1 You live here? Excuse me...? My friends say that I look like a mouse, ha. I didn’t say. They call me Mickey... after Mickey Mouse. What did you say your name was? I really need to take a shower and then go to bed until sun- rise. The bathroom is I could use a drink. over there, on Just pour a bottle the left. of whiskey into something and put Would you some ice in it. That like some-should help me thing to eat... sleep. or maybe a drink? 3 As I’ve You know... already um... ... But on told you... ... I wanna ... You can one con- know... count on dition. me... for anything... A witch give you some kind of potion What is it? or what? Some kind of voodoo spell? ... your secret of being bullet- proof. You make me laugh, Mickey. Tell me something. It’s Fershid the Could you find some magician and his people here in London little girl if I give you their Satya. names? Whatever. They led me to this Because when you woman Fever and your friends Valderrama and a attacked me, I boy that travels with lost them. her. His name is Buddy and he pretends to be her nephew. Can you find them? Are you I guess talking about so. I have the Hindu and many the girl who contacts. escaped when the shooting started? 4 If you do that, The two of us Here’s your I’ll tell you the Idiot. He’ll together, that drink. secret of my buy any no bullets can Cheers. invulnerability. bullshit I harm, will be Promise. sell him. invincible, baby. Okay. I’ll go I’ll shut Don’t lay down in the blinds. do your bed- that! Y-y-yes. room now. The morning Does it look light fills on to the the room street? completely. As soon as it’s dawn I want the sunshine all over me. Ahhh. Agh. As you wish. 5 Good night, I’ll sleep on the sofa. Fershid the I’ll pull I wonder if... ... If my body looks magician and some like hers, is it his little girl strings really worth it? Satya... ... this is to find really these ... Fever something Gulp! people. Valderrama that I want. and a boy called Buddy. I mean, being bullet- proof is awesome, but... Yes, Fershid, And you, Fershid, But is this But I signed that woman is mustn’t go back really so a contract bloodthirsty and to that theatre urgent? and I can’t... she’s way too Daddy, and perform. powerful. please... Please. Aunt Fever and I must leave this hotel immediately. She’s after us. You’re Do what Buddy tells the only you. If you don’t, that Hey you. .. person I have almost beheaded Where to? left after woman will kill you. mother’s death. 6 It’s a long story, ... but now is very What is this but we’re here in 7 Kingston much alive, no place? hopes of finding the Road. doubt about it. answer on how to But... beat Ahmasi - the old name that wild beast embodied in a woman’s body once used. She was once dead... Dear Fershid, if you don’t understand certain things, it’s best to keep your mouth shut. Okay. And, please, Trust Buddy. I couldn’t Minute And the She A Hindu sleep all by minute people she certainly Some- magician, a night long... I’m more is looking doesn’t one must blind mulatto and more for are look or have and a boy all sure that weirdos, behave like stolen vanish from shattered too. ... It must a poor her per- their hotel... woman lying be dawn brutalized sonality. on my bed is by now. whore. not Amanda Nicanor. None of ... They’re So why is I’ll wake them is insignificant she looking her up and... linked to people. for them? crime king- Gluuuuuub! pins or drug dealers... But... what is this? 7 This is the right address. But... it’s an old, abandoned church. Me, too. It looks I have to go in. What Will some- like No wonder, Buddy. It’s This address are you body give there’s almost seventy years is probably looking me a hand, no one since they put this map useless. for here? please? here. in Lord Carnarvon’s coffin. Come, Fever. 8 ... Maybe No... you? the words Or one immortality and of your Khufu ring friends...? a bell? None of your business, old man. Al- though... Who among you is condemned to eternal life? I am. It’s impossible... ... Impossible. It’s as if ... it’s the sun... impossible... ... healed her wounds, those monstrous mutila- tions. 9 Besides... ... She has a beautiful body. Should I ... I don’t touch her and know if I wake her up? should, I... Wanna touch me? A woman Cheer It’s just who feels up. a cold woman’s like spending body. some time with a man. I said with a man, not Mickey But I Mouse. guess I should do my best to please you. 10 You? A boy? A boy that suffers from immor- tality? A creature that Nothing lives for years, cen-could be turies, millenniums, worse than It’s cruel; gathering information that. that’s why I and knowledge but don’t believe I don’t will never grow up to you. believe become a man. you. But it’s true. We’ll see. Let’s do a test. A test that we’ve been waiting for so long to try. So long, that I believed only the descendants of my descendants could do it. Do it now, Urgot!! Urgo t!! 11 12 He... Impos- ... killed sible. him. Nothing can kill him. 13 If that was your test, bagger, I’ve passed it. Now... ... Now let’s talk about how to beat immortality. 14 Yes, we’ll talk about it, boy. We’ll talk about immortality and how to cure it. We have so much to talk about. Throughout the ages we have left you notes; signs. All the time we were wondering where the immortals And in that would show up. time we created the great mystery that all who studied the old Egyptian culture ran up against. We used to disguise ourselves as Arabs - the desecrators of the pyramids- to write inside them the keys that you and people like you could understand. 15 Because it was we who stacked the mummies inside the caves of the upper Nile valley. We put them there to get the attention of the immortals. Too bad. By the end of the 19th century that drove the Even today, they wonder who scientists nuts. hid the bodies of so many important people in the same place. And they still try to translate the inscription that says “Immortals, find the secret of the end in Asis’s temple.” There were thousands of And the clues. remaining six wonders of the ancient world, except the pyramids, were eventually swept away by the winds of history... 16 In different ... The message languages and was written in words that man Diana’s temple, on had invented... the Lighthouse of Alexandria and in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon... We went to America with the conquistadores, in hopes that some immortal would set off on a similar adventure. But you never saw the fruits of our labor, which grew day by day throughout the centuries. And thus we invented the legend that the source of eternal youth lies somewhere in the rain We sacrificed forest of Brazil. our lives so the immortals would notice our exhortations. 17 They didn’t hear our Why didn’t you We were voices and thus read the treaties Why didn’t you ever waiting for passed thousands of alchemy which look at Nostradamus’s you. of years. described how to prophecy, which says discover the secret that somewhere in Of course We were we don’t blame of immortality? Europe the wise man screaming: “If is waiting for the you, for you didn’t know how you want to Prince of immortality to connect beat immortality, and mentions exactly with us. look for us.” where one of us is always on guard? You’re so young and so old at You keep Who knows? the same time... saying “we.” We’ve changed Who are you names so many times... ... So talking inexperienced about? and yet so wise. We belonged to the Sect of Eternal Return at the end of ancient Egypt’s last empire. 18 Also, the nine Templar Knights who protected pilgrims on their way to the holy land. And members of the And the one who They knew They knew what caused secret lodges who after the disaster in what had died in torture the desert entrusted the phenomenon that chambers without ever us with the secret — happened. killed all Khufu’s men. telling the others by way of the wise what we did. priests, enormously powerful at that time. No, I don’t know. The They read in the drawings got lost in the drawings from the Do you know sand that covered that sky what gave what caused whole part of history. immortality to it? Will you those who tell me that? survived. Besides, we were only servants whose duty was To obey to obey. orders we were given... 19 You and your You’ll In exchange heirs will inherit for this, be rich. a huge you’ll take fortune. care of something. At the But the inexorable beginning, advance of time maybe they made them change Alive and enjoyed it like their minds. They condemned imagined they were it was some to immor- doomed for not You’ll give kind of gift. tality. being gods. them these instructions You’ll have so they can to find two abandon this or three world when persons who they’ve had remained enough. alive. Neither you nor your descendants will ever give up this obligation until you fulfill it. That was an oath impossible to break. And I was there, waiting. A descendant of the descen- dants of the descendants of those faithful men. 20 Have you ever heard rumors about the curse of the pharaohs? Yeah, sure. It was one of our tricks We put a snake in Carter’s to attract you. canary cage that swallowed it, thus producing the first false prediction of the expedition to the tomb of Tutankhamen. .. And pricked him as if a We entered Lord mosquito bit him, and that A slow acting poison - Carnarvon’s room sent him to the tomb in another wonder of while he was sleeping... just a few weeks. the ancient world. 21 It was we who Are you That was the only way to Yes, I caused the strange Fever, the fulfill the old prophecy am. deaths that fol-blind from the Book of the I see. lowed afterwards. woman? Dead which you were able to decipher. All of them. Well, actually my friend Fever managed to do it. The book was It says “A woman who sees written a long Names aren’t here... from behind her important, but eyes will help the time ago and its the mission youngest immortal author remains that moves find the peace he’s unknown. ? us is. been longing for.” Who wrote this book? 22 This church was And it was a a place where good place to But it was bombed A mission people could have wait as we drank and God only knows that is lived after we left wine in this cozy why the bureaucrats coming to the message on sacristy. never rebuilt it. an end. Carnarvon’s tomb. So I had to wait, exposed to wind and bad weather, surrounded by garbage and disguised as a beggar so I wouldn’t look suspicious in case you showed up. I was 16 years old No, my big when I first put on Humidity ruined brother used these stinky rags. my poor bones, to help me But... you but I’m a satis-when he was were on fied man. healthy enough. guard Now I’m 65. alone? Later I retired and left this place to some other heir. But, come with me... 23 We don’t have to stay in this dirty place any longer. Urgot will take us to my house for a cup of tea and to finish our conver- sation. I’m Gerald McEwan. Pleased to meet you. I’m a very wealthy man. Other rich people think I’m crazy. I do believe that Ha. the length of time it took to resolve the Ha. Don’t secret deserves to you find be published in the this a Now, to Guinness Book of lovely finish our Records. idea? conver- sation. 24 How come you couldn’t find them? Look... They never They are I called all returned to insignificant my contacts the hotel. people... and no one knows any- No one ... Why are thing. knows who they so they are. important to you? Do you Ge t ou t understand what of my way, The only I said, Mickey you moron! possibility left Mouse? is if Fershid the magician returns to the theatre tonight. If you don’t find them today, I’ll never tell you the secret of being bulletproof. 25 We’re almost We’ll talk as the sun there, my rays warm our bodies friends. through the windows …after of the winter garden. so many Finally… years… …and so many lives. 26 The only way to learn how to become bulletproof is to find these people Bitch. she wants. I guess it’s worth it... Ahem, ... It’s really hello worth it. Mickey Mouse. 27 What’s up, Mickey? Oh, yes, All the boys Well... Amanda’s bodyguards, I heard last night it was were killed, I armed to the teeth, were all when we caught up very nasty, think. I was the around her... I had to escape... with Amanda Nicanor Carmine. only one who then the police came... they and asked her to got away. were following me... I was hiding tell us what she did with the money she for hours in trash bins on stole, there was a the streets... it was... nasty shooting, it was... right? You could have warned me! Great idea, ha ha This Ah. And you were I was just ha. I’ll see a doc- ...terrible. business under so much on my way tor right away. I makes you stress that you to Harold’s know one in the very nerv-couldn’t report bar to see neighborhood. ous, Mickey. anything? if you were there. See Maybe you you later, should go see Carmine. You must a doctor so forgive he can pre- me... I... scribe some sedatives, and when you calm down, then we’ll talk about it all night long. Follow him, Pepsi. I’ll use this opportunity to search his apartment. I don’t know why, but I smell betrayal in the cold sweat of that wretch. 28 What are you doing here? Are you Amanda Maybe Nicanor? I am. 29 Mickey made Aren’t you Should a deal with you, So… I can hurt you, scared? So what? I be? right? He plans torture you, until to share the you tell me where money you you hid it. stole from us, right? This could last for See? You’d hours. better start talking. ... with What a jerk! the most delicious blood. ... You unfor- tunate mortal... 30 I’d better Maybe on the ... I hate these When I finish go out for street I’ll be towns with my job here, a minute. exposed to so much I’ll never ever more sun... clouds and come back to rain. London. Stay here I have to That rat came She told him 7 PM and watch warn Carmine to the theater and and it looks like he’ll him closely, immediately about spent half an hour stay for another Dario. the strange asking the cleaning eight hours without things that lady what time that moving his butt. Mickey’s doing. Hindu magician usually comes There are there. few of them. Is there any I Mustn’t connection forget between Amanda anything. Nicanor and that shitty magician? Carmine will tell me because he surely knows how to think. 31 ... I promised that poor Oh, I just wretch that if he finds remem-any trace of the name-bered... less boy or of his friends, I’d tell him the secret of how to become bulletproof. How Three much is this pounds. necklace? I’ll take it. Ha, ha... 32 Hmm... Carmine didn’t go back to the car. It’s still parked in the same place. Carmine? Are you .... here? Something happened and I I have to don’t understand call the what it is. boss. But if that’s Carmine, who’ll Oh my explain it good- to me? ness!!! 33 Another cup More of tea? biscuits? No No, I’m thanks. fine. Servants may withdraw, Mildred. Right Please. away, milord. 34 My loyal Urgot went out to look for Our discipline However, in spite We’re very It’s because has decayed a someone and he’s of the enormous surprised bit over these I have so much kind of late. importance that this to see you thousands of time left, Mr. business could have had here, boy. years. That’s why McEwan... during its evolution, I was distracting you with different you don’t seem to tea fragrances be worried. before talking to you about the thing that connects us. Ah, my older brother, Brian McEwan, is finally here. Is it true what Urgot told me, little brother? Have you found one of them? 35 Yes, I am the one. Incredible! But it’s a boy! Do you remember when we Of course, and The secret said that the legend of a how much was added of the little immortal boy was to this legend as it death, impossible? passed from one mouth immortal to another throughout boy. the centuries. How much myth is there in all that we’ve heard from the custodians of the secret? The secret I think No, it’s not that, you desperately ... He needs to kill the he doesn’t want need because you immortal woman who’s to die... cannot put up with been trying to finish him life anymore. off since the beginning of this very old story. 36 Is a piece Come closer, of cake. boy. To kill an immortal I’ll woman. tell you where the key is. The key, kiddo... ... The key lies in your blood. 37 I’d better stay away from Mickey’s I think apartment. I’ll have lots of fun today. I’ll wait here until he comes back. 38 It’s funny. Taking almost 5000 years to find out how to kill that poisonous snake Ahmasi. Tell me how to do it, Mr. McEwan. What you It’s true. explained to All the big me sounds so secrets are simple, but apparently very I still don’t simple. get it. Listen ... You have to fill And mix it with the Luckily, in the past 5000 years carefully, a bowl with your blood that runs they invented these little nameless own blood, and through the body of useful devices that allow boy... then when the time the immortal that you us to do it very comes, you must want to kill. quickly. pour it out. 39 ... thus So, if you want to get ... stick it in immobilizing rid of Ahmasi forever, her vein... her. you just have to take That’s your own blood and... all. ... Only then she’ll die. If I was the last That doesn’t ... Then how do I living immortal, satisfy you, little die when I get too and there was no Well, other immortal immortal? tired of living? not quite. left on the earth? Unless... If I kill Hmm…this problem seems to have no her... solution. ... Unless I take out Ahmasi’s blood and inject it in my veins, and thus we’ll both die at the same time. 40 Urgot, would you bring me the book, please? Luckily, one of I think this our ancestors had I have to old book of printed the texts re-read a priests contains from “The Book of the chapter that, a similar case. Living” from the heavy frankly, I stones they were forgot. engraved in. So far, no one has seen them. I’ll need quite a lot of time to decipher it. Right now that woman is ... that Fershid In the meantime probably trying to the magician we should think locate the boy. performs at on how to set a the theatre trap for Ahmasi However, None of us is at that tonight. that will allow I have an hotel, so she must be us to take a idea. desperate. sample of So, to her blood. It won’t help bring be easy. But she knows one thing... this story to a close, I’ll volunteer as bait. 41 He’s going in ... He’s obviously It’s him — through the performing the Hindu performers’ tonight. magician! entrance... 42 I’ll check and Sorry, sir; An hour and confirm this Of course How long does the Hin- a half. Now if very important he does. He’s does the du magician you’ll excuse me, information. changing into Excuse act last? perform I’d like to sell his wardrobe. me, please. tonight? tickets to people Coming who actually want through. to attend the show. You’re so rude, I was here first. That’s it. I did what Amanda asked me to do. I found one of ... for the secret the people she’s of becoming looking for in bulletproof. exchange for... ... for... 43 Mickey His apartment ... He’d better Mouse is is crawling not go up coming. with men there yet. angry over Carmine’s I’m sure death... Hello, he brings Mickey! me infor- mation I want to hear. I have good news for you. I found that stupid Hindu magician that you’re so interested in. Where? I’ll tell You Oh, yes, You see Yes. It’s an That’s that Only of course... I The Oglulos? when you promised to this? amulet of some right. It was I’ve never tell me your tell you the primitive tribe. made by the secret of secret... shaman of heard of becoming the Oglulos. such a tribe. bullet- proof. I have to make up a story about the trinket I bought this morning... 44 Really? Well, Margaret Mead studied this tribe thoroughly. “And since the Oglulos had a They had powerful enemy — a shaman, a the rabbles who sorcerer who always used to discovered the beat them in words that battle —” enabled him to communicate with Manitou, their god. “... He asked Manitou for a spell that will always protect them from their enemy’s arrows.” “The big god provided a huge number of amulets that would prevent them from dying out.” Oh, no, they Ahhh... I have two of these charms. didn’t. Almost all the I used one to save myself inhabitants of... of ... of from yesterday’s shooting. Alaska descend from the Oglulos. And the other one... But they died out anyway ... ... The other one At the theater is for you. But I’ll where he per-only give it you forms. His act once you tell me has already where Fershid is. Now! started, and it Now, give lasts an hour me that. and a half. 45 Then I’ll go see him. You go back to your house... I’ll be back soon. Okay? Tell me... should I wear It doesn’t the charm matter. No- around my thing and no neck? one can kill you now. I’ll be waiting for you tonight, and I’ll make a I’d love to special cock- try your tail. Don’t be cocktail, late, Amanda. Mick... ... Because it will be a bloody one. 46 ... cut my finger- nails and toenails and... Now I’ll take a bath, put on some Sigh!... cologne... What a woman. ... And... What happened here, guys? You tell us, Mickey. Now! You let Amanda Nicanor I... I You’ve Ha, ha, escape; Carmine was killed don’t made lots of ha... in your apartment, and know... mistakes, you No, Pepsi. dirty rat. judging from the I have the Oglulos teeth marks... charm that protects me. We have to kill you for three reasons, you idiot. Bullets can’t harm me. Betrayal, murdering a superior and trying to rip us off. 47 You sure about that? 48 But... ... they killed... ... me? 49 All right... I must be good bait. That woman came to find me. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 You’re down, Ahmasi, you disgusting priestess of the snake. You’re down and now you’ll die. 62 She’s Yes, the carbonized. electrical charge I sent through her body was powerful. Strong enough to kill ten people. Ah! She’s still alive. It’s incredible. I think even though the brutal You won’t recover electric shock prevents her until sunrise. from moving, she can still understand us. Which gives me quite enough time to tell you Yeah, she some things. definitely You know can. what? I never knew why you hated me so for the past 5000 years. ... And it’s a good thing that you can hear what I have to say, Ahmasi... 63 “You tried to kill me in the town where we were “You tried to kill me born in the middle of under the sun and in the desert.” the shadows.” “You tried to entomb me inside those inviolable monuments...” “... that the desecrators of the tombs managed to open only a few centuries later.” And all that was not enough for you! So your hatred made you follow me until you Do you remember found me. all the times you tried to finish me, I tried to you snake? stay away from you but you were always after me. 64 “In the imperial city when you had me impaled because you slept with that weak general who, because of you, ordered his men to torture and kill an innocent boy...” “... An innocent boy who was 2600 years old.” 65 “And after that...” “After that there was so much hatred.” “When immortality became a big burden to me, and I wished to bask in the knowledge of the chosen one, who knew he was immortal, too...” “... you couldn’t take it.” “You seduced that poor wretch Judas, so he would sell you anything for 20 coins because he needed to have you.” 66 “I tried to work it out with you back then. Remember that, Ahmasi?” “We were surrounded by the heroes. The king of legen-dary name, the court that the troubadours praised in their songs for centuries.” “That day I was looking I came to ask for you in Camelot so you to bury we could talk.” the hatchet. I don’t Hello, know. Nenyve. Or Ahmasi… if Can’t the two you prefer. of us be friends? This time I came to you, instead of running away from you like a rat. The mortals disappear around us, so we can only get attached to them for a few decades. Think about it, please... ... Only you and I can be together for long periods of time, forever. Maybe you’re right. We’re the only ones You look tired. who can Take this, drink tell each it up. other what we’ve been through. 67 In this glass is hatred, a feeling that dies out only as time goes by. But... You’ve Ha! It worked. He told me poisoned me! The potion of that this poison Ghhhhhh! the old magician was the most is still working!! powerful killing substance on earth. And he was right! It killed you, nameless boy! Finally! You’re gone forever! Tlan But... The sun brought you And I, who trusts no back to life again. one, trusted a man. I hate you, Merlin! You’ll pay for this! Not even the biggest But he magician of all time was useless can end our stigma. in helping me with my mission - to kill the boy. 68 And of course, the poor old magician paid And I know how for it. you did it, if Sir Thomas Mallory’s words are true, which I’ll never stop repeating. “Then Merlin started “The young hitting on lady was a lady kind to him named until he Nenyve. He taught would keep her all his her away magic. from Merlin sunlight or was mad shadow about and was her.” always with her.” “She was so sly that she “One got “Then she day the Merlin uttered a magician to go spell and showed beneath Merlin her a that stayed stone, stone, so under the with a he could stone big tell her forever in power more spite of his lying about magical under- the powers.” neath.” miracles hidden under- neath.” “Then she went away and left him alone for all of time.” Mallory wrote that. I know that it was you who erased Merlin from the face of the earth. I Id... wondered for a long tome if he had fallen victim to your spell. 69 ... Idiot. It was enough to throw his old bones in a swamp and spread the word that his magic had been incarnated in me, so the stupid mortals would invent a legend. Whoa! You can’t move, but I see you can talk again. The secret of The sun will rise This is the end how to finish an soon, boy. of you. immortal. I’ll be able These gentlemen around And now that I to move after me are heirs of the heirs know how... exposing myself And then of the Egyptian priests to sunlight, nothing, who took care of the and then... Ahmasi. secret. I’m taking Take a good ... I’ll kill you blood out look, Ahmasi, Red dense myself. of my veins. because this blood, Ahmasi. is the last thing you’ll Pass me ever see. the syringe, Urgot. 70 You know why? ... A story about It’s been so long that I the blood of almost forgot about it. A the immortals. I think I do, you beggar, on whose blood I fed son of a bitch. myself in the desert, told me a story... Yes, you heard well. The blood of the immortals - the priest who taught me so much told me... ... The blood of an immortal can kill other immortals. At the time I thought these But now I finally Please, wait! were the understand that words of a he was telling lunatic. the truth. What? 71 All this time I The only thing that Including the was only playing helped spice up my last time you a game. dull life. showed up. Don’t be It was back stupid. Killing Besides, you in the ’40s immortals is were always an just a game. easy prey. Do you remember what you said that afternoon when it was raining cats and dogs? Of course, I do. Don’t run from me! You’ll never escape anyway. I’m tired, Ahmasi. 72 Sometimes I think I must have done some terrible things to you. You’re the only being in Sometimes the world I think I like me, and really don’t you hate me. deserve to live. I don’t under- stand this! You reappeared after fifty years and have changed so much. Stop it. I can’t take this I can’t. anymore. I’ll just bury myself in a place where no one will find me ever again, so I could see the light of the Father Sun. People Like the old you killed Indian who lived mercilessly. on the roof of And his a skyscraper. little niece, Evening Cloud, I met who barely some good knew what people. love was before she died. And Fever’s lover Lamont, whom she loved so much. And Apollonia, the wise black woman, who took care of Fever because she was blind. 73 Now that I know you’ve won, I can be your friend, your slave; I’ll grovel before your feet, I’ll do anything you want, but please, don’t take this gift from me! You killed And for this ... You filthy everyone I you’ll die... disgusting ever loved. priestess, worshipper of the snake. 74 No... ... It’s as if you... Ahhh... ... had injected... ... in my ... molten lead... veins, you son of a bitch Is she dead? I think so. 75 I can’t feel a pulse... ... She’s not breathing. Nothing. What shall We could hide her body, we do with the or even bury it. body? I don’t think it’ll be necessary, Fershid. Apparently, Amanda If we leave her here, the I checked with my friends Nicanor had some local police will just from New Orleans. unresolved business assume that the bad guys with the drug-mafia. settled the score. Drug dealers are According She stole their cruel and capable of to the infor-dope money. anything. mation they gave me, she must have disguised Even electrocuting herself as traitors. this Hispanic whore Amanda Nicanor in order to leave the States. We’d better get out of here. 76 Aren’t you coming, Bye, Ahmasi. Buddy? I don’t think I’ll miss you. I’m coming, Satya. If Ahmasi had seen this Why did you park the car around when Fershid car so far, Urgot? was luring her to these streets, she would have suspected that something strange was going on, Mr. McEwan. That’s why. 77 78 But... No!!! ... before I Yes, This time I know leave this nameless that I’m dead... world, I’ll leave boy, yes. you a present. ... that the sun won’t heal my I’ll inject wounds... you with the substance I took from my veins. ... that your rotten blood in contact with mine will soon finish me forever, but... 79 If your blood killed me... Mine will kill you. 80 ... she is dead. And you? What Now... about you, Buddy? Do you feel It’s so weird. okay? I... I don’t I feel like know. crying. I feel as if a rope I was hanging on was suddenly cut. As if some- one suddenly set me free. Don’t you die on me, Buddy, please. “A few years have passed since then.” “I thought that after Lamont’s death I’d never be able to love again.” Fever!!! 81 “But I was wrong. I didn’t know then how generous and noble Fershid is.” “We’ve lived together since those unpleasant events.” Are you going to the Yes. cemetery? I’ll go with “I go there you. every month - to the place where she is buried.” “I wanna make sure that she’s still there.” “So many things have happened...” I studied the words of the ancient priests and I think I know what is happening to you. “... Since the oldest of the McEwan brothers, the one who died two years ago, said those words while looking at my nameless boy.” 82 Ahmasi’s blood, although weakened because she was about to die, will kill you too. My goodness. Don’t be scared, Fever. You won’t But... you just From now on, this lose another Yes, he’ll die… like said he’d die. boy is a silly and who you cherish me or you or that lovely mortal being. so much. little girl Satya. Thank But I don’t heavens. know when. Do you under- stand now? Since that day his name The woman who gives was Buddy forever. I gave him a name to a child must that name, and that evening be called “mom,” don’t he asked me... you agree? Can I call Why? you mom? 83 “It was so nice to watch him... or should I say ‘be aware of him’ growing up.” “... Becoming a young man.” “And being dazzled by the discovery of his belated sexual drive.” “I’m half witch and I always thought he was going to marry Satya.” “But I was wrong. He always treated her like a sister.” “Last week he introduced his new girlfriend to me and told me he was going to marry her.” Here we are. This is her tomb, my love. Tell me We’re what the tomb here. looks like. “We’ll see.He likes women too much. Except those from the family the four of us have created. ” 84 There isn’t a cross. Only the name Amanda Nicanor and the years of her birth and death engraved on the headstone. Nothing else? No. Take my hand. I wanna touch it. I’m sure you’ll Yes, it’s still think I’m crazy, in one piece. but do you re- Of course, member that two I do. And I years ago the also remem- headstone was ber what the split in two? masons you hired to reinforce it told you. That the roots of the trees had split it. Hmm... I know. 85 Which is why I’ll be checking this tomb every week for the rest of my life. But I never really believed that. 86 VAMPIRE BOY #4 - The Resolution © Strip Art Features, Celje, 2022. www.safcomics.com Vse pravice pridržane Založnik: SAF Comics d.o.o. Krpanova 1, 3000 Celje www.safcomics.com Risba: Eduardo Risso Scenarij: Carlos Trillo URL: https://www.izneo.com/en/ Datotečni format: PDF Datum javne objave: October 2022 Cena: 12,99 € Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 123260419 ISBN 978-961-7081-94-7 (PDF)