three different mesh densities are presented in Figure 6b. The values for the coarse mesh of 2 655 elements (the maximum edge size is 20 mm) are significantly different from the other two sets of values (for the mesh of 14 358 elements the maximum edge size is 9 mm, and for the mesh of 59 739 elements the maximum edge size is 5 mm). The differen- ce was around 3.5 °C at the beginning of the simulation, and around 1 °C at the end of the simulation. At the beginning of the simulation the temperature at some points of the mesh fell below the assigned initial temperature of the model, which is equal to the tempe- rature of the surroundings. This error decreased with an increase in the mesh density. The previous discussions are confirmed with Figure 7, where the temperature distribution, at 30 s (a) and at 630 s (b), is presented for the mesh of 14 358 elements. At 30 s, when the phase of immersion is just finished, some parts of the corner fitting are still at the initial temperature of 25 °C. This is an obvious consequence of the already mentioned numerical error caused by the finesse of discretization. Compared to the temperature of the other previously selected points (Figure 5), the highest temperature is in the vicinity of point 8, and is around 80 °C. The tempe- I. IVANOVI] et al.: DISTORTION OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF A 20-ft SHIPPING CONTAINER ... 164 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 161–167 Figure 6: a) Temperature at points 8, 9, 10 and 11 from the beginning of the simulation until 630 s for the mesh of 14 358 elements and b) the temperature at point 9 for three different mesh densities from 10 s to 40 s Slika 6: a) Temperature v to~kah 8, 9, 10 in 11 od za~etka simulacije do 630. sekunde za mre`o s 14 358 elementi in b) temperature v to~ki 9 za tri gostote mre`e od 10. sekunde do 40. sekunde Figure 8: Total displacements at the top-corner fitting at 30 s (scale 200) and at 630 s (scale 40) for the mesh of 14 358 elements Slika 8: Skupni raztezki v vrhnjem kotnem spoju pri 30 s (skala 200) in pri 630 s (skala 40) za mre`o s 14 358 elementi Figure 7: Temperature distribution at the top-corner fitting at: a) 30 s and b) at 630 s for the mesh of 14 358 elements Slika 7: Razporeditev temperature v vrhnjem kotnem spoju pri: a) 30 s in b) pri 630 s za mre`o s 14 358 elementi a) b) rature difference between these points is even more evident at the end of the simulation as illustrated in Figure 7b. At 630 s, the maximum temperature is approximately 410 °C, and it is 40 °C lower than the temperature of the zinc bath. The corresponding total displacements are illustrated in Figure 8. 3.2 Skeleton In the case of the skeleton, two mesh densities were used for numerical simulations. The maximum edge size of the finer mesh was equal to the critical edge size of the corner fitting (20 mm). The immersion phase takes approximately 648 s. Because of the limited computer resources, a coarser mesh of 241 623 elements (the maximum edge size of 60 mm) was used to reach the end of the immersion phase. The total displacements and temperature distributions at (50, 350, and 650) s are illustrated in Figure 9. As expected, for this mesh density the minimum temperature at any time was lower than the initial temperature of 25 °C. The temperature of the zinc bath was almost reached at the lower parts of the skeleton by the end of the simulation. The maximum temperature at 650 s, illustrated in Figure 9 (bottom right), was appro- ximately 449 °C. It is not hard to notice large differences in the temperature at different positions of the skeleton. Especially at the beginning of the immersion, these temperature differences can produce large distortions. For example, from the temperature distribution at 50 s illustrated in Figure 9 (top right), it can be seen that the temperature is much higher at the bottom than at the top of the bottom side rails. The temperature of the bottom- corner fittings is even lower. The largest distortions are found in the central area of the floor construction, at the central cross members, and at the two forklift-pocket top plates (Figure 9 (top left)). There is an obvious dis- tortion of the bottom side rails. This distortion affects the very end of the front corner posts, near the corner fittings. The influence of the distortion of the floor construction on the outer part of the rear corner posts is even more pronounced, but it is also better distributed along the posts than in the case of the front corner posts. At 350 s, the top side rails started to deform as a result of the distortion of the lower half of the skeleton (Figure 9 (center right)). The maximum value of the total displacements reached in the first 50 s is around 12.5 mm, in the next 300 s it is increased by only 5 mm, and in the next 300 s it is increased by an even smaller value of only 3 mm. The influence of the mesh density, for the mesh of 241 623 elements with the maximum edge size of 60 mm, and the mesh of 490 420 elements with the maxi- mum edge size of 20 mm, from 80 s to 120 s, at the point 621 with the coordinates (0, 0, 0), is illustrated in Figure 10. A simulation for the finer mesh was executed for the period of up to 200 s. The temperature difference was between 3.5 °C at the beginning of the simulation and 2.5 °C at 200 s. The values of the total displacements, from 80 s to 120 s, were higher for the coarser mesh. The temperature at different points on the bottom- corner fitting and in its vicinity is presented in Figure 11. During the simulation, the temperature was the highest at point 4 067, which is at the bottom of the front sill, and at point 31 870, which is at the bottom of the bottom side rail. The thickness of the material of these profiles is 4.5 mm. I. IVANOVI] et al.: DISTORTION OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF A 20-ft SHIPPING CONTAINER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 161–167 165 Figure 10: Temperature and total displacements at point (0, 0, 0) for the two different mesh densities, a mesh of 241 623 elements with the maximum edge size of 60 mm, and a mesh of 490 420 elements with the maximum edge size of 20 mm, from 80 s to 120 s Slika 10: Temperatura in celotni raztezek v to~ki (0, 0, 0) za dve razli~ni gostoti mre`e: mre`e z 241 623 elementi, maksimalna velikost roba 60 mm, in mre`o s 490 420 elementi, maksimalna velikost roba 20 mm, od 80 s do 120 s Figure 9: Total displacements (the scale factor of 20) and temperature distributions at (50, 350, and 650) s for the skeleton in the case of a mesh of 241 623 elements (the maximum edge size of 60 mm) Slika 9: Celotni raztezek (faktor skale 20) in razporeditev temperature pri (50, 350 in 650) s za ogrodje v primeru mre`e z 241 623 elementi (maksimalna velikost roba 60 mm) Points 621 and 610 are on the bottom-corner fitting and their positions are equivalent to those of points 11 and 10, illustrated in Figure 5. As expected, the tempe- rature of point 610 was higher than the temperature of point 621, as presented in the case of the corner fittings. Both temperatures were lower than the temperatures of the points on the bottom profiles. The last presented point is at the front-corner post, just above the bottom-corner fitting. The thickness of the material of the front-corner post is 6 mm. This point starts to heat up 100 s after the above-presented points, but in the following 100 s it exceeds the temperature of the two points on the bottom-corner fitting. The distributions for the finer mesh at 40 s are pre- sented in Figure 12. While the minimum temperature for the coarse mesh at 50 s, presented in Figure 9 (top right), was approximately 21 °C, for the finer mesh this value was around 22 °C at 40 s (Figure 12b). Also, the maximum value for the total displacements was almost 1 mm higher at 40 s for the finer mesh than at 50 s for the coarser mesh (Figure 9 (top left)). The maximal stresses at 40 s, illustrated in Figure 13, were located at the bottom of the bottom side rails near the front bottom-corner fittings. The bottom rail is planned to be made of 4.5 mm thick S420NL steel, and its maximum stress value is 381 MPa. 4 CONCLUSIONS Three-dimensional linear thermal and nonlinear static analyses, of the top-corner fitting as a part of the con- tainer structure and of the entire skeleton as the container substructure, were performed to initiate the analysis of the distortion of a 20-ft ISO shipping container exposed to the temperature of a zinc hot-dip galvanizing bath. Numerical simulations were carried out using open- source CAE software: Salome-Meca, Netgen, and Code_Aster. The temperature was the only transient boundary condition. The temperature of the galvanizing bath, the velocity of immersion, and the thermomecha- nical properties of steel were kept constant during all the simulations. Tests were carried out within the limits of the very poor computer resources. However, satisfactory initial results were obtained and sufficient information was gathered to make a general image of the container- substructure behavior under the influence of the zinc hot-dip galvanizing-bath temperature. I. IVANOVI] et al.: DISTORTION OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF A 20-ft SHIPPING CONTAINER ... 166 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 161–167 Figure 13: Maximum stress at the bottom side rail near the front- bottom-corner fitting at t = 40 s Slika 13: Maksimalna napetost v spodnjem stranskem profilu blizu spodnjega sprednjega vogalnega spoja pri t = 40 s Figure 11: Temperature at different points of the skeleton, on and around the bottom-corner fitting, from the beginning of the simulation to 200 s, for the mesh of 490 420 elements Slika 11: Temperature v razli~nih to~kah ogrodja na spodnjem vogalnem spoju in okrog njega od za~etka simulacije do 200 s v primeru mre`e s 490 420 elementi Figure 12: a) Total displacements (scale 20) and b) the temperature distribution at 40 s for the mesh of 490 420 elements Slika 12: a) Skupni raztezek (skala 20) in b) razporeditev temperature pri 40 s za mre`o s 490 420 elementi a) b) Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support given under the EUREKA E! 5009 Galvacont project. 5 REFERENCES 1 IGAG, INGAL Specifiers Manuel, Available: www.ingal.com.au/ igsm.htm 2 G. 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OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRILLING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES IN B4C-REINFORCED Al-7XXX-SERIES ALLOYS BASED ON THE TAGUCHI METHOD OPTIMIRANJE PARAMETROV VRTANJA ZA SILE VRTANJA PRI ZLITINAH Al-7XXX, OJA^ANIH Z B4C S TAGUCHIJEVO METODO Ahmet Taþkesen1, Kenan Kütükde2 1Gazi University, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, 06500 Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey 2Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, 06500 Teknikokullar, Ankara, Turkey taskesen@gazi.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-09-28 In this study, drilling tests of aluminum-based composites produced with the powder-metallurgy (PM) technique and reinforced with boron-carbide (B4C) particles were carried out with three different types of drills under dry cutting conditions. In order to determine the mechanical properties of the produced composites, hardness and tensile tests were performed. Moreover, the effects of the machining parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate, particle fraction and cutting-tool material, and of their interactions on the thrust force and cutting torque were determined with the Taguchi experimental design. Drilling parameters were optimized in terms of cutting forces (thrust force and torque). Furthermore, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to obtain the degree of the effect of the parameters. The most influential control factors for the cutting forces were found to be the particle fraction and feed rate. According to the experimental results, the thrust force and cutting torque increased significantly as the feed rate or the particle content increased. On the other hand, the influence of the drill-bit material and the interactions of the factors for the cutting forces were quite low. Keywords: B4C, powder metallurgy, drilling, cutting force, torque, Taguchi method V tej {tudiji so bili narejeni preizkusi vrtanja kompozita na osnovi aluminija, oja~anega z borovim karbidom (B4C) in izdelanega po postopku pra{ne metalurgije (PM), s tremi razli~nimi svedri in pri suhem vrtanju. Za dolo~itev mehanskih lastnosti izdelanega kompozita je bila izmerjena trdota in opravljeni so bili natezni preizkusi. Poleg tega so bili dolo~eni s Taguchijevo eksperimentalno tehniko parametri obdelave, kot so hitrost rezanja, hitrost podajanja, dele` delcev, material za orodje za rezanje in njihov vpliv na potisno silo ter navor pri rezanju. Parametri rezanja so bili optimirani glede na sile rezanja (potisna sila in navor). Poleg tega je bila narejena analiza variance (ANOVA), da bi dobili stopnjo vpliva parametrov. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da sta najbolj vplivna kontrolna faktorja na sile rezanja dele` delcev in hitrost podajanja. Skladno z rezultati preizkusov potisna sila in navor mo~no narasteta, ~e se pove~a hitrost podajanja ali pove~a vsebnost delcev. Po drugi strani so razmeroma majhni vplivi materiala svedra in medsebojni vpliv faktorjev na sile rezanja. Klju~ne besede: B4C, pra{na metalurgija, vrtanje, sila rezanja, navor, Taguchijeva metoda 1 INTRODUCTION The composition of many composite materials used in engineering applications consists of additives pro- viding a better hardness and resistance and of the matrix material that holds these substances together as well as allowing ductility and toughness.1 Due to their high specific strength, superior wear resistance, low thermal expansion and lightweight, metal-matrix composites (MMCs), widely used, especially in aerospace and automotive industry, have attracted the attention of the researchers.2–4 However, in spite of these advantages, the machinability of these composites is difficult.5–12 A drilling process is one of the last production stages that have to be done before the assembly step. The past studies relating to the drilling of MMCs have revealed that Al2O3 and SiC are mostly used as a reinforcement material in an aluminum composite material.3,5–8,12–14 However, there are no adequate studies on the drilling of the B4C-reinforced aluminum composites. An inclusion of the B4C particles as a reinforcement material has the advantage of having a higher hardness ( 4200 HV) than the other ceramics such as SiC ( 3500 HV) and Al2O3 ( 2300 HV).2,15 In the previous studies regarding the drilling machinability of MMCs, it is stated that an increase in the cutting speed does not significantly affect the thrust force, and that the most important factor increasing the thrust force is the feed rate.3,10,16 Moreover, the particle content in the composite material as well as the drilling tool are of importance for the drilling of aluminum- matrix composites; and the lowest drilling forces are obtained with polycrystalline diamond (PCD) drills.3 In addition, the coated carbide tools produce more thrust forces than the uncoated carbide drills.16 Heat-treatment conditions also have a significant effect on the cutting forces and the highest tool forces were observed (nearly twice) when drilling aged the composites.6,8 On the other Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 169–176 169 UDK 621.762:621.95:519.233.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)169(2013) hand, while an addition of graphite to a composite material positively affects both the cutting forces and the machinability, it adversely affects the strength of the composite material.2,5,12 With respect to the cutting-tool material, lower thrust forces are obtained when through- tool cooling is performed.7 However, the cutting torques produced with conventional cooling (the cooling method, in which the cooling fluid is sprayed from the outside to the cutting zone) are lower than those produced with the through-tool cooling and dry drilling. Thrust forces also increase depending on the drilled hole number.7 From the point of view of the cutting forces, the results of drilling fiber-reinforced composites are similar to the results of drilling MMCs.9,11 The Taguchi design method is a useful tool for determining the effect of machining parameters and their significance levels. A plan of experiments can be con- ducted with the Taguchi method with the purpose of analyzing the data and obtaining the information about the property of a certain process. This method uses orthogonal arrays for defining the experiment plan.4,13,14,16 Its important advantage is the fact that it saves experimental effort and time, reducing the cost. Furthermore, the results other than the conducted experi- ments can be predicted with a great accuracy by using this method. In recent times, a variety of applications of the Taguchi method have been performed in many areas. The aim of this study was to introduce the Taguchi method in determining the optimum drilling conditions for the thrust force and drilling torque when drilling an Al7XXX alloy reinforced with three different mass fractions of B4C particles. For this purpose, the effect of the control factors such as spindle speed, feed rate, particle fraction and cutting tool on the cutting forces were investigated. Significance levels of individual factors were determined with ANOVA. The values pre- dicted with the Taguchi method were compared with the experimental results. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCESS 2.1 Production of Composite Materials In this work, 7xxx-series aluminum alloy (including mass fractions: 5 % zinc, 3.5 % copper and 2.5 % of magnesium) was used as the matrix element. B4C ceramic powders under 325 meshes were used as the reinforcement element. To investigate the effects of different reinforcement fractions on the machinability, three different weight fractions of B4C particles were selected as 10 %, 15 % and 25 %. The mixture was cold pressed in the mold under the pressure of 25 MPa in an electrical furnace. Then the internal temperature of the furnace was fixed at 540 °C and the composite materials were produced by applying the liquid-phase sintering method for half an hour. Later the produced samples were subjected to the hardness, tensile and drilling tests. For the hardness test, three hardness measurements were performed on each sample by using OKO SEIKI hardness-measurement equipment and the mean of the hardness values was used. Tensile tests were also carried out by placing each specimen into a 60-ton Tinius Olsen tensile-test device. Tensile-test specimens were prepared according to the EN 10002-1 standard by turning the sintered blocks as shown in Figure 1. 2.2 Test Setup and the Drilling Process For the drilling tests of the produced MMCs, a com- puter numerically controlled (CNC) vertical machining center (VMC-550 Johnford Fanuc Series O-M) having the capacity of 15 kW and 3 500 r/min was used. The machining conditions and geometrical properties of the drills are given in Table 1. The cutting forces were measured for all the drilling experiments with three previously unused, different, 8-mm drills. Each test was repeated twice and the mean values were used. A total of 100 holes were drilled in addition to 27 Taguchi experiments for confirmation purpose. The length of the drilled composites was 12 mm. A KISTLER 9272 dyna- mometer was used to measure the thrust force and torque during the drilling process. Figure 2 shows the sche- matic image of the drilling setup17. A picture of the produced composite, attached to a specially developed and manufactured fixture, after being drilled with the CNC vertical machining center, is depicted in Figure 3. After measuring the thrust forces and drilling torques, the results were recorded into a computer environment using the KISTLER DynoWare software. The average value of the measured cutting forces was taken into account so that the conical section of the tool tip was completely inside the workpiece. A sample output of the A. TAÞKESEN, K. KÜTÜKDE: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRILLING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... 170 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 169–176 Figure 1: Tensile-test specimens: a) prepared test specimens, b) tech- nical drawing of a test specimen Slika 1: Preizku{anci za natezni preizkus: a) pripravljeni preizku{anci, b) tehni~na risba preizku{anca dynamometer showing the variation of the cutting force and torque is given in Figure 4. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties The microstructure of the produced composites is shown in Figure 5. A homogeneous distribution of the ceramic particles over the composite alloy can be seen from this figure. According to the hardness test results, the average hardnesses of the specimens with mass fractions 10 % B4C, 15 % B4C and 25 % B4C were meas- ured as 61 HRB, 79 HRB and 87 HRB, respectively. These hardnesses were significantly higher than that for the Al7075 alloy (43 HRB) but close to the Al7075–T6 alloy (87 HRB).18 The hardness of the composites in- creased as the particle fraction increased due to the hard nature of the ceramic particles. The results of the strength and elongation (%) for each sample are given in Table 2. The highest yield and A. TAÞKESEN, K. KÜTÜKDE: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRILLING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 169–176 171 Figure 4: Typical cutting forces observed when spindle speed = 1500 r/min, feed = 0.3 mm/r, the work piece contains the mass fraction 10 % B4C and the drill used is made of HSS Slika 4: Zna~ilna sila rezanja pri hitrosti vrtenja vretena = 1500 r/min, podajanje 0,3 mm/r, obdelovanec je vseboval masni dele` 10 % B4C, sveder je bil iz HSS-jekla Figure 3: Drilling setup Slika 3: Preizkus vrtanja Table 1: Machining conditions Tabela 1: Pogoji obdelave Machine tool Johnford VMC-550 Fanuc Serial O-M CNC controlled vertical machining center Drills HSS: 8 mm, 135° tool tip angle, spiral, 30° helical angle Uncoated carbide: 8 mm, 140° tool tip angle, spiral, 30° helical angle TiAlN-coated carbide: 8 mm, 140° tool tip angle, spiral, 30° helical angle Workpiece materials Mass fractions: 10 % B4C/Al, 15 % B4C/Al and 25 % B4C/Al composite Cutting parameters Spindle speeds (n): 1000 r/min, 1500 r/min, 2000 r/min, 2500 r/minFeed rates (f) : 0.1 mm/r, 0.2 mm/r, 0.3 mm/r Figure 2: Schematic presentation of the measuring setup Slika 2: Shematski prikaz sestava za merjenje Figure 5: Microstructure of the composite having the mass fraction 15 % B4C Slika 5: Mikrostruktura kompozita z masnim dele`em 15 % B4C tensile strength values were obtained when the B4C particle fraction was 15 %. Generally, an increase in the particle fraction increases the strength of the composite material but, at the same time, reduces ductility due to an increased dislocation density.19 In this study, it was observed that the ceramic reinforcements added to the aluminum matrix reduced the ductility of the composite material and made it more brittle (Table 2). The fact that the strength of the composite having 25 % particle fraction was lower than the strength of the composites having mass fractions 10 % B4C and 15 % B4C can be attributed to the increase in the interfacial decompo- sitions between the particles and the matrix.20 Table 2: Strength results of the B4C-reinforced MMC Tabela 2: Trdnost MMC, oja~anega z B4C B4C particle mass fraction w/% Yield strength MPa Tensile strength MPa Elongation % 10 491 527 22.2 15 532 599 6.9 25 328 408 4.8 3.2 Cutting Forces and Torques According to the experimental results, the effects of the cutting parameters such as particle fraction, cutting speed, feed rate and cutting-tool material on the thrust force and torque were given in Figures 4 and 5. The cutting forces increased with the particle weight fraction, and the rate of this increment for HSS tools was higher than that for the carbide tools with greater particle fractions. An increase in the weight fraction of the B4C particles within the aluminum matrix increased the hardness of the composite causing a rapid tool wear due to a more intense contact with the cutting edge. There- fore, increasing both the weight fraction and the area of hard particles being in contact with the cutting tool resulted in an increase in the friction and flow strength of the cutting tool-chip as well as the cutting tool-work- piece interface. On the other hand, it could be observed from Figures 6 and 7 that the thrust force and cutting torque increased with the feed rate, but they decreased with the cutting speed. Previous researchers stated that the most important factor affecting the cutting forces was the feed rate3,8–12,16 and this was confirmed by our study. Since the chip volume removed per revolution of the cutting tool increased with an increase in the feed rate, the thrust force and cutting torque increased as well.21 When experimental results were analyzed in terms of the cutting-tool material, higher thrust forces, ranging from 150 N to 250 N, were produced with HSS tools than with carbide tools while drilling the 25 % B4C reinforced MMCs. This situation could be attributed to the hardness of the cutting tool and to the wear mecha- A. TAÞKESEN, K. KÜTÜKDE: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRILLING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... 172 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 169–176 Figure 7: Effect of machining parameters on the drilling torque: a) particle mass fraction, w/%, b) feed rate, mm/r, c) spindle speed, r/min Slika 7: Vpliv parametrov obdelave na navor pri vrtanju: a) vsebnost delcev v masnih dele`ih, w/%, b) hitrost podajanja, mm/r, c) hitrost vrtenja vretena, r/min Figure 6: Effect of machining parameters on the thrust force: a) particle mass fraction, w/%, b) feed rate, mm/r, c) spindle speed, r/min Slika 6: Vpliv parametrov obdelave na potisno silo: a) vsebnost delcev v masnih dele`ih, w/%, b) hitrost podajanja, mm/r, c) hitrost vrtenja vretena, r/min nisms of the drilling tool. Since HSS tools had a lower hardness than carbide tools, higher thrust forces were produced with HSS drills, especially with a higher particle fraction due to the tool flank wear. When the particle fraction was less than 25 %, the difference between the thrust forces produced by HSS and carbide tools was relatively lower (20 N–40 N). However, the test results indicated that HSS drills generally produced less cutting torques than carbide drills as shown in Figure 7. This condition might be attributed to the point angle of the drill because the thrust force and cutting torque increased with an increased point angle.22 Therefore, it was concluded that HSS drills produced less cutting torques than carbide drills due to having a point angle smaller by 5° than carbide drills. Consequen- tially, although lower cutting forces were produced by PCD diamond tools according to the existing literature3, carbide tools could be preferred for machining MMCs taking into account the production-cost balance. 3.3 Optimization with the Taguchi Method In this section, optimization of drilling parameters was carried out in terms of drilling forces with the Taguchi analysis. The importance order of the effects of each control factor on drilling forces was identified. For this purpose, the factors selected in the Taguchi experimental design and the levels of these factors are shown in Table 3. A four-factor, 27-line and three-level L27 (313) orthogonal array was chosen since it has the ability to control the interactions among the factors.23–25 In the Taguchi method, there are three categories such as "the smallest is better", "he biggest is better" and "the nominal is better" for the calculation of the signal/noise (S/N) ratio. In this study, since "the lowest" thrust-force and cutting-torque values were desired for the optimization, "the smallest is better" calculation method was chosen. In the ith experiment, the S/N ratio i can be calculated using the following equation14,26,27:  i i i n n Y= − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ∑10 110 2 1 log (1) where n is the number of replications and Yi is the measured characteristic value (i.e, the thrust force or cutting torque). The calculated S/N ratios () of the thrust forces and cutting torques are given in Table 4. Table 4: Experimental design with the L27 orthogonal array and the S/N ratios Tabela 4: Oblikovanje preizkusov z ortogonalno razporeditvijo L27 in razmerje S/N Test No A B C D Thrust force (N) S/N ratio for thrust force Torque (N cm) S/N ratio for torque 1 1 1 1 1 843.2 –58.52 293 –49.34 2 1 1 2 2 834.3 –58.43 300.9 –49.57 3 1 1 3 3 804.3 –58.11 249.3 –47.93 4 1 2 1 2 966.8 –59.71 478.4 –53.60 5 1 2 2 3 924.1 –59.31 344 –50.73 6 1 2 3 1 880.7 –58.90 294 –49.37 7 1 3 1 3 1113.3 –60.93 434.7 –52.76 8 1 3 2 1 1048 –60.41 446.6 –53.00 9 1 3 3 2 1096 –60.80 291.3 –49.29 10 2 1 1 2 1168 –61.35 500.3 –53.99 11 2 1 2 3 1062 –60.53 398.5 –52.01 12 2 1 3 1 973.3 –59.77 309.1 –49.80 13 2 2 1 3 1244 –61.90 496.7 –53.92 14 2 2 2 1 1132 –61.07 370.6 –51.38 15 2 2 3 2 1089 –60.74 340 –50.63 16 2 3 1 1 1313 –62.37 578.3 –55.24 17 2 3 2 2 1310 –62.35 328 –50.32 18 2 3 3 3 1218 –61.71 388.5 –51.79 19 3 1 1 3 1631 –64.25 627.1 –55.95 20 3 1 2 1 1655 –64.37 434.1 –52.75 21 3 1 3 2 1374 –62.76 415.4 –52.37 22 3 2 1 1 1826 –65.23 496.2 –53.91 23 3 2 2 2 1477 –63.39 492.8 –53.85 24 3 2 3 3 1379 –62.79 547.8 –54.77 25 3 3 1 2 1835 –65.27 674.1 –56.57 26 3 3 2 3 1629 –64.24 641 –56.14 27 3 3 3 1 1441 –63.17 492.2 –53.84 The arithmetic average of S/N ratios for the levels of each control factor was calculated with respect to the thrust force and the cutting torque (Table 5). In addition, after arranging the difference between the maximum and minimum S/N ratios for each factor in a descending order, the degree of influence of each factor on the thrust force or cutting torque was found. Accordingly, the effective control factors for the thrust force were particle fraction, feed rate, spindle speed and drill-bit material (Table 5). The optimum machining parameters for the thrust force and drilling torque are found at the level where each factor has the largest S/N ratio.14 Therefore, the optimal machining conditions for the thrust force were found to be the particle fraction of 10 %, feed rate of 0.1 mm/r, spindle speed of 2000 r/min and drill material of TiAlN-coated carbide. Similarly, the optimal machining conditions for the drilling torque were found to be the particle fraction of 10 %, feed rate of 0.1 mm/r, spindle speed of 2000 r/min and a HSS drill. The effect graph of each control factor for the thrust force and drilling torque, according to the mean responses, was given in Figures 8a and 8b, respectively. Both Figures 8a and 8b showed that the thrust force and A. TAÞKESEN, K. KÜTÜKDE: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRILLING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 169–176 173 Table 3: Factors and levels used in the experiments Tabela 3: Faktorji in stopnje, uporabljene pri eksperimentu Process parameters Units Levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Particle fraction (A) % 10 15 25 Feed rate (B) mm/r 0.1 0.2 0.3 Spindle speed (C) r/min 1000 1500 2000 Drill material (D) HSS Carbide TiAlN-coatedcarbide drilling torque increased with an increase in the particle fraction and the feed rate, while the thrust force and cutting torque decreased with an increase in the spindle speed. However, the effect of the drill-bit material on the thrust force was very low. Table 5: Average S/N ratios for each factor and level with regard to thrust force and cutting torque Tabela 5: Povpre~je razmerja S/N za vsak faktor in stopnjo glede na potisno silo in navor pri rezanju Fo r th ru st fo rc e Level A B C D 1 –59.4564* –60.8976* –62.1689 –61.5337 2 –61.3091 –61.4479 –61.5665 –61.6429 3 –63.941 –62.361 –60.9711* –61.53* Difference 4.4846 1.4634 1.1978 0.1092 rank 1 2 3 4 Fo r to rq ue 1 –50.6201* –51.5226* –53.9199 –52.0704* 2 –52.1194 –52.4621 –52.194 –52.2421 3 –54.462 –53.2168 –51.0877* –52.8891 Difference 3.8419 1.6942 2.8322 0.8187 rank 1 3 2 4 * = Optimal level 3.4 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) The purpose of the analysis of variance was to determine which parameter significantly affects the cutting forces.28 ANOVA was performed to find whether individual factors and their interactions that affect the cutting forces were meaningful. According to the ANOVA results presented in Table 6, the most influential factor for the thrust force was found to be the particle fraction of 80.23 %. The other important factors were feed rate (6.72 %) and spindle speed (6.73 %). Similarly, the most influential factor for the drilling torque was found to be the particle fraction of 45.99 %, followed by spindle speed (25.25 %) and feed rate (8.75 %) as seen in Table 7. In addition, the effect of the drill-bit material on the cutting forces was found to be small. Ftest values for the cutting forces, with regard to the factor interactions, were not meaningful since they were smaller than Ftable values.27 Hence, the statistical significance of interactions was minimum and it could be neglected. Table 6: ANOVA results for the thrust force Tabela 6: Rezultati ANOVA za potisno silo Factor DF SS V Ftest PD Particle fraction (A) 2 1882587 941294 210.5 80.23 Feed rate (B) 2 157716 78858 17.63 6.721 Spindle speed (C) 2 157829 78915 17.65 6.726 Drill material (D) 2 1250 624.9 0.1397 0.053 3 AxB 4 25505 6376 1.426 1.087 AxC 4 79868 19967 4.465 3.404 BxC 4 15006 3751 0.8388 0.639 5 Error 6 26835 4472 1.144 Total 26 2346595 100 DF: Degree of Freedom, SS: Sum of Squares, V: Variance, PD: Per- centage Distribution. Ftable(0.05;2;6 ) = 5.14, Ftable(0.05;4;6) = 4.53 Table 7: ANOVA results for the drilling torque Tabela 7: Rezultati ANOVA za navor pri vrtanju Factor DF SS V Ftest PD Particle fraction (A) 2 163615 81808 15.92 45.99 Feed rate (B) 2 31123 15562 3.029 8.749 Spindle speed (C) 2 89834 44917 8.742 25.25 Drill material (D) 2 10230 5115 0.995 2.876 AxB 4 11959 2990 0.582 3.362 AxC 4 12466 3116 0.607 3.504 BxC 4 5689 1422 0.277 1.599 Error 6 30829 5138 8.666 Total 26 355745 100 DF: Degree of Freedom, SS: Sum of Squares, V: Variance, PD: Per- centage Distribution. Ftable(0.05;2;6) = 5.14, Ftable(0.05;4;6) = 4.53 3.5 Confirmation Experiments The final step of the Taguchi experimental design process includes confirmation experiments.14,27 For this aim, the results of the experiments were compared with the predicted values with the Taguchi method and the error rates were obtained. S/N ratios predict were pre- dicted using the following model:14,26    predict = + − = ∑m i m i k ( ) 1 (2) A. TAÞKESEN, K. KÜTÜKDE: OPTIMIZATION OF THE DRILLING PARAMETERS FOR THE CUTTING FORCES ... 174 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 169–176 Figure 8: Mean effect graphs of responses: a) thrust force, b) drilling torque Slika 8: Graf u~inka povpre~nih rezultatov: a) potisna sila, b) navor pri vrtanju where m is the total mean of the S/N ratios, i is the mean S/N ratio at the optimum level and k is the number of the main design parameters that significantly affect the performance characteristics. After predicting the S/N ratios other than 27 experi- ments (with Eq.2), the thrust forces and drilling torques were calculated using the following equation:26 Y S N predict = − 10 20 ( / ) (3) where Ypredict is the thrust force or drilling torque with regard to the S/N ratio. Figure 9 represents the compa- rison between the predicted and experimental results according to the experiment numbers. These results show that the Taguchi method can be applied success- fully in predicting the thrust forces with the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.946 (Figure 7a). The value of R2 for the prediction of the cutting torques was 0.644, but the R2 value for 54 of 100 experiments was 0.85. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, aluminum MMCs containing three different weight fractions of B4C particles were produced with the PM technique, and drilling experiments were carried out to study the effects of the machining para- meters on the thrust force and cutting torque. Moreover, the optimum drilling parameters were obtained for the performance characteristics (thrust force and torque) using the Taguchi analysis. The obtained results can be summarized as follows: • An increase in the proportion of the B4C particle caused a decreased ductility of the material but an increased hardness of the composite. The highest tensile strength was obtained with the 15 % B4C par- ticle fraction. • According to the experimental results, the cutting forces significantly increased with an increase in the B4C fraction and the feed rate but decreased with an increase in the spindle speed. • HSS tools produced more thrust forces than the two carbide tools especially when drilling the composites with higher particle fractions. On the other hand, the coated and the solid carbide tools produced similar thrust forces. However, the coated tools produced somewhat higher drilling torques than the uncoated ones. • With the Taguchi and ANOVA analysis, the effective factors for the thrust force and drilling torque were found to be the particle-weight fraction and feed rate, respectively. Furthermore, the effects of the cutting tool material and the interactions of the factors on the thrust force and cutting torque were found to be very low. 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WEAR PROPERTIES OF AISI 4140 STEEL MODIFIED WITH ELECTROLYTIC-PLASMA TECHNOLOGY OBRABNE LASTNOSTI JEKLA AISI 4140, MODIFICIRANEGA S TEHNOLOGIJO ELEKTROLITSKE PLAZME Aysun Ayday, Mehmet Durman Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey aayday@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-09 An electrolytic-plasma treatment (EPT) was applied to the surface of AISI 4140 steel and the wear behavior under dry sliding conditions was studied for different treatment parameters. The modified samples were characterized before and after the wear testing using metallographic, SEM-microscope and microhardness techniques. The test results indicate that the wear resistance of the AISI 4140 steel can be improved by means of electrolytic-plasma technology (EPT). The wear resistance increases with an increased modified-layer hardness due to a transformation to the martensitic structure. Keywords: plasma, microhardness, wear Preu~evane so bile obrabne lastnosti pri suhem drsenju in razli~nih parametrih z elektrolitsko plazmo obdelane povr{ine jekla AISI 4140. Modificirani vzorci so bili karakterizirani pred preizkusom obrabe in po njem z uporabo metalografije, z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) in meritvijo trdote. Rezultati so pokazali, da se obrabna odpornost jekla AISI 4140 lahko pove~a s tehnologijo elektrolitske plazme (EPT). Obrabna odpornost se pove~uje s povi{anjem trdote modificirane plasti zaradi pretvorbe v martenzitno mikrostrukturo. Klju~ne besede: plazma, mikrotrdota, obraba 1 INTRODUCTION As an advanced surface-processing technique, elec- trolytic-plasma treatment (EPT) has been successfully used to improve the hardness, the wear resistance and the corrosion resistance of materials1. When hardening is not necessary for a whole surface or bulk of material, EPT is a suitable method for treating a specific location on a surface2. Electrolytic-plasma (heating-quenching) har- dening is a standard hardening mechanism involving two main steps: "austenitizing", during which the material is heated above the critical temperature for the austenite formation (but below the melting point) and "quenching" or cooling down, where austenite is transformed into martensite. The heating or quenching of medium and high-carbon steels can change the steel microstructures, which causes variations in the mechanical and physical properties and affects the behavior of the steels under service conditions and operations3,4. EPT is characterized by several process parameters: voltage, current, electrolyte, duration, and heating- quenching rate. All these parameters are strongly corre- lated to each other and affect the final hardening results; for this reason process modeling seems to be a good approach to the process optimization. In this study, the wear resistance of the electrolytic-plasma-modified AISI 4140 steel was evaluated under dry sliding conditions and compared with the AISI 4140 steel samples. The modified samples were characterized before and after the wear tests with metallographic, SEM microscope and microhardness techniques. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The test material was the commercial AISI 4140 low-alloy steel with the composition (in mass fractions, %) of 0.4 C, 0.22 Si, 0.77 Mn, 0.04 S, 0.035 P, 0.8 Cr and 0.25 Si. The diameter of cylindrical samples was 20 mm and the height was 10 mm. All the samples were modified with EPT. The EPT voltage, heating and cool- ing times were 310–260 V, 3 s and 3 s, respectively, depending upon the thermal cycle and the process temperature. The sample codes and the EPT parameters are listed in Table 1. The morphology of the modification layer was investigated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM Joel, JSM 6060-LU). The hardness measurements were conducted on the cross-sections of the samples with a Vickers microhardness tester. The test load was 100 g for the hardness measurements at the cross-sections. The temperature distribution of the samples from the plasma-treated side to the internal side was investigated via thermocouples during the process. The surface temperature data were collected from the system with the aid of a computer data-acquisition system. The wear tests were performed both on the original AISI 4140 and on the EPT-modified specimens to determine the optimum process parameters. All the wear Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 177–180 177 UDK 669.14:533.9:539.92 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)177(2013) tests were carried out under dry sliding conditions at room temperature using a ball-on-disc (CSM tribo- meter), friction- and wear-test machine. The counterpart was an Al2O3 ball ( = 6 mm) according to DIN 50 324 and ASTM G 99-95a. The tests were performed with a nominal load of 3 N and a sliding speed of 0.10 m/s for the total sliding distance of 200 m. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The cross-sectional SEM images of the EPT-6 sample showed that it typically consisted of a modified diffusion zone (Figure 1). This figure shows the microstructure of the cross-section of the EPT-modified steel. The follow- ing zones are visible in the diffusion layer: the hardened zone (HZ), the heat-affected zone (HAZ) and the base material (BM). During EPT, austenite transforms com- pletely or partially to martensite and thus the micro- A. AYDAY, M. DURMAN: WEAR PROPERTIES OF AISI 4140 STEEL MODIFIED WITH ELECTROLYTIC-PLASMA ... 178 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 177–180 Table 1: EPT parameters Tabela 1: EPT-parametri Parameter code Electrolytic solution Heating (V) Cooling (V) Total time (s) Thermal cycle EPT–0 Original AISI 4140 EPT–4 Na2CO3; 12 % 310 260 (3 and 3) s × 4 = 24 s 4 EPT–5 Na2CO3; 12 % 310 260 (3 and 3) s × 5 = 30 s 5 EPT–6 Na2CO3; 12 % 310 260 (3 and 3) s × 6 = 36 s 6 Table 2: Maximum surface-hardness, surface-temperature and wear-rate values Tabela 2: Maksimalna trdota povr{ine, temperatura povr{ine, vrednosti obrabe Original AISI 4140 (EPT-0) EPT-4 EPT-5 EPT-6 Max. surface hardness (HV0.1) 200 800 900 930 Surface temperature (°C) ø 600 780 835 Wear rate (mm3/(N m)) 9.06 E-05 5.05 E-05 4.87 E-05 4.66 E-05 Figure 1: Cross-sectional appearance of the EPT-modified EPT-6 (R – radius of the modification area, H – HZ depth) Slika 1: Pre~ni prerez vzorca EPT-6, modificiranega z EPT (R – polmer modificiranega podro~ja, H – globina HZ) Figure 2: Microhardness profiles of the EPT-modified samples Slika 2: Profili mikrotrdote vzorcev, modificiranih z EPT structure of the HZ consists of martensite. An amount of the retained austenite may be present in this region5. In the neighborhood of the HZ with the base material, a narrow heat-affected zone was observed, consisting of martensite, bainite and some traces of the initial pearlitic structure. These are the most probable structures accord- ing to Refs. 5,6. The microstructure of the base material is composed of ferrite and pearlite. The maximum microhardness of this hardened zone was 930 HV0.1. The maximum microhardness of the second zone (HAZ) was 800 HV0.1. From the plasma surface to the base metal, the hardness values decreased and the phase structure changed into a ferritic-pearlitic matrix; in this zone the hardness was measured as 200 HV0.1, which is shown in Figure 2. The values obtained for the maximum surface hardness, surface temperature and wear rate of different specimen groups are listed in Table 2. It is evident that EPT markedly improves the wear performance of the steel and that the degree of improvement depends on the EPT parameters. This means that the wear resistance increases with an increase in the thermal cycle. The thermal cycle was effective at rising the surface tempe- rature. A high surface temperature affects the modifi- cation depth and the surface hardness. The wear rate obtained for the EPT-6 sample was lower than the rates obtained for the original AISI 4140 (EPT-0) or for the EPT-4 and EPT-5 samples. This is due to the micro- structure of the EPT-6 sample, which had a martensitic structure. The microstructure of the EPT-6 surface, after the EPT treatment, was finer and more homogenous in comparison with the surfaces of EPT-4 and EPT-5. Figure 3 shows the wear surfaces of the original AISI 4140 (EPT-0), the EPT-4 and EPT-6 samples, tested at a load of 3 N. EPT-6 shows quite a smooth surface with shallow, abrasive wear scars due to the high hardness of the sample. The original AISI 4140 (EPT-0) steel was tested under a similar wear-test condition. The plastic deformation was obvious in this case and was caused by a low surface hardness as shown in Figure 3. The worn-surface analysis revealed a severe abrasive wear of the original AISI 4140 (EPT-0) accompanied with a high degree of plastic deformation (Figure 3 –AISI 4140). 4 CONCLUSIONS It is evident that the wear rate of steel is increased significantly by EPT. The degree of improvement depends on the EPT-process conditions. The modified layer thickness and the surface hardness increase with the increasing surface temperature and thermal cycle. The specimens with the maximum hardness showed the maximum resistance to wear. Thus, the hardness of the surface is a very important factor with respect to the wear rate. The hardness results arise from the micro- structures of the modified samples that had martensitic structures. An increase in the thermal cycle increases the wear resistance of EPT-6 due to a finer and more homogenous hardened zone. It was observed that the longer the heating and the cooling times, the greater was the hardened-layer thickness. The initial microstructure was fully martensitic, especially in the HAZ zone after the EPT-6 sample processing. When processing the other A. AYDAY, M. DURMAN: WEAR PROPERTIES OF AISI 4140 STEEL MODIFIED WITH ELECTROLYTIC-PLASMA ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 177–180 179 Figure 3: SEM micrographs of the original surface (EPT-0) and worn surfaces of AISI 4140, EPT-4 and EPT-6 Slika 3: SEM-posnetki originalne povr{ine (EPT-0) in obrabljene povr{ine AISI 4140, EPT-4 in EPT-6 samples, like EPT-4 and EPT-5, the microstructure transforms to a martensitic and also bainitic matrix. Therefore, the maximum microhardness values decrease from 930 HV to 200 HV during the experiments. 5 REFERENCES 1 Y. N. Tyurin, A. D. Pogrebnyak, Electric Heating Using a Liquid Electrode, Surface and Coatings Technology, 142–144 (2001), 293–299 2 C. Ye, S. Suslov, B. J. Kim, E. A. Stach, G. J. Cheng, Fatigue performance improvement in AISI 4140 steel by dynamic strain aging and dynamic precipitation during warm laser shock peening, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011), 1014–1025 3 S. A. Jenabali Jahromi, A. Khajeh, B. Mahmoudi, Effect of different pre-heat treatment processes on the hardness of AISI 410 martensitic stainless steels surface-treated using pulsed neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser, Materials and Design, 34 (2012), 857–862 4 N. S. Bailey, W. Tan, Y. C. Shin, Predictive modeling and experi- mental results for residual stresses in laser hardening of AISI 4140 steel by a high power diode laser, Surface & Coatings Technology, 203 (2009), 2003–2012 5 C. Soriano, J. Leunda, J. Lambarri, V. García Navas, C. Sanz, Effect of laser surface hardening on the microstructure, hardness and residual stresses of austempered ductile iron grades, Applied Surface Science, 257 (2011), 7101–7106 6 C. T. Kwok, K. I. Leong, F. T. Cheng, H. C. Man, Microstructural and corrosion characteristics of laser surface-melted plastics mold steels, Materials Science and Engineering A, 357 (2003), 94–103 A. AYDAY, M. DURMAN: WEAR PROPERTIES OF AISI 4140 STEEL MODIFIED WITH ELECTROLYTIC-PLASMA ... 180 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 177–180 Y. SERT, N. TOPLAN: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF A PLASMA-SPRAYED Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 COATING TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF A PLASMA-SPRAYED Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 COATING TRIBOLO[KO PONA[ANJE S PLAZMO NAPR[ENEGA Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 NANOSA Yeºim Sert, Nil Toplan Sakarya University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Esentepe Campus, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey toplan@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-08 Alumina-titania, titania, chromia and chromia-titania coatings, deposited on aluminium substrates with atmospheric, plasma-spray, coating techniques (APSCTs), were tested on a low-frequency reciprocating-sliding tribometer. The surface wear of the coatings was investigated with SEM and optical microscopy. The denser Cr2O3 coatings showed a higher wear resistance than the more porous Al2O3-TiO2 and TiO2 coatings. An increase in the titania content diminishes the coating hardness and the wear resistance. Keywords: Cr2O3-TiO2, Al2O3-TiO2 coatings, textile parts, plasma-spray coating, wear Nanosi Al2O3-TiO2, TiO2, Cr2O3, Cr2O3-TiO2 z atmosferskim plazemskim nana{anjem z brizganjem (APSCT) na podlago iz aluminija so bili preizku{eni na nizkofrekven~nem protismernem drsnem tribometru. Obrabljena povr{ina nanosa je bila preiskovana s SEM in svetlobno mikroskopijo. Gostej{i nanos Cr2O3 je pokazal ve~jo odpornost proti obrabi kot bolj porozna nanosa Al2O3-TiO2 in TiO2. Pove~anje vsebnosti TiO2 zmanj{uje trdoto nanosa in zmanj{a odpornost proti obrabi. Klju~ne besede: nanosi Cr2O3-TiO2, Al2O3-TiO2, kosi tkanine, plazemski nanos z brizganjem, obraba 1 INTRODUCTION It is well known that aluminum (Al) alloys have been considered to be some of the most useful and versatile materials because of their metallurgical characteristics, such as high strength-to-weight ratio, and high thermal conductivity. They are also easy to shape and relatively inexpensive. However, the low hardness results in poor tribological characteristics and prevents their wide use, especially in the situations where a hard surface is need- ed. To improve the wear resistance, many techniques, such as metal-matrix composites, plasma spraying, ther- mal spraying and hard anodizing have been explored1. The APSCT is an economical and effective method applied to various machine parts to improve the com- ponent performance in wear, corrosion, thermal barrier, and electric insulation. Plasma-sprayed Al2O3-TiO2 has been widely used as a wear-resistant coating in textile, machinery and printing industries2–5. Cr2O3 has a wide range of applications such as green pigments, coating materials for thermal protection and wear resistance as well as refractory applications due to the high melting temperature (about 2435 °C)3,6. The present paper deals with the wear resistance of the plasma-sprayed alu- mina-titania, titania, chromia and chromia-titania coatings that increased the service life of the shutters (Al-based) used in the textile industry. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The commercial feedstock powders in the mass fractions 13 % TiO2-Al2O3 (Metco 130), 40 % TiO2-Al2O3 (Metco 131VF), 100 % TiO2 (Metco 102) and 100 % Cr2O3 (Metco 106) were supplied by SULZER METCO Powder Technology. Al2O3, TiO2 and Cr2O3 powders were premixed to form five different compositions (Table 1) and these were prepared on an aluminium alloy (AA1050). The mixtures were ball- milled for 2 h by using ZrO2 balls and distilled water as the milling media to provide homogenous mixtures. After drying the powders were screened and sieved to Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 181–183 181 UDK 621.793:533.9:539.92 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)181(2013) Table 2: Plasma-spray parameters Tabela 2: Parametri nabrizgavanja s plazmo Coating parameters (for the 1–5 coded compositions) Primary-gas flow rate (Ar, L/min) 80 Secondary-gas flow rate (H2, L/min) 15 Carrier-gas flow rate (Ar, L/min) 40 Spray distance (mm) 100 Current (A) Voltage (V) 500 60–70 Table 1: Coating powders (w/%) Tabela 1: Prahovi za nana{anje (w/%) Composition Al2O3 TiO2 Cr2O3 1 87 13 – 2 60 40 – 3 – 100 – 4 – 50 50 5 – – 100 achieve the correct particle-size distribution needed for plasma spraying. Prior to the deposition process, aluminium substrates were grit blasted with Al2O3 particles and this was followed by ultrasonic cleaning in acetone for 15 min. A 40 kW plasma-spraying system (METCO 3MB) was utilized to produce the coatings using the parameters summarized in Table 2. The surface roughness was measured with a surface- roughness tester (Perthometer M4P) and the average roughness Ra, defined as the arithmetic mean of the departures of the profile from the mean line, was used to quantify the coating-surface roughness. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL JSM-6060LV) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) was used to examine the microstructures and chemical compositions of the coatings. An X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) was carried out on RIGAKU DMAX 2200 to determine the phases of the coating(s). The microhardness values of the specimens were taken from the cross-sections of the polished samples at the load of 200 g and after a loading time of 15 s using LEICA VMHT MOT microhardness equipment. The wear tests were performed using a low-frequency reci- procating-sliding tribometer, connected to a computer monitoring the dynamic coefficient of friction (in both sliding directions), relative humidity and temperature. The tests were performed by applying a load of 5 N to a single-crystal Al2O3 (sapphire) ball with a diameter of 6 mm. The wear specimens had the dimensions of 3 cm × 3 cm × 3 mm, the shear rate was 0.15 m/s and the sliding distance was 150 m. The values of the coefficient of friction were calculated from the normal load and the friction force was obtained from a digital oscilloscope. After the wear tests, the morphology of each wear scar was observed with SEM. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 3 summarizes five different compositions of the coating-test results. While the TiO2 coatings had the highest surface-roughness values, the values for the Cr2O3 coatings were found to be the lowest. Having a lower as-sprayed surface roughness is very important for technological applications because it reduces the number of post-deposition mechanical treatments necessary7,8. As a function of the substrate-surface roughness, the values of porosity and coating roughness increased, while the increase in the substrate-surface roughness grow up. The hardness values were also relatively reduced. The highest hardness, the lowest porosity and the lowest coating roughness were obtained at the value of the substrate roughness of 2.346 μm. The hardness values decrease with the increasing amounts of TiO2 in the Al2O3-TiO2 coatings. In the Cr2O3-TiO2-based coat- ings, the hardness values increase with the amount of Cr2O3. An increase in the porosity amount will result in a decrease in the hardness of the coating. The lowest coefficient of friction (μ) was achieved in the 100 % Cr2O3 coatings. Hardness has a strong influence on wear resistance. The higher the hardness, the better is the wear resistance. It is well known that an addition of TiO2 to an Al2O3 coating is to reduce the melting temperature of the oxide, thereby producing less porous and better perfor- mance coatings than the pure Al2O3 coatings. The melting temperature decreases due to the fact that TiO2 has a lower melting temperature (1854 °C) than Al2O3 (2040 °C) and due to its ability to form a liquid solution with Al2O3. It is also noted that the trend displayed by the coating densities is consistent with that exhibited by the degree of melting, i.e., a high degree of melting (e.g., Cr2O3, 2435 °C) results in high density. Increasing the microhardness leads to the improvements in the wear resistance of the coatings. The grain size also has an effect on the wear resistance. The nanocoating has a higher wear resistance than the commercial coating although its hardness is lower than that of the commer- cial coating. A related study on the abrasive wear has revealed that nanocoatings could have a two-to-four-fold increase in the wear resistance in comparison with the commercial coatings2,7. Table 3: Surface roughness, hardness, density and friction coefficient of the coatings Tabela 3: Hrapavost povr{ine, trdota, gostota in koeficient trenja nanosa Composition 1 2 3 4 5 Ra/μm 3.553 3.437 4.443 3.011 2.346 Hardness (HV) Relative density (%) 1028 87.70 899 88.45 812 86.00 1010 90.12 1724 92.51 Average friction coefficient 0.142 0.190 0.223 0.144 0.074 The XRD analysis of the starting powders showed that the chromia powder consisted of an eskolaite phase (Cr2O3) and the alumina-titania powder of -Al2O3 and anatase. It was also clear from XRD that the chromia coating consists of eskolaite, the chromia-titania coating consists of eskolaite and Ti2Cr2O7 and the alumina-titania coating consists mainly of -Al2O3 with some -Al2O3, Al2TiO5, a glassy phase and a small amount of rutile. A very low amount of crystalline TiO2 indicates that it mostly dissolves in the molten Al2O3 2,8. The main wear mechanisms of plasma-sprayed cera- mic coatings were reported to be a plastic deformation, crack formation and spalling due to fatigue, brittle fracture and material transfer. In the reciprocated dry sliding, wear debris was considerably involved in the wear process in the steady state. The worn surfaces of the Cr2O3 and TiO2 coatings were observed with SEM at different magnitudes (Figure 1). In the SEM images the wear scar of the TiO2 coating was much larger than that of the Cr2O3 coating. The Cr2O3 coating is the hardest and the most anisotropic among the plasma-sprayed ceramics due to its low interlamellar cohesion; the Al2O3-TiO2 and TiO2 coatings are the most isotropic but Y. SERT, N. TOPLAN: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF A PLASMA-SPRAYED Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 COATING 182 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 181–183 also less hard and less tough due to the formation of an alumina-titania glassy phase which favors intersplat adhesion but turns out to be quite brittle8. The smooth film, formed due to a large plastic deformation of the adhered wear debris, strongly influenced the friction and wear behavior. For the plasma-sprayed Cr2O3 coatings, similar wear mechanisms were reported under dry sliding conditions and the role of the wear-protective film formed by a plastic deformation of the adhered and compacted debris particles was discussed9. The abrasive wear mechanism of the coatings does not only depend on the coating hardness and density, but also on the particle size, the type of the powder used, the coating micro- structure, as well as on the microstructural change during a wear testing. The average coarser powder particle size causes an appearance of a significant number of unsmelted particles. 4 CONCLUSIONS Alumina-titania, titania, chromia and chromia-titania coatings were deposited with APSCT to increase the wear behavior of the aluminium-based shutters. While the friction coefficient and the coating-surface roughness increased with an increase in the titania content, the coating density, hardness and wear resistance decreased. 5 REFERENCES 1 K. Huang, X. Lin, C. Xie, T. M. Yue, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 23 (2007) 2, 201–206 2 M. Wang, L. L. Shaw, Surface and Coatings Technology, 202 (2007) 1, 34–44 3 V. P. Singh, A. Sil, R. Jayaganthan, Wear, 272 (2011), 149–158 4 S. Tao, Z. Yin, X. Zhou, C. Ding, Tribology International, 43 (2010), 69–75 5 S. T. Aruna, N. Balaji, J. Shedthi, V. K. W. Grips, Surface & Coatings Technology, 208 (2012), 92–100 6 A. Cellard, V. Garnier, G. Fantozzi, G. Baret, P. Fort, Ceramics Inter- national, 35 (2009), 913–916 7 L. L. Shaw, D. Goberman, R. Ren, M. Gell, S. Jiang, Y. Wang, T. D. Xiao, P. R. Strutt, Surface and Coatings Technology, 130 (2000) 1, 1–8 8 G. Bolelli, V. Cannillo, L. Lusvarghi, T. Manfredini, Wear, 261 (2006), 1298–1315 9 H. S. Ahn, O. K. Kwon, Wear, 225–229 (1999), 814–824 Y. SERT, N. TOPLAN: TRIBOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF A PLASMA-SPRAYED Al2O3-TiO2-Cr2O3 COATING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 181–183 183 Figure 1: a), b), c) Worn surface morphologies of the Cr2O3 and d), e), f) TiO2 coatings Slika 1: a), b), c) Morfologija obrabljene povr{ine nanosa Cr2O3 in d), e), f) TiO2 M. OSTRÝ et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS ... CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS FOR A PROPOSED USE IN BUILDING APPLICATIONS KARAKTERIZACIJA IZBRANIH MATERIALOV S FAZNO PREMENO ZA PREDLAGANO UPORABO V GRADBENI[TVU Milan Ostrý1, Radek Pøikryl2, Pavel Charvát3 1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Structures, Veveøí 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Purkyòova 464/188, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic 3Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic ostry.m@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-02; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-09-28 The generally positive trend of ever-stricter requirements for the thermal insulation properties of building envelopes, leading to a significant reduction in the heat losses of modern buildings, has also brought about some negative aspects. Modern light-weight buildings with high-thermal-resistance envelopes are prone to overheating in the summer due to both solar and internal heat gains. This problem is often solved by installing mechanical cooling (air-conditioning) that leads to an increase in the energy consumption and, since electricity is mostly used to power the air-conditioning systems, the increase in the energy consumption for cooling can offset the heating-energy savings in terms of primary energy. A lot of attention has therefore been paid to the other means of temperature control in buildings, such as night-time ventilation and/or the building-integrated thermal storage. The phase-change materials that can store a rather large amount of heat in a narrow temperature interval around their melting point seem to be particularly suitable for this purpose. There are many ways of integrating PCMs into the building structures as well as the techniques that employ that extra thermal-storage capacity to provide thermal comfort for the occupants. This paper deals with the results of the laboratory testing of selected organic and inorganic phase-change materials for integration into building structures. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to obtain the melting ranges and enthalpies of fusion of the selected materials and thermogravimetry was used to explore the thermal stability (decomposition) of the materials at higher temperatures. Keywords: thermal-energy storage (TES), heat-storage medium, phase-change materials (PCMs), organic materials, inorganic materials, sensible heat storage, latent-heat storage Splo{ne pozitivne usmeritve v vedno ostrej{e zahteve pri toplotni izolaciji poslopij vodijo k ob~utnemu zmanj{anju toplotnih izgub modernih zgradb in so prinesle tudi nekaj negativnih vidikov. Moderne, lahke zgradbe, z dobrim izolativnim ovojem so nagnjene k pregrevanju v poletju zaradi son~ne in notranje toplote. Ta problem se pogosto re{uje s postavitvijo mehanskega ohlajevanja (air-conditioning), ki povzro~i pove~anje porabe energije, saj je elektrika najbolj pogosto uporabljena za pogon sistema ohlajanja, vendar pa se s stali{~a primarne energije pove~uje poraba energije za ohlajanje, ki lahko celo prese`e prihranke pri energiji za ogrevanje. Mnogo pozornosti je treba zato posvetiti drugim sredstvom za kontrolo temperature v zgradbah, kot so no~na ventilacija in/ali shranjevanje toplote integrirano v zgradbi. Materiali s fazno premeno lahko shranjujejo relativno velike koli~ine toplote v temperaturnem intervalu okrog njihovega tali{~a in so zato videti posebno primerni za ta namen. Mnogo na~inov je za vklju~itev PCM-materialov v strukturo zgradbe kot tudi tehnike, ki vklju~ujejo shranjevanje ekstra toplotne kapacitete za zagotavljanje udobja stanovalcev. ^lanek obravnava rezultate laboratorijskih preizkusov izbranih organskih in anorganskih materialov s fazno premeno za njihovo vklju~itev v strukturo zgradbe. Diferen~na dinami~na kalorimetrija je bila uporabljena za dolo~anje podro~ja taljenja in entalpije taljenja izbranih materialov, termogravimetrija pa za raziskovanje toplotne stabilnosti (dekompozicije) materialov pri povi{anih temperaturah. Klju~ne besede: shranjevanje toplotne energije (TES), sredstvo za shranjevanje toplote, materiali s fazno premeno (PCM), organski materiali, anorganski materiali, smiselno shranjevanje toplote, shranjevanje latentne toplote 1 INTRODUCTION Thermal-energy storage systems have a wide variety of applications1. Heat (cold) can be stored by heating (cooling), melting (solidifying), vaporizing (liquefying) a medium or by reversible thermochemical reactions. Heat-storage media that undergo a phase change during the process of storage and release of energy are called phase-change materials (PCMs)2. The thermal-storage capacity of PCMs depends on the specific heat in each state and the latent heat of each phase transformation3. A large heat of fusion and the transition temperature in a required range are the two main characteristics deter- mining the suitability of PCMs for a specific application. The determination of the selected properties of PCMs is the most important condition for a correct design of a new application of PCMs in buildings and for a pre- diction of the influence of the latent-heat storage on an indoor environment and energy savings. In practice there is a lack of reliable information about PCM properties and, therefore, only the results of validated laboratory experiments involving selected PCMs can help the investigators in designing and developing latent-heat storage systems. However, there are some limitations in the use of PCMs4: • PCMs may interact with the building structure and change the properties of the building materials; Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 185–188 185 UDK 536.7:536.65 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)185(2013) • there is a risk of a leakage of PCMs from the building structure; • PCMs have a rather poor thermal conductivity in the solid state. These problems are commonly solved with a proper PCM encapsulation. Salt hydrates, paraffin waxes, fatty acids and eutectics of organic and non-organic compounds are the main categories of PCMs that have been considered for building use during the recent decades. 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS Only the solid-liquid phase change of a material can be used when a material is integrated in a building structure. In some cases differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a standard method for a thermal analysis of PCMs. The most widely used scanning mode includes heating and cooling at a constant rate5. This dynamic method is used for the investigation of the melting and solidification enthalpies. Figure 1 shows the solidi- fication process of PCMs. The evolution of the released heat flux is the function of the external temperature Text, when this temperature is following a ramp6. The shape of the curve depends on the temperature rates. The latent heat of the phase change is calculated from the area under the curve and the external temperature rate that is constant in our case (e.g., 0.1 K min–1, 1 K min–1, 10 K min–1): l Q t dt Q T t T v Af t t ext extT T Text f e = = =∫ ∫( ) ( ) 1 2 0 1∂ ∂ (1) where lf is the latent heat of the phase transformation (J), Q is the heat flux (W), t is the time (s), To is the onset temperature (K), Te is the end temperature (K), Text is the external temperature (K), vText is the external- temperature rate (K s–1) and Af is the area under the curve and the external-temperature rate (W K–1). There are inflections of the plotted curve on each side of the heat-flow peak temperature Tp. The onset tempe- rature To and the end temperature Te are the temperatures corresponding with the intersections between the tangents at the inflection points and the base line. The onset temperature and the peak temperature are often used for the characterization of PCMs. We have used selected non-commercial and commer- cial organic- and inorganic-based PCMs in our experi- ments. The list of selected PCMs is in Table 1. Perkin Elmer PYRIS1 DSC, equipped with a cooling device Perkin Elmer Intracooler 2P, was used for determining the thermal properties (the heat of fusion and the melting range). All DSC experiments were carried out at the temperature rate of 0.1 K min–1. A thermogravimetric apparatus (TGA) Q500 made by TA Instruments was used for the evaluation of the thermal stability of PCMs. The airflow rate was set to be 60 ml min–1 and the heating rate was 5 K min–1 from the room temperature to 600 °C. An open platinum pan was used as a sample holder. The weight of the samples was approximately 10 mg. The results of TGA determine the suitability of these materials in latent-heat-storage appli- cations because the operating temperature must be below the thermal-decomposition temperatures of PCMs. The proposed operating-temperature range for building appli- cation was estimated to be between 18 °C and 30 °C.7 Table 1: PCMs tested in laboratory experiments Tabela 1: PCM, preizku{eni v laboratorijskih preizkusih Sample Organic / inorganic Source CaCl2·6H2O inorganic noncommercial Parafol 16-97 organic Sasol Parafol 18-97 organic Sasol SP 22 A17 inorganic Rubitherm SP 25 A8 inorganic Rubitherm RT 21 organic Rubitherm RT 27 organic Rubitherm ThermusolHD26 inorganic Salca 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of all the samples were tested twice. The results in Tables 2 and 3 represent the average values from both measurements. As already mentioned, all the experiments were carried out at the temperature rate of 0.1 K min–1. Though the experiments carried out M. OSTRÝ et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS ... 186 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 185–188 Figure 1: Characteristic temperatures for the solidification process Slika 1: Zna~ilne temperature pri procesu strjevanja Table 2: Peak temperatures of selected PCMs Tabela 2: Vrhovi temperature izbranih PCM Sample Peak temperature in °C Melting Solidification CaCl2·6H2O 29.9 – Parafol 16-97 18.8 16.1 Parafol 18-97 28.9 27.3 SP 22 A17 22.5 22.4 SP 25 A8 26.6 18.5 RT 21 22.8 22.6 RT 27 27.8 27.6 ThermusolHD26 27.0 21.5 at the temperature rate of 0.1 K min–1 take roughly 10 times more time than the experiments at the rate of 1 K min–1, the slower rate was chosen because it is much closer to the real daily swing of indoor air temperature in summer in the rooms with natural ventilation without air-conditioning. PCM-based heat storage integrated in building structures is a way of controlling the indoor air temperature by storing and releasing the thermal energy from the solar radiation or internal heat gains. Calcium chloride hexahydrate is a non-commercial salt-hydrate PCM. Parafol 16-97 is based on hexadecane, Parafol 18-97 is based on octadecane. Samples SP 22A17 and SP 25 A8 consist of a composition of salt hydrates and organic compounds. Samples RT 21 and RT 27 are based on n-paraffins and waxes. Thermusol HD26 represents a commercial group of salt-hydrate-based PCMs. Table 3: Heat of fusion of tested PCMs Tabela 3: Talilna toplota preizku{enih PCM Sample Heat of fusion in J g–1 Melting Solidification CaCl2–6H2O 129.0 – Parafol 16-97 223.6 –227.4 Parafol 18-97 221.3 –215.5 SP 22 A17 12.3 –11.9 SP 25 A8 71.4 –78.0 RT 21 116.7 –106.7 RT 27 139.7 –139.3 ThermusolHD26 132.4 –132.0 The possibility of a regeneration of PCMs (a rejection of stored heat) at night is very important for the building applications. The PCMs integrated with building structures absorb heat gains during the day and release the absorbed heat at night. If the heat absorbed during one day is not released at night the ability of PCMs to absorb heat the next day is reduced leading to a limited contribution to the room-temperature control. Two systems for the rejection of stored heat were studied at the Brno University of Technology in the past: • a natural or mechanical ventilation of the indoor space; • a circuit of cooled air or water integrated with the structure containing a PCM. Only the PCMs with suitable melting- and solidifi- cation-temperature ranges can be used with each of the systems. As can be seen in Table 2 calcium chloride hexahydrate is suitable only for the naturally ventilated spaces. The indoor temperature in the residential buildings and in the offices must be maintained between 20 °C and 26 °C. But a serious disadvantage of this material is its tendency to supercool during the solidi- fication process. This kind of PCM cannot be used without a modification that reduces the supercooling effect. There are no results from the solidification process just because of the supercooling. On the other hand, Parafol 18-97, RT 27 and Thermusol HD26 could be used for the systems with ventilation of the interior. PCMs absorb cooling loads and release energy in the temperature range between 21 °C and 28 °C. This fact allows for cooling down the indoor environment only to 20 °C to reject the absorbed heat (the regeneration of PCMs). But these systems cannot commonly guarantee thermal comfort in the rooms during very hot summer days. On the other hand, the temperature of cooled water or air in a separate circuit integrated with the building structures containing PCMs can be kept bellow 20 °C without a negative impact on the thermal comfort of the occupants. This fact allows for the use of the PCMs with a lower solidification range (e.g., SP 22A5 from the tested group). As can be seen in Figure 2 the samples of Parafol 16-97 and 18-97 have a very narrow range of melting and solidification temperatures, about 0.3 °C and 0.4 °C. This is an advantage for the short-term storage systems that represent building structures. M. OSTRÝ et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 185–188 187 Figure 3: Results of DSC for SP 25A8 Slika 3: Rezultati DSC za SP 25A8 Figure 2: Results of DSC for Parafol 16-97 and Parafol 18-97 Slika 2: Rezultati DSC za Parafol 16-97 in Parafol 18-97 Compared to the paraffin-based PCMs, the PCMs that are a mixture of salt hydrates and organic com- pounds, tested in our experiment (Figure 3), have a wide range of melting temperatures and a rather narrow temperature range of solidification. This could be an advantage for the systems with a cooled-water loop, because the thermal energy can be slowly stored in a PCM during the day and quickly discharged at night by the cooled-water circuit. All the materials tested in our experiments are suitable for building application from the point of view of thermal decomposition. The thermal decomposition of all the tested PCMs begins above the expected operation temperatures. The result for the sample composition of salt hydrates and organic compounds is shown in Figure 4. The difficulties may occur with the use of salt- hydrate-based PCMs because of the changes in the water content. This effect was observed during the TGA at low temperatures. Therefore, salt-hydrate-based PCMs must be very tightly sealed in the containers. 4 CONCLUSION A series of laboratory experiments was carried out to assess the suitability of the selected phase-change materials for the use in built environments. The purpose of a PCM-based building-integrated thermal storage is to contribute to the thermal stability or temperature control in buildings. All the tested materials were found suitable for this purpose from the point of view of thermal decomposition. That was due to rather low operating temperatures (mostly lower than 30 °C in buildings). All the tested materials exhibited the melting ranges that are suitable for building applications. However, the suitabi- lity of PCMs for integration with building structures from the point view of melting ranges and enthalpies of fusion depends, particularly, on the type of integrating and the type of rejecting stored heat. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Czech Grant Agency under the project No. P104/12/1838 "Utilization of latent heat storage in phase change materials to reduce primary energy consumption in buildings". 5 REFERENCES 1 A. Sharma, V. V. Tyagi, C. R. Chen, D. Buddhi, Review on thermal energy storage with phase change materials and applications, Renew- able and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13 (2009) 2, 318–345 2 I. Dinçer, M. A. Rosen, Thermal Energy Storage: Systems and Applications, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2002, 579 3 E. Günther, S. Hiebler, H. Mehling, R. Redlich, International Journal of Thermophysics, 30 (2009) 4, 1572–9547 4 C. Y. Zhao, G. H. Zhang, Review on microencapsulated phase change materials (MEPCMS): Fabrication, characterization and applications, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15 (2011) 8, 3813–3832 5 C. Castellón, E. Günther, H. Mehling, S. Hiebler, L. F. Cabeza, Determination of the enthalpy of PCM as a function of temperature using a heat-flux DSC – A study of different measurement proce- dures and their accuracy, International Journal of Energy Research, 32 (2008) 13, 1258–1265 6 F. Kuznik, D. David, K. Johannes, J. J. Roux, A review on phase change materials integrated in building walls, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15 (2011) 1, 379–391 7 J. Skramlik, M. Novotny, K. Suhajda, Modeling of diffusion in porous medium, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2011, Halkidiki, American Institute of Physics, 2011 M. OSTRÝ et al.: CHARACTERIZATION OF SELECTED PHASE-CHANGE MATERIALS ... 188 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 185–188 Figure 4: Example of results of a TGA analysis Slika 4: Primer rezultatov TGA-analize R. KOTTNER et al.: IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED ... IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED LAMINATED PLASTICS USING DAMPING LAYERS IZBOLJ[ANJE DU[ENJA Z OGLJIKOVIMI VLAKNI OJA^ANE LAMINIRANE PLASTIKE Z UPORABO PLASTI ZA DU[ENJE Radek Kottner1, Josef Vacík2, Robert Zem~ík3 1University of West Bohemia, European Centre of Excellence, New Technologies for Information Society, Univerzitní 22, 30614 Plzeò, Czech Republic 2University of West Bohemia, Department of Machine Design, Univerzitní 22, 30614 Plzeò, Czech Republic 3University of West Bohemia, Department of Mechanics, Univerzitní 22, 30614 Plzeò, Czech Republic kottner@kme.zcu.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-08 A suitable hybrid composite consisting of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic and damping layers was investigated in terms of damping and natural frequencies using experiments and numerical simulations. The frequency response and the transient response of cantilever beams were analysed. The damping layers made from rubber or from a cork-rubber composite material were used in the investigated hybrid structure. A laser-measurement device and an accelerometer were used for the measurement of the responses. Pareto optimization was performed using three-dimensional numerical simulations with the aim to maximize the fundamental natural frequency and the damping ratio. Keywords: hybrid, composite, carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic, rubber, damping Sestavljeni kompozit iz plastike, oja~ane z ogljikovimi vlakni in s plastmi za du{enje naravnih frekvenc, je bil preiskovan eksperimentalno in z numeri~no simulacijo. Analiziran je bil frekven~ni odgovor in prehodni odziv konzolnega nosilca. V preiskovani hibridni strukturi je bila plast za du{enje izdelana iz gume ali sestavljena iz gume in plute. Za meritve odgovora je bil uporabljen laserski merilnik in merilnik pospe{ka. Z uporabo tridimenzionalne numeri~ne simulacije je bila izvr{ena Paretova optimizacija za maksimiranje osnovne naravne frekvence in koli~nika du{enja. Klju~ne besede: hibrid, kompozit, z ogljikovimi vlakni oja~ana plastika, guma, du{enje 1 INTRODUCTION Recently, the conventional metallic structures have been replaced with composite structures thanks to their superior dynamic characteristics. For example, a higher specific stiffness of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) allows higher natural frequencies of the structu- res. Furthermore, the damping characteristics of CFRPs have higher values and, moreover, can be improved using an integration of the damping layers1. The aim of this work was to develop a suitable hybrid structure in terms of damping and natural frequencies. The investigated samples were the cantilever beams, whose damping layers were made from rubber or from the ACM87 cork-rubber composite material. The damp- ing ratio for their fundamental natural frequency was analyzed. 2 THEORY The equation of the motion of a damped system is2: Mq Cq Kq f  ( )+ + = t (1) where q[m], q[m s–1], q[m s–2] are the vectors of the ge- neralized coordinates and their 1st and 2nd differenti- ations with respect to time t; f(t)[N] is the vector of the generalized time-dependent applied force; M[kg] is the mass matrix of the system; C[N s m–1] is the damping matrix and K[N m–1] is the stiffness matrix. The motion of the discrete linear systems with a single degree of freedom can be described as: mq cq kq F  ( )+ + = t (2) In the case of free oscillations, Equation (2) can be consequently rewritten as:  q q q+ + =2 00   (3) Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 189–193 189 UDK 519.61/.64:66.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)189(2013) Figure 1: Response of an underdamped harmonic oscillator Slika 1: Odgovor harmoni~nega nedu{enja where the damping ratio  and the undamped natural frequency 0 are defined as:   c mk2 (4)   k m (5) In the case of an underdamped system (0 <  < 1) the solution of Equation (3) representing the displacement of the system can be found in the following form: q t Ce tt     − +sin( ) (6) where C[m] is the amplitude, [rad s–1] is the damped natural frequency of the system and 0[rad] is the phase shift. The damped natural frequency can be expressed as:    1 2 2− = π π T f (7) where T[s] is the period of the waveform (Figure 1) and f is the damped natural frequency in Hertz. Based on Equation (6), the exponential attenuation rate is then defined as: b = 0 (8) The damping ratio can be determined using the loga- rithmic decrement , which is defined as the natural logarithm of any two peaks:        = = = = = − −1 2 1 0 n q q e T bT n Tln ln (9) where q0 is the greater of the two amplitudes and qn is the amplitude of a peak n periods away. The damping ratio is then found from the logarithmic decrement:     = −4 (10) According to Rayleigh damping, the damping matrix C is given by: C = M + K (11) where  and  are the Rayleigh constants. Assuming  = 0 and the damping ratio  of both the CFRP and the damping materials is constant, the Rayleigh constant can be expressed as:    = (12) When the difference between the undamped natural frequency 0 and the damped natural frequency  is negligible, the Rayleigh constants of the hybrid compo- site components can be determined as:   i i h = 0 , (13) where i is the damping ratio of the hybrid composite component (CFRP or the damping material) and 0,h is the undamped natural frequency of the hybrid composite determined from the modal analysis. 3 EXPERIMENTS Two types of CFRP and two types of damping layers were used in the experiments. A linear behaviour of all the materials was assumed. The mechanical properties of the materials are listed in Tables 1 to 4.3 A modal analy- sis was used for an identification of the elastic-material properties4. Two cantilever flat bars consisting of unidirectional 913C-HTS CFRP and rubber were investigated. Sample A had a thickness of 7.8 mm (Figure 2a), sample B had a thickness of 12.9 mm (Figure 2b). The thickness of 913C-HTS CFRP was 2.7 mm and the thickness of rubber was 2.4 mm. The width of the bars was 19.8 mm, the length was 450 mm and the length of the clamping was 38 mm. The harmonic response after the initial deflection was investigated using an optoNCDT R. KOTTNER et al.: IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED ... 190 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 189–193 Figure 2: Cantilever flat bar consisting of 913C-HTS CFRP and rubber: a) sample A, b) sample B Slika 2: Konzolna plo{~ata palica iz 913C-HTS CFRP in gume: a) vzorec A, b) vzorec B laser-measurement device or a Brüel & Kjaer 4507 accelerometer. Table 1: Mechanical properties of 913C-HTS CFRP Tabela 1: Mehanske lastnosti 913C-HTS CFRP Longitudinal modulus E1 GPa 104 Transverse modulus E2 GPa 5.5 Shear modulus G12 GPa 2.4 Poisson’s ratio 12 – 0.34 Density  kg/m3 1.500 Damping ratio  – 0.002 Table 2: Mechanical properties of K63712 CFRP Tabela 2: Mehanske lastnosti K63712 CFRP Longitudinal modulus E1 GPa 280 Transverse modulus E2 GPa 3.5 Shear modulus G12 GPa 1.7 Poisson’s ratio 12 – 0.38 Density  kg/m3 1.470 Damping ratio  – 0.003 Table 3: Mechanical properties of rubber Tabela 3: Mehanske lastnosti gume Young’s modulus E MPa 10 Poisson’s ratio  – 0.49 Density  kg/m3 1 170 Damping ratio  – 0.072 Table 4: Mechanical properties of the ACM87 composite Tabela 4: Mehanske lastnosti kompozita ACM87 Young’s modulus E MPa 2.5 Poisson’s ratio  – 0.3 Density  kg/m3 740 Damping ratio  – 0.112 Table 5: Results of the experiments and models Tabela 5: Rezultati eksperimentov in modelov Damped natural frequency f /Hz Damping ratio  Exp. Model Exp. Model Sample A 35.5 37.8 0.034 0.031 Sample B 44.3 43.8 0.043 0.041 Sample C – clamped 44.0 43.7 0.039 0.004 Sample C – free 548 549 0.005 0.004 R. KOTTNER et al.: IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 189–193 191 Figure 5: Model of a hybrid square tube Slika 5: Model hibridne kvadratne cevi Figure 4: Boundary conditions of a model of a cantilever flat bar Slika 4: Robni pogoji modela konzolne plo{~ate palice Figure 3: Cantilever square tube consisting of K63712 CFRP and the ACM87 cork-rubber composite material: sample C Slika 3: Konzolna kvadratna cev iz K63712 CFRP in ACM87 kom- pozitnega materiala pluta-guma; vzorec C Further, the response of the cantilever square tube consisting of the wound K63712 CFRP and the ACM87 composite with a thickness of 6.5 mm (Figure 3) was investigated (Sample C). The thickness of K63712 CFRP was 2.4 resp. 2.1 mm and the thickness of the ACM87 composite was 2 mm. The width of the square tube was 103 mm, the tube length was 1 490 mm and the length of the clamping was 135 mm. However, the clamping was not sufficiently rigid. Therefore, the damping ratio was investigated also in the case of a free square tube (a tube hung on a rope). The results are listed in Table 5. 4 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS Three-dimensional finite-element models were created in MSC.Marc using eight-node brick elements (with an assumed strain option) as shown in Figures 4 and 5. The CFRP materials were considered orthotropic and homogenous. The damping materials were consi- dered isotropic and homogenous. The boundary condi- tions of the models of the cantilever beams are obvious from Figure 4. The undamped natural frequencies were obtained with a modal analysis. After an evaluation of the Rayleigh constant using Equation (12), the damped natural frequencies and the damping ratio were obtained with a transient analysis. The Newmark time integration scheme was used. The created models were validated by comparing the experimental and numerical results listed in Table 5. The difference between the results for samples A and B was less than 9 %. In the case of the clamped sample C, the clamping was not sufficiently rigid as already mentioned above. Due to this fact, the damping ratio had a signifi- cantly higher value, which was confirmed with the experiment with the free sample C. The difference between the results involving the free sample C was less than 20 %. A Pareto optimization was performed for the canti- lever flat bar with the aim to maximize the fundamental natural frequency and the damping ratio. The analyzed bar was a symmetrical hybrid laminate with 14 layers consisting of 913C-HTS CFRP and rubber. The thick- ness of the layers was 1 mm and the fibre orientation of the CFRP layers was identical to the beam axis. The width of the bar was 20 mm, the length 450 mm and the length of the clamping was 30 mm. The Pareto front is shown in Figure 6, a detail of the front in Figure 7. It is obvious from both figures that the situation is very complex; therefore, the problem should be more pre- cisely constrained. 5 CONCLUSION The performed experiments and numerical simu- lations showed that the investigated natural frequencies and damping ratios of the hybrid composite structures R. KOTTNER et al.: IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED ... 192 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 189–193 Figure 7: Detail of the Pareto front Slika 7: Detajl Paretove linije Figure 6: Pareto optimization results, "C" means CFRP, "D" means the damping layer Slika 6: Rezultati Paretove optimizacije: "C" pomeni CFRP, "D" po- meni plast za du{enje strongly depend on the placement of the damping layers in the hybrid cross-sections. The accurate place of the damping layers must be investigated for each application in dependence on the material of the layers, the geometry and the requested ratio between the fundamental natural frequency and the damping ratio. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), within the project "NTIS – New Technologies for Information Society", European Centre of Excellence, CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0090, and by the research project no. P101/11/0288. 6 REFERENCES 1 H. Y. Hwang, H. G. Lee, D. G. Lee, Clamping Effects on the Dyna- mic Characteristics of Composite Machine Tool Structures, Com- posite Structures, 66 (2004), 399–409 2 V. Zeman, Z. Hlavá~, Kmitání mechanických soustav, Z^U Plzeò, 2004 3 J. Vacík, V. La{ová, R. Kottner, J. Káòa, Experimental Determination of Damping Characteristics of Hybrid Composite Structure, In: Experimental Stress Analysis, Velké Losiny, Czech Republic, 2010 4 R. Zem~ík, R. Kottner, V. La{, T. Plundrich, Identification of Mate- rial Properties of Quasi-unidirectional Carbon-epoxy Composite Using Modal Analysis, Mater. Tehnol., 43 (2009) 5, 257–260 R. KOTTNER et al.: IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 189–193 193 S. KASTELIC et al.: AA413.0 AND AA1050 JOINED WITH FRICTION-STIR WELDING AA413.0 AND AA1050 JOINED WITH FRICTION-STIR WELDING SPAJANJE ZLITINE AA413.0 IN AA1050 Z GNETENJEM Sebastjan Kastelic1,3, Janez Tu{ek2, Damjan Klob~ar2, Jo`ef Medved3, Primo` Mrvar3 1Institut for Foundry and Heat Treatment, Litostrojska cesta 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, A{ker~eva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, A{ker~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia kastelic.sebastjan@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-09 Friction-stir-welding (FSW) technology has been growing since it was patented in 1991 at TWI. Since then the majority of research and industrial applications for joining aluminium alloys were made on wrought aluminium alloys. Lately several investigations have been done in FSW of dissimilar alloys. FSW also has a big potential in the casting industry – especially in high-pressure die casting (HPDC). In this article an investigation of a FSW dissimilar joint made from a casting aluminium alloy (AA413.0) and technically pure aluminium (AA1050) was done. This kind of joint can be used to make an assembled casting, joined with FSW with the aim to have a casting with different material properties or to join HPDC with FSW to assemble a casting with inner cavities. In this article the temperature distribution of the FSW joint of a cast aluminum alloy and technically pure aluminum is investigated. In the experimental work several FSW parameters were tested: the tool speed, the tool rotation and the position of the tool regarding the joint center. During joining the temperature was measured with a thermocouple and the temperature distribution in steady state was calculated with the FEM program Sysweld. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the joint were investigated. Keywords: friction-stir welding, AA413.0, AA1050, finite-element method Spajanje z gnetenjem je tehnologija, ki se intenzivno razvija od patentiranja leta 1991 na Britanskem in{titutu za varjenje. V industrijski praksi je najbolj raz{irjena uporaba FSW-tehnologije za spajanje gnetnih aluminijevih zlitin. V zadnjem ~asu se raziskave osredinjajo tudi na spajanje dveh razli~nih zlitin. Spajanje z gnetenjem ima velik potencial tudi v livarski industriji, {e posebej pri tla~nem litju. Ta ~lanek opisuje izvedeno eksperimentalno spajanje dveh razli~nih zlitin. Spojeni sta bili gnetna zlitina AA1050 in livarska zlitina AA413.0. Taki spoji imajo svojo uporabno vrednost pri sestavljenih ulitkih, kjer lahko s spajanjem razli~nih zlitin z razli~nimi fizikalnimi lastnostmi dose`emo nehomogene lastnosti sklopa, kjer je to potrebno. S spajanjem tla~nih ulitih delov lahko izdelamo sklope z notranjimi votlimi deli. Lastnosti tako izdelanih sklopov so primerljive z lastnostmi tla~nih ulitkov. V ~lanku so navedene temperature, izmerjene med spajanjem dveh razli~nih zlitin. Za dolo~itev optimalnih parametrov spajanja je bilo le-to izvedeno pri razli~nih vrtljajih orodja in pri razli~nih hitrostih spajanja. Spoji so bili mehansko analizirani. Stacionarno temperaturno polje med spajanjem dveh razli~nih zlitin je bilo izra~unano s programom Sysweld z metodo kon~nih elementov. Klju~ne besede: spajanje z gnetenjem, AA413.0, AA1050, metoda kon~nih elementov 1 INTODUCTION Aluminum die casting alloys are made with a rapid injection of a molten metal into metal molds under high pressure. Such an alloy has a dense and fine grain surface, resulting in excellent wear and fatigue pro- perties. Approximately 85 % of aluminum die casting alloys are based on Al-Si-Cu. These alloys provide a good combination of the cost, strength, and corrosion resistance, together with high fluidities that are required for easy casting. In recent years, aluminum die casting alloys have been widely used in the automotive, electronics, machine and building industries because they are light and recyclable. However, these castings have their limitations arising from the casting-process limitations. This problem can be solved by joining several cast parts into one complex product. The welding of aluminum and its alloys has always represented a great challenge for designers and technologists. Fusion welding of aluminum die casting alloys is difficult due to the formation of welding defects, such as blowholes, and the welding deformation as a result of a high coefficient of thermal expansion of aluminum alloys. As welding defects result in decreased mechanical properties, this problem must be solved for the use in practical appli- cations.1,2 From this point of view, friction-stir welding (FSW) was developed as a new joining process by The Welding Institute (TWI) in 1991.3 The basic concept of FSW is remarkably simple. A non-consumable rotating tool with a specially designed pin and shoulder is inserted into the matching edges of the sheets or plates to be joined and traversed along the line of the joint (Figure 1). The tool serves two primary functions, the heating of a workpiece, and the movement of a material to produce the joint. The heating is accomplished by the friction between the tool and the workpiece, creating a plastic deformation of the workpiece. The localized heating softens the material around the pin and a combination of the tool rotation and translation leads to a movement of the material from the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 195–198 195 UDK 621.792.3:669.715 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)195(2013) front of the pin to the back of the pin. As a result of this process a joint is produced in solid state. Because of the various geometrical features of the tool, the material movement around the pin can be quite complex. During a FSW process, the material undergoes an intense plastic deformation at an elevated temperature, resulting in a generation of fine and equiaxed recrystallized grains. The fine microstructure of the friction-stir welds pro- duces good mechanical properties.4,5 FSW is effective in joining a number of different materials. Until now it has been aluminum alloys that FSW has been most successfully applied to. The reason for this is a combination of the process simplicity and a wide use of aluminum alloys in the mayor industries. FSW can be used for joining aluminum alloys that are difficult to fusion weld. FSW dominates in the fabri- cation of aluminum components and panels. Now even friction-stir spot welding (FSSW) is being intensively studied.6,7 Only a limited number of FSW-joint studies have been done on cast aluminum alloys, although they have been intensively studied.4,8 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In this work an investigation of the temperature field of a FSW joint made from two different aluminum alloys has been done. The first alloy is a common cast alloy AA413.0 (AlSi12Cu), the other is made from pure aluminum AA1050 (Al 99.5 %). Such a joint is very interesting because it is made of alloys with different properties. The chemical compositions of AA1050 and AA413.0 are presented in Tables 19 and 29. In the experimental work two plates were joined. The joint was made on a milling machine Prvomajska ALG 2008. For this experiment the optimal feeding speed was 235 mm/min and the rotational speed of the tool was 475 min–1. The tool was inclined at an angle of 3° as pre- sented in Figure 2. The tool presented in Figure 3 was made of hot-work tool steel H13. The dimensions of the used tool can be seen in Figure 4. The AA1050 alloy was on the retreating side and the AA413.0 alloy was on the advancing side. These parameters were selected on the basis of several tests involving the selected tool, plate thickness and milling-machine gear ratio. The dimensions of the plates were 380 mm × 60 mm × 6 mm. To each plate a K-type thermocouple was mounted. Thermocouples were connected with the National Instrument CompactDAQ NI 9213 analog digital converter which was connected to the Labview software. The sampling rate was 10 Hz. During FSW the model temperature distribution was numerically calculated with the Sysweld finite-element modeling software. The FSW module in Sysweld S. KASTELIC et al.: AA413.0 AND AA1050 JOINED WITH FRICTION-STIR WELDING 196 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 195–198 Table 1: Chemical composition of AA1050 and AA413.0 in mass fractions, w/%9 Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava zlitine AA1050 in AA413.0 v masnih dele`ih, w/%9 Al Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn V AA1050 99.5 max 0.25 max 0.4 max 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.05 max 0.05 AA413.0 rest 11–13 1.3 1.0 0.35 0.1 0.5 Table 2: AA1050 and AA413.0 properties9 Tabela 2: Fizikalne lastnosti zlitine AA1050 in AA413.09 Liquidus temp. Density Tensile strength Yield strength Specific heat Thermalconductivity Electrical resistivity °C g/cm3 MPa MPa J/(kg K) W/(m K) n m AA1050 657 2.705 76 28 900 234 27.9 AA413.0 575–585 2.657 290 130 963 121 55.6 Figure 2: Tool tilt Slika 2: Nagib orodja Figure 1: Schematic drawing of friction-stir welding4 Slika 1: Shematski prikaz spajanja z gnetenjem4 enables a calculation of the steady-state temperature field based on the custom FSW joining parameters for joining the parts of the same alloy10. For this experiment the model was upgraded so that the temperature field was calculated on the basis of joining two different alloys. The investigated model had 19277 nodes and the CPU time was two hours. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The joint plate is shown in Figure 5. Some of the material was extruded during the joining because the plates were not in perfect alignment. The alignment of the plates had a big influence on the joint quality during the testing of the FSW joining parameters; in addition, the slot on the contact surface between the plates must be minimum. The temperatures measured with the thermocouples and numerically calculated are presented in Figure 6. The maximum temperature measured on the advancing side was 250 °C and on the retreading side of the joint it was 240 °C. Similar temperatures at the thermocouple places were calculated with the FEM software. The maximum calculated temperature in the joint was 470 °C. This temperature and calculated stationary tempera- ture field are presented in Figure 7. In the upper part of S. KASTELIC et al.: AA413.0 AND AA1050 JOINED WITH FRICTION-STIR WELDING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 195–198 197 Figure 7: Temperature distribution calculated with the FSW module Slika 7: Razporeditev temperature, izra~unane s FSW-modulom Figure 4: Tool dimensions Slika 4: Dimenzije orodja Figure 5: Plates joint with FSW (upper plate of AA413.0 alloy, lower plate of AA1050 alloy) Slika 5: Plo{~i, spojeni s FSW-spojem (zgoraj zlitina AA413.0, spodaj zlitina AA1050) Figure 3: Tool used in the experiment Slika 3: Orodje, uporabljeno za eksperiment Figure 6: Measured and calculated temperatures in the joint Slika 6: Izmerjene in izra~unane temperature v spoju Figure 8: Tensile tests of the alloys and the FSW joint Slika 8: Natezni preizkusi zlitin in FSW-spoja Figure 7 the temperature field of the joint cross-section can be seen. These measurements show that FSW is a process joining different parts without melting the material. It can be seen that the heat input into the joint is very low. Due to a proper support and good clamping of the plates during FSW, no deformation was found after unclamping. For a mechanical investigation of the joint, tensile tests were done. The results of the tensile tests of the joined alloys and the FSW joint can be seen in Figure 8. A contraction and defect of the joint appeared on the AA1050 alloy. The ultimate tensile stress of the joint was 74 MPa and it was the same as the ultimate tensile stress of the AA1050 alloy. Through the cross-section of the joint the Vickers hardness was measured. The hard- ness in the AA1050 alloy was 35 HV, 80 HV in the joint and 100 HV in the AA413.0 alloy. Good mechanical properties of the joint can also be seen from the micro- structure investigation of the joint presented in Figure 9. According to standard ASTM E112 the mean intercept distance in the area marked with 1 was 92.37 μm, in area 2 the mean intercept distance was 44.86 μm, in area 3 the distance was 8.15 μm and in area 4 the distance was 5.56 μm. From the microstructure of the cross-section a good mixing of the used alloys can be seen. The stirring of the pin causes the grain size in the joint to be more than ten times smaller than the grain size in the base AA1050 alloy. 4 CONCLUSION FSW has a big potential in joining a casting with other castings and/or extruded or rolled parts. In this article it was shown that the heat input for joining two different alloys with FSW is lower than for the joints made with other conventional welding processes. With the experiment we exactly determined the temperature in the stirring zone and calculated the established tempe- rature field during the FSW process. A lower heat input leads to a small deformation of the workpiece and good mechanical properties of the joint. The mechanical properties of the joint are better than those of the weaker alloy (AA1050) that was friction-stir welded. The good mechanical properties of the joint can be confirmed with the mean intercept distance between the grains in the joint. In these experiments the optimum FSW parameters for joining the AA413.0 and AA1050 alloys were used. Alloy AA413.0 must be on the advancing side, the tool rotational speed should be 475 min–1, the joining speed should be 235 mm/min and the tool angle is 3°. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Ericsson, R. Sandstrom, International Journal of Fatigue, 25 (2003), 1379–1387 2 Y. G. Kim, H. Fujii, T. Tsumura, T. Komazaki, K. Nakata, Materials Letters, 60 (2006), 3830–3837 3 W. M. Thomas, Friction Stir Butt Welding International Patent Application, No. PCT/GB92 Patent Application No. 9125978.8, 1991 4 R. S. Mishra, Z. Y. Ma, Materials Science and Engineering R, 50 (2005), 1–78 5 S. R. Mishra, M. W. Mahoney, Friction Stir Welding and Processing, ASM International, 2007, 7–35 6 S. Hirasawa, H. Badarinarayan, K. Okamoto, T. Tomimura, T. Kawanami, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210 (2010), 1455–1463 7 M. K. Kulekci, U. Esme, O. Er, Mater. Tehnol., 45 (2011) 5, 395–399 8 Y. G. Kim, H. Fujii, T. Tsumura, T. Komazaki, K. Nakata, Materials Letters, 60 (2006), 3830–3837 9 ASM International: Volume 2, Properties and selection: Nonferous alloys and special-purpose materials, Metals Park, Ohio, 1990 10 E. Feulvarch, Y. Gooroochurn, F. Boitout, 3D Modelling of Thermo- fluid Flow in Friction Stir Welding. In: Proceedings of the 7th inter- national conference on trends in welding research, Callaway Gardens resort, Pine Mountain, Georgia, USA, 2005 S. KASTELIC et al.: AA413.0 AND AA1050 JOINED WITH FRICTION-STIR WELDING 198 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 195–198 Figure 9: FSW cross-section in the polarolized light and grain size Slika 9: Prerez FSW-spoja v polarizirani svetlobi in velikost zrn M. SADÍLEK et al.: INCREASING TOOL LIFE DURING TURNING WITH A VARIABLE DEPTH OF CUT INCREASING TOOL LIFE DURING TURNING WITH A VARIABLE DEPTH OF CUT POVE^ANJE ZDR@LJIVOSTI ORODJA PRI STRU@ENJU Z VARIABILNO GLOBINO REZA Marek Sadílek, Robert ^ep, Zuzana Sadílková, Jan Valí~ek, Lenka Petøkovská V[B-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic marek.sadilek@vsb.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-09-27 The article deals with the improvement of cutting-tool durability by using CAD/CAM systems. It proposes new roughing turning cycles where a variable depth of cut is applied. The experimental part verifies theoretical prerequisites when a flange is being machined with a sintered-carbide cutting tool. It compares the turning where the standard roughing cycle is used and the turning where the proposed roughing cycle with a variable depth of cut is applied. Keywords: variable depth of cut, durability, CAD-CAM systems, turning ^lanek obravnava izbolj{anje zdr`ljivosti orodij za odrezavanje z uporabo sistema CAD/CAM. Predlagani so novi cikli grobega stru`enja, kjer se uporablja spremenljivo globino rezanja. V eksperimentalnem delu so potrjeni teoreti~ni prvi pogoji pri stru`enju prirobnice z rezilnim orodjem iz sintranih karbidov. Primerjano je stru`enje, kjer je uporabljen standarden cikel odrezavanja, s tistim stru`enjem, kjer je uporabljen predlagan cikel odrezavanja s spremenljivo globino rezanja. Klju~ne besede: spremenljiva globina rezanja, zdr`ljivost, sistem CAD-CAM, stru`enje 1 SUPPOSED PROCESS OF TOOL WEAR Tool wear depends on numerous factors, for example: workpiece material, tool material and geometry, cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed, cutting depth), used process liquid, cutting machine and many others1. It is proved that cutting the depth does not have the greatest influence. Since it has its share in the intensity of tool wear (a growing cutting depth increases the tool wear as well) it makes sense to deal with cutting depth and we can consider it as a significant factor of tool wear. 1.1 Tool wear of a selected type of cutting tools The most used cutting materials in the area of CNC machining are sintered carbide and cutting ceramics2,3. As seen in Figure 1, the tool-wear method depends on the applied tool materials. The tool wear of the cutting ceramics is rather linear without any marked stepped increases. The tool wear will therefore grow with an increasing depth of cut. It is, thus, not advisable to apply a variable depth of cut to the ceramics with such behavior. The types of cutting ceramics, such as the nitride ceramics, in which a more pronounced notch on the back is formed during the machining may be used exceptionally4,5. Sintered carbide tends to form a pronounced notch on the face and main back. This notch could be very advan- tageously used in the roughing cycles with a variable depth of cut. Efforts will be made to distribute this pronounced notch over the maximum possible length of the tool’s cutting edge. Figure 2 below describes the used marking of the tool wear according to ISO 3685.6 In applying a variable depth of cut (in the sintered carbide) the durability-improvement effect is expected to occur in the cutting edge provided the wear shaped as a notch on the back is distributed over the longer part of the cutting edge. These prerequisites were verified with the experiments during the practical machining of the concerned part – the flange. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 199–203 199 UDK 621.941:004.896 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)199(2013) 1 – surface of wear on the back A – main back 2 – crater wear A´ – minor back 3 – notch wear on the main back A – face 4 – notch wear on the minor back 5 – notch on the face Figure 1: Cutting-ceramics wear process and the tool-wear process of sintered carbides4,5 Slika 1: Proces obrabe rezilne keramike in obrabe orodja iz sintranih karbidov4,5 Both types of the cutting material were tested in practice by experimental machining of the selected turning parts. The theoretical assumption that the cutting ceramic does not tend to form a notch on the back was proven and it is essential for this tool-life improvement method. That is why only the experimental works where sintered carbide is used are stated below. 2 POSSIBILITIES OF A ROUGHING TOOL PATH IN CAM SYSTEMS The basic types of the used machining cycles and operating stages for the 2-axis turning are as follows: • straight (rectangle) turning, • face turning, • rough turning, • finish turning, • profile turning, • groove turning, • pocket turning, • thread turning, • hole machining, • parting off (cutting off), • rest cycle (residual turning), • hand setting of tool motion. The conventional roughing cycles in turning, where a cutting tool performs a constant depth of cut can be adapted and extended with the cycles when the tool cuts with a variable depth of cut. The proposed roughing cycles are as follows: • rough cycle "decreasing of engagement" (Figure 3), • roughing by creating a conical surface, • roughing with the use of nonlinear methods, etc. Figure 4 depicts a commonly used roughing cycle. A constant depth of cut is used in this roughing cycle. The machining process results in the wear that prevails in one point of the cutting edge only. During the roughing strategy – the cut decrement – each chip removal is performed with a different depth of cut so a different cutting part of the tool is under stress during each cutting operation. This method of machining can be time-consuming due to several passes. This is compensated for by an increased tool life, a lower load- ing of the machine spindle and a reduced machine noise. The depth of cut is reduced when the final diameter is being approached. The maximum wear point is therefore moved outwards from the cut, prolonging the cutting- tool durability. This type of roughing cycle is already contained in the advanced CAM systems (EdgeCAM, M. SADÍLEK et al.: INCREASING TOOL LIFE DURING TURNING WITH A VARIABLE DEPTH OF CUT 200 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 199–203 Figure 5: Roughing cycle creating a conical surface Slika 5: Cikel odvzemanja, pri katerem nastaja koni~na povr{ina Figure 4: Roughing cycle with a constant depth of cut Slika 4: Cikel odvzemanja s konstantno globino reza Figure 2: Tool wear according to ISO 3685:1993 6 Slika 2: Obraba orodja skladno z ISO 3685:1993 6 Figure 3: Roughing cycle – a decreased cut Slika 3: Cikel odvzemanja – zmanj{evanje odvzema turning to profile). An application of this feature, when longer parts are turned, is advantageous for the elimina- tion of the ever-decreasing workpiece stiffness. The cutting, with which a conical surface is formed, starts with the deepest depth of cut which decreases in the feeding direction, as shown in Figure 5. The second cut is programmed to be parallel with the workpiece axis. This provides for an efficient removal of the conical surface formed in the previous cut. Thanks to this strategy, the tool wear moves along the cutting edge from the maximum to the minimum depth of cut (apmax to apmin). Figure 6 shows a simulation of the machining (a programmed tool path) when turning the flanges, for which the experimental part was done. The non-linear roughing-cycle method also ensures a variable depth of cut. For example, a tool path’s wavy profile (Figure 7) will achieve the same effect as the previous methods. During both the first and the second cut, the machined material is on a gradual increase and decrease and a variable depth of cut is thereby achieved. It is also possible to shift the machined surface and, in doing so, change the depth of cut. However, this requires an advanced CAD/CAM system joined with the CNC cutting machines. 3 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Two strategies were used during turning: the conventional method with a constant depth of cut and the cone-forming machining. 3.1 Experimental characterization The verification of theoretical presumptions was carried out in practice. For this purpose we used the following cutting machine: Mori Seiki SL – 65 B with the drive system Fanuc and the spindle power of P = 71 kW. The worpiece material was the austenitic stainless steel 1.4401 that corresponds to DIN X5CrNiMo17-2-2 with a hardness of 180 HB. This material is mainly used in chemical industry, apparatus engineering, pulp industry and food industry. The dimensions of the worpiece (the flange) were as follows: its external diameter D = 350 mm, internal diameter d1 = 56 mm, length L = 73 mm and the internal diameter of the semi-product before finishing d2 = 157 mm. The cutting tool was an internal radius turning tool (the Sandvik company) with the cutting inserts: CNMG 12 04 12 – MR 2025 with the CVD coating. This tool is suitable for longitudinal medium roughing and roughing. During the cutting the cutting fluid was used. The cutting conditions differed only in the cut size and depth shape, as shown in Table1. The different depths of cut (stock removals) in the internal roughing cycle are shown in Figure 8. Here a gradual removal of the material from the first tool path to the last one (nth) is shown. The total number of tool paths (n) depends on the size of the workpiece and the technological possibilities of the insert as well. A representative sample of the tool wear has been selected from all of the performed experiments focusing M. SADÍLEK et al.: INCREASING TOOL LIFE DURING TURNING WITH A VARIABLE DEPTH OF CUT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 199–203 201 Figure 8: Tool paths: a) a constant depth of cut, b) a variable depth of cut (i <1,n> = number of tool paths; n = total number of tool paths; L, D, d1 = dimensions of the workpiece; L, D, d2 = dimensions of the semi-product before finishing) Slika 8: Poti orodja: a) konstantna globina reza, b) spremenljiva globina reza (i <1,n> = {tevilo poti orodja, n = celotno {tevilo poti orodja, L, D, d1 = dimenzije obdelovanca, L, D, d2 = dimenzije nedo- kon~anega polproizvoda) Figure 7: Roughing cycle – the nonlinear method Slika 7: Cikel odvzemanja – nelinearna metoda Figure 6: Roughing-cycle simulation when a conical surface is made during an internal turning Slika 6: Simulacija cikla odvzemanja, pri katerem nastaja koni~na povr{ina pri notranjem stru`enju on the wear in the form of a notch on the face and on the back. With regard to the measurement during the pro- duction, the tool wear was measured with a microscope with an installed digital camera. To read the wear values the Micrometrics SE Premium software, version 7.2, was used. The upper part of Figure 9 shows the tool wear on the face. The lower part of the same figure shows the tool wear on the back. The strategy with a constant depth of cut reports, for the same period of time (machining time t = 18.6 min), a greater tool wear than the strategy with a variable depth of cut. Figure 9 reveals a visible notch on the face (with the length xcons of 1.03 mm) and on the back formed while using the constant depth of cut. The notch wear on the face is greater than in the case of the strategy with a variable ap. There is also a visible notch on the back, VBN = 0.25 mm. The strategy using a variable depth of cut causes no notch on the back, as shown in Figure 9, the bottom b part). With the variable depth of cut, the notches are distri- buted over the tool’s longer cutting edge corresponding to the variable depth of cut. The notches shift in relation to the changing depth of cut (from 3 mm to 5 mm depth of cut), xvariable = 1.49 mm. The dependence of the tool wear on time was recorded and entered into the "Dependence of VBN tool wear on time" chart, as shown in Figure 10. The cutting process was interrupted in order to measure the tool wear after the tool path (between the cuts) so as not to disturb the cutting process by starting a cut and getting out of a cut and the measuring interval was kept to last for about 2 min. This chart clearly implies that the roughing method with a variable depth of cut causes a lower wear VBN in the same time and under the same cutting conditions. The wear has a slighter inclination in the second area of the chart (in this area the tool wear increases uniformly). The tool wear criterion was set to be VBN = 0.25 mm. The durability of the cutting edge in the roughing cycle with a constant depth of cut was, on average, 18 min. In the newly designed cycle with a variable depth of cut, the durability of the cutting edge was 26 min, i.e., the durability increased by 44 %. 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The proposed manufacturing technology of the flange and shaft components ensures a reduced tool wear, i.e., an increased turning-tool durability and life. There is a more favorable distribution of wear on the replaceable tool insert when employing the proposed turning techno- logy. An application of the new roughing cycle resulted in a decrease in the spindle load by 10 %. This reduction was monitored directly on the cutting machine – it was displayed on the indicator of the spindle load. This change caused a reduction in the energy demand of the machine tool. The roughing cycle with a variable depth of cut was applied in the company of JohnCrane a.s. It gave excellent results in the form of an increased durability of the cutting edge by 44 % in the maintained machining time. The increased durability of the tool significantly reduces the total costs for the cutting tools. These costs are also reduced by less frequent downtimes when a worn tool is replaced. However, the disadvantage of this M. SADÍLEK et al.: INCREASING TOOL LIFE DURING TURNING WITH A VARIABLE DEPTH OF CUT 202 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 199–203 Figure 10: Dependence of the VBN tool wear on time under the rough- ing strategy – a constant depth of cut and a variable depth of cut Slika 10: Odvisnost obrabe VBN orodja od ~asa odrezavanja – kon- stantna globina reza in spremenljiva globina reza Figure 9: Comparison of the tool-face and back wear: a) a constant depth of cut, b) a variable depth of cut Slika 9: Primerjava obrabe ~ela in za~elja orodja: a) konstantna glo- bina reza, b) spremenljiva globina reza Table 1: Cutting conditions: the constant-depth-of-cut strategy and the conical-surface strategy Tabela 1: Pogoji rezanja: strategija s konstantno globino rezanja in strategija s koni~no povr{ino Cutting conditions rough turning constant depth of cut variable depth of cut cutting speed vc m min–1 180 180 feed f mm r–1 0.3 0.3 depth of cut ap mm 4 apmin = 3 apmin = 5 technology is a more complicated tool-path program- ming for the roughing cycle with a variable depth of cut. The suggested roughing cycles may not have a positive influence on the machining process. It is necessary to carefully consider all the aspects associated with the proposed cycles. These can include a reduced rigidity of the machine tool caused by both the tool’s simultaneous movement in the directions of the two axes and the requirements of the software (CAM system) and the CNC programmer. Acknowledgement We would like to thank the company of JohnCrane a.s. for allowing us to perform our experiments. This paper was supported by the Czech Science Foundation, Student Grant Competition (SP2011/23), VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. 5 REFERENCES 1 A. Antic, B. P. Petrovic, M. Zeljkovic, B. Kosec, J. Hodolic, The influence of tool wear on the chip forming mechanism and tool vibrations, Mater. Tehnol., 46 (2012) 3, 279–285 2 M. Sadílek, R. ^ep, I. Budak, M. Sokovic, Aspects of Using Tool Axis Inclination Angle, Strojni{ki vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 57 (2011) 9, 681–688 3 M. Neslu{an, I. Mrkvica, R. ^ep, D. Kozak, R. Konderla, Defor- mation After Heat Treatment and Their Influence on Cutting Process, Tehni~ki vjesnik/Technical Gazette, 18 (2011) 4, 601–608 4 R. ^ep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek, Cutting tool life tests of ceramic inserts for car engine sleeves, Tehni~ki vjesnik/Technical Gazette, 18 (2011) 2, 203–209 5 M. Forejt, A. Humár, M. Pí{ka, L. Janí~ek, Experimental methods – syllabus, University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineer- ing, Brno, 2003, 83 6 ISO 3685:1993, Tool-life testing with single-point turning tools, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 1993, 48 M. SADÍLEK et al.: INCREASING TOOL LIFE DURING TURNING WITH A VARIABLE DEPTH OF CUT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 199–203 203 A. RAUTER et al.: RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF SOL-GEL ANTICORROSION COATINGS ON ELECTRONIC BOARDS RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF SOL-GEL ANTICORROSION COATINGS ON ELECTRONIC BOARDS RAMANSKE RAZISKAVE SOL-GEL PROTIKOROZIJSKIH PREVLEK NA ELEKTRONSKIH VEZJIH Aleksander Rauter1, Matja` Ko`elj1, Lidija Slemenik Per{e1, Angela [urca Vuk1, Boris Orel1, Baºak Bengû2, Onder Sunetci2 1National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Arcelik R&D, 34950 Cayirova Campus – Tuzla/Istanbul, Turkey angela.surca.vuk@ki.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-09-10; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-12 Due to its non-destructive character and high spatial resolution, confocal Raman spectroscopy was found to be a good technique for detecting spray-deposited sol-gel coatings on electronic boards (EBs). EBs are demanding substrates to cover because of their non-flat surfaces, containing various metals, alloys, pins and other elements. Nanocomposite coatings were made on the basis of bis end-capped organic-inorganic hybrid precursors, bis-(3-(3-(3-triethoxysilyl)propyl)thioureido)propyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMSTU) and bis-[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]tetrasulphide (BTESPT), imparting a hydrophobic character to the produced anticorrosion coatings. Reactions of hydrolysis and condensation were initiated with an addition of the 0.1 M HCl catalyst. Nanoparticles were introduced in the sols as trisilanol-heptaisooctyl-polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (up to 5 nm). The obtained sols were spray deposited on the test substrate, i.e., the aluminium alloy AA 2024, and also on EB. The coatings on AA 2024 were used for potentiodynamic electrochemical and surface (SEM, AFM) characterisation of the prepared coatings. Extensive Raman spectroscopy measurements of the uncovered and covered EBs revealed that the sol-gel coatings on various elements and pins of EBs are clearly visible in the Raman spectra and that this is an appropriate technique for detecting the coatings on such demanding substrates. Keywords: Raman spectroscopy, sol-gel, electronic boards, anticorrosion coatings, nanoparticles Glede na nedestruktivni zna~aj in veliko prostorsko lo~ljivost ramanske spektroskopije smo to tehniko {tudirali s stali{~a mo`nosti detekcije napr{enih sol-gel prevlek na elektronska vezja. Elektronska vezja so zahtevne podlage, kar zadeva njihovo prekrivanje, saj njihova povr{ina ni ravna, na njej se nahajajo razli~ne kovine, zlitine, konice in drugi elementi. Nanokompozitne prevleke smo pripravili na osnovi dvostransko funkcionaliziranih organsko-anorganskih prekurzorjev bis-(3-(3-(3-trieto- ksisilil)propil)tioureido)propil zaklju~enega poli(dimetilsiloksana) (PDMSTU) in bis-[3-(trietoksisilil)propil]tetrasulfida (BTESPT), ki v pripravljene protikorozijske prevleke vneseta hidrofoben zna~aj. Reakcije hidrolize in kondenzacije smo za~eli z dodatkom katalizatorja 0,1 M HCl. Nanodelce smo v sole vklju~ili kot trisilanol-heptaizooktil-poliedri~ne oligomerne silseskvioksane (do 5 nm). Tako pripravljene sole smo nanesli na preizkusne podlage, in sicer na aluminijevo zlitino AA 2024 in tudi elektronska vezja. Prevleke na AA 2024 smo uporabili za potenciodinami~ne elektrokemijske meritve in povr{insko (SEM, AFM) karakterizacijo. Ob{irne ramanske meritve neza{~itenih in za{~itenih elektronskih vezij pa so pokazale, da lahko sol-gel prevleke na razli~nih elementih in konicah elektronskih vezij jasno ugotovimo v ramanskih spektrih in da je zato ta tehnika primerna za detekcijo prevlek na zahtevnih podlagah. Klju~ne besede: ramanska spektroskopija, sol-gel, elektronska vezja, protikorozijske prevleke, nanodelci 1 INTRODUCTION Raman spectroscopy has been recognised as a very useful tool for the investigation of organic and inorganic materials in various fields, for example in art and archaeology1, for the investigation of electrode materials for lithium electrodes2 as well as the materials produced from organic-inorganic hybrids3,4. Raman spectra show the energy shift of the excitation light (laser) as a product of an inelastic scattering of the molecules in a sample, resulting in obtaining the information about their chemical structure, i.e., Raman spectra represent the fingerprints of the molecules. Moreover, this vibrational technique can be useful for proving the correctness of technological processes3, for instance, the efficiency of a deposition process for the coatings on various substrates, since it does not require background measurements and is a non-destructive technique. Such complex substrates include, for example, electronic boards (EBs) composed of various materials (metals, alloys, soldering alloys, plastic materials, etc.). Raman spectroscopy can clearly detect sprayed protective coatings on various individual elements of EBs. Numerous enterprises have realised that the enor- mous amounts of electronic waste can be reduced with the application of anticorrosion coatings on various electronic components. However, the anticorrosion coat- ings for EBs must respond to a unique set of corrosion- related problems, since different elements (materials) are positioned in close proximity. This gives rise to a great possibility of galvanic corrosion, the corrosion of contact surfaces and joints or a growth of dendritic silver. In addition, the surfaces of EBs are not flat, so it is difficult to cover them homogeneously with a coating. Nowadays, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 205–210 205 UDK 543.424.2:621.793:620.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)205(2013) conformal paint coatings (parylene, urethane, acrylic, epoxy, etc.) are mostly used for the protection of EBs, but such coatings are expensive and do not usually offer satisfactory adhesion and protection (<10 years)5. Many conformal coatings, in particular the widely used acrylic coatings, often delaminate from the corners of the leads and EBs, and develop cracks, in which water may be entrapped, dissolving contaminants. This can result in dendritic growth between the components of the leads, leading to shorts, excessive power consumption and, therefore, EB malfunctions5. Nanocomposite barrier coatings prepared from organic-inorganic hybrid precursors, consisting of nano- particles (SiO2, Al2O3, ZrO2, ...) or polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) are believed to be promising materials for successfully replacing conformal coatings. The preparation of good sol-gel nanocomposite coatings starts with an appropriate selection of precursors, nano- particles, inhibitors and additives6. By introducing the appropriate groups to the composition we can achieve, in addition to the resistance to corrosion, that the sol-gel coatings also provide high oxidation, abrasion and water-resistant properties. In this work, bis end-capped ethoxysilyl-functionalised precursor bis-(3-(3-(3-trietho- xysilyl)propyl)thioureido)propyl terminated poly(dime- thylsiloxane) (PDMSTU in Figure 1) was synthesised as the organic-inorganic precursor for sol-gel nanocom- posite coatings7. This organic-inorganic hybrid precursor also comprises a poly(dimethylsiloxane) chain, which imparts its hydrophobic character to the deposited anticorrosion coatings. The nanoparticles were included as polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane trisilanol-hepta- isooctyl-POSS (TS-IOc7-POSS in Figure 1), which, due to the open-cage structure, can bind in the sol-gel matrix via a formation of siloxane bonds. Another bis end-capped precursor, i.e., bis-[3-(triethoxysilyl)pro- pyl]tetrasulphide (BTESPT in Figure 1), was included in the composition of the sol to increase the siloxane bonding in the coatings. The efficiency of the BTESPT coatings for the preparation of anticorrosion coatings for various alloys (AA 2024-T3 8, AZ31 Mg 9) has already been demonstrated. In the present paper, we would first like to show that the PDMSTU-based nanocomposite coatings can be applied on EBs with the spray-deposition technique. In addition, the suitability of Raman spec- troscopy for detecting deposited coatings on all the different elements of an EB substrate is shown. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The organic-inorganic hybrid precursor bis-(3-(3- (3-triethoxysilyl)propyl)thioureido)propyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMSTU) was synthesised from aminopropyl terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) 1000 (PDMS 1000)7. 23 g of PDMS 1000 was dissolved in 40 ml of tetrahydrofurane and 12.5 g of (3-isotiociana- topropyl)triethoxysilane was then added dropwise. The solution was refluxed for 2 days and the progress of the reaction was followed using FT-IR spectroscopy. After the conclusion of the reaction, tetrahydrofurane was removed in vacuo and a highly viscous yellow PDMSTU product was obtained. The sol for the spray deposition on the EB substrate was prepared in ethanol by mixing PDMSTU : BTESPT : TS-IOc7-POSS in a molar ratio of 1 : 2 : 0.5. As a catalyst of the sol-gel reactions, 0.1 M hydrochloric acid was applied in a molar ratio of PDMSTU : 0.1 M HCl = 1 : 18, based on the number of ethoxy groups in the PDMSTU and BTESPT precursor molecules. The sol was stirred for 4 days before spraying on the EB substrate. The time of the application was determined by following the hydrolysis and condensation reactions using FT-IR measurements (not shown). The sol gelled in ten days. For a comparison between morphological properties (SEM, AFM) and electrochemical measurements, the PDMSTU-based coating was deposited on the aluminium alloy AA 2024, also using the spray-deposition technique. Prior to spraying the sol on AA 2024, the substrate was polished and cleaned in hexane, acetone, methanol and distilled water. The deposited coating was thermally treated at 150 °C for half an hour prior to the treatment. SEM micrographs were recorded on a FE-SEM Supra 35 VP electron scanning microscope. An electrochemical potentiodynamic measurement of the PDMSTU-based coating deposited on the AA 2024 substrate was recorded on a PGSTAT 302N potentiostat- galvanostat. The coating was mounted as the working electrode in a K0235 flat cell (Princeton Applied Research) filled with 0.5 M NaCl. The reference electrode was a saturated Ag/AgCl electrode and the counter electrode was the Pt grid. The samples were held at an open circuit potential for 1800 s prior to scanning the potential with a scan rate of 0.5 mV/s from –0.9 V to –0.2 V. A. RAUTER et al.: RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF SOL-GEL ANTICORROSION COATINGS ON ELECTRONIC BOARDS 206 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 205–210 Figure 1: Structures of the precursors for the preparation of sol-gel nanocomposite anticorrosion coatings for EBs: A) bis-(3-(3-(3- triethoxysilyl)propyl)thioureido)propyl terminated poly(dimethyl- siloxane) (PDMSTU), B) trisilanol-heptaisooctyl-POSS (TS-IOc7- POSS) and C) bis-[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]tetrasulphide (BTESPT) Slika 1: Strukture prekurzorjev za pripravo sol-gel nanokompozitnih protikorozijskih prevlek za elektronska vezja: A) bis-(3-(3-(3- trietoksisilil)propil)tioureido)propil zaklju~en poli(dimetilsiloksan) (PDMSTU), B) trisilanol-heptaizooktil-POSS (TS-IOc7-POSS) in C) bis-[3-(trietoksisilil)propil]tetrasulfid (BTESPT) Raman spectra of the uncovered and covered EB were collected using a confocal Raman spectrometer WITec alpha 300, combined with the AFM and SNOM (Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy) techniques. The excitation line used was 532 nm. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The SEM micrograph revealed a homogeneous surface of the PDMSTU-based coating, but some defects on the surface can also be observed (Figure 2). AFM, on the other hand, confirmed the nanocomposite character of the coating, with a roughness factor of 110 nm (Figure 3). A potentiodynamic measurement of the spray-depo- sited PDMSTU-based coating on AA 2024 revealed a cathodic current density that is lower, by about two decades of magnitude, than that of the pure AA 2024 substrate (Figure 4). Moreover, the anodic current den- sity was lower by about one to two orders of magnitude (Figure 4). These values are comparable to those of the anticorrosion coatings prepared by dip-coating on the AA 2024 substrates from 1 % sols of bis-(3-(3-(3- triethoxysilyl)propyl)ureido)propyl terminated poly- dimethylsiloxane (PDMSU)10, i.e., a similar precursor with the urea instead of thiourea groups between the poly(dimethylsiloxane) and ethoxysilylpropyl parts of the molecule (Figure 1). The PDMSU coatings, on the other hand, showed a better performance when prepared from more concentrated, 4 %, sols, i.e., the sols with an increasing thickness confirming their physical barrier character. Moreover, our PDMSTU-based coatings revealed superior properties compared to the pure BTESPT coatings made from water/ethanol solutions8. Specifically, the hydrophobic BTESPT coatings revealed a decrease of about one order of magnitude in the cathodic current density and of about 1–2 orders of magnitude in the anodic current density. A decrease in the cathodic current density of one order of magnitude in relation to the response of the pure AA 2024 substrate was also observed for the ethoxysilyl-functionalised POSS compounds, enabling a formation of compact tri-dimensional networks of regular POSS cubes via sol-gel reactions11. However, the addition of per- fluoropropyl groups to the structure of these POSS compounds increased the reduction in the cathodic current density, even to above two orders of magnitude12, which is superior to that of our PDMSTU-based coatings. The contact-angle measurements showed that poly(dimethylsiloxane) chains introduced some of the hydrophobic character to the PDMSTU-based coatings; the contact angle for water was 97° for the coatings on AA 2024 in the initial state and the surface-energy value was 32.1 mJ/m2. The value was higher than the sur- face-energy values for the coatings prepared from PDMSU (29.7 mJ/m2) 10, ethoxysilyl-functionalised POSS (28.7 mJ/m2) 11 and perfluoropropyl ethoxysilyl-func- A. RAUTER et al.: RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF SOL-GEL ANTICORROSION COATINGS ON ELECTRONIC BOARDS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 205–210 207 Figure 4: Potentiodynamic measurement of the spray-deposited PDMSTU-based coating on AA 2024 Slika 4: Potenciodinami~ne meritve prevleke, pripravljene na osnovi PDMSTU in napr{ene na podlago AA 2024 Figure 2: SEM micrograph of the spray-deposited PDMSTU-based coating on AA 2024 Slika 2: SEM-posnetek prevleke, pripravljene na osnovi PDMSTU in napr{ene na podlago AA 2024 Figure 3: AFM image of the spray-deposited PDMSTU-based coating on AA 2024 Slika 3: AFM-posnetek prevleke, pripravljene na osnovi PDMSTU in napr{ene na podlago AA 2024 tionalised POSS (12.4 mJ/m2) 12. Since a good corrosion inhibition can be partly ascribed to the low surface value of the anticorrosion coatings, the coatings with the perfluoropropyl groups have been found to be the best in this respect. For comparison, the contact angle for water of the AA 2024 substrate was 86° and the surface-energy value was 37.1 mJ/m2, respectively. The most critical issue in the preparation of the anticorrosion coatings for EBs, apart from the deve- lopment of the coatings’ composition, is the coverage of all the elements (except the specific connectors that are masked during the spray deposition of a coating) on the non-flat EB surfaces. The coverage of pins often remains questionable, since the coating solutions may tend to flow down the slopes. When the sols exhibit proper rheological properties, this effect of sagging is prevented and all the elements are efficiently covered by the coating. Such defects in coverage can certainly be recognised during various end industrial application tests, but these are time consuming and costly. The proposed Raman spectroscopy is a more straightforward and quicker way of determining a possible non-coverage in the coatings. The PDMSTU-based coating sprayed on EB was therefore placed under the laser beam of the Raman spectrometer (Figure 5) and investigated at different points and elements (Figure 6). In Figure 6, only the elements that are described in this text (pins, SMD resistor and SMD capacitor) are shown, but other positions on EB were also studied. Figure 7 shows the Raman spectra recorded on the pins of the uncoated and coated EBs. The spectra of the uncoated pins revealed two peaks, at 1.385 cm–1 and 1.360 cm–1, which can be assigned to the presence of carbon. Namely, the spectrum of the ash sample revealed similar bands that are marked in the literature as G- and D-lines2. The so-called G-band corresponds to the strong C-C stretching E2g2 mode of the hexagonal graphite structure. The D-line (A1g) that appeared from 1.350 cm–1 to 1.360 cm–1, on the other hand, is the consequence of a turbostratic disorder, i.e., a disorder along the c axis due to a weak interlayer bonding2. When the EB substrate was covered with the PDMSTU-based coating, the characteristic bands of the coating appeared in the Raman spectrum (Figure 7). For comparison, the same bands also appeared in the Raman spectrum of the spray-deposited PDMSTU-based coating on the AA A. RAUTER et al.: RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF SOL-GEL ANTICORROSION COATINGS ON ELECTRONIC BOARDS 208 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 205–210 Figure 6: Positions of the pins and other elements that were measured on the uncoated and coated EB using Raman spectroscopy Slika 6: Pozicije konic in drugih elementov, na katerih smo izmerili ramanske spektre na neza{~itenem in za{~itenem elektronskem vezju Figure 7: Raman spectra of the uncoated and coated pins on the EB substrate. The PDMSTU-based coating on the AA 2024 substrate is given for comparison, as well the characteristic Raman spectrum of an independent ash sample. Slika 7: Ramanski spektri neza{~itenih in za{~itenih konic na elek- tronskem vezju. Za primerjavo podajamo ramanski spekter prevleke na osnovi PDMSTU, ki je napr{ena na podlago AA 2024. Podajamo tudi zna~ilen ramanski spekter vzorca saj. Figure 5: Measurement of the Raman spectra on the uncoated and coated EB substrate Slika 5: Merjenje ramanskih spektrov neza{~itenega in za{~itenega elektronskega vezja 2024 substrate. Similarly, in the case of the SMD resistor and SMD capacitor, it was also found that the bands of the PDMSTU-based coating appeared in the Raman spectrum (Figure 8). In addition to the modes of the coating, carbon bands were also observed on the SMD resistor. On the other hand, the uncoated SMD capacitor revealed some bands by itself and they remained in the Raman spectrum of the covered SMD capacitor, in addition to the modes of the PDMSTU-based coating (Figure 8). The depicted spectra measured on the covered EB clearly revealed that the coating was successfully deposited covering all the different elements and parts of the investigated substrate. Other elements and pins were also investigated, but the results have not been shown due to a lack of space. The Raman spectra measured on the coated EB substrate (Figures 7 and 8) clearly revealed that Raman spectroscopy is extremely well suited to the investigation of complex objects that do not allow a sample prepa- ration. This is also due to the improvements in instru- ment configurations, for example, the use of confocal micro-Raman spectrometers that allow effective spatial resolution and Raman imaging as well as achieving a better contrast1,2. When non-typical samples, such as EBs are in question, Raman spectroscopy is important due to its non-destructive character, certainly when carefully set excitation conditions are used. In addition, the detection of coatings on the metallic parts of EBs is easy, since almost all the metals show no Raman bands. However, Raman spectroscopy is not a useful quantitative tech- nique and it would be difficult to determine the amount of coating on various elements of EBs, since the sensiti- vity of the Raman response depends on the polarizability of the molecules and the characteristics of the measured spot. Another important drawback of Raman spectro- scopy is the fluorescence caused by certain organic or other materials, i.e., in the case of the EB substrate, it was found on plastic areas. Nevertheless, all the afore- mentioned facts clearly show that Raman spectroscopy is a suitable technique for detecting the protective sol-gel coatings on EBs, not only after a deposition of the coatings, but also after their exposure to accelerated corrosion tests. The excellent spatial resolution of the confocal Raman spectrometers allows a detection of the corroded parts of the coatings on EBs and thus a determination of the most vulnerable parts of EB substrates. 4 CONCLUSIONS Potentiodynamic electrochemical characterisation of the coatings prepared from organic-inorganic precursors bis-(3-(3-(3-triethoxysilyl)propyl)thioureido)propyl terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMSTU) and bis-[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]tetrasulphide (BTESPT) revealed that the coatings possess the properties similar to the other coatings made of poly(dimethylsiloxane) or tetrasulphide-based precursors. Specifically, the cathodic current density of spray-deposited coatings was lower, by up to two orders of magnitude, than the cathodic current density of the pure AA 2024 substrate. The prepared coatings were also spray deposited on an electronic board (EB) and Raman spectroscopy was shown to be an appropriate technique for detecting the sol-gel protective coating on this substrate due to its non-destructive character and a high spatial resolution. On the basis of the present results, Raman spectroscopy will be used in future to determine the sites, at which corrosion has started after an exposure of the coated EB substrates to accelerated corrosion tests, including Raman imaging of larger surfaces. In order to assure a complete coverage of the elements, the sols will be studied using a detailed rheological characterisation. The sol with the optimal rheological properties will be chosen for further application. Acknowledgement This research was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (Programme P1-0030) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (MNT-ERA.NET project Bonaco, http://www.bonaco-project.com). A. A. RAUTER et al.: RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF SOL-GEL ANTICORROSION COATINGS ON ELECTRONIC BOARDS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 205–210 209 Figure 8: Raman spectra of the uncoated and coated SMD-resistor and SMD-capacitor elements on the EB substrate. The PDMSTU- based coating on the AA 2024 substrate is given for comparison. Slika 8: Ramanski spektri neza{~itenega in za{~itenega SMD-upora in SMD-kondenzatorja na elektronskem vezju. Za primerjavo podajamo ramanski spekter prevleke na osnovi PDMSTU, ki je napr{ena na podlago AA 2024. Rauter thanks the Slovenian Research Agency for the Ph. D. grant. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. Vandenabeele, H. G. M. Edwards, L. Moens, Chem. Rev., 107 (2006), 675–686 2 R. Baddour-Hadjean, J. Pierre Pereira-Ramos, Chem. Rev., 110 (2010), 1278–1319 3 M. Gnyba, M. Keränen, M. Kozanecki, R. Bogdanowicz, B. B. Kos- mowski, P. Wroczyñski, Opto-Elecronics Rev., 10 (2002), 137–143 4 I. Jerman, A. [urca Vuk, M. Ko`elj, F. [vegl, B. Orel, Prog. 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TERNIK et al.: NUMERICAL STUDY OF RAYLEIGH-BÉNARD NATURAL-CONVECTION HEAT-TRANSFER ... NUMERICAL STUDY OF RAYLEIGH-BÉNARD NATURAL-CONVECTION HEAT-TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER-BASED Au NANOFLUIDS NUMERI^NA ANALIZA PRENOSA TOPLOTE NANOTEKO^IN VODA-Au V RAZMERAH REYLEIGH-BÉNARDOVE NARAVNE KONVEKCIJE Primo` Ternik1, Rebeka Rudolf2,3, Zoran @uni~4 1Private Researcher, Bresterni{ka ulica 163, 2354 Bresternica, Slovenia 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 3Zlatarna Celje, d. d., Kersnikova ul. 19, 3000 Celje, Slovenia 4AVL-AST, Trg Leona [tuklja 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia pternik@pt-rtd.eu Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-15 The present work deals with the natural convection in a square cavity filled with a water-based Au nanofluid. The cavity is heated from the lower and cooled from the adjacent wall, while the other two walls are adiabatic. The governing differential equations have been solved with the standard finite volume method and the hydrodynamic and thermal fields have been coupled using the Boussinesq approximation. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of the nanoparticles’ volume fraction on the heat-transfer characteristics of Au nanofluids at a given base-fluid (i.e., water) Rayleigh number Rabf . Accurate results are presented over a wide range of the base-fluid Rayleigh numbers (102  Rabf  105) and the volume fraction of Au nanoparticles (0 %    10 %). It is shown that adding nanoparticles to the base fluid delays the onset of convection. Contrary to what is argued by many authors, we show, with numerical simulations, that the use of nanofluids can reduce the heat transfer instead of increasing it. Keywords: Rayleigh-Bénard natural convection, water-Au nanofluid, heat transfer, numerical modelling V prispeveku obravnavamo naravno konvekcijo v kvadratni kotanji, napolnjeni z nanoteko~ino voda-Au. Kotanja je bila greta s spodnje in hlajena s prile`ne zgornje stene, preostali dve steni sta bili adiabatni. Vodilne diferencialne ena~be smo re{evali s standardno metodo kon~nih prostornin. Hidrodinami~no in temperaturno polje sta bila sklopljena z uporabo Boussinesqove aproksimacije. Glavni cilj prispevka je raziskati vpliv prostorninskega dele`a nanodelcev na zna~ilnosti prenosa toplote Au-nanoteko~ine pri podani vrednosti Rayleighjevega {tevila nosilne teko~ine (vode) Rabf . Natan~ni rezultati so predstavljeni za {iroko obmo~je vrednosti Rayleighjevega {tevila nosilne teko~ine (102  Rabf  105) in prostorninskega dele`a Au-nanodelcev (0 %    10 %). Pokazali smo, da dodajanje nanodelcev v nosilno teko~ino zakasni za~etek naravne konvekcije. V nasprotju s trditvami mnogih avtorjev smo z numeri~nimi simulacijami pokazali, da lahko uporaba nanodelcev prenos toplote zmanj{a in ne pove~a. Klju~ne besede: Rayleigh-Bénardova naravna konvekcija, nanoteko~ina voda-Au, prenos toplote, numeri~no modeliranje 1 INTRODUCTION Buoyancy-induced flow together with the associated heat transfer is an important phenomenon found in many engineering applications (e.g., selective laser melting process1, cooling of electronic devices2). An enhance- ment of heat transfer in such systems is crucial from the energy-saving point of view. In recent years, nanosized particles dispersed in a base fluid, known as nanofluid, has been used and researched extensively to enhance the heat transfer. The presence of nanoparticles shows an unquestionable heat-transfer enhancement in forced convection applications3. However, with respect to the buoyancy-driven flow, there is still a dispute on the effect of nanoparticles on the heat-transfer enhancement. Several researchers have been focused on the numerical modelling of buoyancy-induced flows. Recent numerical studies by Ternik et al.4, Ternik and Rudolf5, Oztop et al.6 and Abu-Nada and Oztop7 illustrated that the suspended nanoparticles substantially increase the heat-transfer rate for any given Rayleigh number. In addition, they showed that the heat-transfer rate in water-based nanofluids increases with an increasing volume fraction of Al2O3, Cu, TiO2 and Au nanoparti- cles. On the other hand, an apparently paradoxical beha- viour of the heat-transfer deterioration was observed in many experimental studies8-10. For example, Putra et al.8 reported that a presence of Al2O3 nanoparticles in a base fluid reduces the natural convective heat transfer. However, they did not clearly explain why the natural convective heat transfer is decreased with an increase in the volume fraction of nanoparticles. The above review of the existing literature shows that the problem of natural convection in a bottom-heated horizontal cavity filled with a nanofluid is an issue still Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 211–215 211 UDK 519.61/.64:620.3:536.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)211(2013) far from being completely solved. Framed in this general background, the purpose of the present study is to exa- mine the effect of adding Au nanoparticles to the base fluid at the conduction and convection heat-transfer rates in a square cavity heated from below (Rayleigh–Bénard configuration) over a range of base-fluid Rayleigh numbers 102  Rabf  105 and volume fractions 0 %    10 %. 2 NUMERICAL MODELLING The standard finite-volume method, successfully used in many recent studies,11–13 is used to solve the coupled conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy. In this framework, a second-order central diffe- rencing scheme is used for the diffusive terms and a second-order upwind scheme for the convective terms. Coupling of the pressure and velocity is achieved using the SIMPLE algorithm. The convergence criteria were set to 10–9 for all the relative (scaled) residuals. 2.1 Governing equations For the present study, a steady-state flow of an incompressible water-based Au nanofluid is considered. It is assumed that both the fluid phase and nanoparticles are in thermal equilibrium. Except for the density, the properties of the nanoparticles and fluid (presented in Table 1) are taken to be constant. The Boussinesq appro- ximation is invoked for the nanofluid properties to relate density changes to temperature changes, and to couple the temperature field with the velocity field. The governing equations (mass, momentum and energy conservation) of such a flow are:4,5 ∂ ∂  i ix = 0 (1)       nf j i j j nf i j i nf x x x p x g T ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = = − + −( ( T x xj nf j i C )+ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂   (2) (  c T x x c T xp nf j j j nf j ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (3) where the cold-wall temperature TC is taken to be the reference temperature for evaluating the buoyancy term ()nfg(T – TC) in the momentum conservation equation. Relationships between the properties of the nanofluid (nf) and those of the base fluid (bf) and pure solid (s) are given with the following empirical models4,5: • Dynamic viscosity:   nf bf = −( ) .1 2 5 • Density:    nf bf s= − +( )1 • Thermal expansion:    nf bf s= − +( )1 • Heat capacitance: ( ( )( (      c cp nf p bf s= − +1 • Thermal conductivity: k k k k k k k k k knf bf s bf bf s s bf bf s = + − − + + − 2 2 2   ( ) ( ) 2.2 Geometry and boundary conditions The simulation domain is shown schematically in Figure 1. The two horizontal walls of a square enclosure are kept at different constant temperatures (TH > TC), whereas the other boundaries are considered to be adiabatic. Both velocity components (i.e., vx and vy) are identically zero on each boundary because of the no-slip condition and the impenetrability of the rigid boundaries. In the present study, the heat-transfer characteristics are presented in terms of the mean Nusselt number: Nu L Nu x x L = ∫ 1 0 ( )d (4) P. TERNIK et al.: NUMERICAL STUDY OF RAYLEIGH-BÉNARD NATURAL-CONVECTION HEAT-TRANSFER ... 212 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 211–215 Table 1: Thermo-physical properties of the Au nanofluid4,5 Tabela 1: Toplotno-fizikalne lastnosti Au-nanoteko~ine4,5  (Pa s)  (kg/m3) cp (J/kg K) k (W/m K)  (1/K) Pure water 1.003 × 10–3 997.1 4179 0.613 2.1 × 10–4 Au / 19320 128.8 314.4 1.416× 10–7 Figure 1: Schematic diagrams of the simulation domain Slika 1: Shematski prikaz obmo~ja simulacije and the ratio of the nanofluid heat-transfer rate to the base-fluid one: Q Q k Nu k Nu h k nf bf nf nf bf bf nf bf = = (5) where hnf and hbf are the convection heat-transfer coeffi- cients of the nanofluid and the base fluid. In order to investigate the influence of volume frac- tion  on the heat-transfer characteristics, the Rayleigh (Ranf) and the Prandtl numbers (Prnf) for the nanofluids are expressed as follows: Ra k c k c Ranf nf bf p nf bf bf nf p bf nf bf n =         ( ( Pr f nf p nf bf bf p bf nf bf c k c k =   Pr (6) Using equation (6) we show that Ranf < Rabf (Figure 2a) and Prnf < Prbf (Figure 2b) for all the values of .The ratio of the water-Au-nanofluid Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers to the base-fluid Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers decreases with the increasing volume fraction of Au nanoparticles. 2.3 Grid-dependency study The grid independence of the results has been established on the basis of a detailed analysis of three different uniform meshes: M1(50 × 50), M2(100 × 100) and M3(200 × 200. For the general primitive variable  the grid-converged (i.e., extrapolated to the zero element size) value according to Richardson extrapolation is given as11,12, ext = M3 – (M2 – M3)/(rp – 1) where M3 is obtained on the basis of the finest grid and M2 is the solution based on the next level of the coarse grid, r = 2 is the ratio between the coarse- and the fine-grid spacing and p = 2 is the order of accuracy. The numerical error e = I(M2 – ext )/ extI for the mean Nusselt number Nu is presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the differences in the grid refinements are exceedingly small and the agreement between mesh M2 and the extrapolated value is extremely good (the discre- tisation error is well below 0.2 %). Based on this, the simulations in the remainder of the paper were conduc- ted on mesh M2 that provided a reasonable compromise between high accuracy and computational efficiency. Table 2: Effect of a mesh refinement upon the mean Nusselt number ( = 0.10, Rabf = 105) Tabela 2: Vpliv zgo{~evanja mre`e na srednjo vrednost Nusseltovega {tevila ( = 0,10, Rabf = 105) Mesh M1 Mesh M2 Mesh M3 Nuext e 3.325 3.304 3.299 3.298 0.184 % 2.4 Benchmark comparison In addition to the aforementioned grid-dependency study, the simulation results have also been compared with the recent results of Turan et al.14 for the Rayleigh- Bénard natural convection in a square cavity. The com- parisons between the present-simulation results and the corresponding benchmark values (summarised in Table 3) are very good and entirely consistent with our grid- dependency studies. Table 3: Comparison of the present results for Nu with the benchmark results Tabela 3: Primerjava pri~ujo~ih rezultatov za Nu z referen~nimi rezul- tati Ra = 103 Ra = 104 Ra = 105 Pr = 1 Pr = 10 Pr = 1 Pr = 10 Pr = 1 Pr = 10 Present study 1.000 1.000 2.164 2.190 3.941 3.875 Turan et al.14 1.000 1.000 2.162 2.188 3.934 3.868 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 3 presents the variation of the mean Nusselt number (equation 4) along the hot wall for different values of Rabf and Ranf. For Rabf < 2586, there is no convection in the nanofluid or the base fluid, and the heat transfer occurs due to pure conduction, so the mean Nusselt number equals 1 and is independent of the base- P. TERNIK et al.: NUMERICAL STUDY OF RAYLEIGH-BÉNARD NATURAL-CONVECTION HEAT-TRANSFER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 211–215 213 Figure 2: Variation of the dimensionless numbers of the water-Au nanofluid with the volume fraction of Au nanoparticles: a) Rayleigh number and b) Prandtl number Slika 2: Spreminjanje brezdimenzijskih {tevil nanoteko~ine voda-Au s prostorninskim dele`em Au-nanodelcev: a) Rayleighjevo {tevilo in b) Prandtlovo {tevilo fluid Rayleigh number (Figure 3a). As the base-fluid Rayleigh number increases, the nanofluid remains in the conductive regime, while convection appears in the base fluid. The point of transition (i.e., the value of Rabf) from conduction to convection depends on the volume fraction of Au nanoparticles. The higher is the value of , the more delayed is the onset of convection (Figure 3a). When the nanofluid is in the convective heat-transfer regime, the mean Nusselt number is a monotonic increasing function of Rabf. On the other hand, it is interesting to notice that the transition from conduction to convection occurs at the same value of the nanofluid Rayleigh number, i.e., Ranf 2586 (Figure 3b). Furthermore, the value of the mean Nusselt number at a given Ranf is practically independent of the nanoparticles’ volume fraction. This finding is a reflection of the nanofluid Prandtl number values con- sidered in the present study. Its value varies (decreases with the increasing) from Prnf ( = 0 %) = 6.84 to Prnf ( = 10 %) = 2.26 and for this range of the Prandtl-number values (Pr > 1) the relative balance between viscous and buoyancy forces is modified, so that the heat transport in the thermal boundary layer gets only marginally affec- ted14. This marginal modification is reflected in a weak Prandtl-number (and therefore nanoparticles’ volume fraction) dependence of the mean Nusselt number. Figure 4 shows the effect of the base-fluid Rayleigh number on the ratio of the heat-transfer rate for the water-based Au nanofluid for different values of the volume fraction. In the range Rabf < 2586 the heat transfer occurs by pure conduction, so the ratio of heat transfer is equal to the ratio of thermal conductivities and is constant and independent of Rabf. For Ranf < 2586 and Rabf > 2586 the nanofluid remains in the conductive regime, while convection appears in the base fluid. The heat transfer is more important in the base fluid than in the nanofluid and the ratio Qnf/Qbf is on a decrease until Ranf  2586. From this point onwards (i.e., the transition from conduction to convection) the ratio Qnf/Qbf is on an increase and its value becomes higher than 1, but remains lower than the ratio that is obtained when both the nanofluid and the base fluid are in the conductive regime. When the ratio Qnf/Qbf > 1, the heat-transfer rate in the nanofluid becomes higher than that in the base fluid. Finally, in Figure 4, we observe that the heat transfer can decrease or increase depending on the value of the base-fluid Rayleigh number. For example, for a water- based Au nanofluid and for  = 10 %, the ratio of the heat-transfer rate becomes higher than 1 when the base- fluid Rayleigh number reaches the value of around 9500, so we obtain an enhancement of the heat transfer only after this value (Rabf > 9500). Therefore, adding nano- particles increases the heat transfer only for a given value of the temperature difference. 4 CONCLUSIONS In the present study, the steady laminar natural con- vection of water-based Au nanofluids in a square enclo- P. TERNIK et al.: NUMERICAL STUDY OF RAYLEIGH-BÉNARD NATURAL-CONVECTION HEAT-TRANSFER ... 214 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 211–215 Figure 4: Effect of the base-fluid Rayleigh number on the ratio of heat transfer Slika 4: Vpliv Rayleighjevega {tevila nosilne teko~ine na razmerje prenosa toplote Figure 3: Variation of the mean Nusselt number along the hot wall with the: a) base-fluid Rayleigh number and b) nanofluid Rayleigh number Slika 3: Spreminjanje srednjega Nusseltovega {tevila vzdol` tople ste- ne z: a) Rayleighjevim {tevilom nosilne teko~ine in b) Rayleighjevim {tevilom nanoteko~ine sure with differentially heated horizontal walls and with the bottom wall at a higher temperature has been nume- rically analysed. The effects of the base-fluid Rayleigh number (102  Rabf  105) and the solid volume fraction (0 %    10 %) on heat-transfer characteristics have been systematically investigated in detail. The influence of a computational grid refinement on the present numerical predictions was studied throughout the examination of the grid convergence at Rabf = 105 and  = 10 %. By utilizing extremely fine meshes the result- ing discretisation error for Nu is well below 0.2 %. The numerical method was validated for the case of Rayleigh-Bénard natural convection in a square cavity, for which the results are available in the open literature. A remarkable agreement of the present results with the benchmark results of Turan et al.14 yields sufficient confidence in the present numerical procedure and its results. Highly accurate numerical results pointed out some important points such as: • In the classical Rayleigh–Bénard configuration, just after the onset of convection, there is more heat transfer in the base fluid than in the nanofluid. For a fixed value of the base-fluid Rayleigh number Rabf, the nanofluid Rayleigh number Ranf decreases with the volume fraction of nanoparticles. Thus, the nano- particles delay the onset of convection. • In the convective heat-transfer regime the mean Nusselt number Nu is found to increase with the increasing values of the base-fluid Rayleigh number Rabf, but the Nu values obtained for the higher values of the nanoparticles’ volume fraction  are smaller than those obtained in the case of the base fluid ( = 10 %) with the same numerical values of Rabf. • The transition from the conductive to convective heat-transfer regime occurs at the same value of the nanofluid Rayleigh number, i.e., Ranf  2586. • The values of the mean Nusselt number at a given Ranf are practically independent of the nanoparticles’ volume fraction. • The heat transfer can decrease or increase depending on the value of the Rayleigh number. So, an addition of nanoparticles increases the heat transfer only for the given values of the temperature difference. Acknowledgements The research leading to these results was carried out within the framework of a research project "Production technology of Au nano-particles" (L2-4212) and has received the funding from the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). 5 REFERENCES 1 N. Contuzzi, S. L. Campanelli, A. D. Ludovico, 3D finite element analysis in the selective laser melting process, International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 10 (2011), 113–121 2 A. Ijam, R. Saidur, Nanofluid as a coolant for electronic devices (cooling of electronic devices), Applied Thermal Engineering, 32 (2012), 76–82 3 W. Daungthongsuk, S. Wongwises, A critical review of convective heat transfer in nanofluids, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11 (2009), 797–817 4 P. Ternik, R. Rudolf, Z. @uni~, Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement of homogeneous water-Au nanofluid under natural convection, Mater. Tehnol., 46 (2012) 3, 257–261 5 P. Ternik, R. 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BURJA et al.: ALUMOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF ILMENITE IN A STEEL MELT ALUMOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF ILMENITE IN A STEEL MELT ALUMOTERMI^NA REDUKCIJA ILMENITA V JEKLENI TALINI Jaka Burja1, Franc Tehovnik1, Jakob Lamut2, Matja` Knap2 1 Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, A{ker~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia jaka.burja@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-01-04 Experiments regarding the alumothermic reduction of ilmenite (FeO·TiO2), a mineral that contains iron and titanium oxides, were carried out. The results of the experiments showed that the alumothermic reduction takes place in steel, but the products obtained with the reduction suggest that the reaction mechanism is more complicated and includes different metallic phases other than a simple reduction of pure elemental titanium. Two kinds of experiments were carried out, the alumothermic reduction of ilmenite in a steel melt and the alloying of the alumothermic mixture into the steel melt. The experiments were carried out in order to get a view of the phase boundary between the steel and reduced titanium and the metallic phases that occur during the reduction, before the dissolution of titanium in the steel melt. Metallic phases that contained aluminium, iron and titanium were gained during the alumothermic reduction of ilmenite. Titanium was successfully alloyed into the steel melt by introducing the alumothermic mixture into the melt, while the presence of titanium nitrides confirms that the titanium was reduced in the melt and reacted with the dissolved nitrogen. Keywords: alloying of titanium, ilmenite, alumothermic reduction, titanium in steel Izvedeni so bili poskusi alumotermi~ne redukcije ilmenita. Ilmenit je mineral, ki vsebuje titanove in `elezove okside (FeO·TiO2). Rezultati so potrdili, da v jeklu pote~e alumotermi~na redukcija. Produkti redukcije pa ka`ejo na to, da je reakcijski mehanizem bolj zapleten, kot pa zgolj nastajanje elementarnega titana, saj nastajajo razli~ne kovinske faze. Izvedeni sta bili dve vrsti poskusov: alumotermi~na redukcija ilmenita in legiranje alumotermi~ne me{anice v jekleno talino. Dobljen je bil vpogled v procese na fazni meji med jekleno talino, titanom in nastalimi kovinskimi fazami, preden se titan raztopi v jeklu. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se titan raztaplja v jeklu prek nastanka intermetalnih faz. Produkti redukcije so bile kovinske faze, ki so vsebovale aluminij, titan in `elezo. Prisotnost titanovih nitridov v jeklu, ki smo ga legirali z me{anico, pa je dokaz, da je bil titan legiran v kovinski obliki, kjer je reagiral z raztopljenim du{ikom. Klju~ne besede: legiranje titana, ilmenit, alumotermi~na redukcija, titan v jeklu 1 INTRODUCTION Titanium is an important alloying element in steel making, among other things, it is used to stabilise stainless steel by forming titanium carbides and prevent- ing the formation of chromium carbides. It has also been observed that additions of titanium significantly reduce the austenite grain size in the as-cast microstructure of continually cast steels.1 Titanium’s high chemical affinity to nitrogen and carbon is what makes it such a valuable alloying element, but unfortunately it also makes it difficult to alloy (low yields) and produce.2 The pro- duction of titanium is complex and therefore expensive.3 In steelmaking titanium is used in the form of ferro- titanium that contains iron and between 20 to 75 % of titanium, while its eutectic composition is at the mole fraction 71.1 % of Ti.4,5 Ferrotitanium is mostly pro- duced by remelting titanium scrap and iron; the high prices of titanium consequently mean that the price of ferrotitanium is also relatively high. Experiments that concern direct alloying of titanium from the oxide form may show an alternative way of producing ferrotitanium, as the minerals like ilmenite that contain titanium oxides are inexpensive. Alumothermic reduction was chosen because aluminium is often added to ferrotitanium in order to increase the yield by reducing the oxidised titanium in a steel melt.6 The Ellingham diagram (Figure 1) clearly shows that the Gibbs free energy for the alumothermic reduction of titanium is negative. The alumothermic reduction of titanium in the oxide form is as follows: 3TiO2 + 4Al = 3Ti + 2Al2O3 The alumothermic reduction of ilmenite has an even lower Gibbs free energy because ilmenite contains iron oxides and its equation is as follows: FeO·TiO2 + 2Al = Fe + Ti + Al2O3 As we can see from reaction (2) iron is another metal product besides titanium. The graph for the value of the Gibbs free energy for equations 1 and 2 is given in Figure 27. Titanium forms TiO2 if oxygen is present in the steel melt, while titanium oxide forms high temperature phases with other oxide components in the slag. If CaO is present perovskite CaO·TiO2 forms with its melting point at around 2000 °C. Titanium oxide particles can also get trapped in spinel Al2O3·MgO, which can also Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 217–222 217 UDK 669.094.23:66.046.51:549.641.23 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)217(2013) present a problem, because a spinel melts at the tempe- ratures higher than 1600 °C and the titanium oxide particles have a melting point at around 1800 °C.8 The formation of non-metallic inclusions that have a high melting point is problematic with respect to the clean- liness of steel and is therefore undesirable. The control of oxide non-metallic inclusions can be achieved by lowering the aluminium content and, therefore, the Al2O3 content and by decreasing the MgO content in the rafination slag.8 The CaO·TiO2 content is lowered by lowering the basicity of the slag (CaO/SiO2).8 In the production of stainless steel, a strong nitride- forming element, such as titanium, is often added to stabilise nitrogen and improve the mechanical properties of steel via the grain refinement during hot rolling. On the other hand, titanium nitride formed in liquid steel can agglomerate and cause a nozzle-clogging problem during continuous casting, and surface defects in the final pro- ducts.9 In practice the deposit material that is clogging the nozzle is titanium oxide and spinel, but research work has shown that the agglomerates form because titanium nitride particles get caught in the spinel; these are in turn oxidised and become titanium oxides. The particles remain rectangular like nitrides and not globular like oxides formed in the melt. The presence of oxygen is probably the result of porosity of the refractory mate- rial, from which the nozzles are made. The flow of the metal trough the nozzle creates a low pressure, which, in turn, promotes the diffusion of oxygen trough the pores into the melt.10 The experiments were carried out taking into account the specific nature of titanium and its behaviour as an alloying element. 2 EXPERIMENTS The experiments were carried out using steel pipes filled with an alumothermic mixture of aluminium and ilmenite. These pipes were then introduced into the steel melt where the mixture was heated up to approximately the temperature of the steel melt. The mixture reacted at such high temperatures. In one set of the experiments the pipes were retrieved before they fully dissolved and still contained the mixture, which had been sintered by the high temperatures. The other set of experiments had been designed to alloy titanium into the steel and in this case the pipes were fully dissolved, together with the mixture. This procedure was carried out in order to recreate the conditions of alloying with the use of a cored wire. The alumothermic mixture consisted of the ilmenite dust and aluminium dust. The molar ratio was 1 : 4 for ilmenite to aluminium, and the surplus of aluminium was J. BURJA et al.: ALUMOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF ILMENITE IN A STEEL MELT 218 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 217–222 Figure 1: Ellingham-Richardson diagram Slika 1: Ellingham-Richardsonov diagram Figure 3: Ilmenite grains Slika 3: Ilmenitna zrna Figure 2: Gibbs free energy for equation 27 Slika 2: Gibbsova prosta energija za reakcijo 27 used so that the reduction took place. Theoretically, a molar ratio of 1 : 2 is needed to reduce ilmenite, as can be seen from equation 2. Ilmenite is a mineral that mainly consists of iron and titanium oxides in the form of FeO·TiO2, but it also contains impurities such as magnesium oxides and man- ganese oxides. SEM analyses show that grains of ilme- nite are far from being homogenous but have a "striped" appearance that can be seen in Figure 3. The phase analysis in Figure 4 clearly shows that the darker stripes are richer in titanium, while the lighter ones are richer in iron. An electric induction furnace with a capacity to melt 18 kg of steel was used to melt the steel for the experi- ments. A steel melt was prepared for the experiments that were developed to model the alumothermic reduction of ilmenite. The steel melt was heated to the temperature of 1500 °C, measured with an optical pyrometer. The che- mical composition of the steel melt is not important for the experiment because the steel melt is only used as a medium to transfer heat to the alumothermic mixture, not to interact with it chemically. Then the pipe with the alumothermic mixture was submerged into the melt for approximately 40 s. The pipe was 25.4 mm in diameter and had a wall thickness of 2 mm. This method was chosen because it was essential that the mixture was quickly heated up to the temperature of the steel melt in order to prevent the aluminium dust from oxidising and thus losing its ability to reduce ilmenite. Another experiment was made in order to determine whether titanium can be alloyed into the steel melt with the alumothermic ilmenite reduction. The aim was to alloy the mass fraction 0.3 % of titanium into 18 kg of steel. The required amount of ilmenite was 171 g and the amount of aluminium was 121 g. First the steel was melted; it had a small quantity of alloying elements and a deep drawing quality. When the steel was melted a sample was taken for a chemical analysis. It was found that it did not contain detectable levels of titanium (the method of determining the titanium content was the classical chemical analysis). Then the melt was deoxidised with aluminium, after that the steel pipes were filled with the alumothermic mixture and submerged into the melt until they dissolved, thus, alloying the steel with titanium when the pyrometer gave a temperature reading of 1600 °C. A sample of the alloyed steel was taken after the alloying was complete; the rest of the steel was cast into an ingot. Samples of slag were taken as well. 3 RESULTS The steel pipes that were used for the reduction of ilmenite were partially melted, but there was a sintered mass in the pipe. Metallographic samples were made and a further SEM analysis showed that metallic phases con- taining aluminium, iron and titanium were present. Figure 5 shows the products of the alumothermic reac- tion; metallic phases contain aluminium, iron and, most importantly, titanium. Figure 6 shows a part of the sintered mass in the steel pipe after the reduction; individual intermetallic phases can be seen. The metallic phases are surrounded by the oxide products of the reduction. The chemical compositions of the phases from Figure 6 are given in Table 1. In the experiment that investigated the option of alloying titanium, the mixture had reacted and the J. BURJA et al.: ALUMOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF ILMENITE IN A STEEL MELT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 217–222 219 Figure 5: Mapping of alumothermic products Slika 5: Ploskovna porazdelitev elementov redukcijskih produktov Figure 4: Phase analysis of ilmenite Slika 4: Fazna analiza ilmenita product or the alumothermic reduction began to dissolve into the steel melt. The presence of titanium nitrides in the microstructure, as seen in Figure 7, confirms that titanium had indeed been alloyed into the steel and had reacted with the nitrogen in the steel melt. The chemical analysis showed that the content of titanium had been raised up to w = 0.064 %. The yield of titanium can be calculated with equation 2 and is therefore 21 %. Yield = 0.064/0.3 × 100 % = 21 % Figure 8 shows the SEM analysis of the nitrides confirming that the inclusions in Figure 7 were indeed titanium nitrides. J. BURJA et al.: ALUMOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF ILMENITE IN A STEEL MELT 220 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 217–222 Figure 8: SEM image of a titanium nitride Slika 8: SEM-posnetek titanovega nitrida Figure 6: SEM image of the products of the alumothermic reduction Slika 6: SEM-posnetek produktov alumotermi~ne redukcije ilmenita Table 1: Chemical compositions of the phases (in mass fractions w/%) from Figure 6 Tabela 1: Sestava faz (v masnih dele`ih w/%) s slike 6 1 48.4 % Al 6.0 % Ti 43.4 % Fe 1.3 % Cu 0.9 % Mn 2 52.2 % Al 45.5 % Ti 1.6 % Fe 0.7 % Si 3 33.5 % Al 30.0 % Ti 28.7 % Fe 1.6 % Cu 5.4 % Si 0.8 % Mn 4 44.5 % Al 42.7 % Ti 12.8 % Fe Figure 9: Mapping of the slag Slika 9: Ploskovna porazdelitev elementov v `lindri Figure 7: Titanium nitrides in the steel microstructure Slika 7: Titanovi nitridi v mikrostrukturi jekla Next the slag was analysed in order to further widen the understanding of the processes that took place during alloying. An interesting discovery was made during the analysis of the slag: a relatively large content of metallic phases. The content of the elements is clearly shown in Figure 9, where the metallic parts in the slag are mostly aluminium, but the most important factor is that the metallic parts contain reduced titanium and that can be directly linked to a lower yield. There is also a signi- ficant amount of titanium in the oxide part of the slag as shown in Figure 9. A part of the alloying mixture had clearly floated onto the surface and got entrapped in the slag. 4 DISCUSSION Alloying titanium into the steel melt by alumother- micaly reducing ilmenite can be divided into several stages: heating up the alumothermic mixture, the alumo- thermic reaction, the formation of alloys and inter- metallic phases of iron, titanium and aluminium, the dissolution of the intermetallic phases and, therefore, titanium into the steel melt, and the reaction between titanium and nitrogen in the steel melt. The first part of the experiments showed us that elemental titanium does not form, instead intermetallic phases are formed and they consist mostly of aluminium. These results can be compared with those of N.J. Welham and associates, considering that the surplus of aluminium they used was significantly higher.11 Possible future work should consider that aluminium is not needed just for the reduction, but for forming the alloys with titanium. The phase that contained the highest amount of titanium, 45.5 %, the phase number 2 from Table 1, was based on aluminium. It is clear that the tendency of titanium to form intermetallic phases with aluminium is higher than that to form them with iron. It can be speculated, from the phase diagram Ti–Al (Figure 10), that Al3Ti with 63 % Al and 27 % Ti forms during the alumothermic reduction.12 But in the cases that have a lower surplus of aluminium, AlTi should form, as can be seen from the Ti–Al phase diagram. The experiments that dealt with the alloying of titanium into the steel melt show us quite a different problem than that of getting the right molar ratio of the ingredients for the reduction: the problem of a lower density and, therefore, buoyancy. A large part of the titanium that was reduced in the melt ended up in the slag due to its floating onto the surface of the melt and into the slag. The products of the alumothermic reduc- tion were found in the slag together with aluminium. The metallic phases, especially aluminium, in the slag indi- cate that not only did some products of the reduction get entrapped in the slag, but aluminium and unreduced ilmenite did as well and the reduction also took place in the slag. The other part of the titanium was alloyed into the melt and formed nitride inclusions in the steel melt. A part of the alumothermic products clearly had time to dissolve in the melt. A study of the thermodynamic stability of the inter- metallic phases of aluminium and titanium and their effect on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the reduc- tion should be made and their ability to dissolve in liquid steel should be observed. Further experiments with cored-wire injections should be studied. The effect of such alloying on the number and size of non-metallic inclusions should be studied as well. 5 CONCLUSIONS Titanium can be alloyed into the steel melt by alumo- thermicaly reducing ilmenite. Intermetallic phases of titanium and aluminium, not elemental titanium, form during the reduction. The forming of intermetallic phases of titanium and aluminium requires an even higher surplus of aluminium. The low density of the ingredients for the alumo- thermic reduction and the products further decreases the yield. 6 REFERENCES 1 M. Ohno, C. Murakami, K. Matsuura, K. 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SOJER et al.: ANALYSIS OF CORROSION PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN Nd-Fe-B RIBBONS ... ANALYSIS OF CORROSION PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN Nd-Fe-B RIBBONS COATED BY ALUMINA COATINGS ANALIZA KOROZIJSKIH LASTNOSTI HITRO STRJENIH Nd-Fe-B-TRAKOV, OPLA[^ENIH Z ALUMINIJEVIM OKSIDOM David Sojer1, Irena [kulj2, Spomenka Kobe1, Janez Kova~1, Paul John McGuiness1 1Institut "Jo`ef Stefan", Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Magneti Ljubljana, d. d., Stegne 37, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia davidsojer@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-12-04; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-02-05 We have coated Nd-Fe-B melt spun powders, used for the production of bonded magnets via the sol-gel route by Al2O3. Topography and chemical composition of as-spun and protected ribbons was compared by Auger electron spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary electron spectroscopy and electron diffraction spectroscopy. To determine the corrosion properties, we have conducted a Highly accelerated stress test, at 110 °C and 90 % humidity, followed by measuring the weight change. To confirm the effectiveness of the coated layer, magnetic properties were compared with a vibrating sample magnetometer. Al2O3 coatings resulted in superior corrosion resistance and magnetic properties and thus expanding the applicability of bonded magnets to severe atmospheric conditions. Keywords: Nd-Fe-B, bonded magnets, HAST, Al2O3 coatings S sol-gel metodo smo opla{~ili hitro strjene Nd-Fe-B-trakove za uporabo pri izdelavi plastomagnetov. Za analizo topografije in kemi~ne sestave hitro strjenih in opla{~enih trakov smo uporabili Augerjevo elektronsko spektroskopijo, rentgensko fotoelektronsko spektroskopijo, spektroskopijo sekundarnih elektronov in elektronsko difrakcijsko spektroskopijo. Za dolo~itev protikorozijske u~inkovitosti opla{~enja smo izvedli pospe{eni stresni preizkus pri temperaturi 110 °C in 90-odstotni vla`nosti, ~emur je sledila analiza masnih izgub. Z vibracijskim magnetometrom smo primerjali magnetne lastnosti prahov pred opla{~enjem in po njem. Opla{~enje z Al2O3 se je izkazalo kot izvrstna protikorozijska za{~ita materiala, ki je odli~no za{~itila tudi magnetne lastnosti. Aplikacije plastomagnetov se s tem lahko raz{irijo tudi na podro~ja, ki zahtevajo zahtevnej{e atmosferske razmere, tj. pri vi{jih temperaturah in visoki vla`nosti. Klju~ne besede: Nd-Fe-B, plastomagneti, HAST, opla{~enje z Al2O3 1 INTRODUCTION Nd-Fe-B magnets market continues to grow1. They possess a high magnetic energy product, a combination of a high remanence (Br) and sufficient coercivity (HcI), a much desired property allowing miniaturization and diversification of application. Automotive industry, hard drives, or wind turbines are just am exemple of applica- tion where their use can be found2. Nd-Fe-B magnets can be produced by sintering or by bonding. Sintered magnets possess magnetic properties as high as with a Br up to 1.4 T and an HcI up to 2500 kA/m 3. Machining is used to give the magnets their final shape. In contrast to sintered magnets, bonded Nd-Fe-B magnets are produced by blending various polymer binders, such as epoxy or nylon, where melt-spun ribbons play the role of raw material4. The blend is cast moulded or injection moulded into final shape. There- fore, bonded magnets are chosen when complex shapes are demanded, with the advantage of being less expen- sive than sintered magnets. The magnetic properties of bonded magnets are, however, inferior to those of sintered magnets. Commercial bonded magnets have a Br up to 0.7 T and an HcI up to 1400 kA/m. Nd-Fe-B magnets are very susceptible to corrosion, mainly due to the high rare-earth content in the grain- boundary phase5. Susceptibility to corrosion is naturally increased at elevated temperatures and especially in humid environments, affected by rare-earth elements. This restricts not only their range of applications, but can also damage the magnetic material during the moulding process6–8. Adjusting the composition, by adding Co, Ga or TiC to the melt-spun ribbons9,10 improves the corrosion resistance, but it also affects the magnetic properties, by reducing either the HcI or Br – or both of them. However, even with an optimized composition, additional corro- sion protection is necessary. Attempts to protect the surface of ribbons have ben reported, such as direct surface oxidation during rapid solidification, electro- plating, chemical vapour deposition and applying thin films of SiO2, TiO2 and MgO via the sol-gel route11,12. But, difficulties from the perspective of process control and mass production appear. Applying a thin film of SiO2 or TiO2 through a sol-gel route offered very good corrosion resistance, especially for TiO2. The MgO thin film was investigated in strongly acidic media, and good corrosion resistance was reported, but with no corrosion Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 223–228 223 UDK 621.78.019.84:621.318.1:537.622 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)223(2013) test in a humid environment. MgO has the same dis- advantage as rare-earth elements, since both react rapidly in the presence of humidity. The sol-gel approach was to some extent put to one side in the past, since the chemical reagents (precursors) used to be extremely expensive. But now, sol-gel precur- sors are increasingly widely used and more commer- cially available, while the price of Nd-Fe-B raw material has become extremely expensive and Nd-Fe-B magnets are in greater demand for use at high temperatures. As a result, the sol-gel approach is becoming very interesting from the commercial perspective. In this paper we present an investigation of sol-gel- applied coatings of Al2O3, which were applied directly to the melt-spun ribbons. This method has several advan- tages over the coating of final products or other coatings, reported by other authors. Firstly, the ribbons are pro- tected from oxidation during transport; secondly, such a coating offers better protection to the final magnets because each piece of melt-spun ribbon is coated; and thirdly, it tends not to reduce the overall Br of the final magnet, which is a problem associated with coating the outside of an already-bonded magnet. Such a coating can provide a much better corrosion-resistant protection than the standard protective film, usually applied around the final-shaped bonded magnet. A protective layer can be scratched off the magnet by force during transport or while installing the magnet into the final application. The same surface scratching does not damage the bonded magnets where the coating has been applied to each individual powder particle, since all the powder particles are coated. We have investigated the influence of applied coat- ings on the corrosion resistance of powders in high humidity, using the Highly accelerated stress test (HAST) 13. The presence of the coating layers was determined by electron diffraction spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The appearance of the surface of the samples was analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before and after the HAST using secondary electron imaging (SEI) as well as backscattered-electron imaging (BEI). The mag- netic properties of the samples before and after exposure to the HAST were analyzed with a vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM). 2 EXPERIMENTAL MQB commercial melt-spun ribbons, put through a sieving analysis, in the mesh between 100 μm and 250 μm were selected for the experimental work. We chose this size range because this is the standard size for the production of bonded Nd-Fe-B magnets. We analysed the powders using a SEM JEOL 7200. The samples for the SEM analysis were prepared by mixing the powder of selected size with acrylic resin, which was followed by the standard metallographic procedure of grinding and polishing. The result was a metallographic sample that contained a large number of powder particles, where we could observe the cross-section of the particles. This was followed by the sol-gel process; the details of the sol-gel process are presented in Figure 1. The powders were first degreased and cleaned in isopropanol (IPA) and acetone, then dried at 60 °C, 1 h. 0.5 g of Al2O3 precursor, aluminium isopropoxide was added to 100 mL of IPA, respectively. 10 g of MQB powder in were added to 100 mL of IPA and stirred. The mixture of precursor and IPA was then slowly added to a mixture of MQB powders and IPA, while stirring to ensure an even distribution of precursor, powder and IPA. No water was added to promote the chemical reaction. The mixture of powder, aluminium isopropoxide and IPA was stirred for 10 min, and then the IPA was removed from the pow- ders. The powders were then dried at 60 °C for 15 min, D. SOJER et al.: ANALYSIS OF CORROSION PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN Nd-Fe-B RIBBONS ... 224 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 223–228 Figure 1: Scheme of the sol-gel process Slika 1: Shema sol-gel procesa followed by additional drying at 120 °C for 30 min. The coated powders were then put in a glass tube under an argon atmosphere and heated to 450 °C for 7 min to densify the Al2O3 coating. Three coatings were applied by repeating the above-described process two more times. This treatment was applied because we wanted to thicken the Al2O3 coating and to ensure that all the particles were covered with Al2O3, leading to full coverage of the surface. The presence of the coating layer was confirmed by XPS spectrometer produced by Physical Electronics Inc., model TFA XPS. The Al monochromatized source of X-ray light with the power of 200 W was used. The energy of the X-ray beam was 1486.6 eV. The analysis area was 0.4 mm in diameter. The energy scale was aligned to the carbon C 1s spectrum at 284.8 eV. Main peaks in this spectrum are O 1s, C 1s, Al 2p, Al 3s and Fe 2p. Unfortunately the Nd 3d peak at binding energy of 980 eV was not possible to identify in this spectrum due to strong overlap with oxygen KLL peak at this energy. Also the boron peak B 1s at energy of 190 eV is not visible due to low sensitivity of B in XPS spectro- scopy. We also took advantage of the XPS and used it to perform a profile analysis on the Al2O3 coated particles in order to determine the thickness of the Al2O3 coating layer. The sputtering rate was estimated to be about 2 nm/min on the Ni layer of known thickness. Relative sensitivity factors provided by instrument producer were used to calculate elemental concentrations. The analysis depth of the XPS method is about 3–5 nm. HAST followed the XPS analysis to determine the corrosion behaviour of the uncoated and coated particles. The HAST experiment was performed in an industry- standard HAST chamber, type Kambi~. The conditions of the corrosion test were 110 °C, 90 % humidity, and the duration of the corrosion test was set to 192 h (8 d). The powders were carefully weighed to (2 ± 0.01) g before the HAST test, with an accuracy of ±0.1 mg, and placed in separate Al2O3 vessels. During the corrosion test, the powders were removed from the HAST chamber every 48 h, with the purpose of following the corrosion rate. After each removal the vessels containing the powders were dried at 120 °C, for exactly 30 min, then weighed. This step was repeated until the final 192 h. Weight change was calculated as a weight increase expressed in a mass fraction (w/%)using the equation: (mass (x h) – mass(0 h)) / mass (0 h) with x being the number of hours inside the HAST chamber. We also used the SEM to observe the surface topo- logy of the MQB powders to compare the effect of tem- perature and humidity on coated and uncoated particles. VSM measurements were conducted on a Lakeshore 7307 VSM, which was used to compare the magnetic properties of the as-spun and the sol-gel-coated ribbons with the ribbons subjected to the HAST test. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The SEM analysis of the selected powders showed that the actual size distribution is larger. The reason for that can be seen in Figure 2. The powder particles are far from being spherical; rather they are thin, elongated particles of irregular shape. Following the SEM analysis the particles were cleaned. In this way we were hoping to remove all the dust, grease, and at least partially also the Nd-oxide layer from the surface. Cleaning the surface was also necessary as part of the preparation for coating via the sol-gel route. EDS analysis of the sol-gel-processed powders showed the presence of aluminium. The results are given in Table 1. Figure 3 presents a SEI image of the coated powders, with spots indicating the points of EDS analyses. The oxygen content cannot be determined using EDS, for the reasons already mentioned. Also, it is D. SOJER et al.: ANALYSIS OF CORROSION PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN Nd-Fe-B RIBBONS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 223–228 225 Figure 3: SEI image of Al2O3 sol-gel-processed powder, with marked spots for EDS analysis Slika 3: SEI-posnetek prahu, opla{~enega z Al2O3 po sol-gel metodi, z ozna~enimi to~kami, kjer so bile izvedene EDS-analize Figure 2: SEI image of MQB as-spun ribbons Slika 2: SEI-posnetek MQB hitro strjenih trakov clear that the aluminium concentration varies a lot, probably for the same reasons as mentioned in the previous section for SiO2 coated particles. Nevertheless, aluminium was present at all the measured points, from which we concluded that the particles were fully covered. Table1: Results from the EDS analysis of Al2O3 sol-gel-processed powder Tabela 1: Rezultati EDS-analize prahu, opla{~enega z Al2O3 po sol-gel metodi Element spot 1 (x/%) spot 2 (x/%) Al 14.8 3.53 Fe 73.77 82.43 Nd 11.43 14.04 To prove the presence of an Al-oxide structure on the particle surfaces we used XPS. Since XPS can be used for depth-profile analyses we tried to determine not only the composition of the top layer, but also to determine how thick the oxide layer is. The results of the depth profile by XPS are presented in Figure 4. It is clear that Al and oxygen are present in high concentrations throughout the measured depth profile. There is also some Nd present in the top layer. In contrast, iron is not present in the top layer; its concentration rises slowly towards the end of the measured profile. From this we could draw two conclusions. First, Al-oxide of some sort is present throughout the measured profile. The most probable composition of this oxide is Al2O3, since it is the product of the sol-gel reaction. Second, the measured compositions are rather stable throughout the measured profile. This is attributed to the diameter of the sputtering beam, which was estimated to be 0.4 mm and the possible tilt angle of the measured particle to the sputtering beam. First is beyond the size range of the measured powder (0.1–0.25 mm), meaning that the sputtering might have been conducted on neighbouring powder particles, resulting in a very stable, and misleading, concentration depth profile. The tilt angle is difficult to control, since we are dealing with rather small particles, which align randomly. So, we could have been sputtering a particle, which was not exactly perpendicular to the sputtering beam, causing a seemingly thicker layer of elements than they actually are. On the other hand, it could mean this is the actual depth profile, meaning the oxide layer is thicker than the measured profile. 3.1 HAST Uncoated, and Al2O3-coated particles were put through the HAST, as described previously. The mass change in the mass fractions (%) is given in Figure 5. All the particles gained weight rapidly during the first 48 hours. However, the mass increase of the uncoated particles was much higher than that of all the coated particles. The Al2O3 coated only once provided good corrosion protection, but Al2O3 was clearly more effec- tive. After the first 48 h the rate of oxidation of the Al2O3 coated particles was still approximately three times slower than that of the uncoated particles. It is unknown to us, why the weight increase rate in the first 48 h is much higher than in the following time. It could be possible that moist oxidized the Nd-Fe-B flakes in case of uncoated particles, while in the case of sol-gel coated particles some moist diffuses into the gelated coating, due to H2O deprivation inside the coated layer. Second option is that some water diffused through the coating layers under the effect of high pressure and temperature. It would be impossible to evaporate this water during drying. But it is difficult to provide infor- mation, whether this water formed to create oxides. If it did, we should observe some spalling behaviour of the coating layer on the SEI images on Figure 5. But no spalling was found. The SEM images shown in Figure 6 reveal the diffe- rence between the uncoated and coated particles. The uncoated particles are clearly corroded, while the Al2O3 D. SOJER et al.: ANALYSIS OF CORROSION PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN Nd-Fe-B RIBBONS ... 226 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 223–228 Figure 5: Effectiveness of the Al2O3 coating during the HAST Slika 5: U~inkovitost Al2O3 opla{~enja po HAST-u Figure 4: XPS depth profile on Al2O3 coated powder Slika 4: Profilna XPS-analiza prahu, opla{~enega z Al2O3 coated particles look unaffected by the conditions of the test. The Al2O3 particles that were coated three times, in particular, do not look any different than prior to the HAST experiment. Also, we could not spot any spalling behaviour. 3.2 VSM measurements We measured uncoated and Al2O3 coated MQB powders before and after the HAST. The results pre- sented as a B – H curve, normalized to sample mass can be seen in Figures 7 and 8. For a clearer view, Figure 7 contains only the results of the powders prior to the HAST, while Figure 8 represents powders after the HAST test, and the MQB powder prior to HAST test, as a comparison. The HcI is plotted on the x-axis, while the Br is plotted on the y-axis. As can be seen in Figure 8, the MQB uncoated and Al2O3 coated samples’ magnetic properties are practi- cally identical. As for the HcI of the uncoated powder, it dropped by 20 % after the HAST. This drop in HcI can be attributed to corrosion, which changes the microstructure of the affected particle. Al2O3-coated powder lost magnetic none of the magnetic properties after the HAST, showing the coating layer to be extremely effective. 4 CONCLUSIONS 1. We have successfully coated Nd-Fe-B powders with Al2O3 using the sol-gel process. 2. VSM measurements proved the effectiveness of Al2O3 coating, since magnetic properties remained as prior to the HAST test. 3. The sol-gel coating technique of Al2O3 proved to be a reliable and non-complicated process for enhancing the corrosion properties of the Nd-Fe-B powders, suitable for mass production. 4. This method is unique compared to other techniques, since it protects all the individual magnetic powder particles, making the corrosion protection much more reliable. Thus, the magnetic raw material is protected D. SOJER et al.: ANALYSIS OF CORROSION PROPERTIES OF MELT SPUN Nd-Fe-B RIBBONS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 223–228 227 Figure 8: VSM measurements of the uncoated powder and coated powders after the HAST Slika 8: Primerjava magnetnih lastnosti neopla{~enih in opla{~enih prahov po HAST-u Figure 6: SEI images of particles after HAST: a) uncoated, b) Al2O3 – three times coated Slika 6: SEI-posnetki pra{nih del~kov po HAST-u: a) neopla{~eni, b) opla{~eni z Al2O3 (3-krat) Figure 7: VSM comparison of magnetic properties between powders prior to the HAST Slika 7: Primerjava magnetnih lastnosti neopla{~enih in opla{~enih prahov pred HAST-om from atmospheric conditions throughout the produc- tion process, starting with the transport of the powder, the moulding, installing into the final application, and use during the final application. 5. With the price of used metal alkoxide precursor fall- ing rapidly, this process offers a commercially affordable corrosion-protection route for Nd-Fe-B melt spun ribbons used in bonded magnets. 6. 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INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE ON MACHINING A CENTRAL HOUSING MADE OF PEARLITE GREY CAST IRON VPLIV MIKROSTRUKTURE NA OBDELOVALNOST CENTRALNEGA OHI[JA IZ PERLITNE SIVE LITINE Neva [trekelj, Milanka Nuni}, Iztok Nagli~, Bo{tjan Markoli Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, A{ker~eva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia neva.strekelj@omm.ntf.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-07-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-03 This article presents the cause(s) of a relatively increased wear and failure of cutting tools during the final treatment of a central housing made of pearlitic (grey) cast iron with lamellar graphite. Castings with a proper (designated as šgood’) and an inadequate (designated as šbad’) microstructures were investigated. Chemical analyses showed a higher concentration of carbide-forming elements in the bad casting, particularly at the edges. Vickers hardness was also measured and the results indicated a higher hardness of bad castings. A microstructural analysis showed that the good casting had the targeted microstructure of the pearlitic matrix and the type A graphite with the size of 4–6. In addition to the narrow, initially austenitic zone that extended only by about 200 μm into the bad casting, steadite was observed, which adversely affected the properties. Moreover, the shape of the graphite and its distribution were uneven, which was also reflected in a low machinability of the bad casting. The inner regions of the castings included graphite of a suitable shape and size, while the edges showed that the solidification of the alloy started by following a stable system with a solidification of the primary austenite and continued according to a metastable one. In the bad casting this area occurred just below the surface, while in the good casting it stretched into the interior. In the bad casting the type B graphite was mainly developed. The influence of the quality of the cutting tools was not investigated. Keywords: microstructure, grey cast iron, machining Namen ~lanka je bil ugotoviti vzrok relativno pove~ane obrabe in lomljenja no`ev pri obdelavi centralnega ohi{ja iz perlitne sive litine z lamelnim grafitom. Analiza je bila opravljena na ulitku s primerno (ozna~en kot šdober’ ulitek) in neprimerno (ozna~en kot šslab’ ulitek) mikrostrukturo. Preverjena je bila kemijska analiza. Rezultati so pokazali vi{jo koncentracijo karbidotvornih elementov v slabem ulitku, zlasti na robovih. Izmerjena je bila mikrotrdota po Vickersu, pri ~emer so nastopile te`ave zajemanja grafita v posamezen vtisek, vendar pa se je izkazalo, da je slab{i ulitek tr{i od dobrega. Analiza mikrostrukture je pokazala, da ima dober ulitek predpisano mikrostrukturo iz perlitne osnove in grafita tipa A, velikosti 4–6. V slabem ulitku je poleg ozke izhodne avstenitne cone, ki se razteza v notranjost le pribli`no 200 μm, opa`ena {e prisotnost steadita, ki neugodno vpliva na lastnosti sive litine. Poleg tega je oblika grafita in njegova porazdelitev neenakomerna, kar se tudi izra`a kot slab{a obdelovalnost ulitka. V notranjosti ulitkov sta bili velikost in oblika grafita primerni, medtem ko je bilo na robovih opaziti, da se je strjevanje zlitine za~elo po stabilnem sistemu z izlo~anjem primarnega avstenita, nadaljevalo pa po metastabilnem. Pri slabem ulitku je to obmo~je segalo tik pod povr{ino, pri dobrem pa bolj v notranjost. V slabem ulitku se je grafit razvijal ve~inoma z obliko B. V okviru raziskav vpliv kvalitete rezilnega orodja ni bil obravnavan. Klju~ne besede: mikrostruktura, siva litina, kon~na strojna obdelava 1 INTRODUCTION A central housing is a casting made of grey cast iron with lamellar graphite in the pearlitic matrix. It is the essential supporting component for a turbocharger, which is under heavy loads so the accuracy and quality of the final machining are essential. The final mechanical machining was carried out using common practice in casting from two different foundries. The grey cast iron with lamellar graphite is an iron-based alloy with certain amounts of carbon and silicon.1 It can also contain manganese, phosphorus and sulphur. The toughness and tensile strength of such a material are usually lower because of the graphite lamellae intersecting the metallic matrix, which may also cause a notch effect. Mechanical properties depend heavily on the quantity, size, shape and distribution of the graphite particles.2–4 The notch effect is more pro- nounced if these are larger and vice versa. Moreover, alloying elements can affect the machi- nability of grey cast iron with lamellar graphite, as grey cast iron with fine lamellae (which is due to the additions of modifying alloying elements) is very hard and has high strength3. In practice it is found that the greatest difficulty in the final machining of grey cast iron is the presence of the so-called hard spots. Therefore, a comparison of the two castings of the central housing from two different foundries was performed in order to establish the effect of the microstructure on machinability. The reasons for the poor machinability of the castings can also be the cutting tools themselves, but this was not studied in this investigation. The castings supplied by the first foundry were made with the Croning cast procedure, while in the second case the castings were cast into a bentonite-clay-mixture mould. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 229–234 229 UDK 669.131.6 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)229(2013) For a reliable identification of the constitution of grey cast-iron castings and revealing the cause(s) for the poor machinability, it is important to calculate the values of certain indicators of microstructural features. In our case we calculated the following ones: the graphitization fac- tor (k), the amount of eutectic graphite (AEG), the degree of saturation (SC) and the carbon equivalent (CE). For calculation purposes the data on chemical compositions were used as supplied by the foundries. 1.1 Calculation of the graphitization factor k (degree of graphitization) In addition to the slow cooling rates, the cast iron should have a chemical composition ensuring a suffi- ciently high tendency to form graphite or a tendency towards graphitization. This criterion is met if the graphitization factor k is properly adjusted in relation to the cooling rate or wall thickness of the castings as expressed in the equation (1)5,6: k = − + ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟4 3 1 5 3 Si C Si (1) 1.2 Calculation of the amount of eutectic graphite (AEG) AEG = Ctotal – 2,0 + 0,1(Si + P) (2) The amount of eutectic graphite (equation (2)6) greatly influences the properties of grey cast iron (in addition to the state of the matrix – ferrite and pearlite or pearlite only7). Because of its physicochemical properties graphite has a strong, favourable influence in terms of tribology, namely, it reduces the friction and acts as a lubricant for the cutting tools. 1.3 Calculation of the degree of saturation (SC) The influence of individual elements on a eutectic composition is expressed with the degree of saturation, which is given as follows (Pfannenschmidt8): S C = − − + C 4,23 0,312Si 0,330P 0,066Mn (3) 1.4 Calculation of the carbon equivalent (CE) Since grey cast iron contains the chemical elements that promote a formation of graphite instead of cemen- tite, influencing the amount of carbon developed in the form of graphite, it is essential to use an equivalent amount of carbon in a Fe-C system according to the equation (4)5: CE = % C + 0,30 % Si + 0,33 % P (4) 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK In order to identify the cause(s) for the problems arising during the final machining of the castings (the good and the bad one), the following methods were used: • Light optical microscopy (LOM); • Chemical analyses via a mass spectroscopy – the results obtained from the foundries were verified; • Microhardness measurements via Vickers hardness and • Size, type and distribution of the graphite determi- nation. According to the given geometry and the final machining process, critical points on the castings were selected and samples were cut out using a water-cooled circular saw (Figure 1). The specimens were metallo- graphically prepared and were suitable for determining the shape, size, type and distribution of the graphite without etching. Furthermore, the samples were etched (2 % nital), so that the constitution of the matrix was revealed along with the presence of the other micro- structural constituents. The samples prepared in this way were suitable for the microhardness measurements and an investigation using LOM. The microhardness measurements using the Vickers method were carried out on one good and two bad castings, using a Shimadzu microhardness tester. The used loads were of 100 g with the loading times of 10 s. The method of LOM using a ZEISS Axio Imager. A1m microscope gave an insight into the size, shape and distribution of the microstructural components. The procedure for determining the shape, size and type of graphite followed the EN ISO 945: 1994 instruc- tions.9 N. [TREKELJ et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE ON MACHINING A CENTRAL HOUSING ... 230 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 229–234 Figure 1: Samples of the: a) good casting and b) bad casting Slika 1: Vzorci: a) dobrega ulitka in b) slabega ulitka 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Calculations For a reliable identification of the constitution of grey cast-iron castings and determination of the cause(s) for a difficult machining of a product, the values of certain indicators of microstructural features had to be assessed. In both cases the graphitization factor was greater than 1, i.e., 1.713 and 1.528, which confirmed that the cast iron in our case was grey cast iron. In the good casting the graphitization factor was slightly higher than in the bad one. The values suggested that lamellar graphite should be one of the constituents of a micro- structure. It was obvious that the bad casting had a smaller amount of eutectic graphite (1.566) than the good one (1.712), which, of course, caused poorer machinability of the bad casting. The values of the degree of saturation for both castings clearly indicated that microstructural differences in both castings were to be expected. In both castings the alloy was hypoeutectic, since the Sc was less than one in both cases (0.970 and 0.920). When the undercooling of the melt is taken into account (common in the foundry operations) the solidi- fication starts with primary crystallization of both graphite and austenite. With a lower value of the SC the amount of austenite in the microstructure was higher, thus, when the cooling was fast a higher quantity of pearlite was obtained, which increased the wear of the cutting tools. The values of the carbon equivalent were 4.165 in the good casting and 3.980 in the bad casting indicating that the bad casting is more hypoeutectic than the good one. These calculations alone do not provide sufficient grounds for predicting the casting behaviour during the final machining. Therefore, the measurements of microhardness, chemical analyses and a microstruc- tural characterization of the castings were necessary. 3.2 Microhardness Microhardness measurements for one good and two bad castings were performed. Figure 2 shows the points of the microhardness measurements on individual castings. Points 1–6 (Figure 2a) on the good casting represent the edges where the process of the machining was carried out. Points 7 and 8 were in the inner region of the good casting. It should be noted that the imprints of the microhardness measurements very often included graphite. This is not in accordance with the principles of reliable hardness measurements, therefore the results are somewhat compromised. But for the evaluation of the casting machinability the hardness of the whole casting is important and, thus, the results clearly indicated why the machining of a bad casting was more difficult and the cutting-tool wear greater. The microhardness on the edges of the good casting (points 1–5, Figure 2a) was 160–260 HV, while for the bad casting (bad 1) it was higher, as high as 350 HV (point 7, Figure 2b). Similar values were obtained with the microhardness measurements for the other bad casting (not in Figure 2), where the microhardness of the matrix was 335 HV. The results of the hardness measurements are graphically presented in Figure 3. Apparently the highest microhardness was on the edges of all the castings, but for the bad castings the values were significantly higher. The difference between the maximum hardness of the bad and the good casting was almost 100 HV, which clearly indicated a higher probability of an increased wear of the cutting tools. For the clarification of the reasons for the increased tool wear the microhardness measurements were not sufficient. Therefore, the data on the chemical compo- sitions of the castings from the foundries were reviewed. 3.3 Chemical composition of the castings The results of the microchemical analyses of the good and bad castings were compared considering the foundry data and are summarized in Table 1. Chemical analyses revealed small differences between the bad and the good castings in the contents of carbon, silicon and N. [TREKELJ et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE ON MACHINING A CENTRAL HOUSING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 229–234 231 Figure 3: Microhardness measurements where the points of measu- rements correspond to the numbers in Figure 2 for the two bad and one good casting Slika 3: Mesta meritev mikrotrdote, ki odgovarjajo {tevilkam na sliki 2 v dveh slabih in enem dobrem ulitku Figure 2: Areas of microhardness measurements: a) good casting, b) bad casting Slika 2: Podro~ja meritev mikrotrdote: a) dobrega ulitka, b) slabega ulitka manganese (Table 1). The good casting had higher amounts of carbon and silicon, while the content of manganese (as well as chrome, sulphur and phosphorus) was lower. This explained, to a great extent, the diffe- rence in the machining between the good and the bad castings. Table 1: Results of the microchemical analyses carried out in the foundries in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Rezultati mikrokemijskih analiz iz livarn v masnih dele`ih (w/%) Element Good casting (w/%) Bad casting (w/%) C 3.49 3.36 Si 2.13 1.96 Mn 0.51 0.79 Cr 0.06 0.07 P 0.45 0.11 S 0.05 0.06 Lower contents of silicon and carbon with increased levels of manganese meant a higher propensity to white solidification (in the bad casting) and, thus, a higher amount of pearlite. Chromium can also contribute to this by stabilizing and forming carbides, thus increasing the casting hardness. Furthermore, phosphorus formed hard microstructural constituents, for example Fe3P, which appeared within the ternary eutectic (Fe+Fe3C+Fe3P) called steadite. Ultimately, the casting parameters and casting geometry can influence the homogeneity of a microstructure. 3.4 Metallographic analysis In this part of the investigation the form and the distribution of the graphite was analysed first. Based on the images of the good casting (Figures 4a, b) graphite was mainly of form A and size 4–6 and its skeleton showed a better contiguity than the one in the bad casting (Figures 5a, b). In the bad casting the graphite skeleton was frequently interrupted by austenitic areas, which were also more extensive. This caused a larger dynamic load for the cutting tools because of a great number of the transitions from the areas with a better machinability into the areas with a poorer machinability. The constitution of the castings after the etching was determined also by using LOM. An image of the edge of the good casting (Figure 6a) showed a ferrite-graphite area, which had extended into the casting interior, where the matrix was slowly becoming pearlitic. It was obvious that the solidification of the casting was conducted separately with the primary solidification of the austenite on the edge of the casting and eutectic crystallization of the graphitic eutectic. Then the consecutive evolution of the microstructure followed the constitution of the Fe-Fe3C system and the microstructure of the casting N. [TREKELJ et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE ON MACHINING A CENTRAL HOUSING ... 232 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 229–234 Figure 4: LOM images of the distribution and shape of graphite A, 4–6 in size, in the good casting Slika 4: Posnetka porazdelitve in oblike grafita A, velikosti 4–6 v dobrem ulitku Figure 5: LOM images of the distribution and shape of graphite, showing larger graphite lamellae and a poorer contiguity of the gra- phite skeleton in the bad casting Slika 5: Posnetka porazdelitve in oblike grafita, ki ka`eta ve~je gra- fitne lamele in slab{o kontiguiteto grafitnega skeleta v slabem ulitku a) b) a) b) interior consisted of fine lamellar pearlite, interrupted by graphite lamellae (A5) (Figure 6b). Furthermore, the ferrite-graphite zone situated mostly on the edge of the casting extended into the casting interior to a depth of 1200–1500 μm. This was exactly the depth to which the cutting tools reached during the final machining. According to the hardness measure- ments of the matrix on the edge of the casting and the presence of the graphite skeleton, it is clear that the good casting exhibited a better machinability and caused a lower wear of the cutting tools. Metallographic analyses of the bad casting showed a pearlite matrix and graphite (A–B and 4–5), but also the presence of steadite (Figure 7). In addition to steadite, the form of the graphite was less favourable in terms of the final machinability. The graphite skeleton also has a lower contiguity. When comparing the depths of the ferrite zones in the good (Figure 8a) and bad castings (Figure 8b), it was obvious that the latter had a less profound ferrite zone. The depth of this area was only 200 μm in the case of the bad casting, while in the good one it was 1200–1500 μm. Thus, during the final machining of the bad casting, the cutting tool quickly reached the hard pearlite matrix, which also contained extremely hard and brittle particles of steadite. Because of the coarser and more unevenly distributed graphite in the casting, the wear of the cutting tools was even higher. N. [TREKELJ et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE ON MACHINING A CENTRAL HOUSING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 229–234 233 Figure 8: LOM images of: a) the good-casting edge, where the ferrite zone was 1200–1500 μm thick and b) the bad-casting edge, where the ferrite zone was only 200 μm thick Slika 8: Posnetka mikrostrukture: a) roba dobrega ulitka, feritno obmo~je sega 1200–1500 μm globoko v vzorec in b) roba slabega ulitka, feritno obmo~je sega le 200 μm globoko v vzorec Figure 7: LOM image of the bad-casting edge, showing the pearlite matrix, graphite A-B, 4-5 in size, and steadite Slika 7: Posnetek mikrostrukture roba slabega ulitka, ki ka`e perlitno osnovo, grafit A-B, velikosti 4–5, in steadit Figure 6: LOM images of the good casting: a) on the edge, showing a ferrite-graphite area and b) in the centre, showing fine lamellar pearlite and graphite lamellae Slika 6: Posnetka mikrostrukture dobrega ulitka: a) na robu, ki ka`e feritno-grafitno obmo~je, in b) v sredini, ki ka`e lamelarni perlit in lamele grafita 4 CONCLUSIONS In this article the possible causes for a poorer final machinability of grey cast-iron castings with lamellar graphite are discussed and the potential reasons for the increased wear and failures of the cutting tools were presented. The conclusions can be summarized as follows: • Established calculations confirmed that the inve- stigated material was hypoeutectic grey cast iron with lamellar graphite. The calculations were not abso- lutely accurate and provided only the information about which type of grey cast iron was most likely to be formed. • The hardness of grey cast iron with lamellar graphite was measured via Vickers microhardness, because it enables the measurements of the hardness of indivi- dual microconstituents and the matrix. The hardness of bad castings was higher than that of the good casting. • Chemical analyses showed higher contents of manga- nese and phosphorus in the bad casting and higher silicon levels in the good casting. • The casting edges of the polished samples showed a dendritic morphology, which was a result of the solidification sequence with primary austenite. Then it transformed into ferrite and graphite and/or into pearlite. In the casting interior we identified the size and shape A of graphite. In the bad casting a larger quantity of type-B graphite with fine lamellar gra- phite and uneven distribution of graphite was observed. • The depths of the transformed primary austenite in the bad and good castings were compared and clearly the depth in the good casting was greater. • Microstructural analyses showed a presence of gra- phite, pearlite and, on the edges of the casting, also the undercooled D graphite and ferrite. The bad cast- ing also contained a significant amount of steadite, which was one of the main reasons for the difficult final machining of the central housing. • The main reason for a poor machinability and greater wear of the cutting tools lies in the constitution of the microstructure. The nucleation of austenitic primary crystals and of the graphite from the eutectic is not optimal or it is even harmful. It is obvious that the transformed primary austenitic particles are relatively large. Undercooled forms of graphite were also ob- served. • The influence of the cutting-tool quality should be taken into account when the final and definitive reason for the breakage and wear of cutting knives is determined. 5 REFERENCES 1 Y. Boran, International Iron & Steel Symposium, Karabük, Turkey, 2012 2 T. Alp, A. A. Wazzan, F. Yilmaz, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 30 (2005), 163–175 3 H. Nakae, H. Shin, Materials Transactions, 42 (2001), 1428–1434 4 D. J. Celentano, M. A. Cruchaga, B. J. Schulz, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 18 (2005), 237–247 5 D. M. Stefanescu, ASM Handbook, volume 15, Casting, ASM Inter- national, 1998 6 M. Nuni}, Influence of microstructure on machining of central housing made of pearlite CI, Diploma work, Ljubljana, 2011 (in Slovenian) 7 P. Mrvar, M. Petri~, J. Medved, Key Engineering Materials, 457 (2010), 163–168 8 Dru{tvo livarjev LR Slovenije, @epni livarski priro~nik, Ljubljana, Zalo`ba Litostroj, 1960 (in Slovenian) 9 Available from World Wide Web: http://www.atilim.edu.tr/~ktur/ mate401/Dosyalar/26-ELKEM_poster-graphite%20structures%20 in%20cast%20irons.pdf N. [TREKELJ et al.: INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE ON MACHINING A CENTRAL HOUSING ... 234 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 229–234 M. ALIZADEH et al.: THE WET-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF FUNCTIONALIZED Zn1-xOMnx QUANTUM DOTS ... THE WET-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF FUNCTIONALIZED Zn1–xOMnx QUANTUM DOTS UTILIZABLE IN OPTICAL BIOSENSORS MOKRA KEMIJSKA SINTEZA FUNKCIONALIZIRANIH KVANTNIH DELCEV Zn1–xOMnx, UPORABNIH V OPTI^NIH BIOSENZORJIH Mohamad Alizadeh1, Reza Salimi1,2, Hassan Sameie1,2, Ali Asghar Sarabi1, Ali Asghar Sabbagh Alvani2, Mohammad Reza Tahriri3 1Amirkabir University of Technology, Faculty of Polymer Engineering & Color Tech., 424 Hafez Ave., 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran 2Amirkabir University of Technology, Color and Polymer Research Center (CPRC), 424 Hafez Ave., 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran 3Amirkabir University of Technology, Biomaterials Group, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, P.O. Box, 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran sabbagh_alvani@aut.ac.ir Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-09; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-03 ZnO quantum dots (QDs) were successfully synthesized via the precipitation technique, and the effect of the Mn2+ ion concentration as dopant on the optical properties was studied. In order to control the particle size by limiting the growth of the particles after the nucleation and to provide a side group on the surface, which can be further conjugated to bio-cells, polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used as a bio-compatible capping agent. XRD analyses revealed a single-phase ZnO wurtzite crystal structure. A TEM micrograph illustrates that the final QDs were about 15 nm in diameter and had a spherical shape. Also, the organic groups on the surface of nano-particles (NPs) were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It is clear from the photo-luminescence spectra that doping Mn2+ ions in the host lattice led to an appearance of a new visible emission band in the range of 410–450 nm because of the 4T1  6A1 transition. The results show that the final QDs have a potential for biochemical optical sensing. Keywords: quantum dots, surface modification, biosensor, photoluminescence Kvantni delci (QD) ZnO so bili uspe{no sintetizirani s tehniko izlo~anja in preu~evan je bil u~inek koncentracije ionov Mn2+ kot dopantov na opti~ne lastnosti. Polietilen glikol (PEG) kot omejitveno sredstvo je bil uporabljen za kontrolo velikosti delcev z omejevanjem rasti delcev po nukleaciji in za zagotovitev posebne skupine na povr{ini, ki jo je mogo~e naprej zdru`evati z biocelicami. XRD-analize so odkrile enofazni ZnO s kristalno strukturo wurtzita. Posnetek s TEM poka`e, da so kon~ni QDs okrogle oblike s premerom okrog 15 nm. Organske skupine na povr{ini nanodelcev (NPs) so bile dolo~ene s FTIR-spektroskopijo. Iz fotoluminiscen~nega spektra izhaja, da dopiranje ionov Mn2+ v gostujo~o mre`o povzro~i prehod 4T1  6A1 in zato pojav novega vidnega emisijskega pasu v obmo~ju 410–450 nm. Rezultati ka`ejo, da imajo kon~ni QDs potencial biokemi~nega opti~nega zaznavanja. Klju~ne besede: kvantni delci, modifikacija povr{ine, biosensor, fotoluminiscenca 1 INTRODUCTION The synthesis of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) has received a great deal of interest because of their potential for biomedical applications in imaging, drug targeting and delivery. Compared with the conventional organic fluorophores, QDs have significant advantages, for example, a narrow and size-tunable emission spec- trum, broadband excitation, a high resistance against photo-bleaching and a good chemical stability1,2. Due to their size-dependent properties and dimensional simila- rities to biomolecules, these bio-conjugate QDs are well suited as contrast agents for the in-vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as carriers for drug delivery, and as structural scaffolds for tissue engineering3. ZnO nano-particles are environment friendly and have a wide band-gap of 3.37 eV and a rather large exciton binding energy, which makes the exciton state stable even at room temperature. Therefore, wide band-gap semicon- ductor nanocrystals can be doped with transition metal ions4,5. An important section of synthesising NPs is surface modification. Most surface modifications of NPs for bio-imaging applications are based on chemisorption since it offers a stronger and more robust bond and a more stable surface ligand, compared with physisorption. A successful conjugation of biomolecules to NPs depends on a proper surface modification. Poly ethylene glycol (PEG) has been commonly conjugated to various drugs, liposomes, polymeric micelles and nanoparticles to prolong their blood-circulation time by reducing the nonspecific adsorption of proteins via a steric stabiliza- tion effect6,7. In this paper, we report on a wet chemical synthesis of Zn1–xOMnx QDs and functionalizing them with PEG to achieve the appropriate particle size and good optical properties used in biological labelling. The main advantages of this process are the ability to control the ZnO purity and the use of biocompatible capping agents that provide triple functions: (1) to control the particle size by limiting the growth of the particles after the nucleation, (2) to provide a side group on a surface Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 235–237 235 UDK 620.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)235(2013) that can be further conjugated to a bio-cell, (3) to eliminate surface defects that would affect the optical properties of ZnO nanocrystals. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Manganese acetate tetrahydrate (Mn(Ac)2·4H2O), zinc acetate dihydrate (Zn(Ac)2·2.5H2O), polyethylene glycol (Mw = 400 g/mol), extra pure water, ethanol and hydroxide sodium were used as the starting materials. We have developed a room-temperature technique for synthesising semiconductor nanocrystals that employs a capping agent to control both the size and the shape. The manganese precursor (Mn(OAc)2·4H2O) dissolved in 1 ml of water and then 100 ml of ethanol was added to the solution. After stirring the solution for 2 h, Zn(OAc)2·2.5H2O was added; then the temperature raised to 50 °C and the solution was stirred again. After that the obtained solution was quenched in ice, and the required PEG was added as a capping agent. The mixture was again stirred for 3 h and then hydrolyzed by adding NaOH under ultrasound for 2 h. The solvents were then removed with the rotation vaporization. Eventually, the resulting mixture was washed with water leading to a precipitation of Zn1–xMnxO nanocrystals. The resulting powders were analyzed with X-ray diffraction (XRD; Bruker AXS: D8 Advance), transmission electron micro- scopy (TEM; a Hitachi H-800 electron microscope) and fluorescence spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer LS-55, the exciting source: a near-ultraviolet-Xenon lamp) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (Equninox-55). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ZnO colloids were prepared with the precipitation from the solution using Zn(CH3CO2)2 and NaOH. The overall reaction of the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles from Zn(II) acetate can be written as: Zn(CH3CO2)2 + 2NaOH   ZnO + 2Na(CH3CO2)2 + H2O (1) The XRD pattern of the ZnO nanocrystals synthe- sized via precipitation is shown in Figure 1. The main phase can be indexed to the pure phase of zinc oxide according to JCPDS 80-0075. Also, the wurtzite struc- ture of the ZnO lattice of a nanocrystalline sample can be confirmed. From the FTIR spectrum presented in Figure 2a, it is obvious that PEG properly caps the surface of the QDs. The main peaks can be related to different groups as follows: 1) the peaks around 3670 cm–1 and 3407 cm–1 are due to the O-H stretching; 2) the peaks around (2974, 2916 and 1241) cm–1 are attributed to the C-H stretching from the -CH3 alkanes, the C-H stretching from the -CH2- alkanes and the R-O-R stretching (the conjugate ether), respectively. In addition, the TEM image of the ZnO:Mn QDs caped with PEG is illustrated in Figure 2b. It is clearly observed that nanoparticles are spherical in shape and their average size is approximately 10 nm. The PL spectrum of the Mn-doped ZnO d-dots with different doping concentrations (from mol fraction 0–7 %) are shown in Figure 3(a–d). It is worth mentioning that by varying the Mn doping concentration, the relative PL intensities of the dual-colour emissions can be well manipulated. The UV emission (356 nm) is characte- ristics of the ZnO host and usually influenced by the M. ALIZADEH et al.: THE WET-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS OF FUNCTIONALIZED Zn1-xOMnx QUANTUM DOTS ... 236 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 235–237 Figure 2: a) FTIR spectra of the PEG-capped ZnO nanoparticles and b) a TEM image of 5 % Mn-doped ZnO nano-particles Slika 2: a) FTIR-spekter s PEG omejevanih ZnO-nanodelcev in b) TEM-posnetek s 5 % Mn dopiranih ZnO-nanodelcev Figure 1: XRD pattern of ZnO prepared with precipitation Slika 1: Rentgenski pra{kovni posnetek ZnO, pridobljen z izlo~anjem doping situation. Also, the blue emission band, centred at about 426 nm, is attributed to the transition between the 4T1  6A1 energy levels of the Mn2+ 3d states. A schematic representation of the emission levels of the Mn-doped ZnO d-dots is briefly illustrated in Figure 3e. When an intrinsic q-dot is excited by the photons with the energy higher than its band gap, an exciton (an electron-hole pair) will be generated. A direct recom- bination of an electron-hole pair, typically being quantum-confined in the case of nanocrystals, gives the well-known band-edge emission, or exciton emission. However, the emission of a d-dot is fundamentally different. After the exciton is generated by the absorption of the host semiconductor nanocrystal, the energy of a photogenerated electron and a hole pair will be transferred into the electronic levels of the Mn2+ ions. The recombination in a Mn2+ ion center leads to the characteristic dopant emission from the Mn2+ ion, namely the 4T1 to 6A1 transition. 4 CONCLUSION In this research, ZnO:Mn QDs have been success- fully synthesized with a precipitation synthesis and then the surface of nanoparticles was covered with hydroxyl groups. In the meantime, the effect of the dopant con- centration on the optical characteristics was investigated in detail. According to experimental results, the func- tionalized QDs can be used as a core of optical bio- sensors after conjugating with the desired anti-bodies. Acknowledgment The authors would like to acknowledge the Iranian Nano Technology Initiative Council for supporting the research. 5 REFERENCES 1 X. Gao, W. Chan, S. Nie, Quantum-dot nanocrystals for ultra- sensitive biological labelling and multi color optical encoding, J. Biomed. Opt., 7 (2002), 532–537 2 T. Jamieson, R. Bakhshi, D. Petrova, R. Pocock, Biological appli- cations of quantum dots, Biomater., 28 (2007), 4717–4732 3 A. Smith, H. Duan, A. Mohs, S. Nie, Bioconjugated quantum dots for invivo molecular and cellular imaging, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 60 (2008), 1226–1240 4 Y. Yang, Y. Jin, H. He, Q. Wang, Y. Tu, H. Lu, Z. Ye, Dopant- Induced Shape Evolution of Colloidal Nanocrystals: The Case of Zinc Oxide, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132 (2010), 13381–13394 5 E. Badaeva, C. M. Isborn, Y. Feng, S. T. Ochsenbein, D. R. Gamelin, X. 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Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 235–237 237 Figure 3: PL emission spectra of the Zn1–xOMnx QDs with different doping concentrations: a) x = 0 %, b) x = 2 %, c) x = 5 %, d) x = 7 % excited at 325 nm and e) a schematic representation of the emission levels of the Mn-doped ZnO d-dots Slika 3: Spekter PL-emisij Zn1–xOMnx QD z razli~nimi koncentra- cijami dopiranja: a) x = 0 %, b) x = 2 %, c) x = 5 %, d) x = 7 % vzbujenih pri 325 nm in e) shemati~en prikaz nivojev emisij z Mn dopiranega ZnO d-delcev M. CAGALA et al.: INFLUENCE OF ALUMINIUM-ALLOY REMELTING ON THE STRUCTURE AND ... INFLUENCE OF ALUMINIUM-ALLOY REMELTING ON THE STRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES VPLIV VE^KRATNEGA PRETALJEVANJA ALUMINIJEVIH ZLITIN NA STRUKTURO IN MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI Michal Cagala, Marek Bøuska, Petr Lichý, Jaroslav Beòo, Nikol [pirutová V[B-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Department of Metallurgy and Foundry, 17. Listopadu 15/2172, Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic michal.cagala@vsb.cz prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-08-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-02 The aim of this work was to assess the repeated-remelting influence upon the mechanical properties, thermomechanical properties, chemical composition and structure changes of the selected material. An Al-Cu-type aluminum alloy was chosen on the basis of the ever increasing experiments with non-ferrous metals in the industry. The technical nomenclature of the selected alloy is RR.350 according to the German standard ALUFOND 60. The RR.350 alloy is known for its poor foundry properties which deteriorate due to remelting and affect mechanical properties and the cast-material structure. This negative influence upon the structure and usable properties of a re-melted alloy is further confirmed in the submitted paper. The samples for tensile-strength determination were cast into a metal mould. The gating system and the riser, which served as a charge for the second melt, were removed from the casting. In this way we re-melted the material four times. The samples were machined and ruptured within the temperature range between 20 °C and 350 °C. A sample for metallography and hardness determination (HBS) was taken from the cast material. It can be seen in the tensile-strength diagram that the mechanical properties of the first melt are higher, by 11 % at the temperature of 20 °C, than the properties of the third melt. This difference is evident up to 100 °C. At the temperatures of above 100 °C the cast-material strength characteristics are the same. This tendency shows itself on all the materials tested so far. The hardness and microhardness evaluations show that the material reaches the highest values with the fourth melt. This phenomenon is attributed to the repeated reoxidation and exclusion of oxide membranes. Further, the material structure properties and chemical-composition change were evaluated. The results of this study confirmed a negative influence of alloy remelting upon the material properties and structure. Keywords: aluminium alloys, metallographic analysis, microstructures, thermomechanical properties, remelting, mechanical properties Namen tega dela je bil oceniti ponavljanje pretaljevanja na mehanske lastnosti, termomehanske lastnosti, kemijsko sestavo in spremembe mikrostrukture izbranega materiala. Izbrana je bila vrsta aluminijeve zlitine Al-Cu na podlagi nara{~anja preizkusov na ne`eleznih kovinah v industriji. Tehni~na oznaka izbrane zlitine, skladno z nem{kim standardom ALUFOND 60, je RR.350. Zlitina RR.350 je poznana zaradi slabih livarskih lastnosti, ki se s pretaljevanjem poslab{ujejo in vplivajo na spremembe mehanskih lastnosti in mikrostrukture v litem stanju. V predstavljenem ~lanku je potrjen negativni vpliv pretaljevanja na uporabne lastnosti. Vzorci za natezne preizkuse so bili uliti v kovinsko kokilo. Ulivni in napajalni sistem, ki se je uporabljal za sekundarno napajanje, je bil odstranjen iz ulitka. Tako je bil material {tirikrat pretaljen. Izdelani vzorci so bili poru{eni v temperaturnem intervalu med 20 °C in 350 °C. Iz ulitega materiala so bili odrezani vzorci za metalografijo in za meritve trdote (HBS). Iz nateznih diagramov je razvidno, da ima prva talina za okrog 11 % vi{jo natezno trdnost pri 20 °C v primerjavi s tretjo talino. Ta razlika se opazi do temperature 100 °C. Pri temperaturah nad 100 °C so trdnostne lastnosti materiala v litem stanju enake. Ta tendenca se je pokazala pri vseh do sedaj preizku{enih materialih. Primerjava trdote in mikrotrdote ka`eta, da je najvi{jo vrednost dosegel material ~etrte taline. Ta pojav se pripisuje ponovljeni reoksidaciji in odsotnosti oksidnih ko`ic. Ocenjene so bile tudi zna~ilnosti mikrostrukture in dolo~ene kemijske sestave. Rezultati teh preiskav so potrdili negativen vpliv ve~kratnega pretaljevanja na mikrostrukturo in lastnosti materiala. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, metalografska analiza, mikrostrukture, termomehanske lastnosti, pretaljevanje, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION At present the significance of non-ferrous metal alloys as structural materials is growing thanks to their good mechanical and thermomechanical properties, low specific weight and heat-treatment possibility enhancing usable properties of the alloy. By virtue of the afore- mentioned properties, non-ferrous metal alloys replace iron-based alloys in various industry branches. Non- ferrous metals utilization in various industry branches will have an increasing trend in the future. Considering the rising prices of the materials, the enterprises engaged in the processing of alloys and in the manufacture of castings seek for a production-cost reduction. This trend has been intensified due to the contemporary economic crisis. One saving way is the utilization of recycled material or remelting of foundry returns. Some of the most widely used non-ferrous metal alloys are aluminum-based alloys. In this paper we have focused on the Al-Cu alloy RR.350. Due to its favour- able properties, low weight, minimal dilatation and capability to resist high temperatures up to 350 °C, the RR.350 alloy is used for the thermally stressed castings and the castings subjected to higher pressures1. This alloy has an extensive usability not only in the automo- tive industry. The RR.350 alloy is used in heat-treatment conditions when its usable properties reach the highest values. This study is focused on an evaluation of the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 239–243 239 UDK 669.715:620.18:620.17 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)239(2013) mechanical and thermomechanical properties of the above-mentioned alloy after multiple remelting in casting conditions. After the melting and casting of the samples, a gating system, which then served as a new charge, was cut off. These steps were performed four times and then the material changes after remelting were assessed. The research team focused on the changes in following properties: tensile strength, hardness, micro- hardness, alloy chemical composition and alloy structure after remelting. The research took place in the V[B – Technical University Ostrava laboratories. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS To observe the re-melting of non-ferrous metals, an Al-Cu alloy with the technical nomenclature of RR.350 was chosen. The chemical composition of the alloy used for the experiment is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of the RR.350 alloy (in mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava zlitine RR.350 (v masnih dele`ih, w/%) Fe Cu Mn Mg Ni Zn 0.368 4.731 0.310 0.034 1.937 0.126 Ti Pb Sn Co Cr Al 0.117 0.011 0.042 0.203 0.007 92.115 The original alloy with the as-delivered chemical composition was melted in an electric resistance furnace in a graphite-fireclay crucible and marked as I. melt. For the casting of the test bars, a metal mould equipped with a silicon sprayed-on coat preventing the sticking of the casting to the mould was used. The mould consists of a gating system with a bottom gate (for the laminar filling of the mould), a test bar and a riser. The riser is over dimensioned to eliminate defects, for instance the shrinkage cavities. After having cast a batch of the test bars marked as I. melt, the gating system with the riser, which served as a charge for the next heat, was removed. In this way we re-melted the original material four times. The test bars (Figure 1) were machined and subjected to a tensile test in the temperature range of 20 °C to 350 °C. The measurement was performed on the INOVA PRAHA tensile-testing machine. The heating of the samples was performed in a resistance furnace with an inert atmosphere. At each temperature, three samples were ruptured and the numerical values of their diame- ters were entered into the diagram. For the hardness measurement, nine samples were used and each of them was subjected to three incisions. The sample preparation for the hardness testing (HB) was performed in a metallographic laboratory. At first, we cut off a one-centimeter-long cylinder from the cast sample with the help of an emulsion-cooled saw. Then the surface polishing on a horizontal water-cooled grin- der followed using the emery cloths with a granularity of 360 up to 1.200. As a test specimen, a hardened ball of 2.5 mm in diameter was used. The test sample was placed on a work plate and adjusted so that the indentor could be pointed to the centre. Now the indentor arm was moved to the vertical position and the arm movement onto the sample was switched on. The machine carried out the loading to the value of 306.5 N, with the holding time of 10 s, followed by a release of the indentor. The metallographic analysis was done with the help of a GX 51 microscope, equipped with light polarization, with a magnification of 12.5–1000. The chemical analysis was performed on a GDS- LECO spectrometer with the aid of the reference-mate- rial calibration with guaranteed element content. 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The obtained results confirm a negative influence upon the remelted alloy. The measured results of the tensile tests (Figure 2) show that the maximum strength of the original material (I. melt) is reached at the temperatures of 20 °C and 100 °C. During the third remelting, the tensile strength values at the temperatures of 20 °C and 100 °C decreased by approximately 24 MPa, which was 11 %. At the temperatures of over 100 °C, the strength values M. CAGALA et al.: INFLUENCE OF ALUMINIUM-ALLOY REMELTING ON THE STRUCTURE AND ... 240 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 239–243 Figure 2: Dependence of tensile strength on temperature for different melts Slika 2: Odvisnost natezne trdnosti od temperature pri razli~nih talinah Figure 1: Test bar Slika 1: Preizkusna palica of both melts were the same. This tendency was similar for the most of the tested materials2. The equation of the values of the tensile strength at elevated temperatures can be explained with the melting of low-melting components in the material which could occur by segregation in the material. For this paper, the tensile-strength values of I. and III. melts were selected. II. and IV. melts will be finished and published in the next papers. In both diagrams, the hardness values (Figure 3) and the microhardness values (Figure 4) are the highest for IV. melt. This tendency can be explained with the repeated melt oxidation and the formation of oxide membranes and intermetallic phases. The formation of oxides and intermetallic phases increases the alloy hardness and decreases the tensile strength owing to the unsuitably excluded shapes causing the notch effects in the material matrix3. Through their properties, aluminum oxides and intermetallics have a negative effect on the machining of the casting. Multiple remelting does not affect only mechanical properties, but it changes chemical composition and structure morphology as well. Comparing I. and II. melt (Tables 1 and 2) we can see that weakening of the alloy occurred at II. melt on account of decrease of some elements. The biggest decrease was observed for Cu (0.9129 %), Mn (0.06921 %), Ni (0.2191 %), Mg (0.0213 %). Compared to this, Al content was increased (1.318 %). Table 2: Chemical analysis of II. melt (w/%) Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava II. taline (w/%) Fe Cu Mn Mg Ni Zn 0.234 3.8181 0.24079 0.0127 1.7179 0.0828 Ti Pb Sn Co Cr Al 0.172 0.00366 0.0141 0.271 0.000426 93.433 Table 3: Chemical analysis of III. melt (w/%) Tabela 3: Kemijska sestava III. taline (w/%) Fe Cu Mn Mg Ni Zn 0.251 3.7737 0.25548 0.0112 1.6621 0.0758 Ti Pb Sn Co Cr Al 0.159 0.00257 0.00947 0.529 0.000488 93.541 Comparing I. and III. melts (Tables 1 and 3) we can see that a weakening of the alloy also occurred with III. M. CAGALA et al.: INFLUENCE OF ALUMINIUM-ALLOY REMELTING ON THE STRUCTURE AND ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 239–243 241 Figure 6: I. melt – magnified 1000-times Slika 6: I. talina – pove~ava 1000-kratna Figure 4: Values of Micro-Hardness of individual melts Slika 4: Mikrotrdota materiala posameznih talin Figure 3: Values of Hardness of individual melts Slika 3: Trdota materiala posameznih talin Figure 5: I. melt – magnified 100-times Slika 5: I. talina – pove~ava 100-kratna melt due to a decrease in some elements. The biggest decrease was again observed for Cu (0.9573 %), Mn (0.05452 %), Ni (0.2749 %) and Mg (0.0228 %). On the other hand, the Al content was increased (1.426 %). Due to multiple remelting the material structure changes its morphology as well (Figures 5 to 12). The changes in the material structure are shown as grain coarsening, unevenness of dendritic cells and dendrites4, higher content of cavities and coarsening of intermetallic phases. M. CAGALA et al.: INFLUENCE OF ALUMINIUM-ALLOY REMELTING ON THE STRUCTURE AND ... 242 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 239–243 Figure 9: III. melt – magnified 100-times Slika 9: III. talina – pove~ava 100-kratna Figure 12: IV. melt – magnified 1000-times Slika 12: IV. talina – pove~ava 1000-kratna Figure 8: II. melt – magnified 1000-times Slika 8: II. talina – pove~ava 1000-kratna Figure 11: IV. melt – magnified 100-times Slika 11: IV. talina – pove~ava 100-kratna Figure 7: II. melt – magnified 100-times Slika 7: II. talina – pove~ava 100-kratna Figure 10: III. melt – magnified 1000-times Slika 10: III. talina – pove~ava 1000-kratna 4 CONCLUSIONS Properties of the RR.350 alloy after repeated remelt- ing were observed. For each remelting, the basic material properties were determined, i.e., tensile strength, hard- ness, structure and chemical composition. The cast-mate- rial tensile strength dropped by 11 % at the temperatures of up to 100 °C. The hardness reached the highest values in the case of IV. melt. The material structure change influenced most of the above-mentioned changes. By multiple remelting, a grain coarsening, unevenness of dendritic cells, a higher content of cavities and coarsen- ing of the intermetallic phases occur. The reason for a decrease in the alloying elements is the re-melt loss in the resistance furnace. The RR.350-alloy testing offers other ways of mechanical-property enhancement. An advisable option is a substitution of the elements decreased due to multiple remelting and follow-up inoculations with an AlTi5B1 master alloy5. Further, the alloy can be very well hardened with the help of a heat treatment (the strength values reach up to 300 MPa). As mentioned above, the alloy is susceptible to various kinds of cavities, therefore degassing before casting would be advisable. For the manufacture of castings, we can also recommend filtration to remove the inclusions which decrease mechanical properties. This paper was created within the project No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0040 "Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre", under the frame of the operation programme "Research and Development for Innova- tions" financed by the Structural Funds and by the state budget of the Czech Republic. 5 REFERENCES 1 J. Rou~ka, Metalurgie ne`elezných slitin, VUT Brno, 2004 2 R. Koøený, Mo`nosti zvý{ení kvality vysokopevnostních a `áropev- ných slévárenských slitin hliníku, V[B, Ostrava, 1991 3 F. Pí{ek, L. Jení~ek, P. Ry{, Nauka o materiálu I., Nauka o kovech 3. svazek: Ne`elezné kovy, Academia, Praha 1973 4 L. Bäckerud, G. Chai, J. Taminen, Solidification Characteristic of Aluminium Alloys, Foundry Alloys, Volume 2, ASF Skanaluminium, Stockholm, 1990 5 D. Bolibruchová, E. Tillová, Zlievarenské zliatiny Al-Si, @U v @ilinì, 2005 M. CAGALA et al.: INFLUENCE OF ALUMINIUM-ALLOY REMELTING ON THE STRUCTURE AND ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 239–243 243 C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES UNDER DIFFERENT PROCESS PARAMETERS NATEZNE LASTNOSTI HLADNO VLE^ENE MALOOGLJI^NE JEKLENE @ICE PRI RAZLI^NIH PARAMETRIH PROCESA Cem S. Çetinarslan1, Ali Güzey2 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Trakya University, 22180 Edirne, Turkey 2Arsay Wire Production Company-Kirklareli, Turkey cemc@trakya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2012-10-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2012-10-23 This study demonstrates the influence of drawing-process parameters such as reduction (deformation) ratio and drawing velocity on the tensile properties of various low-carbon cold-malleable steel wires. Standard tensile tests were realized on four types of wires – SAE1006, SAE1008, SAE1015 (Cq15) and SAE10B22 (20MnB4) – at various process parameters. This experimental study shows how two of the main process parameters, the deformation ratio and drawing velocity, clearly influence the tensile properties (yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, and elongation at rupture) of steel-wire materials. Keywords: wire drawing, tensile properties, deformation (reduction) ratio, drawing velocity Ta {tudija prikazuje vpliv procesnih parametrov pri vle~enju, kot sta odvzem (deformacija) in hitrost vle~enja, na natezne lastnosti razli~nih malooglji~nih mehkih jeklenih `ic. Izvr{en je bil standardni natezni preizkus na {tirih vrstah `ice SAE1006, SAE1008, SAE1015 (Cq15) in SAE10B22 (20MnB4) po razli~nih procesnih parametrih. Ta eksperimentalna {tudija je pokazala, kako dva glavna procesna parametra, stopnja deformacije in hitrost vle~enja, vplivata na natezne lastnosti (napetost te~enja, natezna trdnost in raztezek pri pretrgu) jeklene `ice. Klju~ne besede: vle~enje `ice, natezne lastnosti, stopnja deformacije (odvzem), hitrost vle~enja 1 INTRODUCTION Wire drawing is a metal-reducing process, in which a wire rod is pulled or drawn through a single die or a con- tinuous series of dies, thereby reducing its diameter. Wire drawing is one of the most common plastic- deformation processes. A wire rod is pulled or drawn through a die or a series of dies, causing a reduction of its diameter. In general, drawing is known as a process performed at room temperature. Drawing of low-car- bon-content steel wires is generally conducted at room temperature employing a number of passes or reductions through several dies. Sometimes it may be performed at elevated temperatures for large wires to reduce drawing forces. Generally, steel wire is made of plain-carbon steel grades. The steel-wire materials are semi-products suit- able for cold-drawing processes. Although a steel wire can be produced from stainless steel and other alloyed steels, in industry it is mostly produced using plain- carbon steels. The steel containing up to 1 % C is usually used for steel-wire production; however, the largest part of steel-wire production constitutes low-carbon steels with less than 0.1 % C.1 Ferrous wires are used as semi products for electrical wiring, ropes (rope wires are usually made of pearlitic steel and have very high tensile properties), cables, struc- tural components, springs, nails, spokes, musical instru- ments, electrodes, paper clips, etc.2 Several studies on wire-drawing processes and some process parameters that affect the wire-drawing process have been performed. Toribio and Ovejero have investi- gated the effect of cumulative cold drawing on the pear- lite interlamellar spacing in eutectoid steel. Interlamellar spacing in fully pearlitic steels decreases progressively during the cold-drawing process and the diminishing rate is not constant throughout the manufacturing route.3 The effect of degree of deformations, ranging from 5 % to 30 % reductions, on the mechanical properties of cold- drawn, mild-steel rods was experimentally investigated by Alawode and Adeyemi.4 Languillaume et al. have presented the results of a study concerning the influence of heavy cold drawing and post-deformation annealings on the microstructure of such pearlitic steel wires.5 On the other hand, Vega et al. have studied the effect of the process variables such as the semi-die angle, the reduction in area and the friction coefficient on the drawing-force value. The results of this study indicate clearly that friction has a significant effect on the drawing force, which becomes lower due to a decrease in the area reduction.6 The influence of the main process parameters (the wire yield stress – S, the cross-sectional area reduction – Re and the die half angle – ) on the shape quality and area fraction of the round-to-hexagonal Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 245 UDK 621.778:620.172 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)245(2013) composite wire drawing were investigated by Norasetha- sopon.7 This study shows that Re and S strongly influence the shape quality, and S slightly influences the change in the area fraction of the core. The change in the area fraction of the core, which equals zero, was obtained with the value of  that increased with the increasing S. Re and S strongly influence the drawing stress. Within this order, Re and S directly, strongly and inversely influenced the optimal die half angle. The pass schedule of a wire-drawing process designed to prevent a delamination of a high-strength-steel cord wire was studied by Lee et al.8 From their findings it is clear that the applied drawing process reduced the diameter of the wire from 3.5 mm to 0.95 mm, and that it consisted of nine passes. On the other hand, another model for predicting the fatigue strength of two different eutec- toid-steel wires, one of them being zinc coated, used in ropeway applications, has been presented by Beretta and Boniardi.2 Within this method the fatigue process of wires has been described in terms of propagation of the surface defects caused by cold drawing. The aim of our research was to investigate the tensile properties of various low-carbon cold-malleable steel wires with respect to drawing velocity and deformation ratio. These parameters also have an influence on the final wire quality, the drawing force, the lubrication in the process, the mechanical properties and the die wear. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 2.1 Preparation process Wire-rod (raw) materials were of four different types of low-carbon steel: SAE1006, SAE1008, SAE1015 (Cq15) and SAE10B22 (20MnB4). The steel chemical compositions are given in Table 1.9 First, the chemical compositions of the steels were measured using a SPECTROLAB M7 spectrometric test device. Then the surface-cleaning process including two stages, the mechanical and chemical cleaning, was per- formed. The first step, the mechanical surface cleaning, was applied to remove the scale layer from the wires and then the chemical purification was realized. The chemical cleaning consisted of causticization (for 25 min in a KMnO5 + NaOH solution at 70 °C), dipping into an acid bath (for 1 h in a HCl concentrated solution at room temperature), washing and rinsing, passivation with lime and, finally, drying (for 1h at 100 °C). 2.2 Wire-drawing process After these treatments the drawing process was performed. Figure 1 shows the outlet of a drawing die with a coil (end product) and a drawing die (matrix) with a soap box. A wire first passes through the soap box and then through the die (matrix). The reduction of the diameter of a metal wire is realized by pulling it through the die (Figure 2). The working region of a die is typically and made of W carbide. The die is cooled with a cooling hose (water) as shown in Figure 1. A series of dies is used to obtain the required diameter reduction of the wire. Table 2 shows a series of dies with the reductions of 5.5 to 2.2, to 1.8 and to 2.1 made in 8 or 9 passes, used to obtain the wire diameters of (4.80, 4.00 and 3.01) mm. The reduction ratio (R/%) was determined for each diameter decrease as to the equation: R/% = D D D inlet outlet inlet 2 2 2 100 − × (1) C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... 246 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 Table 1: Chemical compositions of wire-rod (raw) steels Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava jekla v palicah Steel Type %C %Si % Mn %P %S %Cu %Cr %Ni %Mo %Al % B SAE1006 0.06 0.2 0.35 0.04 0.05 0.30 0.15 0.3 0.03 – – SAE1008 0.08 0.30 0.55 0.03 0.05 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.03 0,02 – SAE1015 0.14 0.15 0.40 0.02 0.015 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.05 0.03 SAE10B22 0.21 0.15 1.00 0.015 0.015 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.002 Table 2: Series of dies for each steel type for the drawing process (reduction of 5.5 to 4.8, to 4.00 and to 3.01) Tabela 2: Serija orodij za vsako vrsto jekla pri vle~enju (odvzem 5,5 do 4,8, do 4,00 in do 3,01) Inlet dia. Outlet dia. Pass number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5.50 2.20 8 4.80 4.21 3.72 3.31 2.96 2.67 2.41 2.20 – 5.50 1.80 8 4.67 4.00 3.44 2.98 2.60 2.29 2.02 1.80 – 5.50 2.10 9 4.82 4.25 3.77 3.37 3.02 2.73 2.49 2.28 2.10 Figure 1: a) Outlets of a drawing die with a wire coil and b) a drawing die (matrix) with a soap box Slika 1: a) Sestav vle~ne matrice z navijalcem `ice, b) matrica za vle~enje s posodo za milo In a multipass drawing process, the temperature rise during each pass can affect the mechanical properties of the final product (such as its bending and torsion proper- ties, and its tensile strength).8 A wire-drawing process was carried out with different drawing velocities and different total-reduction ratios of the deformation to determine how the tensile properties of various low-carbon wires were affected. The effect of drawing velocity and deformation ratio was investigated in some references. One of those focused on the influence of drawing speed on the properties of multiphase TRIP (transformation induced plasticity) steel wires10 and the other on the study of the effect of total-reduction ratio on wire breaks by Cu fine-wire drawing.11 In general, each pass ratio is between 1.68 and 1.09. Dfinal-1 = k · Dfinal (k = 1.68–1.09) (2) 2.3 Tensile test Experiments were carried out on a tensile-test machine at room temperature (Figures 3 and 4) and SAE1006, SAE1008, SAE1015 (Cq15) and SAE10B22 (20MnB4) coil wires (end products) were used as test steels. The wires were submitted to tensile tests to determine the yield stress, the ultimate tensile strength and the elongation at rupture. Wire cuts of 250 mm in length were used as the test specimens. The tensile strength was determined on a 3 t tensile tester with a ram (lower jaw) speed of 10 mm/min using various test parameters and three experiments were carried out and then averaged for each point in the diagrams. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Test results at a constant drawing velocity (3.6 m/s) and a constant reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) Firstly, the wire-rod specimens were tested and then the coil (drawn) wires were tested at a constant drawing velocity and a constant reduction ratio from 5.50 to 4.81. Experimental findings on the yield strength, tensile strength and elongation at rupture were deter- mined for wire rods (before drawing) and coil (drawn) wires and are given in Table 3. The yield-strength values of rod wires and coil wires were found as expected and, as shown in Figure 4, they increase in accordance with the increasing C content. The increase in the C content causes brittleness, making C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 247 Figure 4: Variation in the yield-strength values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity and reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) Slika 4: Spreminjanje meje plasti~nosti palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti in odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) Figure 2: Drawing die (matrix) with a tip (pressure type) Slika 2: Orodje za vle~enje (matrica) s konico (tla~ne vrste) Figure 5: Variation in the ultimate tensile-strength values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity and reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) Slika 5: Spreminjanje vrednosti natezne trdnosti palice in `ice v kolo- barju pri konstantni hitrosti in odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) Figure 3: Tensile-test machine Slika 3: Stroj za natezne preizkuse plastic deformation more difficult. The ultimate tensile- strength values of the rod materials and coils of the tested steels are also in line with the increasing C content (Figure 5). The variation in the elongation at rupture is shown in Figure 6. The values of the elongation at rupture for drawn wires decreased with the increasing plastic deformation for all the tested steels. The (20MnB4) steel shows a slight decrease in the elongation due to a higher C content. The wire specimens used for the tensile tests are shown in Figures 7 and 8. 3.2 Test results at a constant drawing velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81, to 4.00 and to 3.01) The coil materials were tested at a constant drawing velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81, 4.00 and 3.01). The reduction ratio was determined as depending on the constant inlet diameter (5.50) and different outlet diameters (4.81, 4.00 and 3.01). Experimental findings are given in Table 4. The yield strength, tensile strength and elonga- tion at rupture were determined for the wire rods (before drawing) and for drawn wires after various reduction ratios. C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... 248 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 Table 3: Tensile properties of a rod and coil steel wire at a constant drawing velocity and a constant reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) Tabela 3: Natezne lastnosti palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti vle~enja in konstantnem odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) Dia., /mm Material type V m/s Yield Strength Rp0,2/MPa Ultimate Tensile Strength Rm/MPa Elongation at Rupture % Specimen No Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 257 357 357 477 41 29 2 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 261 359 361 481 44 30 3 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 259 360 363 484 43 31 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 293 388 413 535 39 32 2 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 297 388 421 540 38 28 3 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 301 390 422 542 40 29 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 316 410 441 561 41 28 2 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 311 411 437 558 40 28 3 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 324 407 444 564 41 32 1 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 408 480 568 689 36 25 2 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 405 467 555 675 37 26 3 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 400 471 540 666 39 29 Figure 8: SAE10B22 (20MnB4) specimen Slika 8: Vzorec SAE10B22 (20MnB4) Figure 7: SAE1008 specimen Slika 7: Vzorec SAE1008 Figure 6: Variation in the elongation-at-rupture (%) values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity and reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) Slika 6: Spreminjanje raztezka pri pretrgu (%) za palico in `ice v kolobarju pri konstrantni hitrosti in odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) The yield-strength values for all the specimens increase with the increasing reduction ratio (Figure 9); and the ultimate tensile strength for all the specimens shows similar tendencies (Figure 10). Variations in the elongation at rupture are shown in Figure 11. In general, the values of the elongation at rupture for coil wires decrease as the reduction ratio increases. The decrement is a bit larger for the relatively high C-content steel spe- cimens, SAE1015 (Cq15) and SAE10B22 (20MnB4), as the increase in the reduction ratio is more effective for the steels containing a higher C content with respect to the strain hardening. In addition, the Mn content is also a strength-increasing alloying element for the steel SAE10B22.12 3.3 Tensile-test results at a constant drawing velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios – different inlet diameters and constant outlet diameters Firstly, the wire rods were tested. The tests for coil wires were realized at the constant drawing velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81 C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 249 Table 4: Tensile properties of a rod and coil steel wire at a constant drawing velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81, to 4.00 and to 3.01) Tabela 4: Natezne lastnosti palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti vle~enja (3,6 m/s) in razli~nih odvzemih (od 5,50 do 4,81, do 4,00 in do 3,01) Dia., /mm Material type V m/s Yield Strength Rp0,2/MPa Tensile Strength Rm/MPa Elongation at Rupture % Specimen No Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 258 357 359 477 43 36 2 5.50 4.00 SAE1006 3.6 505 605 24 3 5.50 3.01 SAE1006 3,6 623 725 12 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 294 388 407 535 42 34 2 5.50 4.00 SAE1008 3.6 536 643 22 3 5.50 3.01 SAE1008 3.6 664 774 11 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 316 410 438 561 40 33 2 5.50 4.00 SAE1015 3.6 558 676 18 3 5.50 3.01 SAE1015 3.6 684 808 8 1 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 406 480 571 689 38 31 2 5.50 4.00 SAE10B22 3.6 649 811 15 3 5.50 3.01 SAE10B22 3.6 772 944 5 Figure 11: Variation in the elongation-at-rupture (%) values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81, 4.00 and to 3.01) Slika 11: Spreminjanje raztezka pri pretrgu (%) palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti in razli~nih odvzemih (od 5,50 do 4,81, do 4,00 in do 3,01) Figure 10: Variation in the ultimate-tensile-strength values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81, to 4.00 and to 3.01) Slika 10: Spreminjanje naztezne trdnosti palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti in razli~nih odvzemih (od 5,50 do 4,81, do 4,00 in do 3,01) Figure 9: Variation in the yield-strength values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity and different reduction ratios (from 5.50 to 4.81, to 4.00 and to 3.01) Slika 9: Spreminjanje meje plasti~nosti za palico in `ico v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti in razli~nih odvzemih (od 5,50 do 4,81, do 4,00 in do 3,01) and from 6.50 to 4.81). These ratios were determined according to different inlet diameters and constant outlet diameters. The results are shown in Table 5 and Figures 12, 13 and 14. The yield strength, tensile strength and elongation at rupture were determined for the wire rods (before drawing) and coil (drawn) wires with different ratios. The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elon- gation at rupture were affected by the reduction ratio for each material as shown in Section 3.2. As the approxi- mate reduction ratios (45.7 % for the reduction of 6.5 to 4.81 and 47.1 % for the reduction of 5.50 to 4.00) were considered, it was understood that the variation in the inlet diameters was not significant. 3.4 Tensile-test results at a constant reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) and with different drawing velocities (3.6 m/s and 2.4 m/s) The coil-wire tests were realized at a constant reduction ratio from 5.50 to 4.81 and different drawing velocities (3.6 m/s and 2.4 m/s). The results are shown in Table 6 and Figures 15, 16 and 17. It is observed that the yield stress and the ultimate tensile strength of the specimens increase with the increasing drawing velocity for each type of the materials. A higher C content leads to a higher yield and ultimate tensile C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... 250 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 Table 5: Tensile properties of a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios – different inlet diameters and a constant outlet diameter – (from 5.50 to 4.81 and from 6.50 to 4.81) Tabela 5: Natezne lastnosti palic in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti (3,6 m/s) in razli~nih odvzemih – razli~en vstopni premer in enak izhodni premer – (od 5,50 do 4,81 in od 6,50 to 4,81) Dia., /mm Material type V m/s Yield Strength Rp0,2/MPa Tensile Strength Rm/MPa Elongation at Rupture % Specimen No Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 258 357 358 477 43 36 2 6.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 500 605 24 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 292 388 405 535 42 34 2 6.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 531 643 22 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 314 410 436 562 40 33 2 6.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 553 676 18 1 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 406 480 567 689 38 31 2 6.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 645 811 15 Figure 13: Variation in the ultimate-strength values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios – different inlet diameters and constant outlet diameters (from 5.50 to 4.81 and from 6.50 to 4.81) Slika 13: Spreminjanje natezne trdnosti palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti (3,6 m/s) in razli~nih odvzemih – razli~en vstopni premer in konstanten izstopni premer (od 5,50 do 4,81 in od 6,50 do 4,81) Figure 14: Variation in the elongation-at-rupture (%) values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity (3,6 m/s) and different reduc- tion ratios – different inlet diameters and constant outlet diameters (from 5.50 to 4.81 and from 6.50 to 4.81) Slika 14: Spreminjanje raztezka pri pretrgu (%) palice in `ice v kolo- barju pri konstantni hitrosti (3,6 m/s) in razli~nih odvzemih (od 5,50 do 4,81 in od 6,50 do 4,81) Figure 12: Variation in the yield-strength values for a rod and coil steel wire at a constant velocity (3.6 m/s) and different reduction ratios – different inlet diameters and constant outlet diameters (from 5.50 to 4.81 and from 6.50 to 4.81) Slika 12: Spreminjanje meje plasti~nosti palice in `ice v kolobarju pri konstantni hitrosti (3,6 m/s) in razli~nih odvzemih – razli~en vstopni premer in enak izstopni premer (od 5,50 do 4,81 in od 6,50 do 4,81) strength and a higher drawing velocity. Drawing velocity slightly affects the elongation, which decreases as the drawing velocity increases. These values are quite similar for all the steels. 4 CONCLUSIONS The wire drawing of SAE1006, SAE1008, SAE1015 (Cq15) and SAE10B22 (20MnB4) low-carbon, malle- able-steel wires was investigated and their tensile properties were determined experimentally. This study contributes to the knowledge of tensile properties and the behaviour of drawn low-carbon steel wires during the cold-drawing process. The effect of the process para- meters (reduction ratio, drawing velocity) were studied and it was found that the processing parameters have a major influence on the tensile properties in all four types of the low-carbon drawn steel wire. The obtained results can be summarized as follows: • The experiments have shown that the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength increase, while the elongation at rupture decreases for all the steels when the reduction (deformation) ratio is increased. • The drawing velocity has a significant effect on the tensile properties (the yield and the ultimate tensile strength) of low-carbon steel wires. A high drawing velocity causes high strength properties. The values of elongation at rupture also decrease as the drawing velocity increases. C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 251 Table 6: Tensile properties of a coil steel wire at a constant reduction ratio and different drawing velocities (3.6 m/s and 2.4 m/s) Tabela 6: Natezne lastnosti `ice iz kolobarja pri konstantnem odvzemu in razli~nih hitrostih vle~enja (3,6 m/s in 2,4 m/s) Dia., /mm Material type V m/s Yield Strength Rp0,2/MPa Tensile Strength Rm/MPa Elongation at Rupture, % Specimen No Wire rod (before drawing) Coil (after drawing) Coil (after drawing) Coil (after drawing) Coil (after drawing) 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 3.6 357 477 36 2 5.50 4.81 SAE1006 2.4 310 455 38 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 3.6 388 535 34 2 5.50 4.81 SAE1008 2.4 350 510 36 1 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 3.6 410 561 33 2 5.50 4.81 SAE1015 2.4 370 536 35 1 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 3.6 480 689 31 2 5.50 4.81 SAE10B22 2.4 444 650 33 Figure 15: Variation in the yield-strength values for a coil steel wire at a constant reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) and with different drawing velocities (3.6 m/s and 2.4 m/s) Slika 15: Spreminjanje meje plasti~nosti `ice v kolobarju pri kon- stantnem odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) in razli~nih hitrostih vle~enja (3,6 m/s in 2,4 m/s) Figure 17: Variation in the elongation-at-rupture (%) values for a coil steel wire at a constant reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) and with different drawing velocities (3.6 m/s and 2.4 m/s) Slika 17: Spreminjanje raztezka pri pretrgu (%) `ice iz kolobarja pri konstantnem odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) in razli~nih hitrostih vle- ~enja (3,6 m/s in 2,4 m/s) Figure 16: Variation in the ultimate-tensile-strength values for a coil steel wire at a constant reduction ratio (from 5.50 to 4.81) and with different drawing velocities (3.6 m/s and 2.4 m/s) Slika 16: Spreminjanje natezne trdnosti `ice iz kolobarja pri kon- stantnem odvzemu (od 5,50 do 4,81) in razli~nih hitrostih vle~enja (3,6 m/s in 2,4 m/s) • It was determined that the reduction ratio has a larger influence on the tensile properties of low-carbon steel wires than the drawing velocity. • Due to a high C content, the tensile-strength proper- ties of the wires increased for all the reduction ratios. In addition, Mn was also one of the strongly influential elements and its effect was amplified by increasing the strain rate for the SAE10B22 steel.12,13 The increase in the C content enhances the work- hardening rate.14 The work-hardening ability of steel increases with an increase in the C content. Thus, the C content causes a significant variation in the tensile strength of drawn steel wires. Moreover, it is known that B enhances the tensile properties of low-carbon steels.15,16 • The strength of rod wires can be improved using the wire-drawing process according to the experimental findings in this investigation. Furthermore, the wire- drawing-process parameters, like the reduction ratio and drawing velocity, also have a significant effect on the tensile properties of steel wires. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Mr. Uður UZ for his help with the experimental work and to the ARSAY WIRE PRODUCTION COMPANY, Kirklareli/Turkey and the YILMAR STEEL WIRE AND SPRING COM- PANY, Bursa/Turkey for their technical support in the experimental processes. 5 REFERENCES 1 T. Altan, S. Oh, H. L. Gegel, Metal forming, ASM, New York, 1983 2 S. Beretta, M. Boniardi, Fatigue strength and surface quality of eutectoid steel wires, Int. J. Fatigue, 21 (1999), 329–335 3 J. Toribio, E. Ovejero, Effect of cumulative cold drawing on the pear- lite interlamellar spacing in eutectoid, Scripta Mater, 39 (1998) 3, 323–328 4 A. J. Alawode, M. B. Adeyemi, Effects of degrees of deformation and stress-relief temperatures on the mechanical properties and resi- dual stresses of cold drawn mild steel rods, J. Mater. Process. Tech., 160 (2005) 2, 112–118 5 J. Languillaume, G. Kapelski, B. 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[íma, Effect of C, Ti, Zr and B alloying on fracture mechanisms in hot-rolled Fe–40 (at.%)Al, Intermetallics, 17 (2009), 680–687 C. S. ÇETINARSLAN, ALI GÜZEY: TENSILE PROPERTIES OF COLD-DRAWN LOW-CARBON STEEL WIRES ... 252 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 245–252 R. CELIN et al.: IMPELLER-BLADE FAILURE ANALYSIS IMPELLER-BLADE FAILURE ANALYSIS PREISKAVA PO[KODBE LOPATICE ROTORJA Roman Celin, Franc Tehovnik, Franc Vodopivec, Borut @u`ek Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia roman.celin@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2013-01-10; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2013-01-31 The axial pumps are used in a wide variety of applications, such as drainage control, power plants and process cooling. A fresh-water, vertical, axial-pump, stainless-steel impeller failed. The impeller was a single cast from stainless steel. A visual examination indicated that the fracture originated near the blade-to-hub attachment. During the investigation standard nondestructive and destructive methods were used. Specimens from the failed blades were taken for a material characterization. The goal of the examination was to determine a possible cause for the impeller-blade failure. After the examination it was determined that the most probable cause for the impeller-blade failure was the fatigue stress. Keywords: blade, impeller, cast stainless steel, crack Aksialne ~rpalke se uporabljajo za razli~ne namene, kot so namakanje, hlajenje procesne opreme in komponent termoelektrarn. Lopatica rotorja vertikalno postavljene aksialne ~rpalke se je nepri~akovano po{kodovala. Lopatica in rotor sta bila ulita iz nerjavnega jekla kot celota. Vizualna preiskava rotorja je odkrila razpoko na vstopnem robu lopatice v bli`ini pesta. Med preiskavo vzroka nastanka po{kodbe so bile uporabljene standardizirane poru{itvene in neporu{itvene metode. Iz lopatice rotorja so bili izdelani preizku{anci za karakterizacijo materiala. Namen preiskave je bil odkriti verjeten vzrok za po{kodbo lopatice. Po kon~ani preiskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da je najbolj verjeten vzrok za nastanek razpoke utrujanje materiala zaradi vibracij lopatic rotorja. Klju~ne besede: lopatica, rotor, lito nerjavno jeklo, razpoka 1 INTRODUCTION Centrifugal pumps are turbomachines used for transporting liquids by raising a specified volume of the flow to a specified pressure level. The basic centrifugal- pump components are: the casing, the bearing housing, the pump shaft and the impeller.1 A pump configuration of the components may vary depending on the fluid-flow direction that can be radial, semi-axial or axial. Axial- flow pumps achieve larger flow rates than radial pumps and are used in drainage control, power plants and pro- cess cooling. Figure 1 shows a generic design of a verti- cal, axial, centrifugal pump with the main components. Any pump operation is determined by the flow rate Q (m3/s), the head H (m) and impeller revolutions n (min–1). The head is the measurement of the height (m) of the liquid column the pump creates from the kinetic energy that the pump gives to the liquid. The design and operation of a pump also depends on the operation efficiency, the stability of the head-capacity characte- ristic, vibration and noise. An important issue is also a possible pump failure due to fatigue, cavitation, hydro- abrasive wear or erosion corrosion. Most vertical pumps are out of sight during the operation and, for this reason, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 253–258 253 UDK 620.179.1:620.179.11:691.714.018.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 47(2)253(2013) Figure 1: Vertical, axial, centrifugal pump Slika 1: Vertikalna aksialna centrifugalna ~rpalka Figure 2: Damaged impeller blade Slika 2: Po{kodovana lopatica rotorja it is important to monitor the shaft vibrations and other operational parameters. Twelve months after a plant outage a vertical, axial- flow, fresh-water pump, stainless-steel impeller failed. The hub and impeller blades were a single cast made of the ASTM A743 stainless steel (grade 316). This stain- less-steel grade was a material of choice because of its good erosion-resistant properties. The axial-pump flow rate was Q = 8.453 m3/s, the head was H = 13.72 m and the number of revolutions was n = 370 min–1. A complete pump assembly was dismantled and the maintenance crew immediately discovered a very distinct crack on an impeller blade (Figure 2). The pump owner decided to carry out a failure analysis. A failure analysis is a broad discipline that includes materials and mechanical engineering. The purpose of this paper is to present a failure-analysis procedure applied in the case of an impeller-blade failure investi- gation at the Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT, Ljubljana, Slovenia). 2 EXAMINATION PROCESS The failure analysis is explained in books2–6 and papers.7–11 The examination process starts when a com- ponent under observation has lost its designated function in a system. In general, the examination process or analysis of a damaged component is performed in several steps, which are described below. The first step is usually the on-site visit and the gathering of all the available information on the failed component and the in-service conditions of the component. The next step includes nondestructive examinations. There is a variety of nondestructive techniques avail- able12. The search for material imperfections is perfor- med with X-ray, magnetic particle, ultrasonic, liquid penetrant, eddy current, and other nondestructive testing procedures. The most common is the visual examination aiming to determine the general mechanical and struc- tural conditions of the components. The result of a visual examination is a record in the form of a sketch, dimen- sion-measurement data or a photography, identifying discontinuities or imperfections on the surface of the components such as cracks, wear, tear, corrosion, erosion, etc. Based on the results of a visual examination and the on-site information further decisions on the course of the examination are made. Usually that means establishing a plan for a destructive testing that involves the cutting off a sample material from the failed component, and an investigation of the samples in a laboratory for a chemi- cal analysis, metallography, a mechanical testing and others depending on the testing plan. A chemical analysis is performed on the original material to verify if the material sample meets the appropriate specification or standard, and whether a deviation from the specifications could have contributed to the failure. A wet chemical analysis, atomic absorp- tion, X-ray photoelectron, Auger electron and inducti- vely coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP MS) are some of the suitable methods of a chemical analysis. The tensile test is one of the most frequently used tests for evaluating the mechanical properties of mate- rials.13 A tensile force is applied with a machine and a gradual elongation and the final fracture of the test samples are obtained. The tensile test provides the force-extension data that can quantify the quasi-static mechanical properties of a material: yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation and reduction of area at fracture. Charpy (CVN) toughness tests are widely used to determine the impact toughness of a material and the effect of temperature on the sensitivity of structural steels to brittle fracture. Notched specimens are sub- mitted to the impact of a hammer with the kinetic energy of 300 J. The fracturing occurs in a ductile, mixed or brittle mode and, accordingly, very different quantities of energies are consumed. A careful investigation of the macrostructure and microstructure of a failed material can provide the most important information. A macroscopic examination of a component sample evaluates the surface of the compo- nent sample at a low magnification (usually up to 10 times). The type of a fracture such as ductile, brittle or torsion can be identified. Metallographic examinations are performed with an appropriate magnification of optical and scanning electron microscopes (SEM). During an optical micro- scopic examination the grain size, microcracks, the gene- ral microstructure and inclusion content are determined. Scanning electron microscopy is used to determine small details of a microstructure, fracture, precipitate size and distribution and characteristics of crack initiation and propagation. Furthermore, with the use of an energy dispersive analysis (SEM/EDS) corrosion products on a fracture surface can be identified. It is useful to compare the microstructure of the samples removed from a failed component with the samples removed from the sound sections of a component. A collection of visual, metallographic and SEM results along with a chemistry analysis, mechanical data and on-site information provides a solid ground for an examiner to put together conclusions on the causes and mechanism of a component failure. This is no easy task, because, in many cases, the failure reasons are not obvious even if a lot of information is available. Suffi- cient experience in a failure analysis is necessary to identify the cause of a failure. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Visual examination Only a visual examination14 was performed on the failure site. The stainless-steel impeller (Figure 3) was a cone-shaped hub with an approximate thickness of 35 mm with six blades attached. The blades vary in thick- R. CELIN et al.: IMPELLER-BLADE FAILURE ANALYSIS 254 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 253–258 ness from approximately 25 mm near the hub to an average of 10 mm at the top of the blade. Figures 2 and 3 show that the cast surface of the blades and the hub was not ground. Several areas were detected on the blades and at the attachment zone of the blades and the hub (Figures 4 and 5) where weld-repair work on the cast was performed by the supplier. The top of the blade started to rub against the inner ring surface and possibly the impeller operated in a damaged condition for some time. The material loss at the top of the blade, caused by friction wearing, is noticed on Figure 3. The most obvious feature on Figures 2 and 3 is the blade splitting over the entire hub. The crack propagated at an angle of approximately 30°–35° from the blade leading edge toward the outer edge. The visual exami- nation of the other blades revealed a through-thickness crack at the leading edge of the blade marked as sample 1 and it is shown, in detail, on Figure 5. The crack initial point on both blades (Figures 3, 4 and 5) was above the weld-heat-affected zone. It was not possible to determine the exact initial point of the crack on the blade leading edge. The crack surface was smooth and mostly plastically deformed due to the surface grinding during the pump operation. Tree samples (Figure 3) were chosen for further analysis. Figure 5 shows sample 1 which was used for a fracture analysis, while samples 2 and 3 were used for manufacturing the tensile and Charpy V-notch speci- mens. 3.2 Chemical analysis A quantitative chemical analysis was performed on the impeller-blade sample material. It was made with an ICP mass spectrometer. The results of the composition analysis are shown in Table 1. R. CELIN et al.: IMPELLER-BLADE FAILURE ANALYSIS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 253–258 255 Figure 5: Crack at the leading edge of the blade Slika 5: Razpoka na vodilnem robu lopatice Figure 3: Positions of Figures 4 and 5 with samples 1, 2 and 3 before the removal Slika 3: Polo`aj slik 4 in 5 ter oznake vzorcev 1, 2 in 3 pred odvze- mom Table 1: Chemical-composition comparison in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijske sestave materiala rotorja v masnih dele`ih (w/%) Cr Ni Mo Mn Si P C S N sample 1 17.5 9.73 2.05 1.07 1.03 0.022 0.03 0.003 0.044 material test report 19.2 9.6 2.3 1.08 1.28 0.03 0.01 0.01 – ASTM A 743 CF3M 17-21 9-13 2-3 1.5 1.5 0.04 0.03 0.04 – Figure 4: Crack surface with a repair-weld build up at the blade leading-edge attachment to the hub Slika 4: Povr{ina razpoke z reparaturnim zvarom na stiku ~ela lopatice in pesta The sample-1 chemical-composition-analysis results and impeller-manufacturer material-test report were in accordance with the ASTM grade A743 (316L) cast stainless-steel specification requirements presented in Table 1. 3.3 Mechanical testing A series of standard tensile tests15 and impact tests16 were performed with the specimens machined from the samples shown in Figure 1. The goal of the standard mechanical tests was to find out if the sample material was in accordance with the manufacturer’s material-test report and the ASTM specification. The tensile-test results are presented in Table 2. Table 2: Tensile-test results Tabela 2: Rezultati nateznega preizkusa Yield strength Rp0,2 /MPa Tensile strength Rm/MPa Elongation A/% sample 2 1 262 524 57 2 284 527 59 3 301 562 64 material test report US units 48 PSI 91 PSI 30 ASTM A 743 specification SI units min. 205 min. 485 30 US units min. 30 PSI min. 70 PSI 30 The yield-strength and tensile-strength results for the three machined specimens are in accordance with the manufacturer’s material-test results and ASTM specifi- cation requirements. The Charpy impact tests were performed at room temperature, according to the SIST EN standard, on a testing machine with an impact pendulum of a 300 J capacity. The Charpy-test results on the three V-notch samples were 250 J, 203 J and 261 J of the absorbed pendulum energy, which is above the minimum required value of 100 J from the owner’s specification. Figure 6 shows sample 1, cut from the hub, clamped on the tensile-testing machine with the purpose to obtain the fracture surface without any grinding or other dama- ge. 3.4 Metallographic examination Figure 7 shows the cast A743-steel microstructure of the hub at the blade side B of specimen 1 and Figure 8 shows the microstructure of the blade leading edge (side A). It consists of dendritic austenite grains with the inserts of  ferrite at some grain boundaries. The content of the  ferrite was of about 5 %. The microstructure shown on both pictures is without any peculiarity and it is typical for the cast stainless steel. 3.5 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Figure 9 shows the side-A fracture-surface view. The bright area (marked as 1.2) on the right is the fracture R. CELIN et al.: IMPELLER-BLADE FAILURE ANALYSIS 256 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 2, 253–258 Figure 8: Microstructure of the blade leading edge (sample 1 – side A) Slika 8: Mikrostruktura roba lopatice (vzorec 1 – stran A) Figure 6: Sample-1 crack opening on a tensile-testing machine Slika 6: Razpiranje vzorca 1 na trgalnem stroju Figure 7: As-cast microstructure of the hub-to-blade attachment Slika 7: Mikrostruktura ulitka na stiku pesta in lopatice surface obtained by tensile-machine crack opening (Figure 6). The sample-1 side-A fracture surface has the same features as the fracture surface shown on Figure 4. The surface is smooth and the mostly plastically deformed area marked as 1.1 (Figure 9) was carefully examined with an optical microscope. Because of the plastically deformed surface, the exact crack point of origin was impossible to ascertain. Also, the crack propagation mode could not be distinguished on the damaged surface (Figure 10) and the fatigue striations were not detected either. The area (marked as 1.2 on Figure 6) enabled a SEM investigation of the fracture surface, and Figure 11 shows two fracture modes. One (Figure 11 a) presents an interphase crack propagation on the interface of austenite and the inserts of  ferrite, while the other (Figure 11 b) looks like a ductile fracture with small dimples. 4 CONCLUSIONS The examination procedure described was performed to determine the mechanism of a failure of stainless-steel impeller blades. According to the owner’s data the impeller operated within the design parameters. For the given application, the impellers appear to have been fabricated within the tolerances and specifications required by the owner. The surface of the hub and blades was as cast. In general, an as-cast condition of a surface as well as the weld-repair places are sensitive regions prone to a crack formation because of dynamic loading. The metallographic examination did not reveal a deteriorative influence of a weld on the microstructure around the crack-initiation area. The crack-initiation point could not be determined because of the deformed surface. After the examination it was concluded that the most probable cause for the impeller-blade failure was the fatigue caused by the flow-induced vibrations due to a turbulent flow over the blades and the internal stresses caused by the welding repair of the casting defects. The crack-initiation point on the blade leading edge was probably a weak spot between the columnar den- dritic grains of the cast. 5 REFERENCES 1 J. F. Gülch, Centrifugal pumps, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2008, 61 or 368 2 K. A. Esakul, Handbook of case histories in failure analysis, Vol. 1, ASM International, 1992, 251 3 H. M. Tawancy, A. 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