Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 52/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 23. 12. 2018 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA Gaudete Sunday 4TD Sunday of Advent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Radost in veselje naj preveva vaša srca ob rojstvu Odrešenika, Krstusa Gospoda, tistega, ki nam prinaša pravi mir! »In ti, Betlehem, dežela Judova...« Današnje prvo berilo je vzeto iz preroka Miheja. Mihej je prerok, ki je živel in deloval v siju preroka Izaija, največjega izraelskega preroka. Čeprav se zleduje pri svojem učitelju, so njegove besede izvirne. Podobno kot njegov sodobnik preroke - kmet Amos, ima tudi Mihej močan čut za pravičnost. Družbena podoba Judovega kraljestva je hudo razrvana zaradi korupcije v oblastnih strukturah in pri visokih uradnikih, zaradi prevladujočega veleposestništva, zaradi sramotnih socialnih in ekonomskih razlik, zaradi sprevrženosti, ki jo je prinesla popustljivost na spolnem področju tudi v povezavi z idolatrijo, zaradi vedno bolj popustljivega odnosa prerokov do malikovalskih potez uradnikov. Na tem temačnem in mizernem obzorju zasije žarek luči in upanja; prihaja iz Betlehema, Davidovega mesta, in izvira iz obljube, ki jo je bil Natan izrekel Davidu (2 Sam 7). Torej je še mogoče, da se temina krivic razblini in se na črti Davidovega rodu na novo razodene odrešilna navzočnost Boga. Gre za tisto navzočnost, ki jo je bil Izaija morda le nekaj let prej napovedal v ganljivih in skrivnostnih poglavjih svojega »zvitka o Emanuelu« (Iz 7-12). Tudi Mihej je zajel nekaj tega temeljnega optimizma. Tudi on pravi, da bo prišel čas, ko bo tista, ki mora roditi, rodila (prim. 5,2), da bo žena prinesla na svet njega, ki bo »trdno stal in pasel čredo z Gospodovo močjo« (v.5) ter tako prinesel Izraelu pravičnost in mir. Mihej namreč dopolni svojo podobo z zadnjo potezo, besedo šalom, to je mir, radostni dar, ki ga more končno podariti človeštvu edino Mesija. Pomaknimo se za sedem stoletij naprej, v tej isti pokrajini Judeji, kjer je prerok Mihej nekdaj dvigal svoj glas. Še vedno je v središču naše pozornosti žena, ki pričakuje otroka, vendar dokaj drugače doživlja svoje materinstvo. To ženo, Marijo iz Nazareta, je namreč sorodnica Elizabeta na svojem domu ob obisku pozdravila: »Blagoslovljena med ženami« in tudi otrok, ki ga Marija pričakuje, je prav tako pozdravljen z »Blagoslovljen«. S to besedo je v pesmi nagovarjala Marijo tudi prva krščanska skupnost in to besedo ponavljamo vse do današnjih dni v »Zdrava Marija«. V tem pozdravu odmeva podoben pozdrav iz Stare zaveze; tisti, s katerim je Izrael pozdravil osvoboditeljico Judito: »Blagoslovljena, o hči, med vsemi ženami na zemlji« (Jdt 13,18). »Blagoslovljen« je Abraham, oče vseh verujočih, in »v njem so blagoslovljeni vsi rodovi Zemlje« (1 Mz 12,2-3). Tudi Marija je blagoslovljena, »ker je verovala« (Lk 1,45). Kakšen je torej najgloblji smisel tega »blagoslova«? To je spoznanje, ki ga ima Elizabeta in z njo tudi vsa Cerkev, da je Marija privilegiran kraj tako rekoč oprijemljive božje navzočnosti prav zaradi tega »blagoslova«. »Blagosloviti« namreč pomeni odkriti odrešilen božji poseg, božje, skrivnostno, pa vendar učinkovito delovanje. Marija je torej postala nova »skrinja zaveze«, v kateri Bog razodeva svojo navzočnost ter na nov in nepreklicen način blagoslavlja človeštvo. Ni brez pomena, da je 581 | VESTNIK 2018 mogoče to, kar je rekla Elizabeta: »Od kod meni to, da pride k meni mati mojega Gospoda?« povezati z besedami začudenja, ki jih je bil izrekel David, ko so prinesli skrinjo zaveze pred Jeruzalem: «Kako naj pride Gospodova skrinja k meni?« (2 Sam 6,9). To, v kar je upal Mihej, je zdaj gotovost: v Mariji se človeštvu razodeva ljubezen Boga, ki se hoče srečati s človekom in »da bi se srečal, se je ponižal vse do človeka tako, da je prišel v Marijino naročje in se rodil na ta svet kakor vsak človek« (sv. Irenej). Skrivnosti učlovečenja, ki je v središču liturgije adventne dobe, je posvečeno tudi današnje drugo berilo iz pisma Hebrejcem. Celoten današnji odlomek je osredinjen na to zamenjavo, ki jo opevamo z nežno ljubeznijo. V Kristusovem razpoložljivem: »Glej, prihajam!« vidimo ljubeč in radosten odgovor Očetu. lz njega izvira možnost, da se srečamo z Bogom; ne v hladni predmetnosti obredja, ampak v živi, človeški navzočnosti telesa, s katerega enkratno daritvijo smo »posvečeni enkrat za vselej« (10,10). (prim. Oznanjevalec, dec. 2003) BOZICNICA PRI DRUŠTVU SV. JOŽEFA V petek 14. decembra so pripravili božično večerjo za vse stanovalce Ville Slovenie, v torek, 18. decembra, pa so se po večerni maši zbrali člani društva sv. Jožefa. Večerjo so pripravili in postregli: Milena in Ivan Krušič, Magda Benc, Andrea, Kristen in Megan Farkaš. Za organizacijo so skrbeli: Jerry Ponikvar, Peter Novak, Dan Demšar ... Prijetno razpoloženje je vladalo tistega večera. Letos so kot gosta povabili rokohiterca, ki je s svojimi spretnostmi in »čarovnijami« razveseljeval vse navzoče. Na koncu pa so, kot vsa leta, še izžrebali dobitnike »božičnih zvezd« (Poinsettia) in tako zbrali lepo vsoto, ki jo je društvo sv. Jožefa podvojilo (skupaj $620) in darovalo župniji sv. Gregorija Velikega. Iskrena hvala za ta lepi dar. VESTNI K 2018|582 Maša in božično praznovanje pri društvu Sava. Po maši je Adrianna Riedel zapela Sveta noč in nekaj božičnih pesmi v angleščini, po kosilu pa je otroke obiskal in obdaroval Miklavž-Santa. Hvala vsem! 583 | VESTNIK 2018 New Year's will be here before you know it. Planning is well under way and tickets are getting sold. We are working on a "Gatsby" styled event, have Sibaj playing the night away and are looking forward to a great night. For those who are unable to make the entire dinner/ dance evening, we are also selling "after dinner tickets" again this year. These tickets are selling for $40 and will get you into our event at 9:00 pm. In order to make New Year's a great night we are looking for some help. We are reaching out to parishioners for some helping hands in the kitchen. If you are able and willing to come out the day before to do some prep, or work the actual event, please contact Heidy so that we can discuss the details. I can be reached at 905-317-6002. Also - if anyone is able to show support by donating some raffle or door prizes, your generosity would be very much appreciated! Merry Christmas and let's get ready for a Happy New Year! rieiai Mm Eve DECEWBEPi 31, E016 ST. CfiEeOfiY THE ePiEflT upper Wm DOOPiS OPEII 6:30PIVI DllWEri IT 7:00PM E)1I1D - SlDflJ S75 flDllETS *5C Stidehts tlOSIED E>Y ST. tPiECOPiY THE tftEIT HUD SLCVEIMI PlEir fori tickets cohtact: tlEIDY HovnK - 605-3t7-600e !10VflKH(fl>SYI«PflTIC0.Cfl VESTNI K 2018 j 584 Slovenian n Association í^í- O-Ï» v\ SAVA -PRESENTS- S^yeuA y earn ¿urtcíie&ri Tuesday January 1, 2019 Doors open at: 1:00 PM Luneh served at: 2:00 PM ' // v /// T l\\\ ^//IfAVo // /' i\\V ^Xusic For Dancing By: »T iff >1*7 W Zi Niagara Button Boxers and Walter Ostanek TT - For tickets call Marija Prilesnik ' ^ (519)884-4736 $25 ■ Adults $15-Students 12 & Under-Free Slovenian Association SAVA — 50 Scheitele Place, Breslau, Ontario NOB 1M0 30 | VESTNIK 2018 The Diocese of Hamilton is conducting the One Heart, One Soul Campaign to raise money for every parish in the Diocese and for shared ministries. Answers to a set of Frequently Asked Questions appear in parish bulletins regularly. A compilation of all questions that have been published are available throughout the campaign at What is the state of diocesan finances? Is this a desperate situation that requires a campaign? The diocesan financial picture is strong - the amount of assets has grown in recent years and investments are doing well. Meanwhile, the Diocese is generous with grants and loans to parishes and Catholic organizations within the Diocese. Parish assessments have been stable in recent years but have not kept up with increases in diocesan operating costs. Property sales have been used more frequently to keep the Diocese's operating budget balanced and strong, and many assets (such as the Care and Maintenance Fund for Cemeteries) are restricted and not at the Diocese's disposal. This is not an emergency situation. The Diocese is looking ahead and acting before any kind of emergency could develop. Overall, the campaign is a way to ensure that more parishes will be able to be self-sufficient over the long term, building up themselves and the Diocese at the same time. I've heard the Diocese has a lot of assets. Can't those be used? At the end of 2017, the Diocese reported assets of $322 million. However, the majority of the assets are restricted assets, such as the Care and Maintenance Fund for Cemeteries, money legally reserved for the maintenance of cemetery operations and funds held for pre-arranged funeral services and burials. Unrestricted assets are less than a third of the total capital. Of these unrestricted assets, more than 90 percent is used to generate investment income that - when combined with parish assessments - pays for annual diocesan operations (68 percent) and make funds available for grants and loans to help parishes and organizations within and outside the Diocese (32 percent). Is there any chance that funds would be used to settle potential claims of abuse of children by clergy? The tragic stories recently in the news, thankfully, do not reflect the circumstances and history of our diocese. However, it should still be noted that funds raised during the campaign will be held in a segregated account, in trust for the parishes and ministries for which they were raised. Both civil and canon law require the diocese to use the gifts we receive for the stated purposes for which they were given - an obligation to which we are fully committed. Regarding how the Diocese handles abuse allegations, Bishop Crosby said in an August 2018 letter to all in the Diocese: "All allegations of sexual misconduct have been and will continue to be taken seriously and addressed immediately in accordance with our diocesan policy." For a link to the full letter, see our diocesan website, What kind of financial transparency can we expect during the campaign and beyond? Transparency is a top priority for the Diocese. Summaries of diocesan financial reports from 2012 through 2017 are on the diocesan website, and copies of the full reports are available from the Diocese's financial office. Regular updates of campaign goals, projects and fundraising will be communicated during the campaign through a number of avenues - the website, emails, social media, to name a few. VESTNI K 2018 j 586 S člani društva Triglav-London smo se zbrali za božično praznovanje v nedeljo, 16. decembra v angleški cerkvi St. John the Divine. Mladi in starejši so sodelovali pri branju beril, prošenj, prinašanju darov, ministriranju. Po maši pa smo se zbrali v dvorani še na družabnem srečanju. Hvala vsem za sodelovanje in pripravo tako maše kot pogostitve v dvorani. '-• 4TH Sunday of Advent Response: Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved. First Reading Micah 5:1-4 Micah the prophet looks to a new age, set against the background of King David's birthplace of Bethlehem. Second Reading Hebrews 10:5-10 The writer of the letter to the Hebrews focuses on the obedience of Jesus to his Father's will. Gospel Luke 1:39-45 Mary and Elizabeth meet, and each proclaim Mary's child - as does Elizabeth's unborn child. This story, usually called the visitation, could also be classed as another annunciation. "The child in my womb leapt for joy." Illustration Many of us today can take transport for granted. More people than ever can travel with relative ease. By and large, it is much easier than ever before to travel far. Of course, this was not always the case. Even a couple of hundred years ago, travel was a much bigger issue than it is today - the composer Felix Mendelssohn and the writer Charles Dickens both described in detail the horrors they experienced on sea trips. In earlier years, even road travel could be a perilous endeavour, not just because of the lack of comfort in horse-drawn coaches, but also because of the dangers of being waylaid by armed robbers and highwaymen. Our delays at ferry ports and airports might appear insignificant by comparison. 587 | VESTNIK 2018 Go back to biblical times, and travel could be extremely perilous. Some roads in biblical places were notorious for their dangerous nature - usually from robbers and ambushers. The road from Jerusalem to Jericho, the location for Jesus' famous parable about the good Samaritan, is a well-known case in point. So the dangers that a young, pregnant woman would face travelling alone do not bear thinking about. This must have been exactly what Mary faced when she went to visit her elderly relative Elizabeth. Gospel Teaching The perils Mary would have faced had she been travelling alone were many and great; so would she have had people with her? It's unlikely. We can imagine that in all likelihood she would have been shunned by relatives and neighbours anxious not to get caught up in the scandal of an unmarried mother. Luke the evangelist does not dwell on the journey. He merely states that around the time that the angel left Mary, she set out to the hill country of Judah to visit Elizabeth, who had kept the conception of her child to herself, living in seclusion in the house occupied by her and Zechariah. This story is more than a visitation, in the sense that the issues are far greater than a young woman setting aside her own concerns with an unexpected pregnancy to visit her older relative, also dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. The meeting of these two women, however, reminds us of one of the many important features of Luke's infancy narrative. Both of these women have things in common: they are under a cloud because of their circumstances. Mary is a young, unmarried mother-to-be; Elizabeth is sufficiently elderly to be considered beyond any possibility of having children. On the other hand, the two of them recognise that their children are not only a gift from God but critical to God's plan for humanity. Both of the women have been informed by unusual sources of the divine origin of their children. Mary was told by Gabriel that the sign that she would bear the Son of God was Elizabeth, now in her sixth month despite everyone coming to the conclusion that she was undoubtedly barren. But, said the angel, nothing is impossible to God. Elizabeth herself learns about Mary's child and God's purpose in him from her own child who leaps with joy when Mary comes as the mother of the Lord. Elizabeth tells Mary: "blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled". Application This is where the narrative ends in today's passage, but there is more to come. Mary will sing the song we call the Magnificat, where she proclaims that her soul gives glory to God and her spirit rejoices in the God who saves her. This, Mary declares, is because the Almighty has looked upon her (and Elizabeth, of course) in her lowliness. Not for the last time in this Gospel do we learn that Lord raises up the lowly and casts down the mighty; it will be a recurring theme in Luke. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, it is the poor man who rests in the bosom of Abraham. In Luke's version of the Beatitudes, the poor are blessed; the rich, well... alas for them. Even when Jesus is born, it is the shepherds, regarded as unclean because they work with animals, who are the first humans to hear of the birth of the saviour. St Paul says that God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, that God chose what is weak to shame the strong. In Mary and Elizabeth we see the best expressions of this. VESTNI K 2018 j 588 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ drg^S^ Pevske vaje za mešani Choir^lgi^fai pevski zbor so vsak Practice četrtek po večerni maši. Prav tako ima vaje tudi angleški zbor in sicer vsako sredo po večerni maši. Novi člani vedno dobrodošli. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 24. december: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Eve Masses: 6:00 p.m. English, 10:00 p.m. Slovenian ♦ Christmas Day Masses: St. Gregory the Great -9:30 a.m. Slovenian, 11:00 a.m. English ♦ 26. december: Lipa park - Mass 3:00 p.m. ♦ 31. december: New Year's Eve Celebrations ♦ 1. januar 2019: New Year - St. Gregory the Great -Mass at 11:00 a.m. ♦ 1. januar: Lipa Park - New Year's Day Celebration ♦ 6. januar: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 13. januar: Sava - Mass at 12:00 p.m., Triglav - St. John the Divine - Mass at 4:00 p.m. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 23. december: 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin ♦ 24. december: 6:00 p.m.: Family Hill ♦ 24. december: 10:00 p.m.: ♦ 25. december 9:30 a.m.: Maks in Jožica Pavličič ♦ 30. december 9:30 a.m.: Kolenko Family DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA OBVEŠČA_ Društvo Membership are now overdue for this year, 2018. You may call Tony Ferko at 905-5780150 or Peter Novak 905-560-4201. CWL Membership Renewal_ It's that time of year when we renew our CWL memberships. Please note that there has been an increase in fees. Membership is now $22. Kindly renew your membership with either Pamela Gosgnach or Milena Krusic or place your membership envelope with remittance into the collection basket at Mass. Thank you. CWL initiated Food Drive for the Month of December_ At this time of year our minds turn to thinking about the less fortunate. In the spirit of the Christmas season, we are inviting everyone to donate non-perishable food items for those in need in our community. Consider donating such items as canned fish/meat, canned/dried soups, pasta/rice, sauce and baby food. Collection boxes will be placed in the church foyer. We thank you for your support. KITCHEN SECRETS_ Our next Kitchen Secrets cooking session is taking place on Saturday, January 5th - 9:00 a.m. in the lower kitchen. We will be preparing a barley stew, along with a chicken/beef soup stock and demonstrating various noodles, knedle (soup dumplings) as options for your soup. I will have a very limited number of spaces available, so as always, first come, first served. Please contact me, Heidy Novak at to see if there's a spot available for you. Wishing everyone a Very Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 589 | VESTNIK 2018 Merry Christmas, from our kitchen to yours! KOLEDARJI DONATIONS - DAROVI_ SOD društvu je Joe Ftičar daroval $100 za rože. Za gradbeni sklad sta darovala $100 Ivan in Minka Šemen, $1500 Casey in Anna Žižek. Francka Cestnik je darovala za gradbeni sklad $50 v spomin na pokojno Paulo Pelcar in $100 v spomin na pokojno Marijo Horvat. Hvala za vaš dar. OGNJIŠČE_ Bližamo se letu 1019. Naročnina za revijo Ognjišče za leto 2019 je $85. "Grief Relief"_ Has someone you cared about died? Are you grieving the loss of the person's presence in your life? Are you wondering if these feelings are normal? You are not alone! "Grief Relief" - is a six week educational and support series dealing with grief When: Wednesdays - January 23, 30, and February 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2019 Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Where: Good Shepherd Square Community Room - 15 Ray St. North, Hamilton Facilitated by Linda Nash (MDiv) and Sister Margarida DaSilva (SSND). There is no cost to participate. All are welcome to attend these free sessions - come to all sessions, or any one or more you can. To register contact Sister Margarida (905) 515-0789; or Linda Nash (905) 308-8401; V atriju imate še nedeljske kuverte za 2019, Marijanski koledar in koledar Niagarske koordinacije. Nekateri ga boste dobili pri svojih društvih, sicer pa je na razpolago v naši veži. Iskrena hvala Franku Gimplju in koordinatorici Niagarske koordinacije, Heidy Novak za pripravo in organizacijo koledarja enako vsem predsednikom društev. Hvala družini Mramor - Franku, Lorie, Matjažu in Tomažu - za postavitev jaslic. Hvala tudi Olgi Glavač za lepo okrasitev cerkve, tako za Advent kot tudi za Božič. Vedno najde nove ideje, kako in kaj okrasiti. -t» svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNI K 2018|590 od 23. 12. 2018 do 30. 12. 2018 svete maše - masses 4. Adventna Nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 23. December f Janez Kosednar Zena z družino Janez Kancij, duhovnik f Janez Recek 11:00 a.m. Zena z družino f Maksimilian Sagadin, obl. 6:00 p.m. Julija Sagadin z družino Ponedeljek - Monday f Florian Miklavčič Družina Miklavčič 24. December ff Marija in Jožef Herie Hči Anica Miklavčič Adam in Eva f Martina Kolar 10:00 p.m. Mož Štefan Sveti večer ff Lojze in Marija Ipavee Marija in Ivan ff Pok. Zorko in Ferletič in + Darinka Milan in Sandy Torek - Tuesday Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 25. December ff Marija in Janez Grebene in druž. Lojze Grebenc BOŽIČ ff Pok. Iz družine Kološa 11:00 a.m. Majda Salajko Gospodovo rojstvo ff Karl in Elza Kisner Julija Sagadin z družino Sreda - Wednesday 26. December Sv. Štefan, diakon f Štefan Hozjan f Ignac Doma f Štefan Ray f Štefan Ray f Štefan Prša ff Pokojni člani društva Lipa Park ff Jim in Tony Krašovec_ 10:00 a.m. Družina Hozjan Agata in Alojz Sarjaš Gizella Ray in družina Olga Hanc Žena Terezija z družino 3:00 p.m. Dvorana društva Lipa Park Silvo Kraševec z družino Četrtek - Thursday 27. December Janez, apostol-evang. Po namenu (B&CM) ff Lucija in Jernej Ponikvar ff Pokojni iz družine Vehovec f Mike Simončič f Štefka Rihar Na čast sv. Antonu 7:00 p.m. N.N. Družina Ponikvar Slava Gomboša Slava Gomboša Mož Frank z družino _Dragica Dundraš Petek - Friday 28. December Nedolžni otroci ff Marija in Janez Grebene f Miroslava in Vietoria Sinigoj f Pavel in Paul Richard Novak f Marija in Miro Pušar_ 7:00 p.m. Lojze Grebenc Julija Sagadin z družino Jožica Novak z družino _Ana Ratajič_ Sobota Saturday 29. December Tomaž Becket, škof David, kralj f Jože Hane Angelca Kralj, 30. dan f Štefan in Verona Prša, obl. f Matija Vlašič f Pokojne tete f Pavla in Rudi Levstek f Štefan Horvat 5:30 p.m. Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) Dim Family Joe in Kathy prša Žena in otroci Marija Košir Hči Magda Udovč z družino _Dragica in Martin Tompa sveta družina 30. December Vincencija, red. Ust. Za žive in rajne župljane f Viktor Grobelnik f Ferko Frančiška f Ferko Frančiška f Ferko Francčiška 9:30 a.m. Jožica Novak z družino 11:00 a.m. Toni Ferko z družino Anica Vrečič (Windsor) Aranka Dundek 591 | VESTNIK 2018