SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL Vol. 11 Issue 3: 2019 In Memoriam Bruno Grandi (9 May 1934 - 13 September 2019) Dear gymnastics friends, Sad news came to us. Professor Bruno Grandi is no longer among us in material world, but his spirit will flaw around us. We would like to express condolences to his family and his gymnastics family. He supported many ideas, and was open to novelties. His biggest obstacle was how to implement novelties politically wise, and to persuade those who do not want changes. For what I'm especially grateful is, he supported publishing Science of Gymnastics Journal. Great man, leaves great works - Academy, Open ended Code of Points, Judging education, Judges control, new sports in Olympic family just to name from my perspective huge steps in our sport. Prof. Ivan Čuk, Editor in Charge Photo by Anton Gajdoš 276