ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILC OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION School’s Over For Grandma! Although it’s just beginning this month for children all over the country school’s all over for grandmother, Lucille Jesik, our member of Pueblo, Colorado, Branch 3. She completed six years of part time study at Southern Colorado State College to earn a bachelor of science degree in June. The mother of twelve children, ranging in age from 2 to 19 years, and all members of S.W.U., Mrs. Jesik is a full time registered nurse. NUItiDer 9 Kristie Chandler, of Gunnison seen here with her grandmother, seems to be admiring the graduate’s tassel for which Mrs. Jesik could well say: SEPTEMBER, 1968 “I worked a long time for that!” May her spirit inspire all our students to put forth that extra effort that will make school time the most rewarding of their lives. Volume 40 ZARJA - THE DAWN % Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher'. ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicaco 6060S Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America rudno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Z veze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tei.: Bishop 7-2014 .111 communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. No. 9, Vol. XL SEPTEMBER, 1968 Št. 9, Leto XL FOR EVERY FOR EVERY MAKE AN EASY BUCK!!! Lucky Bucks! Lucky Bucks! They are so easy to get! Until October 31st! Gel into action — in the NEW ERA CAMPAIGN for new members in the Slovenian Women’s Union! See your Secretary for Application forms that give you all details! FOR EVERY NEW MEMBER IN CLASS B, YOU’LL GET A LUCKY BUCK! NEW TWO MEMBERS IN CLASS A, YOU’LL GET A LUCKY BUCK! FOUR JUNIOR MEMBERS YOU’LL GET A LUCKY BUCK! Cash Prizes wiU also he tallied for EVERY new member as follows: .50 for one new member in A and .25 for every junior! Under the point system, Class 15 is one point; Class A is •/£> point and junior member is 1/j,point. BRANCHES TAKE NOTE! BRANCHES TAKE NOTE! BRANCHES TAKE NOTE! First place branch — with the most new members enrolled in this Campaign will he awarded $25.00 CASH! Second place branch, $15.00 CASH! Third place branch, $10.00 CASH! Social Members can be enrolled also—you receive Va point or .50 CASH! Ash someone to join the Slovenian Women’s Union Today! HAPPY III RT II DAY IN SEPT EM HER: Supreme Officer: Sept. 1—Barbara Rosandich, State President of Minnesota, Ely, Minn. Branch Presidents: Sept. 3—Mary Guzzol, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Sept. 4—Rose Hribar, Br. 104, Johnstown, Pa. Sept. G—Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Noble, Ohio Sept. 26—Rose Novak, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. Branch Secretaries: Sept. 2—Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio Sept. 7—Mary Lenich, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Sept. 8—Helen Skoff, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 10—Mary Bezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Sept. 12- Amalia Sorch, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Sept. 16—Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Sept 19— Louise Puchreiter, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Sept. 19- Theresa Zaliar, Br. 104, Meadowlands, Pa. Sept. 20—Jennie Pugely, Br. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio Sept. 26—Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 30—Mary Chrnart, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh. Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REM EM HER Sept. 8—MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Br. 86, Nashwauk Sept. 9—Picnic, Br. 73, Warrensville Heights, Ohio Sept. 11—Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 15 — WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION and 40 th ANNIVERSARY, West Allis, Wis. Oct. 5—Bake Sale, Br. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio Oct. 6—ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Oct. 11—Card Party, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio Oct. 13—OHIO BAZAAR, St. Vitus Hall, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 20—Card Party, Br. 14, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 27—40th Anniversary, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 12 — Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. A MESSAGE FROM THE SUPREME PRESIDENT: SEPTEMBER IS MONTH FOR ACTION! Dear Members: Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of Branch 23, Ely, Minnesota! This branch was organized on Sept. 19, 1928 by Mary Jerich and Rose Svete. A short comment on Br. 23 is due. I think, for this is a small city and located in the far northern end of Minnesota. This branch is very active and also has a club of younger members called the Dawn Club. Our 12th National Convention In 19G1 was held there and the members did a marvelous job to make the convention one that is still in our minds as one of the most enjoyable. Keep up the good work and wishes to all officers and members for many successful and happy years in the future. New Era Campaign Leading in the campaign for new members is our Duluth, Minnesota, Br. 33! They are holding their lead as shown by the campaign report and they are still working very hard to win the top prize. Let’s give them some competition, members! Hurry and write in those relatives and friends while the weather is still nice. Deadline, October 31, 19G8. Slovenian Chapel Fund Drive Dear members, as you know by now, the Slovenian Women’s Union has undertaken the responsibility of the fund drive for the Slovenian Chapel in the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at Washington, D. C. and the placing of our Slovenian Patroness, Our Lady of Help, Marija Pomagaj on her own altar. Now, to make this chapel a reality, we still have to raise the large amount of $27,000.00. All branches will be resuming meetings this month and I am appealing to fficers and each subordinate branch to spread the good word around and begin action to collect donations among the members and friends. If each branch would try to raise at least $100.00 for this drive, imagine how it would help. Bach branch will receive brochures on the proposed Slovenian Chapel and each donor will be getting one in the mail. One of our hard working officers is Barbara Yapel ot Soudan, Minn, who has volunteered to help towards the drive in her small city. She has already sent us $158.00 to date, and she is still working to send more. We need more volunteers like Barbara. Thank you! State Conventions This Month Wishing a successful Minnesota State Convention at Nashwaulc, Minn, on Sept. Sth and one week later, the Wisconsin State Convention at West Allis oil the 15th. Congratulations on the two celebrations and may you have successful events. Also, Best Wishes to West Allis, Br. 17 as on this occasion they will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the branch. A very happy birthday to all celebrants of this month and a speedy recovery to the ailing. To Secretary, Cecile Adamic of Branch 66, I shall remember you in my prayers and ask all our members to do the same. Cecile had to give up her post as secretary because of her serious illiness. Bazaar, Style Show and Baking Demonstration Branches of Cleveland are all getting busy for the great BAZAAR to be held on Sunday, Oct. 13th at St. Vitus Auditorium at 62nd and Glass Ave. Prances Sietz is in charge of the style show for which members will design and model their own outfits. Members are also eligible to make outfits for their children or friends to model. Prizes will be given for the best in workmanship, fit and style. Demonstrations will also be held showing you how to malce different kinds of pastry, for there is a knack, you know, and short cuts in all these techniques. It will be nice for you to learn, especially, the young ladies. A great variety of hand made fancy work will be on display and you will be able to purchase many things for Christmas. There will also be Mary Otonicar’s delicious krofe for sale on Saturday starting at 2 p. m. and until all are sold. There will be all kinds of pastry: poticas, not rolls, strudels and other delicacies. A roast beef dinner also will be served on Sunday. So, come one and all! Toni Turek OFFICERS OF BR. 92 WITH STATE PRESIDENT MRS. PACIIAK Crested Butte officers posed for this picture at the annual State Convention held there in June. They are, left to right standing: Myrna Krizmanich, president; Carole McDaniel, secretary and Anna Pachak, State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri; seated are Margaret Malenšek, treasurer and Eva Lubin, auditor. Hostess Br. 92 carried out a very successful state day program. > TWO STATE DAYS IN SEPTEMBER MINNESOTA MEETS AT NASHWAUK ON SEPT 8th! WISCONSIN MEETS AT WEST ALLIS, SEPT. 15th! (See branch reports for details!) 9 $1,000.00 DONATED TO SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND One of the first of Zveza’s branches to heed the call for funds late in 1967 for the Slovenian Chapel Fund was Br. 2 in Chicago, 111., — a contribution of $500.00 was sent in at that time to swell the coffers for the initial deposit. Subsequently, the members pledged another $1000.00 to be collected in 1968 and now that pledge has been honored! The following members of Br. 2 contributed wholeheartedly to the project that netted the grand amount of one thousand dollars! Hearty Thanks and May “Marija Pomagaj” Bless You All! Albina Novak, Sec. Antolin, Verona; Arko Helen; Arko Pauline; Augustine, Mary Frances, Augustine, Theresa; Blatnik, Angeline; Bledig, Mary; Bogolin, Sophie; Borsnik, Anna; Brant, Antonia; Bregar, Ann; Bergant, Caroline; Cefrin, Rose; Cepon, Frances; Cerjak, Frances; Cieblinski, Justina; Crnekovec, Rudolphina; Drobac, Helen; Dudas, Rose; Duller, Lillian; Dunkel, Mary Ann; Elsberg, Margaret; Fabian, Mayme; Ferenchak, Mary; Floryan, Marie; Gaber, Anna; Garbais, Mary; Ger-dovich, Mary; Glavach, Antonia;; Golob, Antonia; Gorka, Stella; Gor-kis, Veronica; Gorkos, Verona; Gos-podarczyk, Clare; Grill, Rita; Grim-sich, Albina; Gyura, Mary; Haidinjak, Magda; Hasek, Libbie; Helder Alma; Hergenrother, Margaret; Hozian Gizella; Hozian Mary; Hozian, Ann; Humar, Frančiška; Ivansek, Theresa; Jager, Mary; Jakubowski Barbara; Jasbec, Frances; Jeras, Angela; Kambich, Anna; Kerzich, Angeline; Kerzich, Tekla; Kerzicnik, Louise; Kitz, Jennie; Klaczynski, Mary Klec-ki, Frances; Kochevar, Mary; Koren, Josephine; Koren, Mary; Korenchan, Mary; Kosir, Mary; Kosmach, Clara; Kovacic, Jennie; Kovacs, Agnes; Krapenc, Mary; Krasovic, Justine; Krcmarik, Mary; Kroschel, Elsie; Krzan, Antonia; Kunchlch, Mary; Kuta, Lucille. Lah, Frances; Lauretig, Mary; Lazar, Ludmila; Leban, Josephine Leskovar, Corinne; Marinich, Mary; Markovich, Mary; Melissa, Elsie; Melissa, Shirley; Mencinger, Mary; Merlak, Jennie; Michaels, Isabelle; Mladic, Ann; Mladic, Elizabeth; Mladic, Helen; Muha, Anna; Muller, Mary; Musich, Paula; Norman, Geri; Novak, Albina; Nusko, Gloria; Oblak, Jean; Orehek, Frances Osterman, Stephanie; Our Lady of the Snows Group; Oresar. Albina; Ovnik, Lorraine; Ovnik, Marie; Ovnik, Mary; Ozbolt, Paulina; Paisoli, Mildred; Pavlin, Julia; Pecharich, Marija; Persa, Catherine; Petrich, Julia; Petrovič, Frances; Petrovič, Sophie; Pirc, Mary; Pirman, Christine; Piscitiello, Mary; Piszczor, Elsie; Poppish, Mary; Potokar, Theresa; Pristov, Theresa; Put-zell, Lillian; Rakovec, Albina; Rasp, Albina; Ravnikar, Mary; Repoush, Jennie; Rojc, Jennie; Roschay, Minnie; Ross, Angeline; Rozich, Caroline; Rybak, Shirley; Salay, Mary; Sardoch, Frances; Schifler, Mary F.; Shorner, Mary; Silko, Frances; Simec, Angela; Si-mec, Sophie; Šinkovec, Josephine; Skoflanc, Ursula; Sports Club; Stare, Anna; Statkus, Elsie; Stefanic, Margaret; Stevens, Anna; Straus, Anna; Strupeck, Margaret; Stuck, Mary; Taychman, Marija; Terdin, Anna; Terselich, Christine; Thoren, Hilda; Tivador, Mary; Tomazin, Charlotte; Tome, Evelyn; Tomse, Mary; Tuzak, Catherine; Ursich, Anna, Vegel, Frances; Vo-grich, Antonia; Vozel; Anna; Vrasich, Clara; Vucko, Anna; Vucksinic, Josephine; Wagner, Anna; Welser, Jennie Wencel, Barbara; Wilkerson, Mary; Wolford, Anne. Zabich, Katherine; Zajec, Josephine; Zalik, Bernice; Zalik, Rose; Zalokar, Mildred; Zefran, Frances; Zefran, Elizabeth;; Zeitz, Mary; Železnikar, Josephine; Zibert, Frances; Ziherl, Jennie; Zokal, Mary; Zorko, Anna; Zupančič, Jennie; Zugich, Angela; Zurek, Barbara. 21st Year Anniversary Anna Slopko Member of Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio Died July 30, 1947 Remembered with loving prayers! ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. In September, on the 12'th, we will hold our first meeting of the fall season. There are many things to discuss and among them, our future social activities. We are delighted with the results of Lemont Zveza Day, and hope you will all come to the meeting to hear about it. The prize winners on the big Slovenian Chapel project were so happy with their prizes. Top prize of $50 went to our own member, Angie Simec. The other ten winners received all hand-made items. Briefly, we must say that Zveza Day this year was wonderful. Our committees were busy all day and no one could ever underestimate their efforts. It’s really quite a job. The most tiring aspect of it is the long hours. Our guests, from far and near, all had plenty of good food and refreshments and a lot of fun playing games for the beautifully prizes. We must thank our hosts, the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers, particularly Fr. Daniel, for the lovely services at Mass at the Grotto and afternoon Singing Litany as also the hospitality shown with use of the grounds. The Hill is more beautiful than ever! Thank you most sincerely to our helpers, the ladies who served from the kitchen, brought food and baked goods, and the husbands, too, who were ever-ready bartenders. Mr. Železnikar supervised the refreshment stand from early morning until the end of the day. Mrs. Zorko not only took charge of the kitchen but solicited for prizes. To name every worker would be impossible — but they are certainly the best and the most deligent group that ever worked together! Hats off to them! Please plan on attending the Illinois-Indiana State Convention to be held Oct. 6th here at Chicago. We will Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: PRAYING HANDS Labor Day is here. If Labor Day means anything at all to a Christian, it certainly means that all of us will stop to thank the good God l’or endless blessing. We thank him for the gifts of our hands and health, and lor the harvest and fruits they produce and bring in. We thank God for His own Hand at work in blessing us so abundantly. There are hands much more delicate than Durer’s “praying Hands”. Why then would an artist paint the kind he did? They are not perfectly shaped hands of a model, but of a man who had done hard rough work all his life. They are the warm hands of a friend. When Durer started to study art in Germany, he shared a room with another student. They both had the same dream—some day to be a great artist. Both students were stricken by dire poverty, forced to support themselves after school by any odd jobs that came along. The strain became impossible. A change had to be found. They felt it would be wiser for one to give his time to work, while the other studied. Then, when one became skilled as an artist, he would use his profits to educate the other. The older youth insisted that Durer study first. The older boy then toiled long hours at the heaviest kind of labor, managing to earn enough money to support both, while his young roomate attended class and slowly matured as an artist. The time came at last when the younger man had learned all that any art school could teach him. Albrecht Durer was soon famous and respected far and wide. He was now ready to provide schooling for his good friend. But when the older man returned to school, he faced heart-rendering disappointment. He had been a laborer so long, his hands were no longer those of an artist. The joints were swollen, and the fingers were so stiff and awkward tht he could no longer make the fine brush strokes that are required in art. It was a bitter blow to Albrecht Durer. The artist did the next best thing. He immortalized their friendship in art. Getting hold of his old friend, Albrecht had him come to his studio and there he painted his hands — just as he had often seen them at work, at table, at prayer. Though the fingers were rough and worn and the heavy veins spoke of the hardest toil, those hands were still beautiful to Albrecht Rurer. The world still prizes that tribute. The story has a great lesson for us all. In whatever capacity we work, let us help others. make our final plans at the Sept. 12th meeting. We would like to visit our neighboring branches in Wisconsin for their State Day on Sept. 15th and anyone interested should contact the Home Office, BI 7-2014. There we will see their beautiful new church at West Allis. Best to all. Corinne Leskovar No. 14, Euclid, O.— Our August meeting was on a very warm, uncomfortable night which I am sure is why we had such a poor attendance. The meeting was opened with prayer for all our 111 and deceased members. We discussed our forthcoming card party on Oct 20th and bazaar on Oct. 13th. We wish to welcome two new members, Beverly Pecjak and Mary Režonja. Nice to have you both with us. On the sick list: Pauline Sesek who is doing very well after eye surgery; Ann Gabrenja and Mary Setina, recuperating at home after surgery and Prances Medved in Cleveland Hospital with a broken hip. We wish all these ladies a speedy recovery and to any other members that I have failed to mention. Congratulaions to Rose and Wesley Mickovic, grandparents of a new baby boy, their third grandson. Our heartfelt sympathy to Ann Snyder and family on the loss of their husband and father, John. He passed away in June. May his soul rest in peace. Three of our members, Rose Rodgers, Frances Erzen and Sylvia Pevec, took a trip to Europe this past summer and had a enjoyable time. Theresa Skur had as guests this sum- mer, her son, Major Anthony Skur and his family from Michigan and her two brothers, Joseph from Minnesota and Charles from California. A family reunion was held at Memorial Park in Euclid with 200 in attendance. Mary Stražišar won our door prize. Thank you Mary Bubnic for your live dollar donation to our sunshine club and thanks to Mary Stražišar for your donation to our goodtime club. Girls, please keep the card party in mind and as you do your shopping, maybe you could pick up a few prizes. I hope we have a much better attendance at the next meeting. See you then and God bless you. Vera Bajec No. 17, West Allis, WIs. On Sunday, Sept. 15th we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of our branch, combining it with the Wisconsin Day and Convention. At 9:00 a. m., the Convention meeting will convene and at 10:00 a. m. the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered at the new St. Mary’s church for the intention of the S.W.U. Immediately following the Mass, a social hour will be held and a Banquet served at 12:30 p. m. at the Hall, So. 00th and Madison St., with a short program following. A cordial invitation is extended to the Supreme Officers, sister branches, members and friends. Your reservation must be made by Sept 1st as we can accomodate only so many guests. Please call EV 4-4908, the president, Marion Marolt or evenings, call 744-2061, your secretary’s phone number. Since our last report, we learned of the death of one of our charter members, Mrs Rose Ustar, wife of John, mother of Mrs. Anne Melcher of Milwaukee and Mrs. Mary Kovačič of Sheboygan, sister of Mrs. Josephine Paucek another charter member of Br. 17, and sister of Mr. Anton Ribich of Sheboygan and many other relatives. She had transferred to the Fontana, California branch when she decided to live there. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family. At this time to urge all members of the S.W.U. and friends to donate to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. The Shrine will be something that everyone will be proud of, being placed in the central city of our beloved U.S.A. It you wish, you can contact any officer and we will gladly send in your contributions for you. We shall try to contact you for a contribution, and may it be large or small, it will be gratefully accepted. Congratulations to Karen Jung-wirth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth, upon her graduation as a nurse from the Milwaukee General County Hospital. Wishing you success and happiness in your profession, Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zeman were blessed with a baby boy making our smiling Frances Potochar the happy grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Wojciechowski II became the proud parents of a son, Eugene J. the III. Patricia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evans, the proud grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dries were bless- ed with a baby girl. Congratulations to these wonderful families. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to our sick members and shut ins. God bless you. Marie Floryan, Sec. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to member, Ursula Ambrose, her daughters and sons, and other relatives on the loss of their good father, Valentine Ambrose who died at the age of 77 years after an illness of 10 years. He was a very patient man and lived through his confinement with a smile. His wife was a good nurse to him during the years. He was a veteran of the 1st World War and was also buried with military rites. He was a member of many clubs and societies. His son, Val. Jr., who is serving 14 years in the Air Force, now in Thailand, flew here before his death. At the funeral, all children and 18 grandchildren were present. Three years ago, Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. May he rest in peace and receive his reward in heaven. Our Mother of the Year, Frances Ukovich, lost her son age 49 years, Ludwig Likovich is also survived by wife, one sister and four brothers. He was buried from St. Anne church to Resurrection cemetery. Albert Hočevar, the son of Frank and the late, Josephine Hočevar who was our member, passed away leaving sisters and brothers. He was bu-rier from St. Mary’s to the parish cemetery. May they all rest in peace and our condolences to the bereaved families. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Joseph Post 1080 held Its annual installation and Olga Ancel was installed as secretary; also Janice Ruth as junior secretary. Nadine Ancel and Philip Pucel gave their reports on the state convention they attended in Springfield. Our sick members are Mary Schmidberger at St. Joseph’s, Mary Vlasich at Americana, Katherine Butala, Theresa Zlogar, home after six weeks in the hospital and Anna Le-novich also at home. Our next meeting will be September 15th when our president, Emma Planinšek, will rejort on her visit to Europe with daughter, Irene. Also, other plans of the fall season will be discussed. With best wishes, Josephine Erjavec No. 33, Duluth, Minn. All plans were made to attend Minn. Zveza Day, Sept. 8th at Nashwauk and a chartered bus will be filled by our members. Everyone enjoys these trips as we always have a good time. The trip and banquet ticket will cost $5.25. So, come to the meeting Sept. 4th at which time the money will be turned in and banquet tickets obtained. FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE MEMBER IS MOURNED In Joliet, 111., a very well known gentleman passed to his eternal reward on July 6th. He was Valentine Ambrose, a veteran of World War I, member of St. Joseuh’s church, and various other societies and the Friendship Circle of S. W. U. He is survived by his widow, Ursula Ambrose, a member of Br. 20, three sons, Stanley, Leonard and Valentine Jr., and three daugters, Sister M. Marlene, Mrs. Theresa Bergstrom and Mrs. Mary Ann Morgan. 18 grandchildren and a sister also survive. Mr. Ambrose was born at Javorje pri Smartem in Slovenia in 1891 and as an 11 year olr boy came to America to work in the coal mines of Illinois. He came to Joliet in 1925 with his wife whom he married in 1922 in La Salle. To the Ambrose family, deepest sympathy and may his soul rest In eternal peace. •«»■ 'IP ' 1» -Mr The first penny social we had last year was so enjoyable and since we expect a large crowd at the Sept. meeting, it was decided that we have another penny social this month. The proceeds will go to our treasu-ury. Come and' have a lot of fun, members. And, we kindly ask for your donations of prizes to place in the bags! Now that vacations are nearly o-ver, let’s concentrate on the membership drive. It closes Oct. 31st. We are at the top in membership, so let’s go OVER THE TOP! How about it girls? One new member, brought in by one of our oldest members, Frances Koplenk, is Jane Nelson. We are happy to have you, Jane, in our midst and thanks to Frances for her work. I am sure that every member has a realtive or friend they can ask to join. We must replace the many members God has called to their final resting places. We are saddened by the tragic car accident that took one of our most recent social members, a wronderful and well-liked person, Mrs. Paulne Healy. She wanted to become a member of our branch because of our sociability and cooperation a-mong the members. Her own membership was short. May God rest her soul. Let us not forget her in our prayers. Her husband, George, was seriously injured and is confined at St. Mary’s Hospital. May God ease his pains and help him bear the great loss of his wife, as they were inseparable. Also surviving Pauline is a son, three sisters and a .brother Our sympathy to the family. The parish, with our pastor, Fr. Dolsina, has found great need for a moive projector to be used at the children’s class instructions and could also be used by our membership for entertainment. It was decided that each member as a free will donation, make a contribution of a dollar towards this projector. Please do this as quickly as possible. Recently confined in the hospital were: Ida Dincau, Mary Lasky, Mrs. Raic and many more confined to their homes. A Godspeed to recovery to each and everyone. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 42. Maple Heights, Ohio — Our last meeting for the summer was held in June and coffee and bakery were served by Antonia Kaselic and Mary Filips. At this meeting it was decided that our lodge would hold a bake sale on October 5th. We’re counting on everyone to do their part to help make this sale as successful as the last. Our next meeting will be held on October 15th. With everyone off in one direction or another during summer vacations, we find it virtually impossible to report on everyone’s whereabouts and good times. Frances Tomsic, however, went on a very special European trip. She visited the birthplace of her parents, Frank and Antonia Legan — a place she, herself, hasn't seen since she was five years old. Just about the time Frances returned home, Paula Hribar and her son, John, left for Yugoslavia. We certainly hope both trips were as exciting as anticipated and are anxious to hear of all the sights and places visited. Don’t forget two important dates; October 5, Bake Sale and October 15, our regular monthly meeting. B. A. Kastelic. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Once a-gain, the month of September will see us convening for our Wisconsin State Convention. St. Mary’s Help of Christian Church at West Allis will be our headquarters. We will be looking forward to a large member- COLORADO BRANCHES CONVENE AT CRESTED BUTTE V . H' v The State Convention of western branches of S.W.U., heltf at the church hall at Crested Butte, Colo, was called to order by State President, Anna Pachak with Myrna Kriz-manich as recording secretary. A roll call was held with the following Colorado branches in attendance: Margaret Kochevar, Pueblo, Br. 3; Ellen Stepanski, Denver, Br. 63; Christine Konte, Canon City, Br. G6; Myrna Krizmanich, Gunnison (Crested Butte), Br. 92. They all presented reports on their branch activities. Several letters of congratulations were read by Mrs. Pachak. Congratulations were received from Ellen Nort-nik, Secretary of Br. 63, Denver, Mrs. Frances Raspet of Pueblo, Mary Tomsic, State President of Pennsylvania, Mary Vidmar, President of Br. 78, Leadville, Antonia Kastelic, President of Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans., Mary Lenich, Secretary of Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn., and Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan. The location for next year’s Convention was discussed with no decision made. Leadville, Colo, was suggested. The meeting was then adjourned and everyone attended the luncheon. Myrna Krizmanich, Recording Secretary ship attending from all over Wisconsin. Since no meetings have been held in July and August, thre isn’t much to report. Our trip to Lemont was very favorable, the weather excellent and the food delicious. Lastly, it was a pleasure to meet with friends a-gain. Hospitalized at St. Luke’s Hospital is Mary Korošec, she had emergency surgery and is very seriously ill. .Please remember to say a prayer for her recovery and also to remember her with a card. Donnie Walsh hasn’t been feeling too well, so to the above two members and all shut-ins, a very speedy recovery. Next meeting is September 8th at Vickie’s. Congratulations to all September birthday celbrants. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Our last meeting was held on June 9 at the home of our Vice-President, Mrs. Margaret Dolenz. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Mrs. Dolenz, and there were very few members in attendance. The mjnutes of our February meeting v/fere read and approved. There was no new business to discuss. The meeting was adjourned, and cake and ice cream were served. Our next meeting will be on the second Sunday of September at the home of Mrs. Dolenz. On July 14, a surprise party was held honoring Mrs. Mary Staher on her 80th. birthday by her daughter, Marie Thompson. Many of Mrs. Sta-her’s friends and members of our branch were there. A gift from the members was presented to the honored guest. Games were played and in sept. and oct. a new member VACATION TIME OVER FOR COMBINED BRANCHES Our Combined Branches of Cleveland were vacationing for one month, but I want to remind all about the big Bazaar to be held Oct. 13, 1S68 at St. Vitus Hall on Glass Ave. There will be booths from various branches, Bake Sale, Style Show and Demonstrations. We will arrange an interesting program of the Baton Twirlers, showing how they have progressed. Hope to have a big turnout. This invitation is to ALL! I am sure you will enjoy yourselves at the Bazaar. Come and make a day of it. There will be luncheons served at the right price, or sandwiches for a snack, so you won’t have to hurry home to eat. Please keep the date in mind, Sunday, Oct. 13th. Hope all vacationers had an enjoyable trip. Take it easy and plan to come to your branch meetings now in the fall. We wish all happy birthdays and to those who are ill, a sincere get well wish. Special thoughts to Pauline Stampfel, our vice-president, who is missed very much. She was very sick for many days and we are happy to hear that she is improving and we hope she will return to our meetings soon. God bless you and look after you. Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan On Sunday, Oct, Gth, friends from all Cleveland are invited to attend the 49th anniversary of the Euclid Slovenian Home on Rechar Ave. in Euclid. On the program beginning at 4. p. m. will be our Dawn Choral Group and Baton Twirlers of S.W.U., plus other singing societies and dancing music by Frankie Kramer in the evening. The proceeds from this event will be used to refurbish the stage in this hall, used by all the participating groups A good cause and an enjoyable day, M. B. throughout the year, so plan to attend. a delightful luncheon were served, topped off with a beautiful cake. We wished Mrs. Staher many more healthy and happy birthdays. Respectfully submitted, Theresa Gabrian No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Our next meeting Sept. 17th will be held at the lovely new home of Betty Vadas at 7:30 p. in. She resides at Dartmoor Road, N.E. the street next to Blessed Sacrament church. Our family is filled with sadness. Frank Ponikvar, Jr., age 40 passed away on July 6th. He was the beloved husband of our recording secretary Jean, loving son of Frank and Mary Ponikvar and the only brother of my husband, Harry. He was the devoted father of 5 young children. He became ill last Christmas and slowly his life ebbed away. He suffered greatly but very seldom would he make it known. He loved to spend his time outdoors before he became ill and had a lovely pool and lawn that he cared for. We are all left with memories of Frank, his accor-idan at family christenings, etc. that will assist us in our daily prayers for his soul. Although our hearts are filled with sorrow and we shall truly miss him, we feel that Frank is at last restfully at peace. Get well wishes to Rose Korošec, who is ailing Back home from a trip to Europe are Mayme Sporich and Anne Savor. Welcome home, girls! Frances Banozich is back in town for a visit from Phoenix, Arizona. Enroute to Florida as I write today are members Louise Vernell and daughter, Mary Ellen and Louise’s sister, Joyce Mlakar and her friend. Louise la acting as chaperone for three lovely girls . . . That might be quite a job, Louise! Please pay up, members, my address is still the same, 1040 Meadow-brooks S. E. Joanne Ponikvar, Secretary-Treas. No. 73 Warrensvllle Hgts. O. School time again is hear and time for rest for mothers. Pick up your booklets, ladies, for the combined branches doing on Oct. 13th, try to sell some, everyone! Sally 'Kunka is a new grandmother. Her daughter, Joyce, adopted a son. Good luck to you both. Two new members, Judy Turk and her new baby son are welcomed to our branch. We hope to see you at our doings and meetings, every first Monday of the month. Adeline Trzaska had an operation; we pray she is on the mend again. Good luck to all our members, young and old, and those going back to college this year. Happy birthday to all our members who had birthdays or are having them this month. Betty Bayus, Reporter Hermine Prlsland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wls. 53711 and .»»as'*1 A Madison housewife who enjoys her own dinner parties serves prime rib of beef for her favorite company dinner with a mock wild rice ring and peas, a fruit or tossed salad, hot rolls, and dessert. PRIME RIB OF BEEF The prime rib can be any size roast. It is put in the oven during the morning for an evening dinner. Although the oven door should not be opened all day, the wild rice and rolls can be quickly put into the oven without affecting the meat. One prime rib of beef roast, any size. Seasonings: salt, pepper, garlic powder, monosodium glutamate. In early morning, let roast stand until room temperature. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F. Season meat with the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and monosodium glutamate. Place fat side up in roasting pan. Do NOT cover. Put pan in oven sometime in the morning, cook one hour in hot (400 degrees F.) oven. After one hour, turn off oven. Do not open oven door for remainder of day; 45 minutes before serving time, turn on oven again to 400 degrees F. The roast, no matter what size, will be medium rare. MOCK WILD RICE WITH PEAS One pound fresh mushrooms Two large onions One half stick butter or oleo One quart cooked rice One teaspoon soy sauce Salt and pepper Two packages frozen peas Clean mushrooms and onions. Grind mushrooms and onions in meat grinder, reserving the juice from both. Saute ground mushrooms and onions in butter. Add rice, remaining mushroom and onion juice, and soy sauce. Season to taste with salt and pepper. (The mixture will be a light brown shade.) Pack mixture very firmly into a buttered ring mold, pressing down with a spoon. (If you don’t have a ring mold, you may use a casserole dish.) Bake one hour in moderate (350 degree F.) oven or place in hot (400 degrees F.) oven for 45 minutes with prime rib of beef. When done, turn onto platter or tray. Place bowl of cooked buttered and seasoned frozen peas in center. Garnish with parsley. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. POTS & PANS WRITER TO BE GUEST OF MINNESOTA! Mrs. Hermine Dicke, our celebrated writer of the column, “Pots, Pans and Pastimes” will be honored guest at the Minnesota State Convention in Nashwauk Sept 18! Come and meet her! BAKED CHICKEN SALAD This is another dish you can prepare in the morning refrigerate and bake 25 minutes before serving. 2 cups cooked chicken 0/2 inch dice) 11/2 cups celery (Vi inch dice) Vi cup chopped toasted almonds 2 teaspoons finely chopped onion Grated rind of /2 lemon 1 tablespoon lemon juice Vs teaspoon pepper J/2 to % cup salad dressing Salt Measure chicken, celery, almonds, onion, lemon rind and juice, pepper into mixing bowl. Add salad dressing. Toss lightly to blend ingredients. Divide into four individual shallow casseroles or a 1 quart casserole. Sprinkle cheese over top. Top with potato chips. Place casseroles on baking sheet and bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees) for 25 minutes, or until cheese begins to bubble. CELERY SEED FRENCH DRESSING J/2 cup sugar teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon grated onion or Vs tea-poon onion powder % cup vinegar (may be part lime or lemon juice) 1 cup salad oil 1 tablespoon celery seed Mix dry ingredients and onion. Add vinegar. Slowly add oil beating vigorously. Then add celery seed. Refrigerate. This is creamy and almost as thick as mayonnaise. MEAT BALLS WITHOUT BROWNING When a number of mothers were asked to make meatballs for a Girl Scout supper a suggestion came up that I found very worthwhile. To save time browning the meat balls, bake Instead on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan covered with aluminum foil. Place meat balls on foil, bake 20 minutes in 350 degrees preheated oven. The meat balls brown beautifully and are done in 20 minutes without turning. * * * Hope you had a wonderful summer and Happy School Days! Fondly, Hermine No. 89, Oglesby, III. — At the last meeting we discussed the ditty bags some of the ladies are making for the servicemen. Each of these bags will be filled with about eight different articles before they are sent. Mrs. Sophie Frank brought some ditty bags to be displayed that she was working on. Our congratulations to Guy Michael Rlmmele, from Peru, who is a grandson ol' Mrs. Frances Nemeth. He won the Junior State Championship bowling trophy at the tournament finals held in Argo, 111. Guy was also awarded a $250.00 scholarship for this achievement. The final financial report was given at the last meeting on the beautiful afghan Miss Mary Kerne made. We extend our appreciation to her. She has made many afghans and gives many away as gifts. Recently Mary visited the National Shrine of Our Lady of Snows at Belleville, 111. Mary is planning a longer trip in the future and hopes to make a trip around the world someday. Speaking of Shrines, our members are making individual contributions, and they voted on a contribution from from the treasury toward the Slovenian Chapel in the Immaculate Conception Church in Washington, D.C. Wishing a speedy recovery to all the sick members. We do know Mrs. Frances Nemeth and Mrs. Mary Cen-ltar were hospitalized. And now to our Juvenile members, we wish you the best of success in school for the new fall term. Good luck. Angela Nico No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. — Our meet-was called off again in July — not enough members so we will try again in Sept. What will happen to our branch if members show no interest? Please, come on out and join us — now the weather isn’t too hot. It won’t be long until old man winter snaeks in on us and then “it is so cold!” So, try to come to the meeting this month. We lost one of our first charter members, Mrs. Mary Kirn who died July 12th. Our condolences to the family. May she rest in peace. Now for some nice news. The Kastelic’s had visitors from Covina, Calif., none other than Mr. and Mrs. M. Bradvica and their sons, Tom and Bernie and mother, Mrs. Belle-tich. This was their first trip east and they surely enjoyed it very much. I hear that the Berginces from La-Crlsenta, Calif, were out this way, too. I wish them all very nice and happy visits and safe trips back to sunny California. Hi! Ho! My prayers for all members and for the sick for speedy recovery. God bless you all. Ann Kastelic, Pres. TONI TUREK: OBSERVING BARAGA CENTENNIAL A new book, based on the archives of the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide at the Vatican in Rome is enjoying prominence among devotees of Bishop Frederic Baraga during this, the centennial yaer of his death. Author, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Maximilian Jezernik is seen here autographing the book for Lud and Corinne Leskovar in their office at Chicago, Illinois and looking on is Rev. Francis Turk, a secretary to the Bishop of Ontario, Canada who was the Monsignor’s traveling companion on his American tour. The tour was arranged fo the express purpose of acquainting Msgr. Jezernik with the important places history records as Baraga-land. He brought a message direct from His Holiness, Pope Paul VI to Bishop Charles Salatko, the successor to Baraga in the diocese of Marquette, Michigan. In this book, Baraga is portrayed as a holy man with exceptional talents who became a missionary, Apostle of the Indians and first Bishop of the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, with appraisal of Baraga’s life as it was told by his contemporaries. Msgr. Jezernik’s work in Rome as the Director of the Propaganda Fide also includes administrating the institutions for Slovenian priests, Sloveni-cum, which has begun a fund drive in the Slovenian parishes of the United States. "OUR VACATION" My husband and I had a lovely three week vacation In Minnesota and Canada. We spent a week and a half at my brother, Frank Gornik’s cabin on Rainey Lake located near Ft. Francis, Canada. We fished on this lake and caught our limit of wall-eyes. The limit is 6 per person per day. One whopper of a muslcie that my husband caught bit the line off and got away! I enjoyed picking bluberries which were very plentiful, although this is a back-breaking job, believe me. I really enjoyed it, as it was my favorite sport when I was a young girl, tramping through the woods and partaking of the fragrance of the pine trees. While here I also had a few thrills! First, as my sister, Alyce, and I were driving on a lonely road from the cabin to the city of Ft. Francis, I encountered a 300 lb. wild bear crossing the road in front of me and dashing into the woods. The next day, we went fishing to a lake another 110 miles further north in Canada and there we caught 28 wall eyes! We travelled back by boat and while docking them and getting all our supplies out to the truck and car, we were hit by a million mosquitoes that had a picnic on us and left us full of red bumps! Sunday, we attended Mass at the Indian Reservation. Here they have a small church and beautiful large school and dormitory where the Indian children stay during the school time as the distance is too far for them to travel back and forth. I was very impressed by the voice of an elderly Indian man who sang during the Mass. He had the most beautiful bass voice and sang with ease without accompainment. On this Reservation the government is building new homes for them. Driving back to Chisholm late in the evening, we again saw lots of wild life including a small young black bear alongside the road, two beautiful red foxes and a nice size deer. This really is wild country! I know now that I was lucky not to encounter one of them while alone out there picking my blueberries! I guess if I had, I would just stay put and not make a move, praying that he would go away! On Sunday, July 21st, I attended the Yugoslav picnic held at Ely Lake, Eveleth, Minn. Here I met many of my friends of Zveza. The picnic was well-attended by the people from all the range cities. Vacation days are now over and we are back to the old grind again! No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. The S. W. U. convention at Crested Butte started on a beautiful day that suddenly turned very cool on June 30th at the All Saints Catholic Church with a beautiful High Mass celebrated by Most Rev. Buswell, Bishop of Pueblo and Fr. Friel of Gunnison. After Mass a state convention meeting was held at the church basement hall attended by the delegates from participating branches. Everyone then attended the luncheon at Frank and Gal’s Cafe. Bishop Buswell was the main speaker on the theme of peace. Mrs. Pachak, our State President, was also a speaker and she introduced some of the visiting guests and read several letters of congratulations Miss Betty Spehar was the toastmistress. After the luncheon, Tommy Mraule entertained us with polka music on his accordian which everyone thought was a great conclusion. Myrna Krizmanich, Pres. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Our branch holds no meetings during the summer months, consequently, the Zarja is devoid of Fontana’s voice in print; you may classify this as a vacation of sorts. Children are back in school, holiday plans are made in advance, some are realized and others come to naught. There is one “person” who never takes a vacation, yet he comes, an uninvited guest who brings sorrow to families and friends alike. Assuredly, you are all cognizant that the “person” in question is death and now we mourn the loss of Mrs. Rose Ustar. Our sister branches in Wisconsin will readily recognize her by her former name of Parkel. She was very active and worked closely with Mrs. Prisland, organizing branches in the Wisconsin area. May God grant her special blessings for her fine and memorable works in our midst, her deep affection and friendship towards all, she possessed many fine qualities too numerous to mention in space allotted. Heartfelt sympathy are two words customarily used to express, console and convey to those who sustain the loss of a loved one; we now use those words In all their pro- . HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, WILLARD, WIS. found meaning and pass them on to her husband, John, her daughters, Mrs. Mary Kovaclc, Mrs. Anna Mil-cher and their immediate families. Rose will be missed but never forgotten by those who were fortunate to come in contact with her warm personality, generosity and graciousness. All members are urged to continue praying for the repose of her soul and for our dear sisters who have preceded her to their eternal rest. At this writing, our Slovenian reporter, Christine Filips, is hospitalized, unable to receive visitors. We are with you, Christine, spiritually with prayers for a full recovery. God grant that you will be among us when next we convene. Our prayers are meant to reach all our sick members, here in Fontana and elsewhere. This includes you, Olga Mayzak Southard, hundreds of miles away, yet near to those who love you. Mrs. Julia Kukman, our Mother of the Year, asked yours truly by way of Zarja, to thank her friends for the many, many congratulatory cards she received, it would take weeks to acknowledge them all; so as her temporary secretary, I hereby carry out her wishes by talking on paper, saying, "dear friends, thank you!” Get well wishes are sent across the country to Mrs. Christina Pierman and Mrs. Johanna Telban of Br. 2 in Chicago, the latter who made strudel like nobody else in this world; that is the sincere opinion of an expert strudel-eater, me! With great anticipation, I am looking forward to a visit from two sisters from Br. 2, namely, Shirley Melissa and Mary Reich. You will be warmly received and hope you thoroughly enjoy the socials that follow our sessions. I take the liberty of sending a copy of a poem written by Johanna Ter Wee, that is so appropriate for each and every one of us for each and every day. Folks at Willard are proud of their new little church, dedicated only last year and located right in the heart of town. They certainly have reason to- be proud of it — it is a simply beautiful structure and has a most comfortable interior. Everyone who attends this church must feel very much “at home” there. On our second visit toi Willard this summer, the Editor and family had the opportunity to visit the church and the home of reporter of Br. 102, Mrs. Sophie Trunkel on the Trunkel farm. As in most Slovenian communities, Willard still keeps alive with many religious, social and civic events, although living is different in this farming community, and everything is at a distance. This has not deterred our members from conducting a very busy program of activities all year and to raise money for the statue of the Holy Family that graces the entrance of the new church. Hats off to officers and members of Br. 102 and may you continue to have Rare gifts I have to treasure, Their wealth cannot be told. They are valued more than diamonds Or coffers filled with gold. They comfort me when sorrow Drapes her mantle by my door And add to all the joys of life A thousandfold or more. I guard these gifts deep in my heart, Their blessings know no end . . . The love of an eternal God The kindness of a friend. Edith Drawenek, Rep. pro tem No. 103, Washington, D. C. — Our monthly meetings will be resumed the second Sunday in September, at 2:00 p. m. How nice it would be to see a goodly number of members present at this first meeting. Let’s start the new meeting cycle off with a bang! Other vacation news has reached this reporter’s desk today. It seems that Nika, Eric and Bernadette Kovačič travelled north to Niagara Falls and Toronto, Canada this summer. We also hear that they had a marvelous time. Birthday greetings are sent for the month of September to: Freda Mi-chelitch (7th), Helena Špacapan (11th), Hilda Korun (16th) Anna An-tolin, junior, ((22nd), Mary Michel-itch (25th). We remember you on your birthday and wish you every joy not only for your special day but for always. Greetings are sent to Mr. and Mrs. Ann Savor, John Savor, and Mamee Sporich of Warren, Ohio. Ann and Mamee are SWU members in Warren and I was fortunate enough to meet them on my vacation and to enjoy their friendly company on our tour. We were the only 6 American-Slovenes on the tour and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. Hope our paths cross again! During the month of July, my mother and I travelled to Slovenia and through Yugoslavia. After many years of wondering about my Slovenian heritage and dreaming of the day when a visit to the beloved Slovenia of my parents would be a reality, I luck and success in all your ventures! C. L. finally set forth on Slovenian soil, July 2, 19G8. Pictures I have seen depicting the beauties of this “jewel of the Adriatic” and the stories I have heard told, in no way did justice to tho loveliness my eyes beheld as we flew over the Julian Alps and circled the mountains and valleys of Slovenia. This indeed was another world! True, words and pictures are somewhat successful in depicting this lovely gem but they can never hope to recapture the ultimate loveliness. One must witness such magnificence in actuality. My eyes eagerly attempted to capture every iota of scenic beauty from the moment of arrival to departure—and beauty could be found everywhere. The unique mixture of old and new, in people, places and things was quaint and this rare combination added to the fascination, making my visit an extremely interesting and picturesque experience. One could witness a happy and congenial association of progress and tradition evident in city and farm; a reminder of the political system of the feudal days reflected by the castles and old cities; a deep religious awarness revealed in the churches and the wayside chapels. I could not begin to expand upon my visit unless words would be allowed to flow for pages and pages, and then the mere sentences and phrases would never replace the real thing. To you, who have never visited Slovenia, or those of you who have hesitated in returning to your homeland after many years, I suggest that you begin your plans now for a very enjoyable visit in a vacation land that is comparatively undiscovered by the rest of the world. The rewards will be great! I have returned from my experience a far richer person, for now I have learned to love Slovenia dearly and appreciate America even more. God bless America and Slovenia. Irene M. Planinšek I HONOR ROLL ČASTNI RED As of December 31, 1966, prepared for the 14th NATIONAL S.W.U. CONVENTION IN WASHINGTON First Degree — Prvi Red Adults Juniora Totals Mary Otoničar (25) 792 358 1200 Mary C. Terlep (20) 441 334 775 f Agnes Mahovlich (95) 534 34 569 Second Degree — Drug i Red f Frances Susel (10) 330 130 433 Angela Strukel (24) 259 146 405 Mary Hrovat (15) 253 129 382 Prances Raspet (3) 281 68 349 t Mary Schimenz (12) 204 120 324 t Christine Menart (7) 46 234 280 t Mary Markezlch (95) 176 75 251 Anna Pachak (3) 88 143 231 Mary T-enich (19) 157 70 227 Anna Petrich (54) 193 15 208 Josephine Erjavec (20) 109 98 207 Albina Novak (2) 139 67 206 Third Degree — Tretji Red Frances Raspet 134 64 198 Vickie Faletič (25) 94 99 193 Josephine Železnikar (2) 90 97 187 Magdalena Widina (2G) 180 1 181 Mary Tomazin (2) 149 31 180 Ursula Zajc (56) 158 18 176 Barbara Rosandich (23) 106 69 175 Marie Floryan (17) 77 89 166 Rose Kraemer (43) 60 105 165 Pauline Ozbolt (2) 135 29 164 t Dorothy Dermes (8) 133 26' 159 Theresa Skur (14) 151 4 155 Heien Corel (93) 138 17 150 Mary Urbas (10) 99 44 143 Rose Jerome (19) &8 53 141 Karolina Kozina (56) 140 1 141 Mary Usnik (90) 134 — 134 Rose Racher (54) 66 67 133 Christine Bradish (3) 80 52 132 Pauline Stanley (95) 57 74 131 Mary Coghe (26) 96 35 131 Angela Schneller (65) 82 45 127 Marie Prisland (1) 105 20 125 t Helen Tomazic (47) 96 25 121 Anna Trdan (38) 108 7 115 Josephine Seelye (50) 104 6 110 Antoninette Lucich (31) 52 58 110 Mary Sluga (10) 108 — 108 Mary Starika (66) 106 — 106 Frances Bradach (35) 38 68 106 t Agatha Dezman (12) 86 19 105 Antonia Nemgar (19) 76 26 102 Adults Juniors T otals Mary Snezic (67) 63 38 101 Margaret Fischer (1) 60 40 100 Emma Planinšek (20) 77 21 98 t Frances Ponikvar (25) 95 1 96 t Mary Glavan (10) 93 2 95 t Frances Mule (61) 68 27 95 Mary Strukel (14) 47 44 91 t Theresa Cvitkovlch (64) 79 11 90 Josephine Muster (20) 29 60 89 t Ursula Pierce (27) 81 6 87 t Mary Lusin (41) 86 1 87 Julia Zupančič (5) 36 50 86 Anna Zorko (2) 44 38 82) Christine Rupnik (1) 73 8 81 Helen Yuricich (22) 79 — 79 Frances Medved (14) 45 34 79 Johanna Dolinar (39) 77 2 79 Jennie Okolish (6) 69 9 78 t Mary Lovse (88) 31 48 79 t Nettie Tratar (17) 78 — 78 Mary Yasbec (89) 54 23 77 t Frances Bresak (40) 74 4 78 t Bara Kramer (13) 76 — 76 Mary Shepel (23) 47 29 76 Helen Krall (33) 55 20 75 t Theresa Zdesar (32) 64 10 74 t Lillian Kozek (2) 46 28 74 Helen Vodnik (12) 55 19 74 Anna Kameen (7) 57 16 73 Pauline Osolin (7) 71 — 71 Frances Martahaus (61) 71 — 71 t Pauline Zupančič (15) 68 — 68 t Mary Tratnik (43) 33 35 68 Mary Shikonya (23) 33 30 63 t Mary Kocjan (28) 63 — 63 Frances Klucevsek (88) 63 — 63 Angela Satkovich (97) 45 18 63 Anna Sterle (71) 45 17 62 Ann Podgoršek (33) 25 35 60 Fiances Glach (93) 59 — 59 t Zora Yurkas (16) 17 41 58 t Josephine Barbarich (5) 53 4 57 f Gertrude Delopst (12) 33 24 57 t Margaret Kozjan (3) 52 2 54 t Jennie Juzina (17) 54 — 54 Frances Lovsin (34) 51 — 51 Johanna Prinz (57) 44 7 51 t Katherine Verant (35) 50 — 50 Josephine Richter (79) 35 15 50 t Julia Gottlieb (2) 50 — 50 Mary Bostian (50) 31 19 50 t Deceased member of Honor Roll These members have during the course of their membership enrolled 50 nor more new members. The Honor Roll is published tii-ennially. ALBINA NOVAK, Supreme Secretary Marie P rial and: Največja Zvezina podružnica št. 25 v Clevelandu bo to jesen praznovala 40-letnico obstanka. K'ako je bila u-stanovljena ta podružnica? Takoj po ustanovitvi Slovenske Ženske Zveze se nam je pridružil Zapad in Vzhod, iz Clevelanda, največje slovenske naselbine v Ameriki pa ni bilo nobenega glasu. Pisala sem vsem Slovenkam, katere sem osebno poznala ter nagovarjala naj bi skušale podružnico ustanoviti. Končno je stopila na plan Mary Glavan s podružnico št. 10. Na konvencijo, vršečo se v Chicagi od 7. do 8. novembra 192'7 sta bili še dve podružnici iz Clevelanda naznanjeni, št. 14 in 15. To je bilo veliko veselje! Pričakovale smo, da se bo zganilo tudi “srce” Clevelanda — St. Clair, pa se to ni zgodilo. Pisala sem sem, pisala tja, dosegla pa ničesar. Sporočilo, da je neki ljubi rojak, ki še živi, trdil, da se tamošnje Slovenke ne bodo nikdar Zvezi pridružile, ker so “prešmart”, me je kar dvignilo. Zdaj pa mora biti tam podružnica, če jo grem kar sama ustanavljat, sem rekla. Obrnila sem se na glavno odbornico Mary Glavan ter ji naložila odgovornost ustanovitve nove podružnice na St. Clarju. Odgovorila je, da bosta tja šli s prijateljico in bosta gotovo uspešni. Dan pozneje prejmem poročilo od Mary Bradač, da je 22. novembra ustanovila podružnico na St. Clarju. Z velikim veseljem sem to novico pozdravila ter novi podružnici dala številko 25. Prihodnji dan pride pismo od Albine Novak, ki naznanja, da je ustanovila podružnico na St. Clarju. Prisrčno sem pozdravila tudi to podružnico ter ji dala številko 26, — Spet pismo. Gospa Novak piše, da ni vedela, da je bila ena podružnica že ustanovljena na St. Clarju, zato se bodo združile s prvo, ker imajo rajši eno veliko podružnico kot dve majhni v istem okrožju. To razumevanje mi je zelo ugajalo in s tem se mi je sestra Novak takoj priljubila. Podružnica št. 25, ki je imela 50 ustanovnih članic, je takoj razvila veliko aktivnost. Napredovala je na vseh koncih in krajih. Zmagovalka je bila v večkratnih članskih kampanjah, vodila je narodnostne in druge programe, imela je prvi vežbalni krožek. Povsod je bila prva! Bila je Zvezin najlepši cvet ter vzgled delavnosti vsem ostalim podružnicam. Vse to pa ni prišlo samo od sebe. Kjer je aktivnost, tam mora biti podlaga zato. Ta podlaga pa so odbornice, ki vodijo, ki delajo, ki se žrtvujejo. Take odbornice je podružnica vseskozi imela. V spominu mi je aktivna, ugledna predsednica Prances Ponikvar. Hranim njena .pisma iz katerih veje silno veselje do dela in gorečnost za dvig podružnice. Vse polno načrtov je imela in jih tudi izvedla. Blag ji spomin! Pa naša Mary Otoničar! Amerikanci pravijo svojim voditeljem “Mr. So and So,” mi pa lahko rečemo, da je Mary Otoničar — "Mrs. Cleveland!” Brez nje podružnica kar ne more obstojati. Delavna je povsod; pri fari, pri društvih, pri prodaji peciva in pri peki, saj menda nobena ne zna tako dobre potice napraviti kot ona. Za poročna kosila in druge gostije je "za-arana” po celo leto vnaprej. Za časa Zvezinega bazarja, ko je bila kuhinja v njeni oskrbi, je prosila zdravnika naj ji predpiše zdravilo, ki jo bode krepilo, da bo mogla vzdržati vsaj tako dolgo, da bo kuhinja izpolnila svojo nalogo. Če to ni rekord navdušenega dela, potem ne vem kaj bi bilo. Sestra Otoničar je bila večkrat zmagovalka v članskih kampanjah saj ima nekaj nad 1200 novih članic zapisanih v Zvezini knjigi. Naj jo Bog ohrani zdravo in delavno še dolgo let! Sedijo od leve na desno: Julia Brezovar, zapisnikarica; Mary Otoničar, tajnica; Albina Novak, takratna gl. predsednica; Jennie Krall, predsednica; Prances Brancel, podpredsednica. V drugi vrsti stojijo: Louise Piks, blagajničarka in nadzornice; Angela Virant, Mary Lokar in Mary Stanonik ter rediteljica Paulina Žigman. Od te skupine še živijo samo tri odbornice, Mary O-toničar, Albina Novak in Mary Lokar. Albina Novak je bila vseskozi voditeljica mladine pri podružnici. Njeno srce je še vedno naklonjeno njeni “prvi ljubezni” pod. št. 25, čeprav sedaj živi v Chicagu Dorothy Sterniša, prvi blagajničarki in večletni zapisnikarici in vsem delavnim odbornicam se zahvaljujemo, podružnici pa k 40-letnici iskreno čestitamo! Poročilo šoluinskega sklada Preostanek 1. januarja 19G8 I9G50.03 Dohodki: Podružnica št. 103, Washington, D.C. 10.00 Podružnica št. 21, Cleveland, O. $10.00 Mrs. Emil Trunk, Cleveland, O v spomin pokojnemu soprogu $10.00 Corinne Leskovar, Chicago, v spomin pokojnemu Antonu Floryan $5.00 Louise H!ply, Cleveland, v spomin svakinje Mary Turk, $10.00 Marie Prisland, Sheboygan, v spomin pokojnemu Franku Gorenz, $5.00 Frances Zakrajšek, Cleveland, v spomin pokojnemu soprogu, $5.00 Anna Pachak, Pueblo, v spomin sinu in hčerki, $40.00 South West State Bank, Sheboygan, obresti $47.78 St. John Hospital, Joplin, Mo. obresti $156.25 Anchor Savings and Loan, Madison, Wis. 60.23 $359.26 Skupno $10,009.29 Izdatki: Dorothyann Zakrajšek, Pod. št. 3, šolnina $100.00 John Schuster, Pod. št. 31, šolnina 100.00 $2:00.00 Premoženje Šolninskega sklada 1. augusta 1968 znaša $9,809.29 Marie Prieland, predsednica ZGODOVINSKA SLIKA PODK. ŠT. 25 Vzela oh dvajset-lctnici obstoja, 1948 p. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M.: NOTRANJI ČLOVEK Notranji človek je človek, ki sodeluje z božjo milostjo, raste v dobrem in izpolnjuje božjo voljo. V svetu velja človek, ki ima denar, donosno službo, ki se baha v besedi in dejanju, ki poseduje čast in slavo. Sv. Pavel bi imenoval takega človeka “zunanjega.” Toda zunanjost je minljiva in varljiva. Graditi življen-sko srečo na zgolj “zunanjost” je tvegano kakor nam spri-čujejo mnogi zgledi iz življenja. Sv. Pavel pise Efeža-nom in tudi nam, da naj bi se utrdili v notranjem človeku, ki poseduje, duhovno, neminljivo notranje bogastvo: duhovnost, dobroto, plemenitost, srce, zvestobo, potrpljenje, nesebičnost, vero. So to dobrine, ki preživijo desetletja in se ne postarajo, k večjemu se še poplemetijo. Človek z notranjim bogastvom bogati še druge. Kakor sonce s svojimi žarki ogreva naravo, da more rasti in roditi sadove, tako notranji človek bogati vso okolico. Vsak ki pride z njim v dotiko, se vrne poboljšan od njega. Ko je zunanjega človeka a smrtjo končno konec, živi notranji človek v spominu svojih dragih še dolgo naprej. Kolikokrat beremo na nagrobnikih besedo: nepozabljen. Njegova duhovna podoba še posmrti izžareva toploto in dobroto. Ko bi si mi v življenju izbrali ljudi, ki so duhovno globoko zasidrani, bi nam bilo velikokrat prihranjeno veliko razočaranje, ki ga doživljamo, ker smo zi izbrali za prijatelje “zunanjega” človeka. Kolikor je duhovnost vzvišena nad snovnostjo, toliko je no tranji človek vzvišen nad zunanjim. Kako pa postanemo notranji človek? S trajnim delom na samim sebi, s klesanjem svojega značaja, z gojitvijo duhovnega življenja treba predvsem s trajnim stikom z Bogom, ki je poosebljeno bogastvo in dobrota. V molitvi stopamo dnevno vstik z Bogom in s tem z najvišjim bogastvom in dobroto. Notranji človek raste v molitvi, v premišlevanju verskih resnic v tihotih duhovnih vaj tu in življenjskih skušenj, z dobrimi deli, ki jih vrši. Kristjan, ki je prejel pri sv. krstu notranje bogastvo posvečujoče milosti in je bil s tem sprejet v božjo družino, ki mu je že v zibelki zasijala luč sv. vere, je poklican, da se vse življenje prizadeva, da se spopolni do vse polnosti božje, ki je ideal notranjega človeka. Kristjani smo po sv. krstu poklicani, biti s svojo notranjostjo živa reklama za nadnaravni, duhovni svet, da bi tako zvabili sodobne pogane iz nižin materijalizma k višinam duhovnega življenja. Če tega ne storimo, smo sol, ki se je spridila, smo luč postavljena pod mernik, ki nikomur ne sveti, smo kvas, ki ni v stanju prekvasiti moko. DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — V tukajšnji bolnišnici je po kratki bolezni umrla mlada mati, Juliia Horvat, ki zapušča 3 hčerke, vse naše članice. Nenadoma je umrl dobro poznani Joe Blatnik. Preminul je tudi John Lesar, brat naše čla. Jennie Kočevar. Vsi preostali sprejmite naše sožalje. Dne 14. julija smo imeli krasni izlet v prosto naravo v Leadville, Colo. ob priliki prireditve federacije KSKJ za Colo. Vozili smo se z busom. Mr. John Starr mi je povedal, da borno srečali svoje znance in prijatelje in res obnovili smo stara prijateljstva in sklenili nova. Veselo sva se pozdravila z Mr. Joseph Pavlakovich, gl. odb. KSKJ, ki je vodil naš banket ob priliki naše drž. konvencije v Den-verju. Srečala sem tudi njegovo mamo in z mnogimi čla. naše Zveze. Micko Schlaman že nisem videla 15 let. Še vedno lepo mladostno izgle-da. Žal njen mož hudo trpi, ker ga muči artritis. S taj. št. 78, Mary Vidmar sva imele važne razgovore in vem, da podr. lepo napreduje. Lepo je bilo snidenje z oldtajmerico, Mary Klune, ki je zelo prikupne narave in odlična društvenica. Kdo jo ne pozna, siaj je lepo vneta za naše stvari. V krogu članic smo se pogovorile glede prihodnje konvencije. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bo prih. konvencija v Lead-ville, Colo. pri podr. št. 78. Hvala vam, drage sestre. Srečala sem se tudi z Mrs. Zalar, kateri velja moja zahvala za prijazno postrežbo z okusno potico. — Hvala tudi za poklon tisti ženi v belem svedru, ki rada bere moje dopise. Vsem, katere sem imela čast se o-sebno spoznati in pogovoriti Izrekam prisrčno zahvalo za pozornost. S ponosom poročam o lepem uspehu moje vnukinje Beth Pachak, ki je prejela prosto šolnino za 4 leta. na Southern State College. Ona je honor VESELA SNIDENJA NA COLO. DRŽ. KONVENCIJI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Dne 30. junija smo imele lep sončni dan ko smo se podale na drž. konvencijo v Crested Butte, Colo. Slavnost se je pričela ob 11 uri v cerkvi Kraljice vseh Svetnikov. Sv. mašo je daroval nam vsem priljubljeni Prevzvišeni. g. škof. Charles Buswell iz Pueblo, Colo. Nam vsem je bilo v izredno čast, da smo imele tako odličnega gosta med nami. Udeležil se je tudi banketa in je bil prijazno zgovoren. Izrazil se je, da je bil zadovoljen, da je bil med nami. Banket se je vršil v Frank & Gal’s Cafe. Jedilni list je bil okusno urejen in izpeljan pod nadzorstvom članic domače podr. Miss Betty Špehar je bila voditeljica programa in predstavila je odlične goste. Betty poučuje v Gunnison College. Študije je končala z odliko in prejela naslov Ph.D. (Doktor za učenje.) Hvala Betty za tvojo pomoč. Glavni govornik je bil prevzvišeni g. škof Charles Buswell, dalje so pozdravili zborovalce, John Starr, John Pachak, Mamie Pugel, in preds. št. 92 Myma Krizmanich. — Brzojavne čestitke so poslale; častna preds. Marie Prisland, gl. preds. Toni Turek, gl. taj. Albina Novak. Pismene čestitke smo prejele od drž. preds. za Penna., Mary Tomsic, dalje od Antonije Kastelic, Kansas City, Mary Vidmar, Leadville, Colo., Cecile Adamic, Canon City, Colo. Zvesta soses. naše Zveze, Mary Lenich iz Eveleth, Minn. in Frances Raspet, Pueblo, Colo. Iskrena hvala vsem skupaj za vašo pozornost. Moja globoka zahvala članicam podr. št. 92 za vašo prijazno postrežbo. Imele ste veliko dela in skrbi, da se je vse tako sijajno končalo in, da je bila konvencija kronana z uspehom. Posebna hvala preds. Myma Krizmanich, taj. Carole McDaniels in vsem čla. vaše podružnice. Hvala Ellen Nortnik iz Denverja, ki je pripeljala skupino 12 čla. Hvala Agnes Roitz za pomoč v pisanju. — Hvaležna sem Prances Simonich, ki je pomagale, da smo dobile zadostno število 48 potnikov za posebni bus. Hvala Tommy Mravle, za igranje poskočnih polk in valčkov. — Zelo sem hvaležna za poklon šopek nageljnov (corsage). — Veselo smo se pozdravile z Amalijo Cič iz Denverja. Zaradi bolezni pa je bila odsotna Frances Pogorelez. Vsi ji želimo, da čimprej okreva. Vsem skupaj prisrčna zahvala, posebno še Carole McDaniels s katere sva so dopisovale glede načrtev tega dneva. Tako se je z lepim uspehom zaključila naša osma drž. konvencija v ponos in napredek naše S. Ž. Z. Anna Pachak, preds. za Colo. I---------------------- — " POHITITE, DRAGE SESTRE! Čas kampanje se hitro pomika h koncu. Gotovo imate sorodnico ali znanko, ki bi pristopila če bi jo vprašale. Nagrade so lepe — za posamezno delavko — in zu podružnico DO 31. OKTOBRA KAMPANJA “NOVE DOBE” ZVEZE! 1 SKLEPI POLLETNEGA ZBOROVANJA DIREKTORIC Polletna seja Direktoric Slovenske Ženske Zveze, se je vršila v dnevih 25 in 26 marca v prostorih Glavnega urada v Chicagu. Navzoče so bile naslednje gl. odbornice: Preds. Antonia Turek, častna preds., Marie Prisland, taj. Albina Novak, blag. Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice Ann Podgoršek, Mary Otoničar in Anne Kompare, urednica Corinne Leskovar ter drž. preds. za Ill.-Ind, Elizabeth Zefran. Po poročilih odbornic in po temeljiti razpravi o raznih predlogih, so bili sprejeti naslednji sklepi in priporočila: Priporoča se pojačeno delovanje mladinskega oddelka, posebno je priporočljivo organizirati mladinske vzgojne izlete pod vodstvom krajevnih in državnih odbornic ter mladinske direktorice. Podružnicam se priporoča, da izvolijo svoje mladinske direktorice, ki bodo izpeljale načrtno delo mladinskih krožkov pri vseh podružnicah. Mnoge podružnice so izvolile svoje častne predsednice in tako počastile delavne in ustanovne članice. Ker položaj častne predsednica za podružnice ni urejen po pravilih Zveze, zato se priporoča podružnicam, ki imajo častne predsednice, da v pravilih uredijo kaj so njene dolžnosti in pravice. Odobri se predlog, da ustanoviteljica, Marie Prisland napiše knjigo o slovenskih imigracijah in naselbinah v Ameriki in tako predstavi mlajši generaciji zasluge naših sorojakov ter zgodovino našega naroda. Dobiček iz prodaje knjige bo šel v dobrodelni namen šolninskega sklada. Sklene se, da se pripravi izdaja nove Kuharske knjige z manjšimi spremembami. Knjiga bi morala biti pripravljena proti koncu leta. Končni obračun bo podan, ko razprodaja končana. Cena nove knjige je odvisna od tiskarskih stroškov. Predlaga se nova članska kampanja po preteku tekoče kampanje nove dobe. Državne predsednice naj prevzamejo vodstvo te kampanje in skušajo storiti vse za uspeh iste. Denarne nagrade bodo podeljene posameznim članicam, ki bodo vpisale nove članice in sicer po sistemu točk. Kampanja državnih predsednic se prične dne 1. nov. 1968 in se zaključi dne 31, julija 1969. Odobri se nagrada 25c za vsakega mladinskega člana, ki keglja v Mladinski kegljaški Ligi Clevelanda-Euclida. Tudi se pokloni mala nagrada za njihovo kegljaško učiteljico zadnje sezone. Priporoča se, da bi se podobni programi pričeli tudi pri drugih podružnicah. Urednica ponovno vpraša za točne primere z naslovi in spremenjenimi naslovi v vseh slučajih pritožb članic glede neredne dostave Zarje. Samo na ta način se more vložiti pritožba na poštno upravo, ali pa tudi na tiskarno, ki Zarjo razpošilja po pošti. Datumi državnih konvencij: 8. sept. — Minnesotski Zvezin dan v Nashwauk, podr. št. 86. 15. sept. bo drž. dan za Wisconsin pri podr. št. 17 v West Allis. 6. oktobra se bodo zbrale podr. drž. Illinois v Chicagi pri podr. št. 2. Druge važne Zvezine prireditve bodo: 13. okt. bazar skupnih ohijslcih podr.; 27. okt. 40 letnica ustanovitve podr. št. 25 v Clevelandu. Mrs. Turek in Mrs. Novak so povabljene in se bodo skušale udeležiti, če le mogoče. Šolninski sklad' Zaradi višjih obresti, bo šolninski odbor odslej poklonil 3 šolnine. Tudi se sklene, da se odslej ena šolnina pokloni vsako leto za bolniško sestro, če bodo prosile. Odbor za hišno popravilo. Odbor razmotriva in sklene potrebna hišna in stavbinska popravila, posebno na leseni hišici vzadaj od glavnega urada. Odbornice Novak, Železnikar in Leskovar, se pooblastijo, da izvedejo vsa bodoča popravila in izboljšanja. Tajnica se pooblasti, da kupi novi kopirni aparat za glavni urad. Slovenska kapela: Odbor Izrazi zadovoljstvo nad velikim odzivom glede zbiranja prispevkov za slov. kapelo v Washingtonu, kar je bilo sproženo na Zvezini konvenciji v Istem mestu. Pričakuje se uresničitev te zamisli v letu 1969, ki naj bi bil združen z velikim romanjem v našo glavno mesto. Pohvali delavnost gl. predsednice in njenega soproga g. Frank Turek ter vseh pridnih društvenih delavk in j>odružnic, ki soi podprle to akcijo. Nagrade tajnicam: Tajnica pojasni, da se pokloni podr. tajnicam letna nagrada v skladu s številom članstva podružnice. To je v pojasnilo tajnicam. student. — Druga vnukinja, Mrs. Marcia Miller je obiskala svojega moža, ki služi na havajskih otokih. Tudi že imajo sinčka, ki je član Zveze. Zelo sočustvujemo z taj. št. 66, Ce-clle Adamič, zaradi njene bolezni. — Ses. Mary Miklich se zdravi doma po operaciji. Vesela bo obiskov članic. Ko to pišem, se ses. Angela Medved zdravi za bolno nogo v Denverju. Ona je hčerka pok. Mary Kacman. Tudi naša mlada čla. je prestala o-peracijo. Vsem bolnim Bog vrni ljubo zdravje. V domačem časopisu sem čitala, že imamo v naši deželi 60 tisoč milio-narjev. Navadni zemljani sicer ne vemo kako je to, vendar slišimo, da so mnogi še vedno v službi in prejemajo dohodke od vseh strani. Naša še vedno bolana Frances Chorak se nahaja v Manor Rest Home. — Hvala Johani Mismash iz Denverja za prijazni obisk. članice, ali veste, da Imamo samo še 2 meseca kampanje za nove članice. Prosim, da se potrudite in vpišete kaj novih. Vse toplo pozdra-ljene, Anna Pachak Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Drage so-sestre, kakor po drugih podružnicah, tako tudi pri naši, se nam leta višajo. V članstvu ne moremo veliko napredovati, ker mladina na splošno ima drugačne ideje, kakor me. Zato se pa me starejše trdno držimo naše Zveze. Tajnica Mary Comloh mi je naročila, da naj opomnim vse tiste članice, ki so dolžne eno leto ali več, da ona nemore več zalagati. Kliče jih po telefonu In pismeno, pa vse nič ne pomaga. Če v kratkem ne poravnajo članarine, jih bo morala Izbrisati iz naše društvene knjige. Članstvo se krči. Na žalost moramo poročati, da smo imele zadnji teden, kar tri smrtne slučaje in te so: Frances Kastelic, Mary Jerman in Lojzka Čebron. Na majniški seji je bila Lojzka počaščena za majniško mater. Bila je še vesela in zdrava, toda pred kratkim je dobila srčni napad in tretji dan potem je bila že mrtva. Bog daj vsem trem miren počitek. Frances Kodrlch je darovala v blagajno $5 mesto venca za pokojno L. Čebron, $2 pa Lojzka Čebular v njen spomin. Hvala obema. Moram pa tudi kaj veselega poročati. V staro domovino Slovenijo sta se podale naša predsednica Ana Markovich in podpreds. Fills Črmelj. Želimo jima vesele čase in srečno vrnitev med nas. Tudi prejšnja zapisnikarica Sophie Magajna je zletela z njenimi starši. Želimo ji prijetno razvedrilo ln zdravo vrnitev. Vsem bolnim članicam, želim ljubo zdravje in moj sesterski pozdrav vsemu članstvu. Mary Komidar, poročevalka št. 13, San Francisco, Callf. — Zopet nekaj novic Iz daljnega Zapada, San Francisca, ali kakor ga nazivajo ‘‘Jewel City”, saj se ob večerih blesti lz sedmerih hribov. Razgled na milijone luči, nudi sliko začaranega mesta biserov. Lepe čestitke sestri Margaret Fa-ger, ki je bila izbrana za mater tega leta. Zaradi bolezni v družini nisem mogla biti navzoča pri proslavi “Matere Zveze”, toda slišala som, da Je sestra Fager bila lepo počaščena od članic podr. in obdana od vse svoje družine, da je bilo res lepo in radostno. Bog živi “Mother of the Year” v veselje in srečo krogu Tvojih dragih. Naš častiti starček, slovenski pisatelj, Rev. George Trunk so obhajali 74 letnico mašniškega posvečenjt, dne 20. julija. S čestitkami k temu visokemi jubileju, ga spremljajo tudi naše ponižne in častne želje in molitve, da bi dočakali 75 letnico maš-ništva in 100 letnico rojstva, istega leta. Po duhu so gospod še vedno čili, še vedno berejo sv. mašo, še vedno pišejo in tudi kako špasno zaokrožijo. Vsi ga prisrčno ljubimo. Naša pevka Enica Judnich Falcon, se je tretijč vrnila iz potovanja po Evropi. Vedno se ji tam bolj do-pade, saj res se ne da zatajiti, da je kultura prišla od tam in da je tam bolj važno koliko znaš, kot pa koliko imaš. — V Angliji imajo že 20 let proste bolniške blagajne za malo ceno, ali pa zastonj zdravnika. Tu delamo največ za hospitalization, posebno tisti, ki imamo svojo obrt. Bojimo se umreti brez zavarovalnine, ker pogrebni zavodi te naravnost oropajo. Danes smo pokopali Frank Sustar-sich, ki zapušča ženo Heleno (iz spoštovane Judnicheve družine) in 2 lepi hčerki Doreen in Moreen, ki sta dvojčke. Smrt je ugrabila dobrega moža in očeta, starega komaj 55 let. Kati Judnich, mati od Helen in Virginia, ki je poročena s pokojnikovim bratrom, so vse zelo aktivne članice Zveze, dobre in verne žene. V tej težki uri žalosti so naše misli in molitve z njimi in vemo, da jim bo Bog naklonil moči premagati težave. Zahvaljujem se obenem vsej Jud-nichevi družini, ki radi dajo zaslužiti malemu urarju, mojemu možu. Bog plačaj! V bolnišnici je tudi Frances Kle-mens. Želimo ji skorajšnjega o-krevanja. Ona je dobra žena, razume tudi razmere malega obrtnika. V začetku leta sta umrla 2 Metličana, Franci Gornik, star komaj 50 let, on je bil kuhar po slavnih milijonskih letoviščih; drugi pa je bil sin metliških staršev, Joe Matjasich (Metein), star komaj 54 let. Zapušča lepo mlado ženo in otroka. V drugi svetovni vojni je bil padalec iz le-talov ter je dobil odklikovanje. Ker je on bil eden Izmed prvih pevcev v naši cerkvi, mu je zbor zapel: “Vigred se povme”, pesem, katero je tudi sam tako rad imel. V imenu pevcev vsej familijl globoko sožalje ob izgubi tega moža lepega značaja; pravega gentlemana. Iz Evrope sta se vrnila g. in ga. July Macerle. Nekoč so lastovali grad v Beli Krajini In hodili na love s kraljevsko rodbino in sedaj so July accountant in govorijo razne jezike. Kadar nam pripovedujejo iz svojih potovanj, se nam zdi kot pravljica. Vse, ki ste šle letos v domovino ste se radovale, le moja pesem se joče z menoj: Ko bi meglica ne bila, ki danes mi sanje zagrinja; ko bi solza ne bila, ki danes v očesu mi plava, tako pa si daleč Ti Slovenija mila, zato se po Tebi solze’ mi oči. Poldica Podgornik, poročevalka Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Neznosna vročina je pridržala članice doma, da niso prišle na sejo. Bila je res pičla udeležba, zato pa prosim, da na prihodnjo sejo res pridete vse ob vsakem vremenu, ker naša card party se približuje. Potrebno je, da ukrenemo vse potrebno, saj dela bo dosti, kakor za vsako drugo stvar, če hočeš doseči uspeh. Tikci so že v prodaji. Dobite jih pri naših članicah, ali odbornicah. Predsednica je tudi prosila, da bi prinesle primeren dar za door prize. Prosimo tudi, če bi mogle kaj lepega narediti, da bi prodajale v prid društva ob priliki razstave skupnih podružnic. V tem času so bolane: Mrs. F. Medved, Mrs. Šetina in Mrs. Šešek. Vsem želimo, da bi se hitro pozdravile. Mrs. Bubnič je ta večer darovala za bolane članice $5. Hvala vam za vašo dobrodelnost! Zdaj pa še nekaj o naših počitnicah. Moj mož, sin Frank z ženo Nancy ter jaz smo šli v Washington. Lepo je bilo si ogledati naše glavno mesto. Tudi Kennedyjeva groba smo si šli ogledati. Robert še nima spomenika, le lesen križ stoji na grobu. Naša podpredsednica z možem in sestro Pepco so se podali za en teden v Kanado. Pepca se je pred kratkim vrnila iz obiska Slovenije. Z družino je prišel na obisk iz vojaške službe na Filipinih, Major Al Gril, sin naše podpredsednice, Mary Stražišar. Naša predsednica Tresa Škur pa je bila izredno počaščena ob velikem obisku nad 200 članov ožjega sorodstva. Prišel je njen sin Major Anthony Skur iz Michigana in brata, Josip in Charles Jančar in še drugi od Jančarjeve družine, od 14 otrok je družina narstla na 200 članov. Tudi stara mamica so še živi in so bili med njimi. Ker bi bil vsak dom premali za tako veliki obisk, so se zbrali v Euclid Parku in se veselili med seboj. Ker so vsi zelo muzikal-nični, zato ni manjkalo petja, a predvsem stara mama je bila vesela in ponosna, ko je imela tako veliko družino okoli sebe. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo 6. septembra, da se skupno poveselimo o praznovanju vaših godov in rojstnih dnevov. Najlepše vas pozdravljam na vse strani. A. Šuštar, zapisnikarica Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Letos sva imela z možem srečo se peljati na zapad s sinom Rudy in družino. O-biskali smo razna mesta ter prevozili skoraj šest tisoč milj. Naš prvi cilj je bil v mestu Tacoma, Washington, kjer živi hčerka, Frances, in njena družina. Nato smo obiskali mesto Tacoma, kjer smo videli mnogo zanimivosti in svetovni sejm. Nadaljevali smo proti California, kjer smo se vozili ob morju in za vse je bil most Golden Gate čudovit za videti. Razgled iz tega velikanskega mosta je nekaj, tako lepega na morje, da se ne da povedati. To se mora videti. Zaradi časa nismo imeli možnost se ustaviti v San Francisco ali Los Angeles ter samo se vozili naravnost proti Fontani, kjer smo obiskali poznane prijatelje. Nam se je dopadlo to lepo urejeno mesto in rada bi še enkrat šla tja na obisk za delj časa kot samo en dan, kakor smo imeli mi na razpolago. Obiskali smo Dom za ostarele, ki je mnoge starejše zelo udoben prostor za stara leta. Dom je lepo urejen ter skrbno nadzorovan. Ustavili smo se pri dobro poznani Mrs. Rose Novak, kjer smo bili postreženi z okusnim kosilom. Njena hči in soprog vodita gostilno in smo bili tudi pri njih gostoljubno sprejeti. Prisrčna hvala za prijaznost. Veseli bomo vašega obiska, kadar se boste mudili v Minnesoti.. Vrnili smo se zdravi in srečno, toda kmalu potem izletu smo se podali zopet na pot in to v Saginaw, Michigan, kjer se je vršila poroka vnukinje Roberte Lenich. Zopet smo imeli na razpolago vožnjo z avtomobilom katera nam preskrbi sin, Rudy Lenich. Od doma smo odpeljali ob petih zjutraj in prišli v Chicago ob petih popoldne, kjer smo obiskali hčerko Lillian in njeno družino. V Chicagi smo prenočevali, ker po 12 urni vožnji se je bilo dobro malo zravnati kosti. Zame je bila Chicaga še posebno zanimiva, kjer sem obiskala našo glavno tajnico Albino Novak in naš glavni urad. Seveda Albina je bila zelo presenečena, ker mi pričakovala naš obisk. Bili sva obe solznih, oči, ker je minilo že nekaj let odkar sva se videli. Obisk je bil zelo kratek, ker so nas pričakovali pri sorodnikih za večerjo in po večerji smo se pa podali takoj k počitku, ker smo imeli še precej dolgo vožnjo v načrtu, odpeljali smo se zgodaj drugi dan na poroko. Želeli smo biti navzoči pri poročni maši, to je bilo v Saginaw, Michigan. Žal mi je bilo, ker mi ni bilo v Chicagi mogoče obiskati Corinne in Mrs. Železnikar, obe moji prav iskreni prijateljici. Bilo je premalo časa in jaz težko hodim, kar gotovo veste in upam, da sta ml oprostili. V soboto smo se odpeljali zgodaj zjutraj in smo prišli tja ob času, kakor je bilo pričakovano. V soboto f " \ VAŽNE JESENSKE PRIREDITVE! 8. SEPT. Letni Zvezin Dan Minesotskih podružnic v Nashwauk 15. SEPT. Konvencija države Wisconsin in 40 letnica podr. št. 17 v W. Allis 6. OKT. Državna Konvencija za lllinois-lndiana v Chicagu 13. OKT. Bazaar skupnih podružnic v Clevelandu v dvorani sv. Vida 27. OKT. 40 Letnica podr. št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio CLANICE IN PRIJATELI ZVEZE VABUENI K OBILNI UDELEŽBI! večer smo imeli poročno slavje (ohcet) in bilo nam je vsem v veliko veselje se srečati s sorodniki in prijatelji, ker se ne vidimo prepo-gostokrat zaradi daljave. V nedeljo ob eni uri popoldne je pa prišel moj sin John iz Detroita in je želel, da bi se za par dni ustavila s Tonetom v Detroitu, kjer sva srečala njegovo lepo družino in naraščaj. Bila sem na poroki njegovih otrok pred leti in zdaj imajo pa že vnuke. Njegova žena, Theresa, je bila tudi na operaciji in se sedaj zadovoljno počuti. Zame in za moža Toneta je bil obisk v Detroitu v veliko veselje. Sin Rudy in žena sta šla v Barberton, Ohio, obiskat sorodnike, ker njegova žena je iz družine Zupec v Barbertonu. Tako smo v enem tednu obiskali Chicago, Saginaw, Detroit in Barberton. Hvala Bogu, da smo se srečno vozili in se v redu vrnili. Sedaj bomo obujali lepe spomine na potovanje na zapad in isto na vzhod. Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste nas prijazno sprejeli ter nam izkazali nepozabno gostoljubnost vse povsod. Upamo, da se nam ponudi še taka priložnost do lepega in zanimivega potovanja, saj je največje razvedrilo, če se obišče sorodnike in poznane ter obenem oči uživajo prekrasne razglede po raznih državah USA. Najlepše pozdrave vsem in povsod po Ameriki! Mary Lenich, tajnica St. 19. Dodatek: Vsem članicam po Min- nesoti kličem: Na svidenje v Nashwauk 8. sept. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — V bolnišnici sv. Jožefa je po deset letni bolezni, v lepi starosti 77 let, za večno zaspal Valentin Ambrose iz 151G Prarie Ave. Pokojni je bil tu dobro poznan, saj je bil faran sv. Jožefa, odkar se je pred 50 leti preselil v Joliet. Rojen je bil v Javorje pri Šmartnem in je bil veteran prve svetovne vojske. Njegova žena Uršula Mahče, mu je zelo lepo stregla vsa ta leta ko je bil priklenjen na bolniško posteljo: pokojni pa je vse trpljenje potrpežljivo s svetniško mirnostjo prenašal; vsakega je s smehljajem pozdravil in ni nikdar tarnal o svojem trpljenju. Poleg žene Uršule, zapušča 3 sinove; Stanley je lekarnar, nato Leonard in Valentine Jr., ki je že 14 let v US Air Force (on je pred smrtjo priletel domov iz Thailanda, kjer je v službi); dalje žalujejo za njim 3 hčerke: Sr. Marlene OSF v Clevelandu, nato Theresa v Californiji in Mary Ann Morgan v Jolietu, ter 18 vnukov, sestro v Californiji in mnogo drugih sorodnikov. Pokopan je bil z vojaškimi častmi. Bil je član raznih organizacij. Pred tremi leti sta praznovala zlato poroko. Naj blagi Valentine Ambrose mirno počiva pri Sv. Jožefu. Vsem žalujočim sorodnikom in domači družini iskreno sožalje. Umrl je tudi Ludwig Likovlch, star 59 let iz 1803 Clement St. Zapušča ženo, hčerko, 6 vnukov, mater Mrs. Frances Ukovich (ki je bila letošnja častna mati podružnice), eno sestro in 4 brate ter več drugega sorod- stva. Bil je pokopan iz cerkve Sv. Anne na Resurrection pokopališče. Umrl je tudi Albert Hochevar, star 40 let. Zapušča ženo in več bratov in sestra ter očeta Frank I-Iochevarja. Mati Josephine H. mu je umrla pred leti. Bila je naše dolgoletna čla. Pokopan je bil iz hrvaške cerkve na farno pokopališče. Pokojnim večna luč. Imenovanim družinam pa iskreno sožalje. Vse članice ste lepo vabljene na prihodnjo sejo, ki bo 15. sept. v Ferdinand dvorani. Preds. Ema Planinšek in hčerka Irene sta se že vrnila in bosta poročale o svojem potovanju. Na seji bomo tudi delale načrte za nadaljne prireditve naše podružnice. Ida Ranzinger, ki se je za stalno vrnila v domovino, piše iz parnika United States, da je imela krasno vožnjo na morju, da je imela za sopotnico, študentko, ki se je peljala v Belgijo in da je bilo na ladji ves čas dovolj zabave. Ko so prišli v Southhampton, kjer so imeli stavko, jih je bus peljal v London, kjer se je ustavila za par dni pri bratrancu, ki i-majo tam krasni dom in dobro službo. Nato se je z avijononi odpeljala k bratu in številnim sorodnikom v Ljubljano. Za Ameriko ji je še kljub vsemu dolg-čas. Iste dni, ko je ona prišla v Slovenijo, se je tam poslavljal njen bratranec, Tone Kacjan, ki odhaja v Ameriko in sicer za generalnega konzula v Cleveland. V bolnišnici je Mary Schmldber-ger, v American Nursing Home je Mary Vlasich in Katherine Butala. “KAKO JE NASTALA MARJETICA” ( Mladinska Presveti Devici Mariji je posvečenih mnogo cvetic na poljih, travnikih, v gozdu in livadah. A pred vsemi nosi ena njene ime in to je Marjetica. Gotovo je poznale, ljubi otroci, saj povsod raste, po celi zemlji. "Seveda je poznamo,” ste rekli, vas kar slišim. To je mala zvezdnata cvetka, ki ima na sredi rumen cvetni krožeč, obdan od dolgih, ozkih, belih lističev, ki stoje v ličnom zelenem košku in kažejo večkrat rožnat rob. Riaste povsod po travnikih, kraj potov, spomladi tudi po vrtovih, kjer se zgrinjaje zelene trate . . . To je torej marjetica in vam o- troci še povem kako je nastala . . . Mati božja Marija je sedela nekega zimskega dne v mali izbi v Nazaretu in šivala, dočim je sveti Jožef, rednik božjega dečka Jezusa, tesal, ker je bil tesar — saj veste to, kaj ne ? Jezušček se je sklonil k svoji mamici in si je strašno zaželel kako rožico, da bi se z njo igral, ker jih je imel zelo rad. Toda Marija mu ni mogla izpolniti želje. Zunaj je bila zima in polje in travnik sta bila prazna in gola. Težko je bilo zato božji materi in, ko je ugibala, s čim bi razveselila svojega dečka, se spomni, da ima še krpico rumene svile od kraljevega plašča svojega deda Davida. To mu je poiskala in mu podarila tudi več koscev bele tkanine, s katero je ravno šivala. Jezušček je izrezal iz belih koscev zgodba) okrogle, zvednate cvetke, iz rumene svile pa manjše krožce in jih pri- trdil sredi zvezdic, kar je bilo prav ljubko videti. Ker se je pa pri tem malce s škarjami ranil v prstek, da je pritekla kapljica krvi, so dobile cvetke nežnordeč robček. Nato je odhitel deček na prosto in raztrosil cvetke po polju in travniku, da bi tam ne le cvetele poleti, ampak tudi v hladnem zimskem času. Volja božjega deteta se je izpolnila. Zato najdemo to ljubo cvetko zgodaj spomladi in pozno jeseni med zeleno travico. Svetlo se blesti tudi sredi suhih, porumenelih trav in bilk, kakor, da je mali odsev one čudežne zvezde, ki je obstala nekoč nad betlehemskih hlevcem. N. K. * * * Ker vem, da je veliko slovenskih deklic in dečkov pristopilo tudi letos prvikrat k angeljski mizi, pošiljam posvetilo iz spominske knjige, ki je bilo napisano že pred dolgim časom; od moje stare mame: Zdaj v Tvojem srcu je lučka blesteča sv. vera, Zdaj v Tvojem srcu je cvetka drhteča — sv. čistost, Zdaj v Tvojem srcu je največja sreča — je Bog! O, čuvaj to lučko, da ne umre! Čuvaj to lilijo, da Ti je satan ne stre! Čuvaj srečo svojega srca in ne pozabi nikdar na Boga! N. K. Na dom. se Je vrnila po šestih tednih Theresa Žlogar. Iz bolnišnice se je vrnila Anna Lenovich. Druge novice pa boste izvedele na seji, 15. sept. Torej pridite vse. Lepo pozdravlja vse članice št. 20. Josephine Erjavec Št. 24, LaSalle, ill. — Počitnice so minule. Upam, da so se vse članice zdrave vrnile na svoje domove. Leto gre naglo naprej in ne bo dolgo ko bo zopet zima na vratih, zato je potrebno, da se v meseci} septembru zberemo v velikem številu na seji. Taknat tudi prosim, da bi zaostale, poravnale svoj asesment, katerega moram jaz redno pošiljati na glavni urad. Plačate lahko tudi na domu. Prosim, torej pridite na sejo ali pa pošljite po pošti. V bolnišnici se nahaja Mary Kasti-gar in Mary Savnik se nahaja v nursing home. Njima in vsem, ki se zdravijo na domovih, želimo ljubega zdravja. Prejela sem brzojav, da je v Clevelandu umrla moja sestrična, Mary Hrastar. Bila je dobra kuharica, saj je kuhala za mnoge ohceti. Bila je vdova dolgo let. Zapušča hčer Mary, Jossie, Annie in Alice ter brata Jožeta Golob. Vsem izrekam moje sožalje. Pokojna Mary pa naj v miru počiva. S pozdravom vsem članicam, Vam kličem na svidenje na seji. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Kar hitro se bo približala naša slavnost 40 letnice obstoja naše podružnice, ki je največja pri Zvezi. Smo kar ponos- ne, da se moremo ponašati s tako velikim številom članstva. Imamo nad 800 članic in članov v obeh oddelkih. Kljub velikemu številu smrtnih slučajev, pa še vseeno gremo lepo naprej, ker zmeraj kaj novih pridobimo. Sestre, sedaj še praznujemo 40 letnico, zato bi vas rada ponovno prosila, da bi za to lepo obletnico pridobile kaj novih članic. Matere, vpišite svoje hčerke in vnuke. Sedaj se ne bojimo za groš, zato bi lahko malo darovale za napredek naše Zveze s tem, da pridobimo nove članice. Pripeljite jih na prihodnjo sejo. Naša predsednica bo prav vesela, če bo imela priliko sprejeti kaj novih v naš krog. Istočasno bi vas prosila, da bi hitro razprodale te listke, ki jih imamo na rokah za prireditev dne 13. oktobra. Ta velika prireditev skupnih podružnic se bo vršila v novi dvorani Sv. Vida. Potem, črez dva tedna pa bo naša proslava, zato bomo imele vstopnice za naš banket in tako bomo res zelo zaposlene. Pri naši fari Sv. Vida bomo praznovali 75 letnico. Za ta lep jubilej so naš župnik, msgr. Ixmis Baznik že lansko leto dali vso cerkev prenoviti, da notranjost res krasno izgleda. Za to priliko bomo imeli med nami visokega gosta, prevzvišeni g. škof Mariborski, Dr. Maksimilijan Držečnik, bodo imeli slavnostno pontifikalno sv. mašo, nakar bo slavnosti banket v novi svetovidski dvorani. Želim vsem bolnim članicam ljubega zdravja, posebno še naši Paulinci, da bi bila kmalu med nami. Prosim drage članice, katere še niste poravnale svoj asesment, da pridete, ali pa pošljete po pošti in vam knjižico vrnem. Težko je zalagati, pa saj sedaj ni pomanjkanja denarja, zato prosim, naj vsak svoje obveznosti izpolni. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam. Mary Otoničar Št. 40, Lorain, O. — V tem mojem dopisu, nimam nič kaj veselega za poročati. Sporočam žalostno vest, da je umrl mož naše tajnice, John Kozjan. Bili so na počitnicah in na povratku je zbolel in po kratkem času umrl. Odšel si kamor ni več vrnitve, toda tudi mi vsi pridemo za teboj. Naj Tl sveti večna luč. Angela, Ti pa ne žaluj preveč. Pri- družila si se nam, ki smo v enakem položaju. Izrekamo Tebi in vsem domačim iskreno sožalje. Sporočam, da se je članica, Mrs. Tilka Strukel preselila iz Lorain k svoji hčerki v Detroit. Njen grandson je dobil šolnino od Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Upam, da je zdrava in vesela v tem mestu. Vsem članicam najlepši pozdrav. Agnes Jančar, predsednica Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Kljub poletni vročini, se naše agilne članice prav v lepem številu udeležujejo naših sej, za kar jim prav posebna hvala. Predzadnji mesec nas je s posetom seje razveselila naša drž. predsednica Mary Bostian. Prav prisrčna hvala, Mary, za poset in darilo. Pa še pridi. Po težki bolezni se je preselila v večnost ses. Mary Zdešar. Žalujoči družini in prijateljem pokojne, izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Pokojna ses. pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. Iskreno sožalje ob izgubi dragega soproga Johna, izrekami naši zapis, ses. Ančki Rebolj in družini. Blagi pokojnik pa naj počiva v miru in FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MONTH OF MAY, 1968 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC MAJ, 1968 ohranjen naj mu bo blag spomin. Globoko sožalje izrekamo tudi ses. Juliji Wujnovich in družini ob izgubi soproga in očeta. Bog mu daj večni mir in pokoj. Veseli smo, da so po težki bolezni okrevale ses. Mary Lužar, Angela Maček in Julia Wujnovich. Tem in vsem našim članicam, želimo najboljšega zdravja v bodočnosti. V blagajno so darovale ses. Frances Kern, Dorothy Ferra, Mary Franz, Mary Luzar, Mary Raddell in Kattie Matkovič. V šolninski sklad naše organizacije je darovala ses. Frances Zakrajšek v spomin pok. soproga Antona Zakrajšek. Za Slov. kapelico sta pa darovali ses. Jennie Lukane in Mary Raddell. Vsaki posebej in vsem skupaj, prav iskrena hvala. Ne pozabite na naš bazar, ki se bo vršil 13. oktobra v Šolski dvorani Sv. Vida. Ako imate kaj lepih ročnih del, jih boste lahko razstavile, ali pa tudi prodale. Imamo tudi srečne listke od katerih bomo dobile nekaj za našo blag. Prošene ste, da pridno sežete po njih. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. Lepe pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Sporočam, da smo zopet izgubile članico, Josephine Milnar. K večnemu počitku smo jo položili dne 17. julija. Mnogo naših članic se je udeležilo pogrebnih obredov. Spremile smo jo s cvetlicami in ob grobu je Mrs. Helen Ci-hada prav lepo prebrala obred in vse smo molile za pokoj njene duše. Bog ji daj mirni počitek. Saj vse pridemo za teboj. — Pokojna je bila rojena v Sloveniji ter je bila članica cerkve St. Andrew ter poleg SŽZ, tudi KSKJ in SNPJ. Za njo žalujejo soprog Joseph, sinovi Anthony K. iz Tacoma, Joe A. iz Federal Way, step-son, William Skok, Ameriška Armada v Vietnamu; ter hčerke: Mrs. Lucille Barnes, Tacoma, Mrs. Mary Ann Gabrielson, Wilkeson, Mrs. Marlene Perras, Bellevue; sestra Mrs. Frances Zumek, Black Diamond. Izrekamo jim prisrčno sožalje. Nadalje sporočam, da sem dne 3. julija izgubila ljubljenega moža, John Mihelich, ki je preminil v starosti 77 let. Mnog je pretrpel, saj so mu najprej eno, potem pa še drugo nogo vzeli. Podlegel je hudim bole-žinam, ko zdravniška veda ni mogla več pomagati. Šel je za večno k Bogu. Pokojni je bil rojen v Sloveniji ter je bil upokojeni rudar, in je zatem bil do leta 1958 uslužben kot šolski janitor v Renton. Poleg mene za njim žalujeta dva sinova; John in Joe, dve hčerki Mrs. Charles MacMullan iz Tacome in Mrs. Paul Christiancy iz Seattle, ter brat Josip Mihelich iz Enumclaw. Blagemu možu in očetu, naj bo lahka ameriška gruda. Mary Mihelich, preds. Br. No. Assessment Adult Jr8. 1 $ 98.35 171 59 2 206.05 355 156 3 150.40 267 165 4 8.00 13 — a 5 91.20 106 26 a 6 48.60 109 8 7 53.65 99 75 8 20.85 51 — 9 141.80 30 2 b 10 147.55 355 36 12 72.75 177 48 13 54.35 109 21 14 143.30 289 29 15 107.25 218 12 16 66.75 125 75 17 78.40 153 67 19 59.00 124 25 20 138.2(0 325 31 21 62.25 118 47 22 — 19 — 0 23 109.30 227 53 24 77.15 154 79 25 355.35 666 178 26 44.30 101 12 27 87.15 57 3 d 28 43.65 78 9 29 11.60 28 5 30 — 18 — e 31 47.35 97 29 32 72.50 121 107 33 114.30 188 131 34 18.55 36 6 35 34.00 50 40 37 — 24 — 38 51.70 136 — 39 20.80 47 10 40 52.80 102 o, V 41 89.25 218 32 42 22.95 47 — 43 83.10 144 73 45 22.30 49 7 46 14.25 30 5 47 55.70 111 31 49 26.60 34 — a 50 125.20 193 97 51 7.25 15 — 52 31.95 56 17 54 36.95 68 53 55 32.80 66 6 56 42.00 95 11 57 38.55 65 34 59 32.40 31 2 f 61 — 10 — 62 30.25 30 — a 63 113.10 110 34 f 64 38.10 48 2 f 65 47.90 52 24 a 66 54.90 49 16 f 67 39.85 69 11 68 77.50 59 17 f 70 27.40 14 9, g 71 57.00 115 22 72 11.20 27 3 73 62.60 112 80 74 — 35 2 h 77 25.55 53 30 78 31.50 25 15 a 79 31.30 32 20 a 80 24.90 13 — i 81 16.15 30 — Br. No. Assessment Adult Jrs. 83 10.90 21 9, o' 84 27.00 63 2 85 18.25 39 2 86 11.70 21 — 88 28.90 44 9 89 34.65 77 27 90 22.40 47 20 97 32.50 54 12 92 17.30 27 2 93 26.95 61 — 94 — 18 7 95 — 176 24 96 22.95 46 2 97 9.20 18 1 99 6.65 17 — 100 25.45 46 8 101 21.50 29 15 102 — 27 3 103 18.10 27 10 104 7.30 19 — 105 13.45 23 6 106 — 22 4 Totals $4,594.70 8,350 2,351 Asses, pd a May, June; b Jan to Dec; c Apr; d Jan. Feb, Mar; e Mar. f Apr. May; g May to Aug; h Jan; i April, May, June. Income: Assessments $4,594.70 Rent 165.00 Interests 328.74 Total $5,088.44 Disbursements—StroSki: Br. 4, Oregon City, Jos. Misley $100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Mary Vidic 100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Mary Hrovat 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Johanna Smrekar 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Jos. Martincich 100.00 Br. 24, La Salle, Martha Radcliff 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, H. Žnidaršič 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Mary Laurich 100.00 Br. 43, Milwaukee, Jos. Kramer 100.00 Br. 77, Pittsburgh, M. Bogataj 100.00 Br. 78, Leadville, Jos. Kaplan 100.00 Br. 88, Johnstown, Cath. Mazzo 100.00 Zarja—The Dawn, May, 32 p. $2,137.71 Salaries and administration 1,250.00 Real Estate tax on property (1 year) 524.90 Home office rent (monthly) 75.00 Junior dept, awards (Mothers’ Day parties) 90.00 Fuel (Furnace) 69.08 Tel. postage and sundries 160.30 Disbursements in May $5506.99 Balance in April, 1968 $516,788.89 Income In May, 1968 5,088.44 $521,877.33 Disbursements in May ’68 5,506.99 Lodger balance May, 1968 $516,370.34 Albina Novak, Secretary JUNIOR’S PAQE ! r r J ^ ‘ ^ ■“ r r ' r J J 1 in HOYS AND GIRLS! You and your friends will be a few of the many thousands of children who are embarking on another nine-month tour of learning. Economically speaking, 12 years of schooling is the bare minimum in today’s world. Wlai progress, more education and skill are required. And thus the tour could be extended for four, six or eight more years. The duty of a child is to be a good student, building for himself a good foundation for his future life, primarily as a good Christian. All of us must work toward spreading God’s word. Family and civic spirit must be devoloped as well as social virtues of honesty, justice, sincerity, kindness and courage. With the many changes in the Church, new religious education is a must. In the past via a Catechism and a memory, the essential dogmas, commandments, precepts and prayers were learned. Today, through active involvement and interest in the affairs of the present world, religion is taught by applying Christian principles to the problems around. In all this confusing world, a source of consolation is the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose birthday is celebrated on Sept. 8th. Celebrating with Her is the father of my children. His life is directed solely to their joys and sorrows, their ambitions and daily happenings. He cooperates in all family interests including those of his wife. Heavenward we send prayerful thanks. May Our Blessed Lady keep him in her loving care. To all students a ‘‘Bon Voyage” and may the Holy Spirit bestow wisdom in abundance. Your friend, REGINA THE LITTLE TURTLE By Vachel Lindsay (This is a good poem to learn. See if you can learn it by reading it just once.) There was a little turtle. He lived in a box. He swam in a puddle. He climbed on the rocks. He snapped at a mosquito. He snapped at a flea. He snapped at a minnow. And he snapped at me. He caught the mosquito. He caught the flea. He caught the minnow. But he didn’t catch me. Rule for September by Edith Powell Worman September, it seemes, is a month in between— Too late for vacations, not yet Halloween; Too early for skating, too late for a swim; For outings and picnics the chances look slim. Too late to go fishing, too early for snow. No coasting, no sledding, no gardens lo hoe. I wonder if that’s why they made it a rule To give to September the first day of school! BITS OF WISDOM Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that’s the stuff life is made of. * * * Lifting a refrigerator is child’s play compared to carrying a grudge. * * * Good manners are the happy way of doing things. * * * Hide not your talents, they were made to be used. What’s a sun-dial in the shade? * * * The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence. * * * God always gives us strength to bear our present burden, but he never calculated that we would add to that, yesterday’s grief and tomorrow’s worry. * # * The patience of God is the most phathomless of mysteries. From the Youth Director: HAPPY SEI»TEMREK JUNIORS! This month, our bowlers will again resume their sport with three games each Saturday. The place is the Shore Bowl and the time 1 o’clock P. m. on Sat. Sept. 7th. I am so proud of this group! I hope the e will be many more junior leagues started this fall. Contact the S.W.U. in your territory and ask them to begin bowling or some other activity for you, your girl and boy friends. Do something of interest this winter. If you didn’t get started last year, don’t miss it this year! The Cleveland Twirlettes had their picnic at Strawberry Lane in the Metropolitan Park on June 26th. Two charter chartered buses brought the girls there. Everyone had a ball. It was sort of a sad day — cloudy and dismal, but that didn’t s*.;p them from having fun. They played games and what not! I am very proud of the Twirlettes and their accomplishments. I hope everybody has rested up and is ready for school days again. I wish you all good luck and the best of health and may God bless you all. Mary Bostian Teenagers throughout the centuries are known to have done great things, which includes the many young U.S. Olympic medal winners. One Jacques Offenbach (1S19-1880) born in Cologne, Germany, began composing at the age of eight. By the age of 19 he composed enough music to give a concert of his own. From one of his operettas, "Genevieve of Brabant” comes the music for “The Marine’s Hymn.” He once said, “I do not know what I’ve done to cause God to bestow so much happiness and so much melody upon me.” Abraham Lincoln; "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother.” Fanny Kerch 84 6006 Catalpa Ave. Brooklyn 27, N.Y. 11227 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Beal Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1041-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director* and Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES •ir,2 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. -IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 ] AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Road ■MMolwUamlununO FDIC Chicago, Illinois, 60608 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin GEREND — HABERMAN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 See the delicious foods listed in S.W.U’s Famous Cookbook WOMAN’S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone Order your copy now! ' i Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: ANTONIA TUREK 9SC Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 D. GRDINHS SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele In žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje Iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar ln dobili stoproeento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEndcrson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio T> NE1GHIiol{HOUL) OI'1'ICUS 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clalr Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT